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AAPS PharmSciTech (2023) 24:155


Therapeutic Potential of Nanocarrier‑Mediated Delivery

of Phytoconstituents for Wound Healing: Their Current Status
and Future Perspective
Mohit Kumar1 · Puja Keshwania2 · Shruti Chopra3 · Syed Mahmood4 · Amit Bhatia1

Received: 15 May 2023 / Accepted: 1 July 2023 / Published online: 20 July 2023
© The Author(s), under exclusive licence to American Association of Pharmaceutical Scientists 2023, corrected publication 2023

The treatment of wounds is a serious problem all over the world and imposes a huge financial burden on each and every nation.
For a long time, researchers have explored wound dressing that speeds up wound healing. Traditional wound dressing does not
respond effectively to the wound-healing process as expected. Therapeutic active derived from plant extracts and extracted bioac-
tive components have been employed in various regions of the globe since ancient times for the purpose of illness, prevention,
and therapy. About 200 years ago, most medical treatments were based on herbal remedies. Especially in the West, the usage of
herbal treatments began to wane in the 1960s as a result of the rise of allopathic medicine. In recent years, however, there has been
a resurgence of interest in and demand for herbal medicines for a number of reasons, including claims about their efficacy, shifting
consumer preferences toward natural medicines, high costs and negative side effects of modern medicines, and advancements in
herbal medicines brought about by scientific research and technological innovation. The exploration of medicinal plants and their
typical uses could potentially result in advanced pharmaceuticals that exhibit reduced adverse effects. This review aims to present
an overview of the utilization of nanocarriers in plant-based therapeutics, including its current status, recent advancements, chal-
lenges, and future prospects. The objective is to equip researchers with a comprehensive understanding of the historical background,
current state, and potential future developments in this emerging field. In light of this, the advantages of nanocarriers based delivery
of natural wound healing treatments have been discussed, with a focus on nanofibers, nanoparticles, nano-emulsion, and nanogels.

Keywords biomaterial · nano-carriers · phytoconstituents · wound healing

Introduction vessel, or artery as well as the bone. The skin is the chief
organ of body and hence one of its most vulnerable parts
Wound evaluation has always been difficult, even outside of due to its susceptibility to trauma, surgical incisions, and
the realm of medicine. Wounds often cause not just increased burns [3]. Acute wounds show clear evidence of recovery
morbidity but also severe death. Any serious cracks to the within 4 weeks; however, chronic wounds do not show typi-
skin may cause changes in the body’s structure and function, cal progression through the healing stages and recovery is
and these are medically referred to as wounds [1, 2]. This not apparent within this time frame. One of the most compli-
crack may spread to the underlying muscle, tendon, nerve, cated processes in multicellular organisms is wound healing,
which occurs in four stages known as the hemostasis/inflam-
Mohit Kumar, Puja Keshwania have equal contribution. matory phase, the proliferation phase, and the remodeling
phase [4, 5]. An imbalance in any of these stages may cause
* Amit Bhatia
Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Technology,
Maharaja Ranjit Singh Punjab Technical University Amity Institute of Pharmacy, Amity University, Noida,
(MRSPTU), Bathinda 151001, Punjab, India Uttar Pradesh 201313, India
2 4
Department of Microbiology, Maharishi Markandeshwar Department of Pharmaceutical Technology, Faculty
Institute of Medical Sciences and Research, Mullana, of Pharmacy, Universiti Malaya, 50603 Kuala Lumpur,
Ambala, Haryana 133207, India Malaysia

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hypertrophic scarring or keloid formation [6], both of which Contamination of Wounds

are undesirable. Local wound variables, systemic mediators,
any underlying illness, and the nature of the injury all play a Any wound contaminated for a long time by the pollutants.
dynamic role in the healing process [7]. Clinical guidelines These pollutants originate from the native microbiota or the
suggest that using sutures, clips, or skin adhesive to close environment, whichever comes first.
wound borders is the main goal of wound healing. When
the wound’s margins are inaccessible, the secondary goal is
Wound Colonization
to allow connective tissue to gradually fill up the deficiency
while the wound remains open. These types of wounds take
The presence of growing bacteria without a reaction from the
a long time to heal and are prone to infection. Those with
host, is known as colonization. The majority of these species,
underlying diseases, including diabetic or pressure ulcers,
such as Staphylococcus epidermidis and other coagulase-neg-
and the patients with post-surgical wound infections, hema-
ative bacteria, are considered to be typical skin microbiota.
tomas, or mechanical strain, are particularly at risk. The third
Species of Staphylococcus, Corynebacterium, Brevibacterium,
kind of intention is called “delayed main intention,” and it
and Pityrosporum, as well as Propionibacterium acnes [9].
entails leaving the incision open until the non-viable tissue
has been removed owing to infection or contamination [8].
Infection of the Wound

Classification of Wound At this stage, the growing bacteria entered not only the sur-
face of the wound but also the deeper, healthy living tissue on
Acute wounds range from those caused by surgery to those the perimeter of the wound, which prompted a reaction from
caused by bites, burns, abrasions, and even severe traumatic the host. “Escherichia coli (E. coli), Proteus, Pseudomonas,
lacerations or those produced by a crush or gunshot. Acute Acinetobacter, and Stenotrophomonas (Xanthomonas) Staphy-
wounds may also be caused by minor cuts and abrasions. It lococcus aureus (S. aureus) and beta-hemolytic Streptococcus
is common knowledge that acute wounds, regardless of the (Streptococcus pyogenes, Streptococcus agalactiae)” are the
kind of cutaneous damage, may be expected to heal within primary bacteria [10]. It has been shown that the normal skin
a period of time that is predetermined. However, the healing microbiota predominates in the early stages of acute wounds.
therapy that is decided upon will be altered in accordance S. aureus and β-hemolytic streptococcus are coming up next.
with the kind of wound, the location of the damage, and the These are some of the organisms that are often discovered in
depth of the wound. For the primary closure of a clean surgi- diabetic foot ulcers. Around the fourth week after the injury,
cal wound, little intervention is required in order to facilitate facultative anaerobic gram-negative rods such Proteus, E. coli,
the natural and expedient progression of the healing process. and Klebsiella will begin to colonize the wound [11–13].
However, in the case of serious traumatic injury, such as a
gunshot or a burn wound, the presence of devitalized tissue
as well as infection with non-viable and viable foreign mate-
Wound Healing Process
rial necessitates surgical debridement as well as antimicro-
The dynamic process of wound healing is a superb illustra-
bial treatment. Because of this, the healing process may go
tion of the interplay between our body systems and the wound
through its normal stages, which include inflammation and
care products, we use to restore their function and health.
granulation, before reaching its conclusion in the form of re-
However, how precisely does our body repair itself? After an
epithelization and remodeling. Chronic wounds, on the other
injury to the skin, our body initiates a sequence of processes
hand, are almost often caused by endogenous processes as
that are often mentioned as the “cascade of healing” in order
a result of a predisposing condition that, in the end, impairs
to restore the wounded tissues. This process begins imme-
the dermal and epidermal tissue integrity [9].
diately after the injury occurs. Hemostasis, inflammation,
proliferative, and maturation are the four overlapping steps
The Chronic Wound Microbiology (Table I) that make up the healing cascade [14–16].

The primary challenge that is associated with chronic wound

is susceptibility to bacterial infection. Some bacteria may Biomaterial Used in the Management
speed up the healing process of wounds. On the other hand, of Wound
it would seem that the way in which the presence of the bac-
teria interacts with the patient and defines how it affects the Wound repair often involves the use of biopolymers, which
wound healing process. Clinicians should distinguish wound are polymers that are created by utilizing living microor-
contamination, colonization, and infection. ganisms. However, it would seem that some polymers get

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Table I  Phases of wound healing

Phase Comments References

Phase 1: hemostasis phase In this phase, the body engages the blood clotting mechanism to restrict drainage. Platelets engage [15, 17]
collagen, activating and aggregating them. An enzyme called thrombin forms a fibrin mesh that
reinforces platelet aggregates into a solid clot
Phase 2: inflammatory phase In this phase, neutrophils eliminate microorganisms and clear debris. These cells achieve their maxi- [18]
mal population 24 to 48 h after damage and decline after three days
Phase 3: proliferative phase After the wound is cleansed, it enters Phase 3, proliferative phase, where it is filled and covered. [19]
Proliferative has three stages: (1) wound filling; (2) wound boundary contraction; and (3) wound
coverage (epithelialization)
Phase 4: maturation phase In maturation, new tissue gains strength and stretchability. The collagen fibers rearrange, the tissue [20]
remodels and develops, and tensile strength increases. The maturation period of a wound may
range anywhere from 21 days to 2 years

more attention than others when used as wound dressings. (Fig. 1). Polysaccharides are a kind of naturally occur-
Dressings for wounds have to be made in such a way as ring polymer that is often used in the medical industry as
to assist and speed up the process of healing. This objec- a wound dressing material. Some of most common types
tive may be accomplished by shielding the wound from of polymers used in the wound dressing include cellulose,
aggravating factors such pollution and loss of moisture, chitosan, starch, hyaluronic acid, and alginate are also often
both of which can slow down or impede the healing pro- employed.
cess. Films, fibers, and hydrogels made from synthetic and
natural polymers, as well as mixtures of these materials Chitosan
are utilized in wound dressings. The perfect wound dress-
ing should have good oxygen permeability, but more sig- Chitosan (CS) is a natural polymer that has been researched
nificantly, it should replicate the structural and biological extensively and is commonly utilized in biomedical claims
properties of the skin’s extracellular matrix (ECM). due to its capability to impede the growth of microorgan-
isms and to stimulate the body’s natural healing processes.
Natural Polymers in Wound Healing Chitosan’s unique features, such as biocompatibility, bio-
degradability, and non-toxicity impact, are responsible for
In most cases, naturally occurring polymers are preferred its wound healing action. The healing process may be sped
over synthetic polymers for the treatment of wounds because up with the help of chitosan since it stimulates cell growth,
naturally existing polymers are more cost-effective, non- blood vessel formation, and extracellular matrix (ECM)
toxic to the human body, and environmentally benign creation [21]. Additionally, it facilitates drainage, stops the

Fig. 1  Natural polymer-based HO OH

wound healing




Alginate Chitosan Hyaluronic acid


Cellulose Gelatin

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accumulation of exudates, and acts as a bed for autograft- boost the wound healing effect, the epidermal growth factor
ing when used in wound care. In addition, CS encourages (EGF) was also added into the hydrogels. The hydrophilicity
gas exchange, which is a crucial component of the process of hydrogels was shown by their physical characterization,
by which wounds heal [22–26]. There is a wealth of infor- which also demonstrated that they had acceptable wound
mation in the literature on CS-based delivery methods for dressing capabilities. According to the findings of the bio-
wound treatment. This innovative polymer might hold the logical characterization experiments, the thrombogenic and
answer for the treatment of acute and chronic, whether in antibacterial characteristics of the CS-based hydrogel are
the form of wound dressings or hydrogels, nanoparticles or still present. The EGF-incorporated hydrogel system has
microparticles containing CS, or any combination of these. a greater wound healing rate than conventional dressings,
CS may produce gels in acidic environments due to its according to an experiment that was conducted in vivo to
chemical characteristics. The created Three-dimensional study the healing of wounds [30].
(3D) network structure when exposed to aqueous media
is an excellent property for CS utilized as wound dress- Gelatin
ings [26]. The hydrogels show strong swelling behavior
by absorbing a substantial quantity of water. Because of Gelatin’s film-forming ease, air-permeability, biocompatibil-
their biocompatibility and antimicrobial action, CS-based ity, non-toxicity, and hemostatic properties make it an excel-
hydrogels have seen extensive use in wound healing. For lent wound dressing. Because of this, Tavakoli et al. created
instance, Ferreira et al. created and studied a chlorhexidine a crosslinked foam from starch and gelatin using borax. The
(2% and 4%)-associated CS gel system. S. aureus was used antibacterial activity of erythromycin was increased when
in a study to demonstrate the hydrogel system’s antibacterial it was taken at its optimum concentration. Their findings
and healing characteristics, and it was shown to suppress demonstrated that foams, owing to their porous shape, high
bacterial growth by a whole 100%. Histological examination swelling capacity, and minimal cytotoxicity in L929 cells,
on the 14th day after treatment with CS hydrogel contain- may be used as wound coverings. The inclusion of borax
ing 2% chlorhexidine in animals showed that the wounds also increased mechanical strength and changed eryth-
had healed. All other lesions were closed by the 14th day romycin release in the foams. In particular, erythromycin
in the 4% chlorhexidine groups, indicating superior healing was shown to be released in less than 3 h when using low
[27, 28]. These findings suggest that a promising substance borax density, however drug release was regulated by raising
with antibacterial capabilities has been created for use in borax concentration to 40% [31]. In another research, gelatin
medicine. To improve wound healing activity in an exci- microspheres were utilized to transport neurotensin, a neuro-
sion wound model, Mukherjee et al. [29] created hydrogel peptide with wound-healing properties that are particularly
dressings via interpolymeric complexation. Sodium alginate useful for the treatment of diabetic foot ulcers. To speed up
and polyvinyl alcohol were combined with CS in varying the healing process, neurotensin was infused into silk fibroin
proportions to create crosslinks. Hydrogel dressing effec- (SF) scaffolds made from gelatin microspheres. The scaf-
tiveness was determined by measuring the total healing time folds' porous structure makes them well-suited for regenerat-
of wounds produced on the dorsal surface of rats using a ing damaged tissue, while gelatin microspheres release the
biopsy punch. CS and sodium alginate-based formulations drug in controlled manner. Furthermore, the composite scaf-
were found to have the highest water vapors transmission fold showed encouraging outcomes in terms of macroscopic
value in hydrogel characterization studies. Hydrogels com- healing, fibroblast, collagen deposition, and expression, at
posed of CS and polyvinyl alcohol showed impressive ten- the wound site [32]. As a therapy for diabetic foot ulcers, the
sile strength. Within 15 days, Pluronic F68 and CS hydrogels aforementioned scaffolds are highly recommended.
demonstrated a faster rate of wound healing than alternative
formulations. Hydrogel dressings made from a mixture of Other Natural Polymers
CS and hydrophilic polymers were shown to be effective in
treating wounds. Scientists are investigating not just CS, but also other natural
The primary drawbacks that restricted the usage of CS- polymers that show promise for use in the development of
based hydrogel were its poor mechanical qualities and competent wound dressings. It is fair to say, nevertheless, that
unsatisfactory efficacy against microorganisms. As a result, most of the investigations use some kind of natural polymer
a great number of research organizations are focusing their mixture. If you are looking for a renewable polymer, cellulose
efforts on the use of CS in conjunction with other polymers is by far the most common. The advantages of the biopoly-
in an effort to further improve its hydrophilic nature, boost mer bacterial cellulose (BC) include its purity, high porosity,
its antibacterial impact, and improve its mechanical quali- and good biocompatibility. In addition, BC is amenable to
ties. Yao et al. [39] created CS-based hydrogels by grafting modification to acquire antibacterial activity and potential
poly (acrylic acid) and poly (hydroxyethyl methacrylate). To local drug delivery characteristics [33]. Wound dressings of

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alginate (AG), an anionic biopolymer extracted from brown Polyvinyl Alcohol

seaweed, provide a moist environment and prevent bacterial
infections, both of which are crucial for wound healing [34]. Polyvinyl alcohol (PVA) is a hydrogel that is neutral in pH
Collagen stimulates cellular migration and aids in the forma- and has excellent biocompatibility, hydrophilic qualities,
tion of new tissues. Wound healing is facilitated and influ- and biomechanical capabilities. Because PVA can readily
enced by collagen-based biomaterials because these materials create hydrogels and is commonly utilized in applications
attract and encourage the activity of particular cells, such as that need controlled release, it has recently gained traction
macrophages and fibroblasts [35]. It is a glycosaminoglycan as a candidate for use in wound dressing [39]. During the
called hyaluronic acid (HA) that is abundant in the skin and review of the relevant literature, it was discovered that PVA
other elastin-rich connective tissues. During inflammation, electrospun fibers were present. In addition, this method of
wound healing, and embryonic development, HA facilitates producing structures that resemble the extracellular matrix
cell adhesion and differentiation and plays a crucial role in is the most straightforward and illustrative way to do it. In
preserving tissue integrity. Because of its potential benefits addition to nanofibrous systems, PVA hydrogels and NPs are
in combination with its biocompatibility and biodegradabil- also quite common in the published research on this topic.
ity, HA has been included into a variety of wound dressings Honey with an integrated AG/PVA-based electrospun
intended for human medicinal use [36]. nanofibrous membrane was created by Tang et al. for the
purpose of developing an effective wound dressing mate-
Synthetic Polymers in Wound Healing rial. Increased honey content in the nanofibrous membranes
resulted in higher antioxidant activity, demonstrating the
The usage of synthetic polymers such as “poly (ethylene capacity to limit the overproduction of reactive oxygen spe-
glycol) (PEG), poly (vinyl alcohol) (PVA), poly (lactic-co- cies. In addition, the honey-loaded nanofibers’ antibacterial
glycolic acid) (PLGA), and poly(caprolactone) (PCL)” are efficacy against S. aureus and E. coli was enhanced. This
widespread. Wound dressings made from synthetic poly- was demonstrated by the fact that both of these bacteria were
mers are (Fig. 2) suitable biomaterials due to their excel- inhibited by the honey loaded nanofibers [40]. The utiliza-
lent biodegradability and biocompatibility, and the presence tion of Carica papaya included PVA-mixed gelatin nanofib-
of active groups (-OH), which may be covalently coupled ers was also investigated by a separate group. The scaffolds
or conjugated with various receptors to enhance cellular exhibited remarkable antibacterial activity against both the
absorption and circulation time to RES [37, 38]. A variety of E. coli and S. aureus bacteria that were tested. In addition,
polymers, including micro- and nano-particles, electrospun the nanofibrous membranes did not exhibit any cytotoxicity
fiber structures, etc., are used as wound dressings, whether against fibroblast cells (NIH 3T3), suggesting that they are
the wound is acute or chronic. Antibiotics and growth hor- suitable for use as wound healing agents without the risk of
mones are common additions to polymeric formulations. adverse effects [41].

Fig. 2  Synthetic polymers used

in wound healing

Poly (lactic-co-glycolic acid) Poly (caprolactone)

Poly-lactic acid Polyvinyl alcohol

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Poly‑lactic Acid and Poly (Lactic‑co‑Glycolic Acid) Poly(Caprolactone)

Other aliphatic polyesters reported in the literature as potential Poly(caprolactone) (PCL) is an aliphatic polyester that finds
wound dressing options include PLA and PLGA. PCL is the widespread usage in the pharmaceutical industry as a result of
only exception. Due to the fact that it is cyto-compatible and its excellent biocompatibility, bio-degradability, and mechani-
biodegradable, polylactic acid (PLA) has emerged as a sig- cal qualities [48, 49]. The vast majority of aliphatic polyesters,
nificant candidate for use in a variety of biomedical applica- however, have a high hydrophobicity and a high crystallinity,
tions, including drug delivery systems, gene transfer, surgical which prevents them from being used as wound dressing mate-
sutures, tissue engineering, and regenerative medicine [42, rials. In order to over this issue that were caused by PCL, poly-
43]. A copolymer known as PLGA is produced when polylac- chloroethylene is often mixed with substances that are hydro-
tic acid (PLA) and poly (glycolic acid) (PGA) are combined philic in nature [22]. A great number of studies looked at the
[44]. The biocompatibility, mechanical strength, and other possibility of using PCL as a wound dressing material [50–54].
properties of this copolymer are all above average. In addition, PCL is a hydrophobic substance that is also biocompatible, as
the rate of deterioration and the mechanical characteristics was just explained. So many investigations have concentrated
of PLGA may be controlled to a certain extent, depending on PCL electrospun fibers or micro- or nano-particles that
on the application. In addition, the breakdown rate of PLGA contain active substances such as growth factors or antibiot-
is shown to be synchronized with the epithelization rate and ics [55–57]. Alternatively, these studies employ PCL blends
further the healing process when it is employed as dressing with hydrophilic polymers such as CS, PEG, etc. Many studies
materials [37]. This heals the wound more quickly. examine the wound healing effect of PCL when employed with
Electrospun nanofibrous dressings made from PLA and extracts from medicinal plants or other natural components
PLGA, are more effective than PCL-based wound dress- [55, 58, 59]. Egri et al. developed Hypericum perforated oil
ings. On the other hand, the aforementioned polymers are loaded electrospun PCL fibers with the knowledge that the oil
often combined with a number of other macromolecules. For has a curative impact on the process of wound healing. Nev-
instance, PLA was mixed with poly (ethylene succinate) so ertheless, the dressing was comprised of two layers: the first
that it may be used to create topical mats for the treatment layer was made of PCL in order to preserve the membrane’s
of skin infections caused by fungal species. The first findings integrity and the mechanical strength of the dressing; the sec-
were encouraging, thus the authors advocated using the topical ond layer, which was intended to be applied to the wound, was
mats in additional wound healing research [45]. PLA and poly formed by electrospraying and electrospinnig. According to
(1, 8-octanediol-co-citric acid) (POC) have been used as raw the findings of the research, the dressing has both an intrigu-
materials in the production of elastic nanofibrous membranes ing antibacterial activity and a high biocompatibility, both of
manufactured using electrospinning. As a result of their phys- which are features that are fairly significant for the treatment
icochemical characteristics, the mixture that is composed of of wounds [60]. Some examples of polymers that are used in
75% PLA was chosen to act as the drug carrier for aspirin. The nano-formulation for wound healing is shown in Table II.
authors have a firm conviction that the film containing aspirin
may function admirably as a carrier for wound applications
[46]. Electrospun polylactide: poly (vinyl pyrrolidone)/polylac- Natural Actives in Nanocarriers
tide: PEG core–shell fibers coated with antimicrobial peptides
were also developed by Li et al. for the purpose of treating Therapeutic active derived from plant extracts and extracted
burns effectively. The produced dressings demonstrated bio- bioactive components have been employed in many parts
compatibility by allowing fibroblasts to attach and proliferate of the globe since ancient times for the purpose of illness
inside them. The authors assert that the presence of PLA beads prevention and therapy [81]. Herbal medications include any
imitate the structure of lotus leaves, and that the fascinating preparation made from plants that is intended to promote
architecture has a superhydrophobic feature, which leads to the or restore health [82]. About 200 years ago, most medical
suppression of foreign bacteria and other pathogens. In a simi- treatments were on herbal remedies. Especially in the West,
lar manner, electrospun polylactide: poly (vinyl pyrrolidone)/ the usage of herbal treatments began to wane in the 1960s
polylactide: PEG core/shell fibers filled with bioactive com- as a result of the rise of allopathic medicine [83]. In recent
pounds were produced into a functional wound dressing for the years, however, there has been a resurgence of interest in
effective treatment of burns. The super-hydrophobic surface, and demand for herbal medicines for a number of reasons,
which resembled a lotus leaf and was loaded with medicines including claims about their efficacy, shifting consumer pref-
in the fibers, demonstrated desired antibacterial activity. It is erences toward natural medicines, the high costs and nega-
possible to say that the production of surfaces with hierarchi- tive side effects of modern medicines, and advancements
cally organized features has better mechanical strength as well in herbal medicines brought about by scientific research
as excellent wound exudate absorption [47]. and technological innovation [84]. Research into medicinal

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Table II  Examples of polymers utilized in nano-formulations for wound healing

S. no Natural/synthetic polymer Formulation type Special comments References

1 Chitosan Nanocomposite films Nanocomposite films had a higher swelling index, and lower tensile [61]
strength, than CS film. Moxifloxacin permeability from the films was
above 60% in 24 h. This research showed that CS nanocomposite
films had antibacterial capabilities and used as wound dressings
2 3D hydrogel 3D hydrogels had dimensional integrity, skin adhesion, and water [62]
absorption. These findings suggest they might absorb exudates and
keep wounds moist. This research found 3D-printed hydrogel to be a
good wound treatment
3 Hydrogels Antimicrobial and antioxidant activity in the loaded hydrogels was [63]
significantly increased, making them a better choice as a wound
dressing. In addition, the hydrogel maintains a steady release of
Ag-NPs for at least 7 days. According to the results shown above, the
produced hydrogels exhibit fairly promising features crucial to the
healing of chronic diabetic lesions
4 Polymeric film The antibacterial action of CS against E. coli was boosted when CP [64]
was added to the formulation of the film. Last but not least, it was
discovered that the proliferation of human fibroblast cells was accel-
erated over the course of 7 days, which demonstrated that the created
films did not have any detrimental effects on healthy cells
5 Nanocomposite NPs in CS subjected to freezing and thawing. The produced PVA [65]
hydrogels loaded nanocomposite hydrogels loaded with CS NPs shown enhanced
with CS NPs mechanical strength and swelling capabilities, outstanding barrier
(nanoparticles) activity. As a result, the produced nanocomposites provide for an
excellent wound dressing
6 Polyvinyl alcohol Nanofibers The nanofiber stimulated the functional regeneration of the dermis as [66]
well as the repair of differentiated adipocytes. The sponge has been
shown to endorse wound healing and lessen the formation of scar
tissue in studies conducted in vivo with model mice. The produced
nanofibrous sponges are extremely auspicious for future wound
applications due to the fact that they are simple to make and exhibit
considerable wound healing characteristics
7 Hydrogels An impressive degree of hydrophilicity and swelling behavior was [67]
shown by the synthetic porous mat. After determining that the PVA
hydrogel was highly cytocompatibility with mammalian cells, the
scientists loaded the hydrogel with gentamicin to enhance its bacte-
riostatic capabilities
8 Hyaluronic acid Hydrogels Hydrogels made with varying amounts of HA displayed either a [68]
porous or fibrous structure. Furthermore, HA enhances hydrophilic-
ity and water vapor transfer, both of which are crucial for wound
healing agents
9 Film The films were found to be non-cytotoxic to L929 fibroblast cells [69]
while exhibiting potent antibacterial action against S. aureus, E. coli,
and S. epidermidis. Application of the Wistar rat skin model demon-
strated a hastening of the wound healing process. The resultant film
has the potential to be used in wound care
10 Scaffold The porous scaffolds were soft and elastic, with increased mechanical [32]
strength and thermal stability. NIH-3T3 fibroblasts adhere, thrive,
and proliferate in composite scaffolds. A full-thickness burn model
in rats showed better re-epithelization and extracellular matrix
remodeling. The aforementioned findings may offer an alternate
wound dressing
11 Poly (caprolactone) Nanofibers The prepared PCL nanofibers showed excellent anti-microbial as well [70]
as wound healing activity
12 Nanofiber scaffolds These produced membranes have sufficient mechanical strength and [71]
antibacterial action against P. aeruginosa and S. aureus suggesting
they may be effectively utilized as antibacterial wound dressing

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Table II  (continued)
S. no Natural/synthetic polymer Formulation type Special comments References
13 Electrospun mats In a multi-immersion process, AgNPs were encased in gelatin and then [72]
coated on electrospun PCL mats. This method was used to enhance
the mats' antibacterial action and lessen their wound-scaffold adhe-
sion. The in vitro and in vivo findings also demonstrated that the
membrane’s antibacterial efficacy increased in proportion to the
number of times it was coated with gelatin and silver
14 Poly (lactic-co-glycolic Nanofiber scaffolds Sponging index, hydrophilicity, and degradation rates of the [73]
acid) PLGA scaffolds with randomly oriented fibers were much higher
than those of pure PLGA. Mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) showed
no cytotoxicity in vitro viability assays, and a high proliferation rate
was seen for cells cultured on PLGA/Gelatin (7:3) scaffolds. For
long-term wound care, this particular scaffold is an excellent choice
15 Nanofiber scaffold Compared to PLGA mats, the fibrous membranes performed better [74]
as an antibacterial barrier. Using a combination of hydrophilic AG
(Alginate) and hydrophobic PLGA polymers, the optimal wound
dressing was achieved
16 Electrospun sand- The SSC membranes with antioxidant and antibacterial capabilities [75]
wich-structured were made from three layers: polyvinylidene fluoride, curcumin/PLA
composite (SSC) microspheres, and enrofloxacin/PLA fibers. SSC membranes showed
antibacterial efficacy against S. aureus, E. coli, S. pneumoniae, P.
aeruginosa, and C. albicans
17 Poly-lactic acid (PLA) Nanofibers PLA and HPG (hyperbranched polyglycerol) nanofibers coated with [76]
curcumin were evaluated as wound dressings. Electrospun scaf-
folds (PLA/HPG/CUR) enhance superior cell survival, adhesion,
and proliferation than PLA/CUR nanofibers. Even after 14 days in
Phosphate Buffered Saline, nanofiber shape was unaltered. In vitro
scratch experiment shows PLA/HPG/CUR completes cell migration
within 36 h
18 Nanofibers Electrospun PLA nanofibrous membranes with antioxidant character- [47]
istics were made. Authors load grape seed extract (GSE), a natural
antioxidant, into the nanofibers. In vitro experiments using human
foreskin fibroblast (HFF1) cells show biocompatibility, cell adhe-
sion, and proliferation
20 Nanofibers The cephradine loaded nanofibers prevent the bacterial infection and [77]
diabetic wound spreading
21 Nanofibers It is utilized in the management of diabetic foot ulcer and has antibac- [78]
terial activity
22 Scaffolds Enhance the in vivo wound healing process and growth factor expan- [79]
23 Scaffolds The diameter of the fiber was enhanced because to the incorporation [80]
of the bio-ceramic NAGEL (Ca7Si2P2O16). NAGEL’s stimulation
of epithelial migration, proliferation, angiogenesis, and A-SMA
expression, diabetic rats exhibited significantly better wound healing.
The scaffolds were made of biodegradable materials and served as a
transitional matrix for the development and migration of cells

plants' chemical compounds and their traditional applica- very-less permeability, low solubility, and low bioavail-
tions might lead to cutting-edge pharmaceuticals with fewer ability [103, 104]. In order to circumvent these restrictions,
side effects [85]. There are wide variety of reported plant- nanotechnological methods have been investigated for use
based active compounds that are currently utilized in the as potential medication delivery systems [105]. The phys-
wound healing such as Hibiscus sabdariffa [86], Malva syl- icochemical and biological features of nanostructured drug
vestris [87], and Aloe barbadensis [88]. Some examples of delivery systems are much superior to those of microscale
plants with wound healing properties shown in Table III. drug delivery systems. The earlier systems exhibit superior
However, the use of phytoconstituents and extracts in optical characteristics, greater surface areas, enhanced con-
phytopharmaceuticals is still restricted owing to certain ductivity, and enhanced interactions with biological mol-
difficulties. These problems include an un-favorable taste, ecules [106]. Figure 3 provides a visual representation of

AAPS PharmSciTech (2023) 24:155 Page 9 of 26 155

Table III  Plant-based active components with wound healing property nanocarriers as a result of their increased efficacy, stabil-
S. no Plant part Botanical name Wound type References
ity, enhanced bioavailability of drugs, target specificity,
and capability for the prolonged release of the medication
1 Leaves Clinacanthus Excision wound [89] [108–110]. In addition, nanocarriers are capable of trans-
porting a wide variety of medications, each of which has its
2 Leaves Vitex negundo Excision wound [90]
own unique biological characteristics [28]. Figure 4 depicts
3 Flower Oliveria decum- Diabetic wound [91]
there is a wide variety of nanocarriers on the market that
have the ability to encase natural substances. These carriers
4 Leaves Tridax procumbens Excision wound [92]
can carry the medication to different skin layers through
5 Leaves Bidens pilosa Fresh wound [93]
one or many mechanisms, depending on their compositional
6 Leaves Psorolea coryli- Excision wound [94]
falia characteristics shown in Fig. 5. There is a lot novel drug
7 Leaves Pothos scandens Burn wound [95] delivery system are utilized as carrier to deliver the drugs at
8 Fruit Pistaciaatlantica Incision wound [96] their target site in order to increase their efficacy, stability
9 Seeds Mucuna pruriens Excision wound [97] and safety. For example niosomes used as a delivery carrier
10 Leaves Centella asiatica Burn wound [98, 99] for many drugs like gliclazide [111], ketoconazole [112],
11 Bark Terminalia arjuna Excision wound [100] transdermal formulations [113], timolol maleate [114], folic
12 Leaves Azadirachta indica Excision wound [101] acid [115] etc. Nowadays liposomes are utilized to delivered
13 Stem Dracaena reflexa Excision wound [102] many drugs such as paclitaxel [116], cyclosporine [117],
cefepime [118], cabazitaxel [119], glycyrrhetinic acid [120],
curcumin [121], ibuprofen [122], tedizolid phosphate [123]
each of the benefits associated with the administration of etc. in order to improve their efficacy and stability. Simi-
pharmaceuticals and natural remedies using nanocarriers. larly, Ethosomes may impair drug molecules with various
physicochemical characteristics [124], including hydrophilic
[125], lipophilic, and amphiphilic [126]. Many drugs such as
Types of Nanocarrier for Wound Healing aceclofenac [127], diclofenac diethylamine [128], mycophe-
Using Natural Actives nolic acid [129], etc. have been delivered by ethosomes. In
order to in increase the therapeutic efficacy of drug phyto-
Nanocarriers have been utilized to deliver active drugs to somes are utilized to supply numerous medicines including
specific areas, and their sizes range from 1 to 100 nm [107]. mitomycin C [130], bosewellia serrata extract [131], cur-
Conventional drug delivery methods are losing ground to cumin [132], quercetin [133] etc. For instance, a number of

Fig. 3  Advantages of using

nanocarriers for plant extracts  Biodegradable, Biocompatible
 Allow higher and more efficient
and bioactive constituents
concentrations in the target site
 Decrease in severity of undesired
side effects
 Protect the drug from degradation

 Surface functional  Increase absorption

 Drug stability  Remove water solubility
 Drug target to specific  Improve water solubility
site Advantages  Sustained drug release

 Cancer therapy
 Gene delivery
 Therapeutic and molecular imaging
 Diagnosis and biomolecule
 Tissue engineering and regenerative

155 Page 10 of 26 AAPS PharmSciTech (2023) 24:155

Hydrophobic Drug Hydrophilic

External Phase

Phospholipid Bilayer Drug

(Hydrophilic Head & Hydrophobic Cosurfactant
Phase Oil or aqueous core
Hydrophilic Lipophilic Tail)
Drug Aqueous core Polymeric membrane

Liposomes Micro/Nanoemulsion Polymeric nanoparticles (Nano capsule)

Drug Edge Activator (Single
chain surfactant
Rigid crystalline molecule)
Hydrophilic Drug structure
Hydrophobic Drug Hydrophilic Drug
Hydroethanolic Solid core
Drug Solution Hydrophobic Drug

Ethosomes Solid lipid nanoparticle Transfersomes

Hydrophobic Drug

Nonaqueous, Nonionic
Phosphatidyl choline
Surfactant Bilayer
(Hydrophilic Head & and drug complex
Hydrophilic Drug
Lipophilic Tail)
Aqueous core matrix

Polymeric nanoparticles Phytosomes


Fig. 4  Different kinds of nano-carriers used for wound healing

drugs carriers, such as Lipusu (liposomal paclitaxel), Amb- molecules repel the hydrophobic tails of the phospholip-
isome (liposomal amphotericin B), Psorisome (liposomal ids, resulting in liposome self-assembly through hydro-
dithranol), and Fungisome (liposomal amphotericin B), are philic contacts, van der Waals interactions, and hydrogen
successful examples of NDDS system [134–137]. However, bonding interactions [145]
the scope of this analysis is limited to certain nanocarriers Liposomes have the ability to encapsulate pharmaceu-
that have been investigated for usage in conjunction with ticals that are hydrophilic, hydrophobic, and amphiphilic
plant-based wound healing agents. [146]. Phospholipids have amphipathic properties, which
make this kind of behavior conceivable. Encapsulation of
Liposomes hydrophilic drugs takes place in the aqueous core, while
encapsulation of hydrophobic drugs takes place in the
Liposomes are the phospholipid molecules that are self- bilayer membrane between the tails of the phospholipids.
assembled in water to form closed bilayer vesicles [138, On the other hand, amphiphilic medicines are segregated
139]. Liposomes were used as carriers in order to admin- into their respective compartments at the surface of the
istered the drugs through oral, pulmonary, nasal, trans- bilayers. The medications are arranged in their distinct
dermal, and parenteral route [140]. Liposomes feature an places because of the varied regions of the liposomes to
aqueous compartment surrounded by one or more cell-like which they are most strongly attracted [146]. The lipo-
lipid bilayers, making them ideal for cellular research. somal membrane has the capacity to shield the encapsu-
They also have vital physiological activities including lated medications from light, moisture, and oxygen [147].
motility and shape changes, as well as the capacity to This is in addition to the liposomal membrane’s ability to
mimic the biophysical features of live [141–143]. Phos- regulate and maintain the release of pharmaceuticals at
pholipids are amphipathic molecules that are water specified places. Liposomes have the ability to increase
(hydrophilic) and fat-loving (hydrophobic) [144]. Water the physicochemical characteristics of the compounds,

AAPS PharmSciTech (2023) 24:155 Page 11 of 26 155

Fig. 5  Topical delivery of plant-

based components employing
NDDS [176]



6 Pilosebaceous mediated transport

5 Adsorption
2 Intracellular 1 Integration with lipids
3 Osmoregulated
delivery 4 Transcellular transport penetration


Moisture clouds Micro-reservoir Dermis

Sebaceous gland


as well as the onset time of these features, and to lessen release the drug in sustained manner for prolong period of
the toxicity of these compounds [148, 149]. Because of time when tested on full-thickness mice model [159].
their ability to remain stable in colloidal solution, bio-
degradability, and biocompatibility, liposomes satisfy the Nanofibers
parameters necessary to serve as effective drug carriers
[150–156]. Nanofibers have outstanding qualities that promote
Jangde et. al. developed liposomes encapsulated with wound healing with size range from 1–1000 nm. Their
quercetin in order to heal the wound in a better way. microstructure is well adapted to the ECM structure of
Quercetin, phospholipids, and cholesterol were dissolved the human body, which makes it an environment that is
in a 4:1 chloroform–methanol combination to make favorable to the development, proliferation, and adhe-
liposomes. Liposomes sustained the quercetin release sion of cells [160–162] Also, the high absorption and
in wounds [157]. Cui et al. used a thin-film dispersion- permeability rate may absorb the exudate that has built
ultrasonic technique to generate Danggui Buxue loaded up on the wound surface and maintain a moist environ-
liposomes, which they subsequently put into a thermosen- ment, both of which are necessary for the healing pro-
sitive gel. The excision wound model was used in order to cess.. Additionally, the huge surface area makes it eas-
assess how well it healed wounds. The findings revealed a ier to load and transport bioactive components like as
discernible acceleration in the process of wound healing. medicines and growth hormones [163–165]. Zheng et.
This gel proved to be an effective strategy for increased al. developed liposome-based hydrogel of asiaticoside.
wound healing as it offered a prolonged supply for the The asiaticoside released from the hydrogel had a sub-
extract [158]. Castangia et al. investigated the wound heal- stantial inhibitory impact on fibroblast proliferation
ing activity of liposomes loaded with curcumin and querce- and collagen production, removing scars for regenera-
tin. The prepared liposomes have greater penetrability and tion nerves, which can enhance the function recovery of

155 Page 12 of 26 AAPS PharmSciTech (2023) 24:155

damaged peripheral nerves. These encouraging findings related to damage repair. As a result, nanohydrogels are cru-
taken together suggest that the hydrogel may be a poten- cial for skin regeneration [175].
tial option for regeneration of peripheral nerves [166].
In another investigation, ultra-deformable liposomes Metallic Nanoparticles
increased in vitro skin penetration of asiaticoside (AC)
by a factor of ten when compared to the free drug solu- The metallic nanoparticles have antibacterial, antimicro-
tion and promoted an increase in in vivo collagen produc- bial, and anti-inflammatory properties, so that these nano-
tion. The liposomes based asiaticoside delivery through particles are used in scientific research. The ability of a
topical route is promising delivery system for effective nanoparticle to penetrate and/or bind to target cells with
wound healing [167]. Nanofibers have been proposed as the potential to engage with their biological machinery
transdermal delivery systems for natural substances. Due and trigger a response depends on its chemical and physi-
to increased water retention, weight loss, and a bigger cal structures. The most well-liked metallic nanoparticles
surface area of the nanofiber mat, the AC was added to are silver- and gold-based nanostructures. Metal-based
ultrafine cellulose acetate electrospun nanofibers, which nanoparticles are commonly used in medicine. Because
demonstrated enhanced skin permeability of the drug they have fewer negative effects and better therapeutic
[168]. Similarly, compared to as-cast films, an ultra-fine benefits than traditional dosage forms, herbal plants are
cellulose acetate nanofiber mat containing Asiaticoside or commonly used in the production of metallic nanoparti-
curcumin demonstrated improved drug release [169]. Zhu cles [177]. Most herbal extracts have been combined with
et. al. prepared Asiaticoside-loaded coaxial electrospun metallic nanoparticles, including Cladophora fascicularis
nanofibers for the treatment of profound partial-thickness [178], Aerva lanata [179], Hippophae rhamnoides [180],
burn injuries. The vascular endothelial growth factor, pro- Eucommia ulmoides [181], Black tea leaf [182], Averrhoa
liferating cell nuclear antigen and tumor necrosis factor, bilimbi [183], Salicornia brachiate [184], Abelmoschus
were upregulated and interleukin 6, and tumor necrosis esculentus [185], olive leaf [186].
factor alpha were downregulated in order to improve Silver nanoparticles are often utilized due to their
wound healing in vivo [170]. In similar study, authors antimicrobial, antibacterial, and anti-inflammatory char-
developed curcumin loaded nanofibers. The prepared acteristics [187]. The size of the silver particles affects
fibers increase the production of collagen, improve the their solubility and bioactivity in the injured region; the
proliferation of fibroblast and defend the fibroblast cell smaller the size, the more intense the interaction with the
from oxidative stress [171]. Khan et. al. investigated the skin. Vesicle diameters for silver nanoparticles vary from
wound healing potential of Berberis lyceum extract. The 1 to 100 nm. One research found that the combination
authors reveals that the prepared PVA nanofibers loaded of lower graphene oxide nanovesicles and silver-silver
with Berberis lyceum possess excellent wound healing chloride nanoparticles accelerated the healing process
and antibacterial activity [172]. by producing more oxygen free radicals than silver ions.
These particles may promote wound healing activity, as
Nano‑Hydrogels shown in in vivo investigations on mice [188]. They have
been proven to have a favorable influence on the antibac-
Nanohydrogels are thought to be efficient carriers for the terial activity against both gram-negative and gram-pos-
treatment of wounds because they have three-dimensional itive bacteria. A new kind of silver antibacterial barrier
polymeric networks. They can absorb fluids because of their wound dressing called ACTICOAT avoids the complica-
porous network, which keeps the wound moist and speeds up tions that might result from using earlier agents. Inflam-
the healing process by maintaining the correct oxygen level. mation is reduced and the healing process is improved
Nanohydrogels have gained widespread acceptance due to as a result of the decreased bacterial activity [189]. The
their efficacy, compatibility, and ability to demonstrate posi- bio-prepared plant-based nanoparticles have the ability
tive effects on skin rejuvenation [173]. to treat wounds and prevent bacterial infections [190].
The baicalin-submerged gellan cholesterol nanohydrogel There are several techniques used to create silver nano-
is intended to enhance wound healing activities. When used particles. The two most used techniques are photochemi-
on a mouse model of epidermal inflammation, the baicalin- cal and chemical reduction [190]. For the purpose of pro-
loaded nanohydrogels exhibit optimum effectiveness for moting wound healing, several plant extracts, including
skin regeneration and also operate as inflammation inhibi- alkaloids, glycosides, corticosteroids, and essential oils,
tors [174]. The newly created nanocrystal bacterial cellulose have been mixed into silver nanoparticles [191]. Due to
hydrogels instantaneously adhere to fibroblasts, support the their considerable antibacterial and antifungal activity,
shape of human dermal fibroblasts, prevent cell migration, Cassia roxburghii produced silver nanoparticles have the
promote cell proliferation, and affect nine gene expressions potential to improve wound healing.

AAPS PharmSciTech (2023) 24:155 Page 13 of 26 155

Transfersomes authors discussed the possibility of increased sinigrin per-

meability over the stratum corneum [199].
Transfersomes are advanced generation deformable
liposomes that are used as topical formulations in the skin Ethosomes
regeneration and wound healing processes. These vesicles
may serve as drug carriers to transfer drug molecules or Ethosomes are lipid-based nanovesicles with good penetra-
herbal extracts over the skin to increase the absorption of tion ability, often containing 20—45% ethanol. Ethanol in
drug compounds due to their composition, deformable quali- ethosomes increases membrane fluidity and permeability
ties, and skin permeability. The use of a topical vesicular for- by interacting with the lipid molecules of the hydrophilic
mulation might lessen undesirable side effects while increas- head regions of the bilayer. This synergy permits the effi-
ing the amount of herbal medication that accumulates at the cient transdermal delivery of herbal medicines for medicinal
administration site. The integration of materials that impart purposes [192]. For instance, curcumin in ethosomal formu-
elasticity on the outer surface also contributes to the high lation might be used as a cutaneous delivery for improved
elasticity of transfersomes. The high degree of elasticity of wound healing and antimicrobial activity. The ethosomes-
the vesicles enhances the delivery of herbal remedies across curcumin complex was shown to be the most effective treat-
the skin and accelerates the rate of absorption during the ment for wound conditions in experimental rats, with the
healing process [192]. least amount of wound area after 16 days of injury. Perhaps
Manconi and colleagues have investigated the use of bai- the vesicular formulation’s enhanced effectiveness, as a
calin for the treatment of wounds [193]. The same research result of its ability to reach more deeply into the skin [200].
had discovered that baicalin had skin-restorative capabili- In conclusion, these nano-carriers provide the platform
ties utilizing the nanohydrogel platform [194]. According for transporting drugs with better penetration and accelerate
to assessment, the idea of core–shell gellan transfersomes the process of wound healing [110, 201]. The phytocon-
loaded with baicalin increased skin deposition in the deeper stituents loaded nanocarriers, increases the bioavailability of
skin tissues, increasing it by about 8% in the dermis layer herbal components, which boosts their wound-healing prop-
while decreasing it by around 11% overall. The anti-inflam- erties [202]. The enhancement of these structured vesicles
matory response in the experimental animals and subsequent may pave the way for a prosperous future in the treatment of
repair of injured skin were indications of the deposition of wound healing. The nano-carrier based delivery of phyto-
baicalin in the skin layers [193]. constituents for wound healing shown in Table IV.

Challenges in Delivering Therapeutics Using
Herbosomes, also referred to as phytosomes, are sophis- Nanocarriers
ticated new drug delivery systems made of phospholipids
like lecithin (phosphatidylcholine) and natural bioactive Nano-carriers display a wide range of characteristics and
substances. The phospholipids surround the herbal bio- behaviors due to their remarkable physical and chemical
actives through chemical hydrogen bonds. In relation to interactions. All of the physical, chemical, optical, and
the bioavailability and stability of natural plant extracts or other features of materials might be altered by confinement
drugs derived from plants, these are traditional drug delivery of matter and energy at surfaces and interfaces, leading to
systems [195, 196]. Additionally, phytosomes exhibit supe- surprising new behaviors. The European Medicines Agency
rior absorption to other traditional phyto molecules or plant is up-to-date on research and methodologies for gauging the
extracts when applied topically, improving the bioavailabil- long-term safety and bio permanence of nanomaterials. The
ity of herbal extracts and boosting their therapeutic potency. composition, aggregation, charge, size, shape, and solubility
When using this phytosomes delivery method, the required of nanocarriers, as well as their reactivity with coatings and
dose can be decreased because the absorption of the active excipients, all play a role in the characterization of nano-
ingredients could be improved [197]. Additionally, by creat- systems [227]. Table V highlights the challenges associated
ing chemical bonds between phosphatidylcholine and herbal with nanocarrier.
extracts, phytosomes can increase the stability of their con-
stituents. Similar to this, sinigrin and phytosomes complexes
showed 50% wound closure activity at lower doses (0.07 mg/ Conclusion and Future Prospective
ml), but 100% effects at higher concentrations (0.14 mg/ml).
Compared to individual treatments with sinigrin and blank The key objective of this article is to discuss, several posi-
phytosomes, this combination showed a greater proportion tive aspects associated with the usage of nano-systems in
of wound closing activity [198]. In a different article, the the wound management. Nano-systems are an outstanding

Table IV  Plant-based nano-formulations for wound healing

Type of nanocarrier Size Polymers/materials used Animal/cell line/microorgan- Active compound Remarks References

Niosomes 150 nm Labrasol, cholesterol Sprague Dawley strain rats Andrographis paniculate The AP loaded niosomal gel enhance [203]
(AP) wound healing in Sprague Dawley
Page 14 of 26

Composite Scaffold Less than 50 µm Chitosan and collagen –- Aloe vera In the SEM examination, a pore size of [204]
less than 50 microns was measured.
The prepared composite was non-
toxic in nature, and the time it took
for it to degrade was more than two
Nanofiber mats 160 nm Gelatin and glutaraldehyde HS-27 cells, Sprague–Dawley Curcumin Accelerating the healing process of [205]
rats newly produced acute wounds was
shown to be possible because to the
synergistic effect of nanofibrous mats
loaded with curcumin
Nanofiber 200 nm Polyvinyl alcohol (PVA) and Escherichia coli, Pseudomonas Tecomella undulata A greater capacity for drug loading and [206]
poly ε-caprolactone (PCL) aeruginosa, Staphylococcus drug stability. There was no discern-
aureus ible change in the morphology of the
loaded nanofiber in comparison to the
blank nanofiber
313.2 Polyvinyl alcohol (PVA) and –- Aloe vera The aloe vera-loaded nanofibers accel- [207]
poly ε-caprolactone (PCL) erate the wound healing process
562 nm Poly-lactic acid, chitosan, and Mouse myoblast cell line, Curcumin The cell proliferation is significantly [208]
collagen 57BL/6 mice improved by nanofiber of curcumin.
When compared to the nanofibers
that were blank, the rate of the wound
was 87%
723 nm Poly-caprolactone and polyethyl- RAW264.7 mouse macrophages, Curcumin The nanofiber improves the vitality of [209]
ene glycol S. aureus the cells. Antibacterial activity may
be shown using nanofibers against S.
aureus. On day 10, the wound healing
was 99%, but the blank nanofiber
exhibited just 59% wound closure
AAPS PharmSciTech (2023) 24:155
Table IV  (continued)
Type of nanocarrier Size Polymers/materials used Animal/cell line/microorgan- Active compound Remarks References

200–300 nm PVA and PCL Ovo chicken chorioallantois Salvianolic acid B and Nanofibers have angiogenic potential [210]
membrane Bromelain and have the ability to deliver a medi-
cation in a sustained way
88.44 nm Polyacrylonitrile Mouse fibroblast cells and Kleb- Lavender oil Cyto-compatible on fibroblast cells [211]
siella pneumonia derived from mice. S. aureus and
AAPS PharmSciTech (2023) 24:155

Klebsiella pneumonia were both suc-

cessfully fought off by the antibacte-
rial activity
– Gelatin SD female rats Astragaloside IV The wound closure achieved by the [212]
nanofiber loaded with astragalo-
side IV was much greater than that
achieved by the blank nanofiber
Liposomes 151 nm Cholesterol and sodium dihydro- Sprague Dawley rats Madecassoside Because of their greater penetration [213]
gen phosphate rate, liposomes demonstrated an
improvement in wound treatment
- Gelatin, propylene glycol Pigs Usnic acid When compared with a commercial [214]
burn wound preparation, it was
discovered that wound healing was
accelerated with the use of liposomes
70 nm Gelatin, propylene glycol Rabbits Usnic acid The introduction of liposomes based [215]
on gelatin accelerated the healing of
corneal wounds. The ensuing rise in
VEGF and TGF- levels at the wound
site causes the wound to heal more
100 nm Phosphatidyl choline, sodium Male Sprague–Dawley Asiaticoside The ultra-deformable vesicles boost [167]
cholate asiaticoside percutaneous permea-
tion owing to both the carrier’s direct
penetration enhancer effect on the
skin and the drug-loaded carrier’s
percutaneous passage…

Page 15 of 26 155
Table IV  (continued)

Type of nanocarrier Size Polymers/materials used Animal/cell line/microorgan- Active compound Remarks References

Transferosomes 107 nm Soy phosphatidylcholine and Mice Baicalin Enhanced baicalin skin deposition. [193]
Gellan gum Because of this deposition, the
Page 16 of 26

experimental animals experience a

greater reduction in inflammatory
Phytosomes 153 ± 39 nm l-α-Phosphatidylcholine hydro- HaCaT cells Sinigrin HaCaT cells were only slightly affected [198]
genated by the complex’s toxicity. The com-
plexes demonstrated 50% wound clo-
sure at a concentration of 0.07 mg/ml,
while they demonstrated 100% wound
closure at a dosage of 0.14 mg/ml
Ethosomes 143 nm Phosphatidyl choline and cho- Rat Curcumin After 16 days, curcumin encapsulated [200]
lesterol ethosomes was the most effective in
healing wounds and inhibiting bacte-
rial growth
127.8 nm Phosphatidyl choline and cho- Kunming mice Thymosin β-4 The prepared gel showed excellent [216]
lesterol wound healing activity
371 nm Phosphatidylcholine (SPC), Wistar rats Curcuma longa As compared to the control group, the [217]
sodium lauryl sulfate (SLS), early and improved wound healing
and Tween 80 that resulted from the topical adminis-
tration of extract-loaded ethosomes
in the rat wound model occurred at
dosage rates of 0.5 g/cm2 and 1.0 g/
cm2, respectively
AAPS PharmSciTech (2023) 24:155
Table IV  (continued)
Type of nanocarrier Size Polymers/materials used Animal/cell line/microorgan- Active compound Remarks References

Nanoparticles - Chitosan S. aureus and P. aeruginosa, Curcumin Nanoparticles have a tremendous load- [218]
human dermal fibroblasts cell ing capacity and positive zeta poten-
line tial. Cell migration was stimulated
by nanoparticles without causing any
harm to the cells
AAPS PharmSciTech (2023) 24:155

176.5 nm PLGA NMRI female mice Curcumin When compared to free curcumin, [219]
PLGA-curcumin shows improved
wound healing. Anti-inflammatory
activity, granulation, and re-epitheli-
alization are all enhanced by PLGA-
curcumin nanoparticles
278 nm Poly caprolactone and gelatin EnSCs cell line Curcumin In contrast to the PCL scaffold alone, [220]
cell adhesion and proliferation were
enhanced in the scaffold including
curcumin-loaded chitosan nanoparti-
cles. Indications are promising that it
may serve as a suitable alternative in
cases of skin damage and regenerative
63 nm Sodium alginate S. aureus, E. coli, and C. Essential oil An inhibiting impact was seen on the [221]
albicans ability of S. aureus to adhere when
silver nanoparticles were present. The
use of nanoparticles and essential oils
in a dressing has a synergistic impact
in preventing the development of
40 nm Poly caprolactone and gelatin S. aureus and S. epidermidis Zataria multiflora essen- The antibacterial impact that Z-EO had, [222]
tial oil (Z-EO) when combined with silver nanopar-
ticles, was cumulative and promoted
successful wound healing
20 nm Collagen Methicillin-resistant S. aureus Aloe barbadensis The bioresorbable scaffolds demon- [223]
(MRSA), P. aeruginosa, and strated great biocompatibility. Both
E. coli in vitro and in vivo wound healing
was sped up by the use of wound
dressings, which stopped the develop-
ment of germs

Page 17 of 26 155
Table IV  (continued)

Type of nanocarrier Size Polymers/materials used Animal/cell line/microorgan- Active compound Remarks References

Nano-emulsion 93.64 ± 6.48 nm PEG-400, PEG-200, propylene Wistar rats Curcumin and clove oil Wound contraction was seen in [224]
glycol 12–24 days using curcumin nano-
Page 18 of 26

emulsion and commercially available

fusidic, compared to placebo. When
comparing nano-emulsion with
fusidic acid, the epithelization time
was likewise comparable
32.45 nm Tween-85, Transcutol Wistar rats Eucalyptus oil (EO) When compared to pure EO, nano- [225]
emulsions containing EO caused a
greater constriction of the wound
Nano-hydrogel 350 nm N-methyl-2-pyrrolidone, cho- 3T3 fibroblasts, CD-1 mice Baicalin Compared to betamethasone and phos- [194]
lesterol, 4-bromobutyric acid, phate buffer solution, nanohydrogel
N-(3-dimethylaminopropyl)- baicalin hastened wound healing
N′-ethylcarbodiimide hydro-
Nanogel 458 nm Tween 80 and polyethylene Diabetic rats Aloe vera Results showed wound healing [226]
glycol 400 improved with higher contraction
(75% contraction resulted in 15 days
of experiment). In a skin irritation
investigation on diabetic rats, it was
proven harmless
AAPS PharmSciTech (2023) 24:155
AAPS PharmSciTech (2023) 24:155 Page 19 of 26 155

Table V  Challenges associated Challenges Associated toxicity References

with nanocarrier
Development and validation of analyti- The drug release estimation is difficult [227]
cal method
Surface charge Oxidative stress [228]
Aggregation Activate cellular apoptosis [229]
Surface area and shape It delays the release of loaded drug [230]
Aspect ratio Chance of toxicity due to aggregation of nano- [231]

option for the application of wound healing because of their gram-negative bacterial strains, an in vivo wound healing
unique physiochemical features, which make them stand out application is necessary. As a consequence, the primary
from other potential candidates. When compared to other focus needs to be placed on boosting and enhancing tar-
traditional methods of wound healing, the nanotechnology- get efficiency in order to facilitate more effective wound
based wound treatment procedure displays superior effec- healing. As a result, the researchers need to work toward
tiveness in terms of its therapeutic impact. Due to the fact the production of a nano-material that is both biodegrad-
that it contains antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, and anti- able and biocompatible, and which also has the capacity
proliferative actions, nanotechnology-based systems have to improve upon all stages of the wound healing process.
the potential to alter more than one phase of the wound
Acknowledgements The authors would like to thank Maharaja Ranjit
healing process while it is in progress. The study on natu- Singh Punjab Technical University (MRSPTU) in Bathinda, India, for
ral and herbal compounds has been carried out all over the providing the research facilities. The authors would like to thank the
world owing to the fact that these compounds have greater Indian Council of Medical Research New Delhi, India, and the Faculty
therapeutic benefits and negligible adverse effects. There of Pharmacy, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia for their contributions to the
completion of this study.
is a pressing need for the development of better methods
for the delivery of medications to the target location in a Author Contribution Mohit Kumar: writing—original draft preparation,
dosage that does not interfere with the treatment of dis- collecting information, methodology; Syed Mahmood: collecting infor-
eases that are already being administered. The herbal com- mation, revising draft; Shruti Chopra: collecting information, revising
draft; Amit Bhatia: revising draft, conceptualization, finalizing the manu-
pounds have a significant amount of potential and, hence, script; Puja Keshwania: revising and finalizing the manuscript.
a brighter future; this is particularly true when the herbal
compounds are combined into nanocarriers for the treatment Funding Research grant (5/8–4/5/Env/2020-NCD-II Dated
of chronic wounds, since the outcomes of this therapy have 22/12/2021) Under Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR), New
Delhi, India.
been encouraging. Novel drug delivery methods that are
based on herbal medicine have recognized the techniques
that have been taken in the area of pharmaceuticals, which
will benefit the health of the general population. It was also Conflict of Interest The authors declare no competing interests.
determined that the addition of the herbal ingredient to the
nano-vehicle would increase the magnitude of the delivery
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