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How to Perform Astral Projection

Astral projection refers to an out-of-body experience (OBE) during which the astral body
leaves the physical body and travels to the astral plane. People often experience this state
during illness or when involved in a near-death experience, but it is also possible to practice
astral projection at will. This article contains instructions on how to get started.



1. Learn about astral projection. It’s better to understand astral projection before you
start, so you have a better understanding of it, and know what to expect. Try reading or
watching other people’s astral projection experiences.

2. Start in the morning. Rather than practicing astral projection at night, right before you
go to sleep, start in the early morning hours when you're still feeling drowsy. Some say
that it's easier to reach the necessary state of relaxation and heightened awareness
around dawn. Yet it is possible to astral travel at any time so there are no hard and fast
rules. It is a personal preference or simply astral traveling when we feel empowered to
do it.
3. Create the right atmosphere. Astral projection requires a state of deep relaxation, so it
should be performed in a part of your home where you're completely comfortable. Lie
on your bed or sofa and relax your mind and body.

• It's easier to perform astral projection alone than it is with someone else in the
room. If you usually sleep with a partner, choose a room other than the bedroom
to practice astral projection. A good time to do it is when no one else is in and
make sure no one is going to walk into the room when you're in astral flight.

• Draw the shades or curtains and rid the room of distracting noises. Any type of
interruption could disrupt the state of relaxation you need to achieve.

4. Lie down and relax. Position yourself on your back in your chosen room. Close your eyes
and try to clear your mind of distracting thoughts. Concentrate on your body and how it
feels. The goal is to achieve a state of complete mind and body relaxation.

• Flex your muscles and then loosen them. Start with your toes and work your way
up your body, gradually making your way to your head. Make sure every muscle is
completely relaxed when you are through.
• Breathe deeply and exhale completely. Don't hold tension in your chest and
shoulders, just relax.

• Focus your mind on your breathing. Don't get carried away with thoughts of
outside worries, and don't get preoccupied yet with the idea of your soul
projecting from your body. Just let yourself sink into relaxation.

• It can be helpful to use a quartz crystal to raise and speed up your vibrations as
preparation. Gently hold the crystal on your third eye slightly above the center of
your eyebrows with closed eyes and breathe deeply. Feel the vibrations and your
head clearing; you can envision golden, white, purple, or any colour light if you
like. During the meditation and astral travelling, you can hold the crystal in your
hand or place it on your chest or abdomen. The crystal will empower and protect
you because of its high vibrations; negative energies have lower vibrations.


Moving the Soul From the Body

1. Reach a hypnotic state. This hypnotic state is normally known as the hypnagogic state.
Let your body and mind approach sleep, but don't completely lose consciousness. Being
at the edge of wakefulness and sleep, a hypnotic state, is necessary for astral projection
to occur. Reach this state using the following method:

• Keeping your eyes closed, let your mind wander to a part of your body, such as
your hand, foot, or a single toe.

• Focus on the body part until you can visualize it perfectly, even with your eyes
closed. Continue focusing until all other thoughts fall away.

• Use your mind to flex your body part, but do not physically move it. Visualize your
toes curling and uncurling, or your fingers clenching and unclenching, until it
seems as though they are physically moving.

• Broaden your focus on the rest of your body. Move your legs, your arms, and your
head using only your mind. Keep your focus steady until you're able to move your
whole body in your mind alone.
2. Enter into a state of vibration. Many report feeling vibrations, which come in waves at
different frequencies, as the soul prepares to leave the body. Don't be afraid of the
vibrations, since the presence of fear might cause you to leave your meditative state;
instead, succumb to the vibrations as your soul prepares to leave your body.

3. Use your mind to move your soul from your body. Imagine in your mind the room in
which you are lying. Move your body in your mind to stand up. Look around yourself.
Get up off the bed and walk across the room, then turn around and look at your body on
the bed.

• Your OBE is successful if you feel as though you are gazing upon your body from
across the room, and that your conscious self is now separate from your body.
• It takes a lot of practice to get to this point for some people, though for others it
comes as naturally as breathing. Either way, it is possible for everyone if it is
desired and practiced enough! If you have trouble completely lifting your soul
from your body, try lifting just a hand or a leg at first. Keep practicing until you're
able to move across the room.[8]
4. Return to your body. Your soul always remains connected to your body with an invisible
force, sometimes referred to as a "silver cord." Let the force guide your soul back to
your body. Re-enter your body. Move your fingers and toes - physically, not just in your
mind - and let yourself regain full consciousness.


Exploring the Astral Plane

1. Confirm that you are projecting your soul from your body. Once you have mastered the
art of projecting your soul from your body in the same room, you will want to confirm
that you were indeed in two separate planes.

• Next time you practice the astral projection, don't turn around to look at your
body. Instead, leave the room and walk into another room in the house.

• Examine an object in the other room, something that you had never noticed
before in the physical sense. Make a mental note of its color, shape, and size,
paying attention to as many details as possible.

• Return to your body. Physically go into the room you previously projected yourself
into. Walk to the article you examined during the astral travel. Can you confirm
the details you noted when you explored the object with your mind?
2. Explore further. During subsequent astral projection sessions, go to locations that are
less and less familiar to you. Each time, note details that you had never noticed before.
After each session, physically verify the details. After a few trips, you will be experienced
enough to travel to locations that are completely unfamiliar with the confidence that
you have actually performed astral projection.

3. Return to your body. Some say that astral projection is dangerous, especially when one
gets enough practice to explore unfamiliar places but it need not be. Those people
simply don't understand it or fear it because they don't use enough protection, as long
as you ask for protection in your own way it'll be a good experience. Before you astral
project it is nice to imagine yourself bathed in a glowing, white light. Imagine it as a
cloud around you or inside you; this will protect you from other thought forms or
negative energy forms.

• There is so much to get into, but know that no harm will come to you unless you
think it will. The thrill of having an OBE keeps some people out of their bodies for
long periods, which is said to weaken the silver cord but the silver cord cannot be
weakened. It is pure energy and energy can't be eliminated or removed, only
moved from one place to another, or one form or another so don't worry about
astral travelling; it is natural, powerful, and healing.

• The silver cord can never be broken, but it is said that your soul can be delayed
from re-entering your body if you spend too much energy outside of it. Yet your
soul and body are so intrinsically entwined that the soul will naturally come back
when it's right to.

• Some say that demons can inhabit the body while the soul is being projected. If
you fear this may happen, protect your body by blessing the room with a prayer
before you perform the projection. It is only hearsay anyway and seeing as you'll
have already asked for light protection nothing bad will occur.

• Your soul can also interact with other astral projections. Try it with a friend who
has practiced as much as you have. Some say astral sex is mind-blowing. However,
remember to always return to your body.

• It is possible to heal others during astral travel; this is a form of distance healing
that is very powerful. Envision the sick person, perhaps lying in their bed. It
doesn't matter if they're not physically in their bed while you're doing it because
time and distance become void when you're in the astral plane. Always ask for
protection, healing power, and guidance from whomever you pray to and envision
light; you can ask during astral projection as and when you wish. See light in your
hands as white and strong as you can, and if you feel ready put one hand on their
forehead and another on their abdomen and pour the light into them. Your
intentions must be pure and you should be feeling nothing but love for them.
Sometimes people will report back to you that something amazing has happened
to them, even though you didn't tell them you were the source of it! Enjoy your
astral journeys!

Astrologer & Intuitive Healer

Expert Answer
Sure. The biggest danger is if you do not ensure that you're grounded in some capacity
before you attempt to do an astral projection. There needs to be something that pulls your
energy back into your body back into the room where you are.

• Question
Is sleep paralysis the same as astral projection?
Staff Answer
According to people who write about these experiences, they have similar “core
experiences.” However, sleep paralysis is often a scary and unpleasant experience, if you
realize that this is what you’re experiencing rather than astral projection. It can be made
worse by imagining that malevolent beings are around you and threatening to harm you but
you cannot get away. So, while sleep paralysis may be a state that aids astral projection for
some people, the subjective experience of each is quite different.

• Question
How do you do sleep paralysis?
Staff Answer
It’s not an ideal thing to do to yourself, so think hard about this before attempting it.
Interactions while in the Astral Plane are unlimited.

• Visualize a white or yellowish light surrounding you while you Astral Project to protect
yourself from bad entities who may suck your energy if you let them. Also, you can try to
raise your vibrations.
• Astral Projection can turn into whatever you want it to be. It can also make your growth in
anything spiritual raise quickly which is why you should not give up. It's pretty easy for what
it can help you do in the future.

• Beliefs play the largest part in Astral Projection. If you believe that you are going to be
possessed, you may feel like you are possessed. If you feel in any sort of physical danger do
not attempt to astral project. If you feel like your "silver cord" is "weak" and that you can't
return, you will feel stuck. Feelings and thoughts are instantly manifested in the Astral
Plane, anything you think/fear can seem to happen. Keep your thoughts positive. Don't try
Astral Project after watching a scary movie.

• Astral projections are banned in some religions, like Catholicism, so find what your church
teaches before you try.
How to Astral Project for Beginners in
Three [3] Easy Steps

Preliminaries to Astral Travel

There are several techniques for anyone interested in developing lucid and controlled astral
projections or out-of-body experiences to experiment. Anyone can choose from breathing
or relaxation techniques or even exercises with bio-energies. There are several techniques
that you might choose from, but wherever technique you choose, there are some basic,
preliminary steps that you need to consider and reflect, for instance:

1. Are you afraid of OBEs or non-physical realms? If yes, try to research, read, and reflect
upon the information gathered in order to be prepared for the OBE. It is important to
understand that it is not that difficult to leave the body, and many people when applying
a technique they are many times suspicions about it, and instead of helping themselves
in leaving the body they feel afraid because they feel something that did not experience
before and they stop the technique.

2. Why do you want to leave the body, what would you do when you leave the body
lucidly? This is an important analysis, for your self-research. Do you have a specific goal,
or objective when leaving the body? Would you like to visit a relative of yours that have
passed away? Would you like to visit a friend that lives in another country? Would you
like to know a specific information about yourself? What would you like to accomplish
with your out of the body experiences? Whatever goals you might have connect with
them, study them, visualize them so you can facilitate your connection and have a lucid
3. Are you ready to train and replicate techniques as many time as necessary to get your
results? As any other intelligence you will need to apply the techniques as many times as
necessary until you have a complete, full and lucid experience. It is important to
mention that it is not difficult to have an astral travel, but in some cases it might take
more than one trial to start getting results. Having said that, you might have your first
lucid experience in the first time so get ready, but set your expectations correctly so you
can maintain your motivation up and running.

4. So first, consider these three points above, after that, your next step is to choose your
technique. In Projectiology there are many techniques that you can choose from. Waldo
Vieira is the author of the book Projectiology, which is the most complete book in the
world for the studies of the Out-of-body Experiences and Bio-energies, it is valid that
you consider reading this book. Based on this science, there are some important steps
for beginner that you might apply in order to start having your personal experiences.
Please see below, how to astral project in 3 easy steps:

Three Steps

1. 1º Lay down on a dorsal position on a bed (preferably) and find a good position for your
physical body, using comfortable clothes, pillows. Ideally apply this technique in a room
that you are by yourself, without the interference of anyone, cell phones, alarms etc;

2. 2º With your eyes closed, start by breathing slowly and calmly and, and using your
imagination and creativity, imagine yourself floating outside your body, as if you have
another you laying down on the top of your physical body. On this step apply slowly, do
not rush, visualize your other body in details, clothes, areas of your body, and try to feel
this other body and to connect with this image;

3. 3º Once this image is very clear and well set in your mind, now you will desire to transfer
yourself from the physical body to this image. Do not contract or force anything, this
movement must be done calmly and softly, so you might feel the disconnection from the
physical body to this other image of yourself that is floating outside of the body.

It is important to anyone that is starting to apply astral travel techniques, a beginner, to

understand each of this 3 steps must be done with time, take your time!, also in an
organized way, for instance, if you are hungry and you will apply a technique, it is obvious
that you need to eat first and then apply a technique, but also do not eat too much so you
might fall into sleep, so this is one simple example of personal organization. So remember
time and personal organization, are the two most essential aspects for anyone to develop
lucid astral projections.
Astral Projection: How to Have an
Out-of-Body Experience in 7 Easy Steps

Have you ever had an out-of-body experience that allowed you to see yourself through a
different lens of consciousness? Now, imagine intentionally inviting your consciousness to
leave your body in order to have new experiences and explore faraway places. Astral
projection is the act of your spirit (AKA “astral body” leaving your physical body while you
are either sleeping or in a deeply meditative state. It has been recorded that during these
experiences, people can astral project to different parts of the world, and based on some
accounts, even different planes of existence. If you’re interested in astral projecting—or
having an “out-of-body experience”, allow me to explain how it works.

Astral projection has been documented in several cultures, dating back to ancient Egyptian
times. They would refer to the astral body as “Ka”. In the Quran (or Koran), the Prophet
Muhammad astral travels on the second leg of his journey from Mecca to Jerusalem, and
then Jerusalem to the heavens. Humans have been practicing astral travel since the
beginning of time, so how can we partake in this mystical experience in the modern world?

Less like an involuntary out-of-body experience that is sudden, unplanned and has
recognition from the medical community, astral projection is considered a more intentional
and spiritual experience for those who partake. Much like disassociation, it has been said by
many spiritual healers that astral projecting without intention can lead to a sense of losing
control. However, in order to astral project safely, aligning your energetic points
and connecting with your chakras is the most sure fire way to prevent yourself from having
a scary or out-of-control experience. If you are confronted with difficult situations during
astral projection, you may feel like you are losing touch with yourself and reality at large.
In order to have a safe experience and get the most that you can from astral projection,
approach this practice with openness, intention and an easeful mind. And although there is
no recognition from the medical field about astral projection being “physically” possible, the
profound and life-changing effects on the awareness of those who practice astral travel
have shared may encourage you to entertain this ancient, mystical and spiritually-
strengthening practice.
How to Astral Project (7 Steps)

You may be asking yourself “how can I do this with no experience?” or “how can I astral
project if I have struggled with this in the past?”. With practice and depending on your own
natural ability, this can happen from your first experience but may take several weeks to
occur—either way, be patient! Now, let me give you an easy and beginner friendly step-by-
step guide to astral projection:

1. Set Your Intention

Call upon your spirit guides, angels or a higher power (depending on your belief system) to
protect you and your energy on this journey. You can also envision a protective circle of
white light if spiritual beings do not resonate with you. As noted above, you do not want to
astral project without an intention.
2. Relax Your Body

If you have set your intentions, the next step is to lay down or sit in a comfortable position.
Putting on white noise, binaural beats or any other sounds that allow you to dive deeply
into a meditative state is recommended.

3. Meditate & Align Your Energy Points (Chakras)

Start to focus on each part of your body starting with your feet and ending with your head.
Each part of your body is associated with a different energy point (or chakra). Each time you
exhale, tell yourself “my body is relaxing”, and allow the sensation of vibration to cover your
4. Visualize the Room You're In

Bring all of your awareness up to your third eye (the space in between your eyebrows in the
center of your forehead). Picture where you are with as much detail as possible and fixate
on one specific point. Allow the visual of yourself inside of the room to appear. If you cannot
get out of your body and see yourself, you can use the rope method (visualizing a rope
hanging from the ceiling and using this to pull yourself out of your body so you can see
yourself beneath you). When you can see yourself, you are now having an out-of-body
experience and beginning to astral project.

5. Explore the Astral Plane

Now that you have left your body, allow yourself to explore with curiosity and without any
motive or plan. Wander and allow yourself to see where you are taken. Over time you can
start to set plans on where you would like to travel before you drop into astral projection.
6. Return to Your Body

When you are ready to come back, bring your attention back to your body and notice the
sensation of your sit bones, your fingers, your back laying on the surface beneath you or
anything else in your physical body that can start to call your attention back. Thinking or
saying “I call back my energy” can also help with this step.

7. Wake Up & Reflect

Once you are fully conscious again, you can either sit with what has just happened, what
you learned or start to take notes. The more you get acquainted with your own process, the
more easily you’ll be able to slip in and out of your astral projections at will.
What if it Doesn't Work?

If you don’t astral project on your first try, don’t give up! If you have fallen asleep, can’t
bring clarity to your visuals or you simply feel frustrated with this process, know that astral
travel comes more naturally to certain people than others. However, everyone is capable of
doing it, so keep practicing.

There is no rush and no competition in the process of astral projection, and even setting
aside time to relax or connect with yourself is something to be proud of! Eventually, your
astral projections will become more vivid and open you up to deeper subconscious lessons
that rewire your perspective. After all, practicing astral projection can help you to become
an even more conscious and at-peace version of yourself in your waking life. And most
importantly—make sure you’re having fun on your travels through the astral!

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