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2022 International Seminar on Application for Technology of Information and Communication (iSemantic)

The Supply Chain Management Model of Small

Medium Enterprise (SME): Case Study Dry Food
Diana Aqmala
Mila Sartika Edi Noersasongko
Faculty of Economics and Business
Center of Excellence Faculty of Computer Science
Universitas Dian Nuswantoro
Faculty of Economics and Business Universitas Dian Nuswantoro
Semarang, Indonesia
Universitas Dian Nuswantoro Semarang, Indonesia
Semarang, Indonesia
Semarang, Indonesia Zainal Arifin Hasibuan Center of Excellence,
Faculty of Computer Science
Universitas Dian Nuswantoro
Semarang, Indonesia

Abstract—The SME sector contributes to Indonesia's GDP, To realize the performance of SMEs to increase, ICT-
which is 61.07% where SMEs are able to absorb 97% of the based interventions (Computer Information Technology) are
workforce in it. This proves the important role of MSMEs in needed. The system in question will integrate from raw
the Indonesian economy is very large. However, attention to materials to finished products to marketing. It is very
MSMEs is still not optimal, several obstacles are still faced by important to revitalize SMEs, especially in the use of ICT,
MSMEs, including supply chain management performance with several objectives, including creating a source of
that has not been optimal so that SME productivity has not competitive advantage, then creating better marketing and
been maximized. The purpose of this research is to create a also improving customer service.[2]
supply chain management based on ICT (Computer
Information Technology) so that the performance of SMEs The ICT-based system is expected to be able to overcome
increases and is able to compete in the global market. The the problems that are often faced by SMEs, the problems
system was created with the aim of making the system in this include: SMEs have difficulty in providing raw materials
study: 1) Ensure that the raw materials needed by SMEs are because information about how much raw materials are
not interrupted, because with the system it is expected that the available to farmers or available at large suppliers
supply of raw materials and consumer demand for products (middlemen) is still limited. In addition, information about
can be balanced. 2) Optimizing the supply chain in SMEs, with the price of raw materials is still unclear, so that sometimes
an integrated system starting from farmers who provide raw
there are price differences in each part of the supply chain in
materials, suppliers. 3) Turn on the nodes in the supply chain
MSMEs, which ultimately causes the prices of SME
in order to create a digital ecosystem for SMEs
products to become expensive and this has an impact on the
Keywords—Supply Chain, SME purchasing power of the product.
Therefore, to overcome these problems, it is necessary to
I. INTRODUCTION integrate all elements to develop special programs that
support the SME development strategy. This study aims to
SMEs have a very large contribution to state income
propose a dry food MSME supply chain system
where based on data from the Ministry of Cooperatives and
Small and Medium Enterprises (KemenkopUKM) in March
2021, the number of SMEs reached 64.2 million with a II. METHODOLOGY
contribution to Gross Domestic Product of 61.07 percent or This research methodology uses the waterfall model
Rp. 8,573, 89 trillion. SMEs are able to absorb 97 percent of system development life cycle (See Figure 1) which is
the total workforce, and can collect up to 60.42 percent of divided into 4 stages, namely planning, analysis, design,
total investment in Indonesia. In addition, SMEs are also the implementation and evaluation. [3]
strongest economic sector to survive the economic crisis that
hit Indonesia in 1998. and also proven to be able to survive The first process carried out is the planning stage, which
during the Covid-19 pandemic begins with data collection that includes various sources and
data methods. Data collection will use two data sources,
On the other hand, attention to promoting SMEs has not namely primary data and secondary data. Various research
been optimal, for example the availability of infrastructure instruments (questionnaires, interview guidelines, and
(roads, telecommunications, electricity, etc.) is still limited, observations) will be used to collect primary data in this
the availability of capital is difficult to access, assistance study.
from experts to improve product quality is still minimal. As a
result, the productivity of SMEs is not optimal. One of the Survey data collection will capture the behavior of each
efforts to improve the performance of SMEs is to ensure the actor (stakeholder), including producers (farmers, dry
supply chain from raw materials to products. Besides being souvenirs SMEs), collectors, retailers (souvenir shops,
continued to marketing [1] supermarkets, etc.) and consumers (See Figure 2). The
survey will be conducted with an instrument in the form of a

2022 International Seminar on Application for Technology of Information and Communication (iSemantic)

questionnaire. The questionnaire contains various variables the following steps: Data Preprocessing (lost data, removing
such as the type of goods produced, the number of goods duplicates, data outliers, data balancing, data normalization),
produced, the need to produce goods, and so on. Data Processing (data mining with algorithms K-Means and
Furthermore, the survey data will be equipped with recipes), and Development Tools.[4][5] The first step in data
observation data. preprocessing would be to check the primary and secondary
data for missing values. This step aims to ensure all data is
complete. In the second step, duplicate data will be removed,
i.e. data with the exact same information will be removed
from the dataset. The third step is to check for outliers and
remove outliers from the data set. Then do the balancing of
data and test the normality of the data (See Figure 3).

Fig 1. Research Methodology

Fig 3. Stages of SCM Development

After the data is processed, the next step is to analyze the

data. At this stage, data analysis will be carried out using
feature selection and feature extraction which will form dry
food MSME supply chain patterns.[6] The MSME Supply
Chain aims to strengthen every node in the dry food MSME
value chain that is formed by involving the role of
technology 4.0 (AI and IoT).[7]
Fig 2. Stakeholders of MSME Supply Chain Management
These nodes consist of groups of producers (raw material
providers), collectors (semi-finished material providers and
Observations will capture the condition of producers, finished material processors), retail (retail traders, gift shops,
collectors, retailers and consumers such as how much land is stalls, supermarkets) and product users (consumers). Each of
available, the obstacles they face and so on. Observations these nodes forms a micro, small and medium enterprise
will be carried out using participatory observation (MSME) supply chain. [8]Technology 4.0 will optimize the
techniques. Observation targets include producers, collectors, transparency and accountability of the dry food SME value
retailers and consumers. After the observation data is chain and integrate all these nodes so that their performance
obtained, interviews will be conducted to deepen the is efficient and effective. where the data that has been
quantitative data that has been obtained. The interview obtained is in the form of a data collection containing who,
targets included producer (farmers, dry food SMEs, etc.), where and how many suppliers of raw materials (farmers,
collectors, retailers (gift shops, supermarkets) and dry breeders, SMEs), how to work from collectors, then
souvenir consumers. The instrument that will be used for processing raw materials (how much does it take raw
interviews is an interview guide. materials, how much does it cost), where and when the
product is made to find out when the product expires. From
After the data is collected, the second stage is the analysis
the results of the data collection, patterns in the dry food
stage, at this stage the data collection will be analyzed using

2022 International Seminar on Application for Technology of Information and Communication (iSemantic)

SME supply chain are made, where these patterns will be Data were collected through questionnaires, observations
continued with the next stage, namely the third stage is and interviews with actors in the dry food MSME supply
design. chain, then classified into several nodes, namely producers,
collectors, retailers and consumers. At the producer node
In the design stage, the patterns that have been made will (farmers, breeders, MSMEs, etc.) data will be available about
be used as a system that will be used by dry food SMEs, who and where the raw material provider is, when and how
where these patterns are integrated starting from producers much raw material is available, etc. The collector's node will
providing raw materials (farmers, breeders, SMEs, etc.), then contain how much raw material is available in the market,
to material collectors.[9] raw materials which are then also how many collectors are available, etc. The retail node will
integrated with retail (supermarkets, gift shops, food stalls, contain how many retailers are partners in dry food SMEs,
souvenir shops, etc.) to consumers. These actors are how many products are needed, while consumer data is data
connected to the same system, namely SME Supply Chain, that contains how many consumers are based on customer
so that information related to product needs will be obtained data from retail. The data will be classified based on the
at each node of the dry food SME supply chain will be easier needs of supply chain actors.
to obtain.
As an illustration of how this supply chain system will
The next stage is implementation, at this stage the
work, it is implemented in dry food souvenir products, where
designs that have been made previously have been made into the actors from the supply chain consist of producers,
program codes. Once programmed, the system will be tested collectors, retailers and consumers. Dry food SMEs can find
to check whether its functions work as needed. The last stage out from producers about the availability of the main raw
is evaluation, at this stage it is carried out if in the process of materials for their products, how many raw materials are
using it there are features that need to be improved. This available, then when the raw materials are available and
stage is carried out to correct errors when the system is used where the raw materials are available.[10] At the collector's
by the target or user. node, dry food MSMEs can get information about the price
and number of semi-finished products or finished goods so
III. RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS that MSMEs can estimate when MSMEs can produce, how
much can be produced and when the product will be
distributed to retailers. Dry food SMEs will get information
The integrated system for MSME prevention and control about product demand from retail nodes and consumers. In
supply and demand will use IoT and AI to capture data in the retail node, there will be information about how many
real-time and quickly produce a result. The application of AI products are needed, consumers, while in the consumer node,
and IoT showed below (See Figure 4) information about consumer behavior can be obtained such
as how many products are purchased, when the products will
be purchased.
This system is expected to be able to balance the demand
and supply of dry food products, so that there is no excess of
raw materials in producers and collectors or vice versa,
MSMEs do not lack raw materials during production so as to
ensure the availability of products that can meet product
demand from retailers and consumers.

We will establish big data from multiple sources and
instruments from this research to collect data (validated
questionnaire, interview guide, and observation). This
research will produce a system that will provide benefits for
MSMEs such as ensuring the raw materials needed by
MSMEs are not interrupted, because with the system it is
expected that the supply of raw materials and consumer
demand for products can be balanced. The system can also
optimize the supply chain in MSMEs which will be
integrated starting from farmers who provide raw materials
and then collectors who then sell them to MSMEs, and
MSMEs who process them into finished goods and distribute
them to retailers. until it reaches the consumer so that it will
turn on the nodes in the supply chain in order to create a
digital MSMEs ecosystem.
Fig 4. The Design of SME Supply Chain System

The MSME supply chain system will use IoT and AI to
We sincerely thank Direktorat Jenderal Pendidikan
capture field data quickly and effectively. The data collected
Tinggi, Riset, dan Teknologi, Kementerian Pendidikan,
in will be transformed and analyzed by machine learning. If
Kebudayaan, Riset, dan Teknologi, Republik Indonesia for
the MSME supply chain system is implemented, it will
partially funding this project through the Kedaireka Program.
create the required information from each node.
This work is also supported by Universitas Dian Nuswantoro

2022 International Seminar on Application for Technology of Information and Communication (iSemantic)

(UDINUS) through the Center of Excellence in Science and and Information Security, IWBIS 2020, 9–15.
Technology, UDINUS with the grant document contract:
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vol. 2. Oxford: Clarendon, 1892, pp.68–73.
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NVIDIA, No. 3606/E3/PKS.08/KL/2021 anisotropy,” in Magnetism, vol. III, G. T. Rado and H. Suhl, Eds.
New York: Academic, 1963, pp. 271–350.
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