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Instrumen Penilaian Pemahaman (Reading Comprehension) KD. 3.1

Read the following questions and answer them correctly !
1. What do you know about cause and effect? Explain them briefly !
2. What are the adverbs of degree used in relating cause and effect you
have learnt?
3. What is the difference between So and Such in expressing the relation of
cause and effect?
4. Write three examples of Noun Phrase complete with the translations!
5. Write three examples of Adjective complete with the translations!

Pedoman Penskoran :
Jawaban Jawaban Jawaban Skor Perolehan
Benar Salah Kosong
1. 4 2 0
2. 2 1 0 Total Skor
𝑁𝑖𝑙𝑎𝑖 = Skor Maksimum
3. 4 2 0
x 100
4. 6 3 0
5. 6 3 0
22 11 0

Instrumen Penilaian Pemahaman (Reading Comprehension) KD. 4.1

Instrumen 1

Page 9
Task 7
Use ‘so....that’ or ‘such....that” to complete the following sentences.
1. This is ____ an interesting book ____ I stayed up all night to read it.
2. She was ____tired____ she didn’t watch the vidio.
3. They have ____ little furniture ____ it will be easy for them to move.
4. They have ____ few enemies ____ they are accepted wherever they
5. The visibility was ____ poor ____ that we can’t see mountains.
6. The boys were ____ excited ____ he can’t sit still.
7. He has ____ varid interests ____ one never knows what he will do
8. She sang ____ soothing lullabies ____ the baby was soon asleep.
9. The snow was ____ deep ____ we can’t talk across the field.
10. Yesterday I walked ____ far ____ I fell asleep immediately after
11. This puzzle is ____ easy ____a child could do it.
12. I had ____ a good time at the party ____ I did not want to leave.
13. He had ____ many books ____ his walssd were lined with bookcases.
14. I see her ____ often ____ I feel I know her quite well.
15. There was ____ much traffic ____ I could not cross the street.

Pedoman Penskoran :
Jawaban Jawaban Jawaban Skor Perolehan
Benar Salah Kosong
1. 2 1 0
2. 2 1 0
3. 2 1 0
4. 2 1 0
5. 2 1 0
6. 2 1 0
7. 2 1 0
8. 2 1 0 Total Skor
𝑁𝑖𝑙𝑎𝑖 = Skor Maksimum
9. 2 1 0
x 100
10. 2 1 0
11. 2 1 0
12. 2 1 0
13. 2 1 0
14. 2 1 0
15. 2 1 0
30 15 0

Instrumen 2
Link the words on the left side to the correct causes on the
right side.
Wildfire Fatty food
Flood Poverty
Landslide Lightning Strikes
Amused Dilligent
Angry Wonderful Views
Obesy Hard work
Cancer Litter
Addictive Lazy
Criminals Earthquake
Success Drugs
Smart Smoking
Stupid Big Failure

Pedoman Penskoran :
Jawaban Skor Perolehan
Soal Jawaban Benar
1. 1 0 Total Skor
𝑁𝑖𝑙𝑎𝑖 = Skor Maksimum x
2. 1 0 100
3. 1 0
4. 1 0
5. 1 0
6. 1 0
7. 1 0
8. 1 0
9. 1 0
10. 1 0
11. 1 0
12. 1 0
12 15

Instrumen 3
Write the sentences of these issues below by using So-that
and Such-that to express the cause of the issues.
Wildfire Fatty food
Flood Poverty
Landslide Lightning Strikes
Amused Dilligent
Angry Wonderful Views
Obesy Hard work
Cancer Litter
Addictive Lazy
Criminals Earthquake
Success Drugs
Smart Smoking
Stupid Big Failure

Pedoman Penskoran :
No. Aspek yang dinilai 7 5 3 1
1. Orisinalitas tulisan Sangat Orisinal Cukup Hampir
Dst. orisinal orisinal tidak
Kesesuaian teks Sangat Sesuai Cukup Kurang
dengan topik sesuai sesuai sesuai
Ketepatan struktur Sangat Tepat Cukup Kurang
teks tepat tepat tepat
Grammatical errors Benar Sangat Cukup Hampir
semua sedikit banyak salah
kesalaha kesalah semua
n an

Skor per soal =

Total skor per soal x 100
Skor maksimal per soal

Skor akhir =
Total skor perolehan
x 100
Skor maksimal

Instrumen 4
With your group, read the following text below and discuss to
analyse the cause and effect of the issue.
Genocide in Gaza
Have you ever heard about genocide? It is a crime committed with
the intent to destroy a national, ethnic, racial or religious group, in
whole or in part. For example, what is happening now in Gaza,
Palestine. The massive human extermination by Israel is
continuously until today caused by the land of Palestine that Israel
claims as theirs. They are openly doing genocide to Palestinians and
claims that because of militan rebels namely Hamas, they should kill
those people. They never care if they are children, women, old
people, sick, even babbies, Israel kill all of them, and world remains
silent. The land of Palestine everyday is such smaller land that
Israel is confiscating. Now people of Palestine are being faced of
starving, crise of water and power, no medical equipment and
medicine, no house, no place for worship, no more safe. All days and
nights are bombed by Israel. If this keep continouing, soon
Palestine will be wiped out from this earth. It needs a strike
solution to stop this genocide.

Pedoman Penskoran Performa Individu :

Kriteria Cemerlang Baik Lemah
Penilaian 21-30 11-20 1-10
Ide yang  Peserta didik  Peserta didik  Peserta didik
digagas menunjukkan menunjukkan kurang
kemahiran kemahiran menunjukkan
menggagas menggagas kemahiran
ide dengan ide baik menggagas
cemerlang  Peserta didik ide
 Peserta didik menunjukkan  Peserta didik
menunjukkan kemampuan kurang
kemampuan menganalisa menunjukkan
menganalisa keterkaitan kemampuan
keterkaitan sebab akibat menganalisa
sebab akibat dengan baik keterkaitan
dengan amat  Peserta didik sebab akibat
baik cukup  Peserta didik
 Peserta didik menunjukkan kurang
menunjukkan wawasan menunjukkan
wawasan pengetahuan wawasan
pengetahuan yang luas pengetahuan
yang luas  Peserta didik yang luas
 Peserta didik menunjukkan  Peserta didik
menunjukkan kemampuan kurang
kemampuan kajian literasi menunjukkan
kajian yang baik kemampuan
literasi yang kajian literasi
tinggi yang baik
Penalaran  Peserta didik  Peserta didik  Peserta didik
pemecahan menunjukkan menunjukkan menunjukkan
masalah kemampuan kemampuan kemampuan
melalui menganalisa menganalisa menganalisa
kegiatan pemecahan pemecahan pemecahan
literasi masalah masalah masalah
dengan dengan baik dengan
cemerlang  Peserta didik cemerlang
 Peserta didik menunjukkan  Peserta didik
menunjukkan kualitas kurang
kualitas pemikiran menunjukkan
pemikiran kreatif dan kualitas
kreatif dan inovatif yang pemikiran
inovatif yang baik dalam kreatif dan
tinggi dalam menentukan inovatif
menentukan pemecahan dalam
pemecahan masalah menentukan
masalah  Peserta didik pemecahan
 Peserta didik menunjukkan masalah
menunjukkan kemampuan  Peserta didik
kemampuan menggunakan menunjukkan
menggunakan kaidah ilmiah kemampuan
kaidah ilmiah dalam menggunakan
dalam menentukan kaidah ilmiah
menentukan pemecahan dalam
pemecahan masalah. menentukan
masalah. pemecahan
Penggunaan  Peserta didik  Peserta didik  Peserta idik
bahasa menunjukkan menunjukkan menunjukkan
kemampuan kemampan kemampan
penggunaan penggunaan penggunaan
bahasa yang bahasa yang bahasa yang
jelas dan cukup jelas kurang jelas
mudah dan cukup dan sulit
dipahami mudah dipahami
 Peserta didik dipahami  Peserta didik
menunjukkan  Peserta didik kurang
kualitas menunjukkan menunjukkan
berkomunika kualitas kualitas
si dengan berkomunikas berkomunikas
anggota dan i dengan i dengan
narasumber anggota dan anggota dan
yang amat narasumber narasumber
baik yang baik

Instrumen 5
Work in group, make a conversation that discuss about the text you had analysed
about Genocide in Gaza !

Pedoman Penskoran :
a. Kriteria Penilaian
Aspek yang
No Kriteria Skor 1-4
Use the correct text
organizarion and elaborate the 4
Use the correct text
organizarion but does not 3
Text elaborate the idea
Organization Doesn’t use the text
organization but the idea can be 2
Doesn’t use the text
organization and the idea cannot 1
be elaborated.
Write more than 5 sentences
and more than 4 target 4
Write more than 5 sentence and
Target of 3
2 less than 4 traget
Write less than 5 sentence and
less than 2 target expression
Write less than 5 sentence and
no target expression
No Grammatical error. 4
Less than 5 grammatical errors,
but still understandable
3 Grammar More than 5 grammatical errors
and hardly understandable
More than 5 grammatical errors
and totally not understandable.
Use developed vocabulary and
Use developed vocabulary, but
some of them are innapropriate.
4 Vocabulary
Use basic vocabulary and
Use basic vocabulary, but
Effectiveness of capitalization,
punctuation and spelling.
Mostly effective use of
mechanic, errors do not detract 3
from meaning
5 Mechanic More than 3 errors in spelling
and punctuation which do not 2
detract the meaning
Some errors in spelling and
punctuation detract from 1
Write creatively, neatly, clear
font, submit the work.
Write neatly, clear font, submit
the work on time.
Neatness and
6 Write quite neatly, quite clear
Deadline 2
font and submitted late.
Write awkwardly, unreadble,
submitted very late from the 1

b. Rubrik Penilaian
Nama Total
No. Text Target Neatness Nilai
Siswa Gram. Vocab. Mech. Score
Org. Cont. & Deadline

Instrumen 6
With your group, practice the conversation text you have made into a vidio.

Pedoman Penskoran :
a. Kriteria Penilaian
Aspek yang Skor 1-
No. Kriteria
Dinilai 4
1 Pronounciation Mostly perfect. 4
Occur few mistakes but no
distract the meaning.
Occure some mistakes and
mostly meaning distacted.
Occur a lot of mistakes and
defenetly distract the meaning.
Mostly perfect. 4
Occur few mistakes but no
distract the meaning.
2 Intonation Occure some mistakes and
mostly meaning distacted.
Occur a lot of mistakes and
defenetly distract the meaning.
Very Fluently 4

Fluently 3
3 Fluency
Quite Fluently 2

Not Fluently 1

Very Accurate 4

Accurate 3
4 Accuracy
Quite Acurate 2

Not Accurate 1
Show most expressions
Show many expressions nicely 3
5 Expression Show soem expressions quite
Show less expressions and tend
to be flat

b. Rubrik Penilaian


Nama Total
No. Nilai

Siswa Score


 Rubrik Penilaian Kelompok :
Nilai Nilai
No. Sikap/Aspek yang dinilai
Kualitatif Kuantitatif
1. Menyelesaikan tugas kelompok
dengan baik
2. Kerjasama kelompok (komunikasi)
3. Hasil tugas (relevansi dengan bahan)
4. Pembagian Job
5. Sistematisasi Pelaksanaan
Jumlah Nilai Kelompok

Kriteria Penilaian
A 4 Dilakukan dengan amat baik
B 3 Dilakukan dengan baik
C 2 Dilakukan dengan cukup baik
D 1 Dilakukan dengan kurang baik

(KD. 3.1 & 4.1)

Listening Section
Listen to the spoken text and complete the blank spaces of the text below !
Tsunamis are 1)............ waves caused by earthquakes or volcanic 2)............. under
the sea. Out in the depths of the 3)............ tsunami waves do not dramatically
increase in height. But as the waves 4)............ inland, they build up to higher and
higher heights as the depth of the ocean 5)......... Tsunami had 6)........... in
Indian Ocean in 2004 and hit 14 countries included Indonesia. It 7)......... a
highest waves that caused fatalities ten times 8)............. than 2011 tsunami in
Japan. It was so 9)........... that took more than 230.000 lives and 10)..............

Writing Section
Read the following dialogue to answer the question 11-13
Ayyash : Have you ever watch Harry Potter movie?
Arumi : No. What kind of movie?
Ayyash : It's such a great magical movie that makes me want to watch it
again and again.
Arumi : Ow, magical? The movie should be unreal.
Ayyash : Of course but the story is amazing. You won't know before you watch
Arumi : I'm sorry I am so buzy these days that makes me have no time for
Questions :
11. What are they talking about?
12. Which expressions show the cause and effect from the text?
13. We can conclude that Ayyash told Arumi to ....?
14. Write Such....that and So...that to complete the sentences below !
a. It's ......... An amazing party ....... I'll never forget.
b. I love the dress ....... Much ...... Makes me want to buy one.
c. ...... A great voice you have ....... Blown my ears.
d. Rain falls down ......... Heavily ....... floods the water.
15. Write the difference between Such...that and So...that in expressing
cause and effect of an issue !

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