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Structural Organization in
Animals (Including Frog)

Year Wise Number of Questions Analysis (2023-2014)

Number of Questions

2023 2023 2022 II 2022 I 2021 2020 2020 2019 2019 2018 2017 2017 2017 2016 II 2016 I 2015 2015 Re 2014
Manipur Covid Odisha Delhi Gujarat

Topicwise Number of Questions Analysis (2023-2014)

10 7 4 1 19 3
Connective Tissue

Epithelial Tissue

Muscular Tissue
Number of Questions

Nervous Tissue




™ An epithelium is a tissue composed of one or more layers
INTRODUCTION of cells thus provides a covering or lining for some part of
™ In unicellular organisms, all functions like digestion, the body.
respiration and reproduction are performed by a single cell. ™ An epithelium has two surface, free surface faces body
™ In the complex body of multicellular animals, the same fluid or environment and basal surface is in contact with
basic functions are carried out by different groups of cells basement membrane.
in a well organised manner. ™ The cells are compactly packed with little 2
™ The body of a simple organism like Hydra is made of matrix.
different types of cells and the number of cells in each type
can be in thousands. ™ Epithelial tissue is avascular [do not have blood supply].
™ The human body is composed of billions of cells to perform ™ Epithelial tissue is highly regenerative.
various functions. Basement Membrane
Germ Layer: ™ Basement membrane is secreted by both epithelium and
™ Germ layer formed in the earliest stages of embryonic connective tissue.
™ The basement membrane is non cellular made up of two
Types of Germ Layers: laminae.
 Ectoderm gives rise to the skin and the nervous system. ™ Basal Lamina: The basal membrane is composed of
 Mesoderm specifies the development of several cell types mucopolysaccharide and glycoprotein.
such as bone, muscle, and connective tissue.
™ Reticular Lamina: Made up of reticular fibres and collagen
 Endoderm layer become the linings of the digestive and
fibres which are the part of underlying connective tissue.
respiratory system, and form organs such as the liver and
pancreas. Apical (free) Lateral surfaces
™ Tissue is a group of similar cell along with intercellular surface
substances perform a specific function. It provides a basic
framework in animals.
™ Study of tissue is called Histology. Mayer coined the term
™ It was first found in Coelentrates.
™ Tissues are organised in specific proportion and pattern to Epithelium
form an organ like stomach, lung etc.
™ When two or more organs perform a common function by
their physical and/or chemical interaction, they together form Basal surface
organ system. E.g., digestive system, respiratory system, etc.
™ Cells, tissues, organs and organ systems split up the work Basement
in a way that exhibits division of labour and contribute to Reticular membrane
the survival of the body as a whole. lamina

ANIMAL TISSUE Connective tissue

™ The structure of the cells vary according to their

1 * . Therefore, the tissues are different and
are broadly classified into four types: Nerve Blood vessel
Types of Animal Tissue Fig. 1: Basement membrane
™ Role of basement membrane: The primary function of the
basement membrane is that lies underneath an epithelium’s
Epithelial Connective Muscular Neural cells, providing support and separating it from the connective
tissue tissue tissue tissue tissues beneath.

1. Epithelial Tissue Function of Epithelial Tissue

™ It is ectodermal, mesodermal and endodermal in origin. Epithelial tissue perform different functions such as protection,
™ Epithelial tissue term was coined by Ruysch. filtration, diffusion, secretion and excretion.

1 * “NCERT Focused Fill-ins” is an exercise with blanks in textbook passages that students fill in to test their NCERT-based knowledge and grasp over NCERT Textbook.

2 P NEET (XI) Module-1 ZOOLOGY

Classification of Epithelium Tissue (ii) Simple Cuboidal Epithelium
™ Single layer of cube like cells resting on a basement membrane.

( ) ™ The nuclei is situated centrally.

™ Found in the ducts of glands (salivary and pancreatic duct)
PCT of nephrons in the kidney.
™ Its main functions are secretion and 4 .
™ The epithelium of 5 of nephron in the kidney has
™ Simple cuboidal epithelium also known as germinal
epithelium, is a thick layer of cells that lines the sex organs
during the early developmental stage of the embryo. These
are cuboidal cells found in both testes and ovary.

epithelium epithelium epithelium

(A) Simple Epithelium

Simple epithelium has only one cell layer, every cell is in direct
contact with the underlying basement membrane. This type of
epithelium forms the lining of the body cavities, blood and lymph
vessels, heart and respiratory system.
Epithelial Tissue

Cube-like cell
Squamous Columnar Glandular Fig. 3: Simple cuboidal epithelium
Epithelial Epithelial Epithelial
Simple Cuboidal Epithelium (modifications)
Cuboidal Pseudostratified
Epithelial Epithelial (a) Brush Border Cuboidal
™ It is the microvillus-covered surface of simple cuboidal.
Cuboidal epithelium with brush border of microvilli is found
Types of Simple Epithelial Tissue
in the proximal convoluted tubule (PCT) of the nephron. It
(i) Simple Squamous Epithelium: increases cell surface area.
™ Single thin layer of wavy flattened cells with irregular
boundaries known as tesselated epithelium.
™ It is also known as pavement epithelium due to its tiles-like
™ This epithelium is involved in functions like filtration and
They are found in the lining of blood vessels, lymph vessel, illi
heart, peritoneum, pleura, bowman’s capsule, thin segment of M icr
loop of henle and 3 of lungs.
Blood vessels Brush
in folds of border
intestines cells

Fig. 4: Brush border cuboidal
(b) Ciliated Cuboidal
™ The apical surface of cuboidal epithelial cells with cilia are
termed ciliated cuboidal epithelial cells. These cilia facilitate
movement. Ciliated cuboidal cells are present in the
Fig. 2: Simple squamous epithelium respiratory 6 .

Structural Organization in Animals (Including Frog) 3


Columnar cell

Fig. 5: Ciliated cuboidal
(iii) Simple Columnar Epithelium Basement membrane

™ It is composed of single layer of 7 and slender

Fig. 8: Ciliated columnar
™ Their 8 are located at the base.
™ Free surface may have microvilli. EXTENDED LEARNING
™ Main functions are secretion and absorption.
Stereo Ciliated Columnar Epithelium
™ They are found in the lining of stomach, intestine and gall
bladder. Stereocilia are the projections in the pseudostratified columnar
epithelium cells, these are cylindrical non-motile. They are
found in some parts of the male reproductive tract such as
epididymis and vas deferens. Pseudostratified epithelium
provide protection, helps in secretion of the semen in the male
Tall cell

Key Note

P If the columnar or cuboidal cells bear cilia on their free

Fig. 6: Simple columnar epithelium surface they are called ciliated epithelium.
™ When cilia are present on free surface of columnar cells. P Their function is to move particles or mucus in a specific
E.g., fallopian tube. direction over the epithelium.
P They are mainly present in the inner surface of hollow
Modification of Simple Columnar organs like bronchioles and fallopian tubes.
(a) Brush Bordered Columnar Epithelium
™ A brush bordered columnar epithelium is a columnar
epithelium that is secured with microvilli that are protoplasmic
extensions of the cell on the uncovered surface, helps in
absorption. It is found in the small intestine.

Tall cell
Nucleus Fig. 9: Columnar cells bearing cilia

(iv) Glandular Epithelium

Fig. 7: Brush bordered columnar epithelium
™ Glandular epithelium is a kind of epithelial tissue that
(b) Ciliated Columnar produces and releases a variety of secretory products.
™ As their name suggests, ciliated columnar epithelial cells are
rectangular in shape and have hair-like protrusions called
cilia, the cells nuclei are found towards the base and are often ™ Some of the columnar or 9 cells get
elongated, plays a role of clearing or moving substances or specialised for secretion and are called glandular epithelium.
very small foreign bodies. Ciliated columnar epithelium ™ They are mainly of two types: unicellular, consisting of
is found in the respiratory tract where mucous and air are isolated glandular cells ( 10 cells of the
pushed away to clear the respiratory tract, e.g. fallopian tube alimentary canal), and multicellular, consisting of cluster of
and ependyma of brain and spinal cord. cells (salivary gland).

4 P NEET (XI) Module-1 ZOOLOGY

Need to Know

Unicellular P Glandular epithelium are specialised for secretion.

Gland P A cell, tissue or organ which secretes chemical
substances is called gland.
Multicellular P Liver is the largest gland of the body and lined by
gland glandular epithelium.
(a) (b) P Goblet cells are mucus secreting cells.
Fig. 10: Glandular epithelium: (a) Unicellular (b) Multicellular
™ On the basis of the mode of pouring of their secretions, glands
are divided into two categories namely exocrine, endocrine EXTENDED LEARNING
and heterocrine glands. Pseudostratified Ciliated Columnar Glandular Epithelium
 Exocrine gland secrete mucus, saliva, earwax, oil, milk, [PSCCGE]
digestive enzymes and other cell products. There products
It is made up of single layer of cells and is a type of stratified
are released through ducts and tubes.
epithelium. It is present in the trachea and upper respiratory
 Endocrine glands do not have ducts. Their products
system. Since it has cilia it helps in directing air flow through
called hormones are secreted directly into the fluid bathing
the tract.
the gland.
 Heterocrine glands are those glands which have both
exocrine and endocrine part such as 11
because it secretes the hormone insulin into the blood
which is an endocrine function and enzymes into the
digestive tract which is an exocrine function.
P Types of gland on the basis of part involved in secretion:
1. Holocrine Glands: The product of secretion is shed with the
whole cell leading to its destruction e.g., oil gland.
2. Meroçrine Glands: When the secretory granules leave the
cell exocytosis, the gland are called merocrine glands e.g.,
sweat gland.
3. Apocrine Gland: The apical portion of the cytoplasm is
discharged e.g., mammary gland. Fig. 12: Pseudostratified ciliated columnar glandular
(v) Pseudostratified Epithelium
™ Single layer of irregularly shaped columnar cells, touches the
basement membrane. (B) Compound Epithelium
™ Two types of cells are present, i.e., long cells and short cells. ™ It is formed of two or more than two layers of cells (multi­
™ The long cells have oval or elongated nuclei however, short layered).
cells have rounded nuclei although epithelium is one cell
thick, but it gives the appearance of a stratified epithelium,
hence it is called pseudostratified epithelium.

Columnar Fig. 13: Compound epithelium
Cell epithelial cells
nucleus ™ Their main function is to provide protection against chemical
and mechanical stresses.
™ They cover the dry surface of the skin, the moist surface of
Basement membrane
12 cavity, pharynx, inner lining of ducts of
Fig. 11: Pseudostratified epithelium salivary glands and of pancreatic ducts.

Structural Organization in Animals (Including Frog) 5

EXTENDED LEARNING 2. Connective Tissue
Types of Compound Epithelium Connective tissues are the most abundant and widely distributed
in the body of complex animals.
Features of Connective Tissue
Stratified Transitional
™ Mesodermal in origin.
1. Stratified Compound Epithelium: The stratified
™ Because of their special function of connecting and supporting
squamous epithelium provides protection against
other tissues/organs of the body, they are named connective
mechanical stress, chemical abrasions, and radiation.
P Stratified Keratinised Squamous Epithelium: The stratified ™ It has abundant intercellular matrix.
squamous keratinised epithelium of the epidermis forms the ™ They range from soft connective tissues to specialised types
outermost layer of the skin, protects the body against various (Cartilage, bone, adipose and blood). In all connective tissues
external influences, such as mechanical stress, radiation, except blood, the cells secrete fibres of structural proteins
microbial penetration. Examples of keratinized stratified called collagen or 16
squamous epithelium include skin, scale of foot and palm.
™ The fibres provide strength, elasticity and flexibility to the tissue.
P Stratified Non-keratinised Squamous Epithelium: The ™ These cells also secrete modified 17
non-keratinized epithelium is a type of stratified squamous which accumulate between cells and fibres and act as matrix
epithelium that lacks the protein keratin in the cells. It is found (ground substance).
in areas of oral mucosa, esophagus, and vagina. ™ Blood supply and nerves are present in all connective tissues
2. Transitional Epithelium: The transitional epithelium has except cartilage.
ability to stretch. It is also known as the urothelium as it
lines the urethra, ureters, and urinary bladder. EXTENDED LEARNING
Cells of Connective Tissue
Cell Junctions P Fibroblasts: Cells that produce and secrete fibres and matris.
All cells in epithelium are held together with little intercellular
™ P Macrophages: They are also known as phagocytes, derived
material. In nearly all animal tissues, specialised junctions provide from monocytes, and help in engulfing and digesting
both structural and functional links between its individual cells. microorganisms.
™ Three types of cell junctions are found in the epithelium and P Mast Cells: They are derived of basophils and secrete
other tissues. histamine, serotonin. Serve as a first line of defense against
1. Adhering Junction antigens entering the body due to their location in the skin
™ Perform 13 to keep neighbouring cells together. and mucosa.
™ Types of Adhering Junction: P Adipose Cells: They are also called adipocyte or fat cell,
contain large globules of fat.
(a) Desmosomes are intercellular junctions that provide
P Lymphocytes: They are white blood cells that help the
strong adhesion between cells.
body fight infection and disease.
(b) Hemidesmosomes are multiprotein complexes that
P Plasma Cells: They are also known as cart wheel cells
facilitate the stable adhesion of basal epithelial cells to
the underlying basement membrane. develop from B lymphocytes (B cells), a type of white
blood cell that is made in the bone marrow. The plasma
2. Gap Junction cells make antibodies to fight bacteria and viruses, to stop
™ The adjacent cells form gap junctions for intercellular infection and disease.
communication and chemical exchange. These junctions do
not provide physical support. Fibres of Connective Tissue
™ Gap junctions facilitate the cells to communicate with each ™ Collagen fibres are the most widespread, white in colour and
other by connecting the 14 of adjoining are made up of collagen protein. Collagen fibres are flexible
cells for rapid transfer of ions, small molecules and sometimes and have high tensile strength.
big molecules. ™ Elastic fibres are yellow in colour, form a network and can
3. Tight Junctions (Zona Occludens) be stretched like a rubber band. They are made up of protein
™ Tight junctions help to stop substances from leaking across a elastin. They retain their original shape and size once the
15 . force is removed.
™ At certain places, the plasma membranes of adjacent cells are ™ Reticulate fibres are white in colour, made up of reticulin
tightly packed or even fused together. protein. They are thin and form a delicate network. They join
connective tissues to neighbouring tissues.
Interdigitation Matrix (Ground Substance) of Connective Tissue
Interdigitation is type of cell juction found in cell membrane of ™ The extra-cellular matrix may be solid, liquid, or gel, i.e., it
epithelial cells which are interfitting, finger like process of cell can be soft, dense, and mineralized, fluidly, or fibre-free. The
membrane of adjacent cells. They help in adhesion. ground substance is made of an organic substance (usually a
protein) and an inorganic substance (usually a mineral or water).

6 P NEET (XI) Module-1 ZOOLOGY

Types of Connective Tissue (a) Dense Regular
Connective tissues are classified into three types: ™ In the dense regular connective tissues, the collagen fibres are

Types of Connective Tissue present in rows between many parallel bundles of fibres. E.g.,
Tendons and Ligament.
Table: Difference between Tendons & Ligament
Loose Connective Dense Connective Specialised Tendons Ligament
Tissue Tissue Connective Tissue It joins the muscles to bones. It joins bone to bone.
• Areolar tissue • Tendon • Cartilage
Consist of collagen fibers. Consist of collagen and elastin.
• Adipose tissue • Ligaments • Bones
• Blood Provide more strength. Provide flexibility.
(i) Loose Connective Tissue (b) Dense Irregular
™ They have cells and fibres 18 arranged in a ™ It has fibroblast and many fibres (mostly 23 )
semi-fluid ground substance. that are oriented differently.
(a) Areolar Tissue ™ This tissue is present in the skin.
™ It contains fibroblasts, macrophages, mast cells, adipocytes
and plasama cells.
™ It serves as a support framework for 19 .
™ It is present beneath the skin
Fat storage
Fibroblast area
Collagen Nucleus
fibres Plasma
(a) (b) Fig. 15: Dense connective tissue: (a) Dense regular
20 cell
(b) Dense irregular
Fig. 14: Loose connective tissue: (a) Areolar tissue (b) Adipose tissue (iii) Specialised Connective Tissue
(b) Adipose Tissue ™ It is of two types:
™ It is another type of loose connective tissue located mainly Types of Specialised Connective Tissue
beneath the skin.
™ Adipose tissue acts as insulation layer e.g. blubber of whale.
™ The cells of this tissue are specialised to store fats. Supportive/Skeletal Fluid connective tissue
™ The excess of nutrients which are not used immediately are connective tissue • Blood
converted into fats and stored in this tissue. • Cartilage • Lymph
™ Adipose tissue are present around eyes, heart and kidney. • Bone
EXTENDED LEARNING (A) Supportive/Skeletal Connective Tissue
P Types of Adipose Tissue: (i) Cartilage
1. Brown Fat: Brown fat also called brown adipose tissue, ™ The cells of the cartilage are called chondrocytes and they
helps maintain body temperature in cold conditions. E.g. are enclosed in small fluid-filled cavities called lacunae,
brown fat present in new borns. present within the matrix.
2. White Fat: A type of adipose tissue found in mammals ™ The matrix consists of water, proteoglycans, lipids, collagen
used to store energy and acts as thermal insulator that helps fibres, chondroitin sulphate, keratin sulphate and hyaluronic
maintain body temperature. E.g. present beneath the skin, acid. Due to its solid and pliable nature of matrix, it resists
24 .
around internal organs.
™ Cartilage matrix including its content is externally covered
P Reticular Fibrous Connective Tissue: It is found in lymphoid
by a sheath of white fibrous connective tissue called
organs and provide support and strength to soft organs. perichondrium.
P Mucoid Connective Tissue: Also called embryonic tissue ™ Due to the presence of outermost perichondrium sheath, the
because it is mainly found during embryonic life. growth of cartilage is peripheral (unidirectional). Cartilage
is avascular, so blood diffues from perichondrium. Blood
(ii)  Dense Connective Tissue vessels form a network of capillaries from which nutrients
™ 21 and fibroblasts are compactly packed in diffuse into the matrix and consequently to chondrocytes.
the dense connective tissues. ™ Most of the cartilages in 25 embryos are
™ On the basis of 22 , fibres show a regular replaced by bones in adults.
or irregular pattern and are called dense regular and dense ™ Cartilage is present in the tip of nose, outer ear joints, between
irregular tissues. adjacent bones of the vertebral column, limbs and hands in adults.

Structural Organization in Animals (Including Frog) 7

EXTENDED LEARNING ™ The bone cavity of long bones is called bone marrow cavity
and it is covered by a layer called endosteum.
Types of Cartilage:
™ The bone marrow cavity is filled with a semisolid fatty neuro
P Hyaline Cartilage: This type of cartilage has a glassy
vascular tissue called as bone marrow.
appearance. It is the weakest of the all types of cartilage. It is
™ Bone marrow is of two types, i.e., red bone marrow and
found in the ribs, septum of nose, larynx, and trachea.
yellow bone marrow.
P Fibrous Cartilage: This type of cartilage has opaque
™ Red bone marrow is highly vascular reticular tissue which
matrix. This is the strongest kind of cartilage, because it
synthesises erythrocytes (haemopoiesis) and granular leucocytes.
has alternating layers of hyaline cartilage matrix and thick
layers of dense collagen fibres. E.g. intervertebral disc. ™ Yellow bone marrow mainly stores fats. It performs
haemopoiesis only in case of an emergency.
P Elastic Cartilage: It has opaque matrix. In elastic cartilage,
the chondrocytes are found in a thread like network of ™ The bone cells (osteocytes) are present in the spaces called
elastic fibres within the matrix. Elastic cartilage provides
26 .
flexibility, strength, elasticity, and maintains the shape of
certain structure. E.g. tip of nose, ear pinna.
P Calcified Cartilage: It has opaque matrix. Calcified
cartilages are formed due to the deposition of calcium in the
matrix of the cartilages. It is the hardest form of cartilage. Haversian canal
Functions of Cartilage
™ Cartilage protect joints and bones & it acts as a shock absorber.
™ Cartilage gives shape, support and structure to body tisssue. Fig. 17: Specialised connective tissues: Bone


Haversian System: Haversian canals are a series of tubes
P Chondroblast: Cartilage producing cells are arranged on around narrow channels formed by lamellae. The Haversian
periphery of cartilage. canals surround blood vessels and nerve fibes throughout the
P Chondrocytes: Mature cells of cartilage. bone and communicate with osteocytes. The canals and the
P Chondroclast: Chondroclast are multinucleated surrounding lamellae are called a Haversian system.
phagocytyc cells. They are cartilage destroying cells. Volkmann’s Canal: These are channels that run perpendcular
P Lacuna: Vacuole-like space in matrix in which 1–4 to the long axis of bones and connect the Haversian canals to
chondrocytes are present. the bone’s surface.
Cartilage Articular
Epiphyseal line Cartilage
Proximal (growth line)
epiphysis Spongy (cancellous
bone containing
Collagen fibre red marrow)
Compact bone
Cartilage cell Medullary
(chondrocyte) (marrow) cavity
Artery and vein Compact Spongy
Diaphysis Yellow marrow bone
Fig. 16: Cartilage bone
(ii) Bones
Endosteum Periosteum
™ Bones have a hard and non-pliable matrix rich in inactive Perforating
osteocytes (in fluid-filled space called bone lacuna), ossein (Sharpey’s) fibers
protein, salts like calcium phosphate, calcium carbonate,
magnesium phosphate and collagen fibres which give them
strength to give a structural frame to the body. Distal
™ A mammalian bone is enveloped by a sheath of white
fibrous collagenous tissue called periosteum which contains
blood vessels and bone-forming cells called osteoblasts.
Osteoblasts secrete matrix. Yellow bone Compact Nutrient
™ The bone matrix also consists of many Haversian canals, marrow bone
each of which contains an artery, a vein, a lymph vessel, a
Fig. 18: Sectional view of a bone
nerve, and bone cells.

8 P NEET (XI) Module-1 ZOOLOGY

™ Plasma contains mineral salts, enzymes and hormones,
Types of Bones:
cellular wastes like urea, gases like O2, CO2 and nitrogen, and
P Decalcified Bones: Bone in which calcium ions are
nutrients like glucose, fatty acids, amino acids, nucleosides,
removed through a histological process. etc., and anticoagulant heparin are also found in the blood
P Dried Bones: If a bone is kept at a high temperature for plasma.
more than 1 hour, it’s living organic matter is destroyed and 2. Erythrocytes (Red Blood Cells, RBCs)
contain only inorganic matter. It is known as dried bone.
™ Human erythrocytes are small, rounded, biconcave. Mature
P Bright Bones: If a bone is kept into KOH then attached
erythrocytes do not contain cell organelles such as nucleus,
muscle fibres are completely dissolve in KOH and bone mitochondria, endoplasmic reticulum, etc. The entire cell
becomes clear and bright, called bright bones. Bones will
space is filled with a red coloured, iron-containing complex
remain unchanged.
protein called haemoglobin causing an increase in O2
carrying capacity.
Functions of Bones 3. Leucocytes (White Blood Cells, WBCs)
™ Support: Bones form the framework of the body and ™ These are the nucleated, colourless blood cells with
contribute to the shape, alignment and positioning of the body. comparatively short life span. They help in defence system
™ Protection: Bones support and protect softer tissues and organs. of body.
™ Movement: Bones with their joints constitute levers that 4. Thrombocytes (Blood Platelets)
move as muscle contract. Limb bones, such as the long bones ™ These are biconvex or rounded, small cell fragments produced
of the legs, serve weight-bearing functions. They also interact
by megakaryocytes in the bone marrow. They are smallest in
with 27 muscles attached to them to bring
size having a diameter of 2 to 3 µm. The life span of platelets
about movements.
is about a week. The platelets release several platelet factors
which help in blood clotting.
Components of Blood
P Osteoblast cells: These cells are mononucleated, Blood
responsible for formation of new bones. Ossein protein
present in bones are produced by osteoblast.
Plasma (55%) Formed elements 45%
P Osteocytes: Osteocytes are located within lacunae Erythrocytes
surrounded by matrix. Osteocytes regulate the activity Water
(5-5.5 million
of osteoblasts and osteoclasts. (90-92%)
per cubic mm)
P Osteoclast: These cells are bone destroying cells. Protein
(7-8%) Leucoytes Granulocytes
P Haematopoiesis: The bone marrow in some bones is (6000-8000 per
Other factors
the site of production of blood cells. cubic mm) Agranulocytes
(B) Fluid Connective Tissue (1,50,000-3,50,000
per cubic mm)
™ The special connective tissue consists of a liquid matrix in
which cells are suspended.
(i) Blood
™ Blood is a fluid connective tissue, which is the main circulating
fluid that helps in the transport of various substances.

Components of Blood
The main components of blood include:
1. Plasma 2. Red blood cells
3. White blood cells 4. Platelets
1. Plasma Fig. 19: Blood cell
™ It is a light yellow liquid consisting of 90-92% water and Functions of Blood
6-8% 28 . ™ Blood has different functions including transportation of
™ Major proteins present in blood plasma are fibrinogen (for oxygen and nutrients to the lungs and tissues, forming
clotting of blood), globulins (involved in defence mechanism), blood clots to prevent excess blood loss, carrying cells and
and albumins (maintain 29 balance). antibodies that fight against pathogens and infections.

Structural Organization in Animals (Including Frog) 9

™ Lymph is a colourless fluid that circulates throughout the Skeletal Muscle
lymphatic system. P Each skeletal muscle fiber is a single cylindrical muscle cell. An
™ The main role of the lymphatic system is to act as a filter individual skeletal muscle is made up of multiple muscle fibers
against microbes, organic wastes, toxins. bundled together and wrapped in a connective tissue covering.
P Each muscle is surrounded by a connective tissue sheath
™ It carries 30 throughout the body that
called the epimysium. Fascia, connective tissue outside the
fight against infections.
epimysium, surrounds and separates the muscles.
3. Muscular Tissue P Portions of the epimysium project inward to divide the
muscle into compartments. Each compartment contains a
™ It is 31 in origin.
bundle of muscle fibers.
™ Each muscle is made of many long, cylindrical fibres arranged P Each bundle of muscle fiber is called a fasciculus and is
in parallel arrays. surrounded by a layer of connective tissue called the
™ These fibres are composed of numerous fine fibrils, called perimysium.
32 . P Within the fasciculus, each individual muscle cell, called a
muscle fiber, is surrounded by connective tissue called the
™ Muscle fibres contract (shorten) in response to stimulation,
then relax (lengthen) and return to their uncontracted state in
a coordinated fashion. Perimysium

Special Properties Epimysium Blood vessel

Muscle fiber
Muscles have four basic properties: Fascicle
™ Excitability: Ability of muscle to respond to stimuli.
™ Contractility: Ability of muscle to contract or shorten its size.
™ 33 : Ability of muscle to stretch.
™ Elasticity: Ability of muscles to return to original length after
stretching. Bone

Functions of Muscular Tissue Fig. 21: Cross section of a skeletal muscle

™ Muscles play an active role in all the movements of the body. P Skeletal muscle does not have any cell-cell junctions.
Skeletal muscle refractory period lasts roughly 2-4 ms.
Types of Muscles Tissue
™ Muscles are of three types, skeletal, smooth and cardiac. (ii) Smooth Muscle
(i) Skeletal Muscle ™ The smooth muscle fibres taper at both ends ( 34 )
and do not show striations.
™ Skeletal muscle tissue is closely attached to bones.
™ Cell junctions hold them together and they are bundled
™ In a typical muscle such as the biceps, striated (striped) skeletal together in a 35 tissue sheath.
muscle fibres are bundled together in a parallel fashion. ™ Smooth muscle fibres are uninucleated and unbranched.
™ Their fibres are multinucleated and unbranched. ™ The wall of internal organs such as the blood vessels, stomach
™ A sheath of tough connective tissue encloses several bundles and intestine contains this type of muscle tissue.
of muscle fibres. Skeletal muscles are ‘voluntary’ as their ™ Smooth muscles are ‘involuntary’ as their functioning cannot
functioning can be directly controlled. be directly controlled.

Fig. 20: Muscle tissue: Skeletal (striated) muscle tissue Fig. 22: Smooth muscle tissue

10 P NEET (XI) Module-1 ZOOLOGY

™ The cell body consists of nucleus, mitochondria, endoplasmic
P Smooth muscle: Gap junctions play a central role in smooth
muscle. The absolute refractory period lasts ~180 msec. reticulum, Golgi bodies, lysosomes, ribosomes, 37
granules and neurofibrils in the cytoplasm.
P Types of Smooth Muscle:
1. Single-unit smooth muscle produces slow, steady Axon
contractions that allow substances, such as food in the ™ Axon is a tube-like structure that carries electrical impulse

digestive tract, to move through the body. from the cell body to the axon terminals that pass the impulse
to another neuron.
2. Multi-unit smooth muscle are composed of cells that
™ Neural tissue exerts the greatest control over the body’s
rarely possess gap junctions, and thus are not electrically
responsiveness to changing conditions.
coupled. As a result, contraction does not spread from one
™ The 38 cell which constitute the rest of neural
cell to the next, but is instead confined to the cell that was
originally stimulated. system protect and support neuron and make up more than
50% volume of neural tissue.
(iii) Cardiac Muscle ™ It is specialised in communication between the various parts

™ Cardiac muscle tissue is a contractile tissue present only in of the body and in integration of their activities.
the heart. ™ When a neuron is suitably stimulated, an electrical disturbance

™ Cardiac muscle fibres are cylindrical, branched and is generated which swiftly travels along its plasma membrane.
uninucleated. ™ Arrival of the disturbance at the neuron’s endings or output

™ Cell junctions fuse the plasma membranes of cardiac muscle zone, triggers events that may cause stimulation or inhibition
cells and make them stick together. of adjacent neurons and other cells.
™ Communication junctions ( 36 ) Types of Neurons on Basis of Number of Processes:
at some fusion points allow the cells to contract as a unit i.e., Neurons can be differentiated as unipolar, bipolar or multipolar
when one cell receives a signal to contract, its neighbours are depending upon the number of processes arising from the cell body.
also stimulated to contract.
™ Unipolar Neuron: Unipolar neuron has one nerve process
extending from the cell body (an axon that extends into
dendrites). Unipolar neurons only occur in invertebrates.
™ Bipolar Neuron: Bipolar neuron is a type of neuron that has
two extensions (one axon and one dendrite). They are sensory
neurons found in olfactory epithelium, the 39
of the eye.
™ Multipolar Neuron: Multipolar neuron is a type of neuron
that possesses a single axon and many dendrites They are
located in the central nervous system (brain and spinal cord)
Types of Neurons on Basis of Functions:
Fig. 23: Cardiac muscle tissue ™ Sensory Neuron: Sensory neuron, carries information about
changes in external and internal environments to the central
nervous system (CNS). Such neurons are part of the peripheral
Cardiac muscle cells are equipped with intercellular gap nervous system, which lies outside the brain and spinal cord.
junctions. Refractory period of cardiac muscles is 250 ms in ™ Motor Neuron: Motor neuron carries impulses from the
duration. central nervous system to specific effectors is known as
motor neurons. They are located in the dorsal root ganglion
4. Nervous Tissue of the spinal nerve.
™ The most complex tissue in the body composed of densely ™ Interneurons: Interneurons are enabling communication
packed interconnected nerve cells called neurons (excitable between sensory or motor neurons and the central nervous
cells and unit of neural system) and neuroglia. system (CNS). They play vital roles in reflexes.
Structure of Neuron Types of Neuroglia:
™ Neurons have three different parts – dendrites, cell body and ™ Oligodendrocytes: They form myelin sheaths around axons
axon. in the CNS.
Dendrites ™ Astrocytes: They are large in size with a number of
™ These are branch-like structures that receive messages from protoplasmic processes, provide nutrients to neurons,
other neurons and allow the transmission of messages to the maintain their extracellular environment, and provide
cell body. structural support.

Structural Organization in Animals (Including Frog) 11

™ Microglial Cells: They are mesodermal in origin, scavenge ™ The word anatomy conventionally is used for the study of
and degrade dead cells and protect the brain from invading morphology of internal organs in the animals.
™ Schwann Cells: They form myelin sheath around the axon.
™ Ependymal Cells: They produce cerebrospinal fluid that Concept Application
cushions the neurons.
™ Neurosecretory Cells: It is specialized neurons that produce Fill in the Blanks:
chemical messengers that are released into the bloodstream 1. _______ epithelium is made of a single thin layer of
and affect distant target tissue. flattened cells with irregular boundaries.
Synapse 2. The epithelium of PCT of nephron in the kidney has
™ It is the chemical junction between the terminal of one neuron ______.
and the dendrites of another neuron. 3. The products of endocrine glands are called _______.
4. ______ junctions help to stop substances from leaking
across a tissue.
Axon 5. ______ is a fluid connective tissue.
6. The cells of ______ tissue are specialised to store fats.
Cell 7. ______ epithelium is made of more than one layer
body (multi-layered) of cells.
with True and False:
nucleus 8. Adhering junctions facilitate the cells to communicate
Dendrite with each other.
9. Loose connective tissue has cells and fibres loosely
arranged in a semi-fluid ground substance.
40 10. Orientation of fibres show an irregular pattern in
Fig. 24: Neural tissue (Neuron with neuroglea) 11. Smooth muscle tissue is closely attached to skeletal
12. Cardiac muscle tissue is present only in the heart.
Need to Know 13. Morphology refers to study of form or externally
visible features.
P Nissl’s granules are made up of RER and Ribosomes 14. Compound epithelium is made of more than one layer
[perform protein synthesis]. of cells.

™ Cockroaches are brown or black bodied animals that are
™ The basic tissues organise to form organs which in turn associate
included in class Insecta of phylum Arthropoda.
to form organ systems. Organ system start from phylum
™ Bright yellow, red and green coloured cockroaches have also
Nematoda. In the multicellular organisms, such an organisation been reported in tropical regions. Their size ranges from ¼
is essential for more efficient and better coordinated activities inches to 3 inches (0.6-7.6 cm) and have long antenna, legs
of millions of cells constituting an organism. and flat extension of the upper body wall that conceals head.
™ Each organ in our body is made of one or more type of ™ They are nocturnal omnivores that live in damp places
tissues. For example, our heart consists of all the four types throughout the world. They have become residents of human
of tissues, i.e., epithelial, connective, muscular and neural. homes and thus are serious pests and vectors of several
™ The complexity in organ and organ systems displays diseases.
certain discernible trend. This discernible trend is called 1. Morphology
41 trend. ™ The adults of the common species of cockroach, Periplaneta
™ Morphology refers to study of form or externally visible americana are about 34-53 mm long with wings that extend
features. In the case of plants or microbes, the term beyond the tip of the abdomen in males.
morphology precisely means only this. ™ The entire body is covered by a hard chitinous exoskeleton
™ In case of animals, this refers to the external appearance of (brown in colour). Chitin is made by N-acetyl-d-glucosamine
the organs or parts of the body. groups linked by a b(1 - 4) linkage.

12 P NEET (XI) Module-1 ZOOLOGY

™ The body of the cockroach is segmented and divisible into  The hind wings are transparent, membranous and are
three distinct regions – head, thorax and abdomen. In used in 46 .
embyonic stage cockroach has 20 segments that becomes 14 (iii) Abdomen
in adult stage.
 The abdomen in both males and females consists of 10
™ In each segment, exoskeleton has hardened plates called
sclerites (tergites dorsally and 42
 In females, the 7th sternum is 47
ventrally) that are joined to each other by a thin and flexible
and together with the 8th and 9th sterna forms a brood
articular membrane (arthrodial membrane). or genital pouch whose anterior part contains female
gonopore, spermathecal pores and collateral glands.
 In males, genital pouch or chamber lies at the hind end
of abdomen bounded dorsally by 9th and 10th terga and
ventrally by the 9th sternum.
 It contains dorsal anus, ventral male genital pore and
 Males bear a pair of short, thread-like
48 which are absent in females.
 In both sexes, the 49 segment bears a pair of
jointed filamentous structures called anal cerci.

Fig. 25: External features of cockroach

(i) Head
 Triangular in shape and lies anteriorly at
43 angles to the longitudinal body axis.
 It is formed by the fusion of 44 segments also
known as head capsule and shows great mobility in all
directions due to flexible neck.
 The head capsule bears a pair of compound eyes. Fig. 26: Head region of cockroach (a) Parts of head region
 Ocelli (sing. ocellus) are simple eyes associated with the (b) Mouth parts
sensation of light. 2. Anatomy
 A pair of thread like antennae arise from membranous (i) Digestive System
sockets lying in front of eyes.  The alimentary canal present in the body cavity is
 Antennae have sensory receptors that help in monitoring divided into three regions: foregut, midgut and hindgut.
the environment. Anterior end of the head bears appendages  The mouth opens into a short tubular pharynx leading to
forming biting and chewing type of mouth parts. a narrow tubular passage called oesophagus.
 This in turn, opens into a sac like structure called crop
Key Note
used for storing of food.
 The crop is followed by gizzard or proventriculus. It
Mouthparts of Cockroach
has an outer layer of thick 50 muscles and
P The mouthparts consisting of a labrum (upper lip), a pair thick inner cuticle forming six highly 51
of mandibles, a pair of maxillae and a labium (lower lip). plate called teeth.
P A median flexible lobe, acting as tongue (hypopharynx),  Gizzard helps in grinding the food particles. The entire
lies within the cavity enclosed by the mouthparts. foregut is lined by cuticle.
 A ring of 6-8 blind tubules called hepatic or gastric
(ii) Thorax caeca is present at the junction of foregut and midgut,
 Thorax consists of three parts – prothorax, mesothorax which secrete digestive juice.
and metathorax.  At the junction of midgut and hindgut is present
 The head is connected with thorax by a short extension
another ring of 100-150 yellow coloured thin filamentous
of the prothorax known as the neck. 52 .
 Each thoracic segment bears a pair of walking legs.
 They help in removal of excretory products from
 The first pair of wings arises from mesothorax and the
second pair from metathorax. haemolymph.
 Forewings (mesothoracic) called 45  The hindgut is 53 than midgut and
(Elytra) are opaque dark and leathery and cover the hind is differentiated into ileum, colon and rectum. The
wings when at rest. rectum opens out through anus.

Structural Organization in Animals (Including Frog) 13

Pharynx (iv) Excretory System
Salivary gland  Excretion is performed by Malpighian tubules. Each
tubule is lined by glandular and 57 cells.
Salivary reservoir
 They absorb nitrogenous waste products and convert
them into uric acid which is excreted out through the
Crop hindgut.
Gizzard  Cockroach is uricotelic.
Hepatic caeca
Mesenteron Key Note
or midgut
In Cockroach, following structures help in excretion:
Ileum 1. Malpighian tubules
Colon 2. Fat bodies
Fig. 27: Alimentary canal of cockroach 3. Nephrocytes
(ii) Circulatory System 4. Urecose glands
5. Cuticle

(v) Nervous System

 It consists of a series of fused, segmentally arranged
ganglia joined by paired longitudinal connectives on
the ventral side.
 Three 58 lie in the thorax and six in the
 The nervous system of cockroach is spread throughout
the body. The 59 holds a bit of a nervous
system while the rest is situated along the ventral (belly-
side) part of its body.
Fig. 28: Open circulatory system of cockroach  So, if the head of a cockroach is cut off, it will still live
for as long as one week. In the head region, the brain is
 Blood vessels are poorly developed and open into
represented by 60 ganglion
space (haemocoel), therefore blood vascular system of
which supplies nerves to antennae and compound eyes.
cockroach is an open type.
 In cockroach, the sense organs are antennae, eyes,
 Visceral organs located in the haemocoel are bathed in
maxillary palps, labial palps, anal cerci, etc.
blood (haemolymph).
 The compound eyes are situated at the dorsal surface
 The haemolymph is composed of colourless plasma
of the head.
and 54 .
 Each eye consists of about 2000 hexagonal ommatidia
 Heart of cockroach consists of elongated muscular tube
(sing.: ommatidium). With the help of several ommatidia,
lying along mid dorsal line of thorax and abdomen. A a cockroach can receive several images of an object.
blood vessel call the anterior aorta arises from the first
 This kind of vision is known as mosaic vision with more
chamber of the heart. 61 but less resolution, being common
 It is differentiated into 55 shaped chambers during night (hence called nocturnal vision).
with ostia on either side.
(vi) Reproductive System & Development
 Blood from sinuses enter heart through ostia and is
 Cockroaches are dioecious and both sexes have well-
pumped anteriorly to sinuses again.
developed reproductive organs.
(iii) Respiratory System
 The respiratory system consists of a network of trachea,
that open through 10 pairs of small holes called spiracles
(two pairs thoracic and eight pairs abdominal)
present on the lateral side of the body.
 Thin branching tubes (tracheal tubes subdivided into
tracheoles) carry oxygen from the air to all the parts.
Tergo-sternal muscles help in breathing.
 The opening of the spiracles is regulated by the
sphincters. Exchange of gases take place at the
tracheoles by 56 .

14 P NEET (XI) Module-1 ZOOLOGY

 The development of P. americana is paurometabolous,
development through nymphal stage. The nymphs look
very much like adults.
 The nymph grows by moulting about 13 times to reach the
adult form.
 The next to last nymphal stage has wing pads but only adult
cockroaches have wings.

Key Note

Many species of cockroaches are wild and are of no known

Fig. 29: Reproductive system of cockroach: (a) Male (b) Female economic importance. A few species thrive in and around
human habitat. They are pests because they destroy food and
(a) Male Reproductive System
contaminate it with their smelly excreta. They can transmit a
 Male reproductive system consists of a pair of testes lying variety of bacterial diseases by contaminating food material.
one on each lateral side in the 62 abdominal
 From each testis arises a thin vas deferens, which opens
Concept Application
into ejaculatory duct through seminal vesicle.
 The ejaculatory duct opens into male gonopore situated
ventral to anus. Fill in the Blanks:
 A characteristic mushroom- shaped gland (Utricular 15. Sclerites are joined to each other by a thin and flexible
gland) is present in the 6th-7th abdominal segments which
functions as an accessory reproductive gland. Phallic 16. The mouthpart in cockroaches acting as tongue is
gland forms outer layer of spermatophore. _______.
17. 10 pairs of small holes called ______ present on the
 The external genitalia are represented by male gonapophysis
lateral side of the body.
or phallomere (chitinous 63 structures,
surrounding the male gonopore). 18. Each eye consists of about ______ hexagonal
 The sperms are stored in the seminal vesicles and
are glued together in the form of bundles called 19. In cockroaches, sperms are stored in the ______.
64 which are discharged during True and False:
copulation. 20. The size of cockroaches ranges from ¼ inches to
3 inches.
(b) Female Reproductive System
21. Head of cockroaches is formed by the fusion of sixteen
 The female reproductive system consists of two large segments.
ovaries, lying laterally in the 2nd – 6th abdominal segments. 22. In female cockroaches, the 8th sternum is boat shaped.
 Each ovary is formed of a group of 65 ovarian 23. The crop is followed by proventriculus.
tubules or ovarioles, containing a chain of developing ova.
24. The development of P. americana is paurometabolous.
 Oviducts of each ovary unite into a single median oviduct
(also called vagina) which opens into the genital chamber.
 Genital pouch of female cockroach consist of anterior genital FROG
chamber and posterior vestibulum (oothecal chamber).
™ Frogs can live both on land and in freshwater and belong to
 Collaterial gland forms egg case of ootheca.
class Amphibia of phylum Chordata. The most common
 A pair of 66 is present in the 6th segment species of frog found in India is Rana tigrina.
which opens into the genital chamber. ™ They do not have constant body temperature i.e., their body
 Sperms are transferred through spermatophores. Their temperature varies with the temperature of the environment.
fertilised eggs are encased in capsules called oothecae. Such animals are called cold blooded or poikilotherms.
 Ootheca is a dark reddish to blackish brown capsule, about ™ While they are in grasses and on dry land, they have the
3/8” (8 mm) long. ability to change the colour to hide them from their enemies
(camouflage) i.e. they can change colour. This protective
 They are dropped or glued to a suitable surface, usually in a
coloration is called 68 respectively.
crack or crevice of high relative humidity near a food source.
™ During peak summer and winter period, they take shelter in
 On an average, females produce 9-10 oothecae, each deep burrows to protect them from extreme heat and cold.
containing 67 eggs. This is called as summer sleep ( 69 ) and
 Fertilization is internal and cockroach is oviparous. winter sleep (hibernation).

Structural Organization in Animals (Including Frog) 15

1. Morphology (i) Digestive System
™ The skin is smooth and slippery due to the presence of mucus.  The digestive system consists of alimentary canal and
The skin is always maintained in a moist condition. digestive glands.
™ The colour of dorsal side of body is generally olive green
Heart Oesophagus
with dark irregular spots. On the ventral side, the skin is
uniformly pale yellow. Liver
™ The frog never drinks water but absorb it through the skin. Gall bladder
™ Body of a frog is divisible into head and trunk. A neck and Lung
tail are absent. Stomach
Fat bodies
Head Kidney
Trunk Ureter Intestine
Urinary bladder
Eye Rectum
Cloacal Aperture
Fig. 31: Diagrammatic representation of internal organs of frog
showing complete digestive system
Fore limb  The alimentary canal is short because frogs are carnivores
and hence the length of intestine is reduced.
 The mouth opens into the buccal cavity that leads to the
Hind limb
oesophagus through pharynx.
 Oesophagus is a short tube that opens into the stomach
Fig. 30: External features of frog which in turn continues as the intestine, rectum and finally
™ Above the mouth, a pair of nostrils is present. Eyes are opens outside by the cloaca.
bulged and covered by a nictitating membrane that protects  Liver secretes bile that is stored in the gall bladder.
them while in water.  Pancreas, a digestive gland, produces pancreatic juice
™ On either side of eyes, a membranous tympanum (ear) containing digestive enzymes.
receives sound signals.  Food is captured by the 71 tongue. Digestion
™ The forelimbs and hind limbs help in swimming, walking, of food takes place by the action of HCl and gastric juices
leaping and burrowing. secreted from the walls of the stomach.
™ The hind limbs end in five digits and they are larger and  Partially digested food called chyme is passed from
muscular than fore limbs that end in 70 digits. stomach to the first part of the intestine, the duodenum.
Feet have webbed digits that help in swimming.  The duodenum receives bile from gall bladder and pancreatic
juices from the pancreas through a common bile duct.
Key Note  Bile emulsifies fat and pancreatic juices digest
carbohydrates and proteins.
Frogs exhibit sexual dimorphism. Male frogs can be  Final digestion takes place in the intestine.
distinguished by the presence of sound producing vocal sacs  Digested food is absorbed by the numerous finger-like folds
and also a copulatory pad on the first digit of the fore limbs in the inner wall of intestine called villi and microvilli.
which are absent in female frogs.
 The undigested solid waste moves into the rectum and
passes out through cloaca.
(ii) Respiratory System
 Frogs respire on land and in the water by two different
Nuptial Pad: A nuptial pad is a secondary sex characteristic
methods. In water, skin acts as aquatic respiratory organ
present on some mature male frogs and salamanders. These pads
(cutaneous respiration). Dissolved oxygen in the water is
serve to improve the male’s grip on the female during mating.
exchanged through the skin by 72 .
 On land, the buccal cavity, skin and lungs act as the
2. Anatomy respiratory organs.
™ The body cavity of frogs accommodate different organ  The respiration by lungs is called pulmonary respiration.
systems such as digestive, circulatory, respiratory, nervous, The lungs are a pair of elongated, pink coloured sac-like
excretory and reproductive systems with well developed structures present in the upper part of the trunk region
structures and functions. (thorax).

16 P NEET (XI) Module-1 ZOOLOGY

 Air enters through the nostrils into the buccal cavity and  In females, the ureters and 78 open
then to lungs. separately in the cloaca.
 During aestivation and hibernation, gaseous exchange  The thin-walled urinary bladder is present
takes place through 73 . 79 to the rectum which also opens in the
(iii) Blood Vascular System cloaca.
 The frog excretes urea and thus is a 80
 The vascular system of frog is well-developed closed
type. animal.
 Frogs have a lymphatic system also.  Excretory wastes are carried by blood into the kidney

 The blood vascular system involves heart, blood vessels where it is separated and excreted.
and blood. (v) Nervous System & Endocrine System
 Heart is a muscular structure situated in the upper part of  The system for control and coordination is highly evolved
the body cavity. in the frog. It includes both neural system and endocrine
 It has three chambers, two atria and one ventricle and is glands.
covered by a membrane called pericardium.  The chemical coordination of various organs of the body
 A 74 structure called sinus venosus joins is achieved by hormones which are secreted by the
the right atrium. It receives blood through the major veins endocrine glands.
called vena cava.
 The prominent endocrine glands found in frog are
 The ventricle opens into a sac- like 75
pituitary, thyroid, parathyroid, thymus, pineal body,
on the ventral side of the heart.
pancreatic islets, adrenals and gonads.
 The blood from the heart is carried to all parts of the body
by the arteries (arterial system).  The nervous system is organised into a central nervous
system (brain and spinal cord), a peripheral nervous system
 The veins collect blood from different parts of body to the
(cranial and spinal nerves) and an autonomic nervous
heart and form the venous system.
system (sympathetic and parasympathetic).
 Special venous connection between liver and intestine as
well as the kidney and lower parts of the body are present  There are ten pairs of cranial nerves arising from the
in frogs. The former is called hepatic portal system and brain. Brain is enclosed in a bony structure called brain
the latter is called 76 portal system. box (cranium).
 The blood is composed of plasma and cells. The blood  The brain is divided into fore-brain, mid-brain and hind-
cells are RBC (red blood cells) or erythrocytes, WBC brain. Forebrain includes olfactory lobes, paired cerebral
(white blood cells) or leucocytes and platelets. hemispheres and unpaired 81 .
 RBC’s are 77 and contain red coloured  Midbrain is characterised by a pair of 82
pigment namely haemoglobin. lobes. Hind-brain consists of cerebellum and medulla
 The lymphatic system consists of lymph, lymph channels oblongata. The medulla oblongata passes out through the
and lymph nodes. 83 and continues into spinal
 The lymph is different from blood. It lacks few proteins cord which is enclosed in the vertebral column.
and RBCs.
(vi) Sense Organs
 The blood carries nutrients, gases and water to the
 Frog has different types of sense organs, namely organs
respective sites during the circulation.
of touch ( 84 ), taste (taste
 The circulation of blood is achieved by the pumping action
buds), smell (nasal epithelium), vision (eyes) and hearing
of the muscular heart. (tympanum with internal ears).
(iv) Excretory System  Out of these, eyes and internal ears are well-organised
 The elimination of nitrogenous wastes is carried out by a structures and the rest are 85 aggregations
well-developed excretory system. around nerve endings.
 The excretory system consists of a pair of kidneys, ureters,  Eyes in a frog are a pair of spherical structures situated in
urinary bladder and cloaca. the orbit in skull.
 These are compact, dark red and bean-like structures  These are simple eyes (possessing only one unit).
situated a little posteriorly in the body cavity on both sides  External ear is absent in frogs and only tympanum can be
of vertebral column. seen externally.
 Each kidney is composed of several structural and  The ear is an organ of hearing as well as balancing
functional units called uriniferous tubules or nephrons. (equilibrium).
 Two ureters emerge from the kidneys in the male frogs. (vii) Reproductive System and Development
 The ureters act as urinogenital duct which opens into  Frogs have well organised male and female reproductive
the cloaca. systems.

Structural Organization in Animals (Including Frog) 17

 Male reproductive system consist of a pair of yellowish ™ The ovaries are situated near kidneys and there is no
ovoid testes which are found adhered to the upper part functional connection with kidneys.
of kidneys by a double fold of 86 called ™ A pair of oviduct arising from the ovaries opens into the
mesorchium. cloaca separately.
™ A mature female can lay 2500 to 89 ova at a time.
Fertilisation is external and takes place in water.
™ Development involves a larval stage called tadpole undergoes
metamorphosis to form the adult.

Key Note

Economic importance of Rana tigrina:

P Frogs are beneficial for mankind because they eat insects
and protect the crop.
P Frogs maintain ecological balance because these serve
as an important link of food chain and food web in the
P In some countries, the muscular legs of frog are used as
food by man.
Fig. 32: Male reproductive system
™ Vasa efferentia are 10-12 in number that arise from testes.
™ They enter the kidneys on their side and open into
87 canal.
™ Finally it communicates with the urinogenital duct that comes
out of the kidneys and opens into the cloaca. The cloaca is Concept Application
a small, median chamber that is used to pass faecal matter,
urine and 88 to the exterior. Fill in the Blanks:
™ Female reproductive system include a pair of ovaries. 25. The most common species of frog found in India
is ______.
26. The skin is smooth and slippery in frogs due to the
presence of ______.
27. Male frogs have a copulatory pad on the _____ digit
of the fore limbs.
True and False:
28. Frogs are warm-blooded animals.
29. The ability to change the colour to hide them from
their enemies is called camouflage.
30. Male frogs can be distinguished by the presence of
sound producing vocal sacs.
31. During aestivation and hibernation gaseous exchange
in frogs takes place through lungs.
Fig. 33: Female reproductive system

18 P NEET (XI) Module-1 ZOOLOGY

Epithelial Tissue
™ Has a free surface (faces either a body fluid or the outside environment).
™ Compactly packed (with little intercellular matrix).
I. Simple Epithelium (Composed of a single layer of cells).
 Function: Diffusion, secretion and absorption.
 Simple epithelium can be of following types on the basis of structural modifications of cells:
Features Squamous Cuboidal Columnar Ciliated Glandular
Cells Flattened cells Cube-like cells Tall and slender cells Cells bear cilia Cells get specialised
for secretion
Location Walls of blood In ducts of glands and In the lining of In the inner surface Goblet cells of
vessels and air tubular parts of nephrons stomach and intestine of hollow organs alimentary canal
sacs of lungs in kidneys and salivary gland

II. Compound Epithelium (Composed of a multiple layer of cells)

 Function: Provide protection.
 Location: Dry surface of the skin, the moist surface of buccal cavity.
Connective Tissue
™ The cells secrete fibres of structural proteins called collagen or elastin (except blood), also secrete modified polysaccharides (ground
I. Loose connective tissue
 Cells and fibres loosely arranged in a semi-fluid ground substance

Areolar Tissue Adipose Tissue

™ Present beneath the skin. ™ Located mainly beneath the skin.
™ Contains fibroblasts (cells that produce and secrete fibres), macrophages and mast cells. ™ Specialised to store fat.

II. Dense connective tissue

Dense Regular Tissues Dense Irregular Tissues

™ Regular pattern in orientation of fibres ™ Irregular pattern in orientation of fibres

™ Tendons & Ligaments ™ Present in the skin

III. Specialised connective tissues

Cartilage Bones Blood

™ Solid and pliable intercellular material ™ Hard and non-pliable intercellular ™ Fluid connective tissue
™ Cells: Chondrocytes material ™ Cells WBC, RBC and platelets
™ Functions: Tip of nose, outer ear ™ Cells: Osteocytes ™ Functions: Circulating fluid
joints, for protection, etc. ™ Functions: Provides structural frame to that help in transportation of
the body, etc. substances

Muscles Tissue
™ Myofibrils (fine fibrils) → Fibres → Muscle.
™ Muscles are of three types: skeletal, smooth, and cardiac.

Structural Organization in Animals (Including Frog) 19

Skeletal Muscle Smooth Muscle Cardiac Muscle
™ Closely attached to the ™ Fibres taper at both ends (fusiform) ™ Contractile tissue
skeletal bones ™ Non-striated and involuntary ™ Striated and involuntary
™ Striated and voluntary ™ Location: Wall of internal organs such as ™ Intercalated discs present at some fusion points
™ Location: Closely the blood vessels, stomach and intestine ™ Location: Present only in the heart
attached to skeletal bones

Neural Tissue
™ Exerts the greatest control over the body’s responsiveness to changing conditions.
Neurons Neuroglial Cells
Composition Unit of neural system Make more than one-half the volume of neural tissue
Excitability Yes No
Function Respond to various stimuli Protect and support neurons

™ Size - 1/4 inches to 3 inches (0.6-7.6 cm).
™ Kingdom- Animalia, Phylum- Arthropoda, Class- Insecta, Genus- Periplaneta, Species- americana.

™ 34-53 mm long.

™ Hardened plates called sclerites joined to each other by articular/arthrodial membrane.

Head Thorax Abdomen

™ Triangular in shape Three parts-prothorax, mesothorax and
™ ™ Consists of 10 segments
™ Anteriorly at right angles to the metathorax ™ 7th (boat shaped), 8th and 9th
longitudinal body axis ™ Each thoracic segment bears a pair of sternum forms a brood or genital
™ Formed by the fusion of six walking legs pouch in females
segments ™ Two pairs of wings- ™ 9th and 10th terga and 9th sternum
™ Bears a pair of compound eyes, Mesothoracic Wings (Forewings/Tegmina) forms genital pouch in males
a pair of antennae (monitor ™ Opaque dark and leathery ™ Anal styles present in males only
environment) & anal cerci (on 10th segment)
™ Cover the hind wings when at rest
™ Mouthparts (biting and chewing present in both sexes
Metathoracic Wings (Hindwings)
type) - labrum, a pair of mandibles,
™ Transparent and membranous
a pair of maxillae, a labium,
hypopharynx ™ Used in flight

Anatomy Excretory System (Uricotelic)

Digestive System ™ Performed by Malpighian tubules.
™ Three regions: foregut, midgut and hindgut. ™ The fat body, nephrocytes and urecose glands also help in
™ Mouth → Pharynx → Oesophagus → Crop → Gizzard/ excretion.
Proventriculus → Midgut → Ileum → Colon → Rectum
Nervous System
Circulatory System
™ Segmentally arranged ganglia and ventral nerve cord.
™ Open type
™ Haemolymph = Colourless plasma and haemocytes
™ Brain - represented by supra-oesophageal ganglion.
™ Heart of cockroach = Elongated muscular tube Sensory System
Respiratory System ™ Antennae, eyes, maxillary palps, labial palps, anal cerci
™ Takes place by a network of trachea & 10 pairs of small holes ™ Reproductive system
called spiracles (regulated by the sphincters).

20 P NEET (XI) Module-1 ZOOLOGY

Male Reproductive System Female Reproductive System
™ A pair of testes (4 -6 abdominal segments) → vas
th th
™ Two large ovaries (2nd – 6th abdominal segments) →
deferens → seminal vesicle (stored and glued sperms) → oviducts → vagina → genital chamber
ejaculatory duct → male gonopore ™ Produce 9-10 ootheca (containing 14-16 eggs each)
™ Mushroom shaped gland (6th-7th segments) - An accessory ™ Development - paurometabolous (through nymphal stage by
reproductive gland moulting about 13 times)
™ External genitalia - Represented by male gonapophysis or

FROG ™ It involves heart, blood vessels and blood.

Morphology ™ Heart consists of 3 chambers, two atria and one ventricle.
™ Dorsal body is olive green and ventral side is pale yellow.
4. Excretory System
™ Body is divisible in head and trunk.
™ It consists of a pair of kidney, ureters, urinary bladder and
Anatomy cloaca.
1. Digestive System
™ Each kidney composed of numerous nephrons as a structural
™ Mouth → Buccal cavity → Pharynx → Oesophagus →
and functional unit.
Stomach → Intestine → Cloaca
™ Secretion from liver and pancreas help in digestion. 5. Nervous System
™ Final digestion take place in the intestine. ™ Nervous system consists of central nervous system (brain and
2. Respiratory System spinal cord), peripheral nervous system (cranial and spinal
™ On land it respire with the help of buccal cavity, skin and lungs. nerves) and autonomic nervous system (sympathetic and
™ In water it respires through skin. parasympathetic).

3. Circulatory System 6. Reproductive System

™ Well-developed closed type. ™ Well organized male and female reproductive system.


1. Which of the following functions is not performed by Sol. Frog is an amphibian having 3 chambered heart.
unicellular organisms? Therefore, option (2) is the correct answer.
(1) Digestion (2) Respiration
(3) Reproduction (4) Neural coordination 4. Which one of the given cells is not the part of connective
Sol. Neural coordination is not performed by unicellular
organisms because neural coordination requires a complex (1) Macrophages (2) Fibroblasts
set of cells and tissues to carry out the process which is not (3) Glial Cells (4) Mast cells
present in a single cell. It is coordination between different Sol. Glial cells also called neuroglia are the part of neural tissue
cells of the neural tissue. and its primary function is to protect and support the neurons.
Therefore, option (4) is the correct answer.
Therefore, option (3) is the correct answer.
2. The spaces in which the bone cells are present are called
______. 5. The human body is composed of how many cells?
(1) Legumes (2) Lacunae (1) Billions (2) Millions
(3) Lacquey (4) Lacteals (3) Thousands (4) Quadrillion
Sol. The bone cells or osteocytes are present in the spaces called Sol. The human body is composed of billions of cell to perform
lacunae. various functions. These cells aggregate to form tissues
Therefore, option (2) is the correct answer. which in turn aggregate to form organs. Many organs
3. Frog has ______ chambered heart. coordinate with each other to form the organ system.
(1) 1 (2) 3 (3) 2 (4) 4 Therefore, option (1) is the correct answer.

Structural Organization in Animals (Including Frog) 21

6. Communication junctions are present at some fusion points Sol. A pair of spermatheca is present in the 6th segment which
between the cells of cardiac muscle tissue. What do you opens into the genital chamber. Excretion in cockroaches is
think is the function of them? performed by Malpighian tubules. Gizzard or proventriculus
(1) To adhere the cells together. present at the end of the foregut helps in grinding the food
(2) To stop leakage across the tissue. particles.
(3) To contract the cells as a unit. Therefore, option (3) is the correct answer.
(4) To transfer substances from one cell to another.
10. When you look at cockroaches closely, you will find small
Sol. Communication junctions of intercalated discs allow the holes on their lateral sides. These holes are _____ present
cells of cardiac tissues to contract as a unit.
_____ in numbers.
Therefore, option (3) is the correct answer.
(1) Caeca; 10 (2) Spiracles; 20
7. What is meant by a tissue? (3) Caeca; 20 (4) Spiracles; 10
(1) Group of cells of similar origin.
Sol. There are 10 pairs of small holes called spiracles present on
(2) Group of cells of dissimilar origin.
the lateral side of the body of cockroaches. Spiracles help in
(3) Group of similar or dissimilar cells. respiration.
(4) Group of unrelated cells.
Therefore, option (4) is the correct answer.
Sol. The group of similar or dissimilar cells that have a common
origin and perform a similar function is called tissue. These 11. Which of the given facts about ootheca in cockroaches is/
tissues are organised in specific proportion and pattern to are correct?
form an organ like stomach, lung, heart and kidney. (1) Produce 9-10 in numbers
Therefore, option (3) is the correct answer.
(2) Contains 14-16 eggs
8. Which of the following tissues has the most regenerative
(3) About 8 mm long
(1) Epithelial tissue (2) Connective tissue (4) All are correct
(3) Muscular tissue (4) Neural tissue Sol. Ootheca is a dark reddish to blackish brown capsule, about
Sol. Epithelial tissue has the most regenerative power while 3/8″ (8 mm) long. On an average, females produce 9-10
neural tissue has the least regenerative power. We commonly ootheca, each containing 14-16 eggs.
refer to an epithelial tissue as epithelium. Therefore, option (4) is the correct answer.
Therefore, option (1) is the correct answer. 12. Compound eyes of a cockroach contain about ______
9. Identify X, Y and Z. numbers of ommatidia.
(1) 4000 (2) 3000
Structure Location Function
(3) 2000 (4) 1000
Spermatheca X Receive and store Sol. Each eye of a cockroach consists of about 2000 hexagonal
the spermatozoa ommatidia (or 4000 in total).
during copulation Therefore, option (1) is the correct answer.
Malpighian At the junction of Y 13. Which of the following is correct about collateral glands in
tubules midgut and hindgut cockroaches?
Z At the end of Helps in grinding (1) Present in only female.
foregut the food particles (2) Open into anterior region of genital pouch.

(1) X = 9th segment, Y = Helps in excretion, Z = Gizzard (3) Two in number.

(2) X = 6th segment, Y = Helps in digestion, Z = Proventriculus (4) All of these.
(3) X = 6th segment, Y = Helps in excretion, Z = Proventriculus Sol. Anterior part of female genital pouch contains female
(4) X = 9th segment, Y = Helps in respiration, Z = Phallic gonopore, spermathecal pores and collaterial glands.
gland Therefore, option (4) is the correct answer.

22 P NEET (XI) Module-1 ZOOLOGY

1. Identify the correct order of cellular organisation; Direction: Each of the following questions contains an Assertion
(1) Cell, tissue, organ, organ system, organism. (A) followed by a Reason (R). Read them carefully and answer
the questions on the basis of the following options.
(2) Cell, tissues, organ system, organism.
(1) Both Assertion (A) and Reason (R) are true and the reason
(3) Molecules, cells, organs, organ system.
is the correct explanation of assertion.
(4) None of these.
(2) Both Assertion (A) and Reason (R) are true but the reason is
2. Simple epithelium is not effective in; not the correct explanation of the assertion.
(1) Nutrition (2) Excretion (3) Assertion (A) is true and the Reason (R) is false.
(3) Secretion (4) Protecting the underlying (4) Assertion (A) is false and the Reason (R) is true.
1. Assertion (A): Columnar epithelium is also known as
3. Which of the following epithelium forms the inner lining of glandular epithelium.
lung alveoli, blood vessels and peritoneum of body cavity?
Reason (R): Cells of columnar epithelium form the lining
(1) Cuboidal (2) Squamous of the stomach.
(3) Columnar (4) Ciliated columnar
2. Assertion (A): Compound epithelium plays major role in
4. Germinal epithelium of testis and ovary is made up of; absorption, secretion and excretion.
(1) Columnar epithelium (2) Squamous epithelium Reason (R): It is not found in the stomach lining.
(3) Cuboidal epithelium (4) Stratified epithelium 3. Assertion (A): Cell junctions are present in the epithelium
5. Which of the following tissue is present in maximum amount, tissues.
joins different tissues, forms the packing between them and Reason (R): Among cell junctions, adhering junctions help
helps to keep the organs in place and normal shape? to stop substances from leaking across a tissue.
(1) Areolar (2) Adipose
4. Assertion (A): Adipose tissues are specialised to store fats.
(3) Tendon (4) Ligament
Reason (R): The extra nutrients, which are not used
6. Epidermis of skin of vertebrates comprises; immediately by the body get converted into fats.
(1) Simple Epithelium (2) Stratified Epithelium
5. Assertion (A): The cells of connective tissue except blood
(3) Transitional Epithelium (4) Columnar Epithelium secrete collagen fibres.
7. Match the following and choose the correct option. Reason (R): Fibres provide strength, elasticity and flexibility
List-I List-II to the tissue.
B. Stratified epithelium Q. Blood 1.How does epithelial tissue get their supply of nutrients?
C. Hyaline cartilage R. Skin 2.What is Gland?
D. Fluid connective tissue S. Fat storage 3.What is cell junction?
4.What do fibroblasts synthesize?
(1) A-(P); B-(Q); C-(R); D-(S) 5.What are chondrocytes?
(2) A-(S); B-(R); C-(P); D-(Q)
6.Name the protein found in bone and cartilage.
(3) A-(R); B-(P); C-(S); D-(Q)
7.Name the component found in blood.
(4) A-(Q); B-(P); C-(S); D-(R) 8.Where will you find chondrin? Describe the tissue where
8. To which one of the following categories does adipose tissue these proteins are found.
belong? 9. How is a ligament different from a tendon?
(1) Epithelial (2) Connective
10. Briefly explain the role of circulatory system in cockroach.
(3) Muscular (4) Neural
9. The most abundant type of animal tissue in the complex SHORT ANSWER TYPE QUESTIONS
animals is;
1. Enlist the basic difference of epithelial and connective
(1) Muscle tissue (2) Nervous tissue tissues.
(3) Connective tissue (4) Epithelial tissue
2. Where will you find ciliated epithelium and why?
10. Which structure of the cockroach is called as the tegmina? 3. State the difference between regular dense connective tissue
(1) Hindwings (2) Thorax and irregular dense connective tissue. Where are each of
(3) Tongue (4) Forewings them found?

Structural Organization in Animals (Including Frog) 23

4. Where will you find the following in the body? Ciliated 4. In humans, compound squamous epithelium is found in;
epithelium, myofibrils, lacunae, neuroglial cell, mast cell. (1) Stomach (2) Intestine
5. Differentiate between anal cerci and anal styles in cockroach. (3) Trachea (4) Pharynx
5. Assertion (A): Gap junctions perform cementing function
LONG ANSWER TYPE QUESTIONS to keep the neighbouring cells together.
1. Name the tissue that lines buccal cavity, intestinal mucosa, Reason (R): Tight junctions facilitate the cells to
fallopian tubes. State the importance of the presence of these communicate with each other by connecting the cytoplasm
tissues in these locations. of adjoining cells, for rapid transfer of ions, small and big
2. Name the kind of cells found in connective tissue. State the molecules, etc.
function of each. (1) Both Assertion (A) and Reason (R) are true, and
Reason (R) is the correct explanation of Assertion (A).
(2) Both Assertion (A) and Reason (R) are true, but
Reason (R) is not the correct explanation of Assertion (A).
(3) Assertion (A) is true but Reason (R) is false.
A (4) Both Assertion (A) and Reason (R) are false.
Case-II: Read the following and answer any four questions:
B Study the figure given below of cardiac muscle and answer the
questions that follow;

(a) Identify the tissue in the diagram.

(b) Label the A & B in the diagram.
(c) Where will you find this structure in the body?
3. How many types of cell junctions found and define their
4. Write down the common features of the connective tissue. Based
on structure and function. Draw a flow chart to Explain it.
1. Choose the correct option for the labelled part A in figure
Case-I: Read the following and answer any four questions: (1) it represents junction between adjacent cells.
Most epithelial tissue are essentially large sheets of cells covering (2) it represents intercalated disc.
all the surfaces of the body exposed to the outside world and lining (3) it represents distinct and large myofibril.
the outside of organs. Epithelium also forms much of the glandular (4) both (1) and (2).
tissue of the body. Skin is not the only area of the body exposed 2. Cardiac muscles are different from skeletal muscles in a way as;
to the outside. Other areas include the air way, the digestive tract (1) they are smooth (2) they are non-striated
as well as the urinary and reproductive systems, all of which are (3) they are voluntary (4) they are striated and
lined by an epithelium. Hollow organs and body cavities that involuntary
do not connect to the exterior of the body, which includes blood
3. Cardiac muscles contract;
vessels and serous membranes, are lined by endothelium (plural =
(1) quickly and are fatigued.
endothelia), which is a type of epithelium. Also, epithelium tissue
cells are joined together by various cellular junctions. (2) slowly and are fatigued.
(3) quickly and are not fatigued.
1. The cells of squamous epithelium are;
(4) slowly and are not fatigued.
(1) Multi-layered and thick.
4. Cardiac muscle cells differ from striated muscle cells in having;
(2) Flat and thick.
(1) a centrally located nucleus.
(3) Thin with rigid boundaries.
(2) different myofibrils.
(4) Flat with irregular boundaries.
(3) fewer mitochondria.
2. Which of the following is not a function of epithelium? (4) no sarcoplasmic reticulum.
(1) Protection (2) Connection 5. Cardiac muscles are;
(3) Secretion or Excretion (4) Absorption (1) elongated with tapering ends.
3. Lining of body cavities, ducts and tubes are made up of; (2) striped, skeletal muscles.
(1) Compound epithelium (2) Simple epithelium (3) cylindrical, branched to form network.
(3) Cuboidal epithelium (4) Keratinised epithelium (4) large myofibrils and distinct.

24 P NEET (XI) Module-1 ZOOLOGY

ANIMAL TISSUES 8. Which of the following pair is not having similar epithelial
1. In multicellular animals, a group of similar cells along with (1) Blood vessels and alveoli
intercellular substances perform a specific function. Such (2) Stomach and intestine
an organisation is called;
(3) Blood vessels and bronchioles
(1) epithelium. (2) organ. (4) Buccal cavity and pharynx
(3) tissue. (4) organ system. 9. The epithelium found in the lining of stomach and intestine is;
2. Animal tissues are broadly classified into four types as; (1) Columnar (2) Squamous
(1) Squamous, Columnar, Cuboidal and Ciliated (3) Stratified (4) Ciliated
10. Salivary glands are;
(2) Simple, Compound, Special and Glandular
(1) Unicellular (2) Bicellular
(3) Epithelial, Connective, Neural and Skeletal
(3) Multicellular (4) Acellular
(4) Neural, Connective, Epithelial and Muscular 11. Mucus, Saliva, Earwax, Oil, Milk and Digestive enzymes
3. On the basis of structural modification of the cells, simple are secreted by;
epithelium is further divided into; (1) exocrine glands. (2) endocrine glands.
(1) Two types–Ciliated and Glandular epithelium (3) heterocrine glands. (4) compound glands.
12. Type of junction helps to stop substance from leaking across
(2) Three types–Squamous, Cuboidal and Columnar
a tissue;
(1) Tight junction (2) Gap junction
(3) Four types–Squamous, Cuboidal, Columnar and Ciliated (3) Adhering junction (4) None of these
epithelium 13. Which of the following tissues perform special function of
(4) Two types–Unicellular and Multicellular epithelium linking and supporting other tissues and organs of the body?
4. Fill in the Blanks. (1) Epithelial tissue (2) Connective tissue
A. The ____ 1 ____ consists of two or more cell layers and (3) Muscular tissue (4) Neural tissue
has protective function as it does in our skin. 14. Which of the following connective tissue often serves as a
support framework for epithelium?
B. The ____ 2 ____ is composed of single layer of cells
(1) Areolar tissue
and functions as a lining for body cavities, ducts and
(2) Adipose tissue
(3) Dense regular connective tissue
(1) 1–Squamous epithelium, 2–Cuboidal epithelium
(4) Dense irregular connective tissue
(2) 1–Columnar epithelium 2–Squamous epithelium
15. Fibroblast, Macrophages and Mast cells are seen in;
(3) 1–Simple epithelium, 2–Compound epithelium
(1) epithelial tissues.
(4) 1–Compound epithelium, 2–Simple epithelium
(2) loose connective tissue.
5. Epithelium present in salivary gland and pancreatic ducts is; (3) skeletal muscle tissue.
(1) compound epithelium. (4) smooth muscle tissue.
(2) cuboidal epithelium. 16. Muscles are connected to bone by means of;
(3) ciliated epithelium. (1) cartilage. (2) ligament.
(4) columnar epithelium. (3) tendon. (4) adipose tissue.
6. Epithelium present in ducts of glands and tubular parts of 17. Cartilage is present;
nephrons; A. in the tip of nose and outer ear joints.
(1) Columnar (2) Stratified B. between adjacent bones of vertebral column.
(3) Cuboidal (4) Squamous C. between adjacent bones of limbs and hands in adults.
(1) A, B and C (2) A and B
7. Single layer of flattened cells with irregular boundaries is
(3) B and C (4) A and C
observed in all of the following except;
18. Each muscle is made of many long, cylindrical fibres
(1) blood capillary.
arranged in parallel arrays. These fibres are composed of
(2) lining of oesophagus. numerous fine fibrils called;
(3) air sacs of lungs. (1) fascicles. (2) myofibrils.
(4) both (1) & (3). (3) myofilaments. (4) both (2) and (3)

Structural Organization in Animals (Including Frog) 25

19. What type of muscle tissue is found in the wall of internal 27. The cells present in the connective tissue are responsible for;
organs? (1) Secretion of fibres
(1) Smooth muscles (2) Cardiac muscle (2) Secretion of ground substance or matrix
(3) Skeletal muscle (4) Straited muscle (3) Both (1) and (2)
20. Presence of intercalated disc is the feature of; (4) None of these
(1) SmoOth muscle (2) Skeletal muscle 28. Out of the given tissues, how many are types of connective
(3) Cardiac muscle (4) None of these tissue: Adipose, bones, skeletal, dense irregular, simple
21. Which of the following tissue exerts the greatest control over squamous, areolar.
the body’s responsiveness to changing conditions? (1) Two (2) Four
(1) Epithelial tissue (2) Connective tissue (3) Six (4) Five
(3) Muscular tissue (4) Neural tissue 29. Loose connective tissue is;
22. Which statement is not correct regarding neural tissue? (1) Areolar (2) Bone
(1) Neurons are the unit of neural system. (3) Blood (4) Cartilage
(2) Neuroglial tissues are more than half the volume of 30. Epithelial tissue with thin flat cells occurs on;
neural tissues of body. (1) inner lining of blood vessels.
(3) Neural tissue exerts the greatest control over the body’s (2) inner lining of stomach.
responsiveness. (3) inner lining of fallopian tubes.
(4) Neurons and neuroglial cells, both are excitable cells. (4) outer surface of ovary.
23. Find P, Q and R.
Tissues Structure Location
Walls of stomach 31. The complexity in organ and organ systems displays certain
P Fusiform fibres discernible trend. This discernible trend is called;
and intestine
(1) morphological trend.
Between adjacent
(2) anatomical trend.
Cartilage Q bones of the
vertebral column (3) complexity trend.
(4) evolutionary trend.
Compound Made of more than
R 32. Conventionally, the word anatomy refers to;
epithelium one layer of cells
(1) study of morphology of internal organs.
(1) P = Skeletal muscles, Q = Solid & Pliable, R = Moist
(2) study of morphology of external organs.
surface of buccal cavity
(3) study of morphology of both internal and external
(2) P = Smooth muscles, Q = Solid & Non-Pliable,
R = Moist surface of buccal cavity
(4) none of these.
(3) P = Skeletal muscles, Q = Solid & Non-Pliable,
R = Proximal convoluted tubules 33. Human heart consists of;
(4) P = Smooth muscles, Q = Solid & Pliable, R = Dry (1) Epithelial and connective tissues
surface of the skin (2) Muscular and neural tissues
24. The functions of bones does not involve; (3) Connective and muscular tissues only
(1) Bears weight of the body (4) Both (1) and (2)
(2) Protects soft tissues or organs 34. I. Epithelial, II. Connective, III. Muscular, IV. Neural
(3) Production of blood cells Human heart is made up of which of the given tissues?
(4) Storage of fats (1) (I), (III)
25. The cells which secretes the matrix of cartilage is ______ . (2) (II), (III), (IV)
(1) platelets (2) osteocytes (3) (I), (III), (IV)
(3) chondrocytes (4) none of these (4) (I), (II), (III), (IV)
26. The skeletal muscles are ____ in nature and helps in _____. 35. Arrange the following in decreasing order on the basis of
(1) voluntary; movement of the body their complexity.
(2) involuntary; contraction of the heart (1) Organ system → Tissues → Organ
(3) voluntary; movement of the particles in a specific (2) Organ system → Organ → Tissues
direction (3) Organ → Organ system → Tissues
(4) involuntary; movement of the body (4) Tissues → Organ → Organ system

26 P NEET (XI) Module-1 ZOOLOGY

36. ____ means the study of morphology of internal organs in 45. Which part of alimentary canal of cockroach has an outer
the animals. layer of thick circular muscles and inner cuticle forming six
(1) Analogy (2) Physiology highly chitinous plates called teeth?
(3) Anatomy (4) Histology (1) Gizzard (2) Crop
37. The organisation of tissue to form organs and then to form (3) Proventriculus (4) Both (1) and (3)
organ system is essential for; 46. Wings extend beyond the tip of the abdomen in;
(1) For better coordinated activities (1) Male cockroach (2) Female cockroach
(2) To look organism better (3) Queen bee (4) Drone
(3) Both (1) and (2) 47. Which of the following features is not related to cockroach?
(4) None of these (1) Body divisible into head, thorax and abdomen
(2) Two pairs of wings are found
COCKROACH (3) Head lies posteriorly at right angles to the longitudinal
38. Cockroaches excretes nitrogenous waste through A in the body axis
form of B. Identify A and B respectively. (4) Presence of anal cerci in both sexes
(1) Malpighian tubules, uric acid 48. The correct sequence of the parts of alimentary canal in
(2) Green gland, urea cockroach is;
(3) Malpighian tubule, ammonia (1) Mouth → Pharynx → Oesophagus → Crop → Gizzard
(4) Antennal gland, uric acid → Midgut → Caecum → Colon → Rectum → Anus
39. Head of cockroach is formed by the fusion of; (2) Mouth → Pharynx → Oesophagus → Gizzard → Crop
→ Midgut → Ileum → Colon → Rectum → Anus
(1) six segments and triangular in shape.
(3) Mouth → Pharynx → Oesophagus → Crop
(2) ten segments and trigonal in shape.
→ Proventriculus → Midgut → Ileum → Colon
(3) eleven segments and rectangular in shape. → Rectum → Anus
(4) three segments and tetragonal in shape.
(4) Mouth → Pharynx → Oesophagus → Stomach → Crop
40. Which of the following is incorrrect for forewings of → Midgut → Hindgut → Anus
49. In cockroaches, the respiratory system consists of a network
(1) Also called mesothoracic wings or tegmina of trachea that open outside through small holes that are
(2) Opaque, dark and leathery present on the lateral side of the body are called;
(3) Cover the hind wings when at rest (1) tracheoles and are of 9 pairs.
(4) Used in flight (2) spiracles and are of 10 pairs.
41. In cockroach, crop and gizzards are the parts of; (3) sphincters and are of 8 pairs.
(1) hindgut. (2) foregut. (4) ostia and are of 13 pairs.
(3) midgut. (4) none of these. 50. In female cockroach, genital (or brood) pouch possess;
42. In female cockroaches, ovaries are found in; (1) Collaterial glands only
(1) 2nd - 6th abdominal segment. (2) Female gonopore only
(2) 2nd - 6th sternum segment. (3) Female gonopore + collaterial glands
(3) whole of the abdomen. (4) Female gonopore + collaterial glands + spermathecal
(4) both (1) and (2). pore
43. In cockroach, labium, labrum and hypopharynx are 51. In cockroach, exchange of gases takes place at the
commonly called; tracheoles by;
(1) upper lip, lower lip and crop, respectively. (1) Diffusion (2) Active transport
(2) upper lip, lower lip and tongue, respectively. (3) Imbibition (4) Osmosis
(3) lower lip, upper lip and tongue, respectively. 52. Which part of alimentary canal of cockroach is used for
(4) lower lip, upper lip and jaw, respectively. storing of food?
44. A ring of 6–8 blind tubules present at the junction of foregut (1) Crop (2) Gizzard
and midgut and are called; (3) Stomach (4) Gastric caecae
(1) gastric caecae which secrete digestive juice. 53. Nitrogenous waste in malpighian tubule of cockroach
(2) hepatic caecae which secrete digestive juice. passes into;
(3) intestinal caecae which help in grinding the food. (1) Haemocoel (2) Intestine
(4) both (1) and (2). (3) Vacuole (4) Duodenum

Structural Organization in Animals (Including Frog) 27

54. Basic unit in the eye of cockroach/insect is; (3) Dorsal side of body is olive green with dark irregular
(1) Retina (2) Rhabdome spots.
(3) Corneal facet (4) Ommatidium (4) Body is divisible into head and trunk.
61. “Frogs exhibit sexual dimorphism”. Select the option which
55. Labial palp is a _______ organ.
justify the given statement.
(1) defense (2) sense
(1) Male frogs have a copulatory pad on the first digit of
(3) reproduction (4) poisonous the forelimbs.
56. With the help of several ommatidia, a cockroach can receive (2) Presence of sound producing vocal sacs in male frogs.
several images of an abject. This kind of vision is called; (3) Presence of Webbed-digit feet.
(1) nocturnal vision, being common during daytime. (4) Both (1) and (2)
(2) mosaic vision, with more sensitivity but less resolution. 62. A mature female frog, can lay ____ ova at a time.
(3) mosaic vision, with more resolution but less sensitivity.
(1) 2000-5000 (2) 2500-3000
(4) nocturnal vision, with more sensitivity and more
(3) 4000-5000 (4) 1000-2000
63. Special venous connection between the liver and the intestine
FROG of the body is known as;
57. Which of the given statement (s) is/are correct about frogs? (1) Renal portal system
(1) Belong to the class reptiles of phylum chordata (2) Hypophyseal portal system
(2) Are poikilotherms (3) Hepatic portal system
(3) Show camouflage (4) (1) and (3)
(4) Both (2) and (3) 64. During aestivation and hibernation gaseous exchange in
58. The phenomenon in which organisms hide themselves & take frogs takes place through;
shelter in moist and cool deep burrows to prevent water loss (1) buccal cavity.
and internal body damages due to the extreme heat is called; (2) skin.
(1) Hibernation (2) Mimicry (3) lungs.
(3) Aestivation (4) None of these (4) all of these.
59. Hindlimbs ends in ____ digits and forelimbs ends in ____
65. The number of cranial nerves present in frogs are;
(1) five; four (2) six; four (1) 12 Pairs (2) 15 Pairs
(3) four; five (4) five; five (3) 20 Pairs (4) 10 Pairs
60. Read the given statements about frogs and find the incorrect 66. Testes in male frogs adhere to the upper part of the
one. kidneys by;
(1) The skin of frog is smooth and slippery. (1) Vasa efferentia (2) Urino
(2) Frogs drink water to keep their body hydrated. (3) Mesorchium (4) Cloaca


1. Epithelial tissues are of; (3) dense regular connective tissue.
(1) Three types: Squamous, cuboidal and columnar (4) dense irregular connective tissue.
epithelium 3. Based on their location, muscles are classified into;
(2) Four types: Squamous, cuboidal, columnar and ciliated (1) Three types: Skeletal, smooth and cardiac muscle
(2) Three types: Skeletal, visceral and cardiac muscle
(3) Two types: Simple and compound epithelium
(3) Three types: Voluntary, involuntary and cardiac muscle
(4) Two types: Simple and complex epithelium
(4) Both (1) and (2)
2. Excess of nutrients which are not used immediately are 4. Which of the following functions is not performed by
converted into fats and stored in; epithelial tissue?
(1) areolar tissue. (1) Protection (2) Secretion
(2) adipose tissue. (3) Absorption (4) Conduction

28 P NEET (XI) Module-1 ZOOLOGY

5. Which of the following statements is incorrect regarding 14. Difference between blood and lymph is;
epithelial tissue? (1) Blood has WBCs while lymph has RBCs
(1) It does not have a free surface (2) Blood has dissolved salts while lymph has no cells
(2) Provides a covering for some parts of the body (3) Blood has RBCs and WBCs while lymph has no cell
(3) Cells are compactly packed (4) Blood has RBCs and WBCs while lymph has only WBCs
(4) It is of two types 15. The classification of glands is based on which of the
6. In which of the following places, the squamous epithelium following?
is not found? (1) Mode of differentiation
(1) Wall of blood vessels (2) Air sacs of lungs (2) Mode of pouring of secretions
(3) Trachea (4) Bowman’s capsule (3) Mode of cellular division
(4) Number of cells
7. In which of the following places, the cuboidal epithelium is
not found? 16. Microvilli is present in the epithelium of _______.
(1) Ducts of glands (1) walls of blood vessels
(2) Tubular parts of the nephron (2) air sacs of lungs
(3) Germinal epithelium of gonads (3) proximal convoluted tubule of nephron
(4) Vasa deferens (4) skin surface
8. Which of the following represents the intercellular matrix 17. Mast cells occur in;
of cartilage? (1) Connective tissue (2) Epithelial tissue
(1) Solid and pliable (3) Skeletal tissue (4) Nervous tissue
(2) Hard and non-pliable 18. Which of the following is not a function of fibres of
(3) Solid and non-pliable connective tissue?
(4) Hard and pliable (1) Strength (2) Elasticity
9. Which of the following cellular junctions create a cytoplasmic (3) Flexibility (4) Longevity
connection between adjoining cells? 19. Read the following statements.
(1) Tight junctions (2) Adhering junctions (A) It is made up of a single thin layer of flattened cells with
(3) Gap junctions (4) Occluding junctions irregular boundaries.
10. Economic importance of frog; (B) They are found in the walls of blood vessels and air sacs
of lungs.
(1) They eat insect and protect the crop.
(C) They are involved in functions like forming a diffusion
(2) Frog maintain ecological balance as these serve as an
important link of food chain and food web.
Which of the following characteristics of tissue is being
(3) In some countries, the muscular legs of the frog are used
described by the above statements?
as food by the man.
(1) Squamous epithelium
(4) All of these.
(2) Columnar epithelium
11. Compound tissue is defined as;
(3) Ciliated epithelium
(1) similar types of cells held together by connective tissue.
(4) Compound epithelium
(2) different types of cells which are different in structure
20. Which of the following types of connective tissue is
and functions.
mismatched with its matrix?
(3) different types of cells performing one function.
(1) Areolar: Loosely packed matrix of protein fibres
(4) similar cells at different regions performing many
(2) Bone: Mineralised matrix
(3) Cartilage: Highly vascular matrix
12. Inability to absorb digested nutrients may be due to damage
(4) Blood: Liquid matrix
of which type of epithelium?
(1) Ciliated columnar (2) Simple columnar 21. Read the following statements and find out how many of
(3) Simple squamous (4) Simple cuboidal these are related to given figure.

13. What will happen if ligaments are cut or broken;

(1) Bones will move freely at joints
(2) No movement at joints
(3) Bone will become unfix
(4) Bone will become fixed

Structural Organization in Animals (Including Frog) 29

(A) Multilayered epithelium. 27. Where is bile stored in the body of frog?
(B) Limited role in secretion and absorption. (1) Pancreas (2) Liver
(C) Main function is to provide protection against chemical (3) Gall bladder (4) Bidder’s canal
and mechanical stresses. 28. The large amoeboid cells found in areolar tissue and are also
(D) They cover the dry surface of skin, moist surface of part of our innate immune system are known as;
buccal cavity and pharynx. (1) Mast cells (2) Macrophages
(1) 4 (2) 3 (3) Adipocytes (4) Fibroblasts
(3) 2 (4) 1
29. Which of these is not a characteristic feature of Rana tigrina?
22. Pseudostratified ciliated columnar epithelia is observed in; (1) Webbed feet (2) Bilobed tongue
(1) Respiratory tract (2) PCT (3) Thick, leathery skin (4) Membranous tympanum
(3) Urethra (4) Gastro-intestinal tract
30. Where does final digestion take place in frogs?
23. Identify the correct matching.
(1) Rectum (2) Cloaca
(3) Intestine (4) Bidder’s canal
31. Malpighian tubule in cockroaches are present at the junction
(1) foregut and midgut and help in the secretion of digestive
(2) midgut and hindgut and help in grinding the food
(3) foregut and midgut and help in the removal of excretory
(1) A-Cartilage, P-Elastic fibres products from haemolymph.
(2) A-Bone, Q-Osteocyte (4) midgut and hindgut and help in the removal of excretory
products from haemolymph.
(3) B-Cartilage, R-Chondrocyte
(4) B-Bone, R-Haversian canal 32. Malpighian tubules are;
24. Identify the correct option with respect to the figures (1) 100—120 yellow coloured filamentous structure.
(A & B) given below. (2) 100—120 brown coloured filamentous structure.
(3) 100—150 yellow coloured filamentous structure.
(4) 100—150 yellow coloured chitinous structure.
33. Cockroach’s blood does not contain respiratory pigment. It
(1) it does not respire.
(1) A: Provide protection against chemical and mechanical (2) cockroach respires anaerobically.
stresses: Stomach (3) oxygen passes to all the tissue through diffusion.
(2) A: Secrete mucus, saliva, earwax, oil, milk, digestive (4) oxygen reaches tissue through tracheoles.
enzymes: Stomach 34. Read the given statements about blood vascular system of
(3) B: Found in ducts of glands: Secretion and absorption cockroach.
(4) B: Mainly present in the inner surface of hollow organs: A. Circulatory system is of closed type.
Secretion and absorption
B. It contains no blood vessels except aorta of heart.
25. When a neuron is stimulated, the electrical signal travels
along the _______. C. Heart is six chambered.
(1) plasma membrane (2) cytoplasm D. Haemolymph is composed of colourless plasma and
(3) cytoskeleton (4) extracellular matrix haemocytes.
Which of the statement (s) given above is/are incorrect?
26. Which of these organs secrete bile in frog?
(1) Only A (2) A, B and C
(1) Kidney (2) Spleen
(3) Gall bladder (4) Liver (3) A and C (4) Only D

30 P NEET (XI) Module-1 ZOOLOGY


MATCH THE COLUMN MCQS 4. Match the List-I and List-II find the correct combination.
1. Match the List-I and List-II find the correct combination. List-I List-II
List-I List-II A. Heterocrine P. Histamine
A. Walls of alveoli P. Simple ciliated epithelium B. Exocrine Q. Pancreas
B. PCT of nephron Q. Simple squamous C. Endocrine R. Liver
epithelium D. Mast cell S. Adrenal gland
C. Bronchioles & R. Brush-bordered columnar
fallopian tubes (1) A-(P); B-(Q); C-(R); D-(S)
(2) A-(Q); B-(S); C-(R); D-(P)
D. Lining of stomach S. Brush-bordered cuboidal (3) A-(Q); B-(R); C-(S); D-(P)
and intestine epithelium (4) A-(P); B-(Q); C-(S); D-(R)
(1) A-(Q); B-(R); C-(P); D-(S) 5. Match the List-I and List-II find the correct combination.
(2) A-(Q); B-(P); C-(R); D-(S) List-I List-II
(3) A-(Q); B-(S); C-(P); D-(R)
A. Blood vessels P. Simple squamous epithelium
(4) A-(S); B-(R); C-(P); D-(Q)
B. Buccal cavity Q. Compound epithelium
2. Match the List-I and List-II find the correct combination.
C. PCT R. Brush bordered
List-I List-II
D. Trachea S. Ciliated epithelium
A. Skeletal muscles P. Involuntary & unstriated
(1) A-(P); B-(Q); C-(R); D-(S)
B. Smooth muscles Q. Voluntary & striated
(2) A-(Q); B-(P); C-(R); D-(S)
C. Cardiac muscles R. Have neurotransmitters (3) A-(P); B-(Q); C-(S); D-(R)
D. Neurons S. Involuntary & striated (4) A-(S); B-(Q); C-(P); D-(R)
(1) A-(Q); B-(R); C-(P); D-(S) 6. Match the List-I and List-II find the correct combination.
(2) A-(Q); B-(P); C-(S); D-(R) List-I List-II
(3) A-(Q); B-(S); C-(P); D-(R)
A. External P. Larva
(4) A-(S); B-(R); C-(P); D-(Q)
B. Closed type Q. Circulation
3. Match the List-I and List-II find the correct combination.
C. Kidney R. Excretion
List-I List-II
D. Tadpole S. Fertilization
A. Ependymal cells P. Protection of brain
(1) A-(S); B-(Q); C-(R); D-(P)
neurons from toxins
(2) A-(Q); B-(R); C-(P); D-(S)
B. Microglial cells Q. Formation of myelin
(3) A-(Q); B-(P); C-(R); D-(S)
sheath inside CNS
(4) A-(R); B-(P); C-(Q); D-(S)
C. Astrocyte R. Function as
macrophages 7. Match the List-I and List-II find the correct combination.

D. Oligodendrocytes S. Set the current of List-I List-II

cerebrospinal fluid
A. Fibres P. Mast Cell
(1) A-(S); B-(R); C-(P); D-(Q) B. Serotonin Q. Fibroblast
(2) A-(R); B-(S); C-(P); D-(Q)
C. Phagocytosis R. Macrophages
(3) A-(Q); B-(R); C-(S); D-(P)
D. RER and Ribosome S. Nissl’s granules
(4) A-(P); B-(Q); C-(R); D-(S)

Structural Organization in Animals (Including Frog) 31

(1) A-(P); B-(Q); C-(R); D-(S) (1) A-(R); B-(S); C-(Q); D-(P)
(2) A-(P); B-(R); C-(S); D-(Q) (2) A-(S); B-(R); C-(Q); D-(P)
(3) A-(Q); B-(R); C-(P); D-(S) (3) A-(S); B-(Q); C-(R); D-(P)
(4) A-(Q); B-(P); C-(R); D-(S) (4) A-(Q); B-(S); C-(R); D-(P)
8. Match the List-I and List-II and find the correct combination.
List-I List-II
12. Select the incorrect match.
A. Exoskeleton P. Maxillary palps (1) Skeletal muscle – Protects the heart
B. Sense organ Q. Phallomeres (2) Compound epithelium – Protection against chemical and
C. Gonapophysis R. Sclerites mechanical stress
(3) Bones – Protects soft tissues and organs
D. Forewings S. Tegmina
(4) Neuroglia – Protects and support neurons
(1) A-(R); B-(P); C-(Q); D-(S) 13. Select the incorrect match.
(2) A-(S); B-(P); C-(Q); D-(R)
(1) Adipocytes – Fat storing cells
(3) A-(R); B-(P); C-(S); D-(Q)
(2) Chondrocytes – Secrete matrix which is organised
(4) A-(S); B-(R); C-(P); D-(Q)
into lamellae
9. Match the List-I and List-II find the correct combination.
(3) Osteocytes – Present in spaces called lacunae
List-I List-II (4) Erythrocytes – Cells carrying oxygen transporting
A. Gizzard P. Labium pigment in blood
14. Which of the following is correct pairing of a body part and
B. Malpighian tubules Q. Proventriculus
the kind of muscle tissue that moves it?
C. Lower lip R. 6-8 in numbers (1) Iris – Involuntary smooth muscle
D. Hepatic Caeca S. 100-150 in numbers (2) Heart wall – Involuntary unstriated muscle
(3) Biceps of upper arm – Smooth muscle fibres
(1) A-(Q); B-(R); C-(P); D-(S)
(4) Abdominal wall – Skeletal muscle
(2) A-(S); B-(Q); C-(P); D-(R)
15. Select the incorrect match.
(3) A-(Q); B-(S); C-(P); D-(R)
(1) Dense regular connective tissue – Tendon and ligaments
(4) A-(S); B-(R); C-(P); D-(Q)
(2) Simple squamous epithelium – Walls of blood vessels
10. Match the List-I and List-II and find the correct combination. and alveoli
List-I List-II (3) Compound epithelium – Moist surface of buccal cavity
and pharynx
A. Alary muscles P. Helps in digestion
(4) Squamous epithelium – Inner lining of ducts of salivary
B. Hepatic Caeca Q. Secretes the oothecal case glands.
C. Collateral glands R. Helps in circulation 16. Select the incorrect match.
D. Ciliated S. Helps in to move particles (1) Smooth muscles – Uninucleated cells
Epithelium or other substances (2) Columnar epithelium – Nuclei are located in the center of
the cells
(1) A-(R); B-(P); C-(S); D-(Q) (3) Red blood cells – Anucleated
(2) A-(S); B-(P); C-(Q); D-(R) (4) Skeletal muscles – Multinucleated cells
(3) A-(R); B-(P); C-(Q); D-(S) 17. Which of the following is not true for muscle fibres
(4) A-(S); B-(R); C-(P); D-(Q) associated with biceps?
(1) Multinucleated in appearance
11. Match the List-I and List-II with reference to cockroach
and choose the correct option. (2) Striated in nature
(3) Extensively branched in appearance
List-I List-II
(4) Voluntary in nature
A. Phallomere P. Chain of developing ova 18. Select the incorrect match.
B. Gonopore Q. Bundles of sperm (1) Cartilage – Outer ear joints and tip of nose
C. Spermatophore R. Opening of the (2) Smooth muscles – Walls of stomach and intestine
ejaculatory duct (3) Loose connective tissue – B  etween adjacent bones of
the vertebral column
D. Ovarioles S. External genitalia
(4) Adipose tissues – Mainly beneath the skin

32 P NEET (XI) Module-1 ZOOLOGY

19. Select the incorrect match. 26. Read the following statements and choose the incorrect one.
(1) Fibroblasts – Cells that secrete and produce fibres (1) Structural modification of cells in different tissues is
(2) Osteocytes – Present in the spaces called lacunae due to their different functions.
(3) Blood – Contain RBC, WBC & platelets only (2) In our hollow visceral organs, ciliated epithelium helps
in the movement of substances.
(4) Chondrocytes – Cells of cartilage
(3) Blood is the only connective tissue in which structural
20. Find the incorrect match about P. americana. fibres, called collagen, are secreted by liver.
(1) Ovaries – 2nd-6th abdominal segments (4) Compound epithelium covers the dry surface of skin
(2) Mushroom glands – 6th -7th abdominal segments and moist surface of buccal cavity.
(3) Testis – 4th-6th abdominal segments 27. Which of the following tissues is avascular?
(4) Spermatheca – 9th abdominal segments (A) Skeletal muscles (B) Dense reticular tissue
21. Read the following statements. (C) Cartilage (D) Epithelium
(A) The cells of germinal epithelium are cuboidal. (E) Tendons
(B) The main function of stratified squamous epithelium is (1) C, D and E (2) B, C and D
protection. (3) C and D only (4) A, C and D
(C) The ciliated epithelium is found in trachea and fallopian 28. Choose correct option which have all right statement for bones.
tubes. (A) Bones have a hard and non-pliable ground substance.
(D) The transitional epithelium is found in renal cortex. (B) Matrix of bone is rich in calcium salt and free from
The correct statements are; collagen fibres.
(1) All are correct (C) Bone marrow in some bones is the site of production of
(2) Only A & B are correct blood cells.
(3) Only A, B & C are correct (D) Bone is a type of specialised connective tissue.
(4) Only B, C & D are correct (1) A, B and C (2) A, C and D
22. Which of the following statement is incorrect for simple (3) A and D only (4) All of these
epithelia? 29. Which of the following statements is correct w.r.t. neuroglial
(1) They are derived from any of the embryonic germ layers. cells?
(2) They are vascularized. (1) They are excitable cells which conduct the impulse
(3) The cells have a rapid rate of cell division. generated in response to a suitable stimulus.
(4) Cemented to one another to form a single layer. (2) They are always endodermal in origin.
23. Select the correct statement about epithelial tissue. (3) They make up less than half of the neural tissue of the
(1) Simple squamous epithelial lining of blood vessels is body.
called mesothelium. (4) They form the blood brain barrier and support the
(2) Mesothelium is derived from embryonic mesoderm. neurons.
(3) Simple cuboidal epithelium is specialized for protection. 30. Find the incorrect statement.
(4) Pseudostratified epithelium consists of two distinct (1) Cockroaches belong to the class Insecta of phylum
layers of cells as well as nuclei. Arthropoda.
24. Read the following statements and find the incorrect one. (2) Body is divided into three distinct region: head, thorax
(1) The cells columnar epithelium of gut specialized to and abdomen in Cockroaches.
secrete mucus. (3) Triangular head lies anteriorly at acute angles to the
longitudinal body axis in P. americana.
(2) The columnar epithelium of the proximal convoluted
tubule of nephron has microvilli. (4) In frog, bile emulsifies fat and pancreatic juices, digest
carbohydrates and proteins.
(3) The main function of compound epithelium is to provide
protection against chemical and mechanical stress. 31. Find the incorrect statement from the following.
(4) The bone marrow in long bones are the site of production (1) Only male cockroaches bears a pair of short, thread-like
of blood cells. anal styles.
25. Type of neurons with a single process arising from cyton (2) Anterior part of genital pouch of female cockroach
contains gonopore, spermathecal pores and collaterial
which divides later to form an axon and a long dendron are
found in;
(3) Pheretima exhibits a closed type of blood vascular
(1) sensory dorsal roots of spinal cord in ganglion. system, consisting of blood vessels, capillaries and
(2) motor ventral roots of spinal cord. heart.
(3) olfactory epithelium and cochlea. (4) In cockroaches, each thoracic segment bears a pair of
(4) grey matter of brain. wings.

Structural Organization in Animals (Including Frog) 33

32. Read the following statements and find out the incorrect Mark the correct choice as:
statement. (1) Assertion (A) is true, Reason (R) is true; Reason (R) is a
(1) Mosaic vision is common during night hence called correct explanation for Assertion (A).
nocturnal vision. (2) Assertion (A) is true, Reason (R) is true; Reason (R) is
(2) In cockroach, brain supplies nerves to antennae and not a correct explanation for Assertion (A).
compound eyes. (3) Assertion (A) is true, Reason (R) is false.
(3) Fat body, nephrocytes and urecose glands also helps in (4) Assertion (A) is false, Reason (R) is true.
excretion in cockroach.
39. Assertion (A): Urinary bladder can considerably expand to
(4) Male cockroach bears one pair of collateral glands which
accommodate urine.
functions as accessory reproductive glands.
Reason (R): It is lined by stretchable squamous epithelium.

STATEMENT BASED MCQs 40. Assertion (A): Inner surface of bronchioles and fallopian
tubes consists of ciliated epithelium.
Directions: In the questions from 33 to 38 two statements are Reason (R): Ciliated epithelium in them helps in to move
given as statement-I and statement-II. mucus or other particles in a specific direction over the
Mark the correct choice as: epithelium.
(1) Both Statement-I and Statement-II are correct. 41. Assertion (A): Surface of skin is impervious to water.
(2) Both Statement-I and Statement-II are incorrect. Reason (R): Surface of skin is covered by stratified cuboidal
(3) Statement-I is correct & Statement-II is incorrect. epithelium.
(4) Statement-I is incorrect & Statement-II is correct. 42. Assertion (A): Tendon and ligaments are the example of
dense irregular connective tissue.
33. Statement-I: Epithelial tissues are specialized for linking
Reason (R): The orientation of fibres shows irregular pattern
and connecting other tissues/organs.
in dense irregular connective tissue.
Statement-II: Tendon and ligament are the types of dense
irregular connective tissues. 43. Assertion (A): The ceruminous gland is an example of
exocrine glands.
34. Statement-I: Muscle is an example of connective titissue.
Reason (R): Ceruminous gland released its secretion
Statement-II: Blood is an example of connective tssue. (i.e. cerumen) through the ducts or tubes.
35. Statement-I: Schwann cells form myelin sheath. 44. Assertion (A): Skeletal muscles are voluntary in nature.
Statement-Ⅱ: Lymph is colourless fluid. Reason (R): Skeletal muscles shows pattern of light and
36. Statement-I: Cells of epithelial tissue are tightly packed dark bands.
with very little intercellular matrix. 45. Assertion (A): Columnar epithelium lining the intestinal
Statement-II: Fibres and fibroblasts are compactly packed mucosa appears to have a brush like appearance.
in dense connective tissues. Reason (R): A large number of microvilli are present on
37. Statement-I: Nissl’s granules are composed of DNA and brush bordered columnar epithelium.
RNA. 46. Assertion (A): The cells of connective tissues except blood
Statement-II: Smooth muscles are involuntary, striated and secrete fibres.
branched. Reason (R): Fibres provide strength, elasticity and flexibility
38. Statement-I: Mast cells secrete haemoglobin. to the tissue.
Statement-II: Bronchioles and fallopian tubes are lined with 47. Assertion (A): Connective tissues are the most abundant
ciliated columnar epithelial cell. and widely distributed in the body of complex animals.
Reason (R): Connective tissues link and support other tissues
ASSERTION AND REASON MCQs or organs of the body.
Directions: In the following questions, a statement of Assertion 48. Assertion (A): Tendons attach one bone to another bone.
(A) is followed by a statement of Reason (R). Reason (R): Ligaments attach bone to bone.

34 P NEET (XI) Module-1 ZOOLOGY

1. Given below are two statements. (Manipur 2023) Choose the correct answer from the options given below.
Statement-I: In cockroach, the forewings are transparent (1) A-(R); B-(Q); C-(P); D-(S)
and prothoracic in origin. (2) A-(R); B-(Q); C-(S); D-(P)
Statement-II: In cockroach, the hind wings are opaque,
(3) A-(Q); B-(R); C-(P); D-(S)
leathery and mesothoracic in origin.
(4) A-(Q); B-(R); C-(S); D-(P)
In the light of the above statements, choose the correct
answer from the options given below; 7. Match List-I with List-II. (2023)
(1) Statement-I is correct but Statement-II is incorrect. List-I List-II
(2) Statement-I is incorrect but Statement-II is correct. A. Mast cells P. Ciliated epithelium
(3) Both Statement-I and Statement-II are correct. B. Inner surface of Q. Areolar connective tissue
(4) Both Statement-I and Statement-II are incorrect. bronchiole
2. The Cockroach is; (Manipur 2023) C. Blood R. Cuboidal epithelium
(1) Ammonotelic only (2) Uricotelic only D. Tubular parts of S. Specialised connective
nephron tissue
(3) Ureotelic only (4) Ureotelic and Uricotelic
Choose the correct answer from the options give below.
3. Which of the following is characteristic feature of cockroach
(1) A-(Q); B-(R); C-(P); D-(S)
regarding sexual dimorphism? (2023)
(1) Presence of anal cerci (2) A-(Q); B-(P); C-(S); D-(R)
(2) Dark brown body colour and anal cerci (3) A-(R); B-(S); C-(Q); D-(P)
(3) Presence of anal styles (4) A-(P); B-(Q); C-(S); D-(R)
(4) Presence of sclerites 8. Given below are two statements. (2023)
4. In cockroach, excretion is brought about by; (2023) Statement-I: Ligaments are dense irregular tissue.
A. Phallic gland B. Urecose gland Statement-II: Cartilage is dense regular tissue.
In the light of the above statements, choose the correct
C. Nephrocytes D. Fat body
answer from the options given below.
E. Collaterial glands (1) Both Statement-I and Statement-II are false.
Choose the correct answer from the options given below. (2) Statement-I is true but Statement-II is false.
(1) B and D only (2) A and E only (3) Statement-I is false but Statement-II is true.
(3) A, B and E only (4) B, C and D only (4) Both Statement-I and Statement-II are true.
5. Given below are two statements. (Manipur, 2023) 9. Excretion in cockroach is performed by all, except;
Statement-I: Goblet cells are unicellular glands.  (2022 II)
Statement-II: Earwax is the secretion of exocrine gland. (1) Hepatic caeca (2) Urecose glands
In the light of the above statements, choose the correct (3) Malpighian tubules (4) Fat body
answer from the options given below; 10. Which of the following types of epithelium is present in the
(1) Statement-I is true but Statement-II is false. bronchioles and fallopian tubes? (2022 II)
(2) Statement-I is false but Statement-II is true. (1) Stratified squamous epithelium
(2) Simple squamous epithelium
(3) Both Statement-I and Statement-II are true.
(3) Simple columnar epithelium
(4) Both Statement-I and Statement-II are false.
(4) Ciliated epithelium
6. Match List-I with List-II. (Manipur, 2023) 11. Choose the correct statement about a muscular tissue.
List-I List-II  (2022 II)
A. Columnar epithelium P. Ducts of glands (1) Smooth muscles are multinucleated and involuntary.
B. Ciliated epithelium Q. Inner lining of stomach (2) Skeletal muscle fibres are uninucleated and found in
parallel bundles.
and intestine
(3) Intercalated discs allow the cardiac muscle cells to
C. Squamous epithelium R. Inner lining of
contract as a unit.
(4) The walls of blood vessels are made up of columnar
D. Cuboidal epithelium S. Endothelium epithelium.

Structural Organization in Animals (Including Frog) 35

12. Choose the correct statements. (2022 II) 19. Which of the following characteristics is incorrect with
(a) Bones support and protect softer tissues and organs. respect to cockroach? (2021)
(b) Weight bearing function is served by limb bones. (1) Hypopharynx lies within the cavity enclosed by the
(c) Ligament is the site of production of blood. mouth parts.
(d) Adipose tissue is specialised to store fats. (2) In females, 7th-9th sterna together form a genital pouch.
(e) Tendons attach one bone to another. (3) 10th abdominal segment in both sexes, bears a pair of
Choose the most appropriate answer from the options given anal cerci.
below. (4) A ring of gastric caeca is present at the junction of midgut
(1) (a), (b) and (e) only (2) (a), (b) and (d) only and hind gut.
(3) (b), (c) and (e) only (4) (a), (c) and (d) only 20. Cuboidal epithelium with brush border of microvilli is
13. Which of the following is present between the adjacent bones found in;  (2020)
of the vertebral column? (2022) (1) ducts of salivary glands.
(1) Smooth muscle (2) Intercalated discs (2) proximal convoluted tubule of nephron.
(3) Cartilage (4) Areolar tissue (3) eustachian tube.
14. Which of the following is not a connective tissue? (2022)
(4) lining of intestine.
(1) Neuroglia (2) Blood
21. Goblet cells of alimentary canal are modified from;(2020)
(3) Adipose tissue (4) Cartilage
(1) Columnar epithelial cells
15. Match List-I with List-II. (2022)
(2) Chondrocytes
List-I List-II
(3) Compound epithelial cells
A. Bronchioles P. Dense regular connective (4) Squamous epithelial cells
22. Select the incorrectly matched pair from following;
B. Goblet cell Q. Loose connective tissue
 (2020 Covid)
C. Tendons R. Glandular tissue (1) Neurons-Nerve cells
D. Adipose tissue S. Ciliated epithelium (2) Fibroblast-Areolar tissue
Choose the correct answer from the options given below. (3) Osteocytes-Bone cells
(1) A-(Q); B-(P); C-(S); D-(R) (4) Chondrocytes-Smooth muscle cells
(2) A-(R); B-(S); C-(Q); D-(P) 23. Which one of the following is the most abundant protein in
(3) A-(S); B-(R); C-(P); D-(Q) the animals? (2020)
(4) A-(P); B-(Q); C-(R); D-(S) (1) Haemoglobin (2) Collagen
16. Tegmina in cockroach, arises from; (2022) (3) Lectin (4) Insulin
(1) Prothorax and mesothorax 24. If the head of cockroach is removed, it may live for few days
(2) Prothorax because; (2020)
(3) Mesothorax (1) The cockroach does not have nervous system.
(4) Metathorax (2) The head holds a small proportion of a nervous system
17. Which of the following statement wrongly represents the while the rest is situated along the ventral part of its
nature of smooth muscle? (2021) body.
(1) They are involuntary muscles. (3) The head holds a 1/3rd of a nervous system while the
(2) Communication among the cells is performed by rest is situated along the dorsal part of its body.
intercalated discs. (4) The supra-oesophageal ganglia of the cockroach are
(3) These muscles are present in the wall of blood vessels. situated in ventral part of abdomen.
(4) These muscle have no striations. 25. In cockroach, identify the parts of the foregut in correct
18. Identify the types of cell junctions that help to stop the sequence;  (2020 Covid)
leakage of the substances across a tissue and facilitation of (1) Mouth → Crop → Pharynx → Oesophagus → Gizzard
communication with neighbouring cells via rapid transfer
(2) Mouth → Gizzard → Crop → Pharynx → Oesophagus
of ions and molecules; (2021)
(1) Tight junctions and gap junctions, respectively (3) Mouth → Pharynx → Oesophagus → Crop → Gizzard
(2) Adhering junctions and tight junctions, respectively (4) Mouth → Oesophagus → Pharynx → Crop → Gizzard
(3) Adhering junctions and gap junctions, respectively 26. Match the following list with reference to cockroach and
(4) Gap junctions and adhering junctions, respectively select the correct option.  (2020 Covid)

36 P NEET (XI) Module-1 ZOOLOGY

(3) Testes → Vasa efferentia → Bidder’s canal → Ureter
List-I List-II
→ Cloaca
A. Grinding of the food particles P. Hepatic caecae (4) Testes → Vasa efferentia → Kidney → Bidder’s canal
B. Secrete gastric juice Q. 10th segment → Urinogenital duct → Cloaca
C. 10 pairs R. Proventriculus 32. Adult human RBCs are enucleate. Which of the following
statement(s) is/are most appropriate explanation for this
D. Anal cerci S. Spiracles
feature? (2017)
A B C D (a) They do not need to reproduce.
(1) (S) (R) (P) (Q) (b) They are somatic cells.
(2) (P) (S) (R) (Q)
(c) They do not metabolize.
(3) (Q) (R) (P) (S)
(4) (R) (P) (S) (Q) (d) All their internal space is available for oxygen transport.
27. Which of the following statements is incorrect? (1) (a), (c) and (d) (2) (b) and (c)
 (Odisha 2019) (3) Only (d) (4) Only (a)
(1) Cockroaches exhibit mosaic vision with less sensitivity 33. Frog’s heart when taken out of the body continues to beat
and more resolution. for sometime. (2017)
(2) A mushroom-shaped gland is present in the 6th and 7th Select the best option from the following statements.
abdominal segments of male. (a) Frog is a poikilotherm.
(3) A pair of spermatheca is present in the 6th segment of
(b) Frog does not have any coronary circulation.
female cockroach.
(4) Female cockroach possesses sixteen ovarioles in the (c) Heart is “myogenic” in nature:
ovaries. (d) Heart is autoexcitable.
28. Ciliated epithelial cells are required to move particles or (1) (a) and (b) (2) (c) and (d)
mucus in a specific direction. In humans, these cells are (3) Only (c) (4) Only (d)
mainly present in;  (2019) 34. Which of the following structures does not open into the
(1) Bile duct and bronchioles. genital chamber of female cockroaches? (2017-Gujarat)
(2) Fallopian tubes and pancreatic duct. (1) A pair of collateral glands
(3) Eustachian tube and salivary duct. (2) A single median oviduct
(4) Bronchioles and fallopian tubes. (3) Spermatheca
29. Select the correct sequence of organs in the alimentary canal (4) A pair of anal cerci
of cockroach starting from mouth; (2019) 35. Select in incorrect option with respect to features present
(1) Pharynx → Oesophagus → Crop → Gizzard → Ileum in three animals.  (2017-Gujarat)
→ Colon → Rectum
Characters Cockroach Earthworm Frog
(2) Pharynx → Oesophagus → Gizzard → Crop → Ileum
→ Colon → Rectum (1) Development Direct Indirect Indirect
(3) Pharynx → Oesophagus → Gizzard → Ileum → Crop (2) Blood vascular Open Closed Closed
→ Colon → Rectum system
(4) Pharynx → Oesophagus → Ileum → Crop → Gizzard (3) Body surface Dry Moist Moist
→ Colon → Rectum (4) Eyes Compound Absent Simple
30. Which of the following features is used to identify a male 36. Smooth muscles are; (2016-II)
cockroach from a female cockroach?  (2018)
(1) Involuntary, cylindrical, striated
(1) Presence of a boat shaped sternum on the 9th abdominal
segment (2) Voluntary, spindle–shaped, uninucleate
(2) Presence of caudal styles (3) Involuntary, fusiform, non-striated
(3) Forewings with darker tegmina (4) Voluntary, multinucleate, cylindrical
(4) Presence of anal cerci
37. Which type of tissue correctly matches with its location?
31. Select the correct route for the passage of sperms in male
frogs;  (2017-Delhi)
(1) Testes → Bidder’s canal → Kidney → Vasa efferentia Tissue Location
→ Urinogenital duct → Cloaca (1) Smooth muscle Wall of intestine
(2) Testes → Vasa efferentia → Kidney → Seminal Vesicle
(2) Areolar tissue Tendons
→ Urinogenital duct → Cloaca

Structural Organization in Animals (Including Frog) 37

41. The terga, sterna and pleura of cockroach body are joined by;
(3) Transitional epithelium Tip of nose
(4) Cuboidal epithelium Lining of stomach (1) Arthrodial membrane (2) Cartilage
38. In male cockroaches, sperms are stored in; (2016-II) (3) Cementing glue (4) Muscular tissue
(1) Testes (2) Vas deferens 42. The body cells in cockroach discharge their nitrogenous
(3) Seminal vesicles (4) Mushroom glands waste in the haemolymph mainly in the form of;
39. Which of the following features is not present in Periplaneta  (2015 Re)
americana? (2016-I) (1) Potassium urate (2) Urea
(1) Schizocoelom as body cavity (3) Calcium carbonate (4) Ammonia
(2) Indeterminate and radial cleavage during embryonic
43. Choose the correctly matched pair. (2014)
(1) Cartilage-Loose connective tissue
(3) Exoskeleton composed of N-acetyl glucosamine
(2) Tendon-Specialised connective tissue
(4) Metamerically segmented body
(3) Adipose tissue-Dense connective tissue
40. Function of the gap junction is to; (2015 Re) (4) Areolar tissue-Loose connective tissue
(1) facilitate communication between adjoining cells by
44. Choose the correctly matched pair.  (2014)
connecting the cytoplasm for rapid transfer of ions,
small molecules and some large molecules. (1) Inner surface of bronchioles-Squamous epithelium
(2) separate two cells from each other. (2) Inner lining of salivary ducts-Ciliated epithelium
(3) stop substance from leaking across a tissue. (3) Moist surface of buccal cavity-Glandular epithelium
(4) performing cementing to keep neighboring cells together. (4) Tubular parts of nephrons-Cuboidal epithelium

Answer Key

1. Squamous 2. Microvilli 3. Hormones 4. Tight 5. Blood
6. Adipose 7. Compound 8. False 9. True 10. False
11. False 12. True 13. True 14. True 15. Articular membrane
16. Hypopharynx 17. Spiracles 18. 2000 19. Seminal vesicles 20. True
21. False 22. False 23. True 24. True 25. Rana tigrina
26. Mucus 27. First 28. False 29. True 30. True
31. False


1. Function 2. Intercellular 3. Air sacs 4. Absorption 5. PCT
6. Bronchioles 7. Tall 8. Nuclei 9. Cuboidal 10. Goblet
11. Pancreas 12. Buccal 13. Cementing 14. Cytoplasm 15. Tissue
16. Elastin 17. Polysaccharides 18. Loosely 19. Epithelium 20. Mast
21. Fibres 22. Orientation 23. Collagen 24. Compression 25. Vertebrate
26. Lacunae 27. Skeletal 28. Proteins 29. Osmotic 30. Lymphocytes
31. Mesodermal 32. Myofibrils 33. Extensibility 34. Fusiform 35. Connective
36. Intercalated discs 37. Nissl’s 38. Neuroglial 39. Retina 40. Neuroglea

38 P NEET (XI) Module-1 ZOOLOGY

41. Evolutionary 42. Sternites 43. Right 44. Six 45. Tegmina
46. Flight 47. Boat-shaped 48. Anal styles 49. 10th 50. Circular
51. Chitinous 52. Malpighian tubules 53. Broader 54. Haemocytes 55. Funnel
56. Diffusion 57. Ciliated 58. Ganglia 59. Head 60. Supra-oesophageal
61. Sensitivity 62. 4th – 6th 63. Asymmetrical 64. Spermatophores 65. Eight
66. Spermatheca 67. 14–16 68. Mimicry 69. Aestivation 70. Four
71. Bilobed 72. Diffusion 73. Skin 74. Triangular 75. Conus arteriosus
76. Renal 77. Nucleated 78. Oviduct 79. Ventral 80. Ureotelic
81. Diencephalon 82. Optic 83. Foramen magnum 84. Sensory papillae 85. Cellular
86. Peritoneum 87. Bidder’s 88. Sperms 89. 3000


Single Correct Type Questions
1. (1) 2. (4) 3. (2) 4. (3) 5. (1) 6. (2) 7. (2) 8. (2) 9. (3) 10. (4)
Assertion and Reason Type Questions
1. (2) 2. (4) 3. (3) 4. (1) 5. (2)
Case Study Based Questions
Case-I: 1. (4) 2. (2) 3. (2) 4. (4) 5. (4)
Case-II: 1. (4) 2. (4) 3. (3) 4. (1) 5. (3)


1. (3) 2. (4) 3. (2) 4. (4) 5. (1) 6. (3) 7. (2) 8. (3) 9. (1) 10. (3)
11. (1) 12. (1) 13. (2) 14. (1) 15. (2) 16. (3) 17. (1) 18. (4) 19. (1) 20. (3)
21. (4) 22. (4) 23. (4) 24. (4) 25. (3) 26. (1) 27. (3) 28. (2) 29. (1) 30. (1)
31. (4) 32. (1) 33. (4) 34. (4) 35. (2) 36. (3) 37. (1) 38. (1) 39. (1) 40. (4)
41. (2) 42. (1) 43. (3) 44. (4) 45. (4) 46. (1) 47. (3) 48. (3) 49. (2) 50. (4)
51. (1) 52. (1) 53. (2) 54. (4) 55. (2) 56. (2) 57. (4) 58. (3) 59. (1) 60. (2)
61. (4) 62. (2) 63. (3) 64. (2) 65. (4) 66. (3)


1. (3) 2. (2) 3. (4) 4. (4) 5. (1) 6. (3) 7. (4) 8. (1) 9. (3) 10. (4)
11. (3) 12. (2) 13. (3) 14. (4) 15. (2) 16. (3) 17. (1) 18. (4) 19. (1) 20. (3)
21. (1) 22. (1) 23. (4) 24. (3) 25. (1) 26. (4) 27. (3) 28. (2) 29. (3) 30. (3)
31. (4) 32. (3) 33. (4) 34. (3)


1. (3) 2. (2) 3. (1) 4. (3) 5. (3) 6. (1) 7. (4) 8. (1) 9. (3) 10. (3)
11. (2) 12. (1) 13. (2) 14. (1) 15. (4) 16. (2) 17. (3) 18. (3) 19. (3) 20. (4)
21. (3) 22. (2) 23. (2) 24. (2) 25. (1) 26. (3) 27. (3) 28. (2) 29. (4) 30. (3)
31. (4) 32. (4) 33. (2) 34. (4) 35. (1) 36. (1) 37. (2) 38. (4) 39. (3) 40. (1)
41. (3) 42. (4) 43. (1) 44. (2) 45. (1) 46. (1) 47. (1) 48. (4)


1. (4) 2. (2) 3. (3) 4. (4) 5. (3) 6. (4) 7. (2) 8. (1) 9. (1) 10. (4)
11. (3) 12. (2) 13. (3) 14. (1) 15. (3) 16. (3) 17. (2) 18. (1) 19. (4) 20. (2)
21. (1) 22. (4) 23. (2) 24. (2) 25. (3) 26. (4) 27. (1) 28. (4) 29. (1) 30. (2)
31. (4) 32. (3) 33. (2) 34. (4) 35. (1) 36. (3) 37. (1) 38. (3) 39. (2) 40. (1)
41. (1) 42. (1) 43. (4) 44. (4)

Structural Organization in Animals (Including Frog) 39

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