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EOIDNA/ Introduccin a NI / Listening

PART 1-A (Overall meaning) You are going to listen to five short extracts. For questions 1-5, choose the option a,b or c that best matches the question, as in the example (0-a). You will hear each extract TWICE. 0. Who is this extract about? a. a politician b. a sailor c. an artist 1. What kind of story is this one? a. a fairy tale b. a police story c. a comedy a. b. c. 2. What kind of place is this extract about? a seaside resort a countryside area a big city 3. Which subject would you associate this extract to? a. Geography b. History c. Astronomy 4. What is this extract about? a. a farm b. a zoo c. a natural park 5. What kind of building is this extract about? a. a mansion b. a cathedral a hotel


KEY 0a 1b 2b 3a 4c 5a


EOIDNA/ Introduccin a NI / Listening

EXTRACT 0 (example) In fourteen hundred ninety-two, Columbus sailed the ocean blue. American schoolchildren learn this rhyme about Christopher Columbus, who is said to have discover America, even though he never landed on the mainland. Columbus reached Haiti on October 12th, 1492- the United States celebrates his life with an annual holiday. He sailed by night; he sailed by day; he used the stars to find his way. EXTRACT NUMBER 1 A woman is walking along a beach, when she finds an old oil lamp. She picks it up and rubs it and out comes a genie. The genie says to the woman, Thank you for freeing me from the oil lamp. I will grant you 3 wishes, but whatever you wish for, your horrible ex-husband will get twice as much. What is your first wish?, Id like a million dollars in my bank account, please! The genie says, You now have a million dollars in your bank account, and your exhusband now has 2 million dollars. What is your second wish? . EXTRACT NUMBER 2 Dales Way is one of Englands finest long-distance footspaths. It offers ramblers the chance to escape the modern world and to lose themselves in the rolling hills of the Yorkshire Dales. The footpath begins in the Yorkshire village of Ikley and travels northwest, across 80 miles (129 kilometres9 of open countryside, to Bowness-on Windermere in the Lake District The journey takes most peoples five to six days on foot EXTRACT NUMBER 3 Wherever you are on the planet as you read this, your position can be measured in terms of its distance east r west of the Greenwich Meridian. If you are in Milan, your longitude will be just over nine degrees east. Similarly, your time zone can be expressed as Greenwich Mean Time (GMT)+1, as you are 1 hour ahead of Greenwich. The royal Observatory at Greenwich is the official starting point for each new day, year or even millennium. EXTRACT NUMBER 4 Although the worlds first national park is perhaps best known for its incredible geysers like Old Faithful, there is also an abundance of wildlife to be discovered here. More than 60 species of mammal roam the valleys and mountains, including elk, moose, bison and coyotes. But the animals most visitors want to catch a glimpse of are the more reclusive big predator- bears, wolves,. Or if youre lucky, a mountain lion. EXTRACT NUMBER 5 The Winchester mystery house in San Jos, California is one of the strangest buildings in the world; in fact, the house is so confusing that no one knows exactly how many rooms there are: estimates ranges from 140 to 160 rooms. The mystery deepens when we hear tales of ghosts, slamming doors and doorknobs that turns by themselves. This is the house that inspired Stephen King to write rose Red, but the true story is stranger than fiction.

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