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FRENCH (0520)
Beginner & Advance
Endorsed Textbook
School Support Hub
*Specimen papers
*Scheme of work
*Learners guide
*Teaching tools
*Example Candidate Responses (Paper 3)
Syllabus Overview

The subject content is

divided in five broad topic
A.Everyday activities
B. Personal and social life
C. The world around us
D. The world of work
E. The international
List of grammar and structures :
The list of grammar and structures provides students with an indication of the grammatical knowledge they are
expected to demonstrate in all of their assessments for IGCSE French. The list is not intended to be restrictive.

Articles definite, indefinite, partitive, use of de after negative verb forms

Adjectives agreement
demonstrative (ce, cet, cette, ces)
interrogative (e.g. quel, quelle, quels, quelles)
indefinite (e.g. autre, chaque, même, n’importe quel, pareil, plusieurs, quelques, tel)
regular forms (e.g. aussi, moins, plus + que)
irregular forms (e.g. meilleur, pire)
regular forms (e.g. le/la plus …, le/la moins …)
irregular forms (e.g. le meilleur, le pire, le moindre)

Prepositions place (e.g. chez, entre, devant, à côté de) time (e.g. avant, après, pendant, pour)
movement (e.g. jusqu’à, vers) other (e.g. contre, malgré, sans, sauf, selon)
Number all cardinal/ordinal numbers

Quantity assez, beaucoup, demi, moitié, peu, un peu, tant, trop, tellement

Time date (e.g. le 12 septembre); time, including 24-hour clock, years

Adverbs adverbs of time and place

interrogative (e.g. combien, comment, où, quand, depuis quand)
common adverbial phrases
regular forms (e.g. aussi, moins, plus + que )
irregular forms (e.g. mieux)
irregular forms (e.g. le mieux)
quantifiers (e.g. assez, beaucoup plus/moins, bien, comme, fort, peu, un peu, si, tellement,
tout, très, trop)

Conjunctions Conjunctions co-ordinating (e.g. car, donc)

subordinating (e.g. quand, où, parce que, si, puisque)

Pronouns Personal : object: direct and indirect including position, order, agreement , disjunctive
demonstrative (e.g. ça, cela, celui, celle, -ci, -là, celui/celle de, celui/celle qui,celui/celle que,
celui/celle dont)
interrogative (e.g. qui ? que ? qui est-ce que/qui ? lequel ?)
relative (e.g. qui, que, dont, où, quoi, ce qui, ce que, lequel/laquelle)
possessive (e.g. le mien)
Verbs Verbs regular and irregular forms of verbs, including reflexive verbs
all persons of verbs, singular and plural
negative forms
interrogative forms
modes of address: tu, vous
impersonal verbs
indicative tenses
• present • future
• imperfect • conditional
• perfect • pluperfect
• immediate future
perfect infinitive
present participle
verbs governing an infinitive, including à and de + infinitive
use of depuis with present and imperfect tenses
use of venir de + infinitive in present and imperfect tenses
passive voice (receptive)
subjunctive mood: in commonly used expression (receptive)
Assessment Overview
All candidates take all four papers with a total of 170 marks. Candidates will be eligible for
Grades A* to G & each component has equal weightage (25% each).

Paper 1 : Listening Paper 2 : Reading Paper 3 : Speaking Paper 4 : Writing

Approx : 50 minutes 1 hour Approx : 10 minutes 1 hour
40 marks 45 marks 40 marks 45 marks

Candidates listen to a Candidates read a Candidates complete Candidates complete

number of recordings number of texts and one role play and one form-filling task,
and answer answer conversations on two one directed writing
multiple-choice and multiple-choice and topics. task and one task in
matching matching questions as the format of an
questions. well as questions Internally assessed email/letter or
requiring short and externally article/blog.
Externally assessed answers. moderated
Externally assessed
Externally assessed
Paper 1:
Paper 1 Listening

Paper code : 0520/11,12,13

Approx 50 minutes including 6 minutes' transfer time,
Marks: 40

The assessment objectives (AOs) are:

•understand the main points and key information in simple everyday material
•understand clear speech on a range of familiar topics
•understand the description of events and expression of ideas, opinions and
attitudes in simple texts
•identify and select relevant information in predictable texts
Paper 1 Listening

Paper code : 0520/12 Approx 50 minutes including 6 minutes' transfer time, 40 marks.

General points to note:

• There are multiple-choice and matching questions. Each question tests your
understanding of a recorded text.
• The questions at the beginning are easier and gradually get more difficult as the
examination progresses.
• The earlier texts that you will hear are shorter than the later texts.
• You will hear each recorded text twice.
• You should try to answer all of the questions.
• Questions can come from any topic listed in the five topic areas mentioned in Section 1.
• You are not required to write any answers in French. You will need to answer all questions
by choosing the correct option(s).
Description of the Listening test

Exercise 1 Exercise 4
Task You will hear short texts and answer eight Task You will hear a dialogue (conversation, discussion or
multiple-choice questions, each with four options. interview) or two shorter dialogues (each with a
different person, on a common theme), and answer nine
Text types Short monologues, e.g. announcements, phone
multiple-choice questions, each with three options.
messages, news items, or dialogues.
Text types Conversation, discussion or interview
Total marks 8
Total marks 9
Exercise 2
Exercise 5
Task You will hear a monologue or dialogue containing factual
information and answer six multiple-choice Task You will hear a dialogue (conversation, discussion or
questions, each with four options. interview) and answer six multiple-choice questions,
Text types Short monologues or dialogues each with four options.

Total marks 6 Text types Conversation, discussion or interview

Total marks 6
Exercise 3
Task You will hear a conversation and match the names of Exercise 6
people, places, items or activities with the correct Task You will hear a dialogue (conversation, discussion or
statements. interview). In each question there are five options and
Text types Informal conversation you must select the two options which are true.
Text types Conversation, discussion or interview
Total marks 5
Total marks 6
Paper 1 Listening

Developing listening practices:

1. Use of past papers: audio tracks, transcripts.

2. Importance of synonyms and understanding distractors
(Minimum Core Vocabulary)
3. Adapt the existing resources to the paper pattern.
4. Dictation (la dictee) (Audio-Learner, Learner-Learner,
5. Podcasts and radio shows
6. French movies and songs
Find some useful resources on:
Administration of the listening exam
Paper 2:
Description of the Reading test

Exercise 1 Exercise 4
Task You will match a series of short statements with the Task You will answer questions on a longer text which require
correct pictures short responses in French.

Text types Simple descriptions Text types Email, message, letter or blog

Total marks 5 Total marks 12

Exercise 2 Exercise 5
Task You will match a series of descriptions of the
Task You will match a series of short notices or signs
requirements, interests or skills of different people with
commonly found in public places with an explanatory
the correct description of places, events, services or
statement. The texts are all taken from the same context
activities, etc. All texts are on a common theme.
Text types Signs, notices, instructions, messages, advertisements
Text types Short descriptions, advertisements, etc.
Total marks 5
Total marks 5

Exercise 3 Exercise 6
Task You will answer multiple-choice questions, each with
Task You will answer questions on a longer text which
three options, on a short text.
require short responses in French
Text types Email, message, postcard or letter
Text types Articles, etc

Total marks 7 Total marks 11

Paper 2 Reading

Paper code : 0520/ 22 (Duration : 1 hr , 45 marks )

General points to note:

• The questions at the beginning are easier and gradually get more difficult as the examination
• The earlier texts are shorter than the later texts.
• Each exercise contains multiple-choice questions, matching questions or questions with short
answers in French.
• Candidate should try to answer all of the questions.
• Questions can come from any topic listed in the five topic areas mentioned above in Section 1.
• When you answer questions in French, try not to copy large sections of the text as this will not
show the examiner that you have understood precisely.
• When answering in French, your answer will be marked for communicating the correct
message. If there is inaccuracy in the French it will be accepted provided that the message of
your answer is clear.

➢ Encourage students to practice vocabulary on a regular basis.

➢ Q1,2 & 3 are multiple choice

➢ For Q4& Q6 it’s inadvisable to copy large chunks from the stimulus material with no
attempt to select what is relevant.

➢ It’s important that you write briefly, relevantly & concisely.

➢ Revise the list of simple interrogative questions.

➢ Q5 (Match the affirmations to the appropriate option)

Paper 4:
(la production
Paper 4 Writing

Paper code : 0520/ 42 (Duration : 1 hr , 45 marks )

General points to note:

• You will need to answer three questions.

• The Writing paper starts with an easier, short question, Question 1, which you can answer with
single words or phrases.
• For Question 2, you will need to write 80–90 words. Make sure that you complete all of the set
• In Question 3, you will have the choice between two questions, 3(a) or 3(b). One will be an
email or letter and the other
will be an article or blog.
• For Question 3, you will need to write 130–140 words. Make sure that you complete all of the
set tasks.
• When you write, you should aim to be as accurate as possible and to use a variety of
structures, tenses and vocabulary.
• You need to plan your time carefully.
Description of questions

The Writing paper has a form-filling task, a directed writing task and an extended writing task.

Question 1
Task You will fill in a form with single words or short phrases in response to a
given context.
Total marks 5

Question 2
Task You will complete a directed writing task in 80–90 words on a familiar,
everyday topic.
Total marks 12

Question 3

Task You will choose between two tasks (an email/letter or an article/blog)
and complete one of these in
130–140 words.
Total marks 28
Tips for a creative ‘Production Écrite

★ Answer the bullet point in the correct tense.

★ When a bullet point refers to a DESCRIPTION, then ensure you use at least 3 different activities
along with an opinion.
★ Using structures like (Après avoir / être + past participle) and (Avant de + infinitive) always puts
you in the higher rubric of the marking scheme.
★ Use a variety of subjects
★ Use high value connectors such as (Bien que, par contre, de plus, en outre, pourtant,
néanmoins) & also simple connectors such as (et, mais, ou, parce que, car etc).
★ Using intensifiers with an opinion or an adjective is a great idea as it shows a strong grasp over
the range of language.
(ex - C’est très amusant!), (On a mangé trop !), (Il y avait beaucoup de ballons colorées partout).
★ Give an opinion while talking about any activity. Provide a list of adjectives that can be used in a
variety of situations.
★ Using negative expressions (ne + rien / jamais/ personne / ni…ni) take you to the top of the rubric
★ Incorporate use of pronouns (DOB, IOB, Emphatic, y, en, relative pronouns) wherever necessary.
★ Enhance the language by using a range of adjectives & adverbs.
★ Ce qui + verb / ce que + subject + verb are great examples of COMPLEX STRUCTURES that make
your written expression (article/blog/ email) stand out.
Ex - ce que j’apprécie chez lui, ce qui me fascine, ce qui me passionne, ce qui me plaît etc)
★ Using gérondif (en + present participle) is an excellent way to showcase strong grasp over
language & rubric range. Normally used while describing activities or a sequence of events.
Ex - je suis tombé en jouant au tennis.
★ Modal verbs such as (pouvoir + infinitive / vouloir + infinitive) adds value & shows wide range of
★ A good tip is to use Comparatives (while talking about advantages & disadvantages) &
Superlatives (while giving an opinion)
★ Si + Imparfait + Conditionnel / Espérer + infinitive / Avoir l’intention de + infinitive
★ The last point asked in Q3 (28 marks) is always in the future / conditional tense. While
answering it ensure that you use at least 2 of the above structures.
Ex - Qu’est-ce que vous ferez pour votre prochain anniversaire ?
★ Be careful with the agreement of past participles of the verbs.
★ Adverbial phrases / quantities (beaucoup de, trop de, assez de) are always followed by ‘de’
irrespective of the number & gender of the noun.
★ The use of verb (jouer with à & de)
★ Do not use the verb ‘visiter’ when you wish to say ‘you’re visiting someone. To visit someone we
use (rendre visite à quelqu’un).
★ Never use the word ‘Aussi’ in the beginning of the sentence as it means ‘Therefore’.
Paper 3:
(la production
Description of the Speaking test
Paper code : 0520/ 03 (Duration : Apprx 10 mins, 40 marks ) and is structured as follows:

One role play

A warm-up section which is not assessed approx 30 seconds

One role play – candidates respond to five transactional questions to, approximately two
for example, accomplish a task or obtain goods or services minutes
Total role play marks (5 questions x 2 marks) = 10 marks

Two conversation topics

Two conversation topics – candidates respond to questions on each approx four minutes
topic to share views, opinions and experiences for each conversation
Total marks for both conversations marked together = 30 marks
(15 for Communication and 15 for Quality of Language)
Paper 3 Speaking

Paper code : 0520/ 03 (Duration : Apprx 10 mins , 40 marks )

General points to note:

• The candidate will have 10 minutes of preparation time before the test. During this time candidate will be
given the role play card. Candidates are not allowed to make notes.
• In the test, there will be a brief warm-up of about 30 seconds. The warm-up is not assessed.
• Candidate will have to complete one role play situation with five questions (approximately two minutes).
• The role plays will be on familiar topics, e.g. transactions in shops, using public transport, directions and
ordering food and drinks.
• The candidate will then respond to questions on two different conversation topics (approx 4 minutes on
each topic).
• The conversation topics will come from the areas listed in Section 1.
• The first conversation topic will come from topic area A (Everyday activities) or B (Personal and Social
• The second conversation topic will come from topic area C (The world around us), D (The world of
work), or E (The international world).
• Each conversation topic will have questions which give you the opportunity to show that you can use past,
present and future tenses.
• Each conversation topic will have questions for you to show that you can share views, opinions and your
During each candidate’s test

1 At the start of the test, press ‘record’ on the recording equipment. Do not stop or pause the
recording at any point during the test.
2 Say your name, the candidate’s name, their candidate number, the candidate card number and the
date. For example:‘Teacher/examiner name: Ms.Mansi Shah , Candidate number: 0031,Candidate
name: Rekha Shah , Candidate card number: 3,Date: [the date on which the test is conducted] ’
3 Start the timer or look at a clock to note the start time of the test.
From this point onwards, all parts of the test must be conducted in French.
4.Greet the candidate using the prompts provided. This is not assessed.
5. Set the scene for the role play by reading out the role play scenario exactly as it is printed in this
instruction booklet and thereafter read the questions as mentioned in the instruction booklet/ teachers
Please Note: You can repeat any role play question if the candidate has not understood or did not
hear but you must not rephrase any of the role play questions. If the candidate still cannot answer one
of the questions after you have repeated it, move on to the next task.
Remember, you cannot stop or pause the recording during a test.
During each candidate’s test

Topic conversation 1 & 2

6.Go to the correct topic conversation in this instructions booklet.

Ask each question exactly as it is printed. You must ask all five questions in the order shown.
If there are two parts to the question (e.g. ‘When …? Why?’), you should pause and wait for the
answer to the first part before asking the second part.
How to submit your work:
1. Save each candidate’s recording as a separate file in .mp3 format.
2. Each recorded file in the sample must be clearly named using the following : centre
number_candidate number_syllabus number_component number (Eg: IN688_1005_0520_03)
3. Submit the total marks for all candidates using the Submit for Assessment portal
4. Submit for Assessment will identify candidates to be submitted in the sample and generate an
automatic email listing these candidates.
5. Upload the recording for each candidate listed in the sample request to Submit for Assessment.
6. Upload the completed marks breakdown form(s) for all candidates.
7. Do not send us work or marks in hard copy.
8. For detailed guidance on how to upload work, see the section ‘Administrative guides for subjects
using the Submit for Assessment portal’ on the Exams Officers section of our website.
9. You should retain a copy of all submitted work.
Cambridge selects the sample, according to the criteria below:
● 1–10 entries: all candidates
● 11–50 entries: 10 candidates
● 51–100 entries: 15 candidates
● 101–200 entries: 20 candidates
● Over 200 entries: 10% of candidates
Instruction for conducting a Speaking Test :

How to use submit for assessment :

Specimen Working Marksheet :

Assessment Adminsitrative guide :
Tips for Speaking Exam :

*Candidates should be encouraged to use “WH” questions such as “Qui ?, Où ?, Combien ?,

Pourquoi ?, Quand ? etc ” throughout the ten minutes of preparation time to anticipate the
questions about the role-play scenario.
* Mock tests enables students to become familiar with the exam's structure and pattern as well as its
rules and format.
*Candidate must refrain from using English words.
*Candidates are required to develop their responses to questions that begin with “est-ce que” and
provide with a justification. While justifying their answers candidates must avoid using common
terms such as “C’est amusant” or “C’est ennuyeux” rather use expression such as “ c’est inoubliable”
or “c’est une perte de temps”
* Candidates must be encouraged to use connectors while framing extended
“pourtant” (however) or “par contre” (on the other hand)
* While answering question with “Pourquoi” , students could answer with expression such as “ à
cause de” or “ grâce à” for a better response.
* Candidates must pay key attention on tenses , such as
Present Past Future
Il y a Il y avait Il y aura
C’est C’était Ce serait

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