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Exposure Estimation and Interpretation of Occupational Risk: Enhanced

Information for the Occupational Risk Manager

Article in Journal of Occupational and Environmental Hygiene · August 2015

DOI: 10.1080/15459624.2015.1084421 · Source: PubMed


14 347

6 authors, including:

Martha A Waters Andrew Maier

Centers for Disease Control (retired) University of Cincinnati


Michael Jayjock Val Schaeffer

Jayjock Associates LLC United States Department of Labor


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Journal of Occupational and Environmental Hygiene

ISSN: 1545-9624 (Print) 1545-9632 (Online) Journal homepage:

Exposure Estimation and Interpretation of

Occupational Risk: Enhanced Information for the
Occupational Risk Manager

Martha Waters, Lauralynn McKernan, Andrew Maier, Michael Jayjock, Val

Schaeffer & Lisa Brosseau

To cite this article: Martha Waters, Lauralynn McKernan, Andrew Maier, Michael Jayjock, Val
Schaeffer & Lisa Brosseau (2015) Exposure Estimation and Interpretation of Occupational
Risk: Enhanced Information for the Occupational Risk Manager, Journal of Occupational and
Environmental Hygiene, 12:sup1, S99-S111, DOI: 10.1080/15459624.2015.1084421

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Journal of Occupational and Environmental Hygiene, 12: S99–S111
ISSN: 1545-9624 print / 1545-9632 online
Publishd with license by Taylor & Francis
DOI: 10.1080/15459624.2015.1084421

Exposure Estimation and Interpretation of Occupational

Risk: Enhanced Information for the Occupational
Risk Manager
Martha Waters,1Lauralynn McKernan,2 Andrew Maier,3 Michael Jayjock,4
Val Schaeffer,5 and Lisa Brosseau6
Division of Applied Research and Technology, National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health,
Cincinnati, Ohio
Education and Information Division, National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health, Cincinnati,
Department of Environmental Health, University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, Ohio
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Jayjock and Associates, LLC, Langhorne, Pennsylvania
Occupational Safety and Health Administration, Washington, DC
Environmental & Occupational Health Sciences, University of Illinois at Chicago, Chicago, Illinois

The fundamental goal of this article is to describe, de-

fine, and analyze the components of the risk characterization This article not subject to U.S. copyright law.
process for occupational exposures. Current methods are de- This is an Open Access article. Non-commercial re-use, distribu-
scribed for the probabilistic characterization of exposure, in- tion, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work
cluding newer techniques that have increasing applications for is properly attributed, cited, and is not altered, transformed, or built
assessing data from occupational exposure scenarios. In addi- upon in any way, is permitted. The moral rights of the named author(s)
tion, since the probability of health effects reflects variability in have been asserted.
the exposure estimate as well as the dose-response curve—the Address correspondence to Martha Waters, National Institute for
integrated considerations of variability surrounding both com- Occupational Safety and Health, 4676 Columbia Parkway, MS R-2,
ponents of the risk characterization provide greater informa- Cincinnati, Ohio; e-mail:
tion to the occupational hygienist. Probabilistic tools provide a
more informed view of exposure as compared to use of discrete
point estimates for these inputs to the risk characterization pro-
cess. Active use of such tools for exposure and risk assessment
will lead to a scientifically supported worker health protection
program. Understanding the bases for an occupational risk
assessment, focusing on important sources of variability and
uncertainty enables characterizing occupational risk in terms
of a probability, rather than a binary decision of acceptable
F or an occupational health and safety professional to make
risk-based decisions regarding an occupational exposure
scenario, workplace exposure concentrations may be com-
risk or unacceptable risk. A critical review of existing methods pared to a health-protective exposure limit. This occupational
highlights several conclusions: (1) exposure estimates and
the dose-response are impacted by both variability and un- health risk assessment decision process has two primary
certainty and a well-developed risk characterization reflects components:
and communicates this consideration; (2) occupational risk
is probabilistic in nature and most accurately considered as 1) exposure assessment: an expression of the exposure
a distribution, not a point estimate; and (3) occupational concentration in the workplace, and
hygienists have a variety of tools available to incorporate 2) risk characterization: a method for comparing the ex-
concepts of risk characterization into occupational health and posure assessment to toxic potency of the chemical
practice. involved and translating the result into a risk of adverse
health outcomes.
Keywords dose-response relationship, environmental variability,
exposure estimation, exposure sampling, hazard quo- Judgments about risk are often complicated because the
tient, overexposure exposure estimates are not single values—rather they represent

Journal of Occupational and Environmental Hygiene Supplement 1 2015 S99

a range of values due to both variability and uncertainty. The related to the expected concentration-response behavior of
probability of adverse health effects will change with exposure the agent (i.e., health-based OELs) vs. those that are de-
concentration and measures of exposure are distributions; thus, rived with the additional considerations of technical feasibil-
a characterization of risk is most accurately reflected as a ity and cost-benefit analyses. However, even beyond such a
probability distribution, not a point estimate. In practice, most simple dichotomy, there are additional levels of science and
occupational risk assessments do not fully address the concepts policy decision making that ultimately affect the final OEL
of risk in a quantitative manner. Comparison of measured or (Figure 1).
estimated exposure concentrations to the reference occupa-
tional exposure limit (OEL) provides insight as to relative
exposure acceptability, but does not provide full information Describing Exposures
of the likelihood or severity of adverse effects as exposure Exposure estimation starts with a definition of the pop-
exceeds or is below the OEL. Interpretation of the comparison ulation of exposures to be characterized. Examples include
of workplace exposure concentrations with an OEL (i.e., risk the average exposure of a group of workers performing the
characterization) is important when making decisions about same work on a given day, the highest 1-min average exposure
effective exposure control strategies (i.e., risk management generated during a specific work task, or the average daily
measures). Such information will be the driving input for exposure of an individual worker over a year. Estimation may
decisions such as identification of processes where engineering be based on measurements or on a non-measurement approach
controls are necessary, new work practices may be introduced such as modeling.
or respiratory protection may be needed. Risk management When measuring exposures, resource limitations typically
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decisions often depend on the anticipated amount of risk prevent all exposures from being measured, and stratification
reduction among exposure control alternatives. or grouping is often used to simplify the measurement effort.
This article highlights the basis for key ingredients in an oc- The sampling unit is defined by the population, group, indi-
cupational exposure assessment, focusing on important vidual, or task to be characterized; location; exposure agent
sources of variability and uncertainty that can be useful for of interest; exposure averaging period; and possibly additional
characterizing occupational risk in terms of a probability rather descriptors of the exposure scenario. Measurements based on
than a binary decision of “acceptable risk or unacceptable risk.” the sampling unit definition are then collected from a pre-
This article highlights current methods related to the char- defined portion of the population or group.
acterization of exposure. Considerations are also described for For the exposure characterization to have meaning beyond
interpreting exposure assessments in the context of exposure or a single characterization effort, such as the basis for pre-
dose-response relationships as an essential aspect of estimating dictions about future exposures, random sampling within a
occupational health risks. The primary points of emphasis group or strata should be conducted. Inference is also only
are: possible when the exposure distribution being characterized
is stationary or not fundamentally changing over time, i.e.,
• Occupational risk is probabilistic in nature and is associated there are not changes in factors that modify exposures such as
exposure distributions and imprecise OELs, not precise a process change or installation of exposure controls. When
point estimates. such changes occur, a new target group is defined and the new
• Exposure estimates and exposure limits are impacted by exposure distribution must be characterized separately. When
both variability and uncertainty —a well-developed risk a specific scenario is being evaluated for a specific purpose,
characterization reflects and communicates these consider- i.e., evaluating the use of engineering controls or specific work
ations. practices, then a sampling scheme that focused on “worst case”
• Occupational hygienists have a variety of tools available sampling could be employed. The purpose of the sampling
to incorporate probabilistic concepts into risk assessments. campaign is uniquely tied to the decisions on how and where
Active use of these tools leads to a more robust occupational to sample.
health program by initiating exposure sampling campaigns,
medical surveillance programs, or use of personal protective
equipment. Variability and Uncertainty in Exposure Estimation
Fully descriptive exposure information can be quite com-
Health and Science Policy Basis for Establishing plex since workplace exposures can vary spatially and over
OELS time. This intrinsic variability cannot be reduced but can be
The term occupational exposure limit (OEL) is a general characterized with sufficient information and proper survey
term to reflect an airborne exposure concentration that has been design. Although not always interpreted as such, exposure con-
recommended as guidance or promulgated as a regulatory con- centrations are stochastic. The fullest description of exposures
trol limit for the protection of worker health. The definitions is usually in the form of a statistical exposure distribution for
and bases for establishing OELs vary among organizations a defined set of exposure scenario descriptors. The exposure
(Table I). One way to categorize different types of OELs distribution is also termed an “exposure profile” within the
is to denote those that are based solely on considerations profession of occupational hygiene. (1)

S100 Journal of Occupational and Environmental Hygiene Supplement 1 2015

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TABLE I. Occupational Exposure Limits (OELs) Developed by Various OrganizationsA

Health Analytical Economic Engineering
OELB Definition Basis Feasibility Feasibility Feasibility
ACGIH Threshold Limit Values (TLVs) refer to airborne concentrations of chemical Yes No No No
TLV substances and represent conditions under which it is believed that nearly
all workers may be repeatedly exposed, day after day, over a working
lifetime, without adverse health effects. TLVs are developed to protect
workers who are normal, healthy adults. They are not fine lines between
safe and dangerous exposures, nor are they a relative index of toxicology.
AIHA- The Workplace Environmental Exposure Levels (WEELs) are health-based Yes No No No
OARSC airborne chemical OELs established to provide guidance where other OELs
WEEL are not available. The WEELs provide guidance for protecting most workers
from adverse health effects related to occupational chemical exposures.
WEELs are expressed as either time weighted averages or ceiling limits.
DFG The MAK-values are daily 8-hr time-weighted average values and apply to Yes No No No
MAK healthy adults. MAKs give the maximum concentration of a chemical
substance in the workplace.
EC The SCOEL 8-hr time weighted average exposures represent levels to which Yes No No No
SCOEL an employee may be exposed via the airborne route for 8 hr per day, 5 days
per week over a working lifetime which will not result in adverse effects on
health of the worker or their progeny.
NIOSH RELs are occupational exposure limits recommended by NIOSH as being Yes Yes No Yes
REL protective of worker health and safety over a working lifetime. The REL is
used in combination in engineering and work practice controls, exposure
and medical monitoring, labeling, posting, worker training, and personal
protective equipment. This limit is frequently expressed as a time-weighted
average (TWA) for up to a 10-hr workday during a 40-hr workweek.
OSHA OSHA sets enforceable permissible exposure limits (PELs) to protect workers Yes Yes Yes Yes
PEL against the health effects of exposure to hazardous substances. PELs are
regulatory limits on the amount or concentration of a substance in the air.
OSHA PELs are based on an 8-hr time weighted average (TWA) exposure.
AFocusing primarily on full-shift time-weighted averages and excluding biological exposure limits and skin notations. Note that the TLVs have traditionally applied a non-probabilistic approach based on
non-cancer and cancer endpoints. For OSHA, probabilistic approaches have been more common. PEL development has focuse/d more on carcinogens, and chemicals with large epidemiology databases. Some
organizations such as the MAK Commission and NIOSH have historically not set quantitative limits for carcinogens but have provided control-based recommendations.
BACGIH TLV - American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists (US) Threshold Limit Values; AIHA OARS-WEEL - American Industrial Hygiene Association and Occupational Alliance for Risk

Science Workplace Environmental Exposure Levels; NIOSH REL - National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (US) Recommended Exposure Level; OSHA PEL - Occupational Safety and Health
Administration (US) Permissible Exposure Level; DFG MAK - Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (German Research Foundation) Maximale Arbeitsplatz-konzentrationen (Maximum Airborne Concentration);
EC SCOEL - European Commission Scientific Committee on Occupational Exposure Limit Values.
CThe WEELs were originally developed and published as a committee under the auspices of the American Industrial Hygiene Association. In 2013 The AIHA signed an agreement to transfer the updating and

development of new WEEL values to Toxicology Excellence for Risk Assessment under the Occupational Alliance for Risk Science.
FIGURE 1. Sources of uncertainty and variability in occupational exposure limit derivation.

Variability of Occupational Exposures measurement, to collect additional measurements. The Inter-

Variability is heterogeneity in a well-characterized pop- national Programme on Chemical Safety (IPCS)(5) published a
ulation. It is a property of nature and the combination of comprehensive review of uncertainty in exposure assessment
physical mechanisms creating the exposure. Variability is not with case studies of both qualitative and quantitative uncer-
reducible by collecting better or more data; it is only more fully tainty analyses. Figure 2 summarizes sources of uncertainty in
characterized. Thus, variability from day to day and worker to exposure estimation.
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worker is unavoidable despite efforts to define groups of work- Uncertainty in exposure assessment is categorized into sce-
ers having similar exposures. Exposure is a random process nario, parameter, and model uncertainty. An exposure scenario
with many sources of variability that interact multiplicatively includes all the assumptions, descriptors, and boundaries about
and jointly produce very wide ranges of exposures. Due to the exposure situation to be analyzed. Scenario uncertainty
the multiplicative nature of factors affecting exposures, ex- is due to missing, incorrect or incomplete information about
posure distributions are skewed and usually well defined by the descriptors and determinants of exposures, and may come
the lognormal distribution.(2,3) The lognormal distribution also from spatial or temporal approximations, homogeneity as-
reflects that exposure measurements cannot be below zero, sumptions, lack of representativeness, errors in professional
while low-frequency high-exposure results are also present. judgment, incomplete analysis of information available, and
While variability cannot be changed, it can be measured or insufficient information such as whether the exposure con-
estimated with appropriate sample survey design including trolling factors are continuous or intermittent and whether
repeated measurements. A repeated measurement campaign exposures are far-field (larger sources releasing to the general
would include assessing an individual’s exposure on a pre- environment) or near-field (sources close to the worker). Thus,
scribed number of days (i.e., three days or more) to assess how the exposure scenario defines the exposures for a specific
much variability is present in exposure characterization. population or group performing a specific job, activity, or task.
For measurement surveys, scenario uncertainty is reduced
through clear identification of purpose and an appropriate
Uncertainty in Exposure Estimation
associated survey design, collection of sufficient information,
Uncertainty is lack of perfect information about the expo-
evidence-based judgments, and validation of assumptions. In
sure being characterized. Uncertainty depends on the quality,
measurement surveys, exposure uncertainty is based on mea-
quantity, and relevance of the data available and can sometimes
surement errors, unless exposure levels are below the limit
be reduced by further or better measurement. When predictive
of detection. Reduction in uncertainty associated with mea-
models, either empirical or deterministic, are used to estimate
surement requires more measurements and more sensitive
exposures, the relevance and reliability of the models, input
parameters, and model assumptions influence uncertainty. Ad-
ditionally, assumptions associated with statistical models such
as distributional form, independence of data or homogeneity
of variance within group or strata also contribute to uncer-
tainty. Perhaps the largest source of uncertainty associated
with deterministic exposure models is a lack of data or specific
information on the predictor values. In the absence of empirical
data, assumptions must be used regarding the distributional
parameters and shapes of these critical drivers. (4)
The magnitude of uncertainty describes the difference be-
tween the estimated (i.e., calculated) and the true value. The
most common method of reducing uncertainty is to collect ad- FIGURE 2. Sources of uncertainty in exposure estimation.
ditional information and in the case of exposure

S102 Journal of Occupational and Environmental Hygiene Supplement 1 2015

analytical methods. The uncertainty due to statistical sampling Measurement-Based Approaches to Occupational
variability is represented by the standard error on the mean Exposure Estimation
and stems from “variability” of occupational exposures. When Exposure measurement is usually preceded by workplace
modeling exposures, scenario uncertainty is reduced by using observation, formation of similar exposure groups or tasks,
appropriate exposure distributions and models, improving the prioritization, and review of past data if extant, followed by
quality of the information used to define the scenario, and sampling survey design and one or more measurement cam-
validating the assumptions. paigns. Exposure measurement may involve both sampling
The other sources of uncertainty, parameter, and model and analysis or simultaneous sampling and detection with
also need consideration. Parameter uncertainty with respect to direct reading instruments. Sampling and analytical errors are
exposure modeling is the imperfect knowledge of the true value normally distributed and have uncertainties that depend on
of all model inputs. Additionally, model uncertainty exists the agent and the sophistication of the sampling and analysis
because models are imperfect representations of truth. The methods used. A sample survey design is specified or implic-
accuracy of model assumptions, the range of applicability of itly assumed, ranging from a single worst case sample mea-
the model, and whether model predictions have been extrapo- surement to a stratified random sampling plan with multiple
lated beyond the model’s useful range and the degree to which measurements. Uncertainty may result from judgments used
the model reflects the complex forces governing exposure in grouping, prioritization and designing the survey. Sampling
distributions also play a role. Model validation incorporating and analysis errors are usually much smaller than the natural
the distributional nature of exposures is essential to determine variability of exposures, i.e., typical sampling analytical errors
the latter. are often less than ± 25% whereas the use of a few samples
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to estimate the mean or high-end percentile of the exposures

Methods for Estimating Exposures of a group of workers can lead to uncertainties of 2–4 fold
Both measurement and exposure modeling are used to (200–400%).(3,10)
estimate the extent of human exposure, although retrospective
Modeling Approaches to Occupational
exposure assessment may utilize additional or hybrid methods.
Exposure Estimation
Exposure models follow the general form:
Exposure modeling methods range from simple determin-
Exposure Intensity = f(Predictors of Exposures). (1) istic physical models such as the single zone box model of
a well-mixed room, to complex models with stochastic input
Ideally, exposure estimation by modeling accounts for the parameters.(11–13) Indeed, the simplest method to characterize
intrinsic variability and the uncertainty of quantitative predic- overall uncertainty and variability is to conduct boundary anal-
tors of exposure and the impact of these on model predictions yses with input parameter values from the upper and lower end
and the breadth of possible modeled outcomes. Although ex- of the ranges that provide the “worst case” and the “best case”,
posure variability can be quite high, (e.g., geometric standard which are easier to appreciate than other statistics like the mean
deviation (GSD) of 3 or higher) uncertainties associated with and standard deviation.(14) Bounds may be estimated from
multiple predictors of exposure in a model will compound and physical limits, detection limits, historical data, and analogy
may dominate, causing the estimated exposure range to be to other exposure agents the expert is familiar with. When
quite large. At the simplest level uncertainty can be computed the exposure model has multiple input parameters, the end-
deterministically by propagation of each individual source of of-range values that maximize and minimize the exposure
uncertainty. Deterministic methods use point values to repre- prediction are used for each parameter. The primary advantage
sent random variables. of this approach is that it provides upper and lower exposure
Resource limitations often prevent all worker exposures estimates that reflect the exposure level uncertainty.
from being estimated. A significant amount of professional Probabilistic methods are often used in computer simula-
judgment is used to identify the exposure scenarios expected tions of physical and mathematical systems or models and are
to pose the greatest risk, to deem other exposure scenarios as commonly used to quantify uncertainty. Monte Carlo methods
acceptable and therefore exempt from further consideration, to are computational algorithms that rely on repeated random
group workers or tasks into similar exposure groups (SEGs), sampling from the probability distribution associated with each
and to designate exposure scenarios as unchanging over time. input parameter to compute their results. Exposure estimates
If worst case measurement or modeling is used, judgment is are calculated repeatedly by resampling, and then aggregated,
used to select the worst case. Hybrid approaches combining yielding a distribution of the predicted exposures with associ-
judgment with exposure measurements are also used, such as ated point estimates of exposure levels and interval estimates
when SEGs are defined based on prior exposure measurements of the propagated uncertainty. Correlations between the in-
rather than observationally. Uncertainty associated with judg- put random variables are not quantified in most occupational
ment is usually qualitative and based on the accuracy of the hygiene applications in practice.
knowledge base available about the exposure scenario as well In 1999, Cullen and Frey(15) summarized situations in which
as the experience, training, and objectivity of the occupational probabilistic analyses are useful (Table II). Probabilistic meth-
hygienist.(6–9) ods can be used to conduct sensitivity analyses when modeling

Journal of Occupational and Environmental Hygiene Supplement 1 2015 S103

TABLE II. Exposure Assessment Cases in Which Probabilistic Uncertainty Analyses are Useful (modified
from Cullen and Frey (15))
• When consequences of poor or biased exposure estimates are unacceptably high.
• When screening exposure estimates indicate potential risk, but the estimates have substantial uncertainty.
• When it is uncertain whether the collection of additional samples or information will improve the quality of the decision to be
• When uncertain information stems from multiple sources.
• When comparing potential interventions with different costs and differential impacts on workers.
• When ranking or prioritizing exposure levels, exposure groups or exposure agents are important.
• When exposure reduction costs are high.

exposures by exploring the variation in model output caused by Fuzzy set theory can be used when there is incomplete
specific model inputs. Thus, sensitivity analysis can indicate knowledge about the exposures being modeled and the proba-
which input variable(s) contribute most to variation in the bility distributions for the model input parameters. Uncertain-
model outputs and aid model development.(5) Probabilistic ties are fuzzy membership functions rather than probability
methods can be used either with exposure measurement or distribution functions. Fuzzy set theory describes imprecisely
exposure modeling. When used with exposure measurement, defined classes or sets while allowing the quantification of
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the measured values are used to simulate the idealized prob- uncertainty. Set members are grouped into classes that do not
ability distribution that most likely would have generated the have sharply defined boundaries. Fuzzy sets incorporate con-
observed values. With modeling, one or more input parameters cepts and techniques for dealing with sources of uncertainty or
are assumed to be random variables represented by probability imprecisions that are non-statistical in nature. In classical set
distribution functions. In general, even the most sophisticated theory, an object either belongs to a set or does not, whereas
exposure models may have significant uncertainty. fuzzy set theory allows an object to have partial membership of
In 2002, Nicas and Jayjock(16) developed a framework a set. Huang et al.(20) proposed a fuzzy interval risk assessment
for the comparison of uncertainty associated with the long- methodology for studying the adverse effects in a petroleum-
term mean exposure levels estimates made by modeling vs. contaminated site. Dahab et al.(21) developed a rule-based
monitoring. The authors showed for a sample size of three fuzzy set approach for risk analysis of nitrate-contaminated
or fewer workdays, mathematical modeling rather than air groundwater. Donald and Ross(22) used fuzzy logic for risk
monitoring should provide a more accurate estimate of the management of hazardous wastes. Liu et al.(23) developed an
mean exposure. They argue that directing research funding to exposure dose model and a fuzzy risk assessment model for
the development and validation of mechanistic exposure mod- petroleum contamination in groundwater.
els would ultimately provide the most cost effective exposure Interval analysis is related to worst case scenario analysis in
assessment tools. that the largest and smallest possible values of input parameters
are propagated through the exposure estimation algorithm or
Other Approaches to Exposure Estimation model. Similarly, probability boundary analysis uses boundary
With Uncertainty distributions where the parameter estimates are described by
Probabilistic or Monte Carlo methods have become more intervals.(24,25) Upper and lower distributions define what is
common, particularly for environmental exposure known as a p-box. These are boundaries of the exposure
estimation.(6,17) However, when information is sparse and im- estimates. Probability boxes are used when the distributions of
precise or imperfect, probabilities are more difficult to define. input parameters are not exactly known and the dependencies
Also, probabilistic methods do not easily incorporate contra- between input parameters are not known. P-boxes have been
dictory information, being based on binary logic.(18) Further, used in environmental risk assessment but have not yet been
although probabilistic methods work well for stochastic sys- applied to occupational exposure assessment.(26)
tems of random variables, exposure information may be a col- Ramachandran(27) described the use of Bayesian methods
lection of evidence with varying degrees of quality associated to develop retrospective exposure estimates. Hewett et al.(28)
with each part, ranging from known probability distributions described the first use of hierarchical Bayesian methods for
to professional judgment. For these cases, other approaches prospective estimation of occupational exposures using judg-
may be used for uncertainty estimation. These methods in- ment combined with one or more exposure measurements.
clude fuzzy sets and Bayesian likelihood methods.(18,19) These The result is a set of Bayesian posterior likelihoods of the
methods use available knowledge as constraints to distinguish true exposure falling within four or five exposure categories
what is possible from what is not. They are not point-based expressed as fractions of the OEL. Sottas et al.(29) devel-
and the methods can be more flexible in incorporating different oped a unified Bayesian method combining measurements,
types of exposure descriptor information. expert judgment, and exposure model estimates in an empirical

S104 Journal of Occupational and Environmental Hygiene Supplement 1 2015

hierarchical Bayesian model. These methods show promise for value of unity the potential for adverse effects also increases or
future occupational exposure estimation for static processes decreases, while hazard quotients in the close to or exceeding
when baseline exposure data exist. a value of 1 would suggest the need for closer examination.
No uniformly accepted guidelines have been provided for an
RISK CHARACTERIZATION acceptable distance below a hazard quotient of unity. The haz-
ard quotient value is used to determine regulatory compliance
and to determine the need for and type of risk management
O nce an OEL has been defined, information about occu-
pational exposure levels in a specific work scenario is
compared to the OEL to make a decision about the acceptabil-
measures.(1) Such applications are discussed below.

ity of exposures. A number of methods exist for making this

comparison. NIOSH and OSHA Compliance Approaches
NIOSH recommends a method for comparing exposure data
OEL Interpretation in Risk Characterization to an OEL that incorporates the hazard quotient concept based
Exposure limits comprise at minimum a limiting concentra- on collection of a single measurement.(30) Approaches include
tion, an averaging time over which that concentration applies, collecting samples from the worst case exposure scenario or
and a definition of to whom the limit applies. Averaging time randomly from a defined similar exposure group of interest.
may be an 8-hr day or a short term such as a 15-min time- The measurement is compared to the OEL and is classified into
weighted average (TWA). There may be additional constraints one of three decision categories: clearly below the limit, clearly
associated with the exposure limit such as a defined number above the limit, or too close to the limit for an immediate
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of excursions above the limit permitted within a specific time- decision. In the last case, a confidence interval (CI) around
period as in case of some short-term exposure limits (STELs). the measurement is computed based on sampling and analysis
(Concentration limits applied to area or work rooms are not uncertainty only without consideration of environmental vari-
occupational exposure limits; however, they may be used as ability within-worker over time or between similarly exposed
such if there is a basis for assuming that all workers in the area workers. If the measurement is over the OEL, the lower end of
or room are exposed at or below the level and this assumption the CI is compared to the OEL; conversely, if the measurement
is explicitly stated.) is below the OEL the upper end of the CI is compared to the
In risk characterization, the OEL cannot be dissociated from OEL. The NIOSH method became the basis for the OSHA
the methods used to compare worker exposures to the OEL. compliance approach.(31) Limitations on these approaches,
The selection of methods can reflect risk policy considerations when they are based on a single measurement and do not
(e.g., regulatory compliance vs. long-term health surveillance address environmental (e.g., weather conditions) variability,
studies). There are additional scientific factors such as propen- have been discussed elsewhere.(3,32–36) In addition, limited
sity for effects from a single exposure that can influence the sampling may not generate confidence bounds that reflect the
preferred approach and resulting risk interpretations. These actual process variability, and support the use of lognormal
methods range from simple comparison to more complicated distributions to characterize probability.
methods. In addition to the comparison method itself, factors
related to the quality of the worker exposure point estimate
directly affect the risk characterization. AIHA Exposure Assessment Strategy
Following publication of criticisms of the compliance ap-
Methods for Comparing Exposure Data to OELS proach to exposure risk decision-making, (3,32–36) methods were
Hazard Quotients proposed that shifted from a compliance focus using sin-
Occupational hygienists use OELs routinely to facilitate gle measurement of a worst-case exposure to a more com-
risk decisions in the workplace. Together the exposure profile prehensive approach applicable to all workers over all work
and the OEL will create the Hazard Index or Hazard Quotient days. (1,34,37) A committee within the AIHA published an expo-
as defined by the following equation: sure assessment strategy that recommended that TWA OELs be
interpreted as upper limits of exposure (e.g., 95th percentile)
Exposure Point Estimate for each similar exposure group (SEG) and that the expo-
Hazard Quotient = . (2)
Occupational Exposure Limit sure distribution profile of each SEG should be controlled so
The hazard quotient is termed the “risk characterization ra- that the 95th percentile exposure is less than the OEL over
tio” within the European Union. In its simplest form this com- time.(1) Since the 95th percentile of the presumed lognormal
parison represents a hazard quotient where the point estimate distribution depends on both the mean and the variance of
for exposure is divided by the OEL. This unitless ratio informs the measurements, this approach sets an upper limit on the
the risk manager of the degree to which exposure exceeds or is entire exposure distribution and goes beyond comparison of a
below the concentration expected to carry little health risk. The single measurement to the OEL using the hazard quotient. Rec-
hazard quotient does not estimate the likelihood for adverse ommendations include collecting at least six measurements
effects as exposure reaches and exceeds the OEL, although per SEG. This approach is well specified but lacks a formal
theoretically as the hazard quotient diverges greatly from a statistical hypothesis-testing framework.

Journal of Occupational and Environmental Hygiene Supplement 1 2015 S105

Frequentist Approaches with Sufficient Sampling Tools for Exposure Estimation and Decision-Making
Several authors have proposed a frequentist approach with In occupational exposure risk determination, there is long
formal hypothesis testing of exposures compared to an history of making one or several measurements and an ad
OEL.(3,38,39) The strategy groups workers, collects measure- hoc comparison with an OEL to determine acceptability of
ments from multiple workers and at least two repeat measure- exposures. Even in cases where larger exposure data sets exist,
ments per measured worker, and first assesses goodness of quantitative analysis of exposure data is often not performed.
fit to the lognormal model. If the fit is acceptable, the next Several quantitative exposure data analysis tools exist for
step uses a Wald-type test to determine if the probability of evaluating, summarizing, and visualizing exposure measure-
overexposure within the group is below an a priori specified ment data. These include SPEED (The Statistical Program
value, e.g., less than 10%. Overexposure is the probability that for the Evaluation of Exposure Data) (Version 1, Institute
the mean exposure of a randomly selected worker is greater for Risk Assessment Sciences (IRAS), Netherlands),(42) IH
than the OEL. If exposures are acceptable by this criterion, Stats,(43,44) and IH Data Analyst (V1.27, Exposure Solutions,
the effort is complete. If exposures are not acceptable, the Inc., Morgantown, WV).(45) SPEED is based on the strategy
within-group variability is then examined for heterogeneity. If described by Rappaport et al.(34) and Lyles et al. (46) Each of
exposures within-group vary widely, one or a few individuals these tools permits visualization of the idealized distribution
have higher exposures than the others and the focus is placed that best fits the measurement data and, computation of sum-
on evaluating and controlling individual tasks and activities. If mary descriptive metrics such as the 95th percentile exposure
within-group (between-worker) exposures do not vary much and the exceedance fraction.
compared to within-worker exposures, the group exposures are
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homogeneous and exposures are unacceptable for the group as DISCUSSION

a whole, leading to engineering or administrative controls and
re-evaluation. The formal testing structure of this approach is Brief Summary of Findings
desirable; however, the sample size requirement can be quite In this article we focus on traditional and evolving interpre-
large, depending on the overall variability in exposures and tations of occupational exposure assessment with an emphasis
how close the exposures are to the OEL. When exposures are on the probabilistic nature of the risk characterization effort.
far below the OEL, the acceptability decision does not require The tools for risk characterization used most commonly by the
many samples. The greatest advantage of this approach is the occupational hygienist, i.e., OELS and exposure estimates, are
evidence-based guidance for either an individual or group- not single deterministic values—rather they are estimates with
based exposure control strategy. a probability range. Many occupational hygienists do not make
full use of the probabilistic nature of these random variables
to inform their risk management decisions. Understanding
Bayesian Methods uncertainty could increase the ability to understand variability
Hewett et al.(28) proposed a Bayesian updating approach. of exposures and associate them with specific tasks to reduce
First, judgment is used to estimate the prior probability that exposures. This article describes current tools and methods
the true exposure will fall within one of five categories, which in exposure-response evaluation and exposure assessment that
are based on fractions of the OEL (e.g., 0.0–0.1, 0.1–0.5, can provide occupational hygienists with greater access to
0.5–0.9, 0.9–1.0, or > OEL). Then one or more measurements consideration of probability in characterizing health outcomes
are combined with the prior probabilities using hierarchical and designing effective control strategies.
Bayesian updating to obtain the posterior probabilities in each
category. A feature of the Bayesian method as specified by Research Needs and Gaps
AIHA(1) is that the exposure metric used is not the mean Exposure-Response Methods for Estimating
but the 95th percentile exposure. The greatest advantage of Risk at an OEL
Bayesian estimation methods is the use of a formal structure In this article, we use the term occupational exposure limit
for combining non-quantitative information and judgment with (OEL) as a general term to reflect an airborne exposure concen-
a small number of measurements. Clearly, the expertise of the tration that has been recommended as guidance or promulgated
occupational hygienist is key. Research is underway to identify as a regulatory control limit for the protection of worker health.
methods for training occupational hygienists to produce better The definitions and bases for establishing OELs vary among
judgments through data interpretation exercises and recali- organizations (Table I). Two practical outcomes that result
bration of judgments. These methods hold great promise but from the complex series of decisions embedded in an OEL
are in the developmental stages. Similar methods have been are (1) that OELs are likely to vary in value among different
incorporated into the Advanced REACH Tool (ART)(40,41) and organizations (and possibly appear inconsistent) and (2) OELs
a new version of Stoffenmanager, two exposure-estimating derived as a series of complex decisions are imprecise esti-
and decision-making tools developed in Europe. Sensitivity mates of a safe exposure.(47) Although imprecise, OELs are
analyses were used to partially evaluate uncertainty associated not arbitrary with methods applied in their derivation expected
with the exposure risk decision during model validation for to yield protective limits. Since the occupational hygienist
both of these tools. will often face a range of potential OEL values, it is critical for

S106 Journal of Occupational and Environmental Hygiene Supplement 1 2015

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FIGURE 3. Low-dose extrapolation methods for estimating risk. Approaches are shown for extrapolation to exposures below the range of
available health effects data. Panel (A) shows a hypothetical exposure response curve with the probability of adverse effect shown to increase
with increasing exposure concentration. Panel (B) shows the application of an uncertainty factor (UF) to a point of departure (POD) in region of
low effect incidence to estimate an occupational exposure limit (OEL). Panel (C) shows the linear extrapolation from the POD to an OEL or a
hypothetical point of no exposure or excess risk (the graphical origin). The slopes of the resulting lines are used by some organizations as an
upper bound estimate of risk. Panel (D) is an alternative to linear extrapolation when the use of the health effects data supports the derivation
of an exposure-response curve directly in the exposure region of interest. This is most typical when large data sets are adequate to estimate
risk in the 1:1000 range or when a high degree of knowledge of the underlying biology of the adverse effect is available to infer the shape of the
curve at low concentrations.

users of an OEL to understand the implications of a particular probability of effects in derivation and application of OELs
methodology in applying an OEL to support worker health risk are also being explored.
decisions. In 2001, Jayjock and colleagues(50) provide a rationale using
Despite the push for increased use and development of multiple low-dose extrapolation models for the quantitative es-
risk-based exposure guidance, for most OELs the probability timation of the level of residual risk (with resulting uncertainty
of adverse health effects with increasing exposure is not easily bands) that is extant at any documented OEL.
determined. This is because the OELs published by most Low-dose extrapolation using benchmark dose modeling
organizations represent a single value with no clear articulation is one relatively simple method for estimating risk proba-
of the incremental level of risk as exposure reaches or exceeds bilities (Figure 3). Incorporating an early effect biomarker
the OEL. A variety of exposure response analysis methods into the exposure-response assessment can also extend the
have been proposed to address this limitation in the context interpolation range of the exposure-response curve to lower
of setting health risk assessment guidelines for environmental doses, as well as help identify lower levels of risk in the
or occupational scenarios. The impacts of exposure-response data range.(51) Techniques such as categorical or ordinal re-
methods(48) and application uncertainty factors for OEL deriva- gression may also be useful for characterizing probability
tion(49) are described in detail elsewhere. In addition to these of adverse effects.(52–55) U.S. EPA has developed a software
methods, options for specifically addressing the question of tool to facilitate the application of categorical regression for

Journal of Occupational and Environmental Hygiene Supplement 1 2015 S107

risk assessment applications (CatReg Software, Version 2, characterizations of effects at low levels of exposure. This
U.S. EPA, Research Triangle Park, NC).(56) As an alterna- concept has become a significant emphasis in the toxicology
tive to these techniques that center on the exposure-response and risk assessment field; an example is the U.S. EPA NexGen
curve, the uncertainty factor (UF) can be characterized us- Program.(66) DeBord et al.(51) described the implications of
ing probabilistic methods. Two approaches have grown out these developments for OEL settings. In the near term, data
of environmental exposure research in this area. The first collection and methods development are recognized as a vital
assumes distributions for each of the commonly applied un- aspect of the problem formulation step of risk assessment. The
certainty factors and subsequent health-based reference lim- importance for risk management decision-making at low ex-
its.(57–59) A second approach estimates the hypothesized risks posures helps to prioritize the necessary research based on the
below, at, or above a health-based reference limit(60–63) based value of the new information. Value-of-information concepts
on the use of standard uncertainty factors that estimate the are growing as an integral part of risk assessment.(60,67)
likely human equivalent dose at a given response. The in-
traspecies and/or interspecies uncertainty factor distribution is Exposure Assessment
used to estimate the likely probability for the critical effect in Challenges remain in occupational exposure assessment.
humans.(64) Collecting exposure measurements using a well-defined sta-
As shown above and previously stated, there are many alter- tistical sampling strategy can be resource intensive, a potential
native approaches related to the exposure-response assessment barrier to developing the type of empirical data sets that reduce
techniques in OEL development that provide information on uncertainty in decision making. As an alternative to such
risk probabilities. An issue critical to the integrity and utility sampling campaigns, exposure modeling or other estimation
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of any OEL resides in the appropriateness and transparency of methods have replaced measurement of exposures in some
its documentation. The documentation of most OELs does not applications.(68) The primary repositories of exposure mea-
include estimates of the probability of effects associated with surements are private companies that are generally reluctant
that limit. Transparency of uncertainty in the risk value is an to share data with risk assessors. Exposure modeling has an
important aspect of appropriate risk characterization. established history of routine use within the environmental risk
OEL development based on exposure-response data ac- assessment realm, but is still expanding within occupational
companied by risk level data is needed by occupational risk exposure science. Occupational exposure modeling has been
managers. However, risk-based OELS have yet to see sig- greatly expanded within the European Union in the last decade
nificant application in most IH programs. From a exposure- due to the implementation of the Registration, Evaluation
response perspective, barriers to the full use of probabilistic and Authorization of Chemicals Directive or REACH.(40,69)
techniques relate to toxicological data gaps, science uncer- However, uncertainty analyses within these contexts are still
tainty, and debate surrounding exposure-response behavior at rudimentary. Model validation is essential yet not always per-
the low range of exposures, and needs for broader education of formed due to lack of data, access, or resources. Further,
the occupational hygiene community on the exposure-response no universal agreement exists about what constitutes model
tools available for providing a probabilistic view of risk. validation. Indeed, existing models are “useful” but their utility
As described above, OELs are already derived and applied and value as optimally cost-effective tools within any compre-
on a probabilistic basis in some cases, usually where large hensive risk assessment and management scheme awaits the
epidemiology data sets are available with sufficient statistical necessary resources and research to develop them.(17) In addi-
power to described changes in risk as a function of expo- tion, software tools are needed to make these approaches more
sure concentration. Such data sets reduce the uncertainties attainable by field practitioners. A few specialized tools exist
related to interspecies as well as low-dose extrapolation. Since for analyzing exposure data, visualizing exposure distribu-
epidemiology studies are complex and resource intensive, it tions, and comparing exposure estimates to OELs for decision-
is not likely that the expansion of probabilistic concepts for making: IHSTAT,(44) SPEED (Version 1, Institute for Risk
most OELs will come from a fundamental change in the ready Assessment Sciences (IRAS), Netherlands),(42) IHMOD,(43)
availability of large human effects data sets, which are increas- and IHDA (V1.27, Exposure Solutions, Inc., Morgantown,
ingly more difficult to initiate due to resource limitations and WV).
difficulty in obtaining occupational exposure information. In
the future, greater use of molecular epidemiology tools and Tools for Communicating Uncertainty in the Exposure
approaches based on individualized medicine can be envi- Assessment and Risk Characterization
sioned as one path to address this challenge. Since most OELs In general, there is oversimplification and under-appreci-
are derived on the basis of toxicology studies, changes in the ation of true uncertainties associated with exposures and ex-
availability of data in this area will also impact developing posure risk decisions due to the skewed nature of exposure
exposure-response assessments in a way that facilitates better distributions and the difficulty in collecting adequate expo-
characterization of exposure-response behavior in the low- sure measurements. Therefore, efforts to more fully com-
dose range. The increased focus on early effects and sys- municate the basis of uncertainties are needed. For exam-
tems biology data(65) coupled with developments in computa- ple, IPCS(5) published a broader definition of data quality in
tional biology are already moving us in the direction of better exposure assessment and defined hallmarks of data quality:

S108 Journal of Occupational and Environmental Hygiene Supplement 1 2015

TABLE III. Summary of Key Considerations during Phases of Risk Assessment
Phase of Risk
Assessment Critical Question(s) Key Resources
Problem What is the occupational exposure scenario under • NRC: Science and Decisions: Advancing Risk
Formulation consideration? Assessment (2009).(60)
• Bullock, W.H., and J.S. Ignacio: A Strategy for
Assessing and Managing Occupational (2006).(1)
• IPCS: Uncertainty and Data Quality in Exposure
Assessment (2008).(5)
OEL Derivation What are the key sources of variability and • Nelson, D.I.: Chapter 9: Risk Assessment in the
(Toxicity uncertainty in the OEL? Workplace In The Occupational Environment: Its
evaluation and Evaluation, Control, and Management (2011).(71)
exposure- • Haber, L.T. et al: Noncancer Risk Assessment:
response) Principles and Practice in Environmental and
Occupational Settings (2012).(54)
Exposure What are the methods for characterizing • Rappaport, S.M. and L.L. Kupper: Quantitative
Assessment occupational exposures and their uncertainties? Exposure Assessment (2008).(3)
• Sources of variability • IPCS: Uncertainty and Data Quality in Exposure
Downloaded by [] at 20:02 29 January 2016

Assessment (2008).(5)
• Uncertainties in exposure estimation • Cullen, A.C., and H.C. Frey: Probabilistic
Techniques in Exposure Assessment (1999).(15)
• Methods for estimating exposures • O’Hagan, A. et al: Uncertain Judgments:
Eliciting Experts’ Probabilities (2006).(6)
• Measurement-based approaches
• Modeling approaches
Risk Characteri- What methods are used to compare exposure • Bullock, W.H., and J.S. Ignacio: A Strategy for
zation estimates to OELs for decision-making about Assessing and Managing Occupational (2006).(1)
the acceptability of exposures? • Rappaport, S.M., and L.L. Kupper: Quantitative
Exposure Assessment (2008).(3)
What tools exist to support risk characterization? • AIHA: Exposure Assessment Strategies
Committee: IH STAT Excel Spreadsheet Tool.
• Drolet, D. et al.: Exposure Assessment Strategies
Committee: IH MOD Excel Exposure Models
Korean-AIHA-MathModel209.xls (2014).(43)
• Hewett, P.: IHDA for Bayesian Decision
V1. 27, Exposure Solutions, Inc., Morgantown,
WV (2011).(45)
Risk What problems are associated with this exposure • NRC: Science and Decisions: Advancing Risk
Management scenario? Assessment (2009).(60)
What actions could be taken? • Bullock, W.H., and J.S. Ignacio: A Strategy for
What additional information is needed to evaluate Assessing and Managing Occupational (2006).(1)
possible risk management options?

appropriateness, accuracy, integrity, and transparency. These on well-conducted risk characterization that highlights four
tools and concepts should be applied in designing exposure key elements: transparency, clarity, consistency, and reason-
assessments and assessing data used in risk assessment. Fur- ableness.(70) Such concepts should be applied in communicat-
ther guidance is provided by the U.S. EPA published guidance ing risk assessment results. Published tools are needed that

Journal of Occupational and Environmental Hygiene Supplement 1 2015 S109

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Journal of Occupational and Environmental Hygiene Supplement 1 2015 S111

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