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Copyright © 2023 by Odessa Hywell

Say You Love Me

This book or any portion thereof may not be shared, reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever
without the express written permission of the publisher except for the use of brief quotations in a
book review.
This is a work of fiction. Unless otherwise indicated, all the names, characters, businesses, places,
events and incidents in this book are either the product of the author's imagination or used in a
fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely
Published in the United States of America.
First Published 2023
Language: American English
Author: Odessa Hywell
Forest and River Marshall haven’t seen each other in three years—not since
the night River climbed into Forest’s bed and gave him the best blow job of
his life. When the brothers are reunited, sparks fly and nothing will ever be
the same again.

Say You Love Me is a 7K short erotic story that is light on the plot but heavy
on the smut. It features a loving older brother, a needy younger brother, and
first time anal sex.

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3

Also by Odessa Hywell

About the Author
Chapter One

THERE ARE MOMENTS—HOURS, minutes, maybe even seconds—in

time that define you, define your whole life. You can almost feel the earth
shift beneath your feet as everything changes, shifts around you to
accommodate your new reality.
In short: sometimes life is a bitch.
It’s so much more complicated than that though.
I drop my head against the headrest and squeeze my eyes shut. The AC
is turned to max, blowing blissfully frigid air through the car’s overheated
interior, pushing back the sweltering summer heat. It isn’t the temperature
outside that has me hot—burning alive. Instead, it’s my memories, the
things I have tried to forget that I haven’t quite managed that incinerate me.

“I can’t sleep. Can I . . .”
“Come on, Puddle.”

I press my palms into my eyes, trying to swallow around the last time I was
here, the last night I spent at home, sleeping in my bed, wrapped safely in
the same blanket I’d been using since I was a toddler, in Mayweather,
Maine. My throat is dry—drier than the Atacama Desert.

“Oh, god—River. Just like that.”

“Am I doing a good job?”
“Perfect. You’re fucking perfect.”
“Will you . . . Will you come in my mouth?”

It’s been three years since I was last here, in this driveway, parked in this
very spot. I left knowing I would be back one day, eventually, when the
time was right.
Is that time now? I’m still not sure. But all those years ago, I made my
choice even if it’s wrong, even if no one will ever understand. Maybe it
isn’t even my choice—not mine alone anyway—to make in the end.
Some things are simply out of our control. We cannot choose what
happens or when it happens. The only real choice, at the end of the day, is
how we choose to react to life as it unfolds around us.
Life happened.
I chose to leave, because it was the right thing to do.

“I’m sorry, River.”

“Please don’t go. Please, Forest.”
“I can’t stay, Puddle.”
“I’ll be good. I promise. We can pretend like it didn’t happen. Just don’t
leave me.”
“I love you. I’m sorry. I love you.”

I chose to come back to claim what is mine, what has always been mine.
Shoving my door open, I glance at my phone. Sweeping my finger over
the screen, I open it. Navigating to the appropriate app, I read and re-read
the last handful of messages I received almost a year ago.

Say something.

Please, Anything.

Forest? I’m dying here.

Please. I miss you.

I’m sorry. I’m so sorry.

Just come home. Please

I love you, Forest.

River Marshall: my baby brother.

I was six when he was born, so excited to have a sibling, to be a big
brother. I believed it—he was the best thing that could or would ever
happen to me. And I wasn’t wrong. He was my everything from the second
I saw him cradled in our mother’s arms, wrapped in a soft white hospital
His eyes were closed the first time I saw him. He was resting as our
mother hummed to him—a familiar lullaby, one she had hummed to me
countless times while she tucked me in.
I’d peered over the edge of the bed with wide, wonder-filled eyes. She’d
opened her arm and coaxed me into bed with her when he was only a few
hours old and slipped him into my lap before pressing a kiss to my temple.
“Meet River,” she whispered, her voice like a warm summer's breeze as
it blew over my ear and at that exact moment, my fate was sealed. He
owned me—body and soul. Unfortunately, it didn’t take long for the little
bastard to know it too.
He was a benevolent god though—never wielding his power over me in
such a way that made me an unwilling subject. With him, I was always a
loyal servant, ready and willing to do his bidding. He only had to ask in
order to receive. Nothing was ever too big, too out of reach. Even now, I
would put the world at his feet. And I fully intend to. It’s why I’m back.
I shove my phone into my pocket and climb the steps.
The front door swings open before I can withdraw my keys to unlock it.
“Forest!” In seconds, my arms are full. I stumble, catching myself and
the weight of my little brother against the porch railing so we don’t end up
on the hard ground. He climbs me like a tree and wraps himself around me
—arms around my neck, legs around my waist—squeezing tight enough to
have me gasping. “You’re back!”
Since I’ve been gone, River has grown up. He’s no longer the eighteen-
year-old kid I remember—lanky and uncoordinated, uncombed hair and
mismatched clothes. Now, he’s still tall and skinny but his hair is combed
and he’s wearing black skinny jeans and a dark green sweater. He looks
And he is mine, whether or not he knows it.
“River.” I exhale and curl my arms around his body, holding him tight
as a pleasant hum stirs my blood. It’s been so long—too fucking long since
I’ve held him in my arms. I've missed him with every beat of my heart.
Every day since the last day I was with him, I’ve felt as if I was drowning,
unable to take a single decent breath. Now, suddenly, with him in my arms,
wrapped around my body, it’s like finally I’ve surfaced, able to fill my
lungs with sweet air for the first time in years.
“I missed you. I missed you so much,” he whispers, pressing his mouth
against mine once, twice and for a third time before his face loses color. He
pulls back, his eyes so similar in color to mine meeting mine before he
swallows. “Forest—”
I clasp the back of his neck and draw him forward before I dip my
tongue between his lips for the quickest of tastes. He trembles in my arms,
chasing my mouth as I pull back even though it’s the last thing I want to
I want to devour him here and now. But I can’t.
“Happy Birthday, River,” I whisper as I run my hand down his slender
“Forest.” His voice cracks around my name before his arms tighten
around my neck.
“This is the best gift ever.”
“I might still surprise you,” I reply before setting him down and holding
his waist until he’s steady on his feet.
“Come on.” He grins and grabs my hand. I lace our fingers together,
enjoying the heat of his palm against mine as he tugs me toward the front
door. It feels right to be holding his hand again. It feels fucking perfect. I’m
right where I belong—with River. “The party is already in full swing.”
River drags me into the house, and I follow, tightening my grasp on
Let his friends see, let them stare and wonder and whisper.
Soon enough River won’t be here to hear the gossip and neither will I.
We will put this nothing little town in our rearview mirror, find a place
where no one knows us, and indulge ourselves. The opinions of these
people who I have never liked, who I never thought of once since I’ve been
gone, mean nothing to me.
“Look who I found!” River shouts, drawing the attention of everyone
“Forest!” Mother exclaims, her grin as bright as a firework as she rushes
toward me, engulfing me in a hug. Even as she squeezes me, I don’t release
River’s hand.
I love my mother. I always have and I always will. She isn’t River
though. There isn’t a person, place, or thing on this earth that means more
to me than my little brother. I love him more than anyone—even myself.
“It’s good to see you,” Mother says as she pulls back and cups my face
in her hands. Her eyes are red rimmed even as she continues to grin. Even
though we’ve spoken on the phone from time to time, this is the first time
we’ve been in the same room since I left.
“You too.” I pull her into another hug. “I missed you.”
And I did. Of course I missed her. Not more than I missed River but still
“How long are you staying, Forest?” River asks, bouncing on his toes.
His hair flops around his ears. Even now, he reminds me of an overgrown,
overly excited puppy. “Is that my other surprise?”
“Not exactly,” I say. His other surprise is something for just us,
something we will share when we are alone with the whole night ahead of
us. “But I am staying for the time being.”
“Yes!” His body collides with mine again and I wrap him in my arms,
taking his weight as easily as I did when he was a child. It feels good to
have him within reach again. It’s like suddenly, the whole fucking world
makes sense.
“Don’t spoil him so much, Forest,” our grandfather says.
“He’s mine to spoil,” I reply, saying the same thing I have always said
to the old man as I breathe River in, reminding myself of how good he
smells. As if I could ever forget.
“I just got him back so leave us alone, Grandpa,” River says, burrowing
against my chest. The heat of his body seeps through our thick layers.
I crave his warmth like a flower does sunlight.
“How would you feel if we put an early end to your birthday party?” I
whisper in his ear. He shivers against me, his fingers tightening in the back
of my shirt. “We can go to Portland. I’ll treat you to pizza, kick your ass at
air hockey, and properly celebrate you being twenty-one.”
“You mean get your ass kicked at air hockey,” he retorts, smiling; the
joy on his face is almost an aphrodisiac. “But let’s go. These freeloaders
aren’t actually here for me anyway.”
They are. It’s his birthday, after all. But none of them matter. They’re
just background extras as far as I’m concerned.
I glance at our mother. Her lips turn up with a fond smile as she shakes
her head. “Go on then. Get out of here.”
If she knew the truth, she wouldn’t let me be alone in the same room as
her baby boy, let alone take him three hours away to the city.
“Go pack for overnight,” I tell River, releasing him so he can do so.
“Come help me,” he urges but I shake my head. If I go with him, if I
have even a single second unchaperoned with him, I won’t be able to
control myself.
“I’ll be here waiting for you. Go. But hurry,” I tell him.
He spins on his heels, disappearing up the stairs. It only takes him ten
minutes to pack and when he returns, just like I promised, I’m waiting for
Chapter Two

AS FOREST DRIVES, I watch him. I’m happy—happier than I’ve been in

“I thought maybe after what I did you hated me.” I turn and look out the
window, unable to look at him. He probably does hate me for what I did.
I was young, dumb, and blindly in love with my big brother. Nothing
has changed because I am still young, dumb, and blindly in love with
Forest. But, three years ago, hormones got the best of me and I destroyed
Forest threads his fingers through mine. “Never, River.”
I glance over. “I’m not mad anymore either.”
When I realized he wasn’t coming home, I sent a lot of angry texts. It
took time but I eventually understood why he left the way he did. He was
just trying to protect me, like any good big brother. Things between us
would be so much simpler if he wasn’t my brother.
“I understood why you were upset,” Forest says as his thumb brushes
over my knuckles. “It’s okay. Everything is going to be okay.”
I close my eyes and squeeze his hand, remembering the way his tongue
dipped into my mouth on the front porch. That isn’t the way brothers greet
one another so why would he do that unless . . .
“Is it okay now, Forest—for me to love you?” I swallow around the
lump in my throat as I tighten my hand around his.
What if he came all this way to tell me that we are brothers, can only
ever be brothers, and brothers can’t do what we did? How will I survive
that? I won’t.
“No one else will understand, River.” Forest shakes his head and
glances at me. “If we . . . No one else can ever know. Can you live with a
secret like that?”
If lying to everyone is the only way I can have him . . . “We could move
—just go somewhere else. I’ll dye my hair. If anyone asks, we . . . we can
say we’re married. We already have the same last name.” My voice cracks
and I rub my eyes with my free hand. I can’t lose him—not again. I need
him in my life. “I love you.”
“I love you too, Puddle,” Forest says, pulling my hand to his mouth and
kissing my knuckles.
I sink into the seat as my heart skips a beat. “We’ll leave—together?”
“Together,” Forest says.
I start to smile—we’re leaving together—before I frown. “What about
What will we tell her? Can we tell her? What will she think if we do tell
her about . . . us?
“She can’t ever know. Remember—no one, River,” Forest says.
No one.
Not family. Not friends.
No one.
“Okay,” I agree. No one will understand anyway. They will say that it’s
weird, that it’s wrong. They might even try to separate us. “Can we hurry up
and be in Portland already?”
Forest laughs, the sound as bright and boisterous as I remember. “You
want to lose that badly at air hockey?”
“I want to kiss you.”
And I can’t do that when he’s driving.
Forest pulls the car to the shoulder in under a minute. He shoves his seat
as far back as it will go before reaching across the console and unbuckling
me. I don’t hesitate to climb into his lap, straddle his thighs. His hands are
big and warm as he clutches my waist.
“Whatever you want, Puddle—always.”
Whatever I want—always.
Right now I want him so I lean forward and slot my mouth over his.
Our lips part at the same time and he slips his tongue into my mouth. He
swallows my needy moan with a similar sound of pleasure as I fist the front
of his sweater.
His cock is hard and pressing against my ass. My cock strains painfully
against my zipper.
What are the chances we make it to Portland? I need him so badly I
don’t think I can wait. It’s been three years since he touched me in the way I
most want him to touch me.
“Just a little longer, I promise,” Forest whispers, kissing my jaw as I
pant for breath against his temple. His warm hands explore my back. “Can
you wait that long?”
Do I want to? No.
Can I if I have to? Yes.
“A little longer.” It’s going to be torture but I’ve waited three years for
Forest. I can wait three more hours. Maybe?
“Has anyone had you like I have?” Forest asks as his hands slide over
my ass.
My cheeks burn as I look away. “No.”
A few boys have wanted more, but I’ve never been able to do more than
a tight lipped, uncomfortable kiss. It’s always been Forest for me—mind,
body, and soul. No one else will do.
“Good. You’re mine.”
His. I’m his. Is he mine?
“How many have you been with?” I ask.
He wasn’t a virgin that night, but have there been more guys since then?
Forest shakes his head. “Not many—only three in total, two since that
night with you.”
“Okay.” I brush my mouth over his, lingering for a moment before
pulling back. “Thank you for being honest.”
Forest nods before he helps me back into my seat. “Buckle up, Puddle. I
have plans for us, and they aren’t coming to fruition here on the side of the
“Now I’m hard,” I whine, mostly because I’m still his little brother and
as such it’s still my job to annoy him every chance I get.
“So touch yourself,” Forest says as he eases back onto the road. My
cock aches as I glance over at him. Is he serious? He wants me to touch
myself now? “Look in the glove compartment.”
I do and find a new bottle of lube.
“Pervert,” I tease even as I unfasten my pants and shove the too tight
material, along with my boxers, down my thighs until they are pooling
around my ankles. The cool leather seats feel tacky against my overheated
skin but I don’t care, not with my cock leaking like a broken pipe.
“Put your feet on the dash.” It’s dangerous but Forest is a careful driver,
and I trust him so I do as he says. “Good, River. Now, wet your fingers for
My heart pounds against my ribcage and my hands shake as I squeeze
lube onto my fingers before rubbing them together to warm the slick up and
waiting for his next instruction.
“Touch your hole. But don’t finger yourself—yet,” he rasps. The sound
of his voice has my balls drawing tight against my body.
I swallow and reach between my legs, bypassing my cock and balls
before I rub my fingers against my hole. Nerve endings spark to life under
my fingers and I moan softly.
Forest glances my way before returning his attention to the road. “Have
you ever had anything inside of yourself?”
“My fingers,” I admit. He knows I’ve fingered myself before. I sent him
a picture the first time I successfully buried my fingers in my own body
shortly after he left when I was still hurt and mad.
“Push one in now—slowly.” His voice is rough like sandpaper. His
swallow is audible in the quiet interior. I slowly press one finger into my
hole. The burn and stretch are minimal. One finger is nothing. I can take so
much more, as much as he needs me to take.
“Good boy, River.” Forest strokes my thigh, and I moan as I press into
his warm touch. His fingers brush dangerously close to my cock and balls
as I push my finger deeper, looking for that magic button inside of myself. I
don’t always find it but this time I’m determined. Liquid pleasure pools in
my gut when I do. “Does your finger feel good?”
“Forest,” I gasp. Of course it feels good.
“Add a second finger, River,” Forest orders.
I don’t hesitate to listen, adding another finger alongside the first. It
doesn’t hurt, barely even burns. What would it feel like if he was fingering
me? His hands are bigger than mine—fingers longer and thicker. A bead of
pre-cum rolls down my shaft and I’m tempted to stroke my cock, but he
hasn’t given me permission.
“Forest,” I whisper as I move my fingers—twisting them inside of
myself, nudging my prostate with every pass. Pleasure has my abdomen
“Do you know what I have planned for us tonight?” he asks. I shake my
head, unable to speak. Thankfully, he doesn’t seem to expect me to answer
verbally. “I’m going to fuck you. I’m going to spread you out and take you
apart bit by bit until your every thought is only about me, about the pleasure
I can give you.”
I gasp and sink further down, finding a better angle to hit just the right
spot. My cock twitches against my stomach as my toes curl on the
dashboard. “I already only think about you.”
“Tell me,” Forest demands.
“I think about that night—how hard you were, how good you tasted,” I
manage to choke out as I squeeze my eyes closed. “I think about the way I
gagged, how much you loved it when I did.”
Sweat drips down my temple and I can’t take it anymore. I pull my
fingers from my hole and grasp his hand, tugging it between my legs.
Forest, one hand still on the wheel, eyes still on the road, strokes my wet
“I think about the sounds you made, how your hands felt in my hair as
you encouraged.” Forest pushes two fingers into me, and I scramble for
purchase as I moan. “Forest. Fuck. Please. It feels good.”
“So tight and hot, River.” Forest slowly pumps his fingers inside of me.
I pant for breath as I squeeze my eyes closed. My thighs tremble as my
nails bite into the leather seats. “I think about that night too—your mouth so
warm and wet around my cock, the tears in your eyes as you tried so hard to
be good for me.”
I whimper as he sinks his fingers deeper, stretching me open for later—
later when he plans to fuck me. “I can still taste you.”
He pulls his fingers from me and I whine.
“Easy. Grab the lube. Wet my fingers.”
I snatch the lube and squeeze some onto his fingers. He reaches between
my legs again and pushes three fingers inside of me this time. “Forest. Oh,
“You’re close, aren’t you, River?” he asks, his voice cracking around
the question. I clench the door, my fingers digging into the hard plastic and
his arm as I nod. My dick is wet and leaking against my abdomen as I roll
my hips, chasing his fingers. It won't be long now, not with his fingers
inside of me. “I want you to wait, wait until I can come with you. Can you
do that?”
I shake my head. I can’t wait, not with his fingers still moving inside of
“Pull over. Please, Forest. I need—” I reach over and cup his hard cock
through the front of his jeans. He pulls his fingers from my body and eases
off the road. I’m out of my seat in seconds, leaning over the console
between us.
This late in the day, during the cold season, this part of the highway is
empty. I’m not worried about passersby as I unbutton Forest’s jeans and
free his cock. He’s bigger than me—longer and thicker and leaking pre-cum
that I lick away with my tongue. He grunts and I part my lips, swallowing
him to the back of my throat.
“Shit, River. Just like that—so good.” He runs his hand down my back
and between my crease. I moan around his cock as he pushes three fingers
deep into my hole again. My cock jerks against my stomach and I reach
down, taking a hold of myself. I’m not going to last, not now, not after
having my first taste of him in years.
“Please come,” I beg as I push back on his fingers before taking him
into my mouth again. His fingers push deeper, deeper than I have ever
managed to go with my own. I moan, every muscle drawn tight, as he
strokes my prostate.
“Forest,” I gasp as I pull off his cock and wheeze for breath. My thighs
burn as I stroke my dripping cock faster, using my pre-cum to slick the way.
“I can’t . . .”
Oh god. I can’t hold back.
“Almost, River.” He pushes his fingers into my hair and draws my
mouth to his cock. I squeeze my eyes closed, fist the slick base of his cock
and suck on the head just the way he enjoyed so much three years ago.
“I’m so close. Just a little more.” I tongue his slit, licking away his pre-
cum before taking him into my throat again. He grunts, his fingers
tightening almost painfully in my hair. It’s perfect. “Fuck. Come, River.
I moan around his cock, the tension in my body snapping like a rubber
band. Forest floods my mouth, fills my cheeks with his cum, and I swallow
as I shake through my own orgasm.
It’s several minutes before he eases his fingers from my body and I lick
the last drops of cum from his spent cock before I ease back.
We pant for breath, the sound loud in the silence before Forest chuckles.
I look up as he reaches out and cups my jaw in his warm palm. “Will I ever
be able to deny you anything?”
“I hope not,” I admit before kissing the side of his mouth and sitting
back in my seat. The cool leather actually feels pretty good against my
warm ass as I settle down.
Forest shakes his head as he pulls out onto the highway—again. “There
are wet wipes under the seat.”
Chapter Three

THE DRIVE IS long but it passes.

River and I decide on dinner at our favorite pizza place—the one I used
to take him to when he was younger, after I got my drivers license. Nothing
has really changed about the place but the prices. We order pizza—meat
lovers because it’s his favorite— then play air hockey.
He wins. He always wins. What kind of brother would I be if I didn’t let
him, after all?
By the time we sit down, once our pizza is delivered, he’s high on his
winnings, grinning a thousand watt smile, bouncing in his seat.
We talk about everything and nothing.
I catch him up on my life—telling him the things I couldn’t tell him
before and our own mother doesn’t know. He listens and asks questions,
looks at pictures, muses about the places he might like to go one day. I ask
about his life, what he’s been doing that I don’t know about by following
his social media or asking our mother for updates.
Our pizza is eventually gone.
“Are you ready to get out of here?” I ask.
We have other plans, after all.
“Yeah,” River says. We rise from the table and I extend my hand to him.
Our fingers lace together. We leave the restaurant like that—hand in hand.
It’s a short drive to the hotel I made reservations at before reaching
Mayweather. I grab our bags and we check in at the front desk before
making our way to the room.
“River.” I grasp his hand outside the door, halting his progress. “Once
we do this, there is no going back.”
On the other side of the door waits a moment that will change
everything between us. Nothing will ever be the same again afterwards.
He sways toward me and fists the front of my shirt. “Stop stalling and . .
. spread me open and take me apart bit by bit.”
I slide the keycard into the door. It flashes green and we push into the
room. The door swings shut behind us, sealing our fate.
River reaches for me as I reach for him.
Our mouths collide in a hungry battle. Unlike the kiss outside of our
mother’s house, or the one that happened on the side of the road, this one is
endless. We don’t have to stop, to pull back, to deny ourselves for a second
Sweeping my tongue into his mouth, I get lost in the taste of him. River
moans, his chest vibrating against my own, as I wrap my arm around his
waist and lift him off his feet. He’s a boneless pile of desire as I carry him
to the bed.
We climb onto the mattress and I drag him toward the headboard. He
shoves his fingers into my hair, holding tight even as we rock together. His
cock is as hard as mine.
There is too much fabric between us. I need him naked, under me, ready
and willing.
“I love you, River,” I whisper against his mouth as I push his shirt up
his chest, trailing my fingers across his supple flesh. He is warm and
smooth, so different than in the past but I prefer him like this, as he is now
—my equal.
“I love you, too, Forest,” River says as his fingers tighten in my hair.
“It’ll be easier if you’re on your knees but I want you like this,” I tell
him as I pull him up, draw his shirt over his head and toss it away before
pushing him down again.
“I like this. I want to see you for our first time.” He draws his hands
down my chest before tugging on the hem of my shirt. I sit back and yank it
over my head before tossing it away.
We separate quickly, discarding our pants, our boxers, every stitch of
clothes we are wearing, until we are bare to one another.
River’s fingers ghosting over the tattoos I’ve inked into my skin over
the years.
“Do you like them?” I ask as I knock his knees apart.
“They’re pretty,” he says, tracing the ink that runs down my side,
decorating my ribcage. Goosebumps rise in the wake of his soft touch. “I
only remember you having one before you left.”
“You can explore them later,” I promise as I curl my fingers around his
hard cock.
A bead of pre-cum runs down the side and I catch it with my thumb.
“Forest,” River whimpers, thrusting into my fist. My cock is throbbing,
aching almost painfully. Despite the fact it’s only been hours since I last
found my release, I know I won’t last —not as long as I want to at least. We
have all night though. River is here with me until sunrise and I’ll fuck him
as many times as I’m able, until the sun paints the sky pink, orange and
I sit back and reach for the packets I threw on the bed before I took my
pants off. “I’m negative but I can use a condom if you want.”
“No.” He shakes his head. “I want to feel you inside me.”
Discarding the condom, I keep the lube.
“Lift your knees. I want to see you.”
His cheeks turn a soft pink but he pulls his knees up, exposing his hole.
Earlier, I fit three fingers into him, stretched him well enough to take my
cock and he’d moaned, loving every second of it. I have no doubt he will
enjoy this too, just as much as I will.
“I’m a little nervous it will hurt,” he admits.
I run my hand down his chest as I shake my head. “It might burn a little.
I’ll stop at any time—just say the word. We can go as slow as you need,
There’s no rush to be buried in him. I have all night to work up to the
moment my cock will be milked by his tight hole.
“Okay.” He takes a slow breath. “I want you.”
I bend forward and brush my mouth against his. “You’re such a good
boy, River.”
Tearing the packet open, I spread lube over my fingers before sliding
them between his thighs.
River whimpers. His eyes are bright and glazed with lust. “Praise me
more, Forest.”
“Whatever you want,” I promise, circling his hole with my index finger,
feeling it flutter under my touch. “I’m so proud of you. You’re doing so
well.” I dip my index finger into his body and he moans, lifting his hips,
taking me to the first knuckle then second with no effort.
“I . . . I want to do a good job for you.”
“I know you do, Puddle. You will. You’re perfect just like this—so hot
and tight around my finger. Beautiful. You’re going to feel so good
squeezing my cock.” I slide my finger in and out of him, twisting it around
to help loosen him.
“I want to feel you inside me.” He releases his knees and I catch one of
his thighs, keeping him spread open as he clenches the blanket under him
and starts to rock his hips.
“You will. I’m going to bury every inch in you,” I say before adding a
second finger alongside the first already inside of him.
“Forest.” His back arches as his body swallows the digits.
“There you go. Look at you. You’re so pretty like this, River—so sexy
laying naked under me, moaning my name like that.” I brush my lips
against his as I spread my fingers inside of him, opening them and closing
them over and over so he won’t feel any discomfort when I finally slid
home inside his tight little body.
“I only want you to see me like this.”
No one else will ever see him like this. Of that, I can assure him. He’s
mine and mine alone.
“Only me,” I say as I finding the soft bundle of nerves inside of him and
stroking over them.
“Forest!” He wheezes for breath as his wide, lust glazed eyes meet
mine. His mouth is slick and swollen. “You’ll make me come.”
“Are you ready for more?” I brush his hair back with my free hand as I
search his face. He turns into the touch, pressing his face into my palm. “Do
you want my cock?”
“Yes.” His voice cracks around the single word as he rolls his hips,
fucking himself on my fingers. “I want it.”
“Like this—face to face this time,” I tell him before pulling my fingers
from his body. He nods and reaches for me as I grasp behind his thighs and
push his knees to his chest. His hole is gaping—opening and closing as it
waits to be filled. My balls clench and I groan. He’s exquisite. There are so
many things I plan to teach him.
“I’ve waited so long for you to be my first,” River whispers. “Are you
proud of me?”
“I know you did, Puddle. I’m so happy you waited for me. I’m going to
be so good to you tonight—every night,” I promise as I align my cock with
his slick hole.
River shoves his fingers into my hair. His nails scrap over my scalp as
he tugs me down until we’re pressed cheek to cheek. His breath is hot on
my neck. “I love you, Forest.”
“Fuck. I love you too, River.” He has no idea how much I love him, in
every way one man can love another.
I press against the tight ring of muscle trying to keep me out. River
won’t be denied and neither will I so I press forward and pop through the
first ring of muscle before sinking into him inch by inch. He trembles, and I
give him a moment before rolling my hips at just the right angle.
“Forest!” He claws at my shoulders, nails biting into my flesh hard
enough to draw blood as I find the sensitive bundle of nerves inside of him.
“Please. Please.” River curls his arms around my neck and rolls his hips.
“Easy.” I rest my weight on my elbows and push my fingers into his
He wiggles under me, already slick with sweat and panting for breath.
“You feel so good.”
“I won’t last long this time,” I tell him as I slowly roll my hips, enjoying
beyond all reason being encased by his warm hole.
“Me either.” A bead of sweat rolls down his temple. I can feel his cock
hard and wet between us as he thrusts against my abdomen before sinking
back down on my cock.
“You can come when you’re ready—fall apart for me, River.” I pepper
his jaw with kisses as I find a slow and easy rhythm. He’s so hot and tight—
feels like home.
No one else will understand this thing between us. He’s my little
brother. River is so much more though. He’s . . . everything. I need him,
have always needed him. He needs me too.
“Forest.” His voice cracks around my name as his gaze meets mine. I
push into his body, and grind against his ass. My balls draw up tight against
my body. I’ll hold out long enough for River to come but not a second
longer. “I’m . . . Oh, f-fuck. Forest.”
I want him to enjoy this, enjoy every moment we spend together in and
out of bed. If the break in his voice and the quiver in his body is any
indication, he’s enjoying being fucked.
“You going to come for me, River?”
His head bobs on the pillow as he grasps my sides and rolls his hips,
meeting me thrust for thrust. We’re slick with sweat. The room is loud with
the sounds of our bodies coming together. His cock is leaving a wet trail on
my abdomen.
Will he come untouched?
There’s only one way to find out.
I brace my weight on my knees and grasp his legs, spreading them wide
as I sling my hips—fucking him harder and faster. River tosses his head
back and fists the blanket.
“Forest. I . . . I can’t—I can’t. Please.” He sobs as his hole clenches and
spasms around me. I withdraw until only the tip of my cock is inside of him
before I slam into him again, sinking to the hilt. He gasps and reaches for
me as his mouth drops open in a silent scream.
River’s cock jerks as he comes, covering his stomach and chest, hitting
the underside of his chin as I bury myself in his body. “F—Forest.”
“River,” I groan, yanking him into my arms. He’s boneless but manages
to wrap his arms around my neck and hold on as pleasure rolls through me.
His hole squeezes and releases, milking every drop of cum from my cock
until I collapse with him in my arms, panting for breath and completely
“I feel your cum inside me,” he whispers in my ear.
“Do you like it?” I whisper in his, combing my fingers through his slick
“I think I’m addicted already.” He brushes his lips against my jaw with
a happy sigh.
“I have an endless supply just for you,” I tease as I nip at his chin.
“Milk does a body good,” he says as I pull back and he grins.
A small laugh shakes my chest but it grows, and grows, and grows.
Soon, the sound cascades out of me, and River joins in. We laugh together
—really laugh together for the first time in three long years. It’s perfect.
He’s perfect.
“I love you, Puddle,” I say as I gather him against my chest, tucking
him against my heart where he belongs.
He curls close with a happy sigh. “I love you too, Forest.”
If you enjoyed Say You Love Me please leave a review on Smashwords.
Also by Odessa Hywell

The Sinful Delights Series

Always Oskar: Sinful Delights #1

Family Values: Sinful Delights #2

Blood Bound: Sinful Delights #3

Twisted Together

Morally Ambiguous Duet

Pinewood Lodge
About the Author

In 2021, Odessa Hywell, a MM romance author

decided because she is married to a twin it was best
NOT to publish her books featuring twincest and other
questionable themes under her married name as her
husband would not approve.
—His loss, honestly.—
If you know who Odessa Hywell is, don’t be a
snitch. Like Benjamin Franklin said, “Three may keep
a secret, if two of them are dead.”


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