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ohro: Zannimask once told me:#If there's one thing I know, it's that I know one
ohro: Nine Ball once told me:#If it's yellow let it mellow, if it's brown flush it
ohro: Omnoms once told me:#Never go in dry, at least use spit.
ohro: Ishmael once told me:#About a giant white dick named Moby... Wait, that's not
ohro: Rickety_Rico once told me:#My birds and the bee's talk was my father saying:
If it's wet, lick it son.
ohro: MistressMina once told me:#We've Met Before Haven't We? In Your House, Don't
You Remember?
ohro: Esta once told me:#If you can't figure out an answer, you may be asking the
wrong question.
ohro: asha952 Berzerkers once told me:#I never freeze.
ohro: Khorne Berzerkers once told me:#Blood For The Blood God Skulls For The
ohro: Pete once told me:#The key to unlimited power is to "shake and bake" Not sure
what that means though...
ohro: Conah once told me:#Nice guys do win.
ohro: Dom once told me:#Grabbing the bull by the horns isn't as effective as
grabbing the balls. Maybe safer though...
ohro: The Nudist Mage once told me:#You can go from pussy to ass, but you can't go
from ass to pussy.
ohro: DrGirthinstein once told me:#Remember, nothing matters, and that's ok,
because nothing matters!
ohro: DsheyAar once told me:#My friend Groucho once told me this: Outside of a dog,
a book is man's best friend. Inside of a dog, it's too dark to read.
ohro: Jimmy Dugan once told me:#Avoid the clap.
ohro: Sono Fab once told me:#The key to enjoying life is getting the girls itching
for more, or hating you. Either way they scratch that Sono Fab Itch.
ohro: Daniel Cadwell once told me:#Nothing left to do now except die and leave good
looking corpses behind. Of course some of you are exempt from that last part.
ohro: Saru Infernape once told me: Ask The Walkthrough!
ohro: BoogBoog once told me:#I overheard those two two mercenaries in the tavern
wisper about something dark, some dungeon and a talking pig. Strange people those
*eldritch noise* mercenaries.
ohro: Apocalypse 2099 once told me:#It's better a boob in your hand than both in a
ohro: Calvin once told me:#There's always some fucked up thing we could be worrying
about, but where has that gotten us?
ohro: Gandizzle once told me:#When two people know, it's a secret. When three
people know, it's a rumor.
ohro: Kit Marshal once told me:#Wood is just tree meat.
ohro: Comproser once told me:#You've never heard of an STD have you?
ohro: Niklas once told me: #People who live in glass houses should shut the fuck
ohro: WarpFiend once told me: #You can't know everything if you can't see from
someone else's point of view.
ohro: Zachary Nantz once told me: #That lady in the brothel... sweet as honey, I
tell you.
ohro: Vale once told me: #Ain't enough catgirls around here...
ohro: Someone who is still scratching once told me: #Don't have sex with waitresses
without protection.
ohro: MrGraffio once told me: #The difference between an oral thermometer and a
rectal thermometer is all a matter of taste.
ohro: Jake Jaspers once told me: #Don't be proud of something you never had to work
for; take pride in the work you've had to put in.
ohro: GiantMetal once told me: #Be kind. Be polite. Have a plan to kill everyone
you meet.
ohro: Gelo once told me: #The willy makes em silly.
ohro: Jezza once told me: #The Way to A Woman's heart is through manual labor!
ohro: Sergeant Sharpedon once told me: #If you’re wrong and you shut up, you’re
wise. If you’re right and you shut up, you’re married.
ohro: Varykia once told me: #Never give up hope.
ohro: Annie once told me: #Eat your girl out while she watches Naruto
ohro: Her Thighness once told me: #The thighs are the true way to a girl's heart.
ohro: Mord once told me: #You don't have to do anything anymore. Ever. Never ever.
Never ever ever ever, baby!
ohro: KindaKaiden once told me: #The world is gonna roll me
ohro: Ripmav once told me: #You're always the best when it doesn't matter to you.
ohro: Sezmil once told me: #Life is made of moments, make sure each moment counts.
ohro: Trinity once told me: #Love is like a fart, if you have to force it it's
probably crap.
ohro: OmegaRiley once told me: #Rex is a big dork, and now everyone knows!
ohro: Chrovos once told me: #Time is a matter of Perspective, and Perspective is a
matter of Time.
ohro: Matthew once told me: #You spit, you quit.
ohro: Starfire once told me: #I should suck a dick once a month just to make sure
I'm not gay.
ohro: Praetorian once told me: #Ohro, you dance like shit.
ohro: DD once told me: #You are either a smart fella... or a fart smella.
ohro: A Mage named Chicka once told me: #Wage tirelessly the war within.
ohro: A friend once told me: #Your path in life will be longer than it is wide.
ohro: Axi once told me: #Stick your dick in crazy, it'll be the best sex you've
ever had.
ohro: apigtzh once told me: #Church is free.
ohro: Aeglon once told me: #hehehe leshgooo!!
ohro: Metallum once told me: #Never accept jewelry from wizards in grey
ohro: SirMadam once told me: #Give them your resume, you coward
ohro: Benito once told me: #No shame in being what those outsiders call a "simp".
Spend spend spend my friend!
ohro: Zeller once told me: #The hunter is nothing without the hunt.
ohro: BigPilgrim once told me: #Live one girl at a time...or live with them all.
ohro: RJ once told me: #Sometimes you need to think with your other head.
ohro: CgSparkss once told me: #I'm smart enough to know that I'm stupid but that
doesn't mean I'm dumb
ohro: Piis once told me: #I once ate an entire pickled cactus. Turns out you can't
digest cactus barbs.
ohro: A cat once told me: #That birds can do flips
ohro: Geraldo Samual once told me: #The White Shirts will never see the light of
ohro: Cockman once told me: #White water in the morning...
ohro: Irred once told me: #never step into a war with the Cabal on Mars.
ohro: WildTaffer once told me: #When the red river's a flowin', take the dirt road
ohro: Captain Shawn once told me: #Why does a mermaid wear seashells? Because she
outgrew her B-shells!
ohro: Dirty Dan once told me: #Only devils in the tower.
ohro: Brandoink once told me: #If you try hard, and you never give up and you never
stop running, they'll never catch you
ohro: mathos once told me: #You can peepee with no poopoo but you can not poopoo
with no peepee.
ohro: Nedrajk once told me: #If you want to get soggy..... There is always the
neighborhood doggy!
ohro: Dark Sol once told me: #if a sword can't quite cut it, magic is probably the
answere. That or a bigger sword.
ohro: The Baroness once told me: #if you're not rawed by a werewolf once in your
life, you haven't lived.
ohro: HimWithTheFace once told me: #just like do your best man or something i dunno
im not your dad
ohro: Joe Boncheen once told me: #I'll have the spaghetti and meatballs.
ohro: My mother once told me: #Touch some grass before you tap that ass
ohro: Smack once told me: #Stop eating the chips,it's bad for your health
ohro: Winter once told me: #keep moving forward even if you don't find a shortcut
ohro: eldri7ch once told me: #For a more hands-on experience, use two hands instead
of one!
ohro: Railroad_Mayor once told me: #Everybody dies frustrated and sad, and that is
ohro: Zaifora once told me: #If you look down and see the stars, what will you see
when you look up?
ohro: RoseBloom once told me:#Do I look pretty yet?
ohro: Atlanta once told me:#No bees!!
ohro: Dirk Hardpack once told me:#No one cooms like Gaston!
ohro: Grand Wizard Q once told me:#An oven is called an oven because you of in the
cold food and of out eat hot the food. He - and you think I'm crazy?
ohro: JustBrowsinHere once told me:#She strogan me off till I beef! She beefin on
my stroganoff! She strogan my beef till I'm off!
ohro: Bleu once told me: #Never buy clothes from a soup store.
ohro: Evokue once told me: An apple a day keeps the doctor away. Doctors feed
ohro: Adam once told me:
ohro: Nicholas Capsicum once told me:
ohro: Trashy Bo once told me:
ohro: UMA Oyabun once told me:#Pizza...? I didn't order any pizza... Hmm... Well,
it's just about mealtime anyway.
ohro: Mirth&Love once told me:#Drink plenty of water!
ohro: SlapDettus once told me:#Crazy? I was crazy once. They locked me in a room. A
rubber room. A rubber room with rats. And rats make me crazy. Crazy? I was cra-
ohro: Adam once told me:#Crystal best girl
ohro: Sail Dayton once told me:#The pointier a witch's hat, the kinkier she is!
ohro: Grahf once told me:
ohro: FishMonger once told me:#Give a man a fish, feed him for a day. Teach a man
to fish, fuck his wife while he's out fishing.
ohro: A Mage named Chicka once told me:#Wage tirelessly the war within.
narr: A trap door that leads to a small attic storage.
narr: It has a keyhole.
narr: You open the trap door with the clock key.
main: ?
main: There's a note stuck here.


main: Ngggg, my head...

main: Feels like a minotaur ran over it.
narr: **Knock knock knock**
/ivy: Hello?
/ivy: I heard some noise. Are you awake?
/ivy: Can I come in?
main: What is going on?
main: Where are my clothes?
main: A second!
main: Alright...
main: Come in!
/ivy: Good morning.
/ivy: How are you feeling?
main: I've been better, but also worse.
/ivy: Oh... Thanks the gods.
/ivy: You had me worried for a few days.
main: Did you just say... days?
/ivy: Yes, you've been out of commission for 3 days.
/ivy: I'm so sorry, I swear!
main: Calm down, if you wanted to hurt me, you had plenty of time.
main: That said, I would appreciate a warning next time you knock me off and take
out my clothes.
/ivy: N-no! It wasn't like that!
/ivy: I didn't knock you out, and only took your clothes because it was raining.
/ivy: Couldn't let you sleep on a wet puddle or otherwise you could get sick or-
main: I was joking! I was joking!
main: But I'm going to need an explanation, and a name.
/ivy: Oh right, where did my manners go?
/ivy: I'm Ivy.
main: /main/.
/ivy: I found this house a few days ago while I was searching shelter.
/ivy: The place looked abandoned, like nobody had lived here in a long time.
/ivy: So I came in, I didn't want to cause any trouble.
main: You are half right, nobody lived in here for a long while.
main: It's was grandfather's, I inherited it.
main: So, you thought I was an bandit or something?
main: You know, before you knocked me out?
/ivy: I didn't knock you out!
/ivy: I came downstars and found you lying uncouncious on the floor.
/ivy: My amulet was on the ground near you.
/ivy: I guess you activated it, somehow.
main: Quite a trinket you have there.
/ivy: Well, it's a... new adquisition.
/ivy: I don't know exaclty how it works.
/ivy: Which makes me worry about any lingering side effects.
main: Define "side effects."
/ivy: At the moment, anything.
/ivy: Without some time to study the amulet, I'm clueless.
/ivy: That said, having someone that triggered it's effects could help me identify
it faster.
main: I guess we are stuck together then...
main: What can I do to help?
/ivy: At the moment, nothing. All I can do is studying my notes on the subject.
/ivy: I can find somewhere else to stay but... it's going to take most of my time.
And time is something you might not have...
main: Not much of an option, have I?
/ivy: Sorry...
main: Fine, you can stay until you find out what that trinket did to me.
/ivy: Thank you! Thank you so much!
/ivy: I'll get right into it!

//Bed - No Sleep Loop

main: I better use the time I lost after being knocked out for three days.
main: Should talk to Ivy first.

main: Define "side effects".

/ivy: I seriously don't know...
/ivy: We can discard instant death!
main: Wo-fucking-ho.

/ivy: If I study someone affected directly by my amulet, I'd be able to understand

and identify its possible side-effects.
main: ...
main: I guess we are stuck together then...
main: So, what can I do to help?
/ivy: Nothing, yet. First, I am going to study my notes to figure out how the
amulet harmed you.
/ivy: I want to be fully prepared before we take matters into our own hands.
/ivy: So, I need a quiet place to study... This house in the woods would be
main: Here?
/ivy: I can find somewhere else to stay but... it's going to take most of my time.
And time is something you might not have...
main: If you stay here...
main: Would that give you more time to study?
/ivy: YES!
/ivy: I mean... Yes, thanks! I will start studying right away!
/ivy: I'll see you downstairs at the afternoon.
main: Visit Aurelia they said... It will be fun they said...
/ivy: Do you want to play a tutorial?

You can pass time forward by hitting this button

You can access the map by hitting this button


Go to sleep?
main: So, any news?

main: I should wait for Ivy.


main: Hey! How is the study going?

/ivy: No breakthroughs yet.
/ivy: Give me more time, at least one day.
main: Speak to you soon.
main: [To kill some time, I could head to the village and look for a job there.]
main: [To kill some time, I could head to the village and look for a job there.]
main: [To kill some time, I could head to the village and look for a job there.]
/ivy: It will take a bit of time, at least a day.

narr: *Knock Knock Knock*

/ivy: Can I come in?
main: Sure!
/ivy: Good morning.
main: Good morning, Ivy.
main: You look excited.
/ivy: Yes!
/ivy: I crossed from the list a few nasty side effects and possible afflictions.
/ivy: That said, I could use some further experimentation.
main: Anything you need?
/ivy: Yes.
/ivy: You.
main: Oh, you are going to experiment on me!?
/ivy: That would be ideal, yes. It'll be safe!
main: Fine...
/ivy: Lets move downstairs then, I require some space.
/ivy: Alright, here is what we are going to do.
/ivy: I'm going to recite a spell.
/ivy: And once I'm done, you are going to end it by saying "tresed uoy"
main: Tresed uoy?
/ivy: Louder.
main: Tresed uoy!
/ivy: That's it!
/ivy: Now stay very still, and let me cast the spell.
/ivy: Ahem...
/ivy: Reven annog evig uoy pu!
/ivy: Reven annog tel ouy nwod!
/ivy: Reven annog nur dnuora!
main: ...
main: [Oh, my turn!]
main: Ehm... Tresed uoy?
main: !
main: Is this part of the spell too!?
/ivy: No, you hesitated.
/ivy: Took too long to say the words after me.
main: Well, you didn't give me an indication.
/ivy: I can't give you an indication or the spell would fail anyway.
/ivy: It's just a communication error, lets try again.
main: And what about my clothes? You vaporized them!
/ivy: I doubt it, they likely displaced into another room.
/ivy: Let me try getting them back first, and then we can continue.
/ivy: Reven annog evig uoy pu!
/ivy: Reven annog tel ouy nwod!
/ivy: Reven annog nur dnuora!
main: Tresed uoy!
/ivy: !
/ivy: I told you to be still!
/ivy: Spells are fickle thing and you can't pour anger into them without-
/ivy: Altering the effect...
/ivy: ...
main: Ehm...
main: I am so sorry.
/ivy: L-lets find our clothes before we continue.
main: Agree.
main: So...
main: We can give it another try if you want.
/ivy: I actually have a theory after that... Experiment.
main: Oh, really?
/ivy: While the ritual failed miserably, you were able to redirect the effects of
it unto me.
/ivy: Even if they where the wrong effects.
/ivy: I'm assuming you've never had magic training.
main: No, I haven't.
/ivy: Which means you overpowered me there.
main: Is that a common thing?
/ivy: No, I've been only overpowered once prior to this.
main: Oh...
main: Very nice!
/ivy: Hahaha, don't be cocky.
/ivy: The reason overpowered me there was because I wasn't even expecting it.
/ivy: Not due to some sort of raw magical prowess.
main: Aww...
/ivy: More importantly, people who posses a gift for magic are very few and far
/ivy: And by your age, you would already have had several natural experiences with
/ivy: You would already know if you are a magic user or not.
/ivy: Which means that the only explanation is that the amulet granted you some
level of power.
main: That is great!
main: I'm a mage!
/ivy: Well... Not exactly...
/ivy: The amulet just gave you some power.
/ivy: But without proper form and knowledge about the essentials, it'll be almost
/ivy: You'll need training and study.
/ivy: But if you persevere, who knows? You might even be able to throw a spell or
main: When do we start then?
/ivy: Well... I could...
/ivy: But right now I don't have a place to stay.
main: Oh, I see where this is going.
/ivy: If you think about it, it's a great deal!
/ivy: Not everyone gets to learn magic, it's rare and very expensive.
main: Deal, but I want to start training as soon as posible.
/ivy: Of course!
/ivy: I will have some lessons ready in no time!
/ivy: Also...
/ivy: I would appreciate if this was something secret between you and I.
main: Why?
/ivy: Well... Ah...
/ivy: If people find out! They'll swarm this place!
/ivy: Like I said, magic users are a rarity.
main: So I don't get to use magic in public?
/ivy: Not yet, no.
/ivy: Or tell them about me staying here.
main: I-
/ivy: Please!
/ivy: I know it's a lot of rules, but I'll make it all worth it. I promise!
main: Sure, fine.
/ivy: Thanks, thanks, thanks!
/ivy: You won't regret it, I'll get to prepare your lessons inmediatelly!

main: So, any news?

/ivy: Yes! I crossed from the list a few nasty side effects and possible
main: Awesome
/ivy: Are you free today?
/ivy: I want to run some tests on you
main: Yeah, sure
/ivy: Well, start getting naked.
main: WHAT?
main: I was not aware that getting naked was a requirement...
/ivy: I am not the one making the rules for the needed magic ritual
/ivy: I would love to hear any great ideas from the so-called "magic expert"
main: Ok. If it is so important... I will get naked.
/ivy: I need those clothes off and your eyes shut.
/ivy: Stay STILL, please
main: Sure, give me a second.

/ivy: [Oh, he is fit.]

/ivy: [Focus Ivy, focus!]
/ivy: Ok, are you prepared?
/ivy: Hold still!
/ivy: terces a sdloh yrotnevni eht!
/ivy: It did not work. Weird... Let me try something else
/ivy: eniw eht tuoba rednetrab eht ksa
main: Hehe, It tickles.
/ivy: Shhhhhhhhh
/ivy: [Maybe?]
/ivy: nwod uoy tel annog reven pu uoy evig annog reven
main: !
main: I can feel that! It's awesome!
/ivy: Interesting.
/ivy: Done, get dressed!
main: Finally
/ivy: I should review my notes again.
main: Wait! That's it?
/ivy: What did you expect?
main: I don't know, a solution?
/ivy: Well.
main: I think you can benefit from this situation...
main: How so?
/ivy: Visit me again later, and I will tell you!
main: Oh, come on!
main: Hey, how is the study going?

/ivy: Can I come in, /main/?

main: Wait a second.
narr: ...
main: Come in.
/ivy: Good morning!
main: You are in a good mood today! What happened?
/ivy: I have great news to share! I already found out how the amulet affected
main: Awesome, tell me!
/ivy: Do you want the long answer or the short answer?

main: Long answer.

/ivy: The amulet "woke" your connection to your spirit.
/ivy: Spirit energy is the main power source where magic stems.
/ivy: Only people who have an inner connection to their spirit can efficiently use
/ivy: You only are able to connect with your spirit through a lifetime of intense
training or as a birthright ability.
/ivy: Some die before they can master the ability.

main: Short answer.

/ivy: With training, you could learn how to use your spirit as a power source.
/ivy: Just like mages do.

/ivy: You got lucky!

main: What? Really? That's crazy!
main: I'm going to be a mage!
/ivy: Whoa whoa whoa, calm down Merlin!
/ivy: The amulet just unlocked your potential.
main: So?
/ivy: That means that even with that potential, you still have to learn how to use
said spirit.
/ivy: You will have to learn the basics, which will allow you to use your spirit to
enhance your body.
/ivy: If you train your spirit enough, who knows, you might even be able to throw a
spell or two.
main: Okay. When do we start?
/ivy: Well, here's the thing.
/ivy: 101 magic lessons are expensive.
/ivy: Royal blood only expensive.
main: I don't like where this is going...
/ivy: I can share my knowledge and teach you magic.
/ivy: But I need a place to stay.
/ivy: It's a marvelous deal I am offering!
main: I have the feeling that you always get what you want...
/ivy: Most times
main: Deal, but I want to start training right away.
/ivy: Deal!
/ivy: But I would appreciate if you don't tell a soul that I am teaching you magic.
main: Why?
/ivy: If people find out, they will swarm this place!
/ivy: You are a one-time exception.
main: Let's start then.
narr: You will be able to enhance your actions in some physical effort activities.
narr: Hey, how is the study going?

/ivy: Ready to start?

main: Yes, what are we doing today?
/ivy: Mmmmmm...
/ivy: I'm thinking about following a basic elemental training.
/ivy: To be more specific, a fire training.
main: Great!
/ivy: But...
/ivy: I lost most of my manuals and books when I moved with you...
/ivy: I could teach you without them but I prefer to have them as support.
/ivy: Would you mind going to the village and check if they have something in the
/ivy: Not necessarily a grimoire, any book about the fire element might help us.
main: Sure, I'll go.
/ivy: Thanks, /main/
main: Lily?
main: I was wondering...
main: Do you sell any magic books in the shop?
main: I want to study about magic and fire
lily: Oh, such an interesting topic!
lily: Lucky you!
lily: I do have one book about that subject.
lily: It's supposed to be behind the counter.
lily: Give me a second...
lily: Where did I...
lily: [grumble]
lily: ?
lily: Here it is!
lily: Got it!
lily: It's yours for 60 coins!

lily: Thank you, /main/.

main: Well, I'd better get the book to Ivy befo...

main: !
main: Auch!
scar: Damn it, villager!
scar: Watch your step!
scar: Agh... You dropped this.
scar: Take it and shov...
scar: Huh...
scar: Fireballs for dummies?
scar: ...
scar: You don't look like a mage.
scar: What are you doing with this book?
main: I'm curious about the subject.
scar: Right...
scar: Curious?
scar: Such a riveting topic, right?
scar: You can read about sparks... and stuff...
scar: Anyway.
scar: I'm Scarlet.
main: [What about this sudden attitude change...]
main: /main/
scar: Well, /main/.
scar: See you soon.
main: [What a weird lady.]
scar: See you soon
main: Home already.
main: I'll leave the book in my room.

main: Uuuuugghhhhhh
main: [What happened? Ugh... my head.]
main: !?
main: [Why I'm tied up!?]
scar: Finally waking up, you sloth!
main: What the hell?
main: Scarlet?
main: What is wrong with yo...
scar: Shut it!
scar: Where is she?
scar: If you had laid a single finger on her...
scar: I'll make you beg for mercy!
main: Calm down Scarlet, there is no need fo...
scar: Begging it is!
/ivy: Stop it, Scarlet!
scar: IVY!? Are you ok!?
/ivy: Of course I am.
/ivy: What are you doing to poor /main/?
main: [Help...]
scar: What do you think I'm doing?
scar: I was worried!
scar: I thought this guy kidnapped you!
/ivy: Scarlet! Untie him this instant!
scar: ...
scar: Here you go...
main: Agh...
scar: Sorry for hitting you.
scar: Next time, try not looking so... suspicious
main: For real?
/ivy: What the hell are you doing here Scarlet?
scar: We should go inside that house and talk there.
narr: You, Ivy and Scarlet, go to your room without barely exchanging a word.
narr: Both of them look worried and nervous.

/ivy: Tell me what the hell is going on with you. Why are you in here, Scarlet?
scar: I'm serious Ivy, I was worried about you.
scar: Do you have any idea about how angry Elizabeth is?
scar: She hired bounty hunters to find you.
scar: Dead or alive.
main: That's horrible...
scar: I've been looking for you, non stop for days.
scar: I was looking for clues in the village and this shady dude...
main: /main/...
scar: Whatever.
scar: He bought a magic book from the bookshop.
scar: Pretty suspicious, if you ask me...
scar: I decided to follow him.
scar: And here I am!
scar: Ivy, do you realize that if I found you that easy...
scar: The bounty hunters will as well?
/ivy: ...
/ivy: How many other "suspicious guys" did you intimidate?
scar: ...
scar: A couple... dozen... not important.
scar: Don't focus on me Ivy!
scar: Why?
scar: Why did you leave?
/ivy: It's hard to explain Scarlet.
/ivy: Elizabeth was becoming impulsive and obsessive.
/ivy: The amulet needed to go before more people could get hurt.
main: Wait a second here...
main: Are you talking about the amulet that gave me magic powers?
scar: IVY!?
scar: You used it on HIM?!
/ivy: No!
/ivy: It was an accident!
/ivy: Let me explain...
narr: Ivy explains to Scarlet what happened the night you moved to this house and
how she's been training you ever since.
/ivy: And that's everything.
main: So...
main: You knew what the amulet did to me...
/ivy: No!
/ivy: Your accident helped me to understand the amulet better.
/ivy: But I'm tired of lying...
scar: Ivy NO...
/ivy: I'm Ivy Cromwell, daughter of the Aurelia Duke
scar: Ivy!?
/ivy: And this Scarlet, my ...
scar: ...
scar: Well, fuck it...
scar: At least tell me you know what you're doing with that damn amulet.
/ivy: Yes, I got enough time to study the amulet.
/ivy: I believe it's a magic siphon.
/ivy: If used correctly, one could transfer the magic powers of a creature into the
/ivy: And transfer the powers inside the amulet into another creature.
main: Wait... That means...
/ivy: You got someone's magic powers.
/ivy: In fact, we don't know if the amulet siphoned more than one creature.
/ivy: That could explain how easily you're learning magic.
/ivy: When it takes years to get where you are.
scar: That sounds like something mother would use indiscriminately...
/ivy: I'm pretty sure she already did... I don't know how many victims or for how
scar: How do we get rid of the amulet?
/ivy: I tried destroying it, but it was a wasted effort.
/ivy: I might find a way to erase its enchantment, but I need more time.
main: Can't we drop it into the ocean?
/ivy: Thought about that but someone, somewhere, will find it again.
/ivy: I want to end this amulet legacy once and for all.
/ivy: I'm sorry Scarlet, but I can't risk to put you in dan...
scar: Shut up, I'm not leaving you.
/ivy: ...
/ivy: Well this is /main/ house, after all, we should ask him for permission.
scar: No need.
scar: I'll camp outside and watch you from there.
/ivy: Don't be stubborn Scarlet. You can sleep with me.
scar: I'll see you tomorrow. Good night Ivy.
/ivy: ...
/ivy: Forgive her /main/, she's trying to look out for me.
/ivy: Even if she's overdoing it.
/ivy: Let me check your head.
/ivy: I'll feel better if you get some rest now.
narr: Ivy gently helps you to get to your bed, where she takes care of you.
narr: You can feel your drowsiness slowly overtaking until you surrender to it.
/ivy: I believe it's a magic siphon.

/ivy: My /scarlet_role/.
scar: Well, fuck it...
scar: At least tell me you know what you're doing with that damn amulet.
/ivy: Yes, I got enough time to study the amulet.
/ivy: I believe it's a magic siphon.
/ivy: If used correctly, one could transfer the magic powers of a creature into the
/ivy: And transfer the powers inside the amulet into another creature.
main: Wait... That means...
/ivy: You got someone's magic powers.
/ivy: In fact, we don't know if the amulet siphoned more than one creature.
/ivy: That could explain how easily you're learning magic.
/ivy: When it takes years to get where you are.
scar: That sounds like something mother would use indiscriminately...
/ivy: I'm pretty sure she already did... I don't know how many victims or for how
scar: How do we get rid of the amulet?
/ivy: I tried destroying it, but it was a wasted effort.
/ivy: I might find a way to erase its enchantment, but I need more time.
main: Can't we drop it into the ocean?
/ivy: Thought about that but someone, somewhere, will find it again.
/ivy: I want to end this amulet legacy once and for all.
/ivy: I'm sorry Scarlet, but I can't risk to put you in dan...
scar: Shut up, I'm not leaving you.
/ivy: ...
/ivy: Well this is /main/ house, after all, we should ask him for permission.
scar: No need.
scar: I'll camp outside and watch you from there.
/ivy: Don't be stubborn Scarlet. You can sleep with me.
scar: I'll see you tomorrow. Good night Ivy.
/ivy: ...
/ivy: Forgive her /main/, she's trying to look out for me.
/ivy: Even if she's overdoing it.
/ivy: Let me check your head.
/ivy: I'll feel better if you get some rest now.
narr: Ivy gently helps you to get to your bed, where she takes care of you.
narr: You can feel your drowsiness slowly overtaking until you surrender to it.
/ivy: I believe it's a magic siphon.

main: Ivy, have you seen the fire book I bought for training?
/ivy: Ah! Yes.
/ivy: It fell when Scarlet knocked you down.
/ivy: I forgot to tell you that I picked it up.
/ivy: I left it in your room, near the other books you have.
/ivy: Read the entire thing! Fire is a bit harder to manipulate than water.
/ivy: Don't worry; I'm sure you'll do fine.
/ivy: Don't worry; I'm sure you'll do fine.

/ivy: Have you read the grimoire already?

/ivy: I left it in your room, in the bookshelf.

main: I should dedicate an entire day to this. I better come back in the morning.
main: I should dedicate an entire day to this. I better come back in the morning.

main: You devote the entire day to studying.

main: You devote the entire day to studying.

/ivy: Sure, whenever you're ready.

/ivy: We are going to start very slow.
/ivy: Now focus, /main/.
/ivy: And start.
main: !
main: !
main: Great work!
/ivy: That's a big flame.
/ivy: You might notice water was calm and easy to manage.
/ivy: But fire burns through energy quickly.
main: I-It's hard to control.
/ivy: Exhaustion can make it hard.
main: It's not exhaustion; it's hard to hold back.
/ivy: /main/!?
/ivy: Turn it down!
main: I-I can't!
/ivy: ...
/ivy: /main/?
/ivy: /main/?
scar: Maybe a slap will do the trick.
/ivy: Scarlet!
scar: What? I'm just trying to help.
main: Ngh
/ivy: How are you feeling?
main: Good, I guess.
main: What happened?
/ivy: You got out of control there for a second and then stood up without saying a
/ivy: I'm sorry, I didn't expect anything like that.
main: I didn't hurt anybody, right?
scar: Hell yeah, you did!
scar: You blasted that poor tree near the garden.
scar: It was awesome.
/ivy: Scarlet! Please don't encourage him like that!
scar: Why not!? If he can do that on the first day.
scar: Just imagine what he can achieve in a few months.
scar: He'll be unstoppable.
/ivy: It isn't that easy; he could hurt himself or someone else.
/ivy: /main/, right now, I don't know how to proceed with your training.
/ivy: I fear that I don't know enough about that amulet to understand what is
happening here.
/ivy: If you don't mind, I would rather postpone your training.
/ivy: Until I know more at least.
main: ...
scar: Ppsst
scar: I thought It was awesome.
scar: Don't let her tell you otherwise.

sora: /main/!
sora: I wanted to talk with you.
main: ?
sora: I got a particular task in my hands at this moment.
sora: That requires young, capable hands.
sora: And if I recall correctly, you owe me.
main: What do you want me to do?
sora: Straight to the point, great!
sora: I have to move some valuables.
sora: And I would like extra protection when moving them around.
sora: It would usually be enough with Kivir, but he seems a tad distracted lately.
sora: And my gut tells me to play it safe.
sora: I'll wait for you to be ready, but don't take too long.

sora: Let's get going then!

sora: KIVIR!?
sora: Where are you!?
kivi: ...
sora: Here you are.
sora: I got the cart ready for you, and /main/ will be giving you company along the
kivi: ...
sora: Ah, cherry as ever.
kivi: I can do it alone, Soran.
sora: I'll take that as a "Yes, boss."
sora: Alright.
sora: Well kid, get in the cart.
main: So... Have you worked with Soran for long?
kivi: No.
main: Oh, he must trust you then. To let you transport his stuff by yourself most
of the time.
kivi: Kid?
main: ?
kivi: Shut up.
main: Sorry, I didn't mean to nosy.
kivi: No, I mean it. I heard something.
kivi: Let me check the back.
kivi: Maybe something fell out.
main: ...
main: Did something fall or?
kivi: Must have been my imagination.
kivi: Let's keep going.
main: Kivir!?
boss: Ha, got him!
boss: That will teach the grey skin.
/ruf: There's another one, boss!
boss: I got eyes, Ruf!
boss: I'm sure Soran saw you eavesdropping around town and got worried about his
/ruf: No! He didn't!
boss: Well, it doesn't matter. Kivir was the dangerous one.
/ruf: Nobody saw me, I'm like a shadow.
boss: Ruf?
/ruf: ?
boss: Shut the hell up.
/ruf: Yes, boss.
boss: Luckily this one is just a kid.
boss: Be happy I'm feeling merciful today, boy.
boss: Empty your pockets right now and you can run.
main: [They outnumber me, and I'm too close to draw my bow.]
main: [Magic it's my only option here.]

main: !
/ruf: What the hell!?
/ruf: A mage!?
boss: How did that filthy dwarf get a mage!?
main: [They look scared, I can turn this into my favor]

main: You better run before I turn you both into a couple of lizards.
/ruf: No! I love my silky skin!

main: I don't want to hurt you.

main: Leave.

boss: Grrr
boss: Let's go, Ruf.
/ruf: You win this time, mage.
main: !
/ruf: What the hell!?
/ruf: A mage!?
main: I can't hold it.
boss: Oh my god, he is going to incinerate us!
boss: RUN RUF.
main: Everything went blank for a moment there.
main: ...
main: It looks like they ran off.
main: Damn it; I burned the side of the cart with that.

main: I better pick up Kivir and go back to the tavern.

sora: !?
sora: The hell happened kid?
main: We got attacked.
main: Kivir needs assistance.
sora: It's fine, boy. I'll take everything from here.
sora: Are you hurt?
main: No.
sora: Go home and sleep then we'll talk tomorrow.

sora: Look who's here!

main: Hi Soran.
sora: Come on, come here and sit nearby!
sora: Orson! Get me a beer for this young lad.
sora: You got my cart safe from an ambush.
sora: Even if it was a bit burnt. But you know, a battle can get crazy.
sora: Even if it was a bit burnt. But you know, a battle can get crazy.
sora: Now that's settled down.
sora: You proved yourself to be a worthy asset, /main/.
sora: Here, have this.
main: ?
sora: It's a token of trust.
sora: Just show it to anyone that works for me, and they'll help you.
sora: How about you try it, huh?
sora: Talk to Kivir, and he should let you into the brothel.
sora: I got another reward waiting for you there.
sora: Go, have some fun!
sora: I'll wait for you to be ready, but don't take too long.

main: Hey.
main: I talked to Soran; he told me to show you this.
kivi: Good. You can enter the brothel.
main: Thanks.
kivi: /main/?
kivi: ?
kivi: Thank you for not running away back in the ambush.
kivi: I owe you.

kivi: Hey.
kivi: Soran told me he wants to see you.
sora: I'll wait for you to be ready, but don't take too long.

main: [Mmmmm... Where can I find a job in Aurelia?]

main: [Maybe the tavern would be a good place to start.]

narr: Starry Skies Bookshop, it's closed.

I'm currently out of town. Please, visit us again in the near future.

orso: Welcome!

orso: What can I do for you?

Work at the bar
Where's Crystal?
Ask something - 10 gold
orso: Welcome!
orso: What can I offer you?
orso: Some refreshing beer to beat the heat?
orso: Some food to satisfy your hunger?
main: I'm actually looking for some work.
orso: Kid, you could not have picked a worse time!
orso: The town festival just ended a few days ago.
orso: And with it, all the need for extra working hands.
main: Oh, damn it.
orso: You know what? You look like a good kid.
orso: When I look at you, I see a younger version of myself.
orso: Someone trying to survive and navigate through life.
orso: I can offer you a job but, it isn't going to be a pretty one.
main: What would I have to do?
orso: The afternoons get a bit busy around here.
orso: You could serve drinks to our costumers.
orso: I can't pay you anything.
orso: But I'll let you keep the tips!
orso: Come later and give it a try!

orso: Sure kid, have a cold one!

main: Let's see what's inside.

orso: Can you afford it?

orso: Do you have money for that?

orso: Good choice, kid

orso: That wine is the best wine you can buy in all Aurelia.
orso: Handmade by myself, of course!
orso: Just 40 gold coins a glass!

main: [I'll compliment the wine. I want this guy on my side]

main: Mmmmm, the wine is superb!
orso: Precisely! What do you like about it?
main: Oh, damn it...

main: The texture.

orso: Exactly!
orso: It has a delightful, dense and creamy body

main: The scent.

orso: Exactly!
orso: It has a lovely aroma, rich and complex.
main: The color.
orso: Exactly!
orso: It reflects light like a garnet, could look at it for hours.

Tell me about Janet

Tell me about Ohro
Tell me about Kivir
Tell me about Soran
Tell me about Reynauld and Dismas
Tell me about Lily
Tell me about the traveling merchants
Tell me about Ruperta
Tell me about Karos

orso: Don't waste my time then!

main: Yeah, it's excellent!

orso: Get to work boy!

You spent the whole afternoon cleaning Orson's tavern
You received 20 gold coins
main: There is a note on the front of this door

orso: Who?
orso: Have you met the halfling that lives next to the bar?
orso: She runs a store called "Trinkets and Baubles."
orso: Let me warn you, I bought a ladle from there not long ago and broke in a
single swing.
main: [I don't think ladles are made for that...]
orso: With such a talent for cooking, it's a shame that she runs a store that
barely holds together.
orso: Her dishes are full of flavor, and the aromas that come from her kitchen are
orso: But don't tell her I said that.

orso: Don't let Ohro fool you.

orso: He is known in here for being an eccentric and unusual man.
orso: But... If you listen closely, his words have a deeper meaning

orso: If I can personally recommend you something, try giving the lake a visit.
orso: It's not only beautiful this time of year.
orso: But also a very good place to catch some fish!
orso: If you are skilled at it, might even make some gold out of it.

orso: The dwarf sitting in the corner?

orso: That's Soran.
orso: He's not afraid to do the dirty work.
orso: If you catch my drift.
orso: Yet, he is one of the most honorable individuals I've met.
Always keeps his promises. Always pays
Ask him about the "special deals."
He has all kinds of peculiar things.

orso: Have you visited the bookstore lately?

orso: The girl working there is so kind and caring.
orso: Always taking care of ill and injured villagers.
orso: It's impressive how knowledgeable she is about medicine and alchemy at such a
young age.
orso: I really wish my daughter could learn from her example.

orso: See those two drunks that are usually around?

orso: One of them, Dismas, is quite reasonable and relaxed.
orso: On the other hand, Reynauld tends to irritate me.
orso: Always attempting to steal from my clients.
orso: That's how I discovered his skull is as tough as iron.
orso: That said, despite their quirks, they are good company.
orso: If you buy them a beer, they might be willing to share one of their many
stories with you.
orso: Lirey knows I've heard them all already.

orso: Ah, Karos...

orso: Such a good chap.
orso: He's fixing all my broken stools!
orso: If he only stopped shedding fur everywhere...
orso: If he only stopped shedding fur everywhere...

orso: How can I help?

Orson's reserve

Latest News? - 10 Gold

orso: Of course!
orso: Always paired with a cold one.

main: Hey, how is the study going?

main: Hey, how is the study going?

main: [Ivy's room.]

main: [Closed.]
main: Hey, how is the study going?

main: Door's unlocked.

main: Ivy, are you there?
/ivy: Nznnnn...
main: It's me /main/, are you in?
/ivy: !
/ivy: Wait!
main: Alrigh-
main: !
main: ...
/ivy: I'm sorry, I'm not dressed.
/ivy: Forgot to pack something to sleep with.
/ivy: Can you give me a bit? I'll be downstairs shortly.
main: Fine.

You hear unrecognizable sounds coming from Ivy's room.

main: Ivy?
/ivy: [Why I am so horny lately?]
main: Ivy, are you there?
/ivy: !
/ivy: Yes...
/ivy: [I just can't stop now.]
/ivy: Do you need something?
main: I heard some weird noises, are you OK?
/ivy: Yes, I'm... fine...
main: I'll meet you outside then.
/ivy: Wait! Don't leave.
main: ?
/ivy: !
main: Ivy?
/ivy: Nevermind. Everything's fine.
/ivy: [What am I doing? I barely can control myself...]
/ivy: [So intense.]
/ivy: [So intense.]

/ivy: Hi.

main: I'm ready to continue with my training.

/ivy: Alright.
/ivy: Let's start with concentration exercises.
/ivy: It will help you to focus your energy and be more precise.
/ivy: Ready?
main: Ready.
main: You trained with Ivy until late evening.
main: Wew, I'm getting the hang of this.

main: I'm ready to resume my training.

/ivy: Terrific!
/ivy: Last time you did pretty well with Meditation.
/ivy: Let's try a more intense training today.
narr: You and Ivy train till the evening.
main: Wew, I'm getting the hang of this.
main: Shall we continue?
/ivy: Mmmmm.
/ivy: Yes, of course.
/ivy: You are making good progress.
/ivy: What if I teach you how to manipulate the elements of nature?
main: Sounds interesting.
/ivy: Nice!
main: Let's throw fireballs!
/ivy: Hahaha.
/ivy: WelI... I was thinking about something less dramatic.
/ivy: I'll borrow you my old water grimoire.
/ivy: Before starting this training, you have to read it from head to toes.
/ivy: The grimoire is close to my heart.
/ivy: Treat it gently.
main: [I should go to my room and read the grimoire.]
main: t

main: I'll read carefully the chapters that Ivy underlined.


narr: The caster should adopt a relaxed posture.

narr: Place your arms around your hips to let your spirit flow...

narr: Even though a sound mind might help your energy to flow, controlling your
emotions is an essential step to practice magic.

narr: Joy is the primary emotion the caster will channel when manipulating water.
narr: Serenity and love synergize with water, they will help the caster to control
this element with precision.

/ivy: Eager to start?

/ivy: Hope you studied the grimoire properly.
/ivy: Your first assignment is to empty a full glass of water...
/ivy: ... but... only using your spirit training lessons.
main: Sounds easy enough.
/ivy: Yet it's not.
main: Oh... Ok...
/ivy: Controlling an element is not an easy task.
/ivy: You can't expect immediate results.
/ivy: The physical posture is essential to the exercise's success.
/ivy: Come on. Prepare yourself.

/ivy: Alright.
/ivy: Channel your emotions /main/.
/ivy: Remembering significant events from your past might help you to focus.
main: [I'll focus on...]


/ivy: Oh...
/ivy: You broke the glass...
/ivy: You were supposed to manipulate the water, /main/.
/ivy: Not make the glass shatter.
/ivy: Let's try again another time.
main: Let's try again another time.

main: Aghhhhh! No way!

/ivy: Focus on the water. Come on...
main: Ufffff...It's just not moving!
main: Ngggghhhnnnh
/ivy: Don't rush things /main/. Maybe you are not ready yet.
/ivy: Can we take a rain check? Let's try again some other time.

main: FAIL2

main: !!!!!!
/ivy: Ohh!
/ivy: Well done /main/!
/ivy: You almost got half the glass out!
main: [panting]
main: Aghhh
main: It felt like my soul was being pummeled...
main: ...and only I got half of the water out
/ivy: Drop it! Don't be that harsh on yourself. It was good!
/ivy: Take a break, you deserve it.
/ivy: Ohh!

main: How are you doing?

/ivy: I just came back from a walk in the woods. I love being outdoors, enjoy
nature and its relaxing sounds.
/ivy: I have some free time on my hands since I don't have to study all day.
/ivy: I was confined indoors most of my life. So, staying with you is a good
change of pace.
main: ?
/ivy: I don't want to bother you with my issues...
main: You'll feel better if you let it out. Trust me!
/ivy: Well...
/ivy: I had a tough and lonely upbringing.
/ivy: At an early age, I was alienated me from the outside world because I was born
with magic abilities.
/ivy: As a child, all I wanted to do was play outdoors, make new friends and have
main: Didn't you have anyone to play with?
/ivy: Yeah, I had someone, but she was "normal"
/ivy: She told me hilarious stories about her friends
/ivy: But she was barely at home, she usually was at her boyfriend house.
/ivy: I remember that he constantly gave her flowers.
/ivy: I was so jealous...
main: Those days are in the past. Enjoy the present. You can do whatever you want
main: Don't let those haunted memories bother you.
/ivy: You are right! I'll enjoy more the present.
/ivy: The sun is going down, I'd better get inside the house.
/ivy: Thanks for listening, /main/.
/ivy: Thanks for listening, /main/.
/ivy: Hi

Old ladyGreetings traveler!

Old ladyWould you be interested in buying some flowers?
main: How much for the flowers?
Old lady100 gold
main: !!!

Old ladyNo coin, no flowers!

/ivy: Hi

main: Hey, I was in the village, thinking about you and your story...
main: I thought about what you told me.
main: About your past.
main: So, I bought you this!
/ivy: !
/ivy: You didn't have to!
/ivy: I can't thank you enough.
main: You don't need to.
/ivy: No.
/ivy: I want to.

/ivy: Thank you so much.

/ivy: I'm going to put them in water!
/ivy: I'm going to put them in water!

/ivy: Have you been to the village lately?

main: Yeah, I even found a job at the tavern!
/ivy: Really? That's great!
/ivy: The village seems a vibrant and interesting place!
main: Yeah, it is.
/ivy: I'm curious. What people do there to have fun?
main: Drink beer and get drunk!
main: In the evenings the tavern is always full of people.
main: Next time, you can come with me and check it for yourself.
/ivy: Oh, I actually, can't.
/ivy: You know why
/ivy: It's just to dangerous
/ivy: With Elizabeth influence...
/ivy: If I go to the village, I can get in trouble if someone recognizes me.
/ivy: That's why I asked you to keep secret your magic training with me.
/ivy: I don't want my problems to be a burden.
/ivy: Didn't want to lie, sorry.
/ivy: I prefer to stay at home until it is safe for me.
/ivy: But I'll cash your proposal in the future and drink that beer with you!
main: I will wait eagerly.

main: Hey, I bought you some beer!

main: If you can't go to the tavern, the tavern will come to you!
/ivy: Awwww. You are so cute! Thanks.
main: Here, drink!
/ivy: Ok
/ivy: Here we go.
/ivy: !
/ivy: Aghhhh, so bitter!
main: It has an acquired taste.
/ivy: ...
/ivy: Let me drink again.
/ivy: !
/ivy: Yuck.
/ivy: So strong! Tastes like metal!
main: You have such a delicate palate.
/ivy: Don't mock me!
main: Ahahahaha
narr: You drank all night and talked for hours.
main: And then he said.
main: How do you call a group of rogues?
main: A surprise party!
/ivy: Aahhahahah!
main: Oopps, sadly, the fun juice is gone.
/ivy: I can think of other ways to have fun...
/ivy: Lean back.
/ivy: I'll make myself more comfortable. Let me take this off...
main: !
/ivy: [Way bigger than I expected.]
/ivy: Mmmmm...
/ivy: [This is turning me on...]
/ivy: [His cock is so warm...]
main: Aaaaaah...
/ivy: [It is twitching in my lips.]
main: I'm close, Ivy...
/ivy: Go ahead.
/ivy: !
/ivy: Such a huge load.
/ivy: It feels so good.

main: Bought you more beer!

/ivy: Oh...
/ivy: I appreciate it...
/ivy: But I didn't enjoy beer that much.
/ivy: I think I prefer sweet, not bitter
/ivy: Even without beer, we can still have fun, if you want...

main: Got a surprise for you!

/ivy: ?
main: Bought you a bottle of ''Aurelia's finest wine''.
main: Bought you a bottle of ''Aurelia's finest wine''.
main: Wel...that is what I was told...
main: It's has a sweet taste, so you'll probably like it more than beer.
/ivy: Great! Let's open the bottle! Can't wait to try a glass!
narr: You lost track of time while drinking and laughing.
/ivy: This wine is quite an improvement, better than beer for sure.
/ivy: I love it.
main: Glad you liked it.
/ivy: You treat me so nicely.
/ivy: Come here.
/ivy: I want you so badly...
main: !
/ivy: Be gentle, please.
/ivy: It's my first time.
/ivy: Ok. Here I go.
/ivy: !!!
/ivy: Ooohhhh...Mmmmmm
/ivy: ...
main: Are you ok?
/ivy: Yes, I am.
/ivy: Give me a second.
/ivy: Your cock is huge.
/ivy: And it feels...
/ivy: So good.
/ivy: Mmmmmmmm
main: I-ivy, I'm going to...
/ivy: Cum inside me /main/!
/ivy: !!!
/ivy: Ahh... Ahh... Ahh...
/ivy: That was amazing...
/ivy: So intense.
/ivy: Left me exhausted.
/ivy: Would you mind...
/ivy: Sleeping with me?

Drink beer with Ivy

/ivy: Hey
/ivy: What can I do for you?
Drink wine with Ivy

/ivy: Honey, would you mind sleeping with me?

main: She is asleep. I'd better leave the room.

/ivy: You don't need to ask.

/ivy: What an amazing cock.

/ivy: It feels good between my plump lips, right?
/ivy: [What is happening to me? When I became that naughty?]
main: You are amazing Ivy! Don't stop!
/ivy: Do you want to cum all over my wet lips?
/ivy: Give me every single drop...
/ivy: !!!
/ivy: Such a load.
/ivy: I'll never get enough of this.

/ivy: I've been waiting for this all day.

/ivy: Mmmmmmmm...
/ivy: [I could ride this cock forever.]
/ivy: [It's stretching my pussy.]
main: Ivy, damn, slow down.
/ivy: I can't...
/ivy: I want your load so badly...

/ivy: Don't let any drop go to waste.

/ivy: !!!
/ivy: Ahhhhhh
/ivy: You're filling me up, /main/.
/ivy: It feels incredible.
/ivy: !!!
/ivy: So warm...
/ivy: You made such a mess...
main: I'm sorry.
/ivy: Don't be, I love it.

narr: [Ivy is watering the plants inside the window box.]

narr: [Ivy is staring at you, while she's wiggling her hips side to side in a
playful manner.]
/ivy: Hey /main/.

/ivy: /main/?...
/ivy: How cute... you could not resist yourself?
/ivy: !
/ivy: I'll take that as a no.
/ivy: ?
/ivy: Come on...
/ivy: You got me all hot and bothered.
/ivy: Going to make me beg for it?
/ivy: Just look at this /main/.
/ivy: It belongs to you.
/ivy: It's all yours.
/ivy: Just take me.

/ivy: Ahhh!
/ivy: Finally.
/ivy: You got me soaking wet, /main/.
/ivy: Pound me as hard as you can.
/ivy: Ahhhh, yes.
/ivy: Fuck me, /main/!
/ivy: I want to feel every inch of your cock.
/ivy: Ahhhh! Ahhhh!
main: Ivy!
/ivy: !
/ivy: *Panting*
/ivy: That's....
/ivy: A lot...
/ivy: I hope you keep coming back for more.
/ivy: I hope you keep coming back for more.
/ivy: While
/ivy: !
/ivy: Be gentle /main/.
main: Is so tight Ivy...
/ivy: Does my ass feel good?
main: Ahhhh... Yes...
/ivy: I can feel your cock twitching inside me.
/ivy: Building a huge load.
/ivy: Come on, /main/.
/ivy: Hit me harder.
/ivy: Fill me up to the brim.
main: !
/ivy: *Panting*
/ivy: That's....
/ivy: A lot...
/ivy: I hope you keep coming back for more.

/ivy: Ok...
/ivy: Be gentle, please

main: Youchy

/ivy: Great.
/ivy: Come here.
narr: You cuddle with Ivy and sleep through the night.
narr: It's so warm and comfortable that you oversleep until noon.
/ivy: Be gentle, please.

/ivy: Oh, my pendant?

/ivy: It's a present from Scarlet
main: It's really pretty.
/ivy: Thanks! She gave it to me when she turned 18 and started working in the
palace as a warden.
/ivy: Since then, we only saw each other during family reunions.
/ivy: I'm so glad she is around now!
/ivy: Channe
/ivy: I don't know...
/ivy: That's a difficult question to answer.
/ivy: I could do so many things...
/ivy: Wanted to travel... Explore far away countries.
/ivy: Sadly, If I try to leave, I'm sure I would be spotted and captured.
main: What about going undercover?
/ivy: Honestly, it crossed my mind several times.
/ivy: But for the time being, I am happy living with you in Aurelia.
/ivy: I'll wait for things to cool off.
main: Besides traveling, is there anything else you'd like to do?
/ivy: Ummm... Let me think...
/ivy: Yes! but it might sound a bit silly...
/ivy: I'd love to own a garden.
/ivy: To grow and take care of all kinds of plants, flowers, and vegetables.
/ivy: Channe

main: Wew, I'm getting the hang of this

main: Wew, I'm getting the hang of this

main: ?
/ivy: /main/?
/ivy: Hey /main/,can I stay with you for a while?

I'm tired Ivy...

Sure, come in

/ivy: Sorry to bother you.

/ivy: Good night /main/.
main: ?

/ivy: Thanks.
/ivy: I've been having trouble sleeping for the last few days.
/ivy: Hey, your bed looks soooo comfy.
/ivy: Make room for me.
/ivy: ...
/ivy: /main/?
/ivy: I've thought a lot about the last couple of days...
/ivy: You know... Running away from home, living with you...
/ivy: I'm having so much fun!
/ivy: But somehow, I'm feeling guilty about my happiness...
/ivy: It's like... I feel that I don't belong here.
/ivy: I want to be free and not to worry about my thoughts.
/ivy: But, please, /main/, don't get me wrong! I'm happy here.
/ivy: I love being with you.

Let the past go, think about your future

Feeling bad is sometimes necessary

main: I'm sure you'll feel better soon.

/ivy: It's just a weird feeling.
/ivy: I'm free to do what I want now...
/ivy: Yet I still feel sad.
/ivy: I guess you're right, I'll get used to it.

/ivy: You are right, there's so much I want to do.

/ivy: So many places to visit.
/ivy: Dishes to taste.
/ivy: People to meet.
/ivy: *Yawn*
/ivy: Come on, let's stop talking about me.
/ivy: How was your day?
narr: [You and Ivy talk for hours, while she rests her head against your chest.]
narr: [Without you realizing it, she falls asleep.]
/ivy: Thanks.

/ivy: Hey /main/.

/ivy: Good morning.
main: Good morning, Ivy.
/ivy: Sorry for falling asleep on top of you last night.
/ivy: I was exhausted.
main: Don't worry.
/ivy: To be honest you are quite a comfortable pillow.
/ivy: Hehe.
/ivy: And I got something cute to look at while I was waking up.
/ivy: Hey, I got an idea!
/ivy: Come to my room.
main: ?
/ivy: Quick, no time to get dressed!

main: Ivy?
/ivy: Shhhh.
main: !
/ivy: Just look.
/ivy: Mmmmmm...
/ivy: You know, /main/?
/ivy: I've been doing this regularly.
/ivy: I can't stop thinking about you...
/ivy: Since the moment we first kissed.
/ivy: And now, you are here, inside my room...
/ivy: Come on...
/ivy: Care to join me, /main/?
/ivy: Ahhh...
/ivy: That's what I wanted to see.
/ivy: Such a beautiful huge cock.
/ivy: I can't get it out of my mind.
/ivy: I'm sure you want to unload all over me.
/ivy: Come on /main/.
/ivy: I need it.
/ivy: Cum all over me.
/ivy: !
/ivy: So hot...
/ivy: Good way to start the morning.
/ivy: Won't you say?
/ivy: Won't you say?
Won't you say?

/ivy: Hey /main/.

/ivy: Just out of curiosity.
/ivy: You inherited this house, right?
/ivy: What's the story behind it?
main: Oh...
main: It was my grandfather's.
main: My family came here every spring to celebrate Aurelia's festival.
main: Grandma made the best home cooked meals for the entire family.
main: Grandpa served his finest wine on the table.
main: And we gave gifts to each other.
/ivy: That sounds lovely /main/!
/ivy: You were so lucky.
/ivy: I'd have given anything to share moments like that with my family...
/ivy: Specially with my own mother...
/ivy: We didn't have a close relationship.
main: I'm sorry to hear that.
/ivy: It's okay /main/, I can't change the past.
/ivy: I am focusing on the now!
/ivy: Only looking forward!
/ivy: Well, it's late.
/ivy: Goodnight, /main/.
main: ...
main: [Poor Ivy...]
main: [Her childhood was unfortunate and lonely...]
main: [What can I do to make her feel better?]
main: [Maybe... I could organize our own "family" meeting?]
main: [With tasty food, good wine, gifts...]
main: [Mmmmm...]
main: [And as a final surprise, I could give to Ivy a set of the house keys!]
[With tasty food, good wine, gifts...]

main: A little bird told me that you are a good cook Janet.
jane: HA.
jane: A good cook?
jane: Please, /main/...
jane: I am the BEST cook Aurelia's ever seen.
jane: Why do you think I am that young and good looking?
jane: My dishes are out of this world, honey.
main: I'm throwing a special dinner and I'd like to serve the best pie in town...
jane: Oh, I see... You're trying to impress someone.
jane: Do I have to get jealous /main/?
jane: Hahahaha, I'm joking, honey.
jane: You've come to the right place.
jane: I can cook the most delicious pie you'd ever tasted.
jane: For such a cute boy like you.
jane: I'll make it extra special.
jane: But nothing comes for free.
jane: For only 70 coins, it's yours.
jane: What a steal, /main/!
main: ...

main: I should prepare dinner for Ivy here.

main: I need some wine.
main: I need some food.
main: I need a good gift.
main: I'll come here at the evening once I have everything.

main: I already have the wine.

main: I already have Janet's pie.
main: I already have extra key of the house, as a gift.
main: Everything is ready.
jane: Thanks.
jane: Just come with me in the kitchen, handsome.
jane: I'll finish in a heartbeat!
jane: Be careful, it's hot!
main: Damn, that smells delicious.
jane: It tastes even better.
jane: You can always pay me a visit and ask for more.

Set the table


main: Mmmm, I have everything necessary to prepare a special dinner for Ivy.

main: Done!
main: I'd better call her.
main: Ivyyy!?
main: Can you come to the living room!?
main: ...
main: [I hear her coming down the stairs!]
/ivy: /main/, what's with all the yell...
/ivy: ?
/ivy: What's going on here?
main: We haven't celebrated properly you 'moving in' with me.
main: So, I organized a dinner party for us to enjoy.
/ivy: /main/...
/ivy: You didn't need to do that.
main: Come on Ivy, the food is getting cold.
main: Sure!
/ivy: It was delicious, /main/.
/ivy: Especially the pie. It was fresh, sweet and crunchy.
/ivy: You have to find me the recipe!
main: I wanna make it for you.
main: Happy you enjoyed it.
main: Oh, I almost forgot!
/ivy: ?
main: Here, take it.
main: It's a key of the house.
main: I want you to feel like this place it's your home too.
main: That way you...
main: !
IyyThanks, /main/.
/ivy: It means the world to me...
/ivy: I am the luckiest girl in Aurelia.
/ivy: You're such a sweetheart.
main: Damn, that was to much food.
main: Pfff, I know.
/ivy: I always get sleepy with my belly full.
/ivy: Let's go to sleep, /main/.
/ivy: Tomorrow we'll feel like new.
main: better

/ivy: While

[Ivy is watering the plants inside the window box.]

main: Hi, Ivy.
/ivy: Good morning, /main/.
main: Do you need some help?
/ivy: Oh, don't worry.
/ivy: You already did plenty for me.
/ivy: I want to be helpful around the house too.
main: There's no nee...
main: !
/ivy: Shhhhh.
/ivy: Nuh uh.
/ivy: No complaining /main/.
main: Hey Ivy... I got this from the bookshop.
main: Thought it'd be useful.
/ivy: Oh! Let me have a look!
/ivy: I was craving an interesting book to read.
/ivy: Thanks /main/.
/ivy: With some luck I'll learn some new tricks!
narr: Ivy's garden manapool has improved!
narr: Ivy will now give you interesting information about the garden.
/ivy: Oh, my pendant?

/ivy: What you want to know?

/ivy: Common

/ivy: With the consume spell, the plant will drop multiple fruits.

/ivy: Slightly uncommon

/ivy: With the consume spell, we'll get a mana boost.

/ivy: Very Rare

/ivy: With the consume spell, all the plants in the garden will grow.

/ivy: Extremely rare

/ivy: The consume spell will grow a random plant in all the empty garden slots.

/ivy: She's caring.

/ivy: Trust me, /main/.
/ivy: Despite some of her actions...
/ivy: Her attitude looks rough around the edges.
/ivy: But she means well.
/ivy: Scarlet always stood out for me in front of others.
/ivy: She overprotects the people she loves.
/ivy: Soon, you'll find out about that part of Scarlet too.

jane: Welcome to Trinkets and Baubles! I'm Janet, nice to meet you!
jane: Welcome /main/.
jane: Hello honey.

narr: Trinkets and Baubles shop. Closed.

jane: How may I help you?

Give Janet Strawberries (3)
What do you sell here?
I didn't know you were such a good cook.
Give her ingredients
Tip (10 gold)
Fix the sewer with your powers
Fixed the sewers problem
Special Tip - 50 gold
Help Janet
Lily's Box
Soran's contract
Amber's guitar
Amber's guitar (200 gold)
Fishing rod

jane: How can I help?

jane: We sell the highest quality goods you can buy in town.
jane: Look around. Feel free to ask for any product you can't find on the shelves.
jane: If you are feeling extra generous today, even the smallest tip will be

jane: Oh, thanks sweetheart.

jane: Thanks honey.

main: What's that smell?

jane: Right? Ugh!
jane: A few days ago the store sewer system collapsed...
jane: I think something got stuck in the underground pipes.
jane: Would love to fix it myself, but...
jane: I can't go down there because I'm deathly afraid of rats.
jane: Just the thought of rats makes my body shiver... Bbrr...
jane: I'm facing financial issues so I can't pay a professional to do the job.
jane: Sorry for the awful smell.
main: [Maybe I can fix the sewer problem or find someone desperate enough to do it
for me.]

jane: Yes! The nasty smell is gone!

jane: How did you do it?
main: I paid Ohro to unblock your smelly sewers.

main: [What if I could control the water in the sewer system...]

main: Hey Janet! I think I'm able to help with the smell problem.
main: Can I check the bathroom?
main: Oh, for sure! Unfortunately, I won't be able to pay you a penny...
main: Don't worry, my treat.
jane: Thank you! Come with me then.
narr: Janet directs you to her bathroom entrance.
jane: Here you have it.
jane: I'll check on you later. I am going back to the shop.
narr: ...
main: [Most likely, I can unplug the pipes manipulating the pipes water pressure.]
main: [OK. Let's get started...]
main: [The steps that Ivy taught me were...]
main: [POSTURE...]
main: !
main: Nghhh!!
main: [I can feel something really big stuck.]
main: [Nnnngggggh!!!]
main: [Just a little push to...]
main: !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
main: Pfeew!
main: Finally, the water is flowing nicely!
main: [I better go with Janet now.]
main: Janet! I'm done.
jane: Oh my god! That nasty smell is going away!

jane: Hey /main/, have you seen my little Lasagna?

main: Sorry, what!?
jane: Have you seen my cat Lasagna? I can't find him anywhere...
jane: He usually lurks around town at night, but never goes out of my sight for too
jane: I'm worried about him.
jane: Oh... My poor little thing...
jane: If you see him, let me know, sweetie.

main: ?
lasa: Meeeeow
main: Huh, I think that must be Janet's.
main: What are you doing out of home?
main: What are you doing out of home?
lasa: Meeeeeoooow
main: Well. I should catch him and bring it to Janet.
main: Kitty kitty.
main: Hey! wait here. Where are you going!?
main: Come here!

How Does That CatHow........ In....... Hell......... Does.......... The.......

jane: Run.........So.........Fast.........
jane: Run.........So.........Fast.........

main: Gotcha!
lasa: Meeeeeeow!
main: Lasagna, let's go to your mama!
main: Hey Janet.
jane: Oh, Lasagna! You cheeky rascal!
jane: Got me so worried!
jane: Meoooooow
jane: Get inside the house!
jane: Thank you, sweetie, for bringing him back home.
jane: He is my everything, I can't live without him.
jane: Ohh... You are sweating honey...
jane: Did Lasagna give you a race?
main: Yeah, he did. He is quite fast.
jane: Well, you know how I like to show you my appreciation...
jane: So...
jane: You're by far my best costumer! I'd like to do something special to you...
jane: You deserve only the best service I can offer.
jane: I have a pair of exceptional gifts that will relax you after that exhausting

main: Gotcha!
lasa: Meeeeeeow!
main: Go home!
jane: I should bring her to Janet.

jane: You're quite a resourceful guy!

jane: Thank you so much, sweetie.
jane: Now It's all back to normal!
jane: I'm just so tired, you know...
jane: It was a hard couple of days... I had to spend so much time washing my
clothes and everything.
jane: I can't walk around smelling like crap!
jane: My fingers are sore and my back is killing me. It's not easy doing it all
main: I'm sorry to hear that. Do you want some help? Maybe if I give you a massage
your back will stop aching.
jane: Oh, you don't have to do that! I feel so bad to ask for so much after you've
already helped me...
main: There's no problem, Janet. I insist. If it relieves your pain then I'll
gladly do it.
jane: Oh... Well.
jane: Thank you, /main/, you're a darling.
main: No problem.
jane: Ah, it feels so good.
jane: You have quite a gift, /main/. What a talented young man.
main: Your tension is easing up under my hands. It's working, right?
jane: Yes, it is... Keep going, please. Go a bit lower.
jane: Oh? /main/?
main: Huh?
jane: Maybe not that lower sweetie...
main: Oh, sorry!
main: Is this better?
jane: Ah... Yes, that's nice. Right there.
jane: Can you
jane: I feel so much better now.
jane: So relaxed. Thank you for your help, /main/.
main: No problem. Let me know if you need anything else.
jane: Will do.
jane: Thanks, honey.
jane: You are the best.
jane: Let me show you my appreciation.
jane: Hope it's worth every coin.

jane: Oh, /main/.

jane: I see you are generous everywhere.
jane: And you're full of energy.
jane: Even after that race.
jane: You push it into my cleavage on your own.
jane: These are all yours.
jane: Grind them all you want.
main: Aaaah...
jane: That's it.
jane: Please /main/...
jane: Give me an extra large tip.
jane: I want to savor it.
jane: !
jane: Such a load.
jane: Just what I wanted.
jane: Look the mess you made here /main/.
jane: Let me clean this up in a moment.
Janet stays in her knees, licking your load from her breasts and your crotch.
Once over, she gives a sloppy kiss to the tip of your cock and smiles at you.
jane: Hope you can give me another tip later, honey.
jane: Cheapest guy you'll ever meet.

jane: Wait for a second, I'll flip the open sign, honey.
jane: Don't worry, /main/.
jane: I understand your needs.
jane: You are a young man.
jane: With so much energy.
jane: Working really hard...
jane: Just ask me...
jane: And I'll get on my knees.
jane: Every time you want.
jane: You are pushing it into my lips.
jane: Do you want to shoot into on my mouth?
jane: Right here /main/.
jane: Give me a mouthful.
jane: !
jane: Delicious.
jane: And there is so much.
jane: Thanks for your contribution honey.
jane: Let me clean this up in a moment.
narr: Janet stays in her knees, licking your load from her breasts and your
narr: Once over, she gives a sloppy kiss to the tip of your cock and smiles at
jane: Hope you can give me another tip later, honey.
jane: Cheapest guy you'll ever meet.

jane: Uggh.
jane: Cheapest guy you'll ever meet.
jane: Don't trust him at all.
jane: A long time ago, I sold him an iron ladle.
jane: The very next day after his purchase, he came to the store with the ladle
broken by half.
jane: And the bastard had the nerve to ask me for a full refund!
jane: I was clear with him that I do not accept refunds!
jane: Besides, the ladle was sturdy and made with top quality iron from Drangleic.
jane: There was no way that the ladle was faulty.
jane: He wanted to scam me...
jane: NO REFUNDS! For god sake...
jane: Probably, that beast of a man hit a poor drunkard with the damn thing...
jane: Shame on him...
jane: Don't know how his daughter Crystal tolerates his attitude.

main: I didn't know you were such a good cook, Janet.

jane: Excuse me?
jane: I am not "good" honey, I'm THE BEST.
jane: Why do you think I keep myself this good looking?
jane: You are what you eat!
main: I've got quite an exotic garden at home.
main: Would you like me to bring you some stuff?
jane: Oh honey, that would be marvelous!
jane: But I can't let you bring me stuff for free all the time.
jane: Tell you what, you bring me ingredients and I cook something for you with
jane: Deal?
main: Deal.
main: Deal.

jane: Thanks honey, I'll have it ready in no time

jane: Here you have it

jane: Thanks honey, I'll have it ready in no time

jane: Here you have it

jane: Thanks honey, I'll have it ready in no time

jane: Here you have it

jane: Thanks honey, I'll have it ready in no time

jane: Here you have it

jane: Thanks honey, I'll have it ready in no time

jane: Here you have it

jane: A moment honey!

jane: This damn thing.
narr: *Thunk!*
jane: Damn it!
main: ...
jane: Oh, /main/!
jane: Welcome back to my shop.
main: What was that sound?
jane: Ah, don't worry about it.
jane: I just dropped a box with some wares.
jane: It was bulkier than what I usually get.
jane: And the worst part is that I have way more to carry.
main: Can I help you?
jane: Oh, sweetie. How kind.
jane: They are not even here yet.
jane: I ordered them from Soran, the dwarf at the tavern.
jane: The wares were quite the deal if I bought them in big bulks, so I thought of
saving that way.
jane: Now I see it isn't that good of an idea.
jane: Could you talk to Soran and get the boxes here for me?
main: Sure, I'll ask him.
jane: You're the best, /main/.
jane: Thank you so much~
sora: Oh yeah, the halfling's wares..
sora: Quite the deal she got.
sora: Have you come to take them?
main: Yes.
sora: Well, I got all 42 boxes ready for whenever you want to take them.
main: 42!?
sora: Hahahaha
sora: Well, I'll let you some time to reconsider.
sora: Or find some muscle.

dism: Easy work!

reyn: You got it, /main/.
reyn: Be careful, you brute!
reyn: You hit me in the back.
dism: I have to stay near you to make sure you keep your hands carrying stuff.
reyn: Mean.
main: And that's the last one, Janet.
jane: Thank you so much, /main/.
jane: You got me out of this one.
jane: I'm so happy to have someone like you taking care of me lately.
main: T-thank you.
jane: Honey, you don't have to thank me at all.
jane: I was feeling quite lonely around this village until you came around my shop.
jane: You seem to care about me genuinely.
jane: It makes me feel safe.
jane: Mmmm, you're still sweating honey.
jane: Are you tired?
main: Yeah, a bit.
jane: It's alright; you can lay on my bed and rest for a while.
jane: Please, that way I'll feel less guilty about this.
main: Alright.

sora: Brave boy!

sora: Well, get at it.
main: A-and that's the l-last one, Janet.
jane: Thank you so much, /main/.
jane: A-are you ok?
jane: You seem exhausted
main: I might've overdid it.
jane: It's alright; you can lay on my bed and rest for a while.
jane: Please, that way I'll feel less guilty about this.
main: Alright.
jane: /main/?
main: *grumbles*
jane: Good morning~
main: Janet?
main: What time is it?
jane: It's early in the morning, honey.
jane: You looked like you needed that rest, so I didn't bother you.
jane: I hope you don't mind.
main: It's fine.
jane: Great~
jane: Why don't you come down with me and eat something?
jane: I'll make an outstanding breakfast for you.
jane: Oh~
jane: Do you like what I'm wearing that much?
main: I'm sorry.
jane: Honey, don't be.
jane: It means you find someone like me attractive.
main: Someone like me?
jane: You know, I'm not young anymore.
jane: But you make me feel beautiful when you look at me this way.
main: You are beautiful.
jane: Oh, honey. You're so sweet.
jane: I'm so lucky to have found someone like you to take care of me.
main: !
jane: [Mmmmmmmm.]
jane: [Poor boy.]
jane: [You wake up every morning with this huge thing?]
jane: [It looks so pent up.]
jane: [Let me take care of you.]
main: Janet.
main: That feels so good.
jane: [I have some experience, honey.]
jane: [And that's just what you need.]
jane: [Someone who knows how to keep you pleased, at any moment.]
main: !
main: Fuck.
jane: [Good boy.]
jane: [Put it all in my mouth.]
jane: [That way, you can see me swallow it.]
jane: *Glup*
jane: Much better~
jane: Now let's get that breakfast, honey.

jane: Absolutely
jane: Make yourself at home.
jane: I'll make sure to wake you up early~
main: Janet?
jane: Mmmmmmmmhm?
main: Fuck.
jane: [I'm so sorry, /main/.]
jane: [As soon as I came into the room and saw it poking the sheets up.]
jane: [Bit my lips trying to hold myself.]
jane: [I thought that just a kiss couldn't hurt, right?]
jane: [But the kiss became a stroke.]
jane: [The stroke a lick...]
jane: [And then I got lost sucking it.]
main: Janet... You're so good at this...
jane: [Thank you so much, honey]
jane: [You can sleep here any day]
jane: [And I'll be here every morning]
main: !
jane: Mmmmmmmmm.
jane: [So thick and warm.]
jane: It's filling my mouth
main: Janet, I already came. You can stop sucking.
main: Nff~
jane: [I know...]
jane: [Just a bit more~]
jane: *Glup*
jane: Much better~
jane: Now let's get that breakfast, honey.
jane: Now let's get that breakfast, honey.

sora: Hey! /main/.

sora: Ready to load some more boxes?
sora: They should be in the way anytime soon.
main: More boxes? I thought that was it.
sora: Hahaha
sora: Not even close, son!
sora: Janet signed for an extended deal that first time she bought my wares.
sora: Sorry, I thought you worked for her now.
sora: Anyway. I'll tell Janet later.

jane: Ah, don't worry about it, /main/!

jane: You already helped me a lot!
jane: I didn't know about the box size, so it caught me by surprise the other day.
jane: But now that I know, I guess I'll have to find someone to carry the stuff for
main: Why don't you say no to Soran?
jane: Oh, honey.
jane: I wish it were that easy.
jane: He made me sign a contract; If I back now, I'll have to pay a fee.
jane: I can't afford to say no to him.
jane: And I doubt I can convince him easily.
jane: So I'll deal with it from now on.

sora: What about it?

main: Isn't there any way to cancel it?
sora: Sure.
sora: She can pay the cancellation fee.
sora: It's only 1200 gold.
main: There isn't any other option?
sora: I did a lot of work to get those wares at that price.
sora: If I am to cancel, I need something in return.
sora: Mmmmmm.
sora: Listen, kid.
sora: I have a business meeting soon with some remarkable people.
sora: And Janet's food can make an excellent impression.
sora: Bring me five pies and three cake slices from her, and I'll cancel the
sora: That or the 1200 gold, I don't mind which.

sora: Good!
sora: Consider it canceled.
sora: Now, if you don't mind, I got work to do.

sora: Good!
sora: Consider it canceled.
sora: Now, if you don't mind, I got work to do.

jane: /main/!
jane: Oh, sweetie.
jane: Soran came to tell me you convinced him about canceling the contract.
jane: Thank you so much.
jane: I don't know what I would do without you lately.
jane: Here, I did save up 300 gold to hire someone to carry those heavy boxes.
jane: I want you to have it, now that I don't need it anymore.
jane: And if you want to stay around, be my guest.
jane: You can help me in the store or just take a rest.
jane: Whatever you want, honey.

jane: Do you want to help me out, honey?

jane: Of course~
jane: Let me flip the sign then.
main: ?
jane: Don't worry, you're going to help me.
jane: A lot~
jane: You're going hard on me, /main/.
jane: Did you want me this bad?
main: Yeah.
jane: Me too, honey.
jane: I wanted this since you rescued my cat for the first time.
jane: The moment you got it out and sunk it between my tits.
jane: Nnnf~
jane: It made me want to jump on top of you and ride you.
jane: But I didn't want to scare you away.
main: Scare me?
jane: I know, right? So dumb now that I think about it.
jane: So much time lost not getting pounded because of that.
jane: So you better give me all you got.
main: !
main: Sorry, I hit the table and-
jane: I don't care, honey.
jane: Just hold me.

jane: Thank you honey~

jane: I was waiting for you to do this again.
jane: The shop is quite dull without you around.
jane: And I love it when you help me like this.
jane: Now.
jane: Hit that table as hard as you can.
main: Someone might see you, Janet.
jane: I know, honey.
jane: But I don't mind.
jane: Let the village know you've claimed this shopkeeper.
jane: I'm all yours.
main: !
main: Nnnf~
jane: That's it, /main/.
jane: Keep pumping it in.
jane: I want to be leaking your load while talking with my clients.

jane: Of course honey~

Stay the night
jane: Alright!
jane: Take a rest.
jane: I want you full of energy tomorrow.
jane: Good!
ohro: Hey, kiddo, have a coin to spare?
ohro: Good day sir, anything for poor Ohro?
ohro: I knew you would come again!
Give him 5 coins
Give him a boiling chilly
Give him Janet's pie and the Pepper
Sewer job
ohro: Hehhehehehe
Pay 100 gold for the sewer job
Pay 150 gold for the sewer job
Pay 200 gold for the sewer job
The alleyway
Give Ohro money for a meal (20 gold)
ohro: Ohro appreciates your kindness.
ohro: My friend, let old Ohro share with you the words of wisdom I heard throughout
the years
ohro: Esta once told me:

ohro: HEhehEHehEhehEH
main: [Gibberish from a mad old man...]

main: Hey, old man.

main: Care for a fast way to earn some cash?
ohro: Always, kiddo.
main: Today is your lucky day.
main: If you go the sewers under Janet's shop and manually unplug whatever is
blocking her pipes, I'll give you some coin...
ohro: An easy job for Ohro!
ohro: I'll do it, as long as I'm getting paid in advance
main: Sure, I'll give you...

main: 50 gold?
ohro: I am a beggar, but I'm not stupid.
ohro: My fee shall be 200 gold coins. No more and no less than that.

main: 100 gold?

ohro: Mmmmm...
ohro: Yeah, I guess that will do.
ohro: Consider it done.
main: 150 gold?
ohro: Oh!
ohro: Of course, my friend!
ohro: Consider it done.

ohro: Deal! I'll be back in an hour.

ohro: (You wait until Ohro returns)
main: Hi Ohro! What took you so long?
ohro: Oh man... The sewer is nasty and disgusting. It took Ohro some effort...
ohro: I pulled out from the store's pipe too much dead stuff...
ohro: At least, four turtles and a saggy rat.
ohro: Anyway, the pipe is clear now. The water is flowing nicely.
ohro: Now, if you excuse me, I'm going to get hammered.
main: [I'll tell Janet that her problem is solved.]

main: What's the deal with the bandit in the alley?

ohro: You mean Kivir?
ohro: He's guarding the brothel's entrance.
main: Ok, interesting...
main: Do you know how to get past him?
ohro: Well...
ohro: Oh, kiddo.
ohro: Ohro's memory fades when he is hungry.
ohro: Ohro barely remembers his name...

ohro: Wait! Ohro is starting to remember...!

ohro: Kivir...
ohro: Kivir...
ohro: How to get passed Kivir...?
ohro: ...
ohro: Kivir is a relentless and ruthless guard.
ohro: There is no way to enter the brothel without his permission.
ohro: Believe me... Ohro tried... Too many times...
main: Permission?
ohro: Yes, only a few townsfolk can visit the brothel.
ohro: Only for men who 'serve the community'.
ohro: ... and Ohro's wisdom serves Aurelia... but... Kivir does not agree...
ohro: Your best shot to sneak into the brothel is talking to Soran in the tavern.
ohro: He is in charge around here.
ohro: If someone asks... Ohro was never here.
ohro: Ohro knows nothing...
main: Roger that.
ohro: Farewell, kiddo.
ohro: An easy job for Ohro!
kivi: Looking for something, stranger?
main: Just checking the town square. What's down the alley?
kivi: None of your damn business.
kivi: Get lost!!
main: [That guy is guarding the alley fiercely.]
main: [I wonder what's behind him.]
ohro: An easy job for Ohro!

kivi: What did I tell you?

kivi: Are you deaf? Or just an idiot?
kivi: Get lost!
kivi: Get lost!!

kivi: What's up, /main/?

Go into the brothel

kivi: Sure.

sora: Hey, child, have we met before?

sora: I think I never saw you around...
main: No, I'm new in town. I just moved to Aurelia.
main: My name is /main/.
sora: Soran. Nice to meet you, /main/.

sora: Do you need me?

sora: ?
Play blackjack
Ask him about the Stellan piece
Accept Soran's offer - 300 gold
Pay for the Stellan - 3000 gold
The brothel
Janet's boxes
Carry the boxes
Janet's contract
Pay for Janet's contract
Give Soran 5 pies and 3 cake slices
Accept Soran's deal
A special favor
Give Soran a diamond

sora: Sure, as long as you have money.

main: I heard that you decide who enters the brothel

sora: Yes, child. That statement is true
sora: Why? Something to say about it?
sora: Well, I'd like to ask for permission
sora: Really? Just like that?
sora: You come to me and ask for my permission?
main: Well, I'd thought...
sora: That easy?
sora: You got some nerve, child
sora: What on earth make you think that I'll clear anyone who comes to me and asks?
sora: If it was that easy don't you think the brothel will be full and the tavern
main: What if I win your trust and make myself useful
main: Mmmmm... Give me time to think about it, child...
sora: [This part of the game is under construction]

dism: Come sit with us, /main/!

reyn: What are you up to, kid?

dism: Killing some time!

reyn: YEEEH!
dism: Do you remember our first campaigns, Reynauld?
dism: Those were the glory days...
reyn: We are not young and full of energy like we used to...

What are you two doing here?

Stealing from customers?
Pay them 200 gold to carry the boxes

reyn: Hey, you!

reyn: I've never seen your dull face before!
dism: Come on Reynauld, don't scare the kid away...
dism: Ignore Reynauld, boy.
dism: He is a bitter grumpy man.
reyn: Excuse, me?
reyn: Who do you think you are Dismas?
reyn: The Queen?
dism: Bloody hell... Don't start again with the Queen...
reyn: I'll say whatever I want to whoever I want.
dism: Ok... Ok... Reynauld...

main: Next round is on me, guys.

reyn: Thanks kid, appreciated!
reyn: I'm short on gold.
dism: Yeah, like you ever had problems "finding" gold, huh.
dism: You sneaky burglar!
reyn: Come on Dismas, you know I'm behaving lately.
main: Were you a thief, Reynauld?
reyn: Yeah... Not really proud about that.
dism: Bullshit! You're constantly bragging about it!
dism: No lock can withstand my skills.
main: Huh, really?
main: That's interesting...
reyn: How so, /main/ ?
main: I have an old chest at home and I don't have the key.
main: Can you give me advice?
dism: Not really proud... he said...
reyn: Oh, shut up Dismas! I'm trying to help our friend here!
reyn: Ok boy, hear me out.
reyn: First, you'll need to get a lockpick.
main: Where can I find one?
reyn: No worries, you can use mine.
main: ...
dism: ...
reyn: Come on!
reyn: It's a memento...
reyn: Anyway, take it. It's yours now.
reyn: Do not break the lock using brute force.
reyn: The trick is to hit the pins inside the lock with precision.
reyn: Every pin needs to be hit with a certain amount of pressure.
reyn: To open the lock, all the pins have to be aligned inside the lock, above the
reyn: Take it slowly, patience is key here.
dism: Look at his face, he's getting all excited!
reyn: Ahhh, the memories!
dism: Come on, no more rambling.
dism: Thanks for the drinks /main/, hope you get that chest out of the way.
reyn: Tell me if you make it!
reyn: Who do you think you are Dismas?
main: Oh, what a nice corner!

main: Oh, what a nice corner!

main: The soil is rich, moist and the place is really sunny.
main: It's the perfect spot.
main: If I had a shovel, I could turn this land into a garden!
main: I'm sure I can find one around the house.
main: Oh, what a nice corner!

main: I better start working on this garden!

main: You worked on the garden the entire morning.
main: !
main: Damn!!
main: The handle on the shovel broke!
/ivy: /main/?
main: ?
main: Oh, hi Ivy.
main: What are you doing out here?
/ivy: I was reading in my room and I saw you through the window.
/ivy: What are you up to?
main: I am making our own garden.
main: I was preparing and digging the soil.
/ivy: Sounds fun!
/ivy: Can I help you?
main: Sure!
main: But first, I need to buy a new shovel.
/ivy: OK, I'll wait then.
/ivy: What are you up to?

main: I'll be working on the garden today, care to join me?

/ivy: Sure!
narr: You work together on the garden with your shovel for a few hours.
narr: Ivy casts a spells behind you.
narr: Sparks and blue bright waves flow from her hands.
narr: A group of rainy clouds form above the garden.
narr: You continue working on the garden for a few more hours.
narr: Catching Ivy looking at you a couple of times.
narr: The evening falls and the hard work is finally done.
/ivy: Phew! That was exhausting!
/ivy: I'm really tired...
main: I'm used to physical labor.
main: But... I barely feel my hands.
/ivy: Hahahaha
/ivy: Ahhh. I never pictured myself doing this kind of activity.
main: How so?
/ivy: Oh... It's a long story for another time.
/ivy: It's getting late, /main/.
/ivy: If you don't mind, I'm going straight to bed today.
/ivy: See you.
main: I wonder what she meant by "a long story", I'll ask her later.
/ivy: Oh... It's a long story for another time

main: I better wait for Ivy.

main: I need a new shovel.

main: I better start working!

main: I'll need a shovel for that!

main: Huh, an old shovel

main: Huh, an old shovel.

main: Has seen better days.
main: I better start working!

main: ...
main: The bookshop seems empty...
main: Hello?
lily: Hello? I'll be with you in a minute!
main: ...
lily: Sorry for the waiting, I was counting inventory on the back.
lily: Welcome to Starry Skies!
lily: My name is Lily and I am the owner of this bookshop.
main: Nice to meet you.
main: My name is /main/.
lily: Nice you meet you /main/. I stock and sell a wide variety of books.
lily: From Archery to Woodcarving! You can find anything!
lily: What can I do for you?
The shop is quiet
Lily's Concoction [x1 Lake frog]
What are you reading?
Give Lily a lake frog.
Give Lily 3 lake frogs.
Garden Products
Books for Ivy's training
Buy the book for Ivy's training [60 Gold]
Give her the fixed Stellan piece
Melkor's dagger
Honey farming
Alchemy set

lily: Yeah but I don't mind it.

lily: I love a tranquil and silent atmosphere.
lily: Aurelia townsfolk prefer to hang out in the tavern.
lily: You won't find too many bookworms in town...

lily: Me?
main: Yes, of course.
main: There's no one else in here.
lily: Hehehe, true.
lily: I am currently reading "The properties of mana."
lily: The author has such an interesting take on alchemy!
lily: Closer to a culinary perspective, rather than a chemical one.
lily: It makes me want to use my alchemy set again.
main: Oh, so you're an alchemist?
lily: Me!? Oh, I wouldn't call me that.
lily: I know the fundamentals, but that's it.
lily: And I found myself running out of ingredients often...
lily: Especially lake frogs, so hard to find...
lily: Oh! Y-you can use the set if you want.
lily: Just ask me anytime.
lily: Hehe.
lily: Lean here.
lily: /main/...
lily: You're hard already.
main: Yes.
main: It feels great, Lily.
lily: Hihi.
lily: You're too kind.
lily: I don't mind doing this if you enjoy it that much...
lily: I fancy taking care of you.
lily: But...
lily: Please...
lily: Remember that I have needs and urges as well.
lily: And having this...
lily: In front of my face...
lily: It's hard for me to think straight.
lily: My mind gets all fuzzy.
lily: Is just so big, /main/...
lily: Mmmm.
main: Lily... I'm getting close.
lily: Go ahead.
lily: I want it again.
lily: In my face.
lily: P-please don't hold back.
lily: !
lily: ...
lily: That's a lot /main/.
lily: [It's so warm...]
lily: [Dripping all over me.]
main: Lily?
lily: Ah yeah, sorry.
lily: Hihi.
narr: Lily gets up, grabs a cloth and hurries to clean herself.
narr: After that, she approaches you and starts to awkwardly clean you up while
she stares at you.
lily: /main/
lily: N-next time your treat, ok?
lily: N-next time your treat, ok?

main: ...
main: Lily?
lily: Coming!
lily: Hi /main/.
main: Busy again?
lily: Sorry, I was reading such an interesting book.

main: Hey, Lily.

main: I got this ingredient for you.
main: Can you practice alchemy with it?
lily: /main/!. This looks great!
lily: I-I don't know what to say.
main: No need to say anything.
lily: I don't know /main/, It's been a while. What If I waste it?

You'll never know if you don't try it!

It's just an ingredient.

main: You'll never know if you don't try it!

lily: T-that's true.

main: It's just an ingredient.

main: I can always get more.
lily: ...
lily: You're right!
lily: At least, I should give it a go.
lily: Just...
lily: ...I'd feel more confident if you'd stayed with me.
main: Of course, let's work as a team!
narr: You and Lily experiment with the fundamentals of alchemy.
narr: Nothing gets done.
narr: You ran out of ingredients.
main: That's all...
lily: Aww...
main: Was fun anyway.
lily: I'm glad you enjoyed it.
lily: Would you like to do another session any time soon...?
lily: I'll make sure next time we actually achieve something.
lily: Or...
lily: ...If you don't want to, we can leave it here...
main: Let's try again Lily!
lily: I'll see you soon then.
lily: Goodbye, /main/.

lily: Oh, you brought a lot, /main/!

main: Wanted us to have a good shot this time.
lily: I'm sure we'll get it right!
lily: Let me grab the tools.
narr: You and Lily experiment with the ingredients.
narr: Lily seems more comfortable around you.
narr: You brewed a bright blue potion.
lily: That's it! Done!
lily: Let's test our first results /main/!
lily: The potion should stimulate the user and make it overall more capable of any
lily: Okay! Here I go...
lily: [Drink up!]
lily: Glup...
lily: Well... I don't feel anything...
lily: Did I fail again?
main: Let me take a sip too
lily: Wait, /main/!
main: Glup!
lily: That potion is not human-friendly...
lily: Are you alright?
main: Yes, I'm ok.
main: Nothing stran..gg...g...
main: Nnngghhhh...
lily: /main/!?
main: Agghhh...
lily: Are you ok?
main: Pff... It really hurts...
lily: I'm so sorry. I ruined everything.
lily: Let me get you some medicine.
lily: This ointment will ease your pain. Let me apply it.
lily: Lean against the table, please
main: !
main: Aahh...
lily: Am... Am I hurting you?
main: No
main: It feels great...
lily: I'll apply the ointment, /main/
lily: It should take me just a moment
lily: [Why is this exciting me that much...]
main: Lily...
main: If you keep moving your hands like that...
lily: Just hold a bit more, /main/
lily: [I know I could stop]
lily: [I should stop...]
lily: [But I don't want to]
lily: [I want to keep going]
lily: [Until he...]
lily: !
main: Sorry, Lily
lily: ...
lily: It's okay
lily: Does it still hurt?
main: No
lily: Glad it helped
narr: Lily gets up and starts picking her alchemy tools up
narr: You help cleaning her place. She's oddly distracted and clumsy
lily: It's getting late, see you around /main/
lily: See you around, /main/

lily: Take a look.

lily: Welcome back, /main/!

lily: How convenient, I was thinking about you.
main: ?
lily: I want to ask you a favor, please.
main: Sure.
lily: Thanks!
lily: I need some ingredients to keep practicing!
lily: I can't pay you with money but I'll give you everything I make with your
lily: This time with no weird side effects.
lily: I promise!
main: Sounds great, Lily.
lily: Thanks, /main/.
lily: You won't be disappointed.
lily: Thank you /main/.
lily: Give me a moment.
lily: Done!
lily: Here it is.

main: ...
main: Lily?
main: ?
lily: Hello, /main/.
main: Huh...
main: Are you okay?
lily: Yes, I'm fine.
lily: It's just that...
lily: My Stellan broke yesterday.
main: Stellan?
lily: It's an antique artifact commonly used to contemplate the night sky.
lily: It's a little hobby of mine.
lily: Last night, one of its pieces fell and broke...
lily: The Stellan was pretty old.
lily: It was a matter of time, I guess.
main: Can't you buy a new piece?
lily: I wish it was that easy.
lily: It's a rare artifact.
lily: You can't buy the pieces at a convenience store.
lily: I bought the Stellan from traveling merchants, many years ago.
lily: It was a lucky find.
lily: Could you do me a favor, /main/?
lily: Can you throw this Stellan piece for me, please?
lily: I'm too attached to throw it myself...
main: Sure thing.
lily: Thanks.

orso: From time to time, you can find them having a drink at the tavern.
orso: Why?
orso: Are you interested in buying something, /main/?
main: Yes, I'm trying to repair a Stellan.
orso: A what, kid?
main: A Stellan. It's an old artifact.
orso: Mmmmm
orso: The only person in this village that could know someone able to fix a...
orso: It's Soran.
orso: Speak with him, kid.
main: Thanks, Orson.
main: Thanks, Orson.
main: Orson told me you're the only person that could help with a problem.
sora: Really? Did he say that?
sora: Hahaha, I probably am then.
sora: You have my attention, kiddo.
main: I'm trying to buy an old Stellan piece.
sora: Damn, a Stellan?
sora: Those things are rather rare, you know?
main: I only need one piece.
main: This one.
sora: Oh boy, that's pretty darn old.
sora: But, of course, I know a guy that can certainly repair your Stellan piece.
main: Great!
sora: Not so fast, boy.
sora: Antique repairing is really expensive.
sora: I can get you a friendly-price but it won't be less than 3000 coins.
main: 3000!?
sora: Told you, kiddo.
sora: Hear me out.
main: ?
sora: If you are interested, I'm able to help you.
sora: You can pay me 300 coins and I'll take care of the rest.
sora: But... you'll owe me a favor.
sora: You are young and strong.
sora: I'm pretty sure, I'll think about a good way to repay me.
sora: What do you say, boy?

sora: Smart move, boy.

sora: Give me the broken piece, I'll have it fixed in a couple of days.

sora: As you wish.

sora: If you change your mind, just come to see me again.

sora: You have some deep pockets, boy.

sora: Give me the broken piece, I'll have it fixed in a couple of days.

sora: I was looking for you, /main/.

sora: Here's the repaired Stellan piece.
sora: As good as new.
sora: Have fun with it.
lily: !
lily: /main/!?
lily: Is that the Stellan piece I gave you?
lily: I thought you threw it away.
lily: I don't understand...
main: I wanted to give the Stellan a real shot and try to get it fixed.
lily: How did you do it?
main: I made a deal with someone at the tavern.
lily: Pretty resourceful!
lily: You didn't have to do this.
lily: Don't worry. I'm happy to help.
main: Let's see if it actually works!
lily: Sure!
lily: Stay with me until the sunset and I'll show you how the Stellan works.
lily: You'll love it!
narr: You and Lily go upstairs to try if the repaired piece works.
narr: Hours pass while she talks about the night sky.
narr: At first, Lily seems to be comfortable around you but as time goes by, she
starts to get distant and reserved.
lily: It's getting late, /main/.
lily: I'm sorry but you should leave.
main: Eeh... Sure...
lily: Please...
narr: Lily walks you downstairs without barely looking at you.
narr: She waves her hand and closes the door without hardly exchanging a word.
main: ...
main: Weird...

lily: Welcome back...

lily: /main/?
lily: I'm sorry about the way I acted the other day.
lily: I was rude to you...
main: Was it something I did?
lily: No. Not at all!
lily: You were really sweet.
lily: It's me, /main/
lily: I... can't think straight around you...
lily: It gets really foggy...
lily: It's hard for me to focus with you around.
main: ?
lily: Remember the potion incident?
main: Yes.
lily: Well...
lily: After that... we've been hanging out a lot lately.
lily: We became close friends...
lily: and... I kinda... imprinted on you...
lily: It's hard to explain to a human.
lily: The other night was to much time for me, my urges almost got out of
lily: I needed you out of my room as fast as possible.
lily: I didn't want to scare you.
lily: I'm sorry.
main: I had no idea, Lily.
main: Is there any way I could help you?
lily: Well...
lily: There's a way but I don't want to scare you off...
main: It's ok, Lily.
main: I'll help you.
lily: Let's go upstairs then, please.
lily: Let's go upstairs then, please.
narr: Lily grabs your hand and leads you upstairs into her room.
lily: ...
lily: Could you... get naked?
main: Ehm... Sure, if it helps.
lily: Sit here, please.
narr: Lily takes her dress off slowly with an embarrassed expression in her face.
narr: She gets close to you.
narr: And sits on your lap.
lily: G-g... Grind it...
lily: Please...

lily: ...
main: Lily, are you alright?
lily: Yes...
lily: Just a bit embarrassed.
lily: I don't know how to act...
lily: It's my first time doing... this...
lily: And...
lily: ...
lily: I... I can't control myself....
lily: /main/.
main: ?
lily: You make feel wild...
lily: Don't stop, please.
lily: It's exhilarating.
lily: I feel lustful...
lily: Thrust it... Please.
lily: !
main: Mmmppf...
main: Like that, Lily?
lily: !!!!
main: Lily?
lily: YES!
lily: Like that!
lily: I want to feel every inch of you.
lily: Faster, /main/!
lily: Keep pushing!
lily: You are so warm and hard...
main: If I keep going...
lily: Don't you dare to stop, /main/!
lily: I need this...
lily: Don't hold back!
lily: Mmmmh
main: Lily!
lily: It's all over me...
main: Are you okay, Lily?
lily: Sorry...
lily: I got carried away toward the end...

It's ok, I'm glad I'd help

I loved it

lily: You're a sweetheart.

lily: Thanks...
lily: Thank you for helping me, /main/.
lily: Hehe
lily: I'd better get dressed and go back to the bookshop...

lily: R-really?
lily: I was so scared to show you that part of me...
lily: Sniff...
lily: Thanks...
lily: Thank you for helping me, /main/.
lily: Hehe
lily: I'd better get dressed and go back to the bookshop...

lily: !
lily: Sure-lets-go-to-my-room-right-now-please.
narr: Lily takes your hand and rushes upstairs.
narr: As soon as you get through her door, she rapidly takes her clothes off.
narr: She impatiently helps you get your own clothes out of the way.
narr: As soon as the last piece of clothing hits the ground, Lily jumps on top of
you and starts grinding herself against you.
lily: Finally...
lily: Sorry about my eagerness.
lily: I've been thinking about doing this again all day...
lily: When I get these urges...
lily: I need you... so badly, /main/.
main: I'll always help you.
main: You just need to ask, Lily.
lily: You're too sweet with me.
lily: But you know...
lily: If you do want to help me...
lily: You'll have to grind way harder this time.
lily: !
lily: Yes!!
lily: Yes!!!
lily: Thank you.
lily: Grind yourself against me.
lily: This is what I needed!
main: Mmmppf
lily: Come on, /main/, faster!
lily: Are you getting close to...?
main: Yes.
lily: Please...
lily: Unload all over me.
lily: As much as you want.
lily: !
lily: [pant] It's so [pant] hot.
lily: ...
lily: Hehehe, I got a bit carried away.
lily: Again.
lily: I hope you don't mind, /main/.
narr: Lily lingers on your lap for a couple minutes, trying to catch her breath.
narr: She slowly steps aside and sits next to you, resting her head in your
lily: I'd better get dressed and go back to the bookshop...
lily: See you soon, /main/.
main: Bye, Lily.
lily: XXXXXX

lily: /main/!
lily: I've got great news!
main: Oh?
lily: I've been waiting for a new set of books since I started practicing alchemy.
lily: They arrived this morning!
lily: I got everything from potions and elixirs to chemistry and transmutation.
main: That's great to hear.
lily: I'm going to try to focus on helping you with your garden first and foremost.
lily: I should be able to create many new things as soon as you give me fresh
lily: I-If you want, of course.

lily: Sure!
Fermented fertilizer (10 Alluring fruits)
Talisman of growth (4 Boiling Chillies)
Mystifying coating (4 Mana Nectar)
Purifying shard (4 Strawberries)
Golden Pheromones (2 Goldenberry)

lily: Give me a moment.

lily: Here you go!
lily: Hope you love it!
main: That looks amazing, Lily!
lily: Thanks! I tried many, many times to get it perfect.
lily: I got a box full of these to prove it.
main: Isn't that tiresome
lily: Yes, but I want to give you my very best.
lily: I-I can still give you the box if you want!
lily: But I doubt they'll have a further effect on the garden.
main: You could ask Janet; maybe she's interested in these.
lily: Oh, no, no, no.
lily: I-I wouldn't even know where to start.
lily: And Janet. She's more intensity than I can handle.
lily: I don't even dare to ask for the return of those cooking books she borrowed
long ago.
main: I can ask her for you.
lily: Would you do that?
lily: I can't deny, some extra coin would be fantastic.
main: I'll talk to her then.
lily: Thank you, /main/.
narr: You acquired a box full of garden products.

main: Janet, out of curiosity.

main: Would you be interested in buying this?
main: It's a box full of potions and elixirs to help plants grow.
jane: Where did you get this?
main: I had it lying around at home.
jane: Aha...
jane: Well, I don't know if these will sell at all.
jane: Leave the box here with me, If I manage to sell some of it, I'll let you
jane: Deal?
main: Deal.

main: Lily, I talked to Janet about the box.

lily: I know...
main: ?
lily: She came here to talk to me about it.
main: How did she know?
lily: There was some of my hair at the bottom of the box.
lily: There was some of my hair at the bottom of the box.
lily: I didn't imagine she would recognize it.
lily: I told her I was the one who sent you.
lily: But then she started asking about the alchemy.
lily: Once I told her about the potions, she wouldn't let it go.
lily: She kept asking about it.
lily: One thing lead to another...
lily: And, I ended up promising to sell potions to her regularly.
main: I can try and talk her out of it if you don't want to do it.
lily: Oh no!
lily: It's a great chance to improve my alchemy.
lily: And the gold won't hurt.
lily: I'm just a bit nervous about it.
lily: I took some time to check the hills near the village, and I found some mana
lily: It's not the same quality as the one you bring me, but it should do the
lily: Thank you for helping me with that.
lily: I would have never been in this position if it wasn't for you.
lily: I'll be at the hills in the evenings from now on, looking for ingredients.
main: Won't it be too dark?
lily: Don't worry; my eyes adapt quickly at night.
lily: And spotting Mana nectar is easier due to its natural glow.
lily: I probably bring the Stellan with me too, and some food.
lily: Feel free to come by.

lily: Good evening /main/.

Can I help you with the harvest?
Drink the aphrodisiac
Use the Stellan

lily: Sure!
lily: Here, pick some tools.
lily: Thanks, /main/.
lily: Here, have some potions I made.
narr: It's the least I can do.
lily: And I should have more than enough ingredients to make more for Janet!
lily: This is so fun!
lily: Quite different from what I'm used too.
lily: The bookshop is nice, but it can get boring at times.

lily: My family?
lily: They live far from here.
lily: I lived with my parents and my nine siblings.
main: Nine!?
lily: Haha, yes.
lily: I was the youngest.
lily: And never drew much attention.
lily: I saved up a bit and came to Aurelia.
lily: Used my house as a bookshop shortly after to make a living.

lily: It's one of the first things I bought with the money I made at the bookshop.
lily: I've always wanted to have one, even when I was really young.
lily: I guess I'm a bit weird for wanting something like that.

lily: Absolutely!
lily: Let me show you my favorite constellations.
lily: That was a lot of fun, wasn't it?
lily: But we should've going back home by now, it's getting late.

lily: I-It's hard to explain.

lily: And embarrassing.
lily: My body responds naturally to potential mates.
lily: I've had it happen before, but I could keep it under control without much
lily: With you... it feels different, almost unstoppable.
lily: You have no clue.
main: I don't think that's something I can comprehend.
lily: Well...
lily: I've been working on an aphrodisiac.
lily: I based it on the formula I used on the first potion we made together.
lily: It should allow someone like you to feel something close to my urges.
lily: I-Its f-for research purposes!
lily: It's in the basket, in case you want to experiment with it.
main: Agh! Tastes like wood.
lily: Why do you... Nevermind. What do you feel?
main: I'm getting hot.
lily: And?
main: A bit disoriented.
lily: I'm curious to know how much the effect will mimic my urges.
lily: And how heavily it will impact your ability to make decisions.
lily: I usually takes an hour until it becomes unbearable.
lily: ...?
lily: /main/?
lily: Are you listening?
main: A-an hour? It's already becoming unbearable for me.
lily: The first time is always terrible.
lily: Don't worry, I imagined this would happen.
lily: I was even a bit... Impatient for it.
lily: Don't worry, let's satiate those urges together.

main: The feeling is uncontrollable.

main: How could you hold this inside you?
lily: You finally understand me.
lily: This sensation is what I've been holding back every day.
lily: Ever since you came on my face that first time.
lily: The thighjob helped, but it was far from a solution.
lily: I knew I was only delaying the problem.
lily: The only solution was to get my urges appeased...
lily: Is by getting you to ram me mercilessly.
lily: Now pump everything you got inside me.
lily: As deep as you possibly can.
lily: Every last dro-
lily: !
main: Fuck! I-I can't stop cumming!
lily: Hold there tight, /main/.
lily: Keep pouring it into me.
main: That's all I had.
lily: Mmmmmm...
lily: More than enough.
lily: More than enough.
lily: However, the sensation is so blissful and liberating
lily: ...
lily: /main/?
main: ?
lily: I think I'm going to need multiple sessions.
lily: To make sure my urges are gone, of course.
main: Haha!
lily: Hihi!
lily: Come on, help me move; my legs feel weak.
lily: It's getting late. We should've been back home by now.
main: !
main: Aghh, so strong!
lily: I need to work on that flavor.
lily: However, what a better excuse to give you something sweet in return?
main: You're drenched.
lily: I-It's your fault!
lily: When I saw you coming, I started getting impatient.
lily: You took too long to drink the aphrodisiac.
main: You only need to ask.
lily: You know I find it hard to say those things to you.
lily: It's easier when you're pounding my thoughts away.
main: Be honest then, what do you want now?
lily: I-I want...
lily: I want you to break me apart.
lily: To fuck me until I lose my mind.
lily: And to get my starving pussy filled with cum.
main: You only had to ask.
lily: !
lily: Yes! This is what I needed.
main: You're gripping me.
lily: I don't want to miss anything.
lily: I want it, hot, inside me.
main: I-I'm empty...
lily: Thank you, /main/.
lily: I hope you don't mind if I get a bit demanding.
lily: You're the one got me hooked to this after all.
lily: It's getting late. We should've been back home by now.

main: Lily?
lily: What? I was getting hot.
lily: Also, I've already touched it plenty of times.
lily: Licking is enough, right?
main: ...
lily: You're the one who taught me that I should be more honest.
lily: Don't even need to ask.
lily: Just do whatever you please.
lily: That's what I'm about!
lily: Now, be careful with that massive cock.
lily: Wouldn't want me to choke on it, right?
lily: That would be such a sham-
lily: !
lily: Mhhhhgggg
main: You know...
lily: Ghhhhhhmm
main: I feel like you're the one leading me on this one.
main: Haven't you learned yet?
lily: Mhhhhgggg
main: Something to say about it?
lily: Ahhhhhhh
lily: I'm shorry! I'm shorry...
lily: I'm still a bit embarrassed to ask.
lily: B-but I get impatient.
lily: Please, keep fucking my face!
lily: !
main: You only have to ask.
lily: Mhhhhgggg
main: You're pushing your face into it now.
main: I'm not even forcing you anymore.
main: Do you want it that badly?
lily: *Ye-eeh-s*
main: ?
main: Sorry, I can't hear you.
lily: YES!

lily: !
lily: Ahhhhh
lily: That was great.
lily: I hope nobody heard us.

lily: MMMMMMM!!
main: Shhhh, somebody will notice.
main: This should muffle yo-
main: A-are you swallowing it?
lily: Mmmmmmm
lily: *pop*
lily: Ahhhhh
lily: Thank you, /main/.
main: ...
main: Lily?
lily: ?
main: You can stop licking it now.
lily: Awww.

An old chest.
An old chest.

Skip the tutorial

Play the tutorial
narr: There are 3 buttons on the top of the screen: The Clock, the Compass and the
narr: The Clock allows you to move time forward at your will.
narr: From morning to afternoon.
narr: From afternoon to evening.
narr: And from evening to night.
narr: The Compass opens the map of Aurelia and allows you to travel to all the
discovered locations.
narr: The Bag opens the main Menu.
narr: In the main Menu you can check your Inventory, the Gallery, Cheats and the
Save/Load screen.
narr: You can skip dialogues by pressing the TAB key. Also, you can hide the
dialogue box by pressing H key.
narr: If you need to close the game as fast as possible, press the ESC key twice in
a row.
narr: Do not worry, the game is being saved automatically at the start of every
narr: Do not worry, the game is being saved automatically at the start of every
narr: Have fun!
narr: An old chest

narr: Remember, you can read the tutorial by checking the books in your bedroom.
narr: Have fun!

narr: A bunch of books.

Ivy's water grimoire
Fire grimoire

narr: Your bookshelf.

main: [An old dusty chest]

main: [?]
main: [No key...]
main: [And It's locked.]
main: Huh, it's locked

narr: An old chest.

narr: It's locked.
narr: You open it with the clock's key.

main: [Remember what Reynauld said.]

Press left and right to move the lockpick.
Press and hold down to hit the pin.
Use the exact amount of pressure to align the pins.
The objective is to align all the pins just above the keyhole.
main: Huh, it's locked

main: Jackpot!
main: Let's see what's inside.
main: You find 300 gold coins.
main: You find an old piece of paper.
main: There is some gibberish written on it.
main: You found a copy of the house key.
main: You found a copy of the house key.
main: That's all!
main: Let's see what's inside.

jane: Hi handsome!
jane: wink
/ivy: wink
jane: only janet wink
/ivy: and jane: double wink
jane: Shook
jane: Shook
jane: ?
/ivy: ?
jane: Neutral
jane: wink
jane: !
jane: ?
jane: shake...
jane: SHAKE
jane: wave horizontaly
jane: wave vertically
jane: Jump text
Magic 1
magic 2
magic 3
magic final
magic final
magic final
magic final
magic final
magic final
magic final
magic final
magic final
magic final
magic final
magic final
magic final
magic final
magic final
magic final
magic final
magic final
magic final
magic final
magic final
magic final
magic final
magic final
magic final
magic final
magic final
magic final
magic final
magic final
magic final
magic final
magic final
magic final
magic final
magic final
magic final
magic final
magic final
jane: Hi handsome!

scar: Do I fit here?

jane: Hi handsome!

loop_1 95% Speed
loop_1 100% Speed
loop_1 105% speed
transition into new at 95% speed
loop_2 100% speed
loop_2 105% Speed
Cumshot into breathing loop 100% speed
scar: Huh?
scar: Sorry, villager.
scar: I'm busy.
scar: Scram!
main: [Damn, what an attitude...]
scar: Huh?

main: Scarlet?
scar: [*Snort*]
scar: Just 5 more minutes...
main: ...
main: Scarlet

main: ?
main: Scarlet isn't here...
main: Scarlet

main: Scarlet?
scar: ?
scar: Hi...
main: It's late...
scar: I know.
scar: I'm on stand watch.

main: Well, do you mind if I stay with you?

scar: You can stay as much as you want.
main: I doubt anybody will come this late to the woods.
main: Aren't you taking the stand watch a bit far, Scarlet?
scar: ...
scar: No.
scar: Someone has to take Ivy's protection seriously.
scar: I can't let some filthy mercenary get to her.
scar: I couldn't forgive myself if that happened...
main: I understand you're worried, Scarlet.
main: But depriving yourself from sleep isn't gonna fix the problem.
main: Let me help you.
scar: ...
scar: How?
main: I know how to shoot a moving target. I used my bow to hunt.
scar: Mmmmmm...
scar: Yes, that'd be a start.
scar: But I'll need to check your hunting skills myself.
main: Sure!
narr: The conversation with Scarlet goes on for several hours.
narr: You both share hunting tricks and other experiences.
narr: The improvised campfire starts to fade and Scarlet heads back to her tent.
narr: You follow suit and go to your room.
narr: You follow suit and go to your room.

scar: /main/!
scar: You sloth!
main: Nnnnnnghhhh
main: What?
scar: Come on!
main: Scarlet? What are you talking about?
scar: Oh, for fuck sake!
main: !
main: SCARLET!?
scar: You're not even dressed yet!
main: The hell are you doing?
scar: We're training your aim, remember?
main: You never told me it'd be today morning!
scar: Should I politely ask the mercenaries to wait until your training is over?!
scar: ...
scar: Damn, I see why Ivy likes you.
scar: I'll wait outside.
scar: FAST!
main: ...
scar: You done?
main: Yes.
scar: Finally!
scar: Now follow me.
main: [Like I can say no...]
narr: You both go behind the house where Scarlet installed an improvised shooting
scar: Well /main/, your turn!
scar: You'd better impress me.
scar: Not bad.
scar: Not bad at all, /main/.
main: See, told you I was good with the bow.
scar: Don't get cocky.
scar: This session was to check if you could actually hit a target.
scar: You'll have to do way better than that.
scar: Come back tomorrow afternoon. I'll be waiting for you in here.
scar: I got work to do now.
scar: GO!
scar: ...
scar: [This cute guy might have some potential.]
scar: [Who would have guessed?]

scar: Ready for some target practice?

Sleeping in Ivy's bed
About Ivy
Blue goo
How did you sleep?
Soran's safeguard

scar: Great!

scar: Not bad, /main/.

scar: Tough you still have a long way to go.
scar: Keep training!
scar: Don't get cocky.

main: Phew.
scar: [Holy...]
scar: [That was insane.]
main: What do you think, Scarlet?
scar: Ehhhh...
scar: That was... Good...
scar: I'm sure we'll fend anyone if the occasion comes.
main: Told you.
scar: Not so fast, /main/.
scar: I need you to promise me that you'll protect Ivy from any danger.
main: I give you my wo...
scar: Nah nah ah!
scar: We'll do this the proper way.
main: ?
scar: If you really want to protect Ivy...
scar: And me, if for some reason, necessary.
scar: A knight vow is in order.
main: ...Fine
scar: Take a knee then.
main: ...
scar: Don't look me all weird. You'll be my first knight.
scar: It's an honour!
scar: Great.
scar: Repeat with me.
scar: I swear on my honor.
main: I swear on my honor.
scar: That while under Scarlet's command.
main: That while under Scarlet's command.
scar: My blade will serve your will.
main: My blade will serve your will.
scar: My arrows will find your foes.
main: My arrows will find your foes.
scar: And I will fetch you chocolate even late at night!
main: ...
scar: Okay okay, not the last promise...
scar: Now close your eyes, /main/.

narr: You feel Scarlet's fingers through your hair.

narr: She grabs you gently and pulls you towards her.
main: Scarlet?
scar: Shhhh.
scar: Don't say a word, /main/.
scar: Come here.
main: !
scar: If I'm gonna make you my knight...
scar: I need you to be motivated at all times.
scar: Starting right now...
scar: ...
scar: Does this feel rewarding enough?
scar: Mmmmm
scar: That's what I was talking about...
scar: Oh, /main/...
scar: You have so many hidden talents...
scar: Aahhh
scar: ...
scar: Fuck!
scar: You are showing me no mercy, aren't you?
scar: Keep going...
scar: Don't stop!
scar: I'm almost...
scar: Ahhhhh
scar: *pant*
scar: You keep surprising me, /main/.
scar: I wonder what else I'll learn from you...
scar: I can't wait to find out.
scar: Be careful, I might get used to our private motivation sessions...
scar: Come on, practice is finished. You're done for the day.
scar: Let's return to the house.
scar: Told
scar: *Snort*
main: [She's asleep.]

scar: Damn, /main/.

scar: That was impressive.
scar: Are you trying to score another reward?

scar: Of course.
scar: I can tell you've been training hard.
scar: So, the least I can do is to keep you motivated and satisfied.
scar: Right?
scar: Oh, you're eager for this, huh?
scar: Don't worry, /main/.
scar: Take your time.
scar: Eat and lick as much as you want.
scar: You've earned it.
scar: Damn... /main/...
scar: While you were training...
scar: I was dripping wet...
scar: Thinking about your face against my pussy.
scar: I'm hooked...
scar: You'd better deliver!
scar: Yes...
scar: Like that.
scar: Keep going.
scar: Just a...
scar: Just a bit mo...
scar: !
scar: *pant*
scar: Ah.
scar: That was as impressive as your archery skills, /main/.
scar: I hope you can keep up with my pace.
scar: I'm far from done with your snazzy face.
narr: Scarlet looks at you with a big smile while she puts her underwear back.
narr: She comes close to you and slaps your bottom.
scar: Come on! Let's return to the house.
scar: Ivy might get worried if we don't go back soon.

scar: Hum... Whatever...

scar: Even that Ivy's tougher than it looks, I'm happy you stuck around.
scar: As a little kid, she usually needed someone's assurance to do certain things.
scar: And you helped her to move on.
scar: And let go of her past.
scar: You're a good influence on her, /main/.
scar: But I'll warn you.
scar: Don't let those big charming eyes fool you.
scar: She's always thinking about the bigger picture.
scar: And, eventually, she'll get what she wants.

main: Scarlet.
scar: ?
main: You can come inside, if you want.
scar: Huh? What do you mean?
main: I doubt sleeping here is good for you.
main: You can sleep indoors.
scar: Absolutely not.
scar: I'm not gonna live here rent free. Out here, I don't owe you anything.
main: Well, I'm getting better with the bow and arrow thanks to you. You've already
earned your keep.
scar: I don't do it as a payment, I do it so you can protect Ivy when I'm not able.
scar: Come on, /main/.
scar: Just look at me!
scar: I'm a sturdy woman, I can handle the outdoors.

scar: *snort*
main: ...
main: Erhm, Scarlet? Are you alright...?
scar: AGH!
scar: /main/!?
scar: Don't startle me like that!
main: ...uhh...
scar: What are you looking at?
main: I have some extra pillows upstairs, if you want...
scar: Oh! Oh no!
scar: I wasn't sleeping here.
scar: Ahem...
scar: I was...uh...Scouting. Yeah. Scouting.
main: Scouting? Inside the house?
scar: Well, you never know.
main: ...
scar: Ok!
scar: So I may or may not have been crashing here from time to time...
scar: It's a comfortable couch.
main: It's okay, I have no pr....
scar: NO!
main: Why? Give me a good reason
scar: ...
scar: Oh my god...
scar: I'm sorry, /main/...
scar: I didn't mean it like that.
scar: Just... Keep this between us.
scar: I'll be outside.

main: Look, you've already slept here a couple of times.

main: Once more won't hurt anyone.
main: Get some rest and we can talk about later.
main: But for now, get some sleep.
scar: ...
scar: Alright.
main: If you need anything, just let me know.
scar: I'm fine, I just need some time to myself.
scar: Please...
main: Sure.
main: Sure.

main: ...
main: ...

scar: Hey, do you mind if we talk later?

scar: Inside the house?
main: Sure.
main: Sure.

scar: Hi /main/.
scar: Look, I got a bit heated last night.
scar: I said some things I didn't mean.
scar: I know you are just trying to be a good host.
scar: Don't think I don't appreciate it!
scar: But this is way different from what I'm used to...
scar: And it's a bit jarring to me.
scar: Even if Ivy wasn't happy back in our home, she is used to be have things
handed to her.
scar: I on the other hand, I had to work hard for everything I had.
scar: I wasn't the special magic girl that must be protected.
scar: And I had to left all of that behind me...
main: Why did you follow Ivy, then?
scar: Well...
scar: She isn't responsible for any of that.
scar: And she's my friend, I have to protect her.
scar: Luckily she found this place...
scar: And you.
scar: Ahem!
scar: I'm getting sidetracked.
scar: Anyway...
scar: Thing is...
scar: Are you sure you don't mind if I sleep here?
main: Not at all, do you want a blanket?
main: There is one stored the closet.
scar: Sure, nights here are a bit cold...
main: We could use some timber for that fireplace now that I think of it
scar: There is no need!
scar: The blanket is enough.
main: I'll buy an axe at the village and cut some timber outside.
scar: *Sigh*
scar: You're making me mad on purpose right?
main: Maybe I am.
main: Goodnight Scarlet, see you tomorrow.
scar: Goodnight, /main/.
scar: This guy...

main: This seems like a decent spot to chop some wood.

main: Hands to work!
narr: But it's to dark right now

main: An old stump.

main: Hands to work!
Chop some wood

main: Phew!
main: That's enough for today.
scar: /main/!
scar: I told you it wasn't necessary.
main: I'm not letting you sleep in a cold room, Scarlet.
scar: *Sigh*
scar: You're relentless...
scar: Trying to get me mad again?
main: You make it too easy.
scar: !
scar: Okay...
scar: I want to try.
main: ?
scar: Cutting firewood.
scar: Give me a quick lesson, that way I can do something useful around here.
scar: Come on, it will be fun!
narr: Scarlet smirks at you and grabs the axe.
narr: Once in hand, her expression changes.
scar: This thing is so heavy...
scar: Give me a hand please?
scar: I can't do this alone.
main: Ehm... Sure...
narr: Once you try to grab the axe, Scarlet puts her back against you.
scar: One hand won't be enough.
scar: I'll need both of your arms for this.
narr: Scarlet entangles her fingers with yours while you both hold onto the axe.
scar: Let's see..
narr: She effortlessly swings the axe at the log.
narr: After cutting the log in half, she looks over her shoulder with a smirk in
her face.
scar: Was that a good swing, /main/?
scar: I think I can improve my posture.
scar: Maybe like this...
narr: She suddenly pulls your arms forward while pushing her hips against you.
main: !
scar: I don't know...
scar: I feel a bit clumsy like this.
scar: I should adjust my hips right?
narr: Before even ending the phrase she starts slowly grinding against you.
main: Scarlet...
scar: Give me a second, /main/.
scar: I'm not finished yet.
main: Ivy is right there, in the garden!
scar: Are you embarrassed now?
scar: So cute.
scar: I'm sorry, but I need more practice...
scar: And you're not being a very good teacher...
main: Scarlet, stop it...
scar: Give me a good reas...
scar: Oh shit!
scar: Ivy is actually coming!
scar: Get in the house! Get in the house! Get in the house!
scar: *pant*
main: *pant*
scar: Hahahahaha!
scar: That was awesome!
scar: You should have seen the look on your face!
scar: ...
scar: Are you alright?
main: *pant* Let me catch my breath *pant*
scar: Take a seat on the couch.
main: *pant* Yeah... *pant*
narr: You sink into the couch while trying to catch your breath....
narr: Just to look up a second later to see Scarlet opening her gambeson.
main: Scarlet!?
scar: Come on, I've teased you enough.
scar: Your pants are about to explode!
scar: It would be cruel not to take responsibility.

scar: You're hard as a rock!

scar: Did I tease you to much?
main: Maybe a bit.
scar: Aww, I feel guilty..
scar: I may overdid it...
scar: Don't worry, I'll make it up to you...
scar: Let me show you.
scar: Mmmm...
main: !
scar: [I hope this is a good apology.]
scar: [Seeing your cock sink into my mouth...]
scar: [It feels so good against my tongue.]
scar: [Oh?]
scar: [Are you pushing it in?]
scar: [I guess you want more.]
scar: [Then I'll give you more.]
scar: [Fuck..!]
scar: [It's getting even bigger!]
scar: [It's so long, it's choking me...]
main: Mnnf, Scarlet...
scar: [I can feel you swelling up, /main/...]
scar: [Do you want to cum?]
scar: [Go ahead and pump my mouth full, Give me all of it!]
scar: !
scar: ...
scar: *cough*
scar: Damn...
scar: Too much...
scar: ...
scar: What are you waiting for?
main: ?
scar: I'm not gonna keep this on my face all day!
scar: Pass me a cloth already!
scar: Come on handsome, get dressed!
scar: We better get out before Ivy starts asking questions.
scar: We better get out before Ivy starts asking questions.

scar: Awww...
scar: Troubled by a little morning wood, /main/?
scar: Don't worry, I'll help you.
scar: But...
scar: I'm worried you'll get used to this.
scar: If you like this, you'll need to work for it.
scar: Would you work for this if I asked you?
main: Yes
scar: I don't know...
scar: You don't sound very convincing.
scar: Maybe I should stop...
main: Don't stop!
scar: Huh? Where are your manners, /main/?
main: Don't stop, please!
scar: Mmmm!
scar: [You looked so scared, thinking I would stop.]
scar: [Don't worry.]
scar: [I woke up hoping you would came down...]
scar: [To stuff my mouth again with your cock!]
scar: [You're only fucking my face, so softly, and I'm getting so wet...]
main: !
scar: [I'm getting hooked on this!]
scar: [It's filling my mouth...]
scar: [Your thrusts make it hard to think...]
main: Mnfff!
scar: [That's it, /main/!]
scar: [Keep pushing it in!]
scar: [Don't you dare hold back!]
scar: [I want every drop.]
main: Scarlet!
scar: !
scar: [I... still...]
scar: [Couldn't.. hold it all...]
scar: *Ahem*
scar: Feeling better now?
main: Yeah
scar: Great, I'll be outside. Don't keep me waiting!
scar: I'll be outside. Don't keep me waiting!

scar: Want anything, /main/?

About Ivy
Sit with me by the fire (Sex)
How did you sleep?

scar: Good morning, handsome.

scar: [*Snort*]
main: [She's asleep.]

scar: Want anything, /main/?

scar: Good morning, handsome.

narr: Scarlet's tent

scar: Chopped some firewood for you, /main/.


scar: Where the hell did I leave the damn thing?

scar: I swear I left it right here.
scar: Retrace your steps...
main: Good morning Sca-
scar: AGH!
scar: /main/!
scar: Don't scare me like that
main: You've made yourself comfortable here.
scar: Well, I finally gave in. Why are you annoying me, /main/?
scar: Don't you remember how you ended up last time you acted like that?

main: I'd do it all over again if I had the chance.

scar: Where does this courage come from?
scar: I didn't take you for a daring man.
main: I 'm full of surprises.
scar: Okay "full of surprises."

main: Way too risky.

main: What if Ivy noticed?
scar: Scared of getting caught by Ivy?
scar: Cute~

scar: Anyway...
scar: Why don't you help me?
main: ?
scar: I've lost my dagger somewhere.
scar: Must be near the house because I used the dagger to untie you when...
scar: I knocked you unconscious...
scar: About that...
scar: I haven't apologized yet for my actions after following you home for the
first time.
scar: I'm sorry I assaulted you.
main: You had Ivy's safety in mind.
main: Anyways, could you describe the dagger you lost? I'd like to help you find
scar: Sure! Silly me.
scar: It's an ornate silver dagger with beautiful encased gems.
scar: Let me know if you find it, please.
main: Will do
main: Will do

main: Here it is!

main: Scarlet wasn't lying, the craftsmanship on this dagger is quite impressive.
main: Well, I'd better return it to her as soon as possible.
main: Well, I better return it to her as soon as possible

main: Found your dagger

scar: Thank you!
main: You left it outside the house
scar: That makes sense, I might have dropped it while cutting more wood for the
scar: I need to find a spot where I won't lose it again.
main: Won't you carry it with you anymore?
scar: It's a ceremonial dagger, it's not meant to cut or stab, It's just supposed
to look pretty.
scar: Trying to use it would put a dent into it and ruin its shape.
main: A ceremonial dagger? Sounds interesting.
scar: It's just an old gift.
main: Is there a story behind it?
scar: No, stop asking and mind your business.
main: Alright...
scar: Now if you don't mind, I have things to do.
main: She is being dismissive about that dagger...
main: Weird...

main: Can I ask you something?

main: Its about Scarlet.
/ivy: ?
main: I asked about her dagger.
/ivy: The silver one?
main: Yes.
/ivy: As far I as recall, it's a gift from a young noble.
/ivy: He was flirting with Scarlet and tried to impress her with the dagger. It's a
unique piece, allegedly...
/ivy: But it turned out it was just a replica, he ordered it trying to deceive her.
/ivy: Scarlet knew it was a fake immediately.
/ivy: There's nothing she likes more than expensive and ornate weaponry.
main: Why she kept the fake dagger then?
/ivy: I think she wants to find the original.
/ivy: My guess is that she kept the fake for reference.
/ivy: She told me that the original owner was a noble dwarf called Melkor.
/ivy: Tough, to be honest, I wasn't paying too much attention.
/ivy: All I can remember was something about a tomb.
/ivy: Hope that helps.
main: Thanks Ivy.
main: The dagger of a noble dwarf called Melkor...
main: The dagger of a noble dwarf called Melkor...
main: Weird...

lily: A silver dagger you say?

lily: I'm far from an expert on the subject of weaponry.
lily: There is a section with Aurelia's history right there on that side of the
lily: If there is any info about it, it should be there.
lily: Let me give it a quick read.
lily: Hmmmmmm.
lily: Hmmmmmm.
main: There wasn't much information about it.
A couple of references at most.
Your best shot it's.
Melkor seemed to be a noble Dwarf, surrounded by riches and obsessed with the power
that magic can bring.
The mystery surrounding this Dwarf, propelled many histories and myths around his
One of those legends was about Melkor's dagger, which many said, was a tool for his
rituals and incantations.
If there is any place where the dagger could be, Is in Melkor's tomb.
The only clue about Melkor tomb and his location seems to be an accurate
description of the mountains located around the tomb whereabouts.
North-west of Aurelia's village.
main: I'll try to find the exact location of said forgotten place. Sounds like it's
worth a shot
main: Luckily, the dagger might still be there. Resting with Melkor's remains.
main: Weird...

main: I better leave it alone.

You initiate your exploring quest. You grab an ancient map of Aurelia's mountains
and start walking north-west.
You follow thoroughly the bumpy and winding trails.
You get lost a couple of times but thanks to all the descriptions found in the
books, you find the correct path.
After many hours wandering, you find a well-hidden entrance to a seemingly
unimportant tomb.
After many hours wandering, you find a well-hidden entrance to a seemingly
unimportant tomb.
After many hours wandering, you find a well-hidden entrance to a seemingly
unimportant tomb.
After many hours wandering, you find a well-hidden entrance to a seemingly
unimportant tomb.
After many hours wandering, you find a well-hidden entrance to a seemingly
unimportant tomb.
After many hours wandering, you find a well-hidden entrance to a seemingly
unimportant tomb.
After many hours wandering, you find a well-hidden entrance to a seemingly
unimportant tomb.
After many hours you seem to find the place, a well-hidden entrance to a seemingly
unimportant tomb.

main: A magic barrier surrounds the statue.

main: It holds a beautiful silver dagger.
main: This is probably what Ivy was talking about. Maybe I can dispel it.
main: Worth a try.

Try to dispel the barrier

main: Sweet!

scar: It's about time you decided to show up!

main: Hello Scarlet, I was looking for yo-
scar: Don't play dumb with me, get into the room!
scar: ...
scar: Ivy told me.
main: Huh?
scar: You asked her about the dagger.
scar: You want to know about it so bad?
scar: It's a big piece of junk. It has no value.
scar: The guy who gave me the dagger told me it was the original. How foolish of
him, he tried to mislead me.
scar: He even made up a fake little adventure to go with the lie.
scar: But it's just a fake, just like his story. Are you happy? Now you know from
me that the dagger is fake.
main: Why do you decide to keep the dagger then?
scar: ...
scar: When I was younger, I used to receive gifts from young nobles as part of the
royal courtship.
scar: Most of them wanted me to drop my life to go with them.
scar: Instead, I decided to focus on my training and improving myself.
scar: They tried to seduce me with useless presents and far-fetched bravery tales.
scar: Unfortunately during a sword fighting lesson, I got the big scar you see on
my face.
scar: As you might imagine, a girl with a huge scar on her face, is neither
delicate nor pure. Short after that, all the tales and gifts stopped.
scar: I wasn't pretty enough for them. I looked like a rough warrior.
main: It sounds to me like you got lucky. Those nobles seemed pretty shady.
scar: Yeah, I was aware.
scar: But even though they were a bunch of vapid assholes.
scar: I liked knowing that some of them would do stupid quests trying to impress
scar: I guess that's why I kept the dagger, it reminds me of that period of time.
main: Oh right! The dagger!
main: Here it is!
main: Melkor's dagger!
scar: ?
scar: Oh! I get it, you got me a better replica.
scar: I mean, /main/, is quite an impressive replica...
scar: Too impressive...
scar: I-Is this the real thing!?
scar: Nooo. It can't be. No... Where the hell did you get this from!?
main: Melkor's tomb.
scar: Now you're pulling my leg!
main: I'm not, seriously.
scar: You have to tell me everything about it.
narr: Scarlet and you sit near the fireplace, while you tell her your story of how
you got the dagger.
narr: The conversation shifts back and forth while you both talk to each other
about your past.
narr: As time goes on, Scarlet seems to be more comfortable around you.
narr: She slowly leans on you, and the conversation dies out as she starts taking
your clothes off.

scar: Mmmm...
scar: Just sitting on it is stretching me apart.
scar: Fuck...
main: Take it slow if it is too much for you.
scar: Are you mocking me again?
main: No but I expect more bravery from a warrior like you.
main: !
scar: Is this brave enough for you then?
main: Mnnnf
scar: Where is that cocky attitude now?
scar: Not so brave now that I'm taking every inch.
main: Slow down Scarlet.
scar: No way.
scar: I'm gonna keep riding this until I milk you dry.
scar: Isn't this what you want?
scar: To cum a huge load into me?
scar: Come on, don't keep me waiting.
scar: I need it.
scar: !
scar: That's it, give it to me...
scar: Keep cumming!
scar: Damn, you got more on me than in me.
narr: Scarlet drops on top of you exhausted.
narr: You both stay there enjoying the moment.
narr: She seems to get drowsy and teary-eyed, so you decide to carry her to the
scar: Good night /main/.

main: Good morn-

main: Ivy?
/ivy: Hm?
main: Oh, sorry...
main: I didn't want to bother you.
/ivy: It's alright; I have to get up.
/ivy: I'm just so tired.
main: Too much hard work lately?
/ivy: ...
/ivy: It's...
/ivy: Scarlet...
main: ?
/ivy: I've been letting her sleep here while I go to the couch downstairs.
/ivy: It's killing my back.
/ivy: Now...
/ivy: Just five more minutes...

scar: God damn it, she told you?

main: Yes.
main: Why keep it a secret?
scar: Because last time I was sleeping outside, you got all worried, and I ended up
on the couch.
scar: So I know you'll pull something out.
main: Well, of course.
scar: Listen, it was a one-time thing, don't worry about it.
main: I'll take Ivy's place and sleep on the couch for a night.
scar: Fine!
scar: But only one night.
scar: That's all I need.
scar: I'll check on you.

scar: Hey!
scar: You told me I could sleep in your bed.
scar: Remember?

main: Yes.
main: Give me a secon-
scar: Come on, move over!
scar: Much better.
main: !
scar: I might snore a bit, it happens when I sleep on a new place.
scar: I hope you don't mind.
main: I'll be fine.
scar: Great, goodnight.
main: Goodnight.
scar: Zzzzzzz
scar: ZZZzzz
scar: ZZZZZzzzzzzz
scar: ZZZzzz
main: Oh...

scar: Thank you.

main: Did you rest well?
/ivy: Oh... A bit better.
main: Did Scarlet have you sleep on the couch again?
/ivy: Eh no...
/ivy: But I still worry about her, sleeping there every day must be a pain.
/ivy: I wish I had thought ahead a bit more and brought with me something
/ivy: I could give it to you for sale and afford to pay for a bed for Scarlet.
main: I'll try to find a solution.
/ivy: Thanks /main/, you're lovely.

karo: You are going to love it!

karo: I took my time to find the right materials for it.
karo: Might even cover the fact that I'm the one doing the woodwork!
karo: Let's jump in the cart; I'll help you carry into your home.
main: It's okay if you let me on the road nearby?
karo: Are you sure? It's hard to carry by yourself.
main: Yes... I'm sure...
karo: Oh well, you pick your exercises, mate.
karo: Just be sure not to break anything.
karo: And I don't mean the bed!
main: NGGGGGG!
main: God damn it...
main: Where are Ivy and Scarlet?
main: I'll have to do this alone.
main: Finally, in place...
main: How did Karos move this thing so quickly?
main: I-I need some rest...
/ivy: /main/?
main: Oh, welcome back...
/ivy: Ah, sorry, Scarlet and I went for a stroll.
/ivy: I hope you didn't worry.
/ivy: Wait, is that a new bed?
main: Yeah, this way, Scarlet has a place to sleep.
/ivy: That's wonderful!
/ivy: Scaaaaaaaaaaaaaarleeeeeeeeeeeeeeet!
/ivy: Come up!
/ivy: Give her a second~
main: ...
scar: Did you call me?
/ivy: Look! Look! You have a bed now!
scar: Oh.
scar: My.
scar: God.
scar: You could actually conjure a bed!?
scar: I thought you were making fun of me!
/ivy: I was making fun of you.
/ivy: /main/ brought the bed.
/ivy: There are no bed summoning spells, Scarlet.
scar: ...
scar: Well, there should be.
scar: Ahem...
scar: Anyway.
scar: Thanks, /main/.
scar: You make for an outstanding host.
scar: Somehow, this place reminds me of home now.
scar: You know, in a good way.
/ivy: Same.
scar: It's been a while since we've been sharing the same room.
scar: Wanna read me something like back then?
/ivy: Yes! I've got a couple of books that I haven't shared with you.
scar: I bet.
/ivy: Do you want to stay with us, /main/?
/ivy: Please.
main: Sure, I don't see why not.
/ivy: Perfect!
/ivy: Let me find a good one to read to you both.

/ivy: Zzzzzzzz
scar: Poor thing, she pretty much passed out.
scar: She drains herself studying that amulet lately.
main: We can continue some other time; it's better if she sleeps now.
scar: Hey, /main/?
main: Yeah?
scar: Can you get closer?
main: Sure.
main: There's anything you want?
scar: Yes, this.
main: !
main: Scarlet...
scar: What?
scar: I haven't thanked you properly for the bed I'm going to enjoy this night.
scar: How rude of me.
main: Ivy is right there.
scar: Aha...
main: !
scar: I know.
scar: But she's asleep now.
scar: And I'm having lots of fun right now.
main: Keep it silent.
scar: Awh, too much danger for you?
scar: Fine~
scar: I'll shut up.
scar: But you are going to help me get my mouth busy.
scar: Come on~
scar: It's twitching like crazy.
main: Fuck...
main: !
scar: Good aim~
/ivy: Zzzzzz.... Nff... Zzzzzzz...
scar: I'm going to move to my bed now.
scar: Fast. Get out of here before she actually gets up.
scar: Goodnight~
scar: Ah, lovely.
scar: Thank you, lots.
scar: It's weird if I kind of miss the couch?
scar: Hahaha.
scar: Your home has been quite a blessing for both Ivy and me.
scar: You're a big part of the why.
main: It's nothing.
scar: Oh shut it~
scar: You're taking the compliment.
main: Alright.
scar: You know, I've been thinking lately.
scar: It's just a matter of time until someone finds out about Ivy staying here.
scar: Maybe not this month...
scar: Or this year...
scar: But it's bound to happen sooner or later.
scar: As much as I love being around here, it'll come to the point where I will
have to move out.
scar: I'm a bit scared.
scar: We have nothing going on for us outside of you.
main: I can save a small fund for you two, for when you move.
scar: Yeah, if it only was that easy.
scar: I could sell some of my weapons and get some gold for it.
scar: But who would I sell it to?
scar: I'll get caught easily.
scar: I already got some looks at the village while I was looking for Ivy...
main: I'll see what I can do.
scar: Don't break your head around it.
scar: I feel like some things are destined to happen.
scar: This might be one of them.

sora: Hmmm
sora: What kind of favor?
main: I have two people I need to move outside Aurelia.
main: Safe and unnoticed.
sora: Oh damn.
sora: That kind of favor.
sora: I expected something more akin to "money" or "happy shrooms."
sora: I could arrange something for you.
sora: But I'm going to need some information on those two subjects.
sora: I believe in second chances, but not blindly.
sora: What did they do? Robbery? Tax evasion?
main: No, they didn't break any common law.
sora: No lawbreakers?
sora: Ooooooooh, I get it.
sora: Did they make the wrong person angry?
main: Yeah.
sora: Ha, nailed it.
sora: Well, that usually makes it easier; Who'd they anger?
sora: Can't be that bad.
main: I hope you can keep it between us.
sora: You have my Dwarven word, friend.
main: The Duchess.
sora: Oh fuck!
sora: Hahahaha!
sora: Really!?
sora: God damn, /main/. You have some balls!
sora: The Duchess is not someone you want to dance with.
sora: Well, I can do it.
sora: But It isn't going to be free.
sora: We are even now. But I like you, so I'm going to keep it simple.
sora: I want you to bring me a diamond.
main: A diamond!?
sora: Yeah, you heard me right.
sora: I've been looking for a precious gem for quite a long time.
sora: And the folk say diamonds bring you luck.
sora: So I want to make myself a shiny ring to help me with my poker games.
sora: What do you say? Deal?
main: Deal.

sora: Look at this beauty!

sora: It's gigantic!
sora: Well, I can't be happier with the results.
sora: You are a resourceful fellow.
sora: Here, have this.
sora: It's a contract with my written word and family seal.
sora: The moment you're ready, I'll move those two individuals out of Aurelia.
sora: Safely, and unnoticed.

main: Here, for you.

scar: What the hell is this?
main: I managed to get someone to carry both you and Ivy out of Aurelia.
scar: Is this from someone trustworthy?
main: Yes, it is.
scar: ...
scar: Alright...
scar: Thank you, /main/.
scar: Don't tell anything about this to Ivy.
scar: She has enough on her hands.
scar: Keep that safe for me, alright?

scar: /main/?
scar: What are you doing here?
main: I was checking on you two.
scar: Awh, that's cute.
scar: Come here, lay by my side.
main: ?
scar: Just do it.
scar: I want to try something with you.
scar: Here...
scar: Put it here.
main: !
scar: Aaaah~
scar: Fuck...
scar: Go slow.
scar: God damn it...
scar: I've only played with my fingers there before.
scar: It's going to take a bit to get used to this.
main: Do you already plan on repeating?
scar: Shut up...
main: So, only this one time?
scar: No...
scar: You want me to say it, don't you?
main: Yes.
scar: Nnnfff, fine.
scar: I-I want to do this.
scar: Every night from now on.
scar: I want you to stretch my ass.
scar: Until you're satisfied.
main: !
scar: Are you happy?
main: Plenty.
scar: You cocky idiot.
main: Auch!
scar: You've earned that one.
main: But-
scar: Shush.
scar: I need some sleep.

scar: /main/?
scar: What are you doing here?
scar: Can't sleep?
scar: Or do you want something else?

scar: Hehe~
scar: I assumed correctly.
scar: Come here, handsome.
scar: !
scar: Nffff
scar: It's still... Intense...
main: All that bravery faded away quickly.
scar: Shut up.
scar: Aah~
scar: I can handle you.
main: Are you sure?
scar: Do your worst.
main: Alright.
scar: !
scar: F-f-f-uck.
main: Don't make so much noise.
main: Ivy is near.
scar: [I-I'm trying.]
scar: [But it's hard.]
scar: [This feels so good.]
scar: [I want you to go harder.]
main: Nffff
scar: [That's it.]
scar: [Keep going.]
scar: [Fill me up.]
main: !
scar: [Fuck...]
main: That was amazing, Scarlet.
scar: [Y-yeah.]
scar: [It was.]
scar: I'm going to be sore after this...
main: We can take it easy for a while.
scar: No, I'd rather get used to it~

scar: Zzzzzzzzzzzzzz

A giant crystal illuminates the place with radiant energy.

main: Weird...

narr: An old Sarcophagus made of stone. I'd better don't disturb the departed.

narr: An old Sarcophagus made of stone. I'd better don't disturb the departed.

narr: A statue of Melkor

crys: Hi /main/!
crys: Can I help you?
Give her the mesmerizing doll
Play Blackjack with Crystal
Closet sex
Give her the cake
About Orson
About Janet

crys: Pops?
crys: He can be a bit rough around the edges sometimes.
crys: But he means well!
crys: Most of the time...

crys: Where do I even start?

crys: She's charming, sexy, confident, has her own shop, it's an excellent cook...
crys: And she always treats me nicely and listens to my problems.
crys: She's the perfect woman.

crys: Hi!
crys: Ehm, I mean... Welcome to Orson's tavern!
crys: What can I offer you?
crys: Some refreshing beer to beat the heat?
crys: Some food to satisfy your hunger?
main: I'm fine, thank you.
crys: I'm Crystal.
main: Crystal, eh? My name's /main/.
crys: I don't recognize you, new around?
main: Yes.
main: I moved into a house outside the village recently, in the woods.
main: Inherited it from my grandfather.
crys: Lucky!
crys: Haha, I imagine you get lonely out there. I certainly would.
crys: Well, just come around and I'll serve you our coldest beer.
main: I'll think about it.
crys: I can show you the place and-
orso: CRYSTAL!
orso: Less chatting, more serving!
crys: Yes pops!
crys: Sorry, got a lot of work lately.
crys: Hope we can talk later.
crys: Cute name by the way, /main/.
crys: See you!
crys: See you!

crys: Hi /main/!
crys: Can we talk some other time? I'll be a bit busy with the clients today.
crys: Can we talk some other time? I'll be a bit busy with the clients today.

orso: Nicely done, kid. Couldn't have done it better myself.

orso: Here, take a jug and relax, you earned it.
main: Thanks, Orson.
crys: /main/!
main: Oh, hey Crystal.
crys: Saw you serving today!
crys: You were impressive! Have you done this before?
main: No, I haven't.
crys: Natural talent then!
crys: It's the first time in a while I can relax a bit around here.
crys: Thanks.
main: Because of the upcoming festival?
crys: Yeah... Everyone will be there.
main: Will you?
crys: Me? Hahaha, no!
crys: The tavern will be filled to the brim, and even if I wanted, I doubt pops
would happily let me go.
main: Why's that?
crys: The festival is to celebrate love, relationships, and marriage.
crys: Most people either go because they have a partner or would like to find one.
crys: And pops has quite a high standard regarding that.

main: It should be your choice, not his.

crys: Sadly it doesn't work like that.
crys: I know he means well...
crys: But I don't want to worry him, he has a lot on his hands lately.

main: He's just trying to protect you.

crys: I'm aware...
crys: He just wants me to be safe and happy.
crys: I just wish he was less stubborn about it.
crys: To be honest, I would like to do something crazy from time to time.
crys: Even if I regret it later.
crys: Well, that's enough chatting from me, I need to help pops clean the tavern.
crys: See you tomorrow? I sometimes have the mornings free if you want to check on
me, if you don't see me, ask Orson.
main: Sure.
crys: See you!
crys: See you!

main: Hey Orson, have you seen Crystal?

orso: Ah yes, she stormed out this morning to see Janet.
orso: She seemed pretty excited about it.
orso: She seemed pretty excited about it.

main: Nobody here?

jane: Grab them, come on.
jane: You have to feel them with your hands.
crys: Like this?
jane: Yes, just like that girl.
jane: Feel the texture, smell and size.
crys: They're so big!
jane: Go ahead, you have to taste them now.
crys: Mmmmm! Sweet!
main: What the...?
crys: Hmm?
crys: I think I heard the door, let me check.
crys: Helloooo?
crys: /main/!
main: Sorry, just came in a moment ago, didn't want to eavesdrop.
crys: Oh it's fine, we were tasting strawberries!
main: Strawberries?
crys: Yeah! Janet is teaching me how to cook a killer strawberry cake.
jane: Crystal? Is there someone at the door or-
jane: Oh!
jane: Oh!
jane: Good morning, /main/.
crys: Do you know each other already?
jane: Yes, the village is a small place.
jane: And /main/ its a great client, he's helped me a lot recently.
jane: He's a man of... many talents.

Good morning, /main/.

Such a pleasant surprise.

main: Janet,you spoil me.

jane: It would only be spoiling you if you didn't deserve it.
main: You're too kind.
jane: And you're too generous.
jane: Crystal, darling, can you fetch me the green box that's behind the counter?
crys: Ehm, sure
jane: Here's your prize, you rascal.
jane: Happy?
crys: Janet, I don't see any green boxes here...
jane: Oh don't worry darling, I must have misplaced it, I'll search for it later.

crys: Well, I should go now, I'm sure pops needs me.

jane: Awwwwww, so soon? We barely practiced.
crys: It's okay, we'll have more time.
jane: I'll buy some sugar and strawberries.
jane: But it'll take some time till I can gather everything.
jane: You'll be an amazing cook in no time darling, I can tell.
crys: Thanks Janet.
jane: And don't let that father of yours get in the way of you having fun.
jane: Do something bold and own it.
crys: I know...
crys: I just need to find the right time.
crys: See you later, guys!
main: Bye
jane: Ahhh, this girl.
jane: And you, honey...
jane: I hope you come later.
jane: I'll be waiting.
jane: I'll be waiting.

main: Hey, I remember you and Crystal needing strawberries and sugar for a cake.
main: I got some for you.
jane: Oh! Wonderful /main/, many thanks.
jane: You brought a lot!
main: I didn't know how much you needed.
jane: Would be a shame if these got wasted.
jane: Let me make a quick cake for you and Crystal, so you can tell her about it.
jane: Keep me company in the kitchen honey, will you?
jane: Here it is.
main: Looks delicious.
jane: Of course it does, I made it.
jane: Go on and give it to Crystal, I'm sure she'll appreciate it.
jane: She loves my strawberry cake.
main: Thank you, Janet.
jane: My pleasure, honey.
jane: Just don't give Crystal all the attention, now.
jane: I have my needs too
jane: I have my needs too

main: Got this for you.

crys: Strawberry cake!
crys: Where did you get this?
main: I gave Janet a lot of strawberries so you can keep practicing.
main: I ended up bringing more than needed, and didn't want anything to go to
crys: Ooooh, how sweet of you!
crys: We can share it?
orso: Crystal!
crys: God damn it...
orso: Come on pumpkin, don't be lazy, there's a lot of wor-
crys: Pops! I almost forgot!
orso: ?
crys: Janet just cooked this for you!
main: ?
orso: Janet? That halfling...
crys: She felt bad for that time she sold you a defective ladle.
orso: See! I told you it was defective! She was lying about it!
orso: Reynauld's head isn't THAT hard!
crys: I know I know, you've told me a million times already...
crys: You have to eat it! It's delicious.
orso: Sure, but first I hav-
crys: Pops! She made it with all her heart.
orso: You're right... I don't want to be rude.
crys: Here, take it.
orso: Mmmmm, cake...
main: ?
crys: Oh, don't look at me like that!
crys: It's a harmless lie.
crys: Sorry about the cake... Let me serve you some beer at least.
main: It's just a cake.
main: And Orson looked really happy about it.
crys: Yeah, he gets a bit stubborn sometimes.
crys: But food is his weakness.
crys: !
crys: Damn it! I spilled the beer all over the table.
crys: What a mess, It spilled on you too.
main: It's ok, it is just beer, I'll change my pants later
crys: No no! Let me wash it up with a cloth at least.
crys: I can't let you go with your pants soaked.
main: Wait, Crystal, I can do it myself...
crys: Just a moment.
crys: I have to soak it all up.
crys: !
main: I'm sorry.
crys: ...
crys: Looks like its gonna explode...

main: Crystal!? What are you doing?

crys: What do you think I'm doing?
main: Somebody will see us...
crys: Nobody looks at this corner of the tavern.
crys: I know cause some couples use it to make out.
main: This is not the same.
crys: You're right, it's not.
crys: But I'm tired of normalcy and working.
crys: I need a bit of crazy in my life.
crys: Also, this is kinda your fault for getting hard so easily.
main: Really?
crys: Come on, I barely rubbed it.
main: Did you do it on purpose!?
crys: Whaaaat? Noooooo. How could you think something like that?
crys: I can stop, you just need to ask.
main: ...
crys: That's what I thought.
crys: Now If you don't mind, I'll need something to substitute that cake.
crys: How about some hot, creamy milk? Can I have that?
crys: Pretty please?
main: Help yourself.
crys: Thanks /main/, I will.
main: !
crys: Whoa...
crys: Didn't hold back at all, huh?
crys: I better make this disappear.
crys: Relieved?
main: Yeah.
crys: Good, now pull up your pants and get out, I don't want pops to suspect
main: Yeah, you're right.
crys: Hey, /main/?
main: ?
crys: Muak!
main: !?
crys: Damn, you're cute.
crys: What are you looking at me for now? Go!
crys: What are you looking at me for now? Go!

crys: Here? Again?

main: Didn't you want a bit of crazy in your life?
crys: Ooooooh, cheeky!
crys: Sit down with me then, handsome.
crys: I can't believe I'm doing this again.
crys: You wanted this that badly?
main: You looked so pretty today, I couldn't resist.
crys: You know exactly what I want to hear, don't you?
crys: You're lucky we are in the tavern.
crys: Otherwise I would seal my lips around your cock.
crys: And made you cum until you dried.
main: ...
crys: You got tense there.
crys: Did you imagine me on my knees?
crys: Looking up at you...
crys: Taking it all in my mouth...
main: !
crys: Hehe!
crys: You made that too easy.
crys: Damn, messy as always.
crys: What a waste.
crys: Now keep it quiet and get out before anyone notices.
main: Yeah.
crys: Don't forget to come tomorrow ok?
crys: See you, handsome.
crys: See you, handsome.

crys: ...
main: Crystal?
crys: Oh! Hi!
crys: Sorry, I was daydreaming...
crys: I'm just so booooooooored.
crys: This tavern is slowly sucking my will to live as of late.
main: We can have a chat if that helps.
crys: You're so sweet, /main/.
crys: Actually...
crys: I have a fun idea in mind.
crys: But I need someone as handsome and resourceful as you to help me.
main: ?
crys: You see... the beggar out there, Ohro.
crys: He doesn't tolerate spicy food at all.
crys: If someone were to give him something spicy...
crys: He'll make a scene and the commotion might breathe some life into this
boring-ass tavern.
crys: What do you think?
crys: Pretty please?
crys: Do it and I'll show you something sweet.
crys: But make sure I'm around to see it.

ohro: A boiling chili pepper!? Ohro won't!

ohro: Too spicy!
main: Just this once.
ohro: No!
ohro: I'm trying to hold the sweet aroma of Janet's pie coming from her kitchen.
main: What If I got you a pie from her?
main: Would you eat the boiling chili pepper then?
ohro: Mmmmmmm...
ohro: Ohro would...

main: Here you have it.

ohro: LOOK AT IT.
ohro: Such a perfect dish, all for Ohro now.
main: So, will you eat the boiling chili pepper now?
ohro: Ok, just this once.
ohro: !
ohro: Uh oh...
ohro: It's hot.
ohro: It's HOT.
ohro: IT'S HOT.
narr: *Splash*
ohro: GODS HAVE MERCY ON OHRO, glrglrlgrlglrglrglrl.
orso: What the hell is going on with Ohro?
dism: Making a spectacle again.
reyn: Should we help him?
sora: Heh, not yet, give him a couple of minutes.
main: I should go head back...

crys: Hi again, cutie.

main: !
crys: Do you see something you like?

crys: I removed them when everyone got out.

crys: I wanted to reward you well.
crys: Only the best for you.
crys: Hihihi
main: ...
crys: Hahaha, I made you blush!

crys: /main/!
crys: ...
crys: You're mean.
main: Why?
crys: Because I won't be able to get that out of my mind for a while...
crys: It'll get hard to work leaking while I think about you.
main: ...
crys: Hahaha, I made you blush!

crys: Good job with Ohro by the way.

crys: I got something in return for that, look.
main: A-are those Soran's cards?
crys: Shhhhh
crys: Keep it quiet, will you?.
crys: Don't worry about him; he has like a thousand cards of these.
crys: He mixes them up constantly so people can't count cards.
crys: I just took a big stack of them.
crys: I'm sure he'll think he misplaced them somewhere.
crys: So, if you want to play with me...
crys: Come at night.

crys: Sure, give me a second.

crys: Ahem...
crys: Pooooooops~
crys: Can I close today?
orso: I don't know, pumpkin.
orso: That's a lot of responsibility.
crys: Come on it isn't that hard, and that way you can get some extra hours of
orso: Mmmmmmmmm.
crys: Pleaseeeeee, I'm worried about you. You need to rest more.
orso: Well, you're right.
orso: But no funny business!
orso: And I want everything clean.
crys: Yes pops!
crys: ...
crys: /main/!
crys: Hihi, done.
crys: Come on! Let's play.
main: Sure!
crys: Hey, I'm quite new to blackjack.
crys: Do you mind if we start slow?
crys: With no bets?
crys: Just for fun.
main: I'm ok with that.
crys: Don't worry, I'll make it worthwhile.
crys: But only if you win.
crys: What do you say? I'll wait until you decide.

crys: Well, that was fun.

crys: I'm going to need you to play with me more often.
crys: Otherwise I'll take forever to get good at blackjack.
main: Is there any reason for you wanting to get good?
crys: Oh, uh...
crys: Noooooo? Hehe...
main: Crystal...
crys: Fineee!
crys: I need some gold.
crys: And I thought that I could get really good at blackjack.
crys: And get some gold out of it.
main: Why do you need gold?
crys: ...
crys: Pops isn't sleeping great lately.
crys: He wakes up a lot in the middle of the night. It worries me.
crys: I asked Lily about it and blasted my savings in medicine for him.
crys: It barely did anything.
crys: My only option left is to get him a "mesmerizing doll".
crys: You know, one of those magic dolls that help people sleep.
crys: The nobles use them for their kids.
crys: But those are soooo expensive!
crys: Sorry if I came off as deceiving. I'm just worried about pops...
main: It's fine.
crys: And not a word of this! To anyone!
crys: The last thing I want is for pops to get more stress on top of him.
crys: He doesn't listen to me, you know him "I'm fine! Nothing beer and time can't
crys: -Sigh-
crys: Anyway, just keep coming for more blackjack ok?
crys: That way I can beat Soran, someday.
crys: I promise I'll make it worth it every time!
main: Can't I help you pay for it?
crys: No no no no!
crys: I don't want to take advantage of you. I feel bad enough already for lying.
crys: Anyway... It's getting late...
crys: See you around ok?
main: I need to find a mesmerizing doll.

/ivy: A mesmerizing doll toy?

/ivy: Have one from when I was little.
/ivy: I grew attached to it, even if I don't use it anymore.
/ivy: I know it sounds a little childish, but it really helped me!
/ivy: If you are having sleeping troubles I can give it to you.
main: It's not for me. I want one for someone at the village.
/ivy: Oh, I see.
/ivy: Well, if it can help somebody else, I'm okay with letting it go.
/ivy: I trust you'll give it to someone who needs it.
/ivy: Here, take it.
/ivy: But I'll take something in return.
main: !
/ivy: That will do.
/ivy: But you better give me a second round later.

main: Hey Crystal, got you this.

crys: !
crys: What did you do?
crys: I told you not to waste money on me!
main: I didn't! I just asked a friend.
crys: A friend?
crys: You have noble friends!?
crys: Oh my God, you ARE resourceful.
crys: Thank you a lot, /main/.
main: There's no need; it's for Orson's health.
crys: How about you and I sneak up to my room?
crys: And have some fun? To celebrate.
crys: I'll make sure to be a nice girl and swallow everything.
orso: Hello?
crys: Broom closet! Now!
crys: [Shhhh]
crys: [Keep it quiet]
orso: Ohro, I better not find you here again.
main: [I can't help it, your grinding on me!]
crys: [It's not my fault! Your boner takes half the closet.]
main: [You got me like this!]
orso: Crystal?
crys: [Shit he heard us!]
crys: [Fuck!]
crys: [I'll hold my mouth, you shove it and keep it there.]
main: [Are you sur-]
crys: [Fast!]
crys: [!!!]
main: [...]
orso: I swear I heard Crystal.
orso: *Yawn*
orso: I better get some sleep in, I'm not doing myself any favors lately.

crys: Y-you animal, you pushed it all in at once.

main: You told me to shove it in.
crys: But not to start fucking me afterward!
crys: You know how hard it is to hold a moan...
crys: When you start pounding me by surprise?
crys: You're lucky I'm... Nfff
crys: In a good mood... Ahhh
crys: Because we didn't get caught... Mmmm
main: Crystal?
crys: I'm so close already...
crys: You're making me go crazy.
crys: Can I ask you something?
main: Yes.
crys: Breed this slutty waitress.
crys: !
crys: [So good]
crys: [He keeps filling me up]
crys: [And I can't stop shaking]
crys: [I could get used to this easily]
crys: *Pants*
crys: Thank you, /main/.
crys: Dammit; you made a mess of me.
crys: I'm dripping everywhere.
crys: But, I-I should leave now... Pops might check my room if he wakes up again.
crys: See you later, handsome.
crys: *Muack*

crys: Come on, get in the closet.

crys: You're lucky I can't say no to that pretty face.
crys: But keep it quiet, I don't want to wake pops.
main: You're the one pushing your hips into me.
crys: Can you blame me?
crys: I needed you to stretch me again so badly.
crys: If you keep pounding me like this, I won't even care about getting caught
crys: Mmmm
crys: God damn it, /main/.
crys: You're getting tense.
crys: Come on, fill me up again.
crys: Make me yours.
crys: !
crys: Mmmmm
crys: [I can't get enough of this...]
crys: [It feels so good.]
crys: Inside again, /main/?
crys: You're getting reckless.
main: But you told me...
crys: Shhh.
crys: I'm not complaining.
crys: I'm not complaining.

crys: Well, there's no more clothes left.

crys: Let me give you something else.
crys: [Finally.]
crys: [I was watching this bulge grow and couldn't wait to get it in my mouth.]
crys: [I'm getting you dry in no time.]
crys: [Mmm?]
crys: [Fuck!]
crys: [Mmmmfff]
crys: [I-I can't focus...]
crys: !
crys: [Stop...]
crys: Nffff
crys: [I'm not even sucking anymore...]
crys: [He's just using my mouth.]
crys: [M-more?]
crys: [Damn!]
crys: [That was harsher...]
main: I'm almost there, Crystal.
main: Just a bit more.
crys: [Wait, give me some mercy...]
crys: !
crys: [I'm cumming from just the slapping and my mouth getting filled.]
crys: [I feel so dirty.]
crys: [But I can't stop sucking on it.]
crys: *Gulps*
crys: So...
crys: Do you want a rematch?
crys: Hihihi.
crys: Hihihi.

This is a test
This is a test

narr: A big-headed war hammer.

narr: A small plate below with the name "Ruperta."

narr: A metal case hangs from the wall.

narr: Candles inside of it illuminate the stained glass, which depicts a man
drinking beer.

narr: A dartboard
narr: Both the board and the wall are riddled with dart holes due to extensive

narr: A broom closet, well hidden from the public eye.

narr: It's big enough to fit somebody inside.
narr: Maybe 2, if you force it.

narr: Barrels full of beer and wine.

narr: Enough supply to keep the entire village drunk for a week straight.

narr: A blank canvas, hanging from the wall.

narr: Most likely an unfinished project of grandpa's.

narr: Grandpa's old longcase pendulum clock.

narr: He was always telling us how he got it from a faraway land.

narr: A painting of grandma when she was younger.

narr: She looks young.

narr: A small portrait of uncle Kujo

narr: He always wore that hat.

narr: A fireplace that has lasted the family for generations and helps to keep the
heat at night.

narr: A drawing of a siren, creatures that lure sailors into its demise.
narr: That's what the legends say at least.

narr: A portrait of father, he's an excellent huntsman.

narr: Scarlet's stuff is everywhere...

narr: A pile of Firewood, Scarlet's seems to take chopping wood a bit too

narr: Scarlet's sword, it's immaculate and extremely sharp.

narr: Priorities...

narr: Scarlet's bags

narr: She brought plenty of stuff, even a tent.

narr: Windows that lead to the front of the house, I can see the garden from here.

orso: That's the weapon I used back when I was part of the Duke's Royal guard.
orso: With the coin I made, I bought this bar.
orso: I thought It was going to be easy, with all that I had hoarded over the
orso: But then, all of a sudden, Crystal happened.
main: What do you mean, "All of a sudden"?
orso: Well, she just appeared in my life, just like that.
orso: One night I heard a baby crying when I was about to close the bar.
orso: When I went to check, there she was.
orso: Nobody to be seen, not a note or any clue.
orso: I asked everyone I could, for months, And I got nothing out of it.
orso: So I took her in and did my best.
orso: I can tell you; the best gift life has given me.
orso: Even if sometimes she spends a bit too much on clothes or gets a bit lazy
around the tavern.
orso: I'll love nothing more than my little pumpkin.
orso: I'll love nothing more than my little pumpkin.

reyn: Hey! Who told you that?

reyn: Doesn't matter...
reyn: Look, I've been trying to get rid of my infamy for a long time now.
reyn: Can you not bring it up around here, please?
dism: Haha, your reputation precedes you Reynauld!
reyn: What do you want from me? I stopped doing it long ago.
dism: You could give back the things you took away.
reyn: I've talked to you about this already!
reyn: I threw away all of it.
reyn: ...
dism: Aha, all of it.
reyn: AAAAAGH!
reyn: You know what? FINE
reyn: You, kid, give me your map.
main: ?
reyn: I'm going to mark here my stash. It's inside a hollow tree trunk in the hills
dism: Knew it.
reyn: There's my lockpick, and a silver crest there.
dism: Silver crest?
reyn: Yes, looked quite ominous. So I kept it.
reyn: Now, not a single word about this, ok?
main: S-sure.
dism: Reynauld,
reyn: What?
dism: I'm proud of you buddy.
reyn: Oh, shut up...

main: Here it is, Reynauld's stash!

main: Quite hidden.
main: Lets see what I can find inside.

main: Here it is, Reynauld's stash.

main: It's empty
The entrance to a cave.
A giant slab of stone closes it.
There is a crown-shaped crest carved on its surface.

The entrance opens with a loud crack.

narr: A small effigy, it has a warm aura...

narr: There's an empty slot, something is missing.


main: !
erza: F-i-n-a-l-l-y
main: Uh oh...
erza: Free!
erza: Free at last!
erza: Melkor you bastard, you will pay with your blood!
erza: I'll be called Erza the merciless after what I'm going to do to you.
erza: There's no place where you will be able to hide from my wrath!
erza: But first.
erza: Who's the powerful being who has awoken me?
erza: How can I repay... your... wait...
erza: Sir?
erza: Are you polymorphing?
main: No.
erza: Illusion?
main: No...
erza: You look very... you know... human...
main: I am a human
erza: WHAT!?
erza: Uuuuuuuuung
erza: Anyway, I don't care.
erza: No time to lose here. I have a revenge to fulfill.
erza: Thank you... Human.
main: ...
main: Are you alright?
erza: I'm going to find him, and erase him from existence!
erza: You must be one of his servants or something.
erza: Tell me where he is and I'll spare your life.
main: I'm not his servant, and you might be late for your revenge.
erza: ?
main: This seems to be his tomb.
erza: ...
erza: Wait...
erza: Wait wait wait wait...
erza: How long I've been sealed here!?
erza: No wonder I'm starving like this...
erza: Nfff...
erza: Gosh, I could eat barrel of alluring fruits without hesitation...
erza: ...
erza: Don't look at me like that!
erza: I don't need your pity!
erza: Grrr.
erza: Leave me alone!

erza: Scram, human!

erza: ...
erza: Welcome back.
erza: How's my favorite human?

erza: I told you I don't need your pity!

erza: But t-those fruits look so good...
erza: Wait a second...
erza: What do you want out of all of this, human?
main: My name is /main/...
erza: ...
erza: Agh, fine
erza: I'm just not used to socialize with your kind.
erza: I'll make an effort...
erza: /main/...

erza: Well, that's simple

erza: That's how!
erza: He wanted me alive and shackled just to show off wealth and riches.
erza: I rather die than be someone's trophy!
erza: So I forced him to seal me on that effigy.
erza: I knew someone would come and break the seal sooner or later, I just didn't
expect... You...

erza: *Clears throat*

erza: I'm still a bit, hungry...
main: Here, you can have them.
erza: !
erza: Mmmmmf~
erza: I was starving.
erza: So many...
erza: But I'm still a tad hungry...
main: I can bring you more if you need them.
erza: Fruits are sweet... But I could use something better.
erza: I would like something cooked, spicy if possible.
erza: Oh! With some beer too!
main: ...
erza: Don't look at me like that! It's not like I can go get it myself.
erza: And It will be my first decent meal in who knows how much time.
erza: Fine, I'll just sit here and wither away instead.
erza: And I'm supposed to be the demon...

erza: Yes!
erza: I'm so hungry!
erza: Mmmmmf~
erza: Delicious. Finally, some good fucking food.
erza: Ah yes...
erza: Hey, /main/.
erza: I have the feeling we've started all of this with the wrong foot.
erza: I might have been a tad frustrated with my current situation.
erza: You know, bottling it up inside me.
erza: And you've been nothing but sweet to me from the very start.
erza: I don't think I've been treating you fairly.
erza: Come here~

erza: Let me help you relax.

erza: Just take a deep breath.
main: E-Erza!?
erza: It's okay, you just seemed a little stiff.
erza: And now that you got me full and satisfied with the food end.
erza: I think of other desires I've been craving for long.
erza: See, I knew you were a bit pent up.
erza: Not bad at all for a human, I might add.
erza: I'm going to have so much fun with this.
erza: Don't look at me that way.
erza: Here, I do this for your enjoyment.
main: Mmnnnnf
erza: See?
erza: I have to be honest with you.
erza: Now I'm curious.
main: ?
erza: If you're as powerful enough to break the effigy, you should have no problem
taking this.
main: !
main: I-It's way too much!
erza: You didn't immediately explode, that's way more than I expected
erza: Don't worry, you can let it all go~
main: !
erza: Oh my...
erza: I really did push you, didn't I?
main: I-It hurts a bit now
erza: Awww~ I'm sorry, /main/.
erza: I hope the pleasure was worth it.
erza: I hope the pleasure was worth it.

erza: Well, I feel like now we are even.

erza: And I don't want to abuse our new friendship but...
erza: I could use a hand to get out of here.
erza: What do you say?
main: Eh...
erza: You see, my plan requires of a resilient... Resourceful... Strong man.
erza: ...
main: What do you have in mind?
erza: Do you see that coffin? I need you to get inside.
erza: Why!?
erza: I need something from inside.
erza: Can't you open it and grab it?
erza: I'll give you a second to think about why that's dumb.
erza: You would have done that alread-
erza: But you see, that's no coffin.
erza: ?
erza: It's just a container, a doorway to an entire pocket dimension.
erza: I can open it from this plane, and most importantly, keep it open.
erza: But I need someone to go inside for me.
erza: Because whatever is holding me sealed in this damned place is there.
erza: What can I expect?
erza: Anything, monsters, treasure, clowns, I don't know.
erza: But you have to find my seal and destroy it.
main: Don't worry; if I see you in problems, I'll pull you out of there.
erza: I'll wait for your answer, but I don't have another eon to waste.
erza: Ah yes! I almost forgot to say the thing.
erza: Pretty please~

Go into Melkor's Realm

narr: Melkor's Sarcophagus
erza: You ready?
main: Give me a sec-
erza: GO!

erza: Hey!
erza: /main/!
erza: Wake up!
erza: Be careful next time. You're not useful to me dead.
erza: Be careful next time. You can get hurt.

erza: Ha
erza: Hahahaha
erza: FINALLY!
erza: I can feel my powers run through my body again!
erza: I missed this so much...
erza: /main/~
erza: You did it.
main: You can finally leave this place.
erza: Leave?
erza: Now that I've conquered this place?
erza: ...
erza: We conquered this place~
erza: How about we make it more ours, huh?
erza: Here, let me show you what I can do now.
main: ERZA!?
erza: Don't worry, it is temporary.
erza: Now, don't waste it.

erza: Mmmmmffff...
erza: Feels so intense~
erza: You seem to enjoy being able to ram both of my holes at once.
erza: Don't worry, you don't need to hold back.
erza: Pound me as rough as you can.
erza: Both of those holes are yours to use.
main: Nnnf!
erza: You're far from an ordinary human, /main/.
erza: I'm happy I found such a talented man.
erza: Now, sink them deep inside me.
main: I'm close...
erza: Give it to me, all of it.
main: !
erza: /main/!
erza: You're flooding me~
main: It's your spell.
main: It won't stop.
erza: Why would you?
erza: Just hold me, thrust deep inside and keep cumming.
erza: Mmmmmmmm
erza: Look at the mess you've made, /main/.
erza: I really needed that~
main: I'm spent.
erza: Hahaha.
erza: I'll let you recover, but I'm far from done with you.

erza: You need to unwind?

erza: It's okay, let me take care of you.
erza: You've been so lovely and helpful.
erza: Let me take care of everything.
erza: I can already see you getting big.
erza: Much better.
erza: Relax and let me pleasure you, /main/.
erza: You can stay here in this tomb as long as you want.
erza: And I'll make sure to get you good use.
main: Mnf...
erza: Feels great, doesn't it?
erza: I'm sure this is far from your typical experience.
erza: I hope you've been saving up for me, /main/.
erza: Who am I kidding?
erza: There's no way I'm not doing this.
main: !
main: Erza!
erza: Hold it a second.
erza: There is no way I'm missing it this time.
main: !
erza: Mmmmmmmmmmmmmm
erza: So much...
erza: I couldn't take it all in my mouth.
erza: Your legs are shaking~
erza: Don't worry, I won't push you any further.
erza: For now.
For now.
crys: Ehm, I mean... Welcome to Orson's tavern!
crys: What can I offer you?
crys: Some refreshing beer to beat the heat?
crys: Some food to satisfy your hunger?
main: I'm fine, thank you.
crys: I'm Crystal.
main: Crystal, eh? My name's /main/.
crys: I don't recognize you, new around?
main: Yes.
main: I moved into a house outside the village recently, in the woods.
main: Inherited it from my grandfather.
crys: Lucky!
crys: Haha, I imagine you get lonely out there alone. I certainly would.
crys: Well, just come around and I'll serve you our coldest beer.
main: I'll think about it.
crys: I can show you the place and-
orso: CRYSTAL!
orso: Less chatting, more serving!
crys: Yes pops!
crys: Sorry, got a lot of work lately.
crys: Hope we can talk later.
crys: Cute name by the way, /main/.
crys: See you!

narr: A bunch of brightbugs, they are easy to see here with all the darkness.

Use a bottle to get one

narr: You found a [Brightbug].

narr: Ancient roots, the sap is musky and thick

Use a bottle to get some

narr: You found a [Ancient sap].

narr: A beehive.

ambe: Start frame

ambe: Pan up to face
ambe: Pan to right
ambe: Pan to chest
ambe: Pan to chest
ambe: Pan to chest
ambe: Pan to chest
ambe: Pan to chest
ambe: Pan to chest
ambe: Pan to chest
ambe: Start frame

luna: Welcome!
luna: You must be /main/, right?
main: Yes.
luna: Awh, Soran didn't tell me about you being this handsome~
luna: I'm Luna; I run this place.
luna: Well, what's left of it.
luna: Anyway!
luna: Amber! Come here.
ambe: Did you call me?
luna: Mhm. We have a client.
luna: Amber will delight you with a captivating dance.
ambe: Great.
luna: A private dance.
ambe: Luna didn't you say...
luna: Amber, please. We can talk later about that.
luna: Our client is waiting.
ambe: Alright.
ambe: Come with me, Sir.

ambe: I didn't catch your name back there.

main: /main/.
ambe: /main/? Unique.
ambe: Haven't seen your face around.
main: I moved to Aurelia not long ago.
ambe: And you're already allowed in the brothel?
ambe: Most take a while to convince Soran.
ambe: You must be quite extraordinary.
ambe: Enough to enjoy the extra perks of a private dance.
ambe: I hope these are of your liking.
ambe: No touching tho~
ambe: These are only for show.
ambe: Thank you for coming to the brothel.
ambe: I hope I can see you again soon.
ambe: Come with me, Sir.

ambe: I'm sorry.

ambe: That was a one time only thing.
ambe: You can enjoy the public dances while I'm working here.

main: ?
main: I can hear someone singing inside there.
main: It's Amber.
main: I better not bother her.

narr: The private booth, it's empty right now.

luna: Oh yes, she's quite a talented singer.

luna: She used to play the guitar too.
luna: But she had to sell her guitar to Janet not long ago.
luna: A shame to be honest. It was quite soothing.

jane: Oh, that girl's guitar?

jane: Yeah, I still have it.
main: Can I repurchase it?
jane: Repurchase it? Oh, honey~
jane: I can't make my man pay for this stuff.
jane: Here, please take it. It's on me.
jane: But you better give this halfling something in return~
jane: Something thick and loaded.
jane: Sure!
jane: It'll be 200 gold, quite a deal!

jane: Here you go!

luna: Oh, she wasn't feeling alright lately. Why?

main: I wanted to give her the guitar.
luna: Aw, that's sweet.
luna: Leave it here, I'll give it to her as soon as she comes back.
main: Alright.

ambe: Hey, Luna gave me the guitar.

ambe: I appreciate it.
ambe: ...
ambe: Anyway, I'm a bit busy, If you don't mind.

narr: Amber is playing the guitar behind the curtains.

narr: You sit nearby the curtains and let time go by while listening to Amber's

narr: You sit nearby the curtains and let time go by while listening to Amber's
narr: She plays different songs this time, more cheery and upbeat.
main: She stopped?
ambe: So any suggestions?
main: !?
ambe: I know you've been sitting there and listening.
ambe: I can see your shadow creep under the curtain.
ambe: At least I deserve an answer, don't you think?
ambe: What do you think I should sing about?

ambe: Hahaha
ambe: Anything more cliched?
ambe: Want me to sing about a bad breakup too?
ambe: Alright, I'll give it a try.

ambe: Now that I think about it, plenty of stuff happens around here.
ambe: Not a bad idea.
ambe: Let's see how it works out.

ambe: Scared or something?

ambe: Boring.
ambe: I'll come up with something, I guess.

You stay near Amber, as she plays for you until it's late.

ambe: Sorry. I'm not in the mood right now.

main: Can I help?
ambe: It's not about me.
ambe: It's my brother, Kivir.
ambe: You've probably met him, the bouncer.
ambe: He's been acting weird lately.
ambe: Pretty much since you showed up around here.
main: Maybe the ambush has left him a bit uneasy.
ambe: ...
main: Amber?
ambe: D-did you say, ambush?
ambe: Ambush ambush!?
ambe: That's the reason for the wounds!?
main: I thought you knew.
ambe: He told me he got in a drunken fight!
ambe: Thanks, I'll confront him later.
ambe: He'll hear me.

kivi: Welcome back, /main/.

kivi: Amber scolded me for what seemed hours.
main: Sorry, I didn't want to snitch.
kivi: It's alright. I was going to tell Amber myself.
kivi: I didn't want her to get worried about it.
kivi: She does stupid stuff when she's worried.
kivi: Anyway, get in already.

ambe: Look who's back.

ambe: The hero.
main: Hero?
ambe: Kivir told me about the ambush.
ambe: And how he got knocked out immediately.
ambe: So you were alone and still decided to fight back.
ambe: Why didn't you tell me? Didn't want to brag?
ambe: I'll add humble to the list too.
ambe: Alright, no jokes now.
ambe: Thank you.
ambe: I couldn't live without my big brother.
ambe: Hey, if you want...
ambe: Hey, if you want...
ambe: We can sneak into the private booth and chat from time to time.
ambe: I'll play the guitar for you if you want.

ambe: /main/~
Give her a beer
Private dance
Challenge - 100g
Give her a Firebreath
Can I ask you something?
About Luna
About Kivir
Can I get you a drink?
Private dances

ambe: Sure!
ambe: She takes care of people, especially me.
ambe: She acts a bit like a mother to me.
ambe: I owe her so much.
ambe: She gave me a job and a place to stay.
ambe: He's so good at it.

ambe: My older brother.

ambe: He can seem a bit rude if you just met him.
ambe: But he seems to like you.
ambe: I would ask him to teach you how to throw a dagger!
ambe: He's so good at it.
ambe: He's so good at it.

ambe: Oh yeah, those.

ambe: Listen, it's not that I don't like to dance.
ambe: I love it.
ambe: But private dances are different.
ambe: Clients expect more than a dance.
ambe: And I don't want to do that.
ambe: Your case was a special exception.
ambe: Soran asked Luna to give you a "unique treatment."
ambe: But to be honest, now that I know you a bit better.
ambe: I wouldn't mind making more exceptions.

ambe: Of course~

ambe: Thank you!

ambe: A bit bitter for my taste, but I won't say no.
ambe: Luna does some awesome cocktails, you should ask her.

ambe: Oh my god~
ambe: I love it.
ambe: Thank you so much.
ambe: These remind me of home.
ambe: It's a weird story.
ambe: You see, someone extended the rumor that I loved giving head back where I
ambe: So guys gave me these all the time, trying to get something in return.
main: I'm sorry, It must suck that someone made up things about you.
ambe: I mean, it shifted my reputation. But It wasn't a lie.
ambe: I'm very good at it too; I bet you can't last a minute.
main: A minute?
ambe: You think I'm lying?
main: No, I didn't mean it like that-
ambe: Shush!
ambe: Look, if I do it under a minute, I get a 100 gold.
ambe: If you endure a minute, you pick where to unload.
ambe: Deal?
ambe: Or you're going to be a chicken?

ambe: It's on!

ambe: Sit comfortably; you're going to need it.
ambe: I'll get an hourglass going.
ambe: 3... 2... 1... Go!
main: Nnnnf
ambe: [God damn it.]
ambe: [Never tried with one this big.]
ambe: [It's going so deep.]
ambe: [Almost half of the hourglass gone?]
ambe: [Come on!]
ambe: [Unload already!]
main: Fuck.
main: [It's so hard to hold it.]
ambe: [I can feel him shivering already.]
ambe: [Just a couple of seconds!]
main: Time's up.
ambe: [Damn it...]

main: Keep going.

main: !
main: Nnnnf
ambe: [So much...]
ambe: [I want a rematch.]
ambe: I want a rematch.

main: Pull out.

main: !
ambe: Hahaha
ambe: What a mess.
ambe: Are you happy?
main: Mhm
ambe: I want a rematch.
ambe: I want a rematch.

ambe: [Mmmmmm~]
ambe: [So good.]
ambe: [It easily hits my throat.]
main: [Nnnnf, Amber]
ambe: [He's moaning so loud~]
ambe: [And pulsating so much.]
ambe: [Feels like it's going to explode.]
ambe: [Come on, give me all you got.]

ambe: !
ambe: [Mmm~]
ambe: [Keep shooting.]
ambe: [All straight into me.]
ambe: I want a rematch.

ambe: [!]
ambe: You really like to see me like this, huh?
ambe: I want a rematch.

ambe: Let's get to the private booth.

ambe: Here, enjoy the dance all you want.

ambe: Hehe~
ambe: You're going to make me blush with those stares~

ambe: Hehe~
ambe: I knew you liked them~
ambe: Hehe~
ambe: Getting any ideas~?

ambe: Of course
ambe: Anything else?

ambe: Let me get closer then.

ambe: And get your clothes out too.
ambe: You got so hard with just a little dance~
ambe: I wonder what happens If I give you a bit of a shake
main: Nnnnf
ambe: Hehe
ambe: Awh~ It's twitching now.
ambe: Feels so good against me.
ambe: Maybe a bit more will give me what I want.
main: Fuck!
ambe: Wow. You glazed me~
ambe: Don't worry; I'll let you enjoy the view.
ambe: Don't worry; I'll let you enjoy the view.

luna: Welcome~
luna: How can I help you?

luna: Someone has told you about my cocktails, huh?

luna: I bet that someone, likes a loaded Firebreath.
luna: If you bring me a boiling pepper and some strawberries, I can make one for

luna: Give me a second~

luna: Here you go.
luna: It's a very warm place.
luna: We used to allow anyone inside.
luna: But It got a bit out of hand and attracted some... Let's say, less than
optimal clients.
luna: Soran helps us out with the "selection process" nowadays.
luna: He has an excellent eye.
luna: Sadly this brothel is far from the most lucrative thing he has on his plate.
luna: I hope I can change that and get more girls to come here.
narr: [Devnote: The brothel will be upgradable in the future]
narr: [More girls will be added further in the development of Aurelia.]

luna: She's such a sweet girl.

luna: It reminded me of myself when I was a couple hundred younger.
luna: And she praises my cocktails all the time.
luna: You can find her here in the evenings. Sometimes, she stays in the private
booths at the left if there's no one around.

main: The waters are calm, I can see so many fish swimming underneath the surface.
main: I could try to fish some of them with a fishing rod.

main: The waters are calm.

mera: Watcha want~?

Give her one of every fruit.
Big bites extermination
Luna's essence
main: Wait a minute...
main: Where are my plants!?
main: They're all gone!
/ivy: Did something happen, /main/?
/ivy: I heard you scream.
main: Did you take the garden plants?
/ivy: Me? No.
main: They're gone.
/ivy: Weird.
/ivy: There's still some fruit there in the corner.
main: Mmm.
main: It has been eaten...
main: And there's some blue goo all over it.
/ivy: Maybe some animal snuck by and ate some from the garden?
main: Maybe...
/ivy: Try asking Scarlet; maybe she has seen something.

scar: Blue goo?

scar: Now that you mention it.
scar: I saw some blue goo when I scouted this morning.
scar: The trail pointed to the lake.
scar: I thought it was some wild animal.
main: What kind of animal leaves blue goo?
scar: Erhm...
scar: A... giant blue snail?
scar: Listen, I scout in case someone wants to get their dirty hands on Ivy.
scar: I can't check for every animal in the forest too.
scar: I'll set traps around if that makes you feel comfier.

main: There's a lot of blue goo around that beehive.

main: Whoever stole my fruit has been here.
Hide and wait

main: ...
main: Someone's coming.
mera: Na nana nana~
mera: How are my small friends doing?
mera: Bzzz bzzz?
mera: Awh... No honey...
Confront her
main: Hey you!
mera: AGH! HUMAN!
main: What the hell...
main: She just disappeared into the ground.

mera: Meh...
mera: No honey...
mera: Work harder!
main: What the hell...
main: She just disappeared into the ground.
main: She wanted honey; maybe I can get her to stay if I get some.
main: But how do I make more honey?
main: Maybe I can find some info at the bookstore.

lily: How to make more honey out of a beehive?

lily: Hmm... Maybe you can stimulate those bees somehow!
lily: Bee's love flowers and flower nectar, right?
lily: Find a very big, beautiful flower!
lily: I think those with red and pink pigmentations are the best choice.
main: Any clue on where to find one?
lily: Those things are quite exotic, to be honest.
lily: I have no clue where you could find one.
lily: I swear I've seen one somewhere in the village.
lily: I can't remember where.

main: Luna?
luna: Tell me, handsome.
main: I don't know how to ask this.
luna: Mmm?
luna: Let me guess.
luna: You want something more extreme around here.
main: It's not that.
luna: Oh.
luna: Shame.
main: I'm having a problem with some bees; I need them to produce honey faster.
main: And I thought... You know...
luna: Hahahaha
luna: That I would know because I'm a Dryad?
luna: That's so cute~
main: I didn't want to assume.
luna: Oh no, you're right on the money.
luna: When spring arrives, It's almost impossible keeping them away.
luna: They get all excited and filled with energy.
luna: It tickles~
luna: Come back with a bottle, and I'll give you some of my nectar.
luna: Anything to help you out cutie~

luna: Perfect.
luna: Here you go.
luna: Handle with care.

main: Alright.
main: Now I have to wait.
mera: Na nana nana~
mera: Bzzz bzzz little ones.
mera: Let's see if you worked today!
mera: Oh my! That's a lot of honey!
mera: Mmmmmmmm!
mera: It packs a punch today.
mera: Good bees!
main: Hey, you!
mera: AGH, HUMAN!
mera: Oh no... I can't lose my honey.
main: I don't care about your honey.
main: I'm here because you stole from me!
mera: Whaaaaaaaaaat?
mera: Merah didn't steal!
main: You did, my garden fruits are gone.
mera: I exchanged!
main: What?
mera: I left a bunch of goo!
mera: Goo valuable!
main: Why would I even want your goo!?
mera: It's bouncy and funny.
mera: Was late so didn't want to wake up humans.
mera: Humans get angry when they wake up.
mera: And was very very hungry.
mera: Here, I have something else!
main: !?
mera: Shiny coins!
main: That's a bag of gold...
mera: You like shiny coins?
main: Where did you get this?
mera: I found them in the forest!
main: ...
mera: What!? People come by the lake and forget stuff.
mera: I catch stuff in my goo when moving around.
mera: And I keep it.
mera: I can't return it!
mera: OH OH! Idea!
mera: I'll stay away from your fruit.
mera: But if you bring me fruit, I'll give you the stuff I find around!
mera: Deal?
main: Eh...
mera: DEAL!

mera: Fruit!
mera: Here, exchange!
mera: Bring me more!

mera: That's a lot of fruit!

mera: Will eat with the honey~
mera: So good.
mera: Unf~
mera: Uh...
main: Are you alright?
mera: Yes, but this honey is weird.
mera: Tastes different.
mera: And makes my goo feel funny.
mera: Hehe, it tickles.
main: ...
mera: Oh right!
mera: I haven't thanked you.
mera: I have nothing special to offer.
main: There's no need for anything.
mera: Wait! I know.
mera: Here, let me lay down.

main: Merah!?
mera: What?
mera: A good friend told me humans love seeing this.
mera: Don't you like it?
main: It's not that.
mera: My friend told me that if you like it, you'll stick your dick in it.
main: ...
mera: Come on; I don't trust humans. But I trust you.
mera: Help me~
main: Oh well...
mera: !
mera: Aaaaaaah
mera: That feels so nice, /main/.
mera: Keep going.
mera: I love it~
mera: I should've done this before; it's fantastic!
mera: Nnnnnf~
main: You're tightening.
mera: Sorry, I can't help it.
mera: You're reaching so far inside.
mera: It's hard not to squeeze when you thrust.
main: Too...
main: Tight...
main: !
mera: Whoa!
mera: You have goo too?
mera: It's so hot.
mera: I'm going to need more of this~

mera: Hehe~
mera: Feels different than the last time.
main: Because last time was into your ass.
mera: Oh, right!
mera: This one is more slippery.
mera: Hmmm, now I'm curious.
mera: Give me a second to swap.
main: Sure.
main: !
mera: [This is so much fun too~]
mera: [His tongue tickles me.]
mera: [And I can squeeze him down my throat.]
main: Nnnf~
mera: [Hehe]
mera: [He's about to explode.]
mera: You look tense~
main: You're being too aggressive.
mera: Because I want the white goo.
main: Don't slam your hips like that.
mera: I want it!
mera: !
mera: Yay~
mera: Feels so hot and creamy.
mera: You look tired.
mera: Alright, take your time.

mera: Yes! Yes! Yes!

mera: Riding you is so fun.
mera: So long~
mera: It pokes my core.
mera: Can I play with it in my mouth?
mera: Or do you want to unload already?
mera: Thank you~
mera: [Mmmf]
mera: [Missed this~]
mera: [Feels so good down my throat.]
mera: [And he eating me makes me shiver.]
mera: [He's starting to push it harder~]

mera: Alright then!

mera: Just a couple more bounces.
mera: Grab me tight~
main: !
mera: Hahaha
mera: You couldn't hold it.
mera: That's a lot.

mera: Yay
mera: Here you have it~
mera: Do you like it?
main: Yeah.
mera: Good.
mera: Now...
mera: Be harsh with it.
mera: !
mera: F-fuck.
mera: Aah~
mera: You're slamming into me.
mera: So good.
mera: Harder!
mera: Nnnnf
mera: Stretch my ass all you can.
main: Fuck.
mera: Keep going.
mera: Don't stop.
mera: Just unload and keep going.
mera: !
mera: Nnnnnnnnnnnf
mera: Yeeeees
main: -pants-
mera: That was awesome.
mera: Thank you, /main/
mera: Welcome back!
mera: Got present for you.
main: Eh, thanks.
mera: It's hard to get!
mera: Getting fish is hard since big-bites appeared.
main: Big-bites?
mera: Yeah.
mera: Inside the lake; there are a bunch of them.
mera: Small, but with big mouths.
mera: They bite me when I go in.
mera: Lost lots of goo.
mera: Can't risk it again.
main: ...
main: If I fish enough "Big-bites"...
main: Will you stop stealing stuff?
mera: Ahem...
main: Exchanging stuff?
mera: Probably.
mera: But I haven't seen big-bites coming to the surface often.
mera: I've only seen them do that to bite the brightbugs.
mera: But those are rare around here.
mera: They usually live in caves.

main: Alright, another big-bites.

main: I should at least get five out of the lake.

main: And five!

main: The waters should be safer now.

mera: So many!
mera: Thank you~
mera: I'll fish a bit now that I can.

mera: /main/!
mera: Was waiting for you~
mera: I got so many fish!
main: Happy for you.
mera: Hehe~
mera: Can I ask you something?
main: What?
mera: I know you did something to the honey.
mera: Uh...
mera: I want more!
mera: Tasted good and made me feel tingly.
mera: It's for my fish meal.
mera: Pretty please?

luna: More?
luna: I gave you all I got the other day. It'll take me a bit to recover.
luna: Sigh...
luna: If you want to speed up the process, give me some ancient sap.
luna: You can find some in underground caves, squeezing old roots.
luna: Good luck~

luna: Oh, you actually got the ancient sap.

luna: Fine, bring me another bottle and I'll give you the essence.

luna: Here you go.

luna: But no more nectar for a while, please.

mera: Yay!
mera: More honey!
mera: Mmmmmmmm~
mera: Great day!
mera: I got to fish again.
mera: I caught some big ones.
mera: Then I got honey from you.
mera: Sweet and delicious honey.
mera: Now I get to eat it all!
mera: Hehe~
mera: You're the best human I know!
mera: Thank you so much, /main/!
mera: But now if you don't mind.
main: Yeah, I'll let you eat.
mera: No!
mera: I'm going to leave you dry!
main: Wait, what-
main: Clothes ooooff!

main: ?
main: Whoa.
main: That's a huge lizard.
naam: I'm not "huge"...
naam: My scales have a lot of bulk.
main: ...
main: Did you understand me?
naam: Well, of course.
naam: The language you speak is quite common.
main: But you're a lizard.
naam: I'm not a lizard, you fool!
naam: I'm a...
main: You don't look like a dragon.
naam: It's because I'm still young!
naam: I'm only a couple hundred old.
naam: And haven't even developed my glitter yet.
naam: Anyway.
naam: I'm not even going to ask what dark ritual has given you the ability to speak
to the dragonkind.
naam: It gets lonely around here, so I'll take it.

naam: What do you want my friend?

Give Naamu 25 gold
Give Naamu a gem
The glitter
What are you doing here?

naam: I used to live inside the mines, east of here.

naam: It was quite a fun environment.
naam: But another dragon there hit maturity before me.
naam: Very aggressive.
naam: So I had to run out.
naam: If I could go there, I could have gems and precious stones all day long.
naam: But I guess I'll have to do with this lake for now.

naam: Oh, you see.

naam: I'm a glittering dragon.
naam: My strength comes from precious minerals.
naam: The more I can surround myself with them.
naam: The more powerful I become.
naam: We call that the glitter.
naam: I'll get a significant hoard of gold and gemstones one of these days, you

naam: Ah! Gem fragments!

naam: Behold my glittering powers, human!
naam: I shall transform these fragments into a full, magnificent gem!

naam: Gems!? I'll give you my blessings for that, but only one at a time, of

naam: There is no more knowledge I can share with you. (Currently, there is no more
content for this character)

naam: Behold my glittering powers, human!

naam: I'll bless you with my power.
naam: So it can serve you in time of extreme need!
naam: !

naam: Ah! Some gold for my hoard!?

naam: Let me repay you with a small divine guidance.
naam: Tell me, where do you need said guidance?
naam: There is no more knowledge I can share with you.
naam: A day must pass, until the path is revealed.
naam: She'll await for you at the afternoon.
naam: By the old clock, stands a shovel.
naam: The halfling has your desired tool.
naam: A magical garden awaits you.
naam: A casual conversation might do the trick.
naam: Beautiful and expensive.
naam: The privacy of her room, might hide unexpected lust.
naam: New doors are now open for you.
naam: A blonde on a big mug.
naam: Another blonde?
naam: Something more sophisticated.
naam: Patience is the key, tomorrow the answer.
naam: Wine? The bartender has. Food? The bartender knows someone. Present? Sits
near to you every night.
naam: At the afternoon, set table for two.
naam: Talk to her, don't be shy now...

naam: Seek magical knowledge

naam: Go home
naam: Under the stars
naam: You'll need elven precision
naam: Under the stars, again
naam: At night, somewhere in the house
naam: Talk to the lady
naam: With an axe, by the stump
naam: Talk to the lady
naam: Near the road, the silver shines
naam: Return it to the owner
naam: The magic girl might know the answer
naam: Seek the knowledge of literature
naam: Melkor's tomb awaits you
naam: The dagger lies in the hills, the tavern drunks hold they key of entrance.
naam: She awaits you at home
naam: The sorceress is having problems waking up
naam: Talk to the redhead
naam: Go to your bed and take a rest
naam: Talk to the sorceress
naam: Someone in the tavern can help you, let Orson's wisdom guide you.
naam: Give the Minotaur what he requires.
naam: Go to your bed and take a rest.
naam: Talk to the minotaur.
naam: Ask the dwarf for a very special favor
naam: Give the dwarf a diamond
naam: Give the Safeguard to the redhead
naam: Visit the redhead at night.

naam: Show interest about her.

naam: Generosity goes a long way.
naam: A day must pass, until the path is revealed.
naam: Visit her shop once again.
naam: Is your choice to get your hands dirty, or convince someone desperate enough
to do it for you.
naam: Pay the beggar for his services.
naam: Janet is waiting for you.
naam: A day must pass, until the path is revealed.
naam: Visit her shop once again.
naam: What you seek can be seen from the fountain, but only at the evenings.
naam: A day must pass, until the path is revealed.
naam: Talk to the halfling.
naam: Look for the dwarf.
naam: Find someone, or carry them yourself.
naam: Look for the dwarf.
naam: Talk to the halfling.
naam: Look for the dwarf.
naam: Pick food or money.
naam: Talk to the halfling.
naam: Help the halfling.
naam: Work for Orson, as hard as you can
naam: You'll find her at the mornings, with the halfing.
naam: Give the halfling some strawberries!
naam: Deliver some sweetness
naam: Talk to her.
naam: Give some spice to the beggar.
naam: Add a meal to the deal.
naam: Talk to her once the bar is empty.
naam: Play.
naam: The doll lies in the hand of a magician.
naam: Make the doll reach its new owner.
//Ginny quest clues
naam: Stay for the sermon.
naam: Donate, donate, donate.
naam: Fishes sometimes leave algae behind when failing to fish them.
naam: The church is prettier at night, isn't it?
naam: She's waiting for you, probably a bit mad.
naam: She wants a special rope, seek the knowledge on how to make one.
naam: Evening fun at the church?
naam: Talk to her
naam: Bring her what she demands, if only a big, crafty, hairy guy was around.
naam: Wait for a day.
naam: Something shines at night.

//Amber clues
naam: Go to the dancer's place.
naam: There's no more beautiful place at night than the lake.
naam: Sleep
naam: There's no more beautiful place at night than the lake.
naam: Sleep.
naam: Wine, Strawberries and the lakeside views.
naam: The Dryad has the answer.
naam: The beggar must be caught.
naam: The painting near the dance stage.
naam: Sleep.
naam: The painting near the dance stage.

narr: The village fountain.

narr: People throw coins here in exchange for good luck.

narr: You found a [Water].

narr: The village fountain.

karo: Ah, You must be /main/, right?

karo: So good to finally meet you.
karo: I'm Karos.
karo: Soran has contracted me to move around his valuables.
karo: He told me he had an accident.
karo: Consider me a friend, mate.

karo: Mhm?
Soran's contract
The job
Karos defense
Money issues
Making a bed
Bed materials [100 wood]
The bed
karo: Oh, you know. Simple stuff.
karo: Get some of his trades and make them get to their destination safely.
karo: I rarely have to do anything other than drive to where he tells me too.
karo: Most people are afraid of me just by the looks.
karo: Hmmmm... That said...
karo: Are you good with that bow?
karo: There's some work I could give you.
karo: If you are interested, of course.

karo: Oh great!
karo: That's the spirit!
karo: You see, I come from the north, far beyond the mountain range.
karo: I do a lot of traveling and like to explore the zone.
karo: Last time, I found quite an interesting spot...
karo: It's what seems like an old tunnel, but it's walls are filled to the brim
with rare gemstones!
karo: Now, there's just a little problem...
karo: That place seems protected, somehow.
karo: And the second I touched those gemstones, I got attacked by all kinds of
spectral fiends!
karo: I know it sounds crazy, but I'm not making it up!
karo: I managed to reduce some of them, but the second I grabbed some more
gemstones, another wave arrived.
karo: So here's the plan!
karo: I get my pickaxe and get mining.
karo: Meanwhile, you cover me with your bow and keep them at bay as much as you
karo: If the situation gets too dangerous, we just run away.
karo: Just come to me in the morning, and we can go.
karo: And if you don't mind...
karo: No word to Soran about this, let's keep it between us.
karo: Don't get me wrong; I like the guy.
karo: But he'll tell me to drop it because it's too dangerous.
karo: I need the money at the moment.

karo: Haha, yes!

karo: Lets go! Jump in the cart with me!

karo: Hahaha, don't worry. I'm not going hungry any time soon.
karo: I'm doing well for myself.
karo: But I have a lady waiting for me at home.
karo: I plan to come back with my hands full once I do some jobs for Soran.
karo: And some "mining expeditions" with you.
karo: My lady has big dreams, you know?
karo: She's the cutest girl I've ever seen.
karo: With her huge smile and her scarlet fur.
karo: She's perfect.

karo: Hahaha, yeah. It's quite the hobby I got going on.
karo: Orson doesn't seem to mind as long as I keep fixing his stuff.
karo: And pretty much everything here needs a fix.

karo: A bed!?
karo: That's quite the task.
karo: Maybe when I have a free spot or something.
karo: Right now I rather focus on getting some extra coin out of those mines.

karo: But you know, you've helped me so much lately.

karo: It's the least I can do for you champ!
karo: Hmmm, I'm going to need some materials for it.
karo: If you bring me 100 pieces of wood, I can take care of everything else.
karo: Bring it to me and I'll get on it as soon as possible.

karo: Oh yeah!
karo: I got your back, /main/.
karo: I'll have it done in no time, come here in 3 days.

//Naamu's clues
The redhead
Fruit thief

//Lily Clues
naam: Show interest about her.
naam: A day must pass, until the path is revealed.
naam: Show interest about her.
naam: Show interest about her.
naam: Lake frogs.
naam: Practice makes perfect.
naam: A day must pass, until the path is revealed.
naam: A day must pass, until the path is revealed.
naam: Buying a potion.
naam: Show interest about her.
naam: Traveling merchants? Someone at the tavern might know more about them.
naam: Soran is your man.
naam: Soran's deal might sound tentative, but who knows that the future holds in
naam: Two days must pass, until the path is revealed.
naam: A day must pass, until the path is revealed.
naam: Soran holds a reward.
naam: Give lily the repaired artifact.
naam: Dialogue can fix any wound.
naam: Talk to her.
naam: Garden products are the key.
naam: Convince the halfling.
naam: Talk to her.
naam: At the hills, in the evening.
naam: Drink it.
naam: Handjob?

naam: //Erza Clues

naam: 7 Alluring fruits to satiate her hunger.A spicy dish and a cold beer.
naam: A spicy dish and a cold beer.
naam: Gold, shiny bugs, ancient sap and water.
naam: A day must pass, until the path is revealed.

//Merah clues
naam: Talk to the redhead!
naam: The beehive.
naam: The library.
naam: The flower you seek has curves!
naam: The flower you seek can talk.
naam: You need a bottle to carry Luna's essence.
naam: The beehive.
naam: Give her fruit.
naam: Sleep.
naam: Sleep.
naam: Talk to the slime.
naam: Fish the big-bites.
naam: Talk to the slime.
naam: Sleep.
naam: Sleep.
naam: Talk to the gorgeous flower again.
naam: Ancient sap is what you need
naam: And a bottle
naam: Talk to the slime.

//Sis Duo Clues

naam: In their room, at the evening.
naam: The girl with the big ears has the book.
naam: In their room, at the evening.
naam: In their room, at the evening.
naam: Melkor's domain holds what you seek, floor 10.

//Amber clues
naam: In the evenings, alone behind curtains
naam: Ask the Dryad
naam: Retrieve the instrument
naam: Ask the Dryad
naam: Sleep
naam: Go to the brothel
naam: In the evenings, alone behind curtains
naam: In the evenings, alone behind curtains
naam: In the evenings, alone behind curtains
naam: Talk to her
naam: Sleep
naam: Talk to Kivir
naam: Go to the brothel
naam: Alcohol
naam: Fancy alcohol
naam: Fancy alcohol
naam: Fancy alcohol
naam: Face the challenge

scar: And then I said, we'll put a hat on it and call it a day!
/ivy: Ha, ha, ha! I wish I was there to see their faces!
main: Hi, Ivy. Scarlet. Sorry, am I interrupting something?
/ivy: Hi, /main/! We were just talking. Come in.
scar: We'll make some room for you. Come on, join us!
scar: We were sharing some stories from our time at the Dutchess'.
/ivy: Some of them I wasn't aware of. You had such wild adventures back then.
scar: Yeah, you were the bookworm while I was the girl with dirt on her feet.
scar: Always with your nose buried in a book...
/ivy: I had an extensive library back then. One of the things I lost when I left
/ivy: There was no way I could carry all that with me anyway.
main: Did you like to read books about magic?
scar: She would read anything that was written between two covers!
/ivy: I like reading about magic, but I loved novels too...
/ivy: There was this book that was one of my favorites, a novel by Sonya Swallow.
/ivy: I read almost all of it, but ran away before I could finish the last chapter.
/ivy: I still wonder how the story ends.
/ivy: I'm sorry, is it too silly?
main: No, not at all. I'm sure it was a very interesting book.
scar: Interesting enough to keep her up at night so she could finish the chapter.
scar: *yawn*
scar: Speaking of staying up late, I think it's time to go to bed. I'm getting
scar: I'm checking out.
/ivy: Me too. Let's go to sleep.
main: Alright, see you tomorrow.
scar: Sleep well!
/ivy: Have a good rest.

Sonya Swallow

main: Do you have a book by the author Sonia Swallow? It's supposed to be a novel.
lily: Oh!
lily: Uhm...
main: What?
lily: Nothing...
lily: I'm just surprised that you are... into that kind of book.
main: Oh, it's not for me, it's for a friend.
main: She read most of it a while ago but never got to the final chapters. She
still wonders how the story ends.
main: I thought that if I could get the book for her, I would cheer her up.
lily: Oh, I see...
lily: Well, the end of that story is... very good...
lily: N-not that I have read it myself! It's just something I've heard...
lily: I'm sure that your friend will enjoy it a lot.
lily: I think I have a copy in the shop. Please, give me a second...
main: ...
lily: Here it is. Never read. Not even once.
main: Thanks, Lily. You're the best.
lily: Oh, don't say that...
lily: It's always nice to help you, /main/.
lily: And, uhm... I hope you like it.

Give Ivy the book

main: Ivy. I bought this in the village.

/ivy: Oh! It can't be!
/ivy: It's the book I was reading back at home! How could you find it?
main: I know someone.
main: I thought you'd like to have a copy here.
/ivy: Oh, this is amazing! Can I?
scar: Ha, ha! You look so happy.
scar: Well done, /main/.
scar: Hey, tell you what. Why don't you read it for us, Ivy?
scar: So we finally know what this mysterious novel was all about.
/ivy: Oh, but are you sure? You might not like the romance genre.
main: I think it can be fun. I'll join you if you want.
/ivy: All right! I'll start then.
narr: Ivy reads the first few chapters of the novel.
narr: Time passes, and the sky goes dark outside.
/ivy: Ah, I'm getting cross-eyed...
/ivy: Maybe we should leave it for the night and continue tomorrow.
scar: Yes, I think that's a good idea.
/ivy: So, what did you think?
scar: Eh. It was fine. A bit cliche, maybe.
scar: But that's the kind of stuff you like to read, eh?
main: It was fun!
main: We can read the rest of it together, some other day.
/ivy: Yes, it sounds great!
main: All right, I'll let you rest for the night.
scar: Good night!
/ivy: Sleep well!

Continue reading the book

/ivy: /main/! Ready for some more book reading?

scar: Don't worry, I've got something to make the reading more enjoyable.
main: Is that wine?
scar: Yes! Why don't we play a little game? It's called: find the cliche!
scar: We take a sip every time there is one in the book.
/ivy: Scarlett...
/ivy: That's so childish! Why can't we read the book like normal people without
turning it into a competition?
scar: Oh, come on, Ivy! It will be fun!
/ivy: Fine... We'll do it your way this time.
scar: Hope you're not lightweights! Ha, ha!
narr: Ivy continues her reading. Every couple of pages, the three of you have some
wine before carrying on.
narr: It doesn't take long for you to get tipsy.
scar: Geez, I know it was my idea, but I want to last to the end of the book! Ease
it out on us, Sonya!
main: We have to keep up, or everyone will laugh at us.
scar: Of course! I am no quitter!
/ivy: Ahem...
scar: Yes yes, go on!
/ivy: "The monarch is defeated; our task it's completed. Says Mortimer."
scar: Still a stupid name...
/ivy: Shhhhhhhhhhhhh
/ivy: ...
/ivy: "I knew you could make it; that's why I love you, Annisa replied."
/ivy: She then proceeded to untie her dress...
/ivy: And move her hand's towards Mortimer's crotch!?
scar: Ha, ha! What's the matter?
/ivy: I think we should skip this part, why don't we go on to the next chapter?
scar: Oh, no, finally things are getting interesting! Come on, keep reading.
/ivy: /main/, what do you think?
main: I don't mind the... erotic content, honestly. I'm comfortable.
/ivy: Fine...
/ivy: "Annisa smiled and bitten her lip..."
/ivy: While slowly... Kneeling...
/ivy: Would you care to explain what is so funny?
scar: Your face! You get so bothered by all of this. It's adorable!
scar: You're such an inexperienced, naive young girl, after all...
scar: I wonder how many of these things you've never even heard of before.
/ivy: Hey! I'm not so inexperienced anymore!
/ivy: ...
/ivy: Ahem. So, back to the reading.
scar: Fuck that book.
scar: You're telling me you got "experience now."
/ivy: I do, in fact, have more game than you think.
/ivy: Likely more than you, now that I have the opportunity!
scar: Hahaha, now that's cute.
scar: Alright, you're the one who made this a competition. /main/, come here.
main: I think we had enough wine...
scar: So, Ivy. What do you say?
scar: It's okay if you don't. I can keep him company myself.
scar: Wouldn't be the first time.
/ivy: Oh, Scarlett... You'll see who I have become!

/ivy: /main/!
main: Mh?
/ivy: Wake up!
main: What happens?
/ivy: I've found this with your stuff. Care to explain what it means?
main: Soran's safeguard!
scar: Hum? *yawn* What's going on?
/ivy: /main/? What are you up to?
main: Uh, that...
scar: It was my idea, Ivy.
scar: We needed a safe way out of this place.
/ivy: Out of this place? But I don't want to leave!
scar: Listen, Ivy. I know that you like it here, and /main/ has been a great host
from the beginning.
scar: But you have to understand that you can't stay in one place for too long!
scar: There is no limit to Elizabeth's reach. I want to protect you from her.
scar: Even if that means you get mad at me.
main: Besides, if she finds you, you will be forced to leave anyway, right?
/ivy: *Sigh*
/ivy: You're right. Both of you...
main: You can count on me. I will help you with whatever you need until you are
/ivy: Thanks, /main/. You're always so kind.
/ivy: Well... I guess there isn't much we can do.
/ivy: Still. This safeguard alone might not be enough to keep the Dutchess off our
/ivy: We might need something else... Something that gives us an edge.
scar: What's on your mind?
/ivy: I don't know...
main: Maybe I can find something.
scar: Right! You got the enchanted dagger, didn't you?
scar: Can't you check that place again? Maybe you can get something useful from
main: I think that's a good idea.
main: Let me see what I can find.
/ivy: Thank you, /main/...

Staff of Wisdom
main: Hey, Ivy. I found this staff; I think you should take a look at it.
/ivy: Oh, my! It looks quite old. Let me see.
/ivy: Hum... Yes, this is a powerful magic artifact. I can feel it in my hands.
/ivy: But it feels... drained of its power.
/ivy: Seems like time hasn't treated it nicely.
/ivy: I'm sure there is a way to restore it. There has to be.
main: How do we give it back its power?
/ivy: I don't know.
/ivy: It looks like an ancient relic. I'm not even sure it's from this world!
/ivy: My knowledge is not enough. I'm sorry, /main/.
main: It's fine. I'll ask around and see if someone has any advice.

Staff of Wisdom

main: I've found this ancient staff. Can you fix it?
erza: Fix it? Fix it??
erza: Of course I can fix it. Want me to trim your hair too? Maybe wash your smelly
clothes while I'm at it?
main: Uhm...
erza: NO WAY!!
erza: Do you think you can just show up and ask for favors??
erza: Piss off, mortal. I don't have time for you.
erza: I'm not your assistant, understand? Don't treat me like a commodity.
erza: Scram!!

main: Can you fix this staff? It seems to be working, but it's out of energy.
erza: Hum, I see... Quite a dangerous toy you have in your hands, human.
erza: Yes, I guess I can fix it for you. In exchange for something, of course.
main: Something? Such as what?
erza: Hum... I can't think of anything off the top of my head.
erza: But you're fun to play with, I admit that. You can do things to keep me
erza: Or maybe go on a quest for me. I'll come up with something later.
erza: Fine, now that I have your consent, give me the staff!
main: Uhm, I...
erza: I don't have the whole century!
main: Okay, here it is.
erza: Fine
main: !
erza: Done and done.
main: That's all!?
erza: Any complaints?
main: No, it's just, I didn't expect you to be this quick.
erza: And I expect you to leave this place just as quick!
erza: It's time for my nap... My nap of darkness!
main: Fine...
main: Thanks.
erza: Scram!!

main: I think I managed to fix the staff. Please, take another look at it.
/ivy: Oh! It feels completely different!
/ivy: Yes, I'm sure it has recovered its power.
/ivy: It feels quite overwhelming, to be honest.
/ivy: Thank you, /main/. I really appreciate it.
main: No problem.
/ivy: I will have to practice for a good while. Such a powerful item... is not easy
to use.
/ivy: But once I master it...
/ivy: I will be able to defend myself, and even you all.
/ivy: I don't want to leave Aurelia, /main/. Or you. I love this place too much.
main: I'm glad to hear that.
main: You will always have a place here.
/ivy: I should get started with my training as soon as possible.
main: I see. All right, then I'll leave you to it.
/ivy: Thank you, /main/.
main: Any time.

main: Oh.
/ivy: Hi, /main/!
scar: Hey! Come over here! We have some extra space for a cutie.
/ivy: Come closer, /main/.
scar: Leave something for the people, girl! I want a piece too.
/ivy: You will have your turn, Scarlet. I'm sure you've had enough of him so far.
scar: Well, look at you, Ivy! Way to throw yourself over a man!
/ivy: Excuse me? I'm not throwing myself!
scar: Yes, you are!
scar: It's fine. I like seeing you like that. My shy and pure /scarlet_role/...
scar: Okay, I'll let you play with him first. I want to watch. You don't mind,
/main/, do you?
main: Of course not.
/ivy: Come closer...

scar: Woah, Ivy! Way to go!

/ivy: [See? I'm not a little girl anymore.]
scar: Look at you!
scar: So hungry.
scar: Now I believe you!
scar: How's she doing it, /main/?
main: She's good.
scar: I'm sure she can do more.
/ivy: Hnnn...
scar: Oh, come on, I know you can.
/ivy: Hmm?
main: Oh!
scar: Shhh, it's fine. Just trust me. You can take some more, Ivy. Be brave!
scar: I'm here for you, as always. And I have to show you the way.
/ivy: Hmmm!
scar: Hey, it seems she likes it! What about you, /main/?
main: It's so good...
scar: That's it, keep doing it!
/ivy: Hmmm...
scar: See the face he's making? That means he's almost there! Give him some nice
nod, girl.
/ivy: Hmmm.... Mmhh...
main: Ivy!
scar: Yes!
/ivy: Mmmm~
scar: Nice taste, huh? Ha, ha!
scar: Well done, Ivy! I'm so proud of you.
/ivy: [I told you I can do this. You shouldn't underestimate me.]
/ivy: [I can do so much more than you think.]
scar: Look at /main/, you've made him so tired. In the mood for a nap?
main: No doubt.
scar: But next time I'm not letting you get all the spotlight for yourself~

/ivy: !
scar: How do you like it?
/ivy: I didn't know you'd... Ah!
scar: What kind of /scarlet_role/ would I be if I didn't give you a hand?
/ivy: It's... so much better this way!
scar: Enjoy.
/ivy: /main/, you're so hard...
scar: He likes seeing this, right?
main: Yeah... You're making her tighter, Scarlet.
scar: Oh, am I?
main: !
/ivy: /main/?
scar: Well, seems like someone liked our play.
/ivy: I'm so stuffed! Did you like it so much, /main/?
main: You two work so good off each other.
scar: I'm sure you saved something for me, right?
scar: You wouldn't let me come out dissatisfied.
main: Uhm...
/ivy: He's still hard...
scar: Move aside, Ivy. It's my turn now!
scar: See? I knew you had it in you, /main/.
scar: Keep it up!
/ivy: Scarlet... Never saw you this way.
scar: Well...
scar: You make it quite easy, Ivy.
/ivy: C-can you teach me?
scar: You can ask me any time, Ivy. It will be a pleasure to give you some lessons.
scar: /main/ gets to watch if he wants to. That would make me so wet.
scar: Oh! I made him twitch inside of me. He likes the idea.
main: Now you'll get it harder, Scarlet.
scar: Fuck! Nfff.
/ivy: Isn't his cock the best?
scar: It is~
main: Uhhh...
scar: Come on, cum inside of me! I want it!
/ivy: Ahh, Scarlet!
scar: Yes!!
scar: Ahh... Well done. Nh, that feels nice.
scar: That was fun, wasn't it?
/ivy: Yes...
/ivy: Let's do it some other time.
scar: Oh, aren't we enthusiastic! I'll have to get used to this side of you from
now on, Ivy.
/ivy: You liked it too, didn't you, /main/?
main: Ahh.... Yes, you two girls are the best.
main: I can't move anymore. I'm drained.
scar: Ha, ha! We won!
main: Yeah, for sure.
scar: Take some rest. Ivy and I will stay here a little longer.
scar: I can't stop kissing this cute little face.
/ivy: I didn't imagine myself, kissing my /scarlet_role/ in this bed...
/ivy: And that it would feel so nice.
scar: You naughty~
/ivy: Shut up.
scar: Hey there.
main: Hi, Scarlet. Did I wake you up?
scar: No, not at all.
scar: Come closer.
main: ?
scar: What do we have here?
scar: Does our friend want to play with us?
main: Scarlet...
scar: I miss our friend... and I'm sure it would love to see us again.
scar: Ah, see? It's waking up, just like me!
scar: That's it... We have to give him some love, don't we?
scar: And I think it's a great time for a late night snack, don't you think?
main: If that's the case, then I have something here you will like.
scar: Oh, that's great to hear!
scar: Hi there, nice to see you, finally.
scar: Oh, how big you are tonight~
scar: Oh? What's it? You want to see my /scarlet_role/ too? Of course!
scar: I'm sure she'll be delighted.
scar: Come on, Ivy, I know you are awake. Stop spying and join the party.
/ivy: Fine, I'm awake.
scar: You peeping Tom~
/ivy: Can I join, or do you prefer it if I watch?


scar: Great!
main: !
scar: Mmh, it tastes so good. Just as always.
scar: Oh? Ivy? What are you doing, you bad girl?
/ivy: Watching, as /main/ told me to.
scar: I can feel you fondling me, dummy.
/ivy: What, don't you like it when I give my /scarlet_role/ some love?
scar: Oh, no, it's not that.
scar: Go ahead, girl. Make me feel good.
scar: Right there, Ivy, right there!
main: Oh...
/ivy: Right here?
scar: Mhhh...
/ivy: A little more then... But you'll have to suck harder.
main: Oh fuck!
/ivy: Here you go!
scar: Mhhhhh!
main: !
scar: !
/ivy: That looks hot~
scar: Oh, Ivy, you made it so much better.
scar: Can't wait to see what other things our little Ivy has learned behind my
/ivy: You bet there is a lot I haven't shown you yet~


/ivy: Move out of the way, Scarlet~
scar: Ha, ha! You needy slut!
main: Fuck...
/ivy: [!]
scar: Hey, don't mind me, Ivy. I'm just here to watch. Can't I give my
/scarlet_role/ a push while I'm at it?
scar: Don't let me interrupt you~ Come on, get to sucking.
/ivy: [I don't need you to tell me.]
main: Ah, your lips...
scar: They're good, aren't they? Lips that haven't tasted any cock but yours...
main: Ngh...
scar: She likes it enough to act this desperate about it.
scar: What a thirsty young lady you have become.
/ivy: [Like you wouldn't do the same]
main: That's it!
main: Deeper, Ivy...
scar: Come on, you can do it! Use that tongue of yours! Lick his shaft and then
suck on his head.
main: Ugh...
scar: Good, good! Now push harder! Let him feel your throat!
/ivy: [Mmmmm]
scar: That's it, that's the spirit!
main: !
scar: Well done~
scar: I'm so proud of my little /scarlet_role/.
scar: Seal those lips until it's dry.
/ivy: [So much...]
main: Ahhh-
scar: Good job~

scar: Hey, handsome. Nice to see you again.
/ivy: Hi, /main/. Come in, we'll make some room for you.
scar: Are you looking for some fun?
main: Actually...
/ivy: Don't be shy. We have a warm place here right between both of us.
main: All right, don't mind if I do...
scar: Come cuddle with me, /main/.
/ivy: Oh, Scarlet, don't be selfish! /main/ and I were here before you.
/ivy: I'm sure he wants to cuddle with me first.
scar: I think that's his call to make, don't you agree?
/ivy: Do you want to embrace me, /main/?
scar: I have something nice here just for you.
/ivy: What will it be?

/ivy: Mh...
/ivy: Oh, /main/, you like me so much? You're so big and hard.
scar: Look at little Ivy, with her dirty talk.
scar: Here, let me give you something nice.
/ivy: Ah, yes, it makes it so much better!
/ivy: I could do this all day.
scar: Give me those sweet lips.
/ivy: They are all yours.
main: Ah, you're going wild...
main: You'll make me explode...
/ivy: Watch us to your heart's content, /main/.
scar: Anything that makes you harder.
scar: So you can pound Ivy until she writhe's in my arms.
/ivy: Oh, Scarlet! Scarlet...!
main: !
/ivy: Ah!
scar: Hey, look at all that load~
/ivy: We put up a good show for him, didn't we?
/ivy: I'm glad for you, /main/.
main: You girls know how to get me going.
scar: Oh, what a thrust!
scar: Someone was waiting for this.
scar: F-fuck that's rough.
/ivy: This... this is good, /main/! Keep it up!
/ivy: Come on, pound her harder!
scar: Hey, look at you! You're telling your host to fuck your /scarlet_role/
scar: While getting all wet over my fingers.
/ivy: /main/~
/ivy: Make her shut up.
scar: !
/ivy: That's it, harder.
scar: Wait, wait.
scar: I'm gonna...!
scar: !
/ivy: Don't stop it, doesn't matter how much she shakes.
scar: T-this isn't fair.
main: !
scar: FUCK.
/ivy: Awh, you look so messy!
scar: I-I...
/ivy: Shaking while getting filled up.


main: *Breathes heavily*
scar: We exhausted him again.
scar: It's so delightful to see him have so much fun with us.
/ivy: You're such a bad girl when you want to, Scarlet.
scar: Look who's talking!
/ivy: Any problem with that?
scar: Oh, no, not at all. I love it.
scar: Be sure to join us again soon, /main/.
/ivy: We'll be nice to you.
main: Sure... But for now, I need a rest.


jane: Oh! That's so kind of you, /main/. As always.
jane: Ah, you have such a great sense for these things.
jane: Strong hands too.
jane: That's it, don't be shy.
jane: Ah... So relaxing.
jane: I think I have a contracture down there. Give me some love there too,
main: Are you sure?
jane: Yes, yes. Come on, I know you're gonna make me feel good.
jane: We're alone now, just you and me.
jane: Do it the way you know I like.
main: Like this?
jane: Yes, just like that, exactly.
jane: Ah, you're so talented. Mmh, that's right.
jane: Keep going. A little lower, honey. Come on.
jane: Let me make it easier for you.
main: Oh.
jane: See? Here is where I want it. It hurts so much, baby. Make it better, will
main: Sure.
jane: Oh? What's the matter?
main: Huh?
jane: You were doing so well! Aren't you comfortable with this?
main: Oh, no, no, it's not that at all.
jane: Then go ahead.
jane: Don't be shy, grab a handful, sweetie! These two love buns are here for you.
main: All right...
jane: Ah, that's it. See? Keep doing it, just like that.
jane: Nice and easy. Good, good.
jane: Mmh...
jane: Do you like them?
main: Yes, they're so perky.
jane: Thanks, honey.
jane: I might have a few more years than you, but also much more love to give.
jane: Ah... I feel so much better.
jane: Hope you've enjoyed it, honey.
jane: Make sure to come back any time you want.


Amber singing
Where's Amber?
Luna's essence - Need a bottle
Give her the ancient sap
About the brothel
Your services
About Amber


luna: It will be my pleasure, /main/. I'll give you the first-class service.
luna: Here, let's go inside a booth. Make yourself comfortable.
luna: How does it feel, /main/?
main: It's very nice. You weren't lying.
luna: I've been at this job for a while. I know all the tricks.
luna: Relax, and enjoy this moment.
luna: That's it. Good boy.
luna: Rest your head on my thighs. Rest all your weight on me.
luna: Let me take care of you. I'm sure you're so tired right now. So worried.
luna: Let me make it all better.
main: You smell nice.
main: !
luna: I'm like a flower, after all.
luna: Oh, we're getting very hard, are we?
luna: That's good.
luna: You can let go. I'll tend to all your needs tonight.
main: ??
luna: What's the matter, /main/?
main: I… feel strange.
luna: I see. It's okay; there's nothing to be worried about.
luna: I'm an exceptional girl. My body isn't like the others.
luna: It naturally secretes a sap that you'll absorb through your skin. It's not
dangerous, though.
luna: Some people like to take it. It helps them relax. But too much will make you
pass out.
luna: But it would be a shame that you fainted and missed the best part of this,
wouldn't it?
luna: So I'll keep it short. I see you're almost ready.
main: Ah, I'm gonna…
luna: I know. Let's go there, /main/.
luna: Whenever you want.
main: !!
luna: That's it! Well done!
luna: My, that's such a generous load. You're a very good boy, /main/.
luna: I'm glad I could be of use.
luna: Please, return any time you want. I'll be more than happy to serve you again.

//2nd HJ
luna: Let's go inside a booth then.
luna: It's good to be doing this again. I missed you.
main: I missed this too.
luna: Now you can relax and enjoy the evening. I'm sure you've had a long day.
luna: Let me make you feel good.
luna: How is it?
main: It's perfect. Keep going just like this.
luna: All right. Let's take our time; there is no rush.
main: This is easily the best handjob I've ever got. You're great, Luna.
luna: …
luna: Sigh…
luna: I've had a lot of practice. I know my technique is very refined. You have no
idea how many men I have serviced.
luna: I can say with confidence that there's nobody here with a better stroke than
luna: You're quite lucky.
luna: …
main: What is it?
luna: I'm sorry, /main/. I shouldn't get distracted when I'm servicing our special
luna: It's just that… seeing a young, vigorous man like you, like this… makes me
luna: My body's sap is so powerful… that most men faint before we can finish our
foreplay, you know?
luna: It's been so long… since I've had a proper, you know… fun time with somebody.
luna: Ah, just thinking about it makes my body ache and burn…
luna: How I crave to feel it, at least once more time…
luna: At least I'll make sure you have a nice moment yourself.
luna: So enjoy my hospitality, /main/. I'm pleased to make you feel good.
main: I'll do it.
luna: What?
main: I'll make you feel good, too. Luna, let's do it. I want you.
luna: But, how will you…?
main: I'll resist. Trust me.

//If Fails
luna: Alright, let me push you a bit.
main: Oh shit...
main: Ngh…
main: Damn.
main: !
main: I'm sorry, Luna. I-I thought I had it.
luna: Don't worry, /main/. I told you, this is not easy.
luna: But I sincerely appreciate that you tried. That alone makes me happy.
main: I'll find a way. I want to do it with you, Luna.
main: I'll try again...
luna: You're so sweet. All right, we can give it another go some other time.

//If Succeds
luna: Alright, let me push you a bit.
main: Oh shit...
main: Ngh…
luna: /main/?
luna: Ah, you did it!
luna: Oh, /main/! You're so vigorous!
luna: Let's not waste a moment of this.
luna: Yes, yes, keep on pounding me!
luna: It's been so long! I had forgotten how good this was!
luna: Don't hold back, give me your all!
luna: Ah, yes! How could I go for so long without this?
luna: I needed it so badly!
main: Then I'll give you something to remember. Brace yourself.
luna: Don't hold back at all!!
luna: Ah, it feels so big inside… You'll make me burst!
main: Want me to go easier on you?
luna: What?? No! No, a million times no!
luna: Do it harder, /main/! Harder!
main: Alright.
luna: Yes, make me feel alive again!
luna: Ahhh!!
luna: Yeeeeeees!
main: You're shaking, Luna.
luna: Yes~ I don't recall the last time I came like this.
luna: Keep going, /main/, I'm begging you!
luna: You're so hard, I'm going insane!
main: Mh, I'm getting close…
luna: Just a bit more /main/.
main: Nfff.
luna: I want to cum again~
luna: Please~
main: I'm trying!
luna: Almost t-there.
luna: Stuff me with your hot,thick cum!
luna: I want it all deep in my body!
main: !
luna: Ahhhh, yes!!
luna: Yes, shoot up inside of me!!
luna: I can feel it!
luna: Ohh, I needed this… Oh, I needed this so badly.
main: I'm exhausted.
luna: Of course… You've endured all my tests! You are the best, /main/…
luna: Thank you. I'm in heaven now~

//HJ Loop
luna: I can't wait to get started. Let's go, /main/.
luna: You know, all this time you've been in my mind.
luna: The memories of what you did to me… are fresh in my body.
luna: Ever since you and I shared that moment, I feel different. I feel restored.
luna: But at the same time, I feel even hotter than ever.
luna: You've injected life back into my body.
luna: I think of you… when I'm alone.
luna: I dream of the moment I can satisfy you again.
luna: And every time I see you enter the brothel, I feel happy.
main: !!
luna: Liking this, aren't you?
luna: I will always do my best to give you a good time. So enjoy my talents, all of
them if you will.
luna: Use my body any way you want. Ask for anything. I'll give it all to you.
luna: This body that burns just for having you here.
luna: Ah, we're getting bigger… Good boy, good boy.
luna: I can see that our friend here wants to feel nice again.
luna: What should we do about this?

main: Keep stroking… I'm almost there.
luna: Very well, then so we'll do.
luna: There, there, just a bit faster…
luna: Just feel my hand up and down, up and down, giving you all of Luna's love…
luna: Excellent~
luna: All your troubles and worries disappear just like that.
luna: You can always trust that I'll make you feel good.
main: I never doubted it.

//HJ if ends in breeding

luna: Yes, /main/! Oh, thank you, thank you! This is what I was craving!
luna: Ah, I can feel your strength and your vigor! Yes, give me more of that. I
need it all!
main: You're already so tight. Did you miss me so much?
luna: Yes, you have no idea!
luna: Your warm, hard cock will drive me insane!
luna: I thought I wanted to find people able to withstand my sap...
luna: But now that I got you around...
luna: I'll stop looking, you're the only one who'll get this service.
luna: Exclusive to you, boss~
main: I guess I have to come back to you again and again then.
luna: Yes, please~
luna: This womb is yours to fill.
main: !
luna: /main/!!!
luna: Ohhh!
luna: Oh, yes… Ah… That was good…
luna: It's warm… and feels so nice…
luna: That's it…
luna: That's the good stuff.

//Brothel's Questline
//About the Brothel
About the brothel
luna: Just as you see it, the brothel is now a shadow of what it used to be…
luna: It makes me a little sad to see what it has become.
luna: It might be pretty quiet now, but not too long ago… this place was thriving.
luna: We’d be bustling every night, clients gathering in the lounge waiting for
their turn.
luna: Such a lively atmosphere.
main: But what happened?
luna: Well, it wasn’t all roses. Back in the day, the brothel would open to
anybody. And that made us very popular.
luna: Business was profitable, all the girls had work every night, and money was
luna: But some clients would give our girls a bad time. You know how some of them
luna: We had to deal with less than pleasurable customers, once and again. And the
girls weren’t happy about it. I understand.
luna: I knew I had to do something to protect my staff. But I couldn’t do it by
myself. So I reached out to Soran.
main: Ah, I see. So he put Kivir at the door to keep the bad customers away?
luna: Yes. He also brought Amber as a dance number. It seemed like things would get
luna: But it was too late. The girls were leaving the brothel, and fewer customers
mean less money for everybody.
luna: So after that, all the girls bailed out.
main: And I assume that Soran would take a cut of the brothel’s earnings.
luna: Bingo.
main: I see… So this is a challenging situation for everybody.
luna: I don’t want to close this place. It’s my business and my second home. I love
everyone here.
luna: I just… don’t know what to do to keep this boat afloat.
main: Can’t you talk to Soran? If he’s in this business with you, then he’ll want
this place to make money, right?
main: There must be something he can do.
luna: I don’t think so. He’s not very interested in the brothel. He barely shows up
at all, and just to collect the money.
luna: Maybe he just sees us as a bad investment.
luna: I understand that. But, still… it breaks my heart.

//Talking to Soran
sora: Ah, the brothel. Yes, yes, I’m aware of the situation there.
sora: The girls ain’t doing very well, aye.
main: Is there something that can be done about it? They seem to be doing their
sora: Times are tough for them, lad. Many left the place already, and I don’t blame
sora: But I have other businesses to mind at the moment. More fruitful, profitable
sora: It’s sad for the girls, but I don’t have time to lend them a hand. There
isn’t much to do, anyway.
sora: And I ain’t got the money either. You know how these things are. You gotta
make an investment if you want something to thrive.
sora: I have poured all my resources into my other endeavors. Not a coin to spare.
sora: Ah, if only this goddamn gambling wasn’t emptying my pockets every night…
sora: Regardless!
sora: Sorry, lad. But I can’t help ya.
main: Money, hm?
main: If this is a matter of money… then what if, say, I made a donation?
sora: A donation??
main: Yes. How much is needed?
sora: Ha, ha, ha! Look at yourself, going out of your way to help a bunch o’
sora: You know what? Fine. You’re a good lad, after all.
sora: I have no time and no interest in bringing that place back up, but I’ll make
you an offer.
sora: I’ll sell you my share of the brothel. Then it’s gonna be your problem, not
main: Sell me your share? You mean… you wouldn’t have any influence in the brothel
sora: Not anymore! But you see, the price has to be fair. 2,000 coins!
main: 2,000??
sora: Yes, it’s a valuable establishment, after all.
sora: Bring me 2,000 gold coins, and my share of the brothel is yours. And then you
can do whatever the hell you want with it.

sora: You have to be kidding me.
sora: You really want to do it??
main: Do I look like I’m not being serious?
sora: Ha, ha! Very well! I’ll take your money. Let me count the coins.
sora: Hum! It all seems to be right.
main: So we have a deal?
sora: You bet we do! Ah, now the burden has lifted off my shoulders.
sora: Go, lad. Do whatever you want with the brothel. Tell Luna I’ll go over
tonight to collect my last share, and then, I’m off for good.
sora: Congratulations, now you own half a brothel. Your life as a businessman has
just begun!

//Talking to luna again

I bought Soran's cut
luna: You did what??
main: I bought Soran's share of the brothel. Now you don't have to play by his
rules or give him any more money.
luna: But… But…
luna: How did you make it?
main: I convinced him. He set a price, and I paid for it.
main: What's the matter? You look pale.
luna: I'm sorry, it's just… This is so sudden.
main: Did I make a mistake?
luna: Oh, no, not at all! You were so incredibly generous. Thank you so much,
luna: This changes everything. Where do we go from here?
main: I'm sure you know how to manage this place. I'll help you with anything you
luna: Words can't express how much this means to me. I'll do my best.
luna: And I'll give you a cut of the earnings from now on.
main: That's not necessary.
luna: I insist! You and I are business partners now. And besides, I owe you for
what you did for us.
main: Then let me help in some other way. I want to get involved.
main: What else can I do for you and for the brothel?
luna: Well…
luna: One serious issue we have is that the alcohol we sell doesn't leave us good
luna: Orson provides all the drinks, but the price reduction isn't enough for us to
make a decent profit.
main: I'll talk to him.
luna: Thank you so much, /main/. I'm so looking forward to restoring this place to
its former glory!

//Talking to Orson
Brothel's Alcohol
orso: I've heard that now you're running things at the brothel! Didn't see that one
orso: I don't know. You're asking quite a lot from me. It's a risk, after all.
orso: There isn't much I can do.
main: Come on, Orson. Luna has been your client for so long. Can't you give us a
hand on this one?
orso: I have my own family to feed. I can't just give away my bottles.
main: I know, but I'm not asking for free alcohol. Just a price adjustment that
will benefit you just as much as us.
main: We're revamping the brothel, and better sales mean that everybody wins in the
orso: I still have to see that happen. I've heard that the girls are facing tough
main: We will change that. Luna is working hard to make everything work.
main: Even in those tough times, she was always a faithful client, right?
orso: Yes…
main: And she always paid in time, even though money was tight, right?
orso: Yeah…
main: I promise that we'll make the business better if you help us this once and
increase the orders.
main: You'll make up for the loss and help a good woman run her business.
orso: Ah, you know what? Fine. I'll give you what you want.
orso: You have a way with words, I see. All right, I'll give you a better price for
the alcohol.
orso: Go tell her that.
main: We appreciate it, Orson. You'll see it will be for the better.

//Telling Luna
Brothel's Alcohol
luna: You did it??
luna: Ah, that makes me so happy!
luna: This will give us a significant boost in revenue, I can tell you.
luna: Of course, that means your own profit will increase as well.
main: I’m glad to hear that. Is there anything else I can do for you?
luna: I’m sure I can think of something else.
luna: This place has many issues I haven’t been able to take care of, for lack of
time and resources.
luna: I’ll assess the situation tonight. I’m sure I’ll have a list of errands very

//Brothel management tree

Managing the brothel
Improving the brothel
Hiring someone
luna: Alright!
luna: Tell me~
luna: Sure!
luna: I got some tasks for you!
luna: Our revitalizing cocktails were extremely popular back in the day. They would
allow customers to get longer dates and enjoy them all the way.
luna: But revitalizers are hard to obtain, and it’s been a while since we’ve had
them on our menu.
main: So you want me to get some of those for the bar?
luna: Yes, yes! Once the clients know the cocktails are back in stock, they’ll fly
off the shelves, I tell you.
main: How many do you need?
luna: Three is good to start.
main: On it.

///Once the task is done

luna: This is exactly what I needed!
luna: Thanks /main/, I’ll store them right away.
main: Pleased to help.

//The booths
The booths
luna: After all these years, the curtains and tapestry of our booths are worn and
luna: The best material for replacing those is ancient silky cloth. We need a piece
to refurbish this place.
main: Where do I get that cloth?
luna: You can’t get it anywhere, you have to craft it. Lily at the store has an
alchemy set, I'm sure she won't mind if you ask for it.
luna: But you can search for the components needed. If I remember correctly, it’s
two antique rags and one ectoplasm.
luna: Not sure where you can find the ingredients, though.
main: I'll keep an eye open for those.
luna: Great, then!
luna: I’ll give you the details again if you need.
main: Got it.

//Once the task is done

luna: Perfect! This is it! Oh, and it’s so well made. Did you craft it yourself?
luna: The touch is superb! Now our customers won’t ever want to leave the booths.
luna: I’ll get them reupholstered right away. Thank you, /main/, a lot.
main: My pleasure.

//Asking for a hire (without upgrades)

luna: Clients want skilled and beautiful women and a wide selection to choose from.
luna: The more we can offer, the better.
luna: But we need to produce more money to pay for them, which we aren't able at
the moment.
luna: Plus, some additional investment to spread the word around.
luna: We must keep upgrading the brothel as much as we can.

//Asking for a hire (with upgrades)

luna: Yes, I think it’s time to hire new girls. This place needs a bit more life.
luna: What type of girl do you think we should hire, /main/?

//Brothel Management
Goblin - 800 gold
Harpy - In Development
Oni - 800
Draenei - 2200 gold
In Development
Managing the brothel
Improving the brothel
Hiring someone
luna: Here's your accumulated share!
luna: Don't waste it all at once.
Getting my share
Brothel's state

//Brothel state
luna: The brothel makes around /brothel_money/ gold every night.
luna: Barely any profits at the moment; there's much to do.
luna: We are doing a bit better now, thanks to you /main/. We have to keep pushing!
luna: This place is much more lively now; it starts to remind me how it shined long
luna: Now this is what I wanted from this brothel, so full of life~
luna: You blew away expectations /main/. In so many ways~

//Picking Goblin
luna: I like the way you think.
luna: It will take me 5 days to do it.

//Meeting Ki-ki for the first time

kiki: Hello, welcome, welcome! Please, make yourself comfortable!
kiki: Ask for anything you want! And you'll be served!
main: Hi, what a lively girl. I haven't seen you before, what's your name?
kiki: I'm Ki-Ki, but you can call me whatever you want. What makes you feel good, I
will take.
kiki: You'll see, I'm a very naughty goblin. I'm sure I deserve any name you come
up with!
main: Huh… okay. I'm /main/, nice to meet you, Ki-Ki.
kiki: /main/?? Ohh! You're my boss, then!
kiki: Please, forgive me, boss! I should have known. I'm just so empty-headed, you
know? Dumb and dirty, that's what I am, he, he.
main: Right…
main: And just call me /main/, I'm just helping here, I'm nobody's boss.
kiki: Yes, /main/! Anything you wish!
kiki: Please, come to the booth so I can apologize properly for my misbehavior.
main: There's no need for that really...
kiki: I insist~
kiki: Please, follow me to the booth.

//Dialogue Tree
kiki: Hello boss~
kiki: Please, let me serve you today.

//DT first time

kiki: Aaaahhhhh!
kiki: Oh, sweet Lord!
kiki: Look at that!
kiki: How will I fit that entire thing inside my throat?? It will make me burst at
the seams!
kiki: I won't even be able to breathe!
main: I'm sorry, if you feel uncomfortable, then…
kiki: Uncomfortable??
kiki: *Smooch* *Smooch* *Smooch*
kiki: I LOVE IT!!
kiki: Best boss I could ask for!!
main: !
main: Woah!
kiki: Huh, huh…
main: Way to go…
kiki: Guhh… Uggg…
kiki: Aaaaaaaaaaah!
main: Alright, Luna made the right call when she hired you, Ki-Ki.
kiki: Thanks, boss!
kiki: Oh, I missed a spot!
main: !
main: I'm getting ready… Will you swallow?
kiki: M-hm!
main: Good.
main: Just a little more.
main: !
kiki: Mmmmm~
kiki: Ahhhh… Yummy.
kiki: *Cough*
kiki: Awwww, even left me a bit sore~
kiki: Thank you, boss.
kiki: I'll work very hard for you!
kiki: Yes, yes, yes~ Into the booth, please.
kiki: *Smooch* *Smooch* *Smooch*
main: You didn't waste a second.
kiki: Sorry boss~
kiki: I couldn't wait to put it on my lips.
kiki: Can I give the tip a sloppy kiss, please?
main: Sure.
main: !
kiki: Guhh… Uggg…
main: Quite a way of kissing.
kiki: Aaaaaah!
kiki: Sorry, a force of habit.
main: Felt deliberate to me.
kiki: Maybe~
main: !
kiki: Aaaaaah!
kiki: I just don't want to seem that desperate.
main: You say that, but can't stay there without putting it in your mouth.
main: Nfff
main: See?
kiki: M-hm~
kiki: *Cough*
kiki: Sorry, I try to save face.
kiki: But all I want is to be your little goblin cumdump.
main: Good girl.
kiki: Thank you boss~
main: Much better.
kiki: Guhh… Uggg…
main: Just there...
main: !
main: ...
kiki: Mmmmmm~
main: Ki-ki. T-that's enough.
kiki: Aaaaaaaaaah~
kiki: I didn't want to waste it~
kiki: Am I a good whore, boss?
main: Certainly.

//Sex loop
kiki: Yes!! Right this way!
kiki: Oh, I can't wait…
kiki: Pull me up, boss~
kiki: Nnnnh!
kiki: So big! So big!
main: You like it, Ki-ki?
kiki: Yes!! Ah, fuck my little goblin hole!
kiki: Ahhh! It goes so deep inside of me! I'm gonna break!
kiki: This is what I was made for~
main: You're the tightest girl I've ever come across.
kiki: Thank you, boss!
kiki: Please put me in my place~
kiki: All I want is to be your goblin cumdump.
main: You already are.
kiki: Yes, I am~
kiki: Use me properly, p-please.
kiki: Yes!! Yes, I'm such a dirty little slut!!
main: !
kiki: Boss~
kiki: Look at what mess you made.
kiki: I hope it means you're satisfied.
kiki: If not, you can keep using me until you are.
kiki: I'm your little goblin cumdump after all.

//Ginny Quest
//First meeting
ginn: A visitor! Welcome, welcome! Come in!
main: Hi. I thought this place was empty.
main: My name’s /main/, nice to meet you. You are…?
ginn: I’m Ginny, acolyte of the Goddess Lyrei.
ginn: I believe I haven’t seen you before. Are you a pilgrim, or a new parishioner
main: Neither, actually. I came here out of curiosity. I’ve never seen this place
main: So this is the church of Lyrei, you say?
ginn: Yes, that is right. I apologize if I was a bit too enthusiastic, I’m not
usually like that.
ginn: But it is not frequent for us to receive visitors anymore. Or for me, should
I say…
ginn: Regardless! Be welcomed to our church. Here we worship the wondrous Lyrei,
goddess of love and all that’s beautiful.
ginn: She’s a presence of light that watches over those whose heart is pure, and
blesses the connections between the souls.
main: That statue over there, is that a sculpture of Lyrei?
ginn: Yes, it is. The artist has captured the true essence of the goddess.
ginn: If you come to Lyrei asking for blessings or enlightening, she shall gladly
give you the guidance you need.
ginn: She is a kind deity who will help you find love in the world of mortals and
form a deep connection with the beauty within.
ginn: Now that you have discovered Lyrei, I will be more than glad to share her
wisdom with you.
ginn: Please, do stay, and open your heart to her teachings.

//The Sermon
ginn: A pleasure /main/. Take a seat anywhere; I'll start shortly.
ginn: You see, this world is full of temptations and seduction, but most pleasure
is fleeting and shallow by nature.
ginn: There are very few things in this world that are truly, deeply beautiful, and
stand the test of time.
ginn: In this chaotic world, Lyrei reminds us of what is truly important. A
profound, meaningful connection with other living beings.
ginn: And the way to see this is no other than love itself. When we love each
other, we can truly bring the world back together.
ginn: We become aware, compassionate beings that join forces for a greater purpose.
ginn: Developing our capacity to love does take time, but love is patient, and
Lyrei will always bless those who cultivate it in their hearts.
ginn: That is how our Goddess guides those of pure intent towards each other so
they can find their one, true, lifelong partner.
ginn: The one with whom they will share a connection unmatched by any other in
their lifetime.

//Post Sermon
main: That speech was very nice.
ginn: It has been a while since I have been blessed with such an attentive
ginn: We used to have a congregation back in the day. People would love to gather
under this roof and listen to Lyrei’s wisdom.
ginn: Ah… But times have not been kind to our church. So much I would do to restore
it to its former splendor.
main: Why? What happened?
ginn: You see… We used to have many monks and acolytes working here, and the cult
to Lyrei was flourishing.
ginn: But then… the Duchess decided to withdraw her support from our congregation.
ginn: New taxation was imposed on our temple, and it was too much for many to bear.
ginn: They left one by one.
ginn: They had dedicated their life to the service of Lyrei, but as soon as money
got tight… they were quick to find a new temple somewhere else.
ginn: So I am the only one who is left. Holding on, doing my best to keep the
church afoot.
ginn: Which is not easy, not with the new tax regime. Expenses pile up on top of
each other, and the temple… is suffering.
ginn: Things get broken or need replacements, but all I can do is patch things up
here and there. All by myself.
ginn: Do not get me wrong, I love serving this church and my goddess, but…
sometimes it does get overwhelming.
ginn: All I can do is hope that the next day I will get enough donations to keep
the church going and give Lyrei the dedicated worship she deserves.

//Green Bone Tea Request

ginn: /main/! There you are!
main: Hi, Ginny. How have you been doing?
ginn: Great, indeed! I wanted to see you again, to thank you for what you have done
for the church.
ginn: I have seen your contributions. You are such a generous man! I will
definitely put them to use soon.
ginn: Some repairs need to be performed, and now I will be able to afford them!
Blessings of Lyrei upon you /main/.
main: No problem, I'm here to help. Do you need anything else? I can give you a
hand with the renovations.
ginn: Ha, ha! That is so nice of you. But thanks, I am stronger than I look.
ginn: I shall be fine.
main: All right, if you don't need anything at all…
ginn: Well…
main: What?
ginn: Oh, no, nothing important.
main: Ginny, you know you can tell me.
ginn: Oh, fine, it is just… Something a bit more personal.
main: Do tell.
ginn: Well… You see, I can do the work just fine, but… temple duty is so tiring,
especially when you are by yourself.
ginn: And all the worries… I have to take care of it all, you know.
ginn: It gets a bit difficult to sleep at night. The mind keeps going and going.
ginn: When I was little, my mom used to make me Green Bone tea.
ginn: It's far from delicious, but it certainly helps relaxing.
ginn: Here, let me write the recipe down for you.
ginn: And thank you, /main/. You are so kind.

//Giving the tea

ginn: You have it!
ginn: This is wonderful! I'll give it a try this night.
ginn: Thank you. Here, I made this for you.
ginn: As a token of appreciation.
//Ginny surprise 1
ginn: DAMN IT!
main: ?
main: That was Ginny... It came from the private quarters...

//Ginny surprise 2
main: Ginny, are you alright? I heard you scream.
main: !
ginn: ??
ginn: /main/??
main: I’m sorry! I didn’t mean to…
ginn: What are you doing here??
ginn: You cannot be here; these are my private quarters!! This place is off-
main: I…
ginn: Scram!!
main: Sorry, sorry!...
ginn: NOW!!

//Post Surprise
ginn: You, little peeper.
main: I'm sorry for what happened, Ginny, I-
ginn: Did you see what you wanted to see? Huh?
main: No, that's-
ginn: Did you take a good look at it?
main: I didn't-
ginn: What did you see? Tell me!
main: Uhm…
ginn: Tell me, /main/! It's the least you can do!
main: Calm down, Ginny. I didn't see much.
main: Just you with some rope...
ginn: That's already too much! What you did was completely unacceptable!
ginn: You'll have to compensate for your disrespectful attitude, young man.
main: But-
ginn: No excuses!
ginn: ...
ginn: Bring me a nullifying rope.
ginn: The girl in the book store has a book about artifacts with all you need to
ginn: Get on to it!

//Giving the rope

ginn: Good.
ginn: I consider your debt almost paid.
main: Almost?
ginn: Did you really think this was all?
ginn: Come see me later. I need your help.
main: All right… I’ll be there.
ginn: I will be waiting. Don’t be late.

//Scene pre
ginn: There you are! Good. Now we can start.
main: May I know what's this all about?
ginn: Remember the tea that I asked you to fetch for me? The green bone tea?
main: Yes. Has it worked for you?
ginn: To be honest… not really.
main: I'm sorry to hear that. You still have trouble sleeping?
ginn: Sigh.
ginn: The tea was never meant to help me with my sleep.
ginn: Lirey blessed me from a young age with unmeasured strength.
ginn: I was just... Experimenting... Wanted to feel truly helpless for once...
ginn: The tea was supposed to keep at bay said blessings.
ginn: But it barely lasted more than 5 minutes, I was able to break the rope
effortlessly after that.
main: So that's what you were doing the other night? Tying yourself up?
ginn: Dare not judge me!
ginn: I must remind you of the fact that you are here to make up for your offence!
ginn: You must help me now. Restrain me with the Nullifying Rope.
ginn: I will not be able to untie myself afterward, which is why I need your
main: I get it… I think.
main: So I'll be here until you're done, and then, untie the knots. Is that
ginn: Exactly. Glad to see we are on the same page.
ginn: Proceed.

//Rope Scene
ginn: Finally…
ginn: It feels exactly like it should… This will work wonders.
ginn: I can feel it already. My body, getting weaker just by the touch of it…
ginn: I shall be so defenseless…
ginn: Assist me. My limbs are weakening…
ginn: I'm not used to this sensation, my limbs weakening by the moment.
main: Now?
ginn: Yes! You better tie some good, tight knots. Understand?
main: Sure.
main: Heh.
ginn: Why do you chuckle??
main: I like to see you so enthusiastic about this.
ginn: Silence!
ginn: It is not what it may seem to your young, dirty mind.
ginn: So put yourself to the task! I do not have all night.
main: All right.
main: Is it okay like this?
ginn: I am truly, tied down and trapped! There is no way I can break free!
ginn: I have never been so… so…
ginn: Powerless…
main: ...
ginn: ?
ginn: …Why are you looking around like that?
main: You're lying to me.
ginn: What are you talking about??
ginn: Wait, what are you doing!?
main: See! I knew it.
main: You didn't even bother to hide your toys. This was in plain sight.
ginn: Well, these are my private quarters!
ginn: And what I do in my private time is none of your business!
main: But you knew I was coming tonight, yet you didn't bother to hide them?
main: It's almost like you wanted this.
main: You know, to help the powerlessness.
main: Here, let me help with that.
ginn: I-I don't...
ginn: Wait!
ginn: Ugh!
main: There, how do you like it?
ginn: Ah!
ginn: I d-do not! This is not of my liking!
main: Are you sure? Doesn't look like that from here.
ginn: Nonsense! Don't make me go there and hurt you.
main: Alright, try.
ginn: I-I... I can't...
main: Yeah, you can't do anything about it.
main: In fact, why don't I can go back home and let somebody else find you like
this tomorrow morning?
main: How do you like that?
ginn: DON'T YOU DARE!!
main: Hm?
ginn: Gh…
ginn: D-don't… Don't go.
main: What is that? Your voice is too faint I can't hear you.
ginn: …
ginn: Don't go. Stay. Please.
main: What did you say? Again, and louder.
ginn: Please. Please! Don't go!
ginn: Stay… Stay with me. Please.
ginn: Ah!
main: All right. I will stay.
ginn: Mmmh!
main: Toying with you is fun after all.
ginn: Why does it feel like this…?
ginn: Ngh!
ginn: /main/...
main: ?
ginn: It's poking through your pants...
ginn: You're enjoying this too...
ginn: C-can I touch it?
main: Sure.
ginn: Mh!??
main: Oh please, don't look at me like that.
main: You literally got your tongue out before I even tried.
ginn: ...
ginn: Nho...
main: Then, why bob your head up and down like that?
ginn: Mfhhh…
main: So stubborn~
main: Good elf. Just like that.
main: Are you enjoying yourself?
ginn: Hfff…
main: I know you have me in your mouth, but try to speak more clearly, will you?
main: Again. Are you enjoying yourself, Ginny?
ginn: …
ginn: Yeffffffs.
ginn: Ghhh!
main: Ahh…
main: See? Wasn't that bad, was it?
ginn: Glup, glup!
main: You've done good.
main: You've done very good.
ginn: Untie me.
main: Hope that helpe-
ginn: /main/?
main: ?
ginn: Can I get a hug before you leave?
main: Sure.
ginn: Thanks...

//Post rope / Next day

ginn: Ah, /main/! Hi!
ginn: I was looking forward to seeing you around.
main: How are you doin-
ginn: Good!
ginn: It's... quite a different mood. Hard to describe.
ginn: I must request, though… that you keep the other night a secret between us.
ginn: I hope you understand.
main: Don't worry, I get it. I won't tell anyone, I promise.
ginn: I am so happy to hear those words!
ginn: Can I ask you something else, /main/?
main: Sure.
ginn: If you wouldn't mind, could you pick one of the candelabras lying around? The
right one on top of the fountain it's already quite old.
ginn: I would like one of the candle holders separated from it and polished too.
ginn: Anyone that it's good with crafts should be able to do it.
main: Alright... That's all?
ginn: Oh well...
ginn: Some slime would be great as well. Oh, and a sapphire, no doubt! That will be
main: Huh, alright.
ginn: It is such a delight to have you around.
ginn: I'll make your efforts worthwhile.

//Giving the required items

ginn: Fantastic!
main: Here. Now, what do you want to do with those?
ginn: Let me make a few arrangements first. Come meet me tomorrow night.

//IF the items are not there.

ginn: I need the candelabra polished part, slime, and a sapphire.

//First fucking
ginn: Bless us all, Lyrei the Divine.
ginn: Help us see through greed and vanity, right into the soul of those of pure
ginn: Guide us towards true love, that which endures the test of time.
ginn: And make us vehicles of it, so that we can spread your message across the
ginn: Cleanse our mind of selfish thoughts, and deliver us from the burdens of our
ginn: Those that separate us from one another.
ginn: And bring us together.
ginn: ...
ginn: /main/, you've come.
ginn: I hope you like the surprise.
main: ?
ginn: Under the dress...
ginn: !
ginn: Let it guide us to our true inner self, and draw us towards one another.
ginn: For it is love, and no other force in this world, that shall triumph.
ginn: Such are the teachings of Lyrei.
ginn: May our hearts be forever blessed and bound by love.
ginn: Ouch!
ginn: /main/!
main: By all means, I don't want to interrupt your prayer. Please, go on.
ginn: Ugh…
ginn: And m-may our hands be guided by the love for one another.
ginn: Ngh!
ginn: And may our hearts find comfort only in such pure emotion.
ginn: Ouch!
ginn: So that man and woman can become one in the light of Lyrei.
main: Nice prayer.
ginn: It tingles…
main: I thought you were blessed by Lirey.
ginn: I made an artifact similar to the rope, just more discreet.
main: Oh, so you feel these then?
ginn: !
ginn: Yes...
ginn: !
ginn: Sto-
ginn: !
ginn: I-Ah... /main/...
ginn: I-I can't hold anymore.
main: Nfff
main: You work so hard to serve your goddess. Better put up a good show for her.
ginn: I'm confident this is Lirey's will. Why would destiny send you here
ginn: I wish to say a prayer to thank for the marvelous gift of your virility, yet
words escape my head!
ginn: Years… decades studying the teachings of Lyrei, and for what? To forget them
under a wave of lust?
main: I'm sure your goddess understands.
ginn: It shall be my voice, then, and not the words it utters, that praises her
divine glory!
ginn: Double down on me, /main/! Take this body with all your might!
main: Ginny, slow down...
ginn: I dream only of being subjected to your power and your whims!
main: Ginny?
ginn: Push this body of mine to the brink of insanity!
main: Oh well, you asked for it.
main: !
ginn: Ohhh!
main: What does it feel like?
ginn: My mind cannot figure it out.
ginn: Yet my body unmistakably craved it.
ginn: Such peace it brings to my soul…

//Night Tree
ginn: Bless us all, Lyrei the Divine.
ginn: Help us see through greed and vanity, right into the soul of those of pure
ginn: Guide us towards true love, that which endures the test of time.
ginn: And make us vehicles of it, so that we can spread your message across the
ginn: Cleanse our mind of selfish thoughts, and deliver us from the burdens of our
ginn: Those that separate us from one another.
ginn: And bring us together~

Lift the dress

ginn: !
ginn: Let it guide us to our true inn-
ginn: !
ginn: You're not going to let me pray tonight?
main: I'm not stopping you.
main: Just offering you a better way to do it.
ginn: You're right~

//if Ride
Tie her up

main: Here, let me help you.

ginn: T-this is much better
ginn: Thank you /main/.
ginn: For it is l-love, and no oth-
ginn: !
ginn: No other force in this world, that-
ginn: !
ginn: You're pushing so hard...
ginn: I-I can't catch my breath.
main: Well, you're an excellent acolyte. I'm sure you can keep going.
ginn: Y-yes.
ginn: Thanks L-lirey...
ginn: For this... Ahh... Gift you've put in my path.
main: And?
ginn: I hope I can pray every day with it pounding my mind away.
ginn: I'm so thankful.
main: You forgot the part where you get breed~
ginn: !
ginn: You're right.
ginn: I guess we'll have to start all over~

//if BDSM
main: Get into the private chambers
ginn: Yes...
ginn: Every time, I feel my heart race just by holding this in my hands.
ginn: The magic of this rope hungers for my strength…
ginn: I can feel how it wants to entangle my limbs and nullify my resistance.
ginn: And I… abide.
ginn: Hurry, /main/! Tie the knots like you know how to! Make me, yet again, unable
to move!
main: Trust me, when I'm done with you, you'll be so defenseless that not even your
goddess will be able to save you.
ginn: Such words should infuriate me, but instead, they make me shiver in
ginn: Wait no more, /main/! For the love of all that is good and pure, restrain me!
main: As you wish.
main: There. Try to move now.
ginn: Y-you know I can't.
ginn: /main/, I am at your complete mercy!
ginn: My skin burns deliciously under the friction of the ropes! This is a threat
to my sanity!
ginn: Use my body! Satisfy your urges with my skin!
main: I don't think you're in a position to order me anything right now.
ginn: I beg of you…
main: Much better.
main: Get ready. This will sting.
ginn: No mercy!
ginn: ...
ginn: Please...
ginn: Ahh!
main: Was that too strong?
ginn: No, it was perfect!
ginn: I cannot break free from these ties…
ginn: Ugh!
ginn: Agh!
ginn: This is so wrong.
ginn: But it feels so good...
ginn: Ahh!
ginn: !
main: Did you just came from getting flogged?
ginn: Y-e.. Ye-es.
main: And you didn't tell me you were getting there?
ginn: I-
ginn: !
main: You don't have to be pure and perfect all the time. You can just tell me.
ginn: Mmmm~
main: Good girl.
main: Looks like you love taking these inches down your throat. I can feel it.
ginn: Mhm!
main: I'll use your face at will then; there's nothing you can do about it anyway.
ginn: P-pfeahse.
main: !
main: That's a lot.
ginn: Guh!
ginn: Glup, glup!
main: You're dangerous girl~
main: Trying to milk me dry now?
ginn: Mhm~
main: Well, you deserve it.
main: You've been a good girl tonight.

//Conversaty: ion tree

ginn: Welcome to Lirey's church, /main/.

//To karos
karo: Oh, Want me to polish this?
karo: Alright... I'll get my tools.
karo: Hmmmm, quite an... interesting candleholder.
karo: Here you go.

//Ginny dialogue options

Stay for the sermon
The tea
The Rope
The other night
I have your stuff
Donate 100g

//Things in the church

narr: The church's fountain, it has a small donation bowl behind it.

main: There!
narr: The church's private quarters.

//Ginny's item request (loop)

ginn: The polished candelabra part.
ginn: Slime and a sapphire...
ginn: That's all I need.
//Item request option
The things you needed
//Karos request option
Polished candelabra part

//Janet And Crystal Questline

jane: That was perfect, Crystal! I couldn't have done it better myself!
crys: Oh, now you're not being serious. There's nobody better at cooking than you,
jane: Well, maybe I exaggerated a bit. But you still did a great job!
Congratulations, you're my best student.
crys: Am I your only student?
jane: Uhm…
jane: /main/! Didn't see you come in.
crys: /main/! Hi! Come in, come in.
main: Am I interrupting something?
crys: No, no. We were just done.
crys: Janet is teaching me some new cooking tricks!
main: Really?
crys: My father insisted on adding food to the menu now that I'm learning to cook.
crys: Maybe I can practice there... And become a fancy chef someday.
crys: That way, I don't have to work so hard all the time.
jane: Crystal, honey, that's not how it's supposed to work...
crys: You're right...
crys: Making some delicious dishes for a rich husband sounds far comfier.
crys: Keep a man's pants happy and his stomach full, that's what I say!
jane: Hahaha, girl, you're hopeless.
crys: Janet! I should cook something for /main/! It will be a great test for my
jane: Aren't I testing your skills?
crys: Double testing?
jane: You just want double the accolades.
crys: And double the practice!
jane: Hahaha, Sounds good.
jane: What do you want to make for him? Maybe some flavoured bread, or a spiced
crys: No, no! It has to be something big and fancy, to celebrate my success as your
crys: I know! I'll make a Royal Cake!
main: That sure sounds delicious.
jane: Fantastic! I'm sure /main/ will love your Royal Cake, sweetie.
crys: Me too! Tee-hee…
jane: So, let's see, we need… hum…
jane: I have almost all the ingredients in my kitchen. The only thing that's
missing is some Creamy Milk. Without it, the consistency won't be right.
crys: We should go and get that, then.
main: I'll go.
jane: You're always such a darling, /main/. Thank you.
main: No problem.
jane: We'll be waiting here for you.
crys: Thanks! *Chuik!* Don't take too long!
main: You won't even know I'm gone.

//Offering the Milk

crys: /main/!
main: Hi, girls.
jane: Come on in! We’ve been waiting for you, sweetie. Did you get the Super Creamy
main: Right here.
jane: It looks perfect!
crys: Thanks, /main/. I’ll get to it right away.
jane: So, let’s see, we have the milk, the flour… sugar… humm…
jane: Crystal, would you do me a favor? I need the recipe book for this. Lily must
have it. Could you go get it for me?
crys: Recipe book? You mean you don’t know how to make a Royal Cake?
jane: I’m not sure I remember all the steps correctly. We should have the recipe at
hand, just in case.
crys: All right… I’ll be back in a minute. Don’t have too much fun without me!
jane: What are you saying, Crystal? We are both angels on Earth.
crys: Sure.
jane: So…
jane: Aren’t you going to ask me how I’ve been doing, /main/?
main: Oh?
jane: Come on, these cheeks ain’t getting any younger.
main: Now, Janet?
jane: Would you rather spend the time we have alone asking questions, or giving me
some love?
main: You make for a compelling argument.
jane: That’s it!
jane: Don’t be shy; I’ve been playing with it, so I could take you wholly.
jane: !
jane: Haha, you meanie~
jane: Take a good look while you’re at it. My love buns are all for you.
jane: Your visits are a blast, /main/. You are always such a good boy with me.
jane: Ooh! How vigorous! I like it.
jane: Take your sweet time; there’s no rush. I went to Lily’s earlier today and hid
the recipe book in another section of her library.
jane: Crystal and her will be there for a while, trying to find it.
jane: Deeper, sweetie, I have room in me for all your love.
main: Are you sure it doesn’t hurt?
jane: Trust me, I might be small but I ain’t afraid of big things. Give me your
main: All right.
jane: Oooh! That’s what I’m talking about. Harder, /main/!
jane: You make a woman go crazy.
jane: Come on, I want to think of you every time I sit down.
jane: It’s so good!
main: !
jane: Nfff~ You liked it very much, didn’t you?
main: My answer’s right there.
jane: Yes, I can feel it. Ah, my blood is rushing. It’s so lovely.
jane: Thank you for bringing in the creamy milk.
main: Anytime.

//Post Milk
crys: I’m back!
crys: I’m so sorry I took forever. The book was lost; Lily and I had to turn the
place upside down to find it.
main: It’s okay, we were just chatting.
jane: Did you get it?
crys: Yes, I’ve got it here.
crys: So… Were you just… chatting the entire time?
jane: Of course! What else could we have been doing?
crys: Hum, I don’t know. Just asking.
crys: It’s late, though. This took way longer than I expected.
crys: I actually should go back now… I promised to help pops at the tavern.
jane: Oh, that’s a shame. That you have to go.
crys: Yeah, we’ll have to do this some other time. Hope you don’t mind, /main/...
main: Not at all. I’ll come back soon and help you cook.
crys: Thank you. I’ll get going now.
main: Me too. Thanks for having us, Janet.
jane: No problem, darling. Thanks to you for your creamy milk.

//2nd Try
jane: I swear I put it in here.
crys: Are you sure nobody else has it?
jane: I think so… I don't recall giving it to anybody.
jane: Oh, wait! That's right, I did lend it. Dismas asked to borrow it yesterday
main: Good morning…
crys: Hi, /main/! I'm so happy to see you.
jane: Hi, darling. Thanks for coming.
jane: Listen, I need to go talk to Dismas now. He has to give me my spatula back.
jane: I'll be back soon, and we'll get to work, alright?
main: Sure. We'll be here.
main: Well… Now we just have to wait.
crys: Cut the crap.
main: Excu-
crys: Lily is a mess when it comes to her books, but she never mistreats them.
crys: So a book being inside a cauldron was a dead giveaway, that something was up.
crys: Also... I kinda saw you two through the alley window...
crys: So now you owe me.
crys: Here...
crys: I've already preheated the oven.
main: Crystal?
crys: Come on, put the goods in before it goes cold!
crys: Don't worry about Janet; Dismas will keep her entertained for a while. I made
sure to pay him well for that.
crys: I'm not letting her hog all the fun.
crys: This is my revenge.
main: Well, if you went through all that trouble, it would be rude to say no.
crys: Sure, any excuse that makes you feel better, now start working.
main: Here you go.
crys: !
crys: It's been a while. I had started to miss your attention so badly.
crys: Have you met so many new friends that you didn't have time for me?
crys: A single day, it's already too much to wait sometimes.
crys: Make sure to make up for all the nights we were away from one another.
crys: Everything's better with you~
crys: Do you know how many times I've gone to my room and touched myself
remembering our encounters?
main: Don't worry, I'll give you more nice memories to treasure if that's what you
crys: This one is going to be one of my new favorites!
crys: I can't wait for your happy ending.
main: Have you done it like this before?
crys: Maybe~
crys: But... Nfff... Not this big...
crys: We should hurry up, I don't have much faith in that drunk guy.
crys: Pace it up-
crys: !
crys: Alright, i-it's not a-aaaah competition either.
crys: Fffff-
crys: FUCK!
main: Did you say something?
crys: You fu-cking beast.
crys: !
crys: Holy...
main: You happy?
crys: Yes, because it comes from you~
main: I...
crys: Hahaha, got you~
crys: Let's prepare this, Janet might get in any moment.

//Need Lefa Nut

jane: Good grief, how many drunk anecdotes can one man have?
crys: Hi, Janet. Did you get the spatula?
jane: Yes, I’m sorry it took so long. Dismas wouldn’t shut up.
jane: Your daddy must have given him a tall order of something, because boy, he
wouldn’t stop for a single second.
crys: Sounds like a pain.
jane: Sorry for making you wait.
crys: No problem. /main/ and I were just chatting.
crys: I just… I got this massive, terrible craving for nuts, you know?
jane: Nuts?
crys: Yes! Mmmmmh, nuts!
crys: So big and juicy… I just wanted to milk those nuts.
crys: They feel so nice, so tasty…
crys: I can’t go on for too many days without my healthy dose of huge nuts.
crys: I just looooove nuts!
jane: Crystal, that’s actually a great idea!
crys: Eeh?
jane: You know, the original recipe for the Royal Cake includes a very rare and
delicious type of nut called the Leefa Nut.
jane: I decided to skip it because it’s so difficult to find…
jane: But seeing how our /main/ here has proven himself with the Super Creamy Milk,
he might be able to get it a Leefa Nut too!
jane: And we would make the most delicious cake with milk and nuts!
crys: Pffffft…
jane: What?
crys: Nothing. I love the idea.
crys: Can you give us some of those nuts, /main/?
main: ...
main: Sure? I’ll find a way to get those.
jane: What a sweetheart, as always!
main: This cake sure is demanding...
crys: Isn’t it worth it, though?
main: Oh, no doubt about it.

//Bring Lefa Nut / Sleep Over

crys: Are we ready?
jane: When you are!
crys: Before I forget, I’ve got something for you all.
crys: Here! From my daddy’s personal cellar.
main: That looks like great wine.
crys: And it will marry the cake perfectly. Cheers!
jane: Cheers!
main: Cheers, everybody!
jane: My, Crystal, what a great choice! It goes down so nicely.
crys: Yeah, I love it when something tasty goes down your throat. It makes you feel
jane: Time to get to work!
crys: Ta-daaaaaah! A Royal Cake!
main: That looks amazing.
jane: Great job, Crystal! Now, let’s try it out. /main/ first! After all, we
wouldn’t have been able to make it without his help.
main: Yum! It’s delicious.
crys: Are you saying that because it’s true or because you’re too tipsy to tell?
main: What are you talking about? I’m not tipsy.
crys: Yeah? What if I asked that bottle of wine you’ve already downed?
main: Well, it would tell you that you’ve been drinking too! Ha, ha!
crys: Heh, heh… You’re right.
jane: Guys, guys, don’t fight. That cake isn’t gonna eat itself!
crys: I know, you’re making it disappear quite rapidly. You love /main/’s creamy
milk and nuts, hmmmmmmmm?
jane: Excuse me? And what about that huge portion that used to be in your plate,
main: Girls, don’t worry, there is enough for everybody. You all can eat my nuts.
jane: Thank you, /main/, that’s so generous of you.
main: Anytime.
crys: And just like that, the cake is gone. Did you like it, /main/?
main: Of course! You might like the taste of my nuts, but I love eating your cake!
jane: Oh my, it’s so late. Hey, /main/, I think you should spend the night here.
jane: You live far away and maybe you shouldn’t walk alone at night after you’ve
drank so much.
main: Hm, maybe you’re right. Thanks, Janet.
crys: Everything’s wobbly… Hey Janet, you mind if I sleep on your couch tonight? I
don’t feel like going to pops; I can’t work like this.
jane: I don’t know, maybe you should go home…
main: Come on, Janet, she’s right. She should stay here and sleep it off.
main: It’s not like she’s gonna bother you, right?
jane: I guess that’s fair… Fine, you can stay for the night.
crys: Thanks!
jane: All right, everybody. It’s been fun, but we have to go to bed. Get moving;
I’ll wash the dishes tomorrow.
crys: Until tomorrow!
main: Sleep well, everybody.

//Crystal Waking up main: Scene

main: ?
crys: Wakey wakey~
main: Crystal? What are you doing?
crys: What does it look like? I wanted you to have a happy beginning of the day.
main: You shouldn’t be doing that! Janet’s just across the hallway, she might find
crys: Well, this time Janet didn’t beat me to it, so I’m taking this opportunity to
have some fun with you.
crys: What is it, /main/? Don’t you like how I’m treating you?
main: Of course I do…
crys: Then what’s the problem? Just enjoy, I’ll be nice to you.
crys: Say, d’you think you have some more of that super creamy milk? It’s time for
my breakfast.
crys: I’m sure I can find some of that around here…
crys: You see, /main/, you’ve always been so nice to me and so fun to play with.
crys: Turned my boring life into an exciting adventure~
crys: I was so happy to cook for you because I want to treat you well.
crys: I hope you like this other way of showing you my appreciation, just as much
if not even more than the cake.
crys: Anything that makes you happy is worth it for me.
crys: So I’m doing my best to give you what you deserve.
crys: Come to me any time you want someone to scratch your itch.
main: Did you hear that?
crys: Huh?
crys: Oh, damn! It’s Janet!
crys: Quick, I must find a place to hide!

//Janet Gets in
jane: Hello there, you’re awake! How did you sleep?
main: L-like a king.
jane: Oh, I see that your friend got up before you! Hello to you as well, my
jane: What is it? Did you miss me too? Oh, how sweet of you.
jane: I should do something for you, no?
jane: How nice! He’s saying hi to me. Look, look!
jane: How could I not greet him in return?
jane: So it’s your call, /main/. What is it going to be?
jane: Is it Janet’s special bosom hug? Maybe some morning kisses? It’s very healthy
to get some breakfast in the morning, after all.
jane: Or maybe I have something back here that our friend could like very much.

//Crystal Gets Caught

crys: Atchoo!
jane: Huh? What was that?
main: I heard nothing.
jane: No, there was definitely something. It came from here.
main: Janet, maybe…
jane: Crystal!!
crys: Oh! Uh… Whoops!
crys: Sorry, wrong curtain. Tee-hee…
crys: Never mind me, I'll be out of here before you know it.
jane: What are you doing? Were you sneaking behind my back??
crys: Uhm, uh…
jane: What, you wanted to get an early start with /main/ over there? Was that it?
crys: Oh, come on, Janet, don't get so upset! After all, you did exactly that the
other day in the kitchen, right?
jane: Excuse me?
crys: I saw it all through the window! I didn't say a thing, but I know what you
guys did.
crys: So you can't get mad at me for going behind your back this time.
jane: But… But…
jane: But it's not the same!
crys: How?
jane: Because…
jane: Because you have it easy! You're the cute girl everyone in town wants. A
blonde, pretty-looking young elf…
crys: First, Half-elf.
crys: Second, are you implying you're not as good-looking as me?
jane: Well… I mean, look at me.
crys: That's exactly what I'm doing!
crys: You have those sparkling brown eyes, and that beautiful skin… and you're the
sweetest, most talented woman in town!
crys: Plus, look at that bottom, girl! You have all men in the village thirsting
for those love buns!
jane: You're just saying that to make me feel better.
crys: I'm not! /main/, tell her! Isn't she, like, astonishingly beautiful?
main: I mean, she's isn't lying, Janet.
main: You're one of the most stunning women in Aurelia, and I've met quite a few.
jane: Is that… is that true?
crys: Of course it is! Look! See how hard /main/ is just by looking at you?
crys: I'm sure he can't wait to give you some attention. Isn't that right, /main/?
main: As a matter of fact… Yes, I want it badly. I didn't mean to interrupt you,
crys: Enough said! Come on, Janet, let's go to bed. Let's give you the love you
deserve, you cute little muffin.

//Duo Scene
crys: Do you feel his enthusiasm? Do you see how he looks at you?
jane: Is that true, /main/? Do you want me that much?
main: Yeah.
main: You're my favorite shopkeeper.
main: And I can't say no to those curves.
jane: /main/, that’s… I don't know what to say.
crys: Then don't say anything, silly! Just enjoy /main/'s attention!
jane: Nnnf~ I'm already doing that.
crys: Good.
jane: It's a lot of attention.
crys: Hahaha
crys: Come on /main/. Put some love into her already.
jane: !
jane: /main/!
crys: That's how much he likes you!
crys: Never you doubt yourself that way, ever again! Do you understand?
jane: Yes! Yes, it's so clear.
crys: Otherwise, I'll keep him all to myself.
jane: No.
jane: I want him to treasure me forever.
main: Then get ready.
crys: Show her, /main/! Let her never forget that she is beautiful and she is
crys: You are wonderful, Janet!
main: You are wonderful, Janet!
jane: Ahhhhh!
jane: Your love is so warm and beautiful, guys… I can feel it in my body.
crys: Was that a naughty way to call his cum or...?
jane: No dummy, I mean it.
jane: I will never forget this…
jane: Thank you. Thank you all, I have no words.

Shortcut to depth 8
Shortcut to depth 15
Shortcut to depth 22

//Erza Dungeon Questline

//Melkor Hidden (pre-questline)
narr: You feel an unknown presence pushing you away.

//Melkor Shows up (post-questline)

melk: Out...
main: What the...?
melk: Out of my realm!
main: Auch!
erza: /main/!?
erza: /main/, are you alright?
main: I think so.
main: Went deep into the realm.
main: I think I saw the dwarf guy in there.
main: Melkor?
erza: Alright...
erza: Take it easy.
erza: We can worry about that later.
erza: You need to rest.
main: Are you... caring about me?
erza: Don't ruin it /main/.
erza: Stay here for a bit so I can check on you.
erza: I'll try to guess what happened when you go home.

//Erza Post-Melkor
erza: Welcome back.
erza: Feeling better?
main: No lasting effects that I've noticed.
main: Anything new on your end?
erza: I made some discoveries...
erza: From what I gather, Melkor is dead; I know that for certain.
main: He seemed pretty alive to me.
erza: It's complicated...
erza: At first, I thought Melkor's realm was an actual place, which was just a
"door" that leads to it.
erza: So I didn't give it much thought.
erza: But if you found Melkor there, and he was able to push you out immediately...
erza: That means he has control over that realm, to an extent.
erza: And Melkor, as power-hungry as he was, was nowhere near that level of
main: Who the hell is the guy I found there then?
erza: Likely, a vestige of his memory.
main: Excuse me?
erza: That realm is just a projection of his mind, likely used to "immortalize"
erza: Imagine it like writing your memories.
erza: But instead of a book, you use a confined realm.
main: That sounds like a monumental feat.
erza: It certainly is a feat.
erza: But it is not as simple as it sounds.
erza: The process is riddled with caveats and limitations.
erza: Which we are going to abuse~
main: ?
erza: Well, it's like a book, right?
erza: So we can "take notes" on it or cross some lines we don't like.
erza: In essence, we can alter and modify it.
erza: Not from the ground up, of course.
erza: But we can undoubtedly nudge some convenient "details" into it.
main: And I guess you want me to work on it, right?
erza: /main/, I thought we already agreed that's how we work~
main: ...
erza: First, bring me a potion of wisdom. The most powerful one you can give me.
erza: I'll need it.
main: Alright.

//Give potion to Erza

main: Here, the potion you asked for.
erza: Splendid.
erza: Give it to me.
erza: Alright...
erza: Stand aside.
main: What are you going to-?
erza: !
main: Erza?
erza: Silence, /main/!
erza: I need to seek through Aurelia.
erza: Ah, the images are coming clear now.
erza: I can see what I want in someone's hands, shuffling cards.
erza: There's another one... Near a golden statue.
erza: And a last one, in complete darkness... Surrounded by feminine voices.
erza: Uhh, my head...
main: So, I assume the potion wasn't for Melkor's domain.
erza: What? Oh no.
erza: I needed it to not get too tired after this spell.
erza: It still took a toll on me.
main: Are you alright?
erza: Yes.
erza: Now, listen to me.
erza: The visions I had are the locations of the three nearest Hex containers.
erza: These are cursed artifacts, deadly to most who want to use them.
erza: Luckily for you, demons like me can go around those limitations.
erza: Bring me those three, and I can drain their power.
erza: Using it to slightly modify Melkor's Domain.
erza: I'll... Take a nap in the meantime or something.

//With Ginny
ginn: Yes, we do have a Hex container.
ginn: It was given to the church so it could be protected.
ginn: And by protected, I mean catch dust in a drawer.
ginn: I sincerely would rather have it as far away from here as possible.
ginn: It's a bad omen.
ginn: And it's already sealed in a vessel, so the chances of it being used are
ginn: It's nothing more than a rare valuable at this point.
ginn: Here, it's all yours.
ginn: Just make sure it doesn't come back.

//With Luna
luna: Oh! I know what you're talking about.
luna: That metallic-looking thing.
luna: Found one near the village long ago, and I stored it somewhere.
luna: It was so long ago... At least a century.
luna: Knowing myself, I likely stored it somewhere nearby.
luna: Look around; you can keep it if you find it.

//Found Luna's Hex

main: ?
main: Here it is!
main: I should bring it to Erza

//With Soran
sora: Ah, my hex container? How did you know?
sora: Quite a rarity, huh?
sora: I don't know if I could give it away tho.
sora: Maybe for a small sum?
main: Name your price...
sora: 6500 gold should suffice.
main: Damn...
sora: It's quite a unique piece!

//If bought to Soran

sora: All yours, buddy!

//If Asking Erza Again

erza: I need three Hex containers
erza: This is what I saw when I sought for them:
erza: Someone's hands, shuffling cards.
erza: A golden statue.
erza: And complete darkness... Surrounded by feminine voices.

//Opening the Sealed Vessel

erza: We can find a workaround.
erza: Let me grab the thing; I'll force the seal to fracture.
erza: Once fractured, you can deal with whatever security measures are left.

//If fail Vessel

erza: /main/!?
erza: Why did you stop?
erza: Sigh...
erza: Tell me when you're ready again.

//If Success Vessel

erza: There you go!

Give her the Hex Containers

//If having the items
erza: Astounding!
erza: There's a reason you are my favorite human~
erza: Alright, I only got one shot to use these. Stand aside.

//Erza Magicky Scene

erza: This will take me a while.
narr: Several hours later.
erza: I'm almost done, /main/.
erza: I used most of the energy...
erza: But I'm certainly happy with the changes.
erza: There is still some of it left.
erza: Any requests, /main/?
erza: Anything you desire?
main: Yeah.
erza: Speak your mind then-
erza: !
erza: /main/!?
erza: I'm still working on this.
main: You asked what I desired.
erza: And you desired me over a whole realm~?
main: Well, you've been flaunting your ass at me the last half an hour.
erza: No, I didn't.
main: You even got your dress out of the way so I could see you exposed.
erza: I was getting comfortable...
main: And then fingered yourself.
erza: Alright, I get it. I might have flaunted a little.
main: Oh, I'm not accusing your Erza.
main: Just making a list of why I desire you more than a realm.
erza: I-
erza: You...
erza: ...
main: Yes?
erza: Fine, that was sweet.
main: Sorry, did I cross a line?
erza: Eh? No, don't stop, I'm not mad-
erza: !
main: By forgetting this hole, I mean.
erza: Hahaha, you're getting bold.
erza: You know what?
erza: I'm in such a good mood.
erza: That I'll let you have this.
erza: Do your worst~
erza: !
erza: Ahh~
erza: So aggressive.
erza: Did I get you pent up for a while?
erza: Harder~
erza: I want you to give me everything you have.
main: !
erza: Don't stop.
erza: Pull harder if you need!
main: Fuck...
erza: That's it. Keep pumping it in.
erza: Skeeze every drop inside me.
main: Fuck...
main: I have nothing more, Erza.
erza: Shhhh, just a couple extra nudges.

erza: /main/~
erza: Going into the realm?
erza: I got a great gift for you.
main: ?
erza: I made some changes to the realm for you too.
erza: I'm not heartless, you know?
erza: You'll enjoy them, that's for sure.
erza: Go, go.
erza: Thank me later~

djin: I am now at your service, noble fighter. As the powerful Djinn that I am, I
will make your wishes come true.
djin: My magic goes beyond your imagination! Ask for anything, and you will be
main: I think you know what to do with this.
djin: As my master commands.
djin: I, the Djinn, shall bring you the greatest satisfaction.
djin: Please, enjoy my service.
main: You didn't fall short of your words.
djin: A Djinn never lies!
djin: If embracing you with my body in the act of servitude is what you wished.
djin: Then it's what you rightfully deserve.
main: It feels really nice.
main: Keep going.
djin: As my master commands.
main: !
main: Care, it's sensitive.
djin: I'm aware.
djin: But I must pleasure you with intent.
djin: Provide my master with ultimate satisfaction.
djin: Let your hips speak for you.
main: Fuck...
djin: I understand your desires.
djin: Not only of release but of ownership too.
djin: Do not worry. My face is yours to mark.
main: !
djin: Desired ecstasy.
djin: Have I brought you satisfaction?
djin: Was this the ecstasy you desired?
main: Y-yes. Greatly.
main: You served me well.
djin: There's nothing a Djinn wants to hear more than that.
djin: Thank you, master.

kobo: Tsssss, human~
kobo: What do you plan to do~?
main: What do you think I plan to do?
kobo: Oh!
kobo: Such a thrust.
kobo: But too much arrogance.
kobo: Nothing we can't fix, right?
main: Are you...
main: Tightening up?
kobo: Yessssss.
main: Is this your idea of "punishment"?
main: Did you think it through?
kobo: So many big words, human.
main: Hnn!
kobo: Hehe! Are you having any problem back there, human?
main: Ngh… Too tight…
main: I'll just… Gh, can't pull out!
kobo: Oh, did you underestimated a kobold's embrace?
kobo: You're my prisoner now.
main: How can you do this??
kobo: You humanssssss, have so much to learn!
main: Nnnhhh…!
kobo: Still, trying to pull out?
kobo: You just keep getting deeper.
main: All right, all right, I've underestimated you!
main: Please, let me go, I'm gonna burst!
kobo: Hehe… Never forget this lesson…
main: Ngghhh!
main: Huff…
kobo: Relieved?
main: Yes…

oxgi: My, my! Look at this cute young man!
oxgi: What are you doing in the depths of this dungeon?
oxgi: You must be so tired! And hungry! Come here, come closer to me.
main: Hmmmpf??
oxgi: You have to rest and recover!
oxgi: With all these challenging fights! I'm sure you can take a break~
oxgi: !
oxgi: Much better!
oxgi: Do you like it?
main: Hmmmpf…
oxgi: Hahahahaha.
oxgi: Nice and cozy.
oxgi: Let me cradle you until you feel better.
oxgi: Mmmmmm~
oxgi: So much energy.
oxgi: You're really trying so hard for me.
main: Hnnngh!
oxgi: Don't hurt yourself, honey.
oxgi: You're doing such a good job.
oxgi: Making me wiggle like this…
main: Mmh…!
oxgi: You're throbbing so hard inside me, good boy.
oxgi: I'll help you with the last push!
oxgi: Hnnnngh! Hnnnngh!
main: !!
oxgi: Ah, it's so warm on my skin…
oxgi: Well done~
oxgi: Now you can rest here.
oxgi: For as long as you need.

saty: Ha! I see that you're getting cocky, human!
saty: Do you think you can impress me with your mating stance?
saty: You might have taken a hold on me, but I'm still a satyr.
saty: A wild creature of the lust-
saty: !
saty: H-ha! Is this all you've got?
saty: Did the battle exhaust you too much?
saty: It's not… ngh…! nearly enough to… mh!
main: Were you saying something?
saty: Mh…! Y-Yeah, I was saying how unimpressive and… ahhh…!
saty: You're just a tad above average; I'll give you that.
saty: Nothing scary.
saty: So you can keep your fruitless h-humps.
main: !
saty: Ahh!
saty: You cocky brute!
saty: Th-is, i-is all?
saty: Harder!
main: Now you're asking fo-
saty: Shut-t up, harder!
saty: Just a bit more.
saty: !
saty: Ngngngng
main: Warn me up if you're going to cum.
saty: Sh-ut-t u-u-p.
main: !
saty: ...............
main: That was a lot-
saty: Barely felt it.
saty: You gonna have to try again.
main: ...

///Brothel Quest [Solid investment]

Solid Investment

luna: Adding a small collection of precious gems would make us look more
luna: You know, make others take us seriously.
luna: Maybe even open up new business partners.
luna: We could display a Diamond, Ruby, Saphire, Emerald, and Topaz.
luna: A beautiful assortment full of colors would be perfect to represent us.

///Brothel Quest [Kivir's Religion]


luna: Kivir is somewhat distracted lately.

luna: And acting all kinds of weird.
luna: Could you check on him?

luna: Great!
luna: Thank you.

main: Hey, Luna told me you've been distracted lately.

main: Anything you want to tell me?
kivi: ...
main: Nothing?
kivi: I'm waiting for my Ravkla amulet.
main: A wha-
kivi: It's a small, religious trinket.
kivi: Gives me good luck.
kivi: Has seen quite a few tales and time treated it roughly.
kivi: So I went into Lirey's church and gave it to the Elf there.
kivi: Told me she could restore it.
main: Alright, why don't you go get it? I can cover for you today.
kivi: What? You crazy!? I can't go there myself.
kivi: That's a bad omen! It would taint my spiritual energy.
kivi: You don't ask from the gods!
kivi: And I rather not discuss my religious beliefs.
main: That also taints your spiritual energy?
kivi: Yes...
main: ...
main: Alright... I'll see what I can do.


main: Some time ago, a drow came here with an amulet, am I correct?
ginn: Oh, yes!
ginn: The Ravkla one.
ginn: Asked for a restoration.
main: So, how it's going?
ginn: I did restore it.
ginn: But I completely forgot about it.
ginn: Here, you can take it back to him.
main: Thanks.

kivi: Finally!
kivi: Thank you.
kivi: The gods wanted it this way.
main: ...

saxx: Oh, you must be our new boss!

saxx: I saw you in my trance today.
maen: So, measure your words.
maen: You don't want to scare him away, do you?
saxx: I-I'm sorry, I got excited.
maen: Excuse us, you must be /main/.
main: Yes.
maen: My name is Maen, and this beauty here at my side is Sa.
saxx: Hi~
maen: We are coming from beyond Ragasia in pilgrimage for our tribe.
maen: And wanted to stay in Aurelia for a while, while spreading the word of Lirey.
main: Isn't there a church near the village?
maen: Even if we revere the same god, our views disagree vastly with the church.
maen: We believe that Lirey has sent us to spread endless love and ecstasy.
maen: While enjoying a simple life, far from ostentatious palaces and gigantic
main: I see...
main: Well, it works for me.
maen: I hope we can offer you our most excellent services.
saxx: I hope I can get squished between you two~

Double Penetration

maen: Anything you want, /main/?

saxx: I'm an option~
saxx: I’ll be honored to open up my body and let you achieve sexual ecstasy through
my embrace.
maen: Follow us to the back.
saxx: Aaaaaaah~
maen: Good girl, Sa.
saxx: T-thank you, Maen.
maen: Told you that dedicating training would pay off.
maen: Now you get to show off in front of /main/.
saxx: Make me dance!
main: Fuck, she's getting wild.
saxx: Ah-ah, I-I...
saxx: I'm a keeper of the secrets of spirit and flesh! Let my embrace take you to a
new state of consciousness.
saxx: I'm pliant yet powerful.
maen: Oh, she's trancing again.
maen: We're fucking her really good then.
saxx: Let’s become one!
saxx: Behold my bosom and thrust me in any way you want.
saxx: Use my body to transcend your mundane reality.
maen: Love when she talks me dirty like that.
main: You girls have the weirdest religion.
main: And probably my favorite too.
maen: Did you hear that Sa? What you awnser to that?
saxx: /main/, it’s an honor to ride a dick as talented as yours! I’ll now take you
to ecstasy with me! It’s time to ascend!
maen: You asked for it!
main: !!
saxx: Mmmmmmmm!
saxx: Praised be the cocks and their t-triumphant thrusts!
saxx: .........
maen: Mmmmmmm, that was great.
maen: She passed out as usual, but still so tight~
main: Mhhhhfffffmmmhf
maen: Hahaha!
maen: I'll take that as an "I agree."

saxx: I accept with utmost gratitude. I shall do my best to please you.
saxx: Be sure to tell me what’s more of your liking.
main: The way you’re doing it is flawless.
main: We’ve just started and I already can barely think.
saxx: Thank you so much, /main/.
saxx: I'm happy my dedication brings you such pleasure.
main: !
main: Oh fuck...
saxx: *Pop*
main: You're so good at this is scary.
saxx: Awh~
main: !
main: Nnnnnnnnng
saxx: *Pop*
saxx: Sorry, I get a bit carried away.
saxx: I'm used to Maen supervising.
saxx: Yours just look so big, and juicy.

//No Maen
main: It's fine, you're doing a terrific job.
main: !
main: Nfffff, just w-warn me before you go in.
saxx: Oh, haha.
saxx: Excuse me.
saxx: I get lost in the taste.
saxx: How it dances in my tongue...
saxx: The-the throbbing.
saxx: !
main: Holy fuck! Sa!
saxx: Mmmmmmmm!
main: !
main: Ahhh... Ahhh... Ahhh...
main: That was insane.
saxx: So warm~
saxx: Mmmmmmm~
saxx: Thank you~

//With Maen
maen: Did you call?
main: Yes.
main: Sa might need some supervising today.
main: Which is her way of saying she misses you.
maen: Awh, girl~
saxx: I didn't say that.
maen: Aha.
maen: Then why are you jerking it already?
maen: I'm here to "supervise"
saxx: But... It's hard and near my face.
maen: Of course it is.
maen: I was thinking of you blowing /main/'s.
saxx: I-
maen: Sa?
saxx: ?
maen: Client.
main: !
main: She really obeys you.
main: Blindly.
maen: It's been decades of trust, both at our temple and in the fields.
maen: She knows I want the best for her.
main: Mmmmmmmm
main: Why don't we give her our best too, Maen?
maen: Gladly.
saxx: *Pop*
main: !
saxx: Mmmmmmm~
saxx: So much...
maen: Such a beautiful picture.
maen: What do you say, Sa?
saxx: Thank you so much /main/.

saxx: I humbly accept your request.
maen: Let’s go to a private place.
maen: Oh, she's already holding onto you~
saxx: So deep...
maen: It's of your liking, /main/?
main: She’s perfect.
maen: !
maen: So,many a times I have seen your lips play with my cock.
maen: And still, you amaze me like the first day.
saxx: Mhmmmm~
saxx: *Pop*
saxx: I reverentially savour yo-
saxx: !
maen: Nah ah,
maen: You're only getting breaks when I allow you too.
saxx: Yehgh~
saxx: Yo-ur enrgy ruhn throu~
maen: And no talking with your mouth full.
maen: /main/, crank it up.
saxx: !
saxx: Mhrhrmh~
maen: Much better.
maen: You're doing great, Sa.
maen: There's nothing I enjoy more than seeing you getting brutally pounded.
maen: And still trying to shove me down your throat.
maen: Here, have a moment to tell us what's going through your mind.
saxx: Thrust harder, /main/!
saxx: Let your passion move your body and take over! Your energy run through my
saxx: I jolt in anticipation for the delicious ecstas-
saxx: !
saxx: Mhrhrmh~
maen: Good girl.
maen: Now push that ass up.
maen: Clench yourself tight.
maen: And enjoy /main/'s load.
main: !
saxx: Ahhh, ahhh, ahhh
maen: Well, a bit of mine too.
maen: Couldn't resist~

//Morning BJ (Janet/Crystal)
crys: Look who's waking up.
main: Crystal?
crys: Mhm~
crys: I come to Janet's every morning; she told me you were sleeping here tonight.
crys: So, why not wake you up?
main: Very thoughtful.
main: Auch, don't squeeze that hard.
crys: Stop being a smartass~
jane: Oh, I see Crystal is already getting things done up here.
jane: Is she being good with you, /main/?
main: Somewhat.
crys: Hey!
jane: Is that so, Crystal?
crys: Come on, don't encourage him.
jane: Did she even ask you if you wanted this, /main/?
main: No, she was already on it by herself.
jane: What a good girl~
crys: Stop it...

//Tease Crystal
Keep teasing Crystal
main: She likes to play hard to get sometimes.
jane: I've noticed.
jane: But she always delivers at the end.
main: She seems to get tamer around you, Janet.
jane: I know how to handle my friend~
crys: Guys, I'm still here...
jane: Well, I'll gladly take your place if you don't want to keep going.
jane: It looks like a treat from here.
crys: Nice try, but I've done all the work.
jane: That's my girl~
jane: Now stop acting like you're not enjoying every sloppy kiss you're giving to
that tip.
jane: Or salivating, thinking of what's going to hit your lips.
jane: You just have to ask for it, honey.
crys: /main/, please~
main: !
jane: Quite a load.
jane: Looks gorgeous on you.
crys: Jealous much?
jane: A bit~
jane: But I can still lick it out of your face.
crys: You slut.
jane: Oh, those are war words, come here!
crys: Hey! Stop!
crys: It tickles~

//Grab Janet
Janet's turn
main: Crystal, grab Janet.
crys: Oh, gladly~
jane: Huh?
crys: Come here!
jane: Hey!
jane: Ahhh~
jane: Take it slow!
crys: Come on, Janet, where's all that "good girl" now?
jane: I-Ahh.
crys: You knew I would come here and get him hard.
crys: This is on you now.
crys: So... Harder /main/.
jane: Fu-ck... Slow down.
crys: Slow down?
crys: Can barely feel you, /main/.
crys: Is that all you got for your favorite shopkeeper?
jane: S-top te-a-asing him.
jane: T-t-too hard.
jane: !
jane: Fuck!
crys: Much better~
crys: Look at her melt.
crys: Don't stop; she can take much more.
jane: Y-ou sl-utt
jane: I have to open sh-op later.
crys: Yes.
crys: And you'll be sore and shaking.
crys: Thinking only about how good you got pounded this morning.
crys: Come on, /main/.
crys: Give her something to treasure through the day.
main: !
jane: Ngh... Guys... I-I...
crys: Don't worry. I got you, Janet.
crys: She wants to say, "thank you for breeding me, honey."
jane: Haha-ha, you slut.
jane: Also...
jane: Yes~

erza: Erza seems to be casting some sort of spell.

Please Erza
erza: !
erza: /main/?
erza: You scared me.
erza: Ahhh~
main: Sorry, Erza.
erza: Mmmmm~
erza: How nice of you.
main: You looked busy.
main: I guessed a distraction could help.
erza: You're not wrong.
erza: Taking a break won't hurt me.
erza: Especially if you please me like this.
main: Gladly.
erza: Good.
erza: Keep going.
erza: Mmmmm~
erza: You're undoubtedly skilled.
erza: Enjoying your meal?
main: Certainly.
erza: I see you're passionate about it.
erza: Can hear you down there.
erza: Giving yourself a helping hand.
main: Can you blame me?
erza: No, I really can't~
erza: You're just being a good boy.
erza: Don't stop it.
erza: I like to feel your face against me.
erza: It's great~
erza: S-so great.
erza: !
erza: Yes~
erza: That's what I expected from you.
erza: Mmmmm~
erza: Still going?
erza: You must be about to bust.
main: Yes.
erza: Come on, get up and grab my hips.
main: Thank you, Erza.
erza: What Erza?
main: Queen Erza.
erza: Exactly~
erza: Go on, help yourself.
erza: !
erza: So pent up~
main: Fuck...
erza: It's fine. You've been on edge for a bit.
erza: Let it go.
main: !
erza: Much better.
erza: Don't let go.
erza: You still have some to squeeze.
erza: You're by far, my favorite human~

Play it risky
erza: !
erza: /main/!?
erza: What the- Ngh... Are you doing?
main: You looked so enticing.
erza: You disrespectful twat!
erza: Do you think I'm some kind of toy?
erza: That you can play with at will?
main: I couldn't resist.
main: I'm just a human, after all.
erza: Thinking that your honeyed words can tame me?
erza: Ahhh~
main: Just being honest.
main: Why would I risk your anger otherwise?
erza: You know I wouldn't hurt yo-
erza: !
erza: Fuck!
main: So good~
main: Worth getting reduced to ashes.
erza: You cheeky bastard.
erza: Smiting you would prove you right.
erza: And...
erza: I rather believe in my irresistible nature.
erza: Making you unable to control yourself.
main: Thank you, Erza.
erza: Don't you forget something there~?
main: Queen Erza.
erza: That's what I wanted to hear.
erza: You get the honor to pick a hole.
main: So generous.
erza: Don't push it~
main: A tad late for that.
erza: !
erza: Mmmmm.....
erza: Fuck, that was awesome.
main: !
main: Auch!
erza: Still rude.
erza: Now get it up. You're serving me again.
main: Wait, Erza, I just-
erza: Don't care, come here.

Keep going

crys: Looked who dropped by!

jane: Good morning, /main/.
jane: Did you do your morning duties?
main: I woke up in a rush, to be honest.
crys: ?
jane: Aw, honey.
jane: Here, don't be shy~
main: I won't.
jane: !
crys: Oh my god...
crys: You guys have no shame.
jane: Ahh~
jane: It isn't healthy to keep these things in.
jane: I'm being a good shopkeeper~
crys: Mhm...
crys: I doubt you do this with any other client.
jane: Mmmmmmm~
jane: /main/ is my special client.
jane: And he gets some special rewards.
crys: Like coming here early and pounding your ass until you squirm?
jane: E-every morning if he wants~
main: !
main: You're amazing, Janet.
jane: Mmmmmmm~
jane: Thanks, honey~
jane: I'll treasure that.
jane: You're still so hard and full of energy~
crys: ...
crys: You know, /main/?
crys: It isn't healthy to keep these things in~
jane: Who has no shame now?
crys: I'm just being a good shopkeeper-
crys: !
crys: Fuck...
crys: You didn't think twice.
jane: Why would he?
jane: You said you were being a good shopkeeper.
jane: And that means getting your ass pounded until you squirm.
jane: Remember?
crys: Fuck...
crys: It's just huge.
jane: I know.
jane: And he's going so hard on you~
jane: Don't worry, /main/.
jane: We'll be here in the mornings.
jane: You can keep softening her up until she gets the shopkeeper role nailed down.
jane: Isn't that right, Crystal?
crys: I-I'm the one getting nailed down right now.
jane: Crystal?
crys: Yes~
crys: Every morning.
jane: F-Thank you, J-janet.
main: !
crys: Ahhh, ahhhh, ahhhh, ahhhh.
jane: Lovely~
crys: Mmmmmmmmm~
crys: I might be a slow learner~
jane: Don't worry honey.
jane: Learning is half the fun~

//Amber Sex Route

//Luna Snitchin
luna: Hey, /main/.
luna: Have you checked on Amber lately?
luna: Something's going on with her.
main: What do you mean?
luna: She checks out of here very early lately.
luna: Like she has a place to be.
luna: But I'm worried she might go too far from town, especially at night.
main: Do you want me to talk to her?
luna: Mmmmmm
luna: Yes, but don't do it directly.
luna: I want to give her space.
main: How?
luna: You know!
luna: Only if you happen to find her at night.
main: ...
luna: Come on, Aurelia isn't that big.
luna: And she can't go that far.
luna: It's just a lucky coincidence.
main: Alright...
main: I'll check around at night; I might find her.
luna: Thanks.

//Amber first convo

main: Amber?
ambe: ?
ambe: What are you doing here?
ambe: Are you a stalker now?
main: I was just taking a stroll-
ambe: Hahahahahahhaa!
ambe: You actually took that seriously?
ambe: If anything, that makes you extra suspicious.
ambe: Come on, sit here.
ambe: It's alright. I won't tell anyone about your weird stalking thing.
ambe: What did bring you to the lake at these hours?
main: I was about to ask the same about you.
ambe: Hmmmmmm
ambe: I don't know.
ambe: It's a relaxing place.
ambe: Feels good to be here.
ambe: No eyes glaring at me from every direction.
ambe: It's just the lake.
ambe: Plus, it's beautiful at this time of the day.
main: I thought you told me you liked being watched.
ambe: I mean... Yes... But no.
ambe: It's enjoyable when it's a limited amount of people.
ambe: Especially if I know said, people.
ambe: Luna or you.
ambe: Then I can enjoy myself.
ambe: But...
ambe: Lately, there have been some new faces due to Luna trying to "get the brothel
ambe: And many more eyes.
ambe: It hits... different.
main: Have you thought about-
main: !
main: ...
ambe: Let's enjoy the view for the rest of the night, alright?
ambe: I don't want to worry about work right now.
main: Alright.

//Amber 2nd convo

ambe: Oh, look who dropped by.
ambe: Again.
ambe: You really are a stalker.
main: Hey.
main: Have you thought about dropping the whole brothel thing?
ambe: Whoa!
ambe: Where is this coming from?
main: Well, you didn't let me finish the other night.
main: And didn't seem happy with the situation.
main: Thought I was going to drop it?
ambe: Yes, that's exactly what I expected.
main: Tough luck.
ambe: Alright.
main: !
main: ...
main: Do you seriously think that would work?
ambe: No, just wanted a kiss.
ambe: Do these work?
main: Amber, for Lirey's sake.
ambe: What?
ambe: Do you want me to shake 'em?
main: I'm serious.
ambe: Fine...
ambe: I- I don't know where to even start.
ambe: I don't have many options here in Aurelia.
main: Elaborate...
ambe: Can you keep a secret?
main: Yes.
ambe: ...
ambe: I'm kind of a fugitive.
main: Oh...
main: What did you-?
ambe: Nothing! I swear!
ambe: Kivir and I lived in the suburbs of the capital.
ambe: Not exactly a lovely place, but better than nothing.
ambe: Dad died at war. I never got to knew him.
ambe: Mom died when I was six due to alcohol poisoning. I just hold a vague memory
of her.
main: I'm sorry.
ambe: It's fine.
ambe: ...
ambe: So it was Kivir and me, asking for charity.
ambe: Living by the day.
ambe: Until Kivir got a job as a mercenary for a bunch of shady guys.
ambe: Moving who knows what up and down the road.
ambe: But I wasn't convincing Kivir because they paid a lot of money.
ambe: We'll be out of here in no time, he said.
ambe: So he kept working for them for 3 whole years.
ambe: Until one day, they got a surprise ambush by the local militia.
ambe: They wanted to know what was on the cart they were moving.
ambe: Some of Kivir's group didn't want to show the contents.
ambe: The conflict escalated, weapons were drawn, and Kivir ran.
ambe: Ran with a bounty on his head.
ambe: Thankfully Kivir knew Soran, and he pitied us.
ambe: The next thing I know, I'm running away, hidden in a cart.
ambe: Fucking carts...
ambe: They do nothing but cause trouble...
ambe: And well, you kinda know the rest.
ambe: We got drove to Aurelia, and Soran allowed us to stay at the brothel.
main: That's quite the story.
ambe: Yeah...
main: Quite the story...
main: Hey, how about you tell me the rest some other day?
main: I can get us some-
ambe: Some wine and strawberries?
main: Alright.
main: Some wine and strawberries.
ambe: Lovely~

//3rd time, cancel

main: I promised Amber some wine and strawberries.

//3rd time
ambe: Here you are.
main: Ready for round three?
ambe: Hahaha
ambe: Only because you bring something to drink and eat.
ambe: ...
ambe: Today the lake looks gorgeous.
ambe: I guess the wine is doing its work.
ambe: Stop it...
main: Stop what?
ambe: Looking at me like that.
main: Like what?
ambe: Expecting for me to keep rambling about my life.
main: Well, it kinda was the deal, remember?
main: I bring the wine and strawberries, and you bring the tales.
ambe: Hahahahahaha
ambe: Fine.
main: So, what are you going to do with the brothel?
main: You don't seem to find it attractive anymore.
main: Thought about finding something new?
ambe: It's not that easy.
ambe: I don't work in the brothel because I enjoy it thoroughly.
ambe: I'm there because I need a job. Otherwise, we'll get less money, and Kivir
will start doing dumb shit again.
ambe: He already does stupid stuff without telling me, or did you forgot the cart
ambe: That dumb ass is only alive because you were there that day.
ambe: And I can't complain much.
ambe: I only dance, after all. I don't even take my clothes off.
ambe: Your dance was an exception to that rule because Soran told Luna a "guy who
did me a big one" was coming.
ambe: And Luna and I agreed to "private dances" under those conditions.
main: Wait... I thought you did more stuff around the brothel.
ambe: No!
ambe: I don't offer "services" to the clients.
ambe: The only stuff I do is with you, and it's because I like you.
ambe: Also, you're the boss. I say you're worth the effort.
main: Aha.
ambe: Kidding~
ambe: I serve the drinks.
ambe: Dance sensually.
ambe: Keep the place clean.
ambe: And that's about it.
ambe: I'm actually in a good position.
ambe: I almost feel bad about complaining...
ambe: Bo-ho, Amber. You have to work now.
main: Maybe Orson's bar?
main: Helping the church?
main: The library? Shop?
ambe: Those are nice but don't pay very well.
ambe: Luna gives a reasonable sum, even for the little I do.
ambe: She knows I need it...
ambe: But even her patience has limits.
main: Maybe I could talk to her.
ambe: I-I don't know... Luna treats me great.
ambe: And now I come in and convince the boss to work less?
ambe: Feels like a dick move.
main: Well, we can change your duties inside the brothel.
main: Give you some extra tasks around to justify the lack of dancing.
ambe: Alright, just don't push it.
main: So...
main: Why didn't Luna dance for me when I came in for the first time then?
ambe: Hahahahahaha
ambe: Are you kidding me? Have you seen Luna trying to dance?
ambe: It's horrifying.

//Going Back to Luna

Amber's Job

//Lunas New Dancer

luna: So?
main: Well, it's about her job here, on the brothel.
luna: She doesn't want to dance anymore.
main: Oh, I thought she didn't tell you-
luna: She didn't.
luna: But I have several hundred years of experience.
luna: I already assumed that was the most probable outcome.
luna: Will miss my sweet, sweet Amber so much.
luna: She's such a joy to be around.
luna: And "to be around" if you get me.
luna: What did she find? She didn't tell me yet.
main: Ehrm... Nothing.
main: We talked about her situation, and maybe we could give her a different role
around here?
main: Is there anything she could do to substitute her dancing?
luna: ...
luna: Not much, maybe some minimal errands here and there.
luna: I've already been very lenient, respecting her limits and paying her well
beyond the value she brings to the brothel.
luna: I understand that you wouldn't mind giving her even more leniency, am I
main: Yes, I want her happy.
luna: Alright.
luna: You are the boss.
main: I'll tell her th-
luna: But not the only boss around here, /main/.
main: Oh...
luna: So you're going to have to convince me about this.
main: I don't like that ominous face you're making...
luna: I want a substitute dancer.
main: Well, that isn't that bad-
luna: I want the beggar as the substitute dancer.
main: ...
main: The beggar?
main: Ohro?
main: Why?
luna: You'll see~

//Luna's New Dancer Loop

luna: I already told you, I want the beggar as the new dancer. Go get him!

//Ohro Run
ohro: Me, dance?
ohro: Hmmmmmmmmm
ohro: Why do you want me to dance?
ohro: You find Ohro appealing?
ohro: It's the tusks, right? Boys love the tusks.
main: Not for me, Ohro. For the brothel.
main: It needs a substitute dancer.
ohro: NO!
ohro: Ohro already faced punishment for touching the plant lady juicy melons!
main: ...
ohro: Ohro was spanked and forced to dance!
ohro: Not anymore!
ohro: I won't get into that dress again!
main: Alright, alright, we can talk about it, come to an understanding-
main: Ohro!? Wait, come here!

//Ohro Loop
main: Alright, alright, we can talk about it, come to an understanding-
main: Not again...

//After Catching Ohro

ohro: T-tired.
ohro: Please mercy.
main: H-how do you run so fast?
ohro: Aerodynamical rags?
main: ...
main: Don't tug!
ohro: Let me goooooooooooo!
main: Calm down!
main: I'll tell Luna to NOT spank you.
ohro: You sure? Only dance?
main: Only dance, I give you my word.
ohro: And Ohro will receive some coin, right?
main: For sure...
ohro: And touch one of Luna's boobies too?
main: Don't push it.
luna: Oh my~
luna: He said yes?
luna: I hope you didn't promise him anything weird in return.
main: Only some coin for the dance.
luna: Alright.
luna: You kept your word. I'll keep mine.
luna: Do with Amber's job as you please.
luna: I'll have my own fun.
luna: She's in the hidden room behind the portrait at the left of the stage.
luna: Go have fun!

//If asking Ohro Again

ohro: Luna obligates Ohro to wash regularly now.
ohro: The gods have forsaken me.

//If asking Luna Again

luna: She's in my room.
luna: Check behind the painting at the left of the stage. A hidden passage leads
to it.

Where's Amber?

//Finding Amber in the Brothel 1rst time

main: Like Luna said.
main: There's a set of stairs here.
main: This should lead to Luna's room. Amber should be there.
ambe: Welcome, take a seat~
main: So it's here where you pass your time now?
ambe: Mostly, yeah.
ambe: Been doing some paperwork for Luna, brainstorming for the brothel, and other
fun stuff.
ambe: But I have a lot of free time, to be honest.
ambe: And more importantly, fewer eyes on me.
main: Well, I wouldn't want to ruin that.
ambe: Unwanted eyes.
ambe: You can look at these all day if you want.
main: I wouldn't say no to that...
ambe: Well, like I said, I have some free time.
ambe: I could use some extra work to keep my hands busy.
ambe: Like this...
ambe: Certainly a handful.
ambe: Fuck, I really want to sit on it...
main: Help yourself.
ambe: I-I'm a bit nervous.
ambe: Never done this before.
main: ...
main: I remember you boasting about being highly experienced.
ambe: Well, yes.
ambe: With my hands and my mouth...
ambe: But usually, my relations are short-lived.
ambe: I tend to dump guys easily.
ambe: So I never got this far with anyone.
main: Alright, take your time.
ambe: L-let me try.
narr: .............
ambe: Fine, go ahead.
ambe: Slowly...
ambe: You are... Quite big for the first time.
ambe: Wait...
main: Sorry, I'll back up.
ambe: No, I mean, I hear something.
luna: !
luna: Amber? Sweetie?
luna: Did I leave the mop here? Some guy just threw up-
luna: ...
luna: Amber? /main/?
luna: Are you guys fucking in my room at work hours?
ambe: Ah...
luna: Nice~
luna: Anyways, gonna get the mop and let you guys do your thing.
luna: Have fun.
ambe: ...
main: ...
ambe: Oh my god, my heart was racing there for a moment...
ambe: I don't know why... Only Luna comes here.
ambe: D-do you mind if we leave this for another day?
main: Sure.
ambe: Cuddle up with me, will you?
ambe: Thank you for everything, /main/.
ambe: Goodnight.

//Let amber Sleep

main: I better let Amber sleep.

//Amber First time

ambe: Hi~
ambe: Welcome back.
ambe: Paying me another visit in here?
main: Well yeah, I like to check on you.
ambe: You didn't come for anything else?
main: I-
ambe: Shut up and get these clothes out.
ambe: We have an unresolved business.
ambe: H-here we go.
ambe: God damn, it's still...
ambe: So fucking big...
main: You can slow down.
main: There's no rush.
ambe: No way.
ambe: I asked Luna for some toys.
ambe: To be "ready."
ambe: I have been waiting for you to come through that door.
ambe: Why did you have to take so long?
main: Well, I-
ambe: Do you know how seriously Luna took this?
ambe: She wouldn't let me go.
main: I thought you played with the toys
ambe: She insisted on helping me out.
ambe: So I had to endure her playing with her toys.
ambe: On me...
ambe: For hours...
ambe: And her skin kept making me sensitive.
main: Well, that explains why you're jumping on my lap.
main: Looks like your life depends on it.
ambe: I wanted this first time to feel great for both of us.
main: It certainly does for me.
ambe: I'm...
ambe: Somewhat hard to describe.
ambe: It hurts a bit...
ambe: But every hump throws chills through my body.
ambe: And even with Luna's help, it's still so big.
main: Sounds like you could use a bit more of her help.
ambe: Hell no.
ambe: This is mine, the whole thing.
main: As you wish.
ambe: !
ambe: D-don't fucking push it in you-
main: Well, you were missing a bit of it.
main: I thought you wanted the whole thing?
ambe: Y-yes, but I'm still...
ambe: S-top.
ambe: I-I
ambe: !
main: Didn't you want it to feel great for both of us?
main: I'm helping out.
ambe: S-shut up.
ambe: And keep pounding me.
main: I'm at my limit.
main: Don't you want to-
ambe: Just fucking do it.
main: !
ambe: Damn~
ambe: That-a was... Quite something.
ambe: God damn, you have quite a grip.
ambe: !
ambe: Ah~
ambe: Don't push it. It still hurts a bit.
main: Sorry.
ambe: It's fine.
ambe: You can grip me sideways instead.
main: ?
ambe: In the bed.
ambe: Telling me goodnight.
main: Will do.
narr: .........
ambe: Thanks for everything, /main/.
ambe: I really mean it.
main: I know.
main: Don't give it so much thought.
main: And enjoy what you have.
ambe: Yes~
ambe: Goodnight.
main: Goodnight.

//Amber new TREE

ambe: Hi~
ambe: Welcome back.
ambe: I still feel like I'm doing something wrong by sneaking here.
ambe: Don't you?
main: Somewhat.
ambe: Oh well...
ambe: ~
ambe: I guess we can look for a distraction?
main: Alright, what do you have in mind-
ambe: I don't know.
ambe: You look at these and tell me.
main: I do get some ideas from that...
ambe: Aha~
ambe: Let me take a guess.
ambe: The ideas involve this right here.
ambe: And getting it big and hard.
main: You got me.
ambe: It wasn't a challenging guess.
ambe: So, want to share those ideas with me?

Get on top of me
Keep going
We can put those two to work

//Sex Loop
ambe: I was waiting for it~
ambe: Now, this...
ambe: This is my favorite way to stay busy.
main: Well, I can't let Luna keep you busy all the time.
main: I have to give you some work to do too.
ambe: Mhm~
ambe: Thanks.
ambe: I mean-
ambe: Thanks, boss.
main: Your welcome.
ambe: I think I'm going to do some extra hours.
ambe: Want to prove my services are the best ones around.
ambe: And that takes a lot of hard work and dedication.
main: I got quite lucky then, best services, and just for me.
ambe: Have to keep you happy and pleased at all costs.
ambe: Can't afford to lose this position.
ambe: It's not even for the money anymore.
ambe: Just want to jump on your dick all day~
main: Well, I say it's worth the price.
ambe: Thank you~
main: I'm almost there, Amber.
ambe: Alright.
ambe: I should move out.
ambe: Right?
main: Your choice.
ambe: Isn't it risky otherwise?
ambe: Or we can...
ambe: You know...
ambe: Just this one time.
ambe: An exception~
main: !
ambe: ~
ambe: Fuck, it's a lot.
ambe: Can't you... like...
ambe: Cum less for once?
main: You wanted an "exception," right?
ambe: Well, yes.
ambe: But maybe, a smaller "exception"?
main: Would you even want it then?
ambe: ...
ambe: You're right~
ambe: It just feels so good when it keeps pumping in me.
main: Well, there's lots of stuff to do.
main: I should get going-
ambe: No.
main: ...
ambe: Pretty please?
main: Fine.
ambe: Thanks~
ambe: Goodnight, /main/.

ambe: Oh~
ambe: Enjoying the simple things in life?
main: Well, you're pretty good.
main: With those soft hands...
main: And killer looks.
main: I would even dare to say, you could do this for a living.
ambe: Dumbass~
ambe: Your dick is still in my hand, you know?
ambe: I can sink my nails into it.
main: It's that a threat or a promise?
main: Auch!
main: Come on, I was just trying to praise you.
main: Maybe we can renegotiate your contract?
ambe: Alright, I'll humor you.
ambe: What would that entail?
ambe: I hope it's more dignified than giving you handjobs.
main: Hmmm...
main: Just you and me.
ambe: Aha~
main: Erhm...
main: Your own room in the brothel?
ambe: Sounds good.
main: You can sing to me.
main: Fuck...
ambe: Go on~
main: Hard to think that you're squeezing it.
main: How about you tell me what you want?
ambe: Very well.
ambe: Access to the bar would be excellent. Sometimes I want something to drink.
ambe: Comfy pillows.
ambe: And some company if I want to take a stroll around the lake at night.
main: That's a lot of stuff.
ambe: And /main/ priority.
main: What is "me" priority, exactly?
ambe: Well, isn't it obvious?
ambe: It means that if you get into the brothel.
ambe: You check on me first.
ambe: I don't want some other slut to get dips on you.
main: That sounds quite greedy.
main: Wanting me all by yourself, especially for that reason.
ambe: Hey!
ambe: You're making me sound like some cock-starved slut.
ambe: That isn't fair; I'm just exploring our agreement.
main: !
ambe: Hahaha
ambe: Is that your signature?
main: I have to work on it.
ambe: Don't worry, I can help with that.
ambe: Want to take a little nap?
main: What about you sing to me for a bit first?
ambe: Gladly~

//TIttyfuck Loop
ambe: Alright.
ambe: Lay in the bed, and let me get ready.
ambe: Eyes closed~
main: ...
ambe: *Giggles*
main: Amber?
main: Oh fuck, that feels...
main: Different...
ambe: You can look now.
ambe: Went to get some backup~
ambe: Tadaaa~
luna: Well, I have you two sneaking into my room.
luna: The least I can get is an invitation from time to time.
ambe: It's not like we do it intentionally. It just happens.
luna: Amber, sweetie. That's bullshit.
luna: The moment he goes through the door, you rush to serve him drinks and
suddenly want to dance.
ambe: I don't-
luna: And not your usual, artful type of dance, the "please, get hard" type of
ambe: She's lying /main/, I don't do that.
ambe: Huh, /main/?
main: ~
luna: Don't worry about him.
luna: I got my hand right on his inner thigh.
luna: My pheromones are doing the job.
luna: He'll be unable to recall this conversation later.
ambe: Oh my god, you...
luna: Slut, I know.
luna: It's kinda my job.
luna: But I wasn't that far off, wasn't I?
ambe: I do try to get his attention here and there.
ambe: Sometimes, when it's just you, me, and him in the brothel...
ambe: I just wish he got up to the stage and did me right there.
ambe: On the stage floor, in front of you.
luna: Sounds terrific~
luna: Would enjoy that.
luna: Almost as much as he's enjoying this.
ambe: Yeah, It's throbbing so hard.
ambe: And keeps leaking...
luna: Well, he's been slowly grinding himself into ecstasy between us.
luna: Just like you right now.
luna: With his sensations greatly amplified.
luna: Why don't we give him a final squeeze?
ambe: Alright~
luna: There you go, push yours against mine.
luna: Tighter~
ambe: It's hard. Rubbing on your skin makes me feel tingly and light-headed.
luna: You have to commit, Amber.
luna: Or I'll finish him myself.
ambe: ...
luna: See? Now you're pushing hard~
luna: Make it as tight for him as possible.
main: !
luna: Much better~
luna: I think he unloaded everything he possibly could, and then some.
luna: Sweetie~
luna: You can stop grinding.
ambe: Just a bit more~
ambe: Sorry, your skin is...
luna: I know, sweetie.
luna: My secretions likely mixed with his cum too.
ambe: It's fine, go for it.
luna: There you go, don't miss a spot. Leave me clean.
luna: Don't forget the shaft too.
ambe: ~
luna: Good girl, don't choke on it.
luna: Keep going~
luna: [Aaaaaaw~]
luna: [Look at these two love birds]
luna: [So cute and tired]
luna: [Oh well, I guess it wasn't such a bad idea to have Amber here]
luna: [This is undoubtedly fun~]
luna: [And a small nap couldn't hurt, right?]

///Dungeon Scenes (Jungle)

lami: Oh~
lami: What'ssssss that warmth that I feel…?
lami: Ssssso warm, yessss… Let me get closssssse…
main: Be my guest.
lami: How nicccccccccce of you~
lami: A cold blood girl ssssuch as myssssself, is alwayssss looking for a warmth
lami: Especially here, near my heart.
main: It will get even hotter if you keep going.
lami: Issss that a promisse?
lami: I'll make it big and nicccccccccce then, tsssss…
lami: Anything for ssssome warmth.
main: You certainly have an...
main: Hypnotic way to move...
lami: I know~
lami: Bassssssssk on it.
lami: Assssss long as you can.
lami: Not even the sssssunniest day is as warm as thisss…
lami: So you'll have to go until the night comessssss.
main: Yes... Until the night comes...
lami: Much better, doessssssn't this feel right?
main: Very...
lami: Look at my eyes and move with me.
lami: Move for me~
lami: Sssssslow and ssssssteady.
lami: It'sssss not easssssy… being of cold blood… Tssssss…
lami: So much time ssssseeking for a warm spot.
lami: I better elongate the onesssss I find, as much as I can.
lami: Don't you agree?
lami: Take your time, close your eyes and enjoy it.
lami: You want it.
main: I want to close my eyes and enjoy it.
lami: Good~
lami: Engulf it in my boobssssss… like thisssss…
lami: Ssssssssloooow~
main: !
lami: A-are you alright?
main: Sorry, I think I dozed off there for a minute.
lami: It'sssss fine, relax-
main: I don't know how I could; I feel like I'm going to explode.
lami: !
lami: No need to russssssh it either.
lami: Look at me, isssssn't that what you want?
main: I want to...
main: !
lami: ...
lami: Well, It'sssss...
lami: Hot on my sssssskin.
lami: Very hot~

alra: Oh my!
alra: Ah- A human!?
alra: At this time of year?
alra: At this time of day?
alra: In this part of the jungle?
alra: Localized entirely within my growing spot?
alra: You must be lost!
alra: I'm sure you're exhausted. Come, I'll take care of you.
alra: It's okay, I won't hurt you. Don't be afraid, sweetie.
alra: That's right, Lay on me.
main: It smells so strong in here...
alra: Well, the nectar has a powerful scent.
alra: Does it bother you?
main: No, it's nice and sweet. Reminds me of candy.
alra: Aw, thanks.
alra: It took me a while to grow so much of it and such high quality.
alra: Oh~
alra: Talking about growing.
alra: And quality~
alra: Don't be nervous, it's alright.
alra: I love to take care of things.
alra: You must be so tired of all that fighting. You can recover here, with me.
alra: I can handle your needs.
alra: I'm here just for you now.
alra: How are we feeling?
main: I'm having a great time.
alra: So happy about that.
alra: Hoping that next time you don't come to me as exhausted as you did today.
alra: Could really use some... You know...
alra: Pollination.
main: I can-
alra: No, no, no, no, you're here to rest.
alra: I'm taking care of everything.
alra: So you can find me again, and take care of me.
alra: Now let's get a bit tighter.
alra: And a bit faster~
main: !!
alra: That's what I wanted to see~
alra: How wonderful.
alra: Are we now feeling better, sweetie?
main: Much better. You work wonders.
alra: I'm so glad to hear that. Take as much time as you need to recover.
main: Thanks for this lovely moment.
alra: Anytime, sweetie. Anytime.

tige: ...
tige: Mating?
tige: I don't know, you don't look like me.
tige: Well, sit there while I decide.
main: Sure.
tige: Hmmmmmmmmm...
tige: Alright, let me try.
tige: It's bigger than I expected.
tige: !
tige: Oh yes, much bigger!
main: You just sank the whole thing in one go...
tige: Yeah?
tige: There was some other way?
main: You could just take it slow?
tige: Oh right... Didn't think about that.
tige: I'm just used to pound on it~
main: You clearly have a good bounce.
main: Too good...
tige: Thanks~
tige: I'll try to go slow now.
tige: I didn't know you preferred it that way.
main: Got me off-guard, that's all.
main: I can handle it now-
tige: Awesome!
main: Oh-fuck...
tige: I was scared you would call for mating and then chicken out like that.
tige: That would be such a disappointment.
main: Mhfmmm...
tige: But you're doing great!
tige: I'm so proud of you-
main: C-can you give me a second?
tige: Oh...
tige: Sure...
tige: Maybe I got a bit excited~
tige: !
tige: Oh~!
main: Needed to get a better posture to push it in.
tige: It's so good~!
tige: Never had someone be so rough with me~
tige: Mmmmm~
tige: You're such a ferocious mate.
tige: My ferocious mate!
tige: Slam it in as hard as you can...
tige: And breed me!
tige: We're gonna have such a cute litter~
tige: With many little ones around us~
main: Eh...
tige: And after the first one, you can breed me again!
tige: You're gonna make me such a proud momma~
tige: And an overused cum dump~
main: !
tige: Hey!?
tige: What happened?
main: Ah, sorry...
main: I-ehm...
main: Slipped out.
tige: Aaaaaaawh!
tige: ...
tige: Again, again!
main: M-maybe some other time.

foxx: So, are you going to fuck me or what?
main: ...
foxx: Come on, get to it already!
main: You're quite the naughty one, aren't you?
foxx: Hahaha, Naughty? Shut up, grandpa.
foxx: I'm as well-behaved as they get!
foxx: You're just a slowpoke-
foxx: !
foxx: You brute, be careful!
main: I'm getting conflicting messages.
foxx: I told you to get on it!
foxx: Not to slam the whole thing in.
foxx: !
foxx: Oh my god! I told you to stop!
main: Sorry, thought you said, "No, slam the whole thing in."
main: My ears aren't what they used to be.
foxx: Very funny.
foxx: I'm sure you get a lot of attention with that sense of humor.
main: It's hard to take that bravado of yours seriously.
main: When you're wiggling your butt like a happy puppy.
foxx: Well, you weren't doing it yourself.
foxx: So I'm just going to use your fat cock as a toy and move on.
foxx: Stay there for a minute; I'm almost done.
main: If that's what you want, serve yourself.
foxx: Finally, that's the attitude.
foxx: You should've started there.
foxx: M-much more useful.
foxx: Just~
foxx: Just a bit~
foxx: !
foxx: That's what I'm talking about.
foxx: ?
foxx: What are you doing?
main: Well, the obvious.
foxx: !
foxx: Hey! Hey! Hey!
foxx: Stop! I already-
foxx: Fuck, this is bullshit-
foxx: I'm sensitiv-
foxx: You asshole, what's got into you!?
main: What do you mean?
main: I'm just going to use you like a toy and move on, just like you did with me.
main: It's only fair.
foxx: No the same you-
foxx: God damn, stop, I-I swear...
main: Stay there for a minute; I'm almost done.
foxx: D-don't you dare!
foxx: I-I will...
main: Yes?
foxx: Fffffffuck~
foxx: W-warn me, b-before...
foxx: I-I don't want you t-to...
main: Oh, I get you.
main: Don't worry.
main: Here it comes~
foxx: Wait!
foxx: !
foxx: You... dumbass...
foxx: Don't do it inside.
main: Oooooh, I thought you wanted me to "not waste any"
foxx: I-I~
main: My apologies~
main: You're not making it any better by grinding on it, you know?
foxx: K-keep using me. I'm so close again...
main: See, you should've started there.
foxx: S-shut up, grandpa~

///Xmas Elves
snow: Come on, come on! Please!
caro: I don't know Snowy… Are you sure about this?
snow: Hm? What do you mean, Carol?
caro: This… are you sure it's part of our job?
snow: Of course, silly! Come on, that dick isn't gonna suck itself!
snow: Don't you wanna bring this lad the happiness of Christmas?
caro: Of course, I do! But what does this have to do with making toys?
snow: Making toys, being toys... What's the difference? Hnnnh…
snow: All that matters is bringing joy…
snow: I can do all the work if you're unsure of this!
caro: Oh, you can forget about it! I'm not gonna let you do this all by yourself.
caro: With how carried away you get without supervision, who knows what kind of
mess you'd make?
snow: Hehe… I guess I do get carried away and make a mess.
snow: I wanna make a mess now… Mmmmh…
caro: No, no, no, step aside. I have to show you how it's done.
caro: Look at me and take notes for next time.
caro: You have to lick like this… and now suck like this...
snow: Aha, aha...
snow: Taking it so seriously.
caro: Of course! No matter what our job is, it must be done well.
snow: You always inspire me, Carol. You're so responsible!
snow: Now I want to try harder.
snow: How would I follow?
caro: !
snow: Oooooh, right right.
caro: Mmmmh…
snow: Whoa, you really can take it in.
snow: Almost the whole thing...
caro: Aaaaaah~
caro: I-I take my job seriously. I've been appointed supervisor for a reason.
snow: Be it making toys or being a toy yourself~
caro: Well, that isn't exactly what I-
snow: Oh, you left him throbbing!
snow: Is this part of what I should do?
caro: No! You-
caro: Just look...
caro: !
snow: Oh yeah, much clearer~
snow: Going to the end of it.
main: !
snow: Holy snowflakes! That's a blizzard if I've ever seen one!
caro: M-merry Christmas.
snow: Wasn't that amazing?
caro: Somewhat exhausting...
caro: But quite fun, for a change.
caro: Maybe we should take some time to... dig deeper into this.
snow: So I learn the ropes?
caro: Of course...
snow: Alright!
snow: Can I go next? Can I go next? Can I go next?
snow: I need practice.
caro: Of course.

//Xmas sucr
sucr: Tee hee! Here I go! Sucralosy is here! Now everyone can rejoice!
main: And you are…?
sucr: Huh? What do you mean by that? Everyone knows me!
sucr: But maybe you come from a faraway land, so I'll let that slide…
sucr: I'll have you know! I'm Sucralosy, the sweetest girl in the land.
sucr: You can forget about all you know because I'll blow it out of the water!
There's nothing like me!
sucr: My sole presence is enough to…
sucr: Aaaah? What are you doing?
sucr: !
sucr: H-hey! W-where are you trying to go so fast?
sucr: Don't you want to enjoy my presence? It should be more than enough to sweeten
your day!
sucr: Look at my pretty face and let joy fill your heart!
main: You said there's nothing sweeter than you, right?
sucr: Of course!
main: Well, I'm getting a taste.
main: I mean, you wouldn't lie?
sucr: Am not! Mh! D-Definitely not! Oof!
sucr: I'm the sweetest! N-No doubt about it! Aah! Fuck... so hard!
main: Are you sure of that?
sucr: One thousand percent! Mmh!
sucr: It's just that showing up is usually enough...
sucr: I'm not used to proving it; people just know better!
sucr: But I'm the very heart of Christmas joy! And I'm not afraid of a challenge.
main: I'm glad to hear that because the best part is just about to begin.
sucr: T-The best part? Mmmh… W-What are you talking about?
sucr: Aaaaah??
main: See? Now, this is sweet.
sucr: Uggggh…! Hold on a minute!
sucr: Y-You're going way too far. This is escalating t-too faaaaast! Easy! Go easy!
main: Are you sure? Now, this was starting to look more what you promised.
main: I had my doubts at first, but you took that cane so easily~
main: You are, truly, shaping up to be the sweetest I've ever known.
sucr: D…Do You mean it…?
main: Yes, with all my heart.
sucr: Heheh… Mmmh… W-Well, of course! I'm pure sweetness and joy!
sucr: Nothing compares to me! Mmmh! Everyone dreams of seeing my pretty face!
sucr: Just by entering the room, I make everyone happier. They all rejoice as soon
as I arrive!
sucr: I bring upon the magic of Christm…
sucr: Ouch!
sucr: W-What was that?
sucr: Oof!
sucr: Nnh…
main: You were saying?
sucr: I-I was saying that-
sucr: Ngh! Ahh…
sucr: S-stop it~
main: Sorry, you're too sweet, I can't hold myself.
sucr: Y-you...
sucr: !
main: Oh!
main: Now you're rocking those hips.
sucr: S-show me how sweet I-I am!
sucr: !
sucr: Oh-h m-yy godd-d
sucr: Ju-st on-e m-ore
sucr: !
sucr: Fffffh...
sucr: Aaaah~!
main: Fuck...
main: You're right.
main: This is sweet~
sucr: T-t-t-thanks~
sucr: Even with your demanding attitude, I-I win.
main: Yeah, let me surrender.
main: !
sucr: Ahhh... Ahhh... Ahhh...
sucr: Yo-u b-brute.
sucr: Oh… My spin's heading… M-My head's spinning…
sucr: Oh boy, I-I need a nap now…
sucr: Can you help me get up? M-my legs are shaking...
main: Sure.
sucr: Also...
sucr: You owe me some new leggings.
sucr: Or you'll have nothing to rip apart next time, besides me~

//Momma Stanta
miss: What do we have here? A good boy? Or a naughty boy?
main: Whatever you want.
miss: Ho, ho, ho! You silly, that's not how it works.
miss: Why don't you tell Mama Claus how well you've behaved this past year?
miss: Did you share your things with those who needed them?
main: Yes, I even went on fetch quests to get people what they wanted.
miss: That's wonderful! And what about lying? Have you lied, sweetie?
main: Uhm… No, only some white lie here and there.
miss: That's not bad, not bad. And have you made sure that your girlfriends came
before you did?
main: Woah… Eeeeeeeeh-
miss: Remember, no lying.
main: I certainly try my best every time.
miss: Oh, you rascal!
miss: I'm delighted to hear that!
miss: All right, that's enough for me. I know you've been good, and good boys get a
miss: Yours comes straight from me~
main: Damn, Misses Claus…!
miss: Ho, ho, ho! I've been around for a long time. I know how to make it snow, no
matter the weather…
main: Holy f-
miss: No swearing!
main: I-It's just
main: !
main: T-that's insane...
main: I just can't-
main: !!
miss: Excellent! How generous! You are, indeed, a good, good boy.
main: Like I had a choice...
main: Thanks for the... Uhm… Reward? Gift?
miss: No problem, sweetie. You've earned for yourself. Enjoy!
main: Huh…?
main: !
miss: Oh, no, no, don't get soft yet. I know you have some more to give, right?
main: Uhm, M-Misses Claus… I appreciate it, but…
miss: Oh, come on, sweetie, one more won't hurt, will it? Here.
main: I-
miss: Mmmmmm~
main: !
main: How the- I just...
miss: There are perks of spending the night with an experienced woman, ho, ho, ho!
main: !
main: I-I can barely hold it the moment you put your lips on it...
miss: It's alright~ Shoot when you're ready, honey pie~
miss: There is plenty of unused mouth here, and it's all yours~
main: Fuuuuu-
miss: Nhoo Shwearim
main: !
miss: Awww! You did have it in you!
miss: And look at this, I could barely hold it all~
main: Huff…
main: That was certainly on my limit, but it still felt amazing...
miss: Misses Claus, I'm certainly coming back for more later-
main: Ehm... Can I?
miss: Miss, please...
miss: Later?
miss: Oh, but what's the rush? Don't you wanna stay around a bit longer? Mama Claus
has time to spare… and love for ages!
main: Easy, I beg you, I've just unloaded twice…
miss: The third time is the charm!
main: M-Misses Claus…
miss: Come on, sweetie, don't you see I've been a good girl too? I've earned myself
a bit more of you~
main: !
main: I-I don't think there's any more of me there...
main: Nnng!
miss: Try not to twist too much, honey; I nearly missed the tip with my mouth.
main: Not doing it intentionally...
miss: Now, now. You have to believe in yourself!
miss: Come on, one more for Mama Claus. I know you have it in you! I'll help all
you want.
main: I think I'm more than helped at this point.
miss: Alright...
miss: I'll put it in another way.
miss: You're going to get your shit together and start pushing it!
miss: Because the only way you're leaving is by putting me in my fucking place and
watching me try to swallow it all like a greddy slut.
main: Last-ditch effort then.
main: Good boy! Give it all to mommy Claus.
main: I-I can't even...
main: FUCK!
miss: Aaaah! Ho, ho, hoooooo!
miss: I knew it! I knew you would make it!
miss: Oh, I'm so glad~
main: P-Please, have mercy… I've given you all I got…
miss: And you have done well. Happy holidays, sweetie.
main: Fappy Hole-idays… ugh… Misses Claus…

evee: What are you waiting for? A pat on the shoulder?
main: I believe you have something for me.
evee: Humpf! Something for you? How preposterous. And why would I give you anything
at all?
main: I can't ever seem get an item from you, I feel like you are cheating.
evee: Nonsense! It's mine, and you can't take it away from me.
main: That's not how it works.
evee: So what? I don't care about the rules.
main: You can't keep doing this...
evee: Oh, come on~
evee: You know we can get to an understanding~
evee: What's that item going to do for you, anyway? Hum?
evee: Why don't you relax instead, and enjoy~
main: That's not how it works, either…
evee: Are you not about to enjoy this then?
main: I am, but that's beside the point.
evee: Why does it matter then? If you feel good.
main: It does feel good...
main: But you can't keep weaseling away.
evee: Oh, can't I?
evee: Are you absolutely sure?
evee: ~
evee: Would this make you forget about it?
main: Damn it... Yes.
main: But... That was way too short.
main: If you want to keep my mind occupied, you'll have to commit more.
evee: Hum. How spoiled you ended up being.
evee: Very well. That shouldn't be a problem.
evee: ~
main: Oh yes, that's what I'm talking about.
main: Do you mind if I get a tad closer?
evee: Mhm~
main: Alright, just a tad~
evee: Mmh~!
evee: [Oh... Getting brave]
evee: [Was about time~]
evee: [How many times do I have to pretend to care about a worthless item...]
evee: [When all I want is this cock shoved down my throat]
main: You're sucking quite hungrily, really working on distracting me, don't you?
main: Fuck... You can't keep getting away with it like this Evee...
evee: [You're absolutely right.]
evee: [I shouldn't be getting away with this... I should be punished...]
evee: [Pounded senseless until my legs give up...]
evee: [And all I can do is moan on the ground while you keep using me.]
main: Fuck...
evee: [Damn it, I'm pushing him too fast again...]
evee: [I should slow down...]
main: You're amazing, Evee.
evee: [Don't play with me...]
main: I'm almost there
main: [Fine!]
evee: [I'm not able stop myself from sucking it anyway.]
evee: [So at least you get to have fun!]
evee: [Who am I kidding...]
evee: [I'm going to enjoy getting a mouthful more then you'll enjoy unloading it.]
evee: [And I'll relish every drop that ends on my face...]
main: !
evee: ...
evee: That was a mouthful...
evee: Ahem... Did you have your fun?
main: For sure.
main: But come on-
evee: Shhhhhhh~
evee: Enjoy the moment.
main: Fine. But next time...
evee: We'll talk about it, sure.
evee: [Next time~]
evee: [Next time will be the one]

//Ginny - Inner Chambers

ginn: Oh! You just came in at the perfect moment! Could you lend me a hand /main/?
main: What do you need?
ginn: I'll receive a visit later from an acolyte group, and the inner chambers are
a mess at the moment.
ginn: Could use some extra hands to help me clean.
ginn: I know
main: No problem, I can do it.
ginn: As always, thank you for your valuable help, /main/. These tasks are much
more bearable with you.
main: No problem, anytime.
main: You know I'm here for whatever you need. You just have to ask.
ginn: ... I'm very aware of it.
ginn: Perhaps there might be something else.
main: Oh? Such as what?
ginn: Hum, I don't know… Maybe some work downstairs.
main: Downstairs?
ginn: You know, under the drapes?
main: Ooooh...
ginn: What? Too vulgar?
main: No, no, I'm just used to the... poetic prayers.
ginn: Now, don't you mock me!
main: I'm not mocking you, only unclear on your intentions.
ginn: Pffff. Come on.
ginn: Am I not being clear enough in my insinuation?
main: Yes. But it could be better.
ginn: I'm all ears.
main: You could be a bit more specific about what you need.
ginn: I don't need anything, /main/! I just want it.
main: Well, it's refreshing to hear you say it like that.
ginn: ...
ginn: Sorry, I lost my temper.
ginn: It didn't come out the way it sounded in my head.
main: It's alright. I value your honesty. A lot.
main: So tell me. What exactly do you want, then?
ginn: You might want to check under the drapes.
main: Hi, again.
ginn: You don't need more instructions, I assume. Come on, get to work!
main: Let me just take a good look at it first. It's such a nice view.
ginn: We don't have all the time in the world, /main/.
ginn: The Acolytes will be here in less than an hour.
main: Oh, are you escaping your obligations to be naughty? Look at you!
ginn: Don't start! Hurry, you know I hate it when you make me wait…
ginn: !?
main: What?
ginn: What part of "the meeting will start soon" didn't you get? Stop playing
around, /main/!
ginn: Put that back in!
main: All right, will do.
main: Mmmmm...
main: Let me push the tip of it in and out to ease it in.
ginn: Stop... Playing... With that...
main: Sorry, don't want to hurt you.
ginn: !
ginn: ...
ginn: You happy?
ginn: Now, to business!
main: Oh, oops.
ginn: What?
main: I think I put it back upside down. Sorry, my bad. I'll make it right.
ginn: Upside down? But it's the same both w-
ginn: You...
main: It will just be a second.
ginn: Agh, fine! But hurry up!
main: Juuuuust a second.
ginn: !
main: I just need to ease this in for a bit.
main: And the plug will go in nicely.
ginn: Ugh!
ginn: /main/!
main: Yes?
ginn: You… naughty…!
main: I must say, you take it in without effort.
main: Feeling like you've played with the plug more than I did.
ginn: ...Oh, be quiet!
main: All right, will do. Vow of silence.
ginn: /main/!
main: …
ginn: Sweet Lyrei! It feels so much bigger up there...
main: …
ginn: H-Hold on… D-did you hear that?
main: …
ginn: Tshh! /main/, stop! I can hear someone coming.
main: …
ginn: Stop, I say! Ugh…
main: …
ginn: You animal… You'll make me come at this pace…
narr: *Knock* *Knock* *Knock*
acol: Ginny!?
ginn: Oh no...
ginn: Ahem, ahem… Yes, who is it?
acol: Ginny? The acolytes have gathered and await your presence.
ginn: Ohhhh, so early! What a wonderful surprise!
ginn: I'll be there in a minute!
acol: Do you need any help?
ginn: No, no! I, uh… I have a parishioner here with me… We're doing a, uhm…
spiritual advice session, yes!
ginn: He has such a long… and hard… story to tell me, yes… So much advice is
ginn: I might have lost track of time… It barely fits… i-in my schedule…
acol: Poor troubled soul...
acol: I understand. We'll wait for you to finish your counseling. Come to us when
you're done.
ginn: Right... I'll be with you soon.
ginn: F-finally...
ginn: Couldn't you slow down!?
main: Part of the "spiritual advice session," Ginny.
main: The very secret "spiritual advice session."
ginn: S-Shut up. It's not of any acolytes' business to know of the special
treatment I offer you.
main: That you offer me?
main: If I recall correctly, this was because you started it.
ginn: Well yes...
ginn: But I didn't foresee it going this way...
ginn: Nor did I know how much I needed this.
main: Needed, or wanted?
ginn: Needed.
main: !
ginn: Oh... Damn...
ginn: What a mess you made...
ginn: The plug is just going to make me miss this from now on.
main: Happy to be of help.
ginn: Going to need to clean this before I go out there.
main: Nonsense, you're almost ready to go.
main: Here.
ginn: !
main: Carry that around inside you during your meeting.
main: So you think of me.
ginn: Y-You…
main: What? Do you want me to pull it out?
ginn: …Agh! Nevermind.
ginn: Just… leave it there.
main: Yes ma'am. Any final comment?
ginn: I- A-
ginn: Just…
ginn: Thank you.
main: My pleasure.
//Giving of the Artifact
ginn: Look who comes back again.
main: How did the congregation go?
ginn: What do you think?
ginn: With your naughty little trick?
main: It wasn't little, and you know that, but it was pretty naughty.
ginn: That almost cost me losing face to the congregation!
ginn: Ugh...
main: What was the congregation about? Never seen so many acolytes.
ginn: About this...
main: And that is...?
ginn: A piece of a Lyrei statue. It comes from another temple.
ginn: It fell by itself, in the middle of a sermon, as the acolyte there mentioned
ginn: And therefore, they brought it to me. The Acolytes think it's a divine signal
and that it must be here.
main: That sounds like a huge responsibility.
ginn: I mean, it is, but not for long.
main: How so?
ginn: Because it is yours now.
ginn: Here, have it.
main: Wait, what?
main: I don't think I should...
main: How do you "know" it's for me anyway?
ginn: You've been thrust into my life, suddenly.
ginn: And so does this.
ginn: This is what fate wants of me, even if I don't fully understand it.
ginn: You are meant to have it.
main: I can't think of a use for it...
ginn: The truth shall be revealed to you in due time. I trust in Lyrei, and so
shall you.

You receive a piece of Lirey's statue

//Giving Naamu the piece
main: Oh, you looked for shiny stuff!
main: Maybe you are the one meant to see this?
naam: Wow!
naam: Now, that's an excellent shiny!
naam: Gimme, gimme!
main: Is it valuable for you?
naam: Valuable, you say? This is incredible! Not for me, for anyone!
naam: You could buy an army with this!
naam: The material is so rare...
naam: Infused with so much energy...
naam: This is precisely what I've been looking for! I never thought I'd ever see a
piece like this again…
naam: This should be enough… to finally grow all mighty!
naam: Or at least pretty close!
naam: If I were back at my cave, with all my shinies...
naam: I'm sure that, with all this treasure combined, I would only need minutes
there! But alas, I can't go back there.
main: Why is that?
naam: Another dragon kicked me out a long time ago. That's why I'm now on this
naam: Not that I dislike it by any means, but it certainly lacks the magic of my
naam: And it tampers with my powers! I'm not at my full potential here!
main: Let me see what I can do. We might be able to defeat the other dragon and
take back your home.
naam: You think? That one's pretty nasty and quite powerful.
main: There's no harm in trying, and we can always run away if things get
naam: I agree… Your help might make the difference!
naam: Thanks, /main/, you're the real MVP.
main: Em ve pee? What does that mean?
naam: It's old draconic language, hard to translate literally. And we can't lose
time! Let's go!
naam: Let me show you the entrance on your map. We can lead there any time you

Piece of Lirey's statue

//Confronting Kai
narr: ...
naam: (Are we there?)
main: (Yes! Shush, Naamu! Go back into the backpack.)
/kai: Who goes there?
/kai: Who dares enter the lair of Kai, the mighty dragon?
main: Uhm, hi. I’m /main/. Nice to meet you?
/kai: …
/kai: A human!
/kai: And... a cute one.
/kai: Ahem…
/kai: Come closer, human! Let me see you well.
/kai: Mind not the many treasures that glimmer in my cave. Such wonders pale in
comparison to my flames!
main: Uhm…
naam: (Play along, /main/!)
main: Uh… Sure! What a sight, indeed! So beautiful…
main: Treasures, what treasures? I can only feel your warmth!
/kai: Ahahaha! That's right!
/kai: You may admire me from up closer. Come on, I don't have the entire century.
main: Oh, my… Yes, you are indeed the most awe-inspiring creature I have ever
/kai: Hehe… Go on…
main: Uhm… Your eyes of hypnotic beauty have me speechless… and your graceful
features are like I've never seen before…
naam: (Snort! Graceful features…)
main: (Shhh!)
/kai: Ahahaha! You please me, human. You have a way with words.
/kai: Get closer so I can…
/kai: What is that?
main: What?
/kai: I smell something…
/kai: Something quite familiar…
naam: (Damn! She's gonna find out! Quick, /main/! Throw me into that pile of gold
over there!)
/kai: That voice…?
/kai: NAAMU??
naam: Oh, fiddlesticks!
/kai: You! How dare you?
main: Ehhh...
/kai: !
main: Too late!
naam: Damn it!
naam: Run!
main: Well… That could have gone better.
naam: Ah, there's no use… Now Kai knows I'm trying to go back, so she'll be on
naam: It's hopeless. We can't use the front entrance anymore without getting
main: Hold on. The front entrance, you say? Is there more than one way into the
main: Why didn't you tell me before?
naam: Yes, a back passage exists.
naam: But it's been blocked for a while.
naam: A huge rock fell from the mountain, rendering it unusable. It's too heavy for
either of us to push away.
naam: That entrance might as well no longer exist.
main: Maybe we could find someone strong enough to move it out of the way.
main: Then we could sneak into your lair.
naam: Yes, but who could be that powerful?
main: I think the one who put all this into motion could...
//Talking to Ginny
Ask for a favor
ginn: A favor? Of course! What is it that you need?
main: Well, you see… That piece of Lyrei's statue you gave me? The one you said I
should have for some reason?
main: I think you were on to something. A series of events has unfolded from that.
ginn: Ah, I knew it! It was, undoubtedly, Lyrei's divine providence! Praised be her
main: So, I've come across a problem, and I need your help.
ginn: Of course! Anything that's needed to fulfill our destiny.
main: It's out there. I need your strength to move a rock out of a cave's entrance.
ginn: Certainly! Ah, everything falls into place so perfectly.
ginn: You have my strength, /main/. Take me to that rock. I shall open up the path
that the goddess Lyrei has chosen for you.
naam: (A nun, /main/? A NUN?)
naam: (What the hell is going on?)
main: (Shhhhh, trust me)
naam: (She's going to pray the rock away!?)
ginn: This one?
main: Yes! That very one.
ginn: Alright, move back.
ginn: It looks stuck there, so I'll have to hit it hard.
main: I'll do that.
naam: (/main/? Are you sure about this?)
main: (Yes, she is powerful.)
naam: (How powerful?)
main: (Well, I've never actually seen her use her strength.)
naam: (What!?)
ginn: Ready!?
main: Ready!
ginn: Lirey, guide my strikes!
ginn: !
naam: ...
naam: Where did you find her!?
main: Ehm, the local church.
naam: Oh shit, she's coming close. Grab me!
ginn: Done.
ginn: There's anything-
ginn: Oh my god, is that lizard yours?
main: Sorry I didn't introduce you two.
naam: Grah!
ginn: Look at that wiggle. So cute!
main: Naamu?
naam: Grrrrah~
ginn: Owww, Naamu is such a mighty name!
ginn: Who's hungry? Naamu!
ginn: Anyway, I should not be leaving the church unattended for long.
ginn: If my help is needed again, you know where to find me.
ginn: See you later!
main: Later!
main: ...
main: So...?
naam: That elf nun just transformed a rock the size of a living room into dust.
naam: I'm not risking her having something against dragons or any talking animal.
main: Fair point.
naam: /main/.
main: Yes?
naam: You're not telling anyone about what I just did, right?
main: Your secret is safe with me. No one will know, and we won't speak of it
naam: Thank you, mate.
main: Well, what are we waiting for?
naam: Right! The passage should lead us through several tunnels and right behind
Kai's back.
naam: No time to lose!

//Confronting Kai
main: We made it!
naam: Great! Now, let me out! Release me into that pile of coins!
main: There you go.
naam: Ah, my beloved shinies, my gems, and jewels! Here I am! Back, at last!
/kai: Who goes there??
naam: (Shoot! /main/! Distract her!)
main: (Huh?)
/kai: Who dares enter Kai's lair without her permission?
/kai: Ah… It's you! Foolish human, you've returned to meet your doom!
main: I apologize, great dragoness… I just couldn't stay away from you anymore.
/kai: What?
main: Yes! I couldn't stop thinking of you… After all, you're the most magnificent,
beautiful being I've ever encountered in my journeys!
main: With your crimson scales, like rubies… And your eyes, like golden coins…
main: Your stunning presence got me floored. I had to see you once more, even at
the risk of my life.
naam: (Pfft… How cheesy…)
main: (Shush!)
/kai: Oh! Hahahaha! Of course!
/kai: I am quite the catch, huh? I'm the most attractive dragon in the land! Nay,
the most beautiful of all!
main: Yes, yes! And your charming smile has caught my heart. I can't think of
anybody else but you!
/kai: Finally, someone who appreciates my beauty! To think that I was going to
roast you alive.
/kai: ...Hold on. Are you alone this time?
naam: (Buy me a few seconds...)
main: Y-yes, very alone.
main: The loneliest I've ever been!
naam: (...)
/kai: It doesn't matter anyway...
/kai: You tried to sneak that icky lizard into my lair.
/kai: It's a shame... I really liked you...
/kai: But I have a hard time letting go of grudges.
/kai: !?
naam: !
naam: At last!
naam: Felt like an eternity.
naam: But now I'm mighty.
main: Naamu?
naam: Step aside, /main/.
naam: I got a horned brat to put in place.
main: Yes.
/kai: I'm not going out of here without a fight!
naam: !
naam: You are not winning this, Kai!
naam: Or going anywhere!
naam: You'll repay your betrayal!
/kai: -!
main: ....
main: Is she...?
naam: Oh, don't worry, she's fine.
naam: Stuck inside that crystal for a bit until she calmed down. Then we will...

//Dragon Celebration
naam: And with that aside...
naam: How do I look!?
main: Stunning.
naam: Right?
naam: And I couldn't have done it without your help. Thank you, /main/, for all the
time and resources you've spent helping me.
naam: You were so brave! I'm out for words.
main: No problem, Naamu. It was my pleasure.
naam: Since I owe you a big one, I'll give you any reward that you want from this
naam: Look around and take your pick. I'll give it to you.
naam: Choose carefully; I'm only doing this once!
naam: After all, this is my treasure. And as a glittering dragon, I must be
protective of my shinies.
naam: So, what is it going to be? A ruby? A sapphire? Gold, silver? A diamond?
main: I think I have my pick already.
naam: So soon!
main: Yep, there.
naam: The throne?
main: No...
naam: Uhm… there's only the throne there.
main: ON the throne.
naam: /main/, there's nothing on the throne other than me-!
naam: Ohhh,,, Oooooooooooh!
naam: Are you sure? Would you throw away this one chance at any of these riches for
main: Gladly.
naam: /main/, that's so sweet. Really.
naam: I had never thought of it before. But now that you mention it…
naam: It was with your help that I managed to reach my mating stage. Now everything
fits together.
naam: And talking about fitting... Time to become a dragon rider!
naam: What a great way to start this stage of my life!
naam: Now I see why everyone's so obsessed with getting here! This is the best!
main: I'm glad that you're enjoying yourself.
naam: More than enjoying!
naam: Man, I can totally see myself getting hooked to this feeling.
naam: I want to mate every day! Every night!
naam: And check out these big ones!
naam: They're brand new and quite bouncy.
naam: You're not taking your eyes out of them.
main: Hey, you told me to pick a treasure; I'll enjoy it as much as possible.
naam: Hahaha~
naam: Alright! I'll shake them for ya.
/kai: What are you two doing!?
naam: Look at who regained her consciousness.
main: Should we worry?
naam: Not at all. Locked inside that crystal... All she can do is watch.
naam: What are you complaining about over there?
/kai: This is so unfair! Why do you get to mate with him and I don't?
naam: Less than 5 minutes ago, you wanted to calcinate him. We wouldn't have
anything to mate if it was for you.
naam: Also, such a shame you can't get here.
naam: This is so good,
naam: Gonna make me lose my mind!
/kai: Nnnnngh!
naam: Slam it hard /main/, show Kai how you do it.
naam: That's it!
naam: Harder!
/kai: That looks like so much fun...
naam: It is!
naam: It throbs and burns inside you as nothing will.
naam: Push it, /main/!
naam: This is my first one, make it very special.
naam: Don't hold back!
main: !
naam: Oh, oh waw.
naam: So many new sensations!
/kai: I wanna...
naam: Oh, boo hoo, Kai. You've had this cave for a while now, yet I don't see your
naam: It took me less than a minute to get one once I had this lair locked down.
naam: We are not the same.
/kai: Mgrr…
naam: Maybe someday, Kai~
naam: After all, this looked like such a distant future for me.
naam: Yet here we are.
naam: Thanks, /main/, you're the best~
naam: I enjoyed every second of it.
main: Anytime, Naamu.
naam: And you know, maybe as a unique exception, you can grab a thing or two around
naam: I won't be mad.
main: Are you sure?
naam: I promise.
naam: Could use a visit like this, here and there.
naam: But right now, I should be resting.
main: You'll be alright here, with Kai?
naam: Absolutely, she'll behave herself from now on. I'll make her.
/kai: ...
naam: See?
naam: Come back some other day~
main: I will.

//Kai domination
naam: Look who is back!
naam: The king of the lair.
main: Getting comfortable, I see.
naam: Oh yes, this is just...
naam: Natural~
naam: It feels right!
naam: Doesn't it, Kai?
/kai: ...
naam: Doesn't it, Kai?
/kai: Yes...
naam: Still working on that!
naam: Oh wait, you can lend me a hand on this!
main: ?
naam: Come here.
naam: I'm sure Kai will love looking.
/kai: No, please... Not again...
naam: Oh, do you want to go first, Kai?
/kai: Wait, for real!?
/kai: Can I!?
naam: Of course! If that fixes your mood.
naam: Get on your knees.
/kai: I expected something else...
/kai: I'm not sure this is appropriate for me. I'm to be served.
naam: Oh, don't worry, here's a huge serving.
/kai: Hnnngh!
naam: That's it! I knew you had it in you!
naam: Aren't you glad that it's finally your turn?
/kai: Nhgh… Mggrr…
naam: Come on, don't give /main/ a hard time. Let him give you a hard time!
naam: Ahahaha!
/kai: Nngh…
naam: Oh, come on, that was a good one.
main: I don't know. This feels wrong...
main: She's shooting daggers at me.
naam: Oh, don't you worry. She's angry at me, not you.
naam: Because she could be doing something else~
naam: That angry face?
naam: Ah, that's in her nature.
naam: You see, unlike me, Kai is a red dragon. She's a passionate being by nature.
Quite stubborn, too, but nobody's perfect, right?
naam: Red dragons can be pretty fiery lovers. In fact, they can't help but fall for
whomever they mate with.
naam: And she already gave you the looks well before having her mouth stuffed.
naam: So give her a few good thrusts for me.
naam: It might help mellow her attitude.
main: Just because you asked nicely.
naam: Yes~
naam: She'll be all lovey-dovey in no time. Right, Kai? Are you enamored already?
/kai: Hnnh… Hmpf…
naam: Theeeere you go! /main/, see the difference?
naam: She just needed you to get that stubbornness out of her head.
naam: By giving her something else to worry about...
naam: Now you've got yourself a little dragon plaything for whenever you want.
naam: As long as I allow her, of course~
naam: Just look.
naam: Not holding it anymore.
/kai: This is all your doing, Kai.
/kai: Mmmmh~
main: What an attitude change.
naam: I told you~
naam: It was a matter of time.
naam: Now don't be rude, Kai. Look at him.
naam: ...
naam: So damn bratty.
naam: I guess I shouldn't be the one asking.
naam: Come one, /main/. You try.
main: Kai.
/kai: ...
main: Look at me.
/kai: ~
naam: You make it look so easy.
naam: Well, make her look so easy.
/kai: Hmpf...
main: Deserves something for behaving so well.
/kai: ~!
naam: See Kai?
naam: Good things happen when you behave.
naam: She has accepted her place… Now, /main/! Seal the deal!
main: !
/kai: Mmmh… Mh… Mh…
main: Damn, never seen her so happy.
naam: Don't swallow. Show /main/.
/kai: ...
naam: Look at that.
naam: Good job, Kai.
naam: Now, get to clean it.
naam: Nothing gets to waste.
/kai: Mhm~
naam: You'll be back on your knees soon. You can be sure of that.

main: Get on your knees, Kai.
main: I have something for you.
/kai: Yes~
naam: Be careful, Kai.
naam: You can harm yourself if you drop to the floor that fast.
/kai: Don't tell me what to do.
/kai: Mmm~
naam: Hahaha
naam: So rude.
naam: At least you get the enjoyable part, /main/.
main: I could get used to it, to be honest.
naam: Do you hear that, Kai?
naam: Way to go, girl!
naam: How's she doing, /main/? What do you think?
main: Never thought she'd be so great at this.
main: For how menacing she was at first...
naam: The only reason she managed to kick me out of this lair was that she matured
naam: She just got lucky.
/kai: ...
naam: Don't look at me like that, Kai.
naam: Think, you wouldn't be doing this if it wasn't for me.
naam: I might be the queen of this place now...
naam: But you look so much happier under my command.
main: You like to torment her.
naam: Well, she earned it.
naam: And talking about earning~
/kai: Hey! Don't push him away!
/kai: Don't hold me!
naam: Sorry, did you say something?
naam: I think you might want to repeat that, with less brat in it.
/kai: ...
/kai: Please, don't fucking hold me?
naam: That's your best attempt?
/kai: /main/, tell her something.
/kai: You asked for this. You wanted it.
main: I do, but Naamu has a point.
main: You're a bit bratty at times.
/kai: I won't be anymore, I promise.
naam: Come on, say the magic words.
/kai: Ugh... Not to you, Naamu.
main: Kai, behave.
/kai: ...
naam: Come on, look at it.
naam: It's so close, throbbing so hard.
naam: And you could be tasting it.
/kai: Fine!
/kai: Sorry, Naamu.
main: Kai, more heartfelt.
/kai: I'm sorry for talking to you that way.
naam: It wasn't that hard.
naam: Here, let me give it to you.
/kai: Mmmmmm~
naam: Enjoy every second, Kai.
naam: Think about this as a rite of passage.
naam: Every thrust is a step closer for him to consider breeding you.
naam: Isn't that nice?
naam: Isn't that what you want?
/kai: Mhm~
naam: Do your thing, /main/.
main: Don't have to ask me twice.
/kai: ~!
naam: See? This is much more fun when you obey.
main: !
naam: Now that's an expression I love.
/kai: Ahh~
naam: Now, will you be rude again?
/kai: No...
/kai: I won't.
naam: Not even if I hold you back for a bit.
/kai: I can't promise anything.
naam: Hahaha, you're hopeless.
//Threesome Loop
/kai: W-What…? Really?
/kai: Yes! Yes, yes, yes!
/kai: Oh, please, do it now!
naam: Easy there, Kai. /main/ is the one who calls the shots here. Literally, you
do what he says, understand?
/kai: Sure! Anything at all!
naam: What will it be, /main/?
main: I was thinking that Kai could lay down here.
/kai: Right away!
naam: I don't suppose you want me to just stay aside and watch, right?
main: Of course not! By all means, join us.
/kai: Wait a minute, I thought...
/kai: Hmmmfh!
naam: Come on, girl, put yourself to it! I know you can do better.
main: Not working on your end? Mine seems fine.
naam: Hum, you know… Not bad.
naam: Nothing compared to you~
naam: Maybe you should pull out of her and stick it back into me instead.
/kai: Hff?? Hnnnfh!
naam: At least she's getting me ready, that's for sure.
/kai: Hffffgh!
main: That's a shame.
main: I really want to dump all I got today.
naam: Oh!
main: Is she stepping up?
naam: Yeah! Much better!
naam: I feel like she's going for the big prize you talked about.
naam: Mmmh!
naam: She just needs a push here and there.
main: Oh well, I don't need to be holding back then.
/kai: ~!
naam: Hahaha, I didn't mean that kind of push.
naam: But she won't complain.
naam: Nor will I...
naam: As long as she keeps me busy.
naam: Understand?
/kai: Mmmfhhmmm…
naam: Good.
naam: We can get her used to this.
naam: So she can be helpful to both of us at once.
/kai: Hffffh…
naam: Is that a yes or a no?
naam: Ah, who cares?
naam: It's not like you have a choice.
naam: Either you pleasure me, or /main/ does.
naam: Are you close, /main/?
main: Yes, holding up for now. In case you change your mind.
naam: ~!
naam: See? Now that's what I'm talking about.
naam: All you needed was to think... about... Ah fuck...
naam: Losing your... prize...
naam: Do it, /main/~
main: !
naam: Oh yes~
naam: Mmmmmmmm~
naam: How did she take it?
main: She's still grinding on it.
naam: Can't let anything go to waste, I guess.
naam: I don't know if next time I'll hold up so good in here
naam: I hope Kai steps her game up to compare to you.
naam: AUCH!
naam: Don't bite me there, you crimson-scaled slut!
main: You asked for it this time, Naamu.

//Dragon Celebration Loop

/kai: ...
naam: Oh, absolutely!
/kai: It coulda have been me...
naam: Shut it, Kai.
naam: You hoard him enough already.
/kai: Maybe he wants to reconsider?
naam: Don't push it, Kai.
naam: Respect /main/'s choice.
main: Maybe later.
naam: Look at you, trying to handle two dragons at once.
/kai: He could, he could handle both of us.
main: Well... I'm going to need a bit of rest in between.
naam: Ah, put a sock in it, Kai!
naam: If you're so horny watching us mate, then touch yourself!
/kai: It's not the same…
naam: It isn't!
naam: Nothing compares to this!
/kai: ...
naam: But you can always use your imagination.
naam: You already have the visuals, don't you?
naam: Look at it. Go in and out~
naam: Such a tight fit~
/kai: (I would be tighter...)
naam: Did you say something?
/kai: You're right! So tight!
/kai: I'll wait for my turn...
naam: You really have to put her in place, /main/.
naam: You can't be looking soft.
naam: Or I'll have to lock Kai up and hoard this for myself every time.
naam: You know, with this new form, I can do it.
main: Many things can be done with this form.
naam: I don't think you're talking about magic powers now~
main: It's magical to me.
naam: Luckily I've been blessed with my transformation.
naam: With some curves
main: Well, you were a huge lizard then.
naam: Yes, but now it's not only my scales that are bulky.
naam: I'm glad you're thinking about the possibilities anyway.
naam: I have a lot I want to experiment with.
naam: Plenty of sensations to discover.
naam: And a lot of time to play~
naam: Now, Kai will start to get impatient and nag at us at any moment.
naam: So how about we step it up?
main: I was waiting for you to ask nicely.
naam: Hahaha
naam: Do it then.
naam: Thrust those hips up and give it to me.
/kai: Don't push yourself too much /main/.
/kai: You don't want to use all your energy, don't you?
naam: There she is.
naam: Sorry, Kai.
naam: But he just wants to give it all.
/kai: Maybe if you stop slamming on it!
naam: No way, and throw my turn out?
naam: I'm using it.
naam: And taking everything he can give me.
naam: So... Don't worry too much. Kai will still be there later.
naam: And right now, I need it, all of it.
main: Well, I am convinced.
main: !
naam: Mmmmm~
naam: That's what I'm talking about.
main: All of it.
naam: Yes~
naam: Even a bit more than that.
naam: I'm going to be sore for a good while.
/kai: Can I get a turn now?
main: I'm a bit exhausted... Maybe tomorrow?
naam: There are plenty of days.
/kai: Ugh...
/kai: Fine...

//Duo BJ Kiki-Luna
main: The booths are empty, and it's been a long day.
main: A small nap won't hurt, right?
luna: Oh? Is that what I think it is?
kiki: ?
luna: Look! He's asleep!
luna: So cute. He's been working hard all day.
kiki: Is he alone?
luna: Yes!
kiki: Mmh! I wonder if the boss is hard! Maybe we can take a peek… I love to see
that huge thing tower up in the air!
luna: Well, a look won't hurt, hehe…
kiki: Are you seriously gonna…?
luna: Keep it quiet, Ki-Ki. You'll wake him up!
kiki: Boss is going to think we are annoying!
luna: We're not annoying. We're just curious.
luna: Aaaand… Here it is!
kiki: He was hard!
kiki: I'm getting the tingles just from seeing it!
luna: Yes, me too. All the good memories… It gets my sap flowing.
kiki: Do you think he's having one of those dreams?
luna: Probably.
kiki: Do you think I'm in it!? Boss loves me~
luna: Aha...
kiki: You can be there too... I'm sure she loves your... petals.
luna: I think he appreciates more getting embraced between my legs.
luna: And the petals as a close second.
luna: Maybe it isn't about us?
kiki: Amber, perhaps? She's an amazing girl!
luna: She's one of our best, yes. But maybe he's dreaming of some other girl in the
kiki: Oooooooooooh, like who?
luna: I've seen him go to Janet's a lot. Do you think he breaks his tools so often?
luna: I would add the barmaid at Orson's and the library girl if I had to bet.
kiki: Do you really think so?
kiki: Like, he's fucking everyone in town?
luna: Why keep it in town? Aurelia is more than that.
kiki: No way!
luna: Shhhhh!
main: Mmmh…
kiki: Oh! Shit!
main: Ki-Ki? Luna?
main: What's going on?
luna: Oh, /main/! I'm so sorry that Ki-Ki has woken you up.
luna: She was very adamant about sucking you while you were sleeping.
kiki: What? That's a lie! She got it out first!
luna: Girl, you're drooling.
kiki: Well, of course! I had it literally in front of my face.
kiki: Hmmmfh!
main: There, put that to good use.
kiki: T-sha-nk u!
luna: Sorry for interrupting your rest, /main/~
main: You two are hopeless.
main: And terrible liars.
main: Deeper, Ki-Ki.
kiki: Hggghhh!
main: That's more like it.
luna: Mmmm~ She got lucky.
kiki: Ahhhhh~
main: There, have a turn.
luna: Thank you~
kiki: Fuck, that took me by surprise.
kiki: I could feel it throbbing while It was choking me.
kiki: Awesome~
main: Like I said, hopeless.
kiki: Ggghhh~!
main: I have to give it to you. You are truly deserving of a spot in the brothel.
kiki: Bhroshs~
luna: We did well hiring her.
luna: Certainly has talents.
main: Take a breath, Ki-Ki.
kiki: He-he, Luna's saliva feels tingly.
luna: Thank you, Ki-ki.
luna: I'll return it to you as hard as possible.
main: Ah fuck...
main: Not letting me any room to breathe?
kiki: I'm barely getting any either.
kiki: Hggggh!
luna: You deserve that~
luna: Now be nice and don't let his arm get tired. You can choke yourself on it.
luna: There you go, all in. Give him a few seconds to enjoy your commitment.
kiki: Ghhaaaa~
luna: Good girl, quite the apology.
main: I can feel the forgiveness bubbling already.
kiki: Luna, don't hog it.
luna: Like you are going to unseal from it once it starts delivering the goods.
main: Girls?
luna: We share?
kiki: We share~
main: !
main: Much better.
luna: I hope we made up for... waking you up.
main: Plenty.
main: If you excuse me, I would want some alone time to sleep.
luna: Of course!
kiki: Sleep well, boss!
luna: Come on, Ki-Ki, let's go.
kiki: That was fun! I want to do it again!
luna: Perhaps next time he falls asleep… I'll give him more tasks to do so he gets

//Ginny Loop
main: Do you need any help today, Ginny?
ginn: Well, now that you ask, in fact, I do. Come with me, let's go to the back.
main: Right behind you.
ginn: Hehe… Yes, I know.
ginn: All right, I'm ready. You can start helping me now.
main: Absolutely. What exactly do you need?
ginn: Come on, /main/! It should be obvious already.
main: Please, give me a hint, at least. I feel a bit lost.
ginn: You know you're not.
main: …
ginn: Fine!
ginn: You'll want to check under my dress. There's something down there I need your
assistance with.
ginn: Do you see it?
main: Ah, I think I'm getting it now. Or am I?
ginn: Don't play games with me, /main/!
main: Are the acolytes waiting for you again?
ginn: No. This time we can spend as much time as we want here.
main: Good to know.
ginn: So get to it, come on!
ginn: That's it… Now, do it!
main: Do what?
ginn: For the love of…! /main/, can't you see I'm aching for it?
main: Don't you want to, I don't know, say a prayer first or something?
ginn: Ah, you naughty…! Shut up!
main: Who's being naughty? You're asking me to for this.
main: You're a bit of a pervert, aren't you, Ginny?
ginn: Nnnnnngh!
ginn: F-Fine! So what if I am? I work so hard every day; I need some release!
ginn: Don't just stand there. Get to it!
ginn: That magic device weakens my powers, depriving me of my strength and
resistance to pain. If you wait for too long, the effect will wear off!
main: Right, I almost forgot you are into that. True?
ginn: …
main: True?
ginn: Yes, yes, I do! I can't wait. Being under your will is what sets me free!
ginn: Now please, for the love of all that's good, put it in me! And not the toy-
ginn: …Aah?
ginn: Oh!!
ginn: Feels... So wrong...
main: Yet your legs are already shaking.
ginn: You are right. I love this.
ginn: I need it more than anything.
ginn: Push it in.
main: Those don't sound like the words a priestess would say.
ginn: Right now… My role as a priestess is secondary. I'm yours first.
ginn: Even if I wanted, I could not escape.
ginn: Please, use me...
ginn: !
ginn: What an overwhelming sensation!
ginn: Don't stop!
main: I don't think you're in the position to give orders.
ginn: I'm sorry, didn't mean it.
ginn: I'll-
main: You'll do what I say.
ginn: Yes.
ginn: Those words alone make my entire body burn.
ginn: Anything you ask, I'll do.
main: Thank your goddess for this.
ginn: I-
main: Do it.
ginn: T-thank you Lirey!
ginn: Thank you for making me this way.
ginn: For letting me wear my robes, just to put them aside for /main/.
ginn: To give me strength, so I can be taken away.
ginn: So I can submit, not to a goddess, but to a mortal man.
main: Good, remember that you asked for this.
ginn: I didn't ask. I begged.
ginn: Because there's nothing, I needed more than for you to use me.
ginn: No matter how hard or how long.
main: !
ginn: How warm~
ginn: I love it... And yet I can't help to feel ashamed.
ginn: Do you think I'm odd, /main/?
main: The only thing you are is mine, to use as I please.
ginn: I am~
ginn: And it brings me such joy.
ginn: Can I request something?
main: If you ask nicely.
ginn: Put the plug back in, please. I beg you.
ginn: Mmh!
ginn: Ah, exquisite.
ginn: This will remind me of who I belong to...
ginn: I'll bask in that thought… for the rest of the day…

Need any help?

main: I'm choosing not to be roasted alive today.

main: Better retreat from here.

//Dragon Lair Conversation Tree

naam: Welcome, /main/.
/kai: Hey~
naam: What can we offer you?

Ride Naamu
Get Kai on her knees
Fuck Kai


naam: Of course! Let me channel the power of this hoard for you.

Blessing of Vigor
Blessing of Mind
Blessing of Strength
Blessing of Invulnerability
Blessing of Fortune

What do you want to know?

//Other items in the lair


main: A marvelous sword engulfed in fire.

main: I have no way to handle it without being scorched.


main: A blue pot.

main: It's incredibly heavy.


main: Shelves filled with ancient books and tales.

//Rock formation

main: A strange rock with runes glowing on its surface.

main: They seem familiar, somehow.

naam: Marvelous.
naam: I'll guide you in your adventures.
naam: Tell me, what knowledge do you seek?

//Blessing Text
naam: Alright!
naam: I'll bless you with my power.
naam: So it can serve you in time of extreme need!
naam: Still, don't get overconfident. We would like you to stay around for a long

//Extra Art Duo (Ivy_Scarlet)

scar: Damnit...
scar: Come on!
scar: Just...
main: What the...
scar: /main/!
scar: Hi...
main: Scarlet? What are you doing with Ivy's stuff?
scar: More like, what's Ivy's stuff doing with me.
scar: This thing just snared my hands.
scar: Been trying to get out for a few minutes, but there's no way.
scar: Come on, give me a hand! Do some magic!
main: I feel like Ivy will know better than me. I mean, it's her stuff.
scar: Come on, it won't hurt to try!
main: I... Don't know...
/ivy: You are being wise, /main/.
/ivy: Risking a failed spell over this wouldn't be a smart move.
scar: Oh!
scar: Ivy!
scar: I was about to call you.
/ivy: Aha...
/ivy: Didn't sound like it.
/ivy: Ahem...
/ivy: Come on, give me a hand! Do some magic!
scar: Well, /main/ was closer.
scar: Unlike you...
scar: So... how did you know what he said?
/ivy: Well, I was near the door-
scar: Oh my god, you did this on purpose!?
/ivy: Of course not!
/ivy: A seal I was working in just went off.
scar: Ah, of course!
scar: A snaring seal just went off on your desk as soon as I touched it.
scar: How convenient!
scar: Just curious, what did you want to trap in this room!?
scar: THE BOOKS?
main: I'm being part of a domestic right now...
/ivy: I've told you many times not to touch my research anyway!
/ivy: This would not have happened if you didn't touch my desk!
main: I feel like I shouldn't be here...
/ivy: What if I picked your things and used them as toys?
scar: I would enjoy our newfound appreciation of weaponry and how it gives us
something in common.
scar: And then I would sharpen the thing after your clumsy ass dents it against a
/ivy: That's it, I'm letting you here to have fun by yourself.
scar: Good, It'll give me time to plot an act of revenge!
main: GIRLS!
main: Enough!
/ivy: ...
scar: ...
main: Just don't touch Ivy's research.
/ivy: See-!
main: And you shouldn't snare people to desks!
main: Otherwise, you are using magic as a toy, which you don't want Scarlet to do.
/ivy: Fine...
main: And?
/ivy: Sorry, I shouldn't have snared you there.
main: Good.
scar: ...
main: Scarlet?
scar: I'm sorry. I won't touch your dumb stuff again.
main: Come on, Scarlet, don't be like that.
scar: Ugh...
main: Scarlet?
scar: Alright!
scar: I'm sorry for messing with your research.
main: Good.
main: Can you remove the spell, Ivy?
/ivy: Yes, I can.
/ivy: But...
/ivy: ~
/ivy: She didn't apologize immediately.
main: Oh...
main: You know, I didn't think it that way.
scar: Hey! What the hell do you mean?
scar: I did apologize!
/ivy: Yeah, but was it honest?
scar: Of course, it was-
/ivy: ~!
scar: Ivy... What the hell is going on!? I can't turn around!
/ivy: What do you think is going on?
/ivy: I'm taking advantage of you.
/ivy: See?
scar: Just...
scar: Remove the spell, and we can move to the bed.
/ivy: I don't know...
/ivy: What do you think /main/?
main: We can-
main: !
/ivy: Yes?
main: Now that I think about it...
main: We never did anything on the desk.
main: It's a chance to learn new things.
scar: Ivy, you slut! I can feel that!
scar: Stop masturbating him on top of me!
/ivy: Oh, I'm so sorry.
/ivy: I didn't mean for it to hit you.
/ivy: Several times~
/ivy: I'm just a "clumsy ass." Remember?
scar: Alright, I already said sorry for that.
/ivy: A very, very clumsy.
/ivy: Ass~
scar: !
scar: Ivy, that's not how it works.
scar: You want to aim a bit further below.
/ivy: Are you sure?
/ivy: /main/ is not precisely pushing away.
/ivy: It's almost like he's familiar with this.
scar: Well, maybe he fantasized with-
/ivy: (Do it)
scar: Ah!
/ivy: You know, you shouldn't lie to your /scarlet_role/
/ivy: It's mean.
scar: I... Mmmmh~
/ivy: And I can hear /main/ coming at night and getting into your bed anyway.
/ivy: Followed by you asking to get stuffed here and a lot of moaning.
scar: Ah... creep!
/ivy: You guys are loud!
/ivy: And have the entire house!
/ivy: On top of that, you still lied to me on this.
/ivy: Scared of what I might think?
/ivy: You don't want me to see the tamed Scarlet.
scar: This doesn't "tame" me!
/ivy: Oh, really?
/ivy: Then you wouldn't mind if /main/ goes all out.
scar: Well-
/ivy: After all, doesn't tame you.
/ivy: All yours, /main/!
scar: !
scar: P-please, slow down-
scar: It's too... FUCK! TOO MUCH!
/ivy: Look at that~
/ivy: Already shaking?
scar: S-shut up!
/ivy: No wonder you didn't want me to see you like this.
main: !
scar: Fuck...
/ivy: Oh, what a mess~
/ivy: Here, let me give you a hand /main/.
main: !
scar: Eh, guys?
scar: What's that light? And why are you grinding it on me again?
/ivy: A little trick I wanted to save for myself.
/ivy: But it still needs some work, so I can't say no to free practice.
/ivy: Here, /main/.
/ivy: You get another free ride!
scar: !
scar: You are kidding me...
scar: ~!
/ivy: /main/, how is it working?
main: Well...
main: I feel like I didn't unload.
main: But I'm still close.
/ivy: Hmmm, the desired effect is near total restoration. So I'll need a bit more
main: Yes.
main: I mean, this is quite fun, but...
main: !
main: I can barely last more than a minute.
/ivy: Alright, alright.
/ivy: Let me try again.
scar: Guys!?
scar: I'm here! I can hear you!
scar: You can-
scar: ...
/ivy: Did you say something?
scar: ~!
scar: Y-yes.
scar: How many times can you cast that?
scar: Oh my god~
scar: Slow down, or I won't get to enjoy it-
main: !
main: Sorry, it gave me seconds at most.
/ivy: Oh well, I'll ponder on the incantation later.
/ivy: But I'm going to need someone to test it on.
/ivy: Are you in /main/?
main: Sure-
main: !
main: Careful, don't squeeze!
/ivy: Sorry~
/ivy: Couldn't hold it.
/ivy: And I don't think Scarlet cares anymore.
scar: I do.
scar: It could be inside of me again.
/ivy: Hahaha!
scar: Now...
scar: Can I get released already?

//Inferno Scenes
impx: I don't know...
impx: I'm not supposed to meddle with humans like this.
main: What's the harm? It's only once.
impx: Well...
impx: I don't know... I'm having second thoughts.
impx: What if it's true? And embracing a human takes my powers away?
impx: I feel like that's just stories to scare horny teens.
impx: But what if-
impx: ~
impx: Come on, I'm being honest here with you.
impx: I already went quite far with this.
main: Right?
main: What's the point in going back now?
impx: Because they might be right?
impx: What if it isn't just a scary story?
impx: What if sliding it in has consequences.
impx: Ah~!
impx: That's mean.
main: Sorry, heard "sliding it in" and nothing else.
impx: Hugh-
impx: What it was true, and you just took my powers away.
main: Hmmm...
main: You would be getting fucked, powerless.
impx: Oh well, when you put it that way.
impx: Doesn't sound so bad.
impx: Even if you're lying.
impx: Or do you think I need some fancy magic to take you down?
impx: I'm the one who has you against the floor.
impx: And I didn't need anything more than saying nice things to you.
main: Fair...
main: But what if...
main: I do this?
impx: If by "this," you mean to put your hands all over me.
impx: You were already doing that.
impx: Not very effective. If anything, you get more chances to stay there.
main: Oh no! Anything but that!
impx: Hahaha!
impx: Alright, you get your excuse to grab a handful.
main: A big handful. Never seen these on an Imp.
impx: Ahem...
impx: Thank you~
impx: I'm almost a full-fledged demon now.
impx: Comes with some perks.
impx: You know... Like these ones that you are handling.
impx: Pity the other Imps.
impx: They wish they had this.
impx: Or this~
main: !
main: Alright, no need to be revengeful.
main: I did nothing wrong.
impx: Sorry, did you think I was going to be friendly and sweet?
impx: Sorry to disappoint you then~ But I'm still an Imp at heart.
impx: So you either start using those hips.
impx: I'm going to break them.
impx: See~?
impx: That's better.
impx: Just wanted a bit of cooperation.
main: Oh well, if you are going to break me anyway.
main: Better take all I can on the meanwhile.
impx: I like that attitude~
impx: Even if it'll end with you.
impx: At least you'll learn not to "slip" into an Imp.
main: At this pace...
main: Going to do more than slip into an Imp.
impx: No, you won't ~
main: Alright, now it's not funny anymore.
main: Break my hips, not my hopes.
impx: Sorry~
impx: Can't be putting it so easy.
impx: The first time I met a human, I let him get away with the whole thing?
impx: Think about my reputation, /main/.
impx: ~!
impx: Come on, stop grinding on me!
impx: You're not even listening anymore.
main: Sorry, the first time I'm with an Imp, and I don't get to finish?
main: Think about my reputation.
impx: ...
impx: Alright, a truce.
main: !
impx: You get to finish.
impx: But no telling anyone.
impx: Consider it special treatment.
impx: Only because I find you cute.
impx: Did you get it?
main: Fuck...
main: That's a lot of words to excuse wanting to get fucked again.
impx: Hahaha
impx: Maybe~
impx: Now shut up and pound it.
impx: I know you are almost there.
impx: Any moment~
main: !
impx: Oh, sorry~
impx: It slipped out again.
main: Fuck...
main: You know what?
main: Not going to complain.
impx: Good~
impx: I like you, human.
impx: You are a lot of fun.
impx: Can't wait to catch you again.

//Succubus Scene
succ: Are you, mortal, the one requesting my aid?
succ: So eager to start, I see.
succ: Alright, take me-
succ: !
succ: Alright, that's quite the tool you have there.
succ: No need to rush things.
succ: You can, you know...
succ: Take a second and enjoy the view.
succ: Grind on me for a bit even.
succ: I'll allow that.
main: I did the whole ritual for this.
main: Would like to get it going.
succ: O-of course!
succ: And I'll oblige your desires.
succ: Ahem...
succ: Repeat these words with me then.
succ: I offer my body and flesh.
main: I offer my body and flesh.
succ: Ah!
succ: I didn't finish speaking!
main: Oh...
main: Do we... Keep going?
succ: Yes...
succ: Now significantly harder for me.
succ: Have you ever tried to recite a ritual spell with a dick inside you?
main: No.
succ: Exactly.
succ: Anyway...
succ: The ritual must continue.
succ: (So stop pulling so hard)
succ: Where was I...
succ: Ah, yes!
succ: Repeat these words with me.
succ: I offer my body and flesh.
main: Again?
succ: ... What do you mean, "again"?
main: I already said that.
succ: ... You did?
main: Yes.
succ: Oh, no… Wait, did he has to say it before or after…?
succ: Did we start with the "Dark forces embrace us"?
main: No...
succ: Or was it "Now the Dark Forces accept us"…?"
succ: …
main: …
succ: Gaaaaah! Dammit, did I screw it?
main: Wanna start over?
succ: I can't start over! You already put it in!
succ: The words come before the offering!
succ: Ugh, this is so embarrassing!
succ: What were they thinking!?
succ: This is my first ritual, on only one day of training.
main: One day? Are you new at this?
succ: Yeah… Started this week.
succ: I'm a trainee...
main: Oh, alright.
main: You see, this whole thing usually works a bit more like this.
succ: !
succ: Hey! Give me a warning or something, you brute!
succ: I-I...
succ: I meant the ritual part! I know how this works!
succ: D-Damn… This isn't h-helping my memory at all…
succ: Alright! Screw it!
succ: Harder, mortal!
succ: At least we can have some fun!
succ: Aah~
succ: Much better~
succ: Fewer things to worry about.
succ: Even if...
succ: Your soul is even more of a tease now that I know you are quite the prize.
succ: Makes me wish I could drag you down to the depths of hell and enjoy you for
all eternity.
main: I'm not planning on being dead yet, but...
main: We can arrange something for after my final day.
succ: Quite the deal!
succ: Now, how about a "hell of a squeeze"?
main: Alright... You do know how this part works.
succ: Yes! Now do it!
succ: Give it to me!
main: !!
succ: Mmmm~
succ: More~
succ: I want more of this burning lust.
succ: I might be new at the job.
succ: But I didn't spawn yesterday!
main: What is going on?
succ: I have some time left on this summoning circle.
succ: And I'm not letting all this soul-ripping energy go to waste.
succ: So keep going!
succ: You are not going anywhere until this ritual ends!
succ: Yes! Yes, yes, yes!
succ: That's what I'm talking about!
succ: Give me a pleasure worthy of a thousand sacrifices!
main: Fuck... I don't know if I can keep it going...
succ: Don't fear, mortal! I'm not letting you surrender.
succ: You're safe with me.
succ: Safe, in me.
succ: And you are so close.
succ: Just a tiny bit~
main: Trying...
succ: Come on! You are...
succ: ... So ... Close.
succ: ~!
succ: Ah~ So good~
main: I'm... Going to die...
succ: Oh!
succ: Release!
main: !
succ: Oh wow, I feel bad now.
succ: I might have gone overboard with that last bit.
main: Holy...
succ: Rather, unholy! Ahahahaha!
main: It won't… stop…!
succ: Oh no, what a shame~
main: Fuck... I need to nap now...
main: For several ages.
succ: Right?
succ: By the way...
succ: My name is Valeria.
main: ...
main: Aren't you supposed to keep that a secret?
sucx: Yes.
sucx: Otherwise, someone could summon me specifically instead of a random succubus.
sucx: And have control over me.
sucx: Whoops.
sucx: So clumsy of me~

//Royal Duo
tiam: I do not believe you.
sulp: I swear!
tiam: So let me get this straight.
tiam: He has a spear there?
sulp: No my Queen. It's not a spear...
tiam: You said it was made for penetration!
sulp: Not that kind of penetration!
tiam: Alright, show me.
sulp: (My majesty, It's rude to ask that)
sulp: (They are not used to showing them publicly)
tiam: Why would you...?
tiam: You know what? I don't care.
tiam: Human, can we see it?
main: If it's for research purposes...
tiam: Go ahead, Sulph.
sulp: I don't know...
tiam: Come on!
sulp: !
tiam: ...
tiam: I don't get it...
tiam: Again, how are you supposed to penetrate with that?
sulp: Well, it's more complicated than that.
sulp: It fills up with blood...
tiam: That's brutal!
sulp: Ahem...
tiam: Sorry, go on.
sulp: To fill its purpose in the human reproductive cycle.
tiam: Oh! So it's like, he has to unsheathe the thing.
tiam: Human, unsheathe your dick!
sulp: It's not a conscious action.
sulp: Comes automatically in response to arousal.
sulp: Usually, when they see each other naked, in an intimate context.
tiam: Hmmmm...
sulp: You could likely trigger that response by showing him your...
sulp: Heat dissipators.
tiam: Wait, really?
tiam: These?
tiam: Why?
sulp: Well, we are created and shaped in the image of human goddesses.
sulp: So our figure is reminiscent of certain sexual attributes.
tiam: I understood, at most, two words of what you just said.
sulp: Well, it's-
tiam: Look!
tiam: It worked!
tiam: I still don't see it penetrating anything.
sulp: Well, I doubt he could even if he wanted.
sulp: Human skin isn't made to endure the high temperatures of our internals.
tiam: No penetration, then?
tiam: So that's it? Boring.
sulp: I'm not that well versed in the practicality of it...
tiam: Well, maybe we should let the expert talk then.
sulp: But I just told you that I'm not that well versed-
tiam: I mean him!
sulp: Oh...
sulp: Yeah, that makes sense.
tiam: What can you do with that thing, human?
sulp: (It's called a penis)
main: Well, I guess I can endure your touch.
main: It's hot but doesn't burn outright.
tiam: Do it, Sulph!
tiam: Touch it.
sulp: L-like this?
main: Just like that.
sulp: Well, I've been reading about the subject.
sulp: It's fascinating to know-
tiam: Yeah, she has like so many of these drawn.
sulp: It's just-
tiam: Like, hundreds.
sulp: Majesty!
tiam: I bet she saw you, and this is all she could think of.
sulp: I-I didn't...
main: It's alright, Sulph, it's good to be curious.
main: And you know how to touch, so it certainly paid off.
sulp: I do!?
sulp: T-thanks.
main: Don't worry, you can go faster. Finish it off.
sulp: Yes.
sulp: Of course.
tiam: Finish it off?
tiam: What's going on?
sulp: If this erogenous zone is stimulated enough, he'll reach climax.
sulp: And... release a "juice" they use to reproduce.
tiam: Hey, hey, wait!
tiam: Don't you dare breed my Assistant!
sulp: Yeah... Don't breed me... Please...
sulp: That would be horrible...
main: Sulph?
sulp: Ah! I mean, he can't!
sulp: It has to involve penetration!
tiam: What's the point of this, then?
sulp: Eh, entertainment, bonding, or sexual pleasure. It depends on the context.
main: The context here is research. Right, Sulph?
sulp: Y-yes. It is.
tiam: Oh, I get it.
tiam: I think...
main: You're doing great, Sulph.
main: Here, get closer and point it at your face.
sulp: Huh? I don't... I don't understand this part.
main: We show how much we enjoyed the interaction this way.
sulp: That's... Peculiar...
main: Yeah, the bigger the release, the better.
sulp: I didn't know that.
sulp: So I'm supposed to... Do it like this...
main: Just... Just like that.
main: !
tiam: Oh my!
tiam: What the hell?
tiam: Fucking covered you, I guess, ahem...
tiam: "The interaction was enjoyable."
main: It was.
sulp: ~
sulp: Feels funny.
sulp: Some of it got on my lips. I didn't expect such a taste.
tiam: Oh, it's edible?
sulp: Majesty! Stop!
sulp: It tickles!
tiam: Hold her, human!
main: Don't have to ask me twice.
sulp: Stop!
tiam: No way, this is so much fun.
tiam: I'm next! Get it up again, human.

rila: Oh..
rila: My...
lela: I still can't believe it... /main/.
lela: The /main/!
mila: Mmm~
rila: That's crazy.
lela: Like, everyone knows you around here.
lela: You are Erza's right hand!
main: Huh, that's how she calls me?
lela: Well, that's sort of the official one.
rila: It's usually "the useful human."
main: Oh...
lela: Or the "big toy."
mila: Muluv
rila: The Cum reserve!
main: Alright... Enough...
main: I make myself the idea.
lela: Don't be sad, /main/.
lela: She can sound a tad overbearing... But she doesn't want to harm your
rila: Yeah, she likes you a lot.
rila: I mean, you get her out of trouble!
lela: And keep her pleased.
rila: Like, very pleased.
mila: Mmm~
main: Glad she notices.
main: You girls aren't bad either.
lela: Oh my, really?
lela: That's like, huge for us.
lela: We've been looking to rank up for a long time.
rila: You know, get at the top with the greats.
mila: Mhm~
lela: You think you could, like...
lela: Talk to Erza about us?
main: Huh...
main: Maybe?
lela: Please, please, please!
lela: We will do anything.
lela: Rila here can do some crazy stuff.
lela: So flexible!
rila: I'm still here.
rila: And she's tiny too, easy to handle.
rila: I'm taller than you!
lela: Barely~
rila: Alright...
rila: Do you know what we could also do?
rila: We could use Rila!
rila: She's a really good girl.
rila: And you can do whatever you want to her.
lela: Sounds good-
rila: And I mean whatever you want!
rila: As rough as you can get.
lela: Well, don't get too crazy.
rila: But Lela~
rila: Don't you want the promotion?
rila: We've both seen you get riled up when things get extra rough.
mila: Yehm!
lela: Don't back her up, Mila!
rila: See?
lela: This is unfair...
main: I don't mind.
lela: Really?
main: Sure, I can play rough for you.
lela: How... How rough?
rila: I'm sure you can go all out, Lela.
lela: Like... All out, all out?
main: What's on your mind?
lela: I... I would like...
lela: Being pinned down by my girls.
lela: Have them slap my face red.
lela: Choke my lights out.
rila: Aaaand?
lela: While I'm used by /main/ as a commodity.
lela: Over and over until all I can feel is soreness and shame!
lela: Can we do that? Like, now, please? Pretty please-
main: !
mila: Mmmmmmmm~
mila: Yumm~
lela: ...
mila: Nho~
lela: I'm going to fucking end you-
rila: Hey hey! Lela.
rila: Remember.
rila: Wanting to rank up?
rila: Don't want to ruin it, right?
lela: I-
lela: No...
main: You'll have your chance, Lela. Next time.
lela: Promise?
main: Sure...
devn: There's actually not enough time/budget for another Cerberus scene.
lela: WAIT, WHAT!?

//Party day
Special day
luna: I always wanted to add a particular day of the week.
luna: Where everyone gets to wear funny hats!
main: Huh...
luna: Listen, not all the improvements will be the most effective.
luna: Some are to boost morale!
luna: Spice things up!
luna: Now fetch me some cute hats, will you?
luna: I'm sure Soran knows some merchants able to trade.

//Talking to Soran
Assortment of hats
sora: Hats?
sora: You come to me for... hats?
main: Well, Luna said you might know someone.
sora: Obviously!
sora: It's just such a weird request, all of a sudden.
sora: Alright, kid!
sora: You know how this works.
sora: I scratch your back.
sora: You scratch my back.
sora: So here's my situation.
sora: Some of my men are having problems when going through specific locations.
sora: You know, the "mountain is too cold."
sora: Or "that swamp tried to eat me alive."
sora: The usual stuff.
sora: Karos pulls his work, but he can only do so much.
sora: And I don't think I'll convince Kivir to jump in a cart soon.
sora: I don't blame him, but...
sora: It's hard to find guys like him.
sora: Most guys around are not as tough.
sora: Ah sorry! I'm just venting at this point.
sora: The thing is, I need some good weapons for the greenies.
sora: To keep them safe, bolster them!
sora: So I bought some!
sora: And to my surprise, most of those weapons got to me blunt and crooked.
sora: This means that my only weapons guy is out of the question.
sora: And all I have is some broken tools.
sora: So, here.
sora: Have them!
sora: And find someone around who can get them repaired.
sora: Possibly without calling too much attention to you.
sora: And don't you worry.
sora: I'll get the prettiest hats in the land, I promise.

//Repeat instructions
sora: Get me those weapons ready for the boys.
sora: And you'll get the prettiest hats in the land, I promise.

//Scarlet whetstone.
Weapon Repairs
main: Hey, Scarlet.
main: I need to ask you for a small favor.
scar: What did you break?
main: These.
scar: Hahaha!
scar: What are you doing carrying that junk?
scar: They barely resemble weapons.
scar: Did you fish them out of the bottom of the lake?
main: Could you repair them?
scar: What? It would be cheaper to get new ones!
main: So, you can't?
scar: No, I can.
scar: It's just stupid!
main: Please.
main: You are the expert when it comes to weaponry.
scar: Fine...
scar: But I'm going to need a lot of whetstones!
scar: Ten should do.
scar: Bone dust...
scar: And wine to make the experience bearable.

//Repeat instructions
scar: Ten whetstones, bone dust, and wine.
scar: That's what I need.

//Scarlet Accept
scar: I'll get to it.
scar: Ugh... This is going to be a lot of work.

//Soran when getting the weapons!

sora: Damn!
sora: This is what I'm talking about!
sora: Look at these beauties!
sora: I'll get the things to Luna as soon as possible.

//Oni Start
bulg: Oh!
bulg: You must be...
bulg: Damn, I had it...
main: I'm-
bulg: I just have it on the tip of my tongue!
bulg: Ssssss...
main: ...
bulg: Sivir!
main: Do you mean Kivir? The bouncer?
bulg: DAMN IT!
bulg: That was so close!
main: Anyways...
bulg: You're the one calling the shots around here?
main: You can say that, yes.
bulg: Say no more, come with me!
bulg: I got my stuff set up in one of the booths.
bulg: So stiff, you feel like a wooden plank.
main: Eh...
main: Thank you?
bulg: Not a good thing.
bulg: You're supposed to treat yourself from time to time.
bulg: Reduce stress.
main: Oh, I could use some of that.
bulg: Are you sure?
main: Go ahead. You're the professional.
bulg: You asked for it.
main: !!!
main: This-
main: This is not what I had in mind.
bulg: Sush pretty boy, I'm in charge here.
bulg: So hold your groans; this is for your own good.
main: Please!
main: Tone it down!
bulg: It's for your own good!
bulg: I'll be fast!
main: I didn't know those bones could crack!
bulg: There you go!
bulg: Don't you feel better now?
main: ...
main: I barely feel anything anymore.
bulg: Well, you asked for it.
main: Not exactly...
main: I was asking, for, you know...
main: The happy ending?
bulg: Wait, you expected me to masturbate you?
bulg: We barely know each other.
main: ...
main: Yes?
main: That's kind of how a brothel works.
bulg: Haha!
bulg: I know, I know.
bulg: I'm messing with you.
bulg: Luna explained the role to me, but I told her I have a better hand with other
bulg: Don't get me wrong, I don't find you horrifying.
bulg: But most don't tally up.
bulg: Luna was very impressed with me, you know?
bulg: Well, it was hard to discern her words between the moans.
bulg: But she gave me the thumbs up at the end, so I think we got each other.
bulg: I didn't know a Dryad secreted that... pheromone thing, it was so sweet!
bulg: It's something I've learned today.
bulg: Oh damn!
bulg: Did I put some images in your mind?
bulg: Hahahaha!
bulg: Oh right! You can't eat her out!
bulg: Because of the pheromone thing?
bulg: Sorry.
main: Doesn't it affect you?
bulg: I'm an Oni. We are built differently.
bulg: Well, I'm not the only one around here who is built differently.
bulg: Look at this.
bulg: The girls around here must be happy.
bulg: What a toy you got.
main: Care, the "toy" happens to be attached to me.
bulg: Awh, scared that I might detach it from a good pull?
bulg: Come on, that barely happens to me anymore.
main: Anymore!?
bulg: I'm messing!
bulg: So gullible.
bulg: Alright, pretty boy.
bulg: Come with me outside.
main: Wait, why are we-
main: !!!
bulg: Come with me outside, goddamnit!
bulg: This booth is tiny for me.
luna: Guys...
luna: What are you-
bulg: Coming through!
luna: Bulgra, this is not appropriate behavior.
bulg: There are no clients in the brothel right now!
bulg: And those booths are tiny.
bulg: I like to lay wide on my back.
bulg: Don't worry, we won't break anything.
luna: Ugh...
luna: I'll clean my room in the meanwhile. Otherwise, I'm going to get angry at you
main: I don't think I have an option here...
bulg: Have fun Luna. I'll get to you later.
bulg: And yeah, you don't have an option.
bulg: This is good stuff!
bulg: Very good!
bulg: Don't you mind if I get a hold of you from time to time?
main: I-
bulg: It's a deal, then!
bulg: Sometimes I crave a pounding, you know?
main: We can get you a toy for that.
bulg: I feel like you already did~
bulg: Hahaha!
bulg: Come on, don't look at me like that.
bulg: It's a compliment.
bulg: I want the real deal; toys don't moan.
bulg: And that's half the fun.
bulg: So why don't you come a bit close...
bulg: And let me hear you~
main: !
bulg: Good job, pretty boy.
bulg: I feel like we will have a lot of fun, you and I.
bulg: You can get a rest.
main: Can't move away with you holding me.
bulg: I said you can get a rest.
bulg: Not that you can't leave.

//Oni - Massage Loop

bulg: Alright, back to the chopping table, then!
bulg: So, do you want it rough?
bulg: Or extra rough?
main: Why do I feel like extra rough is the only real option here?
bulg: Hahaha!
bulg: I'll be sweet this time.
bulg: I promise.
bulg: Here, you can have this.
bulg: Does this give you the experience you sought?
main: I mean...
main: Yes?
main: But you have good hands too, I'll give you that.
bulg: Awh, thank you!
bulg: I know what I'm doing with them.
bulg: Ah, you didn't take long.
main: Well, that's on you.
bulg: Trying to soften me up?
main: Is it working?
bulg: Somewhat.
bulg: But I'm not going to be easy on you.
bulg: No matter how many sweet words you throw at me.
bulg: We understand each other pretty boy?
main: Ye-
main: !
bulg: Sorry you didn't sound convinced.
main: I wasn't. You went soft on that slap.
main: Ngh!
bulg: Mmmm~
bulg: I appreciate the courage.
bulg: But you don't give me many options if you play cocky like that.
bulg: So I'm going to end you quickly and move on.
main: Alright, we can talk about that.
bulg: Awh~
bulg: Do you want to negotiate?
bulg: Now that your fun time might get cut short?
main: Slow down, Bulgra.
main: Please.
bulg: Agh...
bulg: I can't say no to those puppy eyes.
bulg: Fine, a bit slower.
main: !
bulg: Hey, I'm helping you.
bulg: This way, you don't get off as fast.
main: !
bulg: Hmmm...
bulg: Not working as it should. You're still throbbing like before.
bulg: Anything you want to improve the massage?
//Oni - Massage Loop (Handjob)
Keep going
// Handjob Scene
bulg: Great.
bulg: Do you want it fast or slow?
main: I-
main: !
bulg: Wrong.
bulg: You don't get to choose.
bulg: Are we clear on that end?
main: Y-
main: !
bulg: Shhhh
bulg: Stop wasting your words.
bulg: Get your mind on what matters.
bulg: ...
bulg: Much better.
bulg: You're doing good, pretty boy.
bulg: Keep it up.
main: !
main: ...
bulg: That was a congratulatory one.
bulg: ...
bulg: Too mean?
bulg: Fine, fine.
bulg: Soft and mellow now.
bulg: But I wasn't lying. You hold your ground.
bulg: I appreciate it.
bulg: Now let's go for a final squeeze.
bulg: Come on, show me why you're the boss of this place.
main: !
bulg: Nice!
bulg: That's what I'm talking about!
bulg: What a shot~
bulg: You make it worth it, pretty boy.

// A blowjob Option
A blowjob
bulg: A blowjob?
bulg: Nah, I'm fine.
bulg: Come on, don't look at me like that.
bulg: These teeth are sharp.
bulg: It'll scratch your big toy here.
bulg: Don't worry. I got you covered.
bulg: Lunaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!?
bulg: Give her a second.
luna: Bulgra, did you call-
luna: ...
bulg: Yeah, I did call.
bulg: Look what I got for you.
luna: I'm somewhat busy at the moment.
bulg: Ohhh, come on, Luna.
bulg: /main/ and I agreed you needed a rest.
bulg: And something to cheer you up!
bulg: Look at it.
bulg: I got it ready for you.
bulg: I'll hold him down. He can't go anywhere.
luna: Oh well, if he's all mine.
main: Wait for a second...
main: !
bulg: See?
bulg: She was dying to put her lips all over it.
main: Fuck...
main: It burns.
bulg: Oh, right, Luna's skin.
bulg: Potent stuff.
bulg: Don't be selfish, /main/.
bulg: She doesn't get to suck a dick for too long.
bulg: Hold your ground for her.
main: Trying...
bulg: She does know what she's doing.
bulg: Quite sloppy too...
bulg: Enjoy yourself, Luna.
luna: Mhm~
bulg: See?
luna: ~!
bulg: Awh, look at those humps.
bulg: Can't hold any longer?
bulg: Alright, teased you enough.
bulg: Luna is doing an excellent job.
bulg: Doesn't she deserve to hear a thank you?
main: Thank you, Luna.
main: !
bulg: Man, you were really holding it.
bulg: She can barely take it.
bulg: Don't worry, Luna.
bulg: I still got him against the table. You can milk it dry.
luna: Th-anksh Yhou.
bulg: That's so cute.
bulg: Hold in there, /main/.
bulg: Can't deny Luna now.
bulg: I won't allow you.

//Oni - Sex Loop

bulg: Awesome.
bulg: Had an itch I wanted to scratch.
bulg: That's what I'm talking about!
bulg: Harder, pretty boy!
bulg: Make it count!
bulg: You're not getting out of here until I get a worthy pounding out of you.
bulg: Are we clear?
main: I guess.
bulg: You GUESS?
bulg: What weakling fucking attitude is that?
main: Well, by your rules...
main: Sounds like I can elongate this for a while.
bulg: Oh, you lazy ass!
bulg: Want me to do all the hard work here?
main: Auch!
main: Be careful with those talons of yours.
bulg: Oh, shut it.
bulg: You don't give me what I want.
bulg: So I take it.
bulg: And my FEET aren't talons.
bulg: You better start working on it right now as an apology.
bulg: Or I'm going to strap you to a chair.
main: Alright.
bulg: Throw you into the back of the stage.
main: Aha.
bulg: And forget you there while I go have fun with Luna.
main: Like, in the back of the stage too?
bulg: No.
main: That's mean.
bulg: Yes, that's what I am aiming for...
bulg: Because you are giving me half-humps!
bulg: COME ON!
main: Nghh!
bulg: That's it!
bulg: Finally, you grew some courage!
main: I-
main: Work better on incentives.
bulg: Ah, is that so?
bulg: Alright...
bulg: What if...
bulg: I strap you to a chair.
bulg: Throw you into the back of the stage.
main: Awfully familiar.
bulg: Invite Luna to come in.
bulg: And we play with each other, using you as a toy.
bulg: ~!
bulg: Now that's the strength I was asking for.
bulg: Well, what are you waiting for?
bulg: Come closer.
bulg: Seal the deal.
main: !
bulg: See?
bulg: It's better if you stop being lazy.
bulg: And cooperate with me.
main: Ahh- Ahh-
bulg: Alright, I'll stop teasing.
bulg: Don't want you to pass out on me now.
bulg: Take a rest. The brothel needs you fresh.
bulg: ...
bulg: Fine, don't give me that look.
bulg: I need you fresh.

//Bulgra Tree
bulg: Pretty boy!

//V25 + EXTRA
//Duo Ki-ki Amber 1
kiki: Boss!
main: Ki-ki?
kiki: Oh, thankfully, you are here. Got a job for you.
kiki: So... Lose those clothes.
main: Oh, that kind of job...
kiki: Follow me~
kiki: Tada!
ambe: Ki-ki!?
ambe: You told me you needed more lube!
kiki: And that's what I went to do.
kiki: I just saw /main/ coming and thought, why not?
ambe: Because I'm not ready?
kiki: You are!
kiki: Just need a lot of lube!
main: Ready for what?
ambe: You know... My first time was with you, /main/.
kiki: So she wants you to do that again!
kiki: Isn't it cute!?
ambe: Well...
ambe: Someone short and green has been quite adamant about it.
ambe: And will ask me every day about it.
kiki: I just want you to enjoy yourself to the fullest extent!
kiki: That's what friends are for!
ambe: Ah!
ambe: Give me a warning or something.
kiki: Come on, I got to make sure the lube gets everywhere.
kiki: Everywhere~
kiki: Especially if you want to fit /main/ in here.
kiki: He can be a lot, I know from experience.
kiki: Put it here, boss.
ambe: Wait, wait, wait!
ambe: Aren't supposed to use a toy first?
kiki: Why? You already have the upgrade!
ambe: Because the toy was smaller...
kiki: Amber, trust me. I'm a professional.
kiki: Now relax.
kiki: And let it in, slowly.
ambe: Fuck...
kiki: See?
kiki: It wasn't that bad.
kiki: Feeling tingly already?
ambe: A bit... intense.
kiki: Good, that's what we are seeking.
kiki: Now, /main/.
kiki: Slowly, all the way in.
kiki: There you go!
kiki: Congratulations, Amber.
kiki: Boss went deep into every hole.
kiki: Are you proud?
ambe: Shut up...
kiki: Give her some breathing room.
ambe: Fuck...
ambe: Alright...
ambe: I start to get why you like it.
kiki: See!?
ambe: !
ambe: Ki-ki, don't be mean.
kiki: Sweetheart, this is the opposite of being mean.
ambe: Damn it...
kiki: Slow and steady, /main/.
ambe: Please...
ambe: Ah~
kiki: Just a bit more.
ambe: !
kiki: Now I'm jealous.
kiki: Can I get some?
kiki: You already came.
ambe: That's why you were so eager to rub me?
kiki: Maybe~?
kiki: Boss, can I have some?
ambe: Don't run to him.
ambe: He's already busy.
ambe: Aren't you?
main: I-
main: !
main: Plenty.
kiki: Look at those hips bounce.
kiki: So greedy~
ambe: It's easy if you pull me in with your hand like that.
kiki: Well, if you want everything.
kiki: You get everything.
main: !
kiki: And talking about "everything"...
kiki: Lucky you.
kiki: I hope you saved a bit of that energy for me.
ambe: I hope you didn't. Otherwise, you didn't give it all to me.
main: I will use my right to stay silent on this one.

//Duo Ki-ki ambeer 2

ambe: /main/~
ambe: Do you remember the last time we had some fun with Ki-ki?
main: Sure.
ambe: She was so lovely to help me out, so I want to get back to her with
ambe: Are you in?
main: I don't see why not.
ambe: Alright, I'm going to get her. Follow my lead, alright?
main: Your orders.
ambe: Thank you, /main/.
ambe: So here is the plan...
kiki: Ohhh, this is what you meant for having some fun? I expected some drinks and
kiki: This is much better!
ambe: I like to pamper my little goblin.
kiki: Oh yes!
kiki: I'm getting treated today!
ambe: Yes, you are~
kiki: Mmf~
kiki: My ass is twitching already.
ambe: That's cute~
ambe: Look at /main/. She's so ready.
ambe: Why don't you ask him nicely?
kiki: Please, boss~
kiki: Don't play with me. Put it in already.
ambe: You heard her, and she's already wet. Slide in /main/.
kiki: !
kiki: Hey!
kiki: Not there!
kiki: Fuck!
kiki: Nnnnf~!
ambe: Sorry, did I do something wrong?
kiki: Amber... This is your doing! You know this isn't fair!
ambe: Why?
ambe: Oh right!
ambe: The whole "the back is for fun, the front is for feelings?"
kiki: Now you're just trying to embarrass me in front of the boss.
kiki: And, we can still use the back entrance.
ambe: I don't know, what do you feel /main/?
ambe: She must be so tight in there.
main: She is; I think I'll keep going for this time being.
kiki: Please...
kiki: I'll start saying some stupid stuff...
ambe: Oh, is that right?
kiki: Amber, please-
kiki: Ahhh~
kiki: It's not funny anymore.
ambe: Oh right! The whole "I would lose my mind if the boss did that" talk?
ambe: Shit, how can I forget so many things today?
ambe: Especially with how much you overshare them.
ambe: All the fucking time.
main: Oh, really? I'm curious.
kiki: Boss, don't play her game...
ambe: So many things.
kiki: No... Don't...
ambe: She keeps that entirely private, you know. Traditional goblin things.
ambe: They have fun in other ways.
ambe: Because they are usually very fertile.
ambe: So this is for when things get serious.
kiki: Ahhh~
ambe: And they get susceptible to pleasure.
kiki: Please, guys, don't stop~
ambe: That was fast.
ambe: Regretting your own words, Ki-ki?
main: Oh, what words?
ambe: Why don't you tell him, Ki-ki?
ambe: What did you tell me when you saw /main/ coming in today?
kiki: Mmmm~
kiki: I...
ambe: Yes~?
kiki: I hope the boss slips one day.
ambe: And what else?
kiki: And he doesn't notice for at least... Three hours.
kiki: Ahhh~
kiki: Please, give it to me.
ambe: Alright, but one condition.
kiki: Anything.
ambe: I get first, always.
kiki: Always?
ambe: Well, some days, I might not be in the mood.
ambe: But other than that, you have to wait your turn. That's the price.
kiki: Okay~
kiki: I don't mind~
kiki: Anything to get this.
ambe: You heard her.
kiki: Ah!
kiki: Thank you!
kiki: This makes me-
kiki: So happy!
ambe: Sorry, /main/.
ambe: I feel like this got out of hand.
ambe: Now you have to keep care of us two.
main: So, like I was doing?
ambe: Haha, yes.
kiki: Amber~
kiki: I love you so much~ Love you too, /main/.
ambe: Awh, I think she's losing it.
kiki: Aaaah~
ambe: Alright, time to get it out /main/. Can't cum in the goblin.
kiki: NO!
ambe: I'm just joking!
ambe: Knock her up~
main: !
kiki: Mmmmm~
kiki: Please don't pull back.
ambe: Want it all, don't you?
kiki: Yes, all of it~
kiki: Can I have a second one, Amber?
kiki: Please?
ambe: Hmmm...
ambe: What do you think, /main/?
main: You both are going to drain me dry.

< // Ice Sorceress

isor: Come on, the cabin is only a day or so away.

main: Are you sure?
isor: Of course, I'm sure!
main: No, I mean about this shortcut.
main: Seems dangerous.
isor: It should be fine.
isor: I used to take this path all the time when I was younger.
isor: The trick is to avoid the thin ice-
isor: Agh!
isor: …
main: Can you still hear me in there?
isor: Well... Weirdly enough.
isor: I have some wiggle room.
isor: I've frozen the water out of instinct.
isor: Do you have any tools that could get me out of this?
isor: Can't move my hands.
main: I happen to have a hammer and chisel.
isor: You just keep those with you?
main: Hey, you never know when this could happen!
isor: Getting many magic users stuck in ice?
main: Only cute ones.
main: !
main: Hmmm...
main: Well, that isn't great.
isor: What happened?
main: Well, the chisel just kind of…
main: Snapped…
isor: Damn it.
isor: Well, at least my legs are out now.
isor: That's less waiting for this to melt.
isor: And I was so looking forward to the cabin…
main: How much time do you think it'll take for you to be out?
isor: !
isor: I-I don't know...
isor: Half an hour?
isor: Come on... Stop.
isor: We are supposed to make it to the cabin first.
isor: Not do it out in the open.
main: Are you sure?
main: Your lower half is giving me conflicting information.
isor: I'm trying to wiggle out!
main: I see that.
isor: !
isor: Mmmm~
main: Again, conflicting information.
isor: You're just warm in contrast to the ice!
isor: Fuck...
isor: I shouldn't take shortcuts...
isor: Always end up regretting it.
isor: ...
isor: Please...
isor: Should we get to the cabin?
isor: It's more comfortable there.
isor: And we can wait this out for a bit, right?
isor: Right?
isor: ...
main: Can you?
isor: I-
isor: !
main: Because I see your hands moving from here.
main: I'm pretty sure...
main: You could dispel the ice if you wanted.
isor: ...
isor: No.
isor: Ah~!
isor: Well, yes...
isor: But you started caressing me.
isor: And it's hard to concentrate.
isor: So...
isor: Why not take another shortcut?
isor: Already got screwed by one. Why not two?
isor: At least I can enjoy this one.
main: Enjoy being trapped and unable to move?
isor: Don't say it like that...
isor: Makes it sound...
main: !
isor: Weird...
main: Huh, the ice starts to melt.
isor: Oh, imagine that.
main: How convenient, as soon as we're finished.
isor: Well, I don't want to be until it gets dark.
isor: And...
isor: I can immobilize myself again once we are in the cabin...


< //Scilla 1

scyl: Oh, you're awake!

scyl: I was worried.
scyl: You were passed out.
scyl: What happened to you?
scyl: Did you get lost?
scyl: These underwater caves can be pretty treacherous.
scyl: Are you feeling alright?
main: Right now? More than alright.
scyl: Lucky!
scyl: You didn't have any visible injuries...
scyl: But still, passing out isn't very good.
scyl: Hey!
scyl: Don't move just yet!
scyl: We don't know if you have a concussion or something!
scyl: You should just rest.
main: Sure, but I need to move...
scyl: !
scyl: Oh! Haha, "more than alright."
scyl: Now I get it.
scyl: You know, usually when I go to the ocean surface...
scyl: Men on ships who spot me will throw coins or jewelry onto nearby rocks.
scyl: So I have to approach and climb the rocks.
scyl: I assumed they found my figure arousing.
scyl: Don't try to thrust, sweetie.
scyl: You're injured, remember?
main: Easy for you to say…
scyl: Just let me take care of it~
scyl: Hmm...
scyl: Look at it, peaking through.
scyl: It's so cute!
main: Fuck...
scyl: Oh, did I hurt you?
main: No...
main: You're outstanding, that's all.
scyl: Oh, thanks!
scyl: I've never had a human drop deep into these caves.
scyl: You must be quite a brave one.
scyl: Hey!
scyl: No moving, I said, you'll hurt yourself.
main: Too brave?
scyl: Hahaha.
scyl: I just don't want you to be hurt.
scyl: And if you don't behave...
main: !
scyl: Don't worry.
scyl: If I'm tightening you up too much, just tell me.
main: Mmm!
scyl: Alright, you're doing fine then, I guess.
scyl: Just relax.
scyl: Be a good boy.
scyl: You can't over-exert yourself.
scyl: So we have to take this slowly~
scyl: Don't be impatient~
main: Mmm! Mmm!
scyl: Shhhh, don't be like that.
scyl: Do you want me to stop?
scyl: Because that starts to sound like you want me to stop.
main: ...
scyl: Glad you reconsidered.
scyl: It must be hard to hold all those instincts in you.
scyl: But we are so close here.
scyl: It would be a shame to risk it.
main: Mhm...
scyl: Awh, I can't resist those trembling puppy eyes of yours.
scyl: Fine.
scyl: Just one thrust.
scyl: Move your hips back.
scyl: And let it go.
scyl: !
scyl: Oh, look at that!
scyl: No wonder you felt terrible.
scyl: You can't be carrying this around, young lad.
main: Mmm...
scyl: You are right. We should work on this for a few more days.
main: Mmm!?
scyl: Just to make sure you're healed, you know~?
scyl: Also, knowing this was the issue.
scyl: I can let you thrust from now on. All you want.
main: ...
scyl: Good to know we can agree on that.

< //Vampire Boss

vamp: Hahaha!
vamp: Please, don't be ridiculous.
vamp: You got lucky on a test of strength.
vamp: And filled your head with delusions of greatness.
vamp: Come on, what are you waiting for?
vamp: Not so confident on this one?
vamp: Too tired?
vamp: Oh, look at that!
vamp: Someone got brave at last.
vamp: Not even half bad.
vamp: I can almost feel that.
vamp: What are you-?
vamp: Ugh...
vamp: Think I'm some piece of meat to pound?
vamp: Go on, do your-
vamp: Fuck~
vamp: Do your worst.
vamp: At least that way, I'll be able to remember this moment.
vamp: Before you collapse from exertion.
vamp: So...
vamp: Harder!
vamp: Come on!
vamp: Don't hold back!
main: !
vamp: Well, look at that.
vamp: I'll admit it.
vamp: It was short but sweet.
vamp: Don't feel bad about yourself.
vamp: At least you got some release before you get back home-
vamp: !
vamp: Hahaha!
vamp: What the hell are you doing?
vamp: I didn't give you permission to go there.
main: You told me to do my worst.
vamp: Alright, I-
vamp: Ugh~
vamp: I didn't mean it like that.
vamp: But at least I'm having some fun now.
vamp: Intrigued by how long you can go like this now.
main: How much can you take?
vamp: I-
vamp: !
vamp: Fuck, that-
vamp: Ah~!
vamp: That was good.
vamp: Are you pleased now?
main: Just letting you breathe.
vamp: How considerate~
vamp: Giving me a moment of respite.
main: Well, not exactly.
vamp: Hey!
vamp: What are you-?
vamp: This isn't what I had in mind...
main: Too much for you already?
vamp: Don't try to humiliate me, human.
vamp: ...
main: Are you sure I'm the one humiliating you?
vamp: Shut up...
vamp: I'm going to drain every drop out of you.
vamp: Until you are withered and useless.
vamp: And can't keep going...
vamp: Anymore...
main: Slowing down?
vamp: No.
vamp: Just reconsidering my options.
vamp: Damn it~
vamp: I-
vamp: I don't want it to end...
main: I doubt I can keep going if you fight it.
vamp: What I'm supposed to do then?
vamp: Surrender?
vamp: I have never been so close to it.
vamp: It's a strange feeling.
vamp: Am I supposed to crave it?
main: Don't worry. If you don't like your surrender, you can take it back.
vamp: Yeah... Nobody has to know...
vamp: Let me taste defeat, then.
vamp: I surrender.
main: !
vamp: Mmm~
vamp: Is...
vamp: Is this it?
main: Your choice.
main: You can take it back, and it ends here.
vamp: Or accept it, and keep it going... Until you reach your limits.
vamp: I-
vamp: I accept.
main: Good, we'll see how much you can endure.
vamp: Thank you, Master~
vamp: Can I make a last request?
main: Of course.
vamp: If you find those limits of mine, ignore them.

< //Erza and her Sister in the Dungeon

main: Hmmmm...
main: This is not what I was expecting.
erza: Well, there's a limit to my powers.
erza: I couldn't pull up any modifications to that memory to make it...
erza: Pleasurable?
erza: So I just cut the work and jumped in myself.
main: Wait, that's an option?
erza: Hahaha, of course!
erza: All these "encounters" you are having down here.
erza: They are just morphed memories enclosed in a loop.
erza: I mostly use the memories that already reside in this realm.
erza: But I can pull out from my own memories.
erza: And my memories of us.
main: So you can pull from any of your memories?
erza: Aha.
erza: Curious?
erza: Impressed?
erza: Thinking about the possibilities?
main: All of the above.
main: You could also use it for anything you like.
erza: /main/, my favorite human.
erza: Can't stop thinking about pleasing me?
main: Guilty.
erza: Hmmmm, I think I have something that could result...
erza: Therapeutic.
erza: Here.
erza: Let me bring in someone.
erza: More accurately, the memory of someone I know.
erza: Tadah~
erza: This is Kroah.
erza: I used to live with Kroah.
erza: Well, under Kroah to be more accurate.
erza: And trust me when I say I didn't have to imagine her licking a dick.
erza: She managed to make me see that more often than not.
croa: Erza, my darling.
croa: It is not my fault if you are someone hard to teach.
croa: I've told you many times that knowing how to please is the easiest way to
achieve your true potential the fastest.
croa: And, more importantly, who to please.
croa: But you insisted that you wanted your own power.
croa: And to pamper yourself with love interests rather than power.
erza: Ugh... Even in my memories, I can't manage to make you less insufferable.
croa: Sadly, you have no other option. After all, I'm your-
croa: Mgh!
erza: Awh... Thank you /main/.
erza: I was starting to get annoyed, but you fixed that.
erza: And fixed her.
erza: After all, Kroah, we are the ones calling the shots in this realm.
erza: Therefore, you have to please us.
erza: Mmmm, you were right. Looking at this now...
erza: Pleases me greatly.
erza: Look at him, Kroah.
erza: Because once I get enough power, once Queen of Darkness is more than a title.
erza: This won't be a fickle memory anymore.
erza: I'll come back home.
erza: And you'll be choking on this human cock for the rest of your eternal life.
erza: Are we clear?
croa: Hghmrhgmr!
erza: Yeah, exactly what I wanted to hear.
erza: Now /main/, I want you to imagine with me.
erza: An endless stream.
erza: An inhuman feat, only possible in this realm.
erza: And put that in the back of Kroah's throat.
main: !
croa: Gggggh!
erza: Exactly.
erza: Keep going.
erza: Let Kroah choke on her own aspirations.
erza: Good girl.
croa: Uugh...
erza: I hope your memory enjoys it.
erza: Because out of this realm, once the right time comes.
erza: All you'll do is beg for this treatment.

//Cumswallow Crystal
orso: Hey, /main/.
orso: Do you mind taking my spot behind the bar for an hour or two?
orso: I need to go get something done.
main: Sure.
orso: I owe you one!
orso: It'll take me no time!
main: Huh... Crystal?
main: Do you know what is going on with your dad?
main: Cristal!?
main: What are you doing?
crys: What do you think I'm doing?
main: Come on, there are a lot of clients!
main: !
crys: Didn't stop you on other occasions.
main: It's not the same situation... What if someone approaches to ask something?
crys: I know... What a thrill~
main: Not funny...
crys: /main/, you can't leave me hanging here.
crys: Please~
crys: You know I can get bored at times.
crys: And it makes me miss you a lot.
crys: I need you, /main/.
crys: See~?
crys: Your friend down here agrees with me.
crys: Or...
crys: Maybe that's what you wanted to hear?
crys: I can keep it going.
main: You are hopeless.
crys: I am~
sora: /main/.
main: AH!
main: Hello, Soran!
main: My fellow Dwaaaaahhrf-
sora: You, ok?
main: Yes, of course.
main: Just, you know...
sora: ...
sora: Yes?
main: One of those sneezes that just doesn't want to come!
main: They are the wooooooohrst-
sora: Ah, allergies.
sora: I get you.
sora: You, humans, have it lucky.
sora: Dwarf allergies get nasty.
sora: Our mucus dries very fast, like pigeon stool. Not something you wanna see.
main: ...
sora: Anyway, just gonna pick a beer because I don't see Crystal anywhere.
sora: Put it on my tab. I'll pay it up later.
main: No worries!
main: ...
main: He's gone.
main: Crystal, that was horrible.
crys: I know. It was so hard not to laugh.
crys: Imagine if you came right when he said "pigeon stool."
crys: I feel like you'll never forgive me.
main: I probably wouldn't.
main: So, what did you do to Orson this time?
crys: Whoops, I got caught~.
main: I mean, you didn't exactly take time to come behind the bar and start your
crys: That's unfair.
crys: I don't usually hesitate to drop to my knees in front of you.
main: So, about Orson.
crys: Don't worry!
crys: He likes to pick up water from the nearby lake.
crys: Because it "cleans the mugs like nothing else."
crys: In reality, it's just an excuse to go fishing for a few hours now that he
knows I can handle the bar.
crys: So I emptied the last barrel and told him we ran out.
main: Still, I don't know how to feel about it...
crys: Shhhh~
crys: We all win here.
crys: See? You're even prodding my face now.
crys: Getting impatient?
main: I don't want to make this more dangerous than it already is.
crys: Alright, alright.
crys: Get close, then.
crys: And try not to moan~
main: Fuck...
crys: I'm trying to go as fast as I can.
crys: You asked for it~
main: Ugh...
crys: Hold that noise, handsome.
crys: We are about done here.
crys: Now, grit your teeth.
crys: And...
main: !
crys: Hey!
crys: Give me a warning.
crys: I could barely get the mug in time.
crys: I don't want to clean that from the floor.
main: What about cleaning the mug?
crys: Wasn't my face enough?
main: You started this.
crys: Convince me~
main: How about next time we work something else behind the bar?
crys: I don't know if I could hold the moans~
main: Grit your teeth, then.
crys: Shit... I saw it coming. Oh well.
crys: !
main: Hold it.
crys: Mmm!?
crys: ...
crys: Ahhh!
main: Good girl.
crys: Damn it... Why you had to say it like that?
crys: Now I have to suck you dry.
crys: So grit your teeth~

//Woodworking Scarlet
scar: Hey, /main/.
scar: Can you cut some wood for me today?
main: Sure!
main: !
main: That should be enough for a couple days.
scar: Thanks.
main: Can I ask what changed?
main: You are pretty diligent about filling the house with supplies.
main: You know... Ahem... "In case of an attack, you never know how many days
you'll be without food!"
scar: Hahaha, yes.
scar: I kinda...
scar: Hurt my ankle.
main: Are you alright?
scar: Yes.
scar: Just took a wrong step.
scar: ...
scar: In the house stairs.
scar: Embarrassing, I know!
scar: But I get to see you here working for me.
scar: So, worth it.
main: You can just ask.
scar: Not the same.
scar: This feels like you want to keep me safe.
scar: It's endearing.
scar: And I can pick a hot day, so you have to go shirtless.
scar: I thought of everything.
main: Damn.
main: Now I feel like I'm getting ripped off.
scar: You are!
scar: Hahaha.
scar: Alright, step aside.
scar: Will this show make up for it?
main: It makes me feel better about my lack of shirt now.
scar: See?
scar: You get to help me out.
scar: And a small price.
scar: All good.
scar: Hey. I see you.
scar: Trying to get close.
scar: Looking, no touching.
scar: Not going to put out for some wood chopping /main/.
main: Are you sure?
scar: Pretty confident.
main: And if I get closer?
scar: I'll beat your ass.
main: With a twisted ankle?
scar: ...
scar: Ah shit...
scar: How did I miss that?
scar: I can still put a fight, even with my ankle twisted.
main: Or you can surrender this one.
scar: Damn it...
scar: Are you already there?
scar: Can't I lose sight of you for a second?
scar: Alright, I'll make an exception.
scar: I surrender.
scar: Does that sound good to you?
main: Sounds like you wanted to say it more than I wanted to hear it.
scar: Maybe~
scar: It's a tactical surrender.
scar: I get you to work for me.
scar: And then I get you to work on me.
scar: Fuck...
scar: Taking it seriously now?
main: Well, you did surrender.
scar: I guess that means I'm yours now.
scar: What are you going to order me now?
main: To clean up your back.
scar: What-?
main: !
scar: ...
scar: Are you happy?
main: I felt like that surrender only gave you advantages.
main: With this, you might rethink your strategy next time.
scar: Or be naked.
main: Works for me.

//Ghost Scene
ghos: We can delay this a bit more... Right?
ghos: Besides, we are having so much fun~
main: We can't keep doing this.
ghos: Awh, come on.
ghos: I know....
ghos: I should leave...
ghos: But something anchors me here.
ghos: You can't exorcise me out of this place without finding me closure.
ghos: That would be cruel of you.
main: I know, but the villagers are getting nervous.
main: What if they come here?
ghos: They won't, as long as you live here.
ghos: And they'll forget about it with time.
ghos: Come on...
ghos: ~!
ghos: Had me waiting.
ghos: Besides~
ghos: Remember our first time?
ghos: How you saw me and pointed a candle in my direction.
ghos: Started to get nervous as I approached and flopped the last lines of the
ghos: How you closed your eyes and tried again.
ghos: All to fumble the lines a second time as I started to fondle you.
ghos: Take your clothes out~
ghos: Play with it in my mouth~
ghos: And you endured so much.
ghos: Trying to recite that thing over and over.
ghos: Until you finally snapped, threw the candle aside, and grabbed my head.
ghos: You came to get rid of the ghost.
ghos: And ended up coming in the ghost.
ghos: Mmm~
ghos: Sorry, I couldn't resist a bit of mockery-
ghos: Please don't exorcise me.
ghos: Not yet.
ghos: I like this place.
ghos: Think about it...
ghos: If someone comes to visit, I'll stay silent.
ghos: You can tell them your presence alone makes the spirits stay away.
ghos: It's a free place to stay for you.
main: And for you.
ghos: Well, yes.
ghos: But you don't mind, right?
ghos: I can't pay rent like this.
ghos: And this more fun for both of us.
ghos: Please~
main: !
ghos: Do I take that as a yes?
main: Just... Just for a bit more.
ghos: Thank you.
ghos: I'll make sure you won't regret it.
ghos: No scaring anyone.
ghos: No moving furniture around.
ghos: Not a single sound.
ghos: Unless you squeeze it out of me, of course~

//Mummy Scene
mumm: Human!
mumm: You opened my sarcophagus and thus accepted my curse.
mumm: Your will is mine for any first order I command.
mumm: So, hear me speak.
mumm: Bring me the finest, most creamy, and fresh milk in these lands!
mumm: So I can bathe on it and recover my youthful skin.
mumm: Go forth. My wishes are your shackles-
mumm: What are you? Why are you touching me? Milk, I ordered-
mumm: Human!?
main: Your wishes are my shackles...
mumm: Human?
main: Your wishes are my shackles...
mumm: Wait, the spell worked?
main: Your wishes are my shackles...
mumm: Silence!
main: ...
mumm: So you are under my control.
mumm: I assume my words could lead to confusion in this new age.
mumm: So this young servant understood milk...
mumm: As his "milk."
mumm: Didn't you?
mumm: !
mumm: Of course you did...
mumm: Oh well, Magic is as powerful as it is complex.
mumm: At least there's no one in the vicinity to witness this act.
mumm: Otherwise, I would have to wither you into bones, my very first servant of
this age.
mumm: And that's never a good start.
mumm: Besides, there's a particular enjoyment in this crude, flesh-driven worship.
mumm: !
mumm: Really?
mumm: Couldn't find a receptacle for later?
mumm: You had to directly shoot this...
mumm: Surprisingly dense...
mumm: Incredibly smooth...
mumm: Freshly milked...
mumm: Oh my...
mumm: Maybe the spell wasn't misunderstood!
mumm: Do men in this day and age produce such quality material?
mumm: Or are you the adventurous exception?
main: Uuuuuuugh...
main: My head...
main: ...
main: What is going on?
mumm: Oh right, you finished your order.
mumm: Ehm...
mumm: I'm going to need you to close the sarcophagus.
main: I don't follow what's going on-
mumm: Human, you just used my breasts as a ride and delivered your ecstasy on my
main: That's a funny way to talk.
mumm: Close the damn sarcophagus, or I will smite you for your insolence!
main: Fine!
mumm: No, not that way. Stay inside while you close it.
main: I-
mumm: It's just for a second!
main: Alright...
main: Happy?
mumm: Give it a second or two.
main: ...
mumm: Now open it again.
main: What?
mumm: Open it!
main: This is starting to get a bit ridiculous.
mumm: Oh, don't worry, that was the last step.
mumm: Ahem...
mumm: Human!
mumm: You opened my sarcophagus and thus accepted my curse.
main: Oh...
mumm: Your will is mine for any first order I command.
mumm: So, hear me speak.
mumm: Bring me the finest and most creamy milk in these lands!
mumm: So I can bathe on it and recover my youthful skin.
mumm: Go forth. My wishes are your shackles.
main: Your wishes are my shackles...
mumm: Good~
mumm: But this time...
mumm: !
mumm: We are doing it my way.
mumm: Feel that burning sensation going through every inch of your skin?
mumm: Take it, take my power.
mumm: Yes, let it flow through you.
mumm: You are going to make for an excellent first servant.
mumm: And with such a unique skill, you might be all I need.
mumm: We can keep my beauty routine a secret.
mumm: The most flawless face in the land.
mumm: With only one man to tarnish it.
main: !
mumm: Oh!
mumm: You delivered~
mumm: Surpassed my expectations, even.
main: Ugh...
mumm: My human, take a moment of respite.
mumm: Lay on me and breathe deeply.
mumm: Good~
mumm: Let all your mundane thoughts out~
mumm: There's only servitude now.

zom1: Shhhh, silent.
zom2: Yes.
zom2: Silent.
zom1: If you do sound, the others will come.
zom2: We have to be sneaky.
main: Can't they just... See me?
zom1: Our vision is somewhat lacking.
zom1: But we can hear a manly voice from afar.
zom1: Other than that, we follow others if they seem to find meat.
main: Hey...
main: Rude.
zom2: Yes, and not much meat left.
zom2: Have to ration.
zom2: Mmm~
zom2: Big meat.
main: Damn, that's a good touch.
zom1: Shhhh.
zom1: They'll hear you-
zom3: Meat?
zom3: Did you girls find meat?
zom4: They found big meat!
zom4: It looks tasty.
zom1: Shhhh!
zom1: We can have him as four.
zom1: Take turns.
zom1: Slow.
zom2: Sit on his face so he can't moan.
zom1: Good idea!
zom2: Shhhh, you loud.
zom5: Meat?
zom5: Did you girls find meat?
zom3: Damn it.
zom4: More to share.
zom3: Less for us...
zom1: Alright.
zom1: There's a cabin nearby.
zom1: We can move as one.
zom1: Use our bodies to hide the meat.
zom1: And then, in the cabin.
zom1: We drain the meat.
zom2: Oh yes!
zom3: Drain the meat!
zom4: Drain the meat!
zom5: Shhhh!
zom8: Meat?
zom8: Did you girls find meat?
zom8: Damn, it's big meat!
main: I will die of exhaustion here, aren't I?
zom2: No, no, no!
zom2: Not die!
zom2: We have to ration.
zom4: Can't ration anymore, too many, more will come.
zom3: We take turns.
zom1: I was first here, first turn.
zom2: No, I was first.
zom1: You heard him first, but I touched him first!
zom9: Meat!
main: She went straight for it.
zom1: Hey, meat is mine!
zom3: We all want meat!
main: Fuck...
main: This one is hungry...
main: !
zom1: Human!?
zom1: Cum in me first! I was first!
zom3: No way, I'm next!
main: I'm certainly going to die here.

witc: Alright, it's a bit complicated.
witc: So make sure to follow along.
witc: Usually, ingredients are brewed with tools.
witc: But it changes from witch to witch.
witc: We all have our tricks.
witc: And mine might be a bit uncomfortable for some.
witc: Ah~
witc: Feels tingly.
witc: So...
witc: I brew those ingredients with my own body.
witc: It's a bit taxing on myself.
witc: But so powerful.
witc: Sadly, it's not something I can announce.
witc: Not all witches find it appropriate behavior.
witc: But you...
witc: You said you don't mind, right?
main: In the slightest.
witc: Good.
witc: Also, I feel like some clients would ask for potions for... other reasons.
witc: Meaning, no words about this with anyone.
witc: Right?
main: My lips are sealed.
witc: Not yet.
witc: I have to give you something to seal them around.
witc: Here.
witc: Oh~
witc: That's some enthusiasm.
witc: Did I tease you too much, hanging them out like that?
main: Mhm.
witc: Hahaha
witc: Are you ready?
witc: I feel it running through me already.
witc: Any...
witc: Any moment now.
witc: ~!
witc: The stimulus is undoubtedly helping.
witc: But I'm going to need you to give me a moment to breathe.
witc: Or I can't put your potion into a vial.
main: Nu-uh
witc: Come on, you'll waste it~
witc: Auch~!
witc: Don't nibble me there. It's sensible.
witc: Alright then...
witc: I'm not stopping you. It's all yours.
witc: But I want something on my lips too.
witc: Oh!
witc: Well...
witc: I was thinking about a kiss.
witc: But I guess I'm not taking your mouth out of there soon.
witc: ~!
witc: You know what.
witc: Have you ever worked in a potion store?
witc: I suddenly feel that an assistant might be pretty helpful.
witc: It's going to be a lot of hours of hard work.
witc: But we can make them much more fun together.
witc: What do you say?
main: !
main: I feel like I can't refuse at this point... So, yes.
witc: A huge yes...
witc: I hope you can keep it up.
witc: Because there are a lot of options left to brew today.

//Brothel Questline (Miza) 1

luna: /main/!
luna: Oh... Thanks to Lirey for sending you here today.
main: Everything alright?
luna: Well, yes.
luna: I just... ahem...
luna: Come closer.
luna: ...
luna: I've been hearing noises coming from the attic.
luna: And they are starting to creep me out.
luna: But I'm scared to go there by myself.
luna: Could you please?
main: Couldn't you ask Bulgra?
luna: No, she'll make a big scene out of it.
main: Alright then...
main: I'll give it a look.
luna: Thank you, thank you!
main: Damn, this place is pitch black.
main: No wonder Luna doesn't want to come up here.
main: Should have asked for an oil lantern.
main: ...
main: Time for some sneaky fire magic.
main: !
main: Oh...
main: Ahem...
main: Hello?
main: How did you get here?
main: ...
main: Also, are you alright? That wing looks like it has seen better days.
main: What is going on here?
????: Window.
main: That responds very little.
????: Came through the window.
main: Alright, that's a start.
main: And the rest?
????: ...
????: Doesn't matter.
main: I'm going to need more than that.
????: It'll heal soon. I'll leave then.
????: I want to be alone.
main: I don't-
????: Please.
luna: Oh no... What's with that face?
luna: It's haunted, right?
luna: I knew I should have put some charms in there.
main: Alright... So...
main: There's a Harpy in the attic.
luna: A Harpy!?
luna: How?
main: She broke the window and came in.
main: Also, she seems wounded. Got hit on a wing, for the looks of it.
luna: That's horrible!
luna: What happened?
main: Don't know. She is not cooperating. At all.
main: Wants to be left alone.
luna: Curious.
luna: Wonder what could be the reason.
luna: Go to the bookstore. The girl there knows some medicine.
luna: Ask her for an old fang poultice.
luna: I'll give her a blanket and some pillows, at least.
luna: And, keep it between us.
luna: Don't want people rushing up there.

//Miza 2
main: Got the poultice!
luna: Good, because she didn't say a word.
luna: Not even a grunt of pain.
luna: Go up there. You might have better luck than I did.
main: Hello?
????: ...
main: Got you some medicine.
????: I'm fine, don't need it.
main: Alright, I don't know what's going on with you.
main: But I'm not going to leave you wounded.
main: This is not negotiable.
????: Very well.
main: Spread that wing.
????: Auch!
????: It stings.
main: Don't be a baby.
main: Done.
????: ...
????: Thanks.
main: No worries.
main: Anything else I can bring you?
????: Can-
????: Can you stay?
main: Sure.
????: ...
????: Are you a mage?
main: Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeh
main: Well, it's a long story.
main: Can you keep it between us?
????: How did you become a mage?
main: I'll tell you.
main: If you tell me something about yourself in exchange.
????: Hmm.
????: Fine.
main: What's your name.
miza: Miza.
miza: How did you become a mage?
main: Really curious about that one, aren't you?
main: A friend of mine taught me.
miza: Could she teach me?
main: I doubt she would. My situation was quite unique.
main: Also, that's 2 questions.
main: So I get double now.
main: How did you get hurt?
miza: ...
miza: I don't want to play anymore...
main: Hahaha, you are just cheating now.
miza: A bit...
miza: Alright, I'm not being fair.
miza: I got hit by an arrow while running away from my tribe.
main: Damn.
main: I'm sorry.
main: But why?
miza: I had an affair with the chieftain's son.
miza: And he is supposed to keep himself pure for another chieftain's daughter.
miza: The idiot probably told his father. So I flew away.
miza: I was still trying to figure out where to go for a long while, so I flew
miza: Some hunters probably saw me and shot at me.
miza: I just panicked and ended up with an arrow in my wing.
miza: Thankfully I lost them there.
miza: Tried to make it to the coast after that, but I couldn't take the pain, so I
landed anywhere I could. Here.
miza: There.
miza: Those are your two questions.
main: Quite the story.
miza: I have the feeling you wouldn't stop asking until I told you.
main: Probably.
miza: You're peculiar.
miza: Too caring.
main: Huh... Thanks?
main: On that note, you should take a rest.
miza: Yes, I should.
miza: Come later, alright?
main: Sure.

//Miza 3 Stone query

main: Oh, I see you got comfortable here.
miza: Hello, /main/.
miza: Trying to make a warm nest.
miza: I hope you don't mind I'm staying here while my wing heals.
main: Take your time.
miza: Thanks.
miza: Missing my stuff so much.
miza: You only give these things important when you lose them.
main: Can I bring you anything similar?
miza: Oh no, you've done plenty.
miza: Unless you want...
main: What is it?
miza: It's silly.
miza: I miss my stones.
main: Stones?
miza: Gems, metals, rocks, and mirrors.
miza: Agh... To think they'll likely take everything from my home...
miza: I had a green Jade I loved. Found it nearby a river, inside a cracked rock.
miza: It was the size of a walnut!
main: I'll keep an eye out for one, then.
miza: I appreciate the thought.
miza: But don't expect to just go to the river and find one.
miza: They are so rare, especially nowadays.
miza: Most of them are already claimed and sitting in someone's hoard.

//Naamu Leemings Minigame 1

main: So, you said I could take a few things.
naam: Hmmm... Sure.
naam: A few...
naam: Gold stays. It makes the place look shiny.
naam: But you can pick a thing here or there.
naam: Oh, you know what!
naam: There's something!
naam: You see that big rock with the runes?
naam: It is anchored there, and there's a big crack on one of its sides.
naam: Asked Kai to go in. She's too much of a brat to put in some effort.
/kai: I'm not going there. I already put my head in!
/kai: It was pitch black, and I could hear weird noises from inside.
/kai: Not going to be your scout! Do it yourself.
naam: I don't fit in there in this new form, Kai.
naam: And you know that.
/kai: I fail to see how your massive ass is my problem.
naam: Ugh, you're equals parts dense and bratty.
naam: Listen closely.
naam: /main/ can go in there.
naam: You can go in there.
naam: And I can't. You two would be alone.
/kai: Oh...
/kai: OH!
naam: Exactly.
/kai: It could still be dangerous for /main/.
naam: Unless you protect him thoroughly.
/kai: Of course, I will!
/kai: Would... I haven't decided yet-
naam: I'm sure he'll be very thankful.
/kai: ...
/kai: Alright, I will.
main: Can I get anything in there?
/kai: Anything inside that will be yours for the taking!
/kai: Including myself.
/kai: Especially myself~
naam: Stop drolling and listen Kai.
naam: You scout ahead and listen to /main/ commands.
naam: Anything he says, you do it.
/kai: Don't have to ask me twice.
naam: You're hopeless.
naam: Alright, whenever you want, the rock is there.
naam: Have fun.

//Beating LVL5
/kai: /main/~
/kai: Look what I got you.
/kai: Some precious gems! And a massive green one!
main: That's a jade.
/kai: Whatever, gems are Naamu stuff.
/kai: Just wanted to find something for you.
/kai: Something biiiiiiiiiiiig.
/kai: You can take it.
/kai: And me too~
main: You really change without Naamu around.
/kai: Obviously!
/kai: I don't have someone nagging at me all day.
/kai: Or reminding me that she's in charge now.
/kai: Ugh...
/kai: And she is so unfunny.
/kai: All jokes and pranks.
main: Pranks?
/kai: Yeah, she'll tease me!
/kai: Like, "oh look, there comes /main/."
/kai: Followed by, "Sorry, I imagined that. Must be the gold reflections playing me
a trick."
/kai: Or, "You know, one day you'll have to give him this one," and she prods my
/kai: Ugh...
main: Well, that's annoying.
main: But mostly harmless.
/kai: Very annoying.
main: But it raises the question.
main: When do you think that day will come?
/kai: The what day-?
/kai: !
/kai: I-
/kai: I don't know.
/kai: Now?
/kai: Want it n-
/kai: Noooooow?
main: Now?
main: Are you sure you don't want to think about it?
/kai: No, no, now is good-
/kai: ~!
/kai: Now it is PERFECT, actually.
main: You are easy to convince.
main: But we should wait for a bit.
/kai: Why? Life is so short!
/kai: It's only a matter of time before-
/kai: Mmm!?
/kai: Mmm~
/kai: Ah~
main: Just for a short while, Kai.
main: Take your time with these things.
/kai: Alright...
/kai: I can wait.
main: !
/kai: But I will be bending down to pick every single coin I find.
/kai: As slow and methodically as I possibly can.

//Miza Give Jade

main: Hey, Miza.
main: Got you something.
main: A new shiny jade.
miza: !
miza: That is HUGE!
miza: Almost like an... Apple!
main: Tried to think about something green, didn't you?
miza: Yes.
miza: I can't take this. It's too much.
miza: Not even a chieftain's daughter would get a stone like this.
miza: Are you sure?
main: You can keep it.
miza: I-
miza: I feel wrong taking it with no strings attached.
miza: I can fly somewhere to get you something if you want.
main: With your wing like that?
miza: It'll hurt a bit, but I'll do it.
main: No. You'll open the wound again.
main: Just rest and get comfortable.
miza: Thank you.
miza: I will.

//Miza Scene next day

miza: Look who came back.
miza: Missed me?
miza: Of course, you did.
miza: Why would you be here otherwise?
main: Checking on your wing?
miza: You are no fun.
miza: And on that end.
miza: I should be able to fly now.
miza: It doesn't hurt anymore.
miza: I'll be a bit scared still.
main: No need to leave yet, if you don't feel comfortable.
miza: Are you asking me to stay?
miza: That's cute.
main: You woke up funny today, didn't you?
miza: I'm in a good mood~
miza: Wing recovered.
miza: Slept for a hundred hours this night.
miza: Luna brought me some food earlier.
miza: And now you are here.
miza: I can't ask for much more.
main: So, what's your plan then?
miza: Plan?
main: You know, once you get brave enough to leave.
miza: Oh.
miza: There's no plan.
main: Didn't you say you wanted to reach the coast?
miza: Well, yes.
miza: I thought I wouldn't make it.
miza: Wanted to see the sea for the last time.
main: Oh...
main: That's horrible.
miza: You asked.
miza: Alright, I may have a plan!
main: Let's hear it.
miza: Oh, you'll do much more than hear it.
main: Miza?
main: What are-
main: !
miza: Shhhh
miza: Listen, this is the plan now.
miza: I got a cute nest in here.
miza: Got treated with a huge Jade and some precious stones.
miza: Only for me.
miza: And now I'm taking something just as great.
miza: In me~
miza: There is no chance I'm leaving with how you've been treating me.
miza: So I'll try to convince you to let me stay longer.
main: You could just ask-
main: Ugh...
miza: Where is the fun in that?
miza: Besides, I want to earn it.
main: Fuck... You are...
main: This hits quite differently.
miza: I know~
miza: Why do you think a chieftain son would risk it?
miza: I'm very good at this.
miza: Very, very good.
main: A-agree.
main: Too good.
miza: Can I confess something to you?
miza: I did dream of becoming the chieftain girl.
miza: That they would substitute traditions for me.
miza: To get gifted precious stones.
miza: And have a warm home.
miza: Naive and stupid.
miza: All it got me was exile and an arrow wound.
miza: But somehow... It worked in the end?
miza: I'm healthy now.
miza: And with a lot, I want to do.
main: Damn-
main: How do you even do that?
miza: A harpy has to be very light to be able to fly.
miza: This means holding in here and moving my hips doesn't require much effort.
miza: If anything, the hardest part is holding the urge to drop down.
miza: Tempting to see how deep it can go~
main: Fuck-
miza: Also, you haven't made a decision.
main: Yes, you can stay for a while longer.
miza: Thanks~
miza: !
miza: Ahh~
miza: Saving time?
miza: Be careful with that.
miza: It will take me much longer to leave if you do this often.
main: Can't fly with a sore ass?
miza: I can, but it'll wear off with time.
miza: And I'll have to turn back for more.

//Brothel Ending
luna: /main/?
luna: Can we talk for a minute?
main: Sure.
main: It's something wrong.
luna: Sort of...
luna: The brothel is going through some problems.
luna: Financial problems.
luna: We've been starting to lose more money than we make for a while.
luna: And at the moment, the place is running on savings.
main: Can we turn it around?
luna: Well, that's the thing.
luna: The main issue...
luna: Ugh, this is hard to say.
luna: You are the issue.
main: Wait, me?
luna: I know, saying that sounds mean, but listen.
luna: I just want the best for this place and the girls.
main: What did I do?
luna: Just to start...
luna: Amber.
luna: While not offering any "services," would still dance on the stage.
luna: And now, she won't even do that. She's just your special girl that happens to
live here.
luna: Ki-ki.
luna: Will take clients, for sure.
luna: But also tell them, "the boss is great," "he's so big," and "can I call him
in for a team tag?"
luna: So those clients usually never come back.
luna: Maen and Sa.
luna: Clients prefer to avoid their religious practices.
luna: Especially when they get all "spiritual" and start speaking in riddles.
main: Wait, that isn't on me-
luna: Which was tolerable when they came in here.
luna: And escalated heavily after their "revelation."
luna: Revelation meaning: Sa getting a double menu between you and Maen.
main: Oh...
luna: And then we decided to secretly adopt Miza for a while.
luna: Which also had a cost.
luna: She ate and drank just like everyone.
main: You forgot Bulgra.
luna: Well...
main: Because I assume, she has the same effect on you...
main: As I do in the other girls.
luna: Somewhat...
main: Guess I'm not the only "problem."
luna: No, but...
luna: My problem is not so much that we have fun with each other around here.
luna: That's why I like this place and my girls.
luna: And you.
luna: Would I bend over the bar and let you pound these problems out of my head?
luna: But sadly, the problems will still be there.
luna: And precisely because I don't want to give you guys up is why I have to keep
this place running.
main: So... Any solutions?
luna: We have a stage and a bar. That's it.
luna: Maybe the girls could show some talents, but I don't know to what extent that
would be lucrative.
luna: Or even if the girls would be up to the task after all.
main: We could try. Have you asked them?
luna: I wanted to discuss it with you first.
main: I'll get on it then.

// Talent show | Bulgra

bulg: Hmmmmm...
bulg: A talent.
bulg: Does making Luna-
main: No.
main: That doesn't count.
bulg: Does making you-
main: Also no!
main: Take it a bit seriously, Bulgra.
bulg: Yes, yes.
bulg: No need to look at me like that.
bulg: I'm pretty strong.
bulg: And durable.
main: Those are great.
main: But I need to see them working on stage.
bulg: Hmmmmmmmm...
bulg: Give me a second.
bulg: KIVIR.
bulg: COME HERE!
kivi: Are you... Sure?
kivi: Haven't thrown daggers for a good while.
bulg: Yes, go for it.
kivi: What if I hit you?
bulg: I told you to go for it!
kivi: Your wish.
kivi: !
bulg: Nice!
bulg: See? Easy.
bulg: Now the fruit.
kivi: Give me a second.
kivi: Getting a little nervous.
bulg: It's okay. You have this.
kivi: !
bulg: Look at that!
bulg: See, /main/? Spectacle!
main: Well... Yes.
main: But it is Kivir, the one aiming.
bulg: You're undermining my job in here?
bulg: Takes bravery to do this!
main: No, no, I'm just saying-
bulg: Kivir, shoot me another one.
bulg: Aim my belly. I'll catch it.
kivi: Wait, what?
bulg: I'll catch it! Throw!
kivi: !
kivi: What?
bulg: Now you know why I'm perfect for this job.
bulg: That way, Kivir can throw knives without worrying.
kivi: Why didn't you say that before!?
bulg: To show you the contrast between both scenarios, obviously.
kivi: Next time I'll aim at your eyes.
bulg: That's the spirit!

//Talent Show Ki-ki

kiki: Mmmmmmmmm,
kiki: A talent... A talent...
kiki: Can fit almost anything in my-
main: Let me stop you there, I know.
main: I was thinking about something more... fit for the stage.
kiki: Don't mind an audience!
main: You know I don't mean that.
kiki: Oh...
kiki: Boring.
main: Please, Ki-ki. I really need this for the brothel.
kiki: Damn, if you ask like that.
kiki: Mmmmm, I am quick with the brush!
main: Painting?
kiki: Very fast!
kiki: I have to get all my body paintings ready to go.
kiki: Usually, many times a day. They wear off easily.
main: Can you show me?
kiki: Of course!
kiki: Give me a minute to get everything together.
kiki: Ready!
kiki: Mmmmm.
kiki: Ha, I don't usually do this with an audience.
kiki: How do I follow?
kiki: Any suggestions?
main: Ehm... I don't know.
kiki: Come on, boss. You must have something!
main: A... pig?
kiki: A pig?
kiki: Seriously?
main: You asked for something! I just said the first word that came to my mind.
kiki: Fine, let's see...
kiki: Some right here, some right there.
kiki: Done!
main: Damn, fast was an understatement.
main: That said, not exactly what I had in mind for a pig.
kiki: I like to draw cute things!
kiki: This is a cute pig!
main: Alright, so... Cute things...
main: Luna.
kiki: Oh, that's fun!
kiki: I've never drawn the girls around here. That could be a neat trick!
kiki: There you go.
main: Impressive.
kiki: Can I give this one to Luna, Boss?
main: Ehm, sure. You don't need my permission for that.
kiki: I just like you to be in charge~
kiki: Oh! I know!
kiki: Thaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat's better.
main: ...
kiki: Sorry, couldn't do you justice.
kiki: There's only so much I can do with my abilities.
main: We can explore many other avenues for you to do me justice.
kiki: Oh! I'm listening!
main: As in different styles. Abstract, maybe?
kiki: That's mean.

//Talent Show Maen and SA

maen: A talent?
saxx: Mmmmmmmm~
maen: Can we do some magic?
saxx: Oh, are you sure?
saxx: Sometimes people get nervous about the subject.
main: Wait, you two are magic users?
saxx: Oh no... Not you.
main: No! It's great!
main: Just didn't expect it.
saxx: You got me scared there for a second!
maen: Yeah, some people respond with pitchforks.
main: You guys can try to pose it as something else.
main: Like... Tricks?
maen: You mean... "Magic tricks"?
main: Yeah!
saxx: That way, we could use magic, and people would still think it's just some
practical trickery!
saxx: I like it!
maen: Get on stage. Let's give it a try.
saxx: I'm ready!
maen: Here I go.
maen: 3...
maen: 2...
maen: 1...
saxx: Tada!
main: Damn, that's pretty good.
maen: Again, Sa.
maen: 3...
maen: 2...
maen: 1...
saxx: Tada!
maen: I thought the maid was supposed to be the provocative one.
maen: Is the next one fully naked?
saxx: Oh, can we?
maen: Stick to the routine, Sa!
maen: 3...
maen: 2...
maen: 1...
saxx: Tada!
maen: Now you just went the opposite to spite me.
saxx: Gave you want you wanted~~
saxx: Don't complain so much.
main: Impressive.
maen: Last one.
maen: 3...
maen: 2...
maen: 1...
main: !
main: Where did she?
maen: Under the stage, there's a hatch.
main: Oh...
maen: Only some things are going to be pure magic.
maen: Keeps it grounded too!

//Amber And Bulgra Scenes

bulg: Pssst.
bulg: Hey, /main/.
main: ?
bulg: Amber has been practicing for endless hours in the booth.
bulg: Can't go in there, or she'll get all uppity.
bulg: Want to help me put some sense into her?
main: Hmm...
main: Let's see.
ambe: Bulgra, seriously. Again?
ambe: I already told you I'm not leaving the booth today.
ambe: Need to have this one perfect for the bo-
ambe: Oh! Hi, /main/.
ambe: I didn't see you there.
bulg: Sorry, but I also need to practice my pose.
ambe: All you have to do is stand there!
bulg: That is disrespectful towards my craft, girl.
bulg: So I'm going to throw you out of here.
bulg: And make sure your legs are too shaky to walk back.
ambe: Wait, what are you talking about-
ambe: Hey! Hey! Be careful with my clothes!
bulg: Shut up already.
ambe: Boss, not you too.
ambe: I have to practice.
bulg: Oh, don't worry.
bulg: He's here to help you with those high notes.
ambe: That's not how it works-
ambe: Ah~!
bulg: See? Easy!
ambe: Ugh~
ambe: /main/, please.
ambe: You're rougher than usual.
bulg: I'm a terrible influence.
main: She is.
bulg: And if you remember the plan, you are not walking away by your own will.
bulg: You're leaving carried by him only.
ambe: P-please.
ambe: I just want to practice.
bulg: You just want to show off to /main/.
bulg: And keep your special girl status around here.
ambe: Obviously~
bulg: Then, would the special girl complain about getting it rough?
bulg: Or would she take it?
ambe: That's dirty of you.
bulg: And you didn't answer the question.
ambe: I can take it.
bulg: You heard her, boss.
ambe: !
ambe: F-uck.
ambe: Ah~
bulg: That's the face I was looking for.
ambe: Shit-
bulg: Any problems, little girl?
bulg: I can take your place.
ambe: F-fuck you~
ambe: All you'll get is an empty booth.
bulg: Well, I do get to fondle you.
bulg: And see you struggle.
bulg: Not that bad of a deal.
ambe: Ahh~ Ahh~
bulg: Whoops, I don't think there's any Amber up there anymore.
bulg: All yours, boss.
main: !
main: Fuck...
bulg: Hahaha
bulg: Couldn't get out in time?
main: I got carried away.
bulg: Don't worry, I don't mind.
bulg: Now carry away this barely coherent slut of yours.
bulg: So I can finally get some time for myself in this place.

//Ki ki Maen And Sa

kiki: ...
kiki: Damn...
main: Ki-ki?
kiki: !
kiki: Boss...
kiki: Don't scare me like that.
main: Why are you talking like that?
kiki: Like that? What do you mean?
main: Whispering.
kiki: Ehm...
kiki: I don't...
kiki: Alright.
kiki: A little.
kiki: I left brushes in there.
kiki: But Maen and Sa are already in the booth.
kiki: And they are, you know.
kiki: Busy.
main: And you are peeking?
kiki: No!
kiki: Only a bit...
kiki: They are just taking so long!
main: Why not come in and ask if you can get your stuff?
kiki: I don't want to interrupt them...
main: And?
kiki: Alright... I was... Enjoying myself for a bit.
main: I imagined.
main: Come on, go in.
kiki: But boss...
main: Let me give you a little push.
kiki: !
maen: Guys?
maen: Give it a knock. Sa could choke if she gets scared like this.
saxx: Ughuh!
kiki: Sorry, I forgot my drawing tools in the booth.
main: Yes, she was waiting it out by peeking in the booth.
kiki: Boss!
main: Woops.
maen: Awh, sorry Ki-ki.
maen: If I knew we could move somewhere else.
maen: Sorry, it's taking a while to come out today.
saxx: Ahh~
saxx: Yes, I'm starting to get a sore jaw.
saxx: Can I take a break?
maen: Sure.
saxx: Boss, I'm free for a few minutes~
maen: Oh, that kind of break?
kiki: Yeah, don't cut the line!
saxx: Right there, boss~
kiki: That's how I say "boss"!
kiki: Don't you mock me!
kiki: Maen, come here.
maen: Your wish.
kiki: That's it!
saxx: Aw, I didn't know you would take it personally.
saxx: Just wanted a quick refreshment.
kiki: Don't worry. I'll be swift with Maen.
kiki: After that, I only need to wait for you to take another half hour.
kiki: And pick up after that.
saxx: Are you implying something?
kiki: No, not at all~
saxx: You slut!
main: Chill down.
maen: Yes.
maen: You both get to have fun. Stop complaining.
saxx: A lot of fun-
saxx: Ah~!
saxx: Not that hard, /main/.
saxx: Ki-ki. Let me make it up to you.
kiki: ~!
saxx: Better?
kiki: Mmmmmm.
kiki: Pretty good.
kiki: Certainly got Maen more eager to push.
saxx: I assumed something pretty to look at would help.
kiki: Come on, Maen, I can take it.
kiki: Don't be shy.
maen: I'm a-
maen: A bit tired.

//Encourage Maen

main: Come on, Maen. Only a few thrusts.

kiki: And a final big one!
maen: !
saxx: That was fantastic.
maen: Finally...
kiki: We should repeat this some other time.

//Help Maen

main: We can help Maen.

main: Right, girls?
kiki: Yes, boss!
saxx: It'll be a pleasure.
maen: Hey!
maen: What are you girls doing?
saxx: Just lay down and let the boss help you out.
maen: !
maen: I don't know...
maen: It has been a while since I've played with that.
saxx: Don't worry, Maen. The boss will take care of you.
saxx: He always does.
kiki: Besides, you have to let someone else in charge sometimes.
kiki: Sometimes, you have to take it easy.
kiki: Let the boss do the hard work.
maen: Boss, are you sure?
kiki: Judging by how deep that is? He's fine.
saxx: Still, have to be entirely sure.
saxx: No doubts at all, /main/.
maen: My~!
maen: That's a lot.
saxx: Right?
saxx: Such an overpowering sensation.
saxx: Should have done this sooner.
maen: It's-
maen: It's alright.
maen: This is a lot to take in.
maen: And I don't know what to do.
saxx: No worries, you are doing perfectly.
kiki: Keep your hips high.
saxx: Let him mark the rhythm.
kiki: Tell him your ass is him to take anywhere, any time, in front of an audience
if necessary.
saxx: What?
kiki: Oh, I'm the only one who does that?
maen: Aaaah!
maen: !
saxx: Look at that.
maen: Ahhh, ahhh, ahhh...
maen: T-that... I-Incredible.
saxx: Intense and more convenient for you. Quite the steal.
kiki: There's still something to seal the deal.
saxx: Certainly.
saxx: Come down with us, Maen.
saxx: You are going to get the whole experience.
maen: Not a moment to breathe?
kiki: Why wait?
kiki: This is better when you are still light-headed.
maen: Alright~
maen: Sorry if I add even more on your plate, /main/.
saxx: Judging by how fast he got to it, he wanted you on that plate.
saxx: Just be nice in return.
maen: Thank you, boss.
maen: Anything else I can do for-
maen: ~!
maen: Uhh~
maen: I'm sorry this didn't help.
maen: Now, I want some more.
saxx: What happened to the "adding even more on /main/'s plate?"
maen: Not enough on my plate, I can tell you that.
kiki: Agree.
kiki: Boss~
kiki: A bit more?
kiki: A tiny bit?
kiki: You're already putting it in front of our faces.
saxx: At this point, you either pump it out yourself, or we'll do it for you.
kiki: Do it for Maen.
saxx: Yeah, for Maen.
maen: Thinking what I'm thinking, /main/?
main: Of course. For Maen.
maen: ~!
kiki: Hey!
saxx: Hahaha, we got outplayed.
maen: Mmmm~
kiki: Come here and share some of that-
maen: Ahhh~
maen: Fuck no.
kiki: Thought you were the good one, Maen.
maen: I am...
maen: Giving you so much time right now.
maen: Not my bad if you waste it instead of cleaning those droplets still hanging
in the tip.
main: Oh... Fuck... Maen~
saxx: Damn, Maen. That's what I call hungry.
kiki: Not again!

//Final night
luna: I'll make everything ready for our big opening.
luna: Hope it works.

//Final Harem Scene

luna: Girls, that was a huge success.
luna: Never expected that people would pay more for seeing cute girls do things...
luna: Rather than getting down with those cute girls.
luna: But here we are!
kiki: Woohoo!
kiki: It's so much fun too.
bulg: I'll still miss some of the old stuff.
ambe: I won't.
bulg: Hahaha!
saxx: Thanks for the opportunity to show our talents, /main/.
maen: Indeed, a bold choice could have gone nowhere.
luna: /main/, you're the best thing that has happened to this place in a long
kiki: The best thing that has happened to me in a long while too!
ambe: Ki-ki!
bulg: We are all thinking about it.
luna: We are.
main: Thanks, I just wanted the best for the place.
main: And for all of you.
luna: We know.
luna: And that's why we should celebrate appropriately.
luna: Girls, drinks are on the house tonight.
luna: And /main/ is on that menu too.
main: Wait, what?
main: !
kiki: You go, Luna!
saxx: Be careful. That's a lot of "juice" he is taking in.
bulg: That's the intention here.
saxx: But won't that be dangerous?
bulg: If he dies, he'll be a saint. I see no wrong in doing this.
ambe: He'll survive~
ambe: Luna has him measured at this point.
luna: Mhm~
kiki: Damn it, I wasn't fast enough.
ambe: I don't mind sharing it.
ambe: After I've got my fix~
kiki: Come on, we can get it at the same time.
bulg: You have to put your will into it, Ki-ki.
bulg: Can't be asking nicely if you want a piece of him.
bulg: Look.
luna: Hey, what the fuck-?
bulg: See?
luna: Come on, I was warming up my seat.
maen: Damn, want him to drink straight from the source?
maen: You really want to kill him.
luna: No, like Amber said. I have him pretty measured at this point.
luna: I'm going to push it, for sure.
luna: But I would never put him in danger.
saxx: Yes, please.
saxx: I want to do this again and again.
saxx: But I still want /main/ to give it all.
saxx: As long as we get a turn each.
kiki: That is not going to happen if Amber keeps hogging it.
kiki: Come on, don't tease him. Don't tease us.
ambe: Mhm~
kiki: Wait... You're not teasing him!
kiki: Get out of there!
ambe: Nho- Jught a bet mhog.
kiki: Oh my god, how many times has he shot already?
kiki: You can barely hold it in your mouth, you greedy slut.
kiki: My turn~!
luna: We'll all get a turn, don't worry.
kiki: Not risking it anymore!
ambe: Ahh~
ambe: Shit, that was a lot.
ambe: Could barely get it in.
luna: I told you I was going to push him.
ambe: Also, what happened to you, Ki-ki?
ambe: No back door?
ambe: Getting serious now?
kiki: Shut up! I'm going to get what you got everywhere I can.
saxx: Sounds risky.
kiki: Fuck the risks!
kiki: I'm getting bred tonight!
kiki: And so are all of you!
saxx: Should we?
luna: Are you going to fall behind Ki-ki?
saxx: Hell no!
kiki: Here it comes!
kiki: !
ambe: Get out. My turn.
luna: I should be the next to apply another round of pheromones.
saxx: Oh, fuck yes, it's huge~
ambe: Hey!
kiki: Good girl, Sa.
kiki: Take it in, and let them discuss it.
ambe: Come here, you little slut!
luna: Come on, /main/.
luna: That was such an excellent performance.
luna: Look at me, don't close your eyes.
luna: Good.
luna: I know you still have it in you.
ambe: Boss, thank you for everything.
kiki: We gonna keep you busy for a good while.
saxx: Better not go anywhere far.
bulg: Have to keep your girls happy now.
maen: And pleased.
luna: Last push?
main: Hhhhhhhghghghhhhhh-
luna: Aww~
luna: Completely spent.
luna: Girls, come here and get me clean.
luna: I want to give /main/ a good memory before he-
luna: /main/?
ambe: He faded out?
bulg: Well, we did push it very far.
kiki: Let's get him a blanket.
kiki: Should we wake him up later?
maen: I say we let him rest until he wants some again.
ambe: Yes, this is enough. And he looks so happy now.
kiki: I meant, like breakfast or something. Even I have limits.
bulg: Don't lie.
kiki: Hey!

//The letter
main: ?
main: Miza?
main: What is this, a note?
miza: Dear /main/.
miza: I am very sorry for leaving so shortly and without notice.
miza: And even more sorry for leading you to think I wouldn't leave.
miza: The other day I wanted to tell you, but I didn't dare to.
miza: I didn't want to burden you or anyone in that place.
miza: So I'm going to take flight into the south sea, just as I wanted.
miza: But this time, to go across, to find a new life for me on the other side.
miza: I hope our destinies can cross again in the future.
miza: My heart will always be with you.
miza: Miza.

//Miza - Lily Poultice Dialogue

main: Hi, I have an emergency right now, someone got wounded. Do you have any
healing poultice?
lily: Of course.
lily: I always have some ready in case it is needed.
lily: Remember.
lily: Clean the wound first.
lily: Apply it in circular motions.
lily: And bandage it afterwards.

//Miza - Do not disturb

main: I should let Miza rest.

//Miza - Find Gem

main: I should find a Jade for Miza.

//Naamu - Caves minigame intro

The hoard

//Amber's Talent
main: Actually, I was here to ask you about something.
main: Luna and I are thinking about exploring different things we can do in the
main: And we are looking for some talents to show on stage.
main: Would you be up to it?
main: Like, singing.
ambe: I don't know how I'll do in front of an audience.
main: You danced in front of an audience already, shouldn't be that different.
ambe: Not the same thing.
ambe: I can feel insecure about my singing abilities, and not my dancing.
main: Oh, dancing, is that what we are calling it?
ambe: I know you're trying to tease me.
ambe: But I'm going to be the responsible one this time, and get to practice my
main: A nice change of pace for once.
ambe: You...
ambe: Ugh, I'll get at you later.

Talent show
Grand Opening
Encourage Maen to finish
Help Maen to finish

//EA - Erza's Dream Tresspassing

erza: /main/.
erza: /main/, concentrate.
erza: Follow my voice.
main: !
main: ...
main: Erza?
main: What is going on?
main: What I'm doing here? how did-
erza: /main/! Relax!
erza: It's just a dream!
main: ...
erza: Well, sort off.
main: Sort off?
erza: I realized we had somewhat of a... bond.
erza: You know, we've been partnering up for a bit now.
erza: And some of you rubbed on me, some of me rubbed on you.
main: I feel like "rubbed" it's an understatement.
erza: I meant spiritually.
erza: So I wanted to test that bond.
erza: To see if I could connect with you.
erza: Again, spiritually.
erza: And it seems I could find you, even from where I am.
erza: To put it in a simple manner.
erza: I wanted to see if I could "jump" into your dreams.
erza: You never know when something like this could be useful.
main: Great.
main: So...
main: Is that it?
erza: Ah, yes. Of course.
main: I was going to sleep.
erza: Sure.
main: ...
main: So?
erza: I'm... channeling...
erza: It'll take a bit.
main: You don't look like channeling.
erza: Well, I'm that powerful!
main: Aha...
erza: ...
erza: Fine...
erza: I was bored.
erza: And I missed you.
main: I figured.
erza: Go on, bask on it.
main: No need.
main: I know I'm your favorite human.
erza: I guess you are.
erza: At least you know how entretain me, that's for sure.
erza: The tomb feels cold and lonely without you to cherry it up for me.
main: Say no more, the more the merrier.
erza: !
erza: Hahaha.
erza: Not very original, /main/.
erza: But I like where you are going.
erza: Mmm~
erza: Having fun bending your dream a bit?
erza: Lets see if you can hold it up.
erza: !
erza: Fuck!
erza: Be cautious!
erza: Just because it's your dream-
erza: Ah~
erza: Doesn't mean you get to do anything you please with me!
erza: I-
erza: Ugh~!
main: Let me persuade you.
erza: !
erza: Oh please...
erza: I know you can do much more than that.
erza: Don't be lazy on me.
erza: Hahaha!
erza: Good, prove me wrong.
erza: Push it to the limit!
erza: All you have.
erza: Any way you want.
main: What a generous queen.
erza: I don't do this as a queen, /main/.
erza: I do this as demon, who got a tad too close to a human.
erza: Now are you going to do it?
erza: Or do I have to start begging?
main: !
erza: Oh, damn...
erza: That was crazy.
erza: I think...
erza: I might have lost it for a minute there.
erza: We have to hone this natural talent of yours, /main/.
erza: Even if you're good, you can be so much more.
main: I guess I'm going to need your aid.
erza: Aha~
erza: For practice, now start conjuring a bed for me.
erza: You get the priviledge of keeping me in your dream for a tad longer.
main: It's that an order, my queen?
erza: Don't be a smartass, /main/.

main: ?
orso: Come on, take a glass of whine and relax for a bit.
orso: Can't be interrogating every single client of mine.
orso: Not good for business, you know?
drak: I'll do my job until the Duchess is pleased.
main: [Damn it, lets get out of here!]

< //Draka comes into the town, asking for the MC. (After brothel ownership)

drak: You.
main: !
drak: I was waiting for you to drop by.
drak: Follow me, the Duchess requires your presence at her manor.
main: Right now?
main: I might be a bit busy with-
drak: I'll accompany you then.
drak: Until you are ready to leave with me.
main: [I can't have anyone follow me home]
main: You know what, it wasn't that important!
main: And we shouldn't make the Duchess wait anyway.
drak: Wise choice.

< //Brings MC to the Duchess Manor.

eliz: Welcome.
eliz: Please, make yourself comfortable.
eliz: Tell me your name.
main: /main/, my Duchess.
eliz: How quaint.
eliz: You're quite the enigma, /main/.
eliz: Living a humble life.
eliz: Helping your local businesses in town.
eliz: And looking just like any other common folk.
eliz: Those are pretty rare traits for someone with the gift of magic.
main: Oh, haha.
main: You might have me confused with someone else.
main: I don't-
eliz: Bring him in!
/ruf: Alright, no pushing!
eliz: This is a thief we caught not long ago.
eliz: Which talked about a plainly looking young man controlling the elements.
eliz: Tell us, thief.
eliz: Is this that man?
/ruf: Y-yes!
/ruf: It is him!
/ruf: He made the ground tremble and the skies darken!
eliz: Make sure the thief gets a hot meal and wine tonight, for his cooperation.
drak: Of course, Duchess.
/ruf: Thank you!
drak: Back to the cell, thief.
eliz: Anything to add, /main/?
main: It's the word of a thief, and nothing else.
main: He would say anything to please you.
eliz: Fair.
eliz: Then, I assume you wouldn't mind taking me and a few soldiers to your home.
eliz: Just to prove your innocence.
main: Well, it's a bit of a mess right now.
main: Can't bring the Duchess there, would be a shame upon my family.
main: But if you allow me a day or two-
eliz: Enough of this charade!
eliz: Where are you holding my girls!?
eliz: If even a single strand of hair is missing from them, I'll have you executed!
main: Whoa, I'm holding nobody! Much less hurting them.
main: If anything they've hurt me a few times!
main: Got my clothes erased from existence by Ivy.
main: Scarlet clubbed me in the back on the head and tied me up.
main: And that amulet knocked me cold the moment I touched it.
eliz: They used the Enoth on you?
main: Not exactly used...
main: I activated it by mistake.
eliz: Oh thank goodness...
eliz: They didn't use the Enoth on themselves...
main: Hold on...
main: Why do you say it like that?
eliz: Is this the thing you touched?
main: Yes, that's the amulet!
main: But... How do you have it?
eliz: The Enoth has two almost identical parts to it.
eliz: Tell me, what has Ivy told you about it?
main: It's a syphon?
eliz: I assume that conclusion comes from her seeing me use this half.
eliz: But she is incorrect, it is not a syphon.
eliz: It's more akin to a loan.
eliz: The part of the Enoth Ivy took gives the loan.
eliz: And this part I'm holding here... Takes the payment.
eliz: A few nights after Ivy's dissapeareance my half of the Enoth activated.
eliz: I've been holding its efects at bay, because I didn't know if Ivy used it on
herself, or Scarlet.
main: So you are telling me I owe the amulet a loan, in the form of magic.
eliz: Exactly.
main: I don't know if I can believe that.
eliz: Oh, you don't have to.
eliz: I can show you.
main: Ugh!
eliz: That is but a mere fraction of what the Enoth takes for it's loan.
eliz: Very few can sustain the pay.
eliz: Most of them perish.
eliz: Which I hope puts in perspective why I was so worried about my girls.
main: So...
main: What is going to happen to me?
eliz: It will come a point where the Enoth will best all my efforts to contain it.
eliz: At that point, no matter where you are, the Enoth will enact it's price.
main: There is nothing I can do about it?
eliz: Well...
eliz: I did trace a plan, in case it was Ivy or Scarlet who used the Enoth.
eliz: There is a chance.
eliz: But I need to know my girls are safe, with upmost certainty.
main: I doubt they'll be happy if you just appear there.
main: Ivy ran out because she didn't want to live in captivity.
eliz: Captivity!?
eliz: Proposterous! She doesn't understand how dangerous it is for her to be out
eliz: Here, have this artifact.
eliz: It will allow me to see through it.
eliz: Get it nearby her.
eliz: If what you say is right, and they are safe and sound, we will talk about the
eliz: Otherwise, I will release my hold on the Enoth.
eliz: Am I clear?
main: Certainly.
eliz: I'll wait for you then.
eliz: Don't take long, my patience is running thin already.

eliz: You know what to do.

eliz: Now, go home. I expect you here tomorrow.

main: ...
main: I don't hear Ivy or Scarlet in their room. Time to put the Duchess spy
main: Can I put it between these two books maybe?
main: Lets see...
main: Mmm... It fits nicely.
/ivy: /main/?
main: Oh!
main: Oh, hi...
scar: What are you doing here?
main: Not much! Eh...
main: Making sure the house didn't need any repair.
main: It's old after all!
scar: Come on, you fool no one.
scar: You missed us.
main: Woops! You got me.
/ivy: Aww, that's cute.
/ivy: Missing these?
main: [Shit, shit, shit!]
main: [The Duchess could be watching!]
scar: Haha, you got him by surprise there, look at his face.
scar: But maybe, he is missing this instead.
/ivy: Oh, you want to make this a competition?
scar: Of course not, that would be unfair for you.
main: I'm very sorry to interrupt you two but...
main: Today, I'm a bit tired.
scar: Didn't you say you were here to look for repairs?
main: Well... Yes...
main: But, not to do them today! Just checking in case I needed materials.
/ivy: Scarlet, stop pushing him around.
/ivy: /main/ does a lot for us, we can let him take a well deserved rest.
scar: Hmmm...
scar: Actually...
scar: You remember that new thing you were practicing on?
scar: With the blue beam? Knocked me off?
/ivy: I already said sorry about that.
scar: I mean after that.
scar: How it relaxed all my muscles?
/ivy: You mean... Using it for medicinal purposes?
scar: Well, somewhat.
main: Don't worry, I'm fine, I just need to take a nap.
main: Just let me go to my room and I-
main: !
scar: Oh damn, you did it!? You just immobilized him!?
/ivy: Wait, what do you mean!?
scar: Didn't thought you had the courage, that's all.
scar: Help me move him to the bed.
/ivy: Mmm~
/ivy: Damn it...
/ivy: Doesn't this feel wrong to you?
scar: Why?
/ivy: We didn't give him much choice.
/ivy: What if he wasn't being playful?
scar: Please, you know /main/.
scar: Has he ever said no to us?
main: [God damn it... ]
scar: Also, you already threw that inmobilize spell to me in the garden.
/ivy: Was a mistake...
scar: I know.
scar: But I could still feel my body and everything around me.
scar: And like I said, It relaxed all my muscles in the process.
/ivy: I was aiming for a non-lethal option to intruders.
scar: See? All advantadges.
scar: We get a fun ride.
scar: He gets to enjoy our fun ride.
scar: And he'll break out of the spell relaxed.
scar: It's the perfect plan, really.
/ivy: I guess you are right.
/ivy: We'll make it extra special, /main/.
/ivy: For as long as it lasts.
scar: What do you mean? Last time I was inmobilized for a good 20 minutes.
/ivy: Well, I held back on /main/.
/ivy: It's scary to throw spells on those you love, you know?
scar: Didn't stop you with me.
/ivy: Because it was a mistake!
main: [I think I can move my arms again...]
main: [And if the Duchess has been looking, I'm already on borrowed time.]
main: [Better make the last one count.]
/ivy: ~!
scar: You were right, you held up on that spell.
/ivy: I hope it helped, /main/.
scar: Nhgf~
scar: It did.
scar: Because he is full of energy, I can tell you that.
scar: Maybe...
scar: Maybe a bit too much... Calm down /main/.
scar: F-fuck.
scar: ~!
/ivy: You had this idea.
/ivy: He's just saying thanks.
scar: Ugh~
/ivy: That's my /scarlet_role/.
scar: I-I can't.
/ivy: Scarlet?
/ivy: Out of the game already?
/ivy: More for me I guess.
/ivy: Oh~
/ivy: What are you doing, /main/?
/ivy: Need a pick me up down there? Fine by me-
/ivy: Ghh-
/ivy: [/main/!?]
/ivy: [What has gotten into you?]
/ivy: [Did we cross a line with the inmobilize?]
/ivy: [Or it was the teasing?]
/ivy: [I don't know which one got you like this...]
/ivy: [But once I find out, we are doing it all over again.]
/ivy: [As for now...]
/ivy: [I'm going to make most out of this situation.]
main: Mmf~
main: You're playing a dangerous game here, Ivy.
main: Are you sure you can take it?
/ivy: Mhm~!
/ivy: ~!
/ivy: [Fuck...]
/ivy: [Why did I immediately agree?]
/ivy: [I don't know if I can take it.]
/ivy: [It's not exactly like I held back on that one...]
/ivy: [To late for regrets-]
main: !
/ivy: [...]
/ivy: [It's not stopping...]
/ivy: [Fuck... I got greedy with that spell.]
main: Ivy... You're doing great.
/ivy: [Don't say it like that~]
main: You two are the best.
main: Almost done...
/ivy: Ahh~
/ivy: For someone who needed a rest.
/ivy: You had a lot energy to give.
main: Hard to say no to you two.
main: Specially if you outright use magic to hold me down.
/ivy: Sorry.
main: No need.
main: [Just pray the Duchess wasn't looking...]

main: D-Duchess.
main: I got the... What did you call it?
eliz: I am very aware, /main/.
main: So, I asume that.
eliz: Yes, I saw.
eliz: I saw everything.
eliz: And as you expect, it made my blood boil.
eliz: To the point that I considered releasing the Enoth.
eliz: Snapping your life in that very moment.
eliz: But...
eliz: You didn't lie, they where safe and sound.
eliz: And more importantly.
eliz: They looked happy...
eliz: Very happy...
main: That means I make it alive out of this?
eliz: Well...
eliz: You told me the thruth.
eliz: Ivy left out of her own will.
eliz: Tell me, did she told you about being the Duchess daughter.
main: Not in our first meeting, but eventually she did.
eliz: And you didn't tell anyone she was there?
main: No.
eliz: Why?
main: Not what Ivy wanted.
eliz: So you just did whatever she asked you to do?
main: Well... Not exactly like that.
main: I just offered her a home.
main: Because she wanted to have her own space to hide in.
eliz: Alright, that's all I need.
eliz: It is time to make my part of the deal true then.
eliz: The Enoth is a quite powerful artifact, older than Aurelia itself.
eliz: But like any artifact, it is not without it's flaws.
eliz: In the case of the Enoth, it has a hard time distinguishing host from it's
inmediate surroundings.
eliz: Sometimes taking the payment from the host, and those surrounding him.
main: So we could trick the Enoth into making multiple mages pay?
eliz: I see Ivy's has shared some of her knowledge with you.
eliz: Among other things...
main: Elizabeth?
eliz: Sorry, my mind took a strange turn.
eliz: You are right, we could do that.
eliz: Problem is, magic users are few and far between.
eliz: And to convince them to lend their own power, would take you decades.
eliz: So our next best bet would be to use artifacts, artifacts of inmense power.
eliz: I have a few I'm willing to sacrifice, but it won't be enough.
eliz: Lucky for you, I already did my due diligence and tracked a few of them
inside Aurelia.
eliz: First one we should focus should be under the protection of the Church.
eliz: Go there and entable relationships with them.
eliz: Good luck.

lir?: Mortal...
main: Huh?
lir?: Mortal...
main: Ugh... My head...
ginn: /main/? Are you alright?
main: !?
main: Eh...
main: Hard to explain.
main: I felt like I was stopped in time.
main: With a voice talking to me.
ginn: /main/!
ginn: You heard it!
ginn: The voice of Lirey!
main: You... Think so?
ginn: Absolutely certain of it.
ginn: You are in Lirey's domain after all.
ginn: I myself have experienced her voice.
ginn: Gods rarely reach out to humans, as their mere presence can be overwhelming
for us.
ginn: If Lirey is speaking to you, it must be of upmost importance.
ginn: What did she tell you?
main: Not much.
main: But for a second, I think I saw something.
main: A display, made of stone, with a hole in the middle.
ginn: I think we have something like what you describe in the inner chambers.
ginn: She was guiding you, for certain.
ginn: Come with me.
ginn: Is this what you saw?
main: Similar, but not exactly.
main: Wait, it's moving!

Attempt Lirey's task

main: Alright... And now?

ginn: Mortal.
main: Ginny?
lire: No mortal.
lire: I am Lirey, through Ginny's flesh.
lire: Do not suffer, she is safe.
lire: Mostly due to your task, opening the path for me to come here, as I asked.
main: What I just did was opening a path?
lire: Only the final door.
lire: Taking care of Ginny, my avatar.
lire: Showering her with love and care.
lire: That was truly the path you opened.
lire: But enough talk, mortal.
lire: Show me how you love Ginny.
main: Lirey...
main: This is, overwhelming.
lire: I am aware of your physical limitations.
lire: And the effect I have on you, even if reduced through my avatar.
lire: But I've been watching you for a while now.
lire: Observing your feats.
lire: Your bravery.
lire: And your struggles.
lire: Yet you still found time, in all of that, to care about my precious Ginny.
lire: The one I blessed with strength and health.
lire: So I will bless you too.
main: You're too generous, this is a blessing already.
lire: This blessing hasn't even started, mortal.
main: !
lire: Let your body take control, /main/.
lire: Let the sensations fill your mind and your soul.
lire: Haven't felt a mortal with the fire you carry in Eons.
lire: A truly outstanding feat.
lire: This is why I'm here.
lire: To give you what you seek.
lire: To alter your destiny.
lire: Do you accept?
main: Yes.
lire: You shall take care of my avatar then.
lire: As my time here is reaching it's end.
lire: As a gift to you both.
lire: I'll remove her powers, as long as she can feel your touch.
lire: So you two can indulge in these carnal desires.
lire: Without the need of earthly implements.
lire: Farewell.
ginn: !
ginn: /main/.
main: Welcome back.
main: Hope you didn't miss anything.
ginn: I was fully aware the entire time.
ginn: We've been blessed.
ginn: Like no other mortals in Aurelia.
ginn: I knew Lirey put you in my path.
ginn: And guide my every feeling.
ginn: Meaning I don't have to doubt myself anymore.
ginn: This is what destiny wants for me, to please you in every way.
ginn: And I shall.
ginn: So don't hesitate.
ginn: Thrust with all you have.
main: !
ginn: Incredible.
ginn: There is no guilt anymore.
ginn: No sin.
ginn: Only love.

main: I brought the artifact.

eliz: Excellent!
eliz: Did it give you any trouble?
main: Somewhat.
eliz: Yet you persevered.
eliz: Draka, Eri! Leave us.

eliz: Come here, /main/.

eliz: Take a rest.
eliz: If I have to be sincere with you.
eliz: Your involvement in my life has brought quite a turbulence of emotions.
eliz: I was angry, sad, happy.
eliz: But you, against all odds, are persevering.
eliz: That willpower.
eliz: That sacrifice.
eliz: It's something I value highly, /main/.
eliz: They are excepcional qualities.
eliz: Which is why you might find me a tad...
eliz: Strict.
eliz: Demanding.
eliz: It is only because I want to draw that out of others.
eliz: To give you, the best chance you can have at life.
eliz: But... Lately..-
eliz: I'm coming to understand that this can feel somewhat overwhelming.
eliz: And I need to take a step back.
eliz: Take a moment to breathe.
eliz: And... enjoy life.
main: !
main: ...
main: Duchess, are you sure?
eliz: Yes.
eliz: I had some time to think about it.
eliz: We did start on the wrong foot you and I.
eliz: I want to make ammends.
eliz: And, call me Elizabeth.
eliz: After what I've seen about you.
eliz: And how even after that, your eyes stick to me.
eliz: Go ahead, tell me, what goes through your mind.
eliz: Be honest.
main: Well...
main: You're gorgeous.
eliz: Mhm.
eliz: And?
main: ...
eliz: Don't be scared.
eliz: Remember, honesty.
main: These two right here are making me salivate.
eliz: Hahaha.
eliz: Straight to the point.
eliz: Still, invigorating to hear it directly.
main: You told me to not be scared.
eliz: And you followed through.
eliz: Which means a lot to me, /main/.
eliz: This is why you're different.
eliz: Why you deserve better.
eliz: So, are these two giving you trouble?
main: Not anymore.
eliz: Sorry for teasing you that long.
eliz: But I needed to know if you had it in you.
eliz: And you do...
eliz: /main/~
eliz: Oh....
eliz: There is... a lot to take care here.
main: I-
eliz: Shhhhhhh
eliz: Don't worry.
eliz: I understand.
eliz: All you have to do is let go.
main: Mmmf~
eliz: Exactly~
eliz: Lean back.
eliz: Enjoy it.
eliz: Just... like... that...
main: !
eliz: Mmm~
eliz: Outstanding, /main/.
main: Thank you, Duchess.
eliz: Please, I've told you.
eliz: You can call me Elizabeth.
main: I-
main: !
main: Elizabeth...
main: Thank you, but I already...
eliz: /main/.
eliz: Are you going to tell me that was enough?
eliz: I told you to be honest.
eliz: Was it enough?
main: ...
main: No.
eliz: Hahaha!
eliz: See?
eliz: It's better when you don't keep secrets from me.
eliz: I need to know what you want.
eliz: Otherwise, I can't give it to you.
eliz: Do you understand?
main: Yes, Elizabeth.
eliz: Good to see we are on the same page.
eliz: Now take a deep breath.
eliz: Let me bring you to your limit.
eliz: And do not hold back this time.
eliz: There...
eliz: Only a bit more...
main: !
eliz: Excellent.
eliz: Mmm~
eliz: That's what I wanted to see.
eliz: Let it all out for me.

/Eri Scene
main: Wait... Where is my coin pouch?
main: I likely left it near the bed.
main: Better go back into the room to check-
/eri: Mmm~
/eri: So strong~
main: Eh...
main: Eri?
/eri: AH!
/eri: M-master!
/eri: Didn't expect you back so soon!
main: I forgot my coin pouch.
/eri: Oh! I'll help you find it.
main: Don't worry, you seemed quite enthralled with sniffing my pillow.
/eri: Oh... Oh no...
/eri: You saw?
/eri: I apologize.
/eri: That's unnaceptable behaviour.
/eri: I'll inform the Duchess right away for an appropiate punishment.
main: Whoa, whoa, whoa!
main: I mean, it's a bit weird to find you doing that.
main: But the apology is enough.
main: There is no harm done after all.
/eri: This is so embarassing, I shouldn't fall to my instincts again.
main: Again?
main: Is this a common thing?
/eri: NO!
/eri: This behaviour only happened once prior to this in all my years of service!
/eri: My records are as clean as they can be.
main: What happened last time?
/eri: I...
/eri: I hugged a Duchess guest and sniffed her neck. Loudly.
/eri: Thankfully the Duchess found it ammusing.
/eri: The guest's husband, not so much.
main: Hahaha.
/eri: In my defense, she was wearing a lot of perfume.
/eri: A LOT.
/eri: And it only happened once.
main: Weird, I'm not wearing any perfume.
/eri: Well... It's not the same.
main: What it is then?
/eri: I... I rather not...
/eri: Please.
/eri: T-too close.
/eri: I-
/eri: *Sniff*
/eri: Oh no...
/eri: I'm so sorry, I don't do it willingly.
main: I just want a rational explanation.
/eri: I saw you and the Duchess!
/eri: I'm sorry!
/eri: She never has visits that late!
/eri: Wasn't my intention to see anything, I swear!
/eri: *Snnnnnnnnnniiiiiiif*
/eri: I-
main: It's fine.
main: Just smelling.
main: I told you, no harm done.
/eri: Are you sure?
main: Of course.
/eri: I...
/eri: I saw you two.
/eri: It stuck in my mind.
/eri: Came this morning to clean the room.
/eri: And the sheets had that characteristic smell of...
/eri: You know...
main: And that pushed you to do it?
/eri: Yes...
/eri: I thought this would never happen again.
main: Like I said, no harm done.
main: I'll say nothing to Elizabeth.
/eri: Thanks...
/eri: It feels wrong for me to hide anything from her.
/eri: But I also, don't want to dissapoint her.
/eri: *Sniff*
/eri: Do you...
/eri: Do you mind if I...?
main: Go ahead.
/eri: Are you sure?
main: Of course I am-
main: Oh...
main: There...
/eri: Is it wrong?
/eri: Am I being too blunt?
main: No.
main: I mostly expected something different, like smelling my hair.
main: To be fair, this is what you described you looked for sniffing the bed.
main: So it makes sense.
main: Surprised you didn't get my pants down.
/eri: What?
/eri: No!
/eri: That would be wrong!
/eri: I would never take off of your garments without your permission.
main: What if I gave you permission?
/eri: ...
/eri: Do you want me to take off your garments, sir?
main: Go ahead.
/eri: !
/eri: Oh...
/eri: Oh my...
/eri: Didn't think clothes would make such a difference.
/eri: *Sniff*
/eri: But it's hitting me much harder.
/eri: It's becoming, quite overpowering.
/eri: We should stop.
/eri: Now.
/eri: Before-
/eri: B-before.
/eri: ~!
/eri: *Sniff*
/eri: Ahh~
/eri: I apologize.
/eri: I'm losing my poise.
/eri: And teasing you in the end.
/eri: Sir...
/eri: I'm sorry, I'm not allowed to touch the guests in this manner.
/eri: Elizabeth would be furious.
/eri: I'll leave you to release yourself.
main: Actually, there is a bit of a problem now.
/eri: How so?
main: If I pick up a rag, and unload on it.
/eri: It'll create another piece I'll smell all day.
main: Exactly.
/eri: And that is... bad?
main: Not bad, but you won't do any work if you keep going back to it.
/eri: That's a fair assumption.
/eri: So you have to put it somewhere...
/eri: But... That would involve touching you in a manner that-
main: Eri, it's an exception.
main: And it'll solve our problem here.
/eri: Of course, sir.
/eri: Thank you for this chance at redemption.
/eri: At your will.
/eri: ~!
/eri: Mmm~
/eri: *Sniff*
/eri: Mmmmmmmmmmmmm~
main: Sorry, you've been teasing it for a while.
/eri: Mhm~
/eri: Ahh~
/eri: Sir.
/eri: That was quite extraordinary.
/eri: *Sniff*
/eri: Are you sure it's all?
/eri: Don't want to have any drop of scent lingering around later.
main: That will be all.
/eri: And about-
main: I'll say nothing.
/eri: Thanks.
/eri: At your service, Sir.

drak: ...
main: ...

/eri: Meowster.
/eri: Master.
/eri: How can I serve you today?

/eri: Welcome to the Duchess manor.

/eri: My name is Eri.
/eri: I've been instructed to make your stay here as comfortable as possible.
/eri: So, please...

Stay for the night

/eri: Yes my master.

/eri: I'll have the guest room ready inmediatelly.

eliz: Go to the church.

eliz: Gain their trust and retrieve the artifact.

eliz: Give me more time, and I will find your next objective.

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