Forensic Analysis: Unit 1: Intorduction

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• IMPORTANT: data retrieval and automation techniques for forensic

examination with reference to presence of drugs ,glasses and adhesive at

crime spot.

Forensic Analysis : unit 1

• Forensic Analysis is use to scintifically examine and evaluate the evidence
for leagal purpose.

Forensic Science Include

• Forensic Medicine
• Forensic Toxicology
• Forensic Odonotology
• Forensic Antrhopology
• Forensic Polic Science (criminology)
• Polygraphy and dna fingerprinting

Principles of Forensic Science

1. Law Of Individuality: Every natural object has no duplicates, some prop-
erties may differ from one another.
2. Principle Of Exchange: In every action, some material gets exchanged.
3. Law Of Progressive Change: Everything change with relative to time.
4. Principle Of Comparison: Only the same matter can be compared.
5. Facts do not lie: We have to for a fact, when we are unaware of the truth.

Forensic Science Lab

• It consist of tools and intstrument, and Scienctist to gather information.
^ ^
Technical Staff Administrative Staff
^ ^
Additional Director Section Officer
Deputy Director
Jr. Director (Joint)
Assistant Director /
Sr. Scientist Officer

Forensic Science Lab Division
• Chemistry
• Physics
• Biology
• Toxicology
• Serology
• Explosive
• Ballistic
• Narcotic
• Polygraph
• Fingerprint
• DNA Fingerprinting
• Question Document
• Forensic Electronic Investigation
• Crime Scene Investigation

Steps Of Investigation
• Photo
• Evidence Collection
• Documenting
– Date
– Location
– Type of death
– Images
– Evidence
– Who is investigating the case.
• Collection of body fluid
• Collection Blood
– Swab
• Firearm collection
– Green Box
• Drug Collection
• Money Collection
– Video Tape
• Collection Fingerprint

Real Case Analysis : unit 2

Analysis Of Ethyl Alcohol
• Chemical: Kozelka & Hine method, Cavette method, Idoform test, wide
mark method.
• Biochemical: ADH method
• Physical: GLC, Spectrophotometric analysis

1. Kozelka: Includes the distillation of alcohol under pressure. Potassium
dichromate and disulpuric acid.
2. Idoform Test:
• Take 1ml of distilled water drops of NaOH in it, this followed by a
few dropwise addition till the solution become brown.
• The mixture is boiled on spirit lamp for few minutes, KI solution is
added in between.
• Yellow Precipitate is observed under microscope.
3. Widemark method:
• [ a = cpr ]
• a -> total amount of alcohol absorbed in body.
• b -> weight of person
• c -> conc. of alcohol in body.
• r -> constant [ 0.68 for men ][ 0.5 for women ]
• [ a = 3/4 qpr ]
• q -> conc. of alcohol in urine
4. ADH method:
• Alcohol is oxidised by the enzyme ADH in the presence of co-enzymes.

Trapcase Analysis
Phenalphthalein powder
• Smooth white powder
• Applied on surface
• Washed with Sodium Carbonate, turns pink.

Anthracene powder
• Florescence properties
• Under UV light
• Washed with Ethyl Alcohol

Asphyxia and its causes

• Lack of oxygen in body.

1. Mechanical: Outer force impact.
2. Non-mechanical: Different gas entered.
3. Laryngeal edema (pathological), high altitude.

Weird causes
• Compression on neck
• Foreg: Hanging, Strangulation
• Fluid build-up in lungs. Drowninig
• Caused by exclusion of air from the lungs. Suffocation
• Caused by compression of chest.
1. Animal Poison
2. Plant poison
3. Volatile poison
4. Non-Volatile poison
5. Pesticides
6. Drugs

Section of law
• Section 302 IPC punishment for murder
• Section 304 B IPC where the death of women is caused by any burn or
bodly injury or occurs otherwise than under normal range within 7 years
of her marrige and it is shown that soon.

Type of poison
• Strong acid (HCL, CH3COOH, HCN)
• Strong base (NaOH, Na2CO3)

• Inorganic (Hgl, Pb), Non-Metallic (Cl-, CN-)
• Organic (Animal: snake, Anything that can kill, Vegetables:
• Mechanical (Glass, Gas, Liquid)
• Systmetic (Cordinal, Spinal, Cerebral, Asphyxia, Peripheral)
• Some weird things (Volatile: Cloroform, Non-Volatile: Sleeping
pills, pain killer, Toxic: CN-, Cl-, Pesticides: DDT)

Question to ask
• Medical history
• Medicine he took
• When they noticed?
• Any exposure to foreign things?

Step to lethal drug analysis
1. Sample collection: Obtain biological sample such as blood, urine, tissues
from the decreased person autoposy
2. Extraction: Extract the substance from sample
3. Screening: To check what kind of drug it is
4. Gass Chromatography, Mass Spectrophotometric:

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