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University of Technology, Nowshera

Department of Civil Engineering Technology

Assignment No: 2
Construction of Sewers: Domestic and Industrial

Name: Muhammad Faisal Khan Rig No: NSR/CT/22/17

Subject: Water Supply & Waste Water Management

Semester: 4th Batch: 07

Submitted to: Engr. Rokhan Jameel Date: / /2024

Construction of Sewers: Domestic and Industrial

The construction of sewers for domestic and industrial purposes involves several key steps and
considerations. While there are some similarities between the two, industrial sewers require
additional features and materials to handle the unique challenges of industrial wastewater.

Domestic Sewers:
1. Planning and Design: Determine the sewer route, size, and material based on factors
like population density, water usage, and topography.

2. Excavation: Dig trenches for the sewer pipes, taking care to avoid underground utilities
and other obstacles.

3. Pipe Laying: Install sewer pipes, typically made of PVC, HDPE, or clay, with proper
joints and connections.

4. Manhole Construction: Build manholes for access and maintenance, spaced at regular

5. Backfilling and Compaction: Fill the trench with soil, compacting it to prevent settling
and ensure pipe stability.

6. Testing and Inspection: Perform pressure tests, visual inspections, and other checks to
ensure the sewer is leak-free and functioning properly.

Industrial Sewers:
1. Site Assessment: Evaluate the industrial site's specific needs, including wastewater
types, flow rates, and treatment requirements.

2. Design and Engineering: Design a customized sewer system, considering factors like
chemical resistance, high-temperature resistance, and explosion-proofing.

3. Material Selection: Choose appropriate pipe materials, such as fiberglass, stainless steel,
or high-density polyethylene (HDPE), based on the wastewater's corrosive and abrasive

4. Installation: Install the sewer pipes, taking care to ensure proper slopes, supports, and
5. Specialized Features: Incorporate features like traps, vents, and siphons as needed to
handle industrial wastewater.
6. Regular Maintenance: Regularly inspect and maintain the industrial sewer system to
prevent clogs, corrosion, and other issues.

Common Considerations:
1. Environmental Impact: Minimize the sewer's environmental footprint by using eco-
friendly materials and designing the system to prevent leaks and spills.

2. Safety: Ensure the sewer system is safe for workers, the public, and the environment by
following regulations and guidelines.

3. Durability: Build the sewer to last, using high-quality materials and construction
methods to resist corrosion, erosion, and other forms of degradation.

4. Hydraulic Capacity: Ensure the sewer system can handle peak flow rates and volumes,
avoiding overflows and backups.

5. Access and Maintenance: Provide easy access for maintenance and repairs, reducing the
risk of service disruptions.

By following these steps and considerations, domestic and industrial sewers can be constructed
to provide reliable, efficient, and safe wastewater management.

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