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Specialist in Facial Treatment, Manicure, Pedicure,

Braiding, Finger Waves & Sole to Sole.

Apprenticeship Agreement Form

This agreement is made this ………………………… day of ………………………………,
Between Mrs, ……………………… Proprietress/ Managing Director of the above Institution
of Learning (herein after called the Mistress of the part) and Mrs/Miss ………………………
(herein after called the Apprentice of the part).

1. That the said apprentice has agreed to undergo the theoretical and practical aspect of
Hairdressing under the said Mistress for the period of …………… year(s) and ………
2. That I pledge not to absent myself from duty without the permission of the Mistress of
anybody deputizing of her.
3. That I promise to be hardworking, attentive and in no case should I (the apprentice)
directly or indirectly steal or conspire with anyone to do anything that may be
detrimental to the progress of my Mistress.
4. That without any proper/genuine reason, I promise to pay fully, my course fee in case
I fail to attend as agreed.
5. That my Mistress will see to it, that I go through my course and could only terminate
my appointment as apprenticeship if only when she found that I have committed
offences, detrimental to the progress of the workshop.
6. That I pledge not to be rude to the customers or other fellow apprentice or my
Mistress or conduct myself in a manner likely to course breach of peace in which
might lead to my dismissal.
7. That during the period of my apprentice I shall be wholly responsible for all careless
damages done by me.
8. That by the expiration of the period fixed above, the apprentice/guarantor hereby
agrees to settle all bills due for graduation and accept the date fixed by the Mistress
for the presentation of the certificate.

I Mr. .…………………………………… of No .……………………………………………do
hereby state that to the best of my knowledge the above particulars are correct and that I
hereby declare myself personally and severally responsible for the above apprentice.
Date this day of ………………………………………………………….. 20 …………………

…………………………….. …………………………….
Director’s signature Apprentice’s signature

……………………………… ………………………………
Sponsor’s signature Witness’s Signatures

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