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Home Worksheet No:1 Date:

<< English >> <<Topic_Name>>: The Sound of Music Part 1

1. Choose the meanings of the following words, using clues given.

a. Jostle : ____________________ (train platform, crowds)

b. Impaired : __________________ (growing deafness, gradual nerve damage)

c. Workaholic : _______________ (just got to work, working harder than others)

d. Accomplished : ______________ (to achieve something, to be hardworking)

e. Pursue : ______________ (follow, to put in a lot of efforts)

2. Give reasons for the following.

a. Evelyn was nervous on her first day at the Royal Academy of Music in London.

b. Evelyn’s marks in school deteriorated.
c. Evelyn felt indebted to Ron Forbes.
d. She needs to remove her shoes during a performance.


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