Created by Benjamin Samual Bloom An

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Created by Benjamin Samual Bloom an american psychologist in1950.

Bloom's taxonomy is a framework for students and teachers to improve the quality of
learning in a more structured fashion.

It is a set of three hierarchical models used for classification of educational

learning objectives into levels of complexity and specificity. The three lists
cover the learning objectives in cognitive (knowledge focus), affective (emotion
focus) and psychomotor domains. (physical skills focus)

As a student this framework will help in structuring learning process, as a teacher

it will help to plan the teaching more effectively and measure your students

Bloom proposed that, information processing can be classified in six levels, each
more complex than the previous.
There are two versions of the Taxanomy Original one which was introduced in 1956
and revised on in 2001 by lawrence anderson and others

Original 6 levels were Knowledge , comprehension, Application, Analysis, Synthesis,

Mordern 6 Levls are Remeber, Understand , Apply,Analyze, Evaluate,Create.

The most challenging level being at the top and basic level at the bottom involves
memorizing basic facts, as you grow higher the pyramid one needs to apply
knowledge, judge, hypothesis,or create basis the learnings that have been done from
the bottom.

Not necessarily the lower levels are not harder, but sometimes you dont want to get
to the top level.
For eg. You need to prepare for the facts for a quiz, you just have to memorize the
facts, which will be at the bottom of the pyramid. You dont necessarily need to go
up the pyramid since you are not going to create of hypothesys any situation.

The basic order of thinking is Remember or Knowledge. This applies to things, facts
and figures that you recall from long term memory.

The second order is to Understand. This has to do with comprehension of various

things not only mere read, but understand the context of what is been read.

The third order is to Apply or Application. This comprises of situations where you
apply your knowledge that you just understood. You interpret knowledge to solve

the fourth order is Analyze. This comprises of breaking the information into its
consitutent parts and interpreting how those parts are linked to each other.

the fifth order is to Evaluate, This is judging or critiquing information that you
learned based on situations criteria or standards.

The last order of learning is Create this involves combining previously assimilated
elements in new ways to form something new.

How does one apply Blooms Taxanomy.

We need to pick verbs from all the levels of the order and plan our lessons or
learnings accordingly.
Verbs such as
Create / Propose
Evaluate - Convince/ Critize
Analyse/ Research examine, categorize,organize, comapre, contrast
Apply - implement/ solve/ make a chart/calcuate/use
Understand - Explain /summerize/discuss/interpret
Remember - define/repeat/locate/find/identify
For example if a teacher is giving a lesson on Mututal Funds.
She would mention that at the end of the session you would be able to
1) Understand or Define what is a mutual fund
2) Explain the different types of mututal funds
3) Evaluate the best one for you or your clients
4) Would be able to CREATE your own portfolio of Mutual Funds.

Establishes Learning goals
Allows you to think more strategically abt the learning students should be
Easy to access consistency of lesson evaluations and learning objectives

Learning is not a linear process
Can blind you to integrated cognitive processes.

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