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Epreuves de quelques collèges

A- La réaction à un texte écrit

Aujourd'hui certains jeunes se sentent concernés par les différents travaux de

développement dans leurs localités. Ils font ou exécutent ainsi plusieurs travaux
bénévoles pour aider les gens de leurs communautés.

Text: Youth duties
1- You are never too young to help!
All over the country these days, young people of both sexes are joining the National
Youth Service Crops when they finish University. But even young people are taking
part in community projects now. We do it, one of our youthful correspondents writes,
so that we can all grow up in a country we can be proud of, and enjoy a better life.
You're never too young to take part.
2- Musa Wazaki, aged 15 years old, is one of those young people who joined the
NYCS. During his youth service, he helped to dig a well in a village 25 kilometers
from Kaduna. We had to make a whole of 30-meter-deep, so that we could find
water. Believe me, we worked hard. We sweated and our backs ached. It was
necessary because the villagers needed the water badly, so that their cattle wouldn't
die of thirst in the dry season.
3- Yinka Dada, aged 14, from Lagos, is another NYCS school girl. She says: My
mother used to be a nurse, and she suggested that I do some unpaid work at the local
clinic. Married women come to it if they already have family and don't want any
more children.
New Focus English Book 2, page 245.

Critères d’évaluation: Après avoir lu le texte ci-dessus, tu montreras que tu l’as

compris en :
- exprimant ta compréhension globale du texte ;
- montrant ta maîtrise du vocabulaire du texte ;
- reformulant certaines phrases du texte de façon autonome ;
- posant des questions à base des mots ou expressions soulignés.
- Tâche
Item 1: Write "True" or "False" for these statements.
1- Only young boys participate in the community projects.
2- Young people join the NYCS because they need money.
3- Musa Wazaki's group dug the well so that the villagers could water the trees
they planted.
4- Yinka Dada gets a high salary for the work she does at the local clinic.
Prof. GUEDENON Alexis 94166906 Page 1
Item 2: Answer these questions on the text.
1- What does NYCS stand for?
2- Why do young people, in general, accept to join the National Youth Service
3- How did Musa Wazaki help youth service?
4- Was Yinka Dada paid for her work at the local clinic? Justify your answer.

Item 3: Find in the text words or phrases having the same or almost the same
meaning as the following:

1- Participating in (paragraph 1)
2- Become adult (paragraph 1)
3- A large group of animals (paragraph 2)
4- Recommended (paragraph3)

Item 4: Ask questions based on the underlined words.

1- We do it.
2- He helped to dig a well in a village.
3- My mother is a nurse.
4- Young people are taking part in community projects now.

B- Production d’un texte de type particulier

Contexte: De nos jours, beaucoup d'élèves ignorent leurs devoirs vis-à-vis de leurs
parents. C'est aussi le cas de l'un de tes amis du nom de Kodjo, élève au CEG
Avogbannan BP:759 Bohicon.
Tu es invité(e) à lui envoyer une lettre en lui rappelant les devoirs d'un enfant à
l'égard de ses parents.

Critères d’évaluation: Tu montreras ta capacité à produire une lettre en:

- respectant le contexte ;
- construisant des phrases grammaticalement correctes ;
- utilisant l’orthographe et la ponctuation appropriées.

Writing: Your friend Kodjo who is a student at CEG Avogbannan does not help his
parents at home because he does not know children's duties. Send him a letter to tell
him about children's duties. Your address is CS Le Bénéfice, 01BP: 956 Pahou.

Epreuve 2
Réaction à un message écrit
Contexte: L’eau est source de vie. Mais elle engendre également des dégâts.

Prof. GUEDENON Alexis 94166906 Page 2

Text: Benin under water
Half of the country is under water, and it’s still raining. We recently received
a request from the president of Benin to assist with recent flooding. I was asked to
go and take a look, get a feel for the scale of the problem, find out what government
and donors were doing about it, and make some recommendations for Bank action.
So I flew to Cotonou. After briefing from the Minister of Interior and
Decentralization, we toured the flooded areas of Cotonou in canoes. I have not been
to Venice, so had not experienced the old sensation of boating down a city street.
The water was thick, black and ominous a brackish cocktail of floating garbage and
the contents of countless latrines. I could imagine the water-borne diseases happily
multiplying in this soup. Indeed, the latest reports are that 800 people have already
come down with cholera, a figure which must certainly rise much higher.
Despite water levels, most people appeared to remain in their homes and
many came out to watch us float by. Some were sleeping in boats. Other families
were living in schools, displacing the students who had just started the new school
year two weeks ago.
The scale of the problem changed when we got up in an army helicopter. We
flew over the southern third of the country, and it immediately became apparent that
over half of the country was submerged. In terms of food production, the floods
could not have come at a worse time, with the harvest just weeks away. The Oueme
basin was the worst hit, and it was difficult to say where the river was and where it
wasn’t. There were no roads visible anywhere. Many families were living in or on
their roofs.After three weeks in the water with no help from the outside, they must
be getting desperate. Meanwhile, we have to hope the rains stop, the water recedes,
and that these flood victims figure out to survive.
Submitted by Daniel SELLEN (representative of the World Bank) on
Wednesday, 20th October, 2010.

Critères d’évaluation: Après avoir lu le texte, tu montreras que tu l’as compris en:
- manifestant ta compréhension globale du texte ;
- montrant ta maîtrise du vocabulaire du texte et de certaines
structures grammaticales.

- Tâche
Item 1: Write Right or Wrong for the following statements according to the text.
1- The authorities didn’t ask for any aid.
2-The water was dirty and unhealthy.
4- Many people became homeless.
5- 4- Some families came to stay in schools.
Item 3: Answer these questions.
1- Why is a large part of the country under water?
2- How did people go to the
flooded areas?
3- Did the floods have any impact on the school year? Justify your answer.

Prof. GUEDENON Alexis 94166906 Page 3

4- How long have the victims been in water without any assistance?

Item 4: Find in the text the words or expressions meaning almost the same as:
1- People who give various things to the victims (paragraph 1)
2- Places under water (paragraph 1)
3- To stay (paragraph 2)
4- Covered with water (paragraph 3)
Item 4: Rephrase these sentences.
1- They asked me to go to the flooded areas.
 I ……………………………………………...………………………
2- If it doesn’t stop raining, our house will be submerged.
 Unless ……………………………..…………………………………….
3- ‘’My crops are destroyed.’’
 The farmer said …………………………….……………………………
4- Don’t go near the river.
 You are ………………………………….…………………………….
B- La production d’un texte de type particulier
Contexte : Il y a eu également une terrible inondation dans le village de ton ami Tani.
Il en parle dans ce paragraphe lacunaire. Aide-le à reconstruire le paragraphe en le

Critères d’évaluation: Tu montreras ta capacité à produire un paragraphe en :

- compétant le paragraphe avec les mots de la liste proposée ;
- veillant à l’orthographe des mots et à la ponctuation
Writing: Copy and complete this paragraph about flooding with: crops – homeless –
relief services – shelters – desperate – collapsed – flood – rescue.

Some months ago there was a terrible......1…. in my village. There was water
everywhere. Many houses…2… and some people became .…3…. In the fields,
all the ….4…. were destroyed. The villagers were ….5… Fortunately,
some ....6…. came to their …..7…. They provided food, clean water and ….8….

Epreuve 3

A- Contexte
Le mal que constitue le VIH/SIDA est pour les jeunes un danger permanent.
Il y a cependant, des précautions à portée de main pour l'éviter.
B- Support

Texte: The danger for youth

Prof. GUEDENON Alexis 94166906 Page 4

Young people must realize that it is possible to be infected with AIDS
following one single act of sexual intercourse with a person who is HIV
positive. But they should also know that not every act of sex with such people
is likely to be infected. Without a blood test, they will not know they become
carriers. If they get married and have normal sexual contact there is a chance of
over 80% that they would infect their partner and also a 20 to 40% chance that
they would pass on the infection to their unborn baby who will die within a
year or two. But if a young man and a young woman have avoided sex before
marriage and they remain faithful to each other after the marriage, if they have
also avoided transfusion with infected blood and unsterile injection, there is
then no reason for them to get AIDS.
Many teenagers wrongly believe that they can recognize a person with HIV by
their appearance. It is hard for them to realize that a well-nourished, well-
dressed, wealthy man may be a carrier of AIDS with not many years to live. It
is hard for a young girl to believe that just one unprotected sex could make her
also a carrier of AIDS for the rest of her life. We'd better take care and be
aware because health is better than wealth.


Critères d'évaluation
Après avoir lu le texte, tu montreras que tu l'as compris en :
- Reconnaissant des détails du texte ;
- Répondant à certaines questions de façon précise;
- Veillant sur ta maîtrise du vocabulaire ;
- Donnant ta preuve de maîtrise de certaines structures grammaticales .


Item 1 : Say whether these statements are true or false according to the text
1. To be HIV positive is to be HIV carrier.
2. Without blood test, people will know they are carriers.
3. The chance of a carrier to infect a third person in marriage is under 80%
4. Faithfulness in marriage helps avoid AIDS.
5. Every sexual act with an HIV carrier will infect people.

Item 2: Answer these questions on the text

1) How long can an infected unborn baby live with AIDS ?
2]'. What are the AIDS transmission ways mentioned in the text ?
3) What should young people do to avoid AIDS?

Prof. GUEDENON Alexis 94166906 Page 5

Item 3: Match the words in column A with their definitions in column B. Write
down numbers and letters only.

Column A Column B
1) Partner a. A kind of germ that can cause disease
2) Virus b. Infecting more and more people
3) Spreading c. An infected person who may not look sick
4) Carrier d. One of the two people who live and have sexual contacts
5) Teenagers e. Adolescents

Item 4 : Choose the best answer to complete the sentences. Don't copy the

1- If you have many partners, you ………………...AIDS (catch-are catching- will

2-You had better not……………….., you will get sick (unless-otherwise-
3- People.......................get HIV-positive are carriers (which-who-what)
4- Let' abstinence, [observe-observed-observing]
5- Why don't women………………themselves ?( protected-protecting-
6- Joice is afraid of AIDS disease, that's why sheusually having sex
(enjoys-avoids likes )

Item 5: Rephrase the following sentences without changing their meaning

1- Young people had better take care of themselves
- Young people should...........................................................
2- It's strictly forbidden to have sex before marriage
- You are not...........................................................................
3- Teenagers cannot not recognize a person with HIV.
- A person with HIV
4- Young people catch STD because they have more than one partner

I- Production d'un texte de type et de fonctions variés

A- Contexte
Certains jeunes doutent encore de l'existence du SIDA. Au cours d'une journée de
sensibilisation dans ton collège, tu es invité(e) à informer tes camarades sur cette
B- Critères d'évaluation
Tu montreras ta compétence à rédiger un paragraphe en :
- Respectant le type de texte et son contexte ;
- Respectant la logique interne du texte

Prof. GUEDENON Alexis 94166906 Page 6

- Construisant des phrases grammaticalement correctes ;
- Respectant l'orthographe, le vocabulaire et la ponctuation appropriés


Writing :
After a lesson about sexually transmitted diseases, you are asked to write a
paragraph about AIDS by answering the following questions :
- What is AIDS?
- How do people catch it ?
- What can we do to avoid it ?
End !!!



A- Contexte : Tu es TALON Thomas Boni élève en classe de 3 eme M10 au CEG

BASSILA BP:758 . Tu décides d’écrire une lettre amicale à ton ami YAYI
Patrice élève 3eme M25 au CEG KPOMASSE, BP :359 Ouidah pour donner des
conseils sur les bienfaits d’une bonne alimentation.

B- Tâches : Tu prouveras ta capacité à écrire une lettre en :

- Respectant le contexte et la logique interne du texte ;
- Utilisant le vocabulaire, l’orthographe appropriés et la ponctuation appropriés ;
- Respectant les caractéristiques d’une lettre en Anglais.
Writing: Write a letter to give your friend advice on the importance of taking healthy


A- Contexte
Les sciences de la vie et de la terre (SVT) nous renseignent énormément sur la qualité
de notre alimentation et sur beaucoup d’autres aspects de la vie.
B- Critères d’évaluation
Tu montreras ta compétence à produire un paragraphe cohérent en :
- Respectant le type de texte et son contexte ;
- Respectant la logique interne du texte ;
- Construisant des phrases grammaticalement correctes ;
- Respectant l’orthographe et la ponctuation appropriée.
C- Tâche
Based on your school experiences, your teacher has asked you to inform some parents on
the importance of a balanced diet. Write a paragraph to inform them.
These questions may guide you:

Prof. GUEDENON Alexis 94166906 Page 7

- What is a balanced diet?
- What can help people have a balanced diet?
- Are fruits and vegetables important for people?
- Which foods would you recommend for babies?
(About 10 lignes)
NB: Il s’agit de se servir des questions pour rédiger un paragraphe cohérent et non
répondre simplement aux questions.

Contexte : Les habitants de ton village ont été victimes d’une inondation désastreuse. Tu décides
d’écrire un paragraphe sur ce fait pour décrire ce qui s’est passé.

Tâche : Tu montreras ta compétence à écrire un paragraphe en anglais en :

 Respectant le contexte du sujet ;
 Construisant des phrases significatives et grammaticalement correctes ;
 Respectant l’orthographe des mots et la ponctuation


Writing: There was a terrible flood in your village last year. Write a paragraph
about this disaster.
These questions may help you:
What caused the flood?
What were its consequences on people?
What did relief services do to assist the victims of the flood.
What should people do to reduce the effects of flood?
NB: You may use these words to write your paragraph:

Casualties –heavy rains – homeless –muddy – accidents – ill – crops – starve – relief
services – food –collapse – victims – drown

A- Contexte
L’impact de la sécheresse sur les êtres vivants, notamment sur les hommes n’est plus à
démontrer. Elle anéantit, parfois les efforts que les hommes déploient pour devenir
maîtres et possesseurs de la nature.

B- Tâche
Tu montreras ta compétence à remplir un paragraphe à trous en :
-respectant le contexte et la nature du texte ;
-utilisant le mot approprié ;
-écrivant correctement le mot juste.
Prof. GUEDENON Alexis 94166906 Page 8
C- Consigne
Writing: Fill in the gaps with the right word selected from this list: laborious- starve-
rescue- livestock- weather- crackled- disastrous- dirty.
Drought is a…1… natural phenomenon which can have dangerous consequences.
When it occurs, the…2…is dry. So, people, plants, animals suffer a lot. Many people
…3… as they have no food to eat. Men and women are…4…because there is very
little water. It is very hot and the ground …5…. The…6…becomes skinny and bony.
…7…farmers and cattle breeders can suddenly lose their crops and animals. During
this period, organizations like the Red Cross and FAO come to the …8…of victims.


A- Production d’un texte de type ou support multimédia de type

Contexte :Tous les aliments contiennent des nutriments. L’absence de l’un d’eux
cause une alimentation déséquilibrée.
Tâche :Tu montreras ta compétence à recopier un paragraphe en :
- Le complétant avec les mots appropriés,
- Respectant la logique interne du texte,
- Respectant l’orthographe et la ponctuation appropriée.
Writing: Copy and complete this paragraph with the words in the box below:

Minerals ; fats ; starch ; proteins; diseases ; energy;

Water ; body

Carbohydrates come from -------------- foods such as potatoes, yams and
cassava. They provide fuel that our …………… needs in order to produce
-------------. We also need small amounts of ---------and oils for energy. We get them
from fatty meat, and butter. ----------------- are for body-building. They come from
eggs, milk and meat. Vitamins help to protect our body against…………. To stay
healthy we need to eat fruits. ----------- are necessary for strong bones and teeth.
Finally, people need between two and three litters of ------------ each day.



Copy and reorder theses sentences to have a coherent and meaningful text.
Prof. GUEDENON Alexis 94166906 Page 9
1- The future husband and his family will also offer presents to the bride’s parents.
2- So, the future husband and his parents go to meet the bride and her parents to
have their blessing.
3- Finally, if the bride’s parents don’t agree with the husband to, then it will not be
great for him.
4- First of all, you want to marry a Yoruba lady, you must get her parents’

VI Consolidation short exercises

Exercise 1: to make somebody do something.

Rules:* To make + objet + base verb.

* To force/ to oblige + objet + to + verb
1) I force him to eat ἑba.
*I oblige him...........................................
*I make him............................................
2) Gift makes Lili clean the living room.
* Lili is made.........................................
3) Mahoussi force me to copy the lesson.
*Mahouussi makes....................................

Exercise 2: simple past and past continuous

We use:
 past continuous for long action (1st action)
 simple past for short action which happens during the long action (2nd action)
put the verbs in brackets in simple past or past continuous
1) While my father (to read), his telephone (to ring)
2) Fènou (to walk) to school when she (to hear) a noise.
3) Dada (to arrive) while Naffi (to do ) her homework.

Exercise 3: word order in a group noun

The order is : determiner-general adjective-size-age-colour-participle-origin-material-

Reorder .these words to have meaningful sentence
1) happy-spent- I-a-new-in-year-chine-.-
2) While-a-beautiful-new-Italian-jacket-cotton-been-has-brought-me-to.
3) saw-I-an-film-interesting- Ibo.
Exercise 4: Asking for assistance /// Giving assistance

1) Could I ( to ask) you to (to bring) this computer in my house today?

2) would it be possible for you (to give)my population
3) Would you please (to give) some bags of rice to my people.

Prof. GUEDENON Alexis 94166906 Page 10

Exercise 5: Given reason

Fill in the gaps with because, so, that's why, if, when

1. Agbavia smoked ganja .............he caught bronchitis.

2. Vlavowa was sick ........................he didn't come to school
3. Mr GUEDENON came to this wedding ................he was invited.
4. Adoto stole my dictionary..........the teacher beat him.
5. The teacher beat Adoto............he stole my dictionary.
6. Mr GUEDENON was invited............ he came to this wedding.
7. Agbavia caught bronchitis...............he smoked ganja.

Exercise 6: temporal ( time clause)

1) When Ablavi has done her exercises she (to play).

2) I (to pay) you once have finished.
3) The village will become flooded with water; the population will ask for help
*As soon as..........................................................
4) The boss will come late this morning. The employees will steal the materials.
*By the time.........................................................
5) We will go out for walk as soon as Anago (to arrive)

Exercise 7: Expressing purpose

1. Fakamè worked hard to pass his exam.

*Fakamè worked hard in ........................
2. Pamella trained well to win the competition.
*Pamella trained well as............................
3. We take carbohydrates to get energy.
*We take carbohydrates in...............................

Exercise 8: Quantifiers
A- Some-Any-No
1. I haven't in my pocket.
2. Have you got to give me? They didn't know
3. They didn't know .............person here.
4. I nock at the door but ...............body could answer me.
5. Do you get ..........reply from your brother.

B-Much-Many- A lot of

1) My brother hasn't ..................books

2) Is there ...........water in the jar?

Prof. GUEDENON Alexis 94166906 Page 11

3) There are ..................students in this school.
4) Awlivou has ...........sexual partners.
5) My brother has in his pocket.

C- Few / a few → countable and plural nouns.

Little / a little → uncountable and singular nouns.
a few  few and a little  little

1. The police have very................ clues to the chief's identity.

2. Tom has drunk only today.
3. We must be quick. We have ............time before the exam.
4. Listen carefully I'm going to give you ............advise.
5. I don't think she'd be a good teacher. She's got ............patience.
6. Although the rain, ………students come to schools.
7. Although this cake is expensive it contains ……… sugar.
8. Although that is cheap it contains …….minerals.

Exercise 9: tenses; Use the right tense and form.

1. Students are not permitted (to eat ) in the classroom.

2. Your parents had (to pay) your school fees.
3. Teachers ought to (to beat) children.
4. No (to smoke ) here.
5. If Paulin ( not to take ) ganja , he wouldn’t have gone mad.
6. Don’t oblige me (to punish) you.
7. Young boys and girls ought (to be) obedient.
8. Ayaba always (to work) hard in order (to pass) his exam.
9. Young people can avoid STDs by (to observe) total abstinence from sex.
10. Your baby (to recover) as soon as you start (to give) it a powder every morning.

Exercise 10: Exclamatory sentences

1. ………………….beautiful girl !
2. …………………nice cars !
3. ………………….intelligent this boy is !
4. This boys is ……..happy !
5. They cried …..loudly !

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