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Chemistry: Surface Chemist ry, St at es of Mat t er, General Principles and Processes of Isolat ion of Met als, S-block

element s, Hydrogen, Environment al Chemist ry, Alcohol

Phenol, Et her, and Polymers chapt ers are removed.

Q: What is the syllabus of JEE Mains?

Q: In how much time can I complete the entire JEE Main syllabus?

Q: Is it possible to complete JEE Mains syllabus in 4 months.? If yes, how?

Q: How many chapters are in JEE Mains syllabus?

Q: What is the weightage of class 11 and 12 chapters in JEE Main syllabus?

Mathematics: Mat hemat ical Induct ion and Mat hemat ical Reasoning unit s are removed.

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JEE Main 2025 Syllabus

T he JEE Main 2025 exam will be conduct ed for t hree courses: Paper 1 for BE/BTech, Paper 2A for BArch, and Paper 2B for BPlan. T he JEE Main 2025 Syllabus for Paper 1
consist s of Class 11t h and 12t h Physics, Chemist ry, and Mat hemat ics. Paper 2A Archit ect ure (BArch) includes topics of Mat hemat ics, General Aprit ude, and Drawing
while t he Paper 2B (BPlan) syllabus includes Mat hemat ics, General Apt it ude and Planning topics.

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JEE Main 2025 Physics Syllabus

Scroll down for a det ailed JEE Main 2025 topic-wise physics syllabus.

Units Topics

Unit 1: Physics and Physics, t echnology, and societ y, S I Unit s, fundament al and derived unit s, least count , accuracy and precision of measuring inst rument s,
Measurement Errors in measurement , Dimensions of Physics quant it ies, dimensional analysis, and it s applicat ions.

T he frame of reference, mot ion in a st raight line, Posit ion- t ime graph, speed and velocit y; Uniform and non-uniform mot ion, average
speed and inst ant aneous velocit y, uniformly accelerat ed mot ion, velocit y-t ime, posit ion-t ime graph, relat ions for uniformly accelerat ed
Unit 2: Kinemat ics
mot ion, Scalars and Vectors, Vector. Addit ion and subt ract ion, zero vector, scalar and vector product s, Unit Vector, Resolut ion of a Vector.
Relat ive Velocit y, Mot ion in a plane, Project ile Mot ion, Uniform Circular Mot ion.

Force and inert ia, Newton’s First law of mot ion; Moment um, Newton’s Second Law of mot ion, Impulses; Newton’s T hird Law of mot ion. Law
Unit 3: Laws of Mot ion of conservat ion of linear moment um and it s applicat ions. Equilibrium of concurrent forces. St at ic and Kinet ic frict ion, laws of frict ion,
rolling frict ion. Dynamics of uniform circular mot ion: cent ripet al force and it s applicat ions.

Work done by a cont ent force and a variable force; kinet ic and pot ent ial energies, work-energy t heorem, power.
Unit 4: Work, Energy and
Power T he pot ent ial energy of spring conservat ion of mechanical energy, conservat ive and neoconservat ive forces; Elast ic and inelast ic
collisions in one and t wo dimensions.

Cent re of t he mass of a t wo-part icle syst em, Cent re of t he mass of a rigid body; Basic concept s of rot at ional mot ion; a moment of a
force; torque, angular moment um, conservat ion of angular moment um and it s applicat ions; t he moment of inert ia, t he radius of gyrat ion.
Unit 5: Rot at ional Mot ion
Values of moment s of inert ia for simple geomet rical object s, parallel and perpendicular axes t heorems, and t heir applicat ions. Rigid body
rot at ion equat ions of rot at ional mot ion.

T he universal law of gravit at ion. Accelerat ion due to gravit y and it s variat ion wit h alt it ude and dept h. Kepler’s law of planet ary mot ion.
Unit 6: Gravit at ion
Gravit at ional pot ent ial energy; gravit at ional pot ent ial. Escape velocit y, Orbit al velocit y of a sat ellit e. Geo st at ionary sat ellit es.

Elast ic behaviour, St ress-st rain relat ionship, Hooke's Law. Young's modulus, bulk modulus, modulus of rigidit y. Pressure due to a fluid
column; Pascal's law and it s applicat ions. Viscosit y. Stokes' law. t erminal velocit y, st reamline, and t urbulent flow. Reynolds number.
Unit 7: Propert ies of
Bernoulli's principle and it s applicat ions. Surface energy and surface t ension, angle of cont act , applicat ion of surface t ension - drops,
Solids and Liquids
bubbles, and capillary rise. Heat , t emperat ure, t hermal expansion; specific heat capacit y, calorimet ry; change of st at e, lat ent heat . Heat
t ransfer-conduct ion, convect ion, and radiat ion. Newton's law of cooling.

T hermal equilibrium, zerot h law of t hermodynamics, t he concept of t emperat ure. Heat , work, and int ernal energy. T he first law of
Unit 8: T hermodynamics
t hermodynamics. T he second law of t hermodynamics: reversible and irreversible processes. Carnot engine and it s efficiency.

Equat ion of st at e of a perfect gas, work done on compressing a gas, Kinet ic t heory of gases - assumpt ions, t he concept of pressure.
Unit 9: Kinet ic T heory of
Kinet ic energy and t emperat ure: RMS speed of gas molecules: Degrees of freedom. Law of equipart it ion of energy, applicat ions to specific
heat capacit ies of gases; Mean free pat h. Avogadro's number.
Periodic mot ion - period, frequency, displacement as a funct ion of t ime. Periodic funct ions. Simple harmonic mot ion (S.H.M.) and it s
equat ion; phase: oscillat ions of a spring -restoring force and force const ant : energy in S.H.M. - Kinet ic and pot ent ial energies; Simple
Unit 10: Oscillat ion and
pendulum - derivat ion of expression for it s t ime period: Free, forced and damped oscillat ions, resonance. Wave mot ion. Longit udinal and
t ransverse waves, speed of a wave. Displacement relat ion for a progressive wave. Principle of superposit ion of waves, a reflect ion of
waves. St anding waves in st rings and organ pipes, fundament al mode and harmonics. Beat s. Doppler Effect in sound

Elect ric charges: Conservat ion of charge. Coulomb's law forces bet ween t wo point charges, forces bet ween mult iple charges:
superposit ion principle and cont inuous charge dist ribut ion. Electric fi eld: Elect ric field due to a point charge, Elect ric field lines. Elect ric
dipole, Elect ric field due to a dipole. Torque on a dipole in a uniform elect ric field.

Electric fl ux: Gauss's law and it s applicat ions to find field due to infinit ely long uniformly charged st raight wire, uniformly charged infinit e
Unit 11: Elect rost at ics
plane sheet , and uniformly charged t hin spherical shell. Elect ric pot ent ial and it s calculat ion for a point charge, elect ric dipole and syst em
of charges; Equipot ent ial surfaces, Elect rical pot ent ial energy of a syst em of t wo point charges in an elect rost at ic field.

Conductors and insulators: Dielect rics and elect ric polarizat ion, capacitor, t he combinat ion of capacitors in series and parallel,
capacit ance of a parallel plat e capacitor wit h and wit hout dielect ric medium bet ween t he plat es. Energy stored in a capacitor.

Elect ric current . Drift velocit y. Ohm's law. Elect rical resist ance. Resist ances of different mat erials. V-l charact erist ics of Ohmic and non-
ohmic conductors. Elect rical energy and power. Elect rical resist ivit y. Colour code for resistors; Series and parallel combinat ions of
Unit 12: Current
resistors; Temperat ure dependence of resist ance. Elect ric Cell and it s Int ernal resist ance, pot ent ial difference and emf of a cell, a
Elect ricit y
combinat ion of cells in series and parallel. Kirchhoff’s laws and t heir applicat ions. Wheat stone bridge. Met re Bridge. Pot ent iomet er -
principle and it s applicat ions.

Biot - Savart law and it s applicat ion to current carrying circular loop. Ampere's law and it s applicat ions to infinit ely long current carrying
st raight wire and solenoid. Force on a moving charge in uniform magnet ic and elect ric fields. Cyclot ron.

Force on a current -carrying conductor in a uniform magnet ic field. T he force bet ween t wo parallel current s carrying conductors-definit ion
Unit 13: Magnet ic Effect
of ampere. Torque experienced by a current loop in a uniform magnet ic field: Moving coil galvanomet er, it s current sensit ivit y, and
of Current and
conversion to ammet er and volt met er.
Magnet ism
Current loop as a magnet ic dipole and it s magnet ic dipole moment . Bar magnet as an equivalent solenoid, magnet ic field lines; Eart h's
magnet ic field and magnet ic element s. Para-, dia- and ferromagnet ic subst ances. Magnet ic suscept ibilit y and permeabilit y. Hyst eresis.
Elect romagnet s and permanent magnet s.

Unit 14: Elect romagnet ic Elect romagnet ic induct ion: Faraday's law. Induced emf and current : Lenz’s Law, Eddy current s. Self and mut ual induct ance. Alt ernat ing
Induct ion and Alt ernat ing current s, peak and RMS value of alt ernat ing current / volt age: react ance and impedance: LCR series circuit , resonance: Qualit y factor,
Current power in AC circuit s, wat t less current . AC generator and t ransformer.

Unit 15: Elect romagnet ic Elect romagnet ic waves and t heir charact erist ics, Transverse nat ure of elect romagnet ic waves, Elect romagnet ic spect rum (radio waves,
Waves microwaves, infrared, visible, ult raviolet . X-rays. Gamma rays), Applicat ions of e.m. waves.

Reflect ion and refract ion of light at plane and spherical surfaces, mirror formula. Tot al int ernal reflect ion and it s applicat ions. Deviat ion
and Dispersion of light by a; prism; Lens Formula. Magnificat ion. Power of a Lens. Combinat ion of t hin lenses in cont act . Microscope and
Ast ronomical Telescope (reflect ing and refract ing) and t heir magnifying powers.

Wave optics
Unit 16: Opt ics
wavefront and Huygens' principle. Laws of reflect ion and refract ion using Huygens principle. Int erference, Young's double-slit experiment
and expression for fringe widt h, coherent sources, and sust ained int erference of light . Diffract ion due to a single slit , widt h of cent ral
maximum. Resolving power of microscopes and ast ronomical t elescopes. Polarizat ion, plane-polarized light : Brewst er's law, uses of
plane-polarized light and Polaroid.

Unit 17: Dual Nat ure of Dual nat ure of radiat ion. Photoelect ric effect . Hert z and Lenard's observat ions; Einst ein's photoelect ric equat ion: part icle nat ure of light .
Mat t er and Radiat ion Mat t er waves-wave nat ure of part icle, de Broglie relat ion. Davisson-Germer experiment .

Alpha-part icle scat t ering experiment ; Rut herford's model of atom; Bohr model, energy levels, hydrogen spect rum. Composit ion and size of
Unit 18: Atoms and nucleus, atomic masses, isotopes, isobars: isotones. Radioact ivit y- alpha. bet a and gamma part icles/rays and t heir propert ies;
Nuclei radioact ive decay law. Mass-energy relat ion, mass defect ; binding energy per nucleon and it s variat ion wit h mass number, nuclear fission,
and fusion.

Semiconductors; semiconductor diode: 1-V charact erist ics in forward and reverse bias; diode as a rect ifier; I-V charact erist ics of LED. t he
Unit 19: Elect ronic photodiode, solar cell, and Zener diode; Zener diode as a volt age regulator. Junct ion t ransistor, t ransistor act ion, charact erist ics of a
Devices t ransistor: t ransistor as an amplifier (common emit t er configurat ion) and oscillator. Logic gat es (OR. AND. NOT. NAND and NOR). Transistor
as a swit ch.

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JEE Main 2025 Chemist ry Syllabus
T he JEE Main 2025 Syllabus is divided into t hree sect ions: Sect ion A – Physical Chemist ry, Sect ion B- Inorganic Chemist ry and Sect ion C- Organic Chemist ry. Check below
t he topic-wise JEE Main Syllabus 2025 for Chemist ry. T he topics are from t he class 11 and 12 syllabus.

Units Topics
Mat t er and it s nat ure, Dalton's atomic t heory: Concept of atom, molecule, element , and compound: Physical quant it ies and t heir
Unit 1: Some
measurement s in Chemist ry, precision, and accuracy, significant figures. S.I.Unit s, dimensional analysis: Laws of chemical combinat ion;
Basic Concept s
Atomic and molecular masses, mole concept , molar mass, percent age composit ion, empirical and molecular formulae: Chemical equat ions
in Chemist ry
and stoichiomet ry.

T homson and Rut herford atomic models and t heir limit at ions; Nat ure of elect romagnet ic radiat ion, photoelect ric effect ; Spect rum of t he
hydrogen atom. Bohr model of a hydrogen atom - it s post ulat es, derivat ion of t he relat ions for t he energy of t he elect ron and radii of t he
different orbit s, limit at ions of Bohr's model; Dual nat ure of mat t er, de Broglie's relat ionship. Heisenberg uncert aint y principle. Element ary
Unit 2: Atomic ideas of quant um mechanics, quant um mechanics, t he quant um mechanical model of t he atom, it s import ant feat ures. Concept of atomic
St ruct ure orbit als as one-elect ron wave funct ions: Variat ion of Y and Y2 wit h r for 1s and 2s orbit als; various quant um numbers (principal, angular
moment um, and magnet ic quant um numbers) and t heir significance; shapes of s, p, and d - orbit als, elect ron spin and spin quant um
number: Rules for filling elect rons in orbit als – Aufbau principle. Pauli's exclusion principle and Hund's rule, elect ronic configurat ion of
element s, ext ra st abilit y of half-filled and complet ely filled orbit als.

Kossel - Lewis approach to chemical bond format ion, t he concept of ionic and covalent bonds.

Unit 3: Chemical Ionic Bonding: Format ion of ionic bonds, factors affect ing t he format ion of ionic bonds; calculat ion of lat t ice ent halpy. Covalent Bonding:
Bonding and Concept of elect ronegat ivit y. Fajan’s rule, dipole moment : Valence Shell Elect ron Pair Repulsion (VSEPR ) t heory and shapes of simple
Molecular molecules. Quant um mechanical approach to covalent bonding: Valence bond t heory - it s import ant feat ures, t he concept of hybridizat ion
St ruct ure involving s, p, and d orbit als; Resonance. Molecular Orbit al T heory - It s import ant feat ures. LCAOs, t ypes of molecular orbit als (bonding,
ant ibonding), sigma and pi-bonds, molecular orbit al elect ronic configurat ions of homonuclear diatomic molecules, t he concept of bond order,
bond lengt h, and bond energy. Element ary idea of met allic bonding. Hydrogen bonding and it s applicat ions.

Fundament als of t hermodynamics: Syst em and surroundings, ext ensive and int ensive propert ies, st at e funct ions, t ypes of processes. T he
first law of t hermodynamics - Concept of work, heat int ernal energy and ent halpy, heat capacit y, molar heat capacit y; Hess’s law of
Unit 4: Chemical
const ant heat summat ion; Ent halpies of bond dissociat ion, combust ion, format ion, atomizat ion, sublimat ion, phase t ransit ion, hydrat ion,
T hermodynamics
ionizat ion, and solut ion. T he second law of t hermodynamics - Spont aneit y of processes; DS of t he universe and DG of t he syst em as crit eria
for spont aneit y. DG° (St andard Gibbs energy change) and equilibrium const ant .

Different met hods for expressing t he concent rat ion of solut ion - molalit y, molarit y, mole fract ion, percent age (by volume and mass bot h),
t he vapour pressure of solut ions and Raoult 's Law - Ideal and non-ideal solut ions, vapour pressure - composit ion, plot s for ideal and nonideal
Unit 5: Solut ions solut ions; Colligat ive propert ies of dilut e solut ions - a relat ive lowering of vapour pressure, depression of freezing point , t he elevat ion of
boiling point and osmot ic pressure; Det erminat ion of molecular mass using colligat ive propert ies; Abnormal value of molar mass, van’t Hoff
factor and it s significance.

Meaning of equilibrium, t he concept of dynamic equilibrium. Equilibria involving physical processes: Solid-liquid, liquid - gas and solid-gas
equilibria, Henry's law. General charact erist ics of equilibrium involving physical processes. Equilibrium involving chemical processes: Law of
chemical equilibrium, equilibrium const ant s (Kp and Kc) and t heir significance, t he significance of DG and DG° in chemical equilibrium, factors
Unit 6: Equilibrium affect ing equilibrium concent rat ion, pressure, t emperat ure, t he effect of cat alyst ; Le Chat elier’s principle. Ionic equilibrium: Weak and st rong
elect rolyt es, ionizat ion of elect rolyt es, various concept s of acids and bases (Arrhenius. Bronst ed - Lowry and Lewis) and t heir ionizat ion,
acid-base equilibria (including mult ist age ionizat ion) and ionizat ion const ant s, ionizat ion of wat er. pH scale, common ion effect , hydrolysis
of salt s and pH of t heir solut ions, t he solubilit y of sparingly soluble salt s and solubilit y product s, buffer solut ions.

Elect ronic concept s of oxidat ion and reduct ion, redox react ions, oxidat ion number, rules for assigning oxidat ion number, balancing of redox
Unit 7: Redox react ions. Elect rolyt ic and met allic conduct ion, conduct ance in elect rolyt ic solut ions, molar conduct ivit ies and t heir variat ion wit h
React ions and concent rat ion: Kohlrausch’s law and it s applicat ions. Elect rochemical cells - Elect rolyt ic and Galvanic cells, different t ypes of elect rodes,
Elect rochemist ry elect rode pot ent ials including st andard elect rode pot ent ial, half - cell and cell react ions, emf of a Galvanic cell and it s measurement : Nernst
equat ion and it s applicat ions; Relat ionship bet ween cell pot ent ial and Gibbs' energy change: Dry cell and lead accumulator; Fuel cells.

Rat e of a chemical react ion, factors affect ing t he rat e of react ions: concent rat ion, t emperat ure, pressure, and cat alyst ; element ary and
Unit 8: Chemical complex react ions, order and molecularit y of react ions, rat e law, rat e const ant and it s unit s, different ial and int egral forms of zero and first -
Kinet ics order react ions, t heir charact erist ics and half-lives, t he effect of t emperat ure on t he rat e of react ions, Arrhenius t heory, act ivat ion energy
and it s calculat ion, collision t heory of bimolecular gaseous react ions (no derivat ion).

Inorganic Chemistry
Units Topics

Unit 9: Classificat ion of

Modem periodic law and present form of t he periodic t able, s, p. d and f block element s, periodic t rends in propert ies of element s
Element s and Periodicit y in
atomic and ionic radii, ionizat ion ent halpy, elect ron gain ent halpy, valence, oxidat ion st at es, and chemical react ivit y.
Propert ies

Unit 10: p-block element s Group -13 to Group 18 Elements

General Int roduct ion: Elect ronic configurat ion and general t rends in physical and chemical propert ies of element s across t he periods
and down t he groups; unique behaviour of t he first element in each group. Groupwise st udy of t he p - block element s

Group -13

Preparat ion, propert ies, and uses of boron and aluminum; St ruct ure, propert ies, and uses of borax, boric acid, diborane, boron t rifluoride,
aluminum chloride, and alums.

Group -14
T he t endency for cat enat ion; St ruct ure, propert ies, and uses of Allot ropes and oxides of carbon, silicon t et rachloride, silicat es,
zeolit es, and silicones.

Group -15

Propert ies and uses of nit rogen and phosphorus; Allot rophic forms of phosphorus; Preparat ion, propert ies, st ruct ure, and uses of
ammonia, nit ric acid, phosphine, and phosphorus halides, (PCl3. PCl5); St ruct ures of oxides and oxoacids of nit rogen and phosphorus.

Group -16

Preparat ion, propert ies, st ruct ures, and uses of ozone: Allot ropic forms of sulphur; Preparat ion, propert ies, st ruct ures, and uses of
sulphuric acid (including it s indust rial preparat ion); St ruct ures of oxoacids of sulphur.


Preparat ion, propert ies, and uses of hydrochloric acid; Trends in t he acidic nat ure of hydrogen halides; St ruct ures of Int erhalogen
compounds and oxides and oxoacids of halogens. Group-18

Transition Elements

General int roduct ion, elect ronic configurat ion, occurrence and charact erist ics, general t rends in propert ies of t he first -row t ransit ion
element s - physical propert ies, ionizat ion ent halpy, oxidat ion st at es, atomic radii, colour, cat alyt ic behaviour, magnet ic propert ies,
Unit 11: d- and f-block complex format ion, int erst it ial compounds, alloy format ion; Preparat ion, propert ies, and uses of K2Cr2O7, and KMnO4.
element s
Inner Transition Elements

Lanthanoids - Elect ronic configurat ion, oxidat ion st at es, and lant hanoid cont ract ion.

Actinoids - Elect ronic configurat ion and oxidat ion st at es.

Int roduct ion to coordinat ion compounds. Werner's t heory; ligands, coordinat ion number, dent icit y. chelat ion; IUPAC nomenclat ure of
Unit 12: Coordinat ion
mononuclear co-ordinat ion compounds, isomerism; Bonding-Valence bond approach and basic ideas of Cryst al field t heory, colour and
magnet ic propert ies; Import ance of co-ordinat ion compounds (in qualit at ive analysis, ext ract ion of met als and in biological syst ems).

Organic Chemistry
Units Topics

Purifi cation - Cryst allizat ion, sublimat ion, dist illat ion, different ial ext ract ion, and chromatography - principles and t heir applicat ions.
Unit 13: Purificat ion
and Charact erizat ion Qualitative analysis - Det ect ion of nit rogen, sulphur, phosphorus, and halogens.
of Organic
Quantitative analysis (basic principles only) - Est imat ion of carbon, hydrogen, nit rogen, halogens, sulphur, phosphorus. Calculat ions of
empirical formulae and molecular formulae: Numerical problems in organic quant it at ive analysis

Tet ravalency of carbon: Shapes of simple molecules - hybridizat ion (s and p): Classificat ion of organic compounds based on funct ional
groups: and t hose cont aining halogens, oxygen, nit rogen, and sulphur; Homologous series: Isomerism - st ruct ural and st ereoisomerism.

Nomenclature (Trivial and IUPAC)

Unit 14: Some Basic
Principles of Organic Covalent bond fission - Homolyt ic and het erolyt ic: free radicals, carbocat ions, and carbanions; st abilit y of carbocat ions and free radicals,
Chemist ry elect rophiles, and nucleophiles.

Electronic displacement in a covalent bond - Induct ive effect , elect romeric effect , resonance, and hyperconjugat ion.

Common types of organic reactions- Subst it ut ion, addit ion, eliminat ion, and rearrangement .

Classificat ion, isomerism, IUPAC nomenclat ure, general met hods of preparat ion, propert ies, and react ions.

Alkanes - Conformat ions: Sawhorse and Newman project ions (of et hane): Mechanism of halogenat ion of alkanes.
Alkenes - Geomet rical isomerism: Mechanism of elect rophilic addit ion: addit ion of hydrogen, halogens, wat er, hydrogen halides
Unit 15: (Markownikoffs and peroxide effect ): Ozonolysis and polymerizat ion.
Hydrocarbons Alkynes - Acidic charact er: Addit ion of hydrogen, halogens, wat er, and hydrogen halides: Polymerizat ion.

Aromatic hydrocarbons - Nomenclat ure, benzene - st ruct ure and aromat icit y: Mechanism of elect rophilic subst it ut ion: halogenat ion,
nit rat ion.

Friedel - Craft 's alkylat ion and acylat ion, direct ive influence of t he funct ional group in monosubst it ut ed benzene.

Unit 16: Organic General met hods of preparat ion, propert ies, and react ions; Nat ure of C-X bond; Mechanisms of subst it ut ion react ions.
cont aining Halogen Uses; Environment al effect s of chloroform, iodoform freons, and DDT.

Unit 17: Organic General met hods of preparat ion, propert ies, react ions, and uses.
cont aining Oxygen
Alcohols: Ident ificat ion of primary, secondary, and t ert iary alcohols: mechanism of dehydrat ion. Phenols: Acidic nat ure, elect rophilic
subst it ut ion react ions: halogenat ion. nit rat ion and sulphonat ion. Reimer - T iemann react ion.

Ethers: St ruct ure.

Aldehyde and Ketones: Nat ure of carbonyl group; Nucleophilic addit ion to >C=O group, relat ive react ivit ies of aldehydes and ketones;
Import ant react ions such as - Nucleophilic addit ion react ions (addit ion of HCN. NH3, and it s derivat ives), Grignard reagent ; oxidat ion:
reduct ion (Wolf Kishner and Clemmensen); t he acidit y of a-hydrogen. aldol condensat ion, Cannizzaro react ion. Haloform react ion,
Chemical t est s to dist inguish bet ween aldehydes and Ketones.

Carboxylic Acids Acidic st rengt h and factors affect ing it

General met hods of preparat ion. Propert ies, react ions, and uses.
Unit 18: Organic
Amines: Nomenclat ure, classificat ion st ruct ure, basic charact er, and ident ificat ion of primary, secondary, and t ert iary amines and t heir
basic charact er.
cont aining Nit rogen
Diazonium Salt s: Import ance in synt het ic organic chemist ry.

General int roduct ion and import ance of biomolecules. CARBOHYDRAT ES - Classificat ion; aldoses and ketoses: monosaccharides
(glucose and fructose) and const it uent monosaccharides of oligosaccharides (sucrose, lactose, and maltose).PROT EINS - Element ary
Unit 19:
Idea of a-amino acids, pept ide bond, polypept ides. Prot eins: primary, secondary, t ert iary, and quat ernary st ruct ure (qualit at ive idea only),
denat urat ion of prot eins, enzymes. VITAMINS – Classificat ion and funct ions. NUCLEIC ACIDS – Chemical const it ut ion of DNA and RNA.
Biological funct ions of nucleic acids

Det ect ion of ext ra element s (Nit rogen, Sulphur, halogens) in organic compounds; Det ect ion of t he following funct ional groups; hydroxyl
(alcoholic and phenolic), carbonyl (aldehyde and ketones) carboxyl, and amino groups in organic compounds.

· T he chemist ry involved in t he preparat ion of t he following:

Inorganic compounds; Mohr’s salt , pot ash alum.

Organic compounds: Acet anilide, p-nit ro acet anilide, aniline yellow, iodoform.
Unit 20: Principles
Relat ed to Pract ical · T he chemist ry involved in t he t it rimet ric exercises – Acids, bases and t he use of indicators, oxalic-acid vs KMnO4, Mohr’s salt vs KMnO4
Chemist ry · Chemical principles involved in t he qualit at ive salt analysis

Chemical principles involved in t he following experiment s:

1. Ent halpy of solut ion of CuSO4

2. Ent halpy of neut ralizat ion of st rong acid and st rong base.
3. Preparat ion of lyophilic and lyophobic sols.
4. Kinet ic st udy of t he react ion of iodide ions wit h hydrogen peroxide at room t emperat ure.

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JEE Main 2025 Syllabus of Mat hemat ics
Scroll down to t he JEE Main 2025 Syllabus of Mat hemat ics, which consist s of a tot al of 16 unit s covering topics from t he st andard syllabus of classes 11 and 12.

Units Topics

Unit 1: Set s,
Set s and t heir represent at ion: Union, int ersect ion and complement of set s and t heir algebraic propert ies; Power set ; Relat ion, Type of
Relat ions and
relat ions, equivalence relat ions, funct ions; one-one, into and onto funct ions, t he composit ion of funct ions
Funct ions

Unit 2: Complex Complex numbers as ordered pairs of reals, Represent at ion of complex numbers in t he form a + ib and t heir represent at ion in a plane,
Numbers and Argand diagram, algebra of complex number, modulus and argument (or amplit ude) of a complex number, square root of a complex
Quadrat ic number, t riangle inequalit y, Quadrat ic equat ions in real and complex number syst em and t heir solut ions Relat ions bet ween root s and co-
Equat ions efficient , nat ure of root s, t he format ion of quadrat ic equat ions wit h given root s.

Mat rices, algebra of mat rices, t ype of mat rices, det erminant s, and mat rices of order t wo and t hree, propert ies of det erminant s,
Unit 3: Mat rices evaluat ion of det erminant s, area of t riangles using det erminant s, Adjoint , and evaluat ion of inverse of a square mat rix using det erminant s
and Det erminant s and element ary t ransformat ions, Test of consist ency and solut ion of simult aneous linear equat ions in t wo or t hree variables using
det erminant s and mat rices

Unit 4:
T he fundament al principle of count ing, permut at ion as an arrangement and combinat ion as sect ion, Meaning of P (n,r) and C (n,r), simple
Permut at ion and
applicat ions
Combinat ion

Unit 5: Binomial
T heorem and it s
Binomial t heorem for a posit ive int egral index, general t erm and middle t erm, propert ies of Binomial coefficient s, and simple applicat ions
Applicat ions

Unit 6: Sequence Arit hmet ic and Geomet ric progressions, insert ion of arit hmet ic, geomet ric means bet ween t wo given numbers, Relat ion bet ween A.M and
and Series G.M sum up to n t erms of special series; Sn, Sn2, Sn3. Arit hmet ico-Geomet ric progression

Real–valued funct ions, algebra of funct ions, polynomials, rat ional, t rigonomet ric, logarit hmic, and exponent ial funct ions, inverse funct ion.
Unit 7: Limit , Graphs of simple funct ions. Limit s, cont inuit y, and different iabilit y. Different iat ion of t he sum, difference, product , and quot ient of t wo
Cont inuit y and funct ions. Different iat ion of t rigonomet ric, inverse t rigonomet ric, logarit hmic, exponent ial, composit e and implicit funct ions; derivat ives
Different iabilit y of order up to t wo, Rolle’s and Lagrange's Mean value T heorems, Applicat ions of derivat ives: Rat e of change of quant it ies, monotonic
Increasing and decreasing funct ions, Maxima and minima of funct ions of one variable, t angent s and normal.

Int egral as an ant i-derivat ive, Fundament al Int egrals involving algebraic, t rigonomet ric, exponent ial, and logarit hms funct ions. Int egrat ions
Unit 8: Int egral by subst it ut ion, by part s, and by part ial funct ions. Int egrat ion using t rigonomet ric ident it ies. Int egral as limit of a sum. T he fundament al
Calculus t heorem of calculus, propert ies of definit e int egrals. Evaluat ion of definit e int egrals, det ermining areas of t he regions bounded by simple
curves in st andard form.

Unit 9: Different ial Ordinary different ial equat ions, t heir order, and degree, t he format ion of different ial equat ions, solut ion of different ial equat ion by t he
Equat ions met hod of separat ion of variables, solut ion of a homogeneous and linear different ial equat ion

Cart esian syst em of rect angular coordinat es in a plane, dist ance formula, sect ions formula, locus, and it s equat ion, t ranslat ion of axes,
t he slope of a line, parallel and perpendicular lines, int ercept s of a line on t he co-ordinat e axis.

Straight line

Various forms of equat ions of a line, int ersect ion of lines, angles bet ween t wo lines, condit ions for concurrence of t hree lines, t he
dist ance of a point form a line, equat ions of int ernal and ext ernal by sectors of angles bet ween t wo lines co-ordinat e of t he cent roid,
Unit 10: Co-
ort hocent re, and circumcent re of a t riangle, equat ion of t he family of lines passing t hrough t he point of int ersect ion of t wo lines.
ordinat e Geomet ry
Circle, conic sections

A st andard form of equat ions of a circle, t he general form of t he equat ion of a circle, it s radius and cent ral, equat ion of a circle when t he
endpoint s of a diamet er are given, point s of int ersect ion of a line and a circle wit h t he cent re at t he origin and condit ion for a line to be
t angent to a circle, equat ion of t he t angent , sect ions of conics, equat ions of conic sect ions (parabola, ellipse, and hyperbola) in st andard
forms, condit ion for Y = mx +c to be a t angent and point (s) of t angency

Unit 11: T hree Coordinat es of a point in space, t he dist ance bet ween t wo point s, sect ion formula, direct ions rat ios, and direct ion cosines, t he angle
Dimensional bet ween t wo int ersect ing lines. Skew lines, t he short est dist ance bet ween t hem, and it s equat ion. Equat ions of a line and a plane in
Geomet ry different forms, t he int ersect ion of a line and a plane, and coplanar lines.

Unit 12: Vector Vectors and scalars, t he addit ion of vectors, component s of a vector in t wo dimensions and t hree-dimensional space, scalar and vector
Algebra product s, scalar and vector t riple product .

Measures of discret ion; calculat ion of mean, median, mode of grouped and ungrouped dat a calculat ion of st andard deviat ion, variance and
Unit 13: St at ist ics
mean deviat ion for grouped and ungrouped dat a. Probabilit y: Probabilit y of an event , addit ion and mult iplicat ion t heorems of probabilit y,
and Probabilit y
Baye's t heorem, probabilit y dist ribut ion of a random variat e, Bernoulli t rials, and binomial dist ribut ion.

Unit 14: Trigonomet rical ident it ies and equat ions, t rigonomet rical funct ions, inverse t rigonomet rical funct ions, and t heir propert ies, height s, and
Trigonomet ry dist ance

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JEE Main 2025 Chapt er-wise Weight age of Physics

Candidat es can check below t he chapt ers, tot al quest ions, and weight age from each chapt er of t he Physics paper.

Chapters Total Questions Weightage

Elect rost at ics 1 3.3%

Capacitors 1 3.3%

Simple Harmonic Mot ion 1 3.3%

Sound Waves 1 3.3%

Elast icit y 1 3.3%

Error in Measurement 1 3.3%

Circular Mot ion 1 3.3%

Elect romagnet ic Waves 1 3.3%

Semiconductors 1 3.3%

Magnet ic Effect of Current and Magnet ism 2 6.6%

Alt ernat ing Current 2 6.6%

Kinet ic T heory of Gases & T hermodynamics 2 6.6%

Kinemat ics 2 6.6%

Work, Energy, and Power 2 6.6%

Laws of Mot ion 2 6.6%

Cent re Of Mass 2 6.6%

Rot at ional Dynamics 2 6.6%

Modern Physics 2 6.6%

Wave Opt ics 2 6.6%

Current Elect ricit y 3 9.9%

Also Read: How To Handle Tough Topics in JEE Physics

JEE Main 2025 Chapt er-wise Weight age of Chemist ry

Candidat es can check below t he chapt ers, tot al quest ions, and weight age from each chapt er of t he Chemist ry paper.

Chapters Total Questions Weightage

Mole Concept 1 3.3%

Redox React ions 1 3.3%

Elect rochemist ry 1 3.3%

Chemical Kinet ics 1 3.3%

Solut ion & Colligat ive Propert ies 1 3.3%

General Organic Chemist ry 1 3.3%

St ereochemist ry 1 3.3%

Hydrocarbon 1 3.3%

Alkyl Halides 1 3.3%

Carboxylic Acids & t heir Derivat ives 1 3.3%

Carbohydrat es, Amino-Acids, and Polymers 1 3.3%

Aromat ic Compounds 1 3.3%

Atomic St ruct ure 2 6.6%

Chemical Bonding 2 6.6%

Chemical And Ionic Equilibrium 2 6.6%

Solid-St at e And Surface Chemist ry 2 6.6%

Nuclear & Environment al Chemist ry 2 6.6%

T hermodynamics & t he Gaseous St at e 2 6.6%

Transit ion Element s & Coordinat ion Compounds 3 9.9%

Periodic t able, p-Block Element s 3 9.9%

Also Read: How To Handle Tough Topics in JEE Chemist ry

JEE Main 2025 Chapt er-wise Weight age of Mat hemat ics
Candidat es can check below t he chapt ers, tot al quest ions, and weight age from each chapt er of t he Mat hemat ics paper.

Chapters Total Questions Weightage

Set s 1 3.3%

Permut at ions & Combinat ions 1 3.3%

Probabilit y 1 3.3%

Complex Numbers 1 3.3%

Binominal T heorem 1 3.3%

Limit s 1 3.3%

Different iabilit y 1 3.3%

Indefinit e Int egrat ion 1 3.3%

Definit e Int egrat ion 1 3.3%

Different ial Equat ions 1 3.3%

Height & Dist ance 1 3.3%

Trigonomet ric Equat ions 1 3.3%

T he Area under t he Curve 1 3.3%

Quadrat ic Equat ions 1 3.3%

Vectors 1 3.3%

Tangent s and Normals 1 3.3%

Maxima and Minima 1 3.3%

St at ist ics 1 3.3%

Parabola 1 3.3%

Ellipse 1 3.3%

Hyperbola 1 3.3%

Sequences & Series 2 6.6%

St raight Lines 2 6.6%

3-D Geomet ry 2 6.6%

Det erminant s 2 6.6%

Note: T he chapt er-wise weight age is prepared on t he basis of JEE Main previous year quest ion papers by analysing t he topics and quest ions t hat had been asked in past

Also Read:

How To Handle Tough Topics in JEE Mat hemat ics

How to prepare for JEE Main and Advanced 2024 toget her

JEE Main 2025: Preparat ion Tips

T he JEE Main preparat ion plan consist s of an overall st rat egy to crack t he JEE Main 2025 exam, t he best st udy mat erial, qualit y mock t est s, previous years' JEE Main
papers, and a t imet able to st udy. It is import ant for candidat es to work and st udy smart ly and follow an efficient met hod of preparat ion. One of t he best ways to st art
wit h t he JEE Main preparat ion is to learn from t he books and analyse and solve previous year's JEE Main quest ion papers. Wit h t he help of past -year quest ion papers,

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