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Time allowed – 45 minutes

Total marks – 50 marks

Name …………………………………… Class ………………… Score – _____________
1. Work out: (4 marks)
a. 6±5=¿…………

b. −3−−7=¿ …………

c. 3 ×−5=¿ …………

d. −16 ÷ 4=¿ …………

2. Find the missing numbers. (6 marks)

a. 8 + ……… = 1

b. ……… × 9=−72

c. ……… ÷ 5=−7

d. 3 × ……… ¿−8−10

e. −12 ÷ ……… ¿ 3−6

f. 9+ ¿ ……… ¿ 2 ×2

3. Work out: (8 marks)

a. (3−5)×6

answer: ……………

b. −5 ×(4±1)

answer: ……………

c. −12 ÷(−4+10)

answer: ……………

d. 3−2× 4+ 5

answer: ……………
4. a. Find two integers that add up to 2 and multiply to make −24 . (2 marks)
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………… and …………

b. Find two integers that add up to 3 and multiply to make −40. (2 marks)

………… and …………

5. Find all the common factors of 16 and 20. (3 marks)

common factors = ……………………………

6. a. Find all the multiples of 8 between 20 and 40. (1 mark)

b. Find the lowest common multiple of 8 and 12. (2 mark)

LCM = …………………

7. Find the lowest common multiple of 4, 6 and 9. (3 marks)

LCM = …………………

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8. a. Find the highest common factor of 14 and 50. (2 mark)

HCF = …………………

b. Simplify the fraction . (1 mark)


9. Work out: (4 marks)

a. 82 =¿ ………

b. 23=¿ ………

c. √ 49=¿ ………
d. √3 27=¿ ………
10. Work out: (12 marks)

a. −4 × ( √ 4 +4 )

answer: ……………

b. √ 100+ √3 64

answer: ……………

c. 52− √ 25

answer: ……………

d. −7+5 × √ 36

answer: ……………

(Total for all questions is 50 marks)

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