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Session – 1

Opening Discussion: The Theoretical Reality of Everything

Briefing: KDDL-2+, 8 Steps of Pan-Pan Dance, Cracking the Shell of Contention and 3 Paths of Free Will

Preview: KDDL-3+ New Material – EearthCync Update & Related Regenesis

-Rainbow Reservoirs of the Nomi-yah Sun-8 Cathedrals (between-time fields of Median Eearth D-Planes in
Eff-i-yah ARhAyah Al-Hum bhra Pana-CoLA-Rha Spetrctra ELF-LUV fields)

-The Rainbow Run – 6 Countries in 9 Days: (8/28 – 9/7/2015): Mayan Dark Road (to center of Milky Way)
Mythology, Old World Dark-River Grids & Gardens, the planetary R. KHY-site 5 Control Matrix and
Awakening the Planetary Rainbow Reservoirs by Rainbow Seeding the Old World Gardens; Activation of the
1st Planetary Interface site to the Rainbow Reservoirs of the Nomi-yah Sun-8 Cathedrals.

-Eff-im-a’-rhal Override of the 5 Elemental Layers of the Shell of Contention and the 5 Eff-im-a’-rhal interface
Layers of Plasma TrhU’-ah Body Anatomy

-Journey to the Rainbow Reservoirs of the Nomi’-yah Sun-8 Cathedrals

-Activating the Nomi gene via the Epi-genetic Overlay, Building the Eff-im-a’-rhal Capsule & Activating your
Sphere of Eff-E’-Mah “Rainbow Round” and “Rainbow Ride” Projection Vehicle.
Session-1 Techniques:

1. Heart of Eff-E’-Mah Fire & Ice Quantum Amplification (& Expedited ZhEon to Zeffiron transfiguration for
new people)

2. Cracking the Shell of Contention Pan-Pan Step 3 Completion; began KDDL-2+ end (planetary began release
9/20/15 @Pen-3)

3. Journey to the 5 Elemental Clearing Rooms of the KrystalBridgeWay-1 Restoration Center, Median Earth
D-Planes 2317AD. (Pink Fire, Blue Ice & Violet Vapor Elemental clearing)

Keylontic™ Discourses for Dally Living KDDL™ Course Series-Presented by ARhAyas Productions, LLC; © 2015 E'Asha

Session – 2

Briefing: Eff-E’-Mah Expansion, the Door of TrhU’-ah, and Seals, Seeds, Merkabas & Pana-KHY Passage

Session-2 Techniques:

4. Expanding the Heart of Eff-E’-Mah and Opening the Door of TrhU’-ah

5. KDDL-3 Pan-Pan Steps 4-7

Step-4. Flashing the Seals of KaLA Oc’sha-TA

Step-5. Quan’ta Rha-Ta’-Dha (Quantum Standing Rotation) Alignment

Step-6. Opening the Pana-KHY Passage & Firing the Ma-Sha-yah Silver Seed

Step-7: Expedited Silver Seed Embodiment & Quanta Rha-Ta’-Dha Merkaba Activation


Discussion: The Rainbow Reconnection Re-Evolution –KDDL-3+ New Material – EarthCync Update & Related

Rainbow Reservoirs of the Nomi-yah Sun-8 Cathedrals (between-time fields of Median Eearth D-Planes in
Eff-i-yah AhRhAyah Al Hum-bhra Pana-CoLA-Rha Spectra ELF-LUV fields)

-Rainbow Rain Lenses of the ELF-LUV Fields (Pillars of ARhAyah Sun-8 Plasmas + Pana-KHY 15-dml Helio-
KHY-ic spectra)

-The Rainbow Run – 6 Countries in 9 Days: (8/28 – 9/7/2015): Mayan Dark Road (to center of Milky Way)
Mythology, Old World Dark-River Grids & Gardens, the planetary R. KHY-site 5 Control Matrix and
Awakening the Planetary Helio-KHY-ic Rainbow Reservoirs by Rainbow Seeding the Old World Gardens;
Activation of the 1st Planetary Interface site to the Rainbow Reservoirs of the Nomi-yah Sun-8 Cathedrals.

- Activating the planetary Rainbow Reservoirs of Cathedral-3 and clearing the planetary Shell of Contention
primary power grids; Activating the 1st Planetary Interface site to the Rainbow Reservoirs of the Nomi’-yah
Sun-8 Cathedrals.

Eff-im-a’-rhal Override of the 5 Elemental Layers of the Shell of Contention, the 5 Eff-im-a’-rhal Interface
Layers of Plasma TrhU’-ah Body Anatomy and the “Nomi-gene”.
-Planetary Dark-River Gardens, 5 TrhU’-ah Body Eff-im-a’-rhal Interface Layers and 5 Elemental Layers of
the Shell of Contention.

-Dark-River Currents, the Epi-genetic Overlay, “Layer-3 OZ factor”, Dark-Flower Affliction, and the K+8
Nomi-gene override.

-The Nomi-gene, Eff-im-a’rhal Capsule, Sphere of Eff-E’-Mah “Rainbow Round” and the “Rainbow Ride”
Projection Vehicle

Closing: Introduction to Manifesting through the Heart of Eff-E’-Mah and the 1 st Octant Cycle of the Krystal
River Fail-Sale Host.

Closing: Introduction to Manifesting through the Heart of Eff-E’-Mah and the 1 st Octant Cycle of the Krystal
River Fail-Sale Host.

-Plasma Seeds and Eff-im-a’-rhal Manifestation: “What we Focus On Expands, what we Resist Persists, what
we Energize Comes Alive, when you BE it you will SEE it”, the “Law of Attraction” AND Plasma Templates,
Planetary & Galactic “Karma” & Plasma-Seeding through the Heart of Eff-E’-Mah Rainbow Reservoir.

- The 1st Octant Cycle of the Krystal River Fail-Safe Host – Moving from Transformation to Triumph and

Session-3 Techniques:

6. Journey to the Rainbow Reservoirs of the Nomi’-yah Sun-8 Cathedrals – with site activation link-in video &

A. Activating the Nomi gene via the Epi-genetic Overlay

B. Overriding OZ-Activating Eff-im-a’-rhal Layer 3 to inhibit progression of Dark-Flower Affliction

C. Building the Eff-im-a’-rhal Capsule & Activating your Sphere of Eff-E’-Mah “Rainbow Round”

D. Activating your “Eff-E’-Mah Rainbow Ride” Projection Vehicle & “First Flight Rainbow Reservoir Site

7. Eff-im-a’-rhal Manifestation: Plasma Seeding through the Heart of Eff-E’-Mah Rainbow Round

Rainbow Run Grid-work: 6 Countries in 9 Days: Road Trip 8/28-9/7/2015

Norway, Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Italy & Denmark

8/28/2015 AD+: “Cracking the Shell of Contention” engages 8/28/2015 AD+

8/28-29/2015 AD, Friday-Saturday: (ferry) Oslo, Norway to Keil, Germany.

8/29/2015 AD, Saturday: (drive) Keil to Munich, Germany;

8/30/2015 AD, Sunday: (drive) Munich, Germany, Grossglockner Pass, to Lienz, Austria “green river”; lunch
in Berchtesgaden area Bavaria-Germany, Watzmann & Kehlstein mountains near/below “Eagles Nest” fall

8/31/2015 AD, Monday: (drive) Lienz, Austria to Interlaken, Switzerland “Between Two Lakes” – Aqua
Waters Filming

9/1/2015 AD, Tuesday: (drive) Interlaken, Switzerland, Grimsel & Furka Pass, to Cernobbio, Italy – Lake

9/2/2015 AD, Wednesday: return run: (drive) Cernobbio, Italy – Lake Como to Innsbruck, Austria

9/3-4/2015 AD, Thursday-Friday: (drive) Innsbruck, Austria to Frankfurt, Germany – 2 nights 9/3 & 9/4),
grid activations
9/5/2015 AD, Saturday: (drive) Frankfurt to Hamburg, Germany Lake Binnenalster, Hamburg

9/6/2015 AD, Sunday: (drive) Hamburg, Germany to Aalborg, Denmark transmissions start re: genetics

9/7/2015 AD, Monday: (drive) Hirsthals, Denmark to Kristiansand, Norway & drive to Tjoelling-Vikinbg
place & Oslo.

9/8 – 9/17/2015: Oslo

Cathedral – 3:3 RhAyas Peninsula Final Grid-work 9/18-21/2015

*9/18/2015, Friday: farmhouse hotel ..

*9/19/2015, Saturday: World’s End grid activations then drive to Pen-3

*9/20/2015, Sunday: Pen-3 Rainbow Pillar Activations

*9/21/2015, Monday: (drive) to Oslo


The “Cathedral Code”

Time-Wave Template
of the EFFi Infinitum

Eternal Elemental

Command Template


5 Elemental EM Arrays, “Benders” of Eternal Elemental Command & “K + 8” Factor

Ether Benders ~ShA-Dhal-uun;

Core TrhU’-ah Flows ~ Ariea Time Wave (Rs)

EA-1: Elemental Array-1: Ether ~Sun-1 8 8 - Aquslene & Golden-Silver The Tan-Tri TrhU"-ah Flows

\\ &Seals of Ka-LA’ Oc-Sha-TA


Air Benders — Yha-Seph-ah;

Quanta Ah-LA’-Rha TrhU’-ah Flows — A’sha Time Wave (R4)

EA2: Elemental Array-2: Ale — Sun-2- White

Pana-Coo-te't0 Spectro. White Shiskt
Eves] Creation Chismatic Tryptophasic-

Pona-KHY EFF Standing Wave Field: Alene Shiekd
SR | Opening the Seals releases
. the Flows of TrhU'-ah to
Poma-Co-A" Ro Spectr: Goer Sib Shield e |
= 4 | engage Quanta Rha-Ta"-Dha
Ek Se AKO GF UN FR rotation for Pan-Cliar’-ah
D-Planes Transmigration.
Pan-Clair"-ah Green-Violet Shield:
Fire Benders ~ BhrA'-ya;
Un-Es’-pa Ta-Rha’-Ta TrhU’-ah Flows — Ananda Time Wave (R1)
EAS: Elemental Array-S: Fire ~
Sun6 IndigofSun-7 Violex
Pon-Clair’-oh Spectre: Indigo Viglet (Amethyst) Shield
External Cresion veylontc
Pana-Coa-le’-ta: Pan-Clair-ah:
Ah-LA"Rha (5 E-LAI-sa
Al-Hum’-Bhra Al-Hum"Bhra

TIME Benders — Eff-I-yah Al-Hum’-Bhra; ELF LUV TrhU’-ah Flows —

Krystalbridge Time Wave (R Eternal) - ELF Eternal Cave of Creation:

Water Benders —5a-MA'-Yah;

Quanta Rha-Ta’-Da TrhU’-ah Flows — Yana Time Wave (R3)

Keylontic™ Discourses for Daily Living - KDDL™ Course Series - Presented by ARhAyas Productions LLC,
©2015 E'Asha A. Arhayas

EA-3: Elemental Array-3: Water ~ Sun-3-Blue

Pana Coo-fe’ta Spectro: plus Shield

Internal Creation Chismatic Tryptonic-

Pana-Coa lea Planes:

The “+ 8”

3| Factor =“K+8”

Crystal Benders — Rha-sa-yuun’;

Panah-KHY TrhU'-ah Flows - A’yhea Time Wave (R2) -/-
EAS: Elemental Array-4: Crystal -

Sun4-Blue-Green/Sun-S Green

Pon Cloe” oh Spectra: Bue Green (Emerald) Shield


internat Creation Chismatic Tryptoplasmic

pan-Cloic oh D-plames:


The 3 Eternal Time-Wave Spectra of the EFFI Pana-KHY Time-Wave Strata - & the Endless LUV Field

The Pan-Clair-ah, Pana-Coa-le’-ta and Pana-Co-LA’Ra Spectra.

‘The Es’-pa Ta-Rha’-ta (Ever-shining Riding Wave)

ELF (Equilibrium Lull Field) & the Pana-KHY Passage

Pana-KHY Flux-Wave Feld


*Eye of Lila- Eternal Still Point LUV Field

Es"-pa Ta-Rha'-ta ELF.

” Pana-Co-LA'Ra Spectra.
Sheathe of Lila /5 FEN\\


The “Embrace of Endless LUV” -
ELF Un-Es”-pa Ta-Rha-Ta Capsule
“Absolute Protectorate” Field of EFFI

EYE of LILA LUV point The LUV- Lowest Unified Velocity

The Eye of Lila Eternal Still Point = The “Endless LUV Point” -
The Eternally Standing State of Vibrational Harmonization
through which all aspects of Creation- Eternal, Internal & Keylontic™ Discourses for Daily Living - KDDL™
Course Series - Presented by ARhAyas Productions LLC, ©2015 E’Asha A. Arhayas

External, remain Eternally United & Indelibly Interconnected. 121


Location of the Eff-i-yah State Eternal Conscious Standing-wave Fields of the Eff-i-yah Al-Hum-Bhra

SUMMARY – TrhU’-ah Body Activation Stage 7B- Expedited “Pan-Pan Dance” Activations Schedule

8 Steps of Pan-Pan Dance EarthCync-Hosting Yourself Home via your Eff-E’-Mah Eternal Quantum

IN KDDL-2/ShiftMasters-2 Introduction (March-July/August 2015)

1. Activation of the Eff-E’-Ma Crystal/Silken lasma Wave: opening the Eff-E’-Mah Heart point (mid-way
between Chakra-3 & Chakra-4) in TrhU’ah Body to the Eff-E’Mah Crystal/Silken Plasma Wave in the
EFFI Field. (Eff-E’-Mah Crystal initiated with 2-hour audio technique “Journey to the Eff-i-yah State”)
2. Initiation of Zeff-i-ron Eff-A’-yah Cycle via “Hosted K+8 Quantum Boost 5 th Round infusion:” (TrhU’-
ah Body Stage-7A & Stage-6) to override Plasma Template mutation.
A. Restoration of ZhEon quantum via Hosted K+8 Quantum Boost 5th Round infusion: (TrhU’-ah Body
B. Fetal Imprint Va-Ba-TE Vector Lock-Down Release, Effira KHY-Wave & Effiron Crystal Birth: (TrhU’-
ah Body Stage-7A)
C. Transfiguration of ZhEon into Zeff-i-ron (DhA’-yah-TEI Birth Quantum Unit) via “intra-Violet Singing
Vapor Transfiguration Wave”: (TrhU’-ah Body Stage-7A)
D. Eff-A’-yah Zeff-i-ron Elemental Clearing Cycle Initiates: (TrhU’-ah Body Stage-7A)
3. Crack Point, Eff-A’-yah Spark & Cracking the Shell of Contention. The “Shell of Contention” reversed-
plasma atomic-crust-field (outer layer “mesh” on TrhU’-ah Body “skin of Lud’-Far Field) is held
within the body via a minute inorganic gaseous C60 carbon-plasma crystal “Bucky-Bali” stationed in
the Etheric Duct at the tip of the Tailbone in the TrhU’-ah Body (also in planetary core); this is
referred to as the “Death Seed”, or the “Seed of Contention”, and forms at conception due to Earth’s
planetary Templar Plasma Template distortions. (TrhU’-ah Body Stage 7B)
4. Flashing the Seals of KalA’ O’c-Sha-TA’: (TrhU’-ah Body Stage-1)
5. Quan’ta Rha-Ta’-Dha (*Quantum Standing Rotation) Alignment. (TrhU’-ah Body Stage 2). The
planetary Quan’ta Rha-Ta’-Dha Alignment engaged 3/2015, and will continue in “layers” following
the planetary 8 stages of TrhU’-ah Body Activation through the 900+ years of the Krystal River Fail
Safe Host.
6. Opening the Pana-KHY Passage and Firing the Pan-Clair’-ah Ma-sha-yah Silver Seed: (TrhU’-ah Body
7. Expedited Silver Seed Embodiment & Quanta Rha-Ta’-Dha (*Quantum Standing Wave) Merkaba
activation; Activates Round-1: External-Ananda Cycle-Violet Sheild Flows and Round-2: Internal
A’yhea Cycle-Green Shield Flows of the Pan-Clair’-ah DhA-yah-TEI Planes. (Cathedrals: 5 Violet R1 &
4 Green R2/ Adashi-1 TrhU’-ah Flows. (TrhU’-ah Body Stage-4).

In KDDL-4/ShiftMasters-2 Part-2

8. Expedited Golden-Silver Seed Embodiment & Quanta Ta-Rha’-Ta (*Quantum Riding Wave*) Merkaba
activation. Activates Round-3: Internal-Yana Cycle-Blue Shield Flows of the Pana-coa-le’-ta Ah-LA’-
Rhlan DhA-yah-TEI Planes and Round-4: Eternal- A’sha Cycle-White Shield Flow (Cathedrals: 3-Blue-
R3 & 2-White R4/”Adashi-2” TrhU’-ah Flows). As Golden-Silver Seed Accretion Rounds engage, the
personal TrhU’-ah Body progressively “comes on line with” the Un-Es’-pa Ta-Rha’-Ta Sun-8 ELF LUV
Field at the Core of the EFFI Infinitum & the personal Es’-pa Ta-Rha’-Ta ELF LUV Field progressively
awakens (TrhU’-ah Body Stage-5).

TrhU’-ah Body Activation Stage 7B; Expedited Pan-Pan Dance Activations & “Cracking the Shell of

Host Boost K+8 Infusion, Restoration & Transfiguration the ZhEon, the Eff-A’-yah Cycle & Releasing Fetal
Imprint Vector Lock Down.

In hosted Krystalbridge Passage, “Restoratoin & Transfiguration of the ZhEon” (Restoring the organic
Eternal Quantum of the ZhEon Birth Quantum & Transfiguration in ZhEon into the Zeff-i-ron) can be
expedited to override Plasma Template mutation via “Hosted Quantum Boost”, an infusion of “5 th Round
TrhU’-ah Flow K+8 Pana Co-LA’-Ra Spectra” frequency from the Eff-i’-yah ELF LUV fields, which will initiate,
progress and sustain the Zeff-i-ron Elemental Clearing Eff-A’-yah Cycle of atomic Va-Ba-TE vector Lock-
Down Release.

Once initiated through the “Host Boost K+8 infusion”, the Zeff-i-ron Eff-A’-yah Cycle rapidly reaches a certain
poit of Elemental Clearing called the “Crack Point”, at which a critical quantum (1/3 rd) of atoms has been
freed from Va-Ba-TE Vector Lock-Down & returned to Eternal-Authentik Encryption. The “Host Boost K+8
Infusion” Restores & Transfigures the ZhEon into the Zeff-i-ron, and releases the Fetal Imprint Va-Ba-TE
Vector Lock-Down on 1/3rd of the atomic quantum triggering “Crack Point”, initiating a process referred to
as “Cracking the Shell of Contention”.
“Cracking the Shell of Contention” & the “Seed of Contention”

The “Shell of Contention” refers to a thin, crystallized “crust” of reversed-polarity elemental plasma that
creates an Inorganic barrier between the TrhU’-ah Body & atomic body structures; it entraps a portion of the
TrhU’-ah Body quantum in reverse-polarity elemental bonding, keeping the aomic body in Vector Lock
Down. Whereas the TrhU’-ah Body is like an energetic skin surrounding the Lud’far liquids field, the “Shell of
Contention” is as an inorganic energetic “crust or shell” layered on top of the TrhU’-ah Body skin. Organic
TrhU’-ah Body plasmas form organically around the Lud’far fields of all atoms, hence the inorganic “Shell of
Contention crust” also forms as a “Vector-Lock Shell” around the atoms, holding the atoms “hostage” to the
original Va-Ba-TE Vector-Lock encryption of the Fetal Imprint.

The “Shell of Contention” plasma-crust-field is held within the body via a minute inorganic gaseous C60
carbon-plasma crystal “Bucky-Ball” stationed in the Etheric Duct at the tip of the Tailbone in the TrhU’-ah
Body (also in planetary core); this is referred to as the “Death Seed”, or the “Seed of Contention”, and forms
at conception due to Earth’s planetary Templar Plasma Template Distortions.

The “Spark of Eff-A"-yah”

Following the Host Boost K+8 infusion and “Cracking Point” of the Zeff-i-ron Elemental Clearing Eff-A’-yah
Cycle, the Zeff-i-ron at the AzurA releases a Triptec Spark called the Spark of Eff-A’-yah (composed of one
“intra-Blue Ice” unit, one “Infra-Pink Fire” unit & one “Intra-Violet” plasma unit) into the “”Death Seed of
Contention” in the TrhU’-ah Body Tailbone Etheric Duct. The Eff-A’-yah Spark cracks the Death Seed, and
begins pulsing frequency throughout the “Shell of Contention” atomic “crust”. The “Blue Ice” frequency 1 st
“freezes/ices the crust & makes it brittle & fragile”, next the “Pink Fire” frequency “blasts, cracks & begins
melting” the “crust”, followed by the Intra-Violet frequency “vaporizing the crust as its fragments melt”.

“Seeds of Freedom” Simultaneous Triptec Power-Phase Awakening

After this “1st Cracking” the “Shell of Contention” progressively releases in layers over time, following:
*initiation of the TrhU’-ah Flows, *simultaneous activation of the Silver, Golden-Silver and platinum “Seeds
of Freedom” TrhU’-ah Flows Accretion Cycles & Merkaba activations (in the “Seeds of Freedom Triptec
Power-Phase Awakening”), “Flashing Release” of the K.O. Seals, *Quanta Rha-Ta’-Dha Alignment. Through
the Triptec Power-Phase Awakening, the 5 Rounds of TrhU’-ah Flows Accretion & corresponding Merkaba
activations progressively & simultaneously unfold through the Host Boost K+8 Infusion. When the “Seeds of
Freedom” Triptec Awakening Cycles and Zeff-i-ron Elemental Clearing Eff-A’-yah Cycle complete, the hosted
“DhA’-Yah-TEI Point” is reached (point at which all atomic quantum has been freed from Va-Ba-TE Lock-
Down & returned to Eternal-Authentik Encryption), and Stage-8 TrhU’-ah Body Activation-“Immaculation of
the DhA-Yah-TEI” engages the final Transfiguration into Vector-Free Emancipated Eternal Life form.

KDDL-2+ Technique 8B: Cracking the Shell of Contention: Pan-Pan Dance Step 3:

Cracking Point, Eff-A’-yah Spark & Cracking the Shell of Contention. Once initiated through the “Host Boost
K+8 Infusion”, the Zeff-i-ron Eff-A’-yah cycle routinely reach? a certain point of Elemental Clearing called the
“Crack Point”, at which a critical quantum (1/3rd) of atoms has been freed from Va-Ba-TE Vector Lock-Down
& returned to Eternal-Authentik Encryption. The “Host Boost K+8 Infusion” Restores & Transfigures the
ZhEon into the Zeff-i-ron, and releases the Fetal Imprint Va-Ba-TE Vector Lock Down on 1/3 rd of the atomic
quantum triggering “Crack Point”, Initiating a process referred to as “Cracking the Shell of Contention”.

The “Shell of Contention” plasma-crust-field is held within the body via a minute inorganic gaseous C60
carbon-plasma crystal “Bucky-Ball” stationed in the Etheric Duck at the tip of the Tailbone in the TrhU’-ah
Body (also in planetary core); this is referred to as the “Death Seed”, or the “Seed of Contention”, and forms
at the conception due to Earth’s planetary Templar Plasma Template distortions.

“Eff-A’-yah Spark”: Following the Host Boost K+8 Infusion and “Crack Point” of the Zeff-i-ron Elemental
Clearing Eff-A’-yah Cycle, the Zeff-i-ron at the AzurA releases a Triptec Spark called the Spark of Eff-A’-yah
(composed of one “intra-Blue Ice” unit, one “Intra-Blue Ice” unit, one “infra-Pink Fire” unit & one “Intra-
Violet” plasma unit) into the “Death Seed of Contention” in the TrhU’-ah Body Tailbone Etheric Duct. The Eff-
A’-yah Spark cracks the Death Seed, and begins pulsing frequency throughout the “Shell of Contention”
atomic “crust”. The “Blue Ice” frequency 1st freezes/ices the crust & makes it brittle & fragile”, next the “Pink
Fire” frequency “blasts, cracks & begins melting” the “crust”, followed by the Intra-Violet frequency
“vaporizing the crust as its fragments melt”. After this “1st Cracking” the “Shell of Contention” progressively
releases in layer over time (TrhU’-ah Body Stage 7B)

 Step 3: Cracking the Shell of Contention- 1st Cracking.

Project location: Tryptolase Spring in KrystalBridgeWay Restoration Center, Median Earth 2317 AD
(Pan-Clair’-ah D-Planes DN-1).
Utilizes: Zeff-i-ron Eff-A’-yah Triptec Spark (composed of one “Intra-Blue Ice”, one “Infra-Pink Fire” &
one “Intra Violet” plasma unit)
Will: engage 1st Cracking of the Death Seed of Contention in TrhU’-ah Body tailbone duct &
progressively vaporize the Shell of Contention atomic plasma crust in layers over time. (TrhU’-ah
Body Stage-7B)

ACTION-1: Following the “Crack Point” of the Zeff-i-ron Elemental Clearing Eff-A’-yah Cycle, the Zeff-
i-ron at the AzurA releases an Eff-A’-yah Triptec Spark (composed of one “Intra-Blue Ice” unit, one
“Infra-Pink Fire” unit & one “Intra-Violet” plasma unit) into the “Death Seed of Contention” in the
TrhU’-ah Body tailbone etheric duct.

ACTION-2: The Eff-A’yah Spark cracks the Death Seed, and begins pulsing frequency throughout the
“Shell of Contention” atomic-plasma crust.

ACTION-3: The “Blue Ice” frequency from the Eff-A’-yah Spark 1st “freezes/ices the Shell of
Contention atomic-plasma crust making it brittle & fragile”.

ACTION-4: Next the “Pink Fire” frequency from the Eff-A’-yah Spark “blasts, cracks & begins melting”
the Shell of Contention atomic-plasma crust.

ACTION-5: Then the Intro-Violet frequency from the Eff-A’-yah Spark “vaporizes the Shell of
Contention atomic-plasma crust as Its fragments melt.

ACTION-6: After this “1* Cracking” the "Shell of Contention atomic-plasma crust” progressively
releases In layers over time. (TrhU’-ah Body Stages 7B)
Glyph (Brevity Brief): 1. Zeff-i-ron at AzurA releases Eff-A’-yah Triptec Spark Into “Death Seed of
Contention” in TrhU'-ah Body tailbone duct.
2. Eff-A’-yah Spark cracks the Death Seed & begins frequency pulsing through “Shell of Contention”
atomic-plasma crust. 3. Eff-A’-yah Spark “Blue Ice” frequency “freezes/ices Shell of Contention”
atomic-plasma crust making it brittle & fragile”. 4. Eff-A’-yah Spark “Pink Fire” frequency “blasts,
cracks & melts” Shell of Contention atomic-plasma crust. 5. Eff-A’-yah Spark Intra-Violet frequency
“vaporizes” Shell of Contention atomic-plasma crust as its fragments melt. 6. After "1" Cracking”
“Shell of Contention atomic-plasma crust” releases In layers over time.

The Va-Ba-Te Cell, the ZhEon, Plasma Body Lotus Anatomy & the Heart of Eff-E’-Mah
Through the “5 Eff-E'-Mah Transfiguration Cycles” (3 Adashi-Eckashi Return Cycles and 2 Eff-im-a’-rhal
Transfiguration Cycles)
of TrhU’ah Plasma Body Activation/Eff-E’-Mah Silken-Wave Accretion, the ZhEon transfigures into the
Zeff-i-ron Eternal Life DhA-Yah-TEI birth-quantum unit (TrhU’ah Body Act. Stage-7), then further
transfigures into the
Eternal-Life Vector-Free AR’-E-ion Eternal Flame Atom (TrhU'-ah Body Act. Stage-8).
Crown CK-7 Z
Lotus - 5
Anchors in
(Chakras 6,8, & 1
Lotuses NOT shown)
CKS Central
ZhEon Column
in AzurA @ base
of Thymus Gland
— When plasma
\ | ? RC body Activates
: s the vertical
Heart of Eff-E’-Mah Point _ I) \ A] “Blooms”
In CVC, half-way between Blood S 4 connect their
Chakra 3 & Chakra-4 apc RAyus Tubes
&puise to
Plasma Quantum
Va-Ba-TE Cell-
in Tailbone 4
Etheric Duct Tabs of
The “P. Lotus”
Once Avtivates
it emerges from the
Prostate in males
from the Perineum
in females

In circumstances of Krystal River Fail-Safe Host, Eff-im-a’-rhal Transfiguration KrystaiBridge Passage,

“Pan-Pan Dance” EarthCync™, Restoration of the ZhEon birth-quantum, Relea: Va-Ba-TE Fetal imprii

and Va-Ba-TE Cell donated parental quantum, and its Kalipsis Encryption Space-Time Biological Phase Lock,
Expedited Eff-im-a’-rhal Transfiguration, can be achieved through rapid activation of the Eff-E’-Mah Silken-
Crystal in “Heart of Eff-E’-Mah Point” and simultaneous engagement of the “8 Stages of TrhU’-ah Body

Keylontic™ Discourses for Daily Living - KDDL™ Course Series - Presented by ARhAyas Productions LLC,
©2015 E/Asha A. Arhayas 232

I found this old, old picture of you ... *


Technique-1: Heart of Eff-E’-Mah Fire & Ice Quantum Amplification

(& expedited ZhEon to Zeffiron transfiguration and Heart of Eff-E’-Mah Activation for new people)

Start with “Home Star” Image visualization, preferably relaxing your body in a reclining position.

1. Visualize the “Home Star” image several feet out in front of you, as if it is “up in the sky” in front of
you. Breathe the Light of the Home Star toward you and feel its gentle warmth cascading over your
physical body.

Use the mental affirmation command-

“I see the Home Light of Effi…Now”… as you breathe the Light of the Home Star toward you.

2. Continue breathing the Light of the Home Star, …. The Light of EFFI… toward you, and sense that it
begins to “sink through your skin” and into our plasma TrhU’-ah Body within your physical body.
- Notice as the Home Light of EFFI begins entering your TrhU’-ah Body that a Pale White vortex
begins to emanate from the Home Star, its singular tip stationed within the Home Star center-
point and its vortex extending downward toward your body, until the “wide end” of this vortex
surrounds your physical body.
- As if looking upward from within the base of this vortex, observe the Home Light of EFFI at the
vortex tip growing brighter and intensifying.
Use the mental affirmation command –

“I am embraced by the Home Light of Effi Now” …. As you continue gently breathe the Home Light
of EFFI toward you and into your TrhU’-ah Body.

3. As you rest within the base of the Home Star vortex, begin breathing a current of Pale Aqua Ether-
Vapor Light from the center-point of the EFFI home Star above you directly into your ZhEon or
Zeffiron unit within your AzurA (at the base of the Thymus gland).
- Notice as the Pale Aqua (5th Round) Ether-Vapor Light fills your ZhEon/Zeffiron, the
ZhEon/Zeffiron unit begins to pulse, expand then “pop” as its quantum amplifies through this
Home Light of EFFI Infusion.
If you have already engaged Zeffiron Transfiguration via KDDL-2+ Techniques, this Home Light of EFFI Infusion will
amplify the quantum charge within your Zeffiron. If you have not yet engaged Zeffiron Transfiguration via KDDL-2+
Techniques, this Home Light of EFFI Infusion will automatically engage sub-harmonic ZhEon Transfiguration into
Zeffiron, and begin release of the Fetal Imprint Va-Ba-TE Vector Lockdown (in Tailbone).
- As you sense or imagine this “quantum-fill pop point” in the AzurA, expand your breathing of the
Pale Aqua Ether-Vapor Current from the EFFI Home Star above you, drawing the Pale Aqua
current into your entire physical body and TrhU’-ah Body, filling your physical and TrhU’-ah
Body with the Pale Aqua Home Light of EFFI current.

KDDL-3+ Session-3 (Olso, Sunday 9/27/15 – before Session-2 FL ETA 10/8/15)

Discussion: The Rainbow Reconnection of Re-Evolution – KDDL-3+ New Material – EarthCync Update &
Related Re-genesis

Rainbow Reservoirs of the Nomi’-yah Sun-8 Cathedrals (between-time fields of Median Earth D-Planes in Eff-
i-yah AhRhAyah Al-Hum-bhra Pana-CoLA-Rha Spectra ELF-LUV fields.)

-Rainbow Rain Lenses of the ELF-LUV Fields (Pillars of ARhAyah Sun-8 Plasmas + Pana-KHY 15-dml Helio-
KHY-ic spectra)

“The Rainbow Run – 6 Countries in 9 Days” (8/28-9/7/2015): Mayan “Dark Road” (to center of Milky Way)
Mythology, Old World Dark-River Grids & Gardens, the planetary R. KHY-site 5 Control Matrix and
Awakening the Planetary Helio-KHY-ic Rainbow Reservoirs by Rainbow Seeding the Old World Gardens;
Activation of the 1st Planetary Interface site to the Rainbow Reservoirs of the Nomi’-yah Sun-8 Cathedrals.

-Activating the planetary Rainbow Reservoirs of Cathedral-3 and clearing the planetary Shell of Contention
primary power grids; Activating the 1st Planetary Interface site to the Rainbow Reservoirs of the Nomi’-yah
Sun-8 Cathedrals.

Eff-im-a’-rhal Override of the 5 Elemental Layers of the Shell of Contention, the 5 Eff-im-a’-rhal Interface
Layers of Plasma TrhU’-ah Body Anatomy and the “Nomi-gene”.

-Planetary Dark-River Gardens, 5 TrhU’-ah Body Eff-im-a’-rhal Interface Layers and 5 Elemental Layers of
the Shell of Contention.

-Dark-River Currents, the Epi-genetic Overlay, “Layer-3 OZ factor”, Dark-Flower Affliction, and the K+8
Nomi-gene override.
-The Nomi-gene, Eff-im-a’-rhal Capsule, Sphere of Eff-E’-Mah “Rainbow Round” and the “Rainbow Ride”
Projection Vehicle.

Moved to Session-2 FL: Closing: Introduction to Manifesting through the Heart of Eff-E’-Mah and the 1 st
Octant Cycle of the Krystal River Fail-Safe Host

Plasma Seeds and Eff-im-a’-rhal Manifestation: “What we Focus On Expands, what we Resist Persists, what
we Energize comes Alive, when you BE it you will SEE it”, the “Law of Attraction” AND Plasma Templates,
Planetary & Galactic “Karma” & Plasma-Seeding through the Heart of Eff-E’-Mah Rainbow Reservoir.

The 1st Octant Cycle of the Krystal River Fail-Safe Host – Moving from Transformation to Triumph and

Session-3 Techniques:

6. Journey to the Rainbow Reservoirs of the Nomi’-yah Sun-8 Cathedrals – with site-activation link-in
video & stills.

A. Activating the Nomi gene via the Epi-genetic Overlay

B. Overriding OZ – Activating Eff-im-a’-rhal Layer 3 to inhibit progression of Dark-Flower Affliction

C. Building the Eff-im-a’-rhal Capsule & Activating your Sphere of Eff-E’-Mah “Rainbow Round”

D. Activating your “Eff-E’-Mah Rainbow Ride” Projection Vehicle & “First Flight Rainbow Reservoir Site

7. Eff-im-a’-rhal Manifestation: Plasma Seeding through the Heart of Eff-E’-Mah Rainbow Round-intro

The “Cathedral Code”

Time-Wave Template
of the EFFi Infinitum

Eternal Elemental

Command Template


5 Elemental EM Arrays, “Benders” of Eternal Elemental Command & “K + 8” Factor

Ether Benders ~ShA-Dhal-uun;

Core TrhU’-ah Flows ~ Ariea Time Wave (Rs)

EA-1: Elemental Array-1: Ether ~Sun-1 8 8 - Aquslene & Golden-Silver The Tan-Tri TrhU"-ah Flows

\\ &Seals of Ka-LA’ Oc-Sha-TA


Air Benders — Yha-Seph-ah;

Quanta Ah-LA’-Rha TrhU’-ah Flows — A’sha Time Wave (R4)

EA2: Elemental Array-2: Ale — Sun-2- White

Pana-Coo-te't0 Spectro. White Shiskt
Eves] Creation Chismatic Tryptophasic-

Pona-KHY EFF Standing Wave Field: Alene Shiekd
SR | Opening the Seals releases
. the Flows of TrhU'-ah to
Poma-Co-A" Ro Spectr: Goer Sib Shield e |
= 4 | engage Quanta Rha-Ta"-Dha
Ek Se AKO GF UN FR rotation for Pan-Cliar’-ah
D-Planes Transmigration.
Pan-Clair"-ah Green-Violet Shield:
Fire Benders ~ BhrA'-ya;
Un-Es’-pa Ta-Rha’-Ta TrhU’-ah Flows — Ananda Time Wave (R1)
EAS: Elemental Array-S: Fire ~
Sun6 IndigofSun-7 Violex
Pon-Clair’-oh Spectre: Indigo Viglet (Amethyst) Shield
External Cresion veylontc
Pana-Coa-le’-ta: Pan-Clair-ah:
Ah-LA"Rha (5 E-LAI-sa
Al-Hum’-Bhra Al-Hum"Bhra

TIME Benders — Eff-I-yah Al-Hum’-Bhra; ELF LUV TrhU’-ah Flows —

Krystalbridge Time Wave (R Eternal) - ELF Eternal Cave of Creation:

Water Benders —5a-MA'-Yah;

Quanta Rha-Ta’-Da TrhU’-ah Flows — Yana Time Wave (R3)

Keylontic™ Discourses for Daily Living - KDDL™ Course Series - Presented by ARhAyas Productions LLC,
©2015 E'Asha A. Arhayas

EA-3: Elemental Array-3: Water ~ Sun-3-Blue

Pana Coo-fe’ta Spectro: plus Shield

Internal Creation Chismatic Tryptonic-

Pana-Coa lea Planes:

The “+ 8”

3| Factor =“K+8”

Crystal Benders — Rha-sa-yuun’;

Panah-KHY TrhU'-ah Flows - A’yhea Time Wave (R2) -/-
EAS: Elemental Array-4: Crystal -

Sun4-Blue-Green/Sun-S Green

Pon Cloe” oh Spectra: Bue Green (Emerald) Shield


internat Creation Chismatic Tryptoplasmic

pan-Cloic oh D-plames:


"As the Milky Way Galaxy (Procysk Phantom Matix) originally fell and separated (start 360-350BYA with fall
of Procyus star from M-31) from its home galaxy M31 Andromeda (Aquinos Galaxy), the M31-Andromeda
Galaxy represents the “1st Externalization Alignment”, or “First Alignment”, for all planets and star systems
in the Milky Way galaxy. It is to the “M-31 1st Alignment” that Earth’s Plasma Body, Plasma Templates and
EM Fields will progressively return through the course of the Krystal River Fail-Safe Host. Earth’s return to
the M-31 1st Alignment will unfold in stages over the 900 year period of the Planetary KRFail-Safe Host, and
the alignment will continue from there to approximately 6520AD (Earth time). AMCC-MECO-GA 8/1/2015

"As the Milky Way Galaxy (Procysk Phantom Matix) originally fell and separated (start 360-350BYA with fall
of Procyus star from M-31) from its home galaxy M31 Andromeda (Aquinos Galaxy), the M31-Andromeda
Galaxy represents the “1st Externalization Alignment”, or “First Alignment”, for all planets and star systems
in the Milky Way galaxy. It is to the “M-31 1st Alignment” that Earth’s Plasma Body, Plasma Templates and
EM Fields will progressively return through the course of the Krystal River Fail-Safe Host. Earth’s return to
the M-31 1st Alignment will unfold in stages over the 900 year period of the Planetary KRFail-Safe Host, and
the alignment will continue from there to approximately 6520AD (Earth time). AMCC-MECO-GA 8/1/2015


Milky Way Galaxy Path of the “Fermi Fall Fold

{Galactic Vewca Prices Metatron

EarthCYnc™ Path of “Re-Evolutionary RISE Reconnection”

al Return)

(Andromeds [ff o's

THAT is the Question and ws

fold to Sp
Or the

Po tims ores co avai tubbies

opty Abed Terri

ws of to 1x
Sharp and wetl defi, and

ox of 1g Mitky Way conten trey

va ry ard microwaves. Bud 88 the
nde enters far thar ud, ony the Gaver
rays are dutectatia
Thucrints have offered several explana:
the rscel stctures. The twa
ecient theories both suggest te

bated mers rend by 8 arn reg

rer rome.

(re pms lows that erercen.

var cx ots of er ad Ske) YQ
rrp wut tng A of Pe ge
back este a the carter of he Mhy Wy
rested th fer inthe. Astrercreers
kamen, wad whi 2 ums the MRE
Wy tac Poke hn a1 civ J bo, & ny
howe hf cv cr of yrs sg

Arcos cormereonty het tracey ares at

he Ford tnt were crested rng shar
formations ower a pared of mins or even
bins of years. Ther gn ejections Gest
fromm bursts of star farmetions, sive Bo
1 crv that proche Pug sir clusters
thw My Wey Sexy wicaty rocks mass.
Gt: wach ct 19 far-off chntances wed

Pei the by power ragrac forces.

Sciarionts wr emger 10 mest he yatary

of Pon Form uso’ origin. Whatever the
erry carve bebe Boman nage Dnditien
mint says Dowd. Spry,» Omarion
avirigiysciat ot Privceton Unaearsty, ts
Crt 1 a my deep custo iy

remarkable pictures taken in space of other spars gal

axies like our own. This helps us to know what our

mlaxy looks like, 2 benefit the Maya didn't have. p
the side, it looks sort of like # disc with a bulge in the

The Dark Rift is a feature flowing through the Milky Way galaxy. Clearly visible on
a dark night, the rif divides the light-filled part of the galaxy in two. Physically, ith a

cloud of gas and pardcles that don't reflect light from the surrounding scars. It looks like
a dark streak streaming into the galactic center. The Maya saw it as a two-way road; the
road moving into the center was known as the “dark road,” and led to a portal into

the underworlds. The roadway out of the center was the “birth canal,” streaming out
from the “womb of the world” (the Mayan name for the center of the galaxy).

And The Dark RI

© Oct 21, 2012 - The Dark Rift has many Mayan mythic ftisthe |

Road to the Underworld. A crevice In the branches of the Cosmic Tree...

Rift) appears to the eye as a dark streak that is positioned lengthwise through the bright bas
its extent, stretching from the constellation Cygnus to Sagittarius. The Dark Rift blocks out
ight-years away, which itself contains a massive 4-Million solar mass black hole at its center. D
ds made of interstellar dust and molecular gas located 300 light years from Earth. Modern Infrared and X-r
Viilky Way, viewed far from city lights, is a glowing path which can be seen arching across the sky. This path
is ©

of which we cannot see individually. The glowing light coincides with the mid plane of our galaxy, named the
Milky Way.

December (and some previous — with a few more to follow...) during the northem hemisphere winter
solstice when the Si 1 oy
above the horizon ~ when the North Pole is tipped farthest from the sun at a tilt of 23.5 degrees, the Earth
crosses the line of
¢ Sun to the Dark Rift. Again, the Mayan Grand Cycle ends on this day, December 21, 2012.

1his 5 not an alignment of the Earth-Sun with the center of the galaxy, galactic center, or even a ‘closest
point’ of the Sun ta the ces
of the Sun as seen from the Earth) along a portion of the Dark Rift, which itself coincides in the vicinity of the
‘nuclear bulge’ ¢

ch had mythical meanings to the Mayans. The Earth-Sun alignment of any point in the background repeats
itself every “Grand
time it takes the Earth and our Solar System to proceed all the way around the galaxy. :

tk Rift has many Mayan mythic identities. It is the Black Road, the Road to the Underworld. A crevice in the
branches of the Cosmic Tre
" mouth of the Cosmic Monster (a jaguar or snake with tree-like features). The birth canal of the Cosmic
Mother: if

- A magnetic reconnection event on the sun.

Solar Symbiosis ~ AMCC-MCED-GA 2000

Natural Merkabic Orientation of our organic Krystic Solar System

“The dynamics of Earth's return to the M-31 1st Alignment

Will progressively unfold through a process of
Trans-galactic Solar Symbiosis, through which the EM Fields,
Plasma Flows and Intrafascial Liaison Passages between
Earth and M-31 Urtha/Ariea-3 are progressively opened via
High Amplitude Radio Propulsion Wave tethering.
The Solar Symblosis process is the organic process of EM &
Plasma circulation between a living Sun and the living
Stars/planets that orbit around it.
Trans-galactic Solar Symblosis is the organic process of
EM & Plasma circulation between living galaxies”
AMCC-MCEO-GA 8/1/2015

Keylontic™ Discourses for Daly Living-XDDL™


The 5-Layer Eff-im-a’-rhal Capsule Reconnection Vehicle & Planetary Activations Schedule

Quanto Abo Toba Merkaba

Istndiog otution) ~~ Eyugha Merkaba
Cycle-AE-1 Pan-Clair-ah Silver Seed-
pon Acthates Eve of “Tue
© rde-1 Sivr Seed Awakens (TA STAGES 1.4]
KO. A. Sir Seats lease, [TA STAGE 1).
© Lita ELELUV Flows intats wih Sitver Seals
* Quenta Rhe-T"Dbe Algnment (1A STAGE-2,

totes & Actvotes

© Cycle 2 Golde Siver Sead Awakens (1A STAGE 5)
Ox it,
Sr em a a i Sot

po To tha To Makita
(Cr Shining King Wave)

sitesi i
, orth
Lely Ler

Eyana Merkaba,

Tod access Al EAA" po Fi Planes &

3 fF-Yoh EF LUV “Cove webers”Domeins
* 80 access Adashi 2 Pons coo bt AD LA” Ron plone

| Cycle. ff 4-yoh “nfr-pink Fre” ELFAUV field


10h inl. ik Fg LFA DAAC Yoh. ci mites

“eyes ahton
Quantum (TA STAGETA)
CO. Ef oh fr Pk Fie ELLY seas reas, (TA STAGE),
ff oh OAR Yo ction Algnment Un 55a 0h To1

to 20f ron tems OWA oh TE Birth

1B. EfAcyobinf ik ce EAU OBA Ye fcotion le


OAV TH Pit: a TE Cll Kali Encyptionaporas Vector

hose dock Rees
uo Posoge opens

Eff-A’-yah ELF-LUV “Mintaka Orion

# Cycles: ffm o"-ton “nta- slo ice” Pana kh strate

A" fm" ton Ino. le le ELEY Pan 8 immocuron
rite § Actos
Ces 3 Victory Sed ot bore]

“effin ton imocultion Emancipation Agnment Un 5°50

To 12 (M31 Andomede (LA STAGED.

ana 0 Pte fon tr i le ELL Bar KAY

Flows open TA STAGES),

LPN Pons AY Domoins Ausene sou CTL, 88.77)

Fan VPs KAY Pos Th ios act (TA. STAGES]

“8 don ama Fama om embodies i ert of EF "oh poi.

5. fino trek E50 Bans OY maces

~cpoion cle Compe

the Vector free Carat Uf mocited OA oh TE

Eff-im-a-tion ELF-LUV
“M31-Andromeda, Urtha-Ariea-3

to Ado Pom Cio EAA som D los ICO. Poti Se te 0.14 hl Ay Fe Sethi Eff-Ayah” Eff-im-a’-rhal CAPSULE
TERR Eff-i-Mir’-a” Eff-im-a’-rhal CAPSULE
Silver Seed Pan-Clair'-ah E-LAi-sian Golden- Silver Seed Platinum Seed
Eff-im-a’-rhal CAPSULE nN Pana-coa-le’-ta A-LA"-Rhian ~ Pana-Co-LA"-ra Ah-RHA"-yan
w Eff-im-a’-rhal CAPSULE o Eff-im-a"-rhal CAPSULE
Hetharo a 5
5/28-6/10/2015 - 2317AD = Hethalon > Autumn 2015 - 2976AD

8/12-24/2016 - 2617AD
Keylontic™ Discourses for Daily Living - KDDL™ Course Series - Presented by ARhAyas Productions LLC,
©2015 Esha A. Athayas


The Pana-KHy Passage

Pan Ciarf{Spocta The Pana-KHY Passage, Planetary Cathedral Complex

& 3 KrystalBridgeWay Sites

Median Earth 2317AD

Internal Creation D-Planes
| NET Earth 2015+
Extemal Creation

KHY-Site 2 Aruba controls

3-4/2014 - Activation

| The 5 Cathedral Complexes of the

Planetary AL-Hum-Bnra Cathedrals


Zuo Pery Complex

Each of the 5 Cathedral

Complexes is

KHY-Site 8 = “Big 8 Override” -

(KHY-1-2-3 TTJ Blend)

KHY-Site 4

Rajastan, India KHY-Site 6

Tuscany, aly controls

(compromised) 3
controls upper Z upper Cathedral 5
Cathedral 4 Israel Egypt (Sun-§
complex Bal

7 Wl N i 7
RD) 588 XX )
(sun) hs Tet XI - ALS
" AL4 Bali L S a ‘ \
—_) y RS 2 ~k NO: ZA * Egypt


Mt Fuj, Japan
controls lower KHY-Site 7
Cathedral 4 Paxos, Greece Cue-7
‘complex Bali controls lower
(Sun-5) Cathedral 5 complex

Israel / Egypt (Sun-7)


KHY-Site 1 > J KBW-1

at Temple of ARhAyas 0 K 7

Myakka, FL controls KBW-2

12/2013 - Initiation
12/2014 - 5/2015 - Activation

Core Sun Plasma

Currents run by each 2.5002

Temple in each
Cathedral Complex ate N
KHY-Site 3
— 1.8un1 5.58 Norway RhAyas Peninsula
Green oy Ber controls
\qualeene Violet Was 2022
Started 4/2014 - tation
Sung 8/2015 - Activation
3.5un3 Golden-Silver

Keylontic™ Discourses for Daily Living - KDDL™ Course Series - Presented by ARhAyas Productions LLC,
©2015 EAsha A. Arhayas. 361

2015 Heathro (Planetary Merkaba Electrical Peak) 5/29 - 6/10/2015

The Pana-kHy Passage (Blue Ice (Infra Blue) Infusion from Median Earth 2317AD Pan-Clair’-ah D-Planes)

The Pana-KHY Passage, Planetary Cathedral Complex

& Silver-Seed E-LAi’-sian Eff-im-a’-rhal Capsule-
Hetharo 5/29 - 6/10/2015 - 2317AD
| Intemal Creation D-Planes

/ NET Earth 2015+

\ \ / | External Creation
KHY-Site 2 Aruba controls
34/2014 - Activation
| The 5 Cathedral Complexes of the 1-2
Planetary AL-Hum-Bhra Cathedrals Ss
Network 2 Moray Peru Complex
Each of the 5 Cathedral
Copies KHY-Site 8 = “Big 8 Override” -
(KHY-1-2-3 TTJ Blend)
KHY-Ste 4
Rajastan, India Y > KHYSite 6
Spr) Wadia ANTAL < ly el som
contro upper | | . upper Cathedral
Cathedral ¢ es) 2) 7 NA Israel | Egypt (Sun-6)
complex Bal Tenple-12 2 ALS
(un) AL4 Ball yaa, FL a ed s edt —
Complex K A Complex
MEF. Japan wd
ae pel Cathedral 5 complex
Israel / Egypt (Sun-7)
KHY-Site 1 / \ KBW-1
at Temple of ARhAyas ; 7
Myakka, FL controls KBW-2

12/2013 - Initiation

12/2014 - 52015 - Activation CS Pas

Curentsmnbyeach 5 sun
Temple in each Write
Cathedral Complex

KHY-Site 3
Sodas 5.5uns Norway RhAyas Peninsula

gal controls

Vict Was 2022

Started 4/2014 - Iiaion

suns 812015 - Activation

a Golden-Silver

Hetharo “Top Vortex” of planetary Merkaba engages routine electrical peak

(fastest spin & “incoming +ve frequency infusion)

"Krystal River Fail-Safe Host utilizes Heatharo 2015 Electrical Peak to accelerate

“Blue Ice” (Infra-Blue frequency) Infusion from Median Earth Pan-Clair'-ah D-Planes 2317AD

“Blue Ice" IN from top moving down”

Keylontic™ Discourses for Daily Living - KDDL™ Course Series - Presented by ARhAyas Productions LLC,
©2015 EAsha A. Arhayas 362

2015 Hethalon (Planetary Merkaba Magnetic Peak)

8/12 - 8/24/2015 (21-22-23-24 - KDDL No.3)
(Pink Fire (Infra pink D-8 Pan-Clair’-ah D-Planes) Infusion from Urtha Andromeda M-31)

; The Pana-KHY Passage, Planetary Cathedral Complex

/ UNA & Golden-Silver-Seed A-LA’-Rhian Eff-im-a’-rhal Capsule -
[3 ZN \ visa stra Hethalon 8/12 - 24/2015 - 2617AD
/ = | Internal Creation D-Plnes


NET Earth 2015+

/ | Extemal Creation

AA |=
Ni * 1 KHY-Site 2 Aruba controls
\ 3-4/2014 - Activation


| The 5 Cathedral Complexes of the

Planetary AL-Hum-Bira Cathedrals

Each of the 5 Cathedral

Complexes is

composed of 5
primary Temple

KHY-Site 8 = “Big 8 Override” -

(KHY-1-2-3 TTJ Blend)
KHY-Ste 4
Rajastan, India { KHY-Sie 6
(compromised) ALY X Tehple Mount Tuscany, ltaly controls
controls upper 24 S@) . upper Cathedral 5
Cathedral 4 LSA Israel | Egypt (Sun-6)
complex Bal YX Hoda ALs
(Sun-4) 25 CX Eg 5 Ejyot <

= MA
XR =F Complex

KHY-Site5 78~ < IZ

MtFuj, J PAY
nie or NJ P KHY-Site 7
Cathedral 4 Paxos, Greece Cue-7
complex Bali contro lower
(suns) Cathedral 5 complex

LS Israel / Egypt (Sun-7)

KHY-Site 1 ZL KBW-1

at Temple of ARhAyas

Myakka, FL controls KBW-2

12/2013 - Initiation
12/2014 - 5/2015 - Activation

Core Sun Plasma

Curentsunbyeach 2 gyn?

Temple in each White

Cathedral Comnplex

KHY-Site 3
5.5uns Norway RhAyas Peninsula
Suns 4&5 6&7
Green controls
Ld Was 2022
Started 4/2014 - Initiation
o—> sung 812015 - Activation
3.5un3 Golden-Silver
Hethalon “Bottom Vortex” of planetary Merkaba engages routine Magnetic Peak
(fastest Bottom vortex CCW -ve outgoing Spin).

Krystal River Fail-Safe Host utilizes Hethalon 2015 Magentic Peak to accelerate

“Pink Fire” (Infra Pink D-8 Pan-Clair'-ah D-Planes) Infusion from Median Earth 2317AD

Pink Fire Infusion Bottom & Moving up

Keylontic™ Discourses for Daily Living - KDDL™ Course Series - Presented by ARhAyas Productions LLC,
©2015 E’Asha A. Arhayas 363

Finn apes” The Pana-KHY Passage, Planetary Cathedral Complex

AT & Platinum-Seed Ah-RHA’-yan Eff-im-a’-rhal Capsule -

Autumn 2015 - 2976AD

A \ Median Earth 2317AD

| Internal Creation D-Planes
/ NET Earth 2015+
| External Creation

KHY-Site 2 Aruba controls

3-4/2014 - Activation

| The 5 Cathedral Complexes of the

Planetary AL-Hum-Bira Cathedrals

2 Moray Per Complex

Each of the 5 Cathedral

Complexes is

composed of 5
primary Temple

KHY-Site 8 = “Big 8 Override” -

(KHY-1-2-3 TTJ Blend)
KHY-Site 4
Rajastan, India KHY-Site 6
fr) YQ heen Tye
cons upper i v upper Cathedral
Cathedral 4 5) TR SA Israel Egypt (Sun-6)
complex Bal Tomi 12 DESY XR shai As
(sun) AL4Bali 4 Zi amb Eg seh ——
Complex F~] Complex
Mt Fuji, Japan KHY-Site 7
Ee Par rocco Cn?
controls ower
lig Bali Cathedral 5 complex
Israel / Egypt (Sun-7)
. HE Lr
at Temple of ARhAyas \ y
Myakka, FL controls KBW-2

12/2013 - Initiation
12/2014 - 5/2015 - Activation

Core Sun Plasma

Curenisunbyeach 9 Syp2 Pemninsula—Norway Complex KBW-3
Temple in each
Cathedral Complex ate N
KHY-Site 3
Sieh 5.5uns Norway RhAyas Peninsula
Green 687 controls
Ld Was 2022
Started 4/2014 - Initiation
RSun8 8/2015 - Activation

Keylontic™ Discourses for Daily Living - KDDL™ Course Series - Presented by ARhAyas Productions LLC,
©2015 E’Asha A. Arhayas 364

The Pana-KHy Passage

Pan-Cli-at{Specta The Pana-KHY Passage, Planetary Cathedral Complex

- & Mintaka-Orion Eff-A’-yah ELF-LUV Eff-im-a’-rhal Capsule -
2976AD - 4158AD

\ Median Earth 2317AD

| Internal Creation D-Planes
|| NET Earth 2015+

| Extemal Creation

N/ KHY-Site 2 Aruba controls

3-4/2014 - Activation

| The 5 Cathedral Complexes of the

Planetary AL-Hum-Bira Cathedrals

Each of the § Cathedral

Complexes is
composed of §

KHY-Site 8 = “Big 8 Override” -

(KHY-1-2-3 TTJ Blend)

KHY-Site 4
Rajastan, India KHY-Site 6
(compromised) Tuscany, ltaly controls
‘controls upper upper Cathedral 5
Cathedral 4 Israel / Egypt (Sun-6)
complex Bali 5
(Sun-4) AL-4 B; +—
Compld pr
ple pmplex
Mt Fuji, oc KHY-Site 7
Covet ig
controls lower
lig Bali Cathedral 5 complex
Israel / Egypt (Sun-7)
KHY-Site 1 \ 3K KBW-1
at Temple of ARhAyas oo
Myakka, FL controls \ KBW-2

12/2013 - Initiation

1212014 - 5/2015 - Activation

Core Sun Plasma
Cumenisunbyeach 2 gyn

Temple in each White

Cathedral Comnplex

5.5uns Norway RhAyas Peninsula

KHY-Site 3

1. Sun-1
Suns 4&5
Green ¢ pal controls

Aqualeene Violet Was 2022

Started 4/2014 - tation

Sung 8/2015 - Activation
3.5un3 Golden-Silver

Keylontic™ Discourses for Daily Living - KDDL™ Course Series - Presented by ARhAyas Productions LLC,
©2015 E’Asha A. Arhayas 365

The Pana-KHy Passage The Pana-KHY Passage, Planetary Cathedral Complex

Pan-Clair-ah| Spectra

& M-31 Andromeda Eff-i-Mir’a ELF-LUV Eff-im-a’-rhal Capsule -

4158AD - 6520AD
\ Median Earth 2317AD
| Internal Creation D-Planes
|| NET Earth 2015+
| External Creation
KHY-Site 2 Aruba controls

3-4/2014 - Activation

| The 5 Cathedral Complexes of the

Planetary AL-Hum-Bira Cathedrals

Peru Complex

Each of the 5 Cathedral

Complexes is

KHY-Site 8 = “Big 8 Override” -

(KHY-1-2-3 TTJ Blend)

KHY-Site 4
Rajastan, India KHY-Site 6
(compromised) 0 Terige Mount Tuscany, taly controls
controls upper —r upper Cathedral §
Cathedral 4 XK N Israel / Egypt (Sun6)
complex Bali A x i Y em 2
(sun) AL4Bal A QW 7 Be —
— Ss
Complex \ Chmplex
MtFuj, Japan
controls ower (Hrs
Cathedral 4 Paxos, Greece Cue-7
controls lower
hr Calhedfal 5 complex
Israel / Egypt (Sun-7)
at Temple of ARhAyas \ )
Myakka, FL controls \ k KBW-2
122013 Initiation Ns

12/2014 - 5/2015 - Activation

Core Sun Plasma

Curentsunbyeach 2 gyn?

Temple in each White

Cathedral Comnplex

KHY-Site 3
1.Sun1 5.5uns Norway RhAyas Peninsula
Suns 4&5 6&7
Green e controls
Aqualeene Violet Was 2022
Started 4/2014 - tation
sung 8/2015 - Activation

ins Golden-Silver


Keylontic™ Discourses for Daily Living - KDDL™ Course Series - Presented by ARhAyas Productions LLC,
©2015 E'Asha A. Arhayas 366

seAeyay v eYsy,3 STOZO IT] SUOINPOIJ SeAVYUY Aq PaIUasald - SALI3S 35IN0 ,1AAN - BUIAT Alleq 40}


KarU’sa Membranes, Intrafascial Liaison Passages-Eternal Caves of Creation & Aurora Earth Vertical Planes
> The Spherical & Vertical “Map of Planes” for 1 Dimensional Layer of Earth — D-2 Telluric-Physical Shown |

3) Single-Dimension
1) The Plane struchure of one dimensional level of a star, sun, or planet forms -

upon the 5 Plane, 15-Ring/Span stuck of one Dimensional PUTEE Body. ~~) ew Tow 1 for D-2 physical Earth
2) The PaTE KEI Body structure ofa Divenson provides a eral “Sohal Mao® ~~ Coe conker pon outward to
he boundary fs 150 Span
of the matter Planes and Rings/Spans in, around, and composing thal Dimensior’ -

of 1 Dimensional ParTE'KEi
Body & 1 Di of Earth

The'S Intrafascial Liaison Passages: Eternal Caves of Creation

A A-SwE'jha Passage & Karl'sa Membrane: KHY onic

B. Ludfar Passage & KarlJ'sa Membrane: Alonic

Deep Suhail sc:

C. Sche'ma Passage & Karl’sa Membrane: Shalonic


D. DreA'ma Passage 8 KarU'sa Membrane: KAylonic


E. AR-Yon'sh Passage & Karl'sa Membrane: Oronic

Apog ewse|q
a1ayds ye-,nyaL

5% 5 Rings 1-23 crystal & harmal vapor core

5 Intrafascial Liaison Passages-Eternal Caves of Creation Span 3 4) There are specifi types of mater-toms and
related struck! characteristics
Aion: Elemental Dimensional Fie though opening win ther OTITB © © © eae hes comesponding to he specic
Planes, Rings, and Spans in one Dimensional
Comesponding Karl sc Membrane witin he Rasha Dark Mater ik PaTEXE: Body: these forms & characeistcs
apply othe same Planes,
Elemental Density Template. Rings, and Spans in each Dimensional Par TEKEi Body.

They ead Io the Itra-karl'sic Fascilial Medium te Etemal 3H} Span6 — holds Aquifer Gales

Ahu-Stri“jhe ta-hu Meduum of the E-LA-sian Fields /AYARA Ring:8 — holds the subterranean biomes &
Crystal Temples
ANG Span-9 — carries the crust of the planet, star, or sun and its surface waters & topography

The Plasmantik MarkhetU're™ fields & embodied Fascia Layers

of the Eternal-Authentik E-LAi-sian DhA-yah-/TEi Human Body & Integral Eternal
(Eternal Stations of Conscious Mind & Memory) Conscious Identity

Planetary / Star pv

Layer Correspondences

E-LAksian Living Integral Identity

Waters Field Eternal Stations of full
Conscious mind & Living

E-LAi-sian Effi-far-ah
Helio-chroic flame field

Heliosphere ——> ¢ y /
(®) ARi-yon'ah KarU'sa D3 oon fiw

Outer Tan-chi-TEi Chismatici 8

Respiratory & Digestive System & Ethericy
Ducts (Surrounds & Permeates D1 EtheriC Bodyd

ARi-yon-ah Eternal Authentic

, Mind Integrates DN-5 Rishi Mind

(5) ARI-yon-ah (Currently “non-concious
J Eternal Authentic’) Mind &
Respiratory & Digestive memory

£9 3

& extends outward 3" from skin) Y

(Coronosphere) (Lay
ARi-yon-ah - a


DreAma Rasha Mind Integrates

& 4 DN4 Avatar Mind
J¥DreAma Dreaming Mind &
Muscle’ memory matrix &
Skin &lissue
AREyana Sac
3) Schema DhA-yah-TEi Mind
Integrates DN-3 Oversoul Mind


@ DreAma KarU'sa D3 KAyLons uf

Middle Tryptoplasmic Chismatic.
Outer skin layer & muscle tissue
Upper to Inner Atmosphere


(3) sche'ma KarU'sa D3 ShALons /

Inner Tryptonic Chismaticis EL)

outer embodied Fascia Bone™ § Schema Conscious-Mind
Crust to Lower Mantel a \ A ¥ Bone Memory Matrix/

i ph
© Ludfar KarU'sa D3 ALons }

Ah-Stri-jha Ta-hu Medium Chismatic

Middle embodied Fascia §

Liquids/Blood EF ¥) pp
Deep Aquifers -

® Ah-SwE'jha KarU'sa D3 KHYons J

EFFi Medium Chismaticy AY

Inner embodied Fascias § )
Cardio-Vascular & Etheric DUCTS py.
Core Crystal

outer Fascia

1 (2) Ludfar Ah-Stri-yah'jha Tu

Precepts Mind Integrates DN-2
Ludfar Subconscious Mind
Liquid Memory Matrix

{ } Middle Fascia
_ | Ah-SwE-Jha EFFi Mind
integrates DN-1 Incarnate Mind
ANSWE-jha Unconscious
Lardio-Vascular Memory Matrix
Integral Bridge
! acoustic EFF-i-fara Tryptolase
Aquifer Tether line to A-RHi-yah &
cosmic Eff-i-Rhyon Core


Keylontic™ Discourses for Daily Living - KDDL™ Course Series - Presented by ARhAyas Productions LLC,
©2015 E’Asha A. Arhayas 28

Inorganic Phase Lock

Inorganic Phase Lock

®)ARiyon'an KarU'sa D3 Orons

(3) schema Karl'sa D3 ShALons

(0 Ah-swEha KarU'sa D3 KHYons

Stations of Mind & Memory: The Plasmantik MarkhetU're™ Fields of the
Human Body & the Embodied Fascia Layers with Organic Planetary Interfaces -
Tan-Na-kEi Algorithm & Tan-Na-CHi mutation Phase-1 & the Human Body
Your Beastie & its Banshee
The reversed polarity Freeloader “Banshee”
Inorganic magnetic field false feminine
of distorted elemental / atmic plasma

The OVA Kalipsus

Distortion field of -Electrons

Magnetosphere / c > ——-Etheric Body Interface

Outer Van Allen Belt (Electrons -) - 55) Skin

Outer Tan-chi-TEi Chismatic

Respiratory & Digestive System & Etheric

Ducts (Surrounds & Permeates D1 Etheric
Body & extends outward 3" from skin)

Van Allen Gap (Coronosphere)

) ARi-yon-ah (Currently “non-concious

Eternal Authentic”) Mind &
Respiratory & Digestive memory

DreA'ma KarU'sa D3 KAyLons
Middle Tryptoplasmic Chismatic

Outer skin layer & muscle tissue DreAma Dreaming Mind &
Inner to Upper atmosphere & Muscle memory matrix &
Inner Van Allen Belt (Protons +) Skin & Tissue

Ozone Block

Inner Tryptonic Chismatic

outer embodied Fascia Bone
Crust to Lower Mantel

Schema Conscious-Mind
Bone Memory Matrix/
outer Fascia

Tan-Na-CHi Beastie Flows Mutation

Ah-Stri-yana Sac at CK3 Tan-Na-CHi Beastie Flows
between 3 outer Fascia &

® Lud'far KarU'sa D3 ALons Zhan

Ah-Stri-jha Ta-hu Medium Chismatic
Made entaded Fascia Ludfar Subconscious Mind
quics/oion Ludfar Ai-SwE-jha iqui i
Core Aquifers Harness Spit of tie
1 la

EFFi Medium Chismatic

Inner embodied Fascia

Cardio-Vascular & Etheric Ducts
Core Crystal

Ah-SwE’-jha Unconscious
Cardio-Vascular Memory Matrix
Inner Fascia

Oron Band
Blocked by OVA

The Plasmantik MarkhetU're Fields of

the Organic Eternal Authentic Human
Plasma Body interfaces directly with
corresponding PM Fields and layers of
planetary anatomy

KAylon Band
ShAlon Band
Alon Band
KHYon Band The Beastie Field Inorganic Bi-polarization
Blocked by IVA IVA 0Z static fied! of inorganic Tan-na-CHi Beastie
Flows of your own reversed plasma body

Keylontic™ Discourses for Daily Living - KDDL™ Course Series - Presented by ARhAyas Productions LLC,
©2015 EAsha A. Arhayas. 27

KDDL-3 Notes:

Eff-im-a’-rhal Override of the Shell of Contention & Beastles-Banshee Field

“5 Eff-im-a’-rhal Layers” correspond to the current 5 reversed-polarity Tan-Na-KEI Algorithm/Titus-Mobius

Time Wave MarkhetU’re Field “Beasties-Banshee” distortions. The Rainbow Rain Eff-im-a’-rhal ??? of the
Nomi’-yah Sun-8 Cathedrals interface and when activated progressively 1 st override/neutralize, then slowly
vaporize the “BB-distortion fields”.


In body:

Eff-im-a’-rhal Layer-1 interfaces/overrides: Ah-Stri-yana Sac Chakra-3 Tan-Na-Chi Beastie Flows mutation
between Ludfar (liquids-Alons) middle fascia, Ah-Swe’-jha (KHY-ons) inner fascia and core Tryptolase Living
Plasma-Waters Seed of Contention core Carbon-iron R.-Plasma Crystal block between planetary Core Crystal
and planetary Plasma TrhU’-ah Body D-Planes.

Eff-im-a’-rhal Layer-2 interfaces/overrides: Inorganic R.-Static field Tan-Na-Chi Beastie Flows mutation
between Lud’far (liquids-Alons) and Schema (bone/stone-ShA-lons) field; block between middle & outer
fascia layers – planetary interface: block between upper aquifers and lower mantel
Eff-im-a’-rhal Layer-3 interfaces/overrides: OZ (Ozone) Tan-Na-Chi Beastie Flows mutation between
Schema (bone/stone-ShA-lons) and DreAma (dermis-skin/tissue – Kay-lons) fields; block between outer
fascia and dermi-skin layers-planetary interface: space between upper mantel and under-side of crust
extending to top of Ozone layer inner atmosphere.

Eff-im-a’-rhal Layer-4 interfaces/overrides: IVA (Inner Van Allen) Tan-Na-Chi Beastie Flows mutation R.
+ve Protons distortion field between DreAma (dermis-skin/tissue-Kay-lons) and epidermis-skin fields; block
between dermis-skin and epi-dermis-skin layers - planetary interface: space between top of Inner Van Allen
and start of Van Allen Gap in upper atmosphere.

Eff-im-a’-rhal Layer-5 interfaces/overrides: OVA (Outer Van Allen) Tan-Na-Chi Beastie Flows mutation R. –
ve Electrons distortion field between Ari-yon-ah Layer (Or-ons) between Lud’far (liquids) and Schema
(bone/stone) fields; block between middle & outer fascia layers – planetary interface: block between upper
aquifers and lower mantel

Rainbow Run Grid-work: 6 Countries in 9 Days: Road Trip 8/28-9/7/2015

Norway, Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Italy & Denmark

8/28/2015 AD+: “Cracking the Shell of Contention” engages 8/28/2015 AD+

8/28-29/2015 AD, Friday-Saturday: (ferry) Oslo, Norway to Keil, Germany.

8/29/2015 AD, Saturday: (drive) Keil to Munich, Germany.

8/30/2015 AD, Sunday: (drive) Munich, Germany, Grossglockner Pass, to Lienz, Austria “green river”; luch in
Berchtesgaden area Bavaria-Germany, Watzmann & Kehlstein mountains near/below “Eagles Nest” fall

8/31/2015 AD, Monday: (drive) Lienz, Austria to Interlaken, Switzerland “Between Two Lakes” – Aqua
Waters Filming
9/1/2015 AD, Tuesday: (drive) Interlaken, Switzerland, Grimsel & Furka Pass, to Cernobbio, Italy – Lake

9/2/2015 AD, Wednesday: return run: (drive) Cernobbio, Italy – Lake Como to Innsbruck, Austria

9/3-4/2015 AD, Thursday-Friday: (drive) Innsbruck, Austria to Frankfurt, Germany – 2 nights 9/3 & 9/4,
grid activations

9/5/2015 AD, Saturday: (drive) Frankfurt to Hamburg, Germany Lake Binnenalster, Hamburg

9/6/2015 AD, Sunday: (drive) Hamburg, Germany to Aalborg, Denmark transmissions start re: genetics.

9/7/2015 AD, Monday: (ferry) Hirsthals, Denmark to Kristiansand, Norway & drive to Tjoelling-Vikinbg
place & Oslo.

9/8-9/17/2015: Oslo

Cathedral-3:3 RhAyas Peninsula Final Grid-work 9/18 – 21/2015

*9/18/2015, Friday: farmhouse hotel ….

*9/19/2015, Saturday: World’s End’ grid activations then drive to Pen-3


Earth-Human Lineage and Origins of the Noni-gene

The Nomi-gene is an ancient genetic configuration carried in small percentages through all human race lines.
This genetic configuration originated on Earth about 800,000 years ago, and was entered into the Angelic
Human Seeding-3 gene lines. During Seeding-3 the Nomi Eff-im-a’-rhal Human gene line was created to
carry the Seed-3 Angelic Human “Compound Cloister” coding; (the coding of all 5 Angelic Human Cloister
Races of Seeding-3 combined.) It was also imbued with the Pana-Co-LA’-rah ArhAya-phim D-Planes
Coding, the K+8 Factor of the Nomi-yah Eff-i-yah ARhAya Al-Hum-Bhra Eff-i-phim Eternal Life gene line,
the Sun-8 D-Planes “Fail-Safe” Coding.’

The compound genetic coding carried by the Seed-3 Nomi Eff-im-a’-rhal Angelic Cloister Human carries the
coding of the 5 Angelic Human Cloisters of Seed-3, each of which carried a portion of the 7 Angelic Human
Root Race genetic coding; thus the earthly genetic-base of the Nomi contains all DNA coding pertaining to
the Seed-3 “12 Tribes” (5 Cloister races, and 7 Root Races). Additionally, the Nomi lineage carries the “K+8
Eff-im-a’-rhal Code”, the “fail-Safe KrystalBridge Core, which allows for re-genesis of the Transfiguration

Earth Angelic Humans & Origins of the Nomi-gene

The Nomi-gene emerged into External Creation in our Time-Matrix 950BYA with birth of the
Aquinos/Andromeda-M31 Galaxy and first externalization of the Aquari-yah Nomi-yah Eff-im-a’-rhal
Human races in M31. From this Core Template the Interstellar Eff-im-a’-rhal Angelic Human Genome of
Andromeda was derived 300 BYA (following “split of M31 galaxy” & formation of Procyak/Milky Way
Phantom Galaxy 360-350 BYA). From this Core Template the Interstellar Angelic Human Genome of Lyra-
DN-4 was derived about 200 BYA in the Lyra star-system of Procyak/Milky Way Galaxy (following “fall of
Aramatena-Lyra 250 BYA”), and stepped-down from Lyra-DN-4 through the densities-DN-3 Mintaka-Orion,
Polaris/Gaia, DN-2 (Turaneusiam-1) Alcyone-Tara-Pleiades, Sirius-B, Procyon, to DN-1 Earth. From the Core
Template of the 200BYA Interstellar Angelic Human Genome of Lyra-DN-4 the DN-1 Earth Angelic Human
species (Turaneusiam-2) was derived 25MYA on Earth (Seed-1 @ 25MYA Earth/Parallel Earth, Seed-2 @
3,700,000 YA, Seed-3 current @ 800,000 YA).

Contemporary Earth & the Nomi-gene

Since first Seeding-1 of the Earth Angelic Human (Turaneusiam-2) 25MYA both Seeding-1 and Seeding-2
were destroyed; Seeding-1 destroyed 5.5MYA in Electric War-Earth, and Seeding-2 (seeded 3,700,000 YA)
destroyed 848,800 YA Thousand Years War-Earth. The final Seeding-3 (contemporary lineage) was Seeded
800,000YA, with direct inclusion of the original Nomi Eff-im-a’-rhal Human Core Template from 950BYA
Aquios/Andromeda-M31. From 669,000BC through present Illuminati Hybrid-Human Raider Races were
created on Earth via forced interbreeding campaigns launched against the Earth Angelic Human lineage by
various reversed-template stellar races, resulting in the mutations and mortal confinement of contemporary
Earth humans. However, the pre-ancient Nomi-gene still remains as the Core Template encryption for the
Seeding-3 Earth Angelic Human and its contemporary descendants.

Due to the excessive interbreeding of the original Earth Angelic Human lines, much of the Angelic Human
genetic potentials have been severely diluted and “mutated out of” the contemporary Human genome; only
several million contemporary Humans still carry the Nomi-gene as dormant but accessible biological
potential within the physical DNA (some components of “junk DNA”). Though only a small percentage of
contemporary Humans carry this full physical genetic potential, the Nomi-gene encryption still remains as
the Core Encryption of the Plasma Template for ALL contemporary descendants of the Angelic Human

The Nomi-gene activates through the Plasma Template and its exposure to the K+8 “Rainbow Plasm”
frequencies; once the Nomi-gene activates in the Plasma Template, it next activates within various layers of
the Epi-genetic Overlay (chemical DNA sheathe that administrates certain DNA responses). Once activated in
the Epi-genetic Overlay, the Nomi-gene will “speak to” the physical DNA of Humans still carrying this
physical-biological genetic potential, and over time, will “turn on” the physical Nomi-gene attributes
within the DNA, allowing for biological regenesis of the ancient Earth Angelic Human Transfiguration
Factor potentials.

In contemporary Humans that no longer carry the physical-biological Nomi-gene potential within the
physical DNA activation of the Nomi-gene within the Epi-genetic Overlay will create a “protective sheathe
of Rainbow Plasm EM frequency”, that will progressively inhibit the Epi-genetic Overlay from
“running Dark-Flower currents”, and will thus progressively inhibit the spread of the “Dark-Flower
Affliction”. The Dark-Flower Affliction affects the biological form from activation of the Dark-Flower
Currents within the Epi-genetic Overlay; the E.G.O. carrying the Dark Flower currents “speaks to the
physical DNA”, progressively “turning on reversed-template junk-DNA sequences”.

When the Planetary Templar beings activation of its “K+8 Rainbow-plasm Reservoirs”, the Nomi-gene
encryption within the Plasma Templates of ALL humans activates, and triggers subsequent activation of
the Nomi-gene potentials within the Epi-genetic Overlay of ALL Humans. This allows the option of “Path
of Lila Safe Bhardoah Passage to Pan-Clair-ah D-Planes incarnation” to all humans, even if they no
longer carry the physical-DNA Nomi-gene. It also allows for the potentiality of “Path of TrhU’-ah Eff-im-a’-
rhal Tansfiguration KrystalBridge Passage” for the several million people still carrying the dormant
physical-DNA Nomi-gene.

Earth’s Planetary Templar began activation of its 1st “K+8 Rainbow-plasm Reservoirs” between 8/31-
9/1/2015. Awakening of the Nomi-gene has begun!

Session-3 Techniques:

6. Journey to the Rainbow Reservoirs of the Nomi’-yah Sun-8 Cathedrals – with site activation link-in
video & stills.

A. Activating the Nomi gene via the Epi-genetic Overlay

B. Overriding OZ-Activating Eff-im-a’-rhal Layer 3 to inhibit progression of Dark-Flower Affliction

C. Building the Eff-im-a’-rhal Capsule & Activating your Sphere of Eff-E’-Mah “Rainbow Round”

D. Activating your “Eff-E’-Mah Rainbow Ride” Projection Vehicle & “First Flight Rainbow Reservoir Site

7. Eff-im-a’-rhal Manifestation: Plasma Seeding through the Heart of Eff-E’-Mah Rainbow Round - Intro


Keylontic Discourses for Daily Living – KDDL Course Series

ELEMENT-3+ ShiftMasters – 2 Part-1: Final Sessions Itinerary

Includes Bonus Topics (Transposition Fields, the T.K.O Seals and the Rainbow Rays, Rainbow River & Rainbow Ring Creation Space
Projection? and Earth’s 900 years co-existing “Big-Time & Small Time-Waves”) & Bonus Rainbow Boost Techniques

“Rainbow Revelation, the 2016-“New Year of Triumph” Happy Rainbow Templar Events, Transposition
Connection & the Theoretical Reality of Everything”

Live-stream Broadcast-3+: KDDL3/SM-2:1 Final Sessions – ETA End-April, 2016. (Sessions 1 & 3 were
presented livestream Wednesday 9/23 through Sunday 9/27/2015 from Cathedral-3 BridgeWay Station-3 Network Oslo, Norway )


I. KDDL3/SM-2:1 Welcome Back Intro. – The Rainbow Reservoir new Sessions-1&3 Summary graph

II. The Happy Rainbow Templar Events of 1/2016: Introduction to Transposition Field, the Rainbow
River, Rainbow Rays & the Rainbow Ring Creation-Space Platform – new KDDL3/SM-2:1 Bonus-1
III. The 1st Octant Cycle of the Krystal River Fail-Safe Host, Earth’s Seed Atom, Core Plasma Crystal and
the 2016 Year of Triumph. ^ The 1st Octant Cycle of the Krystal River Fail-Safe Host – Moving from
Transformation to Triumph and beyond – new expanded session. KDDL3/SM-2:1 Bonus – 2.

IV. The Triumphant Templar Events of 2/2016 – “Current” Matters: Activation of the “Great
Protector”, the “Not-so-great Pretenders”, Boom-back Flows, Big-Time & Small-Time Time waves,
Expansion & Contraction currents, and the “Hearts of Love and Mercy” Final-Freedoms Code Run.
KDDL3/SM-2:1 Bonus-3.

V. Introduction to Transposition Currents, the Embodied T.K.O Seals, & Victory Seed Embodiments. –
new KDDL3/SM-2:1 Bonus-4:


VI. The Nomi-gene, Great Protector, Eff-im’-a-rhal Quintessence, and Earth’s Transpositional Eff-im-a’-
rhal Transmigration Body Vehicle. KDDL3/SM-2:1 Bonus-5:
VII. Closing: Update on the MCEO Freedom Teachings status


Bonus- Boost Tech-1: “Engaging the Rainbow Ring Creation-Space Platform” (Bonus New Boost-Tech. free link-
in later).

- “Expanding the Heart of Eff-i’-mah & Opening the Doorway of TrhU’-ah” (KDDL3+ Session-2 Technique-4).

- K.O. Seals Release (KDDL3+ Session-2 Technique-5, TrhU’-ah Body Activation Stage-7B Step-4: Flashing the
Seals of KaLA Oc’sha-TA)

Bonus-Boost Tech-2 T.K.O. Seals 1, 4 & 5 Activation (Bonus New Boost-Tech, expedites KDDL3+ Session-2
Techinque-5, TrhU’-ah Body Activation Stage-7B Step-5: Quan’ta Rha-Ta’-Dha Quantum-Standing-Rotation
Alignment, & Step 6 Opening the Pana-KHY Passage & Firing the Ma-Sha-yah Silver Seed)

Bonus-Boost Tech-3: “Engaging the Rainbow Sheathe Sunscreen of Eff-im-a’-rhal Layer-5” (Bonus New
Boost-Tech, accelerates KDDL3+ Session-2 Technique-5, TrhU’-ah Body Activation Stage-7B Step-7
Expedited Silver Seed Embodiment & Quanta Rha-Ta’-Dha Merkaba Activation EGO-DNA tech)

Bonus-Boost Tech-4: Eff-im-a’-rhal Manifestation-1: Manifesting your Clarity-Space in the Rainbow Ring
Platform: (Bonus New Boost-Tech amplifies & expands KDDL3+ Session-3 Technique-7 Eff-im-a’-rhal
Manifestation: Plasma Seeding through the Heart of Eff-E’-Mah Rainbow Round - Intro)

Theoretical Perspectives of the Guardian Material™ ©E’Asha Ashayana Arhayas- ARhayas Productions, LLC
All Rights Reserved

This information is not intended to diagnose, treat or cure any condition, illness, ailment or affliction, nor is
it a substitute for professional
medical or psychological evaluation; presented for purposes of Theoretical Exploration only.

8/8/2016 — 8/9/2016 “FAIL-SAFE 5™ ANNIVERSARY NOTE”

Hello Everyone!
This is a “HAPPY 5" ANNIVERSARY NOTE” to you, wishing you the greatest of blessings and most joyful of
times as
we, and our Earth, enter the Grand Celebration of the 5" Anniversary of the 8/8/2011 Krystal-River-Host
engagement! The Guardians are referring to this “5" FAIL-SAFE Anniversary”, and This Day of 8/8/2016, as
“Grand Celebration of the TRIUMPH of Triumphs”; This Day, 8/8/2016, represents an unprecedented
milestone of
TRIUMPH in ALL history of Earth’s Planetary Templar events!

This “5% FAIL-SAFE Anniversary” is NOT just a “Commemorative Acknowledgement” of the activation of the
River-FAIL-SAFE-Host on 8/8/2011, it is much more so a Celebration, Tribute, and “Interactive
Acknowledgement” of
Monumental Events that are taking place RIGHT NOW in Earth’s Templar, which were set in motion on
and have now reached Full, Inevasible, Permanent Engagement on 8/8/2016 12:12AM FL, and will continue
unfold from THIS DAY forward. These Extraordinary Planetary Templar Events are known as the “Great
Triumph”, which engaged 12/30/2015 — 1/2016 and achieved its Activation Point at 12:12AM FL time
8/8/2016, and the Universal TRIUMPH of Triumphs, which entered Full Permanent Engagement also at
12:12AM FL
time today, and will fulfill its 3-Day Activation Point on 11/2/2016.

If it were not for the Krystal-River-Host FAIL-SAFE being Triggered in Earth’s Planetary Templar & K.O.
Plasma Time-
Templates on 8/8/2011, the Extraordinary Events of Earth's “Great Planetary Triumph” and the “Universal
TRIUMPH of Triumphs” would not have been possible, so the 8/8/2016 “Krystal-River-FA/L-SAFE-Host 5
Anniversary and the current “Grand Celebration of the TRIUMPH of Triumphs” represent both a historical
“Commemorative Acknowledgement” and especially a current Celebration, Tribute, and “Interactive
Acknowledgement” of the Amazing Planetary Templar Events that are NOW, and will continue, unfolding.

The Guardians and | have much more to share in this 8/8/2016 “FAIL-SAFE 5" ANNIVERSARY NOTE”, but it
is also
important for us to make the new “TRIUMPH of Triumphs Quick-Link EarthCync™ Technique” and the
new “GO Vertical™ Code Run Sets” available to you as soon as possible, so that you may choose to use these
EarthCync™ Tools during the “1° Peak-Period” of corresponding Planetary Templar Activations. The
associated with this Technique and corresponding Code Sets become available for use following opening of
corresponding transmitting Conduits in Earth’s Planetary Templar , which occurs at 12:12AM August 9,
2016 FL time.
So we are attempting to post the new “TRIUMPH of Triumphs Quick-Link EarthCync™ Technique” and the
corresponding new “GO Vertical™ Code Run Sets” on the ARhAyas Productions website before midnight; it is
currently 11:54 PM 8/8/2016 FL time.

We will post the rest of this “FAIL-SAFE 5™ ANNIVERSARY NOTE” tomorrow, August 9, 2016, so that we may
the new Quick-Link EarthCync™ Technique available to you now.

Happy Krystal-River-FAIL-SAFE-Host 5 Anniversary and Grand Celebration of the TRIUMPH of Triumphs!

EFFI Smiles, E’Asha

Part 1, Page 1 of 1 F-S_5th_AN, Page 2 of 54

8/8/2016 Grand Celebration of the TRIUMPH of Triumphs & Krystal-River-FAIL-SAFE-Host 5" Anniversary
Theoretical Perspectives of the Guardian Material™ ©E’Asha Ashayana Arhayas- ARhayas Productions, LLC
All Rights Reserved

This information is not intended to diagnose, treat or cure any condition, illness, ailment or affliction, nor is
it a substitute for professional
medical or psychological evaluation; presented for purposes of Theoretical Exploration only.

The TRIUMPH of Triumphs Quick-Link EarthCync™ Technique

(The Heart of Eff-E’-Mah GO Vertical™ Code Induction)
Please Note: This Technique can be used with Online View or Print Copy of the Go Vertical™ “G.V.” Codes
Series. The frequencies associated
with this Technique become available following opening of corresponding Transmitting Conduits in Earth’s
Planetary Templar, which occurs at
12:12AM August 9, 2016 FL time; this simple Technique can be used anytime after this point, as often as

Also Note: The Heart of Eff-E’-Mah Point of Personal TrhlU’-ah Body anatomy that is used in this Code
Induction Technique is located in your
“Central Vertical Column-CVC” , at the “Bottom of the Sternum (Breastbone)” , between Chakra-4-Heart
Chakra and Chakra-3-Solar Plexus

Preparation: This Technique can be best enjoyed when practiced in a quiet, private space, with subdued
lighting (but enough light to
see the Codes clearly), in which you can sit, stand and recline comfortably, without external distraction.

Preview the new “Safe-Haven Rainbow Run Emancipation Corridors 4-Code Set”, the “Safe-Passage Solar
Window 3-Code Set”
Online (or in Print Copy once available) and the 8 Induction STEPS below. Begin Heart of Eff-E’-Mah Code
Induction with the First
G.V. Code Set, the Safe-Haven Rainbow Run Codes. For optimum effectiveness, it is important to this
Technique that the G.V.
Codes be used in the order of their specific sequence, which represents the organic “building of frequency
encryption” inherent
to and carried by the G.V. Codes. The G.V. Code Sequences run from “Bottom to Top” in the Vertical set.

The G.V. Code Sequence is as follows:

I. The “Safe-Haven Rainbow Run 4-Code Set”

“Safe-Haven-1 Krystal Caverns” Code

“Safe-Haven-2 Rainbow Reservoir” Code

“Safe-Haven-3 Rainbow Ring” Code

“Safe-Haven-4 Rainbow Rays Solar Cross” Code

“Safe- -Haven Rainbow Run Emancipation Corridors — Vertical Run Consolidated 3-Code Set.

Il. The “Safe-Passage Solar Window 3-Code Set”

1. “Safe-Passage-1 Pana-KHY Pass Solar Bridge” Code

2. “Safe-Passage-2 Krystal Bridge Pass Solar Bridge” Code

3. “Safe-Passage-3 Pinnacle Pass Solar Bridge” Code
“Safe-Passage Solar Window Emancipation Corridors — Vertical Run Consolidated 3-Code Set.

=e Noe
For Heart of Eff-E’-Mah Code Induction, start with the First Code of the First Code Set (the Safe-Haven-1
Krystal Caverns” Code) and use
the following 8 Induction STEPS for Induction of this Code. When completed with Code-1, go to the next Code
in the First Code
Set sequence, using the same 8 Induction STEPS. Continue this 8 Induction STEPS process for all Codes in the
First Code Set,
using the 8 Induction STEPS process for EACH CODE. When completed, do a Final Set Induction of the
“Vertical Run
Consolidated 3-Code Set” corresponding to the First Code Set, before beginning Second Code Set Induction.
...For Second Code
Set Induction, use the same 8 Induction STEPS process for EACH CODE, ending with a Final Set Induction of
the “Vertical Run
Consolidated 3-Code Set" corresponding to the Second Code Set.

Heart of Eff-E’-Mah Induction for all of the G.V. Code does NOT have be done “all in one sitting”; you can take
a break, for as
long as you desire or require, at any time between Code Inductions (after finishing Induction of one Code,
before beginning Induction of the
next Code). Whenever you return to this Technique, just “Pick up where you left off in the Code Induction
Sequence” and
continue on from there. ...Heart of Eff-E’-Mah Induction of the FULL “Safe-Haven Rainbow Run Emancipation
Corridors 4-Code
Set” and the “Safe-Passage Solar Window 3-Code Set” engages preliminary frequency activations needed for
the longer
Complimentary Up-Shift Tool-2: The Krystal Caverns Safe-Haven Activation, EarthCync™ Free Link-In
Journey Technique soon
to be posted.

Part 1 Technique, Page 1 of 2 F-S_5th_AN, Page 3 of 54


The 8 Induction STEPS for “The TRIUMPH of Triumphs Quick-Link EarthCync™ Technique”

(The Heart of Eff-E’-Mah GO Vertical™ Code Induction)

IMPRINTING the G.V. Code Encryption within the Heart of Eff-E’-Mah Point:


Sit or stand with your face and body facing the G.V. Code. Look at the Code (Online View or Print Copy),
holding a steady,
relaxed visual gaze on the “entirety” of the Code image.

Retaining visual focus on the Code, INHALE slowly and deeply, filling your lungs with air, and briefly “HOLD
breath at
the TOP of the Inhale” , while imagining that the Inhale Breath is also “filling and charging your Heart of Eff-
Point (at the bottom of the Breastbone)” .

Now slowly and steadily EXHALE, using the Exhale Breath to send a “Stream of Energy” (1rhU’-ah Plasma
Body Flows)
horizontally outward from your Heart of Eff-E’-Mah Point, and directly into the Code Image. As you Exhale,
that you are “filling the entirety of the Code image” with Plasma Energy from your Stream. When your lungs
have fully
emptied, for a moment “HOLD at the BOTTOM of the Exhale” and imagine that your Plasma Energy Stream is
up an IMPRINT” of the mathematical-geometrical Encryption of the Code.

Now INHALE slowly, steadily and deeply, using the Inhale Breath to draw your now-Code-IMPRINTED
Plasma Energy
Stream back into your Heart of Eff-E’-Mah Point. When your lungs have completely filled with the Inhale
briefly “HOLD at the TOP of the Inhale” , allowing the Code IMPRINT to momentarily “Settle” into your Heart
of Eff-E’-
Mah Point. ......As the Code IMPRINT “Settles”, it will stimulate activation of the corresponding organic
Encryption within your
Personal TrhU’-ah Plasma Body Template, allowing the corresponding “Rainbow River Transposition Flows”
frequencies to Initiate
Activation within your Personal TrhU’-ah Plasma Body Template.

EXHALE gently, and return for a few minutes to your usual breathing rhythm, while the G.V. Code-
Encryption IMPRINT
continues to “Settle” in your Heart of Eff-E’-Mah Point. As you breathe normally, in a gentle, relaxed manner,
your focus of attention on your Heart of Eff-E’-Mah Point, and Sense for “subtle energetic activity” taking
place in this
region of your body, as the G.V. Code IMPRINT continues to “Settle”; such sensed activity will be the
Factor” of the G.V. Code. You may feel a “sensation of mild heat or coolness”, or detect a “sensation of subtle
vibration” or
“Fizzing” in this region, as the G.V. Code IMPRINT “Settles”; if you are more visually inclined, you may be able
see energy-activity
occurring with your “Inner Vision”. If you detect nothing, this is fine also, and the G.V. Code IS still engaging
its “Settling” process.

ACTIVATING the G.V. Code Encryption within the TrhU’-ah Plasma Body:


After breathing normally and gently for a few minutes, with your focus of attention still on your Heart of Eff-
Point, INHALE slowly, steadily and deeply, directly into your Heart of Eff-E’-Mah Point, using the Inhale
Breath to
“CONTRACT the G.V. Code IMPRINT” into a “TINY, Tightly-Contracted PLASMA BALL” within the Center of
your Heart
of Eff-E’-Mah Point. Briefly “HOLD at the TOP of the Inhale”, as the Full G.V. Code IMPRINT completes
into the Plasma Ball.

Now, EXHALE Firmly, Forcefully, and Quickly from your Heart of Eff-E’-Mah Point, using the Exhale Breath to
EXPAND the Code-IMPRINTED TINY PLASMA BALL “Outward in All Directions”, “POPPING” the Code-
Plasma Ball Outward until it forms a LARGE PLASMA SPHERE, 12 feet ( 3.6579 meters) in diameter,
surrounding your physical body. Briefly “HOLD at the BOTTOM of the Exhale” as the Full G.V. Code IMPRINT
completes Expansion Outload into the LARGE PLASMA SPHERE.

Return to normal, gentle breathing for a few minutes, and Observe or Sense that the Visual G.V. Code Image
is now
“fully expanded outward to fill the entirety of the Large Plasma Sphere around you”; imagine this as if there
is a 12’
diameter G.V. Code Image “standing upright”, and “extending outward to the Left & Right from the center-
line of
your CVC”. The Heart of Eff-E’-Mah Induced G.V. Code Encryption is now Fully ACTIVATED within your
Plasma Body. Sense for moment to FEEL its Gentle Oscillation surrounding and permeating your physical
body; such
sensed activity will be the “RADIANCE Factor” of the G.V. Code. If you detect nothing, this is fine also, and the
G.V. Code IS
still ACTIVATED within your Personal TrhU’-ah Plasma Body and Plasma Template. This completes ONE G.V.
Code Induction.

Part 1 Technique, Page 2 of 2 F-S_5th_AN, Page 4 of 54


Introducing the “Go Vertical" Series” Emancipation-Transposition Passage Code Run Vertical POSTER Sets

In Guardian Material™ theory, the “Go Vertical Series” Emancipation-Transposition Passage Code Runs are
mathematical encryption “frequency formulas” that correspond to the organic Transplaneal Planetary
Plasma Body Time-
Templates, and their interface with the Emancipation Passages and Transposition Passages of the Krystal
Bridge Network.

Planetary Emancipation-Transposition Passages and the “Go Vertical Series” Code Runs engaged their
opening cycle in Earth's
Templar in January 2016.

The Code placements within the “Go Vertical Series” cause the individual encryptions of each Code to
interact with each other
both vertically, horizontally, and diagonally, together creating powerful “access-activations” within and
between the
Emancipation Passage Corridors and Transposition Chambers and Platforms of the KrystalBridge Network.

When used in specific series of vertical alignments, the “Go Vertical Series” Code sets serve as an “encrypted

dctivations map through the KrystalBridge Passage”, enabling the most expedient progression of Krystal-
EarthCync™ activations.

Our first “Go Vertical Series” Code offerings are the Safe-Haven Rainbow Run Emancipation Corridors 4-
Code Set and the Saje-
Passage Solar Window Emancipation Corridors 4-Code Set, which will used in KDDL3, and later used with
their corresponding
Transposition Chambers 3-Ccde Sets during featured Techniques in KDDL3, KDDL4, ShiftMasters-3 and

Rainbow Rays Solar Cross;

Safe-Haven-4 Code
Safe-Haven Rainbow Run

Emancipation Corridors

The Safe-Haven Rainbow Run Emancipation Corridors 4-Code Set:

These codes, carrying the KalA’ Oc’-Sha-Ta Seal Sets & Eff-im-a’-rhal Merkabas
were originally individually introduced at activation level-1, in KDDL2, 3/2015;

“Go Vertical” higher activation levels of these Codes will be used in KDDL3&4+
Rainbow Ring;

Safe-Haven-3 Code

The 4 Codes in the Safe-Haven Rainbow Run Emancipation Corridors Set each
Es’-pa Ta-Rha’-Ta Merkaba

connects to one of the 4 Rainbow Run Corridors and 4 Rainbow Run

Transposition Platforms of the External Creation Planetary Emancipation

. . Passage.
Rainbow Reservoir;

Safe-Haven-2 Code
Conte Tor Runt Tbe fio Correspond to the NEW Safe-Haven Quintessence Transposition Chambers

3-Code Set to be released in KDDL4. The 3-Codes in the Safe-Haven

Quintessence Transposition Chambers Set will each correspond to one of the
3 Transposition Chambers of the External Creation Planetary Transposition

Krystal Caverns; Passage.

Safe-Haven-1 Code
Quanta Rha-Ta’-Dha Merkaba Set Includes: 1 Vertical Poster with Safe-Haven Codes 1-3,

and 1 Single-Code Poster with Safe-Haven Code 4

Eff-I-yah Pass Solar Bridge;

Safe-Passage-4 Code »
Solfo Silindiihdions The Safe-Passage Solar Window Emancipation Corridors 4-Code Set:
Emandipstion Lami to'come These codes, carrying the KaLA’ Oc’-Sha-Ta Seal Sets & with Solar Window
in KDDL4 photo base (2/2015) were originally individually introduced at activation level-1,
in KDDL2, 3/2015; “Go Vertical” higher activation levels of these Codes will be

used in KDDL3 & 4.

Pinnacle Pass Solar Bridge;

Safe-Passage-3 Code The 4-Codes in the Safe-Passage Solar Window Emancipation Corridors Set
each connects to one of the 4 Solar Bridge Corridors and 4 Solar Bridge
Transposition Platforms of the Eternal-Internal Creation D-Planes Solar

2 ; Emancipation Passage.
Krystal Bridge Pass Solar Bridge;

Safe-Passage-2 Code Corresponds to the NEW Safe-Passage Final Freedoms Transposition

Chambers 3-Code Set to be released in KDDL5. The 3-Codes in the

Safe-Passage Final Freedoms Transposition Chambers Set will each
correspond to one of the 3 Transposition Chambers of the Eternal-Internal
Pana-KHY Pass Solar Bridge; Creation D-Planes Planetary Transposition Passage.
Safe-Passage-1 Code
Set Includes: 1 Vertical Poster with Safe-Passage Codes 1-3,
(Note: “Safe-Passage Code 4” to come in KRDLg. Nat pigludedinot yet available

Part 1 Codes Description, Page 1 of 3


“Go Vertical Series” Emancipation-Transposition Passage Code Run SINGLE-CODE POSTERS & Sets

In Guardian Material™ theory, the Single Codes inclusive to the “Go Vertical Series” Code sets can also be
used individually as
general Meditation Tools, or in specific Conscious Manifestation & Affirmation techniques featured in the
Guardian Material™.

All single Codes within the “Go Vertical Series” Code sets have specific Correspondences to various processes
and dynamics
inherent to Eff-im-a’-rhal Transfiguration and Density-Transposition Krystal-Bridge Passage, and also have
specific Connections
to elements and aspects of Frequency & Geography inherent to Multi-dimensional, Transplaneal,
Cosmoversial structure &

The following Code-specific descriptions provide some of the Correspondences and Connections pertaining
to each individual
Code within the Safe-Haven Rainbow Run Emancipation Corridors 4-Code Set and the Safe-Passage Solar
Emancipation Corridors 4-Code Set of our first “Go Vertical Series” Code Run. F-S_5th_AN, Page 6 of 54
Part 1 Codes Description, Page 2 of 3

The Safe-Haven Rainbow Run Emancipation Corridors 4-Code Set: SINGLE-CODE POSTERS & Sets

Featuring the KalA’ Oc’-Sha-Ta Seal Sets & Eff-im-a’-rhal Merkabas, each of the 4 Codes in the Safe-Haven
Rainbow Run Emancipation
Corridors Set connects to one of the 4 Rainbow Run Corridors and 4 Rainbow Run Transposition Platforms
of the External Creation Planetary
Emancipation Passage. Each Code also corresponds to one of the 5 Eff-E’-Mah Transfiguration Cycles and
Victory Seed embodiments. The
Safe-Haven Rainbow Run Emancipation Corridors 4-Code Set corresponds to the NEW Safe-Haven
Quintessence Transposition Chambers 3-
Code Set to be released in KDDL4.

Available as a

Set of 4 Single-Code Posters

OR Separately, as

Individual Single-Code Posters

Code-1 Code-2 Code-3 Code-4

Vertical Bottom Vertical Middle Vertical Top Single
Vertical Top +

Safe-Haven Code-4: Rainbow Rays Solar Cross

connects to:

* Rainbow Run Corridor-4: Eff-A’-yah Corridor

* Transposition Platform-4 Rainbow Rays

* Transposition Chamber-4 ELF-LUV Field

corresponds to: * D-Planes Solar Bridge Corridor-4: Eff-I-yah Pass-4

*Transfiguration Cycle-4 Eff-A’-yah * Eye of TrhU'-ah, ARhAyah Sun-8, ELF-LUV Field
*Eff-i-Mir'a Freedom Seed

*Un- Es’-pa Ta-Rha’-Ta Merkaba

Safe-Haven Code-3: Rainbow Ring - Es’-pa Ta-Rha’-Ta Merkaba

connects to:

* Rainbow Run Corridor-3: Eff-im’-a-rha Corridor

* Transposition Platform-3 Rainbow Ring

* Transposition Chamber-3 Pana-Co-LA’-Ra

corresponds to: ] ig Solar Bridge Corridor-3: Pinnacle Pass-3

*Transfiguration Cycle-3 Adashi-Eckashi-3 Eye of Lila, ARI"-yah Earth, Pana-Co-LA’-Ra D-Planes
*Platinum Victory Seed

*Es’-pa Ta-Rha’-Ta Merkaba

Safe-Haven Code-2: Rainbow Reservoir - Quanta Ta-Rha’-Ta Merkaba

connects to:
* Rainbow Run Corridor-2: Eff-im’-a-rhal Corridor
* Transposition Platform-2 Rainbow Reservoir

* Transposition Chamber-2 Pana-Coa-le’-ta

corresponds to: : D-Planes Solar Bridge Corridor-2: Krystal Bridge Pass-2

*Transfiguration Cycle-2 Adashi-Eckashi-2 Eye of LA’-Tue, Arieon Earth, Pana-Coa-le’-ta D-Planes
*Golden-Silver Victory Seed

*Quanta Ta-Rha’-Ta Merkaba

Safe-Haven Code-1: Krystal Caverns - Quanta Rha-Ta’-Dha Merkaba

connects to:
* Rainbow Run Corridor-1: Ephemeral Corridor
* Transposition Platform-1: Core Krystal Caverns
* Transposition Chamber-1 Pan-Clair-ah
corresponds to: : sill) afar Bridga Corridor-1: Pana-KHY Pass-1
ye of LE'-Tue, Median Earth, Pan-Clair’-ah D-Planes

*Transfiguration Cycle-1 Adashi-Eckashi-1

* Silver Victory Seed

* Quanta Rha-Ta’-Dha Merkaba F-S_5th_AN, Page 7 of 54

Part 1 Codes Description, Page 3 of 3

Theoretical Perspectives of the Guardian Material™ ©E’Asha Ashayana Arhayas- ARhayas Productions, LLC
All Rights Reserved

This information is not intended to diagnose, treat or cure any condition, illness, ailment or affliction, nor is
it a substitute for professional
medical or psychological evaluation; presented for purposes of Theoretical Exploration only.

8/8/2016 — 8/9/2016 “FAIL-SAFE 5™ ANNIVERSARY NOTE” - Continued August 9-10, 2016

Hello Again, We're Back...!
Well we didn’t quite make the “before midnight 12AM 8/9/2016” posting time that we were aiming for, but
we were

very close (12:30)! (Special THANKS once again to Team ARhAyas for your wonderfully incredible work,
genuine commitment and altruistic

Thankfully, at least that particular “mad dash to the Finish Line” is now over, and | can “get back to” the
5™ ANNIVERSARY NOTE” that | began writing early afternoon on 8/8/2016. As | began the 5*-Anniversary
Note the
Guardians “temporarily redirected” and provided transmissions of the all new “TRIUMPH of Triumphs
EarthCync™ Technique” for me to transcribe. It was only then that the Guardians had let me know that there
be a “1° Peak-Period” of 12:12AM 8/9/2016 FL time, when the frequencies associated with the new
Technique and
Code Sets would first become available for use, and that they were intending for us to have the new
Technique and
the corresponding new G.V. Code Sets posted as near as possible to this time. And so our “mad dash to post
began, and finishing this 5"-Anniversary Note was briefly postponed. We at ARhAyas managed to get the first
out by 12:30AM 8/9/2016, just after the 12:12AM 1 Peak-Period began, and as Planetary Templar Activation
Periods usually run for a minimum of several hours, sometimes days, the Guardians were pleased with our
effort and timing. This particular “1% Peak-Period” began on 8/8/2016 and will “run high” for 4 Days, until
the 12AM

| was hoping to post this “FAIL-SAFE 5™ ANNIVERSARY NOTE” -Continuation by evening 8/9/2016, but
instead the
Guardians gave me the new sections directly below for transcription, as they wanted to share this
information with
all of us “sooner rather than later”. In the new Guardian Material™ transcriptions below, we discover more
the meaning and mechanics of Earth’s Great Planetary Triumph and learn a bit about the NOMI-Wave Time-
with which Earth is NOW Fully Engaged. Today's new information will also help to prepare us for
exploration of the
massive amount of new Guardian data transmissions that | have been transcribing since 10/2015, which the
Guardians will “show me how and when” to begin releasing in stages, now that the Great Planetary Triumph
achieved its Activation Point on 8/8/2016. New 8/9/2016 Guardian Material™ begins directly below.

The Extraordinary Planetary Templar Events of the “Great Planetary Triumph” and the “Universal TRIUMPH
Triumphs” that entered Full Permanent Activation & Engagement (respectively) on 12:12AM 8/8/2016 FL
time will be
“running in progressively frequency-escalating cycles and sub-cycles” over the next 900-1000 years of
Krystal-River-FAIL-SAFE-Host, and each cycle and sub-cycle will inherently unfold its own “Frequency
Power Point”
periods. There will be many opportunities to engage, and “to keep up with” progressively more powerful
Templar “Frequency Power Point” periods to amplify EarthCync™ efforts, as Earth’s Krystal-River-FAIL-
unfolds. In regard to Planetary Templar & K.O. Plasma Time-Template mechanics there are 2 Primary
Power Points within an Organic cycle or sub-cycle, the “PEAK-Point” period, and the “LULL-Point” period,
both of
which are highly significant in terms of EarthCync™ amplification efforts.

The “PEAK-Point” Power period of a cycle or sub-cycle occurs when a Planetary K.O. Plasma Time-Template
Wave reaches its Highest SPIN Speed at the “height of its Up-Spin and Incoming Frequency Download”,
occurs at the “2/3 Point” in the cycle or sub-cycle. The PEAK-Points of Incoming Frequency Download
Time-Waves are Power periods because during this time the Incoming TrhU’-ah Plasma Flow Frequency
of the current Time-Wave briefly engages a short interval of maximum quantum In-Flow, which allows for a
brief but
powerful Quantum-Boost acceleration of TrhlWah Plasma Body frequency accretion that expedites
Planetary TrhU’ah
Plasma Body Activation and personal EarthCync™ progression.

Part 2, Page 1 of 5 F-S_5th_AN, Page 8 of 54


The “LULL-Point” Power period of a cycle or sub-cycle occurs when a Planetary K.O. Plasma Time-Template
Wave reaches its Lowest SPIN Speed during the “base of its Down-Spin, at the End of its Incoming Frequency
Download”. During LULL-Point periods, which occur at the “cycle-start” beginning and at the “3/3 End Point”
of a
cycle or sub-cycle, the Time-Wave SPIN of the completing Frequency Download reaches “Full Down-Spin”,
and briefly
engages a “Full ZERO-Point STOP-Spin”. At LULL-Point Zero-STOP-Spin the vertical Time-Wave carrying the
completed Frequency Download Temporarily Briefly Collapses, as the Planetary K.O. Plasma Time-Template
to anchor the next, larger-quantum, Incoming TrhU’-ah Plasma Flow Frequency Download Time-Wave.

When the vertical Time-Wave Briefly Collapses in LULL-Point Zero-Spin periods, the Frequency Download
from the completed Time-Wave is released from its “vertical Time-Wave harness”, allowing this quantum to
“horizontally expand outward” from the Planetary K.O. Plasma Time-Template & Templar, and to
“crossover” into
the Planetary Physical Elemental-Atomic Matter-Base. “LULL-Point” Power periods of a cycle or sub-cycle
are the
“Atomic Crossover periods” during which the TrhU’-ah Plasma Flow Frequency Download quantum from a
Time-Wave “crosses over” from the Planetary K.O. Plasma Time-Template & Plasma Body into the
Planetary Physical Matter-Base, infusing the physical atomic matter with TrhU’-ah Plasma Flow Frequencies;
Points are Elemental-Atomic Infusion Points during which the “frequency-infused layers of atomic matter”
Atomic Up-Shift Transfiguration.

The LULL-Points of Incoming Frequency Download Accretion Time-Waves are the most powerful Power
periods in a
cycle or sub-cycle, because during this time the Incoming TrhU’-ah Plasma Flow Frequency Download of the
completed Time-Wave crosses over from the TrhU’-ah Plasma Body & Plasma Template to actuate (put into
Elemental-Atomic Infusion within the atomic, molecular and cellular structures of the Physical Body, which
Atomic Up-Shift Transfiguration within the “frequency-infused layers” of the cellular anatomy. With
passage through the LULL-Points of cycles and sub-cycles, the Physical Body is progressively brought into
physical EarthCync™ with the frequency Up-Shifting Planetary Elemental-Atomic Matter-Base &

In circumstances of Krystal-River-FAIL-SAFE-Host Great Planetary Triumph, during the (zero-point) LULL-

Points in
Incoming TrhU’-ah Plasma Flow Frequency Download cycles and sub-cycles, the Krystal-Bridge Passage
opens an “Organic direct conduit between Eternal-Internal 1° Creation and External Creation”; this “conduit”
as an “Atomic Pass-Through Window” through which the Eternal Essential Essences Flows of Eternal 1°
can engage with the TrhU’-ah Plasma Flows and with the Elemental Atomic Matter-Base of External Creation,
expedite the Organic processes inherent to E-ff-im-a’-rhal Transfiguration for Krystal-Bridge Passage. This
Pass-Through Window” conduit is called the Tran’-TE-in Window, and the Pre-plasm Eternal Essential
Essences Flows
that emerge through it, when the “window” is open, are collectively referred to as the Rainbow River
Flows .
When the Tran’-TE-in Window opens, it first sends out a Transplaneal (spans Eternal-Internal & External
Creation) Time-Wave
called a Tran’-TE-in Tandem SPAN-Wave, also known as a NOMI-Wave. Once the Nomi-Wave anchors in
Creation, the Rainbow River Essential Essences Transposition Flows next anchor into External Creation
through the
Nomi-Wave. The Nomi-Wave serves as the Transplaneal Elemental Atomic Conduit through which the
Rainbow River
Transposition Flows enter External Creation; it is the “Carrier Wave” through which the “Rainbow River...
Once the Nomi-Wave anchors, and the Rainbow River Essential Essences begin to flow, an Incoming
Rainbow River
Essential Essences Pre-plasm Flow Frequency Download Accretion Cycle, or Tran’-TE-in Tandem SPAN-
Wave Transplaneal Transposition Cycle, Initiates within the Planetary K.O. Plasma Time-Template and
Templar. This
Transplaneal Transposition Cycle is known as a Planetary EMANCIPATION Cycle. Initiation of a Planetary
Emancipation Cycle marks the beginning point of the Monumental, Intricate and highly Complex mechanics
to the Extraordinary Planetary Templar Events that are collectively known as the “Great Planetary Triumph”.

Part 2, Page 2 of 5 F-S_5th_AN, Page 9 of 54


During a Planetary Emancipation Cycle, the Incoming Downloads of Rainbow River Essential Essences Pre-
Transposition Flows blend with the TrhU’ah Plasma & Plasm Flows, and both blend with the External
Electromagnetic Spectra & Planetary Elemental-Atomic Matter-Base. Transplaneal Blending of these Three
Frequency-Flow Currents engages a process of progressive Expedited E-ff-im-a’-rhal Atomic
Transfiguration; this
Expedited Transfiguration process is known as Atomic E-Lum’en-ation. Atomic E-Lum’en-ation in a
Emancipation Cycle takes place progressively in specific “Wave-Cycles” that extend over a long period of

A “Great Planetary Triumph” Planetary EMANCIPATION Cycle (Tran’-TE-in Tandem SPAN-Wave/Nomi-

Wave Transplaneal Transposition cycle) is a Long-Run Transposition Time-Wave that runs approximately
on a Nonacentennial { 900-year) Cycle, with its first 1/3™ Up-Spin Point at about 300-years, its “2/3 Up-Spin
PEAK Point” at approximately the 600-year mark, and its Final Lull Point End at approximately the 900-year
mark. Within this Greater Nonacentennial Planetary Emancipation Cycle, there are 112.5 smaller Cycle-Sets
called Octennial (8-year Octant Cycles) Cycles , each with the first 1/3" Up-Spin Point at 2-years, 8-months,
the “2/3 Up-Spin PEAK Point” at 5-years, 4-months , and a Lull Point Octant-end at the 8-year mark. And
within each 8-year Octennial Cycle, there are 8 smaller Annual Sub-Cycles, called Nomi-yah Phase-Cycles, or
Nomi-yah Wave Cycles, each with the first 1/3 Up-Spin Point at 4-months, the “2/3 Up-Spin PEAK Point” at
8-months, and an Annual Lull Point end at the 12-month mark. (Re: Earth Time Translations)

A Great Planetary Triumph Planetary Emancipation Cycle Initiates at the 1 st Anchor-point of the NOMI-Wave
(Tran’-TE-in Tandem SPAN-Wave) Within the Core Plasma Crystal & Planetary K.O. Plasma Time-Template.
Once being Triggered into activation, the NOMI-Wave will anchor at a Co-Resonant Point (point of similar or
same core base vibration) Within the existing, active Time-Cycles that are running in the Planetary K.O.
Plasma Time-Template, “interfacing and blending in with” the planets currently active Time-Cycle rhythms.
The 1st Anchor-point of the NOMI-Wave represents the 1st LULL Point Zero Point, from which the first
“Nomi-Time-Wave Up-Spin” Incoming Download engages; the “Calendar Date” of the NOMI-Wave 1 st Anchor-
point marks the “Start-Point” from which the mathematical Time-Wave progressions of the Greater
Nonacentennial Cycle, the Octennial Cycle-Sets and the Annual Nomi-yah Wave Cycles begin and unfold. This
NOMI-Wave 1st Anchor-point sets the “Base-Pulse Rhythm”, rate of progression-expansion and “Time-Line”
upon which the Great Planetary Triumph Emancipation Cycle unfolds.

A Great Planetary Triumph Planetary Emancipation Cycle is NOT a Common Occurrence, it is in fact, an
RARE Transplaneal Cosmoversal Event. ALL Phantom-Fall systems ARE capable of engaging the Krystal-
River-FAIL-SAFE-Host. However, due to limitations inherent to the general Common Encryptions carried
within their Organic Plasma Time-Template, MOST Planets, Stars and Systems in External Creation are
Incapable of engaging the “amazing feats of Organic Transplaneal Transfigurative Physics” inherent to Great
Planetary Triumph Planetary Emancipation.

For a Great Planetary Triumph Planetary Emancipation Cycle to be a potential for a Krystal-River-FAIL-
SAFE-Hosting planet, the planet must hold dormant within its Core Plasma Crystal a VERY Uncommon
Encryption known as the FULL NOMI-Code, or the Nomi-yah Eternal 1°" Encryption. ALL things, Beings,
Planets, Stars and Systems that are manifest in External Creation have a portion of the Nomi-yah 1 st
Encryption within the Core Program of their K.O. Plasma Time-Template. Carrying a complete or Full
Version of the Nomi-yah Eternal 1st Encryption is VERY RARE, as holding of the Full NOMI-Code Encryption
is reserved exclusively for Planets, Stars or Systems that specifically Incarnated into External Creation to
serve exclusively as a “Standard Bearer of the Krystal-River-FAIL-SAFE-Host” and Progenitor (founding
pioneer) of the Universal Grand Salvage Mission, or “Universal TRIUMPH of Triumphs”. This is a very
specialized 1st Creation Salvage Contract from Eternal-Internal 15 Creation.

Planets, Stars or Systems carrying the Nomi-Code 1st Creation Salvage Contract intentionally and directly
with, and enter incarnation within, the distorted Time-Cycles of External Creation Phantom-Fall Systems. At
a specific point in their intentionally chosen De-Evolutionary Descent, before reaching the point of
unsalvageable “GONE-Fall’
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Full Template Compaction, the “Nomi-Code Planet” or System engages its own Great Planetary Triumph
Emancipation Cycle, and reestablishes its Organic Re-Evolutionary RISE Reconnection to the Eternal-internal
Creation DhA’-Yah-TEi Planes (p-Planes). As the Nomi-Code Planet fulfills its own Great Planetary Triumph,
the Krystal-
River-FAIL-SAFE-Host and the Universal Grand Salvage Mission Universal TRIUMPH of Triumphs, are
AUTOMATICALLY Extended Outward from and through the Nomi-Code Planet, into ALL Phantom-Fall
systems within
the External Creation Universe in which the Nomi-Code Planet resides.
Upon completing its Expedited Eff-im-a’-rhal Transfiguration Atomic E-Lum’en-ation Krystal-Bridge Passage
into the D-Planes, the Nomi-Code Planet will continue to serve as Standard Bearer of the Universal Krystal-
FAIL-SAFE-Host, Broadcasting the Universal Emancipation NOMI-Wave (Tran’-TE-in Tandem sPAN-Wave),
and Universal
Grand Salvage Mission into the External Creation Phantom-Fall Systems for several Billion Years, as those
fulfil their own processes of Krystal-River-FAIL-SAFE-Host Re-Evolutionary RISE Reconnection.

Until it is Triggered into Activation, the presence of the Nomi-Code Nomi-yah Eternal 1% Encryption is
undetectable within the Core Plasma Crystal & Planetary K.O. Plasma Time-Template of a Nomi-Code Planet.
Nomi-Code is a “Stealth Code” secret) that is “designed to be difficult to detect”, which allows a Nomi-Code
Star or System to “immerse itself’ within its intentionally chosen De-Evolutionary Descent into GONE-Fall
External Creation Phantom-Fall Systems, without its Nomi-Code “Redemptive Qualities” being detected.
Planets are “Undercover Agents of the Eternal”, that allow themselves to be “dragged into de-evolutionary
into the Density-1 Regions of External Creation Phantom-Fall Systems, because it is only from Density-1 that
Bridge Passage, the “Final Last-Chance Rescue” of the Krystal-River-FAIL-SAFE-Host, can be achieved.


Nomi-Code Planets, Stars and Systems routinely “take on more than their fair share” of External Creation
Universal “Conflict
Dramas”, as from the point of their incarnation into External Creation, they progressively serve the role of
Host systems for the
Re-genesis of Phantom-Fall Systems, and for Bio-Regenesis of the often warring Life-Fields that inhabit
them. As part of their
specialized 1% Creation Salvage Contracts, Nomi-Code Planets actively take on many Phantom-Fall Life-
Fields, serving as the
“Nursery, Infirmary and Rehabilitation Center” for many different Bio-Regenesis endeavors. At first glance
Nomi-Code Planets
may “appear to play the martyr”, but in truth they do not; the Conscious Identity of such Planetary Beings is
well aware that “in
the last moments before Final GONE-Fall” they can “Rescue themselves” through the inherent “Autoimmune
Response” of their
Nomi-Code Nomi-yah Eternal 1st Encryption. Nomi-Code Planets also know that by “taking on a temporary
cosmic period of
dolor (sorrow, distress, suffering)” they can assist myriad Phantom-Fall systems from succumbing to the
preventable Fate of a GONE-
Fall “Space-Dust Return” destiny. Nomi-Code Planets are “Noble Planets”, motivated by the deepest LOVE
and RESPECT for the
ETERNAL, out of which comes a reciprocal Love, Respect and Altruistic Core Dedication and Commitment to
assisting in Eternal-
Life Re-evolution for “All Life Everywhere”.

There is Only ONE Thing that can Trigger Activation of the Organic Nomi-Code Nomi-yah Eternal 1st
within the Core Plasma Crystal & Planetary K.O. Plasma Time-Template of a Nomi-Code Planet; that “ONE
Thing” is
the intentional Activation of what is known as the “Inorganic GONE-Fall Code”, a severe Core-Plasma-
Distortion Encryption, which was designed long ago by the “Elite of External Creation GONE-Fall systems”, to
force Full Core Template-Compaction within the K.O. Plasma Time-Template & Templar of Targeted Planets,
Stars &
Systems. (Note: The “GONE-Fall Code” does not exist in Eternal-Internal 1° Creation Systems; it affects &
operates only within External Creation systems).
For targeted External Creation Planets, Stars and Systems unfortunate enough to have been Afflicted by the
Fall Code” malady, activation of the “GONE-Fall Code” is a “Final FATALE Act of Aggression”, which ensures
that the
Target cannot escape the Inorganic Destiny of “GONE-Fall Space-Dust Return”. But in Nomi-Code Systems,
and on
Nomi-Code Planets, activation of the atrocity of the GONE-Fall Code produces quite a different response, as
Nomi-Code Nomi-yah Eternal 1st Encryption operates as a Full and Immediate “Autoimmune Response”.
When the
final act of aggression of GONE-Fall Code activation is rendered against a Nomi-Code Planet, the Nomi-Code
yah 1st Encryption immediately Triggers into Activation in Response, setting in motion the “Path of FINAL
FREEDOMS” of the Great Planetary Triumph Planetary Emancipation Cycle, which is a Nomi-Code Planet’s
Appointment with Eternal Destiny.

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Once Nomi-Code Activation is Triggered within the Core Plasma Crystal & Planetary K.O. Plasma Time-
Template of a
Nomi-Code Planet, the NOMI-Wave (Tran’-TE-in Tandem SPAN-Wave) rapidly emerges from the Tran’-TE-in
descends through the Krystal-Bridge Passage, and soon after anchors into the Core Plasma Crystal &
Planetary K.O.
Plasma Time-Template of the Nomi-Code Planet. If the Planetary K.O. Plasma Time-Template & Templar are
VIABLE to hold the Krystal-River-FAIL-SAFE-Host, the Great Planetary Triumph Planetary Emancipation
Cycle is
permanently and unalterably set in motion from this Nomi-Wave 1° Anchor Point forward, and the Nomi-
Sacred Secret Mission of the Universal Grand Salvage Mission TRIUMPH of Triumphs simultaneously
Initiates. The
NOMI-Wave 1° Anchor-point marks the 1° LULL Point Zero Point “Start” from which the mathematical Time-
progressions of the Greater Nonacentennial Cycle, the Octennial Cycle-Sets and the Annual Nomi-yah Wave
Cycles of
the Planetary Emancipation Cycle begin and unfold.

As the Great Planetary Triumph Planetary Emancipation Cycle engages, the Nomi-Code Planet progressively
awakens to its Inevitable Appointment with Eternal Destiny, to embodiment of its 1% Creation Salvage
Contract as
“Standard Bearer of the Krystal-River-FAIL-SAFE-Host & Progenitor of the Universal Grand Salvage Mission”,
and it
embraces the First Dawn of the Planetary Age of (atomic) E-Lum’en-ation).

Earth has long harbored a “Sacred Secret” that has remained dormant and hidden for many Eons (Billions
of years); Earth is a FULL NOMI-Code Planet. SURPRISE I! © . Welcome to your “Noble Planet” as it now
awakens to its Dawn of the Age of E-Lum’en-ation)

On 12/1/2015 the GONE-Fall Code was intentionally Activated in Earth’s Inorganic Plasma Crystal &
Planetary K.O. Plasma Time-Template, as the “Final Act of Aggression” by those whom we shall call, for now,
“Pretenders”. Earth became afflicted with the GONE-Fall Code malady over 4-Billion years ago, while Earth
was still
in proto-planet stage in Density-2, following the “Taran Wars-1” period; due to affiliations from that time,
“local” GONE-Fall Code Affliction became known as the “Theia Code”. Those responsible for intentionally
Earth’s “Theia GONE-Fall Code” on 12/1/2015 have inadvertently “Picked a Fight with the WRONG Planet”

Also on 12/1/2015 Earth’s Nomi-Code Nomi-yah Eternal 1° Encryption immediately Activated as the
Autoimmune Response to Inorganic Theia Code activation.

On 12/8-12/2015 the NOMI-Wave (Tran’-TE-in Tandem SPAN-Wave) engaged 1 st Anchor Point in Earth’s
Organic Core Plasma Crystal & Planetary K.O. Plasma Time-Template, marking the 1 st LULL Point Zero Point
“Start” from which the mathematical Time-Wave progressions of Earth’s Greater Nonacentennial Cycle, the
Octennial Cycle-Sets and the Annual Nomi-yah Wave Cycles of the Planetary Emancipation Cycle began to
unfold. Earth’s Great Planetary Triumph Planetary Emancipation Cycle was permanently and unalterably set
in motion.

On 12/30/2015 Earth’s Organic Core Plasma Crystal & Planetary K.O. Plasma Time-Template were found to
VIABLE to hold the Krystal-River-FAIL-SAFE-Host, and the Guardians assisted in opening of the past
Transposition Seals
within the Krystal-Bridge Passage, to enable anchoring of the Rainbow River Essential Essences
Transposition Flows.
On 1/1-3/2016 the Rainbow River Transposition Flows anchored in Earth’s Organic Core Plasma Crystal &
K.O. Plasma Time-Template, engaging the amazing, intricate and complex mechanics inherent to Earth’s
Planetary Triumph Planetary Emancipation Cycle.

The Guardian Material™ Excerpts contained in this August 10-11, 2016 continuation of the 8/8/2016 —
“FAIL-SAFE 5™ ANNIVERSARY NOTE” are “just the BEGINNING” of the information that is to come. We are
to post this “Continuation” before 2:30AM 8/11/2016, so I'll “leave off here for now”. This Guardian
Excerpt and “FAIL-SAFE 5™ ANNIVERSARY NOTE” to be continued in tomorrow’s posting, where we will
explore the
Time-Lines of Earth's now unfolding Annual Nomi-yah Wave Cycles, and other Up-date information.

For the Early Risers to the Dawn of the Age of E-Lum’en-ation, WELCOME to Earth’s Great Planetary
EFFI Smiles! E’Asha - 8/11/2016 2:22AM FL

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Theoretical Perspectives of the Guardian Material™ ©E’Asha Ashayana Arhayas- ARhayas Productions, LLC
All Rights Reserved

This information is not intended to diagnose, treat or cure any condition, illness, ailment or affliction, nor is
it a substitute for professional
medical or psychological evaluation; presented for purposes of Theoretical Exploration only.

8/8/2016 — 8/9/2016 “FAIL-SAFE 5™ ANNIVERSARY NOTE” - Continued PART-3 August 15, 2016

Hi, Back Again...

When we left off at the end of the “FAIL-SAFE 5" ANNIVERSARY NOTE”-Continuation PART-2 on 8/11/2016,
the New
8/9-11/2016 Guardian Material™ information had taught us a bit about the meaning and mechanics of
Earth’s Great Planetary Triumph and Earth’s NOMI-Wave (Tran’-TE-in Tandem SPAN-wave) Time-Cycle that
Initiated with 1°
Anchor Point on 12/8-12/2015, following Activation of the Theia GONE-Fall Code and Nomi-Code Response
Activation on 12/1/2015. For quick reference, immediately below is a brief “Topics Summary” of the
provided in “FAIL-SAFE 5™ ANNIVERSARY NOTE”-PART-2 Guardian Material™ Excerpt.

Topics SUMMARY of 8/9/2016 Guardian Material™ from “FAIL-SAFE 5™ ANNIVERSARY NOTE PART-2 8/9-

On 8/11/2016, as | began to take down Guardian transcription for this “FAIL-SAFE 5 ANNIVERSARY NOTE" -
Continuation PART-3, the Guardians “fully commandeered the ANNIVERSARY NOTE” and have turned it into
a bit of
a “Technical Dispensation”, that is STILL ongoing!

The Guardians’ new 8/11+/2016 data transmissions are still unfolding, and cover some great new and
information pertaining to what is occurring within the current Time-Cycles of Earth’s Great Planetary
Triumph and
the TRIUMPH of Triumphs Universal Grand Salvage Mission. The information also expands into aspects of
Cosmoversal through Planetary Plasma Body Anatomy called the M31 Emancipation Passage and M33
Transposition Passage, and related Emancipation Cycle dynamics and mechanics that are key to our
of the Monumental Events taking place in Earth’s Templar, and what we needed to do to achieve the
EarthCync™ we will need to “keep up with our now E-Lum’en-ating Emancipating Planet!

These newest 8/11+/2016 Guardian data transmissions are “going to take a while”, so they will not appear
in this
“FAIL-SAFE 5™ ANNIVERSARY NOTE”-Continuation PART-3 8/15/2016 Posting, but will appear in the
PART-4 Posting
which will occur once the Guardians have completed this current block of transmission. | expect that “FAIL-
ANNIVERSARY NOTE” -Continuation PART-4 will be ready for posting within a week or two (7-14 days). In
the meantime |
can share with you the “Topics Summary” for the PART-4 Guardian transmissions that | have transcribed so
far, as of

Topics SUMMARY of 8/11+/2016 Guardian Material™ for “FAIL-SAFE 5™ ANNIVERSARY NOTE PART-4 In
Progress .

Still in Progress — 8/15/2016

For this ANNIVERSARY NOTE-PART-3 8/15/2016 Posting, | will take this opportunity to update you on
some of the
things that | originally wanted to share with you in this “FAIL-SAFE 5 ANNIVERSARY NOTE”, but which
became “placed on the back burner” when the Guardians began to “commandeer the ANNIVERSARY NOTE"
8/11/2016 PART-2.

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My original intentions for posting the “FAIL-SAFE 5" ANNIVERSARY NOTE” were to provide a briefing on
some of the
Amazing Events that are occurring in Earth’s Templar (the Guardians did a much better job on this one than |
could have done
alone) AND to let you know “what is in the works” at ARhAyas Productions. The “ANNIVERSARY NOTE” was
intended to be just a NOTE.... (= short briefing on the “big things” to come); obviously the Guardians had
“bigger plans in
mind” for my “Anniversary Note”! ©
Though this Anniversary Note has become much more in-depth than originally planned, it still represents
only ONE
Tiny Installment within a much larger and more ambitious ARhAyas Website “Public Service Posting Project”
the Guardians and | have been working on non-stop since May 2016. So much has been happening in Earth’s
since 9/2015 when we left off with KDDL3 after 8 hours of Livestream program! So far | have transcribed
well over a
thousand pages of progressive, intensive, “heavy technical” Guardian transmissions pertaining to these
events, and |
have been wanting very much to share this awesome information with you! But until 8/8/2016, when
Earth’s Great
Planetary Triumph achieved its Activation Point, and the TRIUMPH of Triumphs Universal Grand Salvage
Fully Engaged, the Guardians had kept all of this new information in “Security Protocol Status”, and only in
2016 did they begin to work with me on preparing our first intended release of the new information.

In May 2016, | began transcribing detailed Guardian transmissions pertaining to the “mechanics and
dynamics” of
Earth’s 12/1- 12/30/2015 Early Onset Emancipation Cycle; these transcriptions progressively expanded
into what is
now called the “KDDL3 Bonus End-Sessions Excerpt-Supplement”, which currently contains “18 pages and

In July 2016, the Guardians “re-directed’, having me temporarily leave off on transcription for the KDDL3
Bonus End
Sessions Excerpt-Supplement document, to begin transcription on a new document called the “KDDL3 Bonus
Sessions Status Briefing Letter”, which addresses a broader spectrum of information pertaining to not only
Emancipation Cycle “mechanics and dynamics”, but also pertaining to a series of recent Earth Templar
Events that
the Guardians refer to as the “Great & Perfect Storm” and its “Serendipitously PERFECT Outcome” of Early
Planetary Emancipation. This document also currently contains “18 pages and counting”, and provides some
of the
most riveting contextual information ever transmitted by the Guardians.

On 8/8/2016, the Guardians once again “re-directed”, again temporarily leaving off on transcription of the
Bonus End-Sessions Status Briefing Letter , to begin our 8/8/2016 “FAIL-SAFE 5™ ANNIVERSARY NOTE”,
IS...Still in Progress.

What | had originally thought to be the purpose of the “Anniversary Note” was to let you know about these 2
“In Progress” documents, that we are intending to Post on the ARhAyas Website as soon as they are
complete. The
information contained within them is so significant in terms of what is taking place on the planet (Happy
Things, NOT
“Doom & Gloom”), that the Guardians and | are planning to “Post it Free for All to See”, rather than waiting to
produce it into format for Livestream Programs. We hope to have both of these documents done and Posted
by early
November 2016, along with a new, longer “Free Link-In Journey Technique” that can’t be used until after the
TRIUMPH of Triumphs Planetary Templar Activations that will take place on 10/31 — 11/2/2016. The
KDDL3 Bonus
End-Sessions Livestreams will resume in mid to late November, 2016, after completion, and grid
following, these 10/31 - 11/2/2016 TRIUMPH of Triumphs Planetary Templar Activations.

In close of this “FAIL-SAFE 5™ ANNIVERSARY NOTE”-Part-3 8/15/2016 Posting | am including a 3 Page

Excerpt from
the 5/2016+ “KDDL3 Bonus End-Sessions Excerpt-Supplement”; these pages pertain directly to the “Go
Codes”, and will provide greater insight into their function and purpose. (Please Note: The Level-1 Activation
Code Images

from the KDDL2 Code Workbook do not carry the Level-2 Activation “Radiance & Resonance Factors” of the
new full-color codes; if you are
not interested in purchasing the G.V. Color Code Posters, it is recommended that you use the Free Online
View Full-Color G.V. Codes when

doing the EarthCync™ Quick-Link Technique.) | am also providing the 7/2016+ CONTENTS SUMMARY of the
KDDL-3 Bonus
End-Sessions Status Briefing Letter, which includes topics addressed so far in its current 18 pages; this will
some insight into the subject matter contained within this In-Progress document. The Guardians and | hope
you will
find this information interesting, and that you'll check in for our next “FAIL-SAFE 5™ ANNIVERSARY NOTE” -
Posting in a week or two! ....EFFI Smiles & Spirits’ Blessings.....E’Asha 8/15/2016 4AM FL

Part 3, Page 2 of 7 F-S_5th_AN, Page 14 of 54


3 Page Excerpt from KDDL3 Bonus End-Sessions Excerpts-Supplement: 5/2016+

Theoretical Perspectives of the Guardian Material™ ©E’Asha Ashayana Arhayas- ARhayas Productions, LLC
All Rights Reserved

This information is not intended to diagnose, treat or cure any condition, illness, ailment or affliction, nor is
it a substitute for professional
medical or psychological evaluation; presented for purposes of Theoretical Exploration only.

The CODES-2: Resonance & Radiance Factors, Prayer Flags, & the KalA’ Oc’-Sha-TA’ Time-Template G.V.-

In Guardian Material™ Theory the KalA’ Oc’-Sha-TA’ Time-Template “GO Vertical” Codes” G.V. Codes are
specifically organized crystalline
lattice geometries composed of specifically encoded crystallized geleziac radiation held within the KaLA”
Oc’-Sha-TA’ Plasma Time-Templates;
when activated, they serve as “digitally encoded mathematical operational instructions” governing the influx
of, and specialized interface
between, the 1*-Creation D-Planes frequency flows and the Electro-magnetic frequency spectra and
Elemental Matter-base of External

Code Resonance Factor & Radiance Factor

The printed external images of the G.V. Codes represent Visual Translations of the “Sacred Geometries” and
“mathematical operational
instructions” carried in the KaLA’ Oc’-Sha-TA’ Plasma Time-Templates. The Visual Code Translations serve
as “Standard Bearers of the
Corresponding Frequencies”.

Each G.V. Code carries a specific mathematical encryption that emits a specific Subtle Frequency Resonance
referred to as the Resonance
Factor; the Resonance Factor pertains to the “Vibrational Signature” of the Code’s encryption, the “Silent
Sound” of the frequencies to which
it corresponds. The mathematical encryption of each G.V. Code also emits a specific Subtle Frequency
Radiance referred to as the Radiance
Factor; the Radiance Factor pertains to the “Oscillatory Signature” of the Code’s encryption, the “Invisible
Light” of the frequencies to which it

The Visual Images of the G.V. Codes emit the Resonance & Radiance Factors of the Code’s mathematical
encryption, so in this regard the
printed G.V. Codes serve as “Broadcasters of Frequency”; the TrhU’-ah PLASMA Flows, Rainbow PLASM
Flows & Essential Essences Pre-Plasm
Eta-Vapor frequencies from Eternal-Internal 15 Creation & Transplaneal-Span ELF-LUV Field 1% Creation
D-Planes. With practice, one can hone
skill in Sensing or Feeling the specific Resonance & Radiance Factors of each Code; for some people this skill
can be developed to the degree
that the Codes could be distinguished from each other through “Feeling the Factors” alone, without visually
“looking at” the Codes. Due to the
Resonance & Radiance Factors, the G.V. Codes and related techniques can also be used by visually challenged

All “Codes” presented in the Guardian Material™ represent mathematically encrypted frequency flow
operational instructions, and thus all
Guardian Material™ Codes have their own unique and specific Resonance & Radiance Factors; what makes
the G.V. Codes & G.V. Code Run
Sets distinctive is the nature of their encoded encryptions. The G.V. Code Series is the first Code group to
include the specialized encryption-
programs pertaining to the “Essential Essences” Pre-Plasm Eta-Vapor frequencies from Eternal-Internal 15t
Creation & Transplaneal-Span ELF-
LUV Field 15 Creation D-Planes. The Essential Essences frequencies only recently, 1/2016, became available
and accessible in Earth’s Templar.

Prayer Flags Traditions & “The R&R Factors”

The Resonance & Radiance Factors of the G.V. Codes can be compared, in essence, to the ancient tradition of
the Prayer Flag. The tradition of
the Prayer Flag dates back to ancient Tibet, China, Persia & India. Flags were made of various colored cloth,
often painted or imprinted with
ancient Buddhist (or other) prayers, mantras and sacred symbols; the flags were positioned in the wind and
used to “spread blessings” and to
foster healing. It is due to the “subtle mechanics” inherent to the Prayer Flag that this tradition has remained
powerful and popular for
thousands of years.

In an article titled “The Prayer Flag Tradition”, Timothy Clark of Radiant Heart Studio, CA. eloquently writes:
“The ancient Buddhist prayers, mantras and
powerful symbols displayed on them (Prayer Flags) produce a spiritual vibration that is activated and
carried by the wind across the countryside. All beings that
are touched by the wind are uplifted and a little happier. The silent prayers are blessings spoken on the
breath of nature....; prayers dissolved on the wind
extend to fill all of space. .... Prayer Flags are simple devices that, coupled with the natural energy of the
wind, quietly harmonize the environment, impartially
increasing happiness and good fortune among all living beings.”

In Guardian Material™ Theory, the “hidden, quiet power of the Prayer Flag” resides in the subtle mechanics
of “energy, frequency and spirit”
imbued within each Prayer Flag; the subtle mechanics of “encoded-encryption broadcast” through the
Resonance & Radiance Factors.

In comparison to the Prayer Flag Tradition, the G.V. Codes work in very similar ways. In the Prayer Flag
Tradition, “prayers, mantras and
powerful symbols” displayed on Prayer Flags “produce a spiritual vibration that is activated and carried by
the wind, & prayers dissolved on
the wind extend to fill all of space”. In relation to the G.V. Codes, the “Vibrational Silent Sound” Resonance
Factor and “Oscillatory Invisible
Light” Radiance Factor of the G.V. Codes are also “activated and carried by the wind”.

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The Resonance & Radiance Factors of the G.V. Codes are literally “Activated by, and Broadcast
(emit/transmit) through the AIR (and the Plasma
Time-Templates embedded within, and running through, the Air) and the crystalline lattice geometries of
the G.V. Code-encryptions extend outward
“on the Air/Breeze”, (expanding through the molecules of Air) from the geographical space in which the G.V.
Codes are placed. The G.V. Code-
encryptions, “dissolved on the wind” (= AIR), “expand outward on the Air, “to fill all of space”. And “All
beings that are touched by the
wind/AIR are uplifted” ......with the Essential Essences EarthCync™ frequencies of the Eternal-internal
Creation & ELF-LUV Field D-Planes.
Like Prayer Flags, the G.V. Codes are “simple devices that, coupled with the natural energy of the wind, or
AIR, (and the organic KalA’ Oc’-Sha-TA’
Plasma Time-Templates), quietly harmonize the environment, impartially increasing happiness and good
fortune, (and potentials & ability of
Transplaneal Freedom) among all living beings.” The G.V. Codes differ from Prayer Flag dynamics primarily
in relation to the specificity of the
encoded-encryption and the Power of Transplaneal Frequencies carried by the G.V. Codes.


The CODES-3: The Nomi’-yah Encryption, the “Great Protector”, EarthCync™ & the G.V. Codes
The Nomi’-yah 1° Essence Encryption and the G.V. Codes

As is the case with both Prayer Flags and the G.V. Codes, their “hidden, quiet power” resides in the subtle
mechanics of “energy, frequency
and spirit” imbued within them; the subtle mechanics of “encoded-encryption broadcast” through the
Resonance & Radiance Factors.

In Guardian Material™ Theory, the “hidden power” within the G.V. Codes is not only in the Resonance &
Radiance Factors of their
encryptions, but is also due to the reality that the encryptions carried within the G.V. Codes correspond
directly to the Core Encryption
Programs and crystalline-lattice-geometries inherent to ALL Organic KalA’ Oc’-Sha-TA’ Plasma Time-
Templates in all of creation.

The G.V. Codes carry the “Organic Core Cosmological Encryption” upon which all Organic KalA’ Oc’-Sha-TA’
Plasma Time-Templates are
structured; it is the “Core Common Encryption” mathematical-crystalline-lattice geometrical program
inherent to, and lying dormant within,
the Plasma Templates of ALL beings and things in creation. This Core Encryption carried by the G.V. Codes is
the 15t Eternal Common Core
Encryption; it is known as the Nomi’-yah 1° Essence Encryption, which represents the Core Program of the
“Eternal-Life Kryst Code”.

Differing from earlier Guardian Material™ Codes, and from usual Prayer Flag encryptions, the Nomi’-yah 15
Essence Encryption of the
G.V.Codes holds the specific crystalline-lattice-geometries pertaining to the Essential Essences Eta-Vapor
Pre-Plasm frequencies from the
Eternal-Internal 15 Creation & Transplaneal-Span ELF-LUV Field 15 Creation D-Planes. The Essential
Essences Pre-Plasms are known to be the
most powerful and restorative Eternal-Life frequencies in ALL Creation, as they are the “1% Essence
Expressions” of the EFFI-Infinitum.

As well as holding the specific geometries of the Essential Essences, the Nomi’-yah 15 Essence Encryption
also carries the very specific
operational instructions for activating and combining specific D-Planes Essential Essence Pre-Plasms, TrhU’-
ah Plasmas and Rainbow Plasms
with their organic counterparts within the Electro-magnetic frequency spectra and Elemental Matter-base of
External Creation.

The Nomi’-yah 1st Essence Encryption is the 15 Eternal Common Core Encryption from which the KalA’ Oc’-
Sha-TA’ Plasma Time-Templates of
ALL beings and things grow. In the K.O. Plasma Time-Templates of Eternal-Life Beings within the Eternal-
internal & Transplaneal-Span ELF-LUV
Field 15t Creation D-Planes the Nomi’-yah 15t Essence Encryption is active, and the Essential Essences Pre-
Plasms are in active circulation. When
beings or systems out-step/down-step into incarnation in the External Creation domains, the Nomi’-yah 1°
Essence Encryption, and its
corresponding Essential Essences frequencies, go into dormancy within the K.O. Plasma Time-Template,
usually reawakening only at the end
of the Re-Evolutionary Journey back to the D-Planes, when Eff-im-A’-tion Cycle-5 Transfiguration and TrhU’-
ah Body Activation Stage-8-
Immaculation of the DhA-Yah-TEl have completed.

However, under conditions of Planetary Transplaneal Emancipation Rescue, the Nomi’-yah 15t Essence
Encryption and its corresponding
Essential Essences Pre-Plasm Eta-Vapor frequencies, are brought into Expedited Activation within the
Planetary Core Plasma Crystal and
KalA’ Oc’-Sha-TA’ Plasma Time-Templates. Expedited Activation of the Nomi’-yah 15 Essence Encryption &
the Essential Essences within the
Planetary Templar allows the Planetary Emancipation & Transposition Passages to engage Blend-Merger for
Emancipation Path Krystal-
Bridge Passage and atomic Pass-Through back into the D-Planes via the organic processes of Density-

Expedited Activation of the Nomi’-yah 15 Essence Encryption within the Planetary Templar extends the
opportunity for Expedited Nomi’-yah
Encryption Activation & corresponding Path of Emancipation Re-Evolution to the Entirety of the Planetary
Life-Field that is able to engage
and sustain EarthCync™ (individual Plasma Time-Template Synchronization with the Emancipating Organic
Planetary K.O. Plasma Time-
Template Chiasmatic Fields).

The Interactive G.V. Codes, the Aquaessence-Great Protector and EarthCync™

The G.V. Codes are Interactive. Due to their inherent Resonance & Radiance Factors, the printed external
images of the G.V. Codes serve as
“Activations Catalysts” for the Nomi’-yah 1° Essence Encryption within the KalA’ Oc’-Sha-TA’ Plasma Time-
Templates of those who engage
with the G.V. Codes. As everything and Being in External Creation carries the 1st Eternal Common Core
Encryption, the Nomi’-yah 1°" Essence

Part 3, Page 4 of 7 F-S_5th_AN, Page 16 of 54


Encryption, in dormant form within the personal K.O. Plasma Time-Template, the Resonance & Radiance
Factors of the G.V. Codes can
interact with everything in creation. Use of the G.V.Codes stimulates and awakens the organic common
geometrical lattices & corresponding
Essential Essences Pre-Plasm frequencies of the Nomi’-yah 15* Essence Encryption within the personal K.O.
Plasma Time-Templates of Beings,
and within the locational/geographical Coordinate Point regions of the planetary space in which the
G.V.Codes are placed.

Use of the G.V. Code Runs stimulates simultaneous-sequential activation of the Nomi’-yah 15 Essence
Encryption & corresponding Essential
Essences frequencies within the KalA’ Oc’-Sha-TA’ Plasma Time-Template. Simultaneous-sequential
activation of all aspects of the Nomi’-yah
1st Essence Encryption, allows for corresponding simultaneous-sequential activation of the 3 Quintessences
AND the Aguaessence-Great
Protector Essential Essences, rather than “linear-sequential, from lowest to highest” activation of these Pre-
plasm frequencies. It is this
simultaneous-sequential activation that allows the 3 Quintessences to activate WITHIN THE BUFFER-FIELD
of the Aquaessence-Great
Protector frequency, which enables gentle, harmonized separation between Organic and Inorganic-Reversed
K.O. Time-Template encryptions,
and progressive restoration of their original organic encryption and orientation. Activation of the 3
Quintessences within the Aquaessence-
Great Protector Buffer Field is the Essential Factor in making the potentialities of EarthCync™ available and
accessible to the entirety of the
planetary Life-field.


The CODES-5 - How They Work: The G.V. Code Runs & the “GO Vertical Freedom Quilt-MAP”

The G.V. Codes are especially powerful when used in specific “Vertical Code Runs”, which allow their
Resonance & Radiance Factors to
“cross-reference vertically, horizontally and diagonally”, creating complex, compound-encryption-lattice
Frequency Formulas that expedite
and amplify Nomi’-yah 1% Essence Encryption and Essential Essences Activations Progression.

The 21 G.V. Codes of the 1% “GO Vertical Series” Code Sets, G.V. Code Runs & “Transplaneal GPS”

In the first of the “Go Vertical Series” Code Sets, there are 3 Vertical G.V. Code Runs, each corresponding to
one of the 3 Domain Passage Sets
(Emancipation-Transposition Passage pairs); the Safe-Haven Rainbow Run, Safe-Passage Solar Window-
Bridge and the Safe-Heavens Domain
Passage Sets. Each of the 3 Vertical G.V. Code Runs contains 7 individual G.V. Codes, 4 G.V. Codes
corresponding to the 4 Emancipation
Passage Corridors and the 3 Quintessences Essential Essences Pre-Plasm frequencies and 3 G.V. Codes
corresponding to the 3 Transposition
Passage Chambers and the Aquaessence-Great Protector Essential Essences Pre-Plasm frequency. Thus there
are 21 individual G.V. Codes, 12
pertaining to the Emancipation Passage Corridors and 9 pertaining to the Transposition Passage Chambers.

Each of the Emancipation Passage Corridors and Transposition Passage Chambers of the Domain Passage
Sets represents a specific
locational/geographical Co-ordinate Point in the “fabric of Space-Time” ( the Cosmoversal K.O. Plasma Time-
Templates), through which specific
locations in External Creation, Transplaneal-Span ELF-LUV Field 1° Creation D-Planes and Eternal-internal
1% Creation D-Planes connect with
each other through the Krystal-Bridge Passage. In this regard, the 21 G.V. Codes each correspond to one of
these Transplaneal Geographies,
and “like Transplaneal GPS Through Space-Time”, the G.V. Codes can be used to specifically navigate the
KalA’ Oc’-Sha-TA’ Plasma Time-
Templates of the Krystal-Bridge Passage between the 3 Creation Domain Orientations.

When used together, the G.V. Code Runs corresponding to all 3 Domain Passage Sets function “like a
Patchwork Quilt-MAP” of mathematical
instructions” and “directional GPS” through the Krystal-Bridge Passage, each “Quilt-Square” (each G.V. Code)
representing a piece of an
intricate, precise Frequency Formula, the “Freedom Formula” of Krystal-Bridge Passage Emancipation. The
function of the “Patchwork Quilt-
MAP” of the G.V. Code Runs can be symbolically compared to the “Freedom Quilts of the Underground
Railroad”. (Note: The Underground
Railroad was a network of secret routes and safe houses used by 19®"-century enslaved people of African
descent in the United States in efforts to escape to free
states and Canada with the aid of abolitionists and allies who were sympathetic to their cause.-Wikipedia).

Underground Railroad Freedom Quilts & the “Go Vertical Freedom Quilt-Map”

Freedom Quilts of the Underground Railroad are said to be a system of secret, coded, nonverbal
communication that was used by enslaved
African Americans escaping to freedom on the Underground Railroad; the quilts were used to communicate
information about how to escape
to freedom. The quilts were sewn of fabric squares made with special symbol codes or patterns that were
used in a particular order, each
pattern representing a different meaning. The system of symbol code patterns depicted on the quilts, and the
series of 10 different quilts each
reportedly carrying different messages, is referred to as the Quilt Code. The Quilt Code had dual meaning; to
signal slaves to prepare to escape
and to give clues and indicate directions on the journey. As quilts were commonplace items, they could be
hung on porches or displayed on
fences without attracting attention; each quilt, displayed only one at a time, signaled a specific action for a
slave to take at the particular time
that the quilt was on view. * The historical validity of the Freedom Quilt tradition is debated.

In some ways the collection of G.V. Codes that form the G.V. Code “Patchwork Quilt-MAP” is similar in
concept to the Underground Railroad
Freedom Quilts; together, this collection of G.V. Codes can be conceptualized as a “Go Vertical Freedom Quilt-
Map”, with each G.V. Code, “like
a directional Quilt Square”, denoting a specific location within the Emancipation-Transposition Passages &
Platforms structure of the Krystal-
Bridge Passage. And, like Freedom Quilts, our “GO Vertical Freedom Quilt-Map” assists us in finding our way
through the Krystal-Bridge
Passage, to one day achieve Freedom from the “Finite Life Bondage” of External-Creation Atomic Time-
Vector Phase-Lock. Differing from

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Underground Railroad Freedom Quilts, the function of the “G.V. Freedom Quilt-Map” is not only symbolic and
communicative, but is also
energetically dynamic and frequency interactive.

The G.V. Freedom Quilt-Map, the Planetary Aquaessence-Great Protector BUFFER-FIELD & EarthCync™

As well as serving as a “Transplaneal GPS (Global Positioning System)” the G.V. Freedom Quilt-Map Codes
function as complex Operational
Instructions governing the flows and interactions of Transplaneael Frequencies within the KalLA’ Oc’-Sha-
TA’ Plasma Time-Templates. Due to
their inherent Resonance & Radiance Factors, the G.V. Code Images stimulate and awaken the organic
common geometrical lattices &
corresponding Essential Essences Pre-Plasms of the Nomi’-vah 1° Essence Encryption within the personal
K.O. Plasma Time-Templates of
Beings, and within the locational/ geographical Coordinate Point regions of the planetary space in which the
G.V.Codes are placed. Activation
of the G.V. Freedom Quilt-Map Code Runs expedites progression through the 5 Eff-E’-Mah Transfiguration
Cycles and related “Seed
Embodiments, and accelerates Activations Progression of Passages Blend-Merger by which the E-Lum’en-Air
Pass-Through Field opens.

Activation of the Planetary G.V. Freedom Quilt-Map Code Runs and their corresponding Planetary
Emancipation Corridors & Transposition
Chambers creates simultaneous-sequential activation of the Nomi’-yah 15t Essence Encryption &
corresponding Essential Essences frequencies
within the Planetary Kal A’ Oc’-Sha-TA’ Plasma Time-Template, allowing the 3 Quintessences to activate
Aquaessence-Great Protector frequency. Activation of the Planetary Aquaessence-Great Protector BUFFER-
FIELD makes the potentialities of
EarthCync™ accessible to the entirety of the planetary Life-field, by enabling gentle, harmonized separation
between Organic and Inorganic-
Reversed K.O. Time-Template encryptions, and progressive restoration of their original organic encryption
and orientation.

END -3 Page Excerpt from KDDL3 Bonus End-Sessions Excerpts-Supplement: 5/2016+

Part 3, Page 6 of 7 F-S_5th_AN, Page 18 of 54


KDDL-3 Bonus End-Sessions Status Briefing Letter — July + 2016

Theoretical Perspectives of the Guardian Material™ ©E’Asha Ashayana Arhayas- ARhayas Productions, LLC
All Rights Reserved

This information is not intended to diagnose, treat or cure any condition, illness, ailment or affliction, nor is
it a substitute for professional
medical or psychological evaluation; presented for purposes of Theoretical Exploration only.

CONTENTS SUMMARY of the KDDL-3 Bonus End-Sessions Status Briefing Letter — August 2016
Please Note: Section Headings are in blue type, Section are in type. As of 8/8/2016, this document is
still in progress; the following Section Headings & Sub-Headings are already complete, and constitute 17-
pages so far. There are
more Sections and pages to come before this document is ready for posting; Final Posting will occur before

..The Guardians have a joyful Announcement to make: Earth has officially entered the “AGE of E-Lum’en-
ation”!!! ©
* 900-Year Early Onset of Earth’s Planetary Emancipation Cycle
*Complimentary Up-Shift Tool-1: The new “Go Vertical™ Code Series” Online View & Code Posters Posted

*Complimentary Up-Shift Tool-2: The KDDL3 Bonus End-Sessions Excerpts-Supplement (18 pages &
counting as of 8/8/2016)

*Complimentary Up-Shift Tool-3: The Krystal Caverns Safe-Haven Activation EarthCync™ Free Link-In

*“A Way with Words”; Word Usage in the Guardian Material™

Information contained in the following sections references new Guardian Material™ transcripts that will
appear in
HostMasters™ & new upcoming book Voyagers™ Volume 3: The Invisible War & the Krystal-River.

(Please Note: The Voyagers™ Volume with title “Life After Earth...” will not be “Volume 3”, but will appear as
a later Voyagers™ Volume in the forthcoming
continuing Voyagers™ Series books)

*SAFETY Comes FIRST — Surfing the Perfect Storm & the Triumph of Triumphs

*Context of the “Great & Perfect Storm”, the Universal Grand Salvage Mission, & the Triumph of Triumphs

SUMMARY- Great Planetary Triumph, the TRIUMPH of Triumphs, and the Serendipitously PERFECT
Outcome of the “Great & Perfect Storm”

More Sections to come....8/8/2016

Part 3, Page 7 of 7 F-S_5th_AN, Page 19 of 54


Theoretical Perspectives of the Guardian Material™ ©E’Asha Ashayana Arhayas- ARhayas Productions, LLC
All Rights Reserved

This information is not intended to diagnose, treat or cure any condition, illness, ailment or affliction, nor is
it a substitute for professional
medical or psychological evaluation; presented for purposes of Theoretical Exploration only.

9/7/2016 QUICK CHECK-IN Posting

Hi Everyone,

In our last Posting of “FAIL-SAFE 5" ANNIVERSARY NOTE”-PART-3 8/15/2016 | mentioned that the s™
NOTE-PART-4 was “going to take a while” and that we’d expected it to be ready in about 7-14 days. “Day 14”
was on
8/29/2016, and the new Guardian Transmissions intended for the 5""ANNIVERSARY NOTE-PART-4 Posting
are still
incoming for my Transcription.

Not only are new Guardian Transmissions still incoming (since 8/15/2016) for the “PART-4" Posting, but
the Guardians
have also ADDED to this, opening 2 more new incoming data streams (1 new data-stream on 8/24/2016, the
other on 8/29/2016)
which they intend for the 5™ANNIVERSARY NOTE-PART-5 & PART-6 Postings. Since 8/29/2016 I've been

“ALL 3 of these new Guardian Transmission Streams Simultaneously”, “transcribing back and forth between
as Transmission wave-runs of the 3 data streams progressively unfold.

The primary reason that the Guardians opened these 3 new Transmission Streams simultaneously has to do
sequencing the information in a way that is most conducive to easiest understanding. Especially since
10/2015, the
data contained within the Guardian Transmission Streams has been progressively more extensive and
intensive in
detail, and as usual, does not “download” in a simple “linear, sequential” format.

Often | receive many pages of detail transcription on a particular subject, then that data stream temporarily
until its “next wave” releases, and new data streams for several other subjects start up simultaneously, only
to stop
until their respective “next wave” releases. In this regard, transcribing Guardian Transmissions has always
been a bit
like “assembling pieces of a jigsaw puzzle”, while having to wait for the “next data wave to release in the
Grids” before being able to complete a subject or topic heading; not exactly “convenient”. This is how it has
been in transcribing Guardian Transmissions. There isn’t much the Guardians or | can do about this
because Transmission Stream data-wave release is a physics-process inherent to the dynamics of Earth’s
Templar & Templates.

Since 10/2015, as so many Major Events are taking place concurrently in Earth’s “Grids”, the number and
of Guardian Transmission Streams has also greatly increased, as well as the “next-wave wait time” for
completing a
specific subject or topic heading. Currently | have no fewer than 12 “open new Guardian data streams” with
transcriptions “still in progress”, awaiting the “next-wave downloads” for each of the “open data streams”.

As | was transcribing the Transmission Stream originally intended to be Posted in 5""ANNIVERSARY NOTE-
PART-4, it
became obvious to me that the intensity of technical detail contained within this data stream would be very
challenging for readers to understand without having a “prior context” in which to view the information; the
matter of this data stream is titled “Earth’s NOMI-Wave Cycle Time-Lines +”. The Guardians agreed with my

of this challenge, and so they have moved the still-in-progress “Earth’s NOMI-Wave Cycle Time-Lines +”
article to appear
later in 5"ANNIVERSARY NOTE-PART-6 or beyond, and they have concurrently opened the 2 new
Transmission Streams,
which contain subject matter that is prioritized to provide greater overall context.

The Guardian Transmission Stream article that | am currently transcribing for the next Posting of 5"
PART-4 is tentatively titled “Earth’s Inevitable Appointment with Eternal Destiny & Inevitably Awakening
Humanity”; the

Guardians opened this 3" new Transmission Stream on 8/29/2016, “right smack in the middle of’ my 1°
attempt to
write this “Quick Check-In" posting. This data stream is also a bit “technical in detail”, but it also provides us
with a
better contextual understanding of “How Earth’s recent Major Templar Events (12/1/2015+) and Planetary
Emancipation Cycle (12/8-12/2015+) will be affecting Earth’s Human Populations”, and most significantly
Amazing Role contemporary Humanity plays in relation to these Monumental Planetary Events”.
Transcription for

Quick Check-in, Page 1 of 2 F-S_5th_AN, Page 20 of 54


this article is currently ongoing, and will take precedence for first completion; we will post 5 ANNIVERSARY
PART-4 as soon as transcription of this article is done. | am not certain how many pages this will entail, as
there are
already several “Topic Subheadings” within this article, but | can say that the information from this
Stream that | have transcribed so far is absolutely fascinating, inspiring and quite profound. | am so excited
to be

able to share this information with you as soon as possible!

The Guardians opened the 2" hew Transmission Stream on 8/24/2016. The article on this data stream is
titled “Big
Picture Elements General Overview”, and is intended for the 5 ANNIVERSARY NOTE-PART-5 Posting, but
may also extend to
the PART-6 Posting if it runs exceptionally long. Between 8/24 -8/29 | transcribed quite a lot of information
from this
data stream, and there are already many “Topic Subheadings”, and many more to come. This data stream
seems to
be a “Whopper”, as it provides a thorough “Context Frame” for Earth’s Great Planetary Triumph—-
Cycle and the TRIUMPH of Triumphs—=Universal Grand Salvage Mission, as well as providing quite a bit of
detail pertaining to the following Topics and a “host of other related subject matter’: Emancipation Cycle
Dynamics & Mechanics, the M21 (Andromeda/Aquinos galaxy) Emancipation Passage & M33 (Triangulum
galaxy) Transposition
Passage, the 5 Essential Essences of the Rainbow River Transposition Flows, the process of Transplaneal
Translocation Density-Transposition Phase-Shift Krystal-Bridge-Passage, and much more to come. This one
surely “take a while”, but will be well worth the wait in terms of helping us all to better grasp the “Big

Once this “Big Picture Elements General Overview” is done and posted in 5" ANNIVERSARY NOTE-PART-5, |
will return to
transcription of the “Earth’s NOMI-Wave Cycle Time-Lines +” article that began on 8/15/2016.

In writing this QUICK CHECK-IN posting, | just wanted to “keep you up to date” on what the Guardians and |
currently working on. As far as my attempting to “pin-down completion and posting deadlines” for these in-
progress articles, at this point... | just “look to the heavens”, smile, (occasionally shake my head & roll my
eyes in reluctant deference),
and say “I surrender”, and | then just keep showing up to “Go with the Flow” of Transmission Stream
Each article mentioned here within will be completed and posted as soon as the Guardians “call it DONE”.

We are still intending to resume the KDDL3 Bonus End Sessions Livestreams somewhere around the end of
November 2016, and hopefully to begin KDDL4 soon afterward.

Our amazing Noble-Planet Earth has entered an Amazing Period in its Eternal Re-Evolutionary History, and
we have
ALL been gifted with the rare opportunity to “Be Along for the Ride”! | look forward to learning, exploring,
discovering and sharing this Extra-Ordinary Journey with you!

“Till next Posting.... EFFI Smiles & Spirit's Blessings to you!

Regards of Loving-Kindness, ...E’Asha 9/7/2016

Quick Check-in, Page 2 of 2 F-S_5th_AN, Page 21 of 54

Theoretical Perspectives of the Guardian Material™ ©E’Asha Ashayana Arhayas- ARhayas Productions, LLC
All Rights Reserved

This information is not intended to diagnose, treat or cure any condition, illness, ailment or affliction, nor is
it a substitute for professional

medical or psychiatric evaluation; presented for purposes of Theoretical Exploration only.

12/16/2016 FAIL-SAFE st Anniversary Note — continued PART-4

Earth’s Inevitable Appointment with Eternal Destiny & Inevitably Awakening Humanity”

SECTION-1: EMERGING-Earth—Basic Fundamentals; Transposition Platforms and

The YhU-Rha’-Dha FORCE


The 4 Transposition Platforms

The Rainbow River 5 Essential Essences Transposition Flows

Emancipation-Transposition Passages

3 Domain Passage Sets

Passages Blend-Merger

The E-Lum’en-Air Field

The T.K.O & P.K.O. Seal Sets

Atomic E’Lum’en-ation

The YhU-Ri’-dhan Field

The YhU-Rha’-Dha Transplaneal Light-Body

The YhU-Rha’-Dha FORCE


The YhU-Rha’-Dha Awakening- EMERGENCE of the YhU-Rha’-Dha FORCE

Planetary Templar Grid Activations Announcement:

Between Late January-Early February 2017 the INITIATION of Cycle-Set-5: RECLAMATION begins.


The YhU-Rha’-Dha AWAKENING: EMERGENCE of the YhU-Rha’-Dha FORCE —

Part 4a, Page 1 of 4 F-S_5th_AN, Page 22 of 54


Theoretical Perspectives of the Guardian Material™ ©E’Asha Ashayana Arhayas- ARhayas Productions, LLC
All Rights Reserved

This information is not intended to diagnose, treat or cure any condition, illness, ailment or affliction, nor is
it a substitute for professional
medical or psychiatric evaluation; presented for purposes of Theoretical Exploration only.

12/16/2016 FAIL-SAFE 5" Anniversary Note — continued PART-4

Earth’s Inevitable Appointment with Eternal Destiny & Inevitably Awakening Humanity”
Introductory Greeting — Guardian Material™ Transcriptions Progress
Hello Everyone,

It is such a relief and a JOY to finally be able to share with you the new Guardian Material™ transcriptions
contained in this posting attachment! It has taken me since my last Quick Check-In-1 Posting of 9/7/2016
to compile and complete transcription of the in-depth Guardian Material™ Excerpts presented in this FAIL-
SAFE 5" Anniversary Note—PART-4 post, which “came in” simultaneously with even more detailed
information scheduled for FAIL-SAFE 5" Anniversary Note—PART-5 and beyond. The Topics and basic
Subject Matter contained in THIS “PART-4 Posting” are listed briefly one the cover page.

Guardian Material™ transcription on this “HE’-TUe Long-Run Time-Wave” that has been running in Earth’s
Templar since the “Pan-Pan Dance” Activation triggered 3-4/2015, seems to “take forever” because the
information is so detailed, in-depth and vast in amount, and the data “downloads” with several data-block-
lines at once. | do not enjoy the experience of having so much time pass before sharing the Guardians™
newest information with you; perhaps | will find this less displeasing when | have made greater progress
within my “personal lessons of PATIENCE” ©.

Since childhood, the Guardians’ “theoretical perspective” has been my personal “Spiritual Calling”, and
transcription of the Guardian Material™ transmissions has been my “Life Passion” for over 20 years. | am
also “Wildly Passionate” about sharing the Guardians’ information with “anyone out there whom cares”,
because | know from personal experience how Personally Empowering and Spiritually Transformative the
Guardian Worldview can be. | find joy in sharing the Gift of this exploration opportunity with others, so that
it may facilitate them, as it has done for me, in creating a more Awakened Life Journey and more Fulfilling
Life...& potentially... After-Life... Experience.

For those of you “out there” who care about the Guardian Material™, and whom may share my displeasure
with having to “now wait much longer for next new-data release”, the Guardians would like us all to know
that they “have not forgotten or abandoned us”, and that they believe we will find the progression of new
“HE’-TUe Wave long-run material” transcripts will be ultimately, in the long-run, “worth the wait”.
Personally, | am fully aware that the Guardians “have not forgotten or abandoned us”, as | spend many
hours most days in open communication and transcription with them. But for people not yet in open
communication with the EAAC-AMCC-MCEO-GA Guardians, the long periods between postings and new
data-release my seem troubling, so the Guardians wanted me to pass on this reassurance to you. Regarding
both the Guardians, and also we here at ARhAyas Productions, .... “We are Still Here, We are Still With
You, ... and We ARE Still STANDING...Brave & Happy ... All-ways in service to the Eternal-Life 1"—Creation
Agenda! ©".

My back-log of in progress-open in-depth data-block Guardian Material™ transcriptions is growing huge

and rapidly since early 2015, and even more intensively since 12/1/2015 when the “Triumphs” engaged.
The HE’-TUe Wave data-download-wave is synchronized and regulated by environmental Frequency-
conditions occurring in Earth’s Planetary Shields and Plasma Time-Templates, so completion of data-block

Part 4a, Page 2 of 4 F-S_5th_AN, Page 23 of 54


transcription and sequencing is partially dependent upon these factors. Public release of new Guardian
Material™ is also directly influenced by the factor that the Guardians most often choose their new-data
release dates to correspond, or EarthCync™, with specific Interactive Frequency Activations that are, or
will soon be, taking place within Earth Templar & Templates. When next-level new Guardian Material™
transcriptions are released soon before, or during, important Interactive Planetary Grid Activations, it
prepares and allows people to better understand, and to interact with if they choose, the Planetary Grid
Freguency-Activations as the Activations are occurring.

The Guardians choice for the release date of the new the Guardian Material™ Excerpts featured in this
FAIL-SAFE 5 Anniversary Note—PART-4 post, arose from both the factor of environmental Frequency-
conditions in Earth’s Templar (A “Temporary Dark-River Grid-Muck Yuck” that we'll address in later
writings), and the factor of the Guardians choosing to EarthCync™ this new-data release with important
new Planetary Templar & Template Activations that will be soon unfolding in Late-January- Early-
February 2017. In this regard, by releasing this new data now, the Guardians are “giving us a Heads-Up”,
preparing us to better understand the complexity, dynamics and significance of the Triumphantly Amazing
Things what will soon be unfolding in Earth’s Planetary Templar-Templates, and providing us with the
preliminary conceptual foundations to Interact with these Planetary Grid Activations when they arrive in 1-
2/2017. The Planetary Templar-Templates Frequency Activations that will take place sometime in Late-
January- Early-February 2017 (Guardians will provide prior notice to precise dates, when they become
known to them.) are referred to as:


The YhU-Rha’-Dha AWAKENING: EMERGENCE of the YhU-Rha’-Dha FORCE —

Late-January- Early-February 2017

These soon-coming YhU-Rha’-Dha AWAKENING Planetary Grid Events are part of yet another Essential
Expedition of Earth’s Planetary Triumph-Early-Onset Planetary Emancipation Cycle and the TRIUMPH of
Triumph-Universal Grand Salvage Mission. The YhU-Rha’-Dha AWAKENING Grid Events are ....”YhU-ge” in
scope, complexity and implications, and will require us to rapidly accelerate our KDDL™ EarthCync™
Programs. Due to the Temporary Dark-River Grid-Muck Yuck Templar Events that have been occurring
since their 10/2015 start, the Guardians have requested that we wait until the coming Late-January- Early-
February 2017 YhU-Rha’-Dha AWAKENING “SUPER-Frequency Events”, before resuming any of our
EarthCync™ Programs.

In order for any of us to understand how ....” YhU-ge” the YhU-Rha’-Dha AWAKENING “SUPER-Frequency
Events” really are, and because of the technical complexity of the nature of these Events and their intrinsic
processes, the Guardians have provided me with the sequence of how they would like their information to
be released. As an attachment with this Posting we have included a 29-page Excerpt Compilation that will
help to provide some fundamental concepts pertaining to the nature of the YhUU-Rha’-Dha AWAKENING
Events and many interrelated things. It is “Where they would like us to begin”. This Excerpt Compilation is
called “SECTION:1” in a much longer 8-SECTION document | have been transcribing from the Guardians
beginning in 9/2015. The data in SECTION:1 is quite technical in nature, but the Guardians believe this
sequence will best prepare us for understanding the dynamics of the Planetary Events that are occurring.
Even if the “mechanics dynamics” might seem a bit complex, you will “still pick up the frequencies just by
reading through it”. | hope you enjoy the Guardians SECTION:1 Introductory Selection.

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Happy Announcement — KDDL™2

Before we move on to the more in-depth subject matter of the SECTION:1 Excerpts Compilation, we at
ARhAyas Productions are very happy to announce the new product release of our “KDDL™ Element-
2/ShiftMasters™-2 Intro: BEING THERE, BEING HUMAN, BEING PRESENT” DVD +Manual. This new product
was filmed during the March 21-August 28, 2015 KDDL™-2 Livestream, and after many months of DVD
rendering and diagram cleanup, this product is finally ready for release. The double-length+ “KDDL™-
2/ShiftMasters™-2 Intro” product includes 12DVDs + 1 Technique-CD, totaling 28 hours of video, and a
huge 280 page Manual (Color-Printed Binder Manual or Digital Download PDF) featuring a myriad of
detailed essential diagrams, Codes and texts that were presented in the KDDL™ Element-2/ShiftMasters™-2
Intro Livestream. Our new “KDDL™-2/ShiftMasters™-2 Intro” package, especially when combined with the
much shorter “KDDL™ Element-1" package (Livestream Filmed 12/21+/2014; 5 DVDs, 1 Technique MP3, 75
page PDF Chart Pack), serves as a Beginners Fast-Track Entry Portal to exploration of the most recent
essential Guardian Material™ foundation concepts, techniques and perspectives. Our “tiny but mighty”
Team at ARhAyas Productions have worked diligently to make this “KDDL™-2/ShiftMasters™-2 Intro”
product available to you ASAP, .... this took a massive amount of work-time, and we are excited that it is
now available for purchase on our website, for those interested in exploring (Please visit us at for product program content description).

Now on to more in-depth subject matter, of the of the SECTION:1 Excerpts Compilation, and the Late-
January- Early-February 2017 YhU-ge Planetary Grid Events of The INITIATION of Cycle-Set-5:

Activation. We hope to post the SECTION:2 Excerpts Compilation-Titled “The HUMAN Element”,
sometime in January-2017, prior to the The YhU-Rha’-Dha AWAKENING.

“Till Then,
EFFI Smiles, Spirit's Blessings and May the YhU-Rha’-Dha FORCE BE With You!

E’Asha Ashayana Arhayas

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Theoretical Perspectives of the Guardian Material™ ©E’Asha Ashayana Arhayas- ARhayas Productions, LLC
All Rights Reserved

This information is not intended to diagnose, treat or cure any condition, illness, ailment or affliction, nor is
it a substitute for professional

medical or psychiatric evaluation; presented for purposes of Theoretical Exploration only.

12/16/2016 FAIL-SAFE st Anniversary Note — continued PART-4

Earth’s Inevitable Appointment with Eternal Destiny & Inevitably Awakening Humanity”

SECTION-1: EMERGING-Earth—Basic Fundamentals; Transposition Platforms and

The YhU-Rha’-Dha FORCE


The 4 Transposition Platforms

The Rainbow River 5 Essential Essences Transposition Flows

Emancipation-Transposition Passages

3 Domain Passage Sets

Passages Blend-Merger

The E-Lum’en-Air Field

The T.K.O & P.K.O. Seal Sets

Atomic E’Lum’en-ation

The YhU-Ri’-dhan Field

The YhU-Rha’-Dha Transplaneal Light-Body

The YhU-Rha’-Dha FORCE


The YhU-Rha’-Dha Awakening- EMERGENCE of the YhU-Rha’-Dha FORCE

Planetary Templar Grid Activations Announcement:

Between Late January-Early February 2017 the INITIATION of Cycle-Set-5: RECLAMATION begins.


The YhU-Rha’-Dha AWAKENING: EMERGENCE of the YhU-Rha’-Dha FORCE —

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The 4-Transposition Platforms, & “Co-ordinate Point Interface & Pass-through Potential”

Transposition Platforms are dormant Transplaneal Space-Time Continua that come into activation through
progressive accretion of the frequencies inherent to their corresponding Emancipation & Transposition
Passages. When fully activated, Transposition Platforms function as temporary Transplaneal Space-Time
Continua that SPAN between domains in External Creation and Eternal-internal 1°*-Creation D-Planes.

Each Transposition Platform connects specific locations in External Creation to specific locations in
Eternal-Internal 1%'-Creation, through specifically calibrated “Transplaneal Co-ordinate Points” that
interface through the Emancipation & Transposition Passages. Activated Transposition Platforms allow
temporary Direct Interface between External Creation domains and their corresponding Eternal-Internal
1*-Creation D-Planes Domain Counterparts, as “both locational co-ordinates are brought together” within
the temporary “common co-shared Co-ordinate Point” of the Transposition Platform Space-Time

Domain Counterparts

The Domain Counterparts of an External Creation domain are the Eternal-Internal 1%-Creation D-Planes
domains that carry the
Eff-E’-Mah Crystal Silken-Wave 1°-Eternal-Authentik Identity encryption from which the External domain
originally “Out-stepped
through the Tran’-TE-in Window” from the Eternal-Internal 1°'-Creation D-Planes to emerge into External
Creation expression.

For the period of time in which the Transposition Platforms are active and open, the External Creation
domain and its Eternal-internal 1°'-Creation D-Planes domain counterpart “CO-EXIST within the SAME
Space-Time Continuum”; the “common co-shared Co-ordinate Point” of the Transposition Platform
Transplaneal Space-Time Continuum.

There are 4 Transposition Platforms that SPAN horizontally between domains in External Creation and
Eternal-Internal 1°'-Creation D-Planes (pha'-Yah-Ter Planes). The 4 Transposition Platforms ARE:

1. The Core Caverns Transposition Platform-1: connects to Pan-Clair’-ah Spectra D-Planes, Eye of LE’-Tue,
Median-Earth, the Silver Victory Seed & the Pana-KHY Passage-1.

2. The Reservoirs Transposition Platform-2: connects to Pana-Coa-le’-ta Spectra D-Planes, Eye of LA’-Tue,
Earth, the Golden-Silver Victory Seed & the Krystal-Bridge Passage-2.

3. The Rings Transposition Platform-3: connects to Pana-Co-LA’-Ra Spectra D-Planes, Eye of Lila, ARI’-yah —
the Platinum Victory Seed & the Pinnacle Passage-3.

4. The Rays Transposition Platform-4: connects to ELF-LUV Field Spectra D-Planes, Eye of TrhU’-ah, ARhA-
yah Sun-
8, the Eff-i-Mir’a Freedom Seed & the Eff-I-yah Passage-4.

Each of the 4 Transposition Platforms have specific geographical and locational Co-ordinates, both within
External Creation & Earth’s “Known Vertical Structure” (= “Vertical Maps” from Earth-Core up through
Magnetosphere. RE: MCEO Freedom Teachings™ Series 1999-5/2012), and within the Eternal-Internal 1%-
Creation & D-

Planes Earths’ “Known Vertical Structure” (=D-Planes Earths’ “Vertical Maps” from Core up through
Corona*-sphere and beyond.
Note: Corona is an “aura of plasma surrounding suns and stars” — Google).

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Earth’s 4 Transposition Platforms Locations

Moving inward from Earth’s Magnetosphere (40,000-45,000 miles/65,000-73,000 km: Magnetosheath—

Area between Bow Shock and
Magnetopause) and downward to Earth’s Core. Distances are approximate.

Rainbow Rays Transposition Platform-4: 33,000 — 45,000 miles/ 53,400 — 73,000 km above surface.
upward from Rainbow Rings Transposition Platform-3 in outer region of Outer Van Allen Electron Belt into
the Magnetosheath.
Connects to ELF-LUV Field Spectra D-Planes, Eye of TrhU’-ah, ARhA-yah Sun-8, the Eff-i-Mir’a Freedom Seed
& the Eff-I-yah
Passage-4. Initiated Activation 1/1/2016 3:33 AM EST.

Rainbow Rings Transposition Platform-3: 33,000 miles/ 53,400 km above surface. Located in the outer
region of
the Outer Van Allen Electron Belt. Connects to Pana-Co-LA’-Ra Spectra D-Planes, Eye of Lila, ARI’-yah —
Earth, the Platinum
Victory Seed & the Pinnacle Passage-3. Initiated Activation 1/1/2016 1:44 AM EST.

Rainbow Reservoirs Transposition Platform-2: 62+ miles/ 100+ km below surface. Interfaces between lower
& upper mantel, beginning at bottom of Lower-Lithosphere {62.1 miles / 100 km) and radiates up-ward
through Troposphere into
upper regions of Ozone Layer in Earth’s Stratosphere {12 - 19 miles/ 20 — 30 km above surface).’Connects
to Pana-Coa-le’-ta
Spectra D-Planes, Eye of LA’-Tue, Arieon-Earth, the Golden-Silver Victory Seed & the Krystal-Bridge Passage-
2. The Rainbow-
Rain Plasm Flows activated in Earth’s Rainbow Reservoirs Transposition Platform-2 in 9-10/2015; the
Rainbow-River 5 Essential
Essences Pre-plasm Transposition Flows activated on 1/1/2016 12:12 AM EST and Rainbow Reservoirs
Transposition Platform-
2 Initiated Activation 1/2/2016 EST.

Core Krystal Caverns Transposition Platform-1: 3958.1+ miles/ 6370+ km below surface. Located at Earth’s
within Earth's Core Crystal, between Center-point of Earth’s Solid-Crystal-Core & TrhU’-ah-Plasma Template
Core. Connects to
Pan-Clair’-ah Spectra D-Planes, Eye of LE’-Tue, Median-Earth, the Silver Victory Seed & the Pana-KHY
Passage-1. Initiated
Activation 1/3/2016 12:12 AM EST and OPENS for Projection Access late January- early February 2017,
engaging Earth’s 1%
Planetary E-Lum’en-Air Wave-Infusions and the Planetary YhU-Rha’-Dha Force Awakening of EMERGING-

During the period of time of “Co-ordinate Point Interface”, when the Transposition Platforms are active
and open (and External Creation domains and their Eternal-internal 1"-Creation D-Planes domain
counterparts “CO-EXIST within the SAME
Space-Time Continuum of the Transposition Platform Transplaneal Space-Time Continuum”), it becomes
possible for the External
Creation domain to atomic-ly “Pass-through” into merger with its corresponding Eternal-Internal 1°'-
Creation D-Planes Domain Counterpart; its counterpart Eff-E’-Mah Crystal Silken-Wave 1°-Eternal-
Authentik Identity (RE: 3-9/2015 KDDL™-2, Session-2, Part-2).

Such Transposition-Platform Transplaneal Space-Time Continuum “Pass-through potentials” occur through

progressive activation, engagement and accretion of the Frequency Spectra inherent to the V21-
Emancipation (M31-Andromeda galaxy) & M33-Transposition (M33-Triangulum galaxy) Passages of the
Passage Network.
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Pass-through, the Vector Veil, Emancipation-Transposition Passages, 5 Essential Essences & the E-Lum’en-
Air Field

Transposition Platforms are dormant Transplaneal Space-Time Continua encoded with Plasma Time-
Template structure, that when activated SPAN between domains in External Creation and Eternal-internal
1*-Creation, temporarily allowing an External Creation domain and its Eternal-Internal 1*-Creation D-Planes
domain counterpart to “CO-EXIST within the SAME Space-Time Continuum ” through Co-ordinate Point

In this regard, Transposition Platforms serve as the vehicle for Co-ordinate Point Alignment between an
External Creation and Eternal-Internal 1°'-Creation domain, which enables the potential for Pass-through
between the domains. Whereas Transposition Platforms serve as the “vehicle for Co-ordinate Point
Alignment”, it is the Emancipation & Transposition PASSAGES that serve as the “vehicle for Pass-through”.

When Transposition Platforms activate, and their Transplaneal Space-Time Continua open, bringing specific
External Creation and Eternal-Internal 1°-Creation domains into Co-ordinate Point Alignment, these
domains do “CO-EXIST within the SAME Space-Time Continuum”; they are “literally co-existing in the Same
Space, at the Same Time”, within the blend-field of the Transposition Platform.

However, the atomic structure of the “2 co-joined domains” will still appear “invisible to each other” on
the physical-atomic level, due to differences in ARPS (Angular Rotation of Particle Spin; RE: The MCEQ
Freedom Teachings
Series, 1999-5/2012) between them. This difference in ARPS between the atomic structure of the External
Creation domains and the Eternal-Internal 1% -Creation domains creates an “invisible barrier” between
them, called the “Veil of Vector”, or the “VECTOR VEIL”.

The atomic Vector Veil of Transposition Platforms IS Permeable by TrhU’-ah Plasma Body anatomy, due to
its inherent mutable vector coding. In this regard, active-open Transposition Platforms allow for “many
great & frequency-powerful adventures” in TrhlU’-ah Plasma Body Projection, and these Transposition
Platforms ALSO offer many enhanced opportunities for Conscious Manifestation and Co-Creation. But in

order for Atomic Pass-through to occur, the Vector Veil, and ARPS discrepancies between the 2 co-joined
domains, must be mitigated.

Mitigation of the Vector Veil, and ARPS discrepancies between the 2 co-joined domains of the
Transposition Platforms is the function of the Emancipation & Transposition PASSAGES.

The Emancipation & Transposition Passages are dormant Transplaneal vertical-passage structures within
the Plasma Time-Templates of all creation, through which the reality fields of External Creation and Eternal-
Internal 1°'-Creation are indelibly linked and intertwined. Emancipation & Transposition Passages exist in a
specific structural composition called the 3 Domain Passage Sets; each of the 3 Domain Passage Sets is
composed of one vertical Emancipation Passage and one vertical Transposition Passage. Each vertical
Emancipation Passage has an intrinsic set of 4 horizontal Emancipation Corridors, and each vertical
Transposition Passage has an intrinsic set of 3 horizontal Transposition Chambers.

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The 3 Domain Passage Sets

The 3 Domain Passage Sets are the 3 vertical Emancipation-Transposition Passage PAIRS that correspond to,
and regulate, the
5 Essential Essences frequencies of the 3 Domain Orientations. The 3 Domain Orientations of the EFFI
Infinitum are: External
Creation, Transplaneal-SPAN ELF-LUV Field 1"-Creation D-Planes, and Eternal-Internal 1"'-Creation D-
Planes. In each
Emancipation-Transposition Passage PAIR, the Emancipation Passage runs the 3 Elemental Quint-essences,
and the
Transposition Passage runs the Aqua-essence 1° Elemental Essence of the 5 Essential Essences Pre-plasms.

The 3 Domain Passage Sets ARE:

The Safe-Haven Rainbow Run Domain Passage Set-1: corresponds to External Creation domains. In our
Creation Universal System the Emancipation Passage of Domain Passage Set-1 runs through the M31-
Andromeda/Aquinos galaxy, and is referred to as the M31-Emancipation Passage; the “Safe-Haven Rainbow
Emancipation Corridors 4-Code Set” of the “Go Vertical™ Series” Code-Run corresponds to the External
Creation M31-
Emancipation Passage. The Transposition Passage of Domain Passage Set-1 runs through the M33-
Triangulum galaxy,
and is referred to as the M33-Transposition Passage.

The Safe-Passage Solar Window-Bridge Domain Passage Set-2: corresponds to Transplaneal-SPAN ELF-LUV
Field 1°'-
Creation D-Planes domains. The Safe-Passage Solar Window-Bridge Domain Passage Set-2 of the
ELF-LUV Field Out-steps into our External Creation Universal System through the cores of stars and suns
within the M31-
Emancipation/M33-Transposition Passages of the External Creation Safe-Haven Rainbow Run Domain
Passage Set-1,
and Down-steps through the Core Caverns, Reservoirs, Rings & Rays structure of the local 4 Transposition
The “Safe-Passage Solar Window Emancipation Corridors 4-Code Set” of the “Go Vertical™ Series” Code-Run
corresponds to the Transplaneal-SPAN ELF-LUV Field Emancipation Passage of Safe-Passage Solar Window-
Domain Passage Set-2.

The Safe-Heavens Domain Passage Set-3: corresponds to Eternal-Internal 1%-Creation D-Planes domains. In
the Eternal-
Internal 1°*-Creation D-Planes Universal Systems the Emancipation & Transposition Passages of Safe-
Heavens Domain
Passage Set-3 run through the Domain Counterparts of their corresponding External Creation Universal
Systems, and
interface with the Transplaneal-SPAN ELF-LUV Field 1*-Creation D-Planes and External Creation domains
through the
structures of the local 4 Transposition Platforms. The Eternal-Internal 1"-Creation D-Planes Domain
Counterparts of our
External Creation Universal Systems correspond to our M31-Emancipation/M33-Transposition Passages of
Creation Safe-Haven Rainbow Run Domain Passage Set-1. The Eternal-Internal 1"-Creation D-Planes Domain
Counterparts of our External Creation “NET-Earth” planet are Median-Earth in the Pan-Clair’-ah Spectra D-
Arieon-Earth in the Pana-Coa-le’-ta Spectra D-Planes, and AR/’-yah -Earth in the Pana-Co-LA’-Ra Spectra D-
Planes. Our
Eternal-Internal 1%-Creation Domain Counterparts interface with the Transplaneal-SPAN ELF-LUV Field
1%-Creation D-
Planes and External Creation domains through ARhA-yah Sun-8 in the ELF-LUV Field 1"-Creation D-Planes,
and the Core
Caverns, Reservoirs, Rings & Rays structure of the local 4 Transposition Platforms.

When dormant, the geleziac-radiation mathematical encryptions of the Emancipation &

Transposition Passages remain within the Plasma Time-Templates in the form of Eternal-Internal 1°'-
Creation Pre-plasm Eta-vapor crystals; crystallized units of the Eternal-Internal 1%-Creation 5
Essential Essences. When de-crystallized through activation, the Eternal 5 Essential Essences are

referred to as the Rainbow-River 5 Essential Essences Pre-plasm Transposition Flows (RE: FAIL-SAFE 5"
Anniversary Note- PART-2 8/10/2016).

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The Rainbow River 5 Essential Essences Transposition Flows

The 5 Essential Essences Pre-plasm Eta-vapors that comprise the Rainbow-River Transposition Flows ARE:

The E-Lum’en-essence: 1%-Eternal Thermo-geleziac Perpetually-Pulsing Radiant Field — The 1* Eternal

Elemental Essence expression of the EFFI Infinitum (EFFI = Eternal First Field Intelligence/ Electro-Thermal
First Force
Identity). Essential Essence-1 Pre-plasm Aqua Ether E-ta Vapor.
The Aqua-essence: 1%-Eternal Hydro-geleziac Flow-Field — The 1* Eternal Elemental Base-Essence
expression of the
EFFI Infinitum; also known as “The Great Protector”.
Essential Essence-2 Pre-plasm White Air E-ta Vapor.

The 3 Elemental Quint-essences - Striated Elemental Essences

The Eff-im’-a-rha Quintessence-1: 1*-Eternal Striated Standing Radiant-Force Field —

Essential Essence-3 Pre-plasm Blue Water E-ta Vapor.
Associated with contemporary sciences’ “Higgs Field” concepts

The Eff-im’-a-rhal Quintessence-2: 1°-Eternal continual & perpetual motion Striated Expanding-Force Flows

Essential Essence-4 Pre-plasm Green Crystal E-ta Vapor.
Associated with contemporary sciences’ “Dark Energy” concepts.

The Ephemeral Quintessence-3: 1°'-Eternal transient & intermittent motion Striated Contracting-Force
Flows —
Essential Essence-5 Pre-plasm Violet Fire E-ta Vapor.
Associated with contemporary sciences’ “Dark Matter” concepts.

The term Striated as used above in reference to Elemental Essential Essences 3, 4 & 5 denotes that the
encryption of the
Essence is polarized into the 5 Eternal Elemental Commands < Ether/ E’-ta-Ur, Air/A’-Ur, Water/Wa’-Ta-Ur,
Fire/PHI’-ya-Ur> that serve as the organic Eternal-Life Template for 15-Dimensional Structure polarization.
The 3 Striated
Essential Essences that carry the polarized encryption of the 5 Eternal ELEMENTAL Commands are known
as the 3 Elemental

When activated, the Emancipation & Transposition Passages progressively open, and translate their 5
Essential Essences Pre-plasm Eta-vapor frequencies from Eternal-Internal 1°*-Creation into the Plasma
Templates of their corresponding Transposition Platforms. As the 5 Essential Essences frequencies Out-step
& Down-step into External Creation through the Transposition Platforms, the Transposition Platforms
progressively activate and open their Transplaneal Space-Time Continua SPANS, and engage progressive
Co-ordinate Point Alignment between an encryption-activated External Creation and Eternal-Internal 1°'-
Creation Domain Set.

Domain Set

Collectively, an External Creation domain and its Eternal-Internal 1°'-Creation D-Planes Domain
Counterparts are called a
Domain Set.
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As the Emancipation & Transposition Passages progressively open between the co-joined Domain Set, the 5
Essential Essences frequencies progressively blend with the TrhU’-ah Plasma and Rainbow Plasm
frequencies of the Plasma Time-Templates (Re: 3-9/2015 kppL™-2) . As the Plasma, Plasm & 5 Essential
Pre-plasm frequencies progressively blend, the Emancipation Passages & Transposition Passages
progressively blend with each other. The Blended frequencies of the Emancipation & Transposition
Passages progressively open what is called the E-Lum’en-Air Pass-through Field within the Plasma Time-
Template and Krystal-Bridge Passage (RE: 3-9/2015 KDDL™-2).

As the E-Lum’en-Air Pass-through Field progressively forms, the E-Lum’en-Air Field progressively shifts the
vertical & horizontal ARPS of BOTH in the Domain Set, slowly and progressively drawing both into a
“Common Diagonal ARPS” and atomic blend within the ELF-LUV Field (Equilibrium Lull Force—Lowest
Unified Velocity
Field. RE: 3-9/2015 KDDL™-2) Of the Krystal-Bridge Passage. This Common Diagonal ARPS allows for an
Pass-through Window”, called the Tran’-TE-in Window (RE: FAIL-SAFE 5" Anniversary Note-PART-2
8/10/2016) tO
temporarily open within the Transposition Platforms, between External Creation and Eternal-internal 1°'-

Pass-through, Vector Veil Mitigation, E-Lum’en-Air Field, Phase-Shift & Density-Transposition

Within the Plasma Time-Template and Krystal-Bridge Passage, the E-Lum’en-Air Pass-through Field forms
and “grows” over time, as the Emancipation Passages & Transposition Passages, and the corresponding 5
Essential Essences (Rainbow-River Transposition Flows Eta-vapor Pre-plasms) each carry, progressively
Blend with each

As the E-Lum’en-Air Pass-through Field progressively forms and grows, as the Emancipation &
Transposition Passages progressively Blend, the E-Lum’en-Air Field progressively shifts the vertical &
horizontal ARPS, the atomic-axis orientation of the elemental-matter-base, in BOTH bodies in the Domain
Set, into a temporary Common Diagonal-ARPS alignment within the ELF-LUV Field. The Diagonal-ARPS
alignment is the atomic-axis alignment that allows the “atomic Pass-through” Tran’-TE-in Window to
temporarily open within the Transposition Platforms, between External Creation and Eternal-internal 1°'-

Through temporarily axis-shifting the atomic axes orientation into a Common Diagonal-ARPS, the E-
Lum’en-Air Field mitigates the atomic hold of the Vector Veil, temporarily opening the Tran’-TE-in Window
between the External Creation and Eternal-Internal 1°-Creation aspects of the Domain Set, through which
“passage between the domains can occur”.

For the period of time in which the Tran’-TE-in Window of Common Diagonal-ARPS alignment is open,
atomic structure from either side can “Phase-Shift” into the organic ARPS of the other, thereby
“transposing” or “moving itself from one domain to the other”, through the process of Density-
Transposition ; this process is formally referred to as Transplaneal-Translocation Density-Transposition

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Opening of the Tran’-TE-in Window occurs in stages, as the Emancipation Passages & Transposition
Passages progressively Blend to grow and expand the E-Lum’en-Air Pass-through Field with its Diagonal-
ARPS shift capacity. As each Domain Passage Set of Emancipation-Transposition Passages open and blend
to build the E-Lum’en-Air Field, corresponding aspects of the atomic structure begin their “Shift
Progression” toward “atomic Pass-through”, Diagonal-ARPS, and E-Lum’en-Air Field Krystal-Bridge Passage

As the Emancipation Passages & Transposition Passages progressively open and blend, the 4 Transposition
Platforms progressively activate and open their Transplaneal Space-Time Continua SPANS, and engage
progressive Domain Set Co-ordinate Point Alignment, wherein more and more geographical regions of
each aspect of the Domain Set “align with each other and interface together” through the Transplaneal
Space-Time Continua SPANS of the 4 Transposition Platforms and the growing E-Lum’en-Air Field.

As the process of Emancipation-Transposition Passage Blending and Transposition Platform activation

progresses, the “atomic Pass-through” Tran’-TE-in Window between the External Creation and Eternal-
Internal 1°'-Creation Domain Set opens more & more , and the Vector Veil reciprocally grows progressively
“thinner & thinner”. Thinning of the Vector Veil allows progressively greater “Domain Bleed-through” to
occur, as more & more of the organic Atomic Matter-Base engages the Diagonal-ARPS of the Krystal-Bridge
Passage E-Lum’en-Air Field.

When all of the Emancipation & Transposition Passages of the 3 Domain Passage Sets finally open and
Blend, the final atomic Shift-Alignment occurs, and the Tran’-TE-in Window fully opens for final
completion of atomic Transplaneal-Translocation Density-Transposition Phase-Shift to occur.

Density-Transposition is the process by which atomic structure from External Creation and Eternal-Internal
1*-Creation Domain Sets “Pass-through to the other Domain” via the mechanics of molecular “Phase-
Shift”. In molecular Phase-Shift the molecules, atoms and sub-atomic particles from one Space-Time
Domain transpose, or “transplanealy trans-locate” from one Domain to the Domain Counterpart by
shifting their ARPS, and thus shifting their Space-Time Vector Alignment, from the organic Vector
Alignment of the “start Domain” to the organic Vector Alignment of the “ Domain Counterpart”. In so
doing, the atomic matter-form “Phase-Shifts Out Of” it’s current “start Domain Vector Alignment” and
“Phase-Shifts In To” the Vector Alignment of the new Domain.

In very simple terms, “Density-Transposition via Phase-Shift” means that the atomic structure of the
“Phase-Shifting quantum” literally “progressively de-densifies in Out-going Wave-Cycles & eventually
disappears” from its “start Domain”, and simultaneously “progressively re-densifies in In-Coming Wave-
Cycles & eventually reappears” fully intact in the “counterpart Domain”.

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Density-Transposition, Passages Blend-Merger, the Rainbow-River Transposition Flows & E-Lum’en-Air

Transplaneal-Translocation Density-Transposition Phase-Shift takes place in stages, over time, through

the progressive structural Blending & Merging of first the Emancipation Passage-Transposition Passage
PAIR within each of the 3 Domain Passage Sets, and then Blending & Merging of the 3 Domain Passage Sets
with each other; this process is called Passages Blend-Merger, the process by which Transplaneal-
Translocation Density-Transposition Phase-Shift unfolds.

Passages Blend-Merger is Blending & Merging of the Plasma Templates & Passage Structure of the
activated Emancipation-Transposition Passages in the 3 Domain Passage Sets, which takes place through
the progressive Blending & Merging of the Rainbow-River 5 Essential Essences Transposition Flows
frequencies that are carried within the activated Emancipation & Transposition Passages.

In the structure of Emancipation and Transposition Passages, the Transposition Passage (in our local
this is the M33-Transposition Passage that enters External Creation through the M33-Triangulum galaxy)
carries the frequencies of
Essential Essence-2, the Aqua-essence 1% Eternal Elemental Base-Essence “Great Protector”, and the
Emancipation Passage (in our local Universe this is the M31-Emanciaption Passage that enters External
Creation through the M31-
Andromeda/Aquinos galaxy) carries the frequencies of Essential Essences-3, 4 & 5, the “3 Quintessences”,
Essential Essences-3-Etff-im’-a-rha Quintessence-1, Essential Essences-4-Eff-im’-a-rhal Quintessence-2 and
Essences-5- Ephemeral Quintessence-3.

Through the progressive process of Emancipation-Transposition Passages Blend-Merger within each of the
3 Domain Passage Set PAIRS, the Pre-plasm Eta-vapor frequencies of the Essential Essence-2-Aqua-
essence, carried by the Transposition Passage, Blend, Merge & Recombine with the Pre-plasm Eta-vapor
frequencies of the Essential Essences-3, 4 & 5, the “3 Quintessences” carried by the Emancipation
Passage. As the Emancipation-Transposition Passage PAIR Blend & Merge, the 4 Essential Elemental
Essences 2-5 recombine, causing their Pre-plasm Eta-vapor frequencies to transfigure back into Essential
Essence-1 E-Lum’en-essence, the 1% Eternal Pre-Elemental Essence expression of the EFFI Infinitum, the
original “1° State Essence” from which they all initially Out-stepped/Down-stepped and emerged into
individuated expression.

Essential Essence-1 E-Lum’en-essence is the 1°" Eternal Radiant Essence, the PRE-Elemental Electro-
Thermal Eta-vapor Pre-Plasm Standing-wave Conscious Radiant Field that is the 1% Expressed Essence of
the EFFI Infinitum (Erri = Eternal First-Field- Intelligence & Electro-Thermal-First-Force Identity = E-
lum’en-essence Pre-Elemental 1°
Essence Expression of the EFFI) from which the Essential ELEMENTAL Essences Pre-Plasm Eta-vapors of the
Essence-2-Aqua-essence and Essences-3-5 “3 Quintessences” emerge.

Once Essential Essences 2-5 progressively transfigure into Essential Essence-1 E-Lum’en-essence within the
Plasma Time-Templates of the Blend-Merging Emancipation-Transposition Passage PAIR, the Essence-1 E-
Lum’en-essence Radiant Field is able to further blend and merge with the frequencies of the 15-TrhU’a-h
Plasma Flows & Rainbow-Rain Plasm Flows of the Plasma Time-Templates, forming E-Lum’en-Air.

E-Lum’en-Air, composed of Essential Essence-1 E-Lum’en-essence and the 5-TrhU’a-h Plasma Flows &
Rainbow-Rain Plasm Flows of the Plasma Time-Templates, is the organic Living-Air Radiance Electro-
Thermal Eta-Vapor Pre-Plasm that has the ability to merge and blend with both the Eternal-internal 1°"
Creation Spectra (Pana-KHY D-Planes Spectra) and External Creation Electromagnetic Spectra (15-DML
Primal Life Force &

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Source Light Body Flows) and Elemental-Atomic Matter-Base, enabling both spectra and their contents to
temporarily enter a Common Diagonal-ARPS by which Transplaneal-Translocation Density-Transposition
Phase-Shift passage through the Tran’-TE-in Window between External Creation and Eternal-Internal 1°'-
Creation can occur.

E-Lum’en-Air is also the organic Living-Air Radiance by which the metabolic process and energetic quantum
of Eternal Life Eff-im-a’-rhal Biology is Eternally Self-sustained, through the internal biophysical process of
E-Lum’en-Air Conversion, which stills remains as a dormant potentiality among current Earth Human

It is through the process of Passages Blend-Merger that the 4 Transposition PLATFORMS Transplaneal
Space-Time Continua and the E-Lum’en-Air Pass-through Field progressively open and activate, to open the
atomic Pass-through Tran’-TE-in Window within the Krystal-Bridge Passage ELF-LUV Field, enabling
“Domain Pass-through” via Transplaneal-Translocation Density-Transposition Phase-Shift.


E-Lum’en-Air |S the organic Living-Air Radiance Electro-Thermal Eta-Vapor Pre-Plasm Transplaneal

Radiation Frequency Field created through
the organic process of Passages Blend-Merger of a Transposition Passage-Emancipation Passage Domain
Passage Set PA/R. When the
Transposition Passage-Emancipation Passage PAIR in a Domain Passage Set engage Passages Blend-Merger,
the following dynamics occur,
through which the E-Lum’en-Air Field is generated:

1. The 3 Quintessences- 5-Essential Essences 3-5 carried by the Emancipation Passage, Blend-Merge with the
Aquaessence Essential
Essence-2 carried by the Transposition Passage. When the 3 Quintessences Essential Essences 3-5 of the
Emancipation Passage
and the Aquaessence Essential Essence-2 of the Transposition Passage Blend-Merge together, they Re-
combine and Transpose
Essential Essences 2-5 back into the E-Lum’en-essence Essential Essence-1 (Essential Essence-1; 1"
Expression of the EFFI Standing
Radiant Field) from which they originally emerged.

Once the 2 Quintessences of the Emancipation Passage and the Aquaessence of the Transposition Passage
Blend-Merge to form
together the E-Lum’en-essence Essential Essence-1, the E-Lum’en-essence-Essential Essence-1 draws into
Blend-Merger the
Frequency Spectra of the 5-TrhlU’a-h Plasma Flows & Rainbow-Rain Plasm Flows of the Plasma Time-
Templates, and in-so-doing
forms the E-Lum’en-Air Field.

Hence the 3 Components of E-Lum’en-Air ARE:

Essential Essence-1 E-Lum’en-essence PRE-Plasm

( = Aquaessence-Essential Essence-2 Combined With the 3 Quintessences Essential Essence-3-5)
Rainbow-Rain Plasm Flows

5-TrhU’a-h Plasma Flows (5 sets of 3 Dimensional-Flow Currants)

E-Lum’en-Air can Blend-Merge with both the Eternal-internal 1°'-Creation Spectra (Pana-KHY D-Planes
Spectra) and the Electromagnetic
Spectra (15-DML Primal Life Force & Source Light Body Flows) and Elemental-Atomic Matter-Base of
External Creation, enabling both
spectra to temporarily enter a Common Diagonal-ARPS by which Transplaneal-Translocation Density-
Transposition Phase-Shift passage
through the Tran’-TE-in Window between External Creation and Eternal-Internal 1"-Creation can occur. The
process of E-Lum’en-Air
Blend-Merging with Elemental-Atomic Matter is called Atomic E-Lum’en-ation.

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The K.O. Time-Template Seal Sets and Emancipation & Transposition Passages Blend-Merger

The Emancipation & Transposition Passages Activate for Passages Blend-Merger via progressive release of
the corresponding K.O. Time-Template Seal Sets.

The 3 K.O. Time-Template Seal Sets

The 3 K.O. Time-Template Seal Sets ARE:

K.O. Seals ( Kk alA’ O c’-Sha-TA’ Time-Template Seals). Open the Eternal-Internal 1%-Creation TrhU’-ah
Plasma Flows & Rainbow-Rain Plasm
Flows of the Mar-khe’-tU’re Fields and 5 Intra-fascial Liaison Passages into External Creation, via the ELF-
LUV Field Krystal-Bridge Passage.
(RE: KDDL™ Element-2, 3-8/2015). Open both Eternal-Internal 1*'-Creation and External Creation into the
Krystal-Bridge Passage ELF-
LUV Field.

T.K.0. Seals ( Transposition K alA’ O c’-Sha-TA’ Time-Template Seals). ALIGN & open the External, Eternal-
Internal & Transplaneal SPAN
Emancipation-Transposition Passage PAIRS with each other, and blend each of the 3 Emancipation-
Transposition Domain Passage Sets with
the TrhU’-ah Plasma Flows & Rainbow-Rain Plasm Flows of the Mar-khe’-tU’re Fields and 5 Intra-fascial
Liaison Passages (aspects of TrhU’-ah
Plasma-Plasm Body/Template structure RE: The Tan-Tri-Ahura Teachings™ 2012-2014) of the Krystal-
Bridge Passage. Allow for Passages Blend-
Merger between the Emancipation Passage & Transposition Passage PAIR, in each of the 3 Domain Passages

P.K.O. Seals ( Pass-through K aLA’ O c’-Sha-TA’ Time-Template Seals). Allow the activated 3 Emancipation-
Transposition Domain Passage
Sets to blend with each other, opening access to the E-Lum’en-Air Pass-Through Field and the Tran’-TE-in
Window of the Krystal-Brodge
Passage. Allow for Passages Blend-Merger between the 3 Domain Passages Sets.

When the K.O. Time-Template Seal Sets open and activate Passages Blend-Merger within the 3 Domain
Passage Sets, the activated Emancipation & Transposition Passages progressively open and translate the
Rainbow-River 5 Essential Essences Pre-plasm Transposition Flows from Eternal-internal 1°*-Creation
through the Krystal-Bridge Passage ELF-LUV Field, and into the Plasma Time-Templates of their
corresponding 4 Transposition Platforms.

As the K.O. Seal Sets open, the corresponding TrhU’-ah Plasmas, Rainbow-Rain Plasms, and Rainbow-
River 5 Essential Essences Pre-plasm Transposition Flows frequencies from Eternal-Internal 1°-Creation
progressively Out-Step & Down-Step through the Emancipation & Transposition Passages of the ELF-LUV
Field Krystal-Bridge Passage, reciprocally engaging progressive Passages Blend-Merger of the 3
Emancipation-Transposition Passage PAIRS (7.k.0. Time-Template Seals) of the 3 Domain Passage Sets, then
the 3 Domain Passage Sets with each other (p.k.0. Time-Template Seals).

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Blend-Merger of the Emancipation Passages carrying the “2 Quintessences (Essential Essences 3, 4 & 5), with
Transposition Passages carrying the “Aquaessence” (“Great Protector” Essential Essence 2), progressively
forms the
E-Lum’en-essence Essential Essence-1, which blends with the 5-TrhU’a-h Plasma Flows & Rainbow-Rain
Plasm Flows of the Plasma Time-Templates to form the E-Lum’en-Air Pass-Through Field in the Plasma
Time-Template & Krystal-Bridge Passage.

Blend-Merger of the E-Lum’en-Air Pass-through Field (Rainbow-River 5 Essential Essences Transposition

Flows Pre-plasms +
Rainbow-Rain Plasms + 5-TrhU'-ah Flows Plasmas) With the Eternal-Internal 1°*-Creation Spectra (Pana-
KHY D-Planes Spectra)
and External Creation Electromagnetic Spectra (15-DML Primal Life Force & Source Light Body Flows) and
Atomic Matter-Base through release of the K.O. Seals (Blend-Merger of Eternal-Internal 1°'-Creation TrhU’-
ah Plasma Flows
& Rainbow-Rain Plasm Flows with External Creation EM Spectra & Atomic Matter-Base), T.K.O. Seals (Blend-
Merger of Emancipation &
Transposition Passage PAIRS) and P.K.O. Seals (Blend-Merger of the 3 Domain Passage Sets) brings the
corresponding 4
Transposition Platforms Transplaneal Space-Time Continua into progressive activation and accessibility,
and progressively opens the atomic Pass-through Tran’-TE-in Window between the co-joined Domain Sets
of External Creation & Eternal-Internal 1°-Creation, enabling Transplaneal-Translocation Density-
Transposition Phase-Shift to occur in progressive Wave-Cycles over time (900-1000 years for Earth).

As Emancipation-Transposition Passages Blend-Merger progresses in “Wave-Cycles” over a long period of

time, the 4 Transposition Platforms Transplaneal Space-Time Continua progressively activate, and build the
E-Lum’en-Air Pass-through Field within the Plasma Time-Template structure of the Emancipating External
Creation Domain. As the E-Lum’en-Air progressively builds and blends with the External Creation
Electromagnetic Spectra & Elemental-Atomic Matter-Base, the process of Atomic E-Lum’en-ation
Expedited E-ff-im-a’rhal Atomic Transfiguration is set in motion within External Creation Atomic Matter

Through Atomic E-Lum’en-ation Expedited E-ff-im-a’rhal Atomic Transfiguration, the Elemental-Atomic-

Matter-Base of an External Creation Domain, progressively engages Frequency Up-Shift (increase in the
and spin-velocity of Frequency Quantum) into Common Diagonal-ARPS (Angular-Rotation-of-Particle-Spin)
with its Domain
Set Counterpart Domain within the Eternal-internal 1°'-Creation D-Planes, and engages the 1°' dynamics of
Transplaneal-Translocation Density-Transposition Phase-Shift.

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Atomic E-Lum’en-ation

Up-Shift, OUT-Phase & IN-Phase of Atoms in Transplaneal Translocation Density Transposition Phase-Shift

Atomic E-Lum’en-ation |S the process of Expedited E-ff-im-a’rhal Atomic Transfiguration by which organic
External Creation Elemental-Atomic
Matter Blend-Merges with the Rainbow River 5 Essential Essences Transposition Flows Pre-Plasms of the E-
Lum’en-Air Field (organic Living-Air
Radiance Electro-Thermal Eta-Vapor Pre-Plasm Frequency Field formed by Passages Blend-Merger) to
engage Transplaneal Translocation Density
Transposition Phase-Shift into the Transplaneal Space-Time Continua of the 4 Transposition Platforms (Core
Krystal Caverns-1, Rainbow
Reservoirs-2, Rainbow Rings-3 & Rainbow Rays-4 ) of the External Creation SAFE HAVENS-Rainbow Run
Domain Passage Set-1.

As Wave-Cycle Infusions of E-Lum’en-Air Blend-Merge with, and Release the Vector Phase-Lock of, an
External Creation Atomic quantum, the
External Creation atoms enter the Common Diagonal-ARPS (Angular-Rotation-of-Particle-Spin) of the E-
Lum’en-Air Field and Frequency Up-Shift,
then Out-Phase from External Creation, and In-Phase into the Transplaneal Space-Time Continua of the 4
Transposition Platforms of the
External Creation SAFE HAVENS-Rainbow Run Domain Passage Set-1.

Frequency Up-Shift = The quantum and spin-velocity of External Creation atoms INCREASE through atomic
Blend-Merger with the E-Lum’en-
Air Field quantum.

Atomic OUT-Phase = The ARPS of E-Lum’en-ating External Creation atoms Phase-Shifts OUT OF Vector
Alignment with External Creation; Out-
Phasing atoms “disappear” or “de-manifest” from the External Creation Domain.

Atomic In-Phase = The ARPS of Out-Phased E-Lum’en-ating External Creation atoms Phase-Shifts INTO
Vector Alignment with the Common
Diagonal-ARPS of the E-Lum’en-Air Field and the Transplaneal Space-Time Continua of the 4 Transposition
Platforms of the External Creation
SAFE HAVENS-Rainbow Run Domain Passage Set-1; In-Phasing atoms “re-appear” or “re-manifest” within
the Transplaneal Space-Time
Continua of the 4 Transposition Platforms of the External Creation SAFE HAVENS-Rainbow Run Domain
Passage Set-1.

Through the process of progressive Wave-Cycles of Atomic E-Lum’en-ation , External Creation Atomic
Structure TRANSLOCATES into the
Transplaneal Space-Time Continua of the External Creation SAFE HAVENS-Rainbow Run Domain Passage
Set-1 4 Transposition Platforms,
where it enters the Transplaneal atomic condition of the YhU-Rha’-Dha State.

Atomic E-Lum’en-ation, the 5 Eff-im-a’-rhal Layers, Bio-Available E-Lum’en-Air & the HUMAN Element

In the Atomic E-Lum’en-ation process Wave-Cycle Infusions of E-Lum’en-Air progressively release the
Vector Phase-Lock on the External Creation E-Lum’en-ating atoms, drawing the atoms into the Common
Diagonal-ARPS of the E-Lum’en-Air Field within the 4 Transposition Platforms (core Krystal Caverns-1,
Reservoirs-2, Rainbow Rings-3 & Rainbow Rays-4) Of the External Creation SAFE HAVENS-Rainbow Run
Domain Passage
As External Creation atoms E-Lum’en-ate in progressive E-Lum’en-Air Wave-Cycle Infusions the E-Lum’en-
ating atomic quantum Frequency Up-5hifts into the Common Diagonal-ARPS of the E-Lum’en-Air Field, Out-
Phasing from the External Creation Domain, and /n-Phasing into the Transplaneal Space-Time Continua of
the External Creation SAFE HAVENS-Rainbow Run Domain Passage Set-1. As the E-Lum’en-ating atomic
quantum Out-Phases in Wave-Cycles, the not-yet-E-Lum’en-ating External Creation atomic quantum
reciprocally De-Densifies by the quantum amount released in the E-Lum’en-ating Out-Phase Wave-Cycle. As
Atomic E-Lum’en-ation progresses, the un- E-Lum’en-ated External Creation Matter-Base engages

progressive Wave-Cycles of De-Densification.

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The E-Lum’en-ating atomic quantum /n-Phases into the 4 Transposition Platforms of the SAFE HAVENS-
Rainbow Run Domain Passage Set-1 Transplaneal Space-Time Continua, where the E-Lum’en-ating atoms
undergo Transfiguration to enter the YhU-Rha’-Dha State, for re-manifestation of atomic form within the
4 Transposition Platforms Transplaneal Space-Time Continua.

Through the Atomic E-Lum’en-ation process External Creation atomic structure Transl/ocates into the
Transplaneal Space-Time Continua of the 4 Transposition Platforms of the SAFE HAVENS-Rainbow Run
Domain Passage Set-1, through the dynamics of Transplaneal Translocation Density Transpoition Phase-
Earth’s Planetary Transplaneal Space-Time Continua of the Planetary SAFE HAVENS-Rainbow Run Domain
Passage Set-1 4 Transposition Platforms exists with the SAME locational Space-Time Co-ordinate as the
External Creation Elemental-Atomic Matter-Base of Earth; the 2 manifest reality fields exist within a state
of Transposition, in which their Plasma Templates are “in the same location”, but at different, or Variant
ARPS (Angular-Rotation-of-Particle-Spin). Due to their Variant ARPS, the 2 manifest reality fields
simultaneously co-
exist within the same space but “appear invisible to each other”.

Earth’s 4 Planetary Transposition Platforms Transplaneal Space-Time Continua are located at Specific
Positions within Earth’s TrhU’-ah Plasma Body structure, and interface directly with various layers of
Earth’s Elemental-Atomic Matter-Base and geography. Earth’s 4 Planetary Transposition Platforms operate
in conjunction with the 5 Eff-im-a’-rhal Layers of Earth’s Planetary TrhU’-ah Plasma Body.

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Earth’s 4 Transposition Platforms & 5 Eff-im-a’-rhal Layers Locations

The 5 Eff-im-a’-rhal Layers of Earth’s Planetary TrhU’-ah Plasma Body are the organic Structural Frequency-
between Earth’s Transplaneal Planetary TrhU’-ah Plasma Body structure and its External Creation Light
Body and Elemental-
Atomic Matter-Body systems. The 5 Eff-im-a’-rhal Layers Down-Step Planetary E-Lum’en-Air Transplaneal
Radiation from
Earth’s 4 Planetary Transposition Platforms into Environmentally-Available E-Lum’en-Air, and Up-Step the
15- Dimensional
Electromagnetic Spectra and Elemental-Atomic Matter-Base of External Creation via Particle Acceleration
for engagement of
Atomic E-Lum’en-ation.

The 5 Eff-im-a’-rhal Layers are the 1” Interface of Down-Step between the Transplaneal Space-Time
Continua of the 4 Planetary
Transposition Platforms and the External Creation PHYSICAL Planetary Environment.

Moving inward from Earth’s Magnetosphere (40,000-45,000 miles/65,000-73,000 km: Magnetosheath—

Area between Bow Shock and Magnetopause)
and downward to Earth’s Core. Distances are approximate.

Rainbow Rays Transposition Platform-4: 33,000 — 45,000 miles/ 53,400 — 73,000 km above surface.
Extends upward
from Rainbow Rings Transposition Platform-3 in outer region of Outer Van Allen Electron Belt into the
Magnetosheath. Connects to ELF-LUV Field Spectra D-
Planes, Eye of TrhU’-ah, ARhA-yah Sun-8, the Eff-i-Mir’a Freedom Seed & the Eff-I-yah Passage-4. initiated
Activation 1/1/2016 3:33 AM EST.

Rainbow Rings Transposition Platform-2: 33,000 miles/ 53,400 km above surface. Located in the outer
region of the Outer

Van Allen Electron Belt. Connects to Pana-Co-LA’-Ra Spectra D-Planes, Eye of Lila, ARI’-yah Earth, the
Platinum Victory Seed & the Pinnacle Passage-3.
Initiated Activation 1/1/2016 1:44 AM EST.

Eff-im-a’-rhal Layer-5: 20,000 miles/ 32,186.88 km above surface. Located in middle region of Outer Van
Electron Belt. The Rainbow-River 5 Essential Essences Transposition Flows Pre-plasms from the Eternal-
Internal 1% Creation Pana-KHY
Spectra & Krystal-Bridge Passage Down-Step & Out-Step into External Creation through the Universal SAFE
HAVENS-Rainbow Run Domain
Passage Set-1, the M33-Transposition Passage (M33-Triangulum galaxy) & M31-Emancipation Passage
(M31-Andromeda galaxy), next enter
the Milky Way galaxy through Mintaka-Orion (GSG-8, Galactic Monadic Star Gate), then directly anchor into
Eff-im-a’-rhal Layer-5 of Earth’s
TrhU’ah-Plasma Body. Following 12/1/2015 Planetary Nomi-Code Auto-immune Response activation,
Earth’s Eff-im-a’-rhal Layer-5
Initiated Activation 1/1/2016 12:12 AM EST with Earth's 1° Anchor-Point of the Rainbow-River 5 Essential
Essences Transposition Flows.

Eff-im-a’-rhal Layer-4: 3,700 — 7,200 miles/ 6,000 — 11,587.2 km above surface. Located in Earth’s Upper
Atmosphere, at start of the Van Allen Gap zone (3,700 — 8,100 miles/ 6,000 - 13,000 km above surface), in
the space between the top of
Inner Van Allen Proton Belt and the start of Van Allen Gap. The Van Allen Gap zone is the space between the
Inner Van Allen Proton Belt
and Outer Van Allen Electron Belt. Initiates & Engages Activation late Jan- early Feb 2017 in Earth’s 1%
EVER Planetary YhU-Rha’-
Dha Force Awakening.

Rainbow Reservoirs Transposition Platform-2: 62+ miles/ 100+ km below surface. Interfaces between lower
crust &
upper mantel, beginning at bottom of Lower-Lithosphere (62.1 miles / 100 km) and radiates up-ward
through Troposphere into upper regions of Ozone Layer in
Earth’s Stratosphere (12 - 19 miles/ 20 — 30 km above surface).’Connects to Pana-Coa-le’-ta Spectra D-
Planes, Eye of LA’-Tue, Arieon-Earth, the Golden-Silver
Victory Seed & the Krystal-Bridge Passage-2. The Rainbow-Rain Plasm Flows activated in Earth’s Rainbow
Reservoirs Transposition Platform-2 in 9-10/2015;
the Rainbow-River 5 Essential Essences Pre-plasm Transposition Flows activated on 1/1/2016 12:12 AM
EST and Rainbow Reservoirs Transposition Platform-2
Initiated Activation 1/2/2016 EST.

Eff-im-a’-rhal Layer-3: 62+ miles/ 100+ km below surface. Located in the same position as Earth’s Rainbow
Reservoirs Transposition Platform-2. Initiated Activation 1/2/2016 EST with Rainbow Reservoirs
Transposition Platform-2.

Eff-im-a’-rhal Layer-2: 1,801.9 miles/ 2,900 km below surface. Located at top of Aquifers-Core Liquid-
Initiates & Engages Activation late Jan- early Feb 2017 in Earth’s 1" EVER Planetary YhU-Rha’-Dha Force

Core Krystal Caverns Transposition Platform-1: 3958.1+ miles/ 6370+ km below surface. Located at Earth's
Core, within
Earth’s Core Crystal, between Center-point of Earth's Solid-Crystal-Core & TrhU’-ah-Plasma Template Core.
Connects to Pan-Clair’-ah Spectra D-Planes, Eye of LE’-
Tue, Median-Earth, the Silver Victory Seed & the Pana-KHY Passage-1. Initiated Activation 1/3/2016 12:12
AM EST and OPENS for Projection Access late
January- early February 2017, engaging Earth's 1% Planetary E-Lum’en-Air Wave-infusions and the
Planetary YhU-Rha’-Dha Force Awakening of EMERGING-

Eff-im-a’-rhal Layer-1: 3958.1+ miles/ 6370+ km below surface. Located in the same position as Earth’s Core
Krystal Caverns Transposition Platform-1. Initiated Activation 1/3/2016 12:12 AM EST with Core Krystal
Caverns Transposition
Platform-1, and Engages Activation late January- early February 2017, when Earth’s Core Krystal Caverns
Platform-1 OPENS for Projection Access, engaging Earth’s 1% Planetary E-Lum’en-Air Wave-Infusions and
the Planetary YhU-
Rha’-Dha Force Awakening of EMERGING-EARTH,

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The 5 Eff-im-a’-rhal Layers of Earth's Planetary TrhU’-ah Plasma Body are the 1%" Interface between the
Transplaneal Space-Time Continua of the 4 Planetary Transposition Platforms and the External Creation
15-Dimensional Electromagnetic Spectra and Elemental-Atomic Matter-Base. In simple terms, the 5 Eff
im-a’-rhal Layers are the 1°" of several Frequency Down-Step Interfaces, or Structural Frequency-
Modulation-Bridges, between Earth’s Transplaneal Planetary TrhU’-ah Plasma Body structure and its
External Creation Light Body and Elemental-Atomic PHYSICAL Environment.

As Earth’s 4 Planetary Transposition Platforms activate through progressive Passages Blend-Merger of

Earth’s Planetary SAFE HAVENS-Rainbow Run Domain Passage Set-1 and generation of the Planetary E-
Lum’en-Air Field, the 5 Eff-im-a’-rhal Layers of Earth’s Planetary TrhU’-ah Plasma Body also
correspondingly activate. Earth’s 4 Planetary Transposition Platforms, 5 Eff-im-a’-rhal Layers and Planetary
SAFE HAVENS-Rainbow Run Domain Passage Set-1, interact in the following manner.

1. The Emancipation-Passage & Transposition Passage PAIR of Earth’s Planetary SAFE HAVENS-Rainbow
Domain Passage Set-1 engages progressive Wave-Cycles of Passages Blend-Merger through which Earth’s
Planetary E-Lum’en-Air Field is generated.

2. Wave-Cycle Infusions of Earth’s Planetary E-Lum’en-Air Field next Out-Step from the Planetary SAFE
HAVENS-Rainbow Run Passages and into Earth’s 4 Planetary Transposition Platforms, causing the 4
Transposition Platforms and their Transplaneal Space-Time Continua to Activate.

3. When Earth’s 4 Planetary Transposition Platforms Activate, Planetary E-Lum’en-Air Wave-Cycle Infusions
then Down-Step from the 4 Planetary Transposition Platforms and into Earth’s 5 Eff-im-a’-rhal Layers,
causing the 5 Eff-im-a’-rhal Layers to Activate.

4. When the 5 Eff-im-a’-rhal Layers Activate, they create the 1°" of several “Frequency Down-Steps” of the
powerful Planetary E-Lum’en-Air Transplaneal Radiation Field into Environmentally-Available E-Lum’en-

Without the organic Frequency Down-Step provided through the 5 Eff-im-a’-rhal Layers, and several other
subsequent Frequency Down-Step Interfaces, the powerful Planetary E-Lum’en-Air Transplaneal Radiation
Field would “vaporize on contact” the Elemental-Atomic structure of External-Creation matter. Hence the 5
Eff-im-a’-rhal Layers serve as the 1° of several Structural Frequency-Modulation-Bridges, or Frequency
Down-Step Interfaces, between Earth’s 4 Planetary Transposition Platforms and Earth’s Elemental-Atomic
PHYSICAL Planetary Environment.

The 5 Eff-im-a’-rhal Layers not only serve as the 1% of several Frequency Down-Step Interfaces through
which Planetary E-Lum’en-Air Transplaneal Radiation is Down-Stepped into Environmental-Availability.
The 5 Eff-im-a’-rhal Layers, and their subsequent Frequency Down-Step Interfaces, ALSO serve to UP-Step,
through organic Particle Acceleration, the External Creation 15-Dimensional Electromagnetic Frequency
Spectra and the Elemental-Atomic Matter-Base, enabling the process of Atomic E-Lum’en-ation.

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The Planetary Frequency Down-Step Network by which the Planetary E-Lum’en-Air Transplaneal Radiation
Field is progressively
Down-Stepped and Out-Stepped into Elemental-Atomic Environmental-Availability & Bio-Accessibility is
structured through the

following 6 Link-Components. The 6 Link-Components of Earth’s Planetary E-Lum’en-Air Frequency Down-

Step Network
operate together as a Transplaneal Relay System and “Voltage Regulator” for the “Down-Step Out-Step & Up-
Step In-Step” of
Transplaneal Planetary Frequency Flows.
Earth’s Frequency Down-Step Interface Network LINK-COMPONENTS:

LINK-COMPONENT-1: Universal M23-M31, TO Galactic Mintaka-Orion-GSG-8 TO Earth’s Planetary SAFE

Rainbow Run-Domain Passage Set-1.

Earth’s Planetary SAFE HAVENS-Rainbow Run-Domain Passage Set-1 engages Planetary Passages Blend-
Merger after receiving Universal-
Galactic E-Lum’en-Air Wave-Infusions from Universal SAFE HAVENS-Rainbow Run M33-M31-Domain
Passage Set-1 via GSG-8 Mintaka-Orion.

Planetary E-Lum’en-Air Transplaneal Radiation Field forms through Planetary Passages Blend-Merger of
Earth’s Planetary SAFE HAVENS-
Rainbow Run-Domain Passage Set-1

LINK-COMPONENT-2: Earth's Planetary SAFE HAVENS-Rainbow Run-Domain Passage Set-1 TO Earth's 4

Transposition Platforms.

Planetary E-Lum’en-Air Wave-Infusions Down-Step and Out-Step from Earth’s Planetary SAFE HAVENS-
Rainbow Run-Domain Passage Set-1
and into Earth’s 4 Planetary Transposition Platforms.

LINK-COMPONENT-3: Earth's 4 Planetary Transposition Platforms TO Earth's 5 Eff-im-a’-rhal Layers

Planetary E-Lum’en-Air Wave-Infusions Down-Step and Out-Step from Earth’s 4 Planetary Transposition
Platforms and into the 5 Eff-im-a’-
rhal Layers of Earth’s Planetary TrhU’-ah Plasma Body. (RE: The ShiftMasters™ Course-1 Tan-Tri-Ahura
Immersion Retreat, Aruba 4/2-15/2014).

LINK-COMPONENT-4: Earth's 5 Eff-im-a’-rhal Layers TO Earth's 5 Intrafascial Liaison Passages

Planetary E-Lum’en-Air Wave-Infusions Down-Step and Out-Step from Earth’s 5 Eff-im-a’-rhal Layers and
into the 5 Intrafascial Liaison
Passages of Earth’s Planetary Plasma Body Plasmantik MarkhetU’re Field Template. (RE: The ShiftMasters™
Course-1 Tan-Tri-Ahura Immersion
Retreat, Aruba 4/2-15/2014).

LINK-COMPONENT-5: Earth's 5 Intrafascial Liaison Passages TO Earth's Planetary Light Body-Crystal Body
Planetary Physical Environment.

Planetary £-Lum’en-Air Wave-Infusions Down-Step and Out-Step from Earth’s 5 Intrafascial Liaison
Passages and into the corresponding
levels of Earth’s External Creation Planetary 15-the Dimensional Electromagnetic Spectra and Planetary
Light Body-Crystal Body structure, and

into the Planetary Elemental-Atomic Matter-Base and Physical Environment. (RE: MCEO Freedom
Teachings™ Series & Kathara™ Bio-Spiritual Healing
System, 1999- 5/2012)
LINK-COMPONENT-6: Earth's Planetary Light Body-Crystal Body & Physical Environment TO Earth’s
Planetary Life-

Planetary E-Lum’en-Air Wave-Infusions Down-Step and Out-Step from Earth’s Planetary Light Body-Crystal
Body and Planetary Elemental-
Atomic Physical Environment and into circulation within the Biological and Psychological Systems of each
member of the Planetary Life-Field.

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It is through the Transplaneal Frequency Relay System of Earth’s Planetary E-Lum’en-Air Frequency Down-
Step Interface Network 6 LINK-COMPONENTS that E-Lum’en-Air Wave-Infusions progressively Down-Step
& Out-Step from the External Creation Universal M33-M31 SAFE HAVENS- Rainbow Run-Domain Passage
Set-1 into Earth’s Planetary SAFE HAVENS- Rainbow Run-Domain Passage Set-1, then follow the Planetary
Relay System of the 6 LINK-COMPONENTS, Down-Stepping & Out-Stepping into Earth’s Elemental-Atomic
Planetary Physical Environment, and into circulation within the anatomical and psychological structures
of Earth's Biological Life-Field. This Planetary Transplaneal Frequency Relay System is referred to as the

Planetary E-Lum’en-Air Frequency Transduction Relay Sequence.

The structure of Earth’s Planetary E-Lum’en-Air Frequency Down-Step Interface Network 6 LINK-
COMPONENTS exists as an Organic, intrinsic part of Earth’s Transplaneal Planetary Bio-Feed Interface
System, through which each individual member of Earth’s Planetary Life-Field is intimately and directly
connected to the Transplaneal Multidimensional Anatomy of Earth’s Organic Living Planetary
Environment, and through which Earth’s Organic Planetary Environment interconnects directly with the
Transplaneal Structure of the Eternally-Living Cosmoverse.

The Planetary E-Lum’en-Air Frequency Transduction Relay Sequence

Action SUMMARY of Earth’s

Earth’s Planetary SAFE HAVENS-Rainbow Run-Domain Passage Set-1 engages Planetary Passages Blend-
Merger after
receiving Universal-Galactic E-Lum’en-Air Wave-Infusions from Universal SAFE HAVENS-Rainbow Run M33-
Domain Passage Set-1 via GSG-8 Mintaka-Orion.

Planetary E-Lum’en-Air Transplaneal Radiation Field forms through Planetary Passages Blend-Merger of
Planetary SAFE HAVENS-Rainbow Run-Domain Passage Set-1. RE: LINK-COMPONENT-1

Planetary £-Lum’en-Air Wave-Infusions Down-Step and Out-Step from Earth’s Planetary SAFE HAVENS-
Rainbow Run-
Domain Passage Set-1 and into Earth's 4 Planetary Transposition Platforms. RE: LINK-COMPONENT-2

Planetary E-Lum’en-Air Wave-Infusions Down-Step and Out-Step from Earth’s 4 Planetary Transposition
Platforms and
into the 5 Eff-im-a’-rhal Layers of Earth’s Planetary TrhU’-ah Plasma Body. (RE: The ShiftMasters™ Course-1
Immersion Retreat, Aruba 4/2-15/2014) RE: LINK-COMPONENT-3

Planetary E-Lum’en-Air Wave-Infusions Down-Step and Out-Step from Earth’s 5 Eff-im-a’-rhal Layers and
into the 5
Intrafascial Liaison Passages of Earth’s Planetary Plasma Body Plasmantik MarkhetU’re Field Template. (RE:
ShiftMasters™ Course-1 Tan-Tri-Ahura Immersion Retreat, Aruba 4/2-15/2014). RE: LINK-COMPONENT-4

Planetary E-Lum’en-Air Wave-Infusions Down-Step and Out-Step from Earth's 5 Intrafascial Liaison
Passages and into
the corresponding levels of Earth’s External Creation Planetary 15-the Dimensional Electromagnetic Spectra
Planetary Light Body-Crystal Body structure, and into the Planetary Elemental-Atomic Matter-Base and
Environment. (RE: MCEO Freedom Teachings™ Series & Kathara™ Bio-Spiritual Healing System, 1999-

Planetary E-Lum’en-Air Wave-Infusions Down-Step and Out-Step from Earth’s Planetary Light Body-Crystal
Body and
Planetary Elemental-Atomic Physical Environment and into circulation within the Biological and
Psychological Systems
of each member of the Planetary Life-Field. RE: LINK-COMPONENT-6
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In the Atomic E-Lum’en-ation Process, the External Creation Elemental-Atomic Matter-Base first engages
the E-Lum’en-ation Process by receiving progressive “DOWN-Step OUT-Step” of Planetary E-Lum’en-Air
Wave-Infusions through the Planetary Environment. Once a quantum of the Planetary Elemental-Atomic
Matter-Base begins E-Lum’en-ating through blending with a wave-quantum of the Planetary E-Lum’en-Air,
the E-Lum’en-ating atomic quantum next engages progressive entry into the atomic YhU-Rha’-Dha State
for Transplaneal Translocation Density Transposition Phase-Shift into the EMERGING-Earth manifest
Environment within the Planetary Transplaneal Space-Time Continua of Earth’s Planetary SAFE HAVENS-
Rainbow Run-Domain Passage Set-1.

E-Lum’en-ating atoms enter the YhU-Rha’-Dha State through running the Planetary E-Lum’en-Air
Frequency Transduction Relay Sequence “from the bottom up”, wherein the E-Lum’en-ating atoms
progressively UP-Step and IN-Step into the atomic YhU-Rha’-Dha State within Earth’s 4 Planetary
Transposition Platforms Transplaneal Space-Time Continua of the Planetary SAFE HAVENS-Rainbow Run-
Domain Passage Set-1.

In terms of Earth’s Planetary Life-Field, the Atomic E-Lum’en-ation Process involves several additional
Step Out-Step” phases. Earth’s current Life-Field holds representatives of MANY different Evolutionary &
Re-Evolutionary Stages; ALL are Sacred and Equal in VALUE, but all of Earth species do not currently share
the same levels of Biological Frequency Synthesis ability. Earth’s contemporary Human species, as
originally genetically descendant from Earth’s Pre-Ancient Angelic Human lineage (Re: Voyagers™ Books,
holds a very special place within the Atomic E-Lum’en-ation Potentials available to the rest of Earth’s
biological Life-Field. Earth’s Pre-Ancient Angelic Human species held the Sacred Entrustment of a
Planetary Guardian Stewardship Contract.

Because of this Planetary Stewardship Entrustment, the Angelic Human genome and Genetic Plasma Time-
Template was imbued with specialized characteristics that would allow the Angelic Human biology to
further “Down-Step & Out-Step” Environmentally-Available Planetary E-Lum’en-Air into “E-Lum’en-Air
Subharmonics”, to create a BIO-Accessible form of “Super-Down-Stepped E-Lum’en-Air” that is biologically
breathable and accessible to the rest of Earth’s evolving Life-Field. Contemporary Earth Humans, as
descendent through the Angelic Human lineage, currently still carry this biological ability in dormant form.

This presently dormant Pre-Ancient Angelic Human “Genetic Plasma Template specialization” will
Inevitably RESPOND to Earth’s soon-coming (Begin late-January- early February 2017) Planetary E-Lum’en-
Air Wave-
Cycle Infusions, by slowly but progressively and inevitably AWAKENING Humanity’'s Pre-Ancient Biological
Adaptation-Skill of E-Lum’en-Air Bio-Synthesis. Through Earth’s Inevitable Awakening of Humanity’s E-
Lum’en-Air Bio-Synthesis ability, which is known as “THE WIND on the Breath”, contemporary Humans will
become progressively enabled to “Super-Down-Step & Out-Step” Bio-Available E-Lum’en-Air to the
entirety of Earth’s contemporary Life-Field, which is a process that is known as “THE BREATH on the Wind”.

Humans are the ONLY SPECIES in Earth’s contemporary Planetary Life-Field that has the dormant ability to
biologically ACCESS Environmentally-Available Planetary E-Lum’en-Air, and also the ONLY Species on
Earth that can Bio-Synthesize Bio-Accessible E-Lum’en-Air for the rest of Earth’s contemporary Planetary
Life-Field. “THE WIND on the Breath & THE BREATH on the Wind" is a Blessed GIFT, and a Sacred

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ENTRUSTMENT as Humanity slowly but surely Awakens to its Pre-Ancient Angelic Human Planetary
Guardian Stewardship Entrustment, to FINALLY take its originally intended Eternal-Authentik place within
the Circle of Eternal Life. Rejoining the Circle of Eternal Life is Humanity’s Inevitable Appointment with
Eternal-Life Destiny. We will explore the HUMAN Element & Humanity’s Inevitably AWAKENING Destiny
in other writings.

The “WIND of Earth’s Planetary Yha-Rha’-Dha FORCE is soon Awakening”, so we will next explore the UP-
Step IN-Step mechanics of the Planetary atomic YhU-Rha’-Dha State, which is an organic mechanism
inherent to the Atomic-E-Lum’en-ation Process of Planetary Emancipation Cycles.
Atomic E-Lum’en-ation, SAFE HAVENS-Domain Passage Set-1, the YhU-Ri’-dhan, YhU-Rha’-Dha & Earth

In the process of Atomic E-Lum’en-ation Expedited E-ff-im-a’rhal Transfiguration, as the External Creation
Elemental-Atomic-Matter-Base progressively Frequency Up-Shifts and E-Lum’en-ates through Frequency
Blend-Merger with the Rainbow-River 5 Essential Essences Pre-plasm Transposition Flows of the E-
Lum’en-Air Field, the E-Lum’en-ating Atomic Quantum passes through a temporary (900-1000 year) ,
transitional period of progressive organic Particle Acceleration.

The External Creation E-Lum’en-ating Atomic Quantum engages Particle Acceleration, as Wave-infusions
of Planetary E-Lum’en-Air progressively draw quanta of organic atoms & sub-atomic particles out of
External Creation Vector Phase-lock, and into the Common Diagonal-ARPS (angular-Rotation-of-Particle-
spin) Of the E-
Lum’en-Air Field within the SAFE HAVENS-Rainbow Run-Domain Passage Set-1 4 Transposition Platform
Transplaneal Space-time Continua. The SAFE HAVENS-Rainbow Run--Domain Passage Set-1 is the M33-
Transposition Passage-m33-Triangulum galaxy and M31-Emancipation Passage-Andromeda/Aquinos galaxy
Creation Domain Passage Set.

As the External Creation E-Lum’en-ating Atomic Quantum Phase-Shift into E-Lum’en-Air Field Common
Diagonal-ARPS the atoms and sub-atomic particles E-Lum’en-ate, become suspended within the E-Lum’en-
Air Field of the SAFE HAVENS-Rainbow Run-Domain Passage Set-1 4 Transposition Platforms. While in
suspension within the Common Diagonal-ARPS of the E-Lum’en-Air Field, the External Creation E-Lum’en-
ating Atoms co-exist in the “SAME Space-time Continuum” as the E-Lumin-ating Atoms of their Domain
Counterpart within the Eternal-Internal 1° Creation D-Planes; the 2 Domain Counterparts temporarily exist
within a progressively building state of Atomic TRANSPOSITION.

Within this State of Atomic E-Lum’en-ation Transposition, suspended within the E-Lum’en-Air Field of the
SAFE HAVENS-Rainbow Run-Domain Passage Set-1 4 Transposition Platform, the (Space-Time) Vector Veil
separating the External Creation and Eternal-Internal 1° Creation Domains mitigates, and both External
Creation and Eternal-Internal 1° Creation Particles Accelerate to a common speed and angle of spin,
allowing the E-Lum’en-ating Atoms from both Domains to co-mingle within the Transplaneal Space-time
Continua of the SAFE HAVENS-Rainbow Run-Domain Passage Set-1 4 Transposition Platforms.

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In this state of “co-mingled atomic E-Lum’en-ation”, the E-Lum’en-Air Field, and the E-Lum’en-oting atoms
from both External Creation and Eternal-Internal 1°* Creation Domain Counterparts, together create a
Blended Transplaneal-Spherical-Superluminal Particle Accelerator Field called the YhU-Ri’-dhan Field,
within the Transplaneal Space-time Continua of the SAFE HAVENS-Rainbow Run-Domain Passage Set-1 4
Transposition Platforms.

As the Elemental-Atomic Matter-Base of the External Creation Domain progressively E-Lum’en-ates to

enter the Yhu’-Ri-dhan Particle Accelerator Field, an equal quantum of the Elemental-Atomic Matter-Base
of the Domain Counterpart within the Eternal-Internal 1° Creation D-Planes ALSO E-Lum’en-ates in
Tandem, both atomic quanta drawing together within the Yhu’-Ri-dhan Particle Accelerator Field within
the E-Lum’en-Air Field of the SAFE HAVENS-Rainbow Run-Domain Passage Set-1 4 Transposition

The Blended E-Lum’en-ating matter of the Emancipating Yhu’-Ri-dhan Particle Accelerator Field has the
Quantum RATIO of 1/3-quantum E-Lum’en-Air, 1/3-quantum_ E-Lum’en-ating External Creation atoms
and an equal 1/3-quantum E-Lum’en-ating Eternal-Internal 1° Creation D-Planes atoms

As the YhU-Ri’-dhan Particle Accelerator Field progressively builds, the E-Lum’en-ating Atoms of the
Emancipating-Elemental-Atomic form progressively “Pass-Through”, moving out of their pervious location
within the “Netted (Inorganically Harnessed)” External Creation Domains, and into the Protectorate of the
External Creation SAFE HAVENS-Rainbow Run-Domain Passage Set-1.

The YhU-Ri’-dhan Particle Accelerator Field

A YhU-Ri’-dhan Field is a Blended Transplaneal-Spherical-Superluminal Particle Accelerator Field that forms

the E-Lum’en-Air Field of the SAFE HAVENS-Rainbow Run-Domain Passage Set-1 4 Transposition Platforms,
the process of Atomic E-Lum’en-ation-Emancipation, and which is composed of a Quantum RATIO of: 1/3-
E-Lum’en-Air, 1/3-quantum E-Lum’en-ating External Creation atoms and an equal 1/3-quantum E-Lum’en-
Eternal-Internal 1% Creation D-Planes atoms.

The YhU-Ri’-dhan Particle Accelerator Field forms when the Common Diagonal-ARPS of the E-Lum’en-Air
mitigates the Vector Veil, allowing E-Lum’en-ating Atoms from both Domain Counters to Particle- Accelerate
to a
common speed and angle of spin, through blending with the E-Lum’en-Air quantum, which allows the E-
ating atoms from both Domains to co-mingle and Blend-Merge to form the YhU-RI’-dhan Particle Accelerator

The YhU-Ri’-dhan Atomic State is a temporary, transitional state of Particle-Accelerated Transplaneal E-

ating atoms that form the Transplaneal Emancipating Elemental-Atomic Matter-Base within the External
SAFE HAVENS-Rainbow Run-Domain Passage Set-1

As the YhU-Ri’-dhan Particle Accelerator Field progressively builds, the E-Lum’en-ating Atoms of the
Elemental-Atomic form progressively move out of their previous Inorganically Harnessed “NET-ted”
Creation Domain location, and “Pass-Through” into the Protectorate of the External Creation SAFE HAVENS-
Rainbow Run-Domain Passage Set-1.

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Within the E-Lum’en-Air Field of the SAFE HAVENS-Rainbow Run-Domain Passage Set-1 4 Transposition
Platforms, the Transplaneal-Spherical-Superluminal YhU’-Ri-dhan Particle Accelerator Field combines or
Blend-Merges the organic E-Lum’en-ated atoms and Plasma Templates from both the External Creation
and Eternal-Internal 1°" Creation Domain Counterparts, creating a semi-permanent 15-Dimensional
Elemental-Atomic Manifest Reality Field that combines the organic Plasma Template Encryptions, and
thus the organic physical characteristics, of both Domain Counterparts.

As the organic E-Lum’en-ated atoms and Plasma Templates of both the External Creation and Eternal-
Internal 1° Creation Domain Counterparts Blend-Merge, they Complete the Atomic E-Lum’en-ation process
and next slightly Particle Decelerate, re-manifesting as a Blended Spherical 15-Dimensional Atomic-Matter
Electromagnetic Organic Transplaneal-LIGHT BODY/Crystal Body structure (Re: The Freedom Teachings™
Series &
Kathara™ Bio-Spiritual Healing System 1999-5/2012) Within the SAFE HAVENS-Rainbow Run-Domain
Passage Set-1 4
Transposition Platforms Transplaneal Space-time Continua.

The slightly Particle-Decelerated Blended Spherical 15-Dimensional Atomic-Matter Organic Transplaneal-

LIGHT BODY structure that forms within the Spherical-Superluminal YhU’-Ri-dhan Particle Accelerator
Field is called the YhU-Rha’-Dha Sphere. The YhU-Rha’-Dha Sphere Transplaneal-LIGHT BODY/Crystal
Body, which forms within, and is permeated by, the Superluminal YhU’-Ri-dhan Particle Accelerator Field ,
is a Transplaneal Sha-LA’-yah Living-Light Krystal-Bridge Passage VEHICLE, within which the Organic
Blended Transplaneal Emancipated Elemental-Atomic Matter-Base manifests.

Within the SAFE HAVENS-Rainbow Run-Domain Passage Set-1 Transplaneal Space-Time Continua, the
Organic Blended Transplaneal Emancipated Elemental-Atomic Matter-Base of £E-Lum’en-ated atomic
structure manifests within and through the YhU-Rha’-Dha Sphere Transplaneal-LIGHT BODY.

The various organic Density-Encryptions carried by the E-Lum’en-ated Elemental-Atomic Matter-Base

determines which of the 5-Densities (5 sets of 3-Dimensions) of the YhU-Rha’-Dha Sphere Transplaneal-
BODY that specific atomic-structure will manifest within. Some portions of the E-Lum’en-ated matter
quantum will engage further Particle Deceleration to form the “physical” Elemental-Atomic Matter-Base in
each of the 5-Densities of the YhU-Rha’-Dha Sphere Transplaneal-LIGHT BODY, just as is the case within
External Creation atomic manifestation.

Portions of the Blended E-Lum’en-ated matter quantum that further Particle Decelerate and Down-Step
from the YhU-Rha’-Dha Sphere Transplaneal-LIGHT BODY enter a state of Transplaneal Atomic
Manifestation that is called the YhU-Rha’-Dha State. The YhU-Rha’-Dha State is the organic state of E-
Lum’en-ated Transplaneal Emancipated Elemental-Atomic Matter manifestation inherent to the
Transplaneal Space-Time Continua of the Krystal-Bridge Passage. YhU-Rha’-Dha State Emancipated E-
Lum’en-ated matter has the Quantum RATIO of 2/8-quantum E-Lum’en-Air, 3/8-quantum_E-Lum’en-ated
External Creation atoms and an equal 3/8-quantum E-Lum’en-ated Eternal-Internal 1* Creation D-Planes

As the YhU-Rha’-Dha Sphere Transplaneal-LIGHT BODY progressively forms, and portions of its quantum
enter the YhU-Rha’-Dha State, the E-Lum’en-ated Atoms of the Emancipated-Elemental-Atomic form
progressively “Pass-Through”, moving out of their pervious location within the External Creation SAFE

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HAVENS-Rainbow Run-Domain Passage Set-1, and into the 4 Transposition Platforms of the SAFE
PASSAGE-Solar-Window-Bridge-Domain Passage Set-2 within the Krystal-Bridge Passage ELF-LUV Field.

The YhU-Rha’-Dha State Transplaneal Light-Body Particle Semi-Decelerator Field

A YhU-Rha’-Dha State Transplaneal Light-Body is a semi-permanent Particle Decelerator Field that builds
within the
within the YhU-Ri’-dhan Particle Accelerator Field within the E-Lum’en-Air Field of the SAFE HAVENS-
Rainbow Run-
Domain Passage Set-1 4 Transposition Platforms, during the process of Completing the Emancipation Cycle
Atomic E-Lum’en-ation. The YhU-Rha’-Dha State Transplaneal Light-Body is composed of a Quantum RATIO
of 2/8-
quantum E-Lum’en-Air, 3/8-quantum_E-Lum’en-ated External Creation atoms and an equal 3/8-quantum E-
ated Eternal-Internal 1* Creation D-Planes atoms.

The YhU-Rha’-Dha Transplaneal Light-Body forms within the YhU-Ri’-dhan Particle Accelerator Field when
the E-
Lum’en-ated blended atoms Complete the Atomic E-Lum’en-ation process, then slightly Particle Decelerate,
to re-
manifest as a Blended Spherical 15-Dimensional YhU-Rha’-Dha Transplaneal Light-Body.

The YhU-Rha’-Dha Transplaneal Light-Body forms a 15-Dimensional Elemental-Atomic Manifest Reality

Field that
combines the organic Plasma Template Encryptions, and thus the organic physical characteristics, of both

The YhU-Rha’-Dha Atomic State is a semi-permanent transitional state of Particle Semi-Decelerated

Transplaneal E-
Lum’en-ated atoms that form the Transplaneal Emancipated Elemental-Atomic Matter Base within the
Creation SAFE HAVENS-Rainbow Run-Domain Passage Set-1.

As the YhU-Rha’-Dhao Transplaneal-LIGHT BODY progressively builds, the E-Lum’en-ated Atoms of the
Elemental-Atomic form progressively “Pass-Through” into the SAFE PASSAGE-Solar-Window-Bridge-
Domain Passage
Set-2 within the Krystal-Bridge Passage ELF-LUV Field.

The portions of the Blended E-Lum’en-ated matter quantum from the YhU-Rha’-Dha State that even
further Particle Decelerate for Tran’-TE-in Window IN-Step engage Particle IN-Step and Eff-im-a’-rhal
Elemental-Atomic Matter manifestation through a progressive release of a portion of their in-blended 2/8-
quantum E-Lum’en-Air.

Until the point of Atomic Eff-im’-rhal-ization, the quantum content of the Blended Emancipated E-
Lum’en-ated matter had the Quantum RATIO of 2/8-quantum E-Lum’en-Air, 3/8-quantum_E-Lum’en-ated
External Creation atoms and an equal 3/8-quantum E-Lum’en-ated Eternal-Internal 1% Creation D-Planes
atoms. Atomic Eff-im’-rhal-ization is the point at which Blended Transplaneal E-Lum’en-ated Matter of the
YhU-Rha’-Dha State enters its Final ETERNAL Perpetual State of Self-Sustaining, Vector-Lock FREE,

Elemental-Atomic Eternal-Life Permanence, the atomic YhU-Rha’-Dha FORCE.

At the Atomic Eff-im’-rhal-ization Point, the fully Emancipated E-Lum’en-ated Transplaneal Organically-
Blended Matter releases half of its 2/8-quantum E-Lum’en-Air content and receives in its place the 1/8-
quantum of its original Nomi’-yah 1°" Eternal-Authentik Encryption, which upon entering External Creation
evolution had been “left behind on the Eternal-Internal 1° Creation side of the Tran’-TE-in Window”.
Part 4b, Page 23 of 29 F-S_5th_AN, Page 48 of 54

When atomic form fulfills the Atomic E-Lum’en-ation process of Emancipation and receives return of its
Nomi’-yah 1%" Encryption 1/8-quantum, the fully E-Lum’en-ated matter engages the FINAL Atomic Eff-im’-
rhal-ization Transfiguration to become Eternal-Life Eff-im’-a-rhal matter, which is known as the Elemental-
Atomic YhU-Rha’-Dha FORCE.

The Elemental-Atomic YhU-Rha’-Dha FORCE of Eternal-Life Eff-im’-a-rhal matter carries the atomic
Quantum RATIO of 1/8-quantum E-Lum’en-Air, 3/8-quantum E-Lum’en-ated External Creation atoms, an
equal 3/8-quantum E-Lum’en-ated Eternal-Internal 1° Creation D-Planes atoms and 1/8-quantum Eff-im’-

rhal-ized Eternal-Life Nomi’-vah 1° Encryption Krystal-Bridge 1°"-Eternal atoms.

Atomic Emancipation occurs through the process of Atomic E-Lum’en-ation; Atomic Reclamation occurs
through the process of Atomic Eff-im’-rhal-ization.

Through embodiment of the YhlU-Rha’-Dha FORCE, the Elemental-Atomic matter form engages its FINAL
Transfiguration into the Eff-im’-a-rhal Matter state, in which its Elemental-Atomic structure transfigures
into a Permanent, Shift-ABLE, Self-Sustaining, Vector-Lock FREE, Eternal-Life Krystalline-Radiation atomic
structure that is known as the KRYSTAL-LIGHT ATOMIC BODY, which is sometimes referred to as the

As the YhU-Rha’-Dha FORCE Eternal-Life KRYSTAL-LIGHT ATOMIC BODY progressively builds, the Eff-im’-
rhal-ized Atoms of the Eff-im’-a-rhal-Elemental-Atomic form progressively “Pass-Through the Tran’-TE-in
Window”, moving out of their pervious location within the Krystal-Bridge Passage ELF-LUV Field SAFE
PASSAGE-Solar-Window-Bridge-Domain Passage Set-2, and into the 4 Transposition Platforms of the SAFE
HEAVENS-Domain Passage Set-3 within the Eternal-Internal 1°* Creation D-Planes.

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The YhU-Rha’-Dha FORCE Eternal-Life KRYSTAL-LIGHT BODY is a Permanent Eternal-Life, Self-Sustaining,

Lock FREE Elemental-Atomic form that builds within the SAFE PASSAGE-Solar-Window-Bridge-Domain
Passage Set-2
of the Krystal-Bridge Passage ELF-LUV Field, during the Final Process of the Reclamation Cycle of Atomic Eff-
rhal-ization. The YhU-Rha’-Dha FORCE Eternal-Life KRYSTAL-LIGHT BODY is composed of a Quantum RATIO
of 1/8-
quantum E-Lum’en-Air, 3/8-quantum E-Lum’en-ated External Creation atoms, an equal 32/8-quantum E-
ated Eternal-internal 1" Creation D-Planes atoms and 1/8-quantum Eff-im’-rhal-ized Eternal-Life Nomi’-yah
Encryption Krystal-Bridge 1°'-Eternal atoms.

The YhU-Rha’-Dha FORCE Eternal-Life KRYSTAL-LIGHT BODY forms within the SAFE PASSAGE-Solar-
Domain Passage Set-2 when the E-Lum’en-ated Emancipated Blended Atoms fulfill the Atomic-E-Lum’en-
Emancipation process, and engage the Atomic Eff-im’-rhal-ization Point to Release 1/8 of their 2/8-quantum
Lum’en-Air, and Replace it with Return of the 1/8-quantum Nomi’-yah 1 Eternal-Authentik Encryption,
which had
remained inside the Tran’-TE-in Window in Eternal-Internal 1% Creation upon 1° Out-Step into External

Upon Return of the 1/8-quantum Nomi’-yah 1° Eternal Encryption, the fully E-Lum’en-ated matter engages
FINAL Atomic Eff-im’-rhal-ization Transfiguration to become the YhU-Rha’-Dha FORCE Eternal-Life
Radiation Elemental-Atomic Eff-im’-a-rhal matter of the Eternal-Life KRYSTAL-LIGHT BODY.

The YhU-Rha’-Dha FORCE Atomic State is an Organic-Eternal-Authentik, permanent, Eternal-Life, Self-

Vector-Lock FREE, perpetual Elemental-Atomic state of Particle IN-Step Transplaneal Eff-im’-rhal-ized atoms
form the Transplaneal Reclaimed Eff-im’-a-rhal Elemental-Atomic Matter Base of which the Eternal-Internal

Creation D-Planes are composed. The Eternal-Life KRYSTAL-LIGHT ATOMIC BODY is capable of movement
At Will
within ALL Domains.

As the YhU-Rha’-Dha FORCE Eternal-Life KRYSTAL-LIGHT ATOMIC BODY progressively builds, the Eff-im’-
Atoms of the Eff-im’-a-rhal-Elemental-Atomic form progressively “Pass-Through the Tran’-TE-in Window”,
move out
of the Krystal-Bridge Passage ELF-LUV Field SAFE PASSAGE-Solar-Window-Bridge-Domain Passage Set-2,
and into
the SAFE HEAVENS-Domain Passage Set-3 of the Fternal-Internal 1° Creation D-Planes.

Part 4b, Page 25 of 29 F-S_5th_AN, Page 50 of 54


The 3 States of Transplaneal Matter In Eff-im-a’-rhal Transfiguration

STATE-1: The YhU-Ri’-dhan State: The YhU-Ri’-dhan Atomic State is a temporary, transitional state of
Particle-Accelerated Transplaneal E-Lum’en-ating atoms that form the Transplaneal Emancipating
Matter-Base. Atomic structure in the YhU-Ri’-dhan Particle-Accelerated state is composed of a Quantum
1/3-quantum E-Lum’en-Air, 1/3-quantum E-Lum’en-ating External Creation atoms and an equal 1/3-
quantum E-
Lum’en-ating Eternal-Internal 1° Creation D-Planes atoms. The YhU-Ri*-dhan Atomic State is associated with
YhU-Ri’-dhan Particle Accelerator Field.

STATE-2: The YhU-Rha’-Dha State: The YhU-Rha’-Dha Atomic State is a semi-permanent transitional state
of Particle- Semi-Decelerated Transplaneal Emancipated E-Lum’en-ated atoms that form the Transplaneal
Emancipated Elemental-Atomic Matter-Base inherent to the Krystal-Bridge Passage. Atomic structure in the
Rha’-Dha Particle-Semi-Decelerated state is composed of a Quantum RATIO of: 2/8-quantum E-Lum’en-Air,
quantum E-Lum’en-ated External Creation atoms and an equal 3/8-quantum E-Lum’en-ated Eternal-internal
Creation D-Planes atoms. The YhU-Rha’-Dhao Atomic State is associated with the YhU-Rha’-Dha Sphere
Transplaneal-LIGHT BODY and the Krystal-Bridge Passage ELF-LUV Field.

STATE-3: The YhU-Rha’-Dha FORCE State: The YhU-Rha’-Dha FORCE Atomic State is a permanent
Eternal-Life state of Particle-IN-Stepped Transplaneal Eff-im’-rhal-ized E-Lum’en-ated atoms that form the
Transplaneal Eff-im-a’-rhal Elemental-Atomic Matter-Base inherent to the Eternal-Internal 1* Creation D-
Atomic structure in the YhU-Rha’-Dha FORCE Particle-Decelerated Eternal state is composed of a Quantum
of: 1/8-quantum E-Lum’en-Air, 3/8-quantum_E-Lum’en-ated External Creation atoms, an equal 3/8-
quantum E-
Lum’en-ated Eternal-Internal 1°** Creation D-Planes atoms and 1/8-quantum Eff-im’-rhal-ized Eternal-Life
yah 1* Encryption Krystal-Bridge 1"'-Eternal atoms. The YhU-Rha’-Dha FORCE Atomic State is associated
with the
YhU-Rha’-Dha FORCE Eff-im’-rhal-ized Eternal-Life KRYSTAL-LIGHT ATOMIC BODY, the Krystal-Bridge-1"
Nomi’-yah Encryption and Vector-Lock FREE accessibility to ALL DOMAINS, within External Creation,
1*-Creation and Eternal-internal 1°*-Creation.

Part 4b, Page 26 of 29 F-S_5th_AN, Page 51 of 54


For the period of time that NET-Earth’s Organic External-Creation Matter-Base slowly but progressively E-
Lum’en-ates, De-Densifies, and enters reciprocal Re-Densification within the YhU-Rha’-Dha State, there
will be a temporary 900-1000 year period in which External Creation “NET Earth” and YhU-Rha’-Dha State
Earth, which is known as “EMERGING Earth”, co-exist within a state of Transplaneal TRANSPOSITION, in
which the “2 Elemental-Atomic Matter Fields” will occupy the “SAME Space-Time Continuum”, separated
only by the Vector Veil of different ARPS (Angular Rotation of Particle Spin). As the Planetary Atomic E-
ation process progresses within NET-Earth’s External Creation Organic Matter-Base, Templar and Plasma
Templates, the Vector Veil between NET-Earth and YhU-Rha’-Dha State EMERGING-Earth will progressively
grow more tangibly THIN, and progressively more “Bleed-Through between the 2 Domains” will occur.
During the Atomic E-Lum’en-ation process of Earth’s Planetary Emancipation Cycle, when the External-
Creation Body of NET-Earth and the E-Lumin-ating Body of YhU-Rha’-Dha State EMERGING-Earth
temporarily co-exist in a state of Transplaneal TRANSPOSITION, every physical location on NET-Earth WILL
have a corresponding physical location Co-ordinate Point Interface on YhU-Rha’-Dha State EMERGING-

As the Plasma Templates and Elemental-Atomic Matter Base of the YhU-Rha’-Dha State are an Equal-
quantum Blend of the Organic-Eternal-Authentik Encryption of the External-Creation Domain and its
Eternal-Internal 1°-Creation Domain Counterpart, the physical characteristics of NET-Earth and
EMERGING-Earth will bear some resemblance to each other. However, due to the Diagonal-off-set of ARPS
between the E-Lum’en-ated EMERGING-Earth and the External Creation NET-Earth fields, specific locational
Co-ordinate Point Interfaces between NET-Earth and EMERGING-Earth may not resemble each other at all.
As half of its Plasma Template is based upon the Eternal-Internal 1°*-Creation D-Planes Eternal-Authentik
Encryption, EMERGING-Earth appears quite “Futuristic” and “Pristine” in comparison to NET-Earth’s
current appearance.

The YhU-Rha’-Dha State EMERGING-Earth E-Lum’en-ated Transplaneal Atomic Matter Blended-Domain of

Earth will remain and grow within the SAFE HAVENS-Rainbow Run-Domain Passage Set-1 of the Krystal-
Bridge Passage until ALL of Earth’s External Creation Organic Elemental-Atomic Matter-Base, and an equal
quantum of the Organic Elemental-Atomic Matter-Base of Earth’s Eternal-Internal 1° Creation D-Planes
Domain Counterparts, have been brought into the EMERGING-Earth YhU-Rha’-Dha State of Atomic E-
Lum’en-ation within the YhU-Rha’-Dha Sphere Transplaneal-LIGHT BODY . The progressive Atomic E-
Lum’en-ation of Organic NET-Earth will unfold in Wave-Cycles over the course of Earth’s 900-1000 year
Planetary Triumph-Early Onset Planetary Emancipation Cycle.

At the end of Earth’s 900-1000 year Planetary Emancipation Cycle, when the entirety of NET-Earth’s
External-Creation Organic Elemental-Atomic Matter-Base and Life-Field have E-Lum’en-ated, and all of its
Organic Quantum has “blended in” or “In-Phased” into the EMERGING-Earth YhU-Rha’-Dha State within
the SAFE HAVENS-Rainbow Run-Domain Passage Set-1 4 Transposition Platforms Transplaneal Space-time
Continua, Earth will reach its Planetary Emancipation Point . The Emancipation Point marks the end of
Earth’s Planetary Emancipation Cycle, and the beginning of the next Cycle of EMERGING-Earth’s
Homecoming Journey, which is called the RECLAMATION Cycle.

Part 4b, Page 27 of 29 F-S_5th_AN, Page 52 of 54


In the RECLAMATION Cycle, EMERGING-Earth will first pass out of the External-Creation SAFE HAVENS-
Rainbow Run-Domain Passage Set-1- M33-Transposition Passage-Triangulum galaxy and M31-
Emancipation Passage-
Andromeda/Aquinos galaxy External Creation Domain Passage Set, and pass into the SAFE PASSAGE-Solar
Domain Passage Set-2 of the Krystal-Bridge Passage ELF-LUV Field Transplaneal SPAN Domains, to
engage Pass-Through of Krystal-Bridge Passage Tran’-TE-in Window between External-Creation & Eternal-
Internal-1*-Creation. During this period Earth will engage its organic point of Atomic Eff-im’-rhal-ization.

Once Tran’-TE-in Window Pass-Through occurs, EMERGING-Earth will pass out of the Krystal-Bridge
Passage SAFE PASSAGE-Solar Window-Bridge Domain Passage Set-2, to EMERGE within the SAFE
HEAVENS Domain Passage Set-3 of the Eternal-Internal 1**-Creation DhA’-yah-TEi Planes, in fulfillment of
Earth’s Re-evolutionary RISE Reconnection Transplaneal Translocation Density Transposition Phase-Shift.

The EMANCIPATION Cycle and RECLAMATION Cycle are 2 of the 5 Cycle-Sets of Re-evolutionary RISE
Reconnection, which will be explored in other writings. The Planetary Triumph- Early-Onset Planetary
EMANCIPATION Cycle that Earth engaged upon the 12/1/2015 Nomi-Code Auto-immune Response, is
EMANCIPATION Cycle-Set-4, which will be followed in 900-1000 years by RECLAMATION Cycle-Set-5.

Due to the progressive escalation of the “Invisible Drama” that has been unfolding on Earth since 2000,
Earth’s 2000-2017AD Stellar Activations Cycle “Templar Conquest Final Conflict Drama”, even with its
“STORMS of the Centuries”, Earth is now on a highly expedited path of its “Inevitable Appointment with
Eternal Destiny”.

Because of this highly expedited path, of the 5 Cycle-Sets of Re-evolutionary RISE Reconnection, Cycle-Set-
2: RESOLUTION, Cycle-Set-3: RESTORATION, and Cycle-Set-4: EMANCIPATION ARE, as of 12/1/2015, fully
engaged and CONCURRENTLY unfolding. Cycle-Set-1: REALIGNMENT, which Initiated in 2000 at the start
of Earth’s Current SAC (stellar Activations Cycle), failed by 8/8/2011, triggering the Krystal-River-FAIL-
Expedited Program of Re-evolutionary RISE Reconnection.

MOST importantly to consider at this time, is that Cycle-Set-5: RECLAMATION ALSO now is Very-Early
INITIATING, rather than this occurring at the end of Cycle-Set-4: EMANCIPATION in 900-1000 years.
Between Late January-Early February 2017, the INITIATION of Cycle-Set-5: RECLAMATION begins.

The INITIATION of Cycle-Set-5: RECLAMATION is known as:

The YhU-Rha’-Dha AWAKENING: EMERGENCE of the YhU-Rha’-Dha FORCE —

The The YhU-Rha’-Dha AWAKENING is a Joyful and Triumphant Planetary-Cosmoversal Event, and there is
much to learn as Humanity begins to Awaken its RAINBOW-WHITE BODY of KRYSTAL-LIGHT so it may RISE
to this Beyond-Planetary Occasion.

MANY more complex, interrelated things have been unfolding in Earth’s Grids, most especially since
October 2015, and we will progressively share this information with you as we move forward. For now, We
of the EAAC-AMCC-MCEO-GA will end this Session by leaving you with a “Final FYI” as the closing page to
this document. ........ 12/16/2016 EAAC-AMCC-MCEO-GA Transmission, Translated by E’Asha Ashayana

Part 4b, Page 28 of 29 F-S_5th_AN, Page 53 of 54


Earth’s 2 transposition Platforms & 5 Eff-im-a’-rhal Layers Significant Dates

As noted in “FAIL-SAFE 5™ Anniversary Note-Part-2” of 8/10/2016: On 1/1-3/2016 the Rainbow River

Transposition Flows
anchored in Earth’s Organic Core Plasma Crystal & Planetary K.O. Plasma Time-Template, engaging the
amazing, intricate and
complex mechanics inherent to Earth's Great Planetary Triumph— Early Onset Planetary Emancipation
Cycle, and the TRIUMPH
of the Triumphs- Universal Grand Salvage Mission.
Following 12/1/2015 triggering of Earth’s Planetary Nomi-Code Auto-immune Response, the following 5
Events in Earth's 4
Transposition Platforms & 5 Eff-im-a’-rhal Layers occurred between 1/1 & 1/3/ 2016.

1/1/2016 12:12 AM EST- Eff-im-a’-rhal Layer-5 Initiates Activation 20,000 miles/ 32,186.88 km above
surface, in middle region of
Outer Van Allen Electron Belt.: Earth’s Eff-im-a’-rhal Layer-5 1° Anchor-Point of the Rainbow-River 5
Essential Essences
Transposition Flows from the Universal SAFE HAVENS-Rainbow Run Domain Passage Set-1.

1/1/2016 1:44 AM EST - Rainbow Rings Transposition Platform-3 Initiates Activation 33,000 miles/ 53,400
km above surface, in
the outer region of the Outer Van Allen Electron Belt: Connects to Pana-Co-LA’-Ra Spectra D-Planes, Eye of
Lila, ARI’-yah Earth, the Platinum
Victory Seed & the Pinnacle Passage-3.

1/1/2016 3:33 AM EST- Rainbow Rays Transposition Platform-4 Initiates Activation 33,000 — 45,000
miles/ 53,400 — 73,000 km
above surface, extending from outer region of Outer Van Allen Electron Belt into the Magnetosheath:
Connects to ELF-LUV Field Spectra D-Planes,
Eye of TrhU’-ah, ARhA-yah Sun-8, the Eff-i-Mir’a Freedom Seed & the Eff-I-yah Passage-4.

1/2/2016 EST- Rainbow Reservoirs Transposition Platform-2 & Eff-im-a’-rhal Layer-3 Initiate Activation
62+ miles/ 100+
km below surface, from bottom of Lower-Lithosphere (62.1 miles / 100 km) radiating up-ward into upper
regions of Ozone Layer in Earth's
Stratosphere (12 - 19 miles/ 20 — 30 km above surface). ‘Connects to Pana-Coa-le’-ta Spectra D-Planes, Eye
of LA’-Tue, Aricon-Earth, the Golden-Silver
Victory Seed & the Krystal-Bridge Passage-2.

1/3/2016 12:12 AM EST- Core Krystal Caverns Transposition Platform-1 & Eff-im-a’-rhal Layer-1 Initiate
3958.1+ miles/ 6370+ km below surface, at Earth’s Core, within Earth’s Core Crystal, between Center-point
of Earth’s Solid-Crystal-Core & TrhU’-ah-
Plasma Template Core. Connects to Pan-Clair’-ah Spectra D-Planes, Eye of LE’-Tue, Median-Earth, the Silver
Victory Seed & the Pana-KHY Passage-1.

Jan-Feb 2017 Earth's Core Krystal Caverns Transposition Platform-1 OPENS for Projection Access, engaging
Earth’s 1%
Planetary E-Lum’en-Air Wave-Infusions and the Planetary YhU-Rha’-Dha Force Awakening of EMERGING-

In late Jan- early Feb 2017 Earth's Eff-im-a’-rhal Layer-2 & Eff-im-a’-rhal Layer-4 will simultaneously Initiate
& Engage
Activation. The late Jan- early Feb 2017 Simultaneous Initiation & Engagement Activations of Earth’s Eff-im-
a’-rhal Layer-
2 & Eff-im-a’-rhal Layer-4 sets into immediate motion the following Sequence of Major Planetary Templar


Earth's Planetary SAFE HAVENS-Rainbow Run Domain Passage Set-1 engages 1° Planetary Passages Blend-
forming Earth’s 1% Planetary E-Lum’en-Air Transplaneal Radiation Field.

Earth's Planetary E-Lum’en-Air Field engages Earth’s 1* Planetary E-Lum’en-Air Wave-Cycle Infusions ,
which Engages
Activation of ALL 4 Planetary Transposition Platforms and ALL 5 Planetary Eff-im-a’-rhal Layers and OPENS

Density-1 Core Krystal Caverns Transposition Platform-1 for Projection Access.

Opening of Earth’s Density-1 Core Krystal Caverns Transposition Platform-1 ENGAGES the Planetary
Environmental and
Bio-Physical Process of Atomic E-Lum’en-ation for the 1" Time EVER on Earth.

Engagement of Earth's Environmental and Bio-Physical Atomic E-Lum’en-ation Process engages Earth’s 1"
Planetary YhU-Rha’-Dha Force Awakening and engages the OPENING Cycle of Earth’s “H.A.P.P.Y. Bubbles”
Planetary YhU-Ri’-dhan Doorways Spherical Particle Accelerator Fields.

Engagement of Earth’s Planetary YhU-Rha’-Dha AWAKENING YhU-Rha’-Dha Force: EMERGENCE of the YhU-
Rha’-Dha FORCE

Part 4b, Page 29 of 29 F-S_5th_AN, Page 54 of 54


The YhU-Rha’-Dha Awakening

Budding of the Bright-Flower Garden & the Eternally Positive Content of Existence

Program contents

Term Definition in GuardianMaterial Theoretical Perpective - 1/21/2019

I. EFFI and the Eternally Positive Content of Existence

II. 5RRR – The 5-Cycle-Sets of Re-Evolutionary RISE Reconnection

III. EFFI, the YhU-Rha-LA’ Kinservatory (Y-Kin), the YhU-Rha’-Dha Complex, & the NOMI SEED.

IV. The Tran’-TE-in Window-Door, the UPPER & LOWER Pana-KHY Passages, TT-CHEVRON-Waves,
and Emancipation-Transposition & Liberation Passages of the YhU-Rha’-Dha Complex
V. The 3 Domain Passage Sets, the 4-Density-Transposition Platforms, & the AL-Hum-Bhra
Cathedrals Complex Cosmoversal Transplaneal Star-Gate Network of the YhU-Rha’-Dha Complex

VI. Budding of the Bright-Flower Garden: The Flames of YhU-RhA’-yah & H. A. P. P. Y. Bubble
Activation-1 -2019 -The YhU-Rha’-Dha CHEVRON Shields Transmissions & Nomi-Seed Activation-1, and the 3 Victory-
Seeds & Eff-i-Mir’a –Freedom Seed Flash-Phase Embodiments.

I. Stage - 1: The Infra-PINK FIRE Emancipation Activation- Infra-PINK FIRE – M31-Emancipation

Passage – Outer-7 Helio-sphere Krystal Caves, Lattice-Sphere-3 & Inter-spatial Medium <not clear

II. Stage – 2: The Intra-BLUE ICE Transposition Activation- Intra-BLUE ICE – M33-Transposition
Passage-Core 8 Halls of LE’-Tue 1st 8 Cell Root Cluster, Lattice-Sphere-2, & Trans-spatial Medium
<text not clear>

The 2-Stage Silver Shield Transmission & Silver-Seed Flash-Phase Embodiment YhU-Rha’-Dha
Awakening Activation will be posted as Advanced Krystal Caverns Safe-Haven Activation EarthCync Free
Link-in Video Technique (Re: Complementary Up-Shift Tool-3; Fail-Safe 5th ANNIVERSARY NOTE-PART-3 posting 8/15/2016)
with accompanying Free Tutorial Video segment (excerpted from applicable coming KDDL3 Bonus End Sessions Livestream

It will take about 7 days for Earth’s Nomi-Node Birthing-Cycle Activations to fulfill the DN-1 Silver-Shield
Flash-Phase Activations to enable completion of the 2-Stage Silver Shield Transmission & Silver-Seed Flash-
Phase Embodiment. We will continue KDDL3 Bonus End Sessions Livestreams during this period, scheduled
as Earth’s Silver-Shield Flash-Phase Activations progressively release.

We will begin the Silver Shield Transmission & Silver-Seed Flash-Phase Embodiment Stage-1: The Infra-
PINK FIRE Emancipation Activation- M31-Emancipation Passage – Outer-7 Helio-sphere Krystal Caves,
Lattice-Sphere-3 & Inter-spatial Medium based E-lum’en-Air - today 3/12/2017, and progress in our unfolding
program from here with EarthCync scheduling.

Once the Silver Shield Transmission & Silver-Seed Flash-Phase Embodiment Stage-2: The Intra-BLUE
ICE Transposition Activation- M33-Transposition Passage – Core 8 Halls of LE’-Tue 1 st 8 Cell Root Cluster,
Lattice-Sphere-2, & Tran-spatial Medium base Aqua-Essence-2 Great Protector ….. is complete, we will continue with
the KDDL3 Bonus End Sessions until we have completed the DN-2 & DN-3 Victory-Shield Transmissions &
3 Victory-Seed Flash-Phase Embodiments (The Victory-Shield Transmission Activations, and their corresponding ….<text
not clear> are beyond the scope of our free website posting ). The KDDL3 Bonus End Sessions Livestreams will complete
with the “THE WIND of the Breath” Technique Activation.

H.A.P.P.Y. YhU-Rha’-Dha Awakening Everyone!

EAAC-AMCC-MCEO-GA – March 12, 2017 6: 24 AM EST.


The Silver Shield Transmission & Silver-Seed Flash-Phase Embodiment

DN-1 Pan-Clair'-ah Median Earth Direct Host through Earth's Core Krystal Caverns Transposition Platform-1
& the M33-M31 Safe-Haven Passages. This is a 2-Point Cathedrals Network Activation, run from Cathedrals
Complex-1 FL & Cathedral Complex-3 Norway, the Planetary Pana-KHY Passage SPAN.

The 2-Stages of the Silver Shield Transmission & Silver-Seed Flash-Phase Embodiment:

I. Stage-1: The Infra-PINK FIRE Emancipation Activation - Infra-PINK FIRE – M31-Emancipation

Passage - Outer-7 Helio-sphere Krystal Caves, Lattice- Sphere-3 & Inter-spatial Medium Base E-

II. Stage-2: The Intra-BLUE ICE Transposition Activation - Intra-BLUE ICE - M33-Transposition
Passage - Core 8 Halls of LE'-TUe 1st 8 Cell Root Cluster, Lattice-Sphere-2 & Tran-spatial Medium Base
Aqua-Essence-2 Great Protector

Budding of the Bright-Flower Garden:

The Flames of YhU-RhA'-yah & H.A.P.P.Y Bubble Activation-1 - 2019

The YhU-Rha'-Dha CHEVRON Shields Transmissions & Nomi-Seed Activation-1, and the 3 Victory-Seeds &
Eff-i-Mir'a-Freedom-Seed Flash-Phase Embodiments


- Journey Thru the Flames of YhU-RhA'-yah & DN-4 Rainbow Rays Transposition Platform-4

Note-1: DN-4 Rainbow Rays Transposition Platform-4: 33,000-45,000 miles/53,400-73,000 km above

surface. Extends upward from Rainbow Rings Transposition Platform-3 in outer region of Outer Van Allen
Electron Belt into the Magnetosheath. Connects to ELF-LUV Field Spectra Eff-i-yah-D-Planes, Eye of TrhU'-ah,
ARhA-yah Sun-8-DN-4, the Eff-i-Mir'a Freedom Seed & the Eff-i-yah Passage-4. Initiated activation 1/1/2016
3:33 AM EST.

Note-2: Flames of YhU-RhA'-yah: The Blended 15-Heli-YhU-Rha'-Dhic Flame Currents of the 8-YhU-Rha'-
Dha CHEVRON Shields-Time-Templates of the YhU-Rha'-Dha Complex (structural architecture of the EFFI
Circulatory System), YhU-Rha-LA' Kinservatory-EFFI Consciousness Field.

- Introduction to the Liberation Codes, the Safe-Haven Rainbow Run (Domain Passage Set-1) Transposition
Chambers 3-Code Set.

Note-3: The Liberation Codes Safe-Haven Rainbow Run Transposition Chambers 3-Code Set of the "Go
Vertical TM Series" Code-Run corresponds to the Eternal-Internal 1st Creation M33-Transposition Passage in
the M33-Triangulum galaxy, to the Pan-Clair'-ah Spectra Eternal-Internal 1st Creation Median-Earth
domains, and to the Yhu-Rha-LA' Kinservatory (Y-Kin) "Highland Heavens - 1st Egg of Eternalization"
Eternal 1st-Creation YhU-nified Field of the EFFI Consciousness Field.

- Introduction H.A.P.P.Y Bubble Nomi-Seed Activation-1

Note-4: H.A.P.P.Y Bubble: A H.A.P.P.Y Bubble is an organic High Amplitude Particle Pulsation YhU'-Rhi-dhan
Spherical-Standing Scalar-Wave Doorway DN-5 Transplaneal Density-Alignment Field, that forms during
YhU-Rha'-Dha Cycles (5RRR-RECLAMATION-Cycle Set-5) with opening of the Liberation Passage
Transplaneal E-Lum'en-Air Pass-Thru Field.

- The "THE WIND of the Breath" Technique Activation.

This Activation-Set is a DN-1 Pan-Clair'-ah Median Earth through DN-5 YhU-Rha-LA' Kinservatory (Y-Kin)-
Highland Heavens Direct Master Host through Earth's DN-4 Rainbow Rays Transposition Platform-4, the
M33-M31 Safe-Haven Passages, the UPPER & LOWER Pana-KHY Passages, and the Yhu-Rha'-Dha Complex
(structural architecture of the EFFI Circulatory System) of the YhU-Rha-LA' Kinservatory-EFFI
Consciousness Field. This is a 2-Point Cathedrals Network Master Activation, run from Cathedral Complex-1
FL & Cathedral Complex-3 Norway; the Planetary Pana-KHY Passage SPAN.

Due to continuing 2017-2019 escalations in the Storm of The Centuries FAtalE Dark-Flower Invasion Agenda
Earth's Core Krystal Caverns Transposition Platform-1 was necessarily placed under PROTECTIVE
LOCKDOWN by the EAAC-AMCC-MCEO-GA at the end of March 2017, and hence the originally intended DN-1
Pan-Clair'-ah Median Earth Direct Host through Earth's Core Krystal Caverns Transposition Platform-1,
required acceleration and amplification to the current Direct Master Host through Earth's DN-4 Rainbow Rays
Transposition Platform-4, & the YhU-Rha-LA' Kinservatory.

Note-5: Concurrent Activation of the 5-Cycle-Sets Re-Evolutionary RISE Reconnection, Early Onset Initiation
of Reclamation Cycle-Set-5 and the YhU-Rha'-Dha Awakening END Cycle triggered on Earth and in our local
Observable Universe systems on 11/8-9/2016+, as a Crisis Intervention auto-immune response to the Theia-
Moon-Storm/Trumpet-1-Fire-STORM Event of 11/8-9/2016+ (RE: MUG-75A).

............ of Earth's DN-1 Core Krystal Caverns-Transposition Platform-1

............ DN-1 Nomi-NODE 15-Sun-Cell ArhA'-yah Span Cluster in Earth's Solid-Core Crystal

Earth’s Planetary DN-1 Nomi-NODE holds: Outer 7-……… EMAN…….,

…...-spatial Medium & D3-Atmic Lattice-Sphere-3; CORE 8 TRANSPO-HALLS,

Tran-spatial Medium & D2-Telluric Lattice-Sphere-2; DN-1 Nomi-SEED Center,

YhU-spatial Medium & D1-Etheric Lattice-Sphere-1; DN-1 Tran’-TE-in Window-Door & DN-1 Chevron-
SILVER-Shield Platform of Core Krystal Caverns-T-Platform-1.

Corresponds to SILVER-Seed Flash-Phase Embodiment, Safe Havens-M33-M31-External Domain-Passage-Set

& DN-1 Median Earth-Pan-Clair’-ah Domains.

Earth D-2 Lower Mantel - Mantel

Earth D-2 Aquifiers – Aquifiers

Jha-Fa 3 Earth / ………. 2 D-2 Solid / ………. 1 Inner Core - Solid-Core Crystal
Earth Core Gates

Prana Seed

Jha-Fa Void (Ring 3)

Transposition Platform ...... SILVER-Shield Boundary

DN-1 SILVER Krystal Room Neutral-Zone Meeting Space E-Lum'en-Air Field

DN-1 Nomi-NODE ARhA-yah Span Cluster Outer Sun-8-1st-Cell Core Krystal Caverns Transposition
Platform-1 ..............


Nomi-NODE Sun-8 Core Cells with 1st-8-Cell Root-Cluster, Prana-Seed,

DN-1/D-2-Telluric Lattice Sphere-2 & Tran-spatial Medium Pass-Thru Field of Core Krystal Caverns TP-1

DN-1 Nomi-NODE Sun-8 Core Cell 1st-8-Cell Root Cluster (1st 8-Cells of Nomi-Seed) in DN-1/D-2-Telluric
Lattice-Sphere-2 & Tran-spatial Medium Pass-Through Field

- Earth's Core 8-Intra-BLUE ICE HALLS of Transposition link to the Core 8-Infra-PINK FIRE HALLS of
Emancipation in DN-1 Median Earth - Pan-Clair'-ah Spectra via the M33-Transposition Passage & Eye of LE'-

Earth’s DN-1 Nomi-NODE 15 Sun-Cell ArhA-yah Span Cluster

Outer Sun-8-1st-Cell with Outer 7-Cell Helliosphere (?) Krystal Caves, DN-1/D-3-Atmic Lattice-Sphere-3
Inter(?)-spatial Medium Blend Field of Core Krystal Caverns TP-1

Earth’s DN-1 Nomi-SEED Center,

DN-1/D-1- Etheric-Lattice-Sphere-1 & YhU-spatial Medium YhU-Rha-LAE Kinservatory Merge Field

Tran-TE’-in Crystal D-1-Etheric of LS-1 in Nomi-SEED Center

Tran-TE’-in Window D-2-Telluric of LS-2 opens in Core …….


D-2-Yellarde ( ottice -Sphere-2

& Tron-spotio! Medium Poss-Thry
Feld of Core Krystal Coverns TP-1

0 of Nos Sen) ON Tellurkc | attice-Sphere

= Gants Core S-Intro-BLUE I0F HALLS of Tronspasivon
Link to the Cove
DR-1 tee Garth - Pon-Cloic’-ah Spectra via the
MRE Tremsposition Pascape & Eye of LE-TUE- Pon-Clair’

-1/D-1-Etheric Lottice-Spheve-4

& Yhtt-spotic! Medium

YhU-Rho-LAE Kinservotory
Merge Field
TE" In Crystol
Exheric of LS-1
SEED Center
Telluric of opens in

The Inorganic FALL-Sets of Pan-Clair’-ah Spectra – External Keylontic

The 7-THEIA Seal Sets of the GONE-Fall Underworld Matrix FAtalE (7-Genesis-Abbadon-Seals-Arcturus GSG-
7 & 7-Wa-ZE-Bourgha-LUNAR-Seals Earth’s MOON) & the corresponding Phantom-Fall Matrix 7-Jehovian-
Seal-Sets (7-J-Seals) Arcturus (GSG-7/DD-7) 7-Trumpets Network of the Jehovian DOVE Apin System

Monadic Connection and Krystal-Bridge Interface

7-Wa-ZE-Bourgha-LUNAR-Seals: Located Earth’s Moon+; connect to the RR-violet GONE-Fall Gates of the
Wa-ZE-yenta Brenta de-LEU’ra White Dragon-FAtalE Bourgha Black-Hole, (Parallel Ekasha – Our Yunasai)

7-Jehovian-Seals (7-J-Seals): Located in the 7-Trumpets ….. Network, GSG-7 Phantom-Arcturus and on
Earth+; connect to the Phantom-Fall Gates of the Jehovian-Annu-Elohim …… DOVE Matrix & Phantom Black-
Hole Systems in our Yunasai. On Earth connect to the DOVE APIN Network.

The 7-J-Seals are HD-C (Hyper-dimensional Cone) Crystal-Pylon-Implant-Network 7-Trumpet Wave

Receiving Stations of the DOVE APIN. On Earth, the Planetary J-Seals run vertically on Planetary Axiatonal
Line A-7@ 70-degrees W. Longitude, at 7-different Lattitudes & down-step through the DOVE-APIN

7-THEIA-Genesis-Abbadon Seals: Located in the 7-Trumpets Tower Network, GSG-7 Phantom-Arcturus;

connect to the R-Red GONE-Fall Gates of the Genesis-FAtalE Abbadon Black-Hole, (Parallel Yunasai)

J-1 White Horse: 70W/47.05(?)N-NE of Quebec, Canada

J-2 Red Horse: 70W/18.1S(?) - Chile/Peru Border
J-3 Black Horse: 70W/41.78N(?) - Cape Code, Mass
J-4 …… Horse: 70W/24.92N-E of Nassau, Bahamas
J-5 “souls of …..”: 70W/26.95S(?) - Copiapó, Chile
J-6 “great earthquaker”: 70W/18.1S(?) - Peru/Chile Border
J-7 “7Angels/ 7 Trumpets”: 70W/33.13S(?) - off coast of Charleston, SC

The YhU-Rha’-Dha Awakening – Budding of the Bright Flower Garden & the Eternally Positive Context of

Program Contents

Term Definitions in GuardianMaterialTM Theoretical Perspective - 1/21/2019

I: EFFI and the Eternally Positive Context of Existence

II: 5RRR - The 5-Cycle-Sets of Re-Evolutionary RISE Reconnection

III: EFFI, the YhU-Rha-LA’ Kinservatory (Y-Kin), the YhU-Rha’-Dha Complex & the NOMI SEED.

IV: The Tran’-TE-in Window-Door , the UPPER & LOWER Pana-KHY Passages, TT-CHEVRON-Waves, and
Emancipation-Transposition & Liberation Passages of the YhU-Rha’-Dha Complex

V. The 3 Domain Passage Sets, the 4-Density-Transposition Platforms, & the Al-Hum-Bhra Cathedrals
Complex Cosmoversal Transplaneal Star-Gate Network of the YhU-Rha’-Dha Complex

VI: Budding of the Bright-Flower Garden: the Flames of YhU-RhA’-yah & H.A.P.P.Y. Bubble Activation-1 –
2019 - the YhU-Rha’-Dha CHEVRON Shields Transmissions & Nomi-Seed Activation-1, and the 3 Victory-
Seeds & Eff-i-Mir’a – Freedom-Seed Flash-Phase Embodiments

I: EFFI and the Eternally Positive Context of Existence

Content List

Term Definitions in GuardianMaterialTM Theoretical Perspective

Sunday 7/29/18 Norway - 1/12/2019 Update

FYI: The 3 Domain Orientations and the Cosmoverse - 21/6/2018

FYI: EFFI-1; The EFFI, the EFFI Infinitum, “GOD”, and the Eternal EFFI Nature – 7/29 & 12/14/18

- EFFI and EFFI Infinitum

- EFFI, “GOD” and Eternal EFFI Nature.

FYI: EFFI-2; The Natural Eternal Laws of Unified-Field Physics, the Nomi Code, Evolutionary Stages, Cause-
Effect & Consequence, Eternal EFFI Nature and the Eternal Presence – E-Lum’en-ed Essence – 7/29/18

- The Natural Eternal Laws of Unified-Field Physics, the Nomi Code and Cause-Effect & Consequence
- The Eternal Presence – E-Lum’en-ed Essence, “God Concepts”, and Eternal EFFI Nature

FYI: EFFI-3; The EFFI, and Evolution by Template Frequency Accretion - 7/29/18

- EFFI Embodiment - Cognition & Evolution by Template Frequency Accretion

- Chakras, Star-Gates, the Keylontic & Chismatic Templates, and Evolution through Space-Time

FYI: EFFI-4: The Primal Desire, Eternal Instinct, and the Eternally Positive Context of Existence – 7/29/18

- Primal Desire, Eternal Instinct & the Nomi Code-Encryption

- The Eternally Positive Context of Existence

FYI: EFFI-5: Harmonic vs Disharmonic Engagement & KNOWING vs UNKNOWING Innocence - 7/29/18

- Cause-Effect & Consequence - Harmonic vs Disharmonic Engagement

- The Paths of Increasing & Diminishing Return - KNOWING vs UNKNOWING Innocence

FYI: EFFI-6: Phantom-FALL & GONE-FALL Systems, the 5 Cycle-Sets of Re-Evolutionary RISE Reconnection,
& the Eternally Positive Context of Existence – 7/29/18

- Phantom-FALL Systems
- GONE-FALL Systems
- Simultaneous Activation of the 5-Cycle-Sets of Re-Evolutionary RISE Reconnection & the YhU-Rha’Dha

II: 5RRR – The 5-Cycle-Sets of Re-Evolutionary RISE Reconnection

Content List

Term Definitions in GuardianMaterialTM Theoretical Perspective

Monday 7/30/18 Norway

FYI: 5RRR-1: Introduction to the 5-Cycle-Sets of Re-Evolutionary RISE Reconnection – 7/30/18

- The “5RRR” - 5-Cycle-Sets of Re-Evolutionary RISE Reconnection & Final Salvage of Black-Hole-FALL
- The Contemporary FAST-Path of the 5RRR

FYI: 5RRR-2: Concurrent Engagement of the 5-Cycle-Sets of Re-Evolutionary RISE Reconnection -


- The 5RRR, and their corresponding Contemporary Invisible Drama Concurrent Engagement dates &

FYI: 5RRR-3: The 5RRR – Purpose, Process & Affiliations; Cycle-Set: 1-REALIGNMENT

FYI: 5RRR-3: The 5RRR – Purpose, Process & Affiliations; Cycle-Set: 2- RESOLUTION

III: EFFI, the YhU-Rha-LA’ Kinservatory (Y-Kin), the ThU-Rha’-Dha Complex, & the NOMI SEED.

Content List

Term Definitions in GuardianMaterialTM Theoretical Perspective

Saturday-Sunday 1/12-20/19

FYI: EFFI, the YhU-RhA’-yah Body, & the 3 Spatial Media 12/19/2018

- EFFI Consciousness Field

- YhU-RhA’-yah Body
- EFFI Infinitum
- 3 Spatial Media

FYI: Y-Kin-1: Introduction to the EFFI Infinitum “1st Yoke” and the YhU-RhA’-yah Body of the EFFI
Consciousness Field – Diagram

FYI: EFFI & the YhU-Rha-LA’ Kinservatory (Y-Kin) 12/19/2018

FYI: Y-Kin-2: Introduction to the YhU-Rha-LA’ Kinservatory (Y-Kin) 12/19/2018

FYI: EFFI, The Y-Kin (YhU-Rha-LA’ Kinservatory), & YhU-Rha’-Dha Cycles 12/21/2018

FYI: YhU-Rha’-Dha Complex-1: EFFI, the Y-Kin, & the YhU-Rha’-Dha Complex – 1/17/2019

FYI: YhU-Rha’-Dha Complex-2: The 8 YhU-Rha’-Dha CHEVRON Shields-Time-Templates & the Flames of Yhu-
RhA’-yah - 1/17/2019

Below WIP Diagrams and Text – 1/20/2019

FYI: YRD-Complex-1: The 4-YhU-RhA’-tic “Intra-Violet Vapor Silent-CHEVRON Shields’ of the 8-YhU-Rha’-
Dha CHEVRON Shields-Time-Templates (of the EFFI Consciousness Field YhU-RhA’-yah Body) & the Eff-I’-
yah Intra-Violet Vapor Standing-wave Field (of the YhU-Rha-LA’ Kinservatory-EFFI Consciousness Field).
1/19/2019 – WIP- Diagram

FYI: YRD-Complex-2: The 4-Chismatic “Infra-Pink-Fire-Intra-Blue-Ice Singing-CHEVRON Shields” of the 8-

YhU-Rha’-Dha CHEVRON Shields-Time-Templates (of the EFFI Consciousness Field YhU-RhA’-yah Body) &
the Krystal-Bridge Passage (of the EFFI Infinitum – Eff-I’-yah Intra-Violet Vapor Standing-wave Field).
1/19/2019 - WIP – Diagrams

FYI: YRD-Complex-3: 8-YhU-Rha’-Dha CHEVRON Shields-Time-Templates (of the EFFI Consciousness Field
YhU-RhA’-yah Body) & the Flames of YhU-RhA’-yah (YhU-RhA’-tic-Chismatic-Keylontic Blended 15-Heli-
YhU-Rha’-Dhic Flame-Current). - 1/19/2019 – WIP – Diagrams

FYI: YhU-Rha’-Dha Complex-3: The NOMI SEED, the Heart of Eff-I”-Mah Point, & the Eff-I’-yah Intra-Violet
Vapor Standing-wave Field – Primary Creation Structures of the EFFI Consciousness Field YhU-RhA’-yah
Body – 1/19/2019 WIP TEXT

FYI: YhU-Rha’-Dha Complex 4: The Transplaneal-SPAN ELF-LUV Field. & the Krystal-Bridge Passage –
1/19/2019 WIP TEXT

IV: The Tran’-TE-in Window-Door, the UPPER & LOWER Pana-KHY Passage, TT-CHEVRON-Waves, and
Emancipation-Transposition & Liberation Passages of the YhU-Rha’-Dha Complexes

Content List

Term Definitions in GuardianMaterialTM Theoretical Perspective


FYI: Tran’-TE-in-1A: The Tran’-TE-in Window, Tran’-TE-in Door, and Upper & Lower-Pana-KHY Passages-
Eternal- 12/5/2018

- EFFI, the Tran’-TE-in Window, and the Upper & Lower-Pana-KHY Passages
- The Window of First & Last Passage, and the Nomi Code
- The Tran’-TE-in Door, and the YhU-Rha’-Dha Awakening

- The UPPER & LOWER Pana-KHY Passages, Pana-KHY Flux-wave Fields and the Krystal-Bridge Passage
- The Tran’-TE-in Window, Heart of Eff-I’-Mah Point, and the Krystal-Bridge Passage. - Diagram

- The UPPER & LOWER Pana-KHY Passages & The Tran’-TE-in Window – First-Last Passage. - Diagram

- The UPPER & LOWER Pana-KHY Passages & The Tran’-TE-in Door – Final Return Passage. - Diagram

FYI: Tran’-TE-in-1B: YhU-Rha’-Dha Cycles, Krystal-Bridge Passage, CHEVRON Flows, and TT-Waves


- YhU-Rha’-Dha Cycles and the 5-Cycle-Sets of Re-Evolutionary RISE Reconnection

- YhU-Rha’-Dha Cycles, Krystal-Bridge Passage, CHEVRON Flows, and the Tran-TE’-yah & Tran-TE-YhUm’-
- YhU-Rha’-Dha Cycles, TT-Waves, & Eternal-Quantum-Balance

FYI: Tran’-TE-in-1C: YhU-Rha’-Dha Cycles, TT-Waves, and the Singing CHEVRON Shields


- The Singing CHEVRON Shields

- CHEVRON “FIRE and ICE” Crystals, and the Dormant Singing CHEVRON Shields
- The Tran-TE’-yah & Tran-TE-YhUm’-TT (Trans-Time)-Waves, and the Activated Singing CHEVRON Shields

FYI: Tran’-TE-in-2A: The Nomi Wave, 3-Point-TRINE CHEVRON-Wave Activation & Domain Passages

- 12/7/2018

- The 2-TT-Waves and Blend-In of the Rainbow River-5 Essential Essences

- The Nomi Wave, and the 3-Point TRINE CHEVRON-Wave
- The 4-Stages of CHEVRON-Wave Activation and Domain Passages-E

FYI: Tran’-TE-in-2B: CHEVRON-Wave Stage-1-3, and Emancipation-Transposition & Liberation Passages

- 12/9/2018

- CHEVRON-Wave Activation Stage-1 & Stage-2, Emancipation-Transposition Passage PAIRS, and the 3
Domain Passage Sets
- CHEVRON-Wave Activation Stage-3, Passage Blend-Merger, and the E-Lum’en-Air Liberation Passage.

V: The 3 Domain Passage Sets, the 4-Density-Transposition Platforms, & the AL-Hum-Bhra Cathedrals
Complex Cosmoversal Transplaneal Star-Gate Network of the YhU-Rha’-Dha Complex

Content List

Term Definitions in GuardianMaterialTM Theoretical Perspective – 1/20/19

FYI: 3 Domain Passage Sets-1A: CHEVRON Crystals & Formation of the 3 Domain Passage Sets

- 1/20/2019 Update

- CHEVRON Crystals, and the 3 Domain Passage Sets

- Emancipation, Transposition & Liberation Passages – PINK FIRE, BLUE ICE & VIOLET VAPOR

FYI: 3 Domain Passage Sets-1A: Structure and Function of the 3 Domain Passage Sets

1/20/19 Update
- The 3 Domain Passage Sets, 3 Domain Orientations, and Emancipation & Transposition Passages
- The 3 Domain Passage Sets, 4-Density-Transposition Platforms, 4-Emancipation-Corridors, & 3-

FYI: 3 Domain Passage Sets-2: Passeges Blend-Merger, the Liberation Passage, & the HAPPY Bubble

- 1/20/19 Update

- The 3 Domain Passage Sets, Emancipation-Transposition Passages, and the Tran’-TE-in Tandem SPAN
Nomi Wave
- Stage 3-Tran’-TE-in-Liberation, 3-K.O. Seal-Sets, Passages Blend-Merger, E-Lum’en-Air-Liberation Passage,
& HAPPY Bubble

FYI: 3 Domain Passage Sets-3: Passage Names & Key Dynamics

- 1/20/2019

- The 3 Domain Passage Sets of the EFFI Infinitum - Passage Names

- Key Points: Dynamics of the 3 Domain Passage Sets

FYI: The 4 Density Transposition Platforms

- 1/20/2019 Update

FYI: Earth’s 4 Density Transposition Platforms Locations & Openings Schedule

- 1/20/2019 Update

- 4 Density-Transpostion Platforms Locational Co-ordinates & the 5-Cycle-Sets of Re-Evolutionary RISE

- Earth’s 4 Density Transpostion Platforms Locations & Openings Schedule

FYI: Earth’s 8 Primary KHY-Sites & 3 Krystal-Bridge-Way Sites

- 1/20/2019 Update

- The 8 Primary KHY-Site Catheion Controls and 3 Krystal-Bridge-Way-Sites of Earth’s AL-Kum-Bhra

Catherdals Network
- KHY-Sites, KHY-Points, Big-8 Override, & Krystal-Bridge-Way Sites.
- Earth’s 8 Primary KHY-Site Locations

FYI: Primary Site Locations of Earth’s Planetary Cathedrals Complex Network

- 1/20/2019 Update

- The 5 Cathedrals, 25 Sacred Sites, and 8 Primary KHY-Site Catheion Control of Earth’s AL-Hum-Bhra
Catherdals Network
-The 8 Primary KHY-Site Catheion Control and 3 Krystal-Bridge-Way Sites of Earth’s AL-Hum-Bhra
Cathedrals Network

VI: Budding of the Bright-Flower Garden: The Flames of YhU-RhA’-yah & H.A.P.P.Y. Bubble

Activation-1 – 2019 – The YhU-Rha’-Dha CHEVRON Shields Transmissions & Nomi-Seed Activation-1, and
the 3 Victory-Seeds & Eff-i-Mir’a – Freedom-Seed Flash-Phase Embodiments

Budding of the Bright-Flower Garden: The Flames of YhU-RhA’-yah & H.A.P.P.Y. Bubble Activation-1 – 2019

The YhU-Rha’-Dha CHEVRON Shields Transmissions & Nomi-Seed Activation-1, and the 3 Victory-Seeds &
Eff-i-Mir’a – Freedom-Seed Flash-Phase Embodiments


- Journey through the Flames of YhU-RhA-yah & DN-4 Rainbow Rays Transposition Platform-4

Note-1: DN-4 Rainbow Rays Transposition Platform-4: 33,000-45,000 miles/53,400-73,000 km above

surface. Extends upward from Rainbow Rings Transposition Platform-3 in outer region of Outer Van Allen
Electron Belt into the Magnetosheath. Connects to ELF-LUV Field Spectra Eff-i-yah-D-Planes, Eye of TrhU'-ah,
ARhA-yah Sun-8-DN-4, the Eff-i-Mir'a Freedom Seed & the Eff-i-yah Passage-4. Initiated activation 1/1/2016
3:33 AM EST.

Note-2: Flames of YhU-RhA'-yah: The Blended 15-Heli-YhU-Rha'-Dhic Flame Currents of the 8-YhU-Rha'-
Dha CHEVRON Shields-Time-Templates of the YhU-Rha'-Dha Complex (structural architecture of the EFFI
Circulatory System), YhU-Rha-LA' Kinservatory-EFFI Consciousness Field.

- Introduction to the Liberation Codes, the Safe-Haven Rainbow Run (Domain Passage Set-1) Transposition
Chambers 3-Code Set.
Note-3: The Liberation Codes Safe-Haven Rainbow Run Transposition Chambers 3-Code Set of the "Go
Vertical TM Series" Code-Run corresponds to the Eternal-Internal 1st Creation M33-Transposition Passage in
the M33-Triangulum galaxy, to the Pan-Clair'-ah Spectra Eternal-Internal 1st Creation Median-Earth
domains, and to the YhU-Rha-LA' Kinservatory (Y-Kin) "Highland Heavens - 1st Egg of Eternalization"
Eternal 1st-Creation YhU-nified Field of the EFFI Consciousness Field.

- Introduction H.A.P.P.Y Bubble Nomi-Seed Activation-1

Note-4: H.A.P.P.Y Bubble: A H.A.P.P.Y Bubble is an organic High Amplitude Particle Pulsation YhU'-Rhi-dhan
Spherical-Standing Scalar-Wave Doorway DN-5 Transplaneal Density-Alignment Field, that forms during
YhU-Rha'-Dha Cycles (5RRR-RECLAMATION-Cycle Set-5) with opening of the Liberation Passage
Transplaneal E-Lum'en-Air Pass-Thru Field.

- The "THE WIND of the Breath" Technique Activation.

This Activation-Set is a DN-1 Pan-Clair'-ah Median Earth through DN-5 YhU-Rha-LA' Kinservatory (Y-Kin)-
Highland Heavens Direct Master Host through Earth's DN-4 Rainbow Rays Transposition Platform-4, the
M33-M31 Safe-Haven Passages, the UPPER & LOWER Pana-KHY Passages, and the Yhu-Rha'-Dha Complex
(structural architecture of the EFFI Circulatory System) of the YhU-Rha-LA' Kinservatory-EFFI
Consciousness Field. This is a

2-Point Cathedrals Network Master Activation, run from Cathedral Complex-1 FL & Cathedral Complex-3
Norway; the Planetary Pana-KHY Passage SPAN.

Due to continuing 2017-2019 escalations in the Storm of The Centuries FAtalE Dark-Flower Invasion Agenda
Earth's Core Krystal Caverns Transposition Platform-1 was necessarily placed under PROTECTIVE
LOCKDOWN by the EAAC-AMCC-MCEO-GA at the end of March 2017, and hence the originally intended DN-1
Pan-Clair'-ah Median Earth Direct Host through Earth's Core Krystal Caverns Transposition Platform-1,
required acceleration and amplification to the current Direct Master Host through Earth's DN-4 Rainbow Rays
Transposition Platform-4, & the YhU-Rha-LA' Kinservatory.

Note-5: Concurrent Activation of the 5-Cycle-Sets Re-Evolutionary RISE Reconnection, Early Onset Initiation
of Reclamation Cycle-Set-5 and the YhU-Rha'-Dha Awakening END Cycle triggered on Earth and in our local
Observable Universe systems on 11/8-9/2016+, as a Crisis Intervention auto-immune response to the Theia-
Moon-Storm/Trumpet-1-Fire-STORM Event of 11/8-9/2016+.

FYI: EFFI-1; The EFFI, the EFFI Infinitum, “GOD”, and the Eternal EFFI Nature – 7/29 & 12/14/18

- EFFI and EFFI Infinitum

- EFFI, “GOD” and Eternal EFFI Nature.

FYI: EFFI-2; The Natural Eternal Laws of Unified-Field Physics, the Nomi Code, Evolutionary Stages, Cause-
Effect & Consequence, Eternal EFFI Nature and the Eternal Presence – E-Lum’en-ed Essence – 7/29/18

- The Natural Eternal Laws of Unified-Field Physics, the Nomi Code and Cause-Effect & Consequence
- The Eternal Presence – E-Lum’en-ed Essence, “God Concepts”, and Eternal EFFI Nature
- Excerpt-1: V-2:2: Dis-harmonic Conflicting Warrior God Agendas
- The 7 Periods of Masters Templar Mechanics Up-Shift Progression – 2000-2019+ - Update 2/2019
- Excerpt-2: V-2:2: Salvaging the Sacred
- Overview: V-2:2: The Bridge Zone, the 5RRR, Krystal-Bridge-Zone, & the 7-AIR-Trigger Events – Update

FYI: EFFI-3; The EFFI, and Evolution by Template Frequency Accretion - 7/29/18

- EFFI Embodiment - Cognition & Evolution by Template Frequency Accretion

- Chakras, Star-Gates, the Keylontic & Chismatic Templates, and Evolution through Space-Time
FYI: EFFI-4: The Primal Desire, Eternal Instinct, and the Eternally Positive Context of Existence – 7/29/18

- Primal Desire, Eternal Instinct & the Nomi Code

- The Eternally Positive Context of Existence

FYI: EFFI-5: Harmonic vs Disharmonic Engagement & KNOWING vs UNKNOWING Innocence - 7/29/18

- Cause-Effect & Consequence - Harmonic vs Disharmonic Engagement

- The Paths of Increasing & Diminishing Return - KNOWING vs UNKNOWING Innocence

FYI: EFFI-6: Phantom-FALL & GONE-FALL Systems, the 5 Cycle-Sets of Re-Evolutionary RISE Reconnection,
& the Eternally Positive Context of Existence – 7/29/18

- Phantom-FALL Systems
- GONE-FALL Systems
- Simultaneous Activation of the 5-Cycle-Sets of Re-Evolutionary RISE Reconnection & the YhU-Rha’Dha

- Earth’s 2000-2017-SAC, Invisible War Drama, GA Council Up-steps, and the 5-RRR- 2/14/2019 Update
- The Progression of the 5-Cycle-Sets of Re-Evolutionary RISE Reconnection (5-RRR) 2000-2019
- The EFFI Prayer & LTR (Linguistic – Template – Reprogramming) – Power Grid

TIME – Creation Context and the Structure of Space-Time


Our “Structured Bubble: Eternal Life Creation & EFFI – The Eternal First Field Intelligence

TIME - The Eternal Time-Wave Strate and Spectra of EFFI

Eternal Time-Wave Strata of the EFFI Infinitum — The Pana-KHY Flux-Wave Field, the ELF, Eye of Lila & the

The EFFI Infinitum – Eternal First Field Intelligence

The 3 Ahu-Stri’-yah Jha-Tu of EFFI, & the 3 ARI-Yon’a & 24 Dominions

The 3 Domiciles of the House of the Dominions

Standing Plasm-Time-Wave Pana-KHY Flux-Wave Field with 12 Eternal KHY-Wave Flows

The Eternal Panah-KHY Flux-Wave Field and the EFFI Infinitum
Activated TrhU’-ah Time-Wave Flows of the Eternal Panah-KHY Flux-Wave Field and the EFFI Infinitum

*Eye of Lila – Eternal Still Point LUV Field

Eye of Lila - “Here is the LUV” - Lowest Unified Velocity Field

The 3 Eternal Time-Wave Spectra of the EFFI Pana-KHY Time-Wave Strata - & the Endless LUV Field
The Pan-Clair-ah, Pana-Coa-le’-ta and Pana-Co-LA’Ra Spectra.

The Es"-pa Ta-Rha'ta (Ever-shining Riding Wave)

ELF (Equilibrium Lull Field) & the Pana-KHY Passage

The “Embrace of Endless LUV" - ELF Un-Es’-pa Ta-Rha-Ta Capsule
“Absolute Protectorate” Field of EFFI.

EVE of LILA LUV point The LUV- Lowest Unified Velocity

The Eye of Lila Eternal Still Point = The “Endless LUV Point” - The Eternally Standing State of Vibrational
Harmonization through which all aspects of Creation Eternal, Internal & External, remain Eternally United &
indelibly Interconnected.

The 3 Eternal Time-Wave Spectra of the EFFI Pana-KHY Time-Wave Strata - & the Endless LUV Field

The Pan-Clair-ah, Pana-Coa-le’-ta and Pana-Co-LA’Ra Spectra.

‘The Es’-pa Ta-Rha’-ta (Ever-shining Riding Wave)


FYI: The 3 Domain Orientations and the Cosmoverse – 6/21/2018

Term Definitions in the GuardianMaterialTM Theoretical Perspective

3 Domain Orientations: In GuardianMaterialTM Theoretical Perspective the term 3 Domain orientations (RE:
Fail-Safe 5th ANNIVERSARY NOTE-PART-4 12/16/16.) refers to one of the organic Eternal 1 st-Creation
Structures of the EFFI Eternal 1st – Consciousness Field (RE: Tan-Tri-Ahu’ra TeachingsTM 1-9, 8/2012 –
8/2014+). The 3 Domain Orientations are an organic structural aspect of the EFFI Infinitum “1st Yoke of
Exteriorization-Externalization”, the Eternal Life Generator Cell of the YhU-Rha-LA’ Kinservatory Eternal 1 st-
Creation YhU-nified Field “1st Egg of Eternalization”. Like all Eternal 1st-Creation Structures the 3 Domain
Orientations of the EFFI Infinitum exist within the Zero-Point-Domain of the Un-dividuated ONE-ified Field –
EFFI Eternal 1st – Consciousness Field. (Note: The Eternal 1st- Creation Structures of the EFFI Eternal 1st-
Consciousness Field include the YhU-Rha-LA’ Kinservatory Eternal 1 st-Creation YhU-nified Field “1st Egg of
Eternalization”, the EFFI Infinitum “1st Yoke of Exteriorization-Externalization”, the 3 Domain Orientations,
the External Life Cosmoverse, and All Primary Structures, Systems, Things and Beings within them.)

The 3 Domain Orientations ARE: The External Creation – Keylontic 15-Dimensional Plane-Sets, the
Transplaneal-SPAN ELF-LUV Field 1st-Creation-Chismatic-Plasmantik-D-Planes, and the Eternal-Internal 1 st-
Creation-Chismatic-Plasmantik-D-Planes (D-Planes = DhA’-yah-TEi Planes; RE: MCEO Freedom Teachings TM,
1998-5/2012+, & Tan-Tri-Ahu’ra TeachingsTM 1-9,8/2012 – 8/2014+).

Cosmoverse: The Eternal Live Cosmoverse is the Guardian term noun referring to “All existing Space-Time,
Dimensions, Planes and Matter, Dark-Matter, Pre-Matter, Plasma, Plasm (Pre-Plasma), and Pre-Plasm (E-ta
Vapor Essential Essences) within the 3 Domain Orientations of the EFFI Infinitum considered as a whole”.
The Cosmoverse contains many Cosmos, each Cosmos with many Multi-verses containing many Universes
and thei inherent Parallel & Adjacent 15-Dimensional Time-Matrix Systems. The Cosmoverse is a highly
complex, intricately Ordered, Perpetual-Motion Living Eternal-Life System, which operates according to the
organic Natural Eternal Laws of Transplaneal, Multidimensional, Cosmoversal Unified-Field Physics.

The Cosmoverse of the EFFI Infinitum is NOT “random”, but is rather Created by Intelligent Design by the
EFFI Eternal 1st – Consciousness Field, through the mathematical-geometrical Eternal-Life 1st-Creation Core
Program of the Nomi-yah 1st-Encryption, also known as the “Nomi Code” (RE: Fail-Safe 5th ANNIVERSARY
NOTE – 8-12/2016). The “Nomi-Code” is held as a Geleziac Radiation Encryption within the ThU-Rha-LA’
Kinservatory Eternal 1st-Creation ThU-nified Field of the EFFI Eternal 1st-Consciousness Field, is imbued
within ALL consciousness, energy and manifest form, and is the Core Program from which the smaller
External-Creation Keylontic “KRYSTHL Code” emerges (Note: (The 1st 7 organic Eternal-Life audible sound-
tone vibrations of External Creation are: Ka-Ra-Ya-Sa-Ta-Ha-La = KRYST-HL Code acronym. RE: The MCEO
Freedom TeachingsTM Series 1999-5/2012). Through the mathematical-geometrical instructions of the Nomi
Code, the highly complex, intricately ordered Living Conscious Structure of the Eternal-Life Cosmoverse
forms within the EFFI Infinitum-”1st Yoke of Exteriorization-Externalization” (the Eternal Life Generator Cell
of the YhU-Rha-LA’ Kinservatory Eternal 1st-Creation YhU-nified Field “1st Egg of Eternalization”.)

The “size-scale” and structure of the Cosmoverse is massive compared to contemporary scientific theories of
the “Observable Universe, Universe or Cosmos”, and the organic expansion and contraction rhythms of its
Perpetual Motion Cyclic “Time-Scales” extend much further “backwards, forward, inward and outward” than
contemporary scientific theories have yet to imagine. The massive and specific inherent structures of the
Cosmoverse, and the true dynamics and mechanics of its corresponding Space-Time Cycles, have not yet
been discovered or theorized in contemporary scientific paradigms.

The word Cosmoverse is a Guardian term noun referring to the entirety of the manifest and materialized
structures of ALL Creation within the EFFI Infinitum that together represent the Manifest-Expression Out-
Picture of the Eternal-Life EFFI Infinitum.

The word Cosmoversal is a Guardian term adjective meaning “Belonging to, characteristic of, pertaining to,
or encompassing the Cosmoverse.

Transplaneal: The word Transplaneal is a Guardian term, used as an adjective or adverb, meaning
“Possessing the ability or characteristic, of being able to cross over or through the energetic boundaries” that
exist within Cosmoversal structure between the 3 Domain Orientations of the EFFI Infinitum (“1 st Yoke of
Exteriorization-Externalization”). The term Transplaneal refers to a thing or action that SPANS or traverses
“between or across the planes” of the 3 Domain Orientations. (The 3 Domain Orientations of the EFFI
Infinitum are: External Creation, Transplaneal-SPAN ELF-LUV Field 1 st-Creation D-Planes, and Eternal-
Internal 1st-Creation D-Planes.).

Transplaneal Span between the Eternal-Internal 1st-Creation Domain Orientation and the External Creation
Domain Orientation of the EFFI Infinitum occurs through the Eff-I’-yah Standing-wave Field of the
Transplaneal-SPAN ELF-LUV Field 1st-Creation Domain Orientation, via its Krystal-Bridge Passage
connection to the YhU-Rha-LA’ Kinservatory Eternal 1st-Creation YhU-nified Field “1st Egg of Eternalization”
(Re: KDDLTM 2, 3-8/2015, & Fail-Safe 5th ANNIVERSARY NOTE-PART 1-4, 8-12/2016.).

FYI: EFFI-1: The EFFI, the EFFI Infinitum, “GOD”, and the Eternal EFFI Nature – 12/14/18

Term Definitions in GuardianMaterialTM Theoretical Perspective

EFFI and EFFI Infinitum

EFFI/EFFI Infinitum: The word EFFI is a Guardian acronym noun formed from the initial letters of the words
Eternal First Field Intelligence and Electro-Thermal First Force Identity; the word EFFI is often used
synonymously with the term EFFI Infinitum (RE: Tan-Tri-Ahu’ra TeachingsTM 1-9,8/2012 – 8/2014+). In
GuardianMaterialTM Theory, the word EFFI is used as a noun referring to the entirety of the Living EFFI
Eternal 1st-Consciousness Field, within which ALL Creation has ALWAYS, and will ALWAYS, exist,

The EFFI Eternal 1st-Consciousness Field perpetually Creatively Express ITSELF by manifesting portions of
its own Eternally-Living Consciousness Energy-Identity AS the Eternal 1st-Creation Structures. The Eternal
1st-Creation Structures include the YhU-Rha-LA’ Kinservatory Eternal 1st-Creation YhU-nified Field “1st Egg of
Eternalization, the EFFI Infinitum “1st Yoke of Exteriorization-Externalization”, the 3 Domain Orientations (3
Domain Orientations = External Creation, Transplaneal-SPAN ELF-LUV Field 1 st-Creation D-Planes, &
Eternal-Internal 1st-Creation D-Planes; RE: Fail-Safe 5th ANNIVERSARY NOTE-PART-4 12/16/16.), the
Eternal Life Cosmoverse, and All Primary Structures, Systems, Things and Beings within them. The EFFI
Eternal 1st-Consciousness Field is considered to be the “1st-Eternal Un-dividuated ONE-ified Field of
Conscious, Sentient, Intelligent, Living Energy” from which All Things and Beings originally emerge into
individuation, within which All Things and Beings perpetually exist, and to which All Things and Beings
eventually fully return to At-One-ment, in the organic perpetual Cycle of Eternal Life.

The EFFI Consciousness Field first congeals as a condensation region of Eternal Consciousness; this
condensation region is called the YhU-RhA’-yah Body of the EFFI. The EFFI Infinitum Eternal Life Generator
Cell “1st
Yoke of Exteriorization-Externalization” next forms within the EFFI Consciousness Field. The YhU-Rha-LA’
Kinservatory Eternal 1st-Creation YhU-nified Field, known as the “Highland Heavens of the EFFI - 1st Egg of
Eternalization”, then forms within the EFFI Consciousness Field through the 1st 8-SUN-Phase-Cycles of the
EFFI Infinitum Generator Cell. Through subsequent Phase-Cycles of the EFFI Infinitum Generator Cell the
Cosmoversal Structures progressively form within the 3 Domain Orientations of the EFFI Infinitum.

Whereas the word EFFI is used in reference to the entirety of the Living EFFI Eternal 1 st-Consciousness Field,
the term EFFI Infinitum is used as a noun referring specifically to the structuralized aspects of the “1 st Yoke
of Exteriorization-Externalization”, the Eternal Life Generator Cell of the YhU-Rha-LA’ Kinservatory Eternal
1st-Creation YhU-nified Field. The EFFI Infinitum “1st Yoke of Exteriorization-Externalization” continually
forms, sustains and contains the Perpetual Foundational Eternal 1 st-Creation Structures of the 3 Domain
Orientations (3 Domain Orientations = External Creation, Transplaneal-SPAN ELF-LUV Field 1 st-Creation D-
Planes, & Eternal-Internal 1st-Creation D-Planes; RE: Fail-Safe 5th ANNIVERSARY NOTE-PART-4 12/16/16.),
and the Eternal Life Cosmoverse, through which All Structures, Systems, Things and Beings within the
Eternal Life Evolutionary Cycles of the EFFI manifest and materialize.

Through technically differentiated by the EFFI representing the entirety of the EFFI Eternal 1 st-
Consciousness Field, and the EFFI Infinitum representing the Eternal Life Generator Cell “1 st Yoke of
Exteriorization-Externalization”, the terms EFFI and EFFI Infinitum can be used interchangeably for most
general applications and purposes.

In GuardianMaterialTM Theoretical Perspective the terms EFFI, and EFFI Infinitum, are NOT used “as the
name of a God or Gods”. The Terms EFFI-EFFI Infinitum are rather used in simple acronym to reference the
Eternal First Field Intelligence / Electro-Thermal First Force Identity, which is considered to BE the Eternal
Living Energy-Identity-Intelligence and Perpetual Living Foundational Eternal 1 st-Creation Structure of ALL
Creation that is beyond all “name or label classification”. In similar sentiment, the terms EFFI/EFFI Infinitum
are simply Acknowledged and held in subjective Sacred Reverence as the “Eternally Living Energy-Identity”
and “Co-creative Source-Force”, WITHIN which ALL Things & Beings Reside, WITH which ALL Things &
Beings Co-create, and OF which ALL Things & Beings are MADE”.

The Eternal Nature of the EFFI/EFFI Infinitum is Unconditional Absolute LOVE, which is a tangible State of
11/1999-2/2000+) between the Eternal Essence of the EFFI, and the entirety of ALL Creation (= All Life
Everywhere). The Eternal EFFI Nature is NOT that of a “judgmental, jealous, angry, gender-biased,
patriarchal, racist God-Head”; nor is it competitive, aggressive, imposing, bullying, violent, chaotic, arrogant,
condescending, dis-empowering or weak. The Eternal EFFI Nature rather IS loving, forgiving, kind,
nurturing, inclusive, co-operative, accommodating, empowering, strong, and impartial (fair & just) to ALL of
Creation; it is a Peaceful Gentle Nature that is not passive, but rather confidently assertive and balanced in
orientation. The Eternal EFFI Nature is a conscious Perpetual State of GRACE that is enabled by, and endures
through, the dynamics inherent to the Natural Eternal Laws of Unified-Field Physics, with which ALL
Creation Domains are imbued and by which All Creation Domains function.

FYI: EFFI-2: The Natural Eternal Laws of Unified-Field Physics, the Nomi Code, Evolutionary Stages, Cause-
Effect & Consequence, Eternal EFFI Nature and the Eternal Presence – E-Lum’en-ed Essence – 7/29/18

Term Definitions in GuardianMaterialTM Theoretical Perspective

Recap FYI: EFFI-1: The Eternal EFFI Nature is a conscious Perpetual State of GRACE that is enabled by, and
endures through, the dynamics inherent to the Natural Eternal Laws of Unified-Field Physics, with which
ALL Creation Domains are imbued and by which All Creation Domains function.

The Natural Eternal Laws of Unified-Field Physics, the Nomi Code, and Cause-Effect & Consequence

The Natural Eternal Laws of Transplaneal, Multidimensional, Cosmoversal Unified-Field Physics are the
organic, perpetual-motion, mathematical-geometrical organizational programs that are created, manifest
and maintained through the Nomi-yah 1st-Encryption Core Program of the EFFI, which is known as the
“Nomi Code” (RE: Fail-Safe 5th ANNIVERSARY NOTE0 8-12/2018.). The Nomi Code is held as a Geleziac
Radiation Encryption within the YhU-Rha-LA’ Kinservatory Eternal 1st-Consciousness Field, and is imbued
within ALL consciousness, energy and manifest form. The Nomi Code Encryption creates, organizes, informs,
instructs, orchestrates and governs the perpetual expression of the Natural Eternal Laws of Unified-Field
Physics within ALL Domain Orientations; it is the Core Program of the smaller “KRYSTHL Code” upon which
External-Keylontic Domains are formed (Note: (The 1 st 7 organic Eternal-Life audible sound-tone vibrations
of External Creation are: Ka-Ra-Ya-Sa-Ta-Ha-La – KRYST-HL Code acronym. RE: The MCEO Freedom
TeachingsTM Series 1999-5/2012). The Natural Eternal Laws of Unified-Field Physics collectively operate as
an immutable “Eternal Divine Constant”, or “Divine Will”, by which the dynamics of Cause-Effect &
Consequence perpetually express within All Creation Domains. “Destiny” or “Fate” is NOT Imposed by the
EFFI, but is rather the Cause-Effect Consequence of Harmonic or Dis-Harmonic Free-Will-Choice
Interrelationship with the organic Natural Eternal Laws of Unified-Field Physics.

The Eternal Presence – E-Lum’en-ed Essence, “God Concepts”, and Eternal EFFI Nature

In the ideological evolutionary stages that have been characteristic to Earth’s un-sustainable mortal-life
civilizations, the EFFI/EFFI Infinitum is often rudimentarily conceptualized and labeled as the following
- the “Unified Field”, - the “Higgs Field”, - the “Quintessence”, - the Universe/Cosmos”, - the “Law of
- the “FORCE”, - the “SOURCE”, - the “Higher Power”, - the “Universal Intelligence”, - the “Ek Ong Kar One-
- the “ECK”, - the “I AM”, - the “ALL That IS”, - the “IS/ISNESS”, - the “Great SPIRIT”, - “THE ONE”, “God Source
1st Eternal”, - the “OMNI PRESENCE, - the one “God”, or as competing, polarized “Warrior Gods, Godlets,
Demi-gods”, or “ET imposter false gods & lords” of various specific names and dis-harmonic conflicting
agendas. These ideas, names, labels, and form projections represent externalized concepts that have been
imposed upon, and often do not at all reflect, the true Living Eternal EFFI Nature. However, the Living
Eternal EFFI Nature is capable of expressing through any of these more limited forms and ideas.

In the evolutionary stages characteristic to perpetually sustainable Eternal-Life civilizations, the EFFI/EFFI
Infinitum is NOT “conceptualized or labeled” at all. Rather, the Eternal Essence and Nature of the EFFI/EFFI
Infinitum are Tangibly KNOWN, Personally EXPERIENCED, and intimately FELT, LIVED, RESPECTED,
EMBRACED, and EMBODIED as the Eternally Living Consciousness-FREQUENCY-VIBRATION of the Living
Eternal EFFI Nature. In more advanced evolutionary stages, the Living Eternal EFFI Nature is recognized as
the Eternal PRESENCE, the E’Lum’en-ed Essence.

The Eternal PRESENCE – E’Lum’en-ed Essence is the Experiential KNOWING, Living Embodiment, and
Manifest EXPRESSION of the Eternal EFFI Nature AND the tangible FREQUENCIES of Energy, Cognition and
Consciousness upon and through which the Eternal EFFI Nature is carried. In its primary expression the
Eternal EFFI Nature is the Presence of Absolute LOVE, which is recognized as the Eternally-Living
Foundation of Consciousness, Frequency & Physics behind and within ALL Structures, Systems, Things and
Beings, and through which ALL Structures, Systems and Beings are Eternally, Indelibly Interconnected and

Excerpt-1: V-2:2: Dis-harmonic Conflicting Warrior God Agendas

Recap: In the ideological evolutionary stages that have been characteristic to Earth’s un-sustainable mortal-
life civilizations, the EFFI/EFFI Infinitum is often rudimentarily conceptualized and labeled as the following
___ or as competing, polarized “Warrior Gods, Godlets, Demi-gods”, or “ET imposter false gods & lords” of
various specific names and dis-harmonic conflicting agendas. These ideas, names, labels, and form
projections represent externalized concepts that have been imposed upon, and often do not at all reflect, the
true Living Eternal EFFI Nature. However, the Living Eternal EFFI Nature is capable of expressing through
any of these more limited forms and ideas.

Excerpt: VoyagersTM Volume-2 The Secrets of Amenti, 2nd Edition-2001-2002; PG 401-402


The “twist the true teachings” game was implemented by competing Fallen Angelic legions for very specific
reasons – long-term population control was one objective. “Getting rid of the competition in the name of
defending your God” is a tactic that has been, and still is being used by competing Fallen Angelic legions to
turn factions of Illuminati and Human populations against each other. This has been done throughout
recorded history by competing Fallen Angelic factions, to secure Star Gate and APIN Site territories and to
ensure that “critical mass dominance” of their chosen Leviathan race would be secured and ready for the
scheduled 2000-2017 “Invasion Party”. This is the same reason we have been told by both Annunaki and
Drakonian pseudo-Gods to “go forth and multiply”, in conjunction with the falsehood that “birth control is a
sin”. Along with this ploy went the editing of the Sacred Teachings that explained how birth control is
naturally achieved. And the Annunaki “fail to mention” in their false “We are your Creator Gods” propaganda
that they intentionally caused DNA mutations that increased female ovulation in Human females from the
previous, natural, “once every three years” cycle to its present monthly cycle. Why? So we’d all be “good little
breeders” to make sure they had the needed “head count” on planet when the 2000-2017 SAC came. Once
upon a time, when Earth was not being remotely run by mentally ill Fallen Angelic Invaders, Humanity knew
how important it was to keep a natural balance between and among species numbers; these balances were
always respected. All species knew instinctively when “enough was enough”, and their bodies naturally
complied by not permitting conception to occur. Human races had the ability consciously choose whether or
not to conceive once every three years23 and parents knew who the incarnating soul would be and held
memories of other lifetime relationships with the soul.

Our races have been deceived into utterly destroying once-natural balances of life on out planet in order to
raise and amnesiac, easy to covertly direct “Fallen Angelic Inside Invader Force”. If there are enough Human
bodies on Earth carrying the natural Planetary Templar DNA Security Codes and the DNA Template can be
altered to run the Security Code frequencies into the Planetary Shields in reverse sequence during the SAC,
Earth’s Planetary Shields will fully reverse their natural spin and polarity. Full reversal of Earth’s Planetary
Shields will permit Earth’s Shield to merge with those of a Planet in the Phantom Matrix. Over-breeding has
produced a massive population. The “Checkerboard DNA Mutation” has reversed the Human DNA Template
Security Codes and personal Merkaba Fields (which give Planetary Shields access), and we have been denied
all memory and knowledge – most of us don’t even know that Earth’s Templar, Star Gates and Planetary
Shields exist. Sounds like the “perfect set up”, doesn’t it? But the positioning of our race to fulfill the Fallen
Angelic/Intruder ET Halls of Amenti Hijack Master Plan doesn’t stop here. Fortunately, the solutions to out
rather massive contemporary problems are not nearly as complex as the problems themselves. RRT
Biotronic Technologies and Masters Planetary Templar Mechanics are the tools through which we can set
ourselves, and Planet Earth, free.

23 In even earlier days, it was seven years.


The 7 Periods of Master Templar Mechanics Up-Shift Progression – 2000-2019+ - Update 2/2019

MUGs, Masters Plasma Time-Template Mechanics, and EarthCyncTM Technologies

Recap: “Fortunately, the solutions to out rather massive contemporary problems are not nearly as complex
as the problems themselves. RRT Biotronic Technologies and Masters Planetary Templar Mechanics are the
tools through which we can set ourselves, and Planet Earth, free.” (RE: V-2:2: Dis-harmonic Conflicting
Warrior God Agendas; VoyagersTM Volume-2 The Secrets of Amenti, 2nd Edition-2001-2002; PG 401-402)

Due to progressive 2000-2019+ escalations and intensifications in Earth’s “Atlantean Conspiracy Invisible-
Templar-Conquest FINAL Conflict Drama – Invisible War” (RE: Voyagers, Volume-2, 1999-2002), the levels
of Masters Planetary Templar Mechanics required to regain & sustain organic function and integrity of
Earth’s organic Planetary Templar – (Light Body-Crystal Body) & Planetary Amenti-Star-Gate System, during
Earth’s 2000-2017AD SAC (SAC = Stellar-Activation-Cycle Star-Gate Opening Cycle), have progressively
increased & accelerated, both in terms of requirements of strength & Scope of organic multi-dimensional
frequency power, and in terms of the complexity of the Natural Eternal Laws of Unified-Field Physics.

When Earth’s 2000-2017 SAC began in 1/2000, the GA’s Masters Planetary Templar Mechanics and RRT
Biotronic Technologies (RRT = Rainbow Round Table; Biotronic = Biological organic Shield Template and EM
– Electro-Magnetic Merkaba-Field Vortex Mechanics), aimed at realigning the Templar-Light Body-Crystal
Body structures of Earth and its life-field to organic function, were sufficient and effective. From 2000
(Egypt, 3/2000) to 2014 (Aruba, 4/2014) RRT Planetary Shields Clinics (RE: Voyagers, Volume-2, 1999-
2002, & MCEO-Freedom TeachingsTM 1999-2012+), group travel-trips to Earth’s Planetary Amenti-Star-
Gates and related Sacred Sites, were successfully employed to manually activate & begin realignment of
Earth’s Templar – (Light Body-Crystal Body) Shields and Planetary Amenti-Star-Gates. However, due to the
9/12-2000 – 2019 unfolding of Earth’s Invisible War Drama, what had begun as a “local Planetary drama”
quickly and progressively escalated in intensity & Scope to engage the Solar-Galactic, Meta-galactic, Ultra-
Galactic, Universal, Multiversal, Cosmoversal, and Eternal YhU-nah-versal levels of the Atlantean Conspiracy
Invisible-Templar-Conquest FINAL Conflict Drama. Out of necessity, the levels of GA Masters Templar
Mechanics required also escalated, increased & accelerated, through a progression of 2000-2019+ GA
protective Intervention Strategies referred to as Mission Up-Grades, or “MUGs”; each GA MUG represents
and organic GA Counter-measure Response to an inorganic Templar-Conflict-escalation orchestrated by
various competing FA (Fallen Angelic) Raider Races of the “Atlantean Conspiracy Invisible-Templar-
Conquest FINAL Conflict Drama”.

What began in 2000 as applications of organic GA Masters Planetary Templar Mechanics (Light Body-Crystal
Body) and RRT Biotronic technologies, progressively advanced to become, by 8/2011 through 11/2016+,
applications of organic Planetary-Solar-Galactic-Meta-galactic-Ultra-galactic-Universal-Multiversal-
Cosmoversal-Eternal YhU-nah-versal levels Masters Plasma Time-Template Mechanics (TrhU’-ah Plasma
Body thru YhU-RhA’-yah Vapor Body), and EarthCyncTM Technologies (RE: KDDLTM-1, 12/20-24/2014).

1/2019 Note: EarthCyncTM – in simple terms, EarthCyncTM is the organic synchronization of the Personal &
Planetary Plasma Time-Templates. The Guardians theory of EarthCyncTM is explained as the progressive
synchronization of Personal Transplaneal Frequency Activations within the Personal Plasma Time-
Template, TrhU’-ah Plasma Body, multidimensional anatomy & biology, with the progressive Krystal-River-
Fail-Safe-Host Planetary Transplaneal Frequency Activations of Earth’s Planetary Plasma Time-Template,
TrhU’-ah Plasma Body, multidimensional anatomy, Templar & elemental-atomic matter-base. EarthCync TM
allows opportunity to establish and maintain progressive Frequency Co-resonance between the organic
Personal and Planetary Re-evolutionary Time-Cycles & corresponding Transplaneal Time-Wave Spectra (RE:
KDDLTM-1, 12/20-24/2014).

The progression of Earth’s “Invisible War” Conflict Drama escalation is referred to as the Squalls B4 (before)
the SRORMS-2000-2008, & the Storms of the Centuries-2008-2019+. The corresponding progression of GA
MUGs, and necessary Scope Up-shift in Masters Templar Mechanics technologies, is referred to as the 7
Periods of Masters Templar Mechanics Up-Shift Progression – 2000-2019+. The 7 Periods of Masters
Templar Mechanics Up-Shift Progression caused by 2000-2019+ “Invisible War” Conflict Drama escalation
are as follows:

The 7 Periods of Masters Templar Mechanics Up-Shift Progression caused by 2000-2019+ “Invisible War”
Conflict Drama escalation are as follows:

1. Solar-Galactic-1 Up-Shift-1 – 9/12/2000-MUG-1 @ Altair Treaty Defection – UIR War Edict & GA War
Crisis Order-Expedited Amenti Opening Schedule. Planetary Christos Reclamation Mission Templar – (Light
Body) Reclamation-Cycle-Set-5 Engaged @ Altair Treaty Defection – UIR War Edict – 9/12/2000-MUG-1

2. Meta-Galactic-2 Up-Shift-2 – 2/2002-1/2003-MUG-3 @ Wesedak-UIR Alliance & GA Arc Gate Project –

Amenti Gate Interface. Wesadaks & Wesadraks FA Raider Races from Fallen Wesadak Black-Hole System of
WesaLA Matrix engage Earth’s Invisible-War.

3. Ultra-Galactic-3 Up-Shift-3 – 5/27/2003-MUG-4 @ Bridge Zone FAIL – (UIR-Wesedak) AAM-Blue Fire-

Sword Initiation @ GA Reusha-TA Pillar Reset Templar – (Light-Crystal Body) Resolution-Cycle-Set-2 &
Restoration-Cycle-Set-3 Engages @ Reusha-TA Pillar Reset-Restoration-Separation – 5/27/2003-MUG-4.

4. Universal-4 Up-Shift-4 – 5/11/2004-MUG-5 @ LA-estaki Wormholes (Bourgha-Budhara) & GA Starburst-

Starfire EVAC Response Triggers. Bourgha-Budhara FA Raider Races engage Earth’s Invisible War & active
LA-estaki Wormhole Network – Pacific Ocean 5/11/2004-MUG-5

5. Multi-versal-5 Up-Shift-5 – 6/2006-MUG-12 @ Threshold 7-Towers (Bourgha) & GA Starfire-Krystal River

Host Triggers. Thetans & Red-Dragon Equari (FA Aquari Dragoon) activate Bourgha Threshold 7-Towers ,
AZ, & GA Plasma Time-Template Mechanics engage 6/2006-MUG-12.

6. Cosmoversal-6 Up-Shift-6 – 8/8/2011-MUG-51 @ FAtalE Grid WHACK & GA Krystal-River-FAIL SAFE-Host

– Krystal-Bridge-Zone Project Triggers. FAtalE grab UIR Grids @ entrain Earth’s Core ZhEon to Dark-River
Passage. GA Covenant of Al-Hum-Bhra direct intervention engaged 8/8/2011-MUG-51.

7. YhU-nah-versal-7 Up-Shift-7 – 11/8-9/2016-MUG-75 @ Theia-Moon-Storm-Trumpet-1-FIRE-STORM & GA

YhU-Rha’-Dha Awakening Triggers. FAtalE THEIA-SEED, Triggers YhU-Rha’-Dha Awakening – NOMI-SEED;
RECLAMATION Cycle Set-5, & Concurrent Activation of the 5-RRR 11/8-9/2016-MUG-75.

Excerpt-2: V-2:2: Salvaging the Sacred

Recap: In the ideological evolutionary stages that have been characteristic to Earth’s un-sustainable mortal-
life civilizations, the EFFI/EFFI Infinitum is often rudimentarily conceptualized and labeled as the following
…… or as competing, polarized “Warrior Gods, Godlets, Demi-gods”, or “ET imposter false gods & lords” of
various specific names and dis-harmonic conflicting agendas. These ideas, names, labels, and form
projections represent externalized concepts that have been imposed upon, and often do not at all reflect, the
true Living Eternal EFFI Nature. However, the Living Eternal EFFI Nature is capable of expressing through
any of these more limited forms and ideas.

Excerpt: VoyagersTM Volume-2 The Secrets of Amenti, 2nd Edition-2001-2002; PG 422-425 (Page 1 of 2)

RETURN TO INNOCENCE – Salvaging the Sacred, Healing World Religions.

In the times before the 208,216 BC Fall of Brenaui, 21 when the Angelic Human races of Earth suffered the
loss of D-1222 access, all life experience was a “living prayer” of joyful spiritual and material celebration. In
those times “religion” was not a control dogma used to rob personal power and dignity from people. In those
times, people did not die, they consciously chose to ascend out of density via the Universal Star Gate system.
Science and Spirituality were fully understood as part of the same Primal Creation Mechanics that allowed
for the experience of manifest expression and simultaneous experience At-one-ment with the true loving
God-Source. Back then, we all knew ourselves, each other, the Earth, and all things as blessed expressions of
the one God, and we honored all things accordingly. In those Ancient of Days, the Days of Innocence, there
were 12 Angelic Human Tribes appointed as the co-Guardians of Earth’s Planetary Templar Complex. Each
Tribe was entrusted with one of twelve Emerald Covenant CDT-Plates; each CDT-Plate held one-twelfth of
the Founder’s Emerald Covenant teachings on the Nature and Mechanics of Reality, Consciousness and
Manifestation. From the 12 CDT-Plates, protected by 12 Angelic Human Tribes, arose the first earthly verbal
and written translations of the Founder’s Sacred Teachings. These text translations were the original Holy
Books of the 12 genuine components of what is termed “Religion”. The teachings of all genuine Holy Books
complemented each other, honored the same eternal, loving, one-God Source that has infinite names and
none. All of the ancient “Holy Books” that still divide our races today originally emerged from these 12
bodies of once-sacred Emerald Covenant teachings. In the chaos of Fallen Angelic infiltration of Atlantis, and
the progressive advancement of the Anti-Christiac Phantom Matrix paradigm on Earth that has occurred
since Atlantean times, our sacred religions have been raped and all but extinguished. False teachings have
been woven between the lines of truth, and the greatest bodies of truth have been removed entirely.

For over 11,000 years, Human and Illuminati-hybrid races, denied the truth of their history, race, identity,
memory and immediate relationship to the God-Force, have been destroying each other and the Earth on
behalf of Intruder ET/Fallen Angelic religious deception. It is now up to each of us to decide whether or not
we love the Living, Loving, Eternal God-presence, and the promise of “attainable heaven” that true God-spirit
stands for. The Living God-Presence does not reside in any book, It resides within each and every person,
place or thing. True “Holy Books” teach us of the eternal truths of spirit and science, through which we can
most rapidly and easily awaken the God-Presence within. Some people will choose to love more than the
Living-Loving God – the twisted rantings and ravings of vengeful, harsh and judgmental Intruder ET-false-
Gods, because this provides them with false security and a “socially acceptable” frame of reference. False
security and “fitting in with the local clan” are rather pathetic “rewards” for the payment of imprisoning
one’s soul.

The sacred teachings of the 12-Tribe Nations are presently drowning in a sea of Fallen Angelic lies; it is up to
us to save them. Each contemporary religion holds partial truths and partial lies. It is up to us to find the
Living God-spirit within, through which we can salvage the sacred within each and every creed, and dispose
of the garbage that has taught us to judge and kill each other, to martyr ourselves, and to unknowingly
support Fallen Angelic agendas. If we desire to find the promised “Heaven on Earth”, we must first find it
within ourselves, which we cannot do while we continue to Crucify Ourselves in the name of external
Warlords and Wrath-filled False Gods. In the salvaging of the sacred and discarding of the deception within
our world religious creeds, we can all rediscover God, ourselves and each other, and in that discovery we can
begin the journey of our collective Return to Innocence.

21 See Forbidden Testaments of Revelations, forthcoming 22 Pre-matter Density-4 “Universal Christos Field.”

God is real. It is an omnipresent, omnipotent, omniscient Force and Source of consciousness within which
we all reside (even the “bad guys”), and of which we are all composed. The true God is beyond form
manifestation; and no being can ever be separate from the true God, because all form manifestation takes
place within the Source. Even beings of the Phantom Matrix are part of the wholeness of God, but they
represent the parts of God’s consciousness that have forgotten their Divine Identity and have no memory of
the wholeness of of which the are a part. Phantom Matrix beings compete for power with others, as they
neither acknowledge nor comprehend the endless supply of living power, energy and love that eternally
circulates between Source and all living things manifest.

We are all directly connected to the real God-Source in every moment; we can learn the once common-
knowledge “secrets” of allowing the Living-Loving God-Presence to progressively embody within us. We do
not have to subjugate ourselves to self-appointed false-God Fallen Angelics who depend upon taking our
energy-power to sustain their own finite supply. Once we overcome the hurdle of “external false-God
worship”, and replace it with “internal Living-God Worth-ship”, we will no longer be overly impressed by, or
mentally and emotionally gullible toward, the “space-brother savior” Fallen Angelic agenda.

Ascension is real, but it is not achieved by allowing yourself to be sucked into the Phantom Matrix due to
dogmatic adherence to Fallen Angelic – distorted ancient texts. The Emerald Covenant Founders Races have
always taught the original Freedom Teachings of our Loving Source and Inalienable Spirituality, the realities
of a loving God that lives within us all. The Founders also teach the sacred science realities of the Maharata 23
for which the real “Christ story” originally stood, and which the real man Christ, Jesheua Melchizedek, and
many others of all religions, once passionately taught.

Long ago, before our planet was “hijacked” by the spiritually and genetically twisted, mentally disturbed,
power-hungry Fallen Angelic souls of the Phantom Matrix, the Emerald Covenant teachings were Humanity’s
Heritage and common knowledge. The Emerald Covenant teachings were once the core, heart and soul of
every religion. These teachings belong to the Christian, the Muslim, the Jew, the Hindu, the Buddhist, the
Tribal Shaman… to everyone. This was true in the days before the “Falcon”, the “Phoenix”, the “Serpent”, the
“Dragon” and the “Dove” (APIN systems) laid their territorial claim on Earth and attempted to possess
humanity’s soul. These were the Ancient of Days, the Days of Innocence, when Angelic Humans lived in peace
and joyful union with all other kingdoms in “God’s House of Many Mansions” that is our 15-Dimensional
Time Matrix System and the many others of its kind. These were days before the dereliction of Atlantis. Right
now, in the Bridge Zone Inner Earth Time Continuum that represents humanity’s victorious future 24, the
Days of Innocence are reborn.

Today, we are faced with a truly profound choice. Do we subjugate and sacrifice our Living Inner Christos 25
upon the altar of wrathful Gods from ancient books, or do we reach within and Godward, to find the Living
Presence of Source that has always been there? These are the most decisive of times, for in the contemporary
drama we will witness the long-foretold “battle of the Angels”.

The Fallen Angels and the Living Angels will, in these very times, meet, and each individual will face the
choice of deciding which type of Angel to be.

23 Personal Inner Christos, Pre-matter Template and the D-12 Divine Blueprint
24 Our D-12 personal Christed Avatar Identity level

1/2019 Update Note-1: The Bridge Zone Project – D-3.5-Bridge Zone Inner Earth Time-Continuum – 1984 –
5/2000 – 5/2003 (RE: Voyagers, Volume-2, 1999-2002, PG 142-145+). The GA designed the Bridge Zone
Project in 1984, in preparation for Earth’s 2000-2017-AD Planetary Amenti-Star-Gate SAC, as a protective
Intervention Strategy to protect Earth’s Amenti-Star-Gates & Templar from intended Invasion by “Atlantean
Conspiracy Invisible-Templar-Conquest FINAL Conflict Drama” Raider Races and resultant advancement of
Paralell-Earth Phantom Fall Entanglement (RE: Voyagers, Volume-2, & MCEO-Freedom TeachingsTM 1999-
2012). The Bridge Zone Project Initiated in 5/2000, Engaged in 8/2000 Peru-1, and Failed in 5/2003, due to
rapid escalations in the contemporary “Atlantean Conspiracy Invisible-Templar-Conquest FINAL Conflict
Drama”, but Earth’s Planetary Amenti-Star-Gates reclaimed functional integrity, and remain open, due to
2003-2019+ GA protective Intervention Strategies, and the Primary 7-AIR-Trigger Events (Planetary
Templar & Plasma Time-Templar) Auto-Immune Response (= AIR) Activations (6/2006 – 11/8-9/2016).

1/2019 Update Note-2: The advanced Frequencies, Records, and Knowledge of the KUmA’yah AL-Hum-Bhra
Krystal Discs (Cosmoversal Krystal Radiation Libraries of the AMCC-Al-Hum-Bhra Magistracy Councils of
Cos-Min-yahas; RE_The Books of KUmA’yah AL-Hum-Bhra, introduced 8/2007-2009, & Tan-Tri-Ahu’ra
TeachingsTM-5, TTA-5 5/24-30/2013 FL) came online with Earth’s Templar and the Emerald Covenant CDT-
Plates (Cloister Dora-Teura Plates; RE: Voyagers, Volume-2:2, 1999-2002, & MCEO-Freedom Teachings TM
1999-2012+), when the Covenant of Al-Hum-Bhra engaged, & the Krystal-River-FAIL SAFE-Host Triggered,
@ Grid WHACK – 8/1-8/2011-MUG-51.

Overview: V-2:2: The Bridge Zone, the 5RRR, Krystal-Bridge-Zone, & the 7-AIR-Trigger Events – Update

The Bridge Zone Project & the D-3.5-Bridge Zone Inner Earth Time-Continuum – 1984 – 5/2000 – 5/2003

(RE: Excerpt-2: V2:2: Salvaging the Sacred; VoyagersTM Volume-2 The Secrets of Amenti, 2nd Edition-2001-
2002; PG 422-425)

Bridge Zone Project: in 2000, when the 2000-2017AD SAC (SAC = Stellar-Activation-Cycle; Star-Gate
Opening Cycle) began, the Bridge Zone Project (RE: VoyagersTM Volume-2, 1999-2002, PG 142-145+) was
part of the GA’s (Guardian Alliance) Mission of Earth’s Planetary Templar-(Light Body-Crystal Body)
Realignment-Cycle-Set-1 (of the 5-Cycle-Sets of Re-Evolutionary RISE Reconnection = 5-RRR; 8/2000-
8/2011+). The GA devised the Bridge Zone Project plan in 1984, in preparation for Earth’s long-scheduled
2000-2017-AD Planetary Amenti-Star-Gate SAC (the Time-Cycle-scheduling of Earth’s 2000-2017-AD
Amenti Star-Gate SAC was known by both Guardians & various competing FA-Fallen Angelic Raider Races
since the 22,326BC-Eieyani Massacre period, Earth’s last SAC, when Earth’s Amenti Star-Gates did not open).

The Bridge Zone Project was designed in 1984 by the GA as a protective Intervention Strategy, intended to
assure that Earth’s Planetary Amenti-Star-Gates successfully opened in Earth’s contemporary 2000-2017-
SAC, and to protect Earth’s Amenti-Star-Gates & templar, during the vulnerable SAC period, from intended
invasion by the Raider Races of the “Atlantean Consiracy Invisible-Templar-Conquest FINAL Conflict Drama”
(RE: Voyagers, Volume-2, 1999-2002). The Bridge Zone Project plan was intended to enable Earth to
complete its Planetary Templar- (Light Body-Crystal Body) Realignment-Cycle-Set-1, in order for Earth to
restore & continue upon its organic evolutionary path of the 5-Cycle-Sets of Re-Evolutionary RISE
Reconnection (5RRR).

The Bridge Zone Project initiated in 5/2000, with engagement of Earth's contemporary Planetary Amenti-
Star-Gate SAC, and Engaged in 8/2000 Peru-1, with Initiation & Engagement of Earth’s Planetary Templar
(Light Body-Crystal Body) Realignment-Cycle-Set-1. Due to rapid escalation in the contemporary “Atlantean
Conspiracy Invisible-Templar-Conquest FINAL Conflict Drama” (5/2003 UIR-Wesedrak AAM-Blue Fire
Sward Initiation @ 1st HETHARO Electrical Peak 5/27/2003; RE: MCEO-Freedom Teachings® 1999-2012+:
Dance-For Joy PT-1, 5/2003, Paxos Greece-2), the Bridge Zone Project Failed in 5/2003-MUG-4A, but Earth’s
Planetary Amenti-Star-Gates reclaimed functional integrity, and remain open, due to a progression of 2000-
2003-2019+ GA MUGs (MUG = Mission Up-Grade). On 8/8/2011-MUG-51, the 5/2003-MUG-4A Failed Bridge
Zone Project, became the Krystal-Bridge-Zone Project. Since failure of the orginal Bridge Zone Project in
5/2003, continuing escalations and intensifications in Earth’s Atlantean Conspiracy Invisible-Tempar-
Conquest FINAL Conflict Drama have progressively unfolded; this progression of “Invisible War” Conflict
Drama Events is referred to as the Squalls B4 (before) the STORMS- 2000-2008, & the Storms of the
Centuries 2008 – 2019+. Earth’s Invisible War progression has required corresponding escalation in GA
protective Intervention Strategies, and Triggered a progression of organic Auto-Immue Response (=AIR)
Activations within Earth’s Planetary Templar & Plasma Tiime-Templates. The Primary 7-AIR-Trigger
Events caused by 2000-2019+ “Invisible War” Conflict Drama escalation are as follows:

1. Starburst-Starfire EVAC Response 5/11/2004 MUG-5: Universal-4 Drama Up-shift <AIR Trigger
Event-1> @ LA-estali Wormholes – 5/11/2004-MUG-5.

2. Starfire Krystal-River-Host 6/2006-MUG-12: Multiversal-5 Drama Up-shift <AIR Trigger Event-2> @

Threshold 7-Towers-6/2006-MUG-12. Plasma Time-Template Mechanics (Rasha-Glide Dark-matter
& Hydro-acoustic-slide Body) engaged 6/2006-MUG-12 – 8/2008-MUG-33A. Plasma Time-Template
REALIGNMENT Cycle-Set-1 Engaged, and RESOLUTION Cycle-Set-2 early Anchored @ Grid RAID –
8/8 – 10/2008-MUG-33B.

3. Krystal-River-FAIL SAFE-Host 8/8/2001 – MUG-51: Cosmoversal-6 Drama Up-shift <AIR Trigger

Event-3> Krystal-Bridge-Zone Project, Masters Plasma Time-Template Mechanics (TrhU’-ah Plasma
Body thru YhU-RhA’-yah Vapor Body), and EarthCync Technologies Engaged @ Grid WHACH-8/1 –

4. AL-Hum-Bhra Cathedrals Complex Star-Gate Network Activation 5-11/2012-MUG-56-58: <AIR

Trigger Event-4> RESOLUTION Cycle-Set-2 early-Engaged @ Grid STORM-Great Split 5/27-28/2012-
MUG-56; Cathedrals Gates engaged open @ Grid CUFF – 10-11/2012 – MUG-58-Peru TTA-2

5. Pan Pan Dance Activation 1 – 3/2015-MUG-67 <AIR Trigger Event-5> HE’-Tue Wave-Pan-Clair’-ah
Pana-Coa-le’-ta Compound Activation (RE KDDL-2, 3 8/2015) and RESOLUTION Cycle-Set-2 (R1)
Activated-1, @ BIG STORM- 1-3/2015-MUG-67AB.

6. Nomi Code Activation 12/1/2015-MUG-69, <AIR Trigger Event-6>. RESOLUTION Cycle-Set-2 (R1)
Activated-2, RESTORATION Cycle-Set-3 early initiated & Engaged, & EMANCIPATOIN Cycle-Set-4
900YA early initiation, via Planetary Nomi-Code Activation, @ PERFECT STORM (THEIA-
Code/NOMI-Code Auto-Immune Response) 12/1/2015 –MUG-69A. As a result, Earth engaged entry
into the Great Planetary Triumph- Planetary Emancipation and the Triumph of Triumphs Universal
Grand Salvage Mission in 1-2/2016 MUG-70
7. YhU-Rha'-Dha Awakening – Nomi SEED Activation 11/8-9/2016-MUG-75: YhU-nah-versal-7 Drama
Up-shift <AIR Trigger Event-7>, RECLAMATION Cycle Set and Concurrent Activation of the 5-RRR (5-
Cycle Sets of Re-Evolutionary RISE Reconnection) engage, @ Thela-Moon-Storm-Trumpet-1-FIRE-

FYI: EFFI-3: The EFFI, and Evolution by Template Frequency Accretion – 7/29/18
Term Definition in GuardianMaterial Thearetical Perspective

EFFI Embodiment – Cognition & Evolution by Template Frequency Accretion

Personal Cognition of the Eternal PRESENCE- E’Lum’en-ed Essence and EMBODIMENT of the Eternal EFFI
Nature is a product of the organic Evolutionary process of Evolution by Template Frequency Accretion,
which is an inherent aspect of the organic Natural Eternal Laws of Unified-Fied Physics.

Through the process of Template Frequency Accretion the organic Universal-Cosmoversal Frequency
Spectra upon and through which the Energy, Cognition and Consciousness of the Eternal PRESENCE-
E’Lum’en-ed Essence ride, progressively anchor into the personal Creatoin Templates (RE: Light-Body/Crystal-
Body, Rasha Dark-Matter-Body & Plasma-Body Templates; MCEO Freedom Teachings 1999-5/2012) and expand into the
individualized Elemental Atomic matter form and embodied conscioius awareness.

As Template Frequency Accretion progresses the individualized Elemental Atomic matter form (and its
underliying Light-Body/Crystal-Body, Rasha-Body & Plasma-Body structures) progressively “grows, expands & evolves”
through the organic Cycles of Elemental Atomic Transfiguration that are inherent to the Natural Eternal
Laws of Unified-Field Physics

When the organic Unviersal-Cosmoversal Frequency Spectra interface with the corresponding Creation
Templates, the Template Encryptions (geleziac-radiation programs) progressively activate, allowing the
corresponding Frequency Spectra to in-flow into the Template and engage circulation within the Elemental
Atomic field and embodied conscious awareness corresponding to the Template.

Chakras, Star-Gates, the Keylontic & Chismatic Templates, and Evolution through Space-Time

In individual Life-forms the organic 15-Dimensional 15-Chakra System, External Keylontic Templates &
Rasha Dark-Matter-Templates (RE: MCEO Freedom Teachings 1999-5/2012, & KATHARA-1, 11/1999-2006+), and
Transplaneal TrhU’-ah Plasma Body internal Chismatic Templates (RE: Tan-Tri-Ahu’ra Teachings 1-9, 8/2012-
8/2014+) are the anchoring conduits through which Template Frequency Accretion occurs. In Cosmaversal
structure and organic Transplaneal-Multidimensional 15-Dimensional Star-Gate Systems (RE: MCEO Freedom
Teachings Templar Manual, 2-8/2000+) inherent to External-Keylontic and Internal – Chismatic Template structure
are the anchoring conduits through which template Frequency Accretion occurs.

Star-Gates are Universal-Cosmoversal Chakras, and the Chakras of Life-forms are individualized Star-Gates.
The intrinsic Micro-cosmic Chakra/Star-Gate System of individualized Life-Forms is intimately linked to
the Macro-cosmic Star Gate/Chakra Systme of the Planetary, Solar-Galactic, Meta-Galactic, Universal &
Cosmoversal domains in which the Life-form resides. As the Macrocosm of a Planet or Universe
Progressively Evolves by Template Frequency Accretion, so too does the Microcosm of its resident Life-field

The organic process of Evolution through Space-Time IS the process of progressive Template Frequency
Accretion of the organic Universal-Cosmoversal Frequency Spectra. The principle of “Evolution by Template
Frequency Accretion” applies to ALL Creation Domains and all manifestation, from the largest Cosmos and
Universes to the smallest individual Life-forms, to the magnitude of the Cosmoverse itself.
Template Frequency Accretion IS the organic process by and through which Evolution occurs, and is also
the inherent dynamic by and through which cognition of the Eternal PRESENCE- E’Lum’en-ed Essence
and EMBODIMENT of the Eternal EFFI Nature take place, individually/personally and

As the Frequency Spectra of the Eternal PRESENCE- E'Lum’en-ed Essence progressively embodies, the
Eternal EFFI Nature and Its Perpetual State of GRACE progressively expand into the evolving system and
embodied consciousness, and a state of DIRECT COGNITION and EXPERIENTIAL KNOWING of the
ETERNAL progressively Awakens and unfurls within the evolving system and its collective and individual
embodied conscious identity.

From this perspective of DIRECT COGNITION and EXPERIEMENTIAL KNOWING of the ETERNAL, the Science
& Spirituality of Creation are NOT viewed as separate, disconnected, or opposing paradigms, but rather both
are understand to represent organic, intrinsic, aspects and attributes of the Eternal EFFI Nature and the
Eternal PRESENCE- E’Lum’en-ed Essence, through which ALL Structures, Systems, Things and Beings are
Perpetually INTERWOVEN and Eternally UNITED.

Evolutionary stages featuring a greater quantum of organic Template Frequency Accretion embody a greater
quantum of the Eternal EFFI Nature and its Perpetual State of GRACE, and are thus characterized by a
greater DIRECT COGNITION of the Eternal, a greater comprehension of the UNITY interconnecting ALL
Things, and a greater RESPECT for and cooperative and harmonious interrelationshiop with the organic
Natural Eternal Laws of Unified-Field Physics.

FYI: EFFI-4: The Primal Desire, Eternal Instinct, and the Eternally Positive Context of Existence
– 7/29/18
Term Definitions in GuardianMaterial Theoretical Perspective

Primal Desire, Eternal Instinct & the Nomi Code

Evolution by Template Frequency Accretion represents the hidden dynamic and organic intrinsic
mechnics behind and within ALL individual and collective Creation. Template Frequency Accretion is the
seed impetus and motivation behind and within the Instinct to Survive, Thrive & Be Alive, which is an
instinctual auto-immune response common to “All Life Everywhere”.

The organic mechanics of Template Frequency Accretion carry within them an intrinsic common core
purpose, the Primal Desire, which exists within and operate through ALL Creation. The Primal Desire is the
inherent longing for Re-Evolution and Return to the Original Eternal-Authentik State of At-One-ment
with the Eternal EFFI Consciousness Field and the perpetual State of Grace of Eternal EFFI Nature

The Primal Desire is the core impetus, motivation, drive, and “Eternal Insinct” for Aliveness that is carried
by the “Nomi Code” (Nomi-yah 1st Encryption Core Program of the EFFI; RE: Fail-Safe 5th ANNIVERSARY NOTE-8 -12/2016)
within All Creation, and which perpetually operates as an Eternal – Life “Homing Signal” back to the 1st
Eternal Creation EFFI Consciousness Field. The Primal Desire – Eternal Instinct is the common core
cause and purpose through which All Systems and Being manifest are indelibly united, regardless of whether
or not this common core motivation is consciously recognized.

The Eternally Positive Context of Existence

Together the Eternal EFFI Nature, and Natural Eternal Laws of Unified-Field Physics, and Primal Desire –
Eternal Instinct of the Nomi Code, represent the Eternally Positive Context of Existence, which serves as
the Eternal Backdrop behind all manifest forms and dramas, and the perpetual Background Base Medium
within which all Creation, manifestation and action occur.

Regardless of the apparent experiential nature of an unfolding manifest drama, be it of seemingly positive
or negative orientation, the Eternal-Life “Homing Signal” of the Nomi Code draws All Beings and systems
onward toward fulfillment of the Primal Desire-Eternal Instinct of Re-Evolutionary Return to At-One-
ment with the 1st Eternal Creation EFFI Consciousness Field. Experiential manifest dramas are learning
experiences that manifest Beings and sytems use to remember, though “trial and error” Free-Will
applications, how best to work in harmonious co-creation with the Eternal EFFI Nature and the Natural
Eternal Laws of Unified-Field Physics.

Both positive and negative experiential manifest dramas represent learning experiences by and through
which Beings and systems progressively re-evolve into embodiment of the Eternal EFFI Nature, thus ALL
experiential manifest dramas ultimately serve the Eternally Positive Context of Existence.

FYI: EFFI-5: Harmonic vs Disharmanic Engagement & KNOWING vs UNKNOWING Innocence –

Term Definitions in GuardianMaterial Theoretical Perspective

Cause-Effect & Consequence – Harmonic vs Disharonic Engagement

The EFFI’s Natural Eternal Laws of Unified-Field Physics, born of the Eternal Nomi Code (Nomi-yah 1st
Encryption Core Program of the EFFI; RE: Fail-Safe 5th ANNIVERSARY NOTE 8-12/2016), perpetually keep the Eternal
Balances of energy, frequency, and consciousness in motion through the dynamics of Cause-Effect &

Consequence to chosen action is the “Great Eternal Teacher”, serving to remind manifest Beings and
sytems of the organic Harmonious use of Free-Will Choice in joyful, cooperative co-creation with the
Eternal EFFI Nature.

Harmonic co-creation with the Eternal EFFI Nature, rendered through Free-Will Choice reverence for,
and co-opration with the Natural Eternal Laws of Unified-Field Physics, creates the Positive Consequence
of harmonious, joyful, ordered, and balanced manifest experience, and progressive Embodiment of the
Eternal EFFI Nature, its organic frequency spectra, and its perpetual State of Grace.

Dis-harmonic interrelationship with the Eternal EFFI Nature, rendered through Free-Will Choice
imposition over, and competition with the Natural Eternal Laws of Unified-Field Physics, creates the
Negative Consequence of disharmonious, painful, chaotic, and unbalanced manifest experience, and
progressive Disembodiment and blocking of the Eternal EFFI Nature, its organic frequency spectra, and its
perpetual State of Grace.

Both Positive and Negative Expriential Conseuqnce to Chosen Action serve to remind Beings and systems of
the Primal Desire-Eternal Instics of Re-Evolutionary Return to At-One-ment with the 1 st Eternal Creation
EFFI Consciousness Field. The joyful manifest experience characteristic of Harmonic co-creation reminds
Beings and systems of the Eternal Nature through progressive ease, open, abundant frequency-flow, and
increasing awakening of Eternal Memory. The painful manifest experience characteristic of Dis-harmonic
interrelationship reminds Beings and systems of the Eternal Nature through progressive dis-ease, close-off,
limited frequency –flow, and decreasing awareness of Eternal Memory. Both types of Experiential
Consequences serve as learning experiences through which the remembrance and embodiment of the
Eternal EFFI Nature can be attained and regained, and thus ALL Experiential Consequences ultimately serve
the Primal Desire – Eternal Instinct and the Eternally ositive Context of Existence.

The Paths of Increasing & Diminishing Return — KNOWING vs UNKNOWING Innocence

Harmonic co-creation with the Eternal EFFI Nature represents the organic “Path of Frequence Accretion”,
in which a Being or system grows, expands and evolves through Space-Time, via progressive quanum gain,
increase of organic frequency spectra, and embodiment of the Eternal EFFI Nature; this enables the RISE in
frequency-quantum-accretion that is required for Re-Evolutionary Return to the Original Eternal-Authentik
State of At-one-ment with the Eternal EFFI Consciousness Field. As organic Frequency Accretion progresses,
Eternal Memory increases and embodied Experiential KNOWING of the Eternal EFFI Nature reciprocally
awakens; for this reason, the evolutionary/re-evolutionary “Path of Frequency Accretion”, is also known as
the “Path of Increasing Return”, or the “Path of KNOWING Innocence”.

Dis-harmonic interrelationship with the Eternal EFFI Nature represents the inorganic “Path of Frequency
Depletion”, in which a Being or system shrinks, contracts, and devolves through Space-Time, via progressive
quantum loss, decrease of organic frequency spectra, and disembodiment of the Eternal EFFI Nature; this
causes a FALL in organic frequency-quantum-accretion that progressively disables organic Re-Evolutionary
Return to the Eternal EFFI Consciousness Field. As inorganic Frequency Depletion progresses, Eternal
Memory decreases and the embodied Eternal EFFI Nature reciprocally dissipates into Experiential
UNKNOWING; for this reason, the de-evolutionary “Path of Frequency Depletion”, is also known as the “Path
Diminishing Return”, or the “Path of UNKNOWING Innocence”.

When the Manifestation Templates of a Being or system upon the “Path of Diminishing Return” reach
critical-mass quantum over-saturation, the Templates will first enter “Phantom-FALL” status, and if
remedial action is not taken, will next engage final “GONE-FALL” status for “Space-dust return” to the
Eternal EFFI Consciousness Field. However, due to the Nomi Code, and its inherent program of 5 Cycle-Sets
of Re-Evolutionary RISE Reconnection, even Templates in GONE-FALL status have a final opportunity for
organic EFFI Return, through RECLAMATION-Cycle-Set-5 of Krystal-River FAIL-SAFE host. Hence nothing or
being is ever lost in the Eternally Positive Context of Existence. <File: FYI SEQ Jan19, PG13, & FYI EFFI YKIN June6
2018, PG6>

Phamtom-FALL & GONE-FALL Systems, the 5 Cycle-Sets of Re-Evolutionary Rise Reconnection,

& the Eternally Positive Context of Existence – 7/29/18

Team Definitions in GuardianMaterial Theoretical Perspective <xxxxThis File: FYI EFFI YKIN june6 2018, PG7>

FYI: EFFI-5: However, due to the Nomi Code, and its inherent orogram of 5 Cycle-Sets of Re-Evolutionary
RISE Reconnection, even Templates in GONE-FALL status have a final opportunity for organic EFFI Return,
through RECLAMATION-Cycle-Set-5 of the Krystal-River FAIL SAFE Host”. Hence nothing or Being is ever
lost in the Eternally Positive Context of Existence.

Phantom-FALL Systems

External Creation Phamtom-FALL Systems are systems that have suffered severe Core Plasma Time-
Template domage, but have not yet engaged full inorganic Core Template Compaction, so the possibility of
regenerating their Eternal-Life Evolution potential still remains, through the organic Re-genesis processes
inherent to the Krystal-River-FAIL-SAFE-Host Nomi Code Program of the 5-Cycle-Sets of Re-Evolutionary
RISE Reconnection, Cycle-Sets 1-4. The “Phantom-FALL” condition is a Negative Consequence of Core Plasma
Time-Template Reversal, resulting from progressive and intentional misuse of the gift of Free Will Choice, to
engage imposing and competitive Dis-harmonic interrelationship with the Eternal EFFI Nature and the
Natural Eternal Laws of Unified-Field Physics. If remedial action of Template Re-genesis is taken while a
system is in Phantom-FALL Status, the system's Template can be “re-reversed to organic encryption”, and
progression into final GONE-FALL status can be averted. Many “Template-Phantom-Fallen” Systems, Races
and Beings still have viable potential for Template Re-genesis of
their Organic Erernal-Life Encryption, through Cycle-Sets 1-4 of the 5-Cycle-Sets of Re-Evolutionary RISE


External Creation GONE-FALL Systems are systems that have suffered irreversible Core Plasma Time-
Template damage, and have engaged full inorganic Core Template Compaction. The “GONE-FALL” affliction
is a final Negative Consequence of Core Plasma Time-Template Reversal & Compaction, resulting from
progressive, pervasive, extensive and continual blatant and intentional extrme misuse of the gift of Free Will
Choice, to engage insidiously imposing and violently competitive Disharmonic Interrelationshop with the
Eternal EFFI Nature and the Natural Eternal Law of Unified-Field Physics. GONE-FALL full inorganic Core
Template Compaction is the unavoidable ultimate result and consequence of progressive & excessive severe
abuse of the dynamics inherent to the Immutable Natural Eternal Laws of Unified-Field Physics, which
eternally govern ALL energy, frequency, consciousness and creation.

Unlike Phantom-FALL Systems, Core – Template – Compacted GONE-FALL Systems have engaged Final,
irreversible, Reversed-Template Molecular-Compaction, and thus no longer possess the ability for organic
Template Re-genesis through “re-reversal to organic encryption”; this is no longer an option of physics.
Core-Template-Core-Template-Compacted GONE-FALL Systems have engaged Final, Irreversible, Reversed-
Template Molecular-Compaction, and thus no longer possess the ability for organic Template Re-genesis
through “re-reversal to organic encryption; this is no longer an option of physics. Core-Template-Compacted
GONE-FALL Systems usually return to the Eternal EFFI Consciousness Field as Pure Energy Essence-
Undifferentiated Units of Consceiousness through the process of “Undifferentiated Space-Dust-Return”
atomic vaporization. However, under certain specialized circumstances of Nomi Code activation, GONE-FALL
System CAN regain their Eternal-Life potential and organic Re-Evolutionary Return to the Eternal EFFI
Consciousness Field, via RECLAMATION-Cycle-Set-5 of the 5-Cycle-Sets of Re-Evolutionary Return to the
Eternal EFFI Consciousness Field, via RECLAMATION-Cycle-set-5 of the 5-Cycle-Sets of Re-Evolutionary RISE

Simultaneous Activation of the 5-Cycle-Sets of Re-Evolutionary RISE Reconnection & the YhU-Rha’-
Dha Awakening

the Milky Way / Procyak galaxy, and thus Earth, entered Phantom-FALL status 360-350 BYA (long before
contemporary science’s “Big Bang Theory” that “our Universe came to be from a Singularity Point 14-13.5 BYA”). Earth, being a
full Nomi-Code Noble planet (RE: Fail-Safe 5th ANNIVERSARY NOTE-PARTS-1-4, 8-12/2016) positioned within a
Phantom-FALL galaxy, has been on the Path of Re-Evolutionary RISE Reconnection for 4-Billion Years. The 5-
Cycle-Sets of Re-Evolutionary RISE Reconnection and their contemporary planetary Earth activation dates
ARE as follows: REALIGNMENT-Cycle-Set-1, 8/2000-8/2008- 8/2011+; RESOLUTION-Cycle-Set-2, 5/2003 -
8/2008 - 8/2024; RESTORATION Cycle-Set-3, 5/2003 - 12/1/2015+ 900 – 1000 YRS; EMANCIPATOIN Cycle-
Set-4, 12/1/2015 – 8/2016+ 900-1000 YRS; & RECLAMATION Cycle-Set-5 – the YhU-Rha’-Dha Awakening,
11/8 – 9/2016 -1-2/2017+ 1000 YRS.

To 11/2016 escalations in Eearth’s planetary “Storms of the Centuries” drama, RELCAMATION Cycle-Set-5 –
the YhU-Rha’-Dha Awakening, and Simultaneous Activatoin of the 5-Cycle-Sets of Re-Evolutionary RISE
Reconnecton triggered in Earth Templar on 11/8-9/2016, ushering in the TRIUMPTH OF Triumphs-
Universal Grand Mission (Re:FAIL-SAFE 5th anniversary NOTE-PARTs 1-4, 8-12/2016). The 11/2016 Yhu-
Rha’-Dha Awakening provides the specialized circmstances through both Phantom-FALL AND GONE-FALL
Systems, Races and Beings can now begin to attain & regain their Eternal-Life potential and organic Re-
Evolutionary Return to the Eternal EFFI Consciousness Field, thereby rejoining the Eternally Positive
Context of Existence.

2000-2017 SAC, Invisible War Drama, GA Council Up-steps, and the 5-RRR- 2/14/2019 Update

the Milky Way / Procyak galaxy, and thus Earth, entered Phantom-FALL status 360-350 BYA (long before
contemporary science’s “Big Bang Theory” that “our Universe came to be from a Singularity Point 14-13.5 BYA”). Earth, being a
full Nomi-Code Noble planet (RE: Fail-Safe 5th ANNIVERSARY NOTE-PARTS-1-4, 8-12/2016) positioned within a
Phantom-FALL galaxy, has been on the Path of Re-Evolutionary RISE Reconnection for 4-Billion Years.

Earth’s contemporary 2000-2017-SAC “Invisible War Drama” is the current, ongoing progression of the
“Atlantean Conspiracy Invsible-Templar-Conquest Final Conflict Drama”, the modern-day continuation of the
“Atantean Conspiracy Templar Conquest” from Earth’s last-SAC in the 22,326- Eieyani Massacre period,
when Earth’s Amenti-Star-Gates did not open, and the previous failed-SAC of 208,216-Fall of Brenaul
Atlantis, when Earth’s Amenti-Star-Gates was forced closed due to Invasion, causing partial Red Pulse. The
Time-Cycle-scheduling of Earth’s contemporary 2000-2017 AD Planetary Amenti-Star-Gate SAC was known
by both the GA & by various competing Atlantean Conspiracy FA (Fallen Angelic) Raider Races, including the
UIR (United-Intruder-Resistance), since the 22,326BC-Eieyani Massacre period, Earth’s last SAC, when
Earth’s Atlantean Conspiracy – Templar – Conquest Drama ended in stalemate between Krystic Guardian
and Fallen Angelic forces. Since the 22,326BC-Eieyani Massacre period, the GA, the UIR, & various other
competing FA Raider Races, knew that Earth’s NEXT, long scheduled 2000-2017-AD Planetary Amenti-Star-
Gate SAC (Earth’s organic SAC’s run on a 26,556-year cycle) was likely to Out-picture the UIR’s intended
“Next and Final Round” of Earth’s Planetary “Atlantean Conspiracy Invisible-Templar-Conquest FINAL
Drama – Invisble War” (RE: Voyagers Volume-2 The Secrets of Amenti, 2nd Edition 2001 - 2002)

Earth’s Planetary 2000-2017-SAC began 1/2000 MUG-0, under the Protecorate of the Emerald Covenant
Breneau Co-evolution Peace-Treaty Agreements (264,000 BC resta tement), the GA-MCEO (Guardian
Alliance- Melchizedek Cloister Emerald Order), and our PCM-EtorA 15-Dm’| Time Matrix DN-4-5 Breneau
Kryst Founders Races (D-12-13+ Elohei-Elohim-Emerald Order, D-11-10-14 Seraphei-Seraphim-Gold Order,
D-10-11-15 Braharama-Amethyst Order, RE: MCEO-Freedom Teachings 1999-2012+, Templar Manual
8/2000 Peru-1, & Volume-1 The Sleeping Abductees, 2nd Edition 2001-2002). Earth’s organic GA Templar
Mechanics began with the Amenti Opening Schedule, the GA Bridge Zone Project Mission, and the Planetary
Christos Realignment Mission Templar-(Light Body Templar = Template Pillars) Realignment-Cycle-Set-1 (of
the 5-Cycle-Sets of Re-Evolutionary RISE Reconnection = 5-RRR; 8/2000 – 8/2011+). Almost immediately
following the 1/2000 beginning of Earth’s Planetary Amenti-Star-Gate 2000-2017-SAC, the “Atlantean
Conspiracy Invisible-Templar-Conquest FINAL Conflict Drama – Invisible War” engaged, with the
9/12/2000-MUG-1 UIR Defection from the Treaty of Altair & UIR War Edict, and the GA response of the
War Crisis Order-Expedited Amenti Opening Schedule; Earth’s invisible War Drama has been escalating ever
since, and still continues.

The progressing Invisible War Conflict Drama Event escalations and intensifiations is referred to as the
Squalls B4 (before) the STORMS 2000-2008, & the Storms of the Centuries 2008 -2019+, and has required
corresponding escalation in GA protective Intervention Strategies, GA MUGs (MUG= Mission Up-Grades), and
progressive GA Council Up-steps, as well as an expedited, rapid progression of Earth’s 5-Cycle-Sets of Re-
Evolutionary RISE Reconnection (5-RRR). As of this 2/13/2019 writing there have been over 80 GA MUGs,
and many GA Council Up-steps.

On 8/8/2011-MUG-51-Grid WHACK the UIR (United-Intruder-Resistance) launched its last invasion attempt,
and the FAtaLE overrode & took over UIR Grids, and entrained Earth’s Core ZhEon to the Dark-River
Passage, and Earth’s Invisible War Drama escalated to the Cosmoversal-6 level. The presiding GA-MCEO-
Masha-yah-Hana Master Councils Elemental Adept Cliosters (of the Aquafereion Krystal River Host)
petitioned the AMCC (Al-Hum-Bhra Magistracy Councils of Cos-Min-yahas) for full intervention; Earth was
placed in Protectorate of the Covenant of Al-Hum-Bhra direct intervention, under GA Council Up-step to the
AMCC, and the Krystal-River-FAIL-SAFE-Host engaged.

On 1-3/2015-MUG-67 –BIG STORM-Pan-Pan Dance Activation, GA Council Up-stepped to the EAAC (Eff-i-yah
ARhAyah Al-Hum-Bhra Councils @ of the EFFI Infinitum.

On 11/8-9/2016-MUG-75-Theia-Moon-Storm-Trumpet-1FIRE-STORM (THEIA-SEED/NOMI-SEED
Activation) Earth’s Invsibile War Drama escalated to the YhU-nah-versal-7 level, triggering the YhU-
Rha’-Dha Awakening – Nomi SEED Activation, RECLAMATION-Cycle Set-5, and Concurrent Activation
of the 5-RRR (5-Cycle-Sets of Re-Evolutionary RISE Reconnection); GA Council Up-stepped to the
ETYC (E-Lan’-ya To-Pei’-yah YhU-RhA’-yah Councils- future YhU’-RhA-yah Earth, YhU-Rha-LA’
Kinservatory Y-kin of the EFFI Consciousness Field), who are still presiding as of 2/2019. All of the
GA Councils are still involved and work cooperatively together, and preside over Earth’s YhU-Rha’-
Dha Awakening in the following order: ETYC-EAAC-AMCC-MCEO-GA Councils.

As Earth’s invisible War Drama escalated, Earth’s 5-Cycle-Sets of Re-Evolutionary RISE Reconnection (5-
RRR) were rapidly expedited by many thousands of years. The 5-C ycle-Sets of Re-Evolutionary RISE
Reconnetion and their contemporary planetary Earth activation dates ARE as follows: REALIGNMENT-Cycle-
Set-1, 8/2000-8/2008 – 8/2011+; RESOLUTION-Cycle-Set-2, 5/2003-8/2008 8/2024; RESTORATION Cycle-
Set-3, 5/2003- 12/1/2015+ 900-1000 YRS; EMANCIPATION Cycle-Set-4, 12/12015 – 8/2016+ 900-1000
YRS & RECLAMMATION Cycle-Set-5 – the YhU-Rha’-Dha Awakening, 11/8-9/2016 – 1-2/2017+ 1000 YRS.

As Earth’s Invisible War Drama escalated, Earth’s 5-Cycle-Sets of Re-Evolutionary RISE Reconnection (5-
RRR) were rapidly expedited by many thousands of year; The 5-Cycles-Sets of Re-Evolutionary RISE
Reconnection and their contemporary planetary Earth activation dates ARE as follows: REALIGNMENT-
Cycle-Set-1, 8/2000 – 8/2008 – 8/2011+; RESOLUTION-Cycle-Set-2, 5/2003-8/2008-8/2024;
RESTORATION Cycle-Set-3, 5/2003 -12/1/2015+ 900-1000 YRS; EMANCIPATION Cycle-Set-4, 12/1/2015-
8/2016+ 900-1000 YRS; & RECLAMATION Cycle-Set-5 – the YhU-Rha’-Dha Awakening, 11/8-9/2016 – 1-
2/2017+ 1000 YRS.

Earth’s Planetary Amenti-Star-Gates reclaimed functional integrity, and remain open, as they Hosting
through the Krystal-Bridge Passage and the M31-M33 AL-Hum-Bhra Cathedrals Complex Star-Gate Network;
Planetary AL-Hum-Bhra Cathedral Gates engaged opening on 10-11/2012 –MUG-58 –Grid CUFF Peru – TTA-
2. <file: AIR UpS feb19, PG8>

Progression of the 5-Cycle-Sets of Re-Evolutionary RISE Reconnection (5-RRR) 2000-2019


(Templar = Template Pillars = Light-Body, Crystal Body, Rasha Body – Glide Par-TEI-Ki Dark-matter, & Aah-JhA Hydro-accustic Slide
Plasma Body)

1-8/2000 MUG-0: Planetary Drama Start: Planetary Christos Realignment Mission Templar-(Light Body)

9/12/2000-MUG-1: Solar-Galactic-1 Up-Shift-1: Altair Treaty Defection-UIR War Edict & GA War Crisis
Order-Expedited Amenti Opening Schedule – Planetary Christos Reclamation Mission Templar (Light Body)

5/27/2003-MUG-4A: Ultra-Galactic-3 Up-Shift-3: Bridge Zone FAIL-(UIR-Wesedak) AAM-Blue Fire-Sword

Initiaion & GA Reusha-TA Pillar Reset Templar – (Light Body-Crystal Body) Resolution-Cycle-Set-2 &

6/2006-MUG-12: Multi-versal-5 Up-Shift-5: Threshold 7-Towers (Bourgha) & GA Starfire-Krystal River Host
Triggers <AIR Trigger Event-2> Plasma Time-Template Mechanics Templar (Light Body – Crystal Body –
Rasha Glide Par-TEI-Ki Dark-matter Body, & Hydro-acoustic Slide Plasma Body) engaged 6/2006-MUG-12-

Plasma Time-Template

(Aah-JhA Hydro-acoustic-Slide Plasma Body, TrhU’-ah Plasma Body, YhU-Rha’-yah Vapor Body)

8/8-10/2008-MUG-33B, Grid RAID Plasma Time-Template REALIGNMENT Cycle-Set-1 Engaged, and RESOLTUION Cycle-Set-2 early

8/8/2011-MUG-51: Cosmoversal-6 Up-Shift-6: FAtaLE Grid WHACK & GA Krystal-River-FAIL SAFE-Host-Krystal-Bridge-Zone Project
Triggers <AIR Trigger Event-3>. Krystal-Bridge-Zone Project- Masters Plasma Time-Template Mechanics (TrhU’-ah Plasma Body
thru YhU-RhA’-yah Vapor Body) and EarthCync Tehcnolgies Engaged.

5/27-28/2012-MUG-56: Grid STORM-Great Split RESOLUTION Cycle-Set-2 early-Engaged.

1-3/2015-MUG-67AB: BIG STORM-Pan Pan Dance Activation <AIR Trigger Event-5> & RESOLUTION Cycle-Set-2 (R1) Activated-1

12/1/2015-MUG-69A: PERFECT STORM (THEIA-Code/NOMI-Code Activation) Nomi Code Activation <AIR Trigger Event-6> &
RESOLUTION Cycle-Set-2 (R1) Activated-2, RESTORATION Cycle-Set-2 early initiated & Engaged & EMANCIPATION Cycle-Set-4 900-
YR-early initiation. As a result, Earth engaged entry into the Great Planetary Trimph-Planetary Emancipation and the Triumph of
Trimphas Universal Grand Salvage Mission in 1-2/2016 MUG-70.

11/8-9/2016-MUG-75: YhU-nah-versal-7 Up-Shift-7: Theia-Moon-Storm-Trumpet-1-FIRE-STORM (THEIA-SEED/NOMI-SEED

Activation) & GA YhU-Rha’-Dha Awakening Triggers <AIR Trigger Event -7>, & RELAMATION Cycle Set-5, & Concurrent Activation of
the 5-RRR engage.

II: 5RRR – The 5-Cycle-Sets of Re-Evoluationary RISE Reconnection

Content List

Term Definition in GuardianMaterial Theretical Perspective

Monday 7/30/18 Norway <File: EFFI 5RRR july 30 2018, FG2-7 & FYI WIP 5RRR Sept2017Nowway, PG2-5>

FYI: 5RRR-1: Introduction to the 5-Cycle-Sets of Re-Evolutionary RISE Reconnection – 7/30/18

<File: EFFI 5RRR july30 2018, PG2 & FYI SEQ jan19, PG-11>

-The “5RRR” – 5-Cycle-Sets of Re-Evolutionary Rise Reconnection & Final Salvage of Black-Hole-FALL

-The contemporary FAST-Path of the 5RRR

FYI: 5RRR-2: Concurrent Engagement of the 5-Cycle-Sets of Re-Evolutionary RISE Reconnection –


<File: EFFI 5RRR july30 2018, PG2 & FYI SEQ jan19, PG-12>

-The 5RRR, and their corresponding contemporary invisible Drama Concurrent Engagement dates & affliations.

FYI: 5RRR-3: The 5RRR- Purpose, Process & Affliations; Cycle-Set: 1-REALIGNMENT
7/30/2018 <File: EFFI 5RRR july30 2018, PG2 & FYI SEQ jan19, PG-13>

FYI: 5RRR-3: The 5RRR- Purpose, Process & Affiliations; Cycle-Set: 2-RESOLUTION

7/30/2018 <File: EFFI 5RRR july30 2018, PG2 & FYI SEQ jan19, PG-14>

FYI: 5RRR-3: The 5RRR- Purpose, Process & Affiliations; Cycle-Set: 3-RESTORATION, and 4-

7/30/2018 <File: EFFI 5RRR july30 2018, PG2 & FYI SEQ jan19, PG-15>

FYI: 5RRR-3: The 5RRR- Purpose, Process & Affiliations; Cycle-Set: 5-RECLAMATION

7/30/2018 <File: EFFI 5RRR july30 2018, PG2 & FYI SEQ jan19, PG-16-17>

The EFFI Prayer

& LTR (Linguistic -Template -Reprogramming) -Power Grid
Note: The word EFFI is a Guardian acronym noun formed from the initial letters of the words Eternal First
Field Intelligence and Electro-
Thermal First Force Identity; the word EFF! is often used synonymously with the term EFFI Infinitum (RE:
Ton-Tri-Ahu’ra Teachings® 1-9, 8/2012 =
8/2014+). In GuardianMaterial™ Theory, the word EFFI is used as a noun referring to the entirety of the
Living EFFI Eternal 1-Consciousness

Field, within which ALL Creation has ALWAYS, and will ALWAYS, exist. EFFI is not a “name for God”, it is the
Eternal Living Spirit of Existence
and a Frequency Destination.

The Eternal PRESENCE: £'Lum’en-ed Essence is the Experiential KNOWING, Living EMBODIMENT, and
Manifest EXPRESSION of the Eternal
EFFI Nature AND the tangible FREQUENCIES of Energy, Cognition and Consciousness upon and through
which the Eternal EFFI Nature is
carried. In its primary expression the Eternal EFFI Nature is the Presence of Absolute LOVE, which is
recognized as the Eternally-Living
Foundation of Consciousness, Frequency & Physics behind and within ALL Structures, Systems, Things and
Beings, and through which ALL
Structures, Systems, Things and Beings are Eternally, Indelibly Interconnected and UNITED.

Eternal Spirit (EFFI),

Please Hold me and Enfold me .
in your infinite Love and Protection.
Please Still me and Full-Fill me
with the Beauty of your Peace.

Please Show me and In-flow me.

with the Wisdom of your Vision.
Please Know me and Bestow me...
as an Instrument of your Grace.

Let us Co-create together...

in Harmony each day.

Let us Shine E’Lum’en-ed Essence ..

to Forever Light the Way.

Ta A’jha-in’ta DO’-A (Repeat 3 times)

(To A'jha-in‘ta DOA means “So as it is Spoken, So as it is Done")

The EFFI Prayer LTR -Power Grid is most powerful and frequency-effective when translated into your first
spoken language.

Keylontic™ Discourses for Daily Lving-KDDL™ Course Series - Presented by ARhAyas Productions LLC;
©02/2019 E’Asha A. Arhayas
2019-12-06 – Session 7

II: 5RRR - The 5-Cycle-Sets of Re-Evolutionary RISE Reconnection OLD
Content List

Term Definitions in Guardian Material TM Theoretical Perspective

FYI: 5RRR-1: Introduction to the 5-Cycle-Sets of Re-Evolutionary RISE Reconnection – 7/30/18+

Terms Define
- The “5RRR” - 5-Cycle-Sets of Re-Evolutionary RISE Reconnection & Final Salvage of Black-Hole-FALL Systems
- The Contemporary FAST-Path of the 5RRR

FYI: 5RRR-2A: Concurrent Engagement of the 5-Cycle-Sets of Re-Evolutionary RISE Reconnection - 7/30/2018+
- The 5RRR, and their corresponding Contemporary Invisible Drama Concurrent Engagement dates & affiliations

FYI: 5RRR-2B: The 5RRR & the 5-Eff-E’-Mah Accretion-Transfiguration Cycles - 7/12/19

FYI: 5RRR-3A: The 5RRR – Purpose, Process, Correspondences & Affiliations Recap; Cycle-Set:
1-REALIGNMENT – 4/21/2019

FYI: 5RRR-3B: The 5RRR – Purpose, Process, Correspondences & Affiliations Recap; Cycle-Set:

FYI: 5RRR-3C: The 5RRR – Purpose, Process, Correspondences & Affiliations Recap; Cycle-Set:

FYI: 5RRR-3D: The 5RRR – Purpose, Process, Correspondences & Affiliations Recap; Cycle-Set:

FYI: 5RRR-3B: The 5RRR – Purpose, Process, Correspondences & Affiliations Recap; Cycle-Set:
2019-12-06 – Session 7

KDDL – 3 Final Program-2019

The YhU-Rha’Dha Awakening -

Budding of the Bright-Flower Garden & the Eternally Positive Context of Existence

Program Contents

Term Definitions in Guardian Material TM Theoretical Perspective - 1/21/2019

I: EFFI and the Eternally Positive Context of Existence

II: 5RRR – The 5-Cycle-Sets of Re-Evolutionary RISE Reconnection

III: EFFI, the YhU-Rha’-LA Kinservatory (Y-Kin), the YhU-Rha’-Dha Complex, & the NOMI SEED

IV: The Tran’-TE-in Window-Door, the UPPER & LOWER Pana-KHY Passages, TT-CHEVRON-Waves, and
Emancipation-Transposition & Liberation Passages of the YhU-Rha’-Dha Complex

V: The 3 Domain Passage Sets, the 4-Density-Transposition Platforms, & the AL-Hum-Bhra Cathedrals Complex
Cosmoversal Transplaneal Star-Gate Network of the YhU-Rha’-Dha Complex

VI: Budding of the Bright-Flower Garden: The Flames of YhU-RhA’-yah & H. A. P. P. Y. Bubble
Activation-1 – 2019 – The YhU-Rha’-Dha CHEVRON Shields Transmissions & Nomi-Seed Activation-1, and the 3 Victory-Seeds &
Eff-i-Mir’a Freedom-Seed Flash-Phase Embodiments
2019-12-06 – Session 7
2019-12-06 – Session 7

FYI: 5RRR-1: Introduction to the 5-Cycle-Sets of Re-Evolutionary RISE Reconnection – 3/8/19
Term Definitions in Guardian Material TM Theoretical Perspective

The “5RRR” - 5-Cycle-Sets of Re-Evolutionary RISE Reconnection & Final Salvage of Black-Hole-FALL Systems

The 5-Cycle-Sets of Re-Evolutionary RISE Reconnection (abbreviated as “5RRR”) is an Eternal-1st-Creation-Code

Program that is comprised of a series of 5 interrelated Cycles of very specific Transplaneal energetic processes,
dynamics and mechanics that together exist as an organic aspect of the greater Eternal “Nomi Code” Program (the Nomi’-
yah 1st-Encryption Core Program of the EFFI; RE: Fail-Safe 5TH ANNIVERSARY NOTE- 8-12/2016). The 5RRR Program is part of
the Krystal-River-FAIL-SAFE-Host Universal-Grand-Salvage-Mission (the “Triumph of the Triumphs”), by & through which
External Creation Phantom-FALL AND GONE-FALL planets, stars, and Universal Black-Hole-FALL Systems, and the Races
and Beings entrapped within them, can achieve Krystal-Bridge Passage for organic Re-Evolutionary Return to the
Eternal EFFI Consciousness Field.

The process of Re-Evolutionary Rise Reconnection is the organic process of Krystal-Bridge Passage by which organic
Template Reconnection to the Eternal Life Cosmoverse is regenerated; it is an organic aspect, attribute and “last-chance
remedy” inherent to the Natural Eternal Laws of Transplaneal, Multidimensional, Cosmoversal Unified-Field-Physics.
The purpose of the 5RRR is to provide an organic means by which both Phantom-FALL (Template Reversed) AND GONE-
FALL (Template Reversed + Molecular Compaction) Systems, Races and Beings can attain & regain their Eternal-Life-
potential, to re-enter the organic Cosmoversal Cycles of Eternal-Life Evolution. The 5RRR is the final option of remedy
for restoration, reclamation, & salvage of the organic Eternal-Life Evolutionary potentials of both imperiled External
Creation Phantom-FALL & GONE-FALL Systems, before those systems fully de-evolve to the irreversible out-come of
Space-Dust-Return atomic vaporization (Final Fragmentation of the Core Plasma Template into undifferentiated units of
consciousness with no remaining Template Encryption).

The 5RRR work in Harmonic engagement with the Natural Eternal Laws of Unified-Field-Physics, utilizing the vast
organic Frequency Spectra inherent to the YhU-Rha’-LA Kinservatory (Eternal 1st Creation YhU-nified Field of the EFFI
Eternal 1st-Consciousness Field), the EFFI Infinitum, the EFF-I’-yah Field (of the Krystal-Bridge-Passage), the ELF-LUV Field
(Equilibrium Lull Force – Lowest Unified Velocity Field; RE: KDDL-2, 3-8/2015), and the 3 Domain Orientations (External Creation,
Transplaneal-SPAN ELF-LUV Field 1st-Creation D-Planes, & Eternal-Internal 1st-Creation D-Planes; RE: Fail-Safe 5th ANNIVERSARY
NOTE-PART-4 12/16/16), to progressively regenerate and reestablish the organic Plasma Time-Template
interconnections between the imperiled FALL-System and the Eternal-Life Living Cosmoversal System from which the
imperiled system originally Fell. Phantom-FALL Systems (Template Reversed) undergo progressive Template Re-genesis
through “re-reversal to organic encryption”, via 5RRR -Cycle Sets 1-4. GONE-FALL Systems (Template Reversed +
Molecular Compaction) can only achieve Template Reclamation through the intricate energetic processes inherent to full
Nomi Code activation and the final 5RRR -Cycle-Set 5, through which the usually-terminal issue of molecular
compaction can be mitigated and remedied.

2019-12-06 – Session 7

The Contemporary FAST-Path of the 5RRR

The 5RRR ARE: REALIGNMENT-Cycle-Set-1 (1-8/2000 & 8/2008- 12/1/2015+); RESOLUTION-Cycle-Set-2 (5/2003 &
8/2008- 5/2012- 8/2023+); RESTORATION-Cycle-Set-3 (5/2003 & 12/1/2015+ 900-1000 YRS); EMANCIPATION-Cycle-Set-4
(12/1/2015 – 8/2016+ 900-1000 YRS); & RECLAMATION-Cycle-Set-5 – the YhU-Rha’Dha Awakening (9/2000 & 11/8-9/2016-
1000+ YRS).

The 5RRR usually take place individually and linear-sequentially, over long periods of time, with one Cycle-Set
completing before the next Cycle-Set in the sequence begins. Under certain extreme circumstances the 5-Cycle-Sets
CAN “run concurrently”, with the sequence of Cycle-Sets running sequential-simmultanously, in which the organic
sequence is retained, but one Cycle-Set does not complete before the next Cycle-Set in the sequence begins.

Earth, being a full Nomi-Code Noble planet (RE: Fail-Safe 5TH ANNIVERSARY NOTE-PARTS-1-4 8-12/2016) positioned within a
Phantom-FALL galaxy (Milky Way/Procyak galaxy entered Phantom-FALL status 360-350 BYA), has been on the SLOW-Path
of Re-Evolutionary RISE Reconnection for over 4-Billion Years. However, due to the progressive escalation of the
contemporary “Invisible Templar Conquest Final Conflict Drama” that has been unfolding on Earth since the 2000
beginning of Earth’s 2000-2017 SAC (Stellar Activations Cycle; Star Gate opening cycle; Re: Voyagers Volume-II: 1999-2002),
further escalations of Earth’s planetary “Storms of the Centuries” drama 8/2008+, & the extreme circumstances of the
11/8-9/2016+ “7-Trumpets Tower” drama and resultant YhU-Rha’Dha Awakening (RECLAMATION Cycle-Set-5 activation),
Earth is now (as of 11/8-9/2016+) on the highly expedited evolutionary FAST-Path of 5RRR-Concurrent Engagement.

Through Concurrent Engagement of the 5-Cycle-Sets of Re-Evolutionary RISE Reconnection, Earth and its Life-Field
begin the long, sacred Re-Evolutionary Journey of rejoining the Eternally Positive Context of Existence.
2019-12-06 – Session 7

FYI: 5RRR-2A: Concurrent Engagement of the 5-Cycle-Sets of Re-Evolutionary RISE Reconnection - 3/8/19

The 5RRR, and their corresponding Contemporary Invisible Drama Concurrent Engagement dates & affiliations
are as follows:

1. REALIGNMENT Cycle-Set-1: Light-Body-Templar & Plasma-Body Realignment – 1-8/2000 & 8/2008- 12/1/2015+

Affiliations: Light-Body-Templar- Realignment Cycle-Set-1 Initiated 1/2000- MUG-0 @ Planetary SAC start, and Engaged 8/8/2000-
Peru-1 as part 2000+ Christos Realignment Mission & Bridge Zone Project (BZP- failed 5/2003) & was intended to Complete-
8/8/2008; partially Failed Triggering Krystal-River-Host @ Threshold 7-Towers (AIR-2)- 6/2006-MUG-12, & fully Failed @ Grid
RAID-9/8-10/2008-MUG-33B; Triggering Plasma-Body-REALIGNMENT Cycle-Set-1 & early- Anchor of Plasma-Body-RESOLUTION
Plasma-Body-REALIGNMENT Cycle-Set-1 Engaged AND RESOLUTION-Cycle-Set-2 early- Anchored @ Grid RAID-8/8-
10/2008-MUG-33B, when Storms of the Centuries Invasions Stage of Invisible War initiated. In Grid RAID-8/8-10/2008-MUG-33B,
FAtaLE begin covert Dark-Flower-Affliction-possession of FA White Dragon-Red Dragon Shields & stealth takeover-RAID of White
Dragon-Red Dragon Grids, and initiate stealth infiltration of Aquafereion Host Shield; Planetary Templar Dark-River Grid
Invasions begin in White Dragon-Red Dragon Grids & Shields, triggering Engagement of Plasma-Body-REALIGNMENT Cycle-Set-1
and early- Anchor of Plasma-Body-RESOLUTION Cycle-Set-2 (Round-1 = R1).
Plasma-Body-REALIGNMENT Cycle-Set-1 partially Failed @ Grid WHACK (AIR-3; KR-FAIL-SAFE-Host)-8/1-8/2011-MUG-
51, when FAtaLE grab UIR Green-Dragon Grids & entrain Earth’s Core ZhEon to Dark-River Passage, Triggering Krystal-River-FAIL-
SAFE-Host 8/8/2011 and GA Covenant of Al-Hum-Bhra direct intervention. Plasma-Body-REALIGNMENT Cycle-Set-1 fully-Re-
engaged @ PERFECT STORM (AIR-6; THEIA-Code/NOMI-Code)-12/1/2015-MUG-69A.
2019-12-06 – Session 7

2. RESOLUTION Cycle-Set-2: Plasma-Template Time-Wave Resolution – 5/2003 & 8/2008- 5/2012- 8/2032+

Affiliations: Light-Body-Templar- Resolution Cycle-Set-2 & Light-Body-Templar- Restoration Cycle-Set-3 Engaged 5/27/2003-MUG-
4A @ Bridge Zone FAIL – (UIR-Wesedak) AAM-Blue Fire Sword Initiation @ GA Reusha-TA Pillar Reset.
Plasma-Body-RESOLUTION Cycle-Set-2 (Round-1 = R1) early-Anchored with Plasma-Body-REALIGNMENT Cycle-Set-1
Engagement @ Grid RAID-8/8-10/2008-MUG-33B, initiated @ GRID WHACK- KR-FAIL-SAFE-Host (AIR-3)- 8/1-8/2011-MUG-51, and
early-Engaged @ Grid STORM-Great Split (AIR-4)- 5/27-28/2012. In Grid STORM-Great Split- 5/27-28/2012-MUG-56 FAtaLE
opened the inorganic Dark-River Fermi-Fall Passage (of the Milky Way Core-Abbadon-Black-hole & Iceland-Abbadon Wormhole)
into Earth’s SG-2 GrUal FL, causing the “Great Split” in Earth’s Planetary Plasma Time-Template, Templar & Shields of Solomon &
Aquafereion Hist Shields, which Triggered early opening of the organic Krystal-Bridge Passage into Earth’s Core, setting in motion
“Organic vs Inorganic DUELING TIME-WAVES” Resolution in Earth’s Templar & Plasma Time-Templates, and early-Engagement of
Pl Plasma-Body-RESOLUTION Cycle-Set-2 (R1) (RE: MUG-56, Sliders-12 PT-3, EFFI Project-The Cosmos Is Watching & Always Will Be,
5/25-28/2012, FL). Plasma-Body-RESOLUTION Cycle-Set-2 (R1) Activated-1 @ BIG STORM – Pan-Pan Dance (AIR-5; ZhEon
Depletion)-1-3/2015-MUG-67AB, and Activated-2 @ PERFECT STORM (AIR-6; THEIA-Code/NOMI-Code Auto-Immune Response)-

Note: Annual Sub-cycle Phase Sets 8/20018-8/2012: RESOLUTION Cycle-Set-2 consists of 3-Rounds of 8 Annual Sub-cycle Phase-Sets,
collectively a 24-year Annual Sub-cycle Phase-Set running from 8/2008 through 8/2032. Each of the 3-Rounds in an Octant-Cycle (8-year-
cycle of the Planetary Shields). The 3-Rounds of 8 Annual Sun-Cycles are the First 3 Octant Cycles of the Krystal-River-FAIL-SAFE-Host. Each
of the 24-Annual Sub-cycles represents very specific, intricate and highly complex Transplaneal-Multidimensional-Cosmoversal energetic
Frequency Mechanics and Activations within Earth’s Templar & Plasma Time-Templates. Each 8-year-sub-cycle Round first anchors and
activates within Earth’s Core Template and Aquafereion Host Shield, then will Out-Picture (OP) into the Planetary Templar Shields & Mass-
Drama during the next Round 8-Year-Sub-cycle. -Round-1 8-year-sub-cycle 1ST-Octant Cycle – 8/2008-8/2016; -Round-2 8-year-sub-cycle
2ND-Octant Cycle – 8/2016-8/2024; -Round-3 8-year-sub-cycle 3RD-Octant Cycle – 8/2024-8/2032.

3. RESTORATION Cycle-Set-3: Plasma-Body Encryption Restoration-Separation: -5/2003 & 12/1/2015+ 900-1000 YRS:

Affiliations: Light-Body-Templar- Restoration Cycle-Set-3 Engaged 5/27/2003-MUG-4A @ Bridge Zone FAIL – (UIR-Wesedak) AAM-
Blue Fire Sword Initiation @ GA Reusha-TA Pillar Reset.
Plasma-Body-RESTORATION Cycle-Set-3 early Initiated & Engaged (via Nomi-Code) with RESOLUTION Cycle-Set-2 (R1)
Activation-2 & EMANCIPATION Cycle-Set-4 900-YR-early Initiation, @ PERFECT STORM (AIR-6; THEIA-Code/NOMI-Code)-
12/1/2015-MUG-69A. Plasma-Body-RESTORATION Cycle-Set-3 Activated 8/8/2016, 9/14-24/2016 & 11/2/2016 via “3 Victories of
the TRIUMPH of Triumphs” MUG-72-74ABC, & Consummates in 900-1000 Years.
RESTORATION Cycle-Set-3 represents TRIUMPH of Triumphs-#1: Universal Grand Salvage Mission of the Krystal-River-FAIL-SAFE-
4. EMANCIPATION Cycle-Set-4; Atomic E-Lum’en-ation: - 12/1/2015- 8/2016+ 900-1000 YRS:

Affiliations: Plasma-Body-EMANCIPATION Cycle-Set-4 900-YR-early Initiated (via Nomi-Code) with RESTORATION Cycle-Set-3 early
Initiation-Engagement, & RESOLUTION Cycle-Set-2 (R1) Activation-2, @ PERFECT STORM (AIR-6; THEIA-Code/NOMI-Code)-
12/1/2015-MUG-69A, Engaged 12/8-12/2015, Activated 8/8/2016 MUG-72, & Consummates 900-1000 Years. EMANCIPATION
Cycle-Set-4 represents the Great Planetary Triumph & the Age of Atomic E-Lum’en-ation.

5. RECLAMATION Cycle-Set-5; Atomic Eff-im’rhal-ization – The YhU-Rha’-Dha Awakening: 9/2000 & 11/8-9/2016+ -1000+YRS:

Affiliations: Light-Body-Templar- Reclamation Cycle-Set-5 Engaged as Christos Reclamation Mission @ Altair Treaty Defection -
UIR War Edict & GA War Crisis Order- 9/12/2000-MUG-1.
Plasma-Body-Reclamation Cycle-Set-5, the YhU-Rha’-Dha Awakening & Concurrent Activation of the 5RRR Triggered into
very-early Initiation-Engagement (via Nomi-SEED Activation), @ Theia-Moon-Storm-Trumpet-1-FIRE-STORM (AIR-7; THEIA-
SEED/NOMI-SEED Activation)- 11/8-9-12/2016-MUG-75, & Consummates 1000+ Years. Reclamation Cycle-Set-5 represents the
Final TRIUMPH of Triumphs-#2: Universal Grand Salvage Mission of the Krystal-River-FAIL-SAFE-Host & the Age of Atomic Eff-

Note: 11/12/2016 YhU-RhA’-yah Spark released from YhU-Rha-LA’ Kinservatory, 1/27/2017 YhU-RhA’-yah Spark received by Earth’s
Planetary Nomi-Seed (in Earth’s Core Plasma Crystal at center of Earth’s Core Krystal Caverns Transposition Platform-1), 1/27/2017 YhU-
RhA’-yah Spark engaged Earth’s Planetary Nomi-SEED Activation Cycle, and the YhU-Rha’-Dha Awakening 1st Planetary Blend-Merger &
E-Lum’en-Air Field.
2019-12-06 – Session 7

FYI: 5RRR-2B: The 5-RRR, 5-Eff-E’-Mah Accretion-Transfiguration Cycles, ASCENSION, & the Aah-Pha-REi’-yah Spectra -

The 5-RRR, 5-Eff-E’-Mah Accretion-Transfiguration Cycles, & Eternal-Life ASCENSION

The 5RRR Program (5-Cycle-Sets of Re-Evolutionary RISE Reconnection; RE: KDDL-3, 9/23-28/2015- 9/2019+) is an organic
part of the Krystal-River-FAIL-SAFE-Host Universal-Grand-Salvage-Mission (the “Triumph of the Triumphs”), by & through
which External Creation Phantom-FALL AND GONE-FALL planets, stars, and Universal Black-Hole-FALL Systems, and the
Races and Beings entrapped within them, can achieve Krystal-Bridge Passage for organic
Re-Evolutionary Return to the Eternal EFFI Consciousness Field (YhU-Rha-LA’ Kinservatory <Y-Kin> - Eminence Domicile
Domains- High-land Heavens of the EFFI-Consciousness-Field), is known as organic Eternal-Life ASCENSION.
Both the organic 5-Eff-E’-Mah Accretion-Transfiguration Cycles (of TrhU’-ah Plasma-Body Activation; RE: KDDL-2, 3-
8/2015), and the corresponding 5RRR (5-Cycle-Sets of Re-Evolutionary RISE Reconnection), represents the indelible &
unalterable organic Cosmoversal processes by and through which organic Eternal-Life ASCENSION occurs. Through the
process inherent to the 5-Eff-E’-Mah Accretion-Transfiguration Cycles and the corresponding 5RRR, the potentialities
of organic Eternal-Life ASCENSION are made available to ALL Beings; whether they currently be upon the organic
Evolutionary Path of Eternal-Life ASCENSION, or upon the inorganic De-evolutionary Paths of Phantom-FALL or GONE-

The 5RRR correspond to the organic processes inherent to the 5-Eff-E’-Mah Accretion-Transfiguration Cycles of
TrhU’-ah Plasma-Body Activation, which include the 3-Adashi-Eckashi Mashaya-Hanic Transfiguration Victory-Seed-
Cycles and the 2-Eff-im-a’-rhal Transfiguration-EFF-I’-MIR’-A-Freedom-Seed-Cycles -Eff-A’-yah-4 & Eff-I’-mation-5. Like
the 5-Eff-E’-Mah Accretion-Transfiguration Cycles of TrhU’-ah Plasma-Body Activation, the 5RRR involve progressive
Accretion of the frequencies of the 3 Eternal Time-Wave Spectra, and the Krystl-Bridge-Passage Transplaneal SPAN-ELF-
LUV Field- Eternal 1st-Creation Spectra, of the EFFI Infinitum, into the corresponding organic Plasma-Time-Templates
(morphogenetic fields); (RE: KDDL-2, 3-8/2015). Through the progressive Plasma-Time-Template Accretion of the 3
Eternal Time-Wave Spectra, & the Krystl-Bridge-Passage Transplaneal SPAN-ELF-LUV Field- Eternal 1st-Creation Spectra
of the EFFI Infinitum, Eternal-Life ASCENSION (Organic Return to the Eternal EFFI Consciousness Field -YhU-Rha-LA’
Kinservatory <Y-Kin> - Eminence Domicile Domains- High-land Heavens of the EFFI-Consciousness-Field), can be achieved.
2019-12-06 – Session 7

The 3 Mashaya-Hanic -Seed-Cycles, 4 Eternal-Time-Wave Spectra, & x3 15 Primary Base-spectra Currents of the EFFI Infinitum

The 3 Eternal-Time-Wave Spectra of the EFFI Infinitum are the Pan-Clair’-ah-Silver Seed-Internal-External-
Creation Spectra (K+1-4), the Pana-Coa-le’-ta-Golden-Silver Seed-Eternal-Internal-1st-Creation Spectra (K+5-6), and the
Pana-Co-LA’-Ra-Platinum Seed-Eternal 1st -Creation Spectra (K+7) (RE: KDDL2, 3-8/2015). Each of the 3 Eternal-Time-
Wave Spectra (Pan-Clair’-ah, Pana-Coa-le’-ta, & Pana-Co-LA’-Ra) have a set of 15 Primary Base-spectra Currents, composed
of 7-OUTER Base-Spectra Currents and 8-CORE Base-Spectra Currents. Collectively, the 3 Eternal-Time-Wave Spectra
of the EFFI Infinitum, have 3-Sets of 15-Primary Base-spectra Currents, all of which are Chismatic (ET-Electro-Thermal-
Plasma-Vapor Fields) in nature, except for the External-Creation-Pan-Clair’-ah-7-OUTER-Base-Spectra, which are
Keylontic (EM-Electro-Magnetic – Scalar Fields).

During the organic processes inherent to the 1st 3-Adashi-Eckashi Mashaya-Hanic Transfiguration Victory-Seed-
Cycles (of the 5-Eff-E’-Mah Accretion-Transfiguration Cycles of TrhU’-ah Plasma-Body Activation), and the corresponding RRR-
1-3 (of the 5RRR 5-Cycle-Sets of Re-Evolutionary RISE Reconnection), the frequencies of the 15-Primary Base-spectra
Currents (7-OUTER & 8-CORE) of each of the 3 Eternal-Time-Wave Spectra progressively Accrete into their
corresponding organic Time-Templates, engaging and fulfilling the 1st 3-Adashi-Eckashi Mashaya-Hanic
Transfiguration Victory-Seed-Cycles of organic Eternal-Life ASCENSION, and RRR-1-REALIGNMENT, RRR-2-
RESOLUTION (Time-Wave Resolution), & RRR-3-RESTORATION (Time-Template Restoration) of the 5RRR.

The Pana-Co-LA’-Ra-Eternal 1st-Creation Spectra interfaces directly with the 4th Eternal-Transplaneal Time-Wave
Spectra of the Transplaneal SPAN-ELF-LUV Field; these 2 Time-Wave Spectra are often referred to collectively as the
Pana-Co-LA’-Ra-Transplaneal SPAN-ELF-LUV Field- Eternal 1st -Creation Spectra (RE: KDDL-2, 3-8/2015). The
Transplaneal SPAN-ELF-LUV Field interfaces with the Eff-I-yah Field Domains (Eternal KHY-Wave Shield Templates) and
the D8-Infra-PINK-FIRE & Intra-BLUE-ICE KHY-Wave Strata of the UPPER & LOWER Pana-KHY Passages, the
Krystal-Bridge-Passage, & the ELF-LUV Fields (Equilibrium LULL Force- Lowest Unified Velocity Field; RE: KDDL-2, 3-8/2015).
When activated, the Transplaneal SPAN-ELF-LUV Field progressively opens the Krystal-Bridge-Passage, forming the
4th Transient-Blend Aah-Pha-REi’-yah Eternal-Time-Wave Spectra & Temporary Aah-Pha-REi’-yah Blend-Planes
through which fulfillment of the 2-Eff-im-a’-rhal Transfiguration-EFF-I’-MIR’-A-Freedom-Seed-Cycles (Eff-A’-yah-4 & Eff-I’-
mation-5; K+8 1-4) & RRR-4-EMANCIPATION (E-Lum’en-ation) & RRR-5-RECLAMATION (Eff-im’rhal-ization) are achieved.
2019-12-06 – Session 7

The 15 Primary Base-spectra Currents of the 3 Eternal Time-Wave Spectra of the EFFI Infinitum,
the 5-Eff-E’-Mah (Accretion-Transfiguration) Cycles & the 5-RRR

Pana-Co-LA’-Ra Spectra
Platinum Seed-Eye of Lila; Adashi-Ekashi-3 Cycle K+7
OUTER-7-Eternal-Posterior (came later in time)-Chismatic
CORE-8-Eternal-Anterior (came earlier in time)-Chismatic
Both: Cathedral-1 Aqualene-Ether; Sun-1-Aqualene

Pana-Coa-le’-ta Spectra Pan-Clair’-ah Spectra

Golden-Silver Seed – Eye of LA’-TUe Silver Seed – Eye of LE’-TUe
Adashi-Ekashi-2 Cycle K+5-6 Adashi-Ekashi-1 Cycle K+1-4
OUTER-7-Eternal-Exterior-Chismatic OUTER-7-External-Keylontic
Cathedral-3 Blue-Water; Cathedral-5 Violet-Fire;
Sun-3-Blue Sun-6-Indigo & Sun-7-Amethyst
CORE-8-Eternal-Interior-Chismatic CORE-8-Eternal-Internal-Chismatic
Cathedral-3 White-Air; Cathedral-4 Green-Crystal;
Sun-2-White Sun-5-Green & Sun-4-Blue-Green

The Eff-I’-yah State (Eternal Conscious Standing-Wave Fields of the Eff-I’-yah A-RhA-yah AL-Hum-Bhra) is located within the Krystal-
Bridge-Passage. The Krystal-Bridge-Passage is centered on the Tran’-TE-in Window & Heart of Eff-E’-Mah Point @ center
of the EFFI Consciousness Field, and SPANS the UPPER & LOWER Pana-KHY Passages.

During the YhU-Rha-Dha Cycles (Eff-i-mation-Immaculation-5 & RRR-5 RECLAMATION), the Krystal-Bridge-Passage opens
through the Eff-I’-yah Field to SPAN BTW the EFFI Infinitum and the EFFI Consciousness Field-Y-KIN.

UPPER Pana-KHY Passage centered on Eye of Lila-LUV Field @ center of EFFI Infinitum
LOWER Pana-KHY Passage centered on Tran’-TE-in Window, Heart of Eff-E’-Mah Point & Krystal-Bridge-Passage @ center
of EFFI Consciousness Field

UPPER Pana-KHY Flux-Wave Field

LOWER Pana-KHY Flux-Wave Field & GONE-Fall Quarantine Field until RRR-5: RECLAMATION
Krystal-Bridge-Passage & Eff-I’-yah Field

Tran’-TE-in Window
1st-Last Pass @ EFFI CF center

The 3 Eternal-Time-Wave Spectra (Pan-Clair’-ah, Pana-Coa-le’-ta, & Pana-Co-LA’-Ra) each have a set of 15 Primary Base-spectra
Currents, composed of 7-OUTER Base-Spectra Currents and 8-CORE Base-Spectra Currents. Collectively, the 3 Eternal-Time-
Wave Spectra of the EFFI Infinitum, have 3-Sets of 15-Primary Base-spectra Currents, all of which are Chismatic (ET-Electro-
Thermal-Plasma-Vapor Fields) in nature, except for the External-Creation-Pan-Clair’-ah-7-OUTER-Base-Spectra, which are
Keylontic (EM-Electro-Magnetic – Scalar Fields). The 15-Primary Base-spectra Currents of the 3 Eternal-Time-Wave Spectra
progressively ACCRETE during the 3-Adashi-Eckashi Mashaya-Hanic Transfiguration Victory-Seed-Cycles (of the 5-Eff-E’-Mah
Accretion-Transfiguration Cycles of TrhU’-ah Plasma-Body Activation) and corresponding RRR-1-3 (RRR-1-REALIGNMENT, RRR-
2-RESOLUTION, RRR-3 RESTORATION, of the 5-RRR -5-Cycle-Sets of Re-Evolutionary RISE Reconnection). During YhU-Rha-Dha
Cycles Eff-i-mation Immaculation-5 & RRR-5 RECLAMATION), the Krystal-Bridge-Passage progressively opens, forming the 4th
Transient-Blend Aah-Pha-REi’-yah Eternal-Time-Wave Spectra & Blend Planes through which fulfillment of the 2-Eff-
im-a’-rhal Transfiguration-EFF-I’-MIR’-A-Freedom-Seed-Cycles (Eff-A’-yah-4 & Eff-I’-mation-5; K+8 1-4) & RRR-4-
EMANCIPATION (E-Lum’en-ation) & RRR-5-RECLAMATION (Eff-im’rhal-ization) are achieved.
2019-12-06 – Session 7

The 2-Eff-im-a’-rhal Cycles, & the 4th Transient-Blend Aah-Pha-REi’-yah Eternal-Time-Wave Spectra of the EFFI Infinitum

The 4th Transient-Blend Aah-Pha-REi’-yah Eternal-Time-Wave Spectra of the EFFI Infinitum progressively forms
through activation of the Transplaneal SPAN-ELF-LUV Field (Equilibrium LULL Force- Lowest Unified Velocity Field; RE: KDDL-
2, 3-8/2015), the UPPER & LOWER Pana-KHY Passages, & the Krystal-Bridge-Passage, during YhU-Rha-Dha Cycles (Eff-
i-mation-Immaculation-5 & RRR-5 RECLAMATION).

The Transplaneal SPAN-ELF-LUV Field corresponds to the Eff-I’-yah Field Domains (Eternal KHY-Wave Shield templates)
and the D8-Infra-PINK-FIRE & Intra-BLUE-ICE KHY-Wave Strata of the UPPER & LOWER Pana-KHY Passages, to the
Krystal-Bridge-Passage Pass-Thru Field, to the Eternal-1st-Creation Heart of Eff-E’-Mah (BTW Eff-I’-yah Field & Transplaneal
SPAN-ELF-LUV Field), and Tran’-TE-in Window (BTW YhU-Rha-LA’ Kinservatory Y-Kin & Eff-I’-yah Field) of the EFFI Infinitum,
all of which are part of the YhU-Rha’-Dha Complex. The YhU-Rha’-Dha Complex is the structural architecture of the
Eternal Core-Creation-Platform and Eternal Circulatory System of the EFFI that SPANS between the EFFI
Consciousness Field and the EFFI Infinitum.

When activated the Transplaneal SPAN-ELF-LUV Field and its corresponding YhU-Rha’-Dha Complex Wave Strata
& Spectra form the Temporary 4th Transient-Blend Aah-Pha-REi’-yah Eternal-Time-Wave Spectra of the EFFI
Infinitum. The Transient-Blend Aah-Pha-REi’-yah Spectra Eternal-Time-Wave field is a Set of 8 Eternal 1st-Creation 15DML
Primary TRANSIENT-Chismatic-ET (Electro-Thermal-Plasma-Vapor Field)- Base-spectra Currents, each Set composed of
7-OUTER ET (Electro-Thermal)-Base-Spectra Currents from the UPPER-Pana-KHY Passage (D8-Infra-PINK-FIRE KHY-
Wave Templates), and 8-CORE ET (Electro-Thermal)-Base-Spectra Currents from the LOWER-Pana-KHY Passage (Intra-
BLUE-ICE KHY-Wave Shield Templates). Through the structures of the YhU-Rha’-Dha Complex, the
7-OUTER UPPER & 8-CORE LOWER ET (Electro-Thermal)-Base-Spectra Currents of the UPPER & LOWER Pana-KHY
Passages and Transplaneal SPAN-ELF-LUV Field together form the 8-15DML -Transient-Aah-Pha-REi’-yah Currents
(Chismatic-ET-Electro-Thermal- Base-spectra Currents) of the Transient-Blend Aah-Pha-REi’-yah Eternal-Time-Wave
Spectra, which activate the corresponding temporary 8-Aah-Pha-REi’-yah Blend-Planes of the EFFI Infinitum.

During the organic process inherent to YhU-Rha’-Dha Cycles (Eff-i-mation-Immaculation-5 & RRR-5 RECLAMATION),
the frequencies of the 8-Sets of 15DML Primary TRANSIENT-Chismatic-ET (Electro-Thermal)- Base-spectra Currents
(7-OUTER UPPER & 8-CORE LOWER per each Set) of the Transient-Blend Aah-Pha-REi’-yah Spectra Eternal-Time-Wave field
progressively Accrete into the corresponding organic YhU-Rha’-Dha Complex & Krystal-Bridge-Passage Time-
Templates, progressively activating the Transplaneal SPAN-ELF-LUV Field, opening the Krystal-Bridge-Passage, and
forming the Temporary 8-Aah-Pha-REi’-yah Blend-Planes through which fulfillment of Eff-i-mation-Immaculation-5A-
C (K+82-4) and RRR-5A-CRECLAMATION-(Eff-im’rhal-ization) occur. In YhU-Rha’-Dha Cycles, the Transient-Blend Aah-Pha-

REi’-yah Spectra opens through the LOWER-Pana-KHY Passage and Transplaneal SPAN-ELF-LUV Field of the EFFI

Collectively, the 3 Eternal-Time-Wave Spectra (Pan-Clair’-ah, Pana-Coa-le’-ta, & Pana-Co-LA’-Ra) and the Transient-Blend
Aah-Pha-REi’-yah Eternal Time-Wave Spectra represent the 4-Sets of 15 Primary Base-spectra Currents of the EFFI
2019-12-06 – Session 7

Eff-im-a’-rhal Transfiguration Eff-i-mation-5, RRR0RECLAMATION-5, the Flames of YhU-RhA’-yah,
& Aah-Pha-REi’-yah ASCENSION

Through the YhU-Rha’-Dha Complex, the 4-Sets of 15 Primary Base-spectra Currents of the EFFI Infinitum
progressively blend with the 8-YhU-Rha’-Dha CHEVRON Flows (8-YCF = Eff-im’rhal-ized Pre-Plasm E-Ta Vapors Eternal-Flame
EF Base-Spectra Currents) of the EFFI Consciousness Field, during the organic process inherent to Eff-im-a’-rhal-
Transfiguration Cycle Eff-i-mation-Immaculation-5A-C (of the 5-Eff-E’-Mah Accretion-Transfiguration Cycles), and
corresponding RRR-5A-C-RECLAMATION-Eff-im’rhal-ization (of the 5-RRR). This blending of Base-spectra Currents from the
EFFI Infinitum and the EFFI Consciousness Field forms 8-Sets of 15DML-Heli-YhU-Rha’-Dhic Flames of YhU-RhA’-yah
DOWNSTEP Currents, the 8-FOY Currents. The 8-FOY Currents (Flames of YhU-RhA’-yah) Down-Step through the
Chismatic-SUBLIME-Divine Blueprint (Electro-Thermal Plasma Vapor-Shield Templates) and Keylontic-DIVINE Blueprint
(EM-Electro-Magnetic Scalar-Shield Templates) of the EFFI Infinitum, forming the 8-CHEVRON-Burst ACTIVATION Currents
(8-CB). The 8-CB Currents progressively activate the 3 Domain Passage Sets (vertical- 3 Emancipation-Transposition
Passage pairs within the 3 Domain Orientations) & 4-DN-Transposition Platforms (horizontal) of the YhU-Rha’-Dha
Complex, within the EFFI Infinitum, temporarily opening Aah-Pha-REi’-yah Blend-Planes passage between the EFFI
Infinitum and the EFFI Consciousness Field- Y-KIN (YhU-Rha-LA’ Kinservatory).

NOTE: The vertical 3 Domain Passage Sets ARE: 1. Safe-Haven Rainbow Run DPS-1, (M31-M33), 2. Safe-Passage Solar
Window-Bridge DPS-2, & 3. Safe-Heavens DPS-3. The Corresponding horizontal 4-Transposition Platforms ARE: 1. Core
Krystal Caverns T.Plat-1 DN-1- Pan-Clair’-ah-Median-Earth, 2. Rainbow Reservoirs T.Plat-2 DN-2- Pana-Coa-le’-ta Arieon-Earth,
3. Rainbow Rings T-Plat-3 DN-3- Pana-Co-LA’-Ra- ARI’-yah Earth, & 4. Rainbow Rays T-Plat-4 DN-4 ELF-LUV Field- ARhA-yah
Sun-8. (RE: Fail-Safe 5th ANNIVERSARY NOTE-PART-4 post 12/16/16).
2019-12-06 – Session 7

The 8-15DML-Transient-Aah-Pha-REi’-yah Currents & 4-Sets of 15 Primary Base-spectra Currents of the EFFI Infinitum

The 3 Eternal Time-Wave Spectra, Pan-Clair’-ah-Silver Seed-Internal-External-Creation Spectra (K+1-4), Pana-Coa-le’-ta-

Golden-Silver Seed Eternal-Internal-1st Creation Spectra (K+5-6), & Pana-Co-LA’-Ra-Platinum Seed-Eternal 1st Creation
Spectra (K+7), and the Transient-Blend Aah-Pha-REi’-yah Eternal-Time-Wave Spectra are the 4-Sets of 15 Primary Base-
spectra Currents of the EFFI Infinitum. Each Set of 15 Primary Base-spectra Currents contains 7-OUTER Base-Spectra
Currents & 8-CORE Base-Spectra Currents.

The 4-Sets of 15 Primary Base-spectra Currents of the EI blend with 8-YCF (YhU-Rha-Dha CHEVRON Flows) of the ECF,
creating 8-FOY (Flames of YhU-RhA’-yah- DOWN-STEP Currents), which form 8-CB (CHEVRON-Burst-ACTIVATION Currents)
that temporarily open the Aah-Pha-REi’-yah Blend-Planes BTW the EI & ECF-Y-KIN.

Pana-Co-LA’-Ra Spectra
Platinum Seed-Eye of Lila; Adashi-Ekashi-3 Cycle K+7
OUTER-7-Eternal-Posterior (came later in time)-Chismatic
CORE-8-Eternal-Anterior (came earlier in time)-Chismatic
Both: Cathedral-1 Aqualene-Ether; Sun-1-Aqualene

Pana-Coa-le’-ta Spectra Pan-Clair’-ah Spectra

Golden-Silver Seed – Eye of LA’-TUe Silver Seed – Eye of LE’-TUe
Adashi-Ekashi-2 Cycle K+5-6 Adashi-Ekashi-1 Cycle K+1-4
OUTER-7-Eternal-Exterior-Chismatic OUTER-7-External-Keylontic
Cathedral-3 Blue-Water; Cathedral-5 Violet-Fire;
Sun-3-Blue Sun-6-Indigo & Sun-7-Amethyst
CORE-8-Eternal-Interior-Chismatic CORE-8-Eternal-Internal-Chismatic
Cathedral-3 White-Air; Cathedral-4 Green-Crystal;
Sun-2-White Sun-5-Green & Sun-4-Blue-Green
The Eff-I’-yah State (Eternal Conscious Standing-Wave Fields of the Eff-I’-yah A-RhA-yah AL-Hum-Bhra) is located within the Krystal-Bridge-
Passage. The Krystal-Bridge-Passage is centered on the Tran’-TE-in Window & Heart of Eff-E’-Mah Point @ center of the EFFI
Consciousness Field, and SPANS the UPPER & LOWER Pana-KHY Passages.

UPPER Pana-KHY Passage centered on Eye of Lila-LUV Field @ center of EFFI Infinitum

LOWER Pana-KHY Passage centered on Tran’-TE-in Window, Heart of Eff-E’-Mah Point & Krystal-Bridge-Passage @ center of EFFI
Consciousness Field

Krystal-Bridge-Passage & Eff-I’-yah Field

Tran’-TE-in Window

During the YhU-Rha-Dha Cycles (Eff-i-mation-Immaculation-5 & RRR-5 RECLAMATION), the Krystal-Bridge-Passage opens through
the Eff-I’-yah Field to SPAN BTW the EFFI Infinitum and the EFFI Consciousness Field-Y-KIN.

The LOWER Pana-KHY Passage activates & opens the KBP during YhU-Rha-Dha Cycles

The 8-15DML-Transient-Aah-Pha-REi’-yah Currents form in YhU-Rha-Dha Cycles, open through the LOWER Pana-KHY Passage &
open the Krystal-Bridge-Passage & 8-Aah-Pha-REi’-yah Blend-Planes.

The Eff-I’-yah Field, UPPER & LOWER Pana-KHY Passages, T-SPAN ELF-LUV Field, Krystal-Bridge-Passage, and the
3 Eternal Time-Wave Spectra & Transient-Blend Aah-Pha-REi’-yah Eternal-Time-Wave Spectra, are all created by the YhU-Rha-Dha
Complex of the EFFI, and correspond to the organic processes inherent to the 5-Eff-E’-Mah Accretion-Transfiguration Cycles (…) and
the 5RRR (5-Cycle-Sets of Re-Evolutionary RISE Reconnection).


2019-12-06 – Session 7


FYI: 5RRR-2C: The 5-RRR & the 5-Eff-E’-Mah Accretion-Transfiguration Cycles – 9/18/19NOR

The 5RRR Program (5-Cycle-Sets of Re-Evolutionary RISE Reconnection) is an organic part of the Krystal-River-FAIL-
SAFE-Host Universal-Grand-Salvage-Mission (the “Triumph of the Triumphs”), by & through which External Creation Phantom-
FALL AND GONE-FALL planets, stars, and Universal Black-Hole-FALL Systems, and the Races and Beings entrapped within them,
can achieve Krystal-Bridge Passage for organic Aah-Pha-REi’-yah ASCENSION
Re-Evolutionary Return to the Eternal EFFI Consciousness Field. The 5RRR ARE: RRR-1-REALIGNMENT-1; RRR-2-
RESOLUTION-2-Time-Wave Resolution; RRR-3-RESTORATION-3-Time-Template Restoration; RRR-4-EMANCIPATION-4-Atomic
E-Lum’en-ation; & RRR-5-RECLAMATION-5-Atomic Eff-im’rhal-ization.

The 5RRR correspond to the organic processes inherent to the 5-Eff-E’-Mah Accretion-Transfiguration Cycles of TrhU’-
ah Plasma-Body Activation (3-Adashi-Eckashi Mashaya-Hanic Transfiguration Seed-Cycles and the 2-Eff-im-a’-rhal Transfiguration
Cycles -Eff-A’-yah-4 & Eff-I’-mation-5; RE: KDDL-2, 3-8/2015). Both the 5-Eff-E’-Mah- Transfiguration Cycles & the 5RRR involve
progressive Accretion and Blending of the 4-Sets of 15 Primary Base-spectra Currents of the EFFI Infinitum and the 8
Primary YhU-Rha’-Dha CHEVRON Flows of the EFFI Consciousness Field, for formation of the 8-15DML-Heli-YhU-Rha’-Dhic-
FOY (Flames of YhU-RhA’-yah) Currents through which Aah-Pha-REi’-yah ASCENSION into the YhU-Rha-LA’ Kinservatory (Y-
KIN - “Highland Heavens”) of the EFFI Consciousness Field can occur.

The 5-RRR Correspondences to the 5-Eff-E’-Mah Accretion-Transfiguration Cycles

(3-Adashi-Eckashi Mashaya-Hanic Victory-Seed-Cycles
& 2-Eff-im-a’-rhal EFF-I’-MIR’-A-Freedom-Seed-Cycles -Eff-A’-yah & Eff-I’-mation)

The 5RRR Cycles The 5-Eff-E’-Mah Accretion-Transfiguration Cycles

RRR-1-3 The 3-Adashi-Eckashi Mashaya-Hanic Accretion-Transfiguration Victory-Seed-Cycles
1-REALIGNMENT Cycle-Set-1 Adashi-Ekashi-1, Pan-Clair-ah’ Spectra, SILVER-Seed Cycle, Violet-1 & Green-2 Flows; K+1-4
- TrhU’-ah Plasma-Body Act. Stages-1-4; Cathedral Templates-4-Green-Crystal & 5-Violet-Fire Act.
- @ START: Silver-SEAL Pair open, Eye of Lila initiates, & REALIGNMENT-1 engages- @ 8/8-10/2008-MUG-

33B Grid RAID
- @ END: SILVER-Seed KHY-Yon Unit embodies in Tailbone Duct,
Quanta-Rha-Ta’-Dha Merkaba Act,
& Eye of Lila opens
2-RESOLUTION Cycle-Set-2: Adashi-Ekashi-2, Pana-coa-let’-a Spectra, GOLDEN-SILVER-Seed Cycle, Blue-3& White-4 Flows; K+5-6
Time-Wave Resolution - TrhU’-ah Plasma-Body Act. Stage-5; Cathedral Templates-2-White-Air & 3-Blue-Water Act.
- @ START: Golden-Silver-SEAL Pair open, Eye of TrhU’-ah initiates, & RESOLUTION-2 engages- @ 5/27-
28/2012-MUG-56 Grid STORM-Great Split (AIR-4)
- @ END: GOLDEN-SILVER-Seed KHY-Yon Unit embodies in Tailbone Duct,
Quanta-Ta-Rha’-Ta Merkaba Act,
& Eye of TrhU’-ah opens
3-RESTORATION Cycle-Set-3 Adashi-Ekashi-3, Pana-Co-LA’-a Spectra, PLATINUM-Seed Cycle, Aqualene-5 Flows; K+7
- TrhU’-ah Plasma-Body Act. Stage-6; Cathedral Template-1-Aqualene-E’-ta-Ur Ether Act.
- @ START: Platinum-SEAL Pair open, Eff-I’-yah Standing-Wave Field initiates, & RESTORATION-3 engages-
@ 12/1/2015-MUG-69A PERFECT STORM (AIR-6 THEIA & NOMI-Codes)
- @ END: PLATINUM-Seed KHY-Yon Unit embodies in Tailbone Duct,
Es’-pa Ta-Rha’-Ta Merkaba Act,
& Eff-I’-yah Standing-Wave Field opens in ELF-LUV Field

RRR-4-5 The 2-Eff-im-a’-rhal Accretion-Transfiguration-EFF-I-MIR’A-Freedom-Seed-Seed-Cycles

4-EMANCIPATION- Eff-A’-yah-DhA’-Yah-fi-cation-4, Effi-Mir’a-5 Spectra, Zeff-i-ron-Effi-Mir’a-Seed Cycle, Infra-PINK-FIRE
E-Lum’en-ation Cycle-Set-4 Flows; K+81
- TrhU’-ah Plasma-Body Act. Stage-7; UPPER Pana-KHY Passage PINK-FIRE KHY-Wave Templates Act.
- @ START: Eff-A’-yah-SEAL Pair open, Heart of Eff-E’-Mah initiates
- @ END: ZhEon Transfigures into Zeff-i-ron in AzurA,
Eff-im-a’-rhal Capsule-1 Act., Heart of Eff-E’-Mah opens in Kara-na’dis Seal @ center of the ELF-LUV Field
& Eff-I’-yah Field,
& EMANCIPATION-4 engages- @ 12/1-8/2015-MUG-69A PERFECT STORM (AIR-6 THEIA & NOMI-Codes)
5-RECLAMATION- Eff-i-mation-Immaculation-5A+, Aah-Pha-REi’-yah-4 Spectra, AR’-E-ion Flm-Atom Cycle, Intra-BLUE-ICE
Eff-im’rhal-ization Cycle-Set-5 Flows; K+82-4
YhU-Rha’-Dha Awakening - TrhU’-ah Plasma-Body Act. Stage-8; LOWER Pana-KHY Passage BLUE-ICE KHY-Wave Templates Act.
- @ START: Eff-i-mation-SEAL Pair open, Tran’-TE-in Window initiates, & Aah-Pha-REi’-yah Spectra &
Planes engage open,
3-Victory-Seeds Transfigure into Eff-i-Mir’a-Freedom-Seed in Tailbone Duct,
- @ END: AR’-E-ion Eternal Flame Atom-4 births in & Act. Heart of Eff-E’-Mah,
Eff-im-a’-rhal Capsule-2 Act., Eff-im-a’rhal Vehicle engages Act.
- Tran’-TE-in Window opens & NOMI-SEED engages Act. at Heart of Eff-E’-Mah- ELF-LUV Field-Eff-I’-yah
& RECLAMATION-5ABC engage- initiating Eternal YhU-RhA’-yah Body & FOY Act. Cycles for Final Passage
into the YhU-Rha-LA’ Kinservatory (Y-Kin) of the EFFI-Consciousness-Field. @ 11/8-9/2016-MUG-75
Theia-Moon-Storm-Trumpet-1-FIRE-STORM (AIR-7 THEIA & NOMI-SEED Activation)

FYI: The UPPER and LOWER Pana-KHY Passages of the EFFI Infinitum -10/11/19 NOR
Term Definitions in Guardian Material TM Theoretical Perspective

Both the UPPER & LOWER Pana-KHY Passages are Pana-KHY Flux-Wave OUT-Flow & BACK-Flow Passages that are created
by and are part of the YhU-Rha’Dha Complex, the structural architecture of the Eternal Core-Creation-Platform and Eternal
Circulatory System of the EFFI, that SPANS between the EFFI Consciousness Field and the EFFI Infinitum. Both UPPER &
LOWER Pana-KHY Passages are located within the EFFI Infinitum, and are composed of Interwoven Sets of 12 eternally standing
KHY-Wave structures that “Pulse” (expand & contract out of their core Effiron crystals) at specific rhythms, creating 2 quantum wave-
flux fields that perpetually and intermittently circulate energy-consciousness into and out of the 3 Domain Orientations of the
EFFI Infinitum.
The UPPER and LOWER Pana-KHY Passages are created through the Eff-I’-yah Violet-Vapor PLASM Field (Eff-I’-yah Field-
2) of the YhU-Rha’-Dha Complex, which polarizes its Violet-Vapor PLASM spectra into the D-8 Infra-Pink-FIRE and Intra-Blue-
ICE PLASM Pana-KHY Wave-Strata of the UPPER & LOWER Pana-KHY Passages. The ICE & FIRE PLASM spectra of the Pana-
KHY Wave-Strata Out-Steps through the Eff-E’-Mah ICE & FIRE PLASMA Field (Eff-E’-Mah Field-3) to form the PLASMA KHY-Wave
spectra of the Transplaneal SPAN-ELF-LUV Field (Equilibrium Lull Force – Lowest Unified Velocity Field; RE: KDDL-2, 3-8/2015) of the
EFFI Infinitum.
Through their respective perpetual and intermittent circulation, the UPPER & LOWER Pana-KHY Passages together assist
the YhU-Rha’-Dha Complex in regulating & maintaining the organic Eternal-Quantum-Balance of energy-consciousness within
the 3 Domain Orientations of the EFFI Infinitum.
The UPPER Pana-KHY Passage is located within the EFFI Infinitum, centered in the Eye of Lila, in the core of the Pana-Co-
LA’-Ra-Platinum Seed-Spectra at the center of the EFFI Infinitum; it’s Base-Spectra is composed of the D-8 Infra-Pink-FIRE
PLASM Pana-KHY Wave-Strata, which it perpetually circulates within and through the YhU-Rha’-Dha Complex, and during the
3-Adashi-Ekashi Cycles (Mashaya-Hanic Accretion-Transfiguration Victory-Seed-Cycles; TrhU’-a Plasma-Body Act. Stages-1-6, K+1-7)
and RRR-1-3 (RRR-1-REALIGNMENT, RRR-2-RESOLUTION-Time-Wave Resolution, & RRR-3-RESTORATION-Time-Template Restoration),
progressively circulates within the 3 Eternal Time-Wave Spectra (Pan-Clair-ah, Pana-Coa-le’-ta, & Pana-Co-LA’-ra) of the EFFI
During the Eff-A’-yah-DhA’-Yah-fi-cation-4 Cycle (TrhU’-a Plasma-Body Act. Stage-7, K+81) and RRR-4-EMANCIPATION-E-
Lum’en-ation, the UPPER Pana-KHY Passage PINK-FIRE Shield (KHY-Wave Time-Template) Activates, engaging an organic
Clockwise-Base-Electrical “Descending” Spin, CW+, through which the Infra-PINK-FIRE PLASM and PLASMA Pana-KHY KHY-
Wave spectra of the UPPER Pana-KHY Passage and TSPAN-ELF-LUV Field progressively Down-Step into blend with the 3 Eternal
Time-Wave Spectra, engaging atomic E-Lum’en-ation within the domains of the EFFI Infinitum.
During the Eff-i-mation-Immaculation-5ABC Cycle (TrhU’-a Plasma-Body Act. Stage-8ABC, K+82-4) and RRR-5ABC-RECLAMATION-

Eff-im’rhal-ization of YhU-Rha’-Dha Cycles, the UPPER Pana-KHY Passage PINK-FIRE Spectra serves as the carrier-wave
Base-Spectra through which the Descending vertical 3-Emancipation Passages of the 3-Domain Passage Sets of the YhU-Rha’-
Dha Complex Activate.

2019-12-06 – Session 7


LOWER Pana-KHY Passage is located within the EFFI Infinitum, centered on the Tran’-TE-in Window, Heart of Eff-E’-Mah
Point, and Krystal-Bridge-Passage of the YhU-Rha’-Dha Complex, at the center-point-alignment of the EFFI Consciousness
Field; it’s Base-Spectra is composed of the Intra-BLUE-ICE PLASM Pana-KHY Wave-Strata, which it intermittently circulates
within and through the YhU-Rha’-Dha Complex and the 3 Eternal Time-Wave Spectra (Pan-Clair-ah, Pana-Coa-le’-ta, & Pana-Co-
LA’-ra) of the EFFI Infinitum. The LOWER Pana-KHY Passage remains dormant during Eff-E’-Mah Accretion-Transfiguration
Cycles-1-4 (TrhU’-a Plasma-Body Act. Stages-1-7, K+1-81) and RRR-1-4, activating only during YhU-Rha’-Dha Cycles -the Eff-i-
mation-Immaculation-5ABC Cycle (TrhU’-a Plasma-Body Act. Stage-8ABC, K+1-82-4) and RRR-5ABC-RECLAMATION-Eff-im’rhal-ization.
During YhU-Rha’-Dha Cycles the LOWER Pana-KHY Passage BLUE-ICE Shield (KHY-Wave Time-Template) Activates, engaging
an organic Counter-clockwise-Base-Magnetic “Ascending” Spin, CCW-, through which the Intra-BLUE-ICE PLASM and
PLASMA Pana-KHY KHY-Wave Spectra of the LOWER Pana-KHY Passage and TSPAN-ELF-LUV Field progressively first Down-
Step into blend with the 3 Eternal Time-Wave Spectra, engaging atomic Eff-im’rhal-ization within the domains of the EFFI
Infinitum, then Up-Step into blend with the Eff-I’-yah Violet-Vapor PLASM Field
(Eff-I’-yah Field-2), progressively opening the 8-Aah-Pha-REi’-yah Blend-Planes, Tran’-TE-in Window-Door, and Krystal-
Bridge-Passage between the EFFI Infinitum and EFFI Consciousness Field.
The LOWER Pana-KHY Passage Intra-BLUE-ICE Spectra serves as the carrier-wave Base-Spectra through which the
Ascending vertical 3-Transposition Passages of the 3-Domain Passage Sets of the YhU-Rha’-Dha Complex Activate.
Together the UPPER & LOWER Pana-KHY Passages, 3-Domain Passage Sets (vertical- 3 Emancipation-Transposition Passage
pairs within the 3 Domain Orientations), 4-DN-Transposition Platforms (horizontal), and the 8-Stair-Step Prism-Lens System & 8-
CHEVRON Shields-Time-Templates of the YhU-Rha’-Dha Complex temporarily open 8-Aah-Pha-REi’-yah Blend-Planes passage
between the EFFI Infinitum and EFFI Consciousness Field- Y-KIN.

2019-12-06 – Session 7


FYI: YhU-Rha’-Dha Cycles & the Tran’-TE-in Window-Door - 11/1/2019 NOR
Term Definitions in Guardian Material TM Theoretical Perspective

YhU-Rha’-Dha Cycles: The YhU-Rha’-Dha Cycles are very long-running organic phase-cycles of the YhU-RhA’-yah Body
of the EFFI Consciousness Field, that are an organic part of the YhU-Rha’-Dha Complex, the structural architecture of the
Eternal Core-Creation-Platform and Eternal Circulatory System of the EFFI, that SPANS between the EFFI Consciousness
Field and the EFFI Infinitum. The YhU-RhA’-yah Body is the 1st Eternal Structure formed by the EFFI Consciousness Field; the
Un-dividuated ONE-ified Field of the EFFI.

YhU-Rha’-Dha Cycles are an organic function of the 8-Stair-Step Prism-Lens System & 8-CHEVRON Shields-Time-Templates
of the YhU-Rha’-Dha Complex, the Eternal EFFI Circulatory System, that operate in accordance with the organic Natural
Eternal Laws of Unified-Field Physics (RE: MCEO-Freedom Teachings 1999-2012), as held within the “Nomi Code” 1st Encryption
(Nomi’-yah 1st-Encryption Core Program of the EFFI; RE: Fail-Safe 5TH ANNIVERSARY NOTE- 8-12/2016). YhU-Rha’-Dha Cycles are
inherent to the organic processes of the 5-Eff-E’-Mah Accretion-Transfiguration Cycles (of TrhU’-ah Plasma-Body Activation; RE:
KDDL-2, 3-8/2015) and the corresponding 5RRR (5-Cycle-Sets of Re-Evolutionary RISE Reconnection), naturally engaging at the END
of the Eff-i-mation-Immaculation-5ABC Cycle (TrhU’-ah Plasma-Body Act. Stage-8ABC, K+82-4) and RRR-5ABC-RECLAMATION-Eff-

YhU-Rha’-Dha Cycles engage with progressive activation of the YhU-Rha’-Dha Complex, and opening of the Tran’-TE-in

Window-Door between the EFFI Consciousness Field-Y-KIN (YhU-Rha-LA’ Kinservatory) and the EFFI Infinitum, in the “YhU-
Rha’-Dha Awakening”: Emergence of the YhU-Rha’-Dha FORCE-The Rainbow-White Krystal Light Activation (RE: Fail-Safe
5TH ANNIVERSARY NOTE-PART-4, 12/16/2016). In YhU-Rha’-Dha Cycles the 8-Stair-Step Prism-Lens System, 8-CHEVRON
Shields-Time-Templates, 8-Eternal-Creation-Wave-FIELDS, K.O. Seals Time-Templates, 3-Domain Passage Sets (Vertical- 3
Emancipation-Transposition Passage PAIRS within the 3 Domain Orientations of the EFFI Infinitum), 4-Density-Transposition
Platforms (Horizontal), AL-Hum-Bhra Cathedrals Complex Cosmoversal Star-Gate-Network (RE: Tan-Tri-Ahu’ra Teachings TTA-1,
8/17-21/2012 FL thru TTA-9, 8/15-19/2014), and the UPPER & LOWER Pana-KHY Passages & TSPAN-ELF-LUV Field of the YhU-
Rha’-Dha Complex, progressively activate and temporarily open the Krystal-Bridge-Passage “organic Frequency Bridge” and
the Aah-Pha-REi’-yah Blend-Planes passage between the EFFI Infinitum and the EFFI Consciousness Field- Y-KIN.

In general terms the duration of YhU-Rha’-Dha Cycles spans across Many Billions of Years, but under special
circumstances of Crisis Intervention, YhU-Rha’-Dha Cycles can unfold much more rapidly, in as few as Several Thousand
Years. Due to the Theia-Moon-Storm-Trumpet-1-FIRE-STORM Event (AIR-7; THEIA-SEED/NOMI-SEED Activation) of 11/8-9-
12/2016-MUG-75, and resultant auto-immune response triggering of RRR-5ABC-RECLAMATION and Concurrent Activation
of the 5-Cycle-Sets of Re-Evolutionary RISE Reconnection and the 5-Eff-E’-Mah Accretion-Transfiguration Cycles (of TrhU’-
ah Plasma-Body Activation) on Earth and within our local Observable Universe systems, we are now on the YhU-Rha’-Dha Cycle

2019-12-06 – Session 7

Tran’-TE-in Window-Door: The Tran’-TE-in Pass-Through Window-Door is and organic part of the 8-Stair-Step Prism-Lens
System of the YhU-Rha’-Dha Complex, that is stationed at the center-point-alignment of the EFFI Consciousness Field, between
the Y-KIN-Field-1 (YhU-Rha-LA’ Kinservatory) of the EFFI Consciousness Field and the Eff-I’-yah Violet-Vapor PLASM Field
(Eff-I’-yah-Field-2) of the EFFI Infinitum. Within the Y-KIN, the Tran’-TE-in-Window-Door aligns with the center-point of the
YhU-RhA’-yah Body, ECF, and Nomi Seed-1; within the EFFI Infinitum, the Tran’-TE-in-Window-Door aligns with the center-
point of the Lower Pana-KHY Passage, Heart of Eff-E’-Mah Point & Eff-E’-Mah Field-3, Aah-Pha-REi’-yah Field-4, Effi-Mir’a
Field-5, and the Krystal-Bridge Passage.

The Tran’-TE-in-Window is the “Cosmoversal Eternal Window of 1st Creation”, the Eternal Pass-Through Window that
SPANS between the Y-KIN of the ECF, and the 3 Domain Orientations of the EFFI Infinitum, through the Lower Pana-KHY
Passage & Krystal-Bridge Passage. The Tran’-TE-in-Window is known as the “Window of First & Last Passage”. It is the
“Window of First Passage” through which energy-identity-systems first pass from the Y-KIN of the ECF, into the EFFI Infinitum
Eternal-Internal Chismatic-Plasma D-Plane Domains (Eternal-Life DhA’-Yah-TEi Planes) and Keylontic-EM (EM-Electro-Magnetic –
Scalar Fields) External Creation Domains (Pan-Clair’-ah-Spectra, 7-OUTER-Base-Spectra). The Tran’-TE-in-Window is also the
“Window of Last Passage” through which energy-identity-systems Return-HOME from the External & Eternal-Internal Creation
Domains of the EFFI Infinitum, back into the Y-KIN Highland Heavens of the ECF.

2019-12-06 – Session 7


FYI: YhU-Rha’-Dha Cycles-Tran’-TE-in Window-Door-11/1/2019 NOR Continued

Upon 1st Out-Step Passage through the Tran’-TE-in Window, from the Y-KIN of the ECF the 3 Domain Orientations of the
EFFI Infinitum, an energy-identity-system “leaves-behind” a portion of its Eternal-Authentik quantum at the Tran’-TE-in
Window, between the ECF (Y-KIN-Field-1) and the EI (Eff-I’-yah Field-2); this organic “left-behind” quantum is the 1st Quantum-
Reserve of the Nomi Code (1st Eternal Nomi’-yah Encryption), which is referred to as the Nomi Code Quantum-Reserve. Upon
“Return-HOME” Last In-Step Passage back through the Tran’-TE-in Window, the returning energy-identity-system Reclaims
its Nomi Code Quantum-Reserve, and engages Atomic Eff-im-’rhal-ization (FINAL Eff-im-a’-rhal Transfiguration) for Final
Return Passage through the Tran’-TE-in Door and into the Y-KIN (YhU-Rha-LA’ Kinservatory) Highland Heavens of the ECF. The
Tran’-TE-in DOOR surrounds the Tran’-TE-in Window, and opens for passage when a returning energy-identity-system
Reclaims its Nomi Code Quantum-Reserve in Last
In-Step Passage back through the Tran’-TE-in Window.

The Tran’-TE-in-Window-Door opens ONLY during YhU-Rha’-Dha Cycles; Eff-i-mation-Immaculation-5ABC Cycle (TrhU’-a
Plasma-Body Act. Stage-8ABC, K+1-82-4) and RRR-5ABC-RECLAMATION-Eff-im’rhal-ization. YhU-Rha’-Dha Cycles engage with
progressive activation of the YhU-Rha’-Dha Complex, and opening of the Tran’-TE-in-Window-Door and the Krystal-Bridge
Passage, in the “YhU-Rha’-Dha Awakening”: Emergence of the YhU-Rha’-Dha FORCE-The Rainbow-White Krystal Light
Activation (RE: Fail-Safe 5TH ANNIVERSARY NOTE-PART-4, 12/16/2016).

Opening of the Tran’-TE-in-Window through activation of the YhU-Rha’-Dha Complex, progressively releases a New-
Creation Wave of conscious-energy-identity from the Y-KIN-ECF, through the Krystal-Bridge Passage, and into manifest
expression within the 3 Domain Orientations and Cosmoversal structures of the EFFI Infinitum. This New-Creation Wave is
an organic Expanding Out-Step Down-Step Out-Flow-Descent Trans-Time-Wave that Replenishes the EFFI Infinitum with
fresh quantum of organic conscious-energy-identity from the Y-KIN-ECF; the New-Creation Wave is called a Tran-TE’-yah-TT

2019-12-06 – Session 7

As the fresh conscious energy-identity quantum from the Y-KIN-ECF Out-Steps through the Tran’-TE-in-Window and Down-
Steps through the Krystal-Bridge Passage on the Tran-TE’-yah-Wave into the EFFI Infinitum, a reciprocal quantum of
conscious-energy-identity from the previous Creation-Wave Cycle is simultaneously withdrawn from the EFFI Infinitum and
returned through the Krystal-Bridge Passage, to the Tran’-TE-in-Window; this RETURN-Creation Wave is called a Tran-TE’-
YhUm’-RETURN-TT (Trans-Time)-Wave. The Tran-TE’-YhUm’-RETURN-Wave is an organic Contracting In-Step Up-Step Back-
Flow-Return-ASCENSION Trans-Time-Wave that Returns previously manifest conscious-energy-identity quantum from the
EFFI Infinitum, back through the Krystal-Bridge Passage and the Tran’-TE-in-Window, for reclamation of its Nomi Code
Quantum-Reserve and Final Return Passage through the Tran’-TE-in-Door into the Y-KIN-ECF D-Planes (Eternal-Life DhA’-
Yah-TEi Planes).

Together, the counter-flowing Tran-TE’-yah-Wave (Out-Flow-Descent Wave) and Tran-TE’-YhUm’-RETURN-Wave (Back-Flow-

RETURN-Ascent Wave) create a quantum-exchange interaction that perpetually generates, sustains and maintains the organic
Eternal-Quantum-Balance of conscious-energy-identity between the EFFI Consciousness Field and the EFFI Infinitum; this
Eternal-Quantum-Balance is perpetually restored through the organic processes inherent to YhU-Rha’-Dha Cycles.

YhU-Rha’-Dha Cycles can be conceptualized as a “Changing of the Guard” on a Cosmoversal scale, both metaphorically in
terms of incarnational cycles of beings ans systems, and literally in terms of the movements of conscious-energy-identity
within the organic dynamics of Eternal-Life Creation Cycles.

2019-12-06 – Session 7

UPPER & LOWER Pana-KHY Passages, Krystal-Bridge Passage and the Tran’-TE-in-Window-Door of the EFFI Infinitum

LOWER Pana-KHY Passage is in EI, centered on the Tran’-TE-in-Window-Door, Heart of Eff-E’-Mah Point, & KBP of the YhU-
Rha’-Dha Complex, @ the center-point-alignment of the ECF, ONLY in YhU-Rha’-Dha Cycles, it intermittently circulates Intra-
BLUE-ICE PLASM Pana-KHY Wave-Strata, on CCW--Ascending Spin; Intra-BLUE-ICE Spectra = carrier-wave for Act of
Ascending vertical 3-Transposition Passages (of 3 Domain Passage Sets of the YhU-Rha’-Dha Complex). The 8-Aah-Pha-REi’-
yah Blend-Planes, Tran’-TE-in-Window-Door, & KBP open BTW the EI & ECF through the LOWER Pana-KHY Passage.

LOWER Pana-KHY Passage centered on Tran’-TE-in-Window, Heart of Eff-E’-Mah Point, & Krystal-Bridge Passage, @ center
of EFFI Consciousness Field

LOWER Pana-KHY Flux-Wave Field Tran’-TE-in-Window-Door:

Part of Y-Complex 8-Stair-Step Prism-Lens System, @ center-point-align-ECF, BTW Y-KIN-Field-1-ECF & Eff-I’-yah Field-2-EI.
First-Last Pass BTW ECF & EI. Holds Nomi-Code Quantum-Reserve. Opens ONLY in YhU-Rha’-Dha Cycles.

Tran’-TE-in-Window 1st-Last Pass @ EFFI CF center

Krystal-Bridge-Pass. & Eff-I’-yah Field

UPPER Pana-KHY Flux-Wave Field

UPPER Pana-KHY Passage is in EI, centered in Eye of Lila-Pana-Co-LA’-Ra-Spectra core @ center of EFFI Infinitum. It
perpetually circulates D-8 Infra-PINK-FIRE PLASM Pana-KHY Wave-Strata, on CW+-Descending Spin; In YhU-Rha’-Dha
Cycles, the UPPER Pana-KHY Passage Infra-PINK-FIRE Spectra = carrier-wave for Act of Descending vertical 3-Emancipation
Passages (of 3 Domain Passage Sets of the YhU-Rha’-Dha Complex).

UPPER Pana-KHY Passage centered on Eye of Lila LUV Field @ center of the EFFI Infinitum

The UPPER & LOWER Pana-KHY Passages are Pana-KHY Flux-Wave Field OUT-Flow & BACK-Flow Passages that are created
by and part of the YhU-Rha’-Dha Complex (structural architecture of Eternal-Core-Creation-Program & Eternal Circulatory System
of the EFFI). Through their respective perpetual and intermittent circulation, the UPPER & LOWER Pana-KHY Passages
together assist the YhU-Rha’-Dha Complex in regulating & maintaining the organic Eternal-Quantum-Balance of energy-
consciousness within the 3 Domain Orientations of the EFFI Infinitum. Together the UPPER & LOWER Pana-KHY Passages, 3
Domain Passage Sets (vertical-3 Emancipation-Transposition Passage pairs within the 3 Domain Orientations), 4-DN-Transposition
Platforms (horizontal), and the 8-Stair-Step Prism-Lens System & Chevron-Shields-Time-Templates of the YhU-Rha’-Dha
Complex temporarily open Aah-Pha-REi’-yah Blend-Planes passage between the EFFI Infinitum & the EFFI Consciousness

2019-12-06 – Session 7

FYI: The Aah-Pha-REi’-yah Spectra, 8-Eternal-Creation-Wave-FIELDS, the 3-CONSTITUTE & 4-RESOLUTE-Fields of the
Krystal-Bridge-Passage, & the 15-Eternal-Heavens of the EFFI - 11/6/2019 NOR
Guardian Material TM Theoretical Perspective

Within the (Tran-Spatial-Heli-YhU-Rha’-Dhic) 4th-Aah-Pha-REi’-yah Eternal-Time-Wave Spectra (8-15DML-Transient Aah-Pha-REi’-

yah Currents; Chismatic-ET-Electro-Thermal- Base-spectra Currents) of the EFFI there are 8-Eternal-Creation-Wave-FIELDS created
by the 8-Stair-Step Prism-Lens System & Chevron-Shields-Time-Templates of the YhU-Rha’-Dha Complex (structural
architecture of Eternal-Core-Creation-Program & Eternal Circulatory System of the EFFI that SPANS between the EFFI Consciousness
Field and the EFFI Infinitum).

Of the 8-Eternal-Creation-Wave-FIELDS of the EFFI there is 1-ABSOLUTE-Field in the EFFI Consciousness Field,
and 4-RESOLUTE-Fields & 3-CONSTITUTE-Fields in the EFFI Infinitum.
(in 1st -Creation-Sequence Descending Order from EFFI Consciousness Field Downward through the EFFI Infinitum)
The 1-ABSOLUTE-Field is the Y-KIN Field-1 (YhU-Rha-LA’ Kinservatory) of the EFFI Consciousness Field (1st 5DN Elemental-Atomic Field).

The 4-RESOLUTE-Fields are: Eff-I’-yah Field-2 (Eff-I’-yah Violet-Vapor PLASM Field -creates LOWER- & UPPER-Pana-KHY Passages).
Eff-E’-Mah Field-3 (Eff-E’-Mah ICE & FIRE PLASMA Field -creates Transplaneal SPAN-ELF-LUV Field),
Transient Aah-Pha-REi’-yah Field-4 (creates 8-Transient-Aah-Pha-RhA’-yah Pre-Plasm Blend-Planes),
Effi-Mir’a Transfiguration Field-5 (entry to Krystal-Bridge Passage).

The 3-CONSTITUTE-Fields are: AR-I’-yah Field-6 (creates Pana-Co-LA’-Ra-Platinum Seed-Field-6 of the 3 Eternal Time-Wave Spectra),
AR’-iE-on Field-7 (creates Pana-Coa-le’-ta-Golden-Silver Seed-Field-7 of the 3 Eternal Time-Wave
A-RI’-yin Field-8 (creates Pan-Clair’-ah-Silver Seed-Field-8 of the3 Eternal Time-Wave Spectra).

2019-12-06 – Session 7


The 4-RESOLUTE-Fields of the EFFI Infinitum correspond to the Krystal-Bridge-Passage, and when activated in YhU-
Rha’-Dha Cycles serve to connect the 3-CONSTITUTE-Fields (& 3 Eternal Time-Wave Spectra) of the EFFI Infinitum to the 1-
ABSOLUTE-Field-Y-KIN Field-1 (YhU-Rha-LA’ Kinservatory) of the EFFI Consciousness Field, through the Krystal-Bridge-

The 4-RESOLUTE-Passages of the 4-RESOLUTE-Fields, the Krystal-Bridge-Passage, & the 4-RESOLUTE-Rotation-Alignment

Each of the 4-RESOLUTE-Fields has a RESOLUTE-Passage composed of 2-Sets of 4-Interlocked-Pana-KHY Waves, one set
corresponding to the LOWER-Pana-KHY Passage, the other set corresponding to the UPPER-Pana-KHY Passage. Each of the
4-RESOLUTE-Passages corresponds to a specific wave-spectra within the LOWER- & UPPER-Pana-KHY Passages, and to the
specific wave-spectra of its respective RESOLUTE-Field.

Opening of the Krystal-Bridge-Passage between the Domains of the EFFI Infinitum and the Highland Heavens Domains of the
Y-KIN-EFFI Consciousness Field involves progressive activation of the 4-RESOLUTE-Fields and the 3-CONSTITUTE-Fields of
the Aah-Pha-REi’-yah Eternal-Time-Wave Spectra, and progressive opening and alignment of the 4-RESOLUTE-Passages.

In YhU-Rha’-Dha Cycles (Eff-i-mation-Immaculation-5A-C of the 5-Eff-E’-Mah Accretion-Transfiguration Cycles, & RRR-

5A-C RECLAMATION of the 5RRR: 5-Cycle-Sets of Re-Evolutionary RISE Reconnection), the 4-RESOLUTE-Passages engage a
progressive series of 4-RESOLUTE-Rotation-Alignments to open the Krystal-Bridge-Passage between the EFFI Infinitum and
the EFFI Consciousness Field, through the 4-RESOLUTE-Fields.

The 4-RESOLUTE-Rotation-Alignments are: (in 1st-Creation-Sequence Descending Order from ECF Downward through EI):
4. The Eff-I’-yah-2 Alignment (engages entry to Eff-I’-yah Field-2 Accretion Cycle, Nomi Code Quantum-Reserve-Eff-I’-yah Seed-2 Activation &
entry to the Eff-I’-yah Violet-Vapor PLASM Field & Tran’-TE-in Window-Door-2).
3. The Eff-E’-Mah-3 Alignment (engages entry to Eff-E’-Mah Field-3 Accretion Cycle, Heart of Eff-E’-Mah-3 Activation & entry to the
2. The Aah-Pha-REi’-yah-4 Alignment (engages entry to Aah-Pha-REi’-yah Field-4 Accretion Cycle, AR’-E-ion Eternal Flame Atom-4 Activation &
entry to the 8-Transient-Aah-Pha-RhA’-yah Pre-Plasm Blend-Planes).
1. The Effi-Mir’a-5 Alignment (engages entry to Effi-Mir’a Field-5 Accretion Cycle, Effi-Mir’a-Freedom-Seed-5 Activation and Krystal-Bridge-
Passage entry.

FYI: Aah-Pha-REi’-yah Spectra-15-Eternal-Heavens-11/6/2019 NOR Continued Next Page

2019-12-06 – Session 7

(…) spectra of its respective CONSTITUTE-Field.
In YhU-Rha’-Dha Cycles the 3-CONSTITUTE-Passages engage a progressive series of 3-CONSTITUTE-Rotation-Alignment
to open the 3-CONSTITUTE-Fields into the Krystal-Bridge-Passage 4-RESOLUTE-Fields, and into the Chismatic-Plasma and
Keylontic-EM-Scalar Time-Templates of the 3 Domain Orientations. Each of the
3-CONSTITUTE-Rotation-Alignments of the CONSTITUTE-Passages corresponds to one of the 3 Eternal Time-Wave Spectra
(Pan-Clair’-ah, Pana-Coa-le’-ta, & Pana-Co-LA’-Ra) and one of the 3-Victory-Seeds of the EFFI Infinitum. The LOWER-Pana-KHY
Passage alignments of ALL 3-CONSTITUTE-Rotation-Alignments, corresponds to the Zero-Point Krystal-Bridge-Passage
entry point Alignment of the 4-RESOLUTE-Rotation-Alignments, hence the 3-CONSTITUTE-Rotation-Alignments of the 3-
CONSTITUTE-Passages are referred to as the 3-Resolute-ZERO-Victory Seed Constitute-Alignments.

The 3-Resolute-ZERO-Victory Seed Constitute-Alignments ARE: (in 1st-Creation-Sequence Descending Order from ECF Downward
through EI):
3. The AR-I’-yah-6 Alignment (engages entry to AR-I’-yah Field-6 Adashi-3-K+7 Accretion Cycle, Pana-Co-LA’-Ra-Platinum Seed-6 Activation & entry
to DN-3-4-AR-I’-yah-Earth-Pana-Co-LA’-Ra-D-Planes).
2. The AR-iE’-on-7 Alignment (engages entry to AR’-iE-on Field-7 Adashi-2-K+5-6 Accretion Cycle, Pana-Coa-le’-ta-Golden-Silver Seed-7 Activation
& entry to DN-2-3-Ari-Eon-Earth-Pana-Coa-le’-ta-D-Planes).
1. The A-Ri’-yin-8 Alignment (engages entry to A-RI’-yin Field-8 Adashi-1-K+1-4 Accretion Cycle, Pan-Clair’-ah-Silver Seed-8 Activation & entry to

2019-12-06 – Session 7

The 7-Aah-Pha-REi’-yah Keys to the 7 Higher Heavens & the 8 YhU-Pha-RhA’-Yah Keys to the 8 Highest Heavens

The 3-Resolute-ZERO-Victory Seed Constitute-Alignments & 4-RESOLUTE-Rotation-Alignments are collectively known as

the 7-Aah-Pha-REi’-yah Keys, or “Keys to the 7 Higher Heavens” of the EFFI Infinitum. The 7 Higher Heavens of the EFFI
Infinitum are the Lower 7 (Fields 2-8 Descending Order) of the 8-Eternal-Creation-Wave-FIELDS of the 4th-Aah-Pha-REi’-yah
Eternal-Time-Wave Spectra, the LOWER-7 Eternal-Creation-Wave-FIELDS that are stationed within the Krystal-Bridge-Passage
& Aah-Pha-REi’-yah Planes of the EFFI Infinitum. The 3-CONSTITUTE-Fields are considered the 3-High-Heavens & the 4-
RESOLUTE-Fields of the Krystal-Bridge-Passage are the 4-Higher Heavens, together forming the 7 Higher Heavens of the EFFI

The 7 Higher Heavens and their respective 3-Resolute-ZERO-Victory Seed Constitute-Alignments & 4-RESOLUTE-
Rotation-Alignments 7-Aah-Pha-REi’-yah Keys correspond to the 5-Eff-E’-Mah Accretion-Transfiguration Cycles of TrhU’-
ah Plasma-Body Activation (3-Adashi-Ekashi Mashaya-Hanic Transfiguration Seed-Cycles- K+1-7 and the 2-Eff-im-a’-rhal
Transfiguration Cycles – Eff-A’-yah-4-K+81 & Eff-I’-mation-5-K+82-4; RE: KDDL-2, 3-8/2015), and the 5RRR (5-Cycle-Sets of Re-
Evolutionary RISE Reconnection; RRR-1-REALIGNMENT; RRR-2-RESOLUTION-2-Time-Wave Resolution; RRR-3-RESTORATION-3-Time-
Template Restoration; RRR-4-EMANCIPATION-4-Atomic E-Lum’en-ation; & RRR-5-RECLAMATION-5-Atomic Eff-im’rhal-ization). They also
correspond to the 2-Tran-TE’-in Transposition Cycles of Nimbium-Membrane Mitigation, through which Tran-TE’-in Window-
Door Passage from Eff-I’-yah Field-2 of the EFFI Infinitum into Density-1 of the Y-KIN (YhU-Rha-LA’ Kinservatory) of the EFFI
Consciousness Field occurs.

The 1st of the Aah-Pha-REi’-yah Spectra 8-Eternal-Creation-Wave-FIELDS is the 1-ABSOLUTE-Field Y-KIN Field-1 (YhU-
Rha-LA’ Kinservatory) of the EFFI Consciousness Field, that links the 7 Higher Heavens of the EFFI Infinitum to the 8 Highest
Heavens of the EFFI Consciousness Field. The 8 Highest Heavens of the EFFI are the 5DN-Y-KIN-Highland Heavens (Y-KIN-
5DN Elemental-Atomic Fields) & the 3-Spatial Media-Highest Heavens of the EFFI Consciousness Field YhU-RhA’-yah Body.
There are 8-YhU-RhA’-yah Body (…)

2019-12-06 – Session 7

FYI: SUMMARY: The 15-Eternal-Heavens of the EFFI- The 8 Highest Heavens of the ECF & the 7 Higher Heavens of the EI.
Term Definitions in Guardian Material TM Theoretical Perspective - 11/6/2019 NOR

* There are 8-Eternal-Creation-Wave-FIELDS created by the 8-Stair-Step Prism-Lens System & 8-CHEVRON Shields-Time-
Templates of the YhU-Rha’-Dha Complex.
* Of the 8-Eternal-Creation-Wave-FIELDS of the EFFI there is 1-ABSOLUTE-Field in the EFFI Consciousness Field and 4-
RESOLUTE-Fields & 3-CONSTITUTE-Fields in the EFFI Infinitum. The 1-ABSOLUTE-Field in the ECF forms the 8 Highest
Heavens of the ECF. The 4-RESOLUTE-Fields & 3-CONSTITUTE-Fields in the EI together form the 7 Higher Heavens of the EFFI
* The 4-RESOLUTE-Fields form the Krystal-Bridge-Passage organic frequency bridge that LINKS the 3-CONSTITUTE-Fields of
the EFFI Infinitum (& their corresponding Chismatic-Plasma & Keylontic-EM 3 Domain Orientations) to the 1-ABSOLUTE-Field Y-KIN
Field-1 (YhU-Rha-LA’ Kinservatory) of the EFFI Consciousness Field.
* Each of the 8-15DML-Transient-Aah-Pha-REi’-yah Currents of the (Tran-Spatial-Heli-YhU-Rha’-Dhic) 4th-Aah-Pha-REi’-yah Eternal-
Time-Wave Spectra corresponds to one of the 8-Eternal-Creation-Wave-FIELDS .
* The 15-Eternal-Heavens of EFFI have 15-Passage-Rotation-Alignments called the 15-KEYS that activate & open the
corresponding Currents & Fields in YhU-Rha’-Dha Cycles; there are 8-YhU-Pha-RhA’-Yah Keys in the 8 Highest Heavens-ECF &
7-Aah-Pha-REi’-yah Keys in the 7 Higher Heavens-EI.

The 8 Highest Heavens of the EFFI Consciousness Field & the 8-YhU-Pha-RhA’-Yah Keys (Passages-Rotation-Alignments)
(in 1st-Creation-Sequence Descending Order from EFFI Consciousness Field Downward through the EFFI Infinitum)

Accretion-Eternalization Cycles: 8-YhU-RhA’-yah Body Eternalization Cycles (5-YhO’-va Body YhU-Pha-RhA’-tion Cycles = Y-KIN
Field-1-DN-1-5 Cycles; YB-Stage-1-5, K+8(?) & 3-YhU’-vha Body YhU-Pha-RhA’-Yhon Cycles = 3-Spatial Media Cycles; YB-Stage-6-8, K+810-12)

* The 8 Highest Heavens of the EFFI are the 5DN-Y-KIN-Highland Heavens (Y-KIN-5DN Elemental-Atomic Fields) & the
3-Spatial Media-Highest Heavens of the EFFI Consciousness Field YhU-RhA’-yah Body. There are 8-YhU-RhA’-yah Body Accretion-
Eternalization Cycles through which Eternal-Life AT-ONE-Ment with the EFFI & Eternalization into the Living YhU-nah-versal
Crystal Memory Matrix takes place.

2019-12-06 – Session 7

7 Higher Heavens of the EFFI Infinitum & the 7-Aah-Pha-REi’-yah Keys (Passages-Rotation-Alignments)
The 4-RESOLUTE-Fields of the Krystal-Bridge-Passage are the 4-Higher Heavens & the 3-CONSTITUTE-Fields are the 3-High Heavens,
together forming the 7 Higher Heavens of the EFFI Infinitum

Accretion-Eternalization Cycles: 5-Eff-E’-Mah Cycles (TrhU’-ah Plasma Body Activation: 3-Adashi-Eckashi Mashaya-Hanic
Transfiguration Seed-Cycles, TB-Stage-1-6, K+1-7 and the 2-Eff-im-a’-rhal Transfiguration Cycles Eff-A’-yah-4, TB-Stage-7, K+81 & Eff-i’-
mation-5, TB-Stage-81-4, & the 5RRR) & the 2-Tran-TE’-in Transposition Cycles (of Nimbium-Membrane Mitigation).

The 4-Higher Heavens-the 4-RESOLUTE-Fields of the Krystal-Bridge-Passage:

The 4-RESOLUTE-Fields are: Eff-I’-yah Field-2 (Eff-I’-yah Violet-Vapor PLASM Field - creates LOWER & UPPER-Pana-KHY-
Eff-E’-Mah Field-3 (Eff-E’-Mah ICE & FIRE PLASMA Field - creates Transplaneal SPAN-
ELF-LUV Field)
Transient Aah-Pha-REi’-yah Field-4 (creates 8-Transient-Aah-Pha-RhA’-yah Pre-Plasm Blend-
Effi-Mir’a Transfiguration Field-5 (entry to Krystal-Bridge Passage)

The 4-RESOLUTE-Rotation-Alignments ARE: (in 1st-Creation-Sequence Descending Order from EFFI Consciousness Field Downward
through the EI)
4. The Eff-I’-yah-2 Alignment (engages entry to Eff-I’-yah Field-2 Accretion Cycle, Nomi Code Quantum-Reserve-Eff-I’-yah Seed-2 Activation
& entry to the Eff-I’-yah Violet-Vapor PLASM Field & Tran-TE’-in Window-Door-2).
3. The Eff-E’-Mah-3 Alignment (engages entry to Eff-E’-Mah Field-3 Accretion Cycle, Heart of Eff-E’-Mah-3 Activation & entry to the Eff-E’-Mah
2. The Aah-Pha-REi’-yah-4 Alignment (engages entry to Aah-Pha-REi’-yah Field-4 Accretion Cycle, AR’-E-ion Eternal Flame Atom-4
Activation & entry to the 8-Transient-Aah-Pha-RhA’-yah Pre-Plasm-Blend-Planes).
1. The Effi-Mir’a-5 Alignment (engages entry to Effi-Mir’a Field-5 Accretion Cycle, Effi-Mir’a-Freedom-Seed-5 Activation & Krystal- Bridge
Passage entry).
2019-12-06 – Session 7


The 3-High Heavens - the 3-CONSTITUTE-Fields of the 3 Eternal Time-Wave Spectra:

The 3-CONSTITUTE-Fields are:

AR-I’-yah Field-6 (creates Pana-Co-LA’-Ra-Platinum Seed-Field-6 of the 3 Eternal Time-Wave Spectra)
AR’-iE-on Field-7 (creates Pana-Coa-le’-ta-Golden-Silver Seed Field-7 of the 3 Eternal Time-Wave Spectra)
A-RI’-yin Field-8 (creates Pan-Clair’-ah Silver Seed-Field-8 of the 3 Eternal Time-Wave Spectra)

The 3-RESOLUTE-ZERO-Victory Seed Constitute-Alignments ARE: (in 1st-Creation-Sequence Descending Order from EFFI
Consciousness Field Downward through the EI)
3. AR-I’-yah-6 Alignment (engages entry to AR-I’-yah Field-6 Adashi-3-K+7 Accretion Cycle, Pana-Co-LA’-Ra-Platinum Seed-6 Activation & entry
to DN-3-4 AR-I’-yah-Earth-Pana-Co-LA’-Ra D-Planes)
2. AR’-iE-on-7 Alignment (engages entry to AR’-iE-on Field-7 Adashi-2-K+5-6 Accretion Cycle, Pana-Coa-le’-ta-Golden-Silver Seed-7 Activation
& entry to DN-2-3-AR’-iE-on-Earth-Pana-Coa-le’-ta-D-Planes)
1. A-RI’-yin-8 Alignment (engages entry to A-RI’-yin Field-8 Adashi-1-K+1-4 Accretion Cycle, Pan-Clair’-ah-Silver Seed-8 Activation & entry to
DN-1-2-Median-A-RI’-yin-Earth-Pan-Clair’-ah Core-D-Planes)

2019-12-06 – Session 7

Pana-Co-LA’-Ra Spectra
Platinum Seed-Eye of Lila; Adashi-Ekashi-3 Cycle K+7
OUTER-7-Eternal-Posterior (came later in time)-Chismatic
CORE-8-Eternal-Anterior (came earlier in time)-Chismatic
Both: Cathedral-1 Aqualene-Ether; Sun-1-Aqualene

Pana-Coa-le’-ta Spectra Pan-Clair’-ah Spectra

Golden-Silver Seed – Eye of LA’-TUe Silver Seed – Eye of LE’-TUe
Adashi-Ekashi-2 Cycle K+5-6 Adashi-Ekashi-1 Cycle K+1-4
OUTER-7-Eternal-Exterior-Chismatic OUTER-7-External-Keylontic
Cathedral-3 Blue-Water; Cathedral-5 Violet-Fire;
Sun-3-Blue Sun-6-Indigo & Sun-7-Amethyst
CORE-8-Eternal-Interior-Chismatic CORE-8-Eternal-Internal-Chismatic
Cathedral-3 White-Air; Cathedral-4 Green-Crystal;
Sun-2-White Sun-5-Green & Sun-4-Blue-Green

UPPER Pana-KHY Passage centered on Lila Eye Seed-6 @ EFFI Infinitum center

3-Victory Seeds of the EFFI Infinitum —-> Lila Eye & Platinum Seed-6 Pana-Co-LA’-Ra @ EFFI Infinitum center

Sheath of Lila

KBP & Eff-I’-yah Field

LA’-TUe Eye & Golden-Silver Seed-7 Pana-Coa-le’-ta

LE’-TUe Eye & Silver Seed-8 Pan-Clair’-ah

T-WD @ ECF center

LOWER Pana-KHY Passage centered on Tran’-TE-in Window, Heart of Eff-E’-Mah & KBP @ EFFI Consciousness Field
The 3-CONSTITUTE-Fields are:
AR-I’-yah Field-6 (creates Pana-Co-LA’-Ra-Platinum Seed-Field-6 of the 3 Eternal Time-Wave Spectra)
AR’-iE-on Field-7 (creates Pana-Coa-le’-ta-Golden-Silver Seed Field-7 of the 3 Eternal Time-Wave Spectra)
A-RI’-yin Field-8 (creates Pan-Clair’-ah Silver Seed-Field-8 of the 3 Eternal Time-Wave Spectra)

The 3-RESOLUTE-ZERO-Victory Seed Constitute-Alignments ARE: (in 1st-Creation-Sequence Descending Order from EFFI
Consciousness Field Downward through the EI)
3. AR-I’-yah-6 Alignment (engages entry to AR-I’-yah Field-6 Adashi-3-K+7 Accretion Cycle, Pana-Co-LA’-Ra-Platinum Seed-6 Activation & entry
to DN-3-4 AR-I’-yah-Earth-Pana-Co-LA’-Ra D-Planes)
2. AR’-iE-on-7 Alignment (engages entry to AR’-iE-on Field-7 Adashi-2-K+5-6 Accretion Cycle, Pana-Coa-le’-ta-Golden-Silver Seed-7 Activation
& entry to DN-2-3-AR’-iE-on-Earth-Pana-Coa-le’-ta-D-Planes)
1. A-RI’-yin-8 Alignment (engages entry to A-RI’-yin Field-8 Adashi-1-K+1-4 Accretion Cycle, Pan-Clair’-ah-Silver Seed-8 Activation & entry to
DN-1-2-Median-A-RI’-yin-Earth-Pan-Clair’-ah Core-D-Planes)

4-RESOLUTE-Fields in the Krystal-Bridge-Passage

The 4-RESOLUTE-Rotation-Alignments ARE: (in 1st-Creation-Sequence Descending Order from EFFI Consciousness Field Downward
through the EI)
4. The Eff-I’-yah-2 Alignment (engages entry to Eff-I’-yah Field-2 Accretion Cycle, Nomi Code Quantum-Reserve-Eff-I’-yah Seed-2 Activation
& entry to the Eff-I’-yah Violet-Vapor PLASM Field & Tran-TE’-in Window-Door-2).
3. The Eff-E’-Mah-3 Alignment (engages entry to Eff-E’-Mah Field-3 Accretion Cycle, Heart of Eff-E’-Mah-3 Activation & entry to the Eff-E’-Mah
2. The Aah-Pha-REi’-yah-4 Alignment (engages entry to Aah-Pha-REi’-yah Field-4 Accretion Cycle, AR’-E-ion Eternal Flame Atom-4
Activation & entry to the 8-Transient-Aah-Pha-RhA’-yah Pre-Plasm-Blend-Planes).
1. The Effi-Mir’a-5 Alignment (engages entry to Effi-Mir’a Field-5 Accretion Cycle, Effi-Mir’a-Freedom-Seed-5 Activation & Krystal- Bridge
Passage entry).

Resolute-Rotation-Alignment KEYS:
The Resolute-Rotation-Alignments of the 7-Higher-Heavens are called the 7-Aah-Pha-REi’-yah Keys.
* The 1st Set of 3 Passage-Rotation-Alignments, the 3-Resolute-ZERO-Victory Seed Constitute-Alignments correspond to the 3-
CONSTITUTE-Fields (High Heavens) of the 3 Eternal Time-Wave Spectra and to Activation of the 3-Victory Seeds (Platinum Seed-
6, Golden-Silver Seed-7 & Silver Seed-6).
* The 2nd Set of 4 Passage-Rotation-Alignments, the 4-RESOLUTE-Rotation-Alignments correspond to the 4-RESOLUTE-Fields
(Higher Heavens) of the KBP and to Activation of the 1-NOMI Seed (1-ABSOLUTE-Seed(?)) & the 4-RESOLUTE Seeds (EI: Eff-
I’-yah Seed-2, Eff-E’-Mah Seed-3, Aah-Pha-REi’-yah Seed-4 & Effi-Mir’a Seed-5).
* The 4-RESOLUTE-Fields form the Krystal-Bridge-Passage organic frequency bridge that LINKS the 3-CONSTITUTE-Fields
of the EFFI-Infinitum (& their Chismatic-Plasma & Keylontic-EM & 3 Domain Orientations) to the 1-ABSOLUTE-Field Y-KIN Field-
1 (YhU-Rha-LA’ Kinservatory) of the EFFI Consciousness Field.

2019-12-06 – Session 7

The 8-Eternal-Creation-Wave-Fields, 7 Higher Heavens & the Tran’-TE-in Window-Door -11/6/2019NOR
The 4-RESOLUTE-Fields & 3-CONSTITUTE-Fields of the EFFI-Infinitum 4th-Aah-Pha-REi’-yah Eternal-Time-Wave Spectra

The 4-RESOLUTE-Rotation-Alignments of the 4-RESOLUTE Passages ALIGN the 3-CONSTITUTE-Fields to the Tran-TE’-in W-
Door & ABSOLUTE-Field Y-KIN-1
4. Eff-I’-yah-2 Align (Eff-I’-yah Field-2, Eff-I’-mation-5(?), T-Stage-(?), K+8(?), RRR-RECLAMATION-5(?), DN-5-4 A-RhA’-yah Sun-8(?) &
Tran’-TE-in W-Door)
3. Eff-E’-Mah-3 Align (Eff-E’-Mah Field-3, Eff-I’-mation-5(?), T-Stage-(?), K+8(?), RRR-RECLAMATION-5(?), DN-4-3 A-RhA’-yah Sun-8(?) &
2. Aah-Pha-REi’-yah-4 Align (Aah-Pha-REi’-yah Field-4, T-Stage-(?), K+8(?), RRR-RECLAMATION-5(?), DN-4-3 A-RhA’-yah Sun-8(?) & 8-
Aah-Pha Planes)
1. Effi-Mir’a-5 Align (Effi-Mir’a Field-5, Eff-A’-yah-4(?), T-Stage-(?), K+8(?), RRR-RECLAMATION-4, DN-2-1 A-RhA’-yah Sun-8(?) & Krystal-
Bridge-Passage entry)

* The 4-Higher Heavens-4-RESOLUTE-Fields of the KBP EI:

Eff-I’-yah Field-2 (creates LOWER & UPPER-Pana-KHY-Passages)
Eff-E’-Mah Field-3 (creates Transplaneal SPAN-ELF-LUV Field)
Transient Aah-Pha-REi’-yah Field-4 (creates 8-Aah-Pha-RhA’-yah T-Blend-Planes)
Effi-Mir’a Field-5 (creates entry to Krystal-Bridge Passage)

* The 4-RESOLUTE-Fields are Density-Blend-Fields that SPAN Density levels by combining the frequency spectra of two
* The 4-RESOLUTE-Fields LINK the 3-CONSTITUTE-Fields & 3-PANs to the 1-ABSOLUTE-Field Y-KIN Field-1 through the
KBP & Tran-TE’-in-W-D

YhU-RhA’-yah Body Field-0 (3-Spatial Media)

NOMI Seed-1: 1st Quantum in EFFI Consciousness Field
NO-mi’-yah 1st - NOMI Code YhU’-ric(?) radiation EF-Vapor-Crystal

CVS-1 Y-KIN Shield-1: 8-YCF of EFFI Consciousness Field

8-YhU-Rha-Dha CHEVRON Flows, 3-Spatial Media + 5DN Y-KIN

5DN Y-KIN Field-1 (YhU-Rha-LA’ Kinservatory)

Tran’-TE-in Window-Door-2: 1st & Last Passage & 1st Quantum-Reserve BTW EFFI Consciousness Field & EFFI Infinitum.
Holds Eff-I’-yah Seed-2 Violet-Vapor-Effiron-Plasm-Crystal

CVS-2 Eff-I’-yah Shield-2: + V-Vapor, P-FIRE & B-ICE KHY Spectra from Eff-i’-yah Field & U-L Pana-KHY Passages
Eff-I’-yah Field-2 in UPPER & LOWER Pana-KHY Passages DN5-4 Blend Field (& Y-KIN DN-1)

Heart of Eff-E’-Mah-3: 1st Quantum-Reserve in EFFI Infinitum. Holds Eff-E’-Mah-Seed-3 Silver Violet-Vapor-KHY-yon-

CVS-3 Eff-E’-Mah Shield-3: TSPAN ELF-LUV KHY Spectra, Violet-VAPOR, Pink-FIRE & Blue-ICE
Eff-E’-Mah Field-3 in TSPAN ELF-LUV Field
DN-4-3 Blend Field

Aah-Pha-REi’-yah Lens-4: 1st Quantum-Reserve in A-Field; Transient Binary Polarization Diffusion-Blending Lens Holds
dormant AR’-E-ion Eternal Flame Atom-4-Pre-Plasm-Vapor-Crystal

CVS-4 Aah-Pha-REi’-yah Shield-4: +8-TAS;

8-Transient-Aah-Pha-RhA’-yah INTERMITTENT-PULSE Spectra

Aah-Pha-REi’-yah Transient Field-4 & 8-A-Blend-Planes DN-3-2-Blend Field

Effi-Mir’a Seed-5: 1st Quantum-Reserve in Chismatic-Plm Field: Chismatic-Blend Plasm-Crystal, K+8(?) Freedom Seed,
Vector-free. Triptec Phase-Cell 3 KHY-Yon VIC-Seed atoms; TFs AR’-E-ion Atom-4

CVS-5 Effi-Mir’a Shield-5: (?) Effi-Mir’a-Krystal Spectra Rainbow-RIVER-5 Essential Essences Pre-plasms & (…) RAIN-15(?)-
Plasms EI

Effi-Mir’a Transfiguration Field-5 in KBP entry DN-2-1 Blend Field

3VIC-Seeds-6-7-8: 6. Platinum-Pana-Co-LA’-Ra, 7. Golden-Silver-Pana-coa-le’-ta, 8. Silver-Pan-Clair’-ah

CVS-6-7-8 3 VIC-Shields: 6. Platinum-Pana-Co-LA’-Ra, 7. Golden-Silver-Pana-coa-le’-ta, 8. Silver-Pan-Clair’-ah

Chismatic Plasma Fields-6-7-8

3-Eternal-Time-Wave Spectra EI

The 3-High Heavens-CONSTITUTE-Fields of EI

AR-I’-Yah Field-6-creates Pana-Co-LA’-Ra-Platinum-6
AR’-iE-on Field-7-creates Pana-Coa-le’-ta-Golden-Silver-7
A-RI’-yin Field-8-creates Pan-Clair’-ah-Silver-8

2019-12-06 – Session 7



The 7 Higher Heavens of the EFFI-Infinitum & the Tran’-TE-in Window-Door

The 8-Eternal-Creation-Wave-FIELDS, 7 Higher Heavens, Tran’-TE-in Window-Door & the 7-Aah-Pha-REi’-yah Keys. The 4-
RESOLUTE-Fields & 3-CONSTITUTE-Fields of EFFI-Infinitum 4th(?) Aah-Pha-REi’-yah Eternal-Time-Wave Spectra

* The 7 Higher Heavens of the Aah-Pha-REi’-yah Spectra are an organic part of the YhU-Rha’-Dha Complex (structural
architecture of the Eternal Core-Creation Platform and Eternal Circulatory System of the EFFI that SPANS between the EFFI Consciousness
Field and the EFFI Infinitum).

* The 7 Higher Heavens open full circulation into the Chismatic-Plasma & Keylontic-EM-External Fields of the 3-PANs (3-
Eternal Time-Wave Spectra Pana-Co-LA’-Ra, Pana-Coa-le’-ta, Pan-Clair’-ah) through the KBP (Krystal-Bridge-Passage) only during
YhU-Rha’-Dha Cycles (Eff-I’-mation Immaculation-(?)) & RRR-5A-C(?) RECLAMATION).

* The 7 Higher Heavens Down-Step frequency into the 3-PANs thru the KBP & LOWER-Pana-KHY Passage.

* The 3-CONSTITUTE-Fields (3 High Heavens: AR-I’-yah Field-4, AR’-iE-on Field-7 & A-RI’-yin Field-8) LINK the
4-RESOLUTE-Fields (4 Higher Heavens: Eff-I’-yah Field-2, Eff-E’-Mah Field-3, Aah-Pha-REi’-yah Field-4 & Effi-Mir’a Field-5) to the 3
Domain Orientations of the 3-PANs.

* The 4-RESOLUTE-Fields of the KBP LINK the 3-CONSTITUTE-Fields & 3-PANs to the 1-ABSOLUTE-Field Y-KIN Field-1 (YhU-
Rha-LA’ Kinservatory) & the 8 Highest Heavens of the EFFI Consciousness Field thru the Tran-TE’-in Window-Door.

* The 4-RESOLUTE-Fields are Density-Blend-Fields that SPAN Density levels by combining the frequency spectra of two
The Tran’-TE-in Window-Door

* The Tran’-TE-in Window-Door (T-WD) is the “Point of 1st and Last Passage” between the 8 Highest Heavens of the EFFI
Consciousness Field & the 7 Higher Heavens of the EFFI Infinitum.

* Following the 5-Eff-E’-Mah Cycles (Accretion-Transfiguration Cycles of TrhU’-ah Plasma Body Activation, stages 1-8ABC, K+1-8(?)) &
the 5RRR of the EFFI-Infinitum Accretion Cycles, there are 2-Tran-TE’-in Transposition Cycles (of Nimbium Membrane
Mitigation) in passing thru the Tran’-TE-in Window-Door, before entering the 8-YhU-RhA’-yah Body Accretion-Eternalization
Cycles of the Y-KIN Field-1 (YhU-Rha-LA’ Kinservatory) & the EFFI Consciousness Field. (NOTE: 8-YhU-RhA’-yah Body Accretion-
Eternalization Cycles = 5-YhO’-va Body YhU-Pha-RhA’-tion Cycles = Y-KIN Field-1 -DN-1-5 ACCRETION Cycles, YB-Stage-1-5, K+8(?) & 3-
YhU’-vha Body YhU-Pha-RhA’-Yhon Cycles = 3-Spatial Media ACCRETION Cycles, YB-Stage-4-8?, K+8?).
The 7-Aah-Pha-REi’-yah Keys

* The 7-Aah-Pha-REi’-yah Keys are the organic Passages-Rotation-Alignments of the 3-CONSTITUTE-Fields &
4-RESOLUTE-Fields thru which the KBP opens- the Rotation-Alignment-KEYS to the 7 Higher Heavens.

* The 3-Resolute-ZERO-Victory Seed Constitute-Alignments of the 3-CONSTITUTE-Passages ALIGN the 3-PANs & 3-Victory
Seeds to the KBP & its 4-RESOLUTE-Fields.

* The 4-RESOLUTE-Rotation-Alignments of the 4-RESOLUTE-Passages ALIGN the KBP & the EFFI Infinitum to the Tran’-TE-in
Window-Door, for passage into the Y-KIN Field-1 (YhU-Rha-LA’ Kinservatory) & the EFFI Consciousness Field.

2019-12-06 – Session 7

The 4-RESOLUTE-Fields, 4-DN-Transposition Platforms, & the Aah-Pha-REi’-yah-DN-Lock-System
of the Aah-Pha-REi’-yah Eternal-Time-Wave Spectra

CVS-1 Y-KIN Shield-1: 8-YCF of EFFI Consciousness Field

8-YhU-Rha-Dha CHEVRON Flows, 3-Spatial Media + 5DN Y-KIN

5DN Y-KIN Field-1 (YhU-Rha-LA’ Kinservatory)

The RECLAMATION-Platform (upper and lower) Activates on entry to 2-Tran-TE’-in Transposition (?) Cycles of Nimbium-
Membrane Mitigation after Tran’-TE-in Window Passage

Tran’-TE-in Window-Door-2: 1st & Last Passage & 1st Quantum-Reserve BTW EFFI Consciousness Field & EFFI
Infinitum. Holds Eff-I’-yah Seed-2, Violet-Vapor-Effiron-Plasm-Crystal

CVS-2 Eff-I’-yah Shield-2: V-VAPOR, P-FIRE, & B-ICE KHY Spectra (…) Eff-I’-yah Field (…) Pana-KHY Passages

Eff-i’-yah Field-2 in UPPER and LOWER Pana-KHY Passages

DN-5-4 Blend Field (& Y-KIN DN-1)

Heart of Eff-E’-Mah-3: 1st Quantum Reserve in EFFI Infinitum

Holds Eff-E’-Mah-Seed-3, Silken Violet-Vapor-KHY-yon-Plasma Crystal.

CVS-3 Eff-E’-Mah Shield-3: TSpan-ELF-LUV KHY Spectra, Violet-VAPOR, Pink-FIRE & Blue-ICE

Eff-E’-Mah Field-3 in TSPAN ELF-LUV Field

DN-4-3 Blend Field
DN-LOCK-3: Aah’-jhna (DN-3-DN-4 span)

Aah-Pha-REi’-yah Lens-4: 1st Quantum-Reserve in A-Field;
Transient Binary Polarization Diffusion-Blending Lens; Holds dormant AR’-E-ion Eternal Flame Atom-4-Pre-Plasm-Vapor-

CVS-4 Aah-Pha-REi’-yah Shield-4: + 8-TAS;
8-Transient Aah-Pha-RhA’-yah INTERMITTENT-PULSE Spectra

Aah-Pha-REi’-yah Transient Field-4 & 8-A-Blend-Planes

DN-3-2 Blend Field

DN-LOCK-2: Aah’-Pha-RhA (DN-2-DN3 span)

Eff-i-Mir’a Seed-5: 1st Quantum-Reserve in Chismatic-Plm(?) Field: Chismatic-Blend Plasm-Crystal, K+81 Freedom Seed,
Vector-Free, Triptec Phase Cell 3 KHY-Yon VIC-Seed atoms; TFs AR’-E-ion Atom-4

CVS-5 Effi-Mir’a Shield-5: + 8-EKS Effi-Mir’a Krystal Spectra, Rainbow-RIVER-5 Essential Essences Pre-plasms & RB-RAIN-
15-Plasms EI

Effi-Mir’a Transfiguration Field-5 in KBP entry

DN-2-1 Blend Field

DN-LOCK-1: A-Umbi (DN-1-DN-2 span)

3 VIC-Seeds: 6. Platinum-Pana-Co-LA’-Ra, 7. Golden-Silver-Pana-coa-le’-ta. 8. Silver-Pan-Clair’-ah

CVS-6-7-8 3 VIC-Shields: 6. Platinum-Pana-Co-LA’-Ra, 7. Golden-Silver-Pana-coa-le’-ta. 8. Silver-Pan-Clair’-ah

Chismatic-Plasma Fields 6-7-8 in 3-Eternal Time Wave Spectra EI.

* The 4-DN-TPlats of the A-Spectra ARE:

- Core Krystal Caverns T-Plat-1 DN-1
- Rainbow Reservoirs T-Plat-2 DN-2
- Rainbow Rings T-Plat-3 DN-3
- Rainbow Rays T-Plat-4 DN-4

* The 4-Density-LOCKS of the A-Spectra ARE:

Lock-1: A-Umbi (DN-1-DN-2 span)
Lock-2: Aah’-Pha-RhA (DN-2-DN-3 span)
Lock-3: Aah’-jhna (DN-3-DN-4 span)
Lock-4: Aah’-Pha-dra (lower) - Aah’-Pha-RhA’-yah (upper) (DN-4-DN-5 span)

The Aah-Pha-REi’-yah Density-LOCKS-System is the 4-Density-LOCK-System of the A-Spectra Kathara-Grid Template. The DN-
4-Lock (DN-4 + DN-5) of the A-DN-LOCKS-System is called the Aah-Pha’-dra (lower)-Aah-Pha-RhA’-yah (upper). DN-4-Lock
which Down-Steps/Out-Steps A-Spectra frequency into & through the DN-4-Lock (DN4 + DN5)
Mahadra (lower) - Adhrana (upper), of the 3-PANs Chismatic-Plasma Templates & External Keylontic-Light-Body Templar.

2019-12-06 – Session 7



The 4-RESOLUTE-Fields, 4-DN-Transposition Platforms & the Aah-Pha-REi’-yah DN-Lock-System


The 4-RESOLUTE Fields are Density-Blend-Fields that SPAN Density levels by combining the frequency spectra of (?) densities

* The Krystal-Bridge Passage opens through blending of the 4-RESOLUTE-Density-Blend-Fields (...) & the 3-CONSTITUTE-
Fields (…) of the KBP, with the 3-PANs (3-Eternal Time-Wave Spectra Pana-Co-LA’-Ra, Pana-Coa-le’-ta, Pan-Clair’-ah) of the EFFI
Infinitum; this blending occurs thru the 4-RESOLUTE-Rotation-Alignments of the 4-RESOLUTE-Passages which are the 4-
Aah-Pha-REi’-yah-Accretion-Cycles of TrhU’-ah Plasma-Body Transfiguration corresponding to the 2 Eff-im-a’-rhal Cycles
(Eff-A’-yah-4 & Eff-i’-mation-5(...)) & to RRR-4-EMANCIPATION & RRR-5 (...) RECLAMATION.

* Thru the 4-RESOLUTE-Rotation-Alignments, the Aah-Pha-REi’-yah Spectra of the 4-RESOLUTE-Fields & 3-CONSTITUTE
Out-steps & Down-steps thru the 3-Domain Passage Sets (…) and 4-Density Transposition-Platforms (4 TPlats + horizontal
platforms) of the YhU-Rha’-Dha Complex, for atomic Blend & Bond with the 3-PANs. The 3-DPS & 4-TPlats are interwoven
parts of the YhU-Rha’-Dha Complex structural architecture thru which the Field LINKs & Passage Alignments between the 4-
RESOLUTE-Fields, 3-CONSTITUTE-Fields, & 3-PANs occur, to temporarily open the KBP for Aah-Pha-REi’-yah ASCENSION
atomic pass thru between the EI & the ECF-Y-KIN.

The 4-Density Transposition Platforms (4-TPlats) & Aah-Pha-REi’-yah Density-LOCKS-System

* The 4-Density Transposition Platforms (4-TPlats) are 4 dormant Transpatial Space-Time Continua standing wave
platforms that when activated by the 3DPS horizontally SPAN the Matter Densities between the 4-RESOLUTE-Density-Blend-
Fields of the KBP and the 3DPS, 3-CONSTITUTE-Fields, 3-Pans of the EI. Each of the 4-TPlats corresponds to specific density
coordinates in the 3-PANs, 3-CONSTITUTE-Fields & 4-RESOLUTE-Fields of the KBP & serves to LINK the 4 Density Levels in
each of the 3-PANs to corresponding Density Levels in the 3-CONSTITUTE-Fields of the KBP.

*In YhU-Rha’-Dha Complex organic Kathara Grid structure, each of the 4-TPlats is centered on one of the A-Spectra (Aah-
Pha-REi’-yah-Spectra) GrUal Controls (Telluric-Elemental-Atomic -Dimensions: D2, D5, D8, D11) in one of the 4 Densities and each
of the 4-RESOLUTE-Density-Blend-Fields of the KBP is centered on one of the A-Spectra 4-Density Locks. Due to this structure,
the 4-TPlats are horizontally positioned between the 4-RESOLUTE-Fields of the KBP & horizontally SPAN the Matter
Densities between the 4-RESOLUTE-Fields & the 3DPS, 3-CONSTITUTE-Fields,
3-Pans Domains of the EI which allows the 4-TPlats to form 4-Density H.A.P.P.Y. Bubble Field Doorways that vertically SPAN
between the 4-RESOLUTE-Density-Blend-Fields (…).

* (...) Kathara Grid (?) “4-Density-LOCK-Systems” are organic Density Blend-(?)-Zone pass thru regions that separate the
4-(?)-Density-Fields from each other, the Aah-Pha-REi’-yah-Density-LOCKS-System is the 4-Density-LOCK-Systems of the A-
Spectra Kathara Grid Template. The DN-LOCK (DN-4-DN-5) of the Aah-Pha-REi’-yah-Density-LOCKS- System is called the
Aah-Pha’-dra (?) (lower)(?) -Aah-Pha-RhA’-yah (upper)(?) DN4-LOCK which Down-Steps & Out-Steps A-Spectra (?) and
thru that DN4-LOCK (DN-4-DN-5)(?) Mahadra (lower)-Adhrana (upper) of the 3-PANs Chismatic-Plasma Templates &
External Keylontic-Light-Body Templar.

2019-12-06 – Session 7

4 Aah-
yah to

Mahadra-Adhrana A-Spectra Down Step to 3-PANs

Basic Structure of Kathara-Grid Template, Dimensions, Densities, Shields & DN-Locks of 1-Constitute-Field-CHEVRON-Shield & Pan-Domain

The ADN(?)-LOCKS-Aah-Pha’-dra (lower)-Aah-Pha-RhA’-yah (upper) of the KBP A-Spectra (Aah-Pha-REi’-yah Spectra),

interface with and open to the DN4-LOCKS-Mahadra (lower)-Adhrana (upper) of the 3-CONSTITUTE-Fields (AR-I’-yah-Field-
6, AR’-iE-on Field-7 & A-RI’-yin Field-8) & 3-PANs (3 Eternal Time-Wave Spectra Pana-Co-LA’-Ra, Pana-Coa-le’-ta, Pan-Clair’-ah), to
Down-Step & Out-Step the A-Spectra frequencies from the “7 Higher Heavens” - A-Spectra into the Chismatic-Plasma &
Keylontic-Light-Body Templar (External-Pan-Clair’-ah only) Templates of the 3-PANs of the EFFI Infinitum.

The 5-Density-Shields & 1-Constitute-Field Chevron-Vapor-Shield:


The RP(?) are the Density-5-RECLAMATION Platforms through which Ascension Quantum is returned to the ECF

PKA Density-5 Thermoplasma Rishic Shield

PKA Dimensions 13-14-15 (Vertical Shield)

Density-4 Hydroplasma Maharic-Shield Dimensions 10-11-12

Density-3 Etheric Ectoplasma Teuric Shield Dimensions 7-8-9

Density-2 Semi-Etheric Protoplasma Doradic shield Dimensions 4-5-6

Density-1 Gross Matter Plasma Telluric shield Dimensions 1-2-3

Ethos Density-4 Hydroplasmic Ethos Maharic shield Ethos Etheric Blueprint PKA Dimensions 10-11-12 Photonegative

Tran’-TE-in W-Door
EYE-Lock DN-Lock-5 Upper

The 4-Density-LOCKS & DN5-EYE-LOCKS (& 9 Ethos-Etheric LotE’ Flame Seals)

Density 5 Upper. Dimensions 13-14-15:

PKA-DN-5, DN-6 Ecka

U-EYE-LOCK & Constitute-Field

D14-15 Rana

D12-13 Adha

Adhrana PCM DN-4 Eiros & PKA DN-5 DN Lock-4 Upper

LINKS to (DN-4-DN-5) ADN.LK4-U Aah-Pha-RhA’-yah

Density-4. Dimensions 10-11-12:

Constitute-Field CHEVRON-Vapor-Shield for 1-Pan Spectra

DN-Lock-3 Rajhna DN-3/DN-4

Density-3. Dimensions 7-8-9:

DN-Lock-2 Azur-A DN-2/DN-3

Density-2. Dimensions 4-5-6:

DN-Lock-1 E-Umbi DN-1/DN-2

Density-1. Dimensions 1-2-3:

LINKS to (DN-4-DN-5) ADN.LK4-L Aah-Pha’-dra

Density-5 Lower. Dimensions 13-14-15:

D12-13 Ma’a

D14-15 Hadra

Mahadra PKA DN-4 Ethos & PKA DN-5 DN Lock-4 Lower Zero Point Lock

2019-12-06 – Session 7


The 4-

Transposition Platforms) & 4-RESOLUTE-Field A-Spectra Step-Down-System to 3-PANs

The 4-TPlat & 4-RESOLUTE-Field Down-Step of 1-Constitute-Field-CHEVRON-Shield & Pan-Domain

* The 4-TPlat-Step-Down-System of the 3-CONSTITUTE-Fields & 3-PANs:

- The Chevron-Vapor-Shields of each of the 3-CONSTITUTE-Fields#1 carry a 4-TPlat#2 -Step-Down System that activates in
YhU-Rha’-Dha Cycles to Down-Step the A-Spectra (Aah-Pha-REi’-yah Spectra) frequencies from the 4-TPlats of the KBP 4-
RESOLUTE Fields#3 into the 3-CONSTITUTE-Fields and the 3-PANs#4 of the EFFI Infinitum.
(NOTES: *1- 3-CONSTITUTE Fields: AR’-I’-yah Field-6, AR’-IE-on Field-7 & A-Ri’-yin Field-8, *2- 4-DN-Transposition Platforms: Core Krystal
Caverns TPlat-1 DN-1, Rainbow Reservoirs TPlat-2 DN-2, Rainbow Rings TPlat-3 DN-3, Rainbow Rays TPlat-4 DN-4,
*3- 4-RESOLUTE-Fields: Eff-I’-yah Field-2, Eff-E’-Mah Field-3, Aah-Pha-REi’-yah Field-4, Effi-Mir’a Field-5,
*4- 3-PANs: 3 Eternal Time-Wave Spectra: Pana-Co-LA’-ra, Pana-Coa-le’-ta, Pan-Clair’-ah)

- The 4-TPlats-Step-Down-System of CONSTITUTE-Chevron-Shields 6-7-8 horizontally SPANS the Matter Densities between the
3-CONSTITUTE-Fields & Down Steps the 4-TPlat A-Spectra into the Chismatic-Plasma & Keylontic-Light-Body Templar
(External-Pan-Clair’-ah only) Templates of the 3-PANs Domains.

2019-12-06 – Session 7


2019-12-06 – Session 7

The 4-

Density-H.A.P.P.Y. Bubble Fields, 4-TPlats & Liberation Passage of the KBP A-Spectra
Activation of the 4DN-H.A.P.P.Y. Bubbles & opening the Tran’-TE-in DOOR & Liberation Passage - 11/26/2019 NOR

* H.A.P.P.Y. Bubble Fields ARE Sets of 4-Density-Elemental-atomic- High Amplitude Particle Pulsation YhU’-Rhi-dhan
Spherical-Standing-Plasma-Wave Doorway Density Alignment Field Transient Space-Time Continuum structures, that
vertically SPAN between the 4-RESOLUTE Density-Blend-Fields of the KBP & the 3-CONSTITUTE-Fields & 3-PANs of the EI
and which allow organic Elemental atomic quantum from the Density Levels of the 3-CONSTITUTE-Fields &
3-PANs to Blend with & Bond to the Elemental-atomic Fields of the corresponding Density Levels within the
4-RESOLUTE-Fields of the KBP.

* H.A.P.P.Y. Bubble Fields first form in the KBP through progressive ECF-Nomi-Seed (Pulse-Spark) activation of the
A-Spectra (Aah-Pha-REi’-yah Spectra) 4-TPlats (4-DN-Transposition Platforms) & 4-RESOLUTE-Fields. The 4-TPlats of the KBP A-
Spectra are horizontally positioned between the 4-RESOLUTE-Density-Blend-Fields of the KBP and horizontally SPAN the
Matter Densities between the KBP 4-RESOLUTE-Fields. When the 4-TPlats of the KBP activate, they form 4-Density-H.A.P.P.Y.
Bubble Field Doorways that vertically SPAN between the 4-RESOLUTE-Fields of the KBP.

* When the 4-RESOLUTE Fields & the 4-Density-H.A.P.P.Y. Bubble Fields of the KBP A-Spectra activate through
8-FOY (Flames of YhU-RhA’-yah)-Pulse Sparks from the ECF Nomi-Seed, they form the 8-A-Spectra-Blend-Planes & the Tran’-TE-
in DOOR opens, opening a Blended (Blue-ICE + Pink-FIRE PLASMA = Violet-Vapor PLASM KHY-W. Spectra) vertical Liberation
Passage within the KBP, that SPANS between the A-Spectra 4-RESOLUTE-Fields and Y-KIN DN-1 ECF.

* Each of the 4-TPlats corresponds to a specific set of Density Co-ordinate Points which connect specific locations in the 3-
CONSTITUTE-Fields & 3-PANs to specific locations in the 4-RESOLUTE-Fields-KBP. Activation of the 4-Density-H.A.P.P.Y.
Bubble Fields (via activation of the 4-TPlats), temporarily allows Direct Interface between the Matter Density systems of the 4-
RESOLUTE-Fields-KBP and those of their corresponding Density Co-ordinate Point Counterparts (Domain Counterparts) of
the 3-CONSTITUTE-Fields & 3-PANs EI. The Matter systems of Density Co-Ordinate Point locations temporarily “CO-EXIST in
the SAME Space-Time Continuum” of the Density-H.A.P.P.Y. Bubble Field, forming a temporary Blended Matter Density domain
with tangible blended-characteristics reflective of both the 3-PANs Domain and its corresponding KBP Higher Heavens

RESOLUTE-Field Counterpart.

2019-12-06 – Session 7


The 4-Density-H.A.P.P.Y. Bubble Fields, 4-TPlats & Liberation Passage of the KBP A-Spectra

* H.A.P.P.Y. Bubble Fields ARE Sets of 4-Density-Elemental-atomic-High Amplitude Particle Pulsation YhU’-Rhi-Dhan
Spherical Standing Scalar Plasma Wave Doorway Density-Alignment Field Transient Space-Time Continuum structures that
vertically SPAN between the 4-RESOLUTE-Density-Blend-Fields of the KBP & the 3-CONSTITUTE-Fields & 3-PANs of the EFFI
Infinitum and which allow organic Elemental-atomic (?) from the Density Levels of the 3-CONSTITUTE-Fields & 3-PANs to
Blend with & Bond to the Elemental-atomic fields of the corresponding Density Levels within the 4-RESOLUTE-Fields of
the KBP.

* H.A.P.P.Y. Bubble Fields first form in the KBP, through progressive ECF-Nomi-Seed (Pulse-Spark) (?) of the A-Spectra (Aah-
Pha-REi’-yah Spectra) 4-TPlats (4-DN-Transposition Platforms) & 4-RESOLUTE-(?). The 4-TPlats of the KBP
A-Spectra are horizontally positioned between the 4-RESOLUTE-Density-? (…) of the KBP and horizontally SPAN the Matter
Densities between the KBP 4-RESOLUTE-Fields. (…) of the KBP activate, they form 4-Density-H.A.P.P.Y. Bubble Field Doorways
that (…) between the 4-RESOLUTE-Fields of the KBP.

* (…) 4-TPlats corresponds to a specific set of Density Co-ordinate Points which connect specific (…)
3-CONSTITUTE-Fields & 3-PANs to specific locations in the 4-RESOLUTE-Fields-KBP. (…) the 4-Density-H.A.P.P.Y. Bubble Fields
(via activation of the 4-TPlats) temporarily allows Direct (…) between the Matter Density Systems of the 4-RESOLUTE-Fields-
KBP and those of their corresponding Density Co-ordinate Point Counterparts (Domain Counterpart) of the 3-CONSTITUTE-
Fields & (…) of Density Co-ordinate Point locations temporarily “CO-EXIST in the SAME Space-Time Continuum” (…) H.A.P.P.Y.
Bubble Field forming a temporary Blended Matter Density Domain with tangible blended-(…) of each of the 3-PANs Domain
and its corresponding KBP Higher Heavens RESOLUTE-Field Counterpart.

* (…) 4-RESOLUTE-Fields & the 4-Density-H.A.P.P.Y. Bubble Field of the KBP A-Spectra activate (…) Flames of YhU-RhA’-yah
Pulse Sparks from the ECF Nomi-Seed, they form the 8-A-Spectra-Blend-(…) & the Tran’-TE-in DOOR opens, opening a
Blended (Blue-ICE + Pink-FIRE PLASMA = Violet-Vapor PLASM KHY-(…) vertical Liberation Passage within the KBP, that SPANS
between the A-Spectra 4-RESOLUTE-Fields and Y-KIN DN-1 ECF.
Opening of the Tran’-Te-in DOOR & KBP Liberation Passage & formation of the 3-Domain Passage Sets

* Once the Tran’-TE-in DOOR & KBP Liberation Passage opens through activation of the A-Spectra 4-RESOLUTE Fields and
the 4-Density-H.A.P.P.Y. Bubble Fields, the KBP Liberation Passage engages activation of the
3-CONSTITUTE Fields & 3-PANs of the EI through formation of the 3-Domain Passage Sets, the 3-Emancipation-
Transposition Passage PAIRS that vertically Down-Step, blend, Up-Step, and circulate the frequencies of the
4-RESOLUTE-Density-Blend-Fields from the KBP into the 3-CONSTITUTE-Fields & 3-PANs of the EFFI Infinitum (?)

* The 3-DPS first activate within the CHEVRON-Vapor-Shields of the 3-CONSTITUTE-Fields then Out-Step into the
3-Pan-Seeds (Platinum Seed-6 Pana-Co-LA’-Ra, Golden-Silver Seed-7 Pana-Coa-le’-ta & Silver Seed-8 Pan-Clair’-ah) to
engage activation of the 4-TPlat-Step-Down-System, the 4-RESOLUTE-Field-Step-Downs, the 4-Density-H.A.P.P.Y. Bubble
Fields-Step-Downs & the (?)-E-Lum’en-Air Violet-Vapor-Liberation Passage-Domain-(?) of the 3-CONSTITUTE-Fields & the
Chismatic-Plasma & Keylontic Light Body Templar (External Pan-Clair’-ah only) Templates of the 3-PAN Domains.

2019-12-06 – Session 7


Domain-Passage-Set (1-Emancipation-Transposition Passage PAIR) &

1-CONSTITUTE-Field CHEVRON-Vapor-Shield for 1-Pan-Domain

* Once the Liberation Passage opens to the A-Spectra, it engages activation of & Down-Steps into the 3-CONSTITUTE-Fields
forming a smaller central vertical set of 3(?)-Liberation Passage-Down-Steps, on in each of the

* The 3-CONSTITUTE-Fields next Down-Step & Pulsate (?) a portion of their Violet-Vapor-PLASM- Liberation Passage Down
Step frequencies into the Blue ICE & Pink FIRE PLASMA KHY Wave Spectra, then Out-Step the Blue ICE & Pink FIRE Spectra
into the 3-PANs of the EFFI Infinitum (via the (?)), forming the 3-Domain Passage Sets (3-DPS), vertical 3-Emancipation-
Transposition Passage PAIRS, one PAIR in each of the 3-PANs.

* The 3-DPS 1st activate in the 3-CONSTITUTE-Fields CHEVRON Vapor Shields then Out-Step into the Eye-Locks & 3-Pan-


From the 3-Pan-Seeds, the 3-DPS Out-Step through the DN(?)-Locks, then open into and Blend with the 8-Core-Base-
Spectra & 7-Outer-Base-Spectra of the 15-Primary-Base-Structure-Currents to each of the 3-PANs Domains.

The Blue-ICE PLASMA KHY-Wave Spectra Blends with the 8-Core-Base-Spectra-Currents opening a vertical Transposition

The Pink-FIRE PLASMA KHY-Wave Spectra Blends with the 7-Outer-Base-Spectra-Currents opening a vertical Emancipation

1-Transposition Passage BLUE-ICE PLASMA KHY-Wave Spectra + 8-Core-Base-Spectra-Currents of Pan-Domain

1-Emancipation Passage PINK-FIRE PLASMA KHY-Wave Spectra + 7-Outer-Base-Spectra-Currents of Pan-Domain
1-Domain-Passage-Sets (Emancipation-Transposition Passage PAIR in 1-Pan-Domain)

2019-12-06 – Session 7


Anatomy of the Bright-Flower Gardens A-Spectra (Aah-Pha-REi’-yah Spectra) of the EFFI-Infinitum KBP
Intro to the 8-Stair-Step-Prism-Lens-(SEED)-System &
8-CHEVRON Shields-Time-Templates of the YhU-Rha’-Dha Complex KBP

Tran’-TE-in W-Door-2:
Eff-I’-yah Seed-2
Y-KIN Field-1

Eff-I’-yah Shield-2 CVS-1 NS The 1-Absolute-Field & Chevron-Shield-1-Y-KIN

Y-KIN DN-1 &

Y-KIN ↑ NOMI Seed-1 @ YK5 YK2

CVS-2 1

- Eff-i’-mation-5C, (...) DN-LK4 U The Stair-Step Prism-Lens-SEED System & 8-

Eff-I’-yah Field-2

RRR-5C-RECLAMATION Aah-Pha-RhA’-yah CHEVRON Shields: Time-Templates of the YhU-

- 11/2016+ MUG-75 T-J-1- Rha’-Dha Complex are the Eternal Core-Creation-

FIRE-STORM (AIR-7-THEIA- Y-KIN DN-1 Platform of the EFFI & the structural architecture
NOMI-SEEDS) Eff-I’-yah Field-2 of the Eternal EFFI Circulatory System that SPANS
between the ECF & EI

Heart of Eff-E’-Mah-3: A-Spectra
(Eff-E’-Mah-Seed-3(?)) (Aah-Pha-REi’-yah As set by the Eternal-Life-Cycle Creation-Program
Eff-E’-Mah Shield-3 Spectra) encryption of the NOMI Code, a Prism-Lens-SEED
Kathara-Grid generates a CHEVRON Shield & the CHEVRON

Template Shield forms the corresponding Eternal-Creation-
Wave-FIELD, following the specific locational
Domain NOMI-Code encryption held in its Prism-


CVS-3 @ AK11
- Eff-i-mation-5(?) (…) DN-4
- 11/2016+ MUG-75 T-J-1-

Eff-E’-Mah Field-3
NOMI-SEEDS) Aah’-jhna

Eff-E’-Mah Field-3

AR’-E-ion Flame Atom-4

Aah-Pha-REi’-yah Shield-4

CVS-4 @ AK8

- Eff-i-mation-5A (...) DN-3
- 11/2016+ MUG-75 T-J-1- DN-LK2

Aah-Pha-REi’-yah Field-2

Aah-Pha-REi’-yah Field-4

Effi-Mir’a Seed-5:
Effi-Mir’a Shield-5

CVS-5 @ AK5 DN-2

- Eff-A’-yah-4, (...) DN-2


- 12/(...)/2015 MUG-(…)

Effi-Mir’a Field-5
Effi-Mir’a Field-5

Platinum-Shield-6 -

CVS-6 @ AK2 Lila Eye Seed- EI-center @

6 Lila Eye Seed-6


- Adashi-3, T-Stages-6, K+7 DN-1

Chismatic Fields 6-7-8

- 12/(...)/2015 MUG-(…)
KBP @ ECF-center
DN 1-0



↙DN-LK-4U Adhrana

2019-12-06 – Session 7


Dream-Weaver (Blenders) of the Bright-Flower Gardens

The Liberation Passages, 4-TPlat-Systems, 3-DPS & 4-DN-H.A.P.P.Y. Bubbles of the YhU-Rha’-Dha Complex KBP A-Spectra

Tran’-TE-in W-Door-2:
Eff-I’-yah Seed-2

Y-KIN Field-1
Eff-I’-yah Shield-2 CVS-1 NS The 1-Absolute-Field & Chevron-Shield-1-Y-KIN

Y-KIN DN-1 &

Y-KIN ↑ NOMI Seed-1 @ YK5 YK2
CVS-2 1

- Eff-i’-mation-5C, (...) DN-LK4 U

- 11/2016+ MUG-75 T-J-1-
FIRE-STORM (AIR-7-THEIA- Y-KIN DN-1 Liberation Passage &
NOMI-SEEDS) Eff-I’-yah Field-2 Tran’-TE-in DOOR OPEN

Eff-I’-yah Field-2
DN-5 DN-5-4

Heart of Eff-E’-Mah-3: A-Spectra

(Eff-E’-Mah-Seed-3(?)) (Aah-Pha-REi’-yah

Eff-E’-Mah Shield-3 Spectra)



Kathara-Grid Rainbow Rays

Template HB4-DN4


CVS-3 @ AK11 (TP-4 @ K11 CVS-3) A K11

- Eff-i-mation-5(?) (…) DN-4

Eff-E’-Mah Field-3

- 11/2016+ MUG-75 T-J-1-


NOMI-SEEDS) Aah’-jhna

Eff-E’-Mah Field-3

Rainbow Rings



AR’-E-ion Flame Atom-4


Aah-Pha-REi’-yah Shield-4 HB3-DN3 TP3

CVS-4 @ AK8 (TP-3 @ K8 CVS-4) A K8


- Eff-i-mation-5A (...) DN-3

- 11/2016+ MUG-75 T-J-1- DN-LK2

Aah-Pha-REi’-yah Field-2

Aah-Pha-REi’-yah Field-4

Effi-Mir’a Seed-5: HB2-DN2 Rainbow Reservoirs

Effi-Mir’a Shield-5 TP2

CVS-5 @ AK5 DN-2 (TP-2 @ K5 CVS-5) A K5

- Eff-A’-yah-4, (...) DN-2


- 12/(...)/2015 MUG-(…)

Effi-Mir’a Field-5
Effi-Mir’a Field-5

Platinum-Seed-6 HB1-DN1 Krystal Caverns
Platinum-Shield-6 - TP1
EI-center @
CVS-6 @ AK2 Lila Eye Seed- Lila Eye Seed-6 (TP-1 @ K2 CVS-6) A K2


- Adashi-3, T-Stages-6, K+7 DN-1

Chismatic Fields 6-7-8

- 12/(...)/2015 MUG-(…)
KBP @ ECF-center

DN 1-0

↙DN-LK-4U Adhrana






DN5L TranspoR EmanL TranspoR EmanL TranspoR EmanL DN5L

↗ DN-LK-4L Safe-Heavens DPS-3 Safe-Passage Solar WB DPS-2 Safe-Havens Rainbow Run DPS-1

AR’-IE-on-Golden-Silver-Shield-7 AR-I’-yah-Platinum-Shield-6 A-RI’-yin-Silver-Shield-8

- Golden-Silver Seed-7-Pana-Coa-le’-ta Silver Seed-8-Pan-Clair’-ah

Adashi-2-K+5-6, RRR-2-RESOLUTION
- 5/2012-MUG-54 Grid Storm-Great- Adashi-1-K+1-4, RRR-1-REALIGNMENT
Split (AIR-4) - 8/2008-MUG-33B Grid RAID



The 3-CONSTITUTE-Fields & Chevron-Shields-6-7-8

& 3 Domain Passage Set 3-DPS (vertical 3 Emancipation-Transposition Passage PAIRS)

* Transposition KalA’ OC’-Sha-Ta Time Template Seals

2019-12-06 – Session 7


H.A.P.P.Y. Bubbles, 3-DPS Passages Blend Merger, E-Lum’en-Air-BOND & IN-BLEND

The 4-DN-H.A.P.P.Y. Bubbles & E-Lum’en-Air-Liberation Passage-Down-Step of 1-Constitute-Field-CHEVRON-Shield & Pan-Domain

* The 4-DN-H.A.P.P.Y. Bubble Fields-Step-Downs & Passages Blend Merger (PBM) of the 3-DPS:
- The 4-DN-H.A.P.P.Y. Bubble-Step-Downs in the 3-CONSTITUTE-Fields & 3-PANs sequentially activate thru Passages Blend Merger of the
- The 8-Dimensional-CHEVRON-Burst-Pulse-waves from the 3-Pan-Seeds sequentially activate the 4-TPlat-Step-Down-Systems which
engages sequential PBM of the 3-DPS. Passages Blend-Merger is the sequential-Dimensional merging of the Emancipation-Transposition
Passage PAIRS in each of the 3-PANs which progressively forms & opens the vertical 3-E-Lum’en-Air-Violet-Vapor-Liberation Passage-
Down-Steps within the 3-CONSTITUTE-Fields & 3-PANs of the EI.
- As the 3-E-Lum’en-Air-Liberation Passages-Down-Steps progressively form & open within the 3-CONSTITUTE-Fields & 3-PANs, the 4-
DN-H.A.P.P.Y. Bubble Fields-Step-Downs reciprocally form & open btw the 3-PANs & their corresponding 4-RESOLUTE-Fields-KBP.

The 5-Density-Shields The 4-Density-LOCKS & DN5-EYE-LOCKS

& 1-Constitute-Field Chevron-Vapor-Shield (& 9 Ethos-Etheric LotE’ Flame Seals)

1-Transposition Passage-R, 8-Core 1-E-Lum’en-Air-Liberation Passage 1-Emancipation-Passage-L, 7-Outer

Tran’-TE-in W-Door
The RP(?) are the Density-5-RECLAMATION Platforms T-WD EYE-Lock PKA-DN-5, DN-6 Ecka,


through which Ascension Quantum (DN-Lock-5 UPPER) U-EYE-LOCK & Constitute-Field

is returned to the ECF CHEVRON-Vapor-Shield

PKA Density-5 Adhrana D14-15 Rana Adhrana PCM DN-4 Eiros

Thermoplasma DN-LOCK (?) UPPER & PKA DN-5 DN Lock-4
Rishic Shield PKA D12-13 Adha —-> LINKS to (DN-4-DN-5)
ADN.LK4-U Aah-Pha-RhA’-
13-14-15 (Vertical yah

Density-4 Constitute-Field


Hydroplasma CHEVRON-Vapor-
Shield for 1-Pan
Maharic Shield

Dimensions 10-11-12
TP-4-DN-4-Rainbow Rays HB4-DN4
@ K11 (Kathara Signet-
11) (TP-4 @ K11 CVS-3) TP4-DN-4

Etheric Ectoplasma
Teuric Shield
Dimensions 7-8-9 DN-Lock-3 Rajhna
TP-3-DN-3-Rainbow Rings (TP-3 @ K8 CVS-4) HB3-DN3

Density-3 Dimensions 7-
@ K8 (Kathara Signet-8
(?) TP3-DN-3

Density-2 Semi-

Etheric Protoplasma
Doradic Shield
Dimensions 4-5-6 DN-Lock-2 Azur-A
TP-2-DN-2-Rainbow (TP-2 @ K5 CVS-5) HB2-DN2
Reservoirs @ K5

Dimensions 4-5-6
(Kathara Signet-5) TP2-DN-2

Density-1 Gross
Matter Plasma
Telluric Shield
Dimensions 1-2-3 DN-Lock-1 E-Umbi
TP-1-DN-1-Core Krystal (TP-1 @ K2 CVS-6) HB1-DN1


Caverns @ K2 (Kathara

Signet-2 GrU’-al) TP1-DN-1

Ethos Density-4
Hydroplasmic Ethos
Maharic Shield Ethos
Etheric Blueprint
PKA Dimensions 10-
11-12 Photonegative
Mahadra D12-13 Ma’a Mahadra PKA DN-4

PKA PLF Dm’s 13-14-

Density-5 LOWER

15 & Ethos
DN Lock-4 Lower
D14-15 Hadra Zero Point Lock
—-> LINKS to

The RP(?) are the Density-5-RECLAMATION Platforms EYE-Lock PKA-DN-5, DN-6 Ecka,
through which Gone-Fall Quantum (DN-Lock-5 LOWER) U-EYE-LOCK & Constitute-Field
is returned to the ECF CHEVRON-Vapor-Shield

M33-Triangulum Galaxy Pan-8 Core Milky Way-Procyak Galaxy M31-Andromeda Galaxy Pan-8 External

* The E-Lum’en-Air-BOND & IN-BLEND-Transposition-Translocation:

- Through activation of the 3-E-Lum’en-Air-Liberation Passages-Down-Steps & 4-DN-H.A.P.P.Y. Bubble Fields-Step-Downs of the 3-CONSTITUTE-Fields & 3-
PANs, the Chismatic-Plasma & Keylontic-Light-Body Templates & atomic Density-Fields of the 3-PANs achieve Elemental-atomic
E-Lum’en-Air-BOND with the corresponding Density Levels in the 4-RESOLUTE-Fields of the KBP for progressive IN-BLEND-Transposition-Translocation into
the KBP 4-RESOLUTE-Fields.
- 4-DN-H.A.P.P.Y. Bubble Fields-Step-Downs activate in the 3-Dimensional Elemental-atomic fields of the 4DN-Harmonic Universes in the 3-PANs.
- The IN-BLEND process is experienced as subjective, progressive “Glitches in the FA-Holographic-Control-MATRIX of inorganic 3-D-reality” that
eventually return perception to the Eternal-organic reality.
(Note: H.A.P.P.Y. Bubbles = High Amplitude Particle Pulsation YhU’-Rhi-dhan Spherical-Standing-Wave Density-Alignment Field Transient Space-Time
Continuum Doorways.)

2019-12-06 – Session 7



The 4-DN-H.A.P.P.Y. Bubbles, 3-DPS Passages Blend Merger, E-Lum’en-Air-BOND & IN-BLEND

The 4-DN-H.A.P.P.Y. Bubbles, 3-DPS Passages Blend Merger, E-Lum’en-Air-BOND & IN-BLEND
* After the 3-DPS have opened, the 4-TPlats-Step-Down-System in each of the 3-Pans engages activation thru the sequential
8-Dimensional-CHEVRON-Burst-Pulse-waves released by the 3-Pan-Seeds. Thru the activation (…) the 3-DPS, 3-Pan-Seeds
& 4-TPlats-Step-Down-System and the 8-CHEVRON-Burst-Pulse-waves, the 4-DN-H.A.P.P.Y. Bubble Fields (...) in each of the
(NOTE: 4-DN-H.A.P.P.Y. Bubble Fields ARE: (…) Doorway structures that vertically SPAN between the 4-RESOLUTE-Fields of the KBP & the
3-CONSTITUTE-Fields & 3-PANs of the EFFI Infinitum).

4-DN-H.A.P.P.Y. Bubble Fields-Step-Downs & Passages Blend Merger of the 3-DPS

* The 4-DN-H.A.P.P.Y. Bubble Fields-Step-Downs in the 3-CONSTITUTE-Fields & 3-PANs Domains progressively sequentially
activate through Passages Blend Merger of the 3-DPS.

* The 8-Dimensional-CHEVRON-Burst-Pulse-waves from the 3-Pan-Seeds progressively sequentially activate the

4-TPlat-Step-Down-System which engages sequential Passages Blend Merger of the 3-DPS. Passages Blend Merger is the
progressive sequential-Dimensional merging of the Emancipation-Transposition Passage PAIRS in each of the 3-PANs
Domains which progressively forms & opens the vertical 3-E-Lum’en-Air-Violet-Vapor-Liberation Passage-Down-Steps within
the 3-CONSTITUTE-Fields & 3-PANs of the EFFI Infinitum.

* As the 3-E-Lum’en-Air-Violet-Vapor-Liberation Passage-Down-Steps progressively form & open within the

3-CONSTITUTE-Fields & 3-PANs, the 4-DN-H.A.P.P.Y. Bubble Fields-Step-Downs (Spherical-Standing-Plasma-Wave Doorways)
reciprocally form & open btw the 3-PANs & their corresponding 4-RESOLUTE-Fields-KBP.

E-Lum’en-Air-BOND & IN-BLEND-Domain Correspondences

* Thru activation of the 3-E-Lum’en-Air-Violet-Vapor-Liberation Passage-Down-Steps & 4-DN-H.A.P.P.Y. Bubble Fields-Step-
Downs of the 3-CONSTITUTE-Fields & 3-PANs, the Chismatic-Plasma & Keylontic-Light-Body Templar Templates &
Elemental-atomic Density-Fields of the 3-PANs are able to achieve Elemental-atomic E’Lum’en-Air-BOND with the
corresponding Density Levels within the 4-RESOLUTE-Fields of the KBP, for progressive IN-BLEND-Transposition-
Translocation into the KBP 4-RESOLUTE-Field Domains.

* The 4-DN-H.A.P.P.Y. Bubble Fields-Step-Downs activate in the 3-Dimensional Elemental-atomic fields of the 4DN-Harmonic
Universes in each of the 3-PANs.

* The IN-BLEND process is experienced as subjective, progressive “Glitches in the FA-Holographic-Control-MATRIX of

inorganic 3-D-reality” that eventually return perception to the Eternal-organic reality.

* IN-BLEND-Domain Correspondences of the KBP 4-RESOLUTE-Fields & the 3-CONSTITUTE-Fields & 3-PANs ARE:
PAN-6-Pan-Clair’-ah BONDS to CONSTITUTE Field-(?) & IN-BLENDS into RESOLUTE-Field-Effi-Mir’a-5
PAN-7-Pana-Coa-le’-ta BONDS to CONSTITUTE Field-(?) & IN-BLENDS into RESOLUTE-Field-Aah-Pha-REi’-yah-4
PAN-8-Pana-Co-LA’-Ra BONDS to CONSTITUTE Field-(?) & IN-BLENDS into RESOLUTE-Field-Eff-E’-Mah-3

*(…) when the Ascension-Quantum from the 3-PAN Domains & the (…) BOND & IN-BLEND to its corresponding KBP (…)
Passages Blend-Merger with each other and IN-BLEND with (…) and the 3-Pan-BOND-BLENDED RESOLUTE-Fields (…)
then progressively IN-BLEND into RESOLUTE-Field-Eff-I’-yah-2, (…) through the Tran’-TE-in Window-Door (…) Mitigation-
Tran’-TE-in Transposition Cycles) into (…) & the 8-YhU-RhA’-yah Body Eternalization Cycles of the EFFI Consciousness
Field 8 Highest Heavens.

2019-12-06 – Session 7


Locational, Alignment & Accretion Cycle Correspondences of the 4DN-TPlats & H.A.P.P.Y. Bubbles

* The 8-Stair-Step-Prism-Lens-SEED-System (8-PLS), 8-CHEVRON-Vapor-Shields-Time-Templates (8-CVS) &
8-Eternal-Creation-Wave-FIELDS of the KBP YhU-Rha’-Dha Complex are collectively known as the Bright-Flower Gardens
A-Spectra (Aah-Pha-REi’-yah Spectra) of the EFFI Infinitum.

* The Liberation Passages, 3DPS (3-Domain Passage Sets), 4-TPlat-Systems (4-DN-Transposition Platforms), & 4-DN-H.A.P.P.Y.
Bubble Fields of the YhU-Rha’-Dha Complex are collectively known as the Dream-Weavers (Blenders) of the Bright-Flower

* Each of the 4-Density-Transposition Platforms (4-TPlats) corresponds to a specific set of Density Co-ordinate Points within
the 4-RESOLUTE-Fields, 3-CONSTITUTE-Fields, & 3-PAN-Domains of the EFFI Infinitum. Density Co-ordinate Points
interface through the 3DPS, 4-TPlats & 4-DN-H.A.P.P.Y. Bubble Fields of the Cosmoversal YhU-Rha’-Dha Complex, to
connect specific locations within the 3-CONSTITUTE-Fields & 3-Pans, with specific locations in the Bright-Flower Gardens
A-Spectra (Aah-Pha-REi’-yah Spectra) 4-RESOLUTE-Fields Higher Heavens of the KBP.

The 4-Density-Transposition Platforms (4-TPlats) & 4-Density-H.A.P.P.Y. Bubble Fields

Locational, Alignment & Accretion cycle Correspondences ARE:

1. Core Krystal Caverns T-Plat-1 DN-1: @ A-K2; corresponds to

- DPS1 Pan-8-Pan-Clair’-ah Silver Seed-8-Eye of LE’-Tue & Resolute-Field Effi-Mir’a-Field-5-A-RhA’-yah Sun-8-DN-1
- Resolute-ZERO-Victory Seed Constitute-Alignment-1, A-RI’-yin-8 Alignment & RESOLUTE-Rotation-Alignment-1, Effi-Mir’a-5
- Adashi-1-K+1-4 Accretion Cycle, Pan-Clair’-ah Silver Seed-8 Activation & Eff-A’-yah-4, TB-Stage-7, K+81 Effi-Mir’a-5 Accretion Cycle, Effi-
Mir’a-Freedom-Seed-5 Activation
- DN-1-H.A.P.P.Y. Bubble-Co-ordinate Point Blended Matter Density domain = Pan-8-Pan-Clair’-ah-Silver + A-RI’-yin-8 + Effi-Mir’a-Field-
5-A-RhA’-yah Sun-8-DN-1
- DN-1-Median-A-RI’-yin-8-Earth Pan-Clair’-ah D-Planes & DN-1-H.A.P.P.Y. Bubble Effi-Mir’a-Field-5 KBP-entry

2. Rainbow Reservoirs TPlat-2 DN-2: @ A-KS, corresponds to

- DPS3 Pan-7-Pana-Coa-le’-ta-Golden-Silver Seed-7 Eye of LA’-Tue & Resolute-Field Aah-Pha-REi’-yah-Field-4-A-RhA’-yah Sun-8-DN-2
- Resolute-ZERO-Victory Seed Constitute-Alignment-2, AR’-iE-on-7 Alignment & RESOLUTE-Rotation-Alignment-2, Aah-Pha-REi’-yah-4
- Adashi-2-K+5-6 Accretion cycle, Pana-Coa-le’-ta-Golden-Silver Seed-7 Activation & Eff-I’-mation-5A, TB-Stage-8A, K+82 Aah-Pha-REi’-
yah-4 Accretion Cycle, AR’-E-ion Eternal Flame-Atom-4 Activation
- DN-2-H.A.P.P.Y. Bubble-Co-ordinate Point Blended Matter Density domain = Pan-7-Pana-Coa-le’-ta-Golden-Silver + AR’-iE-on-7 + Aah-
Pha-REi’-yah-Field-4-A-RhA’-yah Sun-8-DN-2
- DN-2-AR’-iE-on-7-Earth Pana-Coa-le’-ta D-Planes & DN-2-H.A.P.P.Y. Bubble Aah-Pha-REi’-yah-Field-4 KBP-entry

3. Rainbow Rings TPlat-3 DN-3: @ A-K8, corresponds to

- DPS2 Pan-6-Pana-Co-LA’-Ra-Platinum Seed-6-Eye of Lila & Resolute-Field Eff-E’-Mah-Field-3-A-RhA’-yah Sun-8-DN-3
- Resolute-ZERO-Victory Seed Constitute-Alignment-3, AR-I’-yah-6 Alignment & RESOLUTE-Rotation-Alignment-3, Eff-E’-Mah-3
- Adashi-3-K+7 Accretion Cycle, Pana-Co-LA’-Ra-Platinum Seed-6 Activation & Eff-I’-mation-5B, TB-Stage-8B, K+83 Eff-E’-Mah-3 Accretion
Cycle, (…) Eff-E’-Mah-Seed-3 Activation
- (…) H.A.P.P.Y. Bubble-Co-ordinate Point Blended Matter Density domain = Pan-6-Pana-Co-LA’-Ra-Platinum+ AR-I’-yah-6 + Eff-E’-Mah (…)

2019-12-06 – Session 7


Consciousness Field/YhU-RhA’-yah Body

ECF Center-point Alignment & Krystal Bridge Passage

EFFI Infinitum Center-point Lila Eye Seed-6 Lila Eye Seed-6

EFFI Infinitum with 3-Pans

2019-12-06 – Session 7




Pan-7 Pan-8 <--We Are Here

EFFI Infinitum
Lila Eye Platinum Seed-6

EFFI Consciousness Field

& Krystal Bridge Passage
Center-point alignment

2019-12-06 – Session 7

The 7

Higher Heavens Bright-Flower Gardens A-Spectra (Aah-Pha-REi’-yah Spectra) of the EFFI Infinitum KBP
The 4-RESOLUTE-Fields & 3-CONSTITUTE-Fields of the EFFI Infinitum & the Tran-TE’-in Window-Door

The 4-CONSTITUTE-Fields:
 Eff-I’-yah Field-2
 Eff-E’-Mah Field-3
 Aah-Pha-REi’-yah Field-4
 Effi-Mir’a Field-5

The 3-CONSTITUTE-Fields in 3-Pans:

 AR-I’-yah Field-6-Platinum Seed-6
 AR’-iE-on Field-7-Golden-Silver Seed-7
 A-RI’-yin Field-8-Silver Seed-8

EFFI Consciousness Field/YhU-RhA’-yah Body

Nomi Seed-1
Tran’-TE-in Window-Door
Tran’-TE-in Nimbium Membrane
YKIN-1 DN-1 Start
Eff-I’-yah Field-2
Eff-E’-Mah Field-3
Aah-Pha-REi’-yah Field-4

2019-12-06 – Session 7


Consciousness Field/8-YhU-RhA’-yah Body Externalization Cycles

8 Highest Heavens of the EFFI Consciousness Field

3-Spatial Media. The 3-YhU’-vha Body.

YhU-Pha-RhA’-Yhon cycles YB-Stage-6-8, K+-8 (?):
 Yhun-spatial Medium
 Tran-spatial Medium
 Inter-spatial Medium

1-ABSOLUTE-Field 5DN-Y-KIN Field-1

The YhU-Rha-LA’ Kinservatory
5-YhO’-va Bodies & 5-YhU-Pha-RhA’-tion Cycles
YB-Stage-1-5, K+-8 (?):
 YDN5
 YDN4
 YDN3
 YDN2
 YDN1

Tran’-TE-in Nimbium Membrane
Tran’-TE-in Window-Door

Bright-Flowers 7 Higher Heavens:

 YKIN-1 DN-1 Start
 Eff-I’-yah Field-2

 Eff-E’-Mah Field-3
 Aah-Pha-REi’-yah Field-4
 Effi-Mir’a-5
 3-Pans

Note: YhU-Rha-LA’ Kinservatory -GA Term = Eternal-1st-Creation YhU-nified Field Domains of the EFFI Consciousness Field
Kinservatory =
1. Kinetic - energy generation via movement; (of or relating to the motion of material bodies & the forces & energy associated
2. Kinesthetic - spatial touch sense; (learning through feeling such as a sense of body position, muscle movement and weight as felt

through nerve endings)

3. Conservatory - preservation safe-space: home, school, etc.

2019-12-06 – Session 7


as I
can I

GROW, ...
Only as far as I SEEK can I GO, ...
Only as DEEP as I LOOK can I SEE, ...
Only as much as I DREAM can I BE.

2019-12-06 – Session 7


Cathedrals Complex Star-Gate Network, the BRIGHT FLOWER GARDENS

& Noble Systems 12/3/2019 NOR

In YhU-Rha’-Dha Cycles, the 3-DPS (3-Domain Passage Sets), 4-TPlats (4-Density-Transposition Platforms), & 4-Density-H.A.P.P.Y.
Bubbles (Density-Alignment Field-Transient Space-Time Continuum Doorways) of the YhU-Rha’-Dha Complex Dream-
Weavers (Blenders) Down-Step the Aah-Pha-REi’-yah Spectra frequencies from the Bright-Flower Gardens 8-Stair-Step Prism-
Lens-SEED System (8-PLS), 8-CHEVRON-Vapor-Shields-Time-Templates (8-CVS), 4-RESOLUTE-Fields and Liberation Passage of
the KBP into the 3-CONSTITUTE-Fields and 3-Pan-Domains of the EFFI Infinitum.

Once Down-Stepped through the KBP, the A-Spectra frequencies then Out-Step & Blend with the Chismatic (Eternal-
Internal ET-Plasmas) & Keylontic (External-Pan-Clair’-ah) Time-Templates of the 3-Pans through the Cosmoversal AL-Hum-
Bhra Cathedrals Complex Star-Gate Network (RE: Tan-Tri-Ahu’ra Teachings TTA-1, 8/17-21/2012, FL thru TTA-9, 8/15-19/2014) ,
then local YhU-Rha’-Dha Complex structures & the local AL-Hum-Bhra-Cathedrals-Star-Gate Networks of Nomi-Code-
Encrypted “Noble-System”.

The 3DPS, 4TPlats, 4-DN-H.A.P.P.Y. Bubbles and the AL-Hum-Bhra Cathedrals Complex Star-Gates are the interwoven
structural aspects of the YhU-Rha’-Dha Complex through which the KBP Bright-Flower Gardens A-Spectra Down-Steps &
Out-Steps into the 3-Pans of the EFFI Infinitum during YhU-Rha’-Dha Cycles. They are also an integral part of the Eternal-
Architecture through which Matter-Density-Systems in the 3-Pans In-Step & Up-Step through the Krystal-Bridge-Passage, for
Aah-Pha-REi’-yah ASCENSION bio-atomic-passage return to the Highland Heavens-Y-KIN-1 (YhU-Rha-LA’ Kinservatory) & 8
Highest Heavens of the EFFI Consciousness Field.

Only full Nomi-Code Encrypted “Noble Systems” carry the local YhU-Rha’-Dha Complex structures & local full AL-Hum-
Bhra Cathedrals Network Nomi-Code encryption and AL-Hum-Bhra Star-Gate-Sites. During YhU-Rha’-Dha Cycles, “Noble
Systems” serve as the carriers of the Krystal-River-FAIL-SAFE-Host and HOST-MASTERS to the “Triumph of the Triumphs” -
Universal Grand Salvage Mission. Earth is a Nomi-Code Noble-Planet.

The Plasma-Time-Templates of “Noble Systems” stars & planets that carry the full Nomi-Code Template Encryption &
bear a Nomi-Seed in their core, possess their own local YhU-Rha’-Dha Complex structure through which they directly
interface and LINK with the 3DPS, 4TPlats & 4-DN-H.A.P.P.Y. Bubble structures of the Cosmoversal YhU-Rha’-Dha Complex.
Noble Systems are capable of Awakening their own organic BRIGHT FLOWER GARDENS Step-Down.

The physical-elemental-atomic-matter structures of Noble Systems LINK with the Cosmoversal YhU-Rha’-Dha Complex
through specific local geographical-geophysical locational co-ordinates within their elemental-atomic & plasma bodies,
and through their local AL-Hum-Bhra Cathedrals Complex Star-Gate Networks (RE: Tan-Tri-Ahura Teachings TTA 1-9 (?) 8/2012-
8/2014). The local YhU-Rha’-Dha Complex of Noble Systems enables the Cosmoversal 3DPS, 4TPlats & 4-DN-H.A.P.P.Y. Bubble
structures to open directly into their local geophysical domain.

The geophysical locational co-ordinates, Cosmoversal LINKS and activation date correspondences of Earth’s local YhU-
Rha’-Dha Complex are as follows.

Welcome to Earth’s BRIGHT FLOWER GARDENS Awakening!

2019-12-06 – Session 7


Locations, LINKS & Dates Correspondences of EARTH’s Planetary

4-DN-Transposition Platforms & 4-DN-H.A.P.P.Y. Bubble Fields

Earth, being a “Noble Planet” with Nomi-Seed Core, harbors its own local AL-Hum-Bhra Cathedrals Complex system, and
local planetary YhU-Rha’-Dha Complex with 4-TPlats structure, through which Earth LINKS directly with the Cosmoversal
YhU-Rha’-Dha Complex. Earth’s Planetary 4-Density-Transposition Platforms (4-TPlats) are located within Earth’s “Known
Vertical Structure” from Earth-Core up through Earth-Magnetosphere (as depicted in the GA “Vertical Maps” RE: MCEO Freedom
Teachings Series 1999-5/2012).
Distances below are approximate.

1. Core Krystal Caverns T-Plat-1 DN-1: @ A-K2;
- LOCATION: 3958.1+ miles/6370+ km below surface. Located at Earth’s Core, within Earth’s Core Crystal, between Center-point of Earth’s
Solid-Crystal-Core & TrhU’-ah Plasma Template Core
- LINKS to: DN-1-Median-A-RI’-yin-8-Earth Pan-Clair’-ah D-Planes & DN-1-H.A.P.P.Y. Bubble Effi-Mir’a-Field-5 KBP-entry via Emancipation-
Passage CORRIDOR-Pana-KHY Passage-DN1
- INITIATION Dates: Initiated Activation 1/3/2016 12:12 AM EST; intended to OPEN for Projection Access 1-2/2017. UPDATE-3/24/2018:
OPEN for Projection Access STILL PENDING due to 2017-2018-escalations in the Storms of the Centuries
- DML OPEN Dates: DN-1: D1-Etheric-5/2018, D2-Telluric-5/2019, D3-Atmic-5/2020
- H.A.P.P.Y. Bubble Bio-OPEN Date: DN-1 H.A.P.P.Y. Bubble opens with D3-Atmic-5/2020
HB-Blended Matter Density domain = Pan-8-Pan-Clair’-ah-Silver + A-RI’-yin-8 + Effi-Mir’a-Field-5-A-RhA’-yah Sun-8-DN-1

2. Rainbow Reservoirs T-Plat-2 DN-2: @ A-K5:

- LOCATION: 62+ miles/100+ km below surface. Interfaces between lower crust & upper mantel, beginning at bottom of Lower-Lithosphere
(62.1 miles/100km) & radiates up-ward through Troposphere into upper regions of Ozone Layer in Earth’s Stratosphere (12-19
miles/20-30km above surface)
- LINKS to: DN-2-AR’-iE-on-7-Earth Pana-Coa-le’-ta D-Planes & DN-2-H.A.P.P.Y. Bubble Aah-Pha-REi’-yah-Field-4 KBP-entry via
Emancipation-Passage CORRIDOR-Pana-KHY Passage-DN2
- INITIATION Dates: The Rainbow-Rain Plasm Flows activated in Earth’s Rainbow Reservoirs Transposition Platform-2 in 9-10/2015; the
Rainbow-River 5 Essential Essences Pre-plasm Transposition Flows activated on 1/1/2016 12:12 AM EST & Rainbow Reservoirs Transposition
Platform-2 Initiated Activation 1/2/2016 EST
- DML OPEN Dates: DN-2: D4-Semi-Etheric-Protoplasma-Astral-5/2021, D5-Telluric-Protoplasma-5/2022, D6-Atmic-Protoplasma-
- H.A.P.P.Y. Bubble Bio-OPEN Date: DN-2 H.A.P.P.Y. Bubble opens with D6-Atmic-Protoplasma-5/2023
HB-Blended Matter Density domain = Pan-7-Pana-Coa-le’-ta-Golden-Silver + AR’-iE-on-7 + Aah-Pha-REi’-yah-Field-4-A-RhA’-yah Sun-8-DN-

3. Rainbow Rings T-Plat-3 DN-3: @ A-K8:

- LOCATION: 33,000 miles/53,400km above surface. Located in the outer region of the Outer Van Allen Electron Belt.
- LINKS to: DN-3-AR-I’-yah-6-Earth Pana-Co-LA’-Ra D-Planes & DN-3-H.A.P.P.Y. Bubble Eff-E’-Mah-Field-3 KBP-entry via Emancipation-
Passage CORRIDOR-Pana-KHY Passage-DN3
- INITIATION Dates: Initiated Activation 1/1/2016 1:44 AM EST
- DML OPEN Dates: DN-3: D7-Ketheric-Ectoplasma-5/2024, D8-Telluric-Ectoplasma-Monadic-5/2025, D9-Atmic-Ectoplasma-5/2026
- H.A.P.P.Y. Bubble Bio-OPEN Date: DN-3 H.A.P.P.Y. Bubble opens with D9-Atmic-Ectoplasma-5/2026
HB-Blended Matter Density domain = Pan-6-Pana-Co-LA’-Ra-Platinum + AR-I’-yah-6 + Eff-E’-Mah-Field-3-A-RhA’-yah Sun-8-DN-3

4. Rainbow Rays T-Plat-4 DN-4: @ A-K11:

- LOCATION: 33,000-45,000 miles/53,400-73,000km above surface. Extends upward from Rainbow Rings Transposition Platform-3 in outer
region of Outer Van Allen Electron Belt into the Magnetosheath- Area between Bow shock and Magnetopause
- LINKS to: DN-4-Eff-I’-Yah-Field-2 D-Planes & DN-4-H.A.P.P.Y. Bubble Eff-I’-Yah-Field-2 A-RhA’-yah Sun-8 Tran-TE’-in Window-Door entry via
Emancipation-Passage CORRIDOR- Eff-I-yah Passage D4 & DN-5 Thermoplasma
- INITIATION Dates: Initiated Activation 1/1/2016 3:33 AM EST
- DML OPEN Dates: DN-4: D10-Keriatric-Hydroplasma-5/2027, D11-Telluric-Hydroplasma-5/2028, D12-Atmic-Hydroplasma-5/2029
- H.A.P.P.Y. Bubble Bio-OPEN Date: DN-4 H.A.P.P.Y. Bubble opens with D12-Atmic-Hydroplasma-5/2029
HB-Blended Matter Density domain = EFFI Infinitum-A-RhA’-yah Sun-8 DN-4 + Eff-I’-Yah Field-2 + Y-KIN DN-1

2019-12-06 – Session 7


RESOLUTION-2 Octants (8/2000 - 8/2032), PRIME MUGs & Solar-Bhardoah Ring-Wave Progression (1/2007 - 5/2031)

0-Octant Cycle of the SAC. 1st-Octant Cycle of the KRFSHost 2nd-Octant Cycle of the KRFSHost 3rd -Octant Cycle of the KRFSHost
8/8/2000 - 8/8/2008 (R1). 8/8/2008 - 8/8/2016 (R2). 8/8/2016 - 8/8/2024 (R3). 8/8/2024 8/8/2032
8/8/2000: 8/8/2008: Sub-cycle-1, Trickeries-1 & OP- 8/8/2016: Sub-cycle-9, Transcendence-9 & 8/8/2024: Sub-cycle-17 & OP-Transcendence-
- 1-8/2000 MUG-0 Realign-1 & Planetary 8/2000 OP- Trickeries-1: 9:
drama - 8/8-10/2008 MUG-33B Grid RAID-FAtaLE - 8/8/2016 MUG-72 TOT Engage-1 & EMAN-4 - 11/8-9/2024 TJ-1-FIRE STORM OP
- 9/12/2000 MUG-1 UIR War Edict, Reclam-5 DFlwr WRD REALIGN-1 engage & RES-2 early activates - 5/22-27/2025 C-8-END POP, C-1 OP (TP3 D8
engage & UP Solar-Galactic-1 anchor - 8/8 - 11/2/2016 MUG-72-74ABC 3-Vics TOT, opens) & SRW-10 OP
- 5/2001 MUG-2 T-J-Seals auto-open start - 11/2/2008 MUG-36 AL-4-GD-US stop WRD REST-3 activates
War-Coup - 11/8-9/2016 MUG-75 TJ-1 FIRE STORM, AIR-
- 5/22-27/2009 SRW-2 7 Nomi Seed, REC-5 v. early initiate-engage &
UP YhU-nah-versal-7
- 3/2017 MUG-76 Gravitron GrU’-al Grab
- 5/22-27/2017 MUG-77 C-1 & SRW-10

8/8/2001: 8/8/2009: Sub-cycle-2, Treacheries-2 & OP- 8/8/2017: Sub-cycle-10, Truths-10 & OP- 8/8/2025: Sub-cycle-18 & OP-Truths-10:
- 2/2002 MUG-3AB Wesedak-UIR Alliance & 8/2001 Treacheries-2: - 11/8-9/2025 TJ-2 FIRE STORM OP
UP Meta-Galactic-2 - 12/9/2009 MUG-42B Grid TAP-Spiral, DRP- - 8/8/2017 MUG-78 SWARM STORMS - 5/22-27/2026 C-2 OP & SRW-11 OP (TP3 D9
Iceland - 11/8-9/2017 MUG-79 TJ-2 FIRE STORMS & opens & DN3 HB3 Seeds 6 & 3)
- 1-2/2010 MUG-43B Grid SMACK, DRP-AOWH RESCUE-1
merge - 12/2017 MUG-80 RESCUE-2
- 4-5/2010 MUG-44-45 Wa-ZE B-Arrows & - 1/2018 MUG-81 RESCUE-3
Wha-Host - 5/22-27/2018 MUG-82 C-2, RESCUE-4 &
- 5/22-27/2010 SRW-3 SRW-11 (TP1 D1 opens)

8/8/2002: 8/8/2010: Sub-cycle-3, Treasons-3 & OP- 8/8/2018: Sub-cycle-11, Testimonies-11 & 8/8/2026: Sub-cycle-19 & OP-Testimonies-11:
- 5/27/2003 MUG-4A UIR+Wdak BFire-Sword- 8/2002 OP-Treasons-3: - 11/8-9/2026 TJ-3 FIRE STORM OP
BZ-Fail, Res-2 & Rest-3 engage & UP Ultra- - 9-10/2010 MUG-46B Violet Ring-R-DRP, MS- - 9-10/2018 MUG-83 Ah’-Pha-REi’-yah KEYS, - 5/22-27/2027 C-3 OP & SRW-12 OP (TP4
Galactic-3 UNCAP CA trip D10 opens)
- 1/2011 MUG-48A GD Al-Ben’-Yhan Defection - 11/8-9/2018 MUG-84 TJ-3 FIRE STORM
- 2/2011 MUG-48B Green Ring Reverse-DRP - 5/22-27/2019 MUG-85 C-3 & SRW-12 (TP1
- 5/22-27/2011 SRW-4 D2 opens)

8/8/2003: 8/8/2011: Sub-cycle-4, Trials-4 & OP- 8/8/2019: Sub-cycle-12, Transpositions-12 & 8/8/2027: Sub-cycle-20 & OP-Transpositions-
- 8/8-12/2003 MUG-4B UIR+ Grand Cross 8/2003: OP-Trials-4: 12:
Showdown, GA CAP 7-J-Seals & CAP MET- - 8/8/2011 MUG-51 Grid WHACK, RES-2 - 11/8-9/2019 TJ-4 FIRE STORM - 11/8-9/2017 TJ-4 FIRE STORM OP
Seed Andorra initiates, AIR-3 KRFSHost-AL-Hum-Bhra & UP - 5/22-27/2020 C-4 & SRW-13 (TP1 D3 opens - 5/22-27/2028 C-4 OP & SRW-13 OP (TP4
- 10/2003 MUG-4C Wdrak-Spear-of-Destiny Cosmoversal-6 & DN1 HB1 Seeds 8 & 5) D11 opens & DN1 HB1 OP)
Act. - 5/27/2012 MUG-56 Grid STORM-Great Split,
- 5/11/2004 MUG-5 B-Budhara LA-estakl WH RES-2 early engage & AIR-4 Cathedrals &
Act., AIR-1 SB-SF-Evac & UP Universal-4 SRW-5

8/8/2004: 8/8/2012: Sub-cycle-5, Tribulation-5 & OP- 8/8/2020: Sub-cycle-13, Translocations-13 & 8/8/2028: Sub-cycle-21 & OP-Translocations-
- 8/2004 MUG-6 B-Budhara Act. Gravitron 8/2004: OP-Tribulations-5: 13:
Gulf of MX. - 10-11/2012 MUG-58 Grid CUFF, Golden - 11/8-9/2020 TJ-5 FIRE STORM - 11/8-9/2028 TJ-5 FIRE STORM OP

- 11/2004 MUG-7 Bellatrix-Oberyon-Telos- Hand Cuffs-2 Pentagon-Harness Peru Cath-2 - 5/22-27/2021 C-5 & SRW-14 (TP2 D4 - 5/22-27/2029 C-5 OP & SRW-14 OP (TP4
Ecka Wars - 12/20-24/2012 MUG-59 Grid PUNCH, Cuffs- opens) D12 opens & DN4 HB4 Seeds-2&1)
- 1/2005 MUG-8 Equari Dragon-Wars, Triple- 1 FL-Cath-1
9 WH Act. - 5/22-27/2013 SRW-6
- 5/2005 MUG-9 AdorA-Budhara-Wars & Grv-
Staff Tilt

8/8/2005: 8/8/2013: Sub-cycle-6, Transitions-6 & OP- 8/8/2021: Sub-cycle-14, Transmigrations-14 8/8/2029: Sub-cycle-22 & OP-
- 6/2006 MUG-12 RD-Thetans Act., Threshold 8/2005: & OP-Transitions-6: Transmigrations-14:
7-Towers, AIR-2 KRHost & UP Multi-versal-5 - 12/18-22/2013 MUG-63A KHY STORM-1 PL- - 11/8-9/2021 TJ-6 FIRE STORM - 11/8-9/2029 TJ-6 FIRE STORM OP
Cath-1, fail - 5/22-27/2022 C-6 & SRW-15 (TP2 D5 - 5/22-27/2030 C-6 OP & SRW-15 OP
- 12/22+/2013 MUG-63B SUN STORM, DRP- opens)
Solar Breach
- 1/2014 MUG-63C SEALS STORM, J-Seals UN-
CAP start
- 4/2014 MUG-64A KHY STORM-2 Aruba-KHY-
- 5-7/2014 MUG-64B KHY STORM-3 Nor &
5/2014 SRW-7

8/8/2006: 8/8/2014: Sub-cycle-7, Transformations-7 & 8/8/2022: Sub-cycle-15, Transfigurations-15 8/8/2030: Sub-cycle-23 & OP-
1/2007 MUG-13 RD Micca-Mecca EU-Time-Rip OP-8/2006: & OP-Transformations-7: Transfigurations-15:
Act. & Aquafereion Shield-NaVA-Ho-Spanner-7 - 12/2014 MUG-66 GA BIG-8 Override KHY- - 11/8-9/2022 TJ-7-FIRE STORM - 11/8-9/2030 TJ-7 FIRE STORM OP
Gate Act. 1,2,3 merge - 5/22-27/2023 C-7 & SRW-END POP (TP2 D6 - 5/22-27/2031 C-7 OP & SRW-END POP OP
- 2/2007 MUG-14 Aquafereion-M31 Host Tri- - 1-3/2015 MUG-67AB BIG STORM-ZhEon opens & DN2 HB2 Seeds-7&4) (DN2 HB2 OP)
MxKR Co-op Depletion, Triggers AIR-5 Pan-Pan Dance &
- 3/25/2007 MUG-15B SUN RAID, Solar RES-2 act-1
Bhardoah Cycle via B-Budhara Act. RD - 5/22-27/2015 SRW-8
Threshold-Micca-Mecca, SRW-0

8/8/2007: 8/8/2015: Sub-cycle-8, Triumphs-8 & OP- 8/8/2023: Sub-cycle-16, Tran’-TE-in Passage- 8/8/2031: Sub-cycle-24 & OP-Tran’-TE-in
- 1/2008: MUG-28 Grid BREACH PSG-7 Puerto 8/2007: 16 & OP-Triumphs-8: Passage-16:
Rico, RED ALERT-WRD OMEGA Kill- CODE - 8/29-9/6/2015 MUG-68A EURO STORM Road - 11/8-9/2023 TJ-7 FIRE STORM END SNAP - 11/8-9/2031 TJ-7 FIRE STORM END SNAP
Sink Holes Trip - 5-22-27/2024 C-8 & SRW-9 OP (TP3 D7 OP
- 5/22-27/2008 SRW-1 - 10-11/2015 MUG-68B GREAT STORM, J-Seals opens) - 5/22-27/2032 C-8 OP
- 7/2008 MUG-32 GD enter Al-Ben’-Yhan 1/3 open (- 5/22-28/2033 C-8 END POP OP)
Treaty - 12/1/2015 MUG-69A PERFECT STORM, RES- DN3 HB3 OP 5/2034
2 act-2, REST-3 early initiate-engage, EMAN-4 DN4 HB4 OP 5/2037)
early initiates & AIR-6 Nomi Code
- 12/8-12/2015 EMAN-4 engage
- 1/2016 MUG-70 J-Seals Boom-Back Flows to
- 2/2016 MUG-71 Great FREQUENCY FLOOD
- 5/22-27/2016 SRW-9


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