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Were the Master and officers familiar with the company procedures for the
operation, inspection, testing and maintenance of the vent mast fire suppression system,
and was the system in satisfactory condition?
Short Question Text
Vent mast fire suppression system

Vessel Types

ROVIQ Sequence
Cargo Control Room, Main Deck

ICS: Tanker Safety Guide (Gas) - Third Edition


To ensure that crewmembers can respond effectively to a fire situation in accordance with the shipboard
emergency plan.

Industry Guidance

ICS: Tanker Safety Guide (Gas) - Third Edition

2.8.2 Electrical Storms

To provide a safe means of extinguishing a vent mast fire, consideration should be given to fitting a nitrogen injection
system to the vent masts, together with remote valves to control the flow.

10.4 Vent Mast Fires

Ignition can be caused at the vent mast by a lightning strike or other source of ignition when venting a flammable
vapour. Any venting operation should therefore be suspended in the vicinity of an electrical storm.

In the event of a fire at the vent mast, the following action should be considered:

• Stop venting;
• Inject inert gas into the vent, if possible, using the fixed nitrogen fire suppression inlet, if fitted; and
• Spray the mast head with water.

Venting may be resumed when the mast head and its surroundings are cool, and the electrical storm is over.

TMSA KPI 3.1.4 requires that formal familiarisation procedures are in place for vessel personnel, including
contractors. The documented procedures may include familiarisation with:

• Vessel specific operations and equipment.


6.3 The Company should establish procedures to ensure that new personnel and personnel transferred to new
assignments related to safety and protection of the environment are given proper familiarisation with their duties.
Instructions which are essential to be provided prior to sailing should be identified, documented and given.

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18.2 Cargo operations manuals

18.2.1 The ship shall be provided with copies of suitably detailed cargo system operation manuals approved by the
Administration such that trained personnel can safely operate the ship with due regard to the hazards and properties
of the cargoes that are permitted to be carried.

18.2.2 The content of the manuals shall include, but not be limited to:

.4 nitrogen and inert gas systems;

.5 firefighting procedures: operation and maintenance of firefighting systems and use of extinguishing agents;

Inspection Guidance

The vessel operator should have developed procedures for the operation, inspection, testing and maintenance of the
vent mast fire suppression system, that include:

• Roles and responsibilities for inspection, testing and maintenance.

• Description of the vent mast fire suppression system, its components and its functions.
• Requirements for regular inspection, testing and maintenance of the equipment including checking the level
in any portable gas cylinders.
• Actions to be taken in the event of a fire at the vent mast, including instructions for the release of the system.

All or part of the above may be contained in the Cargo System Operation Manual and the vessel’s maintenance plan.

Suggested Inspector Actions

• Sight, and where necessary review, the company procedures for the operation, inspection, testing and
maintenance of the vent mast fire suppression system.
• Review the records of inspection, testing and maintenance of the vent mast fire suppression system.
• Where necessary, compare the observed condition with the records of inspection, testing and maintenance
of the vent mast fire suppression system.
• During the physical inspection of the vessel, inspect the vent mast fire suppression system and its
associated equipment.

• Interview the accompanying officer to verify their familiarity with the company procedures for the operation,
inspection, testing and maintenance of the vent mast fire suppression system.

Expected Evidence

• The company procedures for the operation, inspection, testing and maintenance of the vent mast fire
suppression system.
• Record of inspection, testing and maintenance of the vent mast fire suppression system.
• The Cargo System Operation Manual and/or FFA manual.

Potential Grounds for a Negative Observation

• There were no company procedures for the operation, inspection, testing and maintenance of the vent mast
fire suppression system that included:
o Roles and responsibilities for inspection, testing and maintenance.

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o Description of the vent mast fire suppression system, its components and its functions.
o Requirements for regular inspection, testing and maintenance of the equipment including checking
the level in any portable gas cylinders.
o Actions to be taken in the event of a fire at the vent mast, including instructions for the release of
the system.
• The accompanying officer was not familiar with the company procedures for the operation, inspection,
testing and maintenance of the vent mast fire suppression system.
• Inspection, testing and maintenance of the vent mast fire suppression system had not been carried out in
accordance with the company procedures.
• The vent mast fire suppression system was defective in any respect.
• The Cargo System Operation Manual and/or FFA manual did not include instructions for the use of the vent
mast fire suppression system.

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