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Can you identify the two texts above? Are they, both, hortatory exposition texts? Well, to confirm it
you’d better watch the video available in below.
Yes, I can. No, they aren’t. The first text is a hortatory text and the second is not, it’s a report text.
The first text persuades the readers that something should or should not be the case. And there is a
recommendation which is a characteristic type of hortatory text.

Now read the text below and identify whether or not its generic structure is similar with that of the
two previous texts. Write your notes of identification in a table available below.
Table Identifiation

No Text Resource Identification

It’s a kind of hortatory exposition, because it
contains persuasive sentence and recommendation
1. Text 1
to the readers that something should or should not
be the case.
It’s a report text. The text report about the impact
2. Text 2: The Impact of Tsunami of Tsunami. And there is no recommendation in
the content of the text.

Text 3: The Need for a It’s a kind of hortatory exposition, because it

Youth-centered Tobacco contains persuasive sentence and recommendation
Control to the readers that something should or should not
Policy be the case.
Choose only one out of three topics below to write a hortatory exposition text. Be sure to apply the
things we have just discussed in this module. List of the topics to choose

1. Roles of TV for Learning

2. Embedding soft skills in teaching-learning process
3. Healthy food and creative thinking

Roles of TV for Learning

Who does not know about television, everybody in the world knows about television and
almost every house has it. Television has indeed been global, even television has succeeded in
shifting the role of radio as a messenger and greetings from distant lands. One of the electronic
media that has grown very fast with the development of this era. Making television as a source of all
the information, news and entertainment that we need. But television, which is a means of
entertainment, seems to provide various impacts on life. There is also a bad influence on television
shows, especially in young children and adolescents. The various positive impacts and negative
impacts caused by less educational impressions for children or adolescents.
Regarding television and education, at this time many people still think that television is
classified from a luxurious object and many bad compared to its benefits. This is not because in this
modern era there are a lot of shows that should not be aired, such as films showing tragedy of
violence or beatings and especially rape. This is not good if watched by a child who is still in its
infancy, because it can affect his psychic state. Such opinions are classified as skeptical. But then
came the view that the television is used in teaching in the classroom. So, this opinion also requires
valid research and verification of television use in schools.
Television media as a media that proved to have a very effective ability so that it is used for
broadcasting the national learning programs in order to expand opportunities to obtain education,
improve the quality of education and improve the effectiveness of education.
Students should use television media as learning media by watching educational programs.
Students can benefit from educational information from television shows. Many television stations
present educational programs such as films about history, science, flora fauna and so on.
Reflective Summary M1 LA4

Make a mind map to summarize the discussion of hortatory exposition text. If you like, you may use
an uncompleted sample below, but it is very much recommended that you develop your own.

Generic Structure of hortatory exposition:

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