Tangkuban Perahu Is An Active Stratovolcano Located in West Java

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angkuban Perahu is an active stratovolcano located in West Java, Indonesia, about 30

kilometers north of the city of Bandung. It is a popular tourist destination known for its
distinct shape, which resembles an overturned boat. Here are some key points about
Tangkuban Perahu:

Geographical Features:

 Type: Stratovolcano
 Elevation: Approximately 2,084 meters (6,837 feet) above sea level
 Crater: The volcano has several craters, with the main ones being Kawah Ratu,
Kawah Upas, and Kawah Domas.

Myth and Legend:

Tangkuban Perahu is associated with the Sundanese folklore of Sangkuriang. According to

the legend:

 Sangkuriang: A young man who fell in love with his mother, Dayang Sumbi, not
knowing their true relationship.
 Dayang Sumbi: Upon realizing that Sangkuriang was her son, she tried to prevent the
marriage by setting an impossible task for him: to build a lake and a boat in one night.
 Outcome: Sangkuriang almost succeeded, but Dayang Sumbi tricked him by creating
the illusion of dawn. In his anger, Sangkuriang kicked the unfinished boat, which fell
upside down and became Tangkuban Perahu.

Tourist Attractions:

 Crater Views: Visitors can explore the main craters, with Kawah Ratu being the most
accessible and largest.
 Hot Springs: The surrounding area features hot springs where visitors can soak and
 Hiking: There are various trails around the volcano for hiking and exploring the
natural landscape.


 Tangkuban Perahu is accessible by car from Bandung, making it a popular day-trip

destination for tourists and locals alike.

Volcanic Activity:

 Tangkuban Perahu is an active volcano and has had several eruptions over the years.
Visitors are advised to check the current volcanic activity and safety warnings before
planning a visit.

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