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Name: C.

Rohith Register: 21BCE0810

Cryptography and Network Security

Lab assignment – 1

Name: C. Rohith
Register No: 21BCE0810
Slot: L13 + L 14
Name: C. Rohith Register: 21BCE0810

1. Implement the following substitution cipher techniques without using standard

cryptographic library Functions Hill Cipher.
Aim: To implement hill cipher program without using standard cryptographic
library functions.
1. inverseMatrix Function:
Input: A 2x2 matrix key and an integer m.
Output: The inverse of the key matrix modulo m.
Calculate the determinant of the key matrix.
Find the multiplicative inverse of the determinant modulo m.
Compute the elements of the inverse matrix using the determinant inverse.
2. hillCipherEncrypt Function:
Input: Plaintext string plaintext, 2x2 key matrix key, and an integer m.
Output: Ciphertext string obtained by encrypting the plaintext using the Hill Cipher
with the provided key.
Divide the plaintext into blocks of two characters.
For each block:
Convert the characters to their corresponding numerical values.
Perform matrix multiplication with the key.
Take the modulo m of each result.
Convert the resulting numerical values back to characters and append them to the
3. hillCipherDecrypt Function:
Input: Ciphertext string ciphertext, 2x2 key matrix key, and an integer m.
Name: C. Rohith Register: 21BCE0810

Output: Plaintext string obtained by decrypting the ciphertext using the Hill Cipher
with the provided key.
Compute the inverse of the key matrix modulo m using the inverseMatrix function.
Divide the ciphertext into blocks of two characters.
For each block:
Convert the characters to their corresponding numerical values.
Perform matrix multiplication with the inverse key.
Take the modulo m of each result.
Convert the resulting numerical values back to characters and append them to the
4. main Function:
Input: None.
Output: None (prints the ciphertext and decrypted text).
Initialize a plaintext string and a 2x2 key matrix.
Encrypt the plaintext using the hillCipherEncrypt function and print the ciphertext.
Decrypt the ciphertext using the hillCipherDecrypt function and print the
decrypted text.
5. Output:
Print the ciphertext and decrypted text obtained from the encryption and decryption
Name: C. Rohith Register: 21BCE0810


#include <iostream>
#include <vector>

using namespace std;

vector<vector<int>> inverseMatrix(vector<vector<int>>& key, int

m) {
int det = key[0][0] * key[1][1] - key[0][1] * key[1][0];
int detInv = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < m; i++) {
if ((det * i) % m == 1) {
detInv = i;
vector<vector<int>> inv(2, vector<int>(2, 0));
inv[0][0] = (key[1][1] * detInv) % m;
inv[0][1] = (-key[0][1] * detInv) % m;
inv[1][0] = (-key[1][0] * detInv) % m;
inv[1][1] = (key[0][0] * detInv) % m;
return inv;

string hillCipherEncrypt(string plaintext, vector<vector<int>>&

key, int m) {
string ciphertext = "";
for (int i = 0; i < plaintext.length(); i += 2) {
int x = plaintext[i] - 'a';
int y = plaintext[i + 1] - 'a';
int newX = (key[0][0] * x + key[0][1] * y) % m;
int newY = (key[1][0] * x + key[1][1] * y) % m;
ciphertext += (char)(newX + 'a');
ciphertext += (char)(newY + 'a');
return ciphertext;

string hillCipherDecrypt(string ciphertext, vector<vector<int>>&

key, int m) {
string plaintext = "";
vector<vector<int>> invKey = inverseMatrix(key, m);
for (int i = 0; i < ciphertext.length(); i += 2) {
int x = ciphertext[i] - 'a';
Name: C. Rohith Register: 21BCE0810

int y = ciphertext[i + 1] - 'a';

int newX = (invKey[0][0] * x + invKey[0][1] * y) % m;
int newY = (invKey[1][0] * x + invKey[1][1] * y) % m;
plaintext += (char)(newX + 'a');
plaintext += (char)(newY + 'a');
return plaintext;

int main() {
cout << "Name: C. Rohith" << endl;
cout << "Register No: 21BCE0810" << endl;
string plaintext = "hello";
vector<vector<int>> key = { {1, 2}, {3, 4} };
int m = 26;
string ciphertext = hillCipherEncrypt(plaintext, key, m);
cout << "Ciphertext: " << ciphertext << endl;
string decryptedText = hillCipherDecrypt(ciphertext, key,m);
cout << "Decrypted Text: " << decryptedText << endl;
return 0;

Name: C. Rohith Register: 21BCE0810

2. Find the ciphertext from plaintext and reconstruct the plain text from ciphertext
for the following using Playfair cipher manually
• Plain text: COME TO CNS LAB

Name: C. Rohith Register: 21BCE0810

3. Find the ciphertext from plaintext and reconstruct the plain text from ciphertext
for the following using Vigenere cipher manually
• Key : SCOPE

Name: C. Rohith Register: 21BCE0810

4. Find the ciphertext from plaintext and reconstruct the plain text from ciphertext
for the following using Hill cipher manually
• Plain text: WELCOME TO VIT
• Key : NICE
Name: C. Rohith Register: 21BCE0810
Name: C. Rohith Register: 21BCE0810

5. Find the ciphertext from plaintext and reconstruct the plain text from ciphertext
for the following using Hill cipher manually
Name: C. Rohith Register: 21BCE0810
Name: C. Rohith Register: 21BCE0810
Name: C. Rohith Register: 21BCE0810
Name: C. Rohith Register: 21BCE0810
Name: C. Rohith Register: 21BCE0810

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