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Subject : “Thesis Evaluation Recommendations”

Respected Sir Ma’am,

From the researcher’s point of view research work had been carried in a systematic &
proper way, yet some recommendations for further justification were given from the
external examiner.
Thus here researcher has tried to answer the questions as per her understanding and
following justifications have been composed to satisfy the questions asked by

Though researcher is unable to mention the inputs & give justification for such
questions which require a complete revision in submitted research work

Following justifications are worth considering

Thanks & Regards

Recommendation 1 - How the research work is adding value to the body of knowledge? –
An attempt may be made to justify that this work is not just endorsing a common
understanding. It should highlight something novel.

Justification –

Contribution of the Present Research :

The factors influencing female buying behaviour framework can be useful to both
practitioners and academics. It could help online marketers and e-Commerce firms to identify
issues requiring special attention to the factors impacting their online business or evaluating
their existing online venture. For academic researchers this classification could be a basis for
the formulation of new hypotheses and research questions leading to better mapping of the
online consumer’s behaviour.

This research can be used by online retailers to shape their marketing strategy. In general,
women are having many responsibilities at personal & professional end. Sometimes they are
unable to move outside for shopping & prefer that required stuff should reach to them in

For academicians this research is going to be very useful as most of the researches are being
done in metro / big cities and perception of small town women is still not considered in
making major policies.

This research would be beneficial for big business tycoons also. General people usually
consider that things available on such stores are more expensive & don’t visit to such stores.
But by getting all the required information online , including reviews on products, help buyer
to take quick decision.


Recommendation 2 - How the online shopping factors have been chosen?

Justification –
Selection of online shopping factors :
We arranged interviews & discussions were done with females, also existing literature
available in this domain helped the researcher to identify online shopping factors which have
been proved to have an impact on buying behaviour of Indian consumers.


Recommendation 3 - What is the justification of random sampling? Why Stratified Random

Sampling was not chosen?

Justification -

Sampling Technique :

In the present study, the technique of purposive random sampling was used to collect data
pertaining to the study. However, before applying random sampling, stratified random
sampling was also applied and two strata were made namely, Jaipur and Kota. Then after
questionnaire were mailed to women, randomly selected from these two strata. Stratified
Random Sampling wasn’t possible to apply on women as women from all the categories were
taken for sampling purpose. The final sample consists of 83.7 per cent women from Kota
whilst only 16.3 per cent were from Jaipur.
Kota & Jaipur city was opted for the study because Kota being an educational hub of
Rajasthan (Overall Literacy Rate - 76.56 % & Women’s Literacy Rate – 65.87 % , both rates
are highest in Rajasthan) , also many women who have good financial & educational
background move there to take care of their kids who come for preparation of competitive
examinations i.e IIT, NEET etc. Such women are unknown to the local market. Local
women also stuck with some or other circumstances & prefer online shopping many a times.
In Jaipur (being the capital of Rajasthan) women from various caste, cultures & religion are
native there thus it was helpful for us to get required inputs from one city.


Recommendation 4 – Reliability Tests and Validity Tests of the instruments like

questionnaire should be done

Justification -

Reliability and Validity :


Case Processing Summary

N %
Valid 100 100.0
Cases Excluded 0 0.0
Total 100 100.0

a. List wise deletion based on all variables in the procedure.

Pilot study was conducted on a sample of 100 customers and reliability test was applied using
Cronbach’s Alpha. Since value of Chronbach’s Alpha was found more than 0.9 indicated strong
internal consistency of the research tool.

Reliability Statistics

Cronbach's Alpha No of Items

.902 73

Item-Total Statistics
Scale Cronbach's
Mean if Scale Corrected Alpha if
Item Variance if Item-Total Item
Deleted Item Deleted Correlation Deleted
Credit Card 255.22 556.274 .334 .901
Debit Card 254.49 558.919 .310 .901
Net-Banking 254.74 573.831 .011 .904
Cash on Delivery 253.77 574.482 .016 .903
Paytm 254.44 564.128 .240 .901
Demand Draft 255.97 555.120 .461 .899
Others 255.88 551.763 .489 .899
Electronic goods 254.59 557.679 .356 .900
Clothing and Fashion 253.90 560.717 .343 .901
Books and Media 254.64 556.213 .391 .900
Home appliances 254.59 550.143 .548 .899
Books and Magazines 254.91 559.618 .389 .900
Gifts Flowers etc. 254.65 558.896 .341 .900
Cosmetics amd Footwear 254.34 550.247 .471 .899
Furniture 255.42 556.933 .449 .900
Toys 254.83 548.405 .569 .898
Flipkart 254.47 557.221 .395 .900
e.Bay 255.49 548.798 .580 .898
Amazon 253.68 563.311 .298 .901
Myntra 254.18 554.836 .393 .900
Snapdeal 255.00 553.919 .361 .900
Junglee 255.59 550.042 .550 .899
Homeshp18 255.33 554.829 .454 .900
Jabong 254.91 548.568 .486 .899
Tradus 255.65 552.614 .597 .899
Future bazzar 255.53 549.928 .564 .899
Local banya 255.66 552.489 .555 .899
Infibeam 255.66 552.307 .568 .899
Shoplcues 255.49 548.677 .620 .898
First cry 254.97 542.959 .480 .899
PAYTM_A 254.64 550.980 .473 .899
Any Other 255.74 550.053 .532 .899
Shopping on internet saves time 254.03 557.545 .517 .899

Ease of finding products 253.81 563.206 .351 .901

Inclination towards trying something new 254.31 562.277 .320 .901

Ease of comparison 253.89 560.927 .336 .901

Find products which are not available in 254.01 565.687 .233 .901
No Need to deal with salesperson 254.30 567.000 .225 .901

No need to drag children 254.15 564.593 .245 .901

Home delivery facility 254.15 563.563 .297 .901
Safe from heavy traffic 254.18 563.381 .254 .901
@24X7shopfacility 254.02 560.909 .357 .900
Easy Payment Option 253.86 568.768 .161 .902
Easy Refund Policies 254.17 570.143 .114 .902
Best mode for Online products advertising 254.39 567.715 .206 .902

Advertising in News paper and Magazine 254.70 568.495 .178 .902

Frequent TV and Radio Ad 254.72 567.436 .192 .902

Attractive Window Display 254.54 564.291 .263 .901
Brand Name and Image 254.30 556.717 .386 .900
Recommendation 254.67 560.789 .364 .900
Celebrity Endorsement 254.88 567.137 .174 .902
Free Samples 254.89 564.604 .243 .901
Special Offers 254.04 559.716 .320 .901
Lower Price 254.42 547.499 .450 .899
Latest Designs 254.38 555.187 .379 .900
No possibility to feel touch or see 253.83 564.870 .291 .901

No knowledge of online shopping 255.23 566.704 .195 .902

Risk of misuse of personal details 254.51 558.091 .332 .901

Risk of social isolation 254.72 562.547 .252 .901

Risk of identity theft 254.65 561.119 .256 .901
Risk of non-delivery 254.65 562.896 .267 .901
Can’t rely on online vendors 254.68 567.856 .161 .902
Lengthy return policies 254.78 567.204 .144 .902
Difficult to relay on mentioned brands 254.62 582.662 -.173 .905

Enjoy going out for shopping 254.54 571.827 .064 .903

Suffer backache 254.83 578.183 -.079 .904

More expensive 254.89 572.362 .047 .903
Multiple Payment Gateways 253.87 567.993 .209 .902

Social Networking Integration 254.36 570.273 .089 .903

Credibility 254.22 573.002 .048 .903

Privacy and Secure Checkout 254.03 566.858 .231 .901

Design 253.97 563.969 .319 .901

Customer Friendly 253.96 562.443 .403 .900


Validity was conducted taking expert advice of 5 experts and the S-CVI (Content Validity
Index) score is .8105. Since the value of S-CVI was found to be more than 0.81 indicating
that the instrument has an appropriate sample of items for the construct being measured.

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