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Step One: Proxy Checker Block

1. So to get started go to the config section in OpenBullet.

2. Once you get there press "NEW" and type in the name for your config and put the author as yourself.

3. Now you have made the config go to the stacker and press the "+" and add a "REQUEST" block

4. Now open up the site you are creating the config for (eg Spotify, PornHub) and copy the URL for the
login page.

5. Now go back to OpenBullet and Paste the url in the box that says "URL:"

Step Two: ReCaptcha Block

1. Now press the + under the text "Current Stack" to add a new block, select the "RECAPTCHA" block.

2. Now open that block and in the "Variable Name:" type "Recaptcha"

3. Now in the "Page Url:" Section you want to put a link to the page where the Recaptcha is.

4. Now hit "Auto Sitekey" if this does not work you will need to do this manually

If you can't generate a site key then follow this guide:

Go back to the page of the captcha

Press CTRL + U (it should open a new tab)

Now in that new tab press CTRL F and search "site"

Now look for the long list of letter of numbers (It should look like this: 6Kq5CQkTBBBBBKA-

Step Three: Post Request

1. Go back to the Captcha URL

2. Press "CTRL + Shift + I" at the same time then it should open up inspect element.

2. Now go to the "Network" tab

4. Now do what the captcha says (BUT DO NOT PRESS SUBMIT)

5. Once you have done that press the little cross sign to clear network.
6. Now make sure that the Icon next to the cross is red and press "submit"

7. Now some tabs will popup in the network recordings. You want to look for a post request (This is
usally either called "Login or "ReCaptcha"

8. Now scroll down in that post request and look for either "Captcha response" or "g-recaptcha-
response" if its there your in the right tab.

9. Now create a new "REQUEST" block in OpenBullet and you want to change the "Label" box to say

10. Now go back to the network tab we had open scroll to the top of the POST section and copy that URL

11. Now paste that URL in OpenBullet where it says "URL:"

12. Now change the "Method:" to POST using the drop down

13. Now go back to the Network tab we have open scroll down to "Form Data" and press view source.

14. Then you want to copy and paste that into a notepad file (its easier to edit)

15. Go into that notepad file delete everything after captcha up to &

16. Now where that text was deleted you want to type <Recaptcha>

17. Now keep note pad open and look for the email or username you used to login in and replace it with
<USER> (you always call it <USER> even if its a email

18. Now in that notepad look for the password you typed in and replace that with <PASS>

19. Now copy and paste that into the "Post Data:" box in openbullet

20. Now go back to website look threw the Post data we got earlier for Content type and make sure in
Open Bullet the content type is the same.

21. Now go back to the website look threw the post section for "User-Agent" and copy everything there
(obviously not the part that says "User-Agent: ") and paste it in notepad.

22. Now look for "Origin" and "Referer" and copy both of them including the names.

Origin and referer should look like this when you post them in notepad.


23. Now you want to grab the host as well from the website (include the word Host:) and paste it in
notepad as well.

24. Now you need to copy "Host, Referer, Orgin" out of the notepad file and paste them under
everything in the "Custom Headers:" section

25. Now copy the user agent from the notepad file and replace the preset that is in "Custom Headers:"
by selecting over the default and using CTRL V to paste

Now we need to test this to do this go to log in openbullet and press start (don't forget to type REAL
account details) in the "Data" Section under debugger) This might be slower than us-all as someone on
the site we setup earlier is filling out the captcha

Step Four: Key Check

1. Now go back to HTML view in OpenBullet and you want to make sure the website has logged you in.

2. Now you want to press the "+" under "Current Stack" and select the "KEY CHECK" block.

3. Now press the + next to the "Keychains:" and make sure it is green (if its red change the "Type:" to

5. Now go back to the log in the debugger and look for the captcha responce.

6. Now copy the start of your captcha responce for me it is "g-recaptcha-response] =>" and you want to
put it in the blank box

7. Now its in the blank box you want to put a space after it and type <Recaptcha>

8. Now add another keychain by pressing the + next to "keychains: +"

9. Now you want to swap this to a failure keychain to do this press on "SUCCESS" and swap it to

10. Now swap the "Contains" to "DoesNotContain" and in the blank box copy and paste what we typed
11. Now go to The debugger press on "Data" press start again and it should give us a success and show
us are recaptcha

Now it is complete! Enjoy the config go sell the config or use it for likes on Nulled


1. Go to the config tab in OpenBullet and press "New"

(Now it should show you the stacker)

2. Go to the site you want to create the config for and press "CTRL, SHIFT I" at the same time, Now go to
Network and press record at the top right.

3. Now type in an incorrect USER:PASS/MAIL:PASS, After doing that you will see lots of diffrent names

4. Filter threw these until you see the "Request Method: Post"

After you have this info just save the "Request URL" in a NotePad file.

Then save "Content-Type" (Which is on the same page)

For safe keeping I would save Origin and Referrer as well (its not always needed but I would recommend
you do keep it)

Now save the "User-Agent"

And finally you want to save the Form Data

5. Return back to OpenBullet press the + icon then select "Request"

In Request you want to put the 1st URL we got where it says "URL:"

Change the method to "POST"

Now go to "Content-Type:" and paste what we saved in notepad.

Replace "Custom Headers:" with the one we got earlier & add the Origin, Referrer we got earlier
underneath (Put Origin and Referrer on a new line underneath)

Now put the Form Data in the "POST Data" box, Now you want to change the username you entered to
<USER> and change the password to <PASS>

Now run the DeBugger.

Key Check

Press the + and add a "Key Check"

Change the type to failure

Paste the error message for a incorrect user:pass eg (ACCESS DENIED! or PASSWORD INCORRECT)

Now press the "Key Chains +" and add a success block.

Now press the + which can be seen at "Keys +" and just type something that you see when you sign in to
a working account eg (Welcome!, Login Success)
Now were done! Don't Forget to save your config :D

Configs: Different types of configs?

Loli Configs – Is the original OpenBullet config type. Its unsecure if you are selling configs using .loli as its

CTO Configs – Are configs that are made for the forum mod by Forlax. Because we are on Nulled I
can not provide you with a link. These configs only work with tools and requires auth.

Anom Config – Anom configs are configs which are made for the Anomly OpenBullet.

Modded Open Bullet Downloads:

Open Bullet Anomaly (Anom) - https://www.nulled.t...hl=anomaly?st=0

Open Bullet Original - https://www.nulled.t...t-114-download/

How To Create A Complex Open Bullet Config?

1. Go to the config tab in OpenBullet and press "New"

(Now it should show you the stacker)

2. Go to the website you want and sign in with a bad (Invalid) account.

Now your there pres "CTRL, SHIFT, I" and then search for one with the method as "Post" this is usually
the one called "login". Just leave the page there as we will be returning in a minuite.

3. So the first thing we want to save is the url login eg (

Now you have saved the URL hit the + in the stacker press "Request"

Now paste the URL in the section called "URL:"

Make sure the method is "GET"

Now go back to the tab we kept open scroll all the way down on the "Post" tab and copy the text
underneath your USER:PASS you entered earlier.

Now go back to OpenBullet and press start (its under the orange text saying Debugger)

Once thats complete press log at the top of the "Debugger" and then press "CTRL F" and search what
was underneath the login details.

Now just copy the segment in the speech marks, its usally value="YOUR TOKEN"

4. Now hit the + in the top left and and then select "PARSE"

Once your in here change the "Var/Cap Name:" to the variable we got earlier (the thing under USER:PASS
before the token)

So now for the left string we want to copy what was on the left of are token. (eg name="csrf" value=")

On the right string we want to put whats on the right of the token for example: * /> (DO NOT INCLUDE
Now swap back the "Data" tab in OpenBullet and just press start. Once doing this it should give you a
bunch of letters and or numbers.

5. So to setup the next part we want to resume back to the "Post" tab we had open earlier and we want
to copy the "Request Url:"

Now press the + back in open bullet again and select request

Then paste the URL we just copied in the "URL" box.

Now change the method from "GET" to "POST"

Now change the "Label:" to POST

Now go back into are google tab we created earlier and scroll back down to "Form Data" and then press
view source. You now want to copy this source and paste it in the "POST Data:" box in are OpenBullet.

Now its in open bullet you want to replace the USER/MAIL you entered with <USER> and replace the
pass you entered with <PASS>

Now delete everything after your token name and replace it with what we called the second block (call it
what the yellow block says)

Now for the "Content-Type" you want to open the tab we had open with Post data inside and you want
to go into "Request Headers" and copy the code after "content-type:"

Now go to the same page again and copy the "Origin:" and "Referer" together (So its 2 lines) and paste it
into the headers box.

Now go back to that same page and copy all the code after "user-agent:" and replace the preset inside of
open bullet (its in the "Custom Header" section.

Now to test this hit "HTML View" and put in a random USER:PASS/MAIL:PASS in the "Data:" tab at the
top. Now it should say an error message.

Now copy the error message it gave you eg "Invalid Username and Password"

Now press the + again to add a new block and we want to select "KEY CHECK"

Once you have added the "KEY CHECK" block press the + after "Keychains:" twice (so 2 green boxes

Once you have the 2 boxes appear change the second ones "Type:" to "Failure:" and paste the error
message we got in the blank box
Now you have done that we need to sign into a working REAL account (it does not matter if it is free)
using the "Data:" box at the top.

Now copy something on this page which isn't usally there eg "Log Out" "Welcome" and paste it into the
blank green box. (To add more to be ultra safe you can press the + after "Keys:" and add another piece of
text you see after login.

Now press on "Data" windows in the debugger and press start. Now it should mark it as a "SUCCESS"

Now we want to change the working account details into one that dont work and press start again, it
should now say "FAIL"

How to create a Capture?

Put the working account details back into the debugger after "Data:" and swap back to "HTML View" in
the "Debugger" Now press "Start"

After the "HTML View" has loaded you want to go back and add another block by pressing the + under
"Current Stack" and select "PARSE"

Now you want to go into the block "PARSE" and tick "Is Capture"

Now change the "Var/Cap Name:" into what your capturing (eg, Account Name, Membership)

Then go into the "Log" in the "Debugger" view menu and search what you want for me im searching for
"Account Name" so im going to "CTRL F" and search: My Username. (Make sure that the information you
get is not from "Block POST" "Sign In Information) and then you want to copy a big bit of text before
what you want (go right up to the last letter before <

Now you want to paste that information in the left string

Then you want to copy whats on the right of your text. Usally this is something like this "/>

Now you want to change the text after "Label:" to the text you entered in the "Var/Cap Name" earlier.

Now I want to capture the second name aswell to do this I am going to repeat this again to do this I press
the + in the top left select "PARSE" and change the "Var/Cap Name" to the next bit of capture you want
(for me its Account Second Name)

Now copy all the information from before the second bit of information right up to the < again and paste
it into "Left String"

Now copy whats on the right for me its "/> again

Now just select is capture.

Now to test are capture im just going to swap the debugger tab to "Data" and press start. Now it should
show your Capture you wanted it to find. For me it shows me my first and last name.

If it all worked successfully you want to press the "Save" icon under "Current Stack" and we are done :D

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