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Q1. What is feminist movement?

Ans. Radical women movement aimed at equality in personal and family life is called
feminist movement. It also believes in equal rights and opportunities for women and
Q2. What do you mean by social division of labour?
Ans. It is a system in which different roles assigned by the society to men and women, eg.
Women do work at home while man outside the home.
Q3. What is gender empowerment?
Ans. Gender empowerment includes all those measures which aim at improving the status
of women in society and ensure gender equality.
Q4. What is patriarchy?
Ans. This is the concept refer to a system that gives more value to man and gives power
over women.
Q5. Name two important challenges facing the Indian economy?
Ans. Castism and Communalism
Q6. Mention different aspects of life in which women are discriminated in India?
Ans. They are as follows:
1. Gender Division: In all over the world different roles are assigned by the society
to men and women. Eg. Women do work at home and man outside the home.
2. Minimum Role in Polities: The proportion of women in legislative is very low
only 12% in parliament and 5% in state assembly.
3. Exploitation and Violence: Our society is still male dominating where women
always are being subjected to disadvantage, exploitation and Violence. They are
not safe even in their own home.
4. Low Literacy Rate of Women: The literacy rate among the women is just 54%
as compared to 76% of man.
5. Equal Wages: Women are paid less than men, even they both do exactly the
same work.
Q7. India is secular state. Justify by giving example.
Mention any four constitutional provisions make India a secular state?
Ans. India is a secular state in the following ways:
1. No Official Religion Of State: Buddism is a state religion in Sri Lanka and Islam
in Pakistan but there is no such official religion in lndla.
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2. Religious Freedom: Our constitution provides freedom to every Citizen to

practice and propagate any religion.
3. Prohibition Of Discrimination On The Basis Of Religion: The constitution
prohibits discrimination on the ground of religion.
4. Ban On Untouchability: Our constitution has ban on the practice of
untouchability in India.
Q8. What are various forms of castism and communalism in politics?
Ans. The four forms of communalism and castism are as follows:
1. Political parties very often nominate the candidate for the election on caste or
community consideration.
2. Sometime political parties use sacred symbol to bring the follower of one
religion together in the party.
3. Communal riots take place most ugly form of communal violence.
4. Some political parties appeal to their caste to give support to their candidate
5. New kinds of caste groups have come up in the politics like backward and forward
caste groups.
Q9. Who are atheists?
Ans. Atheists refer to those who do not believe in the presence of God.
Q10. “Caste alone can’t determine election results in India”.Justify.

Ans. In the following ways:

1. No parliamentary constituency has a clear majority of any one caste voter, they
belong to many castes.
2. All voters of the single caste never vote for the same candidate.
3. The voter has strong attachment to the political party rather than caste.
4. Many candidates from the same caste may be raised by all different political
parties for election.
5. Every candidate and party needs to win the confidence of more than one caste
and community to win election.
Q11. Name the Scandinavian countries where the participation of women in public
life is very high.
Ans. Sweden, Norway and Finland
Q12. What are family laws?
Ans. Laws that deals with family related matters such as marriage, divorce adoption etc. In
our country different family laws apply to followers of different religions.
Q13. “Gender division is based on biology but not social expectations and
stereotypes”. Support the statements.
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1. Boys and girls are brought up to believe that the main responsibility of women is
house work and bringing up children.
2. There is a sexual division of labour in most families where women do all the
household chores and men work outside the home.
3. Majority of women do some paid work in addition to domestic labour both in rural
and urban areas but work is not valued and does not get recognition.
4. Gender division is a form of hierarchical social division based on social
expectations and stereotypes.
Q14. Suggest some measures to improve the social status of women in Indian
1. Women should be g i v e n representation in the elected bodies such as the
parliament and state assemblies.
2. Only reservation of seats for women in government jobs is not enough, it should
be adequate and be implemented in strict sense.
3. The Equal Wages Act should be implemented effectively.
4. There should be harsh punishment against girl child abortion.
5. Special attention should be given towards their educational upliftment.

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