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In the contemporary era, accomodation has become extremely vital among people

in large urban centers. Hence, the issue of housing shortages has engendered
worldwide concern in recent years. While some argue that only government
intervention can effectively address this problem, I am more convinced to the fact
that although government action is crucial, it should be complemented by the
involvement of multiple stakeholders to achieve a comprehensive and sustainable

Governments have a significant role to play in addressing housing shortages.

Firstly, they possess the authority to implement and enforce policies that promote
affordable housing initiatives. Governments can allocate resources and subsidies to
incentivize the construction of housing units, particularly for low-income
individuals and families. Secondly, they can regulate the real estate market to
prevent speculative practices and ensure fair access to housing opportunities. These
measures are vital in providing a safety net and prioritizing housing as a
fundamental right.

However, relying solely on government action may not be sufficient. Engaging the
private sector is crucial to address housing shortages effectively. Private
developers, with their expertise and financial resources, can play a significant role
in increasing housing supply. Governments can create a favorable environment
through streamlined approval processes, tax incentives, and public-private
partnerships. This collaboration can expedite construction projects, introduce
innovative housing models, and diversify the range of available housing options.

In conclusion, housing shortages in big cities require a comprehensive approach

that combines government action, private sector participation, and community
engagement. Collaborative efforts among all stakeholders are necessary to address
the complex challenges posed by housing shortages and ensure that everyone has
access to safe and affordable housing.

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