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Was Ohio Train Derailment Planned!!


The Ohio train derailment has set tongues wagging and triggered conspiracy theories that
are making the rounds online. People are even comparing it to Chernobyl, while some are
pointing to a Netflix movie that apparently predicted the incident. But is it just a coincidence
or is something more sinister at play?

In this video, we'll be digging into the evidence and arguments to the bottom of it. Stick
around until the end to make up your own mind - was the Ohio train derailment planned?

Last year, Netflix released a Movie White noise based on the novel by Don DeLillo with the
same name. The movie highlighted the fear of death among people of a town where a train
carrying hazardous chemicals derailed and went on fire to form smoke clouds. Authorities
then order the residents of the town to evacuate as soon as possible. People leave their
houses and then return but the environment of the town is contaminated enough to shock
the hell inside their bodies.

No one was taking this movie much seriously until on 3rd February, the train carrying 18000
gallons of vinyl chloride and related chemicals to Illinois derailed on the track at Ohio, East
Palestine near the Pennsylvania border. The derailment lead to leaking of chemicals on the
open grounds. Everyone at the site was afraid of the consequences that this spill was going
to create. Worst case scenario popped out its head when the derailed cars caught fire and
the cloud of smoke filled the entire town. Though the fire was controllable, 4000 residents of
the Ohio town evacuated and in a matter of hours the place turned into a ghost town.

Of course the people of town were having a life there so they had to return to the place
without even caring about what could happen to them. However, on 8 th February the
governmental authorities themselves declared that the town is safe to live in. The air quality
index as per governmental surveys was safe. People rushed back to their houses to
continue their businesses. But, they were not aware that they were going to see death
hovering over their heads soon.
Though EPA conducting experiments to check the water toxicity levels advised the people of
town to stay away from Ohio water for drinking and recreational activities, still the governor
announced that the Ohio River water is safe and claimed that the chemical plume completely

The first thing noted by the residents was their households covered by the smoky dust from
the fire lightened to burn the chemical. They were done with cleaning that but then few of the
residents on the town on social media claimed that they have seen dead fish and animals
like frogs in the water of the creek in the town. It was obvious that the water in the town was
no longer safe for them. You can imagine what must have happened to the ground water???

The worst was yet to come. A video from Ohio went viral on social media that showed a man
trying to make a cup of coffee. When he added milk to Ohio water, it started sizzling. Yet
another video on the social media alleged formation of chemical flakes in the tea made by a
woman with Ohio water.

Another resident of the town has claimed that when he boiled Ohio water white solid
precipitates of chemicals appeared in it. More scary footage was seen circulating on social
media where chemical rings were formed on Ohio River water when the river bed was
slightly disturbed. It indicates that the chemicals have been absorbed by ground water.

While nobody knows whether these videos are true or not, they indicate that something fishy
exists behind the incident. The movie white noise has woken up the Netflix subscribers and
they are calling the Ohio train derailment and the scenes in the movie twin stories.

Ben Ratner, who was part of White Noise as an extra side gig, was living less than a mile
away from the site of the recent train derailment and chemical spill in East Palestine, Ohio.
He found himself living out a scenario that closely mirrored the plot of a movie he worked on.
In 2021, Ben Ratner and his family signed up to be extras in the White Noise to have a fun
experience. The movie is about a family that faces an airborne toxic event and tries to
resume their normal lives. Ratner and his family were in a scene where they had to evacuate
a dangerous situation.

However, the Ratner family had to evacuate their home in Ohio due to a train derailment that
threatened to explode and release hazardous materials. The situation resembled the first
half of the movie they participated in. Ratner found the coincidence unsettling but used
humour to cope with it. Ranter revealed to sources that when he came back from the
evacuation site and wanted to watch the movie again he couldn’t do that because for him it
looked so surreal to have already experienced it in reality.
White Noise and the Ohio Train derailment can be coincidences but everyone has laid their
eyes on the fact that the government of the town is not taking any action. This has given air
to the conspiracy fire that the government is covering up the incident to conceal the
environmental damage caused by Vinyl chloride spill. Moreover, no state emergency was
declared in the crime scene, which means something is there stopping the governor and the
environmental action committee of the town to start investigations and reveal the true face of
the people responsible for the spill.

It is not even surprising for anyone to believe that the train derailment was preplanned as the
movie already predicted it because the authorities at the town are trying to make the
situation under control at any expense without taking care of the safety of their own people.

Investigations of the incident by the authorities have thrown all the burden on the length of
the train. The wisdom of running trains of such extreme length and weight is being
questioned. While the railway companies may argue that longer trains are more efficient, the
risks associated with their operation are simply too high.

An East Palestine business owner and two other residents filed a lawsuit in federal court,
alleging negligence on the part of the rail operator. The lawsuit claims that the railroad failed
to properly maintain and inspect its tracks and rail cars, neglected to provide adequate
employee training, and did not appropriately warn the public regarding the incident.

The AFL-CIO's Transportation Trades Department’s president Greg Regan has tried to
cover up by expressing his concern that the risk of a catastrophic derailment is increasing
due to the reduction in the number of workers in the industry.

According to him, Major freight railroads have reportedly cut around one-third of their
workforce over the past six years, and are now running fewer, longer trains. As a result,
crews, mechanics, and locomotives are being reduced, which may compromise the safety of
the rail system. It is surprising why no one is talking about the health effects the
contaminated water and air is going to have on the general public. Just the workers were
busy cleaning up the wreckage using cranes and other heavy machinery. They were seen
manually moving sheets of metal and disposing of the debris in dumpsters.

Locals are making efforts to know about the extent of danger they could face. Bodiah Cepin,
a 21-year-old who recently visited a local assistance centre, expressed concern over the
toxic chemical ethylhexyl acrylate that was released from the train derailment. Cepin stated
that he has been researching the chemical online and believes it could remain in the soil for
years, prompting him to consider moving elsewhere.
Presumably, if the Ohio derailing incident and the smoky fire followed by the execution were
pre planned, then who was the culprit behind that, and what happened when the people
evacuated the site and left the town? Investigations will reveal everything, but it is going to
take years, centuries, or might be forever. Because dark chapters in history always remain
under dust like a secret.

What are your thoughts on the derailment incident? Let us know in the comments section
below. Make sure to subscribe to the channel for latest updates in investigations. Thanks for

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