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Cross-Section and Staining-Based Techniques for Investigating Organic

Materials in Painted and Polychrome Works of Art: A Review

Article in Microscopy and Microanalysis · August 2012

DOI: 10.1017/S1431927612000554 · Source: PubMed

52 5,422

5 authors, including:

Irina Crina Anca Sandu Donata Magrini

Munch Museet Italian National Research Council


Susanna Bracci Ana Cecília A Roque

Italian National Research Council Universidade NOVA de Lisboa


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Cross­Section and Staining­Based Techniques for Investigating Organic

Materials in Painted and Polychrome Works of Art: A Review
Irina Crina Anca Sandu, Stephan Schäfer, Donata Magrini, Susanna Bracci and Cecilia A. Roque

Microscopy and Microanalysis / Volume 18 / Issue 04 / August 2012, pp 860 ­ 875

DOI: 10.1017/S1431927612000554, Published online: 31 July 2012

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How to cite this article:

Irina Crina Anca Sandu, Stephan Schäfer, Donata Magrini, Susanna Bracci and Cecilia A. Roque (2012). Cross­Section and
Staining­Based Techniques for Investigating Organic Materials in Painted and Polychrome Works of Art: A Review.
Microscopy and Microanalysis,18, pp 860­875 doi:10.1017/S1431927612000554

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Microsc. Microanal. 18, 860–875, 2012
doi:10.1017/S1431927612000554 Microscopy AND


Cross-Section and Staining-Based Techniques for
Investigating Organic Materials in Painted and
Polychrome Works of Art: A Review
Irina Crina Anca Sandu,1, * Stephan Schäfer,2 Donata Magrini,3 Susanna Bracci,3 and
Cecilia A. Roque 4
REQUIMTE, Departamento de Conservação e Restauro, Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia, Universidade Nova de Lisboa,
Campus de Caparica, 2829-516 Caparica, Portugal
Departamento de Conservação e Restauro, Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia (FCT), Universidade Nova de Lisboa (UNL),
2829-516, Caparica, Portugal
Institute for Conservation and Valorization of Cultural Heritage (ICVBC), National Council of Research (CNR),
via Madonna del Piano 10, 50019 Sesto Fiorentino, Florence, Italy
REQUIMTE, Departamento de Química, Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia (FCT), Universidade Nova de Lisboa (UNL),
2829-516, Caparica, Portugal

Abstract: The article presents a review of the use of cross-section and staining techniques for investigating
natural organic materials ~mainly proteinaceous and oil-based binders/varnishes! in painted and polychrome
artworks, considering the requirements of conservation practice and routine diagnostics. The reviewed
literature calls attention to the importance of using cross sections to prepare samples for optical microscopy and
to different properties of embedding resins; the most appropriate instrumental conditions for optical micros-
copy; and the advantages and disadvantages of the most common staining techniques. A few case studies were
selected to illustrate the use of autofluorescence ~intrinsic fluorescence! and induced fluorescence ~using specific
staining tests and fluorophore-labeled antibodies! for mapping and identifying organic paint materials in cross
sections. New directions of research in cross-section analyses and fluorescence-based techniques for the
identification and mapping of artistic materials are presented. The complementary use of different stains on the
same cross section, further exploration of intrinsic and induced fluorescence of aged versus fresh materials, and
applicability of cross-section observation and staining as complementary methods for assessing the effectiveness
of restoration treatments, such as cleaning and consolidation, are discussed in the last section of the article.
Key words: cross section, staining tests, natural organic materials, conservation practice, routine diagnosis,
painted/polychrome works of art

I NTR ODUCTION ries such as spatial resolution versus bulk methods, the
possibility of mapping the organic materials in each layer of
Several analytical techniques, used in investigating painted the stratigraphic structure and distinguishing different ma-
and polychrome works of art, can provide answers to ques- terials according to their intrinsic fluorescence. These meth-
tions raised by art conservators, curators, or art historians. ods are simple and require readily available equipment
Determining the authenticity of a work of art, identifying ~Spring & Davidson, 2008!. However, they have technical
its material composition, the artistic technique and past limitations and drawbacks such as the micro-invasiveness
restorations, and the effects of the interactions with various and the need to have a perfectly flat surface of the cross
exogenous factors are the main goals of a routine diagnostic section in order to achieve proper focus and obtain clear
project or investigation ~Aldrovandi & Picollo, 2001; Appo- images.
lonia & Volpin, 2001; Sandu et al., 2009a!. Fluorescent stains have been an alternative to the much
The oldest basic and most readily available method that older stains ~such as Amido Black, Acid Fuchsine, Ponceau
give insight into the stratigraphic structure and composi- S, Stain-all, Biuret, etc.! for analyzing and identifying bind-
tion of a polychrome or paint sample is the study of cross ing media on cross sections for over 20 years ~Plesters, 1956;
sections and eventually of thin sections obtained of it ~Plest- Gay, 1970, 1978; Martin, 1977, 1978; Matteini et al., 1981;
ers, 1956; Jones, 1962; Matteini & Moles, 1984; Tsang & Spring, 1991!. They were initially popularized by R. Wolbers
Cunningham, 1991; Messinger, 1992; Derrick et al., 1994; ~Wolbers & Landrey, 1987; Wolbers, 1990, 2000!, who intro-
Martin, 1994!. Cross-section-based methods for observing duced them as an aid in selecting cleaning methods and for
and analyzing organic materials present several advantages characterizing binding media in painting cross sections. In
~Tsang & Cunningham, 1991; Khandekar, 2003; Sandu et al., addition to fluorescein isothiocyanate ~FITC!, rhodamine,
2008!; for daily use in scientific and conservation laborato- and other fluorescent stains ~Nairn, 1962; Maeda et al.,
Received September 23, 2011; accepted April 11, 2012 1969; Green et al., 1973; James & Tas, 1984; Banks &
*Corresponding author. E-mail: Paquette, 1995! used as alternatives to traditional dyes,
Cross-Section and Staining Techniques for Art 861

Figure 1. Schematic structure and composition of a painted or polychrome sample.

other products with different fluorophore groups ~DyLight, aceous ~egg, fish, and other animal glues, casein!, polysac-
Nile Red, SYPRO! have been used in biological labeling and charide ~gum arabic, tragacanth, fruit-tree gums, starch,
protein staining ~Holmes & Lantz, 2001; Patton, 2002; Wang and dextrin!, lipid-based ~drying oils such as linseed, poppy
et al., 2006; Sandu et al., 2012!. seed, walnut oils, etc.!, resins, and waxes ~Slansky, 1956;
The main purpose of the present article is to review Gettens & Stout, 1966; Kühn, 1986; Rinuy & Gros, 1989;
the readily available optical microscopy methods for investi- Masschelein Kleiner, 1992; Mills & White, 1994; Sandu
gating organic materials in painted and/or polychrome works et al., 2005; Petty, 2007!. These materials can be found alone
of art ~Mills & White, 1979!. A few case studies draw atten- and as mixtures with mineral phases ~inert materials! or
tion to the use of cross sections in conjunction with staining- pigments to form polychrome or protective layers ~Fig. 1!.
based techniques as a simple, reliable method for mapping Sometimes, binary or even tertiary mixtures, such as tem-
and identifying artistic organic materials ~mainly protein pera grassa in which oil is added to egg yolk, have been
and oil-based materials!. Additionally, the different proper- found. In some cases, binders or consolidant materials, such
ties of embedding resins for obtaining cross sections, the as egg white, isinglass, or animal glues, were also used as
main staining techniques for organic materials, and alterna- coatings or temporary varnishes ~Kühn, 1986; Phenix, 1997;
tive fluorophore-labeled antibody techniques such as immu- Carlyle, 2001; Matteini & Moles, 2002!.
nofluorescence microscopy ~IFM! for protein detection are If the identification of inorganic constituents of poly-
discussed and illustrated. Some of these methods were origi- chrome layers ~pigments, inert materials, fillers! is consid-
nally developed for other more complex analytical tech- ered affordable, using standard conservation science tools,
niques @e.g., confocal laser scanning microscopy ~CLSM!, the characterization of organic materials still represents a
proteomics, etc.#, but they have been successfully tested for challenge for conservation scientists. Difficulties relating to
use with optical microscopy in cultural heritage applications. identification and mapping binders in the everyday conser-
Several other imaging techniques applied on cross vation practice can be explained by the following reasons
sections @such as micro-FTIR, attenuated total reflectance ~Messinger, 1992; Rosi et al., 2011!:
~ATR!-FTIR, micro-Raman, chemiluminescence, etc.# are
• the low content ~micrograms or even nanograms! of
not covered, and just proteinaceous and lipidic binders are organic materials generally encountered in heterogeneous
considered in this review. micrometric samples
New directions of research to identify and to map
• the presence of very thin layers and mixtures of different
organic material are also suggested, as the complementary materials, especially in the case of overpainted or restored
use of different stains on the same cross section. objects, when original materials are present together with
The need to better explore the fluorescence of aged new materials in the same sample and/or layer
versus fresh materials and the usefulness of microscopic
• the interference from inorganic materials or phases that
observations and staining to evaluate the efficiency of resto- can cause problems in properly visualizing the organic
ration treatments are briefly discussed. materials in cross sections
• aging and degradation/denaturation processes that usu-
N ATURAL O RGANIC M ATERIALS IN ally lead to a loss in properties such as fluorescence and
P OLYCHR OME S AMPLES AND solubility of the organic materials that could be useful in
their identification ~Karpowicz, 1981!
• the lack of knowledge of the conservation history of an
Natural organic materials ~Matteini & Moles, 2002; object or sample can lead to erroneous interpretations of
Doménech-Carbó, 2008! used in polychrome works of art information that the cross-section and staining tests could
are commonly grouped in the following categories: protein- offer.
862 Irina C.A. Sandu et al.

C R OSS S ECTIONS AND T HEIR S TUDY et al., 2006! such as binders, sizes, varnishes, adhesives, and
consolidating materials ~Kühn, 1986; Matteini & Moles,
It is quite usual for conservators and restorers to consider a 2002!. However, even though they are quite versatile and do
painting as a stratified structure. For this reason, several not require a highly technological setup, they have fallen
analytical methods have been developed for studying the out of favor due to a lack of specificity, interference prob-
internal layers of a painting, and many of them are using a lems, or because other methods have become available.
cross section as a support for analysis. Before any analytical Recently, however, there has been a revival of interest in
technique is applied on the cross section of a sample, we using the cross-section method as a support for identifying
must be sure that sampling was performed carefully, respect- and mapping binders; there is a great deal of research to be
ing the integrity of the work of art and that the sampling done concerning the simultaneous identification of differ-
areas are representative for the final purpose of the scientific ent classes of organic materials such as oil/fatty and protein-
study. Therefore, the sampling step is crucial for excluding based binders in the same cross section.
different sources of error or contamination to narrow the
range of choices for reliable identification and mapping of Preparing Cross Sections for Optical Microscopy,
these materials. A common problem arises, for example, Staining Tests, and Immunological Methods
when samples are taken in previously restored areas of an Cross-section analysis is a method of embedding a paint or
art object where the original paint composition has changed. polychrome sample in a synthetic resin to form a rigid and
However, by applying noninvasive imaging techniques transparent block for visualizing the stratigraphic sequence
@photographic techniques using ultraviolet ~UV! fluores- of layers within the sample. Derrick et al. ~1994! describe a
cence and infrared ~IR! reflectography, fiber optics fluores- wide range of embedding media used in conservation
cence spectroscopy, etc.#, the conservator-restorer is able to and also in forensic or biomedical applications ~polyester,
choose an area that is highly representative of the object’s epoxy, acrylics, cyanoacrylates, gelatin, wax, hot-melt
entire structure and its history for a correct collection of adhesives, and silicones!. Pilc and White ~1995! describe the
data ~Matteini & Moles, 1984; Sandu et al., 2005, 2009b!. use of silver chloride for embedding samples prior to thin
To perform proper microscopic examination, the paint sectioning for IR microscopy. The main types of commer-
fragment must be placed on edge, must be mounted on a cially available resins can be grouped in cold systems ~such
suitable medium, and smoothly polished to give a plane as room temperature curing epoxy! and hot systems ~such
surface for focusing under the microscope. The paint sec- as phenolic resin powder cured in a high-pressure device
tion provides a large amount of precise information from a at 140–2008C! ~Wachowiak, 2004!. Since samples from the
very small area of the painting. The preparation of paint cultural heritage context are often heat sensitive ~mostly
cross sections was begun more than 40 years ago ~Plesters, those made of organic materials!, it is best to eliminate
1956!, and the conservation literature contains many stud- hot systems. Chemically, the embedding resins can be
ies focused on observations of cross sections of paint/ grouped as the thermoset polymers ~epoxy, polyester! and
polychrome samples with an optical microscope under visible thermoplastic polymers ~Canada balsam, catalyzed acrylic,
and UV light ~Ploem & Tanke, 1987; Becker, 1989; Rinuy & cyanoacrylate!. The thermoset ones generally have better
Gros, 1989; Siegel, 1993; Martin, 1994; Dorge & Carey performances because they are more abrasion, solvent, and
Howlett, 1994; Derndarsky & Ocklind, 2001; Sandu et al., temperature resistant. Between the cold system thermoset
2005! and as support for more elaborate analyses. Among resins, epoxies may be the best choice, although Waentig
these, we must mention scanning electron microscopy ~Pinna ~1993! concluded that both polyester and epoxy would be
et al., 2009; Sandu et al., 2010!, X-ray fluorescence ~Pinna useful. Derrick et al. ~1994! discussed methods to improve
et al., 2009!, micro and fluorescence spectroscopy ~White, polyester embedding for microtomy and binder analysis.
1984; Osmond, 1993; Pinna et al., 2009; Rosi et al., 2011!, Bousfield ~1992! supplies very detailed descriptions of both
microRaman, microFTIR, and ATR-FTIR ~Doménech-Carbó, preparation method and materials selection, to the point
2008; Pinna et al., 2009!, immunofluorescence assays ~Tal- that he defines auditable laboratory procedures. Because of
bot, 1982; Kockaert et al., 1989; Ramirez-Barat & de la Vina, general performance qualities, Bousfield indicates that ep-
2001; Heginbotham et al., 2004; Vagnini et al., 2008; Pinna oxy is preferable over polyester resin.
et al., 2009; Sandu et al., 2009b; Cartechini et al., 2010; Generally, the embedding resins used for obtaining a
Arslanoglu et al., 2011; Sciutto et al., 2011!, and staining cross section from a paint sample should have the following
tests ~Feigl & Anger, 1966; Gay, 1970, 1978; Martin, 1977, characteristics: readily available on the market; uniformity
1978; Rinuy & Gros, 1989; Wolbers, 2000; Sandu et al., 2006, from one batch to another; low viscosity as a monomer for
2012!. penetration; uniform polymerization; little volume change
Many stains ~dyes! have been used since the early stages during polymerization; good preservation of the fine struc-
of scientific conservation and investigation ~Plesters, 1956; ture; good sectioning quality that includes homogeneity,
Gay, 1978; Martin, 1978; Wolbers & Landrey, 1987; Wolbers, hardness, plasticity, and elasticity; resistance to the heat
1990! for mapping and identifying organic components generated by sectioning; adequate specimen stainability;
~Matteini et al., 1981; Matteini & Moles, 1984; Mills & and stability under the electron beam and at high vacuum
White, 1994; Schäfer, 1997; Petraco & Kubic, 2004; Sandu conditions. Epoxy resins have optical properties suitable for
Cross-Section and Staining Techniques for Art 863

Figure 2. Images of cross sections with different embedding resins @~a! polyester resin, ~b! acrylic resin, and ~c! epoxy
resin# acquired with an optical microscope ~images in reflected visible light in the first row; fluorescence images with UV
excitation using filter set 365/420 nm in the second row; and visible excitation using filter set 450/515 nm in the third

immunofluorescence ~Vagnini et al., 2008! as they do not Figure 2 shows images in visible reflected light ~first
swell, are stable to aqueous solvents, and have a good line! and fluorescence images of paint samples embedded in
transparency in the IR spectral range for integrated IR three different resins ~polyester, acrylic, and epoxy!.
spectroscopic techniques ~Heginbotham et al., 2004!. Epoxy
resins perform best in common electron microscopy, while Traditional Staining Tests
polyester resins are considered the best option for optical Around 1905 Oswald for the first time performed analyses
microscopy and immunofluorescence, however with the on cross sections using biological stains ~Spring, 1991!.
drawbacks of infiltrating porous samples and low binder Since then, a variety of stains ~with visible or fluorescent
content samples ~Derrick et al., 1994!. emission range! have been suggested in the conservation
Cross-section samples may be cut with a microtome to literature ~Gay, 1970, 1978; Johnson & Packard, 1971; Mar-
obtain numerous thin sections ~Martin, 1978; Tsang & Cun- tin, 1978; Matteini et al., 1981; Wolbers & Landrey, 1987;
ningham, 1991!, or they may be polished on opposite sides Rinuy & Gros, 1989; Wolbers, 1990, 2000; Sandu et al.,
to yield a single thin section ~Garrido & Cabrera, 1986!. A 2009b, 2012!. The staining technique is mainly based on the
thickness of 5–50 mm is commonly reported for thin sec- use of dyes able to form colored compounds with organic
tions in the conservation literature. materials, such as proteins, polysaccharides, resins, and oils.
864 Irina C.A. Sandu et al.

When applied to paint cross sections, the accuracy of the bonding and will therefore vary between different proteins.
test depends on the selectivity of the dye used and is greatly Gay ~1970, 1978! found that it also stains starch, even
influenced by the sample’s age and by the dye absorption though other stains ~such as Lugol! have proven better in
phenomena that may take place on the surface. The detec- identification of starch and polysaccharides. Acid Fuchsine
tion limit of the methods varies significantly, but generally can give a fluorescence emission when bonded to egg
ranges within a few micrograms of the unknown compound. protein, although less intense when bonded to glue ~Gay,
Limitations in the formation of the staining color can 1978!.
be due to dye absorption by porous matrices ~such as Amido Black, an azoic dye ~Blue/Back Naphtol 10B!
calcium carbonate grounds! or to the degree of aging/ introduced by Martin ~1975, 1977, 1978! is one of the
denaturation of the materials to be identified. Although common stains currently used in conservation for distin-
aging could give a decrease in the reactivity of the organic guishing different proteinaceous materials. The blue posi-
materials, in some cases denaturation processes, leading to tive staining is due to an acid-basic reaction with a proteins’
an increase in the number of functional groups available for functional groups. It can be formulated in three different
the dyeing, favor the formation of the staining color ~Mar- solutions according to the pH ~AB1, acidic; AB2, moderate
tin, 1977; Matteini et al., 1981!. The application of staining acidity; AB3, neutral! that can be used to obtain some
tests to samples from paintings and other polychrome works differentiation between various proteins ~Martin, 1975, 1977!.
of art usually requires that the operator be familiar with the Martin ~1978! claimed that its specificity was such that it
artist’s technique and materials. Staining tests always require was possible to identify emulsions on a cross section, and
controls with both fresh and aged materials ~already chem- that there were staining differences between protein-oil and
ically characterized!, before assuming that they will work oil-protein emulsions. This stain makes it possible to distin-
unambiguously on unknown samples. guish between egg and glue, and the staining of egg proteins
The identification of proteinaceous compounds through is stronger than the rather weak, ambiguous color obtained
histochemical ~staining! tests is based on the interaction with Acid Fuchsine.
with specific functional groups ~such as carbonyl, carboxyl, Ponceau S stain forms bonds with proteins similar to
hydroxyl, etc.! and/or on the characterization of specific those obtained with Amido Black and Fuchsine. Johnson
properties of chemical functions of these materials: redox, and Packard ~1971! first introduced this stain, which gives a
acid-basic, or metachromatic properties ~Feigl & Anger, bright pink-red to glues and a bright opaque orange red to
1966; Gay, 1970; Matteini et al., 1981; James & Tas, 1984; egg yolk-containing samples. This stain can identify pro-
Matteini & Moles, 1984!. teins more precisely, although with subtle differences in
Many protein stains, such as Acid Fuchsine and Amido hue. The authors consider the opaque staining as an advan-
Black, are acidic dyes. The interaction of the dye with tage, but it may in fact be indicative of nonspecific staining.
proteinaceous paint materials will depend on the pH of the They also claimed that they could identify emulsions by first
stain solution because this determines the protein’s net staining with Ponceau S that gives an uneven color and then
charge. The presence of dark or colored pigments can with an oil stain such as Sudan Black B. Ponceau S stains old
complicate the identification of the positive stain especially paint samples more strongly than fresh ones, as might be
if it is the same color as the pigmented layer. Some of the expected, because denaturation results in more amino groups
dyes, such as the acidic ones, may also dissolve salts or inert being available for bonding. Its drawback is that it may react
charges, as in the case of calcium carbonate. also with Ca 2⫹ present in painting layers ~Moles et al., 1982;
The histochemical dyeing of lipids ~triglycerides, phos- Matteini & Moles, 1984!.
pholipids, cerides! in paint or polychrome samples is based “Stains-all” is a cationic carbocyanine dye that has
on reactions with formation of chromophore groups using been used in biochemistry, its first application on paint
lysochromic dyes capable of dissolving the lipids and/or samples being suggested by White ~1984!. It stains proteins
specific reactions for some radicals ~such as carbonyl from with different colors according to their phosphorous con-
the ketone and aldehyde groups! or reactions to prove the tent, which is characteristic for each proteinaceous paint
unsaturated state of an acid ~Matteini et al., 1981!. The binder. As a cationic dye, it interacts with carboxylate groups
staining tests for lipids are more difficult to evaluate as they on the protein rather than amino groups. Once the bond is
are less homogenous, less intense, and/or less stable than formed, the aggregation of the dye molecules and therefore
the protein stains. the color depends on the amino acid sequences in the
Table 1 lists the most reported traditional stains and protein. In biochemical applications it was found to stain
their preparation together with the specific positive re- nonphosphorylated proteins red and phosphorylated pro-
sponses for organic paint materials. teins, such as casein, blue ~Green et al., 1973!. It also has
Acid Fuchsine ~Fuchsine S! was first suggested by some disadvantages, such as extremely quick fading under
Plesters ~1956! as an acidic dye that, by means of electro- the light so that samples have to be kept in the dark. It also
static interactions, gives a positive staining red-pink or dark stains other macromolecules such as nucleic acids and poly-
red color for gelatins and animal glues, and pink for egg saccharides; therefore, it is not as specific as other stains
white and egg yolk proteins. The strength of the staining already in use. Denaturation of the protein may affect
color depends on the number of amino groups available for interactions. Also, different factors, such as pH and the
Cross-Section and Staining Techniques for Art 865

Table 1. Common Stains for Identifying Organic Paint Materials.

Positive Response and the
Staining Agent Preparation Specific Color of the Stain
Acid Fuchsine The test is done by placing a drop of agent ~aqueous solution Gelatins and animal glues are col-
~Fuchsine S! 1%! for 10–15 min on the sample, then washing with a solution ored dark red, while egg white
of acetic acid/water ~1/99 v/v! ~Gay, 1978; Spring 1991!. and egg yolk are colored light
Amido Black 1 g of agent is dissolved in 450 mL of acetic acid, diluted in 450 A dark blue color indicates the
AB1 mL of sodium acetate 0.1 M and 100 mL glycerin. The solution presence of egg yolk.
is left to react for 5 min on the cross section and then washed
with a 5% aqueous solution of acetic acid ~Martin, 1977; Spring,
Amido Black 1 g of agent is dissolved in 450 mL of acetic acid diluted in 450 A dark blue color indicates the
AB2 mL solution of sodium acetate 0.1 M and 100 mL glycerin. The presence of aged proteins of ani-
solution is left to react for 5 min on the cross section and then mal glues and casein.
washed with a 1% aqueous solution of acetic acid ~Martin,
1977; Spring, 1991!.
Amido Black 1 g of agent is dissolved in 900 mL water and 100 mL glycerin. A blue color indicates the pres-
AB3 The solution is let to react for 5 min on the cross section and ence proteins of gelatins and
than washed with a 1% aqueous solution of acetic acid ~Martin, casein.
1977; Spring, 1991!.
Ponceau S The agent must be prepared the day before to obtain a saturated An orange-red color identifies egg
solution of colorant in acetic acid 3%. For the test, a drop of yolk, while a red-pink color indi-
solution is applied to the cross section, left to react for 20 min cates the presence of the animal
and then washed with water ~Johnson & Packard, 1971!. glue.
Note: Consider also that Ca 2⫹ containing materials ~carbonate
or gypsum! give colorations with Ponceau S at different pH,
with the formation of an insoluble red complex.
Stains-all ~1! 0.005 g in 100 mL isopropyl alcohol/water mixture 25/75 v/v Nonphosphorus proteins turn red;
~purple color; pH 3!—good for differentiating between proteins. casein and proteins with phos-
~2! Saturated solution in isopropyl alcohol/water mixture 25/75 phorus content greater than 0.2%
v/v ~reddish color!—this formulation gives a good differentia- turn blue.
tion between proteins but of entirely different colors ~e.g., Polysaccharides turn blue/purple.
dark red for egg and green for gelatin! ~White, 1984; Spring,
Oil Red O 0.125 g of agent is mixed with 25 mL isopropyl alcohol and after An intense red color indicates the
1 h the solution is filtered. Dilute 6 mL of stock solution with 4 presence of oils and waxes.
mL distilled water. Place a drop on the cross section and let react
for 10 min. Then wash with isopropyl alcohol/water 60/40 v/v
for 3–5 s and then with distilled water ~Matteini et al., 1981!.
Sudan Black B The dried films of lipidic binders cannot dissolve the lysoch- A blue or black color indicates
rome colorant, and therefore the test should be done by heating the presence of lipids.
the sample in a closed quartz tube at 708C. The reaction will last
from 5 to 30 min at 708C, with an ethyl alcoholic saturated
solution of Sudan Black B, then washing with ethyl alcohol at
608C is done.
If the test is done with a solution of propylene glycol, the
reaction will last 5–7 min, using a solution of 0.7 g Sudan Black
B in 100 mL propylene-glycol, followed by a washing with a
solution of propylene-glycol/water ~85/15 v/v! ~Matteini & Moles,
Lugol’s solution Solution available in different iodine concentrations: 1%, 2%, or A dark-blue/black color indicates
5%. the presence of starches.
The 5% solution consists of 5% ~wt/v! iodine ~I2 ! and 10%
~wt/v! potassium iodide ~KI! mixed in distilled water and has a
total iodine content of 130 mg/mL ~Matteini & Moles, 1984!.
866 Irina C.A. Sandu et al.

Figure 3. Example of staining using Oil Red O on a cross section from an oil paint replica.

solvent in which it is dissolved, greatly affect the behavior of example, protein fluorescence is generally excited by using
this dye ~Kay et al., 1964!. UV radiation with wavelength ranging from 280 to 365 nm
Oil Red O is a lipophilic dye ~Matteini et al., 1981; ~Nairn, 1962; Sandu et al., 2012!, and the emissions are
Koopman et al., 2001; Beaudoin, 2004! that stains lipids mostly due to the excitation of tryptophan residues, with a
~oils! and waxes in the paint layers with an intense red lower contribution from tyrosine and phenylalanine. Addi-
~Fig. 3!. The stain is quick and easy to apply. A stock tional fluorescence is developed after amino-acid degrada-
solution in isopropyl alcohol has to be prepared and diluted tion by age-related cross linkage and Maillard reaction
with water before staining. products ~Deyl et al., 1999!.
Sudan Black B is a lysochrome ~fat-soluble dye! diazo Reactive dyes or fluorophores can be used to mark or
dye used for hystochemical staining of neutral triglycerides indicate specific materials with fluorescent dyes as a second-
and lipids on frozen sections and of some lipoproteins on ary or additional phenomenon ~Wolbers, 1990, 2000!. Sev-
paraffin sections. The dye is delivered originally as a dark eral reactive secondary fluorochromes were introduced into
brown-black powder and yields a blue-black stain solution the field of art conservation several years ago, starting from
with maximum absorption at 596–605 nm ~Matteini & biological science protocols and new ones are being experi-
Moles, 1984; Sandu et al., 2006!. mented with today, mainly for the detection and mapping of
Lugol’s iodine ~Lugol’s solution! was first made in 1829 proteinaceous paint materials in cross-section specimens
as a solution of elemental iodine and potassium iodide in ~Wolbers, 2000; Sandu et al., 2012!. Proteomic applications
water, being often used as an antiseptic and disinfectant for to fluorescence detection of protein-based materials are par-
emergency disinfection of drinking water and as a reagent ticularly useful and have opened new research paths for de-
for detecting starches ~and dextrin! in routine laboratory tests. veloping staining protocols. The linear dynamic range of
Elemental Lugol’s solutions stain starches through iodine’s detection using fluorescent stains is usually superior to color-
interaction with the coil structure of the polysaccharide ~Mat- imetric or reverse stains ~Nairn, 1962; Sandu et al., 2012!.
teini & Moles, 1984, 2002; Sandu et al., 2006; Barton, 2007!. Most of the fluorochromes are not used in aqueous
solution but are dissolved in organic solvents and interact
Fluorescent Staining Techniques with proteins by forming covalent bonds. Functional groups
Fluorescence is caused by the absorption of radiation by the available for tagging fluorochromes with proteins include
molecules in the organic materials ~proteins, oils, or resins! amino or carboxyl groups, thiols as well as imines, together
followed by emission at longer wavelength ~de la Rie, 1982; with the amino acid cysteine. The three main kinds of
Ploem & Tanke, 1987; Becker, 1989; Messinger, 1992; chemically reactive groups are acid chlorides, isocyanates,
Siegel, 1993; Petraco & Kubic, 2004; Pinna et al., 2009!. and diazonium salts ~Schäfer, 1997; Holmes & Lantz, 2001!.
Microscopical observations of the intrinsic fluorescence, Fluorescent stains offer some advantages over visible stains
originated by the natural fluorophores in the paint binding detectable under visible radiation: since they are about 100
materials, have been widely reported in the routine exami- times more sensitive they can detect materials at lower con-
nation of works of art ~de la Rie, 1982; Matteini & Moles, centrations ~Nairn, 1962!; they generally create strong cova-
1984; Spring & Davidson, 2008; Pinna et al., 2009!. For lent bonds ~Wolbers, 2000!; they are often delivered in
Cross-Section and Staining Techniques for Art 867

Table 2. The Most Common Fluorochrome Dyes, Used for Staining Binding Media in Paints and Polychrome Works
of Art ~Wolbers, 2000; Probes!.

lexc lem
Fluorochrome ~nm! ~nm! Binding Media to be Detected
Fluorescamine ~FLUR! 390 460 Proteins, peptides, and amino acids
Fluorescein isothiocyanate ~FITC! 495 525 Materials containing reactive amine
~425–525! and alcohol groups ~mainly proteins!
Rhodamine B 540 625 Drying oils, fats
~RHOB! ~430–550!
Tetramethyl rhodamine-isothiocyanate 540 570 Proteins, shellac gums ~check cross
~TRITC! reactivity with materials containing
free amino groups, such as cationic
Lissamine rhodamine B sulfonyl 570 590 Materials bearing amino groups
chloride ~LISSA! @NH2 # ~proteins!
Nile Red 485 525 Proteins and lipid droplets
~552/636 in methanol!
DyLight 488 493 518 Proteins
BODIPY 493/503 490–500 503–510 Lipids
SYPRO Ruby 250–350 610 Proteins
350–525 ~535–750!
SYPRO Orange 250–360 570 Proteins
380–600 ~500–700!

solvents, avoiding dissolution of the proteins with aqueous highly fluorescent in apolar media. Given the three-
stains ~Banks & Paquette, 1995!; the presence of different dimensional structure of proteins, these dyes can bind to
pigments does not influence the results ~Rinuy & Gros, 1989; the hydrophobic region of a protein through noncovalent
Schäfer, 1997; Sandu et al., 2012!. However, fluorescent stains binding, and their fluorescence yields are greatly enhanced.
also have drawbacks such as fluorescence quenching due to Typical dyes of this type include naphthalene derivatives
some pigments or the autofluorescence of binding media ~Horowitz & Bowman, 1987!, SYPRO dyes ~Steinberg et al.,
overlapping the autofluorescence of the stain and finally the 1996!, and Nile red ~Alba et al., 1996!.
solubilization of natural oils or resins, which may occur due Fluorescamine is a nonfluorescent compound until it
to the organic solvent in which the stain is applied. reacts with primary amine groups when it yields a blue-
Table 2 gives the main fluorochromes used as stains for white fluorescence. It is delivered in acetone because it is
binding media with their excitation and emission wave- easily hydrolyzed in water. Like FITC, it reacts better with
lengths ~l! and colors and also with the type of materials denatured aged proteins due to the greater availability of
they are supposed to react/identify. primary amine groups ~De Bernardo et al., 1974!. Rinuy and
Gros ~1989! obtained good results on aged paint samples
F LUOR ESCENT S TAINING TESTS but found it did not stain fresh protein layers. They found
that staining was better when fluorescamine was applied in
dioxane ~0.0026 M!, and it was particularly good for indicat-
There are several fluorescent dyes that were brought over to ing the presence of egg white varnish. Since the unreacted
art conservation from proteomics to detect protein-based material is nonfluorescent, it is not necessary to remove the
materials in paint cross sections ~Udenfriend et al., 1972; De excess. However, the blue-white fluorescence is similar, in
Bernardo et al., 1974; White, 1984; Holmes & Lantz, 2001; varying degrees, to the autofluorescence of lead white and of
Patton, 2002; Doménech-Carbó, 2008; Sandu et al., 2012!. proteinaceous binders. Wolbers and Landrey ~1987! suggest
There are noncovalent dyes as well as covalent probes the use of this reagent for materials that do not autofluoresce.
for protein detection ~Sun et al., 2004!. The dyes serving as Fluoresceins are amine-reactive organic fluorophores
noncovalent probes are almost all anionic dyes. These dyes widely used to label proteins ~Nairn, 1962; Maeda et al.,
can bind with positively charged protein residues, and so 1969; Holmes & Lantz, 2001; Wang et al., 2010!. A variety of
pH is an important parameter. Upon binding to proteins, fluorescein dyes are available for staining proteins and a
the fluorescence intensity of the dyes may be enhanced or popular choice is fluorescein-5-isothiocyanate, known as
quenched. The enhancement of a dyes’ fluorescence comes FITC. This dye forms covalent bonds with primary amines
mainly from a change in their microenvironment. Gener- in proteins ~Maeda et al., 1969!, or it binds with other
ally, these probe reagents are nonfluorescent in water, but molecules, such as cellulose derivatives ~Laaser et al., 2011!,
868 Irina C.A. Sandu et al.

giving a bright yellow-green fluorescence. According to make it useful for applications in conservation field: nano-
Townsend, this stain is particularly effective on denatured gram sensitivity ~lower detection limit than other protein
samples, as proteinaceous binders ~Rinuy & Gros, 1989!, stains!; very high selectivity; straightforward staining proce-
and on whole egg in particular ~Spring, 1991!. It has been dure ~fixation, incubation, no washing!; ready-to-use solu-
found to be quite sensitive and reliable on paint samples tion. The stain color is a bright yellow-orange ~Fig. 4! and
even though it has a tendency to overstain the sample. A stains all proteinaceous materials, independently of their
major advantage is that its fluorescence has a distinctly biological origin ~mammalian or fish glues; egg, whole,
different hue from the blue-white autofluorescence of pro- yolk, or glair; casein! or type of inert material/pigment with
teins ~Rinuy & Gros, 1989!. Generally, FITC has relatively which they are mixed in the paint layer ~Sandu et al., 2012!.
highly absorption, high fluorescence quantum yield, and If the stained paint layer contains autofluorescent pigments/
aqueous solubility. Additionally, due to the fact that its dyes ~with a color similar to that of the stain, such as
excitation maximum at 494 nm closely matches the 488 nm Alizarin! there might be some interference/overlapping in
spectral line of the argon-ion laser, FITC is the predominant the staining results ~Sandu et al., 2012!.
fluorophore for CLSM in conservation science applications.
However, FITC fluorophore has several major drawbacks F LUOR ESCENT S TAINING TESTS FOR F ATTY
that include photobleaching ~its fluorescence rarely lasts
more than a few minutes under constant illumination! and
pH sensitivity ~its fluorescence depends on the pH of the Although it is widely mentioned and used as a stain for
environment and significantly diminishes when pH value is proteins, Nile Red was also mentioned as an excellent stain
below 7!. This phenomenon also limits the sensitivity that for detecting intracellular ~and particularly neutral! lipid
can be obtained using FITC. It has also been reported that droplets by fluorescence microscopy ~Fowler & Greenspan,
antibody conjugates prepared from FITC deteriorate over 1985; Greenspan et al., 1985!. Nile Red is almost nonfluores-
time ~Vagnini et al., 2008; Cartechini et al., 2010!. cent in water and other polar solvents but undergoes fluo-
The fluorophore Rhodamine B is often used in biologi- rescence enhancement and large absorption and emission
cal assays, being inexpensive and robust under a variety of blue shifts in nonpolar environments ~excitation/emission
reaction conditions; can be covalently linked to bioactive mol- maxima ; 552/636 nm in methanol!. A comparative study
ecules; and has suitable spectral properties in terms of absorp- with Oil Red O, used for lipid staining, was also described
tion and fluorescence wavelength for applications in art ~Jiney & Burgess, 2006!.
investigation field ~Arbeloa et al., 1991; Birtalan et al., 2011!. Nile Blue is generally used for histological staining
Tetramethyl Rhodamine-Isothiocyanate ~TRITC!, like of biological preparations ~
LISSA, reacts with primary amines and alcohols so it can Hystological_staining!. It highlights the distinction between
stain starches and gums as well as proteins. It is dissolved in neutral lipids ~triglycerides, steroids, etc.!, which are stained
dry acetone and gives a reddish fluorescence ~Wolbers, pink, and acid lipids ~fatty acids, phospholipids!, which are
1990, 2000!. stained blue ~Klinkner et al., 1997; Van Staveren et al.,
Lissamine Sulfonyl Chloride ~LISSA! has been used by 2001!. The absorption and emission maxima of Nile blue
Wolbers ~1990!; it reacts with both primary amines and are strongly dependent on the pH and on the solvents used
alcohols; therefore, it is not as specific as some other fluoro- ~Van Staveren et al., 2001!.
chromes. A disadvantage is that it hydrolyses rapidly; there- BODIPY威 dyes are normally used as stains for pep-
fore, it is important that the delivering solvent would be tides, phosphoproteins, neutral lipids, and as markers for
dried ~Wolbers & Landrey, 1987!. oils and other nonpolar liquids ~Johnson et al., 1991; Arbe-
Nile Red is a dye used to stain proteinaceous materials loa et al., 1999; Cooper et al., 2010!. This dye group is
~Fowler & Greenspan, 1985; Greenspan et al., 1985!. The characterized by the combination of nonpolar structure and
disadvantage of Nile Red is its instability and the tendency a long-wavelength absorption and fluorescence. Flow cytom-
to precipitate in aqueous solutions, consequently making it etry has shown that staining with BODIPY威 493/503 ~D-
more difficult to use than commercial fluorescent stains. 3922! is more specific for cellular lipid droplets than staining
DyLight ~488 nm! is a more stable and highly intense with Nile Red ~Gocze & Freeman, 1994!; therefore, its novel
fluorophore than FITC for labeling antibodies in immuno- application was considered for replicas of paint samples. A
fluorescence techniques ~IFM!; its properties will be dis- preliminary test was done, and it seems that UV excitation
cussed with respect to the immunofluorescence fluorophores. would be appropriate for visualizing BODIPY威 493/503
SYPRO stains ~SYPRO Red, SYPRO Orange, SYPRO staining for oil-based paint layers, while the visible ~blue!
Ruby! ~Schäfer, 1997; Wolbers, 2000; Patton, 2002; Sandu excitation is not as useful for displaying a specific stain for
et al., 2009b, 2012! are noncovalent stains used in two- and oily material ~the green color of fluorescence is present both
three-dimensional gels for electrophoresis in proteomics. in the ground layer and in the oil paint—Fig. 5!.
These stains could be an alternative to traditional staining
tests for mapping protein-based binders in cross sections Immunofluorescence Microscopy
~Schäfer, 1997; Sandu et al., 2012!. This fluorescent protein Biochemistry has developed specific protein labeling by using
stain has several advantages ~Sandu et al., 2009b, 2012! that immunological reagents ~specific antibodies! marked with a
Cross-Section and Staining Techniques for Art 869

Figure 4. Example of staining with SYPRO Ruby on cross sections of samples from two tempera paint replicas
containing different proteinaceous binders.

fluorescent dye that were recently reported in the identifica- epitopes in a given protein. For samples from early paint-
tion of paint binders ~Pinna et al., 2009; Cartechini et al., ings in which protein aging/degradation caused a loss of
2010!. Jones ~1962! was the first to use the immunological epitopes, polyclonal antibodies could increase the chances
method in cultural heritage applications and specifically on to identify the target protein ~Pinna et al., 2009!.
solutions of proteins extracted from the paint binder, but he Proteins, polysaccharides, and nucleic acids are effective
was not able to extract samples from aged paint media. Later, antigens; therefore, if an antibody is synthesized from a par-
Kockaert used the technique on cross sections from 15th ticular protein, it will have specific affinity for the amino acid
century paintings ~Kockaert et al., 1989!, but the results were sequence in the protein. An antibody-antigen ~protein! com-
not particularly reliable. Afterward immunofluorescence plex is formed and if the antibody is labeled with a fluoro-
~IFM! on cross sections was reported to be successful for phore, it will stain the protein. These antibodies could also be
recognizing casein, milk, and ovalbumin in paint layers ~Vag- labeled with a heavy metal, such as gold or silver, which would
nini et al., 2008; Pinna et al., 2009!. make them visible under a scanning electron microscope
The immunological approach is based on the specific ~Brad & Roth, 1984; Heginbotham et al., 2004!. Disadvan-
interaction between the antigen ~protein present in the tages of this method are the short shelf life of fluorophores,
sample! and its corresponding antibody ~immunoglobulin and the necessarily long exposure to aqueous solutions that
protein! ~Doménech-Carbó, 2008; Vagnini et al., 2008; Sandu may dissolve soluble components of the paint samples. Since
et al., 2009b; Cartechini et al., 2010!. Extracted antibodies antibodies are hydrophobic, there is also a possibility of bind-
can be monoclonal or polyclonal ~Wild, 2005!. The mono- ing with hydrophobic substances in the paint sample and
clonal type recognizes only one antigenic site ~epitope! adsorption onto pigment particles ~Ramirez-Barat & de la
while the polyclonal antibodies are able to identify different Vina, 2001!. In case of IFM on cross sections, the interference
870 Irina C.A. Sandu et al.

Figure 5. Example of BODIPY威 493/503 staining on a cross section from a paint replica.

of unspecific emissions from the samples is a major limita- methods. Laaser et al. ~2011! described the use of FITC to
tion of this technique ~Pinna et al., 2009!. show the migration of hydroxyl-propyl-cellulose for a wall-
New fluorophores, more resistant to bleaching phenom- paper consolidated with this cellulose derivative.
ena and with a higher fluorescence yield, were lately pro- Figure 7 shows an innovative application of a fluores-
posed such as DyLight as alternative to FITC for labeling cent stain for proteins ~SYPRO Ruby! on cross sections of
antibodies specific to proteins. DyLight 488 ~Arslanoglu samples taken from the same area of a paint replica, before
et al., 2011!, in particular, has greater photostability than and after removal of the varnish layer using an enzyme-
traditional fluorescein-based dyes and has a lower sensitiv- based formulation.a
ity to the pH ~working range pH 4–9!. DyLight 488 is
available as a reactive labeling agent and as a conjugate of
secondary antibodies and biotin-binding proteins for use in C ONCLUSIONS
fluorescence microscopy, ELISA ~Enzyme-linked Immuno- Considerable advances in staining techniques have been made
sorbent Assay!, and other biochemical assays ~e.g., flow since the early studies performed on cross sections of paint
cytometry, Western blotting!. Figure 6 shows an example of samples, and the literature reports improvements and com-
the positive use of the dye as a marker for secondary bined applications of stains and immunological techniques
antibodies in IFM tests on cross sections. using fluorophores ~IFM!. Nevertheless, many other studies
A combination of the stain Oil Red O with immunoflu- can be done, considering that paint materials are intricate
orescence technique was reported for detecting and quanti- mixtures with complex behavior and degradation mecha-
fying lipids in biological products ~Koopman et al., 2001!, nisms. Most of the stains and fluorophores reported in con-
but no applications of this stain have been found in the servation studies were borrowed from hystochemical or
conservation literature. molecular biology/proteomics applications, and therefore
they require specific testing on replicas of paint/polychrome
S TUDYING R ESTORATION TR EATMENTS before validating the protocols on real samples. From the
U SING F LUOR ESCENT D YES reviewed literature it seems obvious that certain staining
agents act better on specific materials, such as Dylight-
Fluorescent dyes can be also used to monitor restoration
labeled antibodies rather than the FITC-labeled antibodies
interventions, such as the cleaning of layers containing
to detect protein-based binders ~casein, egg, fish, glue!; Amido
protein-based materials ~egg white, isinglass, casein! or other
coatings. Wolbers ~Wolbers & Landrey, 1987; Wolbers, 1990,
2000! was the first to propose fluorescent stains ~such as a
Work in progress in the framework of a Master’s thesis at DCR-FCT/UNL
Rhodamine! for evaluating the performances of cleaning in Portugal.
Cross-Section and Staining Techniques for Art 871

Figure 6. Positive IFM mapping and identification of ~a! ovalbumin on a cross section of a replica containing whole egg
in the upper yellow ochre layer ~egg tempera technique!; ~b! fish collagen used as binder for the ground layer. The
primary and secondary antibodies are shown.

Black for egg yolk, casein, and animal glue proteins against mentary use of two different stains on the same cross
Ponceau S ~that can yield misleading results in the presence section/sample for the simultaneous identification of differ-
of calcium carbonate or gypsum due to the interference ent organic materials ~such as proteins and oils!; the char-
caused by the Ca 2⫹ cation!; SYPRO Ruby for protein stain- acterization of aged versus fresh materials through their
ing than other fluorescent stains ~LISSA, Nile Red, SYPRO intrinsic and induced fluorescence; and the applicability of
Orange!; Oil Red O for drying oils against Sudan Black. cross-section observation and staining for assessing the
It is a well-known fact that conservation laboratories, effectiveness of restoration treatments such as cleaning and
and especially in private practice, do not have the financial consolidation. This type of analytical information would be
resources to be able to undertake laborious, expensive analy- of primary interest, especially for applications involving
ses to identify materials and map paints ~especially those valuable and unique works of art, for which sampling
which were added later through restoration, repainting/ always has to be minimal and as representative of the whole
overpainting, or attempts at forging works of art! that may layered structure as possible.
be crucial factors in decisions made by conservators-
restorers. Therefore, we selected a few case studies ~replicas
of paint composites! to illustrate the use of autofluores-
cence and induced fluorescence ~mainly using staining tests This project was supported by Fundação para a Ciência e a
specific to proteinaceous and oil-based paint materials! in Tecnologia in Portugal through grant no. PEst-C/EQB/
the cross-section mapping of both artificially and naturally LA0006/2011, and grant no. PTDC/EAT-EAT/116700/2010
aged organic materials. Due to aging and the complex and partially funded by CHARISMA - Cultural Heritage
nature of the matrix, samples from real works of art can Advanced Research Infrastructures: Synergy for a Multidis-
present difficulties in the interpretation of fluorescence ciplinary Approach to Conservation/Restoration, GA No.
images. Furthermore, the influence of restoration interven- FP7-228330.
tions that add new materials ~i.e., glues/resins in case of The authors would like to thank Catarina Pereira ~DCR-
facing and consolidation! to an original composition must FCT, Lisbon! for preparing cross sections and for staining
be also be considered in any extensive systematic study on some samples and Marina Ginanni and Elena Prandi, restor-
the use of the fluorescent stains. ers at the Laboratorio Restauri della Soprintendenza Spe-
We also propose some future directions for research ciale per il Polo Museale Fiorentino ~Florence! and the
that could be further exploited for direct applications in Director Dr. Magnolia Scudieri for providing historically
art conservation. These research areas include the comple- accurate replicas.
872 Irina C.A. Sandu et al.

Figure 7. Example of the application of the SYPRO Ruby stain for protein to assess the effectiveness of cleaning on egg
tempera paint.

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