01 Verbs Review

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Complete the sentences.

Use the present simple, present continuous, past simple, past

continuous, present perfect, past perfect, be going to, future simple, future continuous or
future perfect.

1. I _________________________________(write) now.

2. We _________________________________(finish) our exams by July.

3. Yesterday I _________________________________(go) to the cinema.

4. After the flight attendants _________________________________(complete) the safety

demonstration, the plane _________________________________(take off).

5. Yesterday at 5 o’clock my brothers _________________________________(do) their


6. The baby _________________________________(already/eat) her food.

7. When my sister _________________________________(arrive), I


8. I_________________________________(study) English since 2005.

9. Watch out! You _________________________________(burn) your hand.

10. ________________________________(your sister/ play) videogames every day?

11. I _________________________________(fail) my French exam because I

_________________________________(not study).

12. This time next week I _________________________________(fly) to London.

13. We_________________________________(have) a party tonight.

14. The film _________________________________(start) at 10.

15. While you _________________________________(read) a book, my brother

_________________________________(watch) TV.

16. I _________________________________(help) you with your writing.

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