Determination of The Concentration of An Unknown Solution by Viscometric Method

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Determination of the Concentration of an unknown solution by

Viscometric method

Theory :

When a liquid flows, each portion of the liquid experiences an internal resistance to the flow.
This property is known as viscosity. The co-efficient of viscosity is a measure of this internal
friction or resistance to flow. It is defined as the tangential force per unit area required to
maintain a velocity of 1 cm/sec between two parallel layers at unit distance apart.

i.e , Co-efficient of viscosity ( ƞ ) = tangential force / (area × velocity gradient)

The unit of ‘ƞ’ is dyne-sec/cm2 and it is usually called a poise.

For the determination of co-efficient of viscosity of a solution by Ostwald viscometer, the

following equation of Poiseuille is employed,

ƞ = π Pr4t / 8lv ………………….. (1)

where , ‘P’ is the pressure difference between two ends of the tube of length ‘l’

‘t’ is the time required for ‘v’ volume of the liquid to flow through the tube of length‘l’.

‘r’ is the radius of the tube

However, the experimental determination of the absolute viscosity of a liquid or a

solution is a difficult task. It is often quite convenient to determine the relative viscosity of a
liquid or solution with respect to a reference liquid , such as, water. Thus , if t 1 and t2 represent
the times required for the same volume of two different liquid to flow through the same capillary
tube, then for the two liquids,

ƞ1 = π P1 r4 t1 / 8lv ………….(2)

ƞ2 = π P2 r4 t2 / 8lv ………….(3)

Thus, ƞ1/ ƞ2 = P1t1 / P2t2

Since , P1 and P2 are proportional to d1 and d2 (the densities of the two liquids), the above
equation becomes,

ƞ1/ ƞ2 = hd1gt1 / hd2gt2

or, ƞ1/ ƞ2 = d1t1 / d2t2

Therefore, ƞ2 = ƞ1( d2t2 / d1t1) ………..(4)

Thus , by measuring density of the unknown liquid or solution ( d 2 ) and also the time of
flow of the reference and unknown liquids or solution ( t 1 & t2 ) and also knowing the density
and co-efficient of viscosity of the reference liquid (d 1 & ƞ1) , it can easily be determined the co-
efficient of viscosity of the unknown liquid or solution using the above equation.

Now, the density of the solutions of a solute varies linearly with their concentration. Thus
the plot of density vs. concentration graph having 0% (i.e. water) and 16% solution helps to
determine the density of the other solutions. Further, the viscosity of a solution varies with its
concentration. If the viscosities are plotted against the corresponding concentration, a curve is
obtained, depending upon the liquid. Hence, by determining the viscosity of the unknown
solution, its concentration may be found out from the curve.

Apparatus and Chemicals required :

(i) Ostwald viscometer

(ii) Specific gravity bottle
(iii) Balance and weight box
(iv) Stop watch
(v) Clamps & rubber tubing
(vi) Pipette (10 ml) , Beakers
(vii) Volumetric flasks (250 ml & 100 ml)
(viii) Stock solution (16%)
(ix) Unknown solution

Procedure :

(i) Ostwald viscometer was thoroughly washed with chromic acid and finally with
distilled water.
(ii) A 16% (w/v) solution of the supplied substance was prepared in distilled water. This
was used as stock solution.
(iii) Then a number of solutions of different concentrations (4%, 8%, 12% ) were prepared
using the stock solution by proper dilution with distilled water.
(iv) Time of flow of different solutions were measured by Ostwald viscometer as usual
procedure. The time of flow of water and the solution whose concentration to be
found out were also measured.
(v) The densities of different solutions ( stock solution and the unknown supplied
solution) were determined by specific gravity bottle. The densities of the other
solutions (4%, 8%, 12% ) were found out graphically assuming linear variation of
density with the concentration.
(vi) Thereafter, co-efficient of viscosities of all the four solution and that of the unknown
supplied solution were calculated using the appropriate formula.
(vii) Finally, the values of the co-efficient of viscosities of all the solutions were plotted
against their concentration. The concentration of the unknown solution was found
from the graph.

Experimental Results:

Room temperature = ……..0C

Viscosity co-efficient of water at room temperature = ……..milipoise

Density of water at room temperature = ………….gm/cc

Table-I : Determination of Density of the Stock solution and the Unknown solution

Type of Weight of the empty Weight of the Weight of the Density

solution specific gravity specific gravity specific gravity [(W3-W1)/( W2-W1)]
bottle (W1 g) bottle filled with bottle filled with × dwater
water ( W2 g) unknown solution ( gm/cc)

From the graph (Graph-1) of the densities of the stock solution (16%) and water (0%)
against concentration, the densities of the other three solutions (4%, 8%, 12% ) were determined
and found to be :

(i) Density of 4% solution = ……….g/cc

(ii) Density of 8% solution = ……….g/cc
(iii) Density of 12% solution = ……...g/cc
Table-II :Determination of time of flow of different solns and their co-efficient of viscosities

% of the Density of the No. of Determination Mean time Viscosity co-efficient

solution solution (g/cc) obs. of time of flow (sec)

0% 1.
(H2O) 2.
4% 2.
8% 2.
12% 2.
16% 2.
Unknown 2.

Calculation :

I. Formula to be used for the calculation of density :

[(W3-W1) / ( W2-W1)] × dwater g/cc

II. Formula to be used for the calculation of co-efficient of viscosity :

ƞ2 = ƞ1( d2t2 / d1t1) milipoise

Conclusion :

From the graph (Graph-2) as obtained by plotting viscosity against concentration, the
concentration of the supplied unknown solution was found to be …….% at ……0C.

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