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It is believed that no nation is an island because domestic policies are constantly affected
by development outside one's nation. There is inter-dependent and inter-relationship existing
among nations of the world.
Development of a nation cannot be achieved without relating or interacting with other
nations. In this process of interactions, benefits are derived in different areas of human
Nigeria interacts with many nations of the world politically, economically, socially and
culturally through the establishment of High Commissions, embassies and consulates
Nigeria also belongs to International, regional and sun-regional organizations. Nigeria
belongs to the following organizations:
1. UNO
2. OAU(AU)


The ideas of establishing an international organization as a solution for the prevention of

war can be traced to the earliest times. But all the early attempts were half-hearted and
UNO came into existence on 24th October 1919.
This was as a result of the failure of the League of Nations founded in 1919 to remove the
defects of early international organization and achieve international peace and security. The
League of Nations failed in these assignments when it could not prevent the outbreak of the
Second World War (1939 --1945).
But as soon as the war ended in 1945, there was a felt need for all the nations of the
World to work and live together in peace and harmony as well as to cooperate to raise the
living standard of the people of the world. Towards these ends, the USA, Great Britain,
France, China, Russia and about fifty politically independent nations met at San Francisco in
the United States of America on 26th June, 1945 and signed an international treaty or
charter of peace and cooperation, thus giving birth to the UNO. It was, however, not until
24th October 1945 that the charter, which created six organs and a number of specialized
agencies, came into being. Its headquarters is in New York, USA
Thus, Nigeria became the 99th of the organization.


1. To maintain international peace and security.
2. To cooperate in solving International problems socially, economically and politically.
3. To develop a friendly relationship among nations of the world based on respect for
fundamental human rights.
4. To unite in the fulfilment of these objectives in good faith.
5. To prevent the occurrence of another world war.
1. The sovereign equality of all member states.
2. Peaceful settlement of international disputes
3. Obligation of member nations to be discharged in good faith.
4. Concerted efforts by members in achieving their goals; and
5. Non-interference in the affairs of member states.
Note: Membership of the United Nations is open to all sovereign and peace-loving nations of
the world which are prepared to accept the UN Charter.


In order to effectively carry out its assignments, the organization has six main organs and a
number of specialized agencies. The organs include:
1. The Security Council
2. The General Assembly
3. The International Court of Justice(ICJ)
4. The Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC)
5. The Secretariat
6. The Trusteeship Council


This is the most powerful organ of the UNO. The Security Council has primary responsibility
for the maintenance of international peace and security. Under the Charter of the United
Nations, all member states are obligated to comply with the Council decisions.
This body is made up of 15 members and each member has 1 vote, 5 of which are
permanent members who exercise veto powers while 10 are non-permanent members. The
non-permanent members are elected by the General Assembly for a two year (2) term and
are not eligible for immediate re-election. The permanent members are: USA, Britain,
France, China and Russia.
The presidency of this body is held by each member state in rotation for a period of one
month with no distinction between permanent and non permanent members.

Functions of the Security Council

1. Maintenance of peace and security.
2. Investigation of any situation that may endanger world peace.
3. It encourages peaceful settlement of disputes among member states.
4. It recommends the discipline of member states that violates international law through
diplomatic ways.
5. It recommends to the General Assembly the admission of new states.


This is the main policy making organ of the organization. It consists of 5 representatives
from each of the member states. It is headed by a president for a fixed term of 1 year. Their
meeting is scheduled once a year and the principle of equality guides them.
Note: Joseph Naven Garba(1989--1990) was the first Nigerian to be appointed as the
president of the General Assembly.
Functions of the General Assembly
1. It appoints the Secretary General on the recommendation of the Security Council.
2. It approves the annual budget of the UN.
3. It elects the non permanent members of the Security Council
4. It also elects the judges of the International Court of Justice.
5. It admits new members into the organization.
6. It amends the Charter of the UN.
7. It supervises and controls the work of the Councils of the organization.


The court had its headquarters in Hague (Netherlands). It consists of 15 judges who
are being elected by the General Assembly and Security Council. They are elected for a
period of 9 years i.e a single tenure and could be re-elected.
Note: Justice Teslim Olawale Elias was the first Nigerian to be appointed as the judge in the

Functions of ICJ
1. It settles disputes among member states.
2. It advises the organization and its agencies on a legal basis.
3. It interprets treaties.
4. It's the highest and supreme Judicial court of law
5. It punishes any country that violates international law.


This body serves as the main venue for the discussion of international economic and social
issues. It consists of 27 members and are elected by the General Assembly for the period of
9 years tenure while the president of this Council is elected for 1 year term.

Functions of the ECOSOC

1. It coordinates the economic and social work of the UN.
2. It recommends the promotion of fundamental human rights to all nations .
3. It supervises and monitors the activities of the specialized agencies.
4. It conducts research on issues like education, health, social and economic activities.
5. It coordinates the activities of the specialized agencies. Some the specialized agencies
1. Food and Agricultural Organization (FAO)
2. World Health Organization (WHO)
3. International Labour Organization (ILO)
4. International Monetary Fund (IMF)
5. United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO)
6. International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD)
7. United Nations International Children Emergency Fund (UNICEF)
8. International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO)
9. International Maritime Organization ( IMO)
10. World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO)
This is the administrative unit of the organization which is responsible for the general
administration of UNO. It is headed by the Secretary General who is appointed by the
General Assembly for a 5 year term and can be re-elected for another term. The
headquarters of the UNO is in New York.

Functions of Secretary General

1. He prepares the agenda for the assembly.
2. It organizes international meetings that concern all nations in the world.
3. He prepares the annual budget.
4. He is in charge of the property of the organization.
5. He monitors the activities of other organs of the UN.
6. He doesn't not receive directives from any member state.


1. Trygve Lie of Norway ( 1946--1953)
2. Dag Hammarskjöld of Sweden (1953--1961)
3. U. Thant of Burma (1961--1972)
4. Kurt Waldheim of Austria (1972--1982)
5. Javier Pérez de Cuellar of Peru (1982--1992)
6. Boutrous Boutrous Ghali of Egypt (1993--1998).
Note: He was the first African to be elected as a Secretary General of the UN.
7. Dr. Kofi Annan of Ghana (1989--2006)
Note: He was the first West African to be elected.
8. Ban Ki-Moon of South Korea (2006--2016)
9. Antonio Gutierrez of Portugal (incumbent)


The Trusteeship Council was established to help ensure that trust territories were
administered in the best interests of their inhabitants and of international peace and security.
Trust Territories are non-self-governing territories placed under an administrative authority by
the Trusteeship Council of the UN.
Its mission fulfilled, the Trusteeship Council suspended its operation on 1 November 1994,
and , although under the UN Charter it continues to exist on paper. Its future role and even
existence remains uncertain

1. Prevention of another world war.
2. Promotion of international peace and security.
3. Settlement of disputes among nations of the world e.g. Nigeria and Cameron over the
Bakassi Peninsula.
4. Safeguarding the rights of individuals.
5. The organization has succeeded in improving the standard of living.
6. Disease control through the World Health Organization.
1. Shortage of funds.
2. Sovereignty of nations.
3. The presence of some regional/sub-regional organizations e.g. OAU, ECOWAS.
4. Lack of standing army.
5. Language barrier.
6. The exercise of veto power by the 5 permanent members of the Security Council .
7. Differences in ideologies.

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