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Story Love – Week 7

Ashley, Coñes Becerra (U23258992) Angie Carhuas Lavado (U22202019)

Jorge Moises Chagua Luna (U19202779) Analy Huamani Alejo (U21312390)

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Person 1: Alright, team, we've got a big opportunity to showcase the
most popular sports in Peru on that U.S. TV program. Let's brainstorm
and decide which ones we should focus on.

Person 2: I think we should definitely highlight some team sports. Soccer

is massive in Peru, right?

Person 3: Absolutely, soccer is a national obsession. The passion for it

runs deep. But let's not forget volleyball, it's also a big deal, especially
among women.

Person 4: True, and there's also basketball gaining popularity. But hey,
what about individual sports? I'm more into those, like tennis or maybe
even surfing.

Person 1: Great point! Individual sports definitely have their own

following. Peru's got a strong surfing culture, and tennis is making waves
too. Anyone else have a preference?

Person 2: I'm with you on team sports. There's something about the
camaraderie and shared victories in sports like soccer and volleyball that
I find really appealing.

Person 3: Well, I'm torn. I love soccer, but I also appreciate the skill and
focus required in individual sports like athletics. Those athletes are true

Person 4: I can't get enough of the adrenaline rush from extreme sports,
you know? Maybe we could sneak in a bit about that too?
Person 1: Alright, team, we've got quite a list here – soccer, volleyball,
basketball, tennis, surfing, and maybe a dash of extreme sports. Now,
let's figure out how to structure our presentation. How about we start
with team sports, emphasizing the national fervor for soccer and

Person 2: Agreed, and then we can transition into individual sports,

highlighting the rising stars in tennis and surfing. We can wrap it up with
a quick mention of extreme sports to add that extra excitement.

Person 3: Sounds like a solid plan. We need to make sure our audience in
the U.S. gets a taste of the diverse sporting culture in Peru.

Person 4: I'm on board. Let's make this presentation unforgettable!

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