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English Madhyam
(Weekly vocabulary compilation)
From 29 April 2024 to 04 MAY 2024

For all competitive Exams

Bank (Po & clerk), IB ACIO, NDA, CDS, SSC (CGL, MTS, CHSL), MBA, Hotel Management, MCA, UPSC,
B. Ed and other competitive exams.


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English Madhyam 1

Table of Contents
Part - A
The Hindu Editorial: Trust in machines (29/04/2024) .......................................................................................................... 4
The Indian Express Editorial: Student suicides (30/04/2024) ........................................................................................... 6
The Hindu Editorial: Trying for a repeat (01/05/2024) ........................................................................................................ 9
The Hindu Editorial: Competition and conflict (02/05/2024) .......................................................................................... 11
The Hindu Editorial: Sea also rises (03/05/2024).................................................................................................................. 14
The Times of India Editorial: My marriage, my way (04/05/2024) ................................................................................ 16
Part - B
The Hindu editorial: Aid for war (29/04/2024) ...................................................................................................................... 19
The Hindu editorial: Towards a green growth (30/04/2024) ........................................................................................... 22
The Pioneer editorial: North by Northeast (01/05/2024) .................................................................................................. 25
The Pioneer editorial: Recognising workers’ resilience (02/05/2024) ......................................................................... 28
The Indian Express editorial: Delhi breathed good air (03/05/2024) ........................................................................... 31
The Hindu editorial: Tipping point (04/05/2024) ................................................................................................................. 33
Part - C
The business line Editorial: Alleged spices (29/04/2024) .................................................................................................. 36
The Times of India Editorial: Serve people (30/04/2024) .................................................................................................. 38
The Economic times Editorial: India growing back (01/05/2024) ................................................................................. 40
The Indian Express Editorial: The case for cautious (02/05/2024)................................................................................ 43
The Hindu Editorial: The services story (03/05/2024)........................................................................................................ 45
The Pioneer Editorial: Bhagat (04/05/2024) ........................................................................................................................... 47

English Madhyam 2

English Madhyam 3

The Hindu Editorial: Trust in machines (29/04/2024)

1. Reassuring (adjective) – Comforting, 13. Regressive (adjective) – Retrogressive,
encouraging, soothing आश्वासन दे ने वाला backward, negative प्रततगामी

2. Impair (verb) – Damage, weaken, reduce, 14. Negate (verb) – Nullify, invalidate, cancel,
deteriorate कमजोर करना void नकारना

3. Cast a vote (phrase) – Vote, ballot, elect 15. The Gain (noun) – Benefit, advantage, profit,
मतदान करना improvement लाभ/ सुधार

4. Irremediable (adjective) – Unrepairable, 16. Elimination (noun) – Removal, exclusion,

incurable, irreversible असुधार्य erasure, getting rid of उन्मूलन

5. Lacuna (noun) – Gap, deficiency, flaw, 17. Vulnerability (noun) – weakness,

shortfall खाममर्ा susceptibility, liability, fragility कमजोररर्ों

6. Concurring (adjective) – Agreeing, coinciding, 18. Associated (with) (adjective) – Connected,

concurrent सहमत linked, related संबंधधत

7. Bench (noun) – a group of judges or 19. In place (phrase) – Established, set up,
magistrates न्र्ार्पीठ operational स्थापपत

8. Reiterate (verb) – Repeat, restate, reaffirm 20. Petition (noun) – Appeal, request, plea,
दोहराना application र्ाधिका

9. So far (phrase) – Until now, up to this point, 21. Safeguard (verb) – Protect, shield, guard,
to date अब तक secure सुरक्षित रखना

10. Repose trust/faith in someone (phrase) – 22. Direction (noun) – Instruction, guidance,
Place confidence in, rely on, trust ककसी पर command, order तनदे श
भरोसा करना
23. Address (verb) – Deal with, tackle, handle,
11. Integrity (noun) – Honesty, uprightness, manage सुलझाना, तनपटाना
probity, rectitude अखंडता
24. Apprehension (noun) – Anxiety, fear,
12. Indeed (adverb) – In fact, actually, truly, concern, misgiving धिंता
really वास्तव में
25. Seek (verb) – Ask for, solicit on, demand,
require मांगना

English Madhyam 4

26. Micro-controller (noun) – A small computer 35. To the extent (phrase) – To the degree, as far
on a single integrated circuit as, to the level की हद तक

27. Specified (adjective) – Stated, mentioned,

36. Ought to (modal verb) – Should, must, is
designated, defined तनर्दय ष्ट
expected to करना िार्हए

28. Tampering (noun) – Interference, meddling,

37. Suspicion-proof (adjective) – Beyond doubt,
manipulation, alteration हे रफेर/ छे ड़छाड़
unquestionable, trustworthy संदेहरर्हत

29. Hold (verb) – to have an opinion, etc. कोई 38. Make a point (phrase) – Make a case for
रार् आर्द रखना something मुद्दा बनाना

30. Indispensable (adjective) – Essential, 39. Manipulation (noun) – Influence, control,

necessary, crucial, vital अतनवार्य alteration, falsification हेरफेर

31. Ascertain (verb) – Determine, find out, 40. Mistrust (noun) – Distrust, suspicion, doubt,
discover, establish पता लगाना skepticism अपवश्वास

32. Somewhat (adverb) – Slightly, a little, to 41. Watchdog (noun) – Supervisor, monitor,
some extent, moderately कुछ हद तक overseer, regulator तनगरानी संस्था

33. Ironical (adjective) – Contradictory, 42. Impartial (adjective) – Fair, just, unbiased,
paradoxical, unexpected पवडंबनापूर्य neutral तनष्पि

34. A bone of contention (phrase) – Subject of

dispute, point of disagreement पववाद का

English Madhyam 5

The Indian Express Editorial: Student suicides (30/04/2024)

1. Cry for (phrasal verb) – Call for, plead 12. Systemic (adjective) – relating to or
for, demand, request, beg for गह
ु ार लगाना involving a whole system प्रर्ालीगत

2. Heed (verb) – Pay attention to, consider, 13. Shortcoming (noun) – Flaw, defect,
take notice of, observe, listen to ध्र्ान दे ना weakness, limitation, fault कममर्ों

3. Alleged (adjective) – Supposed, claimed, 14. Mitigate (verb) – Lessen, alleviate,

purported, asserted, presumed कधथत reduce, diminish, soften कम करना

4. Grim (adjective) – Bleak, harsh, severe, 15. Reach out (phrasal verb) – Extend, offer
stern, forbidding तनराशाजनक help, make contact, communicate,
approach संपकय करना
5. Reminder (noun) – Prompt, notice,
warning, memorandum, cue अनुस्मारक 16. Pointer (noun) – Indication, hint, clue,
suggestion, sign संकेत
6. Progressive (adjective) – Forward-
thinking, liberal, advanced, modern, 17. Fatality (noun) – Death, casualty,
progressive प्रगततशील mortality, lethal outcome, loss of life मत्ृ र्ु

7. Alleviate (verb) – Reduce, ease, relieve, 18. Decade (noun) – Period of ten year दशक
lessen, diminish कम करना
19. Culmination (noun) – Climax, peak,
8. Anxiety (noun) – Worry, nervousness, pinnacle, apex, culmination िरम सीमा
unease, apprehension, tension धिंता
20. Take a toll on (phrase) – Affect
9. Deal with (phrasal verb) – Manage, adversely, cause suffering, damage, wear
handle, cope with, tackle, address से out, burden नक
ु सान पहुंिाना
21. Well-being (noun) – Health, welfare,
happiness, good health, prosperity
10. Deject (verb) – Discourage, dishearten,
depress, demoralize, dispirit तनराश करना
22. Diverse (adjective) – Varied, various,
11. Adverse (adjective) – Unfavorable,
negative, detrimental, harmful, hostile different, diverse, assorted पवपवध

English Madhyam 6

23. Harbinger (noun) – Forerunner, 33. Make the cut (phrase) – To succeed at
precursor, herald, sign, indicator अग्रदत
ू / something or meet a requirement मानक
सूिक पूरा करना

24. Ward (noun) – a person, especially a 34. Despondency (noun) – Depression,

child, who is legally put under the despair, hopelessness, gloom,
protection of a law court or a guardian melancholy तनराशा
संरिर् में रहनेवाला नाबामलग़
35. Evaluation (noun) – Assessment,
25. Disincentivise (verb) – Discourage, appraisal, analysis, examination, review
deter, dissuade, put off, demotivate मूल्र्ांकन
प्रोत्साहन कम करना
36. Mechanism (noun) – Procedure, system,
26. Rote learning (noun) – Memorization, process, method, means तंत्र
repetition, drill, mechanical learning,
learning by heart रटने की पवधध 37. Endeavour (noun) – Effort, attempt, try,
venture, undertaking प्रर्ास
27. Empathetic (adjective) – Understanding,
compassionate, sympathetic, sensitive, 38. Thrust (on) (noun) – Emphasis, focus,
perceptive सहानुभूततपूर्य priority, importance, force जोर

28. Purveyor (noun) – Supplier, provider, 39. Enabling (adjective) – Empowering,

seller, distributor, dealer आपूततयकताय facilitating, permitting, allowing,
authorizing सिम करना
29. Ruthless (adjective) – Merciless, cruel,
heartless, harsh, severe तनदय र्ी/ क्रूर 40. Equip (to) (verb) – Prepare, furnish,
provide, supply, arm तैर्ार करना
30. Elimination (noun) – Removal,
exclusion, expulsion, eradication, 41. Round-the-year (adjective) – All year
dismissal उन्मूलन round, throughout the year,
continuously, perennially वषयभर
31. Dehumanise (verb) – Degrade,
depersonalize, brutalize, debase, demean 42. Resilience (noun) – Toughness,
अमानवीकृत करना strength, flexibility, adaptability,
hardiness लिीलापन
32. Drive (verb) – Propel, push, force, impel,
motivate प्रेररत करना 43. Cope (verb) – Manage, survive, handle,
deal with, contend सामना करना

English Madhyam 7

44. Marginalised (adjective) – 48. Pie (noun) – Share, portion, part,

Disadvantaged, oppressed, peripheral, allocation, piece र्हस्सा
neglected, sidelined दरककनार कर र्दर्ा गर्ा
49. Keep pace with (phrase) – Match, keep
45. Landscape (noun) – Environment, up with, stay abreast, maintain speed
scenario, context, setting, backdrop with के साथ तालमेल रखना
50. Manifesto (noun) – Platform,
46. Gruelling (adjective) – Exhausting, declaration, proclamation,
demanding, arduous, tough, strenuous announcement, statement घोषर्ापत्र
51. (be) cognisant (of) (adjective) – Aware,
47. Expansion (noun) – Growth, conscious, knowing, informed, mindful
enlargement, extension, development, जानकार
increase पवस्तार
52.Deficit (noun) – Shortfall, deficiency,
lack, shortage, inadequacy कमी

English Madhyam 8

The Hindu Editorial: Trying for a repeat (01/05/2024)

1. Astonishing (adjective) – Amazing, 13. Outfit (noun) – Group, team, unit,
astounding, surprising, stunning, organization, gang टीम
remarkable अद्भुत
14. Maiden (adjective) – First, initial, inaugural,
2. Quadrennial (adjective) – Occurring every premier, opening प्रथम
four years िार वषीर्
15. In the realm of possibility (phrase) –
3. Extravaganza (noun) – Spectacle, pageant, possible मुमककन, संभव होने र्ोग्र्
show, festival, gala धम
ू धाम
16. Mettle (noun) – Spirit, resolve, fortitude,
4. Dwarf (verb) – Overshadow, dominate, courage, endurance साहस
eclipse, surpass, outshine को छोटा र्दखाना
17. Triumph (noun) – Victory, success, win,
5. Holy (adjective) – Sacred, divine, hallowed, conquest, achievement पवजर्
consecrated, blessed पपवत्र
18. Springboard (noun) – Launchpad, catalyst,
6. Grail (noun) – cup, prize पपवत्र पात्र stepping stone, platform, means उत्प्रेरक

7. Lead up to (phrase) – Precede, culminate 19. Go on (phrasal verb) – Continue, proceed,

in, result in, lead to, approach अग्रसर होना carry on, persist, endure जारी रखना

8. Marquee event (noun) – A match worth 20. Clinch (verb) – to finally get or win
high importance, where you expect a full something जीतना
21. Coveted (adjective) – Desired, sought-after,
9. De facto (adjective) – Actual, real, effective,
envied, longed-for, prized प्रततष्ष्ठत
in practice, existing वास्तपवक
22. Secure (verb) – Obtain, acquire, gain,
10. Biennial (adjective) – Occurring every two
achieve, ensure प्राप्त करना
years द्पववापषयक
23. Keen (to) (adjective) – Eager, enthusiastic,
11. Indelible (adjective) – Permanent, lasting,
intent, anxious, ardent उत्सुक
unforgettable, ineradicable, enduring अममट
24. Sharpen one’s skills (phrase) – Hone,
12. Consciousness (noun) – Awareness,
refine, enhance, improve, perfect कौशल
perception, cognizance, alertness,
recognition िेतना सुधारना

English Madhyam 9

25. Roster (noun) – List, schedule, register, 34. Inch closer to (phrase) – Approach, near,
lineup, catalog नामावली move towards, advance towards, edge
closer to नजदीक आना
26. Trio (noun) – Triplet, threesome, triad,
group of three, trio ततकड़ी 35. Barring (preposition) – Except for,
excluding, apart from, other than, besides
27. Chock-a-block (adjective) – Full, crowded, को छोड़कर
packed, jammed, overloaded भरा हुआ
36. Bare (adjective) – Simple, unadorned, plain,
28. Get a taste of something (phrase) – basic, unembellished सादा
Experience, sample, try, test, get a feel of
कुछ का अनुभव करना 37. Go by (phrasal verb) – to base an opinion,
decision, or judgment on something के
29. Stellar (adjective) – Outstanding, excellent,
आधार पर
superb, magnificent, exceptional शानदार
38. Optimism (noun) – Hopefulness, positivity,
30. Make good on (phrase) – Fulfill, honor,
confidence, buoyancy, sanguinity आशावाद
keep, uphold, satisfy वादे पर खरा उतरना
39. Scoreline (noun) – Result, outcome, score,
31. Tourney (noun) – Tournament,
tally, count स्कोर
competition, contest, championship, match
टूनायमेंट 40. Green shoots (noun) – Signs of growth,
indications of recovery, evidence of
32. Restock (verb) – Replenish, refill, resupply,
improvement, new beginnings, fresh starts
renew, replace कफर से भरना
पवकास के संकेत
33. Cupboard (noun) – a piece of furniture with
a door and typically shelves, used for
storage (of title/trophies).

English Madhyam 10

The Hindu Editorial: Competition and conflict (02/05/2024)

1. Differences (noun) – Disparities, 12. Expose (verb) – Reveal, uncover, disclose,
discrepancies, variances, deviations, unveil, show प्रकट करना
diversities मतभेद
13. Structural (adjective) – Constructural,
2. Underscore (verb) – Emphasize, highlight, architectural, configurational,
underline, accentuate, stress जोर दे ना organizational, systemic संरिनात्मक

3. Stabilise (verb) – Steady, secure, solidify, 14. Fault line (noun) – A division or split due to
balance, fortify ष्स्थर करना differences in opinion or approach. मतभेदों
का कारर् बनने वाली रे खा
4. Resultant (adjective) – Consequent,
ensuing, subsequent, derived, following
15. Sino-American (adjective) – Pertaining to
पररर्ामी the relations between China and America.
िीन और अमेररका के संबंधों से संबंधधत
5. Stress (verb) – Emphasize, accentuate,
underline, highlight, insist पर जोर दे ना 16. Threaten (verb) – Intimidate, menace,
warn, forewarn, alarm ख़तरा पैदा करना
6. Make sure (phrase) – Ensure, ascertain,
verify, confirm, guarantee सुतनष्श्ित करना 17. Address (verb) – Deal with, attend to,
tackle, handle, manage सल
ु झाना, तनपटाना
7. Economies (noun) – Countries in terms of
GDP अथयव्र्वस्थाएं 18. Slam (verb) – Criticize harshly, attack, bash,
denounce, condemn कठोरता से आलोिना
8. Veer into (phrasal verb) – To change
direction suddenly, especially towards करना
something undesirable. अिानक र्दशा
19. Hypocrisy (noun) – Insincerity, duplicity,
falseness, pretense, sanctimony पाखंड

9. Seek (verb) – Pursue, search for, attempt to

20. Aid (noun) – Assistance, help, support,
find, look for, aim at खोजना
relief, succor सहार्ता

10. Ground (noun) – Basis, foundation, reason,

21. Groundless (adjective) – Baseless,
rationale, premise आधार unfounded, unsubstantiated, unjustified,
unwarranted तनराधार
11. Vicious (adjective) – Malicious, spiteful,
harmful, nasty, malevolent दष्ु ट 22. Accusation (noun) – Charge, allegation,
claim, assertion, indictment आरोप

English Madhyam 11

23. Urge (verb) – Encourage, prompt, persuade, 34. Intervention (noun) – Interference,
push, compel प्रोत्सार्हत करना involvement, intercession, mediation,
intrusion हस्तिेप
24. Mutual (adjective) – Reciprocal, shared,
joint, common, collective पारस्पररक 35. Affair (noun) – Matter, business, event,
concern, issue मामला
25. Misgiving (noun) – Doubt, apprehension,
reservation, qualm, skepticism संदेह 36. Ties (noun) – Bonds, links, connections,
relationships, associations संबंध
26. Revisionist (adjective) – Advocating or
practicing revision, especially of an 37. Given (preposition) – Considering, taking
orthodox view. संशोधनवादी into account, assuming, in light of, with
regard to दे खते हुए
27. Pacing (adjective) – Leading or setting the
pace in a race or competition. गतत तनधायररत 38. Artificial intelligence (noun) – The theory
and development of computer systems able
करने वाला
to perform tasks that normally require
28. Impose (verb) – Enforce, levy, exact, apply, human intelligence.

implement लगाना 39. Fentanyl (noun) – A powerful synthetic

opioid used as a pain medication and
29. Limit (verb) – Restrict, cap, confine, curtail,
anesthetic. फेंटे तनल
constrain सीममत करना
40. Cold war (noun) – A state of political
30. Strategic (adjective) – Calculated, tactical, hostility between countries characterized
planned, deliberate, shrewd रर्नीततक by threats, propaganda, and other
measures short of open warfare. शीत र्ुद्ध
31. Tariff (noun) – Duty, tax, charge, toll, levy
ु क 41. Turn ugly (phrase) – To become very
unpleasant or hostile. बहुत अपप्रर् र्ा
32. Double down on (phrase) – To continue
firmly or even more determinedly. और शत्रत
ु ापूर्य बनना

अधधक दृढ़ता से जारी रखना 42. Proxy conflict (noun) – A conflict between
third parties fighting on behalf of more
33. Bolster (verb) – Support, strengthen, powerful patrons.
reinforce, buttress, boost मजबूत करना
43. Diplomatic (adjective) – Tactful, sensitive,
considerate, discreet, suave कूटनीततक

English Madhyam 12

44. Resolve (verb) – Settle, solve, resolve, 46. Geopolitical (adjective) – Geopolitical,
clarify, conclude सल
ु झाना political-geographic, strategic,
international-political भू-राजनीततक
45. Ideological (adjective) – Doctrinal,
philosophical, creedal, dogmatic, normative 47. Guardrail (noun) – Barrier, railing, fence,
वैिाररक safeguard, protector सुरिा बाड़

English Madhyam 13

The Hindu Editorial: Sea also rises (03/05/2024)

1. Collaborate (verb) – Cooperate, join, unite, 12. Coral bleaching (noun) – The loss of color in
work together, team up के साथ सहर्ोग करना corals due to stress-induced expulsion of
symbiotic algae.
2. Roil in (phrasal verb) – Agitate, disturb,
13. Merely (adjective) – Simply, only, just,
churn, stir up, unsettle की िपेट में आना
purely, solely केवल
3. Munificent (adjective) – Generous, bountiful,
14. Confined (to) (adjective) – Restricted,
liberal, lavish, magnanimous उदार
limited, bounded, constrained, enclosed
4. Envisage (verb) – Imagine, foresee, predict, सीममत
anticipate, contemplate कल्पना करना
15. Decade (noun) – a period of ten years दशक
5. Psychological (adjective) – Mental, cognitive,
16. Extend (verb) – Stretch, prolong, lengthen,
emotional, psychological, psychosomatic
continue, expand बढ़ाना

17. Severe (adjective) – Harsh, extreme, intense,

6. In the long run (phrase) – Eventually, over
time, in the end, in the final analysis, long- acute, stern कठोर
term अंततः
18. Erratic (adjective) – Irregular, unpredictable,
7. Global carbon emission (noun) – The release unstable, inconsistent, variable अतनर्ममत
of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse
19. Uneven (adjective) – Irregular, lopsided,
gases into the atmosphere on a global scale.
unequal, bumpy, rough असमान
वैष्श्वक काबयन उत्सजयन
20. Spell (noun) – Period, stretch, span, stint,
8. Likely (adjective) – Probable, possible,
duration अवधध
plausible, expected, foreseeable संभापवत
21. Drought (noun) – Dry spell, aridity, dryness,
9. Counterpart (noun) – Equivalent, peer,
water shortage, desiccation सूखा
complement, match, analogue समकि
22. Follow (verb) – Proceed, succeed, come
10. Tenfold (noun) – Ten times, decuple,
after, result, pursue के बाद
multiplied by ten दस गुना
23. Intense (adjective) – Strong, powerful,
11. Accelerate (verb) – Hasten, speed up,
extreme, fierce, deep तीव्र
expedite, quicken, fast-track तेज़ करना

English Madhyam 14

24. Concomitant (adjective) – Accompanying, 31. Stem (verb) – Stop, halt, restrain, curb, check
associated, concurrent, coexisting, रोकना
simultaneous सहगामी
32. Greenhouse gas emission (noun) – emission
25. Anthropogenic (adjective) – Human-induced, of such gases that are in the earth's
man-made, artificial, synthetic, human-origin atmosphere that trap heat
मानव तनममयत
33. Way out (phrasal verb) – Escape, solution,
26. Fossil fuel (noun) – Coal, oil, natural gas, exit, resolution, release समाधान
petroleum, hydrocarbons जीवाश्म ईंधन
34. Fine-tune (verb) – Adjust, refine, calibrate,
27. Nudge (verb) – Prod, push, prompt, tweak, perfect समार्ोष्जत करना
encourage, urge धकेलना
35. Pale (verb) – Fade, diminish, weaken,
28. Cataclysmic (adjective) – Disastrous, subside, dwindle कमज़ोर पड़ना
catastrophic, apocalyptic, devastating,
36. For instance (phrase) – For example, such as,
destructive पवनाशकारी
to illustrate, namely, specifically उदाहरर् के
29. Tipping point (noun) – the time at which a मलए
change or an effect cannot be stopped
37. Projection (noun) – Forecast, prediction,
30. Commitment (noun) – Dedication,
estimation, outlook, extrapolation पूवायनुमान
obligation, engagement, pledge, promise

English Madhyam 15

The Times of India Editorial: My marriage, my way (04/05/2024)

1. Takeaway (noun) – Conclusion, insight, 12. Solemnise (verb) – duly perform (a
understanding, lesson, implication तनष्कषय ceremony, especially that of marriage).
शास्र के अनुष्ठान करना
2. Hear (verb) – Listen, attend, perceive,
overhear, eavesdrop सुनना 13. Jaw-dropping (noun) – Astonishment,
amazement, wonder, shock, stupefaction
3. Take a leap (phrase) – Make a jump, take a अिंमभत करने वाली बात
risk, venture, plunge, leap of faith जोखखम
14. Up and down (phrase) – Everywhere, all
over, throughout, extensively, widely िारों
4. Singular (adjective) – Unique, exceptional, ओर
extraordinary, peculiar, distinctive
अद्पवतीर् 15. Diversity (noun) – Variety, multiplicity,
range, assortment, heterogeneity पवपवधता
5. Ground (noun) – Basis, foundation, reason,
cause, premise आधार 16. Pronounce (verb) – Declare, state,
articulate, enunciate, proclaim घोपषत करना
6. Custom (noun) – Tradition, practice,
convention, habit, usage परं परा 17. Rigidity (noun) – Stiffness, inflexibility,
rigour, strictness, hardness कठोरता
7. Rite (noun) – Ceremony, ritual,
observance, practice, custom अनुष्ठान 18. Instance (noun) – Example, case,
occurrence, situation, illustration उदाहरर्
8. Ritual (noun) – Ceremony, rite, tradition,
custom, practice रस्म 19. Wining and dining (noun) – Feasting,
entertaining, hosting, treating, indulging
9. Illuminating (adjective) – Enlightening, दावत उड़ाना
informative, clarifying, revealing,
elucidating प्रकाश डालना 20. Ruin the party (verb) – to cause trouble for
someone at a moment when they are
10. Tutorial (noun) – Lesson, class, instruction, enjoying a success के मलए परे शानी खड़ा
session, guide मशिर्
11. In a nutshell (phrase) – In summary,
21. Flatten (verb) – to stop increasing or stop
briefly, concisely, simply, to sum up संिेप something from increasing

English Madhyam 16

22. Point to (phrasal verb) – Indicate, suggest, 31. Undermine (verb) – Subvert, weaken,
signal, hint at, refer to संकेत करना undercut, sabotage, erode कमजोर करना

23. Fading (noun) – Diminishing, weakening, 32. Embodied (verb) – Personified, alive, in
disappearing, vanishing, declining धीरे -धीरे person, in material form, सष्न्नर्हत
कम होना
33. Moreover (adverb) – Furthermore,
24. Matrilineal (adjective) – In a matrilineal additionally, besides, also, likewise इसके
society or relationship, the fact of अलावा
someone belonging to a particular family
depends only on female relatives मातव
ृ ंशीर् 34. Take place (phrase) – Occur, happen,
transpire, ensue, come about होना
25. Despiriting (adjective) – Disheartening,
demoralizing, discouraging, depressing, 35. Sole (adjective) – Only, single, lone,
dismaying हतोत्सार्हत करना exclusive, solitary एकमात्र

26. Sidestep (verb) – Avoid, evade, dodge, 36. Limit (verb) – Restrict, confine, bound, cap,
bypass, skirt टाल दे ना constrain सीममत करना

27. Trinity (noun) – Here it refers to Sagai, 37. Rigid (adjective) – Stiff, inflexible,
Kanyadan and Saptapadi. unyielding, uncompromising, strict कठोर

28. Elegant (adjective) – Graceful, stylish, 38. Certainly (adverb) – Definitely, surely,
sophisticated, refined, tasteful सुरुधिपूर्य undoubtedly, positively, indeed तनष्श्ित

29. Sacrament (noun) – Rite, ceremony, ritual, रूप से

ordinance, liturgy संस्कार
39. Vulnerable (adjective) – At risk, exposed,
30. Wear the dress (phrase) – Assume the susceptible, open to, prone to कमज़ोर
role, take on, adopt, embody, personify
40. Meet (verb) – Fulfill, satisfy, match, comply
भमू मका ग्रहर् करना
with, accord परू ा करना

English Madhyam 17

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