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V N D - G M GMb442-ENGL 2000 m 9006379 0014627 1 9 b m

Specification GM6442M

Welded Steel Mechanical Tubing for Hydroforming Processes

1 Scope 2.1 Normative.

1.1 Material Description. This specification covers3 A51 ASTM
roundwelded steel tubingproduced from low car- ASTM E646 I S 0 11014
bon steel in straight lengths to be used in bending OS9000
and hydroformingoperations. The steel used to 2.2GM.
make tubing to this specification may be uncoated,
GM61 85M GM6201 M
hot-dip coated per GM6185M, or electrogalvanized
GM6409M GMW3059
per GM6201M.Thismaterialshallexhibit proper-
9984001 9984554
ties related to strength, formability, weldability, and
3 Requirements
Identification. This specification
3.1 Requirements on Delivery.
shall be included in the engineering drawing material
callout and the Manufacturing Engineering Metal Part 3.1.1 Chemical Requirements. Flat products fur-
Specification(MPS)Sheet. The materials shall be nishedfor tubes made to this specification shall
identified by the specification number, and a grade conform to the chemical composition (percentage by
selected from Table1. In thistable, HR indicates weight) in GM6409M.
tubing manufactured from hot rolled flat sheet and 3.1.2 Mechanical Requirements.
CR indicates tubing manufactured from cold rolled
Note: Engineering Part drawing notes supersede this
flat sheet. Hot-dip galvanized materialsshall carry an
additional designation, indicating thecoating process
(HD) and the coating weight and type. See example Flat Products. The finished tubes shall meet
below. the mechanical property requirements shown in Ta-
ble l.Base material (flat stock) must be sourced to a
GM6442M-HR2-HD70G70G single supplier approved to supplymild steel products
to GM6409M,and meet all requirementsof GM6409M
Where except for mechanical properties.
6442 - Continuous Control Plans. As part of the source ap-
Number proval process, the tube manufacturer shall submit
- its control plan for insuring that all requirements listed
M - Pe TY
in the following sections are met: 3.1.2 Mechanical
HR2 - Grade
1) Properties, Weld Seam Requirements,
Geometric and Dimensional Tolerances.
HD70G70G - Coating
(Optional) Weld Seam Requirements. The weld seam
1.2 Cross-Reference of Replaced Specifications. shall exhibit full fusion for the length of the tube. The
weld seam and the adjacent heat affected zone shall
Subparagraphs were not applicable. be of sufficient quality to not fracture or split during
1.3 Symbol. Not applicable. hydroforming. Welds shall be tested per ASTM A51 3
supplementary requirements S6 and S8. Exceptions
1.4 Typical Application. Not applicable. to S6 and S8 are as follows: Expansion requirement
1.5 Remarks. Not applicable. for the flaring test (S6.3) is 25%. No opening in the
weld shall take place when the tube is completely flat-
2 References tened in the flattening test (S6.2).
Note: Only the latest approved standards are appli-
Test Reports. Mechanical property and
cable unless otherwise specified. chemistry data from the flat stock supplier, and audit

0 Copyright February 2000 General Motors Corporation All Rights Reserved

Originating Department: North American Engineering Standards, Records and Documentation
February 2000 1 Page of 5
test results from the tubesuppliershall be made
available from the tube supplier upon request.
Table 1:

Hot and Cold Rolled (Coatedand Uncoated) Tube Mechanical Properties (Note l )

a mlnlmum

CR3 180 160 270 36 34 0.14 0.1 6

CR5 140 120 270 36 38 0.1 6 0.20

Note 1 : ASTM A370 parameters validin the longitudinal direction, away from the weld seam. The rolling processat the tube supplier shall
be adjusted to compensate for excess mechanical property variationif the mechanical propertiesof a singletube sample, measured
at the standard tensile sampling locations (see Figure 1) vary by more than 10% from the average value.
Note 2: Tube tensile samplesshall not be flattened before testing. The areaof the sample shall be the productof the wallthickness and the
width measured after final machining.
Note 3: C designator can be usedto require minimum carbon level >0.015. Example: CR3C, see GM6409M.
Note 4: On products with yield point elongation, the lower
yield strength must meet these requirements.
Note 5: ASTM E646 parameters for bothn-value and K-value calculated from 10 to 20% strain or 10% to end of uniform elongation when
uniform elongation is less than 20%.

3.1.3 Physical
Requirements, Corrosion Protection. Tubes provided
by the manufacturer shall have corrosion protection
which is effective for 30 days after delivery to the Surface Treatment of Flat Stock.
Any manufacturing facility.
compounds applied to flat stock furnished for tube
3.1.4 Additional Requirements. Not applicable.
blanks shall be approved to GMNA specification
9984001. Requirements. Requirements. Notapplicable.
be clean and free of anycontamination, including
3.2.2 Mechanical Requirements. Not applicable.
stringers, chips, solids, or excessive residues of any
type I.D.
O.D., ends,
Physical Requirements.
Note: It is preferable that tubes being prepared for Flash Control at the Weld Seam. I.D. flash
shipment are washed, rinsed, and then coated with mustbe controlled to within 0.125mm maximum
a GM approved corrosion preventativecompound. by cutting. Rolled flash not acceptable. Flash cut
Washingprocessmustnotleaveinsoluble residue shall not reduce tube thickness below the minimum
that interferes with proper operation of bending and required thickness. Offset cuts into or tears at the
hydroforming equipment. heat affected zone are not allowed. O.D. flash must
be trimmed flush to maintain contour of tube. Surface Finish. Theinsideand outside
surfaces of the tubing shall be free ofcoil breaks and End Finish. Ends must be burr-free, dent-
surface defects greater than 5% of wall thickness. free, and pinch-free. No sharp edges allowed at tube
The inside and outside surfaces shall be free of cor- ends. Outside condition of tubes as received is not to
rosion, dirt, etc. interfere with clamping or sealing ability. The use of

Q Copyright February 2000 General Motors Corporation All Rights Reserved

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non-chamfered ends mustbe approved by agreement specification must comply with the requirements of
between purchaserand supplier. GMW3059 Restricted and Reportable Substances
for Parts including mill oils and tube processing fluid Geometric and Dimensional Tolerances.
residues. Length.Thestandard tube length toler-
5.4 Inspection and Rejection. All shipments of ma-
ance shall be specified as nominal,1.O mm for tubes
terials or parts under contract or purchase order man-
less than 3000mm, f 2.0 mm for tubes greater than
ufactured to this specification shall be equivalent in
3000 mm.
every respectto the initial samples approved by engi-
Note: More or less restrictive length tolerances may neering. There shall be no changes in the formulation
be needed with some processes. These will be indi- or manufacturingprocess permitted without prior noti-
cated on the MPS Sheet generated by Metal Fabricat- fication and approval by engineering. lack of notifica-
ing Division Engineering (Die EngineeringServices). tion by the supplier constitutes grounds for rejection Outside Diameter. Outside diameter toler- of any shipment. While samples may be taken from
ances are specified in ASTMA513. incoming shipments and checked for conformanceto
this specification,the supplier shall accept the respon- Ovality. Ovality tolerances are specified in sibility for incoming shipments meeting this specifi-
ASTM A513. cation without dependence upon the purchaser’s in- Straightness. Straightness tolerances are spection.
specified in ASTM A513. 5.5 Initial Source Approval. No shipments shall be Material as made by any supplier until representative initial pro-
furnished to GM must not passivate or contaminate duction samples have been approved by Materials
weldingprocessor painting process. Base metal Engineering as meeting the requirements ofthis spec-
must be approvedforweldabilityand paintability ification.
perthereferencedGMbasemetalstandard. All 5.6 Material Safety Data Sheets. Completed copies
fluidsused in theprocessing of tubes under this of the Material Safety Data Sheets(MSDS)rneet-
specification shall meet GM Specification 9984554. ing GM information requirements, consistent withthe Marking and Traceability. Tube blanks must I S 0 11014 standard must be submitted with anynew
have ink stamp for lot identification
(Figure 2). Trace- material submissions or where a composition change
ability must be to the flat stock mill’scoil number un- has occurred.
less otherwise agreed by theGM procuring division. 5.7 PPAP (Production Part Approval Process). It
3.2.4 Additional Requirements. Not applicable. is the Procuring Division’s decision whether the PPAP
process willbe followed for bulk or raw materials.The
3.3 PerformanceRequirements.Subparagraphs
level of submission may vary with such factors as:
were not applicable.
1 Supplier compliance with QS9000 requirements
3.4 Requirements on other Stages duringLife Cy-
cle. Subparagraphs were not applicable. 2 Part criticality, submissions

4 Manufacturing Process 3 Experience with prior PPAP submissions

Not applicable. 4 Supplier expertise with the specific commodity. Re-

fer to theProcuring Division’s Supplier Quality De-
partment orto the Quality Manager at the GM man-
5 Rules and Regulations ufacturing location where the product is intended
5.1 Legal Regulations. For use of this material the for use, for specific instructions.
valid laws and other regulations and recommenda-
tions in the countryof usage shall be followed. 6 Approved Sources
5.2 Language. In the event of any conflict between Engineering qualification of an approved source isre-
the English anddomesticlanguage regarding this quired forthis specification. Only sources listed in
document,theEnglishlanguagewilltake prece- the GM Materials File under this specification num-
dence. ber have been qualified by engineering as meeting
5.3 RestrictedandReportableSubstances for therequirementsof this specification.Sources are
Parts(GMW3059).Allmaterials supplied to this available through the on-line MATSPC System.

Q Copyright February 2000 General Motors Corporation All Rights Resewed

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VND.GH GMb442-ENGL 2000 900b379 00L4b30 780 M

7 Coding System 8 Release and Revisions

Thismaterialspecificationshallbereferenced in other 8.1 Release. This specification was first approved
documents,drawings, VTS, CTS,etc. as follows: andreleased in February 2000.

Ca Copyright February 2000 General Motors Corporation All Rights Reserved

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Appendix A
Figure 1: Standard Tensile Sample Pointsfor Longitudinal Tensile Bar Extraction
C)' (Centerline of tensile bar must Ge
15-20 mm from centerline of weld.)


Figure 2: Location of Tube Blank Ink Stamp for LotIdentification

- i
(Ink Label):Manufacturer, Lot#, OD, etc.

Lead Tail

@Copyright February 2000 General Motors Corporation All Rights Reserved

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