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Vocabulary, Grammar, and Functions Test for Lower Intermediate Students

Test Structure

The test consists of three sections:

1. Vocabulary (15 minutes)

2. Grammar (15 minutes)

3. Functions (15 minutes)

Section 1: Vocabulary (15 minutes)

Instructions: Complete the following exercises to test your understanding of vocabulary related to
cultural heritage, education, media, and leisure and entertainment.

Exercise 1: Matching Match the words in Column A with their definitions in Column B.

Column A Column B

1. Tradition A) A place where objects of historical or artistic value are displayed

2. Documentary B) A long-established custom or belief

3. Museum C) A film or TV program providing factual reports

4. University D) A place for higher education and research

5. Hobby E) An activity done for pleasure in one's free time

Exercise 2: Fill in the Blanks Fill in the blanks with the correct word from the box.

Words: broadcast, scholarship, festival, monument, recreation

1. She received a ___ to attend the prestigious university.

2. The new TV show will ___ at 8 PM tonight.

3. The city hosts an annual music ___ in the summer.

4. The ancient ___ was built over 2000 years ago.

5. Playing sports is a popular form of ___.

Exercise 3: Synonyms Find a synonym for each word in brackets to complete the sentences.

1. The ___ (tradition) of celebrating New Year is very important in our culture.

2. She has a ___ (hobby) of collecting old coins.

3. We visited a ___ (museum) with many historical artifacts.

4. The ___ (documentary) about wildlife was very informative.

5. He attends a well-known ___ (university).

Section 2: Grammar (15 minutes)

Instructions: Complete the following exercises to test your understanding of various grammar rules.

Exercise 1: Multiple Choice Choose the correct option to complete each sentence.

1. When I was a child, I ___ play outside every day.

o A) used to

o B) use to

o C) using to

2. I ___ my homework when my friend called.

o A) did

o B) was doing

o C) am doing

3. They ___ this movie three times.

o A) have watched

o B) has watched

o C) are watching

4. She ___ in the garden for two hours.

o A) has been working

o B) has worked

o C) worked

5. This box is ___ heavy for me to lift.

o A) enough

o B) too

o C) very

Exercise 2: Sentence Transformation Rewrite the sentences using the words in brackets.

1. I last saw him two years ago. (haven’t)

o I ___ him for two years.

2. She watched TV all evening. (while)

o She ___ TV while I was reading.

3. There were more than enough chairs for everyone. (too)

o There were ___ chairs for everyone.

4. He went jogging in the morning. (used to)

o He ___ jogging in the morning.

5. They started their project in the afternoon and are still working on it. (have been)

o They ___ their project since the afternoon.

Section 3: Functions (15 minutes)

Instructions: Complete the following exercises to test your ability to use English in different situations.

Exercise 1: Matching Match the sentences in Column A with their appropriate responses in Column B.

Column A Column B

1. I believe that education is very important. A) Really? That's amazing!

2. What do you think I should do about this problem? B) I think you're right.

3. Guess what? I won a prize! C) I'm so sorry to hear that.

4. I feel really sad today. D) Why don't you talk to your teacher about it?

5. How interesting! E) Yes, it helps people get better jobs.

Exercise 2: Dialogue Completion Complete the dialogue with the appropriate phrases.

A: I just finished watching a new documentary about climate change. B: ___ (1) ___. What did you think
of it? A: It was very informative. I learned a lot. B: ___ (2) ___? I should watch it too.

Exercise 3: Expressing Feelings Choose the correct option to complete each sentence.

1. I was ___ to hear that my favorite show got cancelled.

o A) surprised

o B) interesting

o C) believing

2. She was ___ when she found out she passed the exam.

o A) advised

o B) relieved

o C) feeling
3. He feels ___ because he lost his keys.

o A) sad

o B) advising

o C) interesting

Answer Key:

Section 1: Vocabulary

Exercise 1: Matching

1. B

2. C

3. A

4. D

5. E

Exercise 2: Fill in the Blanks

1. scholarship

2. broadcast

3. festival

4. monument

5. recreation

Exercise 3: Synonyms

1. tradition

2. hobby

3. museum

4. documentary

5. university

Section 2: Grammar

Exercise 1: Multiple Choice

1. A

2. B
3. A

4. A

5. B

Exercise 2: Sentence Transformation

1. I haven’t seen him for two years.

2. She was watching TV while I was reading.

3. There were too many chairs for everyone.

4. He used to go jogging in the morning.

5. They have been working on their project since the afternoon.

Section 3: Functions

Exercise 1: Matching

1. E

2. D

3. A

4. C

5. B

Exercise 2: Dialogue Completion

1. How interesting

2. Really

Exercise 3: Expressing Feelings

1. A

2. B

3. A

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