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The Seventh Principle

Effectiveness Is The Measure Of Truth.

Effectiveness Is
Effectiveness is the measure of truth. Know your
The Measure
Of Truth.
truth, walk in your truth. The evidence of your words
and thoughts will be revealed in what manifests.

(c) 2018 Shane McLeay All Rights Reserved

The Seventh Principle Effectiveness Is The Measure Of Truth.
All truth rests within, knowing your truth comes through knowing the sixth principle which is “all power comes from within” and the seventh principle is
very much birthed in the sixth principle.

We live in a world where people talk a great deal about truth and following their truth, but rarely do they walk in their truth.

What does the seventh principal mean? It means that what you say is what you must do and what you say you believe will be demonstrated by the evidence
of what manifests in and around your life. The measure of your truth is on display for the world to see by the situations, circumstances and events that
manifest in your life and it is by these things that the world looks on and passes its judgement.

The world is filled with frauds and swindlers looking to be "gurus" or "teachers of truth" and knowing the seventh principle will help you in discerning such
people. It will help you in all aspects of your life when it comes to discernment.

The seventh principle will help you stay in flow and grounded in purpose, for if there is no evidence for the things you are focused on and investing your
resources in, you are most likely out of alignment with your truth for effectiveness is the measure of truth. If you are in your truth the effectiveness of what
you proclaim will be the evidence that guides you to where you need to be. Truth will always be accompanied with and surrounded by confirmation and
evidence, there are no exceptions.

The things that are manifesting within your life are the evidence for what you say your truth is, these manifestations are the proof, they are the confirmation
of your words and that you are living the things you say you are. Where there is no confirmation or alignment for what you say, there is room for
questioning and the world is within its rights to ask us for accountability if our actions do not align with our words.

Our effectiveness is the evidence as to whether or not we are truly in flow. To those of us who know truth, we must be made accountable to the things that
we say and the things that we do, for this is our spiritual responsibility and a statement of our maturity. In the seventh principle accountability is found and
measured, integrity is either demonstrated or it is absent.

Truth will be your greatest ally, it will reveal mysteries and provide great insight to those who truly understand the seventh principle.

(c) 2018 Shane McLeay All Rights Reserved WWW.THESHAMANCIRCLE.COM Page 70

The Seventh Principle Effectiveness Is The Measure Of Truth.
Living in the power of your truth is the only path toward fulfilling your true purpose and destiny. Your inner truth is the guiding light that illuminates the
path ahead, it is the compass that points to your destiny. Your truth will be confirmed by the evidence around you that supports and confirms that you are
indeed truly living authentically.

Awakening to your truth and understanding the wisdom of that truth will set you free. Your truth is that which is communicated directly to you by your
Creative Source. Truth comes to you from the very mind of the creative source, we are all open channels of the divine if and when we choose to be and our
willingness to to be a channel is also our measure of truth.

Divine truth exists deep within the very core of your being for all power comes from within, it calls to you from within and truth patiently waits for you to
answer its gentle call. It is truth that connects all things and makes all things whole, this truth makes all things possible and this truth is alive within you, this
truth flows through you and is displayed in the effectiveness of your life.

Truth is not an idea, trend or opinion, truth is the immovable foundation that all has been built upon.

The same eternal truth that has guided the wise throughout the ages is the same truth that gently speaks to you today from within the depths of your heart.
for truth is timeless and constant and it is measured by the evidence of its effectiveness.

Truth will always make itself known and it will always be found by the one with a pure heart and a clear mind. Seek truths way with commitment and

Truth is always with you, always revealing itself, always making itself known, truth calls to you now in this moment from the timeless reaches of eternity
and it waits for you to respond. Truth is constantly confirming itself and providing effectiveness through evidence.

(c) 2018 Shane McLeay All Rights Reserved WWW.THESHAMANCIRCLE.COM Page 71

The Seventh Principle Effectiveness Is The Measure Of Truth.
This is how the Seventh Principle looks as it unfolds in and around your lives. When we are operating from a place of truth the evidence appears in and
around our lives to support the things we say. Effectiveness is measured in the truth and this is where we are each judged according to the things that
manifest in and around our lives.

What Shows Up As Evidence?


Inner P
Magic Healing

Contentment Discernment




(c) 2018 Shane McLeay All Rights Reserved WWW.THESHAMANCIRCLE.COM Page 72

The Seventh Principle Effectiveness Is The Measure Of Truth.
In the columns below explain how you understand the seventh principle to be at work in the world around you, what is showing up is constantly speaking to you:

In Your Programming: In Your Life's Journey: In Your Manifestations:

(c) 2018 Shane McLeay All Rights Reserved WWW.THESHAMANCIRCLE.COM Page 73

The Seventh Principle Effectiveness Is The Measure Of Truth.
One of the shamans greatest powers is the power of observation and by understanding the Seventh Principle the power of observation is acitve and alive. As the
observer the shaman exercises the Seventh Principle to exercise judgement and discernment around the things he or she observes. The shaman makes judgments
around all things and this is a critical part of the shaman's responsibilities in relation to the energetic realm and the happenings here in thethree dimensional reality. The
shaman must in every instance be able to read the energies around them and this comes from his or her power within and through the practice of the Seventh Principle.

To have a knowing within is your inherent power, for all power comes from within. Grounded in love and understanding the absolute power of the Fifth Principle, the
shaman engages in the Seventh Principle to confirm his or her observations based on assessing the evidence provided by what manifests.

As a shaman progresses to that of a master shaman and he or she attracts students, the Seventh Principle will assist in the teaching and development of the student. In a
healing or cleansing situation the Seventh Principle will reveal many mysteries and uncover a multitude of reasons why things are not as they should be. Truth will
always be revealed regardless of the words spoken.

The most powerful way to use the Seventh Principle is to speak little and to listen intently. As truth is revealed and the measure of truth made known, the shaman will
see deeper into the situation and through the revelation of truth he or she will be more effective in their decisions and courses of action. The Seventh Principle is by far
the most practical of the Nine Principles and can and should be used in every conversation and in every decision process.

Those who are ruled by low frequencies will speak empty words and these words will betray them in the presence of the shaman who is actively engaged with the
knowledge of the Seventh Principle who is constantly seeing into the energetic field. In a situation where you have been engaged to deliver a shamanic solution or
resolve, make the Seventh Principle your great ally, let it do the work for you, let it reveal what is hidden and shine the light of truth into the darkness where all lies and
deceit are exposed.

It has been said that we were given two ears and one mouth for a very good reason, the shamans ears serve him or her in every instance, especially in the areas of
discernment. When your intuition speaks to you, let the Seventh Principle provide confirmation and let it reveal its truth.

(c) 2018 Shane McLeay All Rights Reserved WWW.THESHAMANCIRCLE.COM Page 74

The Seventh Principle Effectiveness Is The Measure Of Truth.
In the columns below share how the Seventh Principle would be of service to you in the three scenarios mentioned:

You have been called to a house where You have been asked to remove a curse on You have met someone who claims to be a
abuse has taken place. How do you a person who is displaying signs of torment. shaman. As integrity is an important
approach this? What do you do? aspect of shamanism how do you discern
the situation?

(c) 2018 Shane McLeay All Rights Reserved WWW.THESHAMANCIRCLE.COM Page 75

The Seventh Principle Effectiveness Is The Measure Of Truth.
How do you see the Seventh Principle influencing the following?

In Your Responses:
In Your Programming:
In Your Relationships:
In Your Decision Making:
In Your Discernment:
Energetic Work:
In Your Daily Method Of Operation:
In Your Dreams:
In Your Manifestations:
In Your Healing:
In Your Visions:
Around Your Self Worth:
In Your Perception:
In Your Intuition:

(c) 2018 Shane McLeay All Rights Reserved WWW.THESHAMANCIRCLE.COM Page 76

The Seventh Principle Effectiveness Is The Measure Of Truth.
Reflecting back on what you have just learned about the Seventh Principle, where do you see it's direct
inflence on your own journey?

(c) 2018 Shane McLeay All Rights Reserved WWW.THESHAMANCIRCLE.COM Page 77

The Seventh Principle Effectiveness Is The Measure Of Truth.
The seventh Principle is all about living in the power of truth and honesty.

The seventh Principle of Shamanism, "Effectiveness is the measure of truth," emphasises living in the power of truth and honesty. This principle
highlights the idea that what works and produces real, tangible results is inherently aligned with truth. In shamanic practice, truth is not merely a
philosophical concept but a practical guide to living and healing. Shamans understand that the efficacy of their rituals, healing practices, and spiritual
guidance depends on their alignment with universal truths and the honesty of their intentions. By honouring this principle, shamans ensure that
their actions are grounded in reality and genuine understanding, which enhances their ability to bring about meaningful change.

Living transparently is fundamental to the way of the shaman. Transparency involves being open and honest not only with oneself but also with
others. For a shaman, this means acknowledging and confronting personal truths, including their own limitations and biases. It also entails being clear
and straightforward with those they help, developing trust and creating a safe space for healing and growth. This openness allows for a deeper
connection with the spiritual realm and the people they serve, ensuring that their work is both authentic and effective. In this way, transparency is
not just a personal virtue but a professional necessity in shamanic practice.

Integrity and honesty are cornerstones of a shaman’s power and you will receive clarity around this idea by revisiting the Sixth Principle. Integrity
involves maintaining consistency between one's beliefs, words, and actions, ensuring that all are aligned with truth. For shamans, integrity means
being true to their spiritual path and upholding the sacred traditions they follow. Honesty, on the other hand, requires shamans to be truthful in their
communications and interactions at all times. This honesty builds credibility and respect, both crucial for the shaman's role as a healer and spiritual
guide. When shamans embody integrity and honesty, they enhance their ability to channel spiritual energy and wisdom, making their practices more
potent and transformative.

The power and effectiveness of a shaman are deeply rooted in their commitment to truth and honesty. These qualities enable shamans to perceive
and understand the deeper realities of existence, beyond illusions and superficial appearances. By living and working in alignment with truth,
shamans can access higher levels of consciousness and spiritual insight, which they use to guide and heal others. This alignment also ensures that
their actions have a positive and lasting impact, as they are based on real understanding and genuine compassion. Thus, truth, transparency,
integrity, and honesty are not just ethical principles for shamans but essential elements of their effectiveness and spiritual power.

(c) 2018 Shane McLeay All Rights Reserved WWW.THESHAMANCIRCLE.COM Page 79

The Seventh Principle Effectiveness Is The Measure Of Truth.
On your journey you would have already witnessed the weak energy of the counterfeit and the destructive power of lies, these energies has no place within
the life path of a shaman. We have been called to the lowest place of being so that we can operate in the highest realms of effectiveness. By that which
manifests within our own lives and around those who we engage with and work with truth is revealed.

The Seventh Principle is the principle that holds us accountable to what we are nurturing within our own lives and it makes us aware of what is appearing
within the lives of those we are to engage with. The Seventh Principle will protect you and guide you on your path and when used in alignment with the
other eight principles it will make clear your pathways.


"We have been called to understand the lowest places of being

so that we can operate in the highest realms of effectiveness."
(c) 2018 Shane McLeay All Rights Reserved WWW.THESHAMANCIRCLE.COM Page 80

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