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; OSWAAL CBSE Sample Question Papers, MATHEMATICS (p, SIG, : ‘Anevent which always occurs whenever the random experimen . ‘ 5. Sure Event (Certain event): whenever the random experiment is Performed hy 6. Impossible Event: An event which never occurs rence ofanevent. 7. Favourable Event: The cases which ensure the 8. Probability: Probability P(E) of an event Eis defined as: P(E) = Total Number of outcomes _ Favourable Event i ~~ Sample Space \ laa 9. Complement Events: An event associated with arandom experiment denoted by P(not£) whi, only when E does not happen is called the complement of event E. P(E) or P(not E) = 1-P(E) or PE) Tips: 1. Sum of the probabilities of all the elementary events of an experiment is 1. PEE,) + PE,) + P(E,) + +PE,)=1, 2 Probability of sure event is 1. 3. Probability of an impossible event is 0. 4. Probability of any event lies between 0 and 1 (including 0 and 1) ie., O (93 (D)2 . 4. The pair of equations y = 0 and y = -7has i (A) One solution (B) Two solutions (C) Infinitely many solutions (D) No solution 5. Value(s) of k for which the quadratic equation 2x*—kx + k = Ohas equal roots is (A) Oonly (B) 4 (©) 8only (D) 08 6. The distance of the point(3, 5) from x-axis is k units, then k equals (A) 3 @ 4 5 (2)8 7. Ifin A ABC and A POR, we have aon Seiten (A) aPQR ~ACAB aoe (C) ACBA ~APQR (D) ABCA ~APQR ‘SS lll lL, ll 34 i OSWAAL CBSE Sample Question Papers, MATHEMATICS (BASIC), Class-x. 8. Which of the following is NOT a similarity criterion of triangles? 2) aN (B) SAS (D) RHS. 9. Te ay TO ate the two tangents toa circle with centre Oso that 2POQ = 110, (A) 60° (B) 70° (© 8° (D) 90° 10. Ifcos A = 2 then tan Ais 3 2 (a) 5 ® 3 © 4 m2 11. uM teh height of the tower is equal to the length of its shadow, a the angle of elevation of the sun is (8) 45° (C) (©) 9 | 12. a- ea is equal to ane @) tar’A (OQ 1-sin?A () seca 13) The radius of a circle is same as the side of a ‘square. Their perimeters are in the ratio (A) 1: @) 2:0 © (D) vr:2 14, The area of the circle is 154 cm? The radius of the circle is (A) 7cm (B) 14cm (©) 35cm (D) 175m 15. When a dice is thrown once, the probability of getting an even number less than 4 is (A) 1/4 0 (O12 () 6 16. For the following distribution: Class 05 5.10 10-15 15-20 20.25 Frequency 10 15 2 20 9 The lower limit of modal class is (ays (8) 20 (C) 10 @)5 17. A rectangular sheet of paper 40 cm x 22cm, is rolled to form a hollow cylinder of height 40 cm. The radius of the cylinder (in cm) is (A) 35 () 7 are) 2 (0) 5 18. Consider the following frequency distribution: ; Class 06 612 12-18 18-24 24.30 Frequency, 12 10 15 8 1 The median class is (A) 6-12 (B) 12-18 (©) 18-24 (0) 24-30 Directions: In the following questions, A Statement of Assertion (A) is followed by a statement of Reason (R)- Mark the correct choice as. 19. Assertion (A): The point (0, 4) lies on y-axis: Reason(R): The x coordinate of the point on y-axis is zero (A) Both assertion (A) and reason (R) are true and reason (R) is the correct explanation of assertion (A). (B) Both assertion (A) and reason (R) are true but reason (R) is not the correct explanation of assertion (A). (C) Assertions (A) is true but reason (R) is false. (D) Assertions (A) is false but reason (R) is true. eee ee aa ‘ion Papers le Question gas? sion (A): The HCF of two numbers is 0. Assertion umbersisS an their produc PP 20 ason(R): FOr ay tW0 postive ilegersaand me Tae eal oe ; , b)=0 (a) Both assertion) and reson fae ruand reason (isthe comet explanation of assertion (A) (B) Both assertion (A) and reason (R) are true but - - na (cy Assetions (A) is true but reason fs fae, reason (Ris not the corect explanation of assert (p) Assertions (A) iale but reason) is true, SECTION-B gi. Find whether the following pair of incr equations is consistent or inconsistent: 92. Inthe given figure, if ABCD is a trapezium in which AB|CD || EF D Cc N B ove that ee Bren Pewee ED OR In figure, if AD = 6 cm, DB = 9m, AE = 8 cm and EC = 12cm and ZADE = 48", Find ABC. A oke\ E BQ c 23. ‘The length ofa tangent froma point A at distance Scm from the centre ofthe circle is 4cm. Find the radius of the crde. 24, Evaluate: sin? 60° + 2tan 45° - cos" 30°. «! 25. Find the diameter of a circle whose area is equal to the sum of the areas of two circles of radii 40cm and 9cm. OR A chord of a circle of radius 10cm subtends a right angle at the centre. Find the area of minor segment. (Use m = 3.14) ws : SECTION -C 26. Prove that V3is an irrational number. 27. Find the zeroes of the quadratic polynomial 4s dg + 1 and verify the relationship between the zeroes and the coefficients, 28. The coach ofa cricket team buys4 bats and 1 ball for € 2050. Later, she buys 3 bats and 2 balls for € 1600. Find the cost of each bat and each ball, OR A lending library has a fed charge for th is tree days and an adltonal charge foreach day thereafter Saritha paid % 27 for a book kept for seven days, while Susy paid & 21 for the book she kept for five days. Find the fixed charge and the charge for each extra day. 29. A circe touches all the four sides of quadrilateral ABCD. Prove that AB-+ CD = AD + BC. a / : \THEMATICS (BASIC i tion Papers, MA’ l, Clas, OSWAAL CBSE Sample Quest x 1-cos 0 (cosec - cot 9° = F5-cos 0 OR Prove that sec A (1-sin A) (sec A + tan A) =1. 31. A bag contains 6 red, 4 black and some white balls: i @ Find the number of white balls in the bag if the probability of drawing a white ball is =. (2) How many red balls shouldbe removed fom the bg or the probability of drawing a white allio be 2 SECTION-D 32. A train travels 360 km at a uniform speed. Ifthe speed had been Skm/h more, it would have taken 1 hour ess fo, the same journey. Find the speed of the train. OR A motor boat whose speed is 18 kny/h in still water takes 1 hour more to go 24 km upstream than to Tetum downstream to the same spot. Find the speed of the stream. 33. Prove that Ifa line is drawn Parallel to one side of a triangle to intersect the other two sides in distinct points, the other two sides are divided in the same ratio. Ps_ Pr In APQR, S and T are points on PQ and PR respectively. 50 TR 24 APST = 2PRQ. Prove that POR is an isosceles triangle. 34. A medicine capsule is in the shape of a cylinder with two: hemispheres stuck at each of its ends. The length of the entire capsule is 14 mm and the diameter ofthe capsule is 5 mm. Find its surface area. OR A gulab jamun, contains sugar syrup up to about 30% ofits volume. Find approximately how much syrup would be found in 45 gulab jamuns, each shaped like cylinder with two hemispherical ends with length 5 cm and diameter 2.8 cm. 7 35. The following table gives the distribution of the life ime of 400 neon lamps: Life time (in hours) Number of lamps 1500-2000 4 2000-2500 56 2500-3000 60 3000-3500 86 74 62 48 3500-4000. 4000-4500 4500-5000 > Find the average life time of a lamp. YY - rr ample Question Papers 37 SECTION-E 36. CASESTUDY1 India is competitive manufacturing location due to the low cost of manpower and strong technical and engineering capabilities contributing to higher haat, Fad eee The Production of TV sets in a factory increases uniformly by a fixed number every year. It produced 16000 sets in 6” year and 22600 In 9" year. (i) In which year, the production is € 29,200 sets ? (ii) Find the production in the 8™ year ¥ OR Find the production during first3 years. (iii) Find the difference of the production during 7" year and 4" year. 37. CASE STUDY2 Alia and Shagun are friends living on the same street in Patel Nagar. Shagun’s house is at the intersection of one street with another street on which there is a library. They both study in the same school and that is not far from Shagun’s house. Suppose the school is situated at the point O, ie., the origin, Alia’s house is at A. Shagun’s house is at B and library is at C. Based on the above information, answer the following questions. How far is Alia’s house from Shagun’s house? i) How far is the library from Shagun’s house? (iii) Show that for Shagun, school is farther compared to Alia’s house and library. OR Show that Alia’s house, Shagun’s house and library for an isosceles right triangle. 38. CASESTUDY3 : A boy is standing on the top of light house. He observed that boat P and boat Q are approaching the light house from opposite directions. He finds that angle of depression of boat P is 45° and angle of depression of boat Q is 30°. He also knows that height of the light house is 100 m. Based on the above information, answer the following questions. (i) Whats the measure of CAPD? fi) If ZYAQ = 30°, then ZAQD is also 30°, Why? (iii) Find length of PD. OR Find length of DQ. ‘Sample Question Paper-2 — MATHEMATICS (BASIC) Class- X SECTION-A 1. ya Name inge sch at = pf an = weep rate prime numbers. Find Leng ™, , (A) Per () rer (©) par ©) PrP 2. According to Fundamental theorem of Arithmetic, Composite number = smu... of prime numbers: (A) Sum (8) Product (© Difference (D) Ratio q 3. A teacher asks three ‘students to complete the following statement about the nature of the roots of a quadratic i equation. 1g? 4pr > 0, the roots ofthe quadratic equation px? + gx +r=0will be... Zain answers, “always positive”. Vipul answers, “positive, ify q and rare positive”. Suman answers, “negative, ifp, qand r are positive”, ly? Who answered correct (A) Zain (8) Vipul (©) Suman (D) None of these 4. wid oft ang ese 778 * DI +5 =Oand os +89 6, Oar aunque leon (A) aya, ri bb, 8) ab +0, a 4 ee ©) a 5. M2 is theone root ofthe equation 2+ a + 6= 0 then a =? (A) 7 } 8) 7 7 i (9 -Z m2 ion Pai i sample Question Papers i 6. AABCisa triangle such that AB: BC =1: :2 Pint Ales onthe yes andthe coordinates of B and sre own, Which of the following formula can’ DEFINITELY be'wsed to find the coordinates tht: (Section formula wk a aaa ts (i) Distance formula aa (a) only ) © only @) (© both @) and ci) (©) Neither () oF) , 7. Which of the following are DEFINITELY similar to each other? (A) any two rhombuses (B) any two right triangles 2 (C) any two regular pentagons (D) any two isoceles triangles s 8. iF tiangle ABC ~ Tangle RPQ, AB =, BC = 5 cm, AC = 6 cm, RP = 6c and PQ = 10.can, then find QR. (ayi2 . 8) 2 6s (0) % a 9. In Fig, AP and BP are tangents to a circle with centre O, such that AP = 5 cmand ZAPB = 60°. Find the length of chord AB. aye 8) 7 (5 (0) 6 1 10. In the triangles shown below, (A) Blige 1 cy 1 © 2 (Dp) 0 q 16. The heights of plants in Dipti’s garden are recorded in the table given below. The median plant height is 55 cm. Heights of plants (incm)| 0-20 20-40 40-60 60-80 80-100 i ‘Number of plants 2 4 4 8 4 Which of the following is the value of x? (A) 1 B) 2 (8 (D) (the value of x cannot be found without knowing the total number of plants) 1 17. If two solid hemispheres of same base radius ‘r are joined together along their bases, then curved surface area of this new solid is: (A) 4x7 (B) 6xr (© 3x7 (D) 8x7 1 18. Consider the following frequency distribution: Class os 6-11 17 18-23 24-29 Frequency |B 10 15 3 fi ‘the upper limit of the median class is: (A) 7 (B) 175 (0) 185 1 (© 18 gample Question Papers Directions: In the following ic i ‘a statement of Reason (R)- Markthe Sai duestions, A Statement of Assertion (A) it followed by 19. Assertion (A): The origin is the ONLY point equidistant from (2, 3) and (-2,-3). Reason (R): The origin is the, aisle Wes play mea oe (2-3. (A) Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) isthe correct explanation for (A)- (B) Both (A) and (R) are true but (R)is not the correct explanation for (A). (C) (A)is true but (R)is false. (D) (A) is false but (R) is true, 20. Assertion (A): If HCF of 510 and 923s 2, then the LOM of 510 and 92s 32460. Reason (R): As HCF (a, b) x LCM (a,b) =a x b. (A) Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is the correct explanation for (A). (B) Both (A) and (R) are true but (R) is not the correct explanation for (A). (C) (A)is true but is false. (D) (A)is false but R) is true. SECTION-B 21L. Check whether the three lines represented by the equations given below intersect at a common point: 2ty-1=0 4+ 8y 45 =0 5x+4y+8=0 a Show your work. 22. In ABC, DE || BC, find the value of x, a a3 OR Qs a tangent drawn from an external point Pto a crce with centre O and QORis the diameter of the circle. It ZPOR = 12, what is the measure of OPQ? Be R ed La 23. Shown below sa dre with 3 tangents KO. KP and LM, QL = 2em and KL = 6m, PM = KL ‘on Papers, MATHEMATICS (BASIC), Claagey OSWAAL CBSE Sample Q 24. Find the value of £284 losind I-sinA "cos 12508 <2 and the 10 sectors are ident 25. The gure below i part ofa cre with centre O.isarels 22 ont ani ical | | Find the value of p, in degrees. Show your steps. OR | ‘The area of a circular playground is 22176 cm. Find the cost of fencing this ground at the rate of 50 Permetre SECTION -C 26. Prove that 5-3 is irrational, given that V5 isirrational | 27. pe) = aP—ar+ 3, where a is a non-zero real number. One zero of p(x) is 3 times the other zero, () Find the value of a. Show your work. (ii) Whatis the shape of the graph of p(x)? Give a reason for your answer. 28. Find the sum of first 16 terms of the AP.10, 6,2, OR For what value of p will the following system of equations have no solution? (Qp-1)x + (p-Dy = 2p + 1;y + 3x-1=0 3 29. Ifa circle touches the side BC of triangle ABC at P and extended sides AB and ACat Qand R, respectively, prove that AQ= H0c CA+AB). 30. thar Can COO 1, cocdeneec, Prove that T=at0 Tune 1+ sec Ocosec 0. OR If sin +-cos0 = 3, then prove that tan 0 + cot @ = 1. aa 311. ‘Two dice are thrown at the same time. Whats the probability that the sum of the two numbers appearing on the top of the dice is: @ 8 (i) 132 (iii) less than or equal to 12? : 3 SECTION-D 32. Solve graphically the pair of linear equations : 3x-4y +3 =0 and 3x + 4y—21 =, Find the co-ordinates of the vertices of the triangular region formed by these lines and x-axis. 20) OR ms a eS tie ample Question Papers 33. In the figure below, ST || PQ. All measurements are in units. Prove that the area ofthe trapezium POTS is [ke y al oq, units. 34. ‘Water in a canal, 6 m wide and 1.5 m deep, is flowing with a speed of 10 km/hour. How much area will it irrigate in 30 minutes; if 8 cm standing water is needed? OR ‘A-vessel full of water is in the form of an inverted cone of height 8 cm and the radius of its top, which is open, is 5 cm 100 spherical lead balls are dropped into the vessel. One-fourth of the water flows out of the vessel. ao the radius of a spherical ball. 35. Find the mode of the following distribution of marks obained by the students in an examination: Marks obained 0-20 20-40 40-60 60-80 [Numberofetdents | 5 | 7 | | Given the mean of the above distribution is $3, using empirical relationship estimate the value of its median. 5 SECTION-E 36. Your friend Veer wants to participate in a 200 m race. He can currently run that distance in 51 seconds and with each day of practice it takes him 2 seconds less. He wants to do in 31 seconds. (i) Whatis the minimum number of days he needs to practice till his goal is achieved? 1 ii) On 5th day in how many seconds Veer is completing 200m race 7 1 ) If n° term of an APis given by a, = 2n + 3 then find the common difference of the A.P. OR The value of x, for which 2x, x + 10, 3x + 2are three consecutive terms of an AP. 2 37. Read the following text and answer the below questions: Ina room, 4 friends are seated at the points A, B, Cand Das shown in figure. Reeta and Meeta walk into the room and after observing for a few minutes, Reta asks Meeta. ON MATHEMATICS (BASIC), c1,, 3 wuestion Papers, 8X OSWAAL CBSE Sample Qt 1 @) Whatis the position of A and D? () Whatis the distance between A and B? oR 2 What is the middle Position of B and C? (ii) What figure is formed when points A, B,C and Dare joined?’ ae tobe constricted for children by 38. Authority wants to constructasideina city park for children. The above the ground the inclined ay the age of 12 years. Authority prefers the top ofthe slide ata height of 4m atan angle of 30° to the ground. (i) Find the distance of AB. i (ii) Find the value of sin?30° + cos? 60°, || (iii) Tf sina then find the value of 12 coPA-2 e OR In the given figure, if AB + BC = 25 and AC = 5m, then the value of BC. 2 Sample Question Paper-3 | MATHEMATICS (BASIC) | Class-X | | SECTION-A 1 The least number that is divisible by all the numbers from 1 to 10 (both inclusive) is: (a) 10 (B) 100 (D) 2.520 1 (B) 504 2. 1245 is a factor of the numbers p andq. Which of the following will always have 1245 asa factor? 7 | | @ p+4 Gi)p x4 Gil) p+4 . | (A) only (ii) (B) only (i) and (ii) | (©) only (ii) and (iii) (D) all- @), Gi) and (ii) 1 3. The sum of zeroes of p(x) = x7-3¢ + 2is @) 1 (B) 2 © 3 (D) 4 1 4. What about the number of solutions if the given system of equations is inconsistent? (A) One solution (B) Infinite or many solutions (©) Nosolution (D) None of these 1 5. Which of the following is not a quadratic equation? (A) 2@¢-1)? = 42-2r +1 @) 2-P=2 45 , © (Vax+ 43) +x7=32"-5e (D) +2 ax +34 40 1 6. Find the distance between B(L,@)and C5) (A) 5 units ¢ (By units , (©) 52 units (D) 8 units 4. a OSWAAL CBSE Sample Question Papers, MATHEMATICS (Basic) Chay ae In the above figure, ST is parallel to QR. What isthe length of SP? (A) 2an 3 (Q) 4am 8. Inthe above diagram, OT. | Puch that PT = 15 cm, | The length of OP to correct two decimal places is: | ~Aenv isthe radius of the circle with centreO anda tangent PTs drawn fom pon (A) 11.00 cm (8) 10.44cm (Q 15520 (©) 19.00cn 1 9 nthe allowing Sue Qs apn on Rand sin pia on TR. Q5 dawn and ZRPT = ROS, (ae Pp. | 2 la 3 Which ofthese criteria can be used to prove that ARSQis similar to ARTP ? (A) AAA similarity criterion (B) SAS similarity criterion (©) SSS similarity criterion (D) RUS similarity criterion 1 10. Given that sino = ; and cos B = then the value ofa +9) is (A) 0" (B) 30° (© 60° (D) 90° Z AL. The value of 6, for which sin 20 = 12; 0° <0 < 90°is (A) 15° (8) 30° 7 (Q 45° ©) 6 12. In the figure below, what is the length of AB ? f _— question Papers ca) wo ®) gn Be (D) 45/3 +1)m 1 1B. roe mine and clock con. The taney tty of mina had rm 1020019 1028 s A) en ®) an (120m a Oem, : 14 wine pepe a circle is equal to that of a square, then the ratio of their areas me) 7 ®) in : © 7% © 11:14 15, For the following distribution; the modal class (A) 10-20 (B) 2-30 (©) 30-40 (D) 50-60 1 16, Look at the numbers shown below. @ -05 (i) 0.00001 1 i) > (vy) 1 {v) 1.00001 (wi) 9% Which of the above numbers represent probabilities of events? (A) only (i) and (ii) (B) only (i, (i), (il) and (iv) (©) only (i), Gi), iv) and (v) (D) only (i), Gi), (iv) and (vi) 1 vy. A hollow cube of internal edge 22 cm is filled with spherical marbles of diameter 0.5 cm and it is assumed that 1 3 Space of the cube remains unfilled. Then the number of marbles that the cube can accommodate is Clk ane B) 14286 alts (©) 142496 (D) 142596 . 18. For an event £, P(E) + P(E) =%, then the value of x! ~3 is ee ? 2 O1 O41 : Directions: In the following questions, A Statement of Assertion (A) is followed by a statement of ®. Mark the correct choice as. ; Reason 1s, re (A): ABC with vertices A(2, 0), B(2,0) and C(0,2) is similar to ADEF with vertices D{-4, 0), E(4, 0) and Reason (R); A circle has its centre atthe Grigin and a point PG, 0) lies on it. The point (6, 8) les outside the . (A) Both (A) and (R) are true and (R)is the correct explanation for (A) rele. (B) Both (A) and {R) are true but (R) snot the correct explanation for (A). (© (A)is true but (R) is false. (D) (A) is false but (R) is true. i “a = ey COSWAAL CBSE Sample Question Papers, MATHEMATICS (pagjoy 20. Assertion (A): If HCF (336,54) = 9, then LCM (336,54) = 2016. Reason (R); The sum of exponents of prime factors in the prime (A). Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) isthe correct explanation for (A). (B) Both (A) and (R) are true but (R) snot the correct explanation for (4) (©) (A)is true but (R) is false. ‘ (©) (A)is false but (R)is true. factorisation of 196 is 4 SECTION-B © AL. Ifaand p are the zeroes ofthe polynomial x) = 22— 6r + , find the value ofk, such that a? + p? = gp, + In given figure, O is the centre of the cide and LN is a diameter. If PQ is a tangent to the circle ap KIN = 30°, find ZPKL. : Kag OR i In the given figure, OA x OB = OC x OD, show that ZA= ZC and 2B = ZD. i Be In figure, O is the centre of a circle. PT and PQ are tangents to the circle from an external point P. It Z7PQ= 7, find ZTRQ. = cosec A-cot A. . F ind 25. A piece of wite 22 om long is bent into the form of an arc ofa cirde subtending an angle of 60° at its cent 2 the ais tec [Use «= 2] es: ye Question Papers samp OR z st wet BE ‘The volume of a right circular cylinder with its height equal to the radius is 354 cm? Find the height of the cylinder. (uses < 2) : SECTION-C 3 26. Find HCF and LCM of 404 and 96 and verify that HICF x LCM = Product of the two given numbers. 27. Solve for x (in terms of a and b): Which term of the AP 20, L185 172, aus is the first negative term ? ’ s_,~ = 3 | =pieee 2,x4,b 28. Solve for xand y= 6 | yet yoz “hand yo y=2 = 2, where x# Land y#2. OR | 3 29. In the given figure, if ABC ~ DEF and their sides ofthe given figure lengths (in cm) are marked along them, then find the lengths of sides of each triangle: 30. Prove that: OR | ‘The horizontal distance between two towers is 60 m. The angle of elevation of the top of the taller tower as seen, | cae nae topof the shorter one s 30” Ifthe height of the taller tower is 150 m, then find the height of the shorter tower 3 31. A box contains cards, number 1 to 90, A card is drawn at random from the box. Find the probability that the selected card bears a: (i) Two digit number (ii) Perfect square number f. 3 SECTION=D A | 32, ina painting competition ofa school acid made Indian national flag whose perimeter was 5O cm. Its area will be decreased by 6 square cm, fits length is decreased by 3 an and breadth is increased by 2 cm. Find the dimensions of the flag. Also find the correct area of the flag. : OR . 2 seit cuniber is obtained by either multiplying the sum of digits by 8 and then . 4 roi the difference of digs by 16 and adding 3 Find the number ethtzecting Sir by (b). Solve: 4x + 5y = Oand 2x-3y= 0. . i i's a MATHEMATICS Pasig, « = OSWAAL CBSE Sample Question Papers, ircle is id it . 33. An the igure, two circles intersect at A and B. The entre of the smaller circle is O and ities on the Stee ofthe larger circ If ZAPB = 7, find ZACB. 3 5 34. A solid iron pole consists Be ates nena ae imcier4cwhich Sssurmounted by ani cylinder of height 60 cm and Tadius 8 cm. Find the mass of the pole, given that 1 cm? of iron has aPProximata 8 gm mass. (Use x = 3.14) 8 OR Two circular beads of different sizes ar joined together such thatthe distance between their centres is Man. Ty Sum of their areas is 130 x cm?. Find the radius of each bead, 5 35. Ifthe median of the following frequency distribution is 325, Find the values off, and f,. y [Class 9-10 | 10-29 | 20730 | 20-40 | 40-50] 50-60 | Go <7 Told i 5 9 wy 3 2 0 SECTION-E 36. Ayush starts walking from his house to office, Instead of going tothe office directly, he goes to a bank first, fom there to his daughter's school and then reaches the office, (Assume that ll distances covered ae in straight lines) I the Houses situated at 4) bank at (5, 8), school at(I, 14) and office at (13, 26) and coordinates are in km, L Whats the distance between house ana bank? 1 1 IL Whatis the distance between daughter’s school and bank? 1 IIL. Whats the distance between house and office? oR Whatis the total distance travelled by Ayush to reach the office? a 37. A satelite fying at height hs watching the top ofthe to rea gecunains in Utarakhand and Karnataka, the being Nanda Devi (height 7,816 m) and Mallayanagiri (height 1.930, m). The angles of depression from the sateli to the top of Nanda Devi and Mullayanagiri are 30° and OO” respectively I the distance between the peaks of #9 ‘Mountains is 1937 km and the satellite is ‘Vertically above the ‘midpoint of the distance between the two mountails: i sensi ovestion PAPE ‘89 " wf 1. Whatis the distance ofthe satelite from the top of Nanda Devi i OR Whats the distance ofthe satellite from the top of Mullayanagiri. I Pa ea clvaimfaantsuningal dance 716 m 0m Nand OS “ IIL Ifa milestone very far away from, makes 457to the top of Mullanyangisi mountain. 0, find the distance of this mile stone from the mountain, z Bn ypc ian Men ths Ped on particular day was 2more than tice the number of workers working in the industry. The number of boxes produced in a particular day ‘was 85. If the number of workers working in the indus sys x What was the number of boxes of candles prepare Py 1 each worker on that particular day? White the quadratic equation fr the given case, 1 Find the number of workers working in the industry. OR ’ 2 How many boxes will be prepared when number of workers are increased by 2 Sample Question Paper-4. MATHEMATICS (BASIC) Class- X ‘Time Allowed: 3 hours 1. This Question Paper has 5 Sections A, B,C, Dand E. : j 2. Section A has 20 Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) carrying 1 mark each, 1 3. Section B has 5 Short Answers-I (SA-I) type questions carrying 2 marks each. i " q 4. Section C has 6 Short Answers-II (SA-II) type questions carrying 3 marks each. CRE SATN A i aod j 5. Section D has 4 Long Answers (LA) type questions carrying 5 marks each, - s 4 4 6. Section E has 3 source based/case based/passage based integrated units of assessment (4 marks each) with Parts of the values of 1, 1 and 2 marks each respectively. ep setaithaw nee 2 All questions are compulsory. However, an internal choice in 2 Qs of 2 marks,2Qs of 3 marks and 2.Qs of 5) marks has been given provided. An internal choice has been provided in 2marks questions of Section E. bi 3 SECTION-A ‘1. LCM of smallest prime and smallest composite number is : (A) 1 (B) 2 (© 3 (D) 4 1 2. 2-3 is (A) Rational Number (B) Integer (C) Irrational Number (D)_ None of these 1 3. If one zero of the quadratic polynomial x? + 3x + kis 2, then the value of kis (A) 10 (B) -10 (oe (D) -5 1 4. The quadratic equation 2x? 5x +1=0 has (A) two distinct real roots (B) two equal real roots (©) no seal roots (D) more than 2 real roots 1 5. Graphically, the pair of equations x = 9 and y = 17 represents two lines which are (A) intersecting at (17, 9) (B) intersecting at (9,17) (© coincident (D) parallel 1 6. In which ratio the y-axis divides the line segment joining the points (5, - 6) and (-1,- 4)? (A) 1:5 (B) 5:1 (Q 1:1 (D) 1:2 1 > one qurtion Papers ; ” e given figure, if TP and grate 4 bs TQ are tangents toa circle with centre 0,50 that 2POQ = 1107, then 2PTQ is xX @ 10° as Oe ow Fi 8, inthe figure given below, twoline segments ACand BD intersect each oth = = ceratthe point Psuch that PA = 6 cm, pp = 3em, PC = 250m, PD =5 cm, ZAPB=50" and ACDP = 30°. Then, 2PBA is equal t0 D (A) 50° ) © (D) 100 1 9. show pint Othe length ofthe arent toa cles 24cm andthe distance of from the centre 625 on. The radius of the circle is = 25cm P wan Q (A) Zan (B) an (© 15cm (D) 25cm 1 10, civen that sec 0= (the value of EO ig sind (A) 22 @) 2 (9 342 (D) 2 1 4sind—c0s0) 11. if4 tan = 3, then (sats) is equal to 1 mee 3 Ors 3 © ; OF 1 12, The value of 218830 #0809 ig : (1+ tand5) a. @) 2 (D) 0 1 © 3 ree oar OSWAAL CBSE Sample Question Papers, MATHEMATICS (BASIC), Class-x 13. The total surface area of a solid hemisphere of radius 7 cm is (A) 447x an? (B) 239x cm? (©) 174n cm? (©) 147xcr’ 1 14. The diameter of a car wheel is 42 cm. The number of complete revolutions it will make in moving 132 km is (A) 10¢ @®) 10° (C) 10° (D) 10° 1 15. Anevent is very unlikely to happen. Its probability is closest to (A) 0.0001 » (B) 0.001 (© 0.01 “ @) 01 16. While computing mean of grouped data, we assume that the frequencies are (A) evenly distributed over all the classes (B) centred at the class marks of the classes (C) centred at the upper limits of the classes (D) centred at the lower limits of the classes 17. A plumbline (Sahul) is the combination of (A) aconeand a cylinder (B) ahemisphere and a cone (©) frustum of a cone and a cylinder (D) sphere and cylinder 18. if the mean of the following distribution is 2.6, then the value of y is Variable (x) ib 2 3 4 5 ‘Frequency 4 5 y 1 (a) 3 ® 8 qQ 3 (D) 24 1 Directions: In the following questions, A Statement of Assertion (A) is followed by a statement of Reason (R). Mark the correct choice as. 19. Assertion (A): The ratio in which the line segment joining (2, -3) and (6, 6) internally divided by x axis is 1: 2. Reason (R): As formula for the internal division is (mauts maim) I m +n (A) Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is the correct explanation for (A). (B) Both (A) and (R) are true but (R) is not the correct explanation for (A). (C) (A)is true but (R) is false. (D) (A)is false but (R) is true. H 20. Assertion (A): (7 x 13 x 11) + 11and (7 x 6 x 5X 4x 3 X 2 x 1) + Shave exactly composite numbers. Reason (R): (3 X 12 x 101) + 4 is not a composite number. (A) Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is the correct explanation for (A). (B) Both (A) and (R) are true but (R) is not the correct explanation for (A). (©) (A)is true but (R) is false. : (D) (A) is false but (R) is true. goo ple Question Papersicss 7 pp. save fort ix+9 +x=13 SECTION -B bas “ 5 nthe figure, PO's parallel to MN. XP 4 2 on 1 DM = 33, 884 KN = 204 om, then find KQ. OR inthe figure, quadrilateral ABCDis drcumscribng arte with centre O and AD AB. If radius of in-circe is 10 cm, then find the value of x a-¥ 2 23. in fig, PA and PB are tangents to the ce with centre O such that APB = 50°, White the measure of ZOAB. 2 24, Evaluate :1+t2n°A 2 Teco A circular cylindrical vessel partly filled with water The diameter of 25. A sphere of diameter 6 cm is dropped inaright retely submerged in water, by how much will the level of water the cylindrical vessel is 12 ‘cm. If the sphere is comp! tise in the cylindrical vessel ? OR The prime ofa sector ofa cdf rads 52am 64am. Find he are of ne ses Maga SECTION=C 26, three bets tl atintervals of 91218 minutes respectively. If they Sar toting together, ater what time will they 3 next toll together ? 27, Find the zeroes ofthe quadratic polynomial coefficients. 2+ 7x + W0and verity the relationship between the zeroes and the 3 oY OSWAAL CBSE Sample Question Papers, MATHEMATICS (BASIC), Class-x ¥ (28. Represent the following pair of linear equations Sraphically and hence comment on the condition of consistency of this pair. ; x~5y = 6, 2x~10y = 12, OR ! oo {he fam of 9g in yeas) ofa son and hisfatheris 35 years and product oftheir ages 150 years, find their ages. 3 “ove that the lengths of tangents drawn from an external point to a circle are equal. 30. Prove that: (sin @ + cosec 6)? + (cos@ + sec)? =7+tan?0 + co0, OR 3 3 Ifsin (A + 2B) = “Z and cos(A + 4B) = 0, A > Band A, B<90*, then find A and B. 31. An integer is chosen between 70 and 100, Find the probability that it is. (a prime number Gii) divisible by 7. SECTION-D 32. The first term of an A.Pis 3, the last term is 83 and the sum of al its terms is 93 Find the number of terms and the common difference of the AP. OR ‘The sum of four consecutive numbers in A.P is 32nd the ratio of the product ofthe first and last term to the product of two middle terms is 7: 15. Find the numbers. 5 respectively such that 5 33. Ina trapezium ABCD, AB || DC and DC = 2AB. EF || AB, where E and F lie on BC and AD BE _4 Diagonal DB intersects EF at G, Prove that, 7EF =11AB. 34. The median of the following data is 525. Find the values of x and y, if total frequency is 100, Class Frequency 0-100 2 100-200 5 200 300 x : 300-400 12 400 500 7 500 - 600 2 600-700 y 700-800 9 800-900 a 300 = 1000 4 : 35. A parkis of the shape of a circle of diameter 7 m. It is surrounded by a path of width of 0.7 m. Find the expenditure of cementing the path. Ifits costis€ 110 per sq. m, OR From a solid cylinder of height 14 cm and base diameter 7 cm, two equal conical holes each of radius 2.1 cm and height 4 cm are hollowed out. Find the volume of the remaining solid. 5 SECTION-E 36. India is competitive manufacturing location due to the low cost of manpower and strong technical and engineer- * ing capabilities contributing to higher quality production runs. The production of TV sets in a factory increases uniformly by a fixed number every year It produced 16000 sets in 6th year and 22600 in 9th year. {i Find the production during frst year. (ii) Find the production during 8" year, 1 (ii) Find the production during first 3 years, F OR 2 Inwhich year, the production is & 29,200. 37. The diagram show the plans fora sun room. Itwill be built onto the wall. ‘ofa house. The four walls of the sun room. are square clear glass panels, The roof is made using, ¢ Four clear glass panels, trapezium in shape, all of the same size ‘¢ One tinted glass panel, half a regular octagon in shape B. A Not to scale () Refer to Top View, find the mid-point of the segment joining the points J(6, 17) and 1(9, 16). 1 (ii) Refer to front View, find the distance of the point P from the Y-axis, 1 (ii) Refer to front view, find the distance between the points A and S. OR Refer to front view, find the co-ordinates of the point which divides the line segment joining the points A and B 2 38, ‘siysais’is that genre of engineering science that uses extensive utilization of wind energy to move a vessel in the sea water, The sky sails technology allows the towing kite to gain a height of anything between 100 m to 300 m. The sailing kite is made in such a way that itan be raised to its proper elevation and then brought back with the tobe raised properly and effectively. in the ratio 1 : 3 internally. help of a telescopic mast that enables the kite

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