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Instruction Manual HITACHI HITACHI HIGH SPEED REFRIGERATED CENTRIFUGE CRZ1 IMPORTANT: Before using this CENTRIFUGE carefully read through this INSTRUCTION MANUAL to ensure efficient, sete operation. Keep this INSTRUCTION MANUAL available as an important reference when using this CENTRIFUGE. MANUAL CODE $99905107 Caution (Set the rotor No. correctly. Do not run the rotor with imbalanced) weight exceeding the specified weight allowance. © 3K If you do, rotary shaft nay be damaged and the life of the bearing may be shortened. Do not use the corroded or cracked bucket or assembly. @ ott 3 a 3K It nay caves damage. When using a swing rotor, ensure that all buckets and assenbly are mounted properly on the rotor. Set the rotor not to place it upon the crown pin. ee ONS ve ‘oO 2K Pin may bo bent or danaged. ¥ If the cover is not securely tightened, the cover nay cone off. Do not use any assembly other than Hitachi Koki products. XK In cage of using othor acconbly, the bucket may LE cone off while running, Wipe away condensation in the rotor chamber. % If not, condensation may be mixed with sample during the run. LOCATION OF THE COMPONENT When using continuous flow rotor, peel off this hall corner and put in the packing which is the ‘accessory of the continous flow rotor. Rotor Chamber Power switch The form may be partially different ascording to the modificstion. Control panel Speed Fun tine Temperature Disotay of Switeh, for Rocleration Rate, Switching the Decoleration Rate display. suc Rotor No, ‘Acceleration Fate, Flotor Ne», Operation, ete. Door switch Stop smiteh Switch tor parameter entry Ten-hoys_— ‘Start svitch and inputting memory Rotor Chamber Seal rubber Rotor spindle (cromn) Toneorature sensor Overapsed datector OPERATION This opereting procedures is G operating conditions Normal Run 1 Insert the tube filled with sample into rotor symmetrical ly. Turn on the Power switch. “Indicator lights. Open the door and set the rotor on the rotor spindle (crown). Close the door. + If the door ie opened, it cannot run. + This is « double-lock door. So push the coor with both hands to close it tightly. In case the lanp at the door is flashing ‘on, it cannot run. And, in case the lamp at the door extinguishes, press the DOOR switch to oven the door. used for each opereting ith differont 5 Set the rotor No.. Proce the FUNCTION switch to flash the lamp at the left of the ROTOR No. on and off. + Set the numerical value of the roter riunber with ten-key and then press the ENTER switch and input. + The list of rotor number is indicated at the centrifuge table. See pege 18 for detail. ‘ACoEL-peceL joron No, (© ROTOR MAX RADIUS emmy (© SAMPLE HEIGHT cme © Ge«1¢00 © Gmc e.g.) Entering procedure when using (ERCTON) > Set the temperature of samp le. + Setting renge: 20 ~ 40°C, in 1°C step. + Proce the TENP. switch and TEMP. display flashes "0". Enter desired temperature by TEN-KEY and press ENTER. eh e.g.) Entering procedure on the sample temperature at 4°C. >@ ET) => ie ( Set the rotor speed. + Setting range 20.3 ~ 21 (x1, 000) rpm, + A speed of 300rpn ~ 10, 000rpa can be set in 10rpa increments, while a speed of higher than 10, 000rpm can be set in 100 rom increments. + Press the SPEED switch and then the SPEED display flashes “0°. Enter desired speed by TEN-KEY and press ENTER. e.g.) Entering procedure on the speed at 18, 200rpa. GPEED)> M>@)>G)>2)2 (ENTER 5. FUNCTION )=>(9) (5) => (CENTER > Set the acceleration and deceleration rate. + Acceleration and deceleration rate fron 0 to 500rpm are changeable. + See page 12 for detail. + Prose the FUNCTION ewitch to flash the lamp at the left of the ACCEL-DECEL on and off ard then input the ACCLE code ‘ard DECEL code. ‘© oronno. © ROTOR MAX RADKS rem © SAMPLEHEDT im © acctoon © avec og) Entering procedure on esTorati at rate 9 and deceleration at rate Set the run time. + Setting range:l second ~ 39 minutes and 59 seconds. 8 Continuous operation (Hold) is possible. + Press TIME, switch and then TIME display flashes "0". Enter desired tine by TEN” KEY or HOLD and press ENTER. 2.6.1) Entering procedure on run tine at 15 miniutes and 30 seconds. (028)? @2@2O> (ENTER) e.g.2) At 3) seconds. TiMe ]>@)2@)> (ol? (ENTER) €.8.3) The continous operation, TIME > Xe Indicator shows “Hold”. 10 WZ Press CHECK switch. The set operating conditions ere displayed. + If 5 seconds pessed, the operating status is displayed and it does not accelerate even If the START switch Is Pressed In this case, press the CHECK ‘vi toh again, Press START switch. + The rotor starts rotation Khile accelerating, the START lamp is flashing on ané off. + STOP Temps go out. : + SPEED display changes to the speed of runming rotor. If reaches the setting speed, flashing ‘on and off of the START lamp charges into lighting and the timer starts cun. = TIME displays tho renaining tine. (In ense_of the continucus operation Hold", it displays elapsed tine. + When TIME reaches "0", the rotor decelerates and stops automatically. In case of continuous operation, it runs until the STOP switch is pressed, Open the door and unloaded the rotor after the stopping of the rotor. lihen the rotor stops, buzzer will sounds. + START arp goes cut ard STOP lamp Tights. the olectronic => OPERATION Centrifugal Force Function How to display the centrifugal force 1 Press the CHECK switch and enter the rotor No. and speed. + It can automatically recognize the maximun radius of the rotor by setting of rotor No... + Sep page T for setting procedure. Set the height of the desired sample position. + Press the FUNCTION switch to flash the Tanp et the left of the SMIPLE HEIGHT on and off + In case of using Angle, Swing, Vertical or Horizontal rotor, the means intervel (wm) from the tube bottom In case of using other roter(®.g, continous rotor), it ‘means the interval (mm) from the max. radius of rotor. 2 (© AccEL-DECEL © ROTORNO, © eexr000 O ame ie SAMPLE HEIGHT fe] faa nel Position of SAMPLE ‘tho sample nent | (7 which Gatives to now the contri fugal force. In case of Ingle, Swing. Vertical ‘or Horizontal rotor. In caso of other rotors. Flash the lamp at the left of the G on and off. = Prose the FUNCTION switch to light the dee Cor flesh on on off) at the left of + By pressing the check switch, the centrifugal force in the setting spood is eyed. After 5 seconds, the centrifugal force during the cun is displayed (when it stops, indicates oF (© Acca.-oreet, © RoToR no. (© ROTOR MAX RADWS tm (© SAMPLE HEIGHT (men 0: 61000 © Gre it How to set the centrifugal force (In cate of getting the speed from the contri fugal force) 1 2 Set the rotor No. +See page 7 for setting Sot the sample height. + See “How to display the centrifugal force” section 2. Set the desired centrifugal force. + Press “FUNCTION” switch end the "6" lenp flashes, and enter desired centrifugal fore by TEN-KEY. + Entired value: 1, 000 units. ‘ACCEL -DECEL Roror No. ROTOR MAX RADIUS crams SAMPLE HEIGHT st Gcc1000) Gee e.g:) Entiring procedure on the cantrifural force at 32,500 xg. ea QE © o« 1000) PO The speed (of which computed according to enterd the sample height "2" and the centrifugal force "3") is displayed on SPEED indication. = 1 2 3 How to display the integrator Set the rotor No., sample temperature, speed, run time and acceleration/deceleration rate. +See page 7 for setting. Press START switch. + The rater starts running. + The lamp above START switch fleshes and hen reaching the set speed, it lights (fixed). + The lamps above STOP switches £0 off. sror Light the “G-+sec” lamp Press the FUNCTION ovitch and light (or flash on end off) tho lanp at the loft of the + Exponential value of centrifugal forcex operation tine (g:sec) of which counted from the start displays "FUNCTION" indicator. ‘ACCEL-DECEL ROTOANO. ROTOR MAX RADUSima) SAMPLE HEIGHT iment @ocr000) asec How to set the integrator function If the integration function is set, the runnning of rotor ean be operated according to the desi ed integrating valve. | At first set the rotor No., sample temperature, speed, and acceleration/ deceleration rate. +See page 7 for setting 2 Next set integration value (the centrifugal forcex operation time(g + sec)). + Prose FUNCTION eviteh, so the lamp flashes. Enter the integration value by TEN-KEY and "2" displays "integration value’. ‘AccEL pace. ROTOR NO. ROTOR MAX RADUIS!rm) SAMPLE HEIOHT inen e000 e.g.) Entering procedure on integration value at 465x107 Seve S@)>E 9B) 3 Press the start switch. + TINE displays elapsed tine + hen the integration reaches to the set value, it automatically stops the rotor running. Tote, | The actual value and the indicated value nay be different a little because the value is rounded off when comput ing the centrifugal force. x ==> OPERATION Programmed Run @ there is storage space for 8 sets of run eenditions How to set MEMORY 1 Press the CHECK switch and enter desired memorized parameters of running condition. +See page 7 for setting each condi tion Press RECORD switch. *FUNCTION indicator flashes “0”. CALL Enter the address (No.) by TEN-KEY. + Storage spaces are fron 1 to 9 @ patterns). = FUNCTION {lashes the entered address Wo. ). Press ENTER Switch. + The flashing address (Wo.) is extinguished and it returns to the basic display. + Parameters nomerized before are cleared ‘and the newly set condition is monor ized. How to cal! up MEMORY 1 Press CALL switch. Enter the desired address (No.) by TEN-KEY. = The tuming condition of the address ) already is displayed in the tor respectively. 2 3 Press START switch. [> CALCULATION FOR CENTRIFUGATION K ie called K factor and changes depending on the kind of rotor and the speed. for the K factor at the maximum speed, refer to the instruction manual of the rotor. K factor used at optional speed is found by calculating the following equetion. N Ba eee = Nmax N= Speed used (rpm) Nmax: maximum speed (rpm) K,: K factor at the speed used K factor at the maximum speed Generally, the sedimentation coefficient becomes very small value and sx 10" may be expressed as S. The S expressed as sx 10" is called the sedimentation coofficient of Svedberg Unit However in the field of biochemistry, it may be simply called as sedimentation coefficient, IN case the $ is unknown, calculete using the following equation (Stokes equetion). d (pa — eee as 180 d: Diamater of the sedimenting particle (en) pi: Density of the solution around the particle (g/cm?) pr: Density of the sedimenting particle (e/em') m1: Viscosity of the solution around the particle (Poise) (The viscosity of the 20°C water is 0.01 Poise.) S in the 20°C pure water is expressed as Seam especially. CALCULATION FOR CENTRIFUGATION =p rc ~ @ Relation Between The Centrifugal Force and The Speed ‘The centrifugal force generated by rotation relates to the speed and the distance from the center of rotation, Centrifugal force (RCF) is found by using tho following equation. (Generally centrifugal force is expressed in comparison with the gravitational acceleration of the earth and its unit is “G” or “xg".) ROF= 1.118 x 10-8 x rx NE (G) NN: Speed (rpm) Distance from the center (cm) It is possible to calculate the soeed (pm) from the RCF (G) using this equation, %ROF : Relative Centrifugal Force @ How to Find The Time for Separation to find the sedimenting time T, which is the time to sediment particles dispersed in the solution from the top (r,) to the bottom (%), use the following equation. Generally, the characteristic of the sedimentation ie expressed with sedimentation coefficient s. 1 In @ =In G T (hr) = — 3600 Xs oF 1: Angular velocity N: Speed (rpm) tet Distance from the center of the rotation of therotor to the top of the solution 4: Distance from the center of the rotation of therotor to the top of the tubo In @ =In 10" Now, if K= + —— and S=sx10" are defined, it becomes wo 3600 (hd K T (hn) = Ss and it becomes possisle to find the time to sediment the particles from 1, to 20 19 => ROTOR ~ E Max. rotor] ax. rotors | Ceteitizal | pitas wont Se TEt [Rate] asd font tmal en beested| eee, | ence apes] Mex rads Rotor 1 | Geom) | foree(G) | at A°CCrom) Itoitowia weeet(@|"™ won) | RISS[RPRS15) 35 15,000 | 28,680 14,000 (24,980 1 114 10S [RPRS10) 36 10,000 | 16,470 10,000 16,470 2 147 RIS{SRR7SA] 37] 7000] 9430] 7,000 9,430 2 172, presi, *** TBB0AL-2 buoket) | gg | #200 3,130] 4,000 3,130 6 ee {15x 18AL bucket) 4,000 3,130 4,000 3,130 6 eee 162, R4S[RPRS4] apcianeely) 3600} 2350] 3.600 2.350 4 Hereres nox <] (5x6 assombiy) 3600 | 2350] 3,600 2,950 re easels | (10x10 aceonbly) | 30 | 3.600] 2190] 3.600 2.190 | eens S| (50x? assenbly) 3600] 2350[ 3,600 2.350 ae | ee ees {15%10 assembly) 3,000] 1,630 3,000 1,630 Be Seg (50x1 assembly) 5,000 4530 5,000 4,530 4 R3SLRPRS3-3] Sa 3,000 | 1870] 3,000 1,870 6 (wie rack oe) |, | 3.000] 1870] 3.000 1,870 6 (tube rack YE) 3,000 1,870, 3,000 1,870 6 Horce comput ing (tube rack OR) 3,000 1,870 3,000 1,870 6 function, add| 1 tothe SiMPLE| (S00PP tube) 3,000 1,940 3,000, 1,940 6 HELGHT. Vertical | RPRVI8 52| 18,000| 32600] 18,000 | 32,600 1 90 Rotor | raovirpavz0] | 51 | 20,000 | 38,300] 20,000 | 28,300 1 85.6 conti- | Riactrencis-s)[ 54] 18,000 | 34960 | * 16,000 | *27.020 = 965 Laces RI3CIRPRCI3] | 55 13,000 | 21,260 13,000 21,260 = 12.5 flow pete RIOC(RPRCIO] | 56 | 10,000 | 14,590} 10,000 14,590 S 130.5 Soi! 15,830, 15,830 Detrerets| RIIDIRPROI1] | 60. 11,000 (PFA2) 11,000 (PF4.2) 4 ANT, ertcitor | SARGY 66 | 6000] 3600] 6,000 3,600 = #89 XM ‘ln case of using it as batch rotor. ‘lt means the radius of washing. see Old type rotors without overspeed adepter (magnet) cannot be used. ROTOR => Rotor No., max. rotor speed, nax centrifugal force and the like of each rotor usable for CR21 and CR20 centrifuges are shown in the fol lowing table. X = ee eter He scd” | eantrtfugal [emt Soted | founaten ax calls Rotor | Gow) | force(G) | at #OGrm hotter sence ™ 1 oh Fepewagi (ats 19000| 42,780] 17.000| 34250] 1 106 Peary] 22 | 19000] 43190] 18000] 38,760] 1 107 PaeA2 9) 24 | 21000] 46600] 21.000 46,600] 1 946 Faaoay| 27 | 20000] 45.170] 19000} 40.760] 05 401 Fata 4g| 26 | 19000] 4a600] 18000] e120] 05 108 ra0n,,] 33 | 16000] 33200] 16000] 33200] 2 Gone R20A2 46 20,000 48,000 18,000 38,900 1 107 RISAay| 28 | 18000] 40940} 16000] 32340] 2 113 heya | 24 15000] 31800] 14000] 27,700] 2 1285 BA | 20 | 14000| 2020] 12000] 22220 4 138 Fixed | R14A2 43 13,000 26,100 12,000 22,220 4 138 ee RI4ZA3 44 14,000 29,100 13,000 25,100, a 133 faareailesl 12000] 24310] 11000} 20430] 4 151 figs ar] 30 | 10000] 18760] 9500] 16950] 6 168 PPR20-4 14 20,000, 43,070 20,000 43,070, 1 963 FPR20-2 7 18,000 39,920 18,000 39,920 fi 110 ‘RPRI0-3, 8 19,000 40,760 19,000 40,760 0S 101 FPRIB-3 g 18,000 39,120 18,000 39,120 0.5 108 rems | 10 | 16000) 32340] 16000] s2a40] 2 N13 wer2-2 | 11 | 12000] 22220] 12000] 22220] 4 138 romo-2 | 12 as00| 15240] 9500] 15240] 4 151 FPRS-2, 13 8,000, 12,020, 8,000 12,020 6 168 Pre Uae ho rei ‘G, input AT" at the SAMPLE HEIGHT. 18 => TROUBLESHOOTING 1 In case of power failure 2. Break off the power switch How to take out the sample at the power failure. during the rotation, wait until rotor stops. All the indications on the contro! pane! are extinguished when power supply failures. Waiting tine is depending on the kind of rotor and ruming speed However, in case of the rotor with its tube capscity is nore than 200ec, it takes about 1 hour to decelerate the rotor speed with braking free from the maxinun rotor speed to the rotor stopoing. And it takes 30 minutes for the rotor with its tube capacity is less than 200cc. of the centrifuge and the power line switch. ieee RBI (e) 3 Using Phillip screwdriver, remove the 2 screws fixing the front cover. ee And remove the font cover from the main body. Driver While lowering the door lock ¢ (ees) 5 solenoids (2 pcs.) at the front with hands, open the door. c 1 Power When working by one person, fix S Switen one of the door lock solenoids ee x with cellophane tape or the like i Fuse and lower the other one with a hand Then open the door. Denise Solenoid After taking out the a] 6 rotor, install the font cover as before. => In case of ALARM is not lighted. ( Case CAUSE AND SYMPTOM REMEDY Operating condition cannot be enter. Did you press SET switch after entering the value. Press the SET switch after inputting the velue by ten-key. It does not start even if you press START switch. If you press the START switch while the light goes out, it beeps 3 times. Press the CHECK switch and then press the START switch. In this case, check the operating condition again. When you want to know the set value. Press CHECK switch, Memory cannot be set or called up. Is the rotor running? Set and call up MEWORY hen the rotor i¢ not running. You can not set and call up MEMORY while running. Contents of the called memory is changed. The battery for MEMORY back up is used up. Reset MEMORY and turn on the power switch for about 10 hours to charge the battery. Rotor does not get cold. Is the room tempature over 30°C? [oe ieieee os Sear ee |s there any heating unit such as rofregirator or generator? In the air-conditioned room, bring down the room tenperature. In the room without Air-conditioner, run at low speed. Refer to page 13 for temperature control. Renove the heating unit to other place or contact the dealer to renove the centrifuge to the place without heating unit. Is the radiator in the front cover clogged with dust? Clean the radiator. Refer to page 13 tor cleaning, 16 ==> TROUBLESHOOTING In case the Alarm Code | E (SYSTEM) lights. Maintenance alarm code is displayed on the centrifugal force indicator. SPEED. TIME TEMP, ST00GM —mhuTes ‘seconds © a a | ‘The maintenance alarm code represents the trouble as in the table below. Waintenance elarm code Trouble Astion to be taken ee ‘The motor or the speed detector is Else abnormal. E16~20 Tho motor contro! circuit is abnornal. SERVI CESCE €21~28 The microcomputer cireuit is abnornal we motor control power supply Ts en as reso ree Lee £24, 25, 28 AS BPRS E contre Sant RELY call, plesse inform the — = - indicated maintenance oe Te is Impossible to distingulsh the Uae Seance frequency of the poret supply. £30~32 ‘Temperature controller is abnormal, FUSE #0 Main fuse for the motor is fused.(25A)| Replece the 25A fuse. 3 The maintenance alarm code E|3 denote that the rotor speed detection signal is abnormal. When a trouble due to these codes occurs, the state of alarm cannot be released for 60 minutes. This 60 ‘minutes means the tine to stop all of the rotors completely, Therefore, please leave the power on in order to make the right judgement regarding this matter. And elso, while the code E13 is boing Indicated, you can not open the door. 3OK For the position of the fuse, refer to page 17. 1X How to release the alarm code. Take action for the trouble and then press the CE switch, In case of two or mre alams occur, press the CE s¥itch. Then alarm codes will be extinguished and ‘the next alarm codes will display in the occured order. fs) (es) TROUBLESHOOTING In case of ALARM Cord | ights. ALARM Cord Cause And Symptom Remedy Power failure occers in running. OP: 1 At power recovering rotor speed is: : more than 300rpm --- re-aczelerate less than 300rpm ~~ stop POWER FAILURE In case the rotor is stopped, check ‘the renained time and then restart again if necessary. ‘Should be the room temperature over op: 4| [= Bring don the rcom temperature or dpeelerate the rotor speed ‘Should be the air filter of the front OVER TEMPE | 2" cleeeerie at Clean the air filter. Refer to page 13 for cleaning. Should be press the start switch with OP:5 ‘the door opened? Does the lamp at the door fight ? Be sure to close the door. DOOR Should be set the roter speed higher | Check the set speed and reset it less OP:6 than the allorable maximum speed? than the allovable maxim speed of = the rotor. Should be set tho wrong rotor No.7 Check the set rotor No. and raset it accurately. SPEED SET Should be set the wrong rotor No. OR: 8 ROTOR Check the set rotor No, and rocet it accuretely. Is the sample imbalanced ? ORe29 IMBALANCE Balance the sample. Battery for memory backup is OP:10 exhausted Charge the battery by turning on the power switch for 10 hours. The values stored in the memory meed to be reset. BATTERY Is the content of the memory called without inputting the running condition in the memory ? Set the memory. (Refer to page 11.) 14 13 => OPERATION u rc Se Temperature Control Room Temperature The room tenparature 15° ~25%C is the most suitable for bringing out the cooling ability fully. It is necessary to reduce the rotor speed to maintein the sanple temperature below 4°C the naximun rotor speed over 10, 00rpm, in the room temperature over 25°C. In case of the roon temperature 30°C, use the centrifuge by 95% of the maxinum rotor speed. And also in case of the room temperature 35°C, please use the centrifuge by beloy SS of maxinun rotor speed. Precool ing If the rotor is cooled boforshand, separaticn can be done without In case of precooling using this centrifuge, set the minteining temperature of the sample and then drive it about 2,000 rpm. Presool ing tine is usually about 29~40 minutes. However. it is different by the set temperature or the kind of the rotor, jing the sample tempersture. / Please naintain the centrifuge with case so that it is able to work for a long life. Maintenance after operation ~ Rotor Chamber Please wipe it «i When it gets too dirty, soft cloth if there ere frost and water drops on the evaporator. oan it with cloth or sponge steered in the dilution of neutral detergent. Roter spindle (crown) Wine it with soft cloth. Door Please leave the doar open about hal f day after running in order to dry out th roter chanber (For example, vhen using in the day time, leave the door open in night to dry out the rotor chanber.) Rotor Be sure to take out the rotor from the rotor chanber and remove the rotor cover and then dry out the inside of the tube hole. hen sample leakege occurs inside of the rotor, wash it with clean vater and after dried out, apply @ light coat of silicone grease over it. Radiator In order to bring out the cooling abil ity fully, clean the louver on the front cover using = vacuum cleaner (from the front direction). Remove the front cover and clear the radiator with a ; radiator vacuum cleaner. r => i You can change the accel and decel rate within the Acceleration end Decsieration J iaa"\ iin ‘ate Z Please select by flotor and Sample. Press the FUNCTION switch to light and flash the ACCEL-DECEL lamp. Then, input the code numbers of ACCEL and DECEL continuously with the ten key. The acceleration and deceleration time for each code number is shown in the table below. e.g.) Entering procedure on accoleration at rate 9 and deceleration at rato 7. FUNCTION) >(9) >(@ > (ENTER) Rate for Accoleration/Deceleration time Tine (in sinutes) | Tino (in minutes) fate | for accel for deatoration fron'0 to 500epa_| frou 600 to Oron 1] ~ [] : sectteration! 9 Minimum Ia dectleration rate |g Jabout 40 seconds| About 1 minute a 7 45 seconds 2 q 6 1 minuto 3 $ 5 2 4 & 4 3 6 500 800) 3 4 9 2 6 2 1 10 16 0 | Can rot enter | Brake free © The shortest accelerating tine or the shortest decelerating time becomes longer than the time listed in the ebove list according to the kind of rotor. IT is impossible to decelerate slower than the decelerate sloner than the deceleration of code nunber 0. Application of Acceleration and Deceleration Rate 4k If rapid recovery of sedinent is necessary, running time can be reduced with ACCEL and DECELS. dk In case density gradient centrifugation vith 2 vertical rotor the sample can be wel! separated with ACCEL4 and DECELT. dk In case density gradient centrifugation vith a sving rotor, the result is good with ACGELB, DECELB. Notice hon running the centrifuge with the speed under 500rpm, the speed sonetimes overshoots a little. If the overshooting is not good in view of separation, set the ALCEL code number under “7”. 12

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