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1ère – December 2023

les mots de liaison - Entraînement au test – les réponses sont sur la page suivante

1* Complete each of the following sentences with one of the linkwords given below. You can use
each word only once, and you don’t need them all.
as soon as / besides / in order to / provided / so that / though / unless / otherwise / whereas /
a) This restaurant is very good. ……………………………, it is also very cheap.
b) She is very good at Maths. She is not the best in her class, ……………….…………… .
c) …………………………….………. it stops raining, we won’t be able to have a picnic today.
d) You can borrow my car ……………………..……………. you bring it back before 8 o’clock.
e) I love the sea ………………………………….……. most of my friends prefer the mountains.
f) You must go home …………………………………… you’ve finished, she is waiting for you.

2* Link the two pieces of information given, using the only linkword that is appropriate in the list
given. (Attention, vous devrez faire les modifications nécessaires pour que votre nouvelle phrase soit correcte.)
a) The exam was very difficult. He passed it easily. (because / besides / however)
b) He was angry. He kept his calm. (because / furthermore / in spite of)
c) She is extremely hard-working. She deserves a promotion.(therefore / despite / in order to)
d) He takes lessons. He wants to speak better English. (even though / in order to / owing to)
e) We had worked very hard. We were tired. (nevertheless / as / provided)
f) It might be cold today. Take a pullover. (in case / though / when)
g) The concert was cancelled. There was a strike. (once / so that / owing to)
h) Bill is handicapped. He can’t walk. (although / because of / unlike)

3* Translate the following sentences into English.

a) En supposant que tu aies raison, que ferais-tu ?
b) Contrairement à sa sœur, il adore les épinards ! (spinach)
c) Je vais préparer le dîner. Pendant ce temps, fais tes devoirs. (cook dinner)

1* Complete each of the following sentences with one of the linkwords given below. You can use
each word only once, and you don’t need them all.
as soon as / besides / in order to / provided / so that / though / unless / otherwise / whereas /
a) This restaurant is very good. Besides, it is also very cheap.
b) She is very good at Maths. She is not the best in her class, though.
c) Unless it stops raining, we won’t be able to have a picnic today.
d) You can borrow my car provided you bring it back before 8 o’clock.
e) I love the sea whereas most of my friends prefer the mountains.
f) You must go home as soon as you’ve finished, she is waiting for you.

2* Link the two pieces of information given, using the only linkword that is appropriate in the list
given. (Attention, vous devrez faire les modifications nécessaires pour que votre nouvelle phrase soit correcte.)

a) The exam was very difficult. He passed it easily. (because / besides / however)
The exam was very difficult. However, he passed it easily.
b) He was angry. He kept his calm. (because / furthermore / in spite of)
He kept his calm in spite of his anger.
c) She is extremely hard-working. She deserves a promotion. (therefore / despite / in order to)
She is extremely hard-working. Therefore, she deserves a promotion.
d) He takes lessons. He wants to speak better English. (even though / in order to / owing to)
He takes lessons in order to speak better English.
e) We had worked very hard. We were tired. (nevertheless / as / provided)
As we had worked very hard, we were tired.
f) It might be cold today. Take a pullover. (in case / though / when)
Take a pullover in case it is cold today.
g) The concert was cancelled. There was a strike. (once / so that / owing to)
The concert was cancelled owing to a strike.
h) Bill is handicapped. He can’t walk. (although / because of / unlike)
Bill can’t walk because of his handicap.

3* Translate the following sentences into English.

a) En supposant que tu aies raison, que ferais-tu ?
Supposing you were right, what would you do?
b) Contrairement à sa sœur, il adore les épinards ! (spinach)
Unlike his sister / contrary to his sister, he loves spinach!
c) Je vais préparer le dîner. Pendant ce temps, fais tes devoirs.
I’m going to cook dinner. In the meantime/Meanwhile, do your homework.

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