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The joint located in the middle of the arm: ELBOW

We use it to smell and to breathe: NOSE

There is so much noise in the room that my HEAD hurts.

It covers the head: HAIR

They are just above the eyes: EYEBROWS

The black circle in the middle of the iris is the PUPIL

EYELASHES and EYELIDS work together to keep dirt and other unwanted stuff out of our eyes.
The two holes in the nose are called: NOSTRILS

To open the airway of an unconscious casualty, you have to lift the CHIN and tilt the HEAD back.

We use them to listen: EARS

To check whether someone is having a stroke, we ask them to raise their ARMS.

When you have got a fever, you can put a cool cloth on your FOREHEAD to help get it down.

The front of the lower leg is the SHIN

If you have diabetes you need to prick your FINGER to test your blood sugar level.

The back of the lower leg is the CALF.

The stomach is also known as BELLY or TUMMY

It connects the head to the trunk: NECK

Another word for belly button is NAVEL

The thorax is also known as the: CHEST

The upper part of the leg is called: THIGH

The SHOULDER joint is formed by the union of the humerus and the scapula.

If you feel a crushing pain in your CHEST/ARM, you might be suffering a heart attack.

Each foot has five TOES.

The ANKLE connects the foot to the leg.

The carpal bones are located in the WRIST.

The radius is a bone located in the FOREARM.

The hand has four fingers and one THUMB.

I stepped on a rock while running barefoot and I hurt my SOLE/ HEEL.

Sitting in a bad posture can cause you BACK pain.

After childbirth, some women wear a girdle around their WAIST to help them recover their figure.

The trachea is also known as the WINDPIPE

If you have pharyngitis your PHARYNX hurts when you swallow.

A pneumonia is an infection of the LONGS.

Which organ is affected in case of cholecystitis? LARGE INTESTINE

Which organ is affected in hepatitis? LIVER

Which organ is affected in case of nephritis? KYDNEYS

Which organ is affected in case of cystitis? GALLBLADDER

Which organ is affected in case of ulcerative colitis? LARGE INTESTINE

Which organ is affected in case of gastric ulcer? STOMACH

Which organ is removed in a hysterectomy? UTERUS (WOMB)

How many ovaries does a woman have? TWO

The structure that stores the urine is called: BLADDER

In men, which organ is located right below the bladder? PENIS


What is the name of the bone extending from the shoulder to the elbow? HUMERUS

What is the medical name for the collarbone? CLAVICULE

What is the medical name for the shinbone? TIBIA

What is the medical name for the thigh bone? FEMUR

What is the medical name for the breastbone? STERNUM

What is the medical name for the shoulder blade? SCAPULA

What’s the medical name for the upper arm bone? HUMERUS

What’s the name of the medial lower arm bone? ULNA (cúbit)

What’s the name of the lateral lower arm bone? RADIUS

What’s the name of the bones on the wrist? CARPALS

Do you remember how many bones are there in the wrist? And in the ankle? 8 & 7

What’s the name of the long bones of the hand, between the carpals and the phalanges? METACARPALS

How many metacarpals are there in each hand? 5

What’s the medical name for the finger bones? PHALANGES

How many phalanges are there in each finger (except in the thumb)? 3

What’s the longest bone in the body? FEMUR

What’s the general name for the femur? THIGH BONE

What’s the general name for the patella? KNEECAP

What’s the name of the smaller of the 2 lower leg bones? TIBIA & FIBULA

What’s the name of the bones of the ankle? TARSALS

How many phalanges are there in each toe (except in the big toe)? 3

How many phalanges are there in the big toe? 2

How many ribs do we have? 24

How many vertebrae are there in the vertebral column? 26

How many pairs of ribs do we have? 12

The bones that protect our brain form the SKULL

With this joint we can move the arm SHOULDER

With this joint we can bend the arm ELBOW

These bones are in the chest, and protect the lungs and the heart RIBS

With this joint we can move our hands WRIST

With this joint we can move our feet ANKLE

With this joint we can move our head NECK

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