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82. Jenny, rom biting your nails! A. stop B. refrain C. start D. look 83. by criticism, Let’s lean from them, A.Not be lured B, Don’t be disheartened C. Don’t be lured D. Not to be disheartened 84, Please the book I Jent you tomorrow. ‘A. tw bring back B, bring back C. get away with D. to get away with 85. your food as thoroughly as possisle because it helps your body release digestive ‘enzymes in the stomach. A. Chewing B. Chew ©. Swallow D.To swallow 86. after a workout. It can reduce muscle fatigue as well as help your muscles to recover faster after a hard gym session. A. Warm up B. Stretch C. Sleep D. Eat 87. Never Croatia or Columbia. They have high tendency to be dark horses. ‘A.tounderestimate _B. underestimate. look up to D. to look up to 88. over spilt milk. It is useless. ANotery B. Don’t cry C. Not erying D. Not to ery 89. A: Your outfit today is on point, Lisa, 1: Really? up. A. Put me B. Don’t butterme C. Not butter me _D. Not put 90. that manuscript, it may be invaluable. A.Not to purchase B. Purchase C.To purchase. Don’t purchase a1. all your eggs in one basket. It’s way too risky. A. Don’t throw B. Don’t store C. Don’t stock D. Don’t put 92. Please the beans, I’m so curious about this. A. smash B. eat C. stew D. spill 93. his words with a pinch of salt: He is somehow dishones ‘A. Listen to B. Not to listento_ C. Not to take D. Take 94, the ball. This project is of paramount importance to our company. A. Drop B. Throw C.Don't throw Don’t drop 95. | know you are worried about leaving something important behind, but we have our passports and cash for our trip to Japan so let’s this show on the road! Alet B. put C. make D. get 96. a leg, Nancy. We believe in you. You will hit a home run, A. Protect B. To protect C.Don’t break ——-D. Break 97. a clown of yourself by saying that. A Put B. Don’t put C.Nottomake ——_D. Don’t make 98. for paparazzi when going out. You are in the limelight now. A Be careful B. Look C. Stand D. Watch out 99. Let’s. the show by your angelic voice, Wendy! A. amaze B. blow C. rob D. steal 100. the wrong tree by blaming Mark for the missing money. ‘A. Don't pull up B. Not pull up C. Bark up D. Don’t bark up PHAN 11: BONG TU VGI MENH BE TRANG NGU CHi THO GIAN LEVEL A2 I. Choose the corrcet answer among A, B. C or D to complete the following sentences. 1. Lwill call you before I over: 139 A. come B. will come C. will be coming D. came 2. After she graduates, she ajob. A. got B. will get C. had got D. get 3. When | him tomorrow, I will ask him. A. saw B. have seen C. will see D. see 4. As soon as it raining, we will leave. A. stups B. stup C. had stopped, D. stopped. 5. By the time he comes, we will have already A. leave B. leaving Cleft D. leaves 6. Whenever her, I'll say hello, A. see B. will see C. will have seen, D. saw 7. The next time I go to New York, am going aballet. A. seeing B. see C. saw D. to see 8. I will never speak to him again so long as A. lives B. will live C. am living D. live 9. By the time Bill to bed tomorrow, he will have had a full day and will be ready for sleep. Avhad gone B. will go C. goes D. went 10. As soon as I finish my report, I will call you and we out for dinner. A. went B. will go C. will have gone D. g0 11. By the time | return to my country, I away from home for more than three years. A.wouldbe —B. will have been C. will be 12, After he breakfast tomorrow, he will get ready to go to work. A. will have had B. had C. will be having D. has 13. As soon as he finishes dinner, he the children for a walk to a nearby playground. A.willtake —_B. takes C. will be taking D. took 14, When Bill gets home, his children in the yard. A. played B. will play C. will be playing D. play 15, He will work at his desk until he to another meeting in the middle of the afternoon. A. went B. go C.will go D. goes 16. She lunch by the time we arrived A. finished -Byhas finished. had finished D. finishing 17, Bob will come soon. When Bob we will tell him the truth, A. come B. will come C. will be coming D. comes 18. I will get home at 5:30. After I get home, I dinner. A.willhaye —B. will behaving C. had D. have 19. As soon as the taxi wwe will be able to leave for the airport. Avartives Bai C. will arrive D. arrived 20. L will go to bed after I my work. A. finish B. finished C. will finish D. finishes 211 here when you arrive tomorrow. Avan B. had been C. could be D. will be 22. Lam going to wait right here until Jessica A. comes B. will have come — C. is coming D. came 23. As soon as the war over, there will be great joy throughout the land. Aare B. will be Cis D. would be 24. Right now the tide is low, but when the tide comes in, the ship the harbor. Aleft B. will leave C. will have left D. leave 25. Lam going to start making dinner before my wife home from work today. 140 A. get B. gets C. will get D. got IL. Iden correct. the underlined part that needs correcting in order for the sentences to be 26, When it raining, I usually go to school by bus. A Bic D 27. | learned a Jot of Japanese while I am in Tokyo. A B c oD 28. I have not been well since I return home, A B c oD 29. 'll stay here until will you get back. A BCD 30. When Sam was in New York, stays with his cousins. A BC D LEVEL B1 1. Fill in the blank with the correct form of the verbs in brackets. 1. Last night, I went to bed after I (timish) my homework. 32. | will call you before | (come) over. 33. Ever since I was a child, I (be) afraid of insects 34. By the time I (leave) my apartment this morning, someone had been looking for 35. Whenever Mark (be) angry, his nose gets red. 36. By the time you finish getting ready, we (miss) the train, 37. By the age of 35, my dad (write) 9 novels. 38. They (come) back home after they (finish) their work. 39. She said that she (meet) Mr. Bean before 40. Before he (go) to bed, he (read) anovel. 41, He told me he (not/ wear) such kind of clothes before. 42. When I came to the stadium, the match (start) 43. Before she (listen) to music, she (do) her homework 44, Last night, Peter (go) to the supermarket before he (go) home. Il. Identify the underlined part that needs correcting in order for the sentences to be correct. 45. Hardly Tom had opened the door when the dog ran out into the street A B CHD. 46, Only by I read the book did I realize why it was so special. A B c D 47. Until do | see Gred next week will I know whether he got the job. Ae c D 48. No sooner had we found our seats than the film begin. A B c D 49, Hardly [had put the baby to bed when he started erying. A B c D 50. Last night, I was doing my homework while my sister played games. A B c D IIL, Choose the best answer among A, B, C or D to complete the following sentences. 141 Sl. tired, I went to bed earlier than usual. A. Feeling B. Because I feel C. Felt D. When I feel 52. , [saw an old friend of mine. | While I walking home from work B. While walking home from work C. While walked home from work D. While walking home work 53. » T brushed my teeth. A. Before I leave my house B. Before I leaving my house C. Before leaving my house D. Before my house I leaving 54. [fell asleep, A. while I waich TV B. while watching TV C. while watched TV D. during I was watching TV 55. , 4 mild earthquake shook the classroom. ‘A, While the teacher lecturing about adverb cla B. While the teacher was lecturing about adverb clauses. C. While lecturing about adverb clauses. D. While lectured about adverb clauses. 56. , a dog chased us down the street, ‘A. While running B. While we were running C. We were running while D. While running we were 37. , Vanessa has made many friends. A, Since coming back to her home village B, Since come back to her home village C. Since she coming back to her home village D. Since comes back to her home village 58. swe saw many deer. A While we hiking through the woods yesterday B, While hiking through the woods yesterday C. During hiking through the woods yesterday D. Hike through the woods yesterday 59. « she was not hired for the job. ‘A. Lacked the necessary qualifications B, When lacking the nocessay qualifications C. Lacking the necessary qualifications D, Because lacking the necessary qualifications 60. , Martha was watching her favorte TV program. A, While Dave talking to his friend B. While Dave was talked to his friend C. While Dave was talking to his friend D. Dave was talking to his friend IV. Rewrite the following sentences so that the meanings stay the same as the original ones. 61. Entering the room, I was surprised at what I saw. -> When 62. The volunteers couldn't mow the old lady’s lawns because of the rain. -> The rain prevented 63. David did his homework and then went :0 bed. > After having 64. [ told him off. Then I realized I was wrong. > After .. 65. | worked very hard for the exam. Then I passed it -> Before. 66. First I considered what to study. Then I decided to major in Maths. > After 67. She wrote a letter. Then she went to bed > After 68, She went out for a walk. Then she had a fatal accident. 142 > Before 69, She decided to go away. First she faced the matter. > After 70. We read the book, then we wrote the assignment. => Before. LEVEL B2 - B2+ I. Rewrite the following sentences in such a way that their meanings remain the same as the original ones. 71. He had hardly left the office when the telephone rang. => No sooner 72. [had only just put the phone down when the boss rang back. => Hardly .. 73. He didn’t => Not until 74, We only began to see the symptoms of the disease after several months. => Only .. 75. The facts were not all made public until later. => Only 6. As soon as I got into the bath, someone No sooner 77. You won't allowed in until your ident hhas been checked => Only. 78. Just after the play started there was a power failure. => Hardly. 79, We had only just arrived home when the police ealled. => Searcely.. 80. The judge was taken ill just after the tial proceedings began. ish his work until the bell rang. => Barely 81. As soon as we had come home, it started to rain => No sooner... 82. As soon as we had turned on the TV, the electricity went out. => Hardly 83. As soon as I had got out of the bed, the phone rang. => Scarcely .. 84. As soon as he had finished dinner, she walked in the door. => No sooner 85. Lonly understood the problem then. => Only. 86, You can only understand it when you grow up BD creersensstnsorees 87. [only realized that 'd seen it before after the film started => Only erro 88, He only thought about having a holiday abroad after he retired, => Only after .. 89, Lonly realized how dangerous the situat.on had been when I got home. => Only when 90. It wasn"t until last week that the Agriculture => Only until 91. Lunderstood Hamlet only after secing it on the stage => Only after 143 92. They didn’t get round to business until taey had finished eating, => Only until... 93. They had to wait for twelve hours before their flight left. => Only afier ..... : 94. I didn’t realize who he was until later. Only later ..... 95. I won't agiee until Tom's apologized. => Only until... IL. Choose the underlined part that needs correcting in order for the sentences to be correct. 96. (A) Entered the room, he (B) discovered that he (C) had lost his wallet while (D) shopping in the city center. 97. (A) Having not (B) been to New York before, Susan (C) found the city so (D) attractive. 98. (A) A child of noble birth, (B) his name was famous (C) among the children (D) in that school. 99, She (A) has been much (B) happier (C) since (D) changed schools. 100. (A) On being arriving, you (B) will find someone (C) waiting (D) for you. PHAN 12: CAU HOI DUOI Choose the best answer among A, B, C or D to complete the following sentences. LEVEL A2 1. You haven’t seen Mary today, 2 A. have you B.haven’tyou C.havenot you —_‘D. do you 2. It was a good film, 2 A. was not it B. was it C, wasn’t it D. were it 3. The children can swim, 2 A. cannot they B, can’t they C. can they D. can’t them 4, David hasn't got a car, —_ 2 ‘A. has he B. hasn’t he C. have he D. has not he 5. Mary will be here soon, ? A. will she B. won't she C. will not she D. won't Mary 6. The meeting is at nine, A. is not it B. isn’t it C. isn’t meeting D. is not it 7. 1 shouldn't cry, A. shouldn’t I B. should I C. should you D. shouldn’t you 8. We don’t have to pay, 2 ‘A, do we B. don’t we C. do they D. don’t they 9. You live near here, don’t I B. do you C. don’t you D. dol 10. Jane plays the piano, 2 A. does she R. doesn’t she C. does not she D does Iane. 11, You locked the door, 2 A. did you B. didn’t you C. did not youD. don’t you 12. Claire is married, A. is she B. is not she C. is Claire D. isn’t she 13, Jack hasn’t got many friends, 2 A. hasn’t he B. has Jack C. has he D. hasn’t Jack 148

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