Redeveloping Sydney's Darling Harbour - Akshay, Anjali, Thejus, Sreeshna

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akshay | anjali | sreeshna | thejus.
Gadigal Country
Sydney, Australia DARLING
Completed HARBOUR
20 ha




Darling Harbour in Sydney, Australia has undergone a significant urban design transformation. Once a working harbour, it's now
a vibrant waterfront precinct known for its restaurant's, museums, and entertainment options. The urban design focuses on
creating a welcoming public space with features like:
•Increased green areas and plazas
•Improved pedestrian and cycling paths
•Seamless connections between buildings and the harbour itself.
This approach makes Darling Harbour a prime example of how urban design can revitalize a waterfront area and create a more
enjoyable and sustainable destination.
Pre-European Settlement 19th CE

The first wharf, Market Wharf, is
PRE - 1788 constructed at the foot of Market
The area was known as the region Street.
of Cockle Bay had a significant
cultural and fishing ground for the 1826
local Gadigal Wangal clans. Governor Ralph Darling
renames the area after his wife,
Eliza Darling.
The first railway in New South
Wales opens, including a branch
line to Darling Harbour.
The Iron Wharf at the southern
end of Darling Harbour is
Late 1800
Darling Harbour becomes a major
industrial and maritime hub.
20th CE 21st CE
1901 2000
Pyrmont Bridge opens to traffic. Continued growth and
1960 development, with new hotels,
The railway goods yard covers 56 restaurants, and entertainment
acres and transports venues.
13,500 trains annually. 2010
1855 Major projects like the
The last goods train departs International Convention Centre
Darling Harbour. Sydney (ICC Sydney) and the
1855 Ribbon building are completed.
Major redevelopment begins in 2016
preparation for the Australian Darling Quarter and Darling
Bicentenary celebrations. Darling Square are completed, adding new
Harbour is transformed into a public spaces, retail, and residential
recreational and tourist areas.
destination. 2020
1855 Ongoing projects like the
The Sydney Aquarium, Australian Harbourside redevelopment,
National Maritime Museum, and Tumbalong Park upgrades, and
Sydney Convention and Exhibition Chinese Garden expansion
Centre open. continue the precinct's evolution.
Darling Harbour's makeover targets a modern, sustainable waterfront. Imagine more parks, green spaces, and harborside
walkways. The focus is on creating a mix of residential, retail, and entertainment options alongside improved public transport.
Expect eco-friendly features and community involvement in shaping this vibrant Sydney destination.

Darling Harbour is ​‘green, global and connected’, taking its lead
from the city’s ​‘Sustainable Sydney’ vision.
Highlights include water-sensitive urban design solutions, better
transport and pedestrian connections, and 30% more public
space – earning the precinct a 6 Star Green Star Communities
rating from the Green Building Council of Australia.
All up, it incorporated 650 new trees and 9,000sqm of green
space.The selection of drought-tolerant plants and unique soil
composites – along with the integration of elements such as
permeable paving and stormwater harvesting tree pits – ensures
this precinct needs minimal irrigation.
The redevelopment of Darling Harbour has carefully balanced heritage preservation with tourism enhancement. Efforts to
respect the area's historical significance included the adaptive reuse of older structures, integration of interpretative displays,
and the acknowledgment of Indigenous heritage. This approach ensures that the rich history of Darling Harbour, from its days
as a bustling port to its cultural significance for the Gadigal people, is preserved and showcased. Museums, historical plaques,
and educational exhibits play a crucial role in educating visitors about the area’s past while allowing heritage and modernity to
Tourism has been significantly boosted by the redevelopment, with new attractions like the
International Convention Centre Sydney drawing global events and visitors. Enhanced public
spaces, improved transport accessibility, and a variety of dining and entertainment options have
transformed Darling Harbour into a vibrant destination. This revitalization has led to increased
visitor numbers, job creation, and economic benefits for local businesses, making Darling
Harbour a thriving hub for both locals and tourists. The redevelopment has successfully created
a dynamic area that honors its heritage while providing modern amenities and attractions.
DEMOGRAPHICS While specific data on user demographics over a decade
might be difficult to find publicly, some general user group
Christianity Islam Hinduism Buddhism information can be gleaned from the urban design studies:
Sikhism Others User Groups: Darling Harbour caters to a diverse range of
user groups, including :
Residents living in the surrounding area
Workers in the office buildings around the harbor
Visitors to the entertainment and recreation facilities
38.2% Occupation information is also not explicitly mentioned in
the studies, but based on the user groups, we can infer
Christianity some dominant occupations:
Tourists: This category is difficult to define by occupation,
but may include people on vacation, business travelers, or
Residents: Occupations would vary depending on the
specific residential areas surrounding Darling Harbour.
Workers: Office workers in industries like finance,
technology, or professional services would likely be
Visitors: Depending on the specific facilities visited, users
Buddhism could include families with children, people attending
3.8% Hinduism Islam conventions or events, or those enjoying restaurants and
4.8% 6.3% bars.


Attractions and museums
Australian National Maritime
Museum Captain Cook Cruises
Carousel Chinese Garden of
Friendship Cockle Bay
Amphitheatre Cockle Bay
Wharf Darling Harbour Marina
Harbourside Amphitheatre
Kingpin Bowling Lounge King
Street Wharf LG IMAX Theatre
Sydney Powerhouse Museum
Pyrmont Bridge Sailing Sydney
Star City Hotel and Casino
Sydney Aquarium Sydney
Convention and Exhibition Centre
Sydney Entertainment Centre
Sydney Wildlife World
Visitor Centre Tall Ship James
Craig The Playground

Transportation Access
water taxis Lifts
bus stop stairs
taxis accessible way
Parking cycleway
cycle parking

Urban Transformation: It showcases a successful transformation from an industrial port area into a vibrant mixed-use precinct
with residential, commercial, and recreational spaces . This offers valuable insights into brownfield redevelopment and creating
sustainable, livable urban environments.
Public Realm Design: The focus on creating high-quality public spaces, like plazas, parks, and pedestrian walkways, is a key
aspect of the project . Studying how these elements integrate with the surrounding built environment can inform the design of
inclusive and attractive public areas in other cities.
Balancing Interests: Darling Harbour caters to tourists, residents, and workers. Understanding how the design achieves this
balance and encourages diverse uses of the space is crucial for urban designers working on complex, multifunctional areas.
Sustainable Practices: The project incorporated green building practices, improved pedestrian and cycling infrastructure, and
water-sensitive urban design solutions . This makes it a valuable example of integrating sustainability principles into urban

The impact of the design choices on the success of the precinct. How did the focus on walkability, mixed-use development,
and public spaces contribute to its vibrancy?
The challenges faced during the transformation. What were the difficulties in integrating new development with existing
infrastructure and addressing the needs of diverse user groups?
The long-term sustainability of the project. How well does the design encourage social interaction, economic activity, and
environmental responsibility?

While studying Darling Harbour's urban design offers valuable insights into brownfield redevelopment, public realm design,
creating inclusive spaces, and integrating sustainability principles. The lessons learned can be applied to improve the design of
urban areas worldwide
Commercialization: Expensive shops and restaurants catering to tourists, pushing out affordable options for locals.
Traffic congestion: Increased visitors and residents straining infrastructure.
Loss of heritage character: Modernization overshadowing the area's historical significance.
High-rise buildings blocking views: Proposed skyscrapers impacting the public's enjoyment of the waterfront.
Public space quality: Limited green areas and generic landscaping diminishing the appeal for relaxation.
Affordability of housing: Development focused on luxury apartments, pushing out residents.
Waste management: Increased population leading to more waste and potential pollution.
Accessibility: Limited accessibility for people with disabilities in some areas.
Overcrowding: Popular events and peak seasons leading to an overwhelming number of visitors.
The Darling Harbour redevelopment, known as Darling Square, benefited greatly from the combined expertise of Arcadis teams
across multiple locations. Civil, structural, traffic, and various other engineering disciplines were brought together to deliver the
project. Arcadis' specialized capabilities, such as flood modelling and digital engineering practices, played a key role in cost-
effectiveness and innovation. For instance, their flood modelling survey led to adjustments that increased the development yield.
Additionally, Arcadis introduced 3D modelling, a now-standard practice, for the project.
Environmental impact was a major consideration throughout the design process. Arcadis prioritized achieving positive
environmental outcomes by implementing Water Sensitive Urban Design (WSUD) practices. These practices, including rainwater
harvesting and raingardens, helped Darling Square achieve a 6 Star Green Star Communities rating. The project's high-efficiency
facade and sustainable water management solutions further ensured minimal environmental impact. With strong project
management and a focus on safety, Arcadis successfully delivered Darling Square on time.
Increased Public Space: The project delivered 30% more public space, with parks, plazas, and walkways.
Improved Connectivity: Pedestrian and cycling paths were integrated, along with better public transport links.
Sustainable Practices: Water-sensitive urban design principles were implemented, and green spaces were incorporated.
Aesthetics and Functionality: The design seamlessly blends architecture and public areas, creating a visually appealing and
functional space.

Darling Harbour is now a thriving hub for locals and tourists. It boasts a mix of entertainment, restaurants, cultural attractions,
and green spaces, all accessible and well-connected. The successful redevelopment serves as a model for sustainable and people-
centric urban design.
Thank you.

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