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Name: Srujitha


Venue:Alliance University

Question asked: Why do you believe that education must be free for the poor?

Answer: I believe that education is a fundamental right that every individual

should have access to, regardless of their financial situation. Denying education to
those who cannot afford it perpetuates cycles of poverty and inequality, which is
detrimental to society as a whole.

Question asked: How would you suggest making education free for the

Answer: Governments should take care of funds and Management who are in the
schools should take care of students.


Name: Aakash K


Venue:Alliance University

Question asked: Why do you believe that education must be free for the poor?

Answer:Because there are many people in our country who are in below’s difficult for them to join their children in private schools. So the must
be free for the poor.
Question asked: How would you suggest making education free for the

Answer: Increasing financing for public schools and colleges would be one
strategy, enabling them to offer free education to all students, regardless of their
socioeconomic circumstances.


Name: David Chatla


Venue:Alliance University

Question asked: What impact would free education have on society?

Answer: Free education for the poor would have a significant impact on society. It
would help to reduce poverty and inequality, increase social mobility, and create a
more educated and informed population. This would lead to a more just and
equitable society, where everyone has the opportunity to succeed.

Question asked: How can the effectiveness of free education for the poor be

Answer: Generally it can be evaluated by the number of children studying in

present academic year and the past academic years.By calculating the percentage
of students in the schools.


Name: Khushi T


Venue: Alliance University

Question asked: What impact would free education have on society?

It reduces the illiterate people in the society.Results in decreasing number of

students in the private schools because when there is quality of education is
available at free of costs every parent try to join them in free schools like
government school.
Question asked: How can the effectiveness of free education for the poor be

Answer: By looking at metrics like graduation rates, job rates, and income levels
of people who have received free education, we may assess the effectiveness of
free education for the poor. We may also monitor how free education affects the
levels of poverty, inequality.


Name: Mounnya


Venue:Alliance University

Question asked: How can we ensure that free education for the poor is sustainable
in the long run?

Answer: We must make investments in the resources and infrastructure necessary

to continue free education for the poor over the long term,additional teachers
should be hired, and continual professional development should be offered. In
order for free education programmes to make sure that there is adequate money.

Question asked: How can free education for the poor contribute to reducing crime
rates in society?
Answer: If people are educated no one tries to do crime.Because got to know that
what is right and what is wrong.Educated people do jobs not the crime,they can
earn money for their needs.I think,Most of the crimes are done by illiterate people
only to earn money for their livelihood.

Name: Prasad D


Venue:Alliance University
Question asked: How can we ensure that free education for the poor is sustainable
in the long run?

Answer: It can be sustainable in long run.Government has to be ensure that

sufficient funds are available for the books and the salaries for the faculty and the
department people who are working.

Question asked: How can free education for the poor contribute to reducing crime
rates in society?
Answer: By giving students the opportunity to succeed in life, free education for
the poor can help reduce crime rates by decreasing the possibility that they will
turn to crime out lack of other options. Education can also give students the
knowledge and abilities they need to contribute positively to society, which can
lower crime rates.

Analysis: Education must be made free for the poor to ensure equal opportunities
for all individuals and to promote the overall development of society. Education is
essential for individuals to acquire the knowledge and skills needed to improve
their lives and break the cycle of poverty.It is a crucial investment that can have
significant long-term benefits for individuals, communities, and countries as a
whole. It also requires government policies that prioritize.The reality is that many
people, especially those from low-income families, cannot afford to pay for quality
education. This is why education must be made free for the poor.
Thank You

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