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Performance Evaluation and Action Plan

Shayla Williams

Grand Canyon University

EAD 533

May 2024

Performance Evaluation and Action Plan

This assignment centers around a case study set in an elementary school environment,

where the task is to dissect, pinpoint broader problems, and devise a strategic plan addressing

a specific situation involving one of the third-grade teachers. In preparation for a discussion

with the team lead of the third grade, I will leverage both gathered data and feedback.

During a discussion with the leader of the third-grade team, insights into troubling trends were

presented, underlying issues were examined, and a strategy was developed with an emphasis

on enhancing communication and support. Through cooperative efforts, a sense of hope was

fostered, along with a pledge to implement beneficial improvements within the elementary

school community.

Part 1: Analyze the Case

In the case study, the principal aims to support Mrs. Monroe's teaching effectiveness,

recognizing the need for a structured approach beyond the collaborative efforts led by Ms.

Juarez. Despite utilizing various educational tools and assessment results, Mrs. Monroe's

performance has yet to meet desired outcomes, affecting student learning negatively. The

principal plans to streamline planning meetings, develop a shared resource bank, and enhance

communication through data-driven discussions involving key stakeholders such as instructional

coaches and campus academic leaders. The focus is on identifying immediate needs, providing

mentorship, and offering training to bolster Mrs. Monroe's skills and engagement in the

educational process.

During preparation for a meeting with the third-grade team leader, troubling trends in

teacher performance data were observed, highlighting the necessity for targeted support for

Mrs. Monroe. The principal intends to conduct private and group conversations to discuss

performance, set improvement plans, and encourage participation in team meetings. The

approach includes offering feedback, identifying areas for development, and arranging

classroom observations to improve teaching practices and create a positive learning


The principal's strategy involves asking critical questions to understand Mrs. Monroe's

willingness to collaborate, perceptions of support, and challenges with meeting benchmarks. By

addressing potential underlying issues such as lack of experience or insufficient support, the

principal aims to facilitate Mrs. Monroe's professional growth and ensure all teachers possess

the tools and abilities needed for a successful educational environment. This comprehensive

approach seeks not only to enhance teacher performance but also to positively impact student

learning outcomes.

Part 2: Identify Larger Issues

To best support Mrs. Monroe's teaching, stakeholders should adhere to district

guidelines and the continuous improvement plan.

 Gathering additional student, classroom, and grade level data is essential for making

well-informed decisions.

 This involves examining student discipline and special education service reports,

classroom information for evaluating daily grades, and grade level data to pinpoint areas

for enhancement.

 Instructional coaches should assess this data to provide effective guidance and

instruction support.

Exploring Mrs. Monroe's career as an educator is crucial, including her teaching background,

achievements, and reasons for joining the third-grade team.

 Understanding her support system, interventions, professional growth opportunities,

team interactions, and past evaluations is vital.

 Failure to act could result in decreased student achievement, teacher performance, and

school atmosphere.

 Addressing Mrs. Monroe's challenges is essential to prevent adverse effects on student

success and the school environment.

Taking proactive steps in this scenario can yield positive results such as enhancing Mrs.

Monroe's teaching abilities and fostering stronger connections.

 However, there is a risk of negative outcomes if she perceives herself as targeted by her

team or superiors, potentially leading to less effective teaching practices.

All faculty and staff members must fulfill specific expectations, including teachers who

are mandated to attend planning meetings by grade level, in accordance with district

guidelines. These meetings, scheduled during the school day, provide a collaborative space for

curriculum development, strategy sharing, problem-solving, and parent engagement (George &

Alexander, 2003).

Certain policies within schools or districts might influence decision-making, such as the

duration of a teacher's employment in the school or district. "Teachers with tenure might be

challenging to dismiss, even if they consistently underperform" (Chait, 2010). In contrast, newer

teachers might face contract non-renewal for not achieving performance benchmarks. This

scenario seems unfair as veteran teachers should undergo evaluations based on the same

standards as new teachers. Further details are needed to comprehend why Ms. Monroe is

absent from grade level meetings and failing to meet performance standards. It's crucial to

identify the additional support and training she needs for enhancement. Additionally, a

thorough examination of the students in her class, including any external influences impacting

their academic performance, is vital.

Addressing this matter is essential. However, not taking action can have both positive

and negative outcomes. On one hand, the teacher may have strategies to enhance the

students' low scores. Yet, failing to act could perpetuate the teacher's difficulties, negatively

impacting the students. Being proactive may yield mixed results. For example, Ms. Monroe

might feel isolated if pushed into teamwork, leading to further withdrawal. On the other hand it

could cultivate a more cohesive team atmosphere. Every choice in this scenario can bring about

a blend of favorable and unfavorable results.

Part 3: Create an Action Plan

Moving ahead, my strategy is to promptly put into action a plan focused on enhancing

Ms. Monroe's performance. This strategy aims to prioritize her support, allowing us to focus on

upcoming ventures and fully capitalize on future opportunities. The strategy will progress as

outlined below:

To effectively support and enhance the professional growth of Ms. Monroe and the

third-grade team, a comprehensive and supportive approach is necessary. Initiating with a

meeting between the grade level lead and Ms. Monroe, the goal is to share feedback, promote

mutual reflection, and discuss concerns. This sets the stage for providing guidance, suggesting

professional development opportunities, and conducting regular observations to ensure


support is ongoing. A key aspect involves clearly outlining job expectations, with an emphasis

on the importance of planning and collaboration.

Continuous support for Ms. Monroe is crucial, especially in setting personal and student-

centered goals based on DIBELS data. Following observations, it's important to follow up with

constructive feedback, aiming to foster a positive and nurturing environment that encourages

open communication, collaboration, and peer-to-peer learning. Regular check-ins will help

address challenges, celebrate successes, and adjust strategies, ensuring a supportive culture

that empowers Ms. Monroe.

Lastly, adopting a strengths-based approach to feedback, engaging in professional

development opportunities, and establishing a culture of continuous improvement are essential

strategies. This approach not only supports Ms. Monroe but also benefits the entire third-grade

team, contributing to a thriving learning community where each member feels valued and


Following the initial engagement with Mrs. Monroe, I anticipate Mrs. Juarez will

communicate updates regarding the newly arranged team planning schedule and the shared

resources available. I expect instructional leaders to establish regular weekly planning sessions,

and for the evaluator to review their strategy. My role will include following up with these

leaders and occasionally participating in these sessions to ensure continuity and cohesion.

Mrs. Monroe's professional growth plan involves ongoing assessment by Curriculum and

Instruction Leaders, feedback from stakeholders, and places importance on trust, collaboration,

and clear communication. The goal is to establish a culture of trust and inclusivity, centered on

data-driven results and student success.


Following the meeting, Mrs. Juarez will update the team on the planning schedule and

resources, coordinating weekly planning sessions led by instructional leaders. The evaluator will

assess the strategy, with leaders participating periodically for consistency. The adaptable action

plan will be modified based on progress, with a reduction in weekly meetings as milestones are

achieved, supporting Mrs. Monroe's progress and promoting educational excellence. The

approach highlights continuous evaluation, input from stakeholders, and ethical leadership to

enhance educational development.



Chait, R. (2010). Removing Chronically Ineffective Teachers. Retrieved from:


Datnow, A., & Park, V. (2015). 5 (Good) Ways to Talk About DATA. Educational Leadership,

73(3), 10–15.

Fisher, D., & Frey, N. (2015). Feedback for Teacher Growth. Principal Leadership, 15(9), 52–56.

Gill, S. (2015). Effective Support for Teaching Staff Who Are Struggling. Retrieved from:

McConnel, S. (2016). Principals Helping Struggling Teachers. Retrieved from:

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