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Rett a) Ve hdd] c ad Q1 A dimensionless quantity is constructed in terms of electronic charge 4, permittivity of free space Ca OSC ences ods eae Utero eee RCT CT ana ea Wenn ae od ye iM (2n,—n,—n,-n) ~ K (ee tie 11 ie) (Ce eer) a a See ee) re = a cs < eae na e,Y maa [asa ad pas Dy ee ra Ciel Pa aks Pe pana cy Ps aoa Atr2R=0 aye aera 7 = aia S=0 DEF) A kere oa Q2 An infinitely long wire, located on the z-axis, carries a current | along the +z-direction and Pee en eater Cea eee eee ree ne ner the point (—V3a, a,0) to (a,a, 0) is given by _ oO tom & = & Se coe et a Cus hate a AQ NTL COR TAE CON cr) a 2 reer ory e ae ae RY ade Ce Sare aa iC ee a 247 = ee = ot Single Correct Question Q3 Two beads, each with charge q and mass m, are on a horizontal, frictionless, non-conducting, circular hoop of radius R, One of the beads is glued to the hoop at some point, while the other one performs small oscillations about its equilibrium position along the hoop. The square of the angular frequency of the small oscillations is given by Pa og ere Nn neers Bre (ONY Cuenta} Terie me ON Clea) a Ee ets ae et a Gg nus 2 aA Bayo 2a een CO Way 4 Renta) Btu) Q4 A block of mass 5 kg moves along the x-direction subject to the foree F = (—20x + 10) N, with Pn eee Ce ee ee cs eee Set | momentum of the block at t = (1/4) s are — aren er Bi B eee phat ace aor - Fa-20x +10 EY Ean aml eS oe ae roe iid Ee al Coe3) i as ae eC a oy, J a , Pe Deed Cre Ce eee ae ae ee eed BV et A tee ARO OMe Cnc ra CO Re tee Pa ee ee eT hs sed | alll EA ee eg MENG 5 Oa NY Bt ee eee ee ee ee eC eS a CO Re ec ee Ae cere mo ee ee Ae Rea ee on) is(are) correct? kr= my og re aes == wen a 4 nek kre ba aes ta ) =t yy? 9 "3 Bi i ae SMV +s RY : ee si es ee ae De eee ger Q6_ Two uniform strings of mass per unit length 4 and 4, and length L. and 21, respectively, are joined o)) at point O, and tied at two fixed ends P and Q, as shown in the figure. The strings are under a uniform tension T. If we define the frequeney vo is(are) correct? ey pe ans Se eed Oe ae a PA eo) omer 4 ciclh Pot ca yan am) - - % Re tae (A) Wi ith a node at O, the minimum frequency of vibration of the composite string is vp With an antinode at O, the minimum frequency of vibration of the composite string is 2v9. ‘When the composite string vibrates at the minimum frequency with a node at O, it has 6 nodes, Sr eer nes ‘No vibrational mode with an antinode at O is possible for the composite string Drege) A glass beaker has a solid, plano-convex base of refractive index 1.60, as shown in the figure. The radius of curvature of the convex surface (SPU) is 9 cm, while the planar surface (STU) acts as a a4 mirror. This beaker is filled with a liquid of refractive index n up to the level QPR. If the image of 4 point object O at a height of h (OT in the figure) is formed onto itself, at Remon Olea ie is(are) correct? aaa Sen Oe au meal ~2-8_ 6.) ie a Tae RG ea ae eae a a J (©Forn = 1.45,h= 65cm. (D)Forn = 148, h = 85om. \ En i Se ie ie ee an) = ana ed nd LaF ans evan? rool ae ’ LN a TH oka yb hae rae Ce mre . sa a aed he | cos Pe —Sn a = can Pee Ua ke iy CR Se ee ec eee Ee ey — C= Kf, where k is a constant of suitable dimensions in SI units, and T is the absolute oe ee ee a ee hn ee ee ioe ken ty Ee a 25000 =m ree 0 = Karey om] re da=medtr EY ouatcas 20. 7 @. 30d aa aus a wees) ne eer er ly PITTS POU ea) Co) ee ee eC ee Ree ee eee ae battery operated motor of negligible mass is fixed to this disc at a point on its circumference. ‘Another dise of the same mass M and radius R/2 is fixed to the motor’s thin shaft. Initially, both the discs are at rest. The motor is switched on so that the smaller disc rotates at a uniform angular speed w. Ifthe angular speed at which the large dise rotates is w/n, then the value of m is _\D._ Uae, COR Mas ee a VY be a Lire me = a a ap LN ge Se ar Da ees Q.10 A point source S emits unpolarized light uniformly in all directions. At two points A and B, the ratio r = [4/Ip of the intensities of light is 2. If a set of two polaroids having 45° angle between their pass-axes is placed just before point B, then the new pr cao am Cea fen 2 ars pr ary a eye ae) a = aay ey ] 1 + + mays he v arene Ox4g fea te ee eat Sean) DO USS oe ay oy Q.11 A source (S) of sound has frequency 240 Hz. When the observer (O) and the source move towards cach other at a speed v with respect to the ground (as shown in Case 1 in the figure), the observer ee en eo m ee ROR tee Coe me RR ea tege Racer move away from each other at the same speed v with respect to the ground (as shown in Case 2 in the figure), the observer measures the frequency of sound to be n Hz. The value of n is 2 OQ 0. mY) DYER T Aare oral pane — ue fore ct I reese ea oe 8 inna ave Meer nT Sy 20 20 Py ane Dee Ue ea Quiz ‘Two large, identical water tanks, 1 and 2, kept on the top of a building of height H, are filled with water up to height A in each tank, Both the tanks contain an identical hole of small radius on their sides, close to their bottom. A pipe of the same intemal radius as that of the hole is connected to tank 2, and the pipe ends at the ground level. When the water flows from the tanks 1 and 2 through the holes, the times taken to empty the tanks are t, and 2, eepyie. If Cw cn a ry oN Ve 294 ae Be re s rai Px. ar ny ie Sj t=— fay] lic are eerie et DU a eel ay Q13 A thin uniform rod of length J, and certain mass is kept on a frictionless horizontal table with a massless string of length L fixed to one end (top view is shown in the figure). The other end of the string is pivoted to a point O. If a horizontal impulse P is imparted to the rod at a distance x = L/n from the mid-point of the rod (see figure), then the rod and string revolve together around The pomt™ i+ Dag = Pr ea ed UR ec rst Matching List type Question ¢ —3 14 One mole of a monatomic ideal gas undergoes the cyclic process J-> K-> L-> M—> J, as shown in An br Rs the P-T diagram. Lelie eptiarieuunereaubaetnuaen ize A Se eta) creer eters] ce ?) = pee asi aaal (P) Work done in the complete cyclic process erence oe (Q Change in the internal energy of the gas in the -¥) 0 fs 7 En ote Beran (R) Heai given to the gas in the process KL AS) Change in the intemal energy of the gas ()-2RTIn2 Teobaxic. > CMs ee NI) SE TATY ne wn ee eee caer v7 a vm eT aT = 3x1 RX2Ty =a) (ec ary Sr Dn Pee ke oa) QS Four identical thin, square metal sheets, S;, $2, S3 and S4, each of side @ are kept parallel to each other with equal distance d (<« a) between them, as shown in the figure. Let SORT ok cathe where Pe meen rs Match the quantities mentioned in List-I with their values in List-II and ee ete ree fiat Oe Re a ee EL er ee (Q The capacitance between S, and S,, with V2) Cy/2 roe (R) The capacitance between S, and S3, with/ 43) Co/3 Sz shorted to S,, is (S) The capacitance between S, and Sp, wif SPE) Sy shorted to S,, and S2 shorted to S,, is Oran eee aes Seas Py eee ne oa Wal eet bet oad 7) er) id ae Co | Co es re ry PO eer ee al Q16 A light ray is incident on the surface of a sphere of refractive index n at an angle of incidence 8. ‘The ray partially refracts into the sphere with angle of refraction # and then partly reflects from the back surface. The reflected ray then emerges out of the sphere after a partial refraction. The total angle of deviation of the emergent ray with respect to the incident ray is a. Match the quantities mentioned in List-I with their values in List-II and choose the correet option cenet terete CON eee rd een (1) 30%and Or Papo Par Ra Lee eh ae) (ee ees sabe feat _ ear er Sn Pag rT = a9, (3) 45° and 0° (OT eee eee RS c ss Peer toe Ser ere Tee ln S) Sar a (S) If'n = V2 and 8 = 45°, then all the _>>(4) 150° ees Peer earn PCy RAY See) cg VV orreer are aes CS aeH ies (Uy Cee eed ak belt tt ee PTS eae Ne Say eal fy Smlk= $\+ S248, ed re Diners SAC $ ; Saas AS ener rere) = 180+90-120 atte De eke Q.17 The circuit shown in the figure contains an inductor L, a capacitor Co, a resistor Ro and an ideal battery. The circuit also contains two keys Ki and K2. Initially, both the keys are open and there is no charge on the capacitor. At an instant, key Ki is closed and immediately after this the current in Ro is found to be 1. After a long time, the current attains a steady state value /2. Thereafter, K2 is closed and simultaneously Ki is opened and the voltage across Cy oscillates with amplitude Vp and angular frequency «. Match the quantities mentioned in List-I with their RNS E BSE UCR eae arat nes (P) The value of J; in Ampere is ——>41) 0 (Q) The value of [, in Ampere isT,=29 4) 2 COMET A TUR COB S mecca ey (S) The value of Vo in Voltis 33 20 a Py )P > 1;Q3;R42;S95 (C)P 4 1,Q33;R2;8S 4 ers} r = 3 yale ere et oy Fear eee) Da inthe catch oa ar) i Re Slot 3 3 Yesno® rear] a vi

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