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CHAPTER 01 Essential Mathematical Tools Learning Part Session 1 * Basic Definitions Session 2 + Intervals + Modulus or Absolute Value Function Session 3 + Number Line Rule + Wavy Curve Method Session 4 * Quadratic Expression + Non-negative Functions Practice Part + Chapter Exercises Session 1 Basic Definitions () Natural Numbers The set of numbers {1,2,3,4,.......} is called natural numbers and it is denoted by N. a} Whole Numbers The set of numbers {0, 1, 2, 3, 4, called whole numbers and it is denoted by W. (iii) Integers The set of numbers ~3,~2,~1,0,1,2,3,......} is called integers and it is denoted by I or Z, ie I(orZ } where we represent; (a) Positive integers by I* ={1,2,3, 4, numbers. (b) Negative integers by I~ (©) Non-negative integers {0,1,2,3, 4, numbers (@) Non-positive integers {. 2,-1,0,1,2,3,4,.. = natural 3,-2,-10} (iv) Rational Numbers All the numbers of the form - where @ andb are integers and b #0 are called rational numbers and their set is denoted by Q. ie Q= @, be Tand b #0 and HCF of abis if Remarks (@) Every integers a rational number as it can be written as 4 (where b = 1 3 6 ) (©) All recurring decimals are rational numbers. Forexample, $= 0.3833. (¥) Irrational Numbers Those values which neither terminate nor could be expressed as recurring decimals are called irrational numbers, i.e. they can’t be expressed ast form and are denoted by Q° (i.e. complement of Q). 1-3 2 BANE ENB, Remark The set of rational and irrational numbers cannot be expressed in roster form, (vi) Prime Numbers A counting number i ws prime number when it has exactly tyyo «Uda 1 and itself. Seton, eg. 2,3, 5,7, 11, 13, 17, ‘Remarks (@) is the only even number which is prime (b) A prime is always greater than 1 How to test @ number Is prime or not Let given number be p, then Step | Find whole number x such that x > Jp: ‘Step II Take all prime numbers less than or equal, ‘Step Il f none ofthese divides with p exactly, then p isa prime otherwise p is non-prime. e.g. Let p =193; clearly, 14 > JTS Prime numbers upto 14 are 2, 3,5, 7,11, 13 No one of these divides 193 exactly Hence, 193 is a prime number. (vil) Co-prime Numbers Two natural numbers are said to be co-primes, if their HCF is 1. €8- (7,9), (15, 16) are called co-prime numbers, ‘Remark Corprime numbers may or may not be prime. (viii) Twin Prime A prime number that is either 2 less or 2 more than another prime number, ic. a twin prime is a prime that has a prime gap of two, eg. (3, 5), (5, 7), (11,13), (17, 19), (29, 31)... are called twin prime pairs. (ix) Composite Numbers Composite numbers are non-prime natural numbers. They must have atleast one factor apart from 1 and itself. 8-4, 6,8, 9,... are called composite numbers Remarks (2) Composite numbers can be both even or odd (©) 1 is neither prime nor composite number. (%) Real Numbers The set which contains both rational and irrational numbers is called the real numbers and is denoted by R. ie. R=QUQe R={x:x€ Qorxe Q°} ete Chap 01 Essential Mathematical Tools Figure 11 i) The sum, difference, product and quotient of two rational ‘numbers is a rational number. (As from above definitions; (ii) The sum, difference, product and quotient of two irrational NeWeIcOcR, numbers need not be irrational. It could be shown that real numbers can be expressed on (iv) The sum, difference, product and quotient of a non-zero ‘umber line with respect to origin as rational and an irrational number is always irrational. Exercise for Session 1 = Directions (Q. Nos. 1 to 6) State whether following statements are True /False. + All the rational numbers are irational also. All the integers are irrational also. Irrational numbers are real numbers also. Zero is a natural number. |. Sum of two natural numbers is a rational number. |. A positive integer is a natural number also. 2AARWNA * Directions (Q. Nos. 7 to 10) These questions have only one option correct. 7. ‘Sum of two rational numbers is (@) rational (©) irrational (©) Both (a) and (b) (@) None of these 8. Sum of two irrational numbers is (@) rational (©) irrational (6) real (4) None of these 9. Product of two rational numbers is (2) always rational (0) rational or irrational (©) always irrational (@) None of these 10. {fais an irrational number which is divisible by b, then the number b (a) must be rational (b) must be irrational (c) may be rational or irational (a) None of these Session 2 Intervals, Modulus or Absolute Value Function Intervals ielf aSxsb = xe[ab) nr The set of numbers between any two real numbers is ee called intervals. The types of interval discussed below. Figure 15 () Open-Open Interval Ifa and bare real numbers and 3. ao f te open-open interval is denoted by 5 sae avgt>3 or 2452 oF #54, le re a lution can be graphed on areal lin a, ielfacr xe (12) or x€]1,2[ (using above definition) oe nes Note At:tsobracets ae alvays open os 3 (ii) Open-Closed Interval Ifa and b aré real numbers or a ( ] and a xe Jab] of xe(a,] ee ’ TExample 3 Solve the following inequations. Figure 13 3(e-2), 5Q-x) 2-3 ax (ii) Closed-Open Interval Ifa and bare real numbers oe I a and a<}, then the set ofall real ‘x’ such that Ma-2), s-2) @ $x x22 or xe (ab) ence, the solution set is xe[2) and graphically could be shown as —wtustttttg $ Figure 14 (iv) Closed-Closed Interval Ifa and b are real numbers and a- a] *?9 is called x, <0 modulus function. This always gives a positive result ‘As we know modulus means numerical value, 13|=|-31=3, Chap 01 Essential Mathematical Tools 5 |+2]=2,|- 1.3291|=1.3291.....ete. or itis the distance defined with respect to origin, as |x|=1means distance covered is one unit on right hand side or left hand side of origin shown as: t t + 0 i Fiure 16 |xJ=1 = x=d1 Again, |x| <1 means distance covered is less than one unit ‘on right hand side or left hand side of origin shown as: Figure 1.7 Similarly, |x|>1means distance covered is more than one ‘unit on right hand side or left hand side of origin shown as: pom aT ° 1 Figure 1.8 Graphical Representation of Modulus As we define, voi 2S This behaviour is due to two straight lines represented by modulus. For plotting the graph of the modulus function, we put x 0 1 2 4 2 Figure 1.9 ‘Now, we consider the following cases Casel When x20 Equation of the straight line, passing through (0, 0) and (1, 1) is 6 Textbook of Differential Calculus Casel When x0 Equation of the straight line passing through (-1, 1) and (2.2) = -ytlex+i or x41 -241 when x <0. ‘Thus for every modulus function it exhibits two values, which could be shown graphically. Similarly, ya|x- (=, x21 (1), x1 Remarks (@) Every modulus function exhibits two values which are represented by +ve and -ve, signs but it only gives the Positive outcomes. So, students shouldn't ge confused by ve or-ve, Signs as these signs are in diferent intervals, but the outcomes are positive, (©) Modulus function is never negative, thus|2| 20 for any real x and|2| £0. TExample 5 explain the following © |xl=5 i) (iii) [x]<5 (iv) |x|<-5 (w) [x|>-5 (wi) [x]>5, Sol (0 Iflxi=5 = x= £5, which means, x is ata distance of 5 units from 0, which is certainly 5 and — 5. Aliter Ix Here, students are advised to consider two different functions, as ix] and y=5. Now, we plot graph of these two equations. which intersect at two points, ie. |x| =5possess two solutions x = 5and x Gi) lxl=-5 => xhas no solution As|z]is always positive or zero, it can negative. ReVEE be . RHS < LHS or given relation has no solution, Alter ‘Same as in i), plotting the graph of y =| yarns ‘The two graphs do not intersect. :. No solution. Gi) [ales Te means that x is the number, which is a distance than 5 from 0. : Hence, sexes Aliter |x| <5. Plotting the graph of we have y=), andy = 5. We see that, |x | <5, when ~5 -5 for all xe R = |x| <-5 =>No solution. (¥) [x]>-5. We know, here LHS 20 and RHS <0 So, LHS » RHS. i.e. above statement is true for all real x. (as we know that non-negative number is always ‘greater than negative), Aliter Here,|x|>-5 Plotting the graph of y= |x| and. We see that, |x| > ~5, for all x € real number. (wi [xl>5 It means that x is the number which is at distance greater than 5 from 0. Hence, x<-5 or x>5 Aliter Ixl>s Plotting the graph of y =|x|and y = 5. We have We see that, x <—Sorx>5. Generalized Results () For any real number x, we have x? =| x [? (i) For any real number x, we have Vx? =| | (ii) Ifa <0, then (a) x? Sa? e|x|Sace-asxSa (b) x? a? | x|>aerx<-aorx>a (©) a? sx? No solution. | +|2a=> All real numbers solutions. () [x+yl=lxl+lyl €9(x 20 and y 20) or (x $0 and y $0) xy 20. (wi) [x-y|=]x1-1y leo 20,y20and| x|21y1) or(x $0,y $0 and|x|2|y1) (vit) [x ysl |+l yl (oii) | ty 12 [Lx I-LyI] 1 Example 6 Solve for x, where () flxl=|x|20 (i) fe) =|x]>0 Sol, (i) f(x)=1x120 ‘As we know modulus is non-negative quantity. (eI is always greater than equal to zero) c. x€ Ris the required solution. Aliter f(x)=1+120. Plotting two graphs y =|x|and y= 0. From graph |x| 20,for all xe R Y yz tel x 78 (i) f(2)=|x1>0 Here equal sign is absent, so we have to exclude those value of x for which | x|=0. 2. x Rexcept x =Oor x R~ {O}is the required solution, Aliter f(x)=[x|>0 Plotting two graphs y =|x| and y =: y ye il x 720 From graph |x| > 0, for all x € Rexcept 0. xeR-(0}. 1 Example 7 Solve | x- 3|<5. Sol, |x-3|<5 = -8 -2 -2Sx-182 = -241< x <241 SS -1Sx53 or xe[-13] Aliter For] x ~1]-<2 Plotting two graphs y =|x— 1] and y From graph, -1sxs3 xe[-13} T Example 9 solve 1<|x-1/<3. Sol. Here = -3S(4-1)S-1 oF 15(x-1)s3 [rasixleb= xe [-b-a]Utbal] i.e. the distance covered between 1 unit to 3 units. = -22 Sol, Here, |x-11s3_and |x]22 ie, (3sx-155) = Casxss) Similarly, (S-2orx22) \ = (eS-20rx>9, From Eas. () and (i) could be graphically sho 4, 4 4 MNRANMAMMANARA 2 eae ee 2 2 the shaded portion, ie. common to both Thus NUL, 6) (ii) is the required region xe [-4, Aliter Here, |x —1| Sand |x| 22. Take (y =|x— 1]. y =5) and (y=[x|,y =2)on take common, Orhan FHS a From the graph, ~ 4S xS-2 or 2sxse * xe[-4,-2] [26] 2 1 Example 11 solve Paridihed ‘Sol. We have, re >1, where x #4 Ai) => 2 sy oe] | = 12 and py ira] | [b = as|x-4] = x-a}ee = 2ex-de2 = 2ex<6 re (2,6), butxed [from Eq.) Hence, the solution set of the given inequation is TE (ZA) U(46), Alter Axed = [x-4|<2 2 x-4] Plotting the graph of y Aland y=2 From graph, 25 3. O<|x-1]<3 5, (x23 <1 Ix? = 4, |x -1]+ [2x -3]=13x 4] Session3 Number Line Rule, Wavy Curve Method Number Line Rule Ttis used to solve algebraic inequalities using following steps: () Factorize numerator as well as denominator. (ii) Now, check the coefficients of x and make them Positive. (ii) Put only odd power factors in numerator and denominator and put them equal to zero separately and find the value of x. (As for polynomial function only numerator =0, denominator #0). Gv) Plot these points on number line in increasing order. (¥) Start number line from right to left taking sign of f(x), (vi) Check your answer so that it should not contain a Point for which f(x) doesn't exist. 1 Example 13 Find the interval in which f(x) is positive or negative: f(x) = (x ~1)(x-2)(x- 3) Sol. Here, f(x) =(x~1)(x-2)(x~3) has all factors with odd powers, so put them as zero. ie. x-1=0x-2=0,x- we get x= 1,23 [using step (ii)) Using steps (iv) and (v), plotting on number line, we get a ee) F(x)>Owhen 13 f(x) 0 when x < 1/2 0r x > 2b ti ut except, and 1. XE (2, 1/2)U(2, =) {4} T Example 16 Find the value of x for which 2 foo = A220 2 3) (x4) Sol Here, f(x) = E=BFU= = 3)r— 4)? spans = a fj. ee Des -4 (ze) Putting zero to (x ~ 1), (x ~3)°, (x + 1) as having odd Powers and neglecting (x - 2)?,(x- 4)°, we get as a ae S(2)SOwhen-1 Ixisa or |x| >2 = Cisxs1 or (we-20rx>d xe FR UC™-2UG =) Hence, the solution set is vEC=-QUELNUE =) [Example 18 soi 2 Lwhere xeR, x #42 ixP2 Sol, We have, = ix = =) jeg = DMzI=d) ca'—4 text ~(x|-1), = a adel Deg Ix|-2 (\x|-2) Using number line rule, ae ee oe eee 1 2 1s[x]<2 = xe(2-1Uf2) (ras|x| SS ee -5 But x<-3 3 xe(-5,-3) ‘Thus, from Eqs. (a) and (b), we have xe [-3-2)U(-1 =) U-5,-3) = xe (-5,-2)U(-1, =) [from Eq. (iii)} lb) Chap 01 Essential Mathematical Tools 11 Wavy Curve Method ‘The method of intervals (or wavy curve) is used for solving inequalities of the form : flx)= (4-4) "(x= a2)" «(8 aK)™ Sg (= b= Bay BG)” (<0,<00r20) 4M are natural where m,n, my and my,ms, numbers. 0, 3, ey; By, bay nen bpare any real numbers such that a, #b,, where i= 1,2,3,..4kand J=12,3).00P It consists of the following statements : 1. All zeros of the function f(x) (the values of x corresponding to numerator =0) contained on the left hand side of the inequality should be marked on the ‘number line with inked (black) circles. 2. All points of discontinuities of the function f(x) (the values of x corresponding to denominator = 0) contained on the left hand side of the inequality should be marked on the number line with uninked (white) circles. 3. Check the value of f(x) for any real number greater than the rightmost marked number on the number line. 4, From right to left, beginning above the number line (in case of value of f(x) is positive in step (iti) otherwise from below the number line), a wavy curve should be drawn to pass through all the marked points so that when it passes through a simple point, the curve intersects the number line and when. passing through a double point, the curve remains located on one side of the number line. 5. The appropriate intervals are chosen in accordance with the sign of inequality (the function f(x) is positive whenever the curve is situated above the number line, it is negative if the curve is found belo the number line). Their union just represents the solution of the inequality. Remarks (@) Points of discontinuity will never be include in the answers. (b) If asked to find the intervals where f(x) is non-negative or non-positive, then make the intervals closed, corresponding to the roots of the numerator and let it remain open Corresponding to the roots of denominator. =P (x+2)4 (x= 3)* (x- x2(x=7)° 1 Example 20 Let f(x)= Solve the following inequalities : () foy>o (ii) fog 20 (il) fx) <0 (i) flxdso 42 Textbook of Differential Calculus Sol. Given, f(x) = E= We +ay'(x=3x +6) S(x-7) Put numerator = 0 We +2)(x- 3H) <0 = X=L-24-6 Again, put denominator = 0 = <(x-7) <0 = *=07 We mark on the number line zeros of the function: 1,>23 and ~6 (with black circles) and the points of discontinuities 0 and 7 (with white circles) Isolate the double points: -2 and 0 and draw the curve of signs, From the graph, we get if f(2)>0,then x € (--, -6) U(1.3) (7, =) iE F(4) 20, then x€ (=, -6] U2) Uh, 3] U0, @) (i if F(2) <0, then x € (6-2) U(-2.)U@.1) 4087) 6) #€ F(2) 50, then x € [= 60) U(@.1} Ufa 7) 1 Example 21 Let (sin x -3) (in. x —1?(x~2)(tan x ~ V3) f= —— > (e* ~e?)(x 3)? -cosx Solve the following inequalities for x € [0,271 : @ fo)>0 (i) foy20 (ill) fo <0 (iv) f(x)s0 Set cleat, ean 5% and fe)m0 3, Sxl 4x9 ee owe wa e 8 ‘ania ‘Now, sign of f(x) will not change around x =2,¢,3. Then, for f(x)>0 (sm x-2) an x-¥5)>0 = (a5 8}8) ~fe3} Hence, solution of (© flo>0is xe(a DEE Gi) f(x) 20 is se(az]Ufz. s\J (ii) f(x) <0 is xe(3.2)U(3, zu i Sy (fy s0 sexe 22] U5, 1 Example 22 Let 5 ) (tan x—15 (cos x-2)? (tan x- V3)? Find the interval of xe (=. 5) for which (cos x+ eos x inx-5 f= (@ fe)>0 Sot Fore (=, s) cos > Oforall x = Jeos.x]= cos . 08% + os x}= 2c08x 3) cane (Cos x= F (tans Vy (i) Foy <0 eons (sin— f(xy= Critical points cosx =0= x = © (not in domain) sinx =2 (not possible) tanx=1=9x=% = cosx =2 (not possible) tanx=V3— x= 3 Then, f(x)>0=9 xe(F, 2) and f(x)<0-x€ @ 2)(2.2) Exercise for Session 3 Chap 01 Essential Mathematical Tools 13 = Directions (Q. Nos. 1 to 5) Solve the following inequalities. 10. 11. 12. 2 2 e a xe 4x, 43, XP8x+9 Solution of inequality| x ~ 1] 12x ~1lis wd 04 soon thay | ai (a) (2- 3,24 V3) U(-2- V3. -2+ V3) (©) R-(-2-V3,2+ V3) ‘The solution of | x? + 3x |+ x?-220is (a) 91) 2),]4 (~-3}--) The solution of|Ix |= 1] 0, the parabola will be concave upwards and if @ <0, the parabola will be concave downwards and it depends on the sign of b® — 4ac that the parabola cuts the X-axis at two points (b* — 4ac > 0), touches the X-axis (b? ~ 4ac =0) or never intersects with the X-axis (8? — 4ac <0). This gives rise to the following cases: @@ Ifa>0 and b? — 4ac <0. Y=16) = atennse LU a bia | = fix) >0,VxER In this case the parabola always remains concave upwards and above the X-axis. (ii) Ifa >0 and b? — 4ac =0. yA") = arocte “bia ° f(x) 20V ER In this case the parabola touches the x. remains concave upwards. Ifa >0and b? - 4ac >0. Let f(x) =0 has two real roots. and Bra.

0,V x € (— ©) U (By 0), F(z) <0, 6 (OB) and f(x) ~0for xe fay is ang x bpea xa '~—x In this case the parabola cuts the X-axis at ty, and and remains concave upwards, (iv) Ifa yt) In this case the parabola remains concave downwary and always below the X-axis. (¥) Ifa<0 and b? ~ 4ac =0. brea ” x. y=I6) e A(X) SOV xER In this case the parabola touches the X-axis and remains concave downwards. (vi) Ifa 0. fa y=16) Let f(x) =O have two real roots o and B(ot 0, x € (01,8) and f(x) =0 for x € {oP} In this case the parabola cuts the X-axis at two poi @ and B and remains concave downwards. © Pin Quick and Important Results for Characteristic Expression 1. The expression ax? + 6x + cwill be at same sign for all real values of», ff <0. ax? + br + cowill always be positive iff D <0 and a>0. ax? + br + c will always be negative iff D< 0 anda < 0. IfD>0, then sign of the expression between the roots will be ‘oppasite to that of a lfa> 0, then minima of f(x) occurs atx = 52 andita <0, ‘and maximum or then maxima of f(x) occurs at. 7a tinimum vale of) lb given by(=2) IF /(2) =0 has two distinct real roots, then a-f(d) <0 ifand only ifd lies between the roots and a-f(d) > 0 and only ifd lies outside the roots, 1 Example 23 Find a for which 3x? + ax+3>0,V xeR. Sol. Here, 3x7 +ax+3>0,VxER 2 D <0 [vif f(x)>0anda>0, then D <0) (a)? - 4(3)(3) <0 = a -36<0 =(a-6)(a+6) < O,using number ine : rule as shown in figure, + “8 6 which shows -6 a<0 and D<0 [va<0,D<0,s0 f(x) <0] = a<0 and 1+4a<0 = a<0 and a< -1/4 & ae (- 2, -1/4) Non-negative Functions ‘The sum of several non-negative terms is zero if and only if each termis zero. a +b? +c? a 0 ie. if Exercise for Session 4 Ihax? —bx +5 = 1. 2. 3. Ifa,b,ceR,a #0and the quadratic equation, 4 1 Example 26 solve | x+1|+ Sol. Here,| x-+1|+ YF=1=0, where each term is Chap 01 Essential Mathematical Tools 15 1 Example 25 Solve (x +1)? + (x? + 3x+2)* =0. Sol, Here, (x +1)? + (x? +3x +2)" =0 if and only if each term is zero simultaneously, (x +1)=0 and (x? +3x42)=0 => (x+1)(x+2)=0 ie xe-1 and x=-1,-2 g (x) 10. For x€ Rl x|lis defined as follows; ja[xth osxce Use feiiaes Then, solve the equation, |] x? +=|]x|]+ x2 11. Solve the inequality |x —1|+|2~x|>3+x. 9 Let f (x)=? __ and g(x) = a x 12. Solve the equation x? + 12y + Jy? + 12x =33,x+y=23. 13, Solve the equation fR=1 + fBx=2 = f4E=3 + ay 14, If x,y and z are three real numbers such that stytendandx? +? +27 =6 then show ia : ee of x,y and z les in the closed interval? 2] 3 15, F(a. +1)(B-)+(B+ 4 -Nha+(a—yB_y., and a(a + 1)(B + 1)-(@~1)(B-1)=0 a Alot a= [2 a 2a 2B and B= 12% 7B | tea B49, the ae i eh then find all he permissible values of the parameter ‘a Gli [3+2x-8x"| x-l [3+ 2x-8x" 16. Solve +|1-x]= 1 17. Let f(x)=(x? ~AlsDe@lsI-2)-9 G78 Solve the following inequalities © foro Gi f(20 (iii) f(x) <0 (iv) f(x) s0 18. Solve the inequality | 1-11 T+1x| Essential Mathematical Tools Exercise 2: More Than One Correct Option Type Questions 19. If cos x—y? ~Jy—x*—120, then @y21 )xeR (y=1 @x=0 20. if(sina.)x* ~2x +b > 2 for all real values of x <1 and ae (a 2) ef } } then the possible real values of bis/are 2 @2 (b) 3 4 @s 21. Iflax? +bx +c] 1for all xis [0,1], then @) Jalsa ©) [bl s8 © lesa (@ lal |b] + lel s17 Passage Based Questions Chap 01 Essential Mathematical Tools 17 Essential Mathematical Tools Exercise 3: Passage I (Q. Nos. 22 to 24) Let f(x) = ax? +bx-+0:a,b.c€R misgivenl f(O)1SL¥ [x1 51 Now, answer the following questions. 22, The possible value ofla+ |, if5 a? +26? is maximum, is given by @.1 0 @2 @s 23. The possible value of|a+ b|,if® a +26? is maximum, is given by : @1 0 @2 @s3 24, The possible maximum value of © a? +26? is given by 3 2 2 16 a) 32 So 6 ® o2 ©2 Passage II (Q. Nos. 25 to 27) Consider the equation |2x|~|x~4|=x +4. 25, The least integer satisfying the equation, is (@) -4 ba os (a) 26. Total number of prime numbers less than 20 satisfying the equation, is @ 3 m4 @s 27, If P= greatest composite number less than 34 satisfying the given equation, then P™™” has the digit on its units @ 6 place as @s 1 ©7 @o Passage III (Q. Nos. 28 to 30) Consider a number N =21P53Q 4 28, The number of ordered pairs (P, Q) so that the number ‘N’ is divisible by 9, is @u &) 2 © 0 @ 8 29. The number of values of Q so that the number ‘N is divisible by 8, is (a) 4 b) 3 ()2 @ 6 30. The number of ordered pairs (P, Q) so that the number ‘N’is divisible by 44, is @2 3 | @4 @s Passage IV (Q.Nos. 31 to 35) Consider the nine digit numbern =7 3. 49610. 31. If pis the number of all possible distinct values of (a —B), then p is equal to @7 (b) 18 (©) 19 (a) 20 32. Ifq is the number of all possible values of B for which the given number is divisible by 8, then q is equal to @2 b) 3 ©4 @s 33, The number of ordered pairs (ct, B) for which the given number is divisible by 88, is (@ 1 (bo) 2 3 @a 34, The number of possible values of (ct +8) for which the given number is divisible by 6, is @3 (b) 4 © 6 35, The number of possible values of f for which i (where i = V=1), is @2 ws @7 o4 @ 5 Passage V (Q.Nos. 36 to 38) ‘The set of integers can be classified intok classes, according to the remainder obtained when they are divided by k (where kis a fixed natural number). The classification enables is solving even some more difficult problems of number theory e.g. (@) even, odd classification is based on whether remainder © ort when divided by 2. (ii) when divided by 3, the remainder may be 0,1, 2, Thus, there are three classes. 36, The remainder obtained, when the square of an intege! is divided by 3, is (@) O12 (b) 1,2 (©) 0,2. @) 0,1,2 37. n® +n +1is never divisible by @2 3 (c) 1 (d) None of these 38, Ifn is odd, n° ~ nis not divisible by (a) 16 (b) 15 (©) 240 (a) 720 18 Textbook of Differential Calculus 39. The number of solutions of the equation [x —1-|2x—5]24 40. The number of integral solution of the equation|x? —7| <9 are Exercise for Session 1 L.False 2. False 3. True Tne 7. (a) 8 fe) 4. False 9. (@) 8. True 10. () Exercise for Session 2 secrbows recmifsie) VB) ft 3 Exercise for Session 3 DAL oa=) -ae(fjoae 1 ree zrecn—pu(Zo)uf 3.xe[1,3] 4.x e[-—,-8)U4,-DUCL, 0) SxeR 6@ 7© &@ %@ We ne 12.4) Exercise for Session 4 meg 2D 4.44) Essential Mathematical Tools Exercise 4: Single Integer Answer Type Questions 41, The number of solutions of the system of equation, x+2y =6and|x—3|= y is/are Answers Chapter Exercises : 1.{0- V3, 1+ ¥6)a} 2-4, ~1- V3} 3. {2,2} 4.{-2}U[0,-) 5405237) 66 3 ~21U[0, 6) 7. (-2,-2]U[6,2) 8. [1.6] 9.06 nef 10.x=(0,2) 1.6.0) 46, 12.3,10) and (00,13). = 1 2 nyze[2,2 unreal] I.a6 FL 1+ i 1-2) 9 It V9 34 VB tere f0,2, 842°, 32H 17. @)x€ (=, -3)UC2,- DULG. @) Gyre Co, -3]U C2, -NUL.UB, 0) Gi)xe(-3,-2)UE1, YYO.DUE3) Gy) x€[-3,-2U[-1, DUONUG,3} ww. [-b 1) 19. (6) 20. 8) 21. @bied) 22.(0) 24. (6) 25.(@) 26.4) 27.6) 29.(b) 30.60) 3G) 32.) 33.06) 35.4) 36.60) 37.6) 38) 39.00) 41.) Solutions (x-a), x20 1. Fora ca}x~al= teeing Ee Casel x20 x — 2a(x - a) —3a* = 0 = ee = xo tax+ a = (x-a) = Since, x20 and a x? +2a(x—a)-3a?=0 => x? + 2ax-=5a" = x=-at Vea fb ~1),-alsé +1) = (x4 a)? = 60" Since, xa and a x €(-3,-1) or x €(- 2, -3] U[-1, ») > xitax¢3+2x45= => xt eoxt => (x4 4)(x+2) = - But x €(-3,~1) Neglecting a Casell x? + 4x +350 =3 A (x4 3x41) <0 = xe[-3-1] => xi + 4x43-2x-5=0 = x? +2x-2=0 = xe-1tViasxe[-3-11 + Neghetingx=-148 = x=-1-8 4) xet4 3. |x? —3x-4] 4] x7-1 =e [xt alideale sal} =9 Casel 224 (r#t) (e441) = (e+ Nex-5)=9 = axt -3x-14=0 [neglecting both as x > 4] Casell 120* +a-1 = 6a" ~2a~4>20? +a-1 = 4a°-3a-3>0 { =I 2} fa -(2497)1 {,_ >o 3 3 a xls 3 a ee(-- 52) 2...) ro) 3 3 Casell Wa -2)+ (2a* +a~1)>5a?-3a-2 = 3a? + 24-3 >5a? 30-2 = 2a? ~Sa+1<0 HHH = o<(2) a Case IM (6a*~3a~2)+ (2a*+a-1) >(a? +a-2) = 70? ~2a-3>a*+a-2 = 6a*—3a~1>0 ~ eH EE Ai) 2 2m From Eqs. (i), (ii) and (ii), we get oe 2) 8 4 2-H) (2285) seem B. (x +3) —(x-1)8 > 244 (x + 3) +(3 2 - +2)° ~(y-2)° 2244 BUCY 2+ Cary? 2? + 5Cy-25} 2244 2 {1oy* + Boy? + 32) 2246 4 (5y! + 40y? + 16) 2244 Sy! + doy? + 16261 = = 7. 9. 10. -” yt +8y?-929 = 0° +9907 -1)20 = wer ie, yS-1or yey - x41S-lorr+iay = FE-*-21U[0,0) e-2)-1123, = [x-21-15-3 oF Ix-2]-43, => [x-2/-2 or |x-2)24 SNosolutionor x-25-4 of x-224 = *S5-2 of x26 3 reC5 21416) 1g 3h a7z+8 cp aes => axt-7x+720 and x*-7x46<0 => xeRandxe (1.6) : xe[16] ais 1 Sle) 9 oa seaa zaT ax 1 = wees? Grea GD 2at + axa (ext + 5x +2) a (2x + 1)(x + 2x +1) -@x+2) 7 (2x + 1M x + 2x41) : spree toh 2 = x€(-2,-1) U(-2/3,-1/2) Ix] + x =|] x] + 2. Casel When 0 2 = (x- 4) + xe] x- 4] tx? Now,if 2<¢x<4 SOP -8x416) 4 x24 xe? = but © Only two solutions x x4 14, The points x = 1 and x =2 divide the number axis into three intervals as follows : Sane We solve the inequality on each intervals. Ifx<1,then x-10, \x-1]4|2-x[>3-x = laxt2-x>34x = 3-2x>34x = x<0 If 1SxS2 then x-120and2— x20, we have XA1F2-x534x I>34tx = x<-2 ‘The system of inequalities obtained has no solution, for 1SxS2If x>2,thenx~1>0and2— x <0, we have xr1te-2534x = 2x-3>34x > x>6 ‘Combining the solutions obtained on all parts of the domain of admissible values of the given inequality, we get the solution set (- ©, 0) €(6, ©). 42. Here, x" + 12@3~ x) + J@3— x) + 12x =33 (vy = 23-2) fx? = ax + 276 + fx? = 34x + 529 =33 Let a= x24 276 and bax sax +529 A) = 93 and a? - b* = 11(@x-23) Ai) = sneseree(2) {using Eqs. () and (i) => 8x7 -184x + 1040=0 = y=1013 (13,10) and (10, 13) ae the required solutions. 13. Here,u+v=p+q ni) Where w= JBe=1, v= BX=3, p= fR=3. Bx-4 = x=13,10 piogici-x > vay? = u-v= pq Ai) {using Eq, (), w+ v= p+) z+ From Eqs. (i) and (i), we get p= te 1aax-3 x= 1, which leary satisfies i+ Safes ok x= Lis the required solution Chap 01 Essential Mathematical Tools 21 44, Here, x2 +? +(4-x-y) -x-y) BH Ox4G8 45-4) =0 Since, xe, = peo > (y- 44g? ~4y +520 = ~3y? +8y- 420 es -Gy-2)Q-220 tt ae 2 ~ Beyse Simiasly, we can show that xy ands [2.2 Get Btt. 1 gg GENES. 18. Here Tt Bre = B-1) Now the quadratic x -(~1}s-# L=onasroots (1223 a8) at Let Now, replacing xby —+ in Eq (), we get 2 quadratic 2B whose roots are 0 and 5 a 1 a +1=0 eae" x4a=0 Ai) Hence, Eq. (i) and (i) are the two quadratics whose roots are ‘elements of set A’ and set ‘BY, respectively. <. They must have a root in common as AB #@ Case Both roots are common. = a=iti aet-1itii-i} |etenie ttt [s+ 2x85] rere eile lal+|bl=labl+a Jab|-|a|-[b|+1=0 (al-1)(1b|-1) =0 Jal=1 or [bj=1 22 Textbook of Differential Calculus We solve the first system : When |al=1 eile, s+ 2x- 8x7] PT gp FU Se2e-8 |" Sy ay-ae * ‘X-1=342x~8x7 * or x 1=-3-20+8x% in we ole the second ste ting = 8x7~x-4=0 oF 8x?~3x-220 oat ‘Quality ig = alte | tyre 16 16 eee = or 2B equivalent to the system = 6) oe Agua when = -| = x so or x-1= = x=0 or r=2 wil) From Eqs. (i) and (ii), solution set is e-1sx<0 eos 1218 228 : 16 ‘Thus, the set ofall solutions of the original inequality ey, ofthe umber Belonging interval 17, We have, f(x) =(x? ~2|x|)(2| x|-2)-9 gpa | ee ea sarly, «/y — x* 1 is defined when y~x*-120 etst-2yfa?-atel~ Clearly. Vy ory 2 x? +1. So, minimum value of y is 1 ~eieinn {ee stebi=9| From Eq (), we have cosx—y? 2 y=¥ = fe } where cosx-y? $0. [as when cos: is maximum (=1) any = @lx1-2V¢e =a ste ~2Ix1-3) Pere are oe ran = @lx1=2) x=? + 2)x1-+ 9x1 -3) Also, \y-x1 20 x 2|x| Hence, cosx-y?=Jy—x* Taking, - y =landcosx=1y =x?+1 = 1,23 and D’=0 = reay=l = lelx|-2)= 20. Given, (sina)x*~2x+ 622 = ate Let fle) =(sina)x* 20+ 5-2 Nite atelier Abscissa of the vertex is given by x=—1—>1 3 CFR A es ‘The graph of f(x) =(sinct)x* 2x + b -2, Vx $1is shownin 7 the figure. 1 From the wavy curve method, we have @ f@)>0 = xE(-=,-3)U(-2,-NUU.2UG, = xe, -3] U2 -1]U[1,2) UB, =) (i) f)20 Gi) f(x) <0 > ¥e(-2-2)U-1)UO,NLBI Gy fa)s0 > xel-3-2) UL, 0U0.1UG3) 18. The domain of admissible values of this inequality consists of all the real numbers. The inequality is equivalent tothe ae comer aaa Therefore, minimum of f(x) =(sina) x*—2x-+ 6—2musth [ -< 2 [ jester than zero but minimum eat x= 1 real 72+ ie sina-2+b-2>0, a = b24-sina ae(on)-[5} . Given, Jax? + bet $1, Vx € [al] w() Pating cen = Yand in we get -Isest Oo) -1satbeest ii) ~ASatabetesd (w) From Eqs. (i), (ii) and (iv), we get |b] s8andja| <8 = Ja] +|b| + Je[s37 ‘Sok. (Q. Nos. 22-24) Lfa)~ flo) s2 (+ if|u| $1,|9|s1, then|u—v}s2) = latesz + fl) =a+ b+) = @tbyse and (0) Also,| f(-1)- f(0)|$2 = la-Ws2— [v f(-1)=a-b+ cand f(0)=¢] = @-bys4 Now, 407436? =2(0+b)'+2a-b)*—b? S2x442x4-bS16-b°S 16 = Maximum value of 4a? +35? = 16, when b = 0 = Jab] + |a—bj= 4 =9)a]=2 Also, | f0)~ f(0)| =|a + e~ = Ja+e=lq=1 + The possible values of (a,b,c) are @,0,~1) or(~2,0.1) 8 02 28? = 2 (a 4 30%) <2 Also, 2a? +26? = 2 7 0, 5a +26? = (4a +30") < 56) 22, Ja d=1, when +25? maximum, 23. \a+b=2, when Sat is maximum. 24, ‘The maximum value of © +26%is Sol. (Q. Nos. 25-27) 25. Given,|2x|-|x—4]= 244 Casel When, =< x50 2x44 = -2x=8 = Casel When, 0 pais Number N is divisible by 8, if100 + 10 Bis divisible by 8. ~ Possible values of B are 2, 6 N=73a4961p0 Nis divisible by 88, if N is divisible by 8 as well as 11. Nis divisible by 8, thenB = 2,6 For divisibility by 11, So =17 +a, Sp=13 4B So ~Sp=(17 + a) ~(13 +B) =a-B+4 B+ 4e the integer lying between -5 and 13, But, a—B + dis divisible by 11,20 a—B+4=0, 11 Casel a= B+4=0 when when Casell a-B + 4=11whena=9,B=2 when B=6a=13 (a8) = (9,2) (2,6) Number of ordered pairs are 2. Nis divisible by 6, if itis divisible is 2 and 3, N=73@496 10 is divisible by 2 for all values of a. and B. 30< (30+ a+P)er sas But 30 + a + Bis divisible by 3, if 30 + 1 + B = 30, 33, 36, 39, 42, 45, 48 a+ B= 0,3,6,9,12,15, 18 [Number of possible values of (a+ B)is equal to 7. iNat =o Nimust be divisible by 4 => B=02468 Number of possible values of Bis 5 J. (Q. Nos. 36-38) Let n=3k+4r=0,1,2 n? 29k? + 6kr +r? P=014 :. Remainder = OF 1 (a)n? +41 isan odd number. (b) when n = 1, n? + n+ Lis divisible by 3. (111-10? +1041». whenn=10 n? + n+ 1is divisible by 111. m+ (rejected) (rejected) 38, n= odd Let n=2k+1 nen eniat —1)= nln — In + 1n? +1) = (Rk + 1AKIRK + 204K" + Ake + 2) (ke +1) (0k +1) CK? + 2k +1) which i divisible By 15, 16 and 240 but ot dvs When n=S=9n(n*~1) i = 5(5* —1)= 5625-1) =5 624-3129, which is not divisible by 720. 39. Given, |x—1]-Px-51=4 Case! When, x <1 1-x-G-28)24 = 424 yyy fo zai om acti aoe 1sxs5/2 sotsar-sze / desea m= sx210 - 8 wutisess/2 : => No such xexist. Case ML x25/2 = R-1-Qx-5)24 => x-1-ax4524 = axt424s xso No such x exist +. Number of solution is 0 40. Given, |x*-7159 = 9sxP-759 > -2

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