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-350 Gressian Kingdom united for the first time in recorded history by King Gressus, consolidating

the human warlords of the lands east of the Gunnersgrun.

-340 King Gressus invades the lands west of the Gunnersgrun to expand his kingdom

-337 King Gressus, and his famed 3rd legion fall to barbarian forces while attempting to forcibly
expand his kingdom. His mighty sword Gressus’ Might is lost and believed to be in barbarian hands.
He is succeeded by his son Edlrich.

-333 King Eldrich abandons his campaign the barbarian lands after losing numerous engagements
and thousands of men. The bridge crossing the Gunnersgrun is burned down to keep the hordes on
“their” side of the river.

-275 King Malphas and Queen Almala (great granddaughter of Gressus I) negotiate a peace treaty
with the elven kingdom to the north and non aggression and trade treaties with the dwarven
kingdoms to the west, despite barbarian objections (which are generally pointy).

-270 to -150 Gressia enters a golden age of trade, art and scholarship.

-140 King Gressus III dies without a rightful heir. The kingdom is divided and civil war breaks out as
the king’s bastard son Thanos and the Duke of Burle via for control of the kingdom. For the next 120
years the kingdom remains fractured, though the lines on the map change there are few large scale
conflicts between Gressian forces. Over this time there are as few as two and as many as five
separate states.

-135 A united barbarian dwarven force enters the Kingdom of Burle sensing they are weak. Rumors
abound that King Thanos has had a role on encouraging this.

-135 The kingdom of Gressia is constantly harassed by hordes of goblinkind and other intelligent
monsters as the military is largely deployed on the western border. Shipping is also besieged by
pirates bringing merchant trade from overseas to a virtual halt. It is widely rumoured that the Duke
of Burle is funding and arming these pirates and maybe the monsters as well.

-120 The elves, now allied with the Kingdom of Burle, force the Dwarven/Barbarians forces back
across the Gunnersgrun. Though 15 years of harsh treatment and war have left a deep scar on the
humans in the west.

-120 Pirating and monster raids continue to plague Gressia, keeping them too busy to capitalize on a
war torn Burle.

-118 Continual barbarian raids lead the King Aragos of Burle to rebuild the Ft King’s Bridge as a
deterrent to prevent the Barbarians from using the still standing pylons to aid their crossings.

-50 The two kingdoms continue to falter and divide. Raids by goblinkind and bandits as well as
neighbouring kingdoms are uncommon in all of the human kingdoms.

-25 Legendary hero John McClain crosses the Gunnersgrun into the barbarian territory in search of
Gressus’ Might.
-23 Legendary hero John McClain recovers Gressus’ Might found deep within the dwarven kingdom.

-22 Legendary hero John McClain returns to Seaton with Gressus’ Might having eluded numerous
robbery and assassination attempts from all number of sources. In Seaton McClain returns the
mythical sword to King Braccus (a direct descendant of King Gressus).

-20 With his ancestor’s sword and noble bloodline King Braccus manages to reunite the Gressian
Kingdom. This is largely made possible due to all of the hardships sustained throughout the period of
separation. Under the new agreement the other former kings retain much of their power and wealth
and given the title Duke.

-15 The Gressian forces are able to drive out or destroy many of the bandits, monsters and pirates
that have been plaguing the area for so many years. The enemy seems unprepared to face the
united forces of the kingdom working together. While most of the pirate ships are flat out destroyed,
no longer able to find safe harbour in any port, many of the brigards and monsters withdraw into the
northern elven kingdom or to the wastelands to the east.

-14 The bridge over the Gunnersgrunn is rebuilt. Toehold is established on the western bank of the
river. It is heavily walled and enforced with troops. Trade negotiations with the barbarian clans are
open. Though some clans welcome trade with the east, many are resistant and small raids and
attacks on Toehold remain frequent. This also stresses the new union’s relation with their western
citizens who still harbour deep resentment toward the barbarians.

-10 Legendary hero John McClain and his troop of Untouchables defeat a mysterious enemy
threatening both the Human and Elven Kingdoms. There is much speculation about the exact nature
of this threat but what is known is a large number of elves fell protecting their homeland as well as
several of McClain’s Untouchables, including his wife Demi McClain who was rumoured to have been
pregnant. King Braccus appoints McClain as High Protector of Gressia and he is likewise recognized
in the Elven Kingdom as one of the greatest human champions of the modern age and given an elven

-9 Taking the loss of his wife quite hard legendary hero Sir John McClain retires from adventuring
and public life.

-7 McClain’s Untouchables, now lacking a McClain, uncover a plot to assassinate King Braccus
involving the Earl of Northpole and an assassins guild located in Lakeside. Though the plot is
ultimately thwarted, the Earl arrested (shortly afterward he commits suicide) and the assassins guild
broken (its few surviving members scatter to the wind), King Braccus is wounded by a last ditch
effort of an assassin. The actual wound is minor but the poisoned blade leaves its mark leaving the
king infirmed. The Untouchables also take heavy losses and the troop soon after disbands. It’s
surviving members entering retirement.

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