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Pr. A.

ALMERS Filière GTIER- TD Thermodynamique

Filière Génie Thermique Industril et Energies Renouvelables:

Travaux dirigés de Thermodynamique : TD1

Exercise 1 :

A wind turbine-electric generator is mounted atop a tower (Fig. 1). As wind blows steadily
across the turbine blades, electricity is generated. The electrical output of the generator is
fed to a storage battery.

a) Considering only the wind turbine-electric generator as the system, identify locations
on the system boundary where the system interacts with the surroundings. Describe
changes occurring within the system with time.
b) Repeat for a system that includes only the storage battery.

Exercise 2:

As illustrated in figure 2, water circulates between a storage tank and solar collector. Heated
water from the tank is used for domestic purposes. Considering the solar collector as a
system, identify locations on the system boundary where the system interacts with its
surroundings and describe events that occur within the system. Repeat for an enlarged
system that includes the storage tank and the interconnecting piping.

Pr. A. ALMERS Filière GTIER- TD Thermodynamique

Exercise 3:

As illustrated in figure 3, stem flows through a valve and turbine in series. The turbine drives
an electric generator. Considering the valve and the turbine a system, identify locations on
the system boundary where the system interacts with its surroundings and describe events
occurring within the system.

Repeat for an enlarged system that includes the generator.

Pr. A. ALMERS Filière GTIER- TD Thermodynamique

Exercise 4

Figure 4 shows a tank within a tank, each containing air. Pressure gage A is located inside
tank B and reads 1.4 bar. The U-tube manometer connected to tank B contains mercury.
Using data on the diagram, determine the absolute pressures inside tank A and tank B, each
in bar. The atmospheric pressure surrounding tank B is 101 kPa. The acceleration of gravity is
g=9.81 m/s2.

Exercice 5:

1 kg d’eau tombe dans le vide d’une hauteur de 30 m, dans un endroit où l’accélération de

pesanteur locale est 9.8 m/s2.

a) Quelle est la différence entre l’énergie cinétique et potentielle possédée par l’eau en
haut de la chute et celle en bas de la chute ?
b) En supposant que l’énergie cinétique de l’eau en haut de la chute est nulle, quelle
sera la valeur de l’énergie cinétique de l’eau juste avant de toucher le fond de la
chute ?

Exercice 6:

Parmi les propriétés et fonctions d’état suivantes : pression, température, longueur, surface, énergie
interne, énergie interne par unité de masse, poids spécifique, énergie électrique, densité, énergie
cinétique, énergie cinétique par unité de masse, indiquer lesquelles sont :

- Des fonctions d’état ;

Pr. A. ALMERS Filière GTIER- TD Thermodynamique

- Des variables d’état ;

- Grandeurs intensives ;
- Grandeurs extensive.

Exercise 7

The following table lists temperature and specific volumes of water vapor at two pressures:

P=1.0 MPa P=1.5 MPa

T(°C) ν (m /kg) T(°C) v (m3/kg)
200 0.2060 200 0.1325
240 0.2275 240 0.1483
280 0.2480 280 0.1627

Data encoutered in solving problems often do not fall exactly on the grid of values provided by
property tables, and linear interpolation between adjacent table entries becomes necessary. Using
data provided here, estimate

(a) The specific volume at T=240 °C, p= 1.25 MPa, in m3/kg.

(b) The temperature at p=1.5 MPa, v=0.1555 m3/kg, in °C.
(c) The specific volume at T=220°C, P=1.4 MPa, in m3/kg.

Exercise 8

Four Kilograms of a certain gas is contained within a piston-cylinder assembly. The gaz
undergoes a process for which the pressure-volume relationship is:


The initial pressure is 3 bars; the initial volume is 0.1 m3. The change in specific internal
energy of the gas in the process is u2-u1= -4.6 kJ/kg. There are no significant changes in
kinetic or potential energy. Determine the net heat transfer for the process, in kJ.

Air contained in a vertical piston-cylinder assembly fitted with an electrical resistor. The
atmosphere exerts a pressure of 1 bar on the top of the piston, which has a mass of 45 kg
and face area of 0.9m2. Electric current passes through the resistor, and the volume of the
air slowly increases by 0.045 m3 while its pressure remains constant. The mass of the air is
0.27 kg, and its specific internal energy increases by 42 kJ/kg. The air and the piston are at
rest initially and finally. The piston cylinder material is a ceramic composite and thus a goog
insulator. Friction between the piston and cylinder wall can be ignored, and the local

Pr. A. ALMERS Filière GTIER- TD Thermodynamique

acceleration of gravity is g=9.81 m/s2. Determine the heat transfer from the resistor to the
air, in kJ, for a system consisting of (a) the air alone, (b) the air and the piston.



Exercise 9:

During a steady-state operation, gearbox receives 60 kW through the input shaft and delivers power
through the output shaft (Figure 5). For the gearbox as the system, the rate of energy transfer by
convection is:

Q  h A Tb  T f 

Where h=0.171 kW/m2.K is the heat transfer coefficient, A=1.0 m2 is the outer surface area
of the gearbox, Tb=300 K. is the temperature at the outer surface, and T f = 293 K is the
temperature of the surrounding air away from the immediate vicinity of the gearbox. For the
gearbox, evaluate the heat transfer rate and the power delivered through the output shaft,
each in kW.

Pr. A. ALMERS Filière GTIER- TD Thermodynamique

Exercise 10

A silicon chip measuring 5mm on a side and 1 mm in thickness is embedded in a ceramic

substrate (Figure 6). At steady state, the chip has an electrical power input of 0.0225 W. the
top surface of the chip is exposed to a coolant whose temperature is 20 °C. the heat transfer
coefficient for convection between the chip and the coolant is 150 W/m 2K. if heat transfer
by conduction between the chip and the substrate is negligible, determine the surface
temperature of the chip, in °C.

Exercice 11

The rate of heat transfer between a certain electric motor and its surrounding varies with
time as:


Q  0.2 1  e ( 0.05t ) 
Where t is in second and Q is in kW. The shaft of the motor rotates at a constant speed of
  100 rad / s (about 955 revolutions per minute, RPM) and applies a constant torque of
  18 N.m to an external load. The motor draws a constant electric power input equal to
o o
2.0 kW. For the motor, plot Q and W , each in kW, and the change in energy E , in kJ, as
functions of time from t=0 to t=120 s. Discuss.

Pr. A. ALMERS Filière GTIER- TD Thermodynamique

Exercise 11

A closed system consisting of 5 kg of a gas undergoes a process during which the relationship
between pressure and specific volume is pv1.3 =constant. The process beings with p1=1bar, v1=0.2
m3/kg and ends with with p2=0.25 bar. Determine the final volume, in m3, and plot the process on a
graph of pressure versus specific volume.

Exercice 12

Un gaz est renfermé dans un cylindre muni d’un piston. La pression du gaz est égale à 10 bar et son
volume est de 0.00821 m3. Le piston est retenu en place par des taquets d’arrêt et le tout est placé
dans le vide. On enlève les taquets et on permet au gaz de subir une expansion jusqu’àu moment où
son volume devient le double du volume initial. On pose de nouveau les taquets pour retenir le
piston dans sa nouvelle position. Le piston pèse 20 N et son déplacement, pendant l’expansion du
gaz est égale à 30 cm. L’accélération de gravité locale est égale à 9.8 m/s2.

a) Calculer la variation d’énergie du système (pris comme constitué par le gaz, le piston,
et le cylindre) après la transformation ;
b) Calculer la variation d’énergie du système (constitué par le gaz seulement)
c) Calculer la variation d’énergie du système (pris comme constitué par le gaz, le piston,
et le cylindre) si, au lieu d’être placé dans le vide, le système est placé verticalement
dans l’air ayant une pression barométrique constante 1bar.

Dans chaque cas considérer que le frottement du piston contre la parois du cylindre est
négligeable et qu’aucun échange de chaleur n’intervient entre le système et l’entourage.

Pr. A. ALMERS Filière GTIER- TD Thermodynamique

Filière Génie Thermique Industril et Energies Renouvelables:

Travaux dirigés de Thermodynamique : TD2

Exercice 1 : Feedwater Heater at Steady State

A feedwater heater operating at steady state has two inlets and one exit. At inlet 1, water
vapor enters at p1 = 7 bar, T1 = 200°C with a mass flow rate of 40 kg/s. At inlet 2, liquid
water at p2 = 7 bar, T2 = 40°C enters through an area A2 = 25 cm2.

Saturated liquid at 7 bar exits at 3 with a volumetric flow rate of 0.06 m3/s. Determine the
mass flow rates at inlet 2 and at the exit, in kg/s, and the velocity at inlet 2, in m/s.


Specific volume of saturated liquid at 7 bar: v =1.108 10-3 m3/kg

Specific volume of compressed liquid at 40°C: v = 1.0078 10-3 m3/kg

Exercice 2 : Calculating Exit Area of a Steam Nozzle

Steam enters a converging–diverging nozzle operating at steady state with p1 = 40 bar, T1 =

400°C, and a velocity of 10 m/s. The steam flows through the nozzle with negligible heat
transfer and no significant change in potential energy. At the exit, p2 = 15 bar, and the
velocity is 665 m/s. The mass flow rate is 2 kg/s. Determine the exit area of the nozzle, in m 2.

Pr. A. ALMERS Filière GTIER- TD Thermodynamique

Data for superheated water vapor:

Pr. A. ALMERS Filière GTIER- TD Thermodynamique

Les Turbines :

Les turbines sont des machines qui permettent de transformer l’énergie contenue dans un
fluide (liquide ou gaz) en énergie mécanique (rotation). Cette transformation d’énergie
s’effectue généralement lorsque le fluide passe avec une vitesse et une pression à travers les
pales ou bien l’aubage de la turbine.

Dans les deux schémas, on représente (en bas) la cas d’une turbine axiale à vapeur utilisée
dans les centrales thermiques pour la production d’électricité. A gauche, le cas d’une turbine
hydraulique traversée par l’eau liquide dans un barrage.

Pr. A. ALMERS Filière GTIER- TD Thermodynamique

Exercice 3: Calculating Heat Transfer from a Steam Turbine

Steam enters a turbine operating at steady state with a mass flow rate of 4600 kg/h. The
turbine develops a power output of 1000 kW. At the inlet, the pressure is 60 bar, the
temperature is 400°C, and the velocity is 10 m/s. At the exit, the pressure is 0.1 bar, the
quality is 0.9 (90%), and the velocity is 50 m/s. Calculate the rate of heat transfer between
the turbine and surroundings,in kW.

Les compresseurs et les pompes

Les compresseur et les pompes sont des organes qui consomment un travail mécanique
pour augmenter la pression d’un liquid (cas d’une pompe) ou d’un gaz (cas d’un

Compresseur à piston
( altenatif)

Compresseur rotatif : (a) compresseur à flux axial, (b) compressur centrifuge

Pr. A. ALMERS Filière GTIER- TD Thermodynamique

Exercice 4: Calculating Compressor Power

Air enters a compressor operating at steady state at a pressure of 1 bar, a temperature of
290 K, and a velocity of 6 m/s through an inlet with an area of 0.1 m2. At the exit, the
pressure is 7 bar, the temperature is 450 K, and the velocity is 2 m/s. Heat transfer from the
compressor to its surroundings occurs at a rate of 180 kJ/min. Employing the ideal gas
model, calculate the power input to the compressor, in kW.

Les échangeurs de chaleurs

Un échangeur de chaleur est un element qui permet l’échange de chaleur entre deux fluids
(un fluide chaud et un fluide froid). L’échange s’effectue sans que les deux fluids se

Différents type d’échangeurs : (a) échangeur à conatct direct entre les deux fluides
(mélangeur), (b)deux tubex coaxiaux avec écoulement à contre courant (c) deux tubex
coaxiaux avec écoulement à contre courant
Pr. A. ALMERS Filière GTIER- TD Thermodynamique

Exercice 5: Condenseur

Steam enters the condenser of a vapor power plant at 0.1 bar with a quality of 0.95 and
condensate exits at 0.1 bar and 45°C.

Cooling water enters the condenser in a separate stream as a liquid at 20°C and exits as a
liquid at 35°C with no change in pressure. Heat transfer from the outside of the condenser
and changes in the kinetic and potential energies of the flowing streams can be ignored. For
steady-state operation, determine:

(a) the ratio of the mass flow rate of the cooling water to the mass flow rate of the
condensing stream.

(b) the rate of energy transfer from the condensing steam to the cooling water, in kJ per kg
of steam passing through the condenser.

Exercice 6: Cooling Computer Components

The electronic components of a computer are cooled by air flowing through a fan mounted at the
inlet of the electronics enclosure. At steady state, air enters at 20_C, 1 atm. For noise control, the
velocity of the entering air cannot exceed 1.3 m/s. For temperature control, the temperature of the
air at the exit cannot exceed 32_C. The electronic components and fan receive, respectively, 80 W
and 18 W of electric power. Determine the smallest fan inlet diameter, in cm, for which the limits on
the entering air velocity and exit air temperature are met.

Pr. A. ALMERS Filière GTIER- TD Thermodynamique


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