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DEC 2022
Table of Content

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1. Overview 4 3.4 Explainable 29

1.1 Introduction 5 3.4.1 Principle 29

We will make AI systems as explainable as technically possible
1.2 Scope 6 3.4.2 Guidelines 29

1.3 Strategic alignment 6 3.5 Robust, Safe and Secure AI 31

1.4 Responsibility 8 3.5.1 Principles 31

AI systems will be technically robust
1.5 Licensing 8 3.5.2 Guidelines 32

1.6 Toolkit 8 3.6 Human Centred AI 34

3.6.1 Principles 34
We will give AI systems human values and make them beneficial to society
3.6.2 Guidelines 35
2. Definitions 10

3.7 Sustainable and Environmentally Friendly AI 38

3.7.1 Principle 38
3. Principles and Guidelines 16
We will promote sustainabity and environemntly friendly AI 38
3.7.2 Guidelines 38
3.1 Fairness 17

3.8 Privacy Preserving AI 38

3.1.1 Principle 17
We will make AI systems fair
3.8.1 Principle 40
3.1.2 Guidelines 20
We will respect people’s privacy
3.8.2 Guidelines 40
3.2 Accountable AI 20

3.2.1 Principle 20
We will make AI systems accountable
3.2.2 Guidelines 20 4. Bibliography 44

3.3 Transparent AI 26

3.3.1 Principle 26
We will make AI systems transparent
3.3.2 Guidelines 26

2 3
01 1.1 Introduction

AI’s rapid advancement and innovation potential across a range of fields is incredibly exciting.
Yet a thorough and open discussion around AI ethics, and the principles organizations using this

Overview technology must consider, is needed.

This document - AI Ethics: Principles and Guidelines – intends to meet this need to balance these
two central considerations of AI. It is designed to offer detailed guidance to help AI actors adhere
to eight principles of AI ethics.

We will make AI systems that are:

explainable transparent accountable fair

privacy preserving sustainable and human centered robust, safe and

environmentally secure

The guidelines are non-binding, and are drafted as a collaborative multi-

stakeholder effort, with full awareness of organizations’ needs to innovate
and protect their intellectual property. This is a collaborative process in
which all stakeholders are invited to be part of an ongoing dialogue. We
would like to see the AI Ethics Guidelines evolve into a universal, practical
and applicable framework informing ethical requirements for AI design and
use. The eventual goal is to reach widespread agreement and adoption of
commonly agreed policies to inform the ethical use of AI nationally and
around the world.

4 5
1.2 Scope Additionally, the AI Office is currently developing additional policies to be taken into consideration
along with this document:

This document gives non-mandatory guidelines for achieving the ethical design
and deployment of AI systems in both the public and private sectors. AI already
AI Seal AI Procurement Guidelines
surrounds us, but some applications are more visible and sensitive than others.

The UAE AI Seal brand (UAI) will be used The AI Procurement Guidelines will be
This document is applicable only to those AI systems which make or inform
to attract talent and business from used to guide Federal Government entities
‘significant decisions’ – that is, those decisions which have the potential for
across the globe to come to the UAE to in the procurement of AI systems. They
significant impact either on individuals or on society as a whole. They also apply to
test and develop AI. This includes a UAI will list the general principles, proposed
‘critical decisions’, which are a subset of significant decisions and are of especially
mark recognizing high quality, ethical AI mechanisms for procurement and review
critical nature.
companies. It would reward safe, efficient, of AI products between the federal
verified AI technology with a ‘UAI Seal government and vendors. The policy
This document guides the further developments of sector specific requirements
of Approval’. The UAE AI Seal brand is considers R&D for specific challenges
and principles, hence every entity within its sector can further amend, use, or
currently under development by the AI that do not currently have an AI solution
complement its current frameworks to properly suit its context and the need of
Office. product that is market-ready. Based on
affected stakeholders.
global standards for AI Procurement, the
policy aims to incentivize AI adoption
It is a living document and will undergo further future reviews and enhancements.
within government entities and promote
AI R&D within the private sector for
specified government challenges. The
procurement policy is currently under
development by the AI Office.

1.3 Strategic alignment

This document comes as a fulfillment of the goals and aspirations set in the UAE National AI
Strategy and the international Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The UAE has long been
at the forefront of sustainable development. These shared global milestones have created global
movement and adoption in several disciplines and sectors. As an early adopter, the UAE has
established a national committee on SDGs with a long-term realization of the UAE SDG agenda
2030. These goals are further engrained and reflected in the AI Ethics Principles under the topics of
fairness, inclusiveness, equality, human benefit, and rights.

6 7
1.4 Responsibility
The AI Office will not be responsible for any misuse of the AI Ethics Principles and Guidelines. The
user bears all the consequences of their use.

1.5 Licensing
This document is published under the terms of a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International
License in order to facilitate its re-use by other governments and private sector organizations.
In summary this means you are free to share and adapt the material, including for commercial
purposes, provided that you give appropriate credit to the UAE AI and Blockchain Council as its
owner and do not suggest the Minister of State for Artificial Intelligence, Digital Economy and
Remote Work Applications Office endorses your use.

1.6 Toolkit
The document is part of a toolkit of self-governing nature that boosts awareness and enables
government and private institutions to pursue innovative use cases while maintaining human
values and principles.

8 9
2.1 AI developer organization
02 An organization which does any of the following:

a determines the purpose of an AI system;

b designs an AI system;

c builds an AI system, or:

d performs technical maintenance or tuning on an AI system

The definition applies regardless of whether the organization is the ultimate user of the system, or
whether they sell it on or give it away.

Example: A company develops an artificially intelligent facial recognition system and

sells it to a country’s border force, who use it to identify suspicious personnel. The company
is an AI developer organization and the border force is an AI operator organization.

2.2 AI operator organization

An organization which does any of the following:

a uses AI systems in operations, backroom processes or decision-making;

b uses an AI system to provide a service to an AI subject;

c is a business owner of an AI system;

d procures and treats data for use in an AI system; or

e evaluates the use case for an AI system and decides whether to proceed.

1. This definition applies regardless of whether the AI system was developed in-house or procured.
2. It is possible for organizations to be both an AI developer organization and an AI operator organization.

10 11
2.3 Artificial Intelligence (also AI) 2.6 Critical decision
The capability of a functional unit to perform functions that are generally associated with human An individually significant decision which is deemed to either have a very large impact on an
intelligence such as reasoning, learning and self-improvement1. individual or to have especially high stakes. These can be especially sensitive, have the potential
to cause high loss or damage, be societally significant, or set an important precedent.

2.4 Artificially Intelligent System (also AI system) Notes:

A product, service, process or decision-making methodology whose operation or outcome is The types of decisions referred to here are the same as those in the definition of significant-at-
materially influenced by artificially intelligent functional units. scale decisions, except in this case the effects are felt as a result of an individual decision rather
than an aggregate of many decisions..

1. It is not necessary for a system’s outcome to be solely determined by artificially intelligent
functional units in order for the system to be defined as an artificially intelligent system; and Example: A court determines whether a defendant is guilty of a criminal charge, with the
2. A particular feature of AI systems is that they learn behavior and rules not explicitly punishment for guilt being a life sentence. This is a critical decision because it has a very
programmed in. large impact on the life of the defendant and also sets precedent for similar cases in the

Example 1: A small claims court uses Example 2: A government entity uses

an artificially intelligent software package a chatbot which allows customers to ask 2.7 Functional Unit
to collect evidence pertaining to a case, routine questions, book appointments
compare it to similar cases in the past, and conduct minor financial transactions. Entity of hardware or software, or both, capable of accomplishing a specified purpose3 .
and present a recommended decision The chatbot responds to customer
to a judge. The judge determines the queries with pre-written responses and is
2.8 Individually significant decision
final outcome. This decision-making based on pre-programmed decision rules.
methodology is materially influenced Therefore, the chatbot is not an AI system. A decision which has the potential for significant impact on at least one individual’s
by an artificially intelligent functional If, however, the chatbot autonomously circumstances, behavior or choices, or has legal or similarly significant effects on him or her.
unit, and is therefore classified as an AI adjusted its treatment of customers
system. based on the outcome of past cases, it
would be an AI system. Example: A company decides to make an employee redundant. This is an individually
significant decision because of its potential impact on the employee’s financial situation.

2.5 Bias (of a system)

Inclination or prejudice for or against one person or group, especially in a way considered to be

Oxford Dictionary 2018, Oxford University Press, viewed online 4th October 2018, <>
Consistent with ISO/IEC 2382:2015 3
From ISO/IEC 2382:2015

12 13
2.9 Non-operational bias (of a system) 2.11 Significant decision
Bias that is either: A decision which is either individually significant or is part of a set of significant-at-scale
a not a design feature; or

b not important in achieving the stated purpose of the system. 2.12 Subject of an artificially intelligent system (also AI subject)
A natural person who is any of the following:

2.10 Set of significant-at-scale decisions a an end-user of an AI system

A set of decisions made by the same system or organization which, when taken in aggregate, b directly affected by the operation of or outcomes of an AI system, or:
have significant impact on society as a whole or groups within it.
c a recipient of a service or recommendation provided by an AI system
1. The decisions need not be individually significant in order to qualify, in aggregate, as a set of
significant-at-scale decisions; and
2. Examples of areas which have a large impact on society and which include but are not limited
to: the large-scale allocation of resources or opportunities amongst groups; the structure of
government; the division of power between large entities or groups; the law, and its interpretation
and enforcement; conflict and war; international relations, etc.

Example: An AI system is used by a website to determine which content to show users.

This decision is not individually significant, since a user is not greatly affected by whether
a particular piece of media is shown to them. However, if the website is popular then the AI
system may be making a set of significant-at-scale decisions, because any biases in the
system will affect a large number of users.

14 15
3.1 Fairness (Principle 1)
03 3.1.1 Principle

PRINCIPLES AND We will make AI systems fair

Data ingested should, where possible, be accurate and representative of the affected


Algorithms should avoid non-operational bias.

Steps should be taken to mitigate and disclose the biases inherent in datasets.

Significant decisions should be provably fair.

All personnel involved in the development, deployment and use of AI systems have a role and
responsibility to operationalize AI fairness and should be educated accordingly.

3.1.2 Guidelines
Benefits of AI systems should be available and accessible to all. AI systems should not discriminate
against people or groups in a way that could have an adverse impact. Especially significant and
critical decisions made or assisted by AI should be provably fair.

a Considering that fairness can have many different definitions, an organization should
document its own definition of fairness for the context that the AI system is going to be
implemented in. Organizations should document what the implemented fairness objective
stands for and why this choice was considered the most suitable for the given scenario.

b It is recommended to identify and document demographic groups that may be adversely

impacted and mitigate the risk where possible.

c AI developers and AI operators could consider formal procedures such as Discrimination

Impact Assessments as a means of ensuring fairness. This assessment should be
documented as well as the mitigation measures that were implemented by the organization.
The impact assessment should be conducted pre-release and regularly after as an ongoing
evaluation, results are advised to be documented.

16 17
Consideration should be given to whether the data ingested is accurate and representative Consideration should be given to whether decision-making processes introduce bias
of the affected population
a When subjecting different groups to different decision-making processes, AI developers
d Fairness has many different definitions in different cultures and for different contexts. should consider whether this will lead to non-operational bias.
Encouraging a diverse and inclusive AI ecosystem is thus all the more crucial to ensure
that one definition of fairness does not contradict another, and that the process of defining b When evaluating the fairness of an AI system, AI developers and AI operators should
fairness itself is fair, with under-represented groups represented in the discussion. consider whether AI subjects in the same circumstances receive equal treatment.

e AI developers and AI operators should undertake reasonable data exploration and/or testing
to identify potentially prejudicial decision-making tendencies in AI systems arising from Example: An organization uses an AI tool to automate the pre-screening of candidates
data inaccuracy and biases in the data. for a job opening. It is trained on data from the company’s existing employees, the majority
of whom are from the same ethnic background. Therefore, the system learns to use name
f AI developers and operators should evaluate all datasets to assess inclusiveness of and nationality as discriminating factors in filtering job applicants. This could have been
identified demographic groups and collect data to close any gaps. identified through testing and rectified by, for example, balancing the training data or only
using relevant data fields for training.
g AI developers and AI operators should refrain from training AI systems on data that is not
likely to be representative of the affected AI subjects, or is not likely to be accurate, whether
that be due to age, omission, method of collection, or other factors.
Significant decisions informed by the use of AI should be fair

Example: Following a natural disaster, a government relief agency uses an AI system to a AI developers and AI operators could consider formal procedures such as Discrimination
detect communities in greatest need by analyzing social media data from a range of websites. Impact Assessments as a means of ensuring fairness.
However, those communities where smartphone penetration is lower having less presence on
social media, and so are at risk of receiving less attention. Therefore, the charity complements
AI operators should consider whether their AI systems are accessible and usable in a fair
their AI tool with traditional techniques to identify needy populations elsewhere.
manner across user groups
h AI developers should consider whether their AI systems can be expected to perform well Consideration should be given to the effect of diversity on the development and deployment
when exposed to previously unseen data, especially when evaluating people who are not processes
well-represented in the training data.
b Organizations should seek to include people from diverse demographic backgrounds across
the full lifecyle, to include design, development and deployment processes. Organizations
should seek to engage diverse internal and external groups also.

c AI developers should consider whether the assumptions they make about AI subjects could
be wrong or are likely to lead to non-operational bias; if so, they should consider consulting
the AI subjects in a representative manner during the design, development and deployment
to confirm these assumptions.

18 19
3.2 Accountable AI (Principle 2)
Positive efforts should be made to identify and mitigate any significant risks inherent in the AI
systems designed
3.2.1 Principle
a AI operators should only use AI systems that are backed by evidence-based academic or
industrial research, and AI developers should base their development on such research.
We will make AI systems accountable
Accountability for the outcomes of an AI system lies not with the system itself but is
apportioned between those who design, develop and deploy it; Example: A foreign country has a government service which identifies parents who owe
money in child maintenance. The data matching process is often incorrect due to misspelled
Developers should make efforts to mitigate the risks inherent in the systems they design; names or missing data which results in some individuals being incorrectly targeted
automatically by the system with the result being a large bill, poor credit ratings and even
AI systems should have built-in appeals procedures whereby users can challenge significant freezing wages. The recourse for individuals who are incorrectly targeted is time-consuming
decisions; and not straightforward . If the potential impact of incorrect decisions had been assessed,
mitigation measures such a user-friendly review procedure could have been set up.
AI systems should be developed by diverse teams which include experts in the area in which
the system will be deployed; and

AI systems should be subject to external audit and decision quality assurance. b AI operators should identify the likely impact of incorrect automated decisions on AI
subjects and, in the case where incorrect decisions are likely to cause significant cost or
inconvenience, consider mitigating measures.
3.2.2 Guidelines
c AI operators should consider internal risk assessments or ethics frameworks as a means to facilitate the identification of risks and mitigating measures.
Accountability for the outcomes of an AI system should not lie with the system itself
d In designing AI systems to inform significant decisions, AI developers should consider
a Accountability for loss or damages resulting from the application of AI systems should not measures to maintain data accuracy over time, including:
be attributed to the system itself.
• the completeness of the data.
b AI operators and AI developers should consider designating individuals to be responsible for • timely update of the data, and.
investigating and rectifying the cause of loss or damage arising from the deployment of AI • whether the context in which the data was collected affects its suitability for the
systems. intended use case.

Example: A border camera scanning for predictors of risk may misinterpret a “tic” of an
individual with Tourette syndrome as suspicious. These can manifest in a diverse fashion, and
should not cause this person to undergo secondary inspection every time they pass through
the border . If the data is updated after the first case is encountered then it would avoid
causing inconvenience on subsequent visits.

Government of Canada. (2018). Responsible AI in the Government of Canada. Digital Disruption White Paper Series. Version 2.0, p.26. Retrieved from:
Cabinet Office (UK), Data Science Ethical Framework, Version 1.0, licensed under the Open Government License v3.0, p. 13 6
Stoica, I. et. al.,2017, A Berkeley View of Systems Challenges for AI, p. 2,

20 21
e AI developers and AI operators should tune AI models periodically to cater for changes to e Be mindful that there might be fundamental tensions between different principles and
data and/or models over time. requirements. Continuously identify, evaluate, document and communicate these trade-
offs and their solutions.
f AI operators should consider whether AI systems trained in a static environment will display
model instability when deployed in dynamic environments. f Adopt a Trustworthy AI assessment list when developing, deploying or using AI systems,
and adapt it to the specific use case in which the system is being applied.

Example: AI systems will need to be able to adapt to the changes in the environment that g Keep in mind that such an assessment list will never be exhaustive. Ensuring Trustworthy
they are deployed in. For example, a self-driving car would need to quickly adapt to unexpected AI is not about ticking boxes, but about continuously identifying and implementing
and dangerous road by learning in real time from other cars that have successfully dealt with requirements, evaluating solutions, ensuring improved outcomes throughout the AI
these conditions. In addition, such mission-critical applications must handle noisy inputs system’s lifecycle, and involving stakeholders in this.
and defend against malicious actors .
AI subjects should be able to challenge significant automated decisions concerning them and,
g AI developers should collaborate with AI Operators to train models using historical data where appropriate, be able to opt out of such decisions
from the Operator.
a AI operators using AI systems to inform significant decisions should provide procedures by
h AI Operators should consider working with their vendors (AI developers) to continually which affected AI subjects can challenge a specific decision concerning them.
monitor performance.
b AI operators should consider such procedures even for non-significant decisions.
i AI Operators should subject AI systems informing significant decisions to quality checks
at least as stringent as those that would be required of a human being taking the same c AI operators should make affected AI subjects aware of these procedures and should
decision. design them to be convenient and user-friendly.

d AI operators should consider employing human case evaluators to review any such challenges and, when appropriate, overturn the challenged decision.
AI systems informing critical decisions should be subject to appropriate external audit

a When AI systems are used for critical decisions, external auditing of the AI systems in
question should be used as a means to ensure meaningful standards of transparency and Example: A bank allows customers to apply for a loan online by entering their data. The
accountability are upheld. bank uses an AI system to automatically determine whether to give the loan and what the
interest rate should be. They provide users with an option to contest the decision and have
b In the case that critical decisions are of civic interest, public release of the results of the it reviewed by a human . They also require that customers justify their challenge by filling in
audit should be considered as a means of ensuring public processes remain accountable a form, which assists the case reviewer and deters customers from challenging a decision
to those affected by them. without good reason.7

c In the case that critical decision are life and death decisions, these decisions should be
supported by further validation and verification via a human operator.

d Facilitate traceability and auditability of AI systems, particularly in critical contexts or


Adapted from EU Commission, Can I be subject to automated individual decision-making, including profiling? Retrieved from:

22 23
e AI operators should consider instituting an opt-out mechanism for significant automated
decisions. AI operators should understand the AI systems they use sufficiently to assess their suitability
for the use case and to ensure accountability and transparency
f AI operators could consider “crowd challenge” mechanisms whereby a critical number of
complaints triggers an investigation into the fairness and/or accuracy of a decision-making a In the case of critical decisions, AI operators should avoid using AI systems that cannot be
process as a whole. subjected to meaningful standards of accountability and transparency. b AI developers should consider notifying customers and AI operators of the use cases for
AI systems informing significant decisions should not attempt to make value judgements on which the system has been designed, and those for which it is not suitable.
people’s behalf without prior consent

a When informing an AI subject about significant choices they will make, AI systems should
not unreasonably restrict the available options or otherwise attempt to influence their value
judgements without the explicit consent of the AI subject in question.
AI systems informing significant decisions should be developed by diverse teams with
appropriate backgrounds

a AI developers who develop AI systems which may be used to assist in making critical
decisions should involve in the process experts with a background in social science, policy,
or another subject which prepares them to evaluate the broader societal impact of their

b Development of AI systems informing significant decisions should include consultation

with experts in the field in which the system will be deployed.

Example: An app that uses AI to assess medical symptoms and has a large user base had
to face regulatory scrutiny because of number of complaints from doctors. They warned
that the application can miss signs of serious illness. A number of different shortcomings
were identified by doctors, some of which the company could address and resolve.8

Financial Times. 2018. High-profile health app under scrutiny after doctor’s complaints. Retrieved from:

24 25
3.3 Transparent AI (Principle 3) c To facilitate the above, AI developers and AI operators should consider documenting the
following information during the design, development and deployment phases, and retaining
3.3.1 Principle this documentation for a length of time appropriate to the decision type or industry:

• the provenance of the training data, the methods of collection and treatment, how the data was

We will make AI systems transparent moved, and measures taken to maintain its accuracy over time;
• the model design and algorithms employed; and
Developers should build systems whose failures can be traced and diagnosed. • changes to the codebase, and authorship of those changes.

People should be told when significant decisions about them are being made by AI. d Where possible given the model design, AI developers should consider building in a means
by which the “decision journey” of a specific outcome (i.e. the component decisions leading
Within the limits of privacy and the preservation of intellectual property, those who deploy to it) can be logged.
AI systems should be transparent about the data and algorithms they use.

Responsible disclosures should be provided in a timely manner, and provide reasonable

Example: A technology company has a product which is designed to assist in medical
justifications for AI systems outcomes. This includes information that helps people
diagnosis. It documents each stage of its reasoning and relates it back to the input data.9
understand outcomes, like key factors used in decision making.

3.3.2 Guidelines
Traceability should be considered for significant decisions, especially those that have the
potential to result in loss, harm or damage.

a For AI systems which inform significant decisions, especially those with the potential to
cause loss, harm or damage, AI developers should consider building in traceability (i.e. the
ability to trace the key factors leading to any specific decision).

b Organizations should ensure that harms caused through AI systems are investigated and
redressed, by enacting strong enforcement mechanisms and remedial actions, to make
certain that human rights and the rule of law are respected in the digital world and in the
physical world.

See IBM WatsonPaths

26 27 3.4 Explainable AI (Principle 4)
People should be informed of the extent of their interaction with AI systems

AI operators should inform AI subjects when a significant decision affecting them has been
3.4.1 Principle
made by an AI system.

We will make AI systems as explainable as

Example: A small claims court adjudicates minor civil matters such as debt collection and technically possible
evictions. They introduce an AI system to suggest the outcome of a ruling. At the time of the Decisions and methodologies of AI systems which have a significant effect on individuals
ruling the plaintiff and defendant are notified that the decision was assisted by an AI system. should be explainable to them, to the extent permitted by available technology.
The court also provides an explanation for the decision.
It should be possible to ascertain the key factors leading to any specific decision that
could have a significant effect on an individual.
b If an AI system can convincingly impersonate a human being, it should do so only after
notifying the AI subject that it is an AI system. In the above situation we will provide channels through which people can request such

Example: A technology company produces a conversational AI agent which can make 3.4.2 Guidelines
some phone calls on behalf of its users. Those who receive the calls may believe that they
are speaking to a human. Therefore, the company programs the agent to identify itself at
AI operators could consider providing affected AI subjects with a high-level explanation of
the start of every conversation.
how their AI system works

a AI operators could consider informing the affected AI subjects in understandable, non-

technical language of:

• the data that is ingested by the system;

• the types of algorithms employed;
• the categories into which people can be placed; and
• the most important features driving the outcomes of decisions
• A comprehensive list of feature engineering and models that was considered during
the model building phase.

Example: A person turned down for a credit card might be told that the algorithm took
their credit history, age, and postcode into account, but not learn why their application was
rejected10 .

28 29
b For non-sensitive public sector use cases designed for the common good, AI operators
could consider making source code, together with an explanation of the workings of the AI Example: The UK’s NHS developed a tool called Predict, which allows women with breast
system, available either publicly or upon request (this should be done only if there is low risk cancer to compare their case to other women who have had the same condition in the past,
of people ‘gaming the system’). and visualize the expected survival rate under various treatment options. The website has an
explanation page which shows the weights behind various factors and contains a description
c The AI operator should maintain necessary documentation that provides elaboration and of the underlying mathematics12 .
clarification on how the algorithm works, for example documentation of processes, decision
making flow charts of the system, and how the appeal process is embedded.

d An individual should have the ability to contest and seek effective redress against decisions c In the case that such explanations are available, they should be easily and quickly accessible,
made by AI systems. These must be addressed by the group or team supporting these free of charge and user-friendly.

e Develop appropriate impact indices for the evaluation of AI system technological 3.5 Robust, Safe and Secure AI (Principle 5)
interventions from multiple perspectives.
3.5.1 Principles
AI operators should consider providing affected AI subjects with a means to request
explanations for specific significant decisions, to the extent possible given the state of present
research and the choice of model
AI systems will be technically robust
a AI operators should consider providing a means by which people affected by a significant AI systems should be technically robust with a preventative approach to risks which
decision informed by AI can access the reasoning behind that decision. operates in a manner such that they reliably behave.

AI Developers should ensure AI systems will not cause any unintentional harm and
adverse impacts.
Example: The US Consumer Financial Protection Bureau requires that creditors in the US
who reject credit applications must explain to the applicant the principal reason(s) why their AI systems should be resilient to attacks and security such as data poisoning and
application was rejected (e.g. “length of residence” or “age of automobile”)11 . In particular, model leakage.
“statements that the adverse action was based on the creditor`s internal standards or
policies or that the applicant, joint applicant, or similar party failed to achieve a qualifying AI systems should have safeguards that enable a fallback plan in case of problems.
score on the creditor`s credit scoring system are insufficient”.
AI system results should be reproducible.

b Where such explainability is not possible given available technology, AI operators should
consider compromises such as counterfactual reasoning, or listing the most heavily
weighted factors contributing to the decision.

Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, 12 CFR Part 1002 - Equal Credit Opportunity Act (Regulation B), § 1002.9 Notifications, Retrieved from https://www.
The Guardian. AI watchdog needed to regulate automated decision-making, say experts. Retrieved from:
jan/27/ai-artificial-intelligence-watchdog-needed-to-prevent-discriminatory-automated-decisions 12
Predict website, accessible at

30 31
3.5.2 Guidelines
AI Operators should continue conducting vulnerability assessments, verification of AI system AI Operators should assure end users of the system’s reliability through documentation, and
different behaviors in unexpected situations and for any dual-use case, to include: operationalizing processes for testing and verification of desired outcomes , specifically:

a Putting measures to ensure integrity and resilience of IA system against potential attacks. a AI system should be designed with an approach to continue monitoring if the system meets
goals, purposes and intended application.

b AI Operators should define an approach to ensure results are reproducible through clear
Example: IBM researchers presented a novel approach to exploiting AI for malicious
process and documentation.
purposes. Their system, DeepLocker embeds AI capabilities within the malware itself in order
to improve its evasion techniques. It uses an Artificial Intelligence model to identify its target
c AI Operators should publish documentation to assure system robustness to end users.
using indicators like facial recognition, geolocation and voice recognition.
AI systems will be safe, secure and controllable by humans
b Verifying how AI systems behave in unexpected situations and environments.
a Safety and security of people, be they operators, end-users or other parties, will be of
c Taking preventative measures against any possible system dual-case use. paramount concern in the design of any AI system.

b AI systems should be verifiably secure and controllable throughout their operational
lifetime, to the extent permitted by technology.
AI operators should define a suitable fall back plan and test it to maintain readiness in
unexpected situations and in high safety risks level, to include:
c The continued security and privacy of users should be considered when decommissioning
a Developing a plan to measure and assess potential safety risks to you or any third party AI systems.
from technology use accidental or malicious misuse.
d AI systems that may directly impact people’s lives in a significant way should receive
b Define thresholds for system acceptable results and governance procure to fall back on commensurate care in their designs.
alternative defined and tested plans.
e Such systems should be able to be overridden or their decisions reversed by designated
c Considering an insurance policy to mitigate risks arising from potential damages. individuals.

Example: Adopting a risk-based approach to procurement and clearly communicating it to

vendors can help address such issues by giving the procuring organization advance notice
of the specific oversight capabilities it will need in future stages of the system lifecycle,
preventing vendors from presenting intellectual property arguments against required testing,
monitoring and auditing of their AI systems going forward and rewarding vendors—of all
sizes—that are more advanced and responsive in their responsible AI efforts.


32 33
3.6.2 Guidelines
Ai systems should not be able to autonomously hurt, destroy or deceive humans
a AI systems should be built to serve and inform, and not to deceive and manipulate. AI should be developed to align with human values, contribute to human flourishing and
benefit society.
b Nations should collaborate to avoid an arms race in lethal autonomous weapons, and
such weapons should be tightly controlled. a Society should be consulted in a representative fashion to inform the development of AI.

c Active cooperation should be pursued to avoid corner-cutting on safety standards. b Stakeholders throughout society should be involved in the development of AI and its
d Systems designed to inform significant decisions should do so impartially.
c Stakeholders should proactively engage in responsible stewardship of trustworthy AI in
pursuit of beneficial outcomes for people and the planet.

3.6 Human Centered AI (Principle 6) d Organizations should prioritize having all their stakeholders learn about wellbeing metrics
as a potential determinant of how they create, deploy, market and monitor their AI
3.6.1 Principles technologies.

We will give AI systems human values and Example: IEEE P7010 recommended practice14 establishes wellbeing metrics relating to

make them beneficial to society human factors directly affected by intelligent and autonomous systems and establishes a
baseline for the types of objective and subjective data these systems should analyze and
Government will support the research of the beneficial use of AI. include (in their programming and functioning) to proactively increase human wellbeing.

Stakeholders throughout society should be involved in the development of AI and its

Systematic analyses that examine the ethics of designing affective systems to nudge human
Design AI systems to adopt, learn and follow the norms and values of the community
beings prior to deployment are needed.
they serve.

Systematic analyses that examine the ethics of designing affective systems to nudge a Nudging in AI systems should have an opt-in system policy with explicit consent.
human beings prior to deployment are needed.
b We recommend that when appropriate, an affective system that nudges human beings
Decisions related to lethal force, life and death should not be delegated to AI systems. should have the ability to accurately distinguish between users, including detecting
Rules and standards should be adopted to ensure effective human control over those characteristics such as whether the user is an adult or a child. Additional protections must
decisions. be put in place for vulnerable populations, such as children, when informed consent cannot
be obtained, or when it may not be a sufficient safeguard.

c AI systems with nudging strategies must be carefully evaluated, monitored, and controlled.


34 35 f In situations where it is needed, human rights impact assessments and human rights due
Humanity should retain the power to govern itself and make the final decision, with AI in an diligence, human determination codes of ethical conduct, or quality labels and certifications
assisting role. intended to promote human centered values and fairness should be considered.

a Decisions related to lethal force, life and death should not be delegated to AI systems. Rules
g Mechanisms should be put into place to receive external feedback regarding AI systems
and standards should be adopted to ensure effective human control over those decisions. that potentially infringe on fundamental rights.

b Responsible parties (e.g., parents, nurse practitioners, social workers, and governments)
should be trained to detect the influence due to AI and ineffective mitigation techniques.
In the most extreme cases it should always be possible to shut down harmful AI system.

c Those actions undertaken by an affective system that are most likely to generate an
emotional response should be designed to be easily changed.

d Users should be able to make informed autonomous decisions regarding AI systems. They
should be given appropriate knowledge and tools to comprehend and interact with AI
systems to satisfactory degree and, where possible to reasonably self-assess or challenge
the system.
AI systems should be designed in a way that respects the rule of law, human rights, society
values, and should include appropriate safeguards to ensure a fair and just society.

a AI Developers should design AI systems to adopt, learn and follow the norms and values of
the community they serve.

b Organizations could identify the norms of the specific community in which AI systems are
to be deployed in. In particular, pay attention to the norms relevant to the kinds of tasks that
the AI systems are designed to perform. These could be documented as well as how these
norms are addressed by the AI system.

c To respond to the dynamic change of norms in society the AI system could be able to adjust
its existing norms and learn new ones, while being transparent about these changes.

d Designers should consider forms and metrics for assessing an AI system’s norm conformity
over the lifetime of the system (e.g. human-machine agreement on moral decisions,
verifiability of AI decisions, justified trust).

e The norm identification process must document the similarities and differences between
the norms that humans apply to other humans and the norms they apply to AI systems.
Norm implementations should be evaluated specifically against the norms that the
community expects the AI system to follow.

36 37
3.7 Sustainable and Environmentally Friendly AI (Principle 7) d While there is no standardized means of reporting on the environmental impact of AI
systems, where possible, model development and commissioning should make carbon
3.7.1 Principle impacts a core consideration alongside functional and business requirements.

e Smaller models should be considered – shrinking down the model size and using fewer
We will promote sustainable and environmentally compute cycles (to balance financial and performance costs with the end performance of
the model).
friendly AI
f Carbon awareness should be considered – adjusting the operational parameters of the AI
AI systems should be used to benefit all human beings, including future generations. The
system to dynamically select the best time and location for energy use from the grid can
environment is fundamental to this.
reduce its carbon footprint.
Throughout the AI lifecycle, implementations should only be carried out on the basis of a full
understanding and acknowledgement of implications for sustainability and environment.
Example: In agriculture, AI can transform Example: Google`s DeepMind division
An AI system’s development, deployment and use, should be assessed via critical examination production by better monitoring and has developed AI that teaches itself to
of resource usage and energy consumption. managing environmental conditions minimize the use of energy to cool Google`s
and crop yields. AI can help reduce both data centers. As a result, Google reduced
Mechanisms to measure environmental impact due to type of energy use and processing fertilizer and water, all while improving its data center energy requirements by
power provided by data centers should be established.
crop yields. 40% 15.

3.7.2 Guidelines Throughout the AI lifecycle, implementations should always be carried out after full
understanding and acknowledgement of AI implications on sustainability and environment.

a The application of Artificial Intelligence to address sustainability challenges are well

understood. Building and running green, sustainable AI systems is of increasing importance,
given the large carbon footprint that they can generate and the wider context of addressing
climate change.

b AI model development, and by extension commissioning, should therefore seek to balance

technical performance with energy consumption and environmental impact.

c Efforts should be made to estimate and understand sustainability and environmental

impact across the AI lifecycle (e.g. the energy consumption costs associated with model
training, and CO2 emissions and cloud compute costs associated with the deployment
and running of the system).


38 39
3.8 Privacy Preserving AI (Principle 8)
Establish an oversight mechanism for data collection, storage and processing and use across
your organization
3.8.1 Principle
a Assess who can access data and under which conditions.

We will respect people’s privacy b Assign specific responsibilities and role for Data Protection Officers.
AI systems should respect privacy and use the minimum intrusion necessary.
c Prevention of harm to privacy necessitates adequate data governance that covers the
AI systems should uphold high standards of data governance and security, quality and integrity of the data used, its relevance in light of the domain in which the
protecting personal information. AI systems will be deployed, its access protocols and the capability to process data in a
manner that protects privacy.
Surveillance or other AI-driven technologies should not be deployed to the extent
of violating internationally and/or UAE’s accepted standards of privacy and human d AI systems must guarantee privacy and data protection throughout a system’s entire
dignity and people rights. lifecycle. This includes the information initially provided by the user, as well as the
information generated about the user over the course of their interaction with the system
Privacy by design should be embedded in AI systems and where possible AI (e.g. outputs that the AI systems generated for specific users or how users responded to
algorithm should have adequate privacy impact assessments. particular recommendations). Digital records of human behavior may allow AI systems
to infer not only individuals’ preferences, but also their age, gender, religious or political
Adequate data protection frameworks and governance mechanisms should be
views. To allow individuals to trust the data gathering process, it must be ensured that data
established in a multi-stakeholder approach and ensured throughout the life cycle
collected about them will not be used to unlawfully or unfairly discriminate against them.
of AI systems.

e In any given organization that handles individuals’ data (whether someone is a user of the
AI developers and operators should strive to strike the balance between privacy
requirements, individual rights and innovation growth and society benefits. system or not), data protocols governing data access should be put in place in line with
national privacy legislation (be these universal or sector-specific). These protocols should
outline who can access data and under which circumstances. Only duly qualified personnel
3.8.2 Guidelines with the competence and need to access individual’s data should be allowed to do so.
Establish mechanism for users to flag issues related to privacy or data protection

a AI Operators should review the system for proper consent logging, ability of users to revoke
permission whenever applicable.

b Consider training AI model without or with minimal user of potentially sensitive or personal

c Use measures to enhance privacy such as encryption, anonymization and aggregation.

40 41
f Algorithmic systems require adequate privacy impact assessments, which also include
societal and ethical considerations of their use and an innovative use of the privacy by
design approach. AI actors need to ensure that they are accountable for the design and
implementation of AI systems in such a way as to ensure that personal information is
protected throughout the life cycle of the AI system.

g Establish data policies or equivalent frameworks, or reinforce existing ones, to ensure full
security for personal data and sensitive data, which, if disclosed, may cause exceptional
damage, injury or hardship to individuals. Examples include data relating to offences,
criminal proceedings and convictions, and related security measures; biometric, genetic
and health data; and personal data such as that relating to race, descent, gender, age,
language, religion, political opinion, national origin, ethnic origin, social origin, economic or
social condition of birth, or disability and any other characteristics.

h Promote mechanisms, such as open repositories for publicly funded or publicly held data,
source code and data trusts, to support the safe, fair, legal and ethical sharing of data,
among others.

i Promote and facilitate the use of quality and robust datasets for training, development and
use of AI systems, and exercise vigilance in overseeing their collection and use.

Example: with the help of AI & ML algorithms16 , Synthetic data can be created to enhance
privacy. The data created will have the same statistical characteristics for the testing
environment and where a third party can have access.


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